Assad Hadiri Upacara Penghormatan Syuhada Universitas Damaskus
Presiden Suriah mengunjungi Universitas Damaskus untuk menghadiri upacara penghormatan kapada para syuhada universitas tersebut.
Menurut kantor berita resmi Suriah, SANA, Bashar al-Assad bergabung
dengan ribuan mahasiswa dan keluarga mahasiswa yang syahid dalam upacara
penghormatan yang digelar di Universitas Damaskus pada Sabtu (4/5).
Namun tidak ada rincian lebih lanjut terkait kunjungan tersebut.
Namun tidak ada rincian lebih lanjut terkait kunjungan tersebut.
Pada tanggal 28 Maret,militan Suriah menembakkan mortir ke Universitas Damaskus dan menghantam tepat di fakultas arsitektur di universitas tersebut.
Sekitar 15 mahasiswa dilaporkan terbunuh dan lebih dari 20 lainnya terluka. (IRIB Indonesia/RA/SL)
Suriah Tembak Jatuh Jet Tempur Israel
televisi al-Manar dalam Breaking News melaporkan bahwa Suriah berhasil
menembak jet tempur rezim Zionis Israel yang menyerang pusat-pusat
penting di negara itu.
Menurut jaringan televisi
al-Manar, pertahanan udara Suriah menembak jatuh pesawat tempur Israel
yang menyerang Damaskus. Demikian dilaporkan FNA, Ahad (5/5).
Namun hingga kini belum ada laporan lebih lanjut.
Sebelumnya jet-jet tempur Israel telah membombardir pusat riset ilmiah
di wilayah Jamraya dan menyebabkan ledakan hebat di lokasi tersebut.
Sumber-sumber media Suriah mengkonfirmasikan adanya sejumlah orang yang tewas dan terluka dalam serangan itu.
Sumber terpercaya menegaskan bahwa pertahanan udara Surih berhasil menarget salah satu jet tempur Israel yang ingin menyerang Damaskus.
Dalam serangan itu, jet-jet tempur Israel menarget gudang amunisi di
wilayah al-Hamah di Provinsi Rif Dimashq, landasan peluncuran rudal di
wilayah Jabal Qasioun dan pusat riset di Jamraya.
Menurut laporan televisi Suriah, serangan Israel tersebut bertujuan
mengurangi pengepungan terhadap militan di wilayah Ghouta al-Sharqiya di
Provinsi Rif Dimashq. (IRIB Indonesia/RA/SL)
Jet-jet Tempur Israel Target Tiga Lokasi Penting Suriah
Pesawat-pesawat tempur rezim Zionis Israel telah membombardir pusat riset ilmiah di Provinsi Rif Dimashq.
Jet-jet tempur Israel telah membombardir pusat riset ilmiah di wilayah Jamraya dan menyebabkan ledakan hebat di lokasi tersebut. Demikian dilaporkan televisi Alalam, Ahad (5/5).
Sumber-sumber media Suriah mengkonfirmasikan adanya sejumlah orang yang tewas dan terluka dalam serangan tersebut.
Sementara itu, sumber terpercaya menegaskan bahwa pertahanan udara Surih berhasil menarget salah satu jet tempur Israel yang ingin menyerang Damaskus.
Dalam serangan itu, jet-jet tempur Israel menarget gudang amunisi di wilayah al-Hamah di Provinsi Rif Dimashq, landasan peluncuran rudal di wilayah Jabal Qasioun dan pusat riset di Jamraya.
Menurut laporan televisi Suriah, serangan Israel tersebut bertujuan mengurangi pengepungan terhadap militan di wilayah Ghouta al-Sharqiya di Provinsi Rif Dimashq. (IRIB Indonesia/RA/SL)
Perspektif Menlu Iran Soal Tantangan yang dihadapi Umat Islam
Umat Islam sepanjang sejarahnya selalu menghadapi masalah-masalah yang berbeda dan rumit. Masalah-masalah ini ditengarai dapat menjadi ancaman bagi banyak negara di dunia.
Ditambahkannya, akan tetapi negara-negara Barat dan imperialis tidak puas dengan itu. Di tengah masyarakat Islam mereka bekerja untuk menciptakan masalah dan krisis, sehingga dengan segala cara berupaya menghalangi kemajuan dan pembangunan Muslimin. Upaya untuk menciptakan perpecahan di antara mazhab Islam khususnya Sunni dan Syiah, merupakan salah satu cara yang dilakukan.
Namun di sisi lain, Kebangkitan Islam yang terjadi beberapa tahun terakhir sebagai sebuah gerakan berpengaruh, telah mampu mengubah arah dan masa depan kawasan dan dunia Islam. Akhirnyakekuatan-kekuatan imperialis terpaksa menambah kekuatannya untuk terus berupaya mengendalikan Kebangkitan Islam ini agar bergerak di jalan yang mereka inginkan.
Apa yang hari ini terjadi di Suriah, sebuah negara penting di kawasan, adalah konspirasi para imperialis. Krisis Suriah terjadi akibat intervensi yang dilakukan Barat dengan dukungan kelompok-kelompok teroris, dan saat ini konflik itu telah melebar melampui batas-batas teritori Suriah. Krisis Suriah berubah menjadi masalah yang mengkhawatirkan di tingkat regional dan internasional. Pasalnya ia dapat menyeret stabilitas seluruh kawasan ke dalam ancaman yang serius.
Pada kesempatan yang sama, Salehi memberikan analisa soal faktor-faktor penyebab terjadinya krisis di Suriah dan mengatakan, di Suriah, seperti juga di negara-negara lain, ada tuntutan dan keinginan riil yang harus mendapat jawaban positif. Berdasarkan hal tersebut Republik Islam Iran sejak awal meletusnya krisis Suriah,selain mendesak agar bentrokan dihentikan juga mendukung pulihnya stabilitas melalui mekanisme demokrasi dan peningkatan partisipasi rakyat dalam proses pengambilan keputusan politik dan sosial.
Akan tetapi sekarang, krisis Suriah tidak sesederhana awalnya yang bisa diselesaikan dengan dialog antara pemerintah dan pemberontak, serta mendorong kedua pihak duduk di meja perundingan. Suriah hari ini larut dalam konflik keras dua pihak.
Dampak lain krisis Suriah adalah meluasnya terorisme sebagai efek dari pembantaian warga tidak berdosa dan perusakan pusat-pusat vital ekonomi di negara itu. Jika ditilik lebih dalam, rekayasa krisis Suriah ternyata tidak terbatas kepada dua pihak, yaitu pemerintah Damaskus dan pemberontak. Sebaliknya dunia internasional dan kawasan juga melakukan upaya-upaya untuk menemukan solusi krisis Suriah seperti upaya mediasi yang dilakukan Kofi Annan dan Lakhdar Brahimi. Fenomena ini bukan kebetulan, pasti banyak pihak berkepentingan yang ikut campur dan mengendalikan krisis Suriah melalui Amerika Serikat, rezim Israel dan negara-negara Arab tetangga Suriah.
Pada kenyataannya, tantangan umat Islam yang dijelaskan Menlu Iran di hadapan hadirin Konferensi Ulama dan Kebangkitan Islam di Tehran itu, saat ini terlihat semakin menyebar dan meluas di Suriah, Irak, Lebanon dan Mesir.
Pada dekade yang sensitif seperti sekarang ini, jika negara-negara kawasan dan dunia Islam tidak memikirkan jalan keluar serius untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut, rekayasa krisis akan terus berlanjut. Jika ini terjadi, umat Islam tinggal menunggu peristiwa-peristiwa dan konspirasi lain yang dirancang untuk merubah perimbangan kawasan sehingga menguntungkan kepentingan rezim penjajah Israel. (IRIB Indonesia/HS)
by Abdul Hadi Wm on Wednesday, August 1, 2012 at 11:58pm ·
Serangan AS dan sekutunya NATO berturut-turut atas Afghanistan dan Iraq telah berlalu hampir satu dasawarsa. Kini ketegangan beralih dari dua negeri yang telah luluh lantak itu ke Suriah. Seperti diberitakan media AS dan sekutunya (baca NATO dan Liga Arab yang dimotori Arab Saudi) sedang mempersiapkan latihan perang besar-besaran di Yordania.
Berbeda dengan pasca serangan AS atas Afghanistan dan Iraq, di mana pusat persoalan berkaitan dengan kebijakan Timur Tengah dan Minyak dibungkus dengan Perang Melawan Terorisme dan penghancuran senjata pembunuh missal, sekarang tujuan serangan atas Syria ialah membantu opisisi yang ditindas rezim yang sedang berkuasa.
Kevin Phillips dalam bukunya American Theocracy mengatkan kebijakan Timur Tengan dan ambisi imperialisme minyak dengan kepercayaan apokaliptik dalam agama Yahudi, Kristen, dan Islam. Yaitu kepercayaan tentang akhir zaman atau sejarah yang akan didahului oleh perang besar-besaran antara pengikut Isa Almasih dengan Dajjal/Anti-Christ.
Berikut adalah pendapat David Cook, seorang sarjana Amerika yang mendalami masalah apokaliptisisme, dengan Rob Dreber. February 28, 2003 9:00 a.m.
Many Evangelical Christians in America are watching events unfold in the Middle East with great interest, seeing in the preparations for war the possible unfolding of the End-Times scenario predicted in the Bible. A small segment of ultraorthodox Judaism shares an apocalyptic vision, centering around rebuilding the Temple on Mount Zion (where the Islamic Dome of the Rock Shrine and al-Aqsa mosque, now sit). What many Americans don’t realize, though, is that Islam also has an eschatological endgame, and that like any Left Behind-reading American, many Muslims see current events as a run-up to their own version of Armageddon.
Islam derives its Last-Days scenario from the Koran, which appeared centuries after the Christian Bible — a fact that for non-Muslims could account for elements of Christian and Jewish prophecy appearing in the Koranic text. Particularly since the mid-1980s, modern interpreters within Islam cast the Arab-Israeli conflict, and more broadly, the conflict between Islam and the West, as part of the cosmic conflict that will mean the end of history and the ultimate triumph of Islam. David Cook, a Rice University scholar of Muslim apocalypticism, sketches below the main themes of Islamic End-Times prophecy, and its ramifications:
Rod Dreher: What are the main beliefs of Islamic eschatology?
David Cook: Referring to Sunni Islam, the principal beliefs are:
1)There are a series of signs or portents previous to the end: moral and social decay, natural and cosmic disasters, and political events that will demonstrate in an incontrovertible manner that the end is about to happen.
2) A tempter, or Antichrist, called the Dajjal will appear and lead the world (with the exception of true Muslims) astray. Almost everyone will be subject to his tribulations, but just before he succeeds in annihilating the Muslims, Jesus will come down from the heavens and kill him.
3) There will be a messianic age, led by either Jesus or another messianic figure called the Mahdi. This latter figure will conquer the entire world and convert everyone to Islam.
4) After the time of the Mahdi, then Gog and Magog [cf. Ezekiel 38, 39; the Islamic version goes by the name Yajuj and Majuj] will invade the world and destroy it.
5) God will bring the world to an end.
Dreher: What sort of Muslim tends to make Islamic End-Times prophecy central to his piety?
Cook: Usually one without much hope in the likelihood that there will be positive changes that will benefit Islam in the immediate future. Such people can oftentimes be attracted by an apocalyptic, destroy-it-all framework or long for the messianic age.
Dreher: How popular is apocalypticism at the present moment among Middle Eastern Muslims?
Cook: In certain areas, quite popular. Radical Muslims (followers of or sympathizers with al Qaeda) have responded to their setbacks during the recent past by publishing large numbers of apocalypses, and mahdi scenarios. Among Palestinians, apocalyptic speculations are also quite prominent. I think that apocalypse as a genre has become less popular in Egypt than it was 3-4 years ago, however, and Algerian radicals no longer use apocalyptic motifs either.
Dreher: If one is reading current events through the lens of contemporary Islamic prophecy, what will one see?
Cook: Many of the apocalyptic wars before the appearance of the Dajjal speak of Christian powers invading Muslim lands. This is the interpretation of the [seemingly imminent] Iraq war. The Dajjal is said to be a Jew, and will blaspheme the area of Jerusalem. Ariel Sharon is usually made to fit that bill. Among radical Muslims, the Mahdi is oftentimes said to be either Mullah Omar or in some cases Osama bin Laden. One of the traditions says: “The Prophet of Allah promised us a raid on India” which is widely cited by Pakistani radicals.
Dreher: Given the central role the Temple Mount plays in the End-Times beliefs of certain fervent Jews, Christians, and Muslims, what kind of trouble might we see there in the event of Middle Eastern war?
Cook: Right now the Temple Mount is effectively closed. It will probably always be the center of scary predictions and fears for Muslims as long as Israel has any power or influence in the region, but I don’t foresee any necessary reason why the Temple Mount should be a focus. Most of the material published now speaks of wars and apocalypses on a grand scale; the materials on the Temple Mount were all because of the fear that Israel would rebuild the Temple in the year 2000 (perhaps contributing to the explosion of the second Intifada during Sept. 2000).
Dreher: In the secular West, we tend to discount the role religious visions play in driving or at least shaping world affairs. If you were advising the president on what he could do to avoid provoking unnecessarily Muslims who believe strongly in Islamic prophecy, what would you tell him?
Cook: I would tell him to convert to Islam if I were trying to get him to avoid provoking Muslims who believe strongly in Islamic prophecy. There is probably no other way to avoid provoking them. For them, Bush is easily cast into the role of Pharaoh, the Dajjal (for those who aren’t satisfied with Sharon as the one). He is usually referred to as the Hubal (the name of a pre-Islamic idol) of this age, which signifies that there is no chance to mollify this type of people.
Dreher: It doesn’t matter whether or not a particular prophetic vision is true; what matters is how it affects the actions of those who do believe it’s true. With that in mind, what kind of problems could Islamic apocalypticism pose for the United States as it attempts to foment governmental and society change on Middle Eastern populations through force?
Cook: The basic problem is that our actions could, in the perception of large numbers of the population, coincide with apocalyptic interpretations. If this is the case then it will serve to radicalize people, and raise the stakes that much higher for the apocalyptic groups. If they view the situation (or perhaps I should say if enough of them, or enough of those placed in the right place) as an apocalyptic one, then they will respond accordingly.
Dreher: I guess what I’m getting at with this last question is this: How cooperative will Islamic populations be with the forces of a man, George W. Bush, whom they may see as their version of the Antichrist?
Cook: It depends upon the issue of perceived victory, I think. No one challenges the victory of the U.S. in Afghanistan because it was complete (more or less) and legitimate (or perhaps legitimized by the new Afghan government). If that is perceived to be the case in Iraq, then the result could be exactly the opposite. What should not happen is for something to drag out; in hindsight that was the problem with both the Oslo negotiations and the blockade of Iraq. They were lengthy and people forgot the original reasons why they were the way they were, and then allowed themselves to be swayed by radical and apocalyptic interpretations of events.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: For a more detailed description of Islamic eschatalogy, see this article by Cook, who is affiliated with Boston University’s Center for Millenial Studies.
Serangan AS dan sekutunya NATO berturut-turut atas Afghanistan dan Iraq telah berlalu hampir satu dasawarsa. Kini ketegangan beralih dari dua negeri yang telah luluh lantak itu ke Suriah. Seperti diberitakan media AS dan sekutunya (baca NATO dan Liga Arab yang dimotori Arab Saudi) sedang mempersiapkan latihan perang besar-besaran di Yordania.
Berbeda dengan pasca serangan AS atas Afghanistan dan Iraq, di mana pusat persoalan berkaitan dengan kebijakan Timur Tengah dan Minyak dibungkus dengan Perang Melawan Terorisme dan penghancuran senjata pembunuh missal, sekarang tujuan serangan atas Syria ialah membantu opisisi yang ditindas rezim yang sedang berkuasa.
Kevin Phillips dalam bukunya American Theocracy mengatkan kebijakan Timur Tengan dan ambisi imperialisme minyak dengan kepercayaan apokaliptik dalam agama Yahudi, Kristen, dan Islam. Yaitu kepercayaan tentang akhir zaman atau sejarah yang akan didahului oleh perang besar-besaran antara pengikut Isa Almasih dengan Dajjal/Anti-Christ.
Berikut adalah pendapat David Cook, seorang sarjana Amerika yang mendalami masalah apokaliptisisme, dengan Rob Dreber. February 28, 2003 9:00 a.m.
Many Evangelical Christians in America are watching events unfold in the Middle East with great interest, seeing in the preparations for war the possible unfolding of the End-Times scenario predicted in the Bible. A small segment of ultraorthodox Judaism shares an apocalyptic vision, centering around rebuilding the Temple on Mount Zion (where the Islamic Dome of the Rock Shrine and al-Aqsa mosque, now sit). What many Americans don’t realize, though, is that Islam also has an eschatological endgame, and that like any Left Behind-reading American, many Muslims see current events as a run-up to their own version of Armageddon.
Islam derives its Last-Days scenario from the Koran, which appeared centuries after the Christian Bible — a fact that for non-Muslims could account for elements of Christian and Jewish prophecy appearing in the Koranic text. Particularly since the mid-1980s, modern interpreters within Islam cast the Arab-Israeli conflict, and more broadly, the conflict between Islam and the West, as part of the cosmic conflict that will mean the end of history and the ultimate triumph of Islam. David Cook, a Rice University scholar of Muslim apocalypticism, sketches below the main themes of Islamic End-Times prophecy, and its ramifications:
Rod Dreher: What are the main beliefs of Islamic eschatology?
David Cook: Referring to Sunni Islam, the principal beliefs are:
1)There are a series of signs or portents previous to the end: moral and social decay, natural and cosmic disasters, and political events that will demonstrate in an incontrovertible manner that the end is about to happen.
2) A tempter, or Antichrist, called the Dajjal will appear and lead the world (with the exception of true Muslims) astray. Almost everyone will be subject to his tribulations, but just before he succeeds in annihilating the Muslims, Jesus will come down from the heavens and kill him.
3) There will be a messianic age, led by either Jesus or another messianic figure called the Mahdi. This latter figure will conquer the entire world and convert everyone to Islam.
4) After the time of the Mahdi, then Gog and Magog [cf. Ezekiel 38, 39; the Islamic version goes by the name Yajuj and Majuj] will invade the world and destroy it.
5) God will bring the world to an end.
Dreher: What sort of Muslim tends to make Islamic End-Times prophecy central to his piety?
Cook: Usually one without much hope in the likelihood that there will be positive changes that will benefit Islam in the immediate future. Such people can oftentimes be attracted by an apocalyptic, destroy-it-all framework or long for the messianic age.
Dreher: How popular is apocalypticism at the present moment among Middle Eastern Muslims?
Cook: In certain areas, quite popular. Radical Muslims (followers of or sympathizers with al Qaeda) have responded to their setbacks during the recent past by publishing large numbers of apocalypses, and mahdi scenarios. Among Palestinians, apocalyptic speculations are also quite prominent. I think that apocalypse as a genre has become less popular in Egypt than it was 3-4 years ago, however, and Algerian radicals no longer use apocalyptic motifs either.
Dreher: If one is reading current events through the lens of contemporary Islamic prophecy, what will one see?
Cook: Many of the apocalyptic wars before the appearance of the Dajjal speak of Christian powers invading Muslim lands. This is the interpretation of the [seemingly imminent] Iraq war. The Dajjal is said to be a Jew, and will blaspheme the area of Jerusalem. Ariel Sharon is usually made to fit that bill. Among radical Muslims, the Mahdi is oftentimes said to be either Mullah Omar or in some cases Osama bin Laden. One of the traditions says: “The Prophet of Allah promised us a raid on India” which is widely cited by Pakistani radicals.
Dreher: Given the central role the Temple Mount plays in the End-Times beliefs of certain fervent Jews, Christians, and Muslims, what kind of trouble might we see there in the event of Middle Eastern war?
Cook: Right now the Temple Mount is effectively closed. It will probably always be the center of scary predictions and fears for Muslims as long as Israel has any power or influence in the region, but I don’t foresee any necessary reason why the Temple Mount should be a focus. Most of the material published now speaks of wars and apocalypses on a grand scale; the materials on the Temple Mount were all because of the fear that Israel would rebuild the Temple in the year 2000 (perhaps contributing to the explosion of the second Intifada during Sept. 2000).
Dreher: In the secular West, we tend to discount the role religious visions play in driving or at least shaping world affairs. If you were advising the president on what he could do to avoid provoking unnecessarily Muslims who believe strongly in Islamic prophecy, what would you tell him?
Cook: I would tell him to convert to Islam if I were trying to get him to avoid provoking Muslims who believe strongly in Islamic prophecy. There is probably no other way to avoid provoking them. For them, Bush is easily cast into the role of Pharaoh, the Dajjal (for those who aren’t satisfied with Sharon as the one). He is usually referred to as the Hubal (the name of a pre-Islamic idol) of this age, which signifies that there is no chance to mollify this type of people.
Dreher: It doesn’t matter whether or not a particular prophetic vision is true; what matters is how it affects the actions of those who do believe it’s true. With that in mind, what kind of problems could Islamic apocalypticism pose for the United States as it attempts to foment governmental and society change on Middle Eastern populations through force?
Cook: The basic problem is that our actions could, in the perception of large numbers of the population, coincide with apocalyptic interpretations. If this is the case then it will serve to radicalize people, and raise the stakes that much higher for the apocalyptic groups. If they view the situation (or perhaps I should say if enough of them, or enough of those placed in the right place) as an apocalyptic one, then they will respond accordingly.
Dreher: I guess what I’m getting at with this last question is this: How cooperative will Islamic populations be with the forces of a man, George W. Bush, whom they may see as their version of the Antichrist?
Cook: It depends upon the issue of perceived victory, I think. No one challenges the victory of the U.S. in Afghanistan because it was complete (more or less) and legitimate (or perhaps legitimized by the new Afghan government). If that is perceived to be the case in Iraq, then the result could be exactly the opposite. What should not happen is for something to drag out; in hindsight that was the problem with both the Oslo negotiations and the blockade of Iraq. They were lengthy and people forgot the original reasons why they were the way they were, and then allowed themselves to be swayed by radical and apocalyptic interpretations of events.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: For a more detailed description of Islamic eschatalogy, see this article by Cook, who is affiliated with Boston University’s Center for Millenial Studies.

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Abdul Hadi Wm
Note ini kami unggah bukan disebabkan setuju dengan pendapat David Cook dan pewawancaranya. Sekadar informasi bahwa di belakang perang fisik yang terjadi di Timur Tengah skarang, sebenarnya juga tengah berlangsung perang apokaliptik didasa
rkan pada kepercayaan agama. Bahayanya tentu saja memecah belah umat yang satu dengan umat yang lain, bahkan madzab yang satu dengan mazhab yang lain dalam agama yang sama baik Islam, Kristen maupun Yahudi.8 hours ago · Like · 6 -
Billy Joe Hernandez Betul prof, seperti disebut di note, ada perbedaan interpelasi atau pandangan yang sering kali hingga berseteru ataupun berperang.8 hours ago via mobile · Like -
Mas Bowosareh Juga isyarat ‘bahaya lisan’,, hati2 politik adu domba
(sprti lagunya Rhoma)
mngkn tepat di bln
ini sbgai perenungan ya, prof’7 hours ago via mobile · Like -
Fathor Rasi Bg mrk ‘perang adalah bisnis’ prof! Sedangkan liga arab telah mengingkari takdirnya dalm arti bhwa Allah menciptakan mereka sbg pendekar yg muncul dr padang pasir tandus sbg cermin dr ketangguhan & kegagahan sbgmn pendahulu mereka, kini mereka meleleh ditelan kepentingan2 imperialist modern7 hours ago via mobile · Like -
Abdul Hadi Wm @ Billy Joe Hernandez : Ya, maksud saya supaya kita mawas diri saja. Tidak terjebak propaganda, berita atau bahkan pendapat menyesatkan yang ingin mengalihkan perhatian kita dari pokok persoalan sebenarnya. Silakan baca note saya tentang US-Iran Apocalyptic.7 hours ago · Like · 1 -
Abdul Hadi Wm @ Mas Bowosareh : Benar. Kita sering disesatkan berita atau tulisan di media dalam negeri bahwa situasi di Timur Tengah hanya kesalahan pemerintah di Timur Tengah, dan bersih dari kterlibatan tangan/rekayasa AS, Israel dan Sekutunya NATO.7 hours ago · Like -
Abdul Hadi Wm @ Fathor Rasi : Kalau mereka bisa bikin bisnis berita, kenapa kita juga tak boleh? Asal untuk tujuan yang benar.7 hours ago · Like -
Andino Efendo Mario Betul, kenapa “kita” tidak bisa. Karena tidak bisa itulah saya kira itulah masalahnya, kenapa kita itu sering bertikai. Jadi bukan masalah agama, masalahnya karena belum menemukan, yaitu masalah “tidak (belum) bisa” itu tadi….ha ha ha7 hours ago · Edited · Like -
Abdul Hadi Wm @ Andino Efendo Mario : Karena kurang pendidikan ya, eh kurang edukasi. Oh, edukasi!7 hours ago · Like -
Fathor Rasi Westernisasi n indoktrinasi nilai2 n image Barat begitu mudah krn mrk punya CNN dll sedangkan para reporter mereka berkeliarn di timteng dengan membeberkan sisigelapnya sj. Cinanisasi jg berlangsung efektif melalui diaspora mrk (tionghoa) diseluruh belahan dunia. Umat islam masih sibuk bicara ‘saya’ bukan ‘kita’ ‘minna’ dan ‘minhum’ termasuk gab menganga sunni-syiah di timteng7 hours ago via mobile · Like -
Andino Efendo Mario Bisa jadi, tapi menurut saya, lebih baik kita tidak bisa dari pada ikut menipu dunia….ha ha7 hours ago · Like -
Abdul Hadi Wm @ Fathor Rasi : Untunglah sekarang ini semakin banyak orang sadar bahwa berita-berita yang disiarkan media massa, juga ilmu atau pandangan yang dihamburkan melalui saluran media, harus disaring terlebih dahulu sebelum dicerna dan dipercaya kebenaran dan relevansinya. Tak sedikit mengandung tipu muslihat, misalnya untuk mengalihkan persoalan.6 hours ago · Like · 1 -
Abdul Hadi Wm @ Fathor Rasi : Tantangan internal dalam tubuh umat Islam juga sedemikian berat untuk diatasi dan dijadikan modal memecahkan masalah di Timur Tengah sekarang ini. Juga perpecahan dalam tubuh bangs Arab. Penguasanya lebih tergiur dengan kesenangan duniawi yang dicapai dngan kekuasaan.6 hours ago · Like -
Abdul Hadi Wm @ Andino Efendo Mario : Apa itu karena Salah Asuhan atau keliru edukasi?6 hours ago · Like -
Abdul Hadi Wm @ Fathor Rasi : Tak ada alasan bisa diberikan untuk menyangkal anggapan bahwa apa yang terjadi di Suriah sebenarnya telah digodog lama dan merupakan buah dari rekayasa negara-negara besar yang berhasil mempengaruhi internal Liga Arab.6 hours ago · Like -
Andino Efendo Mario Kalau ternyata bisa, ya dunia pasti menyambut dengan tangan terbuka. Karena itu yang dinanti-nanti, apalagi dunia sekarang ini buntu kayaknya…..6 hours ago · Like
Krisis di timur tengah khususnya suriah disebabkan keengganan barat dan zionis israel terjadinya kedamaian di suriah. Mereka menginginkan suriah kedepannya menjadi basis militer mereka untuk menghadapi Iran dan selanjutnya menghabisi Rusia dan Cina(jalan untuk menuju NWO). Perbedaan pandangan di kalangan Negara2 muslim jika di kaitkan dengan mazhab antara sunni-syiah menjadi momentum bagi mereka untuk memecah belah negara2 timur tengah dan ini sudah di rencakan sejak serangan USA ke Iraq.