Nancy J. Thorner
Thorner & Boese: Political correctness abandoned in evaluating the President
October 16, 2013
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
By Nancy Thorner & Al Boese -
“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America ‘s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America ‘s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, “the buck stops here”. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better“. –U.S. Senator Barack H. Obama, March 16, 2006
Now fast forward to Thursday, October 16, 2013:
So what are we to make of Barack Obama’s quote before he was elected president and while yet a senator here in Illinois, given that the debt limit debate, as of last night, was still ongoing in Congress despite the rapid approach of the debt limit deadline fast approaching. As to be expected, Obama’s quote was recently spun in a way to exonerate Obama from his 2006 rhetoric. After all, weren’t Obama’s casual 2006 remarks only in keeping with what all politicians do when trying to score points politically with the other party?
“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America ‘s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America ‘s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, “the buck stops here”. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better“. –U.S. Senator Barack H. Obama, March 16, 2006
Now fast forward to Thursday, October 16, 2013:
So what are we to make of Barack Obama’s quote before he was elected president and while yet a senator here in Illinois, given that the debt limit debate, as of last night, was still ongoing in Congress despite the rapid approach of the debt limit deadline fast approaching. As to be expected, Obama’s quote was recently spun in a way to exonerate Obama from his 2006 rhetoric. After all, weren’t Obama’s casual 2006 remarks only in keeping with what all politicians do when trying to score points politically with the other party?
While the outcome of the irresponsible debit limit deadline is still a
bit cloudy, what is not uncertain is how this nation got to where it is
today. Might we start with this broad premise as to the “how” and “why”
of the present situation: With no need to mince words out of political
correctness: President Obama is a liar (you can keep your old plan and
doctor, and much, much more, including Benghazi the IRS); a hypocrite as
the paragraph above reveals; an incompetent and failed leader (never
held a job or lead anything); a radical socialist (deep and long
relationships with Saul Alinsky and Abner Mikva); stunningly clueless as
to matters of foreign policy (Syria, Egypt, Libya); a gullible and
naïve diplomat (Putin and Iran cleaned his clock); a Commander in Chief
void of conceptual military strategy (abandon Iraq and Afghanistan); and
a president devoid of an understanding of economic, fiscal and monetary
policy (stimulus and unemployment outcome and government
President Obama’s lack of regard for the Constitution and the traditional rules of Law is legendary. He is likewise a narcissistic loner who dislikes most people and direct conflict (body language in the confrontation with Paul Ryan at the Obamacare conference in 2010), and holds the people of this country in contempt and disregard, as evidenced by his willingness to punish American citizens (selective close down of government facilities to obtain maximum citizen discomfort) to obtain a political point and gain.
Nowhere in American history has any President so willfully and maliciously punished the citizen of the country, for any reason. What we are seeing is reverse patriotism and a total disregard for those for whom he took an oath to lead and protect.
The performance of Congress is not artful and even disgraceful, but this man is the President, the one man who can take the necessary actions to lead us out of the quagmire. We get instead a dash to the bottom, if that is even possible considering where we are now.
If ever we have witnessed the outcome of a leaderless nation, it is now. Obama has clearly abandoned that role and substituted demonization, contrite allegations, petty and childish claims and unseemly arrogance. He campaigns but does not lead. He talks but does not do. He blames but self absolves. And, now we are abandoned.
May God help us all now for the sake of future generations of Americans!
President Obama’s lack of regard for the Constitution and the traditional rules of Law is legendary. He is likewise a narcissistic loner who dislikes most people and direct conflict (body language in the confrontation with Paul Ryan at the Obamacare conference in 2010), and holds the people of this country in contempt and disregard, as evidenced by his willingness to punish American citizens (selective close down of government facilities to obtain maximum citizen discomfort) to obtain a political point and gain.
Nowhere in American history has any President so willfully and maliciously punished the citizen of the country, for any reason. What we are seeing is reverse patriotism and a total disregard for those for whom he took an oath to lead and protect.
The performance of Congress is not artful and even disgraceful, but this man is the President, the one man who can take the necessary actions to lead us out of the quagmire. We get instead a dash to the bottom, if that is even possible considering where we are now.
If ever we have witnessed the outcome of a leaderless nation, it is now. Obama has clearly abandoned that role and substituted demonization, contrite allegations, petty and childish claims and unseemly arrogance. He campaigns but does not lead. He talks but does not do. He blames but self absolves. And, now we are abandoned.
May God help us all now for the sake of future generations of Americans!
Technorati Tags: Al Boese, Illinois Review, Nancy Thorner, Obama
Just another weblog
Warren Buffett: ‘The Oracle of Omaha’ also “The Oracle of Obama’
September 27, 2011
Billionaire investor Buffett (According to Forbes, Buffett’s
estimated wealth is $39 billion as second-richest American behind
Microsoft’s Bill Gates.) is to be at the North Shore home of Byron
Trott, an investment banker, on October 27, to headline President
Obama’s blockbuster Chicago fundraiser.
Mr. Byron Trott as a former Goldman Sachs Group Inc. partner, isn’t
know as an outspoken Obma supporter. He has donated to candidates of
both parties, with his most recent donation of $2,500 made to Mitt
Romney in June of this year. Even so Warren Buffet calls Byron Trott
his favorite investment banker.
Although President Obama is not expected to attend, it will be
co-hosted by the same local donors who lined up to fuel Obama’s first
presidential campaign at $35,800 per ticket — James Crown, Penny
Pritzker, and John Roger, Jr.
Warren Buffett was recently featured at a September fundraising event
in New York by the Obama campaign and the Democratic National
Committee. For this event the Buffett name was used as the draw for a
reception and dinner where tickets ranged from $10,000 to $35,800 each.
It was not surprising to learn that the Warren Buffett late September
New York fundraiser and the upcoming one at the North Shore home of
Byron Trotter both selected as moderator, Austin Goolsbee, a University
of Chicago law professor and former chairman of the White House’s
Council of Economic Advisers in the Obama administration
Warren Buffet, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, recently become a household
name and was linked to the Obama Administration through a recent “New
York Times” op-ed he wrote which called on the rich to pay more taxes.
Taking a clue from Buffett’s ”New York Times” op-ed piece, President
Obama requested permission from Warren Buffet to allow his
administration to use Buffett’s name in the title of a provision
applicable to Obama’s $474 bilion jobs legislation. As such Obama
dubbed a proposal to raise taxes on the wealthy, the “Buffett Rule.”
Most controversial in Buffett’s “New York Times” op-ed was the claim
that he was taxed at 17.7% on the $46 million he made without trying to
avoid paying higher taxes, while his secretary was taxed at 30% for
earnings amounting to $60,000.
Lately Warren Buffett has changed his tune. In a later op-ed piece
Buffet no longer is claiming that his tax rate was higher than that of
his secretary, but instead that he is being taxed more than others in
his office. President Obama, nevertheless, continues to repeat
Buffett’s “New York Times” op-ed claim that Buffet’s secretary is being
taxed at 30% to Buffett’s tax rate of 17.7%.
It makes no sense for President Obama to advance a new tax policy
based on what is happening to the top 0.0000006% earning
individuals. Such a proposal is both risky and foolish.
Warren Buffett is almost definitely lying about the tax rate of his
secretary. CBO data, with payroll taxes included, indicates that
someone making about $64,000 pays a total effective tax rate of around
14.3 if single and 7.5% if married.
It seems apparent that Buffett is either confusing or purposely
comparing two different rates of taxation. Money earned through
investments is taxed at a lower rate than income from wages. In
Buffett’s case, 90% of his earned income is taxed at the lower
investment rate. The typical person who earns more than $10 million per
year usually earns only about 38% of his income from investments that
qualify for the lower tax rate.
Anyone who makes 90% of their money, as does Warren Buffett, from
investments could theoretically pay around 15% whether they earn $50,000
or $50,000.000.
Even though Warren Buffet stated in a “New York Times” op-ed piece
that he wants people to pay more on money earned through investments, it
is obvious that the “Buffet Rule” has nothing to do with wealthy
individuals. Rich individual already carry far more of the tax
burden than do the poor or the middle class. The top 10% of tax payers
carry 73% of the income tax burden, while the bottom 51% of tax payers
carry 0%.
In that President Obama continues to berate rich people for not
paying their fair share of taxes is proof that Obama’s rhetoric is all
about class warfare (a political ploy) and not sensible tax policy. The
problem described by Warren Buffet of how the tax rate is insufficient
on income that is realized through investments — might apply to
professional investors, but not to rich people.
There are reasons why the tax rate for income earned through investments should be lower rate than for wages.
First of all, lowering the capital gains tax does bring in more
revenue. Bill Clinton signed legislation which dropped the capital
gains tax rate from 28% to 20% in 1997. George W. Bush later dropped
the rate to 15%. In each instance the rate drops resulted in an
increase of tax revenues.
Eric M. Jackson, formerly of PayPal and now CEO of CaptLinked, an
on-line platform for private investing, explained in a “Washington Post”
article on September 22, how “increased taxation of capital gains
would guarantee that investors would have a lower rate of return, would
decrease the pool of capital available for early-stage investments, and
would make the U.S. less competitive on the global stage.
Neither Warren Buffet or President Obama seem to realize that it is
through capital gains that technology investors make money. Willing to
invest in high risk companies, knowing that many of their portfolio
companies could fail, potential payoffs from winning companies justifies
risk taking by investors.
So why raise capital gains rates at all? A million or so people in
this nation own stock and would be affected. Many of them are senior
citizens and retired people who depend on retirement income to
supplement their Social Security checks. They would be hurt by higher
investment taxes.
The “Buffett Rule” is not working in CA where a Buffett-Rule-esque
tax requires that all whose earned income exceeds $1 million must pay an
extra 10.3% in taxes in addition to federal taxes. Soaking the rich in
CA has resulted in a precarious revenue roller coaster ride. In
Sacramento it’s either boom or bust time depending on how the wealthy
are faring in the stock market and in their other investments.
Republicans must respond back in kind to President Obama when he uses
unsophisticated fallacies to promote his illogical financial
policies when on road trips, which includes spending $447 billion more
on a jobs stimulus bill.
One such response might go like this:
President Obama: “Either we ask the wealthiest Americans to pay
their fair share in taxes or we’re going to have to ask seniors to pay
more for Medicare.”
Republican response: “Either we stop Obama from giving our tax money
to fat-cat labor union bosses and to others like Solyndra in “Pay for
Play” handouts, or the money won’t be there for seniors to receive the
medical treatment that they need and deserve.”
More and more of the American people are beginning to realize that
under President Obama’s leadership America is headed in the wrong
direction. Obama’s current idea of seeking to increase stimulus spending
to fund bigger government by turning to millionaires and billionaires
to pay for it, will only result in stiffing job creation by those who
create jobs through capital to invest in new businesses.
Should voters in the 2012 elections elect a Republican president and a
Republican-controlled House and Senate, of concern is whether
Republican House and Senate members will really have the heart and the
will to reduce the size of government so raising taxes to support and
maintain a bloated government doesn’t rear its ugly head.
Will history repeat itself? As has happened before, Republicans
often speak of wanting less government and of lowering taxes, but what
they really desire when in power is to control the purse strings.
In this way Republicans are little different from their Democrat
counterparts. When push comes to shove, members of both parties vote on
issues and policies in ways that will please those whom they are
counting on to return them to power, as money has become the mother’s
milk of politics.
May Republican voters steer clear of a presidential candidate who is
just an echo of what a Republican candidate should stand for. We don’t
need a Republican in the White House who promises to compromise with
Democrats if what Democrats call for represents policies which are bad
for this nation now and for future generations.
By any means, 2012 will not be an ordinary election. It is my hope
that Republicans of all stripes, Independents, and even some
Democrats will recognize the severity of these time as it affects the
very future of this nation when they vote in November of 2012.
If Republicans are successful in the 2012 elections, may they
recognize the charge they have been given by voters to accomplish that
which they were sent to Washington, D.C. to do:
1) Bringing spending
under control;
2) reducing the size of government;
3) eliminating
unnecessary regulations;
4) freeing America’s job creators to get back
to business; and
5) setting a new moral tone to counter the depravity
that has infected society at all levels.
A word to Republicans if elected in 2012, there will be no time left
to fail. The continuation of the status quo would amount to a rapid and
irreversible crumbling of the very foundations upon which this nation
was conceived. The result would be a death sentence and the admission
that all who fought and died in wars to defend liberty and freedom did
so in vain.
It is said that at the close of the Constitutional Convention a woman
approached Benjamin Franklin and asked him what type of government had
been decided upon by the delegates. Franklin stated: “We have given you a
Republic, if you can keep it.” Franklin, of course, also believed that
the Constitution could only last as long as the people themselves could
sustain it.
Might the end be near? I hope not, but it will be up to American
voters and their elected representatives to decide the fate of this
nation in 2012. May both be up to the challenge that lies ahead. May
God continue to Bless America.
Where’s the money from the Zion Nuclear Facility Trust Funds?
September 15, 2011
Over the past two years, several of my Letters to the Editor have
been published in the Lake Forester zeroing in on the 2,100 megawatt
Dual Zion Nuclear Facility, which I continue to feel was prematurely and
unwisely shut down in 1998.
Despite diligent pursuit to resolve why The Zion Station was
shuttered with its possibility of so many more years of productive life,
the answer forthcoming from Exelon Corporation, headed by CEO and
President John Rowe, never changed and did not meet the smell test. The
standard answer given was one of economics.
Another question never resolved in my mind was why Exelon Corporation
never attempted to sell The Zion Station to another entity if Exelon
felt unable to operate it at a profit? Exelon Corporation, which also
owns Commonwealth Edison, operates 10 stations and 17 nuclear units
through its subsidiary, Exelon Nuclear, making Exelon Corporation the
owner of the largest nuclear fleet in the United States.
Up until Sept. 1 of last year when Exelon Corporation transferred The
Zion Station and its decommissioning fund to newly formed ZionSolution
to dismantle Zion, I harbored the belief that somehow the Dual Zion
Nuclear Station could escape destruction. Surely Illinois will have need
for more electrical power sources in the future now that the EPA has
mandated new regulation covering sulfur emissions from coal-fired
plants. Because of the expense of updating older coal-fired plants, many
of the older coal-fired plants will instead by shut down be their
utility owners. Illinois has 25 coal-fired plants. One is located just
north of here in Waukegan.
Thanks to a lawyer whom I had became acquainted with during my lonely
two-year, one-woman mission to reopen Zion from my home base in Lake
Bluff, along with the valuable input from David Hollein, a Barrington
Hills resident who as project engineer for Westinghouse Corporation
(designer of the steam turbines) was intimately familiar with all 11 of
Illinois’s nuclear units, we continued to fight.
It is important for electric rate payers here in northern Illinois to
know that between approximately 1998 and 2006 customers of ComEd paid
hundreds of millions of dollars into two trust funds established by law
relating to the decommissioning of the Zion Nuclear Power Plant. The
balance in the Trust Funds turned over to ZionSolutions by Exelon
Corporation on Sept. 1 of last year is in excess of $800 million.
All monies left over (the unspent balance) after ZionSolutions funded
the necessary and reasonable decommissioning costs associated with its
10-year Zion Station decommissioning project, as applicable under law,
was to be returned or credited to ComEd’s customers.
Since Sept. 1 of last year ZionSolutions has withdrawn millions of
dollars from the Trust Funds, purportedly for claimed costs for planning
the decommissioning of The Zion Station.
On July 14 of this year, I became one of four plaintiffs in a class
action lawsuit filed in the United States District Court for the
Northern District of Illinois against ZionSolution LLC and the Bank of
New York Mellon, a New York Chartered Bank, which was chosen to act as
custodian of the Trust Funds.
The lawsuit concentrates on the fact that no qualified person or
entity has been appointed to act as a trustee with respect to the Trust
Funds to fully protect the rights of ComEd’s customers as beneficiaries
of the Trust Funds under applicable law.
Likewise, no court or independent trustee is reviewing the
withdrawals from the Trust Funds to conclusively determine whether they
meet all of the requirements for payment under the terms of the law
establishing and governing the Trust Funds.
Furthermore, the Bank of New York Mellon has not expressly agreed to
fulfill, nor has it fulfilled, all the duties of a trustee under the law
establishing the Trust Funds, having made payments from the Trust Funds
to ZionSolutions, pursuant to ZionSolutions’ direction, without
requiring conclusive proof that such are necessary and reasonable
decommissioning costs or that such payments are otherwise fully
compliant with the law.
As one of four plaintiffs in a class action lawsuit, we are entitled
to have a court appointed trustee of the Trust Funds who will accept and
discharge the legal duties to protect all beneficiaries, including
ComEd rate payers here in Lake Forest and Lake Bluff; who will withhold
payment from the Trust Funds unless and until it is shown such payments
are necessary and reasonable decommissioning cost; and who will manage
and disburse the Trust Funds in a manner that reasonably balances the
interests of ComEd’s customers in the Trusts.
Although the law suit is at least a year away from receiving a Court
hearing, I felt it essential to inform Lake Forester readers about the
activity taking place.
Aren’t you, as a ComEd electricity rate payer, entitled to a piece of
the pie, having initially funded the Trust Funds to dismantle the Dual
Zion Nuclear Plant through payments of your monthly ComEd electric bill
Eleven ways Warren Buffett is lying about Warren Buffett ??

The president is basing a new law off of Warren Buffett. This means that we are basing US tax policy on what is happening to the top 0.0000006% of people. Does that seem sensible?
Regardless, Warren has been trotting out this point about his
secretary for years. Unfortunately, when Warren talks about Warren’s
secretary, Warren lies about Warren’s secretary. Here is his definitive
statement about the situation from as far back as I can find it:
Mr Buffett said that he was taxed at 17.7 per cent on the $46 million he made last year, without trying to avoid paying higher taxes, while his secretary, who earned $60,000, was taxed at 30 per cent.
The President says that those who defend this situation “ought to
have to answer for it.” Fair enough. Short answer: Warren Buffet is
lying. Much longer answer: 10 points.
- Most simply, Warren Buffett is almost definitely lying about the tax rate of his secretary. Now, it’s possible to pay any tax rate if you really want to, by paying more than is required. You can just send in a check. Since Warren apparently refuses to do that, let us dismiss that option for his secretary. The typical person making between 50-75k, according to this IRS tax data, pays an effective rate of about 14%. 14% is less than 30%. Even adding on payroll tax, it’s nowhere near 30%. CBO data, including payroll taxes, shows that someone making about $64,000 per year pays a total effective rate of around 14.3%. We asked an accountant to run the numbers in general for someone like Buffett’s secretary. The results: if they were single, 14%. If married, 7.6%.
- Buffett is comparing two different taxes. One is a tax on income, one is a tax on investments. They are two different taxes on two different things. Want another scandal? Warren Buffett pays less in sales tax than his secretary does in income tax. We better write another law.

- Warren Buffett has already been taxed on that money. Here’s an oversimplification to explain what I mean.
You earn $100 in salary.
TAX #1: Uncle Sam takes $35, leaving you with $65.
You then invest that $65, and that investment earns 10% or $6.50.
TAX #2: Of that new $6.50, Uncle Sam takes another $1.
Now, add up the earnings: the original $100 + $6.50 = $106.50.
And, add up the taxes: $35 + $1 = $36.
On $106.50 in earnings, you were taxed $36, or 33.8%,– about double the rate Warren Buffet claims he’s paying. This gets more complicated with margin, outside investment, and a million other variables, but this how it works in general. (Dividends are worse: you get taxed on initial income, the company gets taxed on their profits, then when they give you a slice, it gets taxed again.)
So, how does Buffett justify his low tax numbers? He acts as if TAX #1 never occurred. Then he tells you that the rate of TAX #2 is too low. It’s a completely disingenuous shell game.
- Buffett is an exception to the rule of the mega rich. While he earns around 90% of his income at the lower rate through investments, the typical person who earns more than $10 million per year only earns about 38% of their cash at that rate. Sure, someone who is mega rich is an exception to the rule. But, Buffett is an exception to that exception. Basing a rule on his experience is not sober policy making.
- Buffett’s secretary is an exception to the rule of secretaries. She/he makes $60,000 per year. While I’m not exactly blown away by Buffett’s generosity in his pay-scale either, the average secretary makes about $33,000 per year. Instead of the 14% tax rate of Buffett’s secretary, the typical secretary pays more like 10%. This information makes something like this, even dumber than you previously thought.
- Rich people pay far more than the middle class in both total dollars and percentage terms. Don’t take my word for it, listen to the Associated Press: “This year, households making more than $1 million will pay an average of 29.1 percent of their income in federal taxes, including income taxes and payroll taxes…Households making between $50,000 and $75,000 will pay 15 percent of their income in federal taxes.” Those numbers aren’t even close to what Buffett is claiming. Did I mention he is lying? (Quick side note—a tax is nothing but a fee you pay to the government to run the structure that maintains society. In theory, each person has equal access to government services. Even in Buffett’s (false) example, he’s claiming that he pays over $8 million, and his secretary pays $18,000 for the privilege of living here. Does that really sound so unfair even if it was true? (It is not.))
- Rich people already carry far more of the burden than the poor or the middle class. The top 10% of tax payers carry 73% of the income tax burden. The bottom 51% of tax payers carry 0%.
- The Buffett rule has nothing to do with wealth. The “problem” Obama is describing is a “problem” with professional investors, not rich people. To get a rate of 17.7% on your income as Warren Buffett, you have to earn roughly 90% of your earnings from investments. But, you don’t have to make tens of millions for this to happen. Anyone who makes 90% of their money from investments could theoretically pay right around 15% whether they earn $50,000 or $50,000,000. Yet, Obama just keeps talking about rich people. This is one way to be completely sure this is really about class warfare, not tax policy.
- Obama’s rule doesn’t actually target people like Buffett. Forget everything we’ve talked about here for a second and strip things down to the core. The claims about secretaries are just false. But, in theory, someone making $1 million could complain that he pays a rate that is slightly higher than someone making $11 million. Those 7 figure earners are victims to the tyranny of the 8 figure earners! Cry for them! In other words, the really rich get slightly screwed as compared to the really REALLY rich. But Obama’s rule, just targets anyone making $1 million or more—the rule actually “screws” the people being “screwed” most by the “problem.”
- The rate on investments should be lower than the normal rate…for many reasons (see #3 and #10 for example). But in addition to those: when I go to work, I receive a salary. When someone earning their living through investments goes to work—they may LOSE money. It’s wonderful to focus on the ultra-rare person like Warren Buffett who is so successful that he/she is able to acquire tens of billions of dollars. But the average person who invests might just bet wrong and get hammered. When he/she bets right, it makes sense that he/she gets taxed at a lower rate. They’re playing a different game than you and I, and therefore pay a different tax.
- Lowering the capital gains tax, brings in more revenue. Even the media understands this. Charlie Gibson, not a guy who is up for a job at the Heritage Foundation, asked Obama this question in one of his debates with Hillary Clinton:
CHARLIE: Alright, you have however said you would favor an increase in the capital gains tax. As a matter of fact you said on CNBC and I quote, “I certainly would not go above what existed under Bill Clinton which was 28 percent”. It’s now 15% that’s almost doubling if you went to 28%. But actually Bill Clinton in 1997 signed legislation that dropped the capital gains tax to 20 percent and George Bush has taken it down to 15% and in each instance when the rate dropped, revenues for the tax increased. The government took in more money and in the 1980s when the tax was increased to 28% revenues went down. So why raise it at all? Especially given the fact that 100 million people in this country own stock and would be affected?
OBAMA: Well Charlie what I said is that I would look at raising the capital gains tax for purposes of fairness.
Obama is claiming that he wants this change to create jobs in a jobs bill, but he’s really trying to implement his version of “fairness.” Those are two competing interests, and the unemployed will feel the weight of his indecision.
I suppose some of these aren’t Warren’s lies, instead just lies/falsehoods/exclusions/spin by the media–but you get the point.
By the way—has anyone else noticed Buffett’s slight change in
argument? He’s been arguing forever that he paid a higher rate than his
secretary. His latest op-ed that started this up all over again never
mentions his secretary. Obama keeps saying it. Warren does not. He’s
now saying he’s taxed more than other people in his office.
While I assume that his “secretary” works in his office, when someone
is being this slimy, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s attempting to
intentionally weasel himself out of the original claim. Sort of how
he’s trying to weasel out of his taxes.
*I was initially going to use this post to take on the ridiculous Politifact “true” rating for Warren Buffett. But, they are barely defending that themselves anymore, so I’ll give them a pass.
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