Rabu, 16 Oktober 2013

.... KALAU SAJA ADA NEGARAWAN ATAU PIHAK2 YANG BISA MENJEMBATANI.. AGAR PEMBERONTAKAN TERHADAP SESAMA BANGSA SURIAH ITU ...BISA DIDAMAIKAN. DAN DI AJAK KEMBALI BERGABUNG SEBAGAI SATU BANGSA... DAN MENGHENTIKAN PERTIKAIAN... SESUNGGUHNYA AKAN LEBIH BAIK... >> DAN NEGARA BISA MEMBERIKAN AMNESTI.. AGAR TIDAK BER LARUT2...??>> NAMUN APAKAN ADA BANGSA2 DI TIMUR TENGAH YANG MAU DAN BISA MENJADI PEMBERI PELUANG YANG TERBAIK BAGI BANGSA SURIAH SECARA SEUTUHNYA...??>> ...."Negara (ISIS) akan tetap (dalam posisi)!" kata Baghdadi...>> ...The conflict between jihadis in Syria is not over. Although the differences have not led to internal armed conflict, the financial impact has hit al-Nusra Front, whose funding was cut off recently by Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Attempts at reconciliation have failed, and the ISIS emir rejects arbitration...>>> ...Free Syrian Army (FSA) melawan kelompok-kelompok teroris terafiliasi Al Qaida di Syria, kini muncul kabar tentang pertikaian antara kelompok-kelompok Al Qaida, dalam hal ini antara Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) dengan Al Nusra Front (ANS). Ironisnya, pertikaian ini berkutat sekitar masalah sepele, yaitu perbedaan nama "Front" dengan "State". Sebagian anggota ANS dikabarkan telah membelot ke kelompok ISIS karena menganggap nama "State" atau negara, lebih afdhol daripada "Front"....>>>



Setelah kabar pertikaian antara kelompok Free Syrian Army (FSA) melawan kelompok-kelompok teroris terafiliasi Al Qaida di Syria, kini muncul kabar tentang pertikaian antara kelompok-kelompok Al Qaida, dalam hal ini antara Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) dengan Al Nusra Front (ANS). Ironisnya, pertikaian ini berkutat sekitar masalah sepele, yaitu perbedaan nama "Front" dengan "State". Sebagian anggota ANS dikabarkan telah membelot ke kelompok ISIS karena menganggap nama "State" atau negara, lebih afdhol daripada "Front".

Meski konflik antara kedua kelompok teroris ini belum sampai pada tahap konflik bersenjata besar-besaran sebagaimana terjadi antara FSA dengan ISIS dan ANS, namun mengingat watak "keras" di antara personil kedua kelompok tersebut yang tidak segan-segan saling membunuh hanya karena masalah harta jarahan, diperkirakan hal itu akan berubah menjadi konflik bersenjata.

Dikabarkan karena perselisihan tersebut ISIS telah menahan bantuan senjata dan uang yang seharusnya diterima ANS dari negara-negara sponsor pemberontakan Syria. Upaya untuk menengahi perselisihan tersebut oleh para sheikh wahabi sejauh ini selalu mengalami kegagalan karena kekerasan sikap pemimpin ISIS Sheikh Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Menyusul perintah pemimpin Al Qaida Ayman "Bintang Daud" Zawahiri (blogger memberi nama tengah "Bintang Daud" karena Ayman pernah berpidato di depan dinding berlapis kain bermotif simbol negara Israel itu) kepada al-Nusra Front untuk tetap pada posisinya dan ISIS untuk menarik pasukannya ke pangkalan, Baghdadi menolaknya.

"Negara (ISIS) akan tetap (dalam posisi)!" kata Baghdadi.

Perselisihan antara keduanya betapapun telah menimbulkan "gesekan" bersenjata di lapangan. Hal ini mendorong pemimpin ISIS untuk menolak berdialog dengan komandan al-Nusra Front Sheikh Abu Mohammed al-Golani. ISIS mengecam Golani sebagai "buronan yang melarikan diri dari negara Islam." Jubir ISIS Abu Mohammed al-Adnani juga menuduh Golani telah menebarkan perpecahan di antara mujahidin, ups, maksud saya (blogger) mujahilin.

Menyusul pertikaian tersebut ISIS memutuskan untuk menghentikan semua bantuan yang sebelumnya selalu diterima al-Nusra Front melalui mereka.

Menurut sumber-sumber di kalangan mujahilin Syria, sumber keuangan utama ISIS selain tebusan tawanan yang mereka tangkap secara acak atau sistematis, adalah minyak dari ladang-ladang minyak yang mereka kuasai di Irak. Selain itu mereka juga menguasai beberapa ladang minyak di al-Raqqa dan Deir al-Zour di Syria. Hal itulah yang menjadi sumber awal perselisihan dengan al Nusra yang telah eksis lebih dahulu namun secara perlahan tergeser oleh pengaruh ISIS. Meski sebagian besar anggota Al Nusra masih tetap setia, namun ratusan anggota lainnya dikabarkan telah membelot ke ISIS.

"Bendera yang dibawa oleh "negara" lebih besar daripada "front", sehingga ISIS lebih bernilai sebagai pemimpin," kata para mujahilin yang membelot.

Menurut sumber-sumber dari kalangan mujahilin, untuk memecahkan permasalahan ini Dewan Syura Tertinggi Al Qaida telah mengadakan pertemuan untuk menetapkan apakah ISIS termasuk bagian dari organisasi induk, atau sebagai kelompok independen.

Meski sebagai kelompok "resmi" Al Qaida dan didukung Ayman, Al-Nusra Front kini mengalami krisis finansial.

"Syria: ISIS Orphans al-Nusra Front, Cutting Its Funding"; Radwan Mortada; AL AKHBAR; 10 Oktober 2013

Syria: ISIS Orphans al-Nusra Front, Cutting Its Funding

Opposition fighters open fire taking cover from behind a car during fightings in the Salaheddin district of the northern Syrian city of Aleppo on 9 October 2013. (Photo: AFP - Karam al-Masri)
Published Thursday, October 10, 2013

The conflict between jihadis in Syria is not over. Although the differences have not led to internal armed conflict, the financial impact has hit al-Nusra Front, whose funding was cut off recently by Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Attempts at reconciliation have failed, and the ISIS emir rejects arbitration.

The Islamist Spring has only just begun, but its followers are already beginning to split. This is a fatal blow to the jihadis, especially since attempts at arbitration have failed more than once, the reason being Syria. The country used to be "where the heart is" for jihadis, but now they are fighting over its control.
Attempts at mediation by some sheikhs have failed due to the reticence of ISIS emir, Sheikh Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Following al-Qaeda’s Ayman Zawahiri's statement calling for al-Nusra Front to remain in the field and for ISIS to withdraw to its bases, Baghdadi rejected the idea through a voice recording titled, "The State [ISIS] Will Remain."
The dispute among the emirs led to a conflict on the field between the fighters. This led the ISIS emir to boycott al-Nusra Front's commander Sheikh Abu Mohammed al-Golani, calling him a "renegade who split from the Islamic State." Additionally, ISIS spokesperson Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, in another audio recording, attacked Golani, accusing him of "going against consent, breaking the stick, and sowing the seeds of discord among jihadis."
Adding to the boycott, ISIS decided to cut off financial and other kinds of support it used to provide to al-Nusra Front, which negatively impacted the morale of Nusra fighters, since all their needs were provided by ISIS.
According to jihadi sources, ISIS’ main source of funding, in addition to ransoming hostages, are the oil fields they control inside Iraq. This has been supplemented recently by oil fields in the Syrian cities of al-Raqqa and Deir al-Zour.
The funding slash went hand-in-hand with an ideological disagreement over the designation of a leader. The decision of whom to follow was left to the fighters and most decided to remain with Nusra. Their position was supported by Zawahiri, who decided to support Golani in this phase. However, hundreds of fighters switched to ISIS, saying "the banner of the State is bigger than that of the Front. Thus, ISIS is more worthy of allegiance.”
To this effect, information is beginning to surface about an internal debate in al-Qaeda's Supreme Shura Council on whether ISIS in an intrinsic part of the mother organization or if it became an independent jihadi organization.
Al-Nusra Front is now facing a financial crisis and lack of liquidity, but this does not impact its military equipment since its fighters were able to capture weapons factories in several areas. However, the group is now an orphan, despite being the official arm of al-Qaeda. Islamist sources explain that it fights the battle of unifying the Islamist front.
To this effect, an agreement to unify Islamist brigades active in Syria was signed by al-Nusra Front with several groups, the main components of this alliance being Ahrar al-Sham, led by Abu Abdullah al-Hamwi; al-Tawhid brigade, led by Abdul Qadir Saleh; and Liwaa al-Islam led by Zahran Alloush.
Despite rumors about a disagreement between the alliance's leadership and Alloush, sources from both sides maintain that "the relationship is more than fine."
This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.


The idea that ISIS funds itself is implausible in the first place. Really, the money to run a large and powerful guerrilla army has to be there first, perks like money from selling pirated oil, or ransoming hostages, only come later, as a result. Ironically, the only place I have seen anybody state that al-Qaeda is useful to the USA in the last few days is in al-Arabiya.

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