Minggu, 06 Oktober 2013

..... A Department of Justice memo instructs local police, under a program named “communities against terrorism,” to consider anyone who harbors “conspiracy theories” about 9/11 to be a potential terrorist. ...>>> ...Dengan semakin tingginya tingkat kesadaran informasi publik Amerika yang mengungkap kebobrokan sistem pemerintahan Amerika, para elit penguasa negeri itu kini ketakutan bahwa sebuah revolusi rakyat akan muncul, sebagaimana di Tunisia dan Mesir. Hal itu ditunjukkan, salah satunya, dengan munculnya sebuah memo yang dikeluarkan Departemen Kehakiman kepada polisi-polisi di daerah (Departemen Kehakiman membawahi kepolisian federal dan aparat penegak hukum lainnya) yang salah satu isinya menganggap siapapun para "pencari kebenaran" terutama mereka yang mempertanyakan kebenaran "Serangan WTC 9-11" versi pemerintah, sebagai "calon teroris"....>>>


Dengan semakin tingginya tingkat kesadaran informasi publik Amerika yang mengungkap kebobrokan sistem pemerintahan Amerika, para elit penguasa negeri itu kini ketakutan bahwa sebuah revolusi rakyat akan muncul, sebagaimana di Tunisia dan Mesir.

Hal itu ditunjukkan, salah satunya, dengan munculnya sebuah memo yang dikeluarkan Departemen Kehakiman kepada polisi-polisi di daerah (Departemen Kehakiman membawahi kepolisian federal dan aparat penegak hukum lainnya) yang salah satu isinya menganggap siapapun para "pencari kebenaran" terutama mereka yang mempertanyakan kebenaran "Serangan WTC 9-11" versi pemerintah, sebagai "calon teroris".

Dalam memo tersebut disebutkan beberapa kelompok "pencari kebenaran" yang dianggap sebagai "calon teroris", di antaranya kelompok “libertarian philosophies,” “Second Amendment-oriented views,” “self-sufficiency” “fears of Big Brother or big government” dan “Declarations of Constitutional rights and civil liberties.”

Hal ini sejalan dengan semakin tingginya kesadaran rakyat Amerika terhadap berbagai konspirasi jahat yang selama ini melingkupi kehidupan mereka. Sebuah jajak pendapat nasional baru-baru ini mengungkapkan bahwa lebih dari separoh rakyat Amerika meragukan atau menolak sama sekali keterangan pemerintah tentang "Serangan WTC 9-11".

Memo berjudul “Potential Indicators of Terrorist Activities Related to Sleepers” menyebutkan kelompok-kelompok yang patut dicurigai sebagai calon teroris, termasuk orang-orang yang percaya pada "teori konspirasi", di antaranya mereka yang percaya bahwa "Serangan WTC" adalah operasi inteligen CIA untuk melegitimasi serangan terhadap negara lain.

Perlu ditekankan di sini bahwa sebelum tahun 1998 sebagian masyarakat percaya bahwa pada tahun 1962 Amerika sengaja melakukan operasi inteligen "Insiden Teluk Babi" untuk memberi alasan serangan militer terhadap Kuba. "Teori konspirasi" itu ternyata terbukti benar setelah pada tahun 1998 Departemen Pertahanan Amerika membuka arsip lama yang membuktikan bahwa pada tahun 1962 Kepala Staff Gabungan Jendral Lyman Lemnitzer menyetujui operasi inteligen bernama "Operation Northwoods". Dalam operasi itu melibatkan aksi terorisme dengan sasaran warga Amerika sendiri. Namun operasi itu digagalkan oleh Presiden Kennedy dan perang melawan Kuba dan Uni Sovyet pun berhasil dihindari, namun Jendral Lemnitzer hanya mendapatkan sanksi pemecatan daripada hukuman mati sebagai pengkhianat negara.

Sebuah pooling yang digelar oleh YouGov baru-baru ini menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 38% rakyat Amerikan ragu-ragu dengan sebagian keterangan pemerintah tentang "Serangan WTC 9-11", 10% tidak percaya sama sekali, dan 12% lainnya "tidak yakin" dengan ketarangan pemerintah.

Dalam memo tersebut disebutkan alasan-alasan menetapkan seseorang atau sekelompok orang sebagai calon teroris, di antaranya: "Membenarkan tindakan kekerasan terhadap Amerika dengan alasan Amerika adalah penyebab munculnya masalah". Hal ini merujuk pada kelompok-kelompok "anti-perang" yang mengecam invasi Amerika terhadap Afghanistan, Irak dan negara-negara lainnya.

Setelah 12 tahun lebih peristiwa "Serangan WTC 9-11" kini muncul kelompok-kelompok yang menolak keterangan pemerintah tentang tragedi WTC yang menewaskan ribuan warga tak bersalah itu. Di antara mereka yang bergabung dalam kelompok-kelompok itu meliputi mantan perwira militer dan inteligen, insinyur, polisi, pemadam kebakaran, pilot. Sebagian di antara mereka adalah mantan jendral militer, Direktur CIA, gubernur, senator, profesor, dan penyandang-penyandang doktor.

Mayjend (purn) Albert Stubblebine, salah seorang dari mereka secara terbuka pernah mengungkapkan tentang runtuhnya Gedung WTC 7, satu dari 3 gedung yang runtuh dalam tragedi "Serangan WTC 9-11", "Gedung itu tidak runtuh karena hantaman pesawat, melainkan karena ledakan dari dalam. Demolition (peledakan bom).”

Baru-baru ini mantan pembawa acara terkenal dari Fox News, Ben Swann, juga menyatakan penolakannya terhadap keterangan pemerintah tentang serangan tersebut. Sementara itu pada tahun 2005 Jendral Wesley Clark, mantan kandidat presiden, mengatakan bahwa ia pernah menerima sebuah memo dari seorang pejabat pemerintahan Presiden George W Bush yang menyebutkan bahwa "Amerika akan menyerang 7 negara dalam 5 tahun, dimulai dengan Irak."

Pada bulan September lalu sekelompok orang yang terdiri dari arsitek, dan insinyur yang dipimpin oleh keluarga para korban "Serangan WTC 9-11" melancarkan kampanye besar-besaran yang menolak keterangan pemerintah tentang tragedi tersebut. Mereka memasang spanduk dan bilboard di seluruh dunia bertuliskan: “Did you know a third tower fell on 9/11?” (Apakah Anda mengetahui, gedung ketiga telah runtuh dalam Serangan WTC 9-11?)

Kampanye ini mendapatkan boikot dari sebagian besar media-media massa mapan Amerika. Namun koran Time tidak bisa menolak untuk memasang iklan yang dipasang kelompok bernama "2,000 Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth" ini.

Para blogger (termasuk blog ini tentunya) dan para pejuang "pencari kebenaran" lainnya telah mempertanyakan kebenaran klaim pemerintah Amerika tentang "Serangan WTC". Dan pelan namun pasti perjuangan itu telah menuai hasilnya dengan semakin banyaknya orang yang percaya dengan adanya "teori konspirasi".

Hari gini gak percaya "Teori Konspirasi"?

"FBI calls half of populace with 9/11 doubts potential terrorists"; Ralph Lopez; Digital Journal; 19 September 2013

FBI calls half of populace with 9/11 doubts potential terrorists

Ralph Lopez — Digital Journal Sept 19, 2013

A Department of Justice memo instructs local police, under a program named “communities against terrorism,” to consider anyone who harbors “conspiracy theories” about 9/11 to be a potential terrorist.

The memo thus adds 9/11-official-story skeptics to a growing list of targets described by federal law enforcement to be security threats, such as those who express “libertarian philosophies,” “Second Amendment-oriented views,” interest in “self-sufficiency,” “fears of Big Brother or big government,” and “Declarations of Constitutional rights and civil liberties.”

A newly released national poll shows that 48 percent of Americans either have some doubts about the official account of 9/11, or do not believe it at all.


The FBI memo entitled “Potential Indicators of Terrorist Activities Related to Sleepers” says that people who should be ‘considered suspicious’ of possible involvement in “terrorist activity” include those who hold the “attitude” described as ” Conspiracy theories about Westerners.” The memo continues: “e.g. (sic) the CIA arranged for 9/11 to legitimize the invasion of foreign lands.”
“Sleepers” refers to “sleeper cells,” in FBI jargon, which are terrorists awaiting orders to be activated into terrorist activity.
In 1998 it was declassified by the Pentagon that the Joint Chiefs of Staff had approved a plan, in 1962, to attack and kill US citizens to “provide justifications for US military intervention in Cuba.” The plan was code-named Operation Northwoods, the face page of the declassified document is below.


The plan was signed by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Lyman Lemnitzer. It was rejected by President John F. Kennedy, who demoted Lemnitzer.
According to the polling firm YouGov, 38% of Americans have some doubts about the official account of 9/11, 10% do not believe it at all, and 12% are unsure about it.
The FBI memo, issued by the Department of Justice Assistance, an arm of the US Department of Justice, is posted at, among other departments, the Columbus, Ohio, police department website. The citizen’s watchdog PublicIntelligence.net has also posted a copy. The FBI document also includes as reason for suspicion of involvement in terrorist activities:
“Excusing violence against Americans on the grounds that American actions provoked the problem.”
The latter is an apparent reference to thinking such as the “blowback” doctrine, which criticizes US foreign policy and links alleged errors in that policy, such as the invasion of Iraq, to terrorist activity.
The document cites “fury” at the “global policies of the U.S.”


Among well-known doubters of the official 9/11 account are many military officers, law enforcement personnel, firefighters, and pilots, all working through affinity groups. One is US Army Major General Albert Stubblebine, who has said of the three buildings which fell on 9/11:
“They didn’t fall down because airplanes hit them. They fell down because of explosives went off inside. Demolition.”
Most recently, former Fox News anchorman Ben Swann has questioned the official 9/11 story.
This September 11th a group of citizens, architects, and engineers, led by families of 9/11 victims, unveiled an international ad campaign questioning the official version of 9/11. The campaign is sponsoring signs and billboards around the world which ask the question: “Did you know a third tower fell on 9/11?”
The 9/11 issue has been actively pursued on the Internet, and largely excluded by the major media. However, news organizations such as Time have covered the architects and engineers billboard campaign, sponsored by a group called 2,000 Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.


Bloggers and other citizens have long argued that the science employed by the official story is impossible, and that the three towers must have been destroyed by some other means. As the FBI memo states, some argue that 9/11 was planned by a covert, relatively small but well-placed coup faction within the US government “to legitimize the invasion of foreign lands,” notably Iraq and the Middle East. In 2005 General Wesley Clark, former presidential candidate, said that he was given a copy of a memo by a ranking member of the Bush administration that revealed that war hawks in the Pentagon planned on attacking seven countries in five years,” with Iraq only the beginning.
Other federal law enforcement agencies have been criticized for sweeping characterizations of potential terrorists, which demonize Constitutionally protected activity. In 2011, 18-year law enforcement veteran James Wesley Rawles warned that the Department of Homeland Security was being trained to consider as potential terrorists, among other people, those who had expressed “libertarian philosophies, “Second Amendment-oriented views,” “Self-sufficiency (stockpiling food, ammo, hand tools, medical supplies,) “Fear of economic collapse,” “fears of Big Brother or big government,” and “Declarations of Constitutional rights and civil liberties.” Since Hurricane Katrina, food stockpiling consultants and merchants have reported greater-than-ever activity and interest in storing long-term supplies of non-perishable food and water supplies.
In 2009, an uproar was created when the Department of Homeland Security issued a report describing returning Iraq veterans as potential terrorists. Public outcry prompted Speaker of the House john Boehner to denounce the characterization as “offensive.” In 2012, NetworkWorld.com reported on an entire set of “Communities Against Terrorism” circulars coming out of the Bureau for justice Assistance.

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  1. [...] FBI calls half of populace with 9/11 doubts potential terrorists Send to Kindle feature postsseptember 11 [...]

    Evidence: Syria Gas Attack Work of U.S. Allies

    Jerome R. Corsi — WND August 27, 2013

    As the U.S. considers a response to what it calls a chemical weapon attack by Syria’s Bashar al-Assad regime that killed hundreds of civilians, reliable Middle Eastern sources say they have evidence the culprits actually were the rebel forces trying to take over the government.

    Secretary of State John Kerry accused the Assad government Monday of covering up the use of chemical weapons in “a cowardly crime” and a “moral obscenity” that shocked the world’s conscience. Kerry claimed the Obama administration had “undeniable” evidence “that the Assad government was culpable in the use of chemical weapons on civilians” in the Aug. 21 attack in Damascus suburbs.
    Reports that the Obama administration is considering a military strike against the Assad government continued to circulate Monday. Meanwhile, U.N. weapon inspectors in Syria were fired upon by snipers as they attempted to investigate the site of the Aug. 21 attack.

    Assad has rejected charges that his government forces used chemical weapons as “preposterous” and “completely politicized,” the Los Angeles Times reported.
    He argues Syrian forces were in the targeted area.
    “How is it possible that any country would use chemical weapons, or any weapons of mass destruction, in an area where its own forces are located?” Assad asked in the interview with Izvestia, according to a translation provided by Syria’s official news agency and published by the Los Angeles Times.
    “This is preposterous! These accusations are completely politicized and come on the back of the advances made by the Syrian Army against the terrorists.”

    Rebel attack?

    With the assistance of former PLO member and native Arabic-speaker Walid Shoebat, WND has assembled evidence from various Middle Eastern sources that cast doubt on Obama administration claims the Assad government is responsible for last week’s attack.
    A video posted on YouTube, embedded below, shows Free Syrian Army, or FSA, rebel forces launching a Sarin gas attack on a Syrian village.

    Another video posted on YouTube shows what appears to be Syrian rebel forces loading a canister of nerve gas on a rocket to fire presumably at civilians and possibly government forces.
    As seen below, a screen capture from the video shows rebel civilian forces placing a suspicious blue canister on top of a rocket-launching device.

    A separate YouTube video from Syrian television shows a government-captured arsenal of what appears to be nerve gas weapons seized from a rebel stronghold in Jobar, Syria.
    The image below shows canisters in the seized rebel arsenal from Jobar that appear to resemble the canister launched by rebel forces in the first image above.

    A close-up from the Syrian television news report, seen below, shows a chemical agent identified as having been made by a “Saudi factory.”

    A report from the Russian Arabic-language channel RT Arabic shows captured rebel arsenals apparently with chemical agents manufactured in Saudi Arabia and gas masks, supporting Russian claims that the rebels are the culprits in the alleged chemical attack.
    On Aug. 23, LiveLeak.com hosted an audio recording of a phone call broadcast on Syrian TV between a terrorist affiliated with the rebel civilian militia “Shuhada al-Bayada Battalion” in Homs, Syria, and his Saudi Arabian boss, identified as “Abulbasit.” The phone call indicates rebel-affiliated terrorists in Syria, not the Assad government, launched the chemical weapons attack in Deir Ballba in the Homs, Syria, countryside.
    The terrorist said his group, which comprises 200 terrorists escaped from al-Bayadah to al-Daar al-Kabera through a tunnel, needed to buy weapons to attack Homs.
    The Saudi financier, who was in Cairo, asked the Syrian terrorists to give details about his group and how it will receive the money. The Saudi admitted his support to terrorists in Daraa and the Damascus countryside. The Syrian terrorist told him that one of the achievements of his “battalion” was the use of chemical weapons in Deir Ballba.
    The recorded phone call disclosed the cooperation between two terrorist groups in Syria to bring two bottles of Sarin Gas from the Barzeh neighborhood in Damascus.
    Russian media sources have consistently reported Syrian military have discovered rebel warehouses containing chemical weapons agents and have documented rebel chemical weapons attacks on the Syrian civilians the military.

    2 responses to “Evidence: Syria Gas Attack Work of U.S. Allies”

    1. [...] government was behind the recent chemical weapons attack on its own people. Despite the fact that strong evidence exists in both video and photographic format that the so-called “Syrian rebels” were behind [...]
    2. [...] [...]

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