Ini Alasan Barat Putuskan Saluran Media Iran

Bendera Iran (ilustrasi)
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Menteri Kebudayaan dan Bimbingan Islam Republik
Islam Iran Mohammad Hosseini mengatakan Barat melarang saluran media
Iran karena takut terungkapnya fakta sebenarnya dari peristiwa yang
terjadi di dunia.
"Barat prihatin dengan pengaruh siaran layanan dunia Iran karena saluran ini aktif [mengungkapkan] kebenaran dan menunjukkan apa yang ada di balik layar dari berbagai peristiwa," kata Hosseini pada konferensi pers seperti dilansir kantor berita IRNA.
Pemerintah negara-negara Barat berusaha untuk "memonopoli penyebaran informasi", sehingga siarannya mencerminkan bagaimana mereka membenamkan kepentingannya kepada publik dunia. "Barat berpura-pura mewakili banyak suara, namun sebenarnya sebagian besar dari jaringan informasi, dan kantor beritanya tergantung pada kepentingan Kapitalis ... dan tidak mentolerir setiap suara lainnya," tegasnya.
Dalam beberapa bulan terakhir, penyedia satelit Eropa telah meluncurkan kampanye bersama untuk membungkam penyiaran internasional Iran. Kampanye ini mengungkapkan wajah sesungguhnya Barat, yang mengajarkan penghormatan terhadap hak asasi manusia dan kebebasan berbicara, tapi pada praktek terjadi sebaliknya.
"Barat prihatin dengan pengaruh siaran layanan dunia Iran karena saluran ini aktif [mengungkapkan] kebenaran dan menunjukkan apa yang ada di balik layar dari berbagai peristiwa," kata Hosseini pada konferensi pers seperti dilansir kantor berita IRNA.
Pemerintah negara-negara Barat berusaha untuk "memonopoli penyebaran informasi", sehingga siarannya mencerminkan bagaimana mereka membenamkan kepentingannya kepada publik dunia. "Barat berpura-pura mewakili banyak suara, namun sebenarnya sebagian besar dari jaringan informasi, dan kantor beritanya tergantung pada kepentingan Kapitalis ... dan tidak mentolerir setiap suara lainnya," tegasnya.
Dalam beberapa bulan terakhir, penyedia satelit Eropa telah meluncurkan kampanye bersama untuk membungkam penyiaran internasional Iran. Kampanye ini mengungkapkan wajah sesungguhnya Barat, yang mengajarkan penghormatan terhadap hak asasi manusia dan kebebasan berbicara, tapi pada praktek terjadi sebaliknya.
Redaktur : Endah Hapsari | |
Konflik antar negara Arab: Mesir serang Iran
28 January 2009
Banyak yang tidak tahu bahwa negara Arab tidak satu dalam dukungan
terhadap Hamas. Ini contoh perkembangan terakhir, dari Reuters. Mesir
berada di sisi moderat dan tidak mendukung tindakan Hamas, Hezbollah
(Lebanon) dan Iran.
Tapi Mesir juga menentang Qatar yang dituduh sombong karena punya saluran TV Al-Jazeera. Mesir dan Arab Saudi di satu pihak baru menyelesaikan pertemuan rekonsiliasi dengan Qatar dan Syria ... baca selanjutnya. Mungkin berguna, kalau anda bukan ahli Timur Tengah.
Egypt attacks Iran and allies in Arab world
Wed Jan 28, 2009
Tapi Mesir juga menentang Qatar yang dituduh sombong karena punya saluran TV Al-Jazeera. Mesir dan Arab Saudi di satu pihak baru menyelesaikan pertemuan rekonsiliasi dengan Qatar dan Syria ... baca selanjutnya. Mungkin berguna, kalau anda bukan ahli Timur Tengah.
Putin : Rusia akan Lakukan Apapun untuk Cegah Serangan ke Iran

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MOSCOW -- Perdana Menteri Rusia, Vladimir Putin
memperingatkan konsekuensi dari konflik militer dengan Republik Islam,
dan dia mengatakan, Moskow akan melakukan apapun yang terbaik untuk
mencegah perang terhadap Iran.
"Kami akan melakukan segala kemungkinan untuk mencegah konflik militer baik di Iran atau di sekitarnya," kata Putin, Jumat (2/3), press tv melaporkan.
Putin menambahkan, perang di negara Iran, akan memberikan konsekuensi negatif untuk Rusia," tambahnya. Menurutnya,"Saya pikir tidak ada orang yang tertarik dalam situasi yang semakin tak terkendali ini."
Para pejabat Israel baru-baru ini, meningkatkan retorika perang mereka terhadap Iran, dengan mengancam untuk melancarkan serangan militer ke Teheran, ketika sanksi gagal untuk memaksa Iran meninggalkan program energi nuklirnya.
Namun, Putin mengatakan, Teheran tetap harus melanjutkan kegiatan nuklirnya di bawah pengawasan Badan Energi Atom Internasional (IAEA)
"Kami akan melakukan segala kemungkinan untuk mencegah konflik militer baik di Iran atau di sekitarnya," kata Putin, Jumat (2/3), press tv melaporkan.
Putin menambahkan, perang di negara Iran, akan memberikan konsekuensi negatif untuk Rusia," tambahnya. Menurutnya,"Saya pikir tidak ada orang yang tertarik dalam situasi yang semakin tak terkendali ini."
Para pejabat Israel baru-baru ini, meningkatkan retorika perang mereka terhadap Iran, dengan mengancam untuk melancarkan serangan militer ke Teheran, ketika sanksi gagal untuk memaksa Iran meninggalkan program energi nuklirnya.
Namun, Putin mengatakan, Teheran tetap harus melanjutkan kegiatan nuklirnya di bawah pengawasan Badan Energi Atom Internasional (IAEA)
Reporter : Aghia Khumaesi | |
Redaktur : Hafidz Muftisany |
Egypt attacks Iran and allies in Arab world
Wed Jan 28, 2009
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt aired its grievances against Iran, the
Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas and the Lebanese Shi'ite group
Hezbollah, saying they worked together in the fighting over Gaza to
provoke conflict in the Middle East.
"(They tried) to turn the region to confrontation in the interest of
Iran, which is trying to use its cards to escape Western pressure ... on
the nuclear file," Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit said in an
interview with Orbit satellite channel broadcast Wednesday.

Egypt's Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit
Aboul Gheit also said that Egypt undermined Qatar's attempts to
arrange a formal Arab summit on Gaza earlier this month, arguing that it
would have damaged "joint Arab action."
"Egypt made the summit fail... This summit, if it had taken place as
an Arab summit with a proper quorum, would have damaged joint Arab
action. We can see what others do not see," he said.
The interview was broadcast Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning and the state news agency MENA carried excerpts.
The comments are the first acknowledgement by Egypt that it actively
sought to prevent the Doha summit on January 16, which was the subject
of a bitter tug-of-war between rival Arab states.
It also indicated that a reconciliation meeting in Kuwait last week
between Egypt and Saudi Arabia on one hand, and Qatar and Syria on the
other, had only a short-term effect.
Qatar failed to win enough support to hold a formal Arab League
summit on Gaza but it went ahead anyway with an informal consultative
meeting of Arab leaders.
The wrangling reflected deep divisions between Arab governments. On
one side Saudi Arabia and Egypt, wary of the Islamist group Hamas in
Gaza, favored discussing Gaza at a separate economic summit in Kuwait a
few days later.
Diplomats say Egypt resents the Qatari challenge to its traditional
role as leading Arab mediator and dislikes the influence of the
satellite television channel Al Jazeera, which is based in Doha and
owned by the Qatari government.
"Some people imagined that a satellite channel could bring down the
Egyptian state, without realizing that Egypt is much stronger than
that," Aboul Gheit said.
"Egypt is very big and has extensive influence despite attempts to
influence this stance and role, whether in the Al Jazeera channel or
other channels," he added.
The Egyptian minister also criticized Hamas for what he called its
coup against the forces of the Palestinian Authority in the Gaza Strip
in 2007.
(Writing by Jonathan Wright; Editing by Samia Nakhoul)
- From riris on 29 January 2009 09:20:16 WIB
Akhirnya Perspektif memuat artikel tentang konflik Arab-Israel. Sebetulnya saya tunggu waktu konflik di Gaza mulai memanas. Tapi tak ada satu pun ulasan tentang itu.
Hari ini pas saya buka, ada dua artikel. Terimakasih. Setidaknya lebih banyak pandangan, lebih membuka wawasan tentang konflik ruwet, kompleks, yg tak berkesudahan itu. - From Arie on 29 January 2009 11:33:43 WIB
Mr Obama, you said 'In my inauguration speech, I spoke about: You will be judged on what you've built, not what you've destroyed. And what they've been doing is destroying things. And over time, I think the Muslim world has recognized that that path is leading no place, except more death and destruction.'
WHY only to the muslim world, are you closing your eyes over what Israel did in Lebanon, Gaza?
If you dare to say the same thing to Israel, the ARAB world will unite for you.. Don't tried to be Moses, remember, even he (Moses) was betrayed.
- From prayoga permana on 30 January 2009 10:26:55 WIB
ga salah lagi, israel kuat bukan hanya karena dukungan barat. tapi juga karena negara-negara arab yang nggak pernah bersatu
- From Mega on 30 January 2009 11:08:34 WIB
Dengan dimuatnya artikel mengenai konflik Israel - Gaza ini jadi sedikit meluruskan pandangan saya mengenai mesir akan dukungannya terhadap israel, menyangkut berita yg akhir-akhir ini dimuat diberbagai media yang agak kurang relevan.
Semoga saja krisis kemanusiaan yang turut mewarnai krisis global dunia ini segera terselesaikan. Amin..
Terima kasih om wimar.. - From prima on 30 January 2009 18:01:30 WIB
Terima Kasih atas ulasan yang ditampilkan..
Saya sedang mencari bahan artikel yang berhubungan dengan konflik, sekarang saya sudah terbantu,,
Terima Kasih.. - From Chandra on 30 January 2009 23:13:17 WIB
Memang dari dulu dunia Arab tidak pernah satu. Ada pepatah yang mengatakan, satu2nya hal yang disetujui oleh semua negara Arab adalah mereka setuju untuk tidak pernah setuju. Sejak Gamal Abdel Nasser tumbang, Mesir makin melarat dan tergantung pada bantuan Amerika. Setiap tahun Amerika meneteki Mesir $3,4 Milyar, bantuan Amerika kedua terbesar setelah Israel.Ini salah satu sebab mengapa perbatasan Gaza tidak dibuka oleh Mesir. Sebab, $3.4 Milar itu taruhannya. Sebenarnya Mesir dan Saudi Arabia lebih dekat dengan Israel daripada dengan negara2 Arab lainnya. Bukan karena mereka - Mesir, Saudi, Jordania, Emirat, Kuwait- punya common enemy yaitu Muslim Syiah ( baca: Iran dan hezbollah), tapi juga mereka perlu perlindungan Amerika dari unsur2 oposisi seperti Ikhwanul Muslimin, dan kaum liberal yang akhir2 ini makin mengancam kekuasaan diktator mereka. Inilah mutual symbiosis antara Amerika yang punya kepentingan minyak dan disetir oleh lobby Israel dan despot2 Arab. Jadi perpecahan negara2 Arab memang harus dilihat dalam konteks hegemoni Amerika di Timur Tengah. Ujung2nya memang begitu. Obama? Mungkin banyak yang akan berubah di Amerika, tapi penindasan di Palestina akan tetap langgeng sampai orang2 Arab bisa menumbangkan rezim diktator yang korup dan menegakkan demokrasi.
- From Panji on 31 January 2009 04:47:03 WIB
Benar kata teman saya yang pernah bertugas sebagai tenaga medis di Arab Saudi selama tiga tahun. Ia menyaksikan dan merasakan sendiri betapa sombong dan angkuhnya orang Arab terhadap 'orang' dunia luar ('luar' darinegaranya).
Orang Indonesia yang merasa punya harga diri pasti geram mendengar berita-berita tentang nasib para TKW Indonesia yang bekerja di Arab Saudi : ada yang gajinya tidak dibayar, ada yang babak-belur dipukuli majikan, ada yang dihamili, dan lain-lain...
Meskipun dua agama besar 'diturunkan' di jazirah Arab, tapi akhlak mereka tidak mencerminkan sunah nabi Muhammad s.a.w. : (Kata nabi) "Aku diutus ke dunia ini untuk menyempurnakan akhlak manusia".
Barangkali juga mereka sudah lupa pada sejarah "tanah haram", sehingga mereka merasa tidak perlu mempertahankannya ???
Jika mereka ingat atau mengerti "sejarah yahudi dan tanah haram" maka mereka tak perlu memandang Hamas atau lainnya, ya 'kan ???
(Salam kenal untuk semua 'komentator'. Silahkan berkunjung ke blog saya, dan ) - From Arie on 04 February 2009 03:39:56 WIB
U.S. image
The Muslim leaders regretted that a large part of the injustices in the world today was either perpetuated or ignored by the U.S.
"Although America is the country which calls for freedom and respect of human rights more than any other country in the world, we believe that the governments of America, in practice, are the ones which violate the human rights most, and confiscating others’ freedom," they said.
"Furthermore, it has shown the lion's share in supporting dictatorial regimes, conspiring against growing democracies, planning military coups, and disregarding the international organizations."
The letter warned that attempts to impose an American model by force and pressure would only backfire.
"The first affected by this method is America itself."
America's image across the world has been severely battered during the eight-year presidency of Obama's predecessor George Bush.
Bush's so-called war on terror, a series of detainees' abuse scandals in Afghanistan, Iraq and the notorious Guantanamo detention center also fanned anti-Americanism across the globe, especially in Muslim countries.
The Muslim leaders urged Obama to ensure that the U.S., under his administration, would seriously reconsider its approach in dealing with the world.
"However, this stance requires a type of courage of the American leadership that transcends above personal and party interests.
"Will you be a man of ethics and principles and dreams as you promised your people and the world?" - From aisyah on 17 March 2009 15:49:02 WIB
alhamdulillah akhirnya saya bisa selesaikan tugas saya untuk mencari artikel-artikel yang saya butuhkan..
terima kasih banyak... - From yanto yulio on 25 May 2009 21:36:28 WIB
negara2 arab/timurtengahhrsnya bersatu
- From ryan on 29 July 2009 23:12:16 WIB
Konflik yg terjadi di timur tengah,slalu tiada henti!!!
itu kata2 kbanyakan orng di dunia ini.yah I thing so,!!
aku yakin jika Iran,Iraq,bisa bergabung, pasti Israel akan kalah!Menurut saya Arab saudi selalu hormat pada Amerika??
Gk perlu tuch hormat segitunya jika negara tetangga sedang dijajah oleh Amerika - From Sam Ragil on 09 June 2010 07:18:16 WIB
Konflik ada di mana2. Yang terdekat ada di setiap rumah dan di dalam hati qta. Mengagumi negara2 ciptaan Tuhan, mencintai semua orang dari segala bangsa adalah hak kita yang paling mendasar. Selama saya hidup, blom lama ini aja baru denger, ada orang sedemikian somse dan jumawanya. Konon dia akan menghilangkan suat negara dari peta dunia dan bahwa genoside yang dilakukan suatu bangsa di Eropah pada tahun 194o an itu hanya dongeng belaka ? ! Jagalah hatimu dengan segala kewaspadaan, karena dari situlah terpancar kehidupan. Ingat wekasan orang tua : Sing eling lan waspodo, ojo dumeh. Stay cool. Yang penting : heppii, . . . broer !
- From medi on 09 June 2010 09:10:52 WIB
negara mesir itu sudah di kuasai oleh israel ( yahudi )
sedangkan palestina adalah suatu kawasan atau negara yang menghalangi penyatuan israel dan mesir dikarenakan mesir waktu dahulunya punya sejarah panjang dengan orang atau bani israel,kalau palestina dapat diambil oleh israel maka tercapailah impian orang2 israel atau yahudi dengan negara israel rayanya. yang menguasai jalur perdagangan dan jalur minyak melalui terusan suez.
harusnya orang2 arab (islam ) harus mengerti ini. jangan mau di iming2ngi oleh israel dan barat serta amerika dengan dalih bantuan dan transfer teknologi, contohlah iran tidak tergantung oleh barat ataupun amerika untuk kebutuhan tecnologinya dan militernya sukses mengembangkan kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh ahli2 dalam negerinya sendiri. - From Mr.Nunusaku on 28 July 2010 17:24:47 WIB
Kalau Arab Saudi dan Mesir dapat dikuasai oleh Israel,
berarti Zionis sangat hebat bisa menundukkan keturunan Muhammad. Saya beri contoh begitu hebatnya intelejen Zionis dapat membunuh Profesur ahli nuklir Iran (Prof.Ali Mohammadi) didalam negei Iran, ini kan luar biasa.
Islam harus banyak belajar tentang kemampuan Zionis, apalagi kata presiden Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ingin menhapuskan Israel dari petah dunia. Zionis anggap anjing menggogong kafilah Israel tetap masuk kenegeri islam Iran.
Kita sekarang tinggal menunggu waktu perang dunia ke 3 akan meletus, peperangan Zionis akan menyerang nukelir islam Iran. Dunia nanti akan terkejut melihat kemampuan Zionis seperti perang enam hari Israel melawan sekutu Arab akhirnya Naser geok juga. - From north mollucas on 02 December 2011 11:52:38 WIB
Iran itu tak akan gentar dengan kecaman2 dari Israel, AS, dkk.... buktinya sampai sekarang mereka tidak berani dengan nyata untuk memboikot iran, selama 30 tahun lebih iran d embargo sama AS pun tidak ada ngaruhnya sama sekali ke iran,, malahan iran makin mandiri dan kuat di bidang pertahan militer dan ketahanan pangan...... dan ketaHUILAH KAMU iSLAM bukan agama yg d sebarkan dengan kekerasan, penyiksaan, dan penjajahan... DAN BUKAN AGAMA SAMAWI YG SUDAH DI OTAK- ATIK oleh manusia2 serakah untuk menguasai dunia....
dan ingatlah Mr. NUNUSAKU ketika perang akhir zaman nanti,, bukan Islam iran saja yg akan membinasakan ZIONIS ISRAEL dkk nya tetapi islam d seluruh dunia.... saat ini belum terjadi apa-apa...
iran juga bukan seperti amerika serikat yg suka menfitnah contohnya kasus senjata pemusna masal di irak,, cuman gara-gara udah tidak mau di jual minyaknya ke AS.... kasus AL-qaeda karangan amerika sama OSSAMa bin laden..... yg nyatanya Ossama adalah orang arab antek2 AS untuk menghancurkan citra islam dan mengatakan islam adalah teroris.......
dan ketahuilah kamu Mr Nunusaku,, biar kamu membela zionis dkk kayak gimna juga kmu tdk akan d samakan derajat kmu dengan mereka.... kmu itu tetap di anggap oleh mereka Ras yg tdk berhasil ber evolusi.. dan masi setarah dengan Binatang.... - From yasha ar on 25 December 2011 19:32:03 WIB
ya benar islam tinggal menunggu waktu saja untuk perang dunia
ketiga ..dan pada saat itu kaum muslimin akan membebaskan tanah palestina ;'
dan setelah itu waktu yang telah allah janjikan akan semakin dekat yakni akhir dunia (KIAMAT)
saat itu ISA ALMASIH as putra MARYAM akan allah turunkan ke dunia untuk menghancurkan fitnah (salib)dan meneruskan ajaran nabi muhammad saw (ISLAM ) dan setelah kehidupan dunia ini berakhir kita akan lihat siapa yang berada dalam kegelapan atau dalam cahaya kebenaran (i***M) - From iyrul abadi on 09 March 2012 16:50:43 WIB
alhamdulillah saya skrg ad dpulau yg penuh dgn cahaya nurani dn penuh dgn berokah
33 Teori Konspirasi Ternyata Benar
33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True, What Every Person Should Know...
By Jonathan Elinoff, New World Order Report

Bagian Pertama
After reading the article released by, I decided to update and revise their work. the article gave
me a chuckle because it lacked many famous and much larger conspiracy
theories that became known. Their article had only listed seven. I can
name 33 and I am about to release a revised list soon with 75. The
article I read at cracked can be viewed here, but don't waste your time, all of that is in this article and more.
Most people can't resist getting the
details on the latest conspiracy theories, no matter how far-fetched
they may seem. At the same time, many people quickly denounce any
conspiracy theory as untrue ... and sometimes as unpatriotic or just
plain ridiculous. Lets not forget all of the thousands of conspiracies
out of Wall Street like Bernie Madoff and many others to commit fraud
and extortion, among many crimes of conspiracy.USA Today reports that
over 75% of personal ads in the paper and on craigslist are married
couples posing as single for a one night affair.When someone knocks on
your door to sell you a set of knives or phone cards, anything for that
matter, do they have a profit motive?What is conspiracy other than just a
scary way of saying "alternative agenda"?When 2 friends go to a bar and
begin to plan their wingman approach on 2 girls they see at the bar,
how often are they planning on lying to those girls?"I own a small
business and am in town for a short while.Oh yeah, you look beautiful."
Conspiracy theory is a term that
originally was a neutral descriptor for any claim of civil, criminal or
political conspiracy. However, it has come almost exclusively to refer
to any fringe theory which explains a historical or current event as the
result of a secret plot by conspirators of almost superhuman power and
cunning.To conspire means "to join in a secret agreement to do an
unlawful or wrongful act or to use such means to accomplish a lawful
end."The term "conspiracy theory" is frequently used by scholars and in
popular culture to identify secret military, banking, or political
actions aimed at stealing power, money, or freedom, from "the people".
To many, conspiracy theories are just
human nature.Not all people in this world are honest, hard working and
forthcoming about their intentions.Certainly we can all agree on this.So
how did the term "conspiracy theory" get grouped in with fiction,
fantasy and folklore?Maybe that's a conspiracy, just kidding.Or am I?
Skeptics are important in achieving an
objective view of reality, however, skeptism is not the same as
reinforcing the official storyline. In fact, a conspiracy theory can be
argued as an alternative to the official or "mainstream" story of
events. Therefore, when skeptics attempt to ridicule a conspiracy theory
by using the official story as a means of proving the conspiracy wrong,
in effect, they are just reinforcing the original "mainstream" view of
history, and actually not being skeptical. This is not skeptism, it is
just a convenient way for the establishment view of things to be seen as
the correct version, all the time, every time. In fact, it is common
for "hit pieces" or "debunking articles" to pick extremely fringe and
not very populated conspiracy theories. This in turn makes all
conspiracies on a subject matter look crazy. Skeptics magazine and
Popular Mechanics, among many others, did this with 9/11. They referred
to less than 10% of the many different conspiracy theories about 9/11
and picked the less popular ones, in fact, they picked the fringe,
highly improbable points that only a few people make. This was used as
the "final investigation" for looking into the conspiracy theories.
Convenient, huh?
In fact, if one were to look into
conspiracy theories, they will largely find that thinking about a
conspiracy is associated with lunacy and paranoia. Some websites suggest
it as an illness. It is also not surprising to see so many people on
the internet writing about conspiracy theories in a condescending tone,
usually with the words "kool-aid," "crack pot," or "nut job" in their
articulation. This must be obvious to anyone that emotionally writing
about such serious matter insults the reader more than the conspiracy
theorist because there is no need to resort to this kind of behavior. It
is employed often with an "expert" who will say something along the
lines of, "for these conspiracies to be true, you would need hundreds if
not thousands of people to be involved. It's just not conceivable."
I find it extremely odd that the
assumption is on thousands of participants in a conspiracy. I, for one,
find it hard to believe any conspiracy involving more than a handful of
people but the fact remains that there have been conspiracies in our
world, proven and not made up, that involved many hundreds of people.
It's not a matter of opinion, it's a matter of fact.
One more thing to consider, have you
noticed that if the conspiracy is involving powerful interests with the
ability to bribe, threaten or manipulate major institutions (like the
mafia, big corporations or government) then don't you find it odd when
people use one of those as the "credible" counter-argument? What I mean
is, if you are discussing a conspiracy about the mafia, and someone
hands you a debunking article that was written by the mafia, it doesn't
seem like it would take rocket science to look at that with serious
criticism and credibility. This is the case with many conspiracies. In
fact, I am handed debunking pieces all the time written in many cases by
the conspirators in question. Doesn't this seem odd to anybody else but
While intelligent cynicism certainly can
be healthy, though, some of the greatest discoveries of all time were
initially received (often with great vitriol) as blasphemous conspiracy
theories -- think of the revelation that the earth was not the center of
the universe, or that the world was not flat but actually round.
What follows are some of these most
shocking modern conspiracy theories that turned out true after thorough
investigation by our society. Some through congressional hearings,
others through investigative journalism. Many of these, however, were
just admitted to by those involved. These are just 33 of them, and I
still had a long list of others to add. There are a total of 33 in this
article. Many of these are listed with original and credible news clips
on the matter, as well as documentaries.
1.The Dreyfus Affair: In the late 1800s in France,
Jewish artillery officer Alfred Dreyfus was wrongfully convicted of
treason based on false government documents, and sentenced to life in
prison. The French government did attempt to cover this up, but Dreyfus
was eventually pardoned after the affair was made public (an act that is
credited to writer Émile Zola).
2.The Mafia: This
secret crime society was virtually unknown until the 1960s, when member
Joe Valachi first revealed the society's secrets to law enforcement
officials.What was known was that organized crime existed, but not that
the extent of their control included working with the CIA, politicians
and the biggest businesses in the world.
3.MK-ULTRA: In the
1950s to the 1970s, the CIA ran a mind-control project aimed at finding a
"truth serum" to use on communist spies. Test subjects were given LSD
and other drugs, often without consent, and some were tortured. At least
one man, civilian biochemist Frank Olson, who was working for the
government, died as a result of the experiments. The project was finally
exposed after investigations by the Rockefeller Commission.
Video Project MK-ULTRA:
4.Operation Mockingbird:
Also in the 1950s to '70s, the CIA paid a number of well-known domestic
and foreign journalists (from big-name media outlets like Time, The
Washington Post, The New York Times, CBS and others) to publish CIA
propaganda. The CIA also reportedly funded at least one movie, the
animated "Animal Farm," by George Orwell. The Church Committee finally
exposed the activities in 1975.
5.Manhattan Project:The
Manhattan Project was the codename for a project conducted during World
War II to develop the first atomic bomb. The project was led by the
United States, and included participation from the United Kingdom and
Canada. Formally designated as the Manhattan Engineer District (MED), it
refers specifically to the period of the project from 1942-1946 under
the control of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, under the
administration of General Leslie R. Groves. The scientific research was
directed by American physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer.The project's roots
lay in scientists' fears since the 1930s that Nazi Germany was also
investigating nuclear weapons of its own. Born out of a small research
program in 1939, the Manhattan Project eventually employed more than
130,000 people and cost nearly US$2 billion ($22 billion in current
It resulted in the creation of multiple
production and research sites that operated in secret.With the total
involved, this makes it one of the largest conspiracies in
history.Entire towns were built for short periods of time, employing
people, all under secrecy and top national secrecy at that.The
government never admitted to it, the media never reported on it, and
people had no idea for over 25 years.Project research took place at over
thirty sites across the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
The three primary research and production sites of the project were the
plutonium-production facility at what is now the Hanford Site, the
uranium-enrichment facilities at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and the weapons
research and design laboratory now known as Los Alamos National
Laboratory. The MED maintained control over U.S. weapons production
until the formation of the Atomic Energy Commission in January 1947.
6.Asbestos: Between
1930 and 1960, manufacturers did all they could to prevent the link
between asbestos and respiratory diseases, including cancer, becoming
known, so they could avoid prosecution. American workers had in fact
sued the Johns Manville company as far back as 1932, but it was not
until 1962 that epidemiologists finally established beyond any doubt
what company bosses had known for a long time - asbestos causes cancer.
7.Watergate: Republican
officials spied on the Democratic National Headquarters from the
Watergate Hotel in 1972. While conspiracy theories suggested underhanded
dealings were taking place, it wasn't until 1974 that White House tape
recordings linked President Nixon to the break-in and forced him to
8.The Tuskegee Syphilis Study:
The United States Public Health Service carried out this clinical study
on 400 poor, African-American men with syphilis from 1932 to 1972.
During the study the men were given false and sometimes dangerous
treatments, and adequate treatment was intentionally withheld so the
agency could learn more about the disease. While the study was initially
supposed to last just six months, it continued for 40 years. Close to
200 of the men died from syphilis or related complications by the end of
the study.
9.Operation Northwoods:
In the early 1960s, American military leaders drafted plans to create
public support for a war against Cuba, to oust Fidel Castro from power.
The plans included committing acts of terrorism in U.S. cities, killing
innocent people and U.S. soldiers, blowing up a U.S. ship, assassinating
Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees, and hijacking planes.
The plans were all approved by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but were
reportedly rejected by the civilian leadership, then kept secret for
nearly 40 years.
Author James Bamford, "A Pretext For
War", discusses the declassified "Operation Northwoods" documents
revealing that in 1962 the CIA was planning to stage phony terrorist
attacks on the US and blame it on Cuba to start a war:
Video Operation Northwoods:
10.1990 Testimony of Nayirah:
A 15-year-old girl named "Nayirah" testified before the U.S. Congress
that she had seen Iraqi soldiers pulling Kuwaiti babies from incubators,
causing them to die. The testimony helped gain major public support for
the 1991 Gulf War, but - despite protests that the dispute of this
story was itself a conspiracy theory - it was later discovered that the
testimony was false. The public relations firm Hill & Knowlton,
which was in the employ of Citizens for a Free Kuwait, had arranged the
testimony.It turned out that she had taken acting lessons on request of
the CIA and was actually the niece of a major politician in
Kuwait.Nayirah was later disclosed to be Nayirah al-Sabah, daughter of
Saud bin Nasir Al-Sabah, Kuwaiti ambassador to the USA.The Congressional
Human Rights Caucus, of which Congressman Tom Lantos was co-chairman,
had been responsible for hosting Nurse Nayirah, and thereby popularizing
her allegations. When the girl's account was later challenged by
independent human rights monitors, Lantos replied, "The notion that any
of the witnesses brought to the caucus through the Kuwaiti Embassy would
not be credible did not cross my mind... I have no basis for assuming
that her story is not true, but the point goes beyond that. If one
hypothesizes that the woman's story is fictitious from A to Z, that in
no way diminishes the avalanche of human rights violations."
Nevertheless, the senior Republican on the Human Rights Caucus, John
Edward Porter, responded to the revelations "by saying that if he had
known the girl was the ambassador's daughter, he would not have allowed
her to testify."
11.Counter Intelligence Programs Against Activists in the 60s:COINTELPRO
(an acronym for Counter Intelligence Program) was a series of covert,
and often illegal, projects conducted by the United States Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at investigating and disrupting
dissident political organizations within the United States. The FBI used
covert operations from its inception, however formal COINTELPRO
operations took place between 1956 and 1971. The FBI's stated motivation
at the time was "protecting national security, preventing violence, and
maintaining the existing social and political order."According to FBI
records, 85% of COINTELPRO resources were expended on infiltrating,
disrupting, marginalizing, and/or subverting groups suspected of being
subversive, such as communist and socialist organizations; the women's
rights movement; militant black nationalist groups, and the non-violent
civil rights movement, including individuals such as Martin Luther King,
Jr. and others associated with the Southern Christian Leadership
Conference, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored
People, the Congress of Racial Equality, the American Indian Movement,
and other civil rights groups; a broad range of organizations labeled
"New Left", including Students for a Democratic Society, the National
Lawyers Guild, the Weathermen, almost all groups protesting the Vietnam
War, and even individual student demonstrators with no group
affiliation; and nationalist groups such as those "seeking independence
for Puerto Rico." The other 15% of COINTELPRO resources were expended to
marginalize and subvert "white hate groups," including the Ku Klux Klan
and National States' Rights Party. The directives governing COINTELPRO
were issued by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, who ordered FBI agents to
"expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize" the
activities of these movements and their leaders.
This is a documentary on COINTELPRO:
12.The Iran-Contra Affair:
In 1985 and '86, the White House authorized government officials to
secretly trade weapons with the Israeli government in exchange for the
release of U.S. hostages in Iran. The plot was uncovered by Congress in
1987. The documentary series, Core of Corruption,
will be exploring details on the Iran Contra conspiracy in greater
detail. The series if 5 seperate films written and directed by Jonathan
Elinoff, investigative journalist and reporter for the New World Order
Report. During Iran Contra, drug smuggling by the CIA was uncovered and
to this day the United States population is largely unaware of the
findings of this information. Both posts on CIA drug running in this
article of 33 conspiracies that turned out to be true are about this
very topic of drug running during Iran Contra.
13.The BCCI Scandal:
The Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) was a major
international bank founded in 1972 by Agha Hasan Abedi, a Pakistani
financier. The Bank was registered in Luxembourg. Within a decade BCCI
touched its peak, it operated in 78 countries, had over 400 branches,
and had assets in excess of US$ 20 billion making it the 7th largest
private bank in the world by assets. In the late 1980's BCCI became the
target of a two year undercover operation conducted by the US Customs
Service. This operation concluded with a fake wedding that was attended
by BCCI officers and drug dealers from around the world who had
established a personal friendship and working relationship with
undercover Special Agent Robert Mazur. After a six month trial in Tampa,
key bank officers were convicted and received lengthy prison sentences.
Bank officers began cooperating with law enforcement authorities and
that cooperation caused BCCI's many crimes to be revealed. BCCI came
under the scrutiny of regulatory bodies and intelligence agencies in the
1980s due to its perceived avoidance of falling under one regulatory
banking authority, a fact that was later, after extensive
investigations, proven to be false. BCCI became the focus of a massive
regulatory battle in 1991 and was described as a "$20-billion-plus
heist". Investigators in the U.S. and the UK revealed that BCCI had been
"set up deliberately to avoid centralized regulatory review, and
operated extensively in bank secrecy jurisdictions. Its affairs were
extraordinarily complex. Its officers were sophisticated international
bankers whose apparent objective was to keep their affairs secret, to
commit fraud on a massive scale, and to avoid detection."
This is a report from July 23, 1991 on the BCCI:
Video BCCI Scandal Detailed Report 7/23/1991/ NBC:
Video BCCI Scandal CIA Connections 7/8/1991 NBC:
Video BCCI Scandal Pakistan's Nuclear Program Funded 8/6/1991 NBC:
Video BCCI Scandal Brief Report 3/4/1991 NBC:
14.CIA Drug Running in LA:
Pulitzer Prize Award winning journalist Gary Webb exposed this
alongside LAPD Narcotics Officer turned whislteblower and author Michael
Ruppert, CIA Contract Pilot Terry Reed, and many others. In August 1996
the San Jose Mercury News published Webb's "Dark Alliance", a 20,000
word, three-part investigative series which alleged that Nicaraguan drug
traffickers had sold and distributed crack cocaine in Los Angeles
during the 1980s, and that drug profits were used to fund the
CIA-supported Nicaraguan Contras. Webb never asserted that the CIA
directly aided drug dealers to raise money for the Contras, but he did
document that the CIA was aware of the cocaine transactions and the
large shipments of cocaine into the U.S. by the Contra personnel. "Dark
Alliance" received national attention. At the height of the interest,
the web version of it on San Jose Mercury News website received 1.3
million hits a day. According to the Columbia Journalism Review, the
series became "the most talked-about piece of journalism in 1996 and
arguably the most famous-some would say infamous-set of articles of the
April 6, 1987 Report on CIA Drug Running:
Video Iran Contra Drug Smuggling, Detailed Report 4/6/1987 CBS:
January 20, 1987 Report on CIA Drug Smuggling
Video Iran Contra Drug Smuggling, 2 CIA Contract Pilots Confess 1/20/1987 ABC:
Video CIA Drug Running Judge Bonner 11/19/1993 CBS:
15.Gulf of Tonkin Never Happened: The
Gulf of Tonkin Incident is the name given to two separate incidents
involving the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the United States in
the waters of the Gulf of Tonkin. On August 2, 1964 two American
destroyers engaged three North Vietnamese torpedo boats, resulting in
the sinking of one of the torpedo boats.This was also the single most
important reason for the escalation of the Vietnam War.After Kennedy was
assassinated, the Gulf of Tonkin gave the country the sweeping support
for aggressive military action against the North Vietnamese.
The outcome of the incident was the
passage by Congress of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which granted
President Lyndon B. Johnson the authority to assist any Southeast Asian
country whose government was considered to be jeopardized by "communist
aggression".In 2005, an internal National Security Agency historical
study was declassified; it concluded that USS Maddox had engaged the
North Vietnamese on August 2, but that there may not have been any North
Vietnamese vessels present during the engagement of August 4. The
report stated "It is not simply that there is a different story as to
what happened; it is that no attack happened that night..."In truth,
Hanoi's navy was engaged in nothing that night but the salvage of two of
the boats damaged on August 2.In 1965, President Johnson commented
privately: "For all I know, our Navy was shooting at whales out there."
In 1981, Captain Herrick and journalist
Robert Scheer re-examined Herrick's ship's log and determined that the
first torpedo report from August 4, which Herrick had maintained had
occurred-the "apparent ambush"-was in fact unfounded.In 1995, retired
Vietnamese Defense Minister Vo Nguyen Giap, meeting with former
Secretary of Defense McNamara, categorically denied that Vietnamese
gunboats had attacked American destroyers on August 4, while admitting
to the attack on August 2.In the Fall of 1999, retired senior CIA
engineering executive S. Eugene Poteat wrote that he was asked in early
August 1964 to determine if the radar operator's report showed a real
torpedo boat attack or an imagined one.In October, 2005 the New York
Times reported that Robert J. Hanyok, a historian for the U.S. National
Security Agency, had concluded that the NSA deliberately distorted the
intelligence reports that it had passed on to policy-makers regarding
the August 4, 1964 incident. He concluded that the motive was not
political but was probably to cover up honest intelligence errors.
November 9th, 1995 New Clip on Gulf of Tonkin:
Video Gulf of Tonkin Incident Robert MacNamara Visits Vietnam, Admits 11/9/1995:
16.The Business Plot:
In 1933, group of wealthy businessmen that allegedly included the heads
of Chase Bank, GM, Goodyear, Standard Oil, the DuPont family and
Senator Prescott Bush tried to recruit Marine Corps Major General
Smedley Butler to lead a military coup against President FDR and install
a fascist dictatorship in the United States. And yes, we're talking
about the same Prescott Bush who fathered one US President and
grandfathered another one.Smedley Butler was both a patriot and a vocal
FDR supporter. Apparently none of these criminal masterminds noticed
that their prospective point man had actively stumped for FDR in
1932.Smedley spilled the beans to a congressional committee in 1934.
Everyone he accused of being a
conspirator vehemently denied it, and none of them were brought up on
criminal charges. Still, the House McCormack-Dickstein Committee did at
least acknowledge the existence of the conspiracy, which ended up never
getting past the initial planning stages.Though many of the people who
had allegedly backed the Business Plot also maintained financial ties
with Nazi Germany up through America's entry into World War II. In 1934,
the Business Plot was publicly revealed by retired Marine Corps Major
General Smedley Butler testifying to the McCormack-Dickstein
Congressional Committee. In his testimony, Butler claimed that a group
of men had approached him as part of a plot to overthrow Roosevelt in a
military coup. One of the alleged plotters, Gerald MacGuire, vehemently
denied any such plot. In their final report, the Congressional committee
supported Butler's allegations of the existence of the plot, but no
prosecutions or further investigations followed, and the matter was
mostly forgotten.
On July 17, 1932, thousands of World War
I veterans converged on Washington, D.C., set up tent camps, and
demanded immediate payment of bonuses due them according to the Adjusted
Service Certificate Law of 1924. This "Bonus Army" was led by Walter W.
Waters, a former Army sergeant. The Army was encouraged by an
appearance from retired Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler, who
had considerable influence over the veterans, being one of the most
popular military figures of the time. A few days after Butler's arrival,
President Herbert Hoover ordered the marchers removed, and their camps
were destroyed by US Army cavalry troops under the command of General
Douglas MacArthur.
Butler, although a self-described
Republican, responded by supporting Roosevelt in that year's
election. In a 1995 History Today article Clayton Cramer argued that the
devastation of the Great Depression had caused many Americans to
question the foundations of liberal democracy. "Many traditionalists,
here and in Europe, toyed with the ideas of Fascism and National
Socialism; many liberals dallied with Socialism and Communism." Cramer
argues that this explains why some American business leaders viewed
fascism as a viable system to both preserve their interests and end the
economic woes of the Depression.
BBC - Whitehouse Coup (Part 1)
Video The White House Coup (1993) 1 of 3:
Video The White House Coup (1993) 2 of 3:
Video The White House Coup (1993) 3 of 3:
17.July 20, 1944 Conspiracy to Assassinate Hitler:Among
another 20 some odd attempts, this one was one of the largest
conspiracies involving hundreds of loyalists in the highest echelons of
Hitler's inner circle.Near the end of WWII, things were rapidly going
south for Germany and the time seemed ripe for guilt-ridden Nazi
officers to assassinate Hitler and overthrow his government. Colonel
Henning von Tresckow recruited Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg to join
the conspiracy in 1944.The plot to take out Hitler and then all of his
loyal officers was called Operation Valkyrie.
The plan was to use the Continuity of
Government Proceedings during an assassination on Hitler's life to take
over full control of the government in Germany.The assassination would
be blamed on the Nazi SS and therefore allow Stauffenberg to take full
control of all aspects of the government.It almost worked.In July 1944,
Stauffenberg was promoted so that he could now start attending military
strategy meetings with Hitler himself. On more than one occasion
Stauffenberg planned to kill Hitler at such a meeting with a briefcase
bomb, but he always held off because he also wanted to take out Hitler's
two right-hand men, Hermann Goering and Heinrich Himmler. On July 20,
he went for it anyway and exploded a bomb inside Hitler's conference
room with a remote detonator. Hitler survived only minor injuries.
18.Operation Ajax: For
years, Britain had a spiffy trade deal with Iran regarding their
prodigious oil fields. The Anglo-Iranian Oil Company was basically a
giant money machine for the Anglo half, while the Iranian half got
shafted. That all changed in 1951 when Iran nationalized the AIOC and
the Iranian parliament elected Mohammed Mossadegh as Prime Minister.
Mossadegh was relatively secular, something that pissed of Iranian
clerics, but he was also very nationalistic.He was a democratically
elected, pro American figure but the West saw his nationalizing of the
oil fields a communist move(something Mossadegh thought was the right of
the people to profit and pay for services in the country with).Those
oil fields were under the control of British Petroleum, but
unfortunately Mossadegh overruled this long standing business
control.The United States sent Kermit Roosevelt, FDR's nephew and CIA
coordinator in to figure out the mess.
The best he could come up with was to
confront Mossadegh and have him overthrown and this was accomplished by
bringing in what the agency refers to as "jackals."The United States
backed the return of the Shah of Iran, one of the most brutal dictators
the country had ever seen and intentionally overthrew years before with
the democratic leader, Mossadegh.Until 1979, that is, when a pissed off
Iranian populace finally revolted and replaced the monarchy with an
anti-West Islamic Republic.The result was a violently anti-American
revolution lead by the Ayatollah Khomeini which overthrew the Shah and
took hostage US Embassy workers, many of whom were involved in the plot
with Kermit Roosevelt that installed the Shah.The planning for the Coup
took place largely in that embassy, but Americans were told this was due
to the rise of radical Islam and rise of democracy hating Muslims,
which of course was far from the truth.
Video U.S. and Them: Operation Ajax - Iran and the CIA coup (1/2):
Video U.S. and Them: Operation Ajax - Iran and the CIA coup (2/2):
19.Operation Snow White:
Some time during the 1970s, the Church of Scientology decided that
they'd had enough.Apparently, the Church of Scientology managed to
perform the largest infiltration of the United States government in
history. Ever.5,000 of Scientology's crack commandos wiretapped and
burglarized various agencies. They stole hundreds of documents, mainly
from the IRS. No critic was spared, and in the end, 136 organizations,
agencies and foreign embassies were infiltrated.
20.Operation Gladio: Gladio
is a code name denoting the clandestine NATO "stay-behind" operation in
Italy after World War II, intended to continue anti-communist
resistance in the event of a Warsaw Pact invasion of Western Europe.
Although Gladio specifically refers to the Italian branch of the NATO
stay-behind organizations, "Operation Gladio" is used as an informal
name for all stay-behind organizations, sometimes called "Super NATO".
The role of the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) in sponsoring Gladio and the extent of its activities
during the Cold War era, and its relationship to right-wing terrorist
attacks perpetrated in Italy during the Years of Lead and other similar
clandestine operations is the subject of ongoing debate and
investigation. Italy, Switzerland and Belgium have had parliamentary
inquiries into the matter.What can we prove about that role?Thousands of
documents, depositions and testimony as well as recorded conversations
and admission by the highest levels of government in Italy.That's about
as credible as it gets, regardless of the CIA's adamant denial it ever
happened. What took place?The shooting of innocent civilians, terrorism
and assassinations all blamed on leftist communists were actually apart
of well coordinated, "black operations."Black operations are typically
involving activities that are highly clandestine and, often, outside of
standard military protocol.
"The right hand doesn't know what the
left hand is doing."Black ops missions often fit into the deniable
category, a situation in which there is no claim of responsibility for
the action, and/or a false flag operation is used to give the appearance
that another actor was responsible, or - most often - black operations
involve extensive arrangements so as to be able to hide the fact that
the black operation ever occurred. Black military operations, or
paramilitary operations, can be used by various secret services to
achieve or attempt to achieve an unusually sensitive goal. The methods
used in black operations are also used in unconventional warfare.
Depending on the precise situation in a given case, and the level of
authoritarianism of the national government or other responsible party,
some tasks will be conducted as black operations, while there are
usually other activities that can be admitted openly.
Black operations may include such things
as assassination, sabotage, extortion, spying on allied countries or
one's own citizens, kidnapping, supporting resistance movements,
torture, use of fraud to obtain funds, use of child soldiers, human
experimentation, trafficking in contraband items, etc.Since 9/11, many
black operations and long time unethical standings have been approved
for legality in the war on terror.In other words, since September 11th,
2001, it is no a longer conspiracy for any of this to occur, a simple
decision by a top level military or CIA official is enough, without
oversight or even one thread of admission by the Government or Private
conspirators.Much of the Black operations today are performed by private
contract companies like Blackwater (now Xe).
This is a documentary banned in teh United States that was allowed to air on BBC. It was an investigation into Operation Gladio:
21.The CIA Assassinates A Lot Of People (Church Committee):
The Church Committee is the common term referring to the United States
Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to
Intelligence Activities, a U.S. Senate committee chaired by Senator
Frank Church in 1975. A precursor to the U.S. Senate Select Committee on
Intelligence, the committee investigated intelligence gathering for
illegality by the CIA and FBI after certain activities had been revealed
by the Watergate affair.The Committee uncovered, among many other
things, that the CIA had violated its charter to perform only gathering
of intelligence.
For example, the assassinations of
Allende in Chile and Mossadegh in Iran. Assassinations against Central
and South American leaders and revolutionaries, as well as Africa,
Middle East and East Asia.The list was tremendous.They even declassified
a "Heart Attack Gun" the Agency had made for the use of killing someone
without it being detected.Cancer, car accidents, skiing accidents,
suicide, boating accidents, heart attacks, and just plain being shot
were common assassination methods.The hearings, although recorded in
full in congressional record, the mainstream media and official
policies, is still largely not taught in American schools on recent
history.The American public still has no idea this was ever actually
confirmed or even took place.It is common for people to still refer to
any of these assassinations as a joke or made up conspiracy.
Watch the one-minute video below for the
description of a former CIA secretary and Congressional testimony on
this secret assassination weapon which caused heart attacks.
33 Teori Konspirasi Ternyata Benar
33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True, What Every Person Should Know...
By Jonathan Elinoff, New World Order Report
Bagian Kedua
22.The New World Order:
This popular conspiracy theory claims that a small group of
international elites controls and manipulates governments, industry and
media organisations worldwide. The primary tool they use to dominate
nations is the system of central banking. They are said to have funded
and in some cases caused most of the major wars of the last 200 years,
primarily through carrying out false flag attacks to manipulate
populations into supporting them, and have a grip on the world economy,
deliberately causing inflation and depressions at will. The people
behind the New World Order are thought to be international bankers, in
particular the owners of the private banks in the Federal Reserve
System, Bank of England and other central banks, and members of the
Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg
Group.Now, although this conspiracy theory was ridiculed for years, it
turns out that the Bilderberg does meet and requests no media
coverage.They receive no media coverage.The world's elite meet every
year and it goes largely unreported, for what?
Discussions at the meetings include the
economy, world affairs, war and in general, world policy.After the
financial collapse, the Bilderberg played a key role in proposing that
the world prepare for a new world order and have a standard world
currency.This was propsed shortly after by almost all attendees of the
Bilderberg meeting.During the 20th century, many statesmen, such as
Woodrow Wilson and Winston Churchill, used the term "new world order" to
refer to a new period of history evidencing a dramatic change in world
political thought and the balance of power after World War I and World
War II.
They all saw these periods as
opportunities to implement idealistic or liberal proposals for global
governance only in the sense of new collective efforts to identify,
understand, or address worldwide problems that go beyond the capacity of
individual nation-states to solve. These proposals led to the creation
of international organizations, such as the United Nations and N.A.T.O.,
and international regimes, such as the Bretton Woods system and the
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, which were calculated both to
maintain a balance of power as well as regularize cooperation between
nations, in order to achieve a peaceful phase of capitalism.
In the aftermath of the two World Wars,
progressives welcomed these new international organizations and regimes
but argued they suffered from a democratic deficit and therefore were
inadequate to not only prevent another global war but also foster global
justice. American banker David Rockefeller joined the Council on
Foreign Relations as its youngest-ever director in 1949 and subsequently
became chairman of the board from 1970 to 1985; today he serves as
honorary chairman. In 2002, Rockefeller authored his
autobiography Memoirs wherein, on page 405, he wrote:
"For more than a century ideological
extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon
well-publicized incidents ... to attack the Rockefeller family for the
inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and
economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal
working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing
my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others
around the world to build a more integrated global political and
economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I
stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
Thus, activists around the globe formed a
world federalist movement bent on creating a "real" new world order. A
number of Fabian socialist intellectuals, such as British writer H. G.
Wells in the 1940s, appropriated and redefined the term "new world
order" as a synonym for the establishment of a full-fledged social
democratic world government.In the 1960s, a great deal of right-wing
conspiracist attention, by groups like the John Birch Society and the
Liberty Lobby, focused on the United Nations as the vehicle for creating
the "One World Government", and contributed to a conservative movement
for United States withdrawal from the U.N.. American writer Mary M.
Davison, in her 1966 booklet The Profound Revolution, traced the alleged
New World Order conspiracy to the creation of the U.S. Federal Reserve
System in 1913 by international bankers, who she claimed later formed
the Council on Foreign Relations in 1921 as the shadow government. At
the time the booklet was published, "international bankers" would have
been interpreted by many readers as a reference to a postulated
"international Jewish banking conspiracy" masterminded by the
Rothschilds and Rockefellers.American televangelist Pat Robertson with
his 1991 best-selling book The New World Order became the most prominent
Christian popularizer of conspiracy theories about recent American
history as a theater in which Wall Street, the Federal Reserve System,
Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, and Trilateral
Commission control the flow of events from behind the scenes, nudging us
constantly and covertly in the direction of world government for the
After the turn of the century,
specifically during the financial crisis of 2007-2009, many politicians
and pundits, such as Gordon Brown, Henry Kissinger, and Barack Obama,
used the term "new world order" in their advocacy for a Keynesian reform
of the global financial system and their calls for a "New Bretton
Woods", which takes into account emerging markets such as China and
India. These declarations had the unintended consequence of providing
fresh fodder for New World Order conspiracism, and culminated in former
Clinton administration adviser Dick Morris and conservative talk show
host Sean Hannity arguing on one of his Fox News Channel programs that
"conspiracy theorists were right".
In 2009, American film directors Luke
Meyer and Andrew Neel released New World Order, a critically-acclaimed
documentary film which explores the world of conspiracy theorists, such
as American radio host Alex Jones, who are committed to exposing and
vigorously opposing what they perceive to be an emerging New World
May 24, 1992 Report on New World Order:
Video New World Order Dick Cheney Military Strategy 5/24/1992 CBS:
23.Kennedy Assassination - the 2nd Investigation by Congress Few People Know About, United States House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA): The HSCA was
established in 1976 to investigate the John F. Kennedy assassination
and the Martin Luther King, Jr. assassination. The Committee
investigated until 1978, and in 1979 issued its final report, concluding
that President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated by a
conspiracy involving the mob, and potentially the CIA.The House Select
Committee on Assassinations undertook reinvestigations of the murders of
John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. In 1979, a single Report
and twelve volumes of appendices on each assassination were published by
the Congress. In the JFK case, the HSCA found that there was a
"probable conspiracy," though it was unable to determine the nature of
that conspiracy or its other participants (besides Oswald).
This finding was based in part on
acoustics evidence from a tape purported to record the shots, but was
also based on other evidence including an investigation of Ruby's mafia
connections and potential CIA and/or FBI connections to Oswald. To this
day, many conspiracy deniers are unaware that the Congressional
investigation into JFK's assassination concluded beyond any shadow of a
doubt that it was a conspiracy.What made them come to this conclusion?
Aside from reading the report, many
witnesses (some of whom were CIA agents and station chiefs in Dallas
that morning) were killed the night before testifying.For example,
George de Mohrenschildt was a petroleum geologist who befriended Lee
Harvey Oswald during the months preceding the assassination of U.S.
President John F. Kennedy.He also worked for the CIA.He also blew his
brains out the night before he was to testify to the committee.The
committee also uncovered, among many things, that Oswald left the
marines where he learned how to speak fluent Russian (at the height of
the cold war).He was given money by the State Department to travel to
Russia where he stopped off in Japan at a top secret US Military
facility.The Warren Commission even mentioned this part.What most people
do not know is that he probably was working in the Cold War
infiltrating the Russians as either a "dangle," "double agent," or
"defector" of some kind.
What is interesting is that upon his
return he got more money from the State Department to buy a house and
work with an ex FBI Chief and CIA officials in training anti-Castro
Cubans for an invasion.In Louisiana, where he was working, the CIA was
involved in Operation Mongoose, Where Oswald worked under CIA Agent
David Ferrie, who killed himself before testifying in a trial on the
Assassination as well.Operation Mongoose worked closely with Southern
Mafia figures largely because the casinos in Cuba, which were shut down
after Fidel obtained control over the country, were epicenters for
control on the island.
The CIA even hired the mafia to
assassinate Fidel on many occasions, 3 attempts which failed are common
knowledge.What is funny is that figures who worked very close with
Oswald either ended up dead (over 100 of them connected to the
assassination died within a few years of unusual circumstances) or they
ended up in other conspiracies.
For instance, E Howard Hunt (CIA Agent)
confessed to being involved in the conspiracy to assassinate Kennedy on
his deathbed.E Howard Hunt was one of the Watergate Burglars.Barry Seal,
who worked with Oswald and Ferrie ended up being one of the largest
cocaine smugglers in the United States during Iran Contra, as a key
player for the agency and informant for the DEA.There is so much more to
get into, but there just isn't enough time. Oswald's tax returns are
still classified top secret to this day. Why? Perhaps he was still
getting $$ from the United States, which places him on the payroll. That
money trail leads to figures, many of whom were murdered, that would
have blown the story wide open. For 14 years, most didn't know this. The
HSCA investigaitons by congress went against the findings of the Warren
Commission and both reports are from the same source, Congressional
Committees. Which is true? Why do we only teach one to our children in
December 30, 1978 Report on HSCA Findings:
Video Kennedy Assassination House Committee on Assassinations Conclude JFK and MLK Conspiracies 12/30/1978:
24. 1919 World Series Conspiracy: The
1919 World Series (often referred to as the Black Sox Scandal) resulted
in the most famous scandal in baseball history. Eight players from the
Chicago White Sox (nicknamed the Black Sox) were accused of throwing the
series against the Cincinnati Reds.Details of the scandal remain
controversial, and the extent to which each player was involved varied.
It was, however, front-page news across the country when the story was
uncovered late in the 1920 season, and despite being acquitted of
criminal charges (throwing baseball games was technically not a crime),
the eight players were banned from organized baseball (i.e. the leagues
subject to the National Agreement) for life.There are hundreds of other
conspiracies involving throwing games, sporting matches and large scale
entertainment events.It is common knowledge for many, this list would
have to go into the thousands if we included all of them.
25.Karen Silkwood: Karen
was an American labor union activist and chemical technician at the
Kerr-McGee plant near Crescent, Oklahoma, United States. Silkwood's job
was making plutonium pellets for nuclear reactor fuel rods.After being
hired at Kerr-McGee, Silkwood joined the Oil, Chemical & Atomic
Workers Union local and took part in a strike at the plant. After the
strike ended, she was elected to the union's bargaining committee and
assigned to investigate health and safety issues. She discovered what
she believed to be numerous violations of health regulations, including
exposure of workers to contamination, faulty respiratory equipment and
improper storage of samples. She also believed the lack of sufficient
shower facilities could increase the risk of employee contamination.
In the summer of 1974, Silkwood
testified to the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) about these issues,
alleging that safety standards had slipped because of a production
speedup which resulted in employees being given tasks for which they
were poorly trained. She also alleged that Kerr-McGee employees handled
the fuel rods improperly and that the company falsified inspection
records.On November 5, 1974, Silkwood performed a routine self-check and
found almost 400 times the legal limit for plutonium contamination. She
was decontaminated at the plant and sent home with a testing kit to
collect urine and feces for further analysis. Oddly, though there was
plutonium on the exterior surfaces (the ones she touched) of the gloves
she had been using, the gloves did not have any holes.
This suggests the contamination did not
come from inside the glove box, but from some other source, in other
words, someone was trying to poison her.The next morning, as she headed
to a union negotiation meeting, she again tested positive for plutonium.
This was surprising because she had only performed paperwork duties
that morning. She was given a more intense decontamination. The
following day, November 7, 1974, as she entered the plant, she was found
to be dangerously contaminated - even expelling contaminated air from
her lungs. A health physics team accompanied her back to her home and
found plutonium traces on several surfaces - especially in the bathroom
and the refrigerator.
The house was later stripped and
decontaminated. Silkwood, her partner and housemate were sent to Los
Alamos National Laboratory for in-depth testing to determine the extent
of the contamination in their bodies.Later that evening, Silkwood's body
was found in her car, which had run off the road and struck a culvert.
The car contained no documents. She was pronounced dead at the scene
from a "classic, one-car sleeping-driver accident".
26.CIA Drug Smuggling in Arkansas: August
23, 1987, in a rural community just south of Little Rock, police
officers murdered two teenage boys because they witnessed a
police-protected drug drop.The drop was part of a drug smuggling
operation based at a small airport in Mena, Arkansas. The Mena operation
was set up in the early 1980's by the notorious drug smuggler, Barry
Seal. Facing prison after a drug conviction in Florida, Seal flew to
Washington, D.C., where he put together a deal that allowed him to avoid
prison by becoming an informant for the government. As a government
informant against drug smugglers, Seal testified he worked for the CIA
and the DEA. In one federal court case, he testified that his income
from March 1984 to August 1985, was between $700,000 and $800,000. This
period was AFTER making his deal with the government.
Seal testified that nearly $600,000 of
this came from smuggling drugs while working for -- and with the
permission of the DEA. In addition to his duties as an informant, Seal
was used by CIA operatives to help finance the Nicaraguan Contras. The
CIA connection to the Mena operation was undeniable when a cargo plane
given to Seal by the CIA was shot down over Nicaragua with a load of
weapons. In spite of the evidence, every investigator who has tried to
expose the crimes of Mena has been professionally destroyed, and those
involved in drug smuggling operations have received continued protection
from state and federal authorities.
February 20, 1986 report on Mena Drug Smuggling:
Video Mena Barry Seal Assassination Investigation 2 20 1986 NBC:
Video Iran Contra Drug Smuggling Confirmation Major Investigation
4 7 1988 ABC:
Video Iran Contra CIA Drug Running Mena Arkansas Barry Seal
3 25 1994 CBS:
27.Bohemian Grove: For
years, many conspiracy theorists were saying that the rich and powerful
met every year in the woods and worshiped a giant stone owl in an occult
fashion.It turns out, ABC, CBS, NBC, and many other credible news
agencies investigated this and found out, its true.It is said to be just
all fun and games, like brotherhood style fraternity stuff.These news clips can be viewed by clicking here.
Bohemian Grove Secrecy Upheld, Nixon Speech 7-30-1971, NBC
Video Bohemian Grove Secrecy Upheld, Nixon Speech 7 30 1971 NBC:
Video Bohemian Grove Weinberger and Reagan Retreat Mentioned 7 21 1983 NBC:
Video Bohemian Grove Detailed Report 7 23 1982 NBC:
Video Bohemian Grove Detailed Report 7 23 1981 ABC:
Video Bohemian Grove Mention at Smith Testimony 1 15 1981 ABC:
Video Nixon Tape Discusses Homosexuals at Bohemian Grove:
Video Alex Jones asks David Gergen about Bohemian Grove Rituals:
28.Operation Paperclip:
Operation Paperclip was the code name for the 1945 Office of Strategic
Services, Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency recruitment of German
scientists from Nazi Germany to the U.S. after VE Day.President Truman
authorized Operation Paperclip in August 1945; however he expressly
ordered that anyone found "to have been a member of the Nazi party and
more than a nominal participant in its activities, or an active
supporter of Nazi militarism" would be excluded.These included Wernher
von Braun, Arthur Rudolph and Hubertus Strughold, who were all
officially on record as Nazis and listed as a "menace to the security of
the Allied Forces." All were cleared to work in the U.S. after having
their backgrounds "bleached" by the military; false employment histories
were provided, and their previous Nazi affiliations were expunged from
the record. The paperclips that secured newly-minted background details
to their personnel files gave the operation its name.
29.The Round Table:
British businessman Cecil Rhodes advocated the British Empire reannexing
the United States of America and reforming itself into an "Imperial
Federation" to bring about a hyperpower and lasting world peace. In his
first will, of 1877, written at the age of 23, he expressed his wish to
fund a secret society (known as the Society of the Elect) that would
advance this goal:"To and for the establishment, promotion and
development of a Secret Society, the true aim and object whereof shall
be for the extension of British rule throughout the world, the
perfecting of a system of emigration from the United Kingdom, and of
colonization by British subjects of all lands where the means of
livelihood are attainable by energy, labor and enterprise, and
especially the occupation by British settlers of the entire Continent of
Africa, the Holy Land, the Valley of the Euphrates, the Islands of
Cyprus and Candia, the whole of South America, the Islands of the
Pacific not heretofore possessed by Great Britain, the whole of the
Malay Archipelago, the seaboard of China and Japan, the ultimate
recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the
British Empire, the inauguration of a system of Colonial representation
in the Imperial Parliament which may tend to weld together the
disjointed members of the Empire and, finally, the foundation of so
great a Power as to render wars impossible, and promote the best
interests of humanity."
In his later wills, a more mature Rhodes
abandoned the idea and instead concentrated on what became the Rhodes
Scholarship, which had British statesman Alfred Milner as one of its
trustees. Established in 1902, the original goal of the trust fund was
to foster peace among the great powers by creating a sense of fraternity
and a shared world view among future British, American, and German
leaders by having enabled them to study for free at the University of
Oxford.Milner and British official Lionel George Curtis were the
architects of the Round Table movement, a network of organizations
promoting closer union between Britain and its self-governing colonies.
To this end, Curtis founded the Royal
Institute of International Affairs in June 1919 and, with his 1938
book The Commonwealth of God, began advocating for the creation of an
imperial federation that eventually reannexes the U.S., which would be
presented to Protestant churches as being the work of the Christian God
to elicit their support. The Commonwealth of Nations was created in 1949
but it would only be a free association of independent states rather
than the powerful imperial federation imagined by Rhodes, Milner and
Curtis.The Council on Foreign Relations began in 1917 with a group of
New York academics who were asked by President Woodrow Wilson to offer
options for the foreign policy of the United States in the interwar
Originally envisioned as a
British-American group of scholars and diplomats, some of whom belonging
to the Round Table movement, it was a subsequent group of 108 New York
financiers, manufacturers and international lawyers organized in June
1918 by Nobel Peace Prize recipient and U.S. secretary of state, Elihu
Root, that became the Council on Foreign Relations on 29 July 1921. The
first of the council's projects was a quarterly journal launched in
September 1922, called Foreign Affairs.Some believe that the Council on
Foreign Relations is a front organization for the Round Table as a tool
of the "Anglo-American Establishment", which they believe has been
plotting from 1900 on to rule the world.
The research findings of historian
Carroll Quigley, author of the 1966 book Tragedy and Hope, are taken by
both conspiracy theorists of the American Old Right (Cleon Skousen) and
New Left (Carl Oglesby) to substantiate this view, even though he argued
that the Establishment is not involved in a plot to implement a
one-world government but rather British and American benevolent
imperialism driven by the mutual interests of economic elites in the
United Kingdom and the United States. Quigley also argued that, although
the Round Table still exists today, its position in influencing the
policies of world leaders has been much reduced from its heyday during
World War I and slowly waned after the end of World War II and the Suez
Crisis. Today it is largely a ginger group, designed to consider and
gradually influence the policies of the Commonwealth of Nations, but
faces strong opposition. Furthermore, in American society after 1965,
the problem, according to Quigley, was that no elite was in charge and
acting responsibly.
American banker David Rockefeller joined
the Council on Foreign Relations as its youngest-ever director in 1949
and subsequently became chairman of the board from 1970 to 1985; today
he serves as honorary chairman. In 2002, Rockefeller authored his
autobiography Memoirs wherein, on page 405, he wrote: "For more than a
century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum
have seized upon well-publicized incidents ... to attack the Rockefeller
family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American
political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a
secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States,
characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring
with others around the world to build a more integrated global
political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the
charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."Barkun argues that this
statement is partly facetious (the claim of "conspiracy" or "treason")
and partly serious - the desire to encourage trilateral cooperation
among the U.S., Europe, and Japan, for example - an ideal that used to
be a hallmark of the internationalist wing of the Republican Party when
there was an internationalist wing.
However, the statement is taken at face
value and widely cited by conspiracy theorists as proof that the Council
on Foreign Relations (itself alleged to be a front for an
"international banking cabal", as well as, it is claimed, the sponsor of
many "globalist" think tanks such as the Trilateral Commission) uses
its role as the brain trust of American presidents, senators and
representatives to manipulate them into supporting a New World Order.
Conspiracy theorists fear that the
international bankers of financial capitalism are planning to eventually
subvert the independence of the U.S. by subordinating national
sovereignty to a strengthened Bank for International Settlements with
the intent to "create a world system of financial control in private
hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the
economy of the world as a whole".In a 13 November 2007 interview with
Canadian journalist Benjamin Fulford, Rockefeller countered:
"I don't think that I really feel that
we need a world government. We need governments of the world that work
together and collaborate. But, I can't imagine that there would be any
likelihood or even that it would be desirable to have a single
government elected by the people of the world ... There have been
people, ever since I've had any kind of position in the world, who have
accused me of being ruler of the world. I have to say that I think for
the large part, I would have to decide to describe them as crackpots. It
makes no sense whatsoever, and isn't true, and won't be true, and to
raise it as a serious issue seems to me to be irresponsible."
Some American social critics, such as
Laurence H. Shoup, argue that the Council on Foreign Relations is an
"imperial brain trust", which has, for decades, played a central
behind-the-scenes role in shaping U.S. foreign policy choices for the
post-WWII international order and the Cold War, by determining what
options show up on the agenda and what options do not even make it to
the table; while others, such as G. William Domhoff, argue that it is in
fact a mere policy discussion forum, which provides the business input
to U.S. foreign policy planning. The latter argue that it has nearly
3,000 members, far too many for secret plans to be kept within the
group; all the council does is sponsor discussion groups, debates and
speakers; and as far as being secretive, it issues annual reports and
allows access to its historical archives.
30.The Illuminati: The
Order of the Illuminati was an Enlightenment-age secret society founded
on May 1st, 1776, in Ingolstadt (Upper Bavaria), by Adam Weishaupt, who
was the first lay professor of canon law at the University of
Ingolstadt. The movement consisted of freethinkers, secularists,
liberals, republicans and pro-feminists, recruited in the Masonic Lodges
of Germany, who sought to promote perfectionism through mystery
schools. As a result, in 1785, the order was infiltrated, broken and
suppressed by the government agents of Charles Theodore, Elector of
Bavaria, in his campaign to neutralize the threat of secret societies
ever becoming hotbeds of conspiracies to overthrow the monarchy and
state religion.In the late 18th century, reactionary conspiracy
theorists, such as Scottish physicist John Robison and French Jesuit
priest Augustin Barruel, began speculating that the Illuminati survived
their suppression and became the masterminds behind the French
Revolution and the Reign of Terror.
The Illuminati were accused of being
enlightened absolutists who were attempting to secretly orchestrate a
world revolution in order to globalize the most radical ideals of the
Enlightenment: anti-clericalism, anti-monarchism, and
anti-patriarchalism. During the 19th century, fear of an Illuminati
conspiracy was a real concern of European ruling classes, and their
oppressive reactions to this unfounded fear provoked in 1848 the very
revolutions they sought to prevent.Although many say that the Illuminati
was disbanded and destroyedso long ago, it is well known that the
Rothschild dynasty following the family's involvement in the secret
order in Bavaria received much attention for its major takeover of
Europe's central banks.The Rothschild dynasty owns roughly half of the
world's wealth and evidence suggests it has funded both sides of major
wars, including the United States Civil War.
31.The Trilateral Commission:
The Trilateral Commission is a private organization, established to
foster closer cooperation among the United States, Europe and Japan. It
was founded in July 1973 at the initiative of David Rockefeller, who was
Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations at that time. The
Trilateral Commission is widely seen as a counterpart to the Council on
Foreign Relations.In July 1972, Rockefeller called his first meeting,
which was held at Rockefeller's Pocantico compound in New York's Hudson
Valley. It was attended by about 250 individuals who were carefully
selected and screened by Rockefeller and represented the very elite of
finance and industry.Its first executive committee meeting was held in
Tokyo in October 1973. The Trilateral Commission was officially
initiated, holding biannual meetings.
A Trilateral Commission Task Force
Report, presented at the 1975 meeting in Kyoto, Japan, called An Outline
for Remaking World Trade and Finance, said: "Close Trilateral
cooperation in keeping the peace, in managing the world economy, and in
fostering economic development and in alleviating world poverty, will
improve the chances of a smooth and peaceful evolution of the global
system." Another Commission document read:"The overriding goal is to
make the world safe for interdependence by protecting the benefits which
it provides for each country against external and internal threats
which will constantly emerge from those willing to pay a price for more
national autonomy. This may sometimes require slowing the pace at which
interdependence proceeds, and checking some aspects of it. More
frequently however, it will call for checking the intrusion of national
government into the international exchange of both economic and
non-economic goods."
March 29, 1981 News Clip on Trilateral Commission:
Monday, July 18, 2011
Kelengkapan perang negara Iran yang mengerunkan negara Barat
Pada masa ini Iran menjadi salah sebuah negara dengan kekuatan ketenteraan yang
besar dan ditakuti. Selain isu tuduhan mengembangkan senjata nuklier, Iran juga
mempunyai persenjataan lengkap mulai dari bom, rudal, peluncur roket,
senapang dan lain-lain.
Kendaraan tempur yang dimiliki juga banyak
seperti pesawat, tank, kapal perang, kenderaan pengangkut personel, dan
sebagainya. Inilah yang boleh mengerunkan negara kuasa besar seperti
Amerika yang menjadi fobia terhadap Iran.





- 107 mm single barrel rocket launcher
- 107 mm double barrel rocket launcher
- 107 mm 12 barrel rocket launchers
- 122 mm single barrel rocket launcher
- Rocket artillery chart





- Fateh 60 mm mortar
- 81 mm HM15 mortar
- 120 mm HM16 mortar
- Mortar bombs
- 81 mm smoke/HE mortar bombs


- Anti-Tank Gun SPG-9
- Nakhjir Sniper Rifle SVD





Top to bottom:
- KL-7.62.39
- G3-A4
- KH 2002
- G3-A3
- S-5.56






- Fadjr-3 Multiple Launch Rocket System
- Fadjr-5 MLRS
- Fadjr brochure
- Nazeat-6 Rocket
- Nazeat brochure





- Iranian RPG-7
- Improved RPG launchers
- Nafez 40 mm anti-tank rocket
- Saegheh 40 mm anti-personnel rocket
- 40 mm tandem warhead anti-tank rocket




The Panha 2091 is an Iranian overhaul and upgrade of the Bell AH-1J Sea
Cobra light-attack helicopters purchased before the 1979 Islamic
Revolution. The overhaul and upgrade program is known as project number
2091 of the Iranian Helicopter Support and Renewal Company (Panha).
Reported upgrades include: new cockpit armoured panels, new
Iranian-designed canopy, new avionics, nose mounted camera, new cockpit





- Raad ATGM
- Tosan 1 (Copy of Konkurs, AT-5)
- Toophan-1
- Toophan-2
- Toophan launcher




Iranian Self-Propelled Artillery






The Mirage F1 was obtained by Iran from elements of the Iraqi Air Force
during the First Gulf War, which flew to Iran on orders from Saddam
Hussein. At least three examples were seen participating at the
National Military Day in Tehran in 2008.
T-72Z Tank in action












The HESA Saeqeh (Thunderbolt) is an Iranian single-seater fighter jet.
It is the second generation of the Iranian Azarakhsh fighter and, like
the first generation, appears to be based on the US F-5E. The Saeqeh
is a joint product of the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force and the
Iranian Ministry of Defense.


The HESA Azarakhsh (Lightning) is an indigenously manufactured fighter
from Iran. The aircraft appears to be based on the Northrop F-5,
although larger by 10%-15%. The Azarakhsh is said to use an upgraded
version of N-019 Topaz (N-019ME) radar. Several Azarakhsh fighters
performed a flyby at the 2008 Military Day in Tehran.
F-5 Freedom Fighter/Tiger in action












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Top to bottom:
- Boeing CH-47C Chinook lineup, IRIAA
- Boeing CH-47C Chinook at Zulfagahr manuevers 2006
- Bell AH-1 Super Cobra
- Bell AH-1 Super Cobra at Zulfagahr manuevers 2006
- Sikorsky RH-53D Sea Stallion at 2008 Military Day
- Boeing CH-47C Chinook lineup, IRIAA
- Boeing CH-47C Chinook at Zulfagahr manuevers 2006
- Bell AH-1 Super Cobra
- Bell AH-1 Super Cobra at Zulfagahr manuevers 2006
- Sikorsky RH-53D Sea Stallion at 2008 Military Day








Top to bottom:
- S-200 surface-to-air missile (SAM) in flight
- S-200 on transport at the 2007 Military Day Parade (Ghareh upgraded SAM with range of 315 km)
- Hawk surface-to-air missile (SAM) test launch
- Hawks on transport at the 2008 Military Day Parade
- S-200 surface-to-air missile (SAM) in flight
- S-200 on transport at the 2007 Military Day Parade (Ghareh upgraded SAM with range of 315 km)
- Hawk surface-to-air missile (SAM) test launch
- Hawks on transport at the 2008 Military Day Parade





























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