“Pada akhirnya Rusia dan Irani serta Syria telah memenangkan
peperangan ini dan kita menjadi pecundangnya, dan saya sangat khawatir
dengan apa yang akan terjadi di Iran” (US Senator Lindsey Graham)
Koran terkemuka Amerika The New York Times cukup tepat menggambarkan Israel sebagai "kekuatan gila perang" yang kini sendirian, setelah sekutunya, Amerika, mulai membuka dialog damai dengan Iran. Kesalahannya hanya sedikit, yaitu bahwa Israel masih memiliki teman-teman setia, yaitu orang-orang takfiri, al qaida, salafi, wahabi, arab badui, ekstremis sunni, mujahilin Syria penggorok leher dan pemakan bangkai, para pelaku jihad seks, Ali Imron dan Imam Samudra Cs,,, muslim suffer, dan manusia-manusia sejenisnya.
Dalam pidatonya di depan Sidang Umum PBB di New York, Selasa lalu (24/9) Presiden Amerika Barack Obama menyatakan bahwa Amerika kini membuka pintu diplomasi bagi Iran, yang disusul kemudian dengan laporan-laporan mengenai terjadinya pembicaraan langsung antara Obama dengan Presiden Iran Hassan Rouhani di sela-sela sidang umum PBB. Ini merupakan langkah sangat maju mengingat telah lebih dari 30 tahun tidak pernah terjadi momen seperti itu seiring dengan putusnya hubungan diplomatik kedua negara paska terjadinya Revolusi Islam Iran tahun 1979.
"Saya percaya bahwa jika kita bisa menyelesaikan isu program nuklir Iran, yang bisa menjadi langkah maju bagi jalan panjang hubungan yang berbeda, yang didasarkan pada saling menguntungkan dan saling menghargai," kata Obama di depan PBB.
Beberapa saat kemudian, Presiden Iran Hassan Rouhani menggunakan kesempatan pidato pertamanya di depan Sidang Umum PBB untuk menyampaikan kepada dunia, termasuk Amerika, bahwa Iran siap untuk melanjutkan perundingan tentang program nuklirnya secara transparan dan menyeluruh.
Rouhani mendesak Obama untuk menolak tekanan-tekanan dari "kekuatan gila perang" jika ingin menjalankan hubungan "perbedaaan" dengan Iran. Rouhani juga meyakinkan dunia bahwa Iran sama sekali tidak menginginkan senjata nuklir karena dianggap bertentangan dengan nilai-nilai etika dan agama.
"Senjata nuklir dan senjata-senjata pemusnah massal lainnya tidak memiliki tempat dalam doktrin pertahanan dan keamanan Iran, serta bertentangan dengan keyakinan agama dan etika kami," kata Rouhani.
Pada saat pidato Rouhani, delegasi Israel meninggalkan ruang sidang atas perintah PM Benjamin Netanyahu yang sekali lagi menuduh Iran berniat untuk memiliki senjata nuklir.
“Kami tidak akan dibodohi oleh penilaian setengah-setengah yang hanya memberikan perlindungan bagi ambisi senjata nuklir Iran," kata Netanyahu di Tel Aviv beberapa saat sebelum pidato Rouhani. “Dan dunia seharusnya juga tidak bisa dibodohi," tambahnya.
Para analis politik internasional menganggap sikap keras Israel tersebut membuat Israel justru semakin ditinggalkan sekutu-sekutunya yang ingin melakukan penyelesaian diplomatik dengan Iran.
“Sangat membayahakan bagi Israel untuk dipandang sebagai satu-satunya "penggila perang", kata Dan Gillerman, mantan dubes Israel untuk PBB, kepada New York Times.
Sementara Dan Meridor, seorang mantan menteri Israel mengatakan bahwa Israel harus "berbicara dengan nada positif" tentang presiden baru Iran Hassan Rouhani.
Selama ini Amerika, Israel dan negara-negara barat terus menuduh Iran tengah berupaya untuk membuat senjata nuklir di balik program energi nuklir yang dikembangkannya. Iran menolak tuduhan-tuduhan itu semua dan meyakinkan bahwa Iran adalah anggota badan atom internasional (IAEA) yang memiliki hak untuk mengembangkan nuklir untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi dan hal-hal bersifat damai lainnya.
Sementara itu Sidang Umum PBB yang baru saja berlangsung di New York mencatat sejarah baru dengan adanya pembicaraan langsung via telephon antara Obama dengan Rouhani yang berlangsung hari Jumat (27/9). Usai pembicaraan itu Obama langsung menyatakan antusiasmenya untuk menyelesaikan permasalah diplomatik antara kedua negara.
"Saya baru saja mengadakan pembicaraan via telepon dengan Presiden Republik Islam Iran Rouhani. Kami berdua membicarakan upaya-upaya kami yang tengah berlangsung untuk meraih kesepakatan tentang program nuklir Iran," kata Obama kepada pers, Jumat (27/9).
Menyebut pembicaraan langsung tersebut sebagai "kesempatan penting bagi kebijakan luar negari Amerika", Obama mengatakan keyakinannya bahwa kedua negara bisa meraih solusi yang komprehensif. Namun pernyataan terpenting Obama adalah pengakuannya bahwa Iran memiliki hak untuk mengembangkan energi nuklir untuk keperluan damai.
"Saya telah meyakinkan (Presiden Iran) bahwa kami menghormati hak rakyat Iran untuk mendapatkan energi nuklir untuk keperluan damai dalam hal Iran memenuhi kewajiban-kewajibannya. Jadi penelitian-penelitian yang dilakukan harus berjalan transpran dan bisa diverifikasi," kata Obama sembari menyatakan keyakinannya bahwa perkembangan yang terjadi akan bisa mengakhiri sanksi ekonomi yang kini tengah berlaku terhadap Iran.
Presiden Iran Hassan Rouhani sendiri telah mengkonfirmasi adanya pembicaraan langsung tersebut melalui pesan-pesan yang disampaikannya melalui situs jejaring sosial Twitter.
Pernyataan Obama itu terjadi sehari setelah diadakannya pertemuan antara 5 anggota tetap DK PBB (Inggris, Perancis, China, Russia, Amerika) ditambah Jerman dengan Iran, di markas besar PBB di New York, membicarakan program nuklir Iran.
Sebelumnya menlu Amerika John Kerry juga telah mengadakan pertemuan langsung dengan menlu Iran Mohammad Javad Zarif, yang oleh Kerry disebut sebagai sesuatu yang "konstruktif" dimana Iran telah memberikan semua pilihan tentang program nuklirnya.
"Kami sepakat untuk mencoba melanjutkan proses yang akan mencoba membuat sesuatu yang kongkrit dan menemukan jalan untuk menjawab semua pertanyaan tentang program nuklir Iran," kata John Kerry.
Pertemuan berikutnya antara Iran dengan anggota-anggota tetap DK PBB plus Jerman (P5+1) dijadwalkan akan dilangsungkan di Jenewa tgl 15 dan 16 Oktober mendatang.
“Rakyat di seluruh dunia telah muak dengan peperangan, kekerasan dan ekstrimisme. Mereka menginginkan perubahan dari status quo. Dalam beberapa tahun suara-suara dominan berulangkali terdengar, "solusi militer ada di atas meja". Terhadap hal ini saya mengatakan dengan jelas dan keras bahwa "perdamaian kini ada dalam jangkauan"."
Demikian sebagian bunyi pidato Presiden Iran Hassan Rouhani di depan Sidang Umum PBB, Jumat (27/9). Pidato itu, oleh analis politik internasional Finian Cunningham, dianggap sebagai penanda yang sangat jelas bahwa Iran dengan konsisten telah menjalankan diplomasi damai di tengah-tengah berbagai ancaman dan hujatan Amerika dan sekutu-sekutunya. Dan kini Iran muncul sebagai pemenang, setelah Amerika akhirnya mengulurkan tangannya kepada Iran.
Militer Amerika masih menjadi ancaman dunia, khususnya di tengah-tengah ancaman krisis kolapsnya ekonomi dunia. Namun rakyat Iran kini mendapatkan sekutu baru, yaitu masyarakat dunia yang kini bisa dengan jelas melihat siapa musuh dunia, yaitu sistem elit global yang korup dan destruktif.
“Militerisme dan sumber-sumber kekerasan lain untuk menundukkan negara-negara lain merupakan contoh-contoh kegagalan pendekatan lama di dalam situasi dunia yang baru."
Itu juga pidato Rouhani yang oleh Cunningham dianggap menunjukkan bahwa Iran telah berhasil menampilkan diri sebagai negara damai yang tidak mengancam negara manapun, yang memiliki keinginan untuk bergabung dengan negara-negara dunia lainnya mewujudkan perdamaian dunia, termasuk dengan menghancurkan semua senjata pemusnah massal.
"Israel the only ‘warmonger’ as Obama pledges diplomacy with Iran"; Press TV; 25 September 2013
"Obama says talks with Rouhani shows possibility of moving forward"; Press TV; 27 September 2013
Koran terkemuka Amerika The New York Times cukup tepat menggambarkan Israel sebagai "kekuatan gila perang" yang kini sendirian, setelah sekutunya, Amerika, mulai membuka dialog damai dengan Iran. Kesalahannya hanya sedikit, yaitu bahwa Israel masih memiliki teman-teman setia, yaitu orang-orang takfiri, al qaida, salafi, wahabi, arab badui, ekstremis sunni, mujahilin Syria penggorok leher dan pemakan bangkai, para pelaku jihad seks, Ali Imron dan Imam Samudra Cs,,, muslim suffer, dan manusia-manusia sejenisnya.
Dalam pidatonya di depan Sidang Umum PBB di New York, Selasa lalu (24/9) Presiden Amerika Barack Obama menyatakan bahwa Amerika kini membuka pintu diplomasi bagi Iran, yang disusul kemudian dengan laporan-laporan mengenai terjadinya pembicaraan langsung antara Obama dengan Presiden Iran Hassan Rouhani di sela-sela sidang umum PBB. Ini merupakan langkah sangat maju mengingat telah lebih dari 30 tahun tidak pernah terjadi momen seperti itu seiring dengan putusnya hubungan diplomatik kedua negara paska terjadinya Revolusi Islam Iran tahun 1979.
"Saya percaya bahwa jika kita bisa menyelesaikan isu program nuklir Iran, yang bisa menjadi langkah maju bagi jalan panjang hubungan yang berbeda, yang didasarkan pada saling menguntungkan dan saling menghargai," kata Obama di depan PBB.
Beberapa saat kemudian, Presiden Iran Hassan Rouhani menggunakan kesempatan pidato pertamanya di depan Sidang Umum PBB untuk menyampaikan kepada dunia, termasuk Amerika, bahwa Iran siap untuk melanjutkan perundingan tentang program nuklirnya secara transparan dan menyeluruh.
Rouhani mendesak Obama untuk menolak tekanan-tekanan dari "kekuatan gila perang" jika ingin menjalankan hubungan "perbedaaan" dengan Iran. Rouhani juga meyakinkan dunia bahwa Iran sama sekali tidak menginginkan senjata nuklir karena dianggap bertentangan dengan nilai-nilai etika dan agama.
"Senjata nuklir dan senjata-senjata pemusnah massal lainnya tidak memiliki tempat dalam doktrin pertahanan dan keamanan Iran, serta bertentangan dengan keyakinan agama dan etika kami," kata Rouhani.
Pada saat pidato Rouhani, delegasi Israel meninggalkan ruang sidang atas perintah PM Benjamin Netanyahu yang sekali lagi menuduh Iran berniat untuk memiliki senjata nuklir.
“Kami tidak akan dibodohi oleh penilaian setengah-setengah yang hanya memberikan perlindungan bagi ambisi senjata nuklir Iran," kata Netanyahu di Tel Aviv beberapa saat sebelum pidato Rouhani. “Dan dunia seharusnya juga tidak bisa dibodohi," tambahnya.
Para analis politik internasional menganggap sikap keras Israel tersebut membuat Israel justru semakin ditinggalkan sekutu-sekutunya yang ingin melakukan penyelesaian diplomatik dengan Iran.
“Sangat membayahakan bagi Israel untuk dipandang sebagai satu-satunya "penggila perang", kata Dan Gillerman, mantan dubes Israel untuk PBB, kepada New York Times.
Sementara Dan Meridor, seorang mantan menteri Israel mengatakan bahwa Israel harus "berbicara dengan nada positif" tentang presiden baru Iran Hassan Rouhani.
Selama ini Amerika, Israel dan negara-negara barat terus menuduh Iran tengah berupaya untuk membuat senjata nuklir di balik program energi nuklir yang dikembangkannya. Iran menolak tuduhan-tuduhan itu semua dan meyakinkan bahwa Iran adalah anggota badan atom internasional (IAEA) yang memiliki hak untuk mengembangkan nuklir untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi dan hal-hal bersifat damai lainnya.
Sementara itu Sidang Umum PBB yang baru saja berlangsung di New York mencatat sejarah baru dengan adanya pembicaraan langsung via telephon antara Obama dengan Rouhani yang berlangsung hari Jumat (27/9). Usai pembicaraan itu Obama langsung menyatakan antusiasmenya untuk menyelesaikan permasalah diplomatik antara kedua negara.
"Saya baru saja mengadakan pembicaraan via telepon dengan Presiden Republik Islam Iran Rouhani. Kami berdua membicarakan upaya-upaya kami yang tengah berlangsung untuk meraih kesepakatan tentang program nuklir Iran," kata Obama kepada pers, Jumat (27/9).
Menyebut pembicaraan langsung tersebut sebagai "kesempatan penting bagi kebijakan luar negari Amerika", Obama mengatakan keyakinannya bahwa kedua negara bisa meraih solusi yang komprehensif. Namun pernyataan terpenting Obama adalah pengakuannya bahwa Iran memiliki hak untuk mengembangkan energi nuklir untuk keperluan damai.
"Saya telah meyakinkan (Presiden Iran) bahwa kami menghormati hak rakyat Iran untuk mendapatkan energi nuklir untuk keperluan damai dalam hal Iran memenuhi kewajiban-kewajibannya. Jadi penelitian-penelitian yang dilakukan harus berjalan transpran dan bisa diverifikasi," kata Obama sembari menyatakan keyakinannya bahwa perkembangan yang terjadi akan bisa mengakhiri sanksi ekonomi yang kini tengah berlaku terhadap Iran.
Presiden Iran Hassan Rouhani sendiri telah mengkonfirmasi adanya pembicaraan langsung tersebut melalui pesan-pesan yang disampaikannya melalui situs jejaring sosial Twitter.
Pernyataan Obama itu terjadi sehari setelah diadakannya pertemuan antara 5 anggota tetap DK PBB (Inggris, Perancis, China, Russia, Amerika) ditambah Jerman dengan Iran, di markas besar PBB di New York, membicarakan program nuklir Iran.
Sebelumnya menlu Amerika John Kerry juga telah mengadakan pertemuan langsung dengan menlu Iran Mohammad Javad Zarif, yang oleh Kerry disebut sebagai sesuatu yang "konstruktif" dimana Iran telah memberikan semua pilihan tentang program nuklirnya.
"Kami sepakat untuk mencoba melanjutkan proses yang akan mencoba membuat sesuatu yang kongkrit dan menemukan jalan untuk menjawab semua pertanyaan tentang program nuklir Iran," kata John Kerry.
Pertemuan berikutnya antara Iran dengan anggota-anggota tetap DK PBB plus Jerman (P5+1) dijadwalkan akan dilangsungkan di Jenewa tgl 15 dan 16 Oktober mendatang.
“Rakyat di seluruh dunia telah muak dengan peperangan, kekerasan dan ekstrimisme. Mereka menginginkan perubahan dari status quo. Dalam beberapa tahun suara-suara dominan berulangkali terdengar, "solusi militer ada di atas meja". Terhadap hal ini saya mengatakan dengan jelas dan keras bahwa "perdamaian kini ada dalam jangkauan"."
Demikian sebagian bunyi pidato Presiden Iran Hassan Rouhani di depan Sidang Umum PBB, Jumat (27/9). Pidato itu, oleh analis politik internasional Finian Cunningham, dianggap sebagai penanda yang sangat jelas bahwa Iran dengan konsisten telah menjalankan diplomasi damai di tengah-tengah berbagai ancaman dan hujatan Amerika dan sekutu-sekutunya. Dan kini Iran muncul sebagai pemenang, setelah Amerika akhirnya mengulurkan tangannya kepada Iran.
Militer Amerika masih menjadi ancaman dunia, khususnya di tengah-tengah ancaman krisis kolapsnya ekonomi dunia. Namun rakyat Iran kini mendapatkan sekutu baru, yaitu masyarakat dunia yang kini bisa dengan jelas melihat siapa musuh dunia, yaitu sistem elit global yang korup dan destruktif.
“Militerisme dan sumber-sumber kekerasan lain untuk menundukkan negara-negara lain merupakan contoh-contoh kegagalan pendekatan lama di dalam situasi dunia yang baru."
Itu juga pidato Rouhani yang oleh Cunningham dianggap menunjukkan bahwa Iran telah berhasil menampilkan diri sebagai negara damai yang tidak mengancam negara manapun, yang memiliki keinginan untuk bergabung dengan negara-negara dunia lainnya mewujudkan perdamaian dunia, termasuk dengan menghancurkan semua senjata pemusnah massal.
"Israel the only ‘warmonger’ as Obama pledges diplomacy with Iran"; Press TV; 25 September 2013
"Obama says talks with Rouhani shows possibility of moving forward"; Press TV; 27 September 2013
2 komentar:
mereka mengatakan iran dan amerika berlakon
Rouhani disambut sebagai hero di Iran,hadir Qasem Sulaimani
kebijakan Iran semakin menguat..
polisi politik lunak tetapi tegas musuh mereka makin terasing dan berperang sesama sendiri seperti di Syria
3Amerika itu dikendalikan oleh zionis jadi semua ini hanya politik saja
tujuan tetap sama menghancurkan suriah danIran dami EKSISTENSI ISRAIL
Israel the only ‘warmonger’ as Obama pledges diplomacy with Iran

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (L) and US President Barack Obama
Wed Sep 25, 2013 12:6AM
US President Barack Obama opens the door for diplomacy with Iran,
Israel stands isolated as the only “warmonger” in the world unwilling to
give diplomacy a chance, according to a report by the New York Times.
In his address to the annual session of the UN General Assembly in New York on Tuesday, Obama said Washington prefers a diplomatic solution to its disputes with Iran over its nuclear program.
“I do believe that if we can resolve the issue of Iran’s nuclear program, that can serve as a major step down a long road towards a different relationship; one based on mutual interests and mutual respect,” the president said.
Hours later, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, used his debut at the world body to tell the world that Tehran is ready for talks on its nuclear energy program with complete transparency.
Rouhani urged Obama to reject "the short-sighted interest of warmongering pressure groups” if he wants "to manage differences" with Tehran. "Nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction have no place in Iran's security and defense doctrine, and contradict our fundamental religious and ethical convictions," he said.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, however, ordered Israel’s delegation to boycott the speech by the new Iranian president and once again accused Iran of pursuing nuclear weapons.
“We will not be fooled by half-measures that merely provide a smoke screen for Iran’s continual pursuit of nuclear weapons,” Netanyahu told reporters in Tel Aviv hours before Rouhani addressed the General Assembly. “And the world should not be fooled either.”
Israeli analysts have expressed concern that Netanyahu’s hard-line approach towards Iran is leaving him isolated by allies who want to give diplomacy a chance.
“It’s a very dangerous and very awkward situation for Netanyahu to be perceived as the only naysayer and warmonger,” Dan Gillerman, a former Israeli ambassador to the United Nations, told the Times.
Dan Meridor, a veteran Israeli minister, said Israel should “speak positively” about Iran’s new president, invoking a Hebrew phrase that means “respect him and suspect him.”
The United States, Israel, and some of their allies have repeatedly accused Iran of pursuing non-civilian objectives in its nuclear energy program.
Iran rejects the allegation, arguing that as a committed signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it has the right to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.
Prospects for Iran-US win-win

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani (R) & US President Barack Obama
Mon Sep 23, 2013 5:7AM GMT
By Dr. Kaveh L. Afrasiabi
big question is, of course, whether or not the US and other Western
governments are prepared and or willing to reciprocate the significant
gestures from Iran, or are they too addicted to the language of threat
and pressure to shift to a more civilized and productive course of
action with respect to Iran?"
the world's eyes focus on President Hassan Rouhani's performance at the
United Nations this week, expectations are naturally high for
meaningful discussions on the nuclear standoff as well as a host of
regional issues such as the conflict in Syria and the prospects for a
peace summit in Geneva later this fall.
A litmus test of the new administration's foreign policy and its doctrine of "prudence and hope," this week's whirlwind diplomacy in New York will likely have significant ramifications affecting the President's foreign policy priorities.
Seeking a "win-win" approach in constructive interactions with the world community, including the West, President Rouhani and his foreign policy team headed by the seasoned diplomat Javad Zarif are poised to benefit from the wellspring of positive feedback already demonstrated by UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, as well as so many other prominent voices in the global diplomatic community.
Set to hold a number of important bilateral meetings on the sideline of the UN summit, such as with the French President Francois Hollande, who has urged Iran's participation in the Syria peace discussions, President Rouhani will have an important opportunity to advance his objective of clearing the path for normalization of relations with the Western governments, based on mutual respect and shared interests.
The big question is, of course, whether or not the US and other Western governments are prepared and or willing to reciprocate the significant gestures from Iran, or are they too addicted to the language of threat and pressure to shift to a more civilized and productive course of action with respect to Iran?
By all indications, the diplomatic ball is now in the West's lap, above all the US, and needs to be moved forward in straight lines and without the usual ambiguities and built-in incoherence observed on the part of the Obama administration over the past several years, whereby infrequent gestures of reconciliation have gone hand in hand with purely coercive diplomatic action. Unless there is tangible evidence of a new approach that reflects certain discontinuity in this pattern of counterproductive US behavior toward Iran, it is difficult to see how a meaningful progress in US-Iran relations can be achieved.
One of the difficulties of a "win-win" approach is that it threatens the vested interests of third parties such as certain governments in the region, who oppose it because they consider themselves as net losers in such a scenario. It is therefore important that this approach is pursued in tandem with active regional diplomacy in order to build confidence with, among others, the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council states led by Saudi Arabia.
Another difficulty in realizing the "win-win" approach is the lesson regarding the utility of force in extracting concessions from Syria, which some White House officials explicitly refer to as applicable to Iran. Yet, this goes against President Rouhani's sound advise that the West should refrain from the language of threat toward Iran. In fact, what the US officials and some hawkish media pundits ignore is the other lesson from Syria, namely, the role of credible counter-threat that played a key role in deterring a US attack on Syria. In other words, it is a sheer error on US's part to seek to apply the "Syria lesson" when the main emphasis should be on civil diplomacy not the latter's infection by the poison vocabulary of threats.
With prudent diplomacy by both sides, meaningful progress can be achieved this week on the nuclear issue, which is the subject of a bilateral meeting between Foreign Minister Zarif and the European Union's Foreign Policy Chief Catherine Ashton, followed by a multilateral "5 +1" meeting on Wednesday. Both President Rouhani and Foreign Minister Zarif have expressed Iran's willingness to enter into a new round of negotiations with a view to addressing any international anxiety regarding Iran's peaceful nuclear program within the framework of international norms, above all, the articles of Non-Proliferation Treaty on the basis of which Iran enjoys unfettered legal right to possess a full nuclear fuel cycle and, yet, is hampered by unjust sanctions aimed at depriving Iran of this "inalienable" nuclear right.
Fortunately, a bulk of the international community has solidly supported Iran's nuclear rights and even in parts of the Western world, the tide of public opinion is turning against the Iran sanctions and the unattractive and counter-productive coercive Western policies, which are in fact tantamount to sanctioning the Western companies that are deprived of doing business with Iran. The recent decisions against sanctions in the European courts is a welcome development that reinforces Iran's legitimate grievance regarding the unjust sanctions that must be removed as a result of good faith negotiations lurking on the horizon.
In conclusion, there is reasonable ground for cautious optimism regarding the diplomatic windfall from President Rouhani's UN visit and, logically speaking, this may well turn out to be a landmark event on Iran’s foreign policy calendar.
The Comments:
Sep 24, 2013 4:58 AM
controls US Middle East foreign policy. Israel does not want Iran to
have normal relationship with the West. So, the planned meeting between
Iranian and US top officials would yield nothing at the end. It would be
back to square one.
Click to Rate Reply3
Sep 23, 2013 3:9 PM
Well put, I agree with the analysis and hope the "win win" is achieved for every one's sake.
Click to Rate Reply4
Sep 23, 2013 8:49 AM
Very informative article that should be read by decision makers both sides of isle.
Click to Rate Reply4
Seyyed Mohammad
Sep 23, 2013 7:35 AM
biggest difficulties of a "win-win" approach is that the cultural,
economical and political mindset of US-administration is fixed on
hegmonical win-loose approach of their casino gulag where "Winner Takes
It All". The US, Israeli global relations, specially in ME, is based on
bullying and warmongerings that rejects justice, equality and such,
totally. US-administration has tried to torture Iran into isolation from
it's allies (specially Syria &) with illegal sanctions, threats and
warmongerings, but it didn't work. Now they are trying to lure Iran into
islation from allies (;specially Syria &); with false promise of
false carrots.
Click to Rate Reply18
Fred Australia
Sep 23, 2013 6:34 AM
shouldn't put too much faith in Obama, he's the most pro-Zionist
president and a puppet of Zionist lobby. I bet he frustrates this
golden opportunity too. Lose-lose is more like it.
Bush’s Invasion of Iraq was Criminal … Obama’s About to Do the Same Thing In Syria
Get the Official Newsletter HEREBush Launched the Iraq War For Oil … Obama Is Launching the Syrian War for Natural Gas
Washingtons Blog
May 29, 2013
The former head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – the highest ranking
military officer in the United States – said that the Iraq war was “based on a series of lies”.
Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs: Iraq War “Based On a Series of Lies”
In his recently published memoir, “Without Hesitation: The Odyssey of an American Warrior,” General Hugh Shelton, who served as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1997 to 2001, called the Iraq war “unnecessary” and said that the Bush team went to war “based on a series of lies.”Shelton also said that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Deputy Secretary of State Paul Wolfowitz and other Pentagon officials pushed for war in Iraq “almost to the point of insubordination.”
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs is – by law – the highest ranking military officer in the United States armed forces, and the principal military adviser to the President of the United States. The Chairman outranks all respective heads of each service branch, including the heads of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines.
Thank you, General Shelton, for confirming what Seymour Hersh and many others have been saying since 2003 (and see this).
Without Hesitation: The Odyssey of an American Warrior
The powerful unvarnished memoir of General Hugh Shelton, war hero, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during 9/11, and one of the leading military figures of our time
Whether serving under a Democratic president or a Republican president, General Shelton was never afraid to speak out and tell it like it is. Shelton chronicles his incredible journey from a small farming community in North Carolina to the highest level of American military and political power at the Pentagon and White House.
As one of the nation’s elite Special Forces soldiers, Shelton served twice in Vietnam, commanding a Green Beret unit and then an airborne infantry company. He was awarded a Bronze Star for valor and a Purple Heart for a wound suffered when a booby trap drove a poisoned stake through his leg.
Shelton rose up the ranks and was assistant division commander of the 101st Airborne Division as they invaded Iraq in the Persian Gulf War, then led the 20,000 American troops tasked with restoring Haiti’s deposed President, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, to power. Promoted to 4-star General, he became Commander in Chief of U.S. Special Operations Command (including Delta Force, Navy SEALS and other top secret Special Mission Units).
But it was while serving as Chairman during both the Clinton and Bush administrations that he faced his biggest challenges, including his role as chief architect of the U.S. military response to 9/11. General Shelton speaks frankly of how decisions were made behind the scenes in the inner sanctum of the E-Ring and Oval Office, and reveals key military operations and meetings that have not yet been revealed, including:
* High-ranking Cabinet member proposes intentionally allowing an American pilot to be killed by the Iraqis to have an excuse to retaliate and go to war.
* Details of a contentious Camp David meeting among President George W. Bush and his National Security Council immediately after 9/11, where internal battle lines were drawn---and Shelton (along with Colin Powell) convinced President Bush to do the right thing.
* How Rumsfeld persuaded General Tommy Franks to bypass the Joint Chiefs, leading to a badly flawed Iraq war plan that failed to anticipate the devastating after-effects of the insurgency and civil war.
* Attempts to kill Usama bin Laden that were shot down by our State Department.
* CIA botched high-profile terrorist snatches, leaving Shelton’s Special Operations teams to clean up their mess. * How Shelton “persuaded” Haiti’s dictator to flee the country.
* And much more.
Yet it's Shelton’s amazing personal story that puts his military career in perspective. It began with a fall from a ladder in his backyard, resulting in total paralysis from the neck down---and a risky experimental procedure, so dangerous that if it didn’t cure him, chances are it would kill him.
Revealing, compelling, and controversial, this is the story of a man whose integrity and ethics were always above reproach, and who dedicated his life to serving his country.
Many high-ranking military officials, top Republican leaders and key architects of the Iraq war said that the war was really about oil. And yet the American people haven’t seen any benefit … top oil economists have said that the Iraq war substantially raised the price of oil.
The American government sold the Iraq war under false pretenses.
Indeed, the American government planned the Iraq war long before 9/11. Former CIA director George Tenet said that the White House wanted to invade Iraq long before 9/11, and inserted “crap” in its justifications for invading Iraq. Former Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill – who sat on the National Security Council – also says that Bush planned the Iraq war before 9/11. Top British officials say that the U.S. discussed Iraq regime change even before Bush took office. In 2000, Cheney said a Bush administration might “have to take military action to forcibly remove Saddam from power.” And see this and this. Indeed, neoconservatives planned regime change in Iraq 20 years ago.
National security experts – including both hawks and doves – agree
that waging war against Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries has weakened America’s national security and increased terrorism risks. See this, this, this, this, this, this, this and this.
In fact, there was no Al Qaeda in Iraq until the U.S. invaded in 2003:
Similarly, neoconservatives planned regime change in Syria 20 years ago.
And carrying out acts of violence and blaming it on the Syrian government as an excuse for regime change – i.e. false flag terror – was discussed over 50 years ago by British and American leaders.
And Western governments want regime change in Syria because of gas:Syria is an integral part of the proposed 1,200km Arab Gas Pipeline:
Here are some additional graphics courtesy of Adam Curry:
Syria’s central role in the Arab gas pipeline is … a key to why it is now being targeted.Just as the Taliban was scheduled for removal after they demanded too much in return for the Unocal pipeline, Syria’s Assad is being targeted because he is not a reliable “player”.
Specifically, Turkey, Israel and their ally the U.S. want an assured flow of gas through Syria, and don’t want a Syrian regime which is not unquestionably loyal to those 3 countries to stand in the way of the pipeline … or which demands too big a cut of the profits.
A deal has also been inked to run a natural gas pipeline from Iran’s giant South Pars field through Iraq and Syria (with a possible extension to Lebanon).
And a deal to run petroleum from Iraq’s Kirkuk oil field to the Syrian port of Banias has also been approved:
Turkey and Israel would be cut out of these competing pipelines.
No wonder Turkey and Israel are both launching military strikes against Syria.
On the other hand, Russia’s giant natural gas industry would be threatened if Syria’s current regime is toppled … no wonder Israel and Russia are getting into it over Syria.
And the monarchies in Qatar and Saudi Arabia would also benefit as competitors in the gas market if Syria’s regime is taken out … so they’re backing the “rebels” as well.
And the U.S. is heavily backing backed Al Qaeda terrorists in Syria. (even the New York Times reports that virtually all of the rebel fighters are Al Qaeda terrorists.)
And the U.S. is now considering imposing a no-fly zone over Syria … which was also the opening move in the wars against Iraq and Libya.
Bush launched the Iraq war under false pretenses … similarly, the war
in Syria is really being launched by Obama and natural gas players in
the region who want to cut Syria and Russia out of the game.
Postscript: If the corporate media were reporting more accurately on Syria than they did on Iraq, the American people would realize that there is grave doubt about who is most responsible for the violence, and who really used chemical weapons in Syria.
Not that Assad is a saint, but he poses no danger to the United
States, and shouldn’t be demonized and turned into a threat to American
national security man any more than Saddam Hussein.
The Iraq war will end up with a final price tag of between $5-6 trillion dollars. We simply can’t afford to get involved in another war … especially with Russia and Iran actively aligned against us.
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