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For decades, Americans have been taught to:
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International Conspiracy Killed the
4th Amendment
By Adam English | Tuesday, July
9th, 2013
Yesterday, a privacy advocacy group filed an emergency petition to the Supreme Court to stop the NSA's domestic
surveillance program.
Good to hear the Electronic Privacy Information Center is keeping the pressure on the program — and on the
Obama administration — for such a massive violation of our Fourth Amendment rights...
Maybe the Supreme Court will finally act in a way our politicians from both parties never will.
Over the last several decades, the Fourth Amendment has been willfully ignored to the point where it is functionally
It started as far back as the 1960s during the height of the Cold War and evolved with technology as our laws became
obsolete, with the NSA at the lead, quietly dismantling the freedoms enshrined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights...
A History of Abuse
The first version was ECHELON, a signals
intelligence system designed to intercept satellite communications. It
eventually evolved to include telephone calls, faxes, email, and other
data traffic across the globe via satellite transmissions,
telephone networks, and microwave links.
During the 1990s, the NSA used
ThinThread, which involved wiretapping and sophisticated analysis of the
data. Three
weeks before the September 11th attacks, the project was scrapped. The
reason for this was the Trailblazer Project, which removed all of the
privacy protections of its predecessor.
President Bush authorized domestic spying
without search warrants on any phone calls, Internet activity, text
messaging, and other communication involving anyone believed by the NSA
to be outside the U.S., even if the other end of the communication lies
the United States.
Under public pressure, Bush had to stop the program. This didn't last long, and Congress relaxed FISA court rules the
very next year.
Now we have PRISM, Stellar Wind and
Boundless Informant, which compile all of the personal data being
collected by
the NSA. Data is mined from a massive database of American
communications, including email communications, phone conversations,
transactions, and Internet activity.
Many of the cases coming from these programs were referred to by FBI agents as "pizza cases" because they turned out
to be food takeout orders.
Anecdotal evidence from people familiar with the investigations suggests 99% of the flagged communication is
completely worthless and benign.
As citizens, we cannot even hope to see what the NSA is truly doing. Our politicians are protecting them and
preventing any true public oversight.
What we can see, however, is the scope of the programs — and they are beyond anything you can
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"100 Years"
26 miles south of Salt Lake City, a $1.2 billion complex on a National Guard base is almost complete. It houses 1.5
million square feet of top secret space. NSA computers alone will fill up 100,000 square feet.
In September, this data center will begin farming data from all forms of communication with the help of 5 zettabytes
of storage, or the equivalent of 1.25 trillion DVDs.
According to William Binney, the
whistle-blowing former NSA technical director, "They would have plenty
of space with
five zettabytes to store at least something on the order of 100 years'
worth of the worldwide communications, phones and emails and stuff like
and then have plenty of space left over to do any kind of parallel
processing to try to break codes."
The data center will require 65 megawatts of power — enough for 65,000 homes — and use 1.5
million gallons of water to cool of the high-tech computer systems per day.
As massive as it is, this single facility isn't enough. The NSA is building another facility at Fort Meade in
Maryland that is two-thirds the size of the Utah complex.
It makes you wonder what they are storing if they are being so selective about the information they obtain...
Considering NSA Director James Clapper's apology to a Senate Committee, it is pretty obvious. Here is the "erroneous
answer" Clapper gave back in a March meeting that he apologized for:
Sen. Ron Wyden: "...does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of
millions of Americans?"
Director Clapper: "No, sir."
Wyden: "It does not?"
Clapper: "Not wittingly. There are cases where they could inadvertently perhaps collect, but not
Obviously, Clapper was dead wrong in two ways: One was obvious from information leaked about PRISM.
The other comes from additional leaks from overseas.
International Conspiracy
All of this could be fixed, assuming that we only had to worry about the NSA. Legislation could rein in the flagrant
violations of the Fourth Amendment by our government.
Unfortunately for us, the Fourth Amendment would still be worthless. We are being spied on by government agencies
that are not bound by the Constitution or Bill of Rights.
Le Monde, a major French
newspaper, uncovered information revealing that the French DGSE
service is storing vast amounts of data "outside the law, and beyond any
proper supervision." Data is being siphoned from connections inside
and between France and other countries.
In the German publication Der Spiegel, an interview with Edward Snowden detailed how the NSA shares
information with the German BND agency, which runs its own similar electronic surveillance program.
Of particular concern is the British Tempora program. It stores all
of the information passing through fiber-optic cables passing through
the UK. Every single bit of information from phone calls, email
Facebook posts and web history is swept up and analyzed by the agency.
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Working alongside the GCHQ analysts are 250 from the NSA.
According to the Guardian's article on the program, the NSA analysts were given guidelines — but
were told by GCHQ lawyers, "We have a light oversight regime compared with the U.S."
They also were told it was "your call" when it came to judging the necessity and proportionality of what they were
allowed to search.
850,000 NSA employees and U.S. private contractors with top-secret clearance have access to GCHQ databases that
circumvent any need to consider the Fourth Amendment.
These databases hold all content of a phone call, email, or any other message for a minimum of three days. Metadata
is kept for up to 30 days.
Add in the other members of the "Five Eyes Alliance," and the NSA has access to information on American citizens from
Canada, New Zealand, and Australia as well.
Among them, virtually all worldwide electronic information passes through
the alliance's data-mining programs.
Note that the countries running these programs and sharing reams of data with the NSA are the ones up in arms over
the NSA program that feeds information back to them.
It's a joke. All this public posturing is pure, disgusting hypocrisy.
Worthless and Outdated
The simple fact is that the Fourth Amendment has a workaround in the digital age. It has become worthless because it
is hopelessly out of date.
What does it matter if the NSA isn't the one collecting the data when it has unfettered access to all of
How can shutting down PRISM, Stellar
Wind, and Boundless Informant stop the NSA from circumventing the
and Bill of Rights so long as it has unfettered access to data from its
partners in France, Britain, Germany, Canada, New Zealand, and
The fact is the NSA will continue to have access to reams of information on American citizens.
And there is nothing we can do to stop it.
The lawsuit to shut down the NSA PRISM
program filed by the Electronic Privacy Information Center is a good
start on
the domestic front. For the Fourth Amendment to hold any value, we need
legislation that cuts off foreign sources of data on American citizens,
a warrant is specifically issued.
We also need like-minded people in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, New Zealand, the United Kingdom to push back
and secure their freedom and rights as well in a united front.
We're being abused and lied to by corrupt politicians, bankers, and corporate CEOs.
Our wealth is being sapped and our rights are being denied.
Our best hope for the future is to break away from the financial, political, and governmental programs that undermine
our unalienable and universal rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and wealth.
Outsider Club's own Nick Hodge is launching a new service to address these very issues. It's called Like
Minded People, and you can read more about how to join right
Take Care,
Adam English
Adam's editorial talents and analysis drew the attention of senior editors at Outsider Club,
which he joined in mid-2012.
While he has acquired years of hands-on experience in the editorial room
by working side by side with ex-brokers, options floor traders, and
advisors, he is acutely aware of the challenges faced by retail
investors after starting at the ground floor in the financial publishing
field. For
more on Adam, check out his editor's page.
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The 'Financial Conspiracy' You've Always Thought Existed... Has Now Been Proven TRUE!
For the past century, corrupt politicians, bankers, and Corporate CEOs have colluded to steal your wealth... but starting today, you can get it all back — and much more — by following
these 3 simple steps
Hi. My name is Nick Hodge.these 3 simple steps
Don't' worry, this isn't some 50-page report that rambles on and on about "secret" societies, some crazy stock pick, or any other pipe dream that won't ever come true...
It's far more important than that.
I'm here today with a message you've probably been waiting years to hear — and to confirm a suspicion you've probably had for quite some time now.
That message is:
The politicians you elected... the banks where you keep your hard-earned money... and many of the big-name businesses where you shop... have all been secretly conspiring to steal your wealth.
This isn't something that has just started recently.And they're gonna keep stealing your money for as long as they can get away with it.
In fact, this conspiracy started exactly 100 years ago.
I'll share all the details with you in a moment. More importantly, I'll show you three simple steps you can take today to not only reclaim your wealth, but to turn the tables on corrupt politicians, bankers, and corporate CEOs.
But first, due to the nature of the material I'm about to present, I want to be clear about something: Not everyone is the right kind of person to hear this message. Quite frankly, most people aren't — despite the fact that every person who watches this presentation could greatly benefit from it...
And that's why I've created this short video for a select group of people only.
So let me start by saying this: After you see some of the startling research I've compiled, I can guarantee you'll never look at America... taxes... banks... corporations... or your personal freedoms quite the same way again.
What I'm about to share with you over the next few moments may actually be disturbing to some of you.
The facts you'll hear may go completely against the grain of everything you've learned and have been falsely led to believe about the government and the financial system.
And many people would rather just stick their heads back in the sand... and hope everything works itself out somehow.
Unfortunately... it won't.
In this short video, I'll share with you:
1. How to (Legally) Buck "The System" –
You'll discover a proven strategy to maximize your wealth that could
mean the difference between retiring with $500,000 in savings... and $5 million in savings.
2. My Secret to Real Wealth: The 3 Investments You Must Own Today that have Nothing to Do With the Stock Market – I'll reveal the single greatest asset class
that billionaires are piling their money into right now; a commodity
whose value has consistently gone up with inflation — yet has nothing to
do with precious metals; and an investment that China is prepared to
spend up to $617 million on over the next decade that you'll also want
to get a piece of now.
3. How to Break the Bank: The Best Way to Protect Your Wealth – You'll discover several banking alternatives that pay much higher interest rates than traditional banks — without any extra risk to your savings.
But before I cover those topics, it's important to understand...What Happened To America?
A century ago, in 1913, we had a government that didn't interfere with citizens' rights.
The federal government wasn't trying to be the world's policeman.
Hard-working Americans actually kept what they earned, and paid little in taxes. And if they fell on tough times, they would reluctantly ask for help from friends, family, or their church.
Because it was a time when people actually felt ashamed to ask for handouts. They did whatever they could to get back on their feet again as soon as possible.
It was a time when this really was "the land of the free, and the home of the brave."
Compare that with today: Over 1,000 different "benefits" are available from state and federal governments — ALL funded from various taxes you are required to pay:
welfare... food stamps... section 8 housing... energy assistance programs... Medicaid... Medicare... Social Security... employment services... child care... and many more...
In fact, the government is now spending $1 trillion on all of these welfare programs. To put that into perspective, that's 16 times the amount it spent back in 1964 when the government began its "War on Poverty."
And as more and more of the American people feel less ashamed — and more entitled — to receive these government handouts, guess who has to pay MORE to keep them going...
That's right. YOU do.
If this angers you like it angers me, believe me when I say this... you're not alone.
Corrupt politicians, corporate executives, and international bankers
have actually engineered it to be this way. In other words, they don't
want America as "the land of the free and the home of the brave." They
never have.
But they couldn't turn America like it was into the America we know today over the course of a year, or even several years...
So, how were they able to con the American public?
Simple: The public education system.
I'm sure you would agree that despite the great advances in technology, today's youth leave schools dumber than ever.
And it's all by design.
Instead of schools teaching individuals how to think, schools have become nothing more than indoctrination centers.
Right here, in these "indoctrination centers," they condition the masses:
"Be patriotic... be a good,
law-abiding citizen... go to college... get a good job... mortgage debt
is 'good' debt... your credit score is important... pay your taxes...
trust authority figures..."
Sound familiar?
Once you've been conditioned to believe these ideas, those "in power"
position themselves to steal your wealth and your freedoms. Then they
dole bits and pieces of it back to you to make you "grateful" and
dependent on them.
But they couldn't get the public to buy into their scheme overnight... It took decades.
And with the government strong-arming the whole process — a lie at a time becomes a law at a time.
How did they do it?
It's quite simple, really. Let me explain...
They Just Treated Us Like Frogs In A Pot Of Boiling Water
Basically, the concept goes like this...
If you toss a frog into boiling water, it will instinctively jump out because the change is so drastic and painful.
However, if you placed that same frog into a pot of lukewarm water,
and then gradually increase the temperature of the water one degree at a
time... the frog will boil to death without moving a muscle.
That's the theory of "minimum variation" in a nutshell.
Animals (people included) are terrible at detecting subtle changes in their environment.
Politicians have ruthlessly exploited this weakness in the American
population for decades — slowly boiling Americans alive with the
countless new taxes and oppressive laws that they've enacted. They want
to remove our freedoms with endless laws and regulations, and they want
to steal our wealth through incessant taxes and financial market crises.
Don't believe me? Let me show you what I mean...
100 Years Of Government-Sponsored Theft
When you look back over the past century, you'll see how these
corrupt politicians, corporate executives, and international bankers
conspired to rob Americans of their wealth and freedoms.
In 1913 they conspired together and instituted the federal income tax
— resulting in Americans losing 25%... 52%... up to 91% of their EARNED
income through progressive taxation.
They orchestrated the Great Depression by promoting the use of "easy
credit" for American citizens throughout the 1920s... and then
drastically contracted the money supply — causing unemployment to soar
to 25% and millions of people to lose their farms, businesses, and
They made it illegal to own gold in the 1930s and 1940s... and
eventually removed the U.S. dollar from being backed by gold. This led
to the rampant inflation of the 1970s, when the inflation rate grew from
3.25% in 1973 to over 13.5% in 1980... eliminating people's ability to
save money while drastically reducing their purchasing power for basic necessities such as food, fuel, and clothing.
More importantly, let's look at what they have done lately...
In 2001 they created the conditions for the bubble and market crash,
where the DOW dropped 23.89% in just four months... And then they did it
again, slashing investors' portfolios in half with a 52.89% drop between October 12, 2007 and March 6, 2009.
That's a loss of over 75% in less than a decade.
So if you had $500,000 in savings and DIDN'T take your money out of
the U..S stock market — and left it in your 401(k) and IRA, hoping and
praying the market would rebound — you would have lost over $375,000 of
your retirement portfolio.
That's a tough pill for anybody to swallow.
But it gets worse...
- Right now, half of all American workers currently make less than $505 a week. That's just $26,260 a year. And 70% of Americans are currently living paycheck to paycheck.
- Over 48 million Americans are currently on food stamps. That's roughly 1 out of every 6 people who need government assistance just to eat.
- Americans are up to their eyeballs in debt: The average household credit card debt is $15,422... The average mortgage debt is $149,782... And the average student loan debt is $34,703
- There were over 2.3 million foreclosures in 2012 in the United States and millions more predicted in 2013.
- U.S. unemployment rates are close to 8%, according to the media — where in reality, the true unemployment and underemployment rate at which people are forced to work part time jobs just to survive is closer to 23%.
So, let me ask you...
Do you ever lay awake at night, and feel in the pit of your stomach that things have somehow gone terribly wrong?
Does it seem that for every year that goes by, your savings and
overall net worth vanish — or, at best, stay the same — instead of going
Have you noticed there always seems to be new laws, regulations,
and "rules" continuously creeping into every aspect of your life, making
you feel less and less free to do what you want to do?
If so, you may be one of the many people who are now realizing the American Dream is dead.
And as much as I personally don't want to believe it myself, the signs are everywhere...
The Writing's On The Wall...
All that needs to happen is for one more major financial crisis to
occur, and literally tens of millions of Americans will be rioting in
the streets.
It's a crisis that I suspect could happen within the next 12 months,
maybe much sooner — based on my research, which I'd like to share with
you and other like-minded people.
The fact of the matter is, with over $16.5 trillion in debt, the U.S. government can no longer sustain itself like it has without
implementing drastic measures... ones that will make the austerity
measures going on in Europe right now look like a springtime walk in the
And I'm not the only one saying this...
- Financial expert Marc Faber recently stated he "loves the high odds of a 'big-time' market crash."
- Economist Nouriel Roubini has said we should "prepare for a perfect storm."
- Pimco's Bill Gross stated we are heading for a "credit supernova."
- Nomura's Bob Janjuah believes the financial markets will experience "one more huge spike before collapsing by up to 50%."
As I said, the signs are everywhere.
There's no doubt when the next financial crisis hits within the next
12 months, there will be social upheaval like you've never seen before.
It will not only become a matter of protecting your wealth... It will
become a matter of protecting your life — and the lives of those you
care about.
I don't mean to scare you... but unless you're willing and able to take
the necessary precautions soon to protect yourself and those you care
about, then what you've known up until now as "the American Dream" is
about to quickly turn into the American Nightmare.
When it happens, it'll happen fast. And most people will be caught completely off-guard and unprepared.
It's something I've been researching for the past several years now,
and I've finally seen all the warning indicators shift us into "High
Alert Status."
And it's bringing the U.S. government to a tipping point...
The U.S. Dollar Is On The Verge Of Collapse
China's government sees it coming. The guys at Goldman Sachs are well
aware of it. Even our own government understands the U.S. Treasury is
sitting on a ticking time bomb of more than $2 trillion in short-term
debt that must be refinanced within the next 12 months.
The only way the government can stop it is to print its way out
of misery — a move that will only postpone the day of reckoning while
pushing this fiat currency even further into its grave.
The dollar may be on life support with the plug about to be pulled, but you don't have to perish with it...
According to the American Institute for Economic Research, the purchasing power of the dollar has decreased by more than 95% since 1913.
Here's the worst part: I suspect we could see the value of the U.S. dollar drop drastically in a very short period of time.
And whenever that happens, things will turn ugly.
Gasoline and food prices will spike...
Credit cards and debit cards won't work...
There will be runs on the bank... forcing them to close...
This will lead to RIOTS... LOOTING... and eventually, MASS CHAOS.
And inevitably, the government will step in and institute martial law.
Just look how fast it was instituted after the Boston Marathon bombing.
You see, when there's a major market crash, or when the value of a
country's currency crashes... the government steps in and makes life
miserable for its citizens.
We need not look as far back as the Great Depression to understand what happens. We can look to more recent times.
In fact, since 1990, there have been several major currency crashes throughout the world...
Consider the Mexican peso crash of 1994: In just 42 days, the value of their currency plummeted 39%.
Or in 1997, during the Asian Currency Crisis, when Thailand's
currency, the Thai baht, lost 23% of its value in just 25 days... and
then lost another 41% of its value in the following six months!
But these weren't isolated events. No. The same thing happened in
Brazil in 1996... in South Korea in 2007... in Russia in 1998... in
Argentina in 2001... and in Iceland in 2008.
Each time, millions of people were affected.
For most Americans, it's no surprise we're burning through our cash
more quickly than ever before. Factor in unemployment, salary freezes,
and never-ending inflation... and we have to make our dollars stretch
further as we earn fewer of them — and they buy us less of what we need.
Unfortunately, this isn't just the death of the dollar...
It could also mean the death of your personal wealth.
If you have a majority of your financial assets (savings, 401(k),
IRA, and so on) set exclusively in the U.S. dollar, it could be a
disaster waiting to happen...
That's why it's so important you pay attention to this exposé.
Because in a moment, I'll share with you several ideas to protect your
How To (Legally) Buck "The System"
It's no surprise people's faith in the financial system is diminishing.
Instead of bailing out the middle class over the past several years, trillions of dollars have been spent bailing out banks and corporations.
What benefits have people like you and me seen from that?

And what's worse is that we, our children, and our children's children will have to pay for it all in the form of higher taxes for decades to come.
The truth is these corrupt politicians, bankers, and corporate
executives see the writing on the wall. After all, they drew up the
plans for it!
And now that their "system" is completely out of control, they've
gone into protective mode — caring only about themselves at all costs...
- Which is why Jon Corzine, CEO of financial services company MF Global Inc., stole his clients' money...
- Why Mark Zuckerberg and his banking underwriters took the money and ran from the Facebook (NASDAQ: FB) IPO, leaving the common folks holding the bag as always...
- Why HSBC laundered money for drug cartels, terrorists, and rogue states;
- And why Barclays, JPMorgan, Bank of America, Citibank, and Deutsche Bank conspired to manipulate the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), controlling the "free market" of $360 trillion worth of loans and financial contracts worldwide.
Orchestrated acts like these erode your way of life... your purchasing power... and your ability to succeed financially.
Not only are they aware of this; it's their goal. They see you and me as their meal ticket.
"The system" is set up for them... NOT for people like you and me.
These crooks make their billions and million-dollar bonuses by
pushing bad loans on you, charging crazy fees, inventing products you
can't understand or benefit from (derivatives, credit default swaps,
flash trading), and outright stealing.
And the people sworn to protect you — you know them as Congress — are
either in on the ruse or on the payroll. Only instead of envelopes of
cash, we call it "campaign finance" or "lobbying."
I think you'd agree it's a corrupt and broken system...
That's why I created this free special report I'd like to
email you today, called: "Bucking the System: Your 3 Simple Steps to Get
In it you'll discover:

- A little-used financial tool that is rarely used by individuals, but that is used by every multi-billion-dollar corporation to grow and increase its cash flow and decrease its expenses. (Once you start using this, you'll be amazed how much money you'll make... and save... year after year.)
- A proven strategy to maximize your wealth that could mean the difference between retiring with $500,000 in savings... and $5 million in savings.
- The most sure-fire (and legal) method I know of — and personally use! — to lower my income taxes each year, no matter how much money I make. (Just doing this alone could save you tens of thousands of dollars that you'd have to pay to the government.)
I'll tell you how to get your free copy in a moment. First, I'd like to share...
My Secret to Real Wealth:
The 3 Investments You Must Own Today
That Have Nothing To Do With The Stock Market
It's no surprise more and more people are pulling their money out of the markets with greater frequency...

People are starting to see that the stock market is much like a casino — people lose and "the house always wins."
But things are even worse. Because with all the corporate scandals
and government bailouts being used for executive bonuses these days,
people view many company CEOs like they view most politicians: corrupt,
greedy, and willing to say or do whatever they have to in order to
protect their own interests, even at the expense of others...
Those "others" are people like you and me.
And while company CEOs publicly proclaimed how well things were going with their companies — the numbers told another story.
For example:
- General Motors CEO Rick Wagoner said, "I know things will turn around."
Over the next two years, General Motors stock plummeted from $42.64 to 83 cents.
- Thornburg Mortgage CEO Larry Goldstone said, "We will NOT be filing for bankruptcy!"
Just 24 months later, their stock was trading for just one penny per share.
- Nortel Networks CEO Frank Dunn predicted, "I think we will grow faster than the market!"
By spring their stock crashed from $31.63 to just seven cents per share.
- Smurfit-Stone Container Corporation said, "The best is yet to come."
Their stock dropped from $12.75 to 14 cents.
- Lear Corporation CEO Roberto Rossiter proclaimed, "Our outlook for 2008 is solid, our financial position is strong..."
In July 2009 the Lear Corporation filed bankruptcy.
- Robert Wood, CEO of Chemtura Corp., optimistically expressed, "I remain excited by Chemtura's future."
Within two years, his company's shares sunk from $12 to 72 cents.
Many like-minded people throughout the country have become just plain
sick and tired of these types of corporate executive weasels.
And unfortunately, many of them don't know where else to safely invest their hard-earned money...
And that is why I created this free special report I'd like to give you today called, "My Secret to Real Wealth: The 3 Investments You Must Own Today that have Nothing to Do With the Stock Market."
In it you'll discover:

- The single greatest asset class that billionaires are piling their money into right now. Legendary investor Jim Rogers has been all over the investing press saying this is his preferred investment vehicle, saying: "If I'm right, [this industry] is going to be one of the greatest industries in the next 20 years, 30 years."
- A special commodity that has proven to consistently go up in value. You should invest in this today. It will be beneficial to you, no matter what happens in the financial markets. In fact, I've invested thousands of dollars myself into this commodity as it acts as a hedge against all sorts of unforeseen calamities. (And this has nothing to do with gold, silver, or other precious metals.)
- A much-needed investment that China is prepared to spend up to $617 million on over the next decade that you can get in on now while it's still incredibly cheap.
I'll tell you how to get your free copy in a moment... but first, let me share with you...
How To Break the Bank: The Best Way To Protect Your Wealth
Did you know that a bank can legally take the contents of your safety deposit box without letting you know?
Did you know that if you wanted to withdraw over $5,000 from your own
checking or savings account today — you may need special permission
from your bank?
This is YOUR money!
Did you know that the IRS or a creditor can put a freeze on your bank account to satisfy a debt?
Imagine going to the bank or the ATM to make a withdrawal... only to
find you have "insufficient funds" because of a levy on your account.

This is exactly what happened to a friend of mine who was late with paying his income taxes.
Fortunately, he was smart enough to only keep several hundred dollars
in each of his bank accounts to cover monthly bills — and secretly
stashed his cash elsewhere. This allowed him to sort things out with the
IRS on his terms, saving him thousands of dollars... instead of having
his money "held hostage" by some dim-witted government bureaucrats.
After all, at the end of the day, the banks answer to the IRS and
other government agencies. So it makes sense for you NOT to keep any
more than 1/10th of your wealth in banks.
And with the numerous fees banks charge today for services that used
to be free, it makes sense that more and more financially-savvy people
are less inclined to keep more than the minimum to pay their monthly bills in their bank accounts.
Plus with five-year CD rates under 1.75% — it makes absolutely no sense to keep your money in the bank, as your gains get eaten away by inflation... and then some.
So what do you do?
Bury your cash in the backyard in coffee cans? Stuff it under your mattress? Hide it in in the baseboards of your closet?
I have some much better ideas of what a growing community of smart people are doing — if you're interested...
To explain these ideas, I created this free special report I'd like to give you today called, “How to Break the Bank: The Best Way to Protect Your Wealth.”
In it you'll discover:

- How to preserve your savings — even if banks continue to tack on more and more service fees and surcharges...
- Why traditional "brick and mortar" banks are becoming obsolete because of the emergence of safe and secure online banks...
- "Alternative" accounts where you can put your savings. These accounts offer the highest interests — without any monthly or annual fees.
I'll tell you how to get your copy of this valuable report in a moment.
Before I do, let me tell you about this special first-of-its-kind project I've been working on...
The Founding Of Like Minded People
In the winter of 2000, you would have laughed in my face and called
me crazy if I told you that over the course of the next dozen years...
- Your financial worth would decrease by 30% (or more) because of two major market crashes and an unprecedented national real estate bear market...
- Higher taxes would threaten to eat into your earnings even more — just when you needed them the most to weather the worst recession in 75 years...
- And your very own government would gradually strip you of your financial and personal privacy rights — all in the name of "national security."
But I'm sure you're not laughing now. No one is.
In the year 2000 America was at its economic peak.
Since then, we've seen the bust of the
dot-com bubble, countless financial scandals, and another major stock
market crash in 2008 that wiped out many people's life savings.
We've witnessed the implementation of The PATRIOT Act (which was actually written before 9/11), whose draconian measures have diminished our civil rights and freedoms.
And we've watched the housing bubble expand like never before because
of easy-money policies from the Fed and easy-approval lending
practices. And we saw it all burst when it was time for homeowners and
speculators to "pay the piper." Foreclosures surged and hundreds of
banks closed their doors forever.
Throughout this time, I worked in the financial publishing
industry... observing trends, analyzing opportunities, and making some
impressive financial gains for others — as well as for myself.
But there was something missing...
Over the past few years, I've noticed a growing number of people
looking for ways to protect their wealth... shield their personal and
financial privacy... and safeguard their civil liberties.
These people didn't trust the government, the banks, or big corporate institutions...
And neither do I.
These people were looking for ways to buck the broken and corrupt financial system...
People of all ages — from all walks of life — who were looking for ways to increase their income... increase their personal and financial privacy... and increase their personal freedoms... all while decreasing their taxes... decreasing their debt... and decreasing their dependence on the broken American system.
That's why I decided to form a special, one-of-a-kind community of individuals who hold these similar beliefs.
While corrupt politicians, bankers, and corporate executives want to limit our financial and personal freedoms... we believe it's time for us to expand them.
It's an idea whose time has come. And it may be something you'd like to be a part of.
Membership in this community is invitation-only. And you can find out if you qualify in a moment.
But first...
There Are Some Important Things
You Should Know About Me...
As I mentioned earlier, my name is Nick Hodge.

And even from a young age, I knew that there was no such thing as a free lunch...
I started a landscaping business by the time I was 12 years old. I
made up my own fliers, maintained a client list, and billed them with
invoices I made on the computer.
Also from a young age, I believed everybody had the ability to excel
at whatever they put their minds to — even though that belief seems to
be beaten out of most people these days.
Maybe you feel the same way...
But even more than innate leadership and drive is a looming notion
I've had since high school that something was wrong with "the system."
I knew the valedictorian wasn't the smartest person in the
school; they were simply the person who memorized the most of whatever
it is we were learning there, and then regurgitated it.
Personally, I never wanted to memorize what others told me I had to.
Again... maybe you feel the same way.
Real intelligence can be seen in problem solving, critical thinking, and seeing a goal through to completion.
I saw zombies — or worse, actuaries — being created. And it seemed like no one even noticed the meat grinder they were being put through.
F*ck that. I refused to be pigeonholed. I refused to choose from a template of futures: doctor, lawyer, teacher, etcetera...
All I knew was I wanted to be successful — and on my own terms.
Maybe you felt... and still feel... the same way.
You see, I grew up on a farm, which meant cutting firewood, fixing fences, working on the well for the barn, tilling, planting, managing livestock, building wagons, and baling hay. I learned how to fish and hunt from my father. And later I learned to be a butcher as I worked through college.
Today I can catch or shoot dinner... skin it... dress it or fillet it... and cook it. In fact, my freezer is full of venison, wild fowl, fish, and other game.
When it comes to money... I have no non-mortgage debt. Plus I manage all my own finances — including a SIMPLE IRA, traditional IRA, and brokerage accounts totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars.
And I'm not even 30 years old yet.
I've written two best-selling books about investing and have helped thousands of individuals make a lot of money with my financial research over the past few years...
I'm talking about gains like:
Organovo Holdings — 102.46% gains ... Natcore Technology — 128.81% gains... DNI Metals — 113.33% gains...
Alternate Energy Holdings — 115.91% gains... JA Solar — 101.97% gains
Alternate Energy Holdings — 115.91% gains... JA Solar — 101.97% gains
These are just a handful of the dozens of winning recommendations I've made to others over the past few years.
Had you invested in any of those plays, you could have easily doubled your money...
So, why is all this important?
You see, I'm a firm believer in practicing what you preach.
Know that I don't mention all this stuff about me to impress you, as
I'm certainly not the bragging type. No, I merely mention all this to
show you that I know what I'm talking about...
And if you are interested, I can share with you the secrets I've
discovered about massively growing your wealth and expanding your
personal freedoms.
In fact...
I Want To Give You Complete Access To MyPersonal Freedom Library and Online Forum
As I mentioned earlier, I've created a new community called Like Minded People.
And for new members, I'm giving them access to several special reports I created. I detailed three of these reports earlier...
They are:
- "Bucking the System: Your 3 Simple Steps to Get Started"
- "My Secret to Real Wealth: The 3 Investments You Must Own Today that have Nothing to Do With the Stock Market"
- "How to Break the Bank: The Best Way to Protect Your Wealth"
You could easily make or save tens of thousands of dollars this year alone from what you discover in those special reports.
I also created other somewhat controversial (yet incredibly useful) reports for new members, including:

- "On Our Own Together: The Foundation of Like Minded People" — I reveal why I've created this community — and the numerous ways you'll benefit as a new member
- "Freedom from Centralized Power: What You REALLY Need to Know about Guns and Precious Metals" — In this report you'll discover the five simple steps you can take over the next few weeks to significantly make yourself (and your family) 10 times more self-reliant and less dependent on "the system."
- "Energy Independence: A Guide to Turning the Table on the Utility and Gas Companies" — While most people are burdened with higher fuel and utility bills, a growing number of people are discovering the exceptional energy investment opportunities that allow them to make substantial profits by investing in select energy sectors. In this report, I'll show you where to get in on these plays over the next several years — where your gains could easily pay for your gas, heat, and electricity... but possibly even your mortgage payments, too!
- "The Next Level: Capitalizing On Market Shifts" — As you may know, each time the markets shift, people stand to make a substantial fortune... However, most people don't recognize when these shifts are going to happen. In this special report you'll discover where I see the upcoming shifts occurring... and how to profit from them.
Every quarter, I'll be adding new special reports to this Personal Freedom Library that could make a substantial difference in the ways you save, invest, and maintain your personal freedoms.
Plus, as a new member of the Like Minded People community, you'll also get immediate access to:
- Complete 24/7 online access to a special forum where you can interact with me and other members of this community... asking and answering each other's questions... and exchanging ideas on investing, wealth preservation, self-reliance, privacy protection, and much more...
- 12 monthly issues of the Like Minded People newsletter... mailed to you each month where you'll discover: Unique investment opportunities that could consistently grow your wealth... no matter how much or how little you currently have, and strategies on how to (legally) live outside "the system." Plus, you'll also be able to access these monthly issues from your computer or even your cell phone.
- Investment alerts and updates that you'll receive by email letting you know about special investments I'm researching. I also address our portfolio, and any actions I recommend you take with our positions. And while we cannot offer personalized advice, during these updates, we also publish answers to questions or comments we get from our members here.
Now, you may be wondering what it costs to join Like Minded People.
I'll get to that in a moment. And I think you'll be pleasantly
surprised with how affordable I've made it for you to try it out...
Before I talk price, I do need to make one more thing clear: I can all but guarantee that a membership in Like Minded People is very different from anything you've ever been part of before. You're going to learn about ideas and opportunities that you likely won't see or hear about anywhere else.
That being said, if you're interested ONLY in ordinary stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, then Like Minded People will not be right for you... so please don't waste your time.
However... if you're NOT SATISFIED with how this country is being run by politicians — and you don't believe that they have your best interests in mind — then I believe you'll find yourself in good company with Like Minded People.
If you're FRUSTRATED with how all those "too-big-to-fail" banks and large corporations work in tandem with each other — while being bailed out by the government — all so they can continue to screw over you, me, and everyone else in the vanishing middle class... then you're gonna love our strategies for freeing yourself from these corrupt institutions.
And if you're PISSED OFF with the government stealing your hard-earned money through excessive taxes... increasing the number of laws that make everybody some sort of criminal... eroding your God-given right to privacy... and blatantly eliminating your civil rights, year after year — then this community is the place you've been looking for...
If you're unsure about what to do, here's what I recommend:
Take a look at everything I've described here over the next year, and then make up your mind for yourself.
That's right... a whole year.
Not 30 or 60 or even 90 days to try out our research... we're taking it to a whole new level.
When you try out a membership to Like Minded People today, you can take the next 12 months to make up your mind.
Just let me know you'd like to give Like Minded People a risk-free look today, and we'll make sure you receive everything I mentioned in this video.
If you decide the ideas are too "out there" for you... or that you
are better off sticking with mainstream conventions... simply let us
know, and I'll make sure you get back the money you paid.
Believe me, there's no shame in asking for a refund.
The ideas I'll share in the newsletters and the updates, along with
the ideas you'll hear about in the online forum, are certainly not for
everyone. In fact, they're probably not right for most ordinary people.
I realized long ago, during my teenage years, that life is so much
better when you take the road less traveled — like many other members of
our growing community...
But for some people (for whatever reason), that just doesn't make
sense. Some people just have a hard time going out of their "comfort
The funny thing is that's exactly why our strategies work so well — and why they can work to your advantage!
You see, if everyone was using these techniques and secrets, and
everyone felt comfortable with them, well... they'd become mainstream,
and their effectiveness would basically disappear.
The nice thing is that by accepting this invitation today, you are agreeing only to try out a membership to see if you like it.
Trying out a membership in this "club" puts all the risk on OUR
shoulders: Either we live up to our claims I mentioned today, or you get
ALL your money back — not some of it... not a pro-rated amount... We will refund every single penny you paid.
It's as simple as that.
The membership fee for Like Minded People, by the way, is only $199 for one full year.
That's just 54 cents a day.
At that price, I am sure there's no better bargain for access to this
kind of financial research and proven wealth-building strategies.
I promise you the ideas I introduce you to will be different — and
could easily be worth an absolute fortune in your life over the next few
As I said earlier, it's highly unlikely you'll hear about these ideas
anywhere else... and the fact that you can get all of this information
for less than $1,000 is simply amazing. Believe me, it is worth many,
many times that price.
And believe it or not, the deal gets even better...
Because this is a brand-new community, you can become a Charter Member and pay 50% LESS than what we'll ask others to pay.
Instead of paying $199, like other readers will in the future...
you'll get a full year's membership, including everything I mentioned
here, for just $99.
That comes to just 27 cents a day, and it could possibly be the best investment you ever make.
There is, however, a catch in order to qualify for this deal...
You see, this is the first time we've ever set up a
membership community like this. And as a result, we're building out our
infrastructure for it slowly. Which means we can only enroll 5,000 new
members this month.
While that may sound like a lot, when you consider this video will be
seen by millions of people... those spots are sure to fill up rather
So if you click on the link below to enroll and all the spots are
full, you'll be placed on a VIP priority notification list... and you
can get started when we open up more spots next month.
I sincerely hope you take advantage of this unique opportunity to join our growing community of Like Minded People.
Simply click the link below to get started before this half-off Charter Membership offer ends.
I look forward to welcoming you as a new member...
Sincerely,
Nick Hodge
Managing Editor, Like Minded People
P.S. When you try out your 12-month, risk-free membership today, you'll receive immediate
access to all seven special reports I mentioned in this letter — along
with personal access to the online member forum where you can interact
with other Like Minded People 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Plus, you'll be able to review ALL the existing newsletter issues, which
include our member investment portfolio... all for just $99.
And when you get started today, you can lock in this deeply-discounted membership rate for as long as you choose to be a member.
But you must act quick before all the allotted spots for this
month are taken up — and you're forced to wait for the next opening on
the VIP priority notification list... To claim your spot, simply CLICK HERE.
New Zealand's Bakken!
A massive shale formation found in the Kiwi Nation is so huge and untouched, the New Zealand Herald reports: "It's literally leaking oil and gas"
An independent report released in October 2012 says this shale field could hold more oil than the combined reserves of Chevron, ConocoPhillips, and Royal Dutch Shell...
Geologists have discovered at least 300 spots where oil and gas are bubbling at the surface.
two companies (both trading below $10 a share) control over 5,000
square miles of the emerging oil field... and production has already
Dear Reader,
On the North Island of New Zealand — about 268 miles from Auckland — sits the small town of Hastings.
For decades there's been nothing remarkable about this small port town... until now.
Massive oil deposits surrounding Hastings have been found that are 10x larger than the infamous Bakken oil field.
And the major permit holders to these deposits are two companies that I'm about to detail for you today.
Energypedia recently said: "...
both have had independent third party evaluators assign shale oil
resource potential of 12.6 and 20.9 Billion Barrels Original Oil in
Place respectively."
In fact, there's so much oil where they hold permits, it's literally
bubbling to the surface. (I'll show you exactly why that's so important
in just a minute.) And it's virgin ground.
basin has been intermittently explored since the 19th century,
tantalizing prospectors with over 300 oil and gas seeps onshore.
However, the basin has never been commercially produced." — Stanford University Basin and Petroleum System Modeling Group
The best news is... this discovery is just starting to heat up!
Drillers are quietly rushing in and snatching up every available piece of land they can.
Zealand is at the beginning of a country-changing event... activity and
momentum are increasing but going under the radar screen." — William Buechler, Lead Portfolio Manager, Kiwi Pacific Fund
And if you missed getting in on the Bakken... this opportunity is
your last "best chance" at getting rich on the shale revolution.
But if you wait, you'll miss this one, too.
So pay close attention to what I'm about to tell you and be prepared to act.
The companies I'm about to show you are starting to drill right
now... and there's no telling how soon news of their success will leak
But know this: When word gets out, their share prices will soar.
'North Island' Bakken
It's no secret how game-changing the Bakken discovery has been for North America — and for the world...
Today it's the largest producing oil reserve in the United States. And its impact has been hard to miss.
When production ramped up there just a few short years ago, millionaires were minted by the hour.
But what you probably haven't heard is there's a shale formation on the North Island of New Zealand called the East Coast Basin.
It's eerily similar to the Bakken in just about every way — except for one...

An independent report says the East Coast Basin shale fields could be 10 times LARGER than the Bakken.
The massive potential of this field will make untold fortunes for those with the foresight to get in early.
Like folks who got in early on the Bakken's Northern Oil & Gas and banked over 1,300%...

Or those lucky enough to be holding shares of the Bakken stock
Brigham Exploration when they were snatched up by Statoil. People who
got in at the bottom could have banked in excess of 3,100% gains!
And unlike some countries, the Kiwi Nation is embracing the new oil
rush. So much so that on March 7, 2013, the government put out an
economic impact report on the basin.
Why? Because they are already counting on exactly how much money this oil discovery will create for the tiny island nation...
And it's hard to argue with their logic.
When analysts start comparing the East Coast Basin to the North Sea
oil boom, the fuse is lit. When permit holders start leaking quotes
calling it the "Texas of the South," you should take notice. And when
you start seeing quotes like the ones below, your chance to get in early
is nearly gone...
is the largest source of energy in New Zealand. At present, the
petroleum sector contributes around $3 billion annum as export revenues.
The government is planning to increase this to $30 billion per annum by
2025 by exploring for oil in unexplored basins." — OilPrice.net
shift in technology and in the global markets for energy means that New
Zealand appears to have the potential for global scale oil and gas
discoveries with associated export earnings." — GasToday.com
"The oil and gas industry has the potential to be New Zealand's economic game-changer." — Fairfax NZ News
The thing is... oil discoveries like this just don't come around
every day. So when they do, people in the know take notice. And
ultimately, they take action.
Because unlike most oil fields found in the modern era, there's a fundamental difference that makes the success of this field virtually guaranteed.
Leaking Precious Riches
The East Coast Basin just may be the last of its kind. You see, the
oil and gas there is so plentiful, it's literally seeping to the
surface!

If you've never seen a picture of an oil seep take a look...
What are oil and gas seeps?
According to the United States Geological Society:
and gas seeps are natural springs where liquid and gaseous
hydrocarbons leak out of the ground. Whereas fresh water springs are
fed by underground pools of water, oil and gas seeps are fed by
natural underground accumulations of oil and natural gas."
The key part of that definition is that the seeps are fed by large pools of underground resources.
Oil seeps are dark, messy, and mean one thing... massive opportunity.

"Over 300 oil and gas seeps known." — New Zealand Ministry of Economic Development
Oil seeps just like this one have been happening for thousands of years. In fact, the word mummy comes from the Arab word mumiyyah, which means bitumen.
Bitumen is a form of oil that seeped to the surface in ancient Egypt and was used to help preserve bodies after death.
The Bible even mentions sealing Noah's ark with tar which came from an oil seep.
And that's only a part of what's coming out of the ground in the Kiwi Nation...
Gas seeps are just as common in the East Coast Basin and mean just one thing to drillers: added billions in profit.
You see, the gas they're leaking is natural gas — the same natural
gas that led to a fuel revolution here in the United States. And
here's just a small sampling of proof on just how real the gas seeps are
in New Zealand...
It's set the resource world on its ear!

Gas seeps have a storied place in the history of man... Fires caused
by gas seeps in Greece around 1000 B.C. were responsible for the legend
of the Oracle of Delphi. And the Chinese used bamboo to direct natural
gas from seeps to burn as part of the process of making seawater
drinkable by removing the salt.
More importantly though is the link between seeps and some of the biggest resource discoveries of all time...
Seeps: Like Shooting Fish in a Barrel
Easy oil. Easy gas. Every fortune-seeking driller in history has dreamed of about it.
And for those lucky or smart enough to come across it, easy oil has been the key to limitless wealth.
Thousands of years ago, there was no seismic imaging... no satellite
photos... no test drilling. When oil and gas was found it came from
seeps. That's just simple observation.
And it didn't take long for man to put oil to good use: oil
lubricated wagon wheels and fueled lamps, it was even used in
medicine... but that was just the start...
As the uses for oil grew, so did the thirst for more. The growth in
demand brought a growing sophistication in drilling practices.
But one thing has held true even as the technology to find and unlock
oil has grown by leaps and bounds: A vast majority of the world's
largest oil discoveries were made by the simplest method ever — seeps.
Because let's face it... when oil is so abundant that it leaks to the surface, there's likely immense amounts.
And history proves this is true...
In 1543 Spanish explorer Juan Cabrillo watched as natives
waterproofed their kayaks near the Le Brea tar pits in what would become
Los Angeles. Le Brea is Spanish for tar... and these world-famous pits were created by seeps.
More importantly, by 1892 a miner named Edward Doheny and his partner
drilled the first successful well by these seeps in what would years
later become Dodger Stadium. By 1897 they had 500 wells... and by 1910 California was putting out 77 million barrels of oil.
Today, just to the north lays the Monterey Basin. Coal Point in the Santa Barbara channel is home to the world's largest oil seep with over 1,200 documented seeps. The Energy Information Agency (EIA) estimates the Monterey fields have about 16 billion barrels of oil just waiting to be taken. That's 4x the reserves of the Bakken!
And that's just one example.
As early as 1626, French explorers documented natives igniting seeps around the Lake Erie area...
In 1821 William Hart dug the first natural gas well not too far from
Lake Erie in Fredonia, New York. The reason: He saw bubbles seeping from
a creek. His work eventually led to the creation of Fredonia Gas Light
Company, the first U.S. natural gas company.
And down the road in Titusville, Pennsylvania, seeps were collected
by damming Oil Creek and skimming the oil from the top. In 1859 Colonel
Edwin Drake dug the first oil well there. Pennsylvania quickly became the world's third-largest oil producer — and would remain so for forty years.
Fredonia and Titusville rest on the massive Marcellus Shale Formation
that spans from New York to Virginia. The EIA estimates the Marcellus
holds 410 TRILLION cubic feet of natural gas. That's about 55% of the
total shale gas reserves in the U.S.
And then there's this...
In 1864 a group of emigrants searching for water found a stagnant
pool of water with oil floating on the surface in Montana... mere miles
from where Bakken Formation lies.
The history of massive oil discoveries tied to oil seeps is stunning.
More rock-solid proof comes from Spindletop, Texas: In 1901 Captain
Anthony Lucas struck oil there. Indians living in the area had known of
the oil seeps for centuries, but the area had remained largely undrilled
until that time.
Oil flowed from the first well at Spindletop at over 100,000 barrels a day. That's more than all the rest of the wells in the United States combined.
Spindletop ushered in the modern age of oil... and it started with oil seeps.
And despite advancements in how oil is found in the modern oil era,
oil seeps have been the key to some of the largest discoveries since
Spindletop, too.
Discoveries like:
- The second largest oil field in the world — discovered in 1912 in Kuwait by the British, the Burgan Field is second only to the Ghawar field in Saudi Arabia. It holds a whopping 72 billion barrels of oil.
- Kirkuk Fields in Iraq — also known as Baba Gurgur, which translates to "Father of Flames," this field is the 14th largest in the world: Kirkuk holds nearly 8.5 billion barrels of oil.
- North Sea Basin — while on the decline, the North Sea may still have up to 29 billion barrels of oil left. The ocean floor there teems with coral reefs created by oil seeps.
- In 1976 a fisherman in the Bay of Campeche complained oil was ruining his fishing nets... PEMEX, the national oil company of Mexico, investigated. The result? The Cantarell oil field — named after the fisherman. It's the largest oil field in Mexico, holding 35 billion barrels of oil. It's also the fifth largest oil field in the world.
All of these fields were found because of oil seeps.
I could go on, but I think you get the point. Oil seeps are a key
sign to some of the largest oil discoveries known to man. And big oil
companies know it. The oil giant BP published work in the 90s that
showed over 75% of all oil-producing basins have surface seeps.
Until a short time ago, most folks thought the last of that easy oil was gone forever...
But that's all changed with the discovery in the East Coast Basin.
Technology Unlocks Easy Oil Profits
The most compelling thing about the East Coast Basin discovery is, of course, the seeps — over 300 in total.

Because what it shows is the source rock below the seeps is literally overflowing with oil.
In case you've never seen source rock, here's what it looks like.

Looks just like any other rock — with one big difference...
It's so loaded with oil that it's turned black!
When oil is so plentiful that the source rock becomes saturated,
the rest comes to the surface in — you guessed it — seeps.
And up until about 13 years ago, only traditional oil wells were used
to get the oil to the surface, no matter where you were in the world.
The problem with that was sometimes, geologists knew there was far
more oil trapped in the rocks. Oil that they couldn't get their hands
But that all changed in 2000 when Texas entrepreneur George Mitchell
used a mixture of chemicals, water, and sand to crack open the rock. The
process is known as hydraulic fracturing, or fracking for short.
To say the use of fracking has been a game-changer wouldn't do it
justice. Fracking is literally redrawing the energy maps of the world.
And the balance of power in the energy world is changing right along
with it...
Here's what Harvard's Kennedy School says about it:
shale/tight oil boom in the United States is not a temporary bubble,
but the most important revolution in the oil sector in decades."
And here's what is being said about fracking in New Zealand:
shift in technology and in the global market for energy means that New
Zealand appears to have the potential for global scale oil and gas
discoveries with associated export earnings." — Crown Minerals Group Manager Chris Kilby
The thing is... the shale in the East Coast Basin is almost a mirror
image of what it is in the Bakken. Except that in some places, the shale
in the East Coast Basin is up to 12x thicker than the Bakken.
That simply means more source rock to hold the oil and gas.
And that's where things start to get really interesting...
Since 2006 — when fracking started in the Bakken — North Dakota's oil
production has nearly quintupled to over 700,000 barrels a day, making
it the second-largest oil-producing state.
Experts say it will hit 1.2 million in 2013.
And remember, that's just oil!Fracking works the same for natural gas...
Thanks to fracking, natural gas production in the United States soared to 7.8 TRILLION cubic feet in 2011. That's almost 7.5 trillion more than in 2000.
Fracking has even brought back the dream of energy independence to the United States... and New Zealand has taken notice:
"Fracking is one of those technologies, and can help New Zealand meet the energy demands of current and future generations." — Venture Taranaki, Economic Development Agency
The Kiwi Nation's Billionaire Dreams
The geographical similarities between the Bakken and East Coast Basin are striking.
And the government can already see the dollar signs.
The Taranaki Basin on the North Island is already under development.
So it's clear the officials there are embracing fracking as a tool to
their economic growth.
would love to see other regions experience the same economic boost, and
fracking is one of the technologies than can allow that to happen." — Energy and Resources Minister Phil Heatley
And the impact isn't lost on anyone else, either...
Zealanders need to realise that the oil and gas sector and its future
development has the potential to be the financial game-changer that
could allow us to do such things as provide extra funding for
hospitals." — Taranaki Daily News
is the largest source of energy in New Zealand. At present, the
petroleum sector contributes about $3 billion per annum as export
revenue. The government is planning to increase this to $30 billion per
annum by exploring for oil in unexplored basins." — OilPrice.net
"Fracking could create 7000 jobs." — Stuff.co.nz
It's literally the perfect storm for a game-changing oil discovery: A
stable, pro-drilling government. A massive supply of oil. Technology
that can unlock it. And they have...
The World's Largest Customer
What's going on in the Kiwi Nation's oil fields isn't lost on China...
They are the second largest consumer of oil in the world next to the United States.
By 2030 it's estimated China will burn a whopping 17.5 million
barrels per day. That's also the day when they will overtake the U.S. as
the world's largest user of oil.
But unlike Uncle Sam, China is light years behind in unlocking any
oil they're sitting on have in their country. So China's strategy is
buying companies that own oil fields — or the technology to develop
They have to. Because assuring an oil supply for their enormous economy is a national security issue...
The oil is New Zealand is enough to fuel China's needs for years to come. And China will happily buy every drop of oil the East Coast Basin can pump out.
In fact, the two countries already have a cozy relationship thanks to the New Zealand China Free Trade Agreement.
With oil prices rising just about every day, the companies I'm going
to detail for you today are perfectly poised to exploit this discovery.
I've spent years watching the world's energy fields, just waiting for everything to line up as it did in the Bakken...
And when I saw New Zealand getting close, I spent another six months
researching every way to make money on the East Coast Basin. I've found
the two opportunities I'm convinced can give you life-altering gains.
But you must act fast — because word is getting out.
Here's your way to get in on the New Zealand Bakken before the herd does...
New Zealand Bakken Opportunity #1
The first opportunity you need to act on is an explosive growth stock
that holds extensive amounts of oil and gas-laden land all over New
The last time they released news that they acquired new land
for drilling... their stock shot from $.58 to $3.59 — a stunning 518%
gain in just three months!

They already control over 200,000 acres in the Taranaki Basin that hold nearly 78 million barrels of oil.
But that's just the beginning...
They are snatching up land in the oil-rich East Coast Basin at a
breakneck pace. Right now, they have the drilling rights to over two million acres. You didn't read that wrong: Two million acres of land that are literally leaking oil everywhere.
That's huge! And it's exactly what is going to shoot their share price into the stratosphere.
They are slated to start drilling in an oil seep region of the East Coast Basin any day now...
And when they hit oil, all hell is going to break loose with this company's share price.
Think about it... Their reserves are estimated at a stunning 22 billion barrels of oil by an independent research firm.
The best part is the oil they pump from the wells in New Zealand is high-quality oil.
The higher the oil quality, the less refining that needs to be done... and less refining means they can charge premium prices for their oil.
"This extremely high quality oil is sold into the Asia-Pacific Tapis market at a premium to West Texas Intermediate. — New Zealand Ministry of Economic Development
Since West Texas Intermediate trades at about $92 a barrel, the East
Coast Basin oil will easily command $100 a barrel... maybe more.
And with over 22 billion barrels of oil just waiting to be taken... this stock is about to explode.
Let be clear about this: We are talking about the potential for several thousand percent gains.
Right now their stock is trading for less than a buck. This is a tiny
company. But when they start pumping oil out of the East Coast Basin,
their shares could easily balloon to $27 a share, according to some
That would be a mind-boggling 4,555% gain.
And even if analysts are wrong and shares only go to half of that... you could still reap a gain in excess of 2,277%.
Talk about life-changing!
This tiny company has everything they need:
- Immense amounts of land that's literally leaking oil
- Over 22 billion barrels of oil just waiting to be taken
- An experienced management team that has already proven it can get it all out of the ground
And they're starting to drill in the East Coast Basin right now.
An opportunity this big only comes along once in your investing
lifetime... and it's sitting there... just waiting to be taken — NOW!
That's why I've put together a special report called, "Profiting Big from the New Zealand Bakken."
Inside you'll find everything you need to know about how to maximize your gains with the opportunity I just described.
Before I tell you how to get your copy of my report, I want to tell you about another...
New Zealand Bakken Opportunity #2
Not to be outdone is my second New Zealand Bakken opportunity...
This company — trading at just over $4 — has been involved in the New Zealand energy market for over 11 years.
Just like our first opportunity, this company has been fracking in the Taranaki region of the North Island. Their property there holds over 600 million barrels of oil and 7 trillion cubic feet of natural gas!
They also own and operate 100% of all their facilities... including the pipelines.
This is important because it means they control every form of revenue and cost that comes from their operations.
It's paid off: They saw a 227% increase in production during 2012. And in 2012 revenue increased 228%, right along with production.
Take a look below — the revenue forecasts for the next two years are staggering...

Explosive revenue coupled with complete control over costs means one thing... big profits.
And in this case, the recipe for a giant revenue jumps is simple: Find a massive supply of oil... secure the property... and start drilling.
That's easier said than done. And it's why this company is the
second of only two I'd recommend. Just like our first opportunity, this
company knew the seeps in the East Coast Basin meant one thing: a
massive supply of oil and gas. And they knew the oil they'd pump from
the ground would be the same high quality, premium-priced oil.
Here's what a company official had to say...
"The crude is a high-quality oil that is commanding a premium price on the international market — it's netting $100 a barrel."
So they went on an aggressive land-buying spree... to the tune of 1.7 million acres! That's an area bigger than the state of Delaware.
They did what they needed to and grabbed as much land as they could.
And it was all around the oil seeps in the East Coast Basin.
They believe there is up to 14 billion barrels of oil there.
At the $100 per barrel they can command for their premium product, their revenues are about to soar.
They're currently trading at just over $4 a share — but they won't be for long...
They're about to drill four test wells in the East Coast Basin any day now.
When news of their success gets out, I fully expect their shares will shoot up to $35, maybe higher... good for a whopping 775% winner!
You can get all the details on both of these triple-digit winners in the making in my special report, "Profiting Big from the New Zealand Bakken."
I'll show you how to get your free copy in just a minute.
But first let me show you...Why I'm Your Guide to Big Gains
Hi. My name is Christian DeHaemer. I'm the founder of the Crisis and Opportunity investment advisory service.
I've spent my entire career searching the world for huge money-making opportunities...
My contact list reads like a who's who in the world of investing. But
more importantly, it has some very "connected" people that I have
listed by code names only.
Why? Quite simply, some of the contacts I've made by traveling the globe want to remain anonymous.
And in order to keep the flow of information coming from them, I've respected their wishes.
Let's face it; not everyone wants to see their name in print or their face splashed all over the TV.
I tell you this only because in the world of big gain hunting, most often it's not just what you know but who you know as well.
In the past fifteen years, my passport has gotten quite a workout.
It's beaten and weatherworn. But it's been the key to accessing the most
secretive people with the best investing information on the planet...
whether it's the foothills of South Dakota or the far reaches of
Mongolia, my contacts have yielded one thing and one thing only...
Massive winners like:
- 759% on Petro Matad
- 351% on Entree Gold
- 162% on Markland Technologies
- 256% on Allied Nevada Gold
- 235% on Fieldpoint Petroleum
- 131% on Richmont Mines
- 515% on Palm Resources
- 268% on China Yuchai
- 243% on Cemex
- 251% on Unilife
I don't tell you this to brag. I just want you to see that when it comes to showing my readers big gains, I'm all business.
Here's what one happy reader had to say about me...

I have a file full of letters just like these, letters from folks who
decided ordinary profits just weren't enough... people who took their
future into their own hands... good people just like you.
And today you can join them!Your Time to Act is NOW
The New Zealand Bakken is a once-in-a-lifetime investment opportunity.
But you have to act fast. Word is already starting to leak out, and smart investors have begun to jump in.
If you sat on the sidelines while the U.S. Bakken exploded, then this
is your last opportunity to get in on the ground floor of the shale
boom and make a killing.
Because when the mainstream investing world gets wind of the massive
land acquisitions in what are probably the last oil seeps in the
world... your chance for big gains will be gone.
And that's why I want you to accept my offer to test-drive Crisis and Opportunity today... before it's too late!
When you do, I'll send you the free the report, "Profiting Big from the New Zealand Bakken"
— including everything you need to know to bank big gains on the New
Zealand Bakken, including the ticker symbols and detailed company
profiles of the two plays I've told you about today.
But that's just the tip of the iceberg. When you agree to try Crisis and Opportunity today you'll also get...
Three Bonus Special Investment Reports
Look, I want you to be 100% certain that Crisis and Opportunity is the best decision you make today.
So if you agree to test-drive Crisis and Opportunity for 30 days, not only will you get...
- Special Investment Report #1: "Profiting Big from the New Zealand Bakken."
But you'll also get:
- Special Investment Report #2: "Profiting Big from the HR1380 Transportation Transformation" — Its pages reveal the very best ways to bank triple-digit gains on the United States' rush to use massive natural gas reserves to replace the need for diesel fuel... and it's all because of fracking.
- Special Investment Report #3: "Water Profits: How a Tiny $0.75 Company Will Clean-Up Fracking and Make You Rich" — Over the past few months, this company's share price has doubled. When the mainstream press gets wind of it, shares could easily hit $5... maybe more.
- Special Investment Report #4: "Gas Transport Riches: How to Bank Big Gains in the Global Gas Grab" — I've been watching this stock for awhile, but the timing just hasn't been right. Now things are heating up... and the time has come to get in!
Each report details everything you need to know to get in early and
bank massive gains on the fracking revolution that is sweeping the
world. These are all examples of how I'm looking at every conceivable
angle to help you realize your investing dreams by playing this new
energy bull market.
Grab Your Spot Now
But today is your lucky day — because you can do both.
Folks who have followed my advice have made absolute fortunes. In the past, I've charged my subscribers $2,000 a year to get access to my research. And even that was a bargain, based on how much money they made.
But don't just take my word for it...
Here's what a few very happy readers had to say:



But I'm not going to ask you to pay $2,000 today to get research that
led to gains like 759% on Petro Matad or 235% on Fieldpoint
And I won't slash the price in half and ask you to pay $1,000 for
research that showed readers big winners like 351% on Entree Gold and
515% on Palm Resources...
Instead — for today only — you can join Crisis and Opportunity for $499 a year.
I realize that may still sound like a lot of money. But truthfully,
it's the lowest price ever offered to get access to my research. My
publisher wanted to charge a whole lot more.
And remember, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity...
Some people wait their whole investing career for an opportunity like this to come around.
And you also get my Peace of Mind Guarantee: Take a full month to decide if this type of research is for you — that's 30 full days to try out everything Crisis and Opportunity has to offer.
That includes all four Special Investment Reports...
- "Profiting Big from the New Zealand Bakken"
- "Profiting Big from the HR1380 Transportation Transformation"
- "Water Profits: How a Tiny $0.75 Company Will Clean-Up Fracking and Make You Rich"
- "Gas Transport Riches: How to Bank Big Gains in the Global Gas Grab"
If after 30 days you don't feel Crisis and Opportunity is everything I said it would be, say the word...
I'll refund every penny you paid — and all four of these profit-making reports are yours to keep no matter what!
I've just scratched the surface of what you're entitled to when you join Crisis and Opportunity.
You'll also get exclusive access to:
- My Special e-Alerts: Get breaking news on all the emerging profit opportunities that I'm uncovering. The two New Zealand Bakken opportunities I've shown you today are just the beginning... You'll also get a slew of new recommendations and portfolio updates delivered right to your inbox as soon as they're written.
- Access to the Members-Only Crisis and Opportunity Website: Just what you'd expect from a world-class research service: a no-nonsense archive of all my commentary, picks, current and past portfolios, and all the special reports I've written.
- World-class Customer Support: Whenever a question or problem arises, our support staff is there to help you with just a simple phone call.
By now you can see just how unique and explosive this opportunity promises to be.
It can, quite literally, change your financial future for years to come.
Now, I've done everything I can to make joining Crisis and Opportunity a no-brainer for you...
I've shown you how the New Zealand Bakken can help you bank gains
you've only dreamed of. I've given you a slew of ways you can make
triple-digit gains playing the worldwide shale boom. I've given you
access to every single top-shelf feature a world-class service can
And at just $499, I've secured the lowest price I've ever offered for my service.
Remember, you get a full 30 days to try out Crisis and Opportunity.
If you decide for any reason that making this kind of money isn't for
you, just say the word. I'll refund every penny you paid — no questions
I'd never be able to make you an offer like this if I wasn't 100% sure you'd love Crisis and Opportunity...
So join me today!
You can either seize this opportunity, or let it slip through your fingers and kick yourself later.
Don't miss out on your chance to secure your financial future...
Grab your share of the New Zealand Bakken now!
Yours in Profits,

Christian DeHaemer
Managing Editor, Crisis and Opportunity
P.S. The offer to join Crisis and Opportunity for $499 is good for today only.
It's the lowest price we've ever offered my research for! Both of the
New Zealand Bakken companies I just detailed for you are starting to
drill right now... so don't wait to position yourself in these plays.
And remember, you'll always be covered by my Peace of Mind Guarantee:
Take 30 full days to try out everything Crisis and Opportunity
has to offer. If you aren't completely happy, just say the word... I'll
refund your money and all four Special Investment Reports are yours to
keep. Grab your spot now.
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