Rabu, 17 Juli 2013

DIBALIK PERANG SURIAH...ADALAH PERANG LADANG GAS. ..DAN MINYAK BUMI..???..SEBAGAI LANJUTAN PERANG IRAQ...ATAS SADDAM HUSEIN...DAN PENYERBUAN AFGHANISTAN...DENGAN DALIH 911 WTC...???>> TIADA BANTUAN DAN PERANG YANG CUMA2...TANPA BISNIS2..BESAR.. DIBELAKANGNYA...??>> PARA KONSPIRASI DAN TANGAN2 PARA PENJAJAH KRIMINAL INTERNASIONAL IKUT MEMAINKANNYA...DENGAN SANGAT LIHAY...DAN SANGAT AHLI...SEPERTI PARA PROFESIONAL..BAYARAN.....???>>MOHAMMAD MOERSI DAN TAYEP ERDOGAN TELAH MENGECEWAKAN HARAPAN MUSLIMIN DUNIA...TATKALA MEREKA TELAH BISA MERAIH POSISI YANG TERBAIK DALAM POLITIK NEGERINYA...DIDUNAI ISLAM..???>> KENAPA DEMIKIAN..BESAR...HARAPAN UMAT ISLAM DUNIA..AWAM...???>> .....SESUNGGUHNYA ADA APA DIBALIK SEMUA PERMAINAN POLITIK IKHWANUL MUSLIMIN...???>> SANGAT DISAYANGKAN....PARA PEMIMPIN YANG SEMULA MENJADI HARAPAN DAN JADI KEBANGGAAN UMAT ISLAM DUNIA...ITU... MALAH BERBALIK MENGECEWAKAN UMAT ISLAM...????>> SEHARUSNYA BELIAU2 ITU MENJADI PENGAYOM DAN MEMBAWAKAN KEMAJUAN2...PERJUANGAN UMAT ISLAM DAN PERSATUAN UMMAT ISLAM....???>> TETAPI MALAHAN MENJADI ...ALAT TANGAN2 ASING...DAN MALAHAN BERKOLABORASI DENGAN PARA PENJAJAH KRIMINAL INTERNASIONAL...YANG SELAMA INI TELAH MENINDAS UMAT ISLAM DAN NEGARA2...MUSLIM...>> INGATLAH BAGAIMANA KONDISI PALESTINA-DAN PENDUDUK GAZA...??? BAGAIMANA ISRAEL DAN DUKUNGAN BARAT...YANG MENINDAS BANGSA PALESTINA DENGAN SANGAT ANIAYA...???... BAGAIMANA UANG2 DAN SENJATA BARAT...MENGEKALKAN PENJAJAHAN..JAHAT ISRAEL TERHADAP RAKYAT DAN BANGSA PALESTINA...??>> LALU ADA APA DENGAN IKHWANUL MUSLIMIN...??? ....>>> BAGAIMANA INVASI KE AFGHANISTAN DAN IRAQ...HANYA DENGAN ISSUE YANG TIDAK JELAS 911WTC...??? BAHKAN ROBOHNYA GEDUNG TOWER NO 7...BEBERAPA JAM SETELAH MENARA KEMBAR ITU ROBOH...MENJADI PUING.. ...DAN...ADALAH TANPA TERSENTUH PESAWAT ATAU BENDA APAPUN...KECUALI BOM2...YANG SUDAH DITANAM SECARA RAHASIA...???>> SAYANGNYA MOURSI DAN ERDOGAN HANYA TAAT DENGAN AGENDA2 ZIONIS DAN PARA PENGUASA DUNIA YANG SELAMA INI TERSELUBUNG...DAN PENUH KONSPIRASI...???>> DAN SEKARANG MEREKA SEDANG MERASAKAN PAHITNYA BERTEMAN DAN BERKOLABORASI DENGAN PARA RAJA2 KONSPIRASI DAN KAUM PENJAJAH KRIMINAL INTERNASIONAL...YANG MENGENDALIKAN DIRI2 MEREKA...DAN PARA TOKOH2 IKHWANULMUSLIMIN...YANG BERALIANSI DENGAN BERBAGAI....AGEN2...MEREKA..PARA KONSPIRASI..???>> MENYEDIHKAN DAN SANGAT MENYAYANGKAN...???>> SEMOGA MASIH ADA JALAN YANG LEBIH BAIK DARI SISI ALLAH BAGI KEJAYAAN UMMAT DAN BANGSA2 TERANIAYA DI PALESTINA-AFGHANISTAN-IRAQ-DAN SELURUH DUNIA...??>> MERDEKA...>> ....BAYANGAN PEPERANGAN TIMUR TENGAH SEMAKIN MENGKHAWATIRKAN...SETELAH MOURSI JATUH...DAN PERAN MILITER...SEMAKIN KUAT...???>> LALU TANGAN2 ASING DAN DANA2 ASING YANG MEMBANJIRI PENGUASA KUDETA...BUKANLAH CUMA2....???>> SEMUANYA TENTU ADA ..DEAL2 POLITIK....DAN TEKANAN...AKAN AGENDA2 TERSELUBUNG....???>> DAN KEMANA LAGI SASARAN HULU2 LEDAK BOM DAN MONCONG2 SENAPAN DAN KEMATIAN2 YANG MERIAH AKAN DIARAHKAN...??>> APAKAH AL SISI .....AKAN IKUT MEMAINKAN PERAN BARU....DAN PERANG TIMUR TENGAH DIMAINKAN DENGAN...MEDAN2..BARU DAN SASARAN..NYA ADALAH UMMAT ISLAM...DAN KAWASAN SEMAKIN BERGOLAK...???>> ADAKAH KESADARAN BARU AKAN MENGHENTIKAN..PERAN2 ASING DAN TANGAN2 PENJAJAH KRIMINAL INTERNASIONAL BISA SEMAKIN .DIELIMINIR...?? ATAUKAH ..... MALAHAN SEBALIKNYA.... PENDERITAAN UMAT MUSLIMIN TIMUR TENGAH SEMAKIN MERAJALELA...??>> ATAUKAH PD III ..... SEDANG DIMULAI... DAN PERAN INTELIGEN DAN PENGELOMPOKAN..PARA SERDADU2...BARU SEDANG DIREKRUT DAN DIPERKUAT...???>>> INILAH GELOMBANG MASA PANCAROBA..YANG SANGAT MUSYKIL...DIGELANGGAN TIMUR TENGAH..SEDANG DIMAINKAN...???>> WASPADALAH...DAN AWAS..LAH UMAT ISLAM DIPECAH BELAH DAN DIADU DOMBA..OLEH TANGAN2 DAN AGEN2 PENJAJAH KRIMINAL INTERNASIONAL DAN PARA KOLABORATOR HAUS DARAH..DAN SANGAT SERAKAH...??>> ...WASPADALAH...!!!..........Ketika Mohammad Moersi, dan juga Tayyep Erdogan, berhasil meraih kekuasaan di dua negara Islam terbesar di Timur Tengah, yaitu Mesir dan Turki, keduanya memiliki kesempatan sangat berharga untuk menjadikan kedua negara sebagai kekuatan besar yang dihormati dan dicintai oleh seluruh penduduk Timur Tengah dan bahkan dunia Islam. ...>>> ......ketika Erdogan berani "menghardik" Presiden Israel dalam konperensi internasional di Davos Swiss karena serangan biadab Israel terhadap penduduk Palestina di Gaza akhir pada tahun 2008 dan awal tahun 2009, seluruh masyarakat Islam di seluruh dunia dan terutama di negara-negara Arab, langsung mengelu-elukannya sebagai pahlawan. Apalagi dengan keberhasilan Erdogan membangun negeri Turki, membuatnya menjadi idola di kalangan umat Islam di seluruh dunia....>>> ....baik Moersi maupun Erdogan ternyata "mengkhianati" harapan umat Islam di seluruh dunia. Setelah delapan tahun berhasil membangun Turki, Erdogan menghancurkan reputasinya sendiri dalam sekejap setelah ia memerintahkan polisi melakukan tindakan keras terhadap sekelompok kecil demonstran damai yang menentang proyek pembangunan Lapangan Taksim yang diketahui merupakan proyek milik kroni-kroni Erdogan. Kini, tidak hanya reputasinya yang hancur di mata rakyatnya dan di mata bangsa-bangsa di dunia, kekuasaan Erdogan terancam oleh aksi-aksi demonstrasi yang berubah menjadi aksi-aksi menuntut pengunduran dirinya sebagai perdana menteri...>> ...muncul petisi dari 1.400 pemimpin muda Ikhwanul Muslimin yang menolak kepemimpinan pemimpin tertinggi Ikhwanul Muslimin Mesir Mohamed Badie. Mereka menamakan diri sebagai "Ikhwan Tanpa Kekerasan". Media-media barat menyebut mereka "bagaikan 1.400 pendeta Katholik yang menuntut pengunduran diri Sri Paus"...>>> ...."Setelah mereka (Moersi dan para pemimpin Ikhwanul Muslimin) berkuasa, mereka berubah dan melupakan Islam dan toleransi serta seruan kepada jalan Islam, mereka hanya berfikir bagaimana melindungi kepentingan diri sendiri dan menemukan jalan yang aman demi meraih kekuasaan." Yehia juga mengungkapkan bagaimana para pemimpin Ikhwanul Muslimin memerintahkan para pendukungnya untuk membebaskan Moersi dari tahanan, apapun risikonya. Dan saat tentara menembaki para demonstran yang menyerbu markas pasukan Pengawal Republik tempat Moersi ditahan hingga puluhan di antara mereka tewas dan ratusan lainnya mengalami luka-luka, para pemimpin Ikhwanul Muslimin tidak berada di samping mereka....>> ......COBA LIHAT NIH...According to them, their own theory of 9/11 – a conspiracy theory holding that 19 Arabs, none of whom could fly planes with any proficiency, pulled off the crime of the century under the direction of a guy on dialysis in a cave in Afghanistan – was indisputably true. The so-called conspiracists, on the other hand, did not pretend to have a theory that completely explained the events of 9/11: “For people who think 9/11 was a government conspiracy, the focus is not on promoting a specific rival theory, but in trying to debunk the official account.” ...>> ...Straight out of Russian news, Vladimir Putin has called for the nation’s strategic bombers to enter a state of ‘full combat readiness’ following the ‘snap drills’ that were initiated after Israel bombed Russian-made missiles within Syria. ...>>... If and when Western forces engage the Syrian army you can be assured that it will be nothing like the 1991 conflict in Iraq when a hundred thousand of Saddam Hussein’s soldiers surrendered without firing a shot. Nor will it be a no-fly zone free-for-all where air forces will be able to target military assets as they did in Libya without being challenged. No, this time will be different. This time, Russia and America may well being playing with fire. The kind that leads the people of this planet head first into World War III....>>> ...Bush’s Invasion of Iraq was Criminal … Obama’s About to Do the Same Thing In Syria...>>> ...Bush Launched the Iraq War For Oil … Obama Is Launching the Syrian War for Natural Gas...>>

Bush’s Invasion of Iraq was Criminal … Obama’s About to Do the Same Thing In Syria

Bush Launched the Iraq War For Oil … Obama Is Launching the Syrian War for Natural Gas


Washingtons Blog
May 29, 2013

The former head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – the highest ranking military officer in the United States – said that the Iraq war was “based on a series of lies”.

Many high-ranking military officials, top Republican leaders and key architects of the Iraq war said that the war was really about oil.  And yet the American people haven’t seen any benefit … top oil economists have said that the Iraq war substantially raised the price of oil.

The American government sold the Iraq war under false pretenses.

Indeed, the American government planned the Iraq war long before 9/11.  Former CIA director George Tenet said that the White House wanted to invade Iraq long before 9/11, and inserted “crap” in its justifications for invading Iraq.  Former Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill – who sat on the National Security Council – also says that Bush planned the Iraq war before 9/11.  Top British officials say that the U.S. discussed Iraq regime change even before Bush took office. In 2000, Cheney said a Bush administration might “have to take military action to forcibly remove Saddam from power.” And see this and this. Indeed, neoconservatives planned regime change .

National security experts – including both hawks and doves – agree that waging war against Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries has weakened America’s national security and increased terrorism risks. See this, this, this, this, this, this, this and this.

Similarly, neoconservatives planned regime change .
And carrying out acts of violence and blaming it on the Syrian government as an excuse for regime change – i.e. false flag terror – was discussed over 50 years ago by British and American leaders.
And Western governments want regime change in Syria because of gas:
Syria is an integral partof the proposed 1,200km Arab Gas Pipeline:

Here are some additional graphics courtesy of Adam Curry:
A picture named arabGasPipeline.jpg

A picture named syria-turkey.jpg

A picture named levantprovince2.jpg
Syria’s central role in the Arab gas pipeline is … a key to why it is now being targeted.
Just as the Taliban was scheduled for removal after they demanded too much in return for the Unocal pipeline, Syria’s Assad is being targeted because he is not a reliable “player”.
Specifically, Turkey, Israel and their ally the U.S. want an assured flow of gas through Syria, and don’t want a Syrian regime which is not unquestionably loyal to those 3 countries to stand in the way of the pipeline … or which demands too big a cut of the profits.
A deal has also been inked to run a natural gas pipeline from Iran’s giant South Pars field through Iraq and Syria (with a possible extension to Lebanon).
And a deal to run petroleum from Iraq’s Kirkuk oil field to the Syrian port of Banias has also been approved:

Turkey and Israel would be cut out of these competing pipelines.
No wonder Turkey and Israel are both launching military strikes against Syria.
On the other hand, Russia’s giant natural gas industry would be threatened if Syria’s current regime is toppled … no wonder Israel and Russia are getting into it over Syria.
And the monarchies in Qatar and Saudi Arabia would also benefit as competitors in the gas market if Syria’s regime is taken out … so they’re backing the “rebels” as well.
And the U.S. is heavily backing backed Al Qaeda terrorists in Syria. (even the New York Times reports that virtually all of the rebel fighters are Al Qaeda terrorists.)
Indeed, the U.S. has been arming the Syrian opposition since 2006.
And the U.S. is now considering imposing a no-fly zone over Syria … which was also the opening move in the wars against Iraq and Libya.
Bush launched the Iraq war under false pretenses … similarly, the war in Syria is really being launched by Obama and natural gas players in the region who want to cut Syria and Russia out of the game.
Postscript: If the corporate media were reporting more accurately on Syria than they did on Iraq, the American people would realize that there is grave doubt about who is most responsible for the violence, and who really used chemical weapons in Syria.
Not that Assad is a saint, but he poses no danger to the United States, and shouldn’t be demonized and turned into a threat to American national security man any more than Saddam Hussein.
The Iraq war will end up with a final price tag of between $5-6 trillion dollars.  We simply can’t afford to get involved in another war … especially with Russia and Iran actively aligned against us.

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Russia Amasses ‘Full Combat Readiness’ Strategic Bombers


Straight out of Russian news, Vladimir Putin has called for the nation’s strategic bombers to enter a state of ‘full combat readiness’ following the ‘snap drills’ that were initiated after Israel bombed Russian-made missiles within Syria.

Photo: Story Leak
By Anthony Gucciardi
Story Leak
July 17, 2013
As I reported on Sunday, Russia’s large scale amassing of over 160,000 troops, naval ships, fighter planes, and strategic bombers has been virtually ignored by the mainstream media — with only Russian-based news services really reporting on the entire event. From the Israeli bombing of the Russian missiles to the ‘snap drills’ calling upon Russian forces to enter this period of ‘full combat readiness’, it appears that only RT has been analyzing the situation and looking at what’s going on based on military sources.

Tabloid Media Too Busy to Cover Brewing World Conflict

Originally being revealed by an anonymous intelligence individuals within the US military and shared with CNN as reported by the Israeli National News, the revelation that Israel was behind the strike on the Russian-made missiles in Syria may be behind the reason for the combat drill — assuming the Russians found out before the general public. Unfortunately, the US mainstream media is too busy covering the minor intricacies of what George Zimmerman ate for breakfast today to discuss the potential brewing of mega conflict.
And when you throw Edward Snowden into this mix of tensions between world powers, it’s additional fuel on the fire amid all of this diplomatic turmoil. And with  the intelligence leak that it was Israel who blew up Russia’s missiles after they deemed them to be a threat to the country, you have a real serious key going into the ignition of world war.
An excerpt from the Russian report on the English version of the .RU website RIA Novosti reads:
“Russia’s air base of Tu-95MS Bear-H strategic bombers in the Amur Region is switching to full combat readiness as part of massive snap drills in the Eastern Military District, the Defense Ministry’s press office reported on Sunday… The exercise, which involves over 160,000 servicemen, some 1,000 armored vehicles, 130 aircraft and 70 warships from the Pacific Fleet, was ordered by President Vladimir Putin on Friday evening.”
Whether or not escalations reach the point of conflict, and I certainly hope they do not (as Israel vs Russia is the absolute ‘perfect storm’ setup to launch the next world war and potential nuclear armageddon), the amassing of over 160,000 troops and strategic bombers with orders to achieve ‘full combat readiness’ is newsworthy. But apparently not to the mainstream media within the United States. A simple Google search at the time of writing for ‘Russia 160,000 troops’ will in fact bring up forums, social media posts, Russian websites, and small-time blogs.
Where’s the media?

Russia:”Syria Will Be Armed With Weapons That Have Never Been Seen Before In the Middle East”

Neither of these leaders, given their past, would give pause to the thought of killing millions of people if they believe it was in their interest, or in the interest of their globalist handlers.

By Mac Slavo

June 24, 2013
Last week, Noble Peace Prize winner President Barrack Obama advised that his administration would be arming the Free Syrian Army with weapons to resist the armies of Syria’s President Bashar Assad. Furthermore, they would look to implement a Libya-style no-fly zone over the country, which like Libya, would likely involve widespread carpet bombing of suspected military strongholds and control centers.

With boots on the ground around Syria’s borders, the United States is without a doubt preparing for widespread engagement across the region yet again, with the aim of the new U.S. supplied weapons being more killing and destruction in a civil war that has left tens of thousands dead in the last year.

It is the assumption of the Obama administration that these weapons will tip the scales of power in favor of the rebels, many of whom have been identified as members of America’s arch enemy, Al Queda.

But Russia’s KGB-hardened President Vladimir Putin has other ideas.

This week, according to a British intelligence report, Putin reportedly passed on a diplomatic communique to the United States and France using British Prime Minister David Cameron as the intermediary.

According to the report from Syrian-based Dam Press and the Dyar Newspaper, the Russians aren’t backing off their Syria policy and they are getting ready to double down by supplying Assad’s military with weapons the have never before been seen in the middle east.

If and when Western forces engage the Syrian army you can be assured that it will be nothing like the 1991 conflict in Iraq when a hundred thousand of Saddam Hussein’s soldiers surrendered without firing a shot. Nor will it be a no-fly zone free-for-all where air forces will be able to target military assets as they did in Libya without being challenged.

No, this time will be different.

This time, Russia and America may well being playing with fire. The kind that leads the people of this planet head first into World War III.
Global Research reports:
The Patriot Missiles will be hit and repealed with S 300 SAM [already installed in Syria]Putin also threatened to deliver the more advanced S400 anti-aircraft missiles (see image below) far superior to the Patriot missiles and ranked as the World’s most advanced air defense system.


He added that Russia will also supply Syria with state-of –the-art 24-Barrell rocket launcherswhich have a range of 60 km ranked as the most developed artillery weapon of its kind.(see video below)


He added that Russia will supply 400 of these launchers which will be able to destroy all targets around Syria’s borders.

The British intelligence site stated that Putin threatened to send other secret Russian made weapons to Syria which would tip the balance of power even further in favour of Syria and re-iterated that these weapons will not be used against Israel on condition that Israel will not participate in the war within Syria and neighbouring countries. {Lebanon, Jordan]

Putin’s response came just over 24 hours after Obama’s statement on Saturday that he was going to arm the Syrian resistance.

Putin clearly stated that the Middle East is going to witness a significant change.  Syria will be armed with weapons that have never been seen before [in the Middle East] including computer guided smart missiles that never miss their target.
He also added that Russia will supply Syria with Skean 5 ground -to-sea missiles that are capable of hitting and sinking any target up to 250 km off the Syrian coast.
Full report: Global Research
In his documentary Strategic Relocation Joel Skousen suggested that one of the most critical threats facing the world right now is the real possibility that Russia and America will engage in a future nuclear exchange.
While the weapons being supplied to Syria by both sides are a far cry from nuclear meltdown, the current policies of both nations can very quickly metastasize into a much more direct confrontation.
Vladimir Putin comes from the old world of Soviet leadership; one that believes in Russian military superiority and rules with an iron fist. He has no qualms about going to war if he finds it necessary to the long-term interests of Russia.
In the United States, President Barrack Obama is embroiled in numerous scandals and is presiding over an economy on the brink of collapse, giving him ample motivation to divert the attention of the public.
Neither of these leaders, given their past, would give pause to the thought of killing millions of people if they believe it was in their interest, or in the interest of their globalist handlers.
Wars in the 20th century, most democidal in origin, claimed the lives of hundreds of millions of people.
Just statistics in the history books to leadership circles in the upper echelons of our governing apparatus.
The lives of innocents have been sacrificed on the alters of power, greed and corruption since the dawn of man.
The 21st century is no different.
What IS different is that we have never before had weapons capable of killing every single person on this planet with the press of a button.
War is coming in this century – just as it came to the good people of earth in every century before.
Watch –  ”The Last Day”  - What the first few minutes of World War III will look like:

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Recent studies by psychologists and social scientists in the US and UK suggest that contrary to mainstream media stereotypes, those labeled “conspiracy theorists” appear to be saner than those who accept the official versions of contested events.

New World Order
New World Order
By Dr. Kevin Barrett
Press TV
July 15, 2013

The most recent study was published on July 8th by psychologists Michael J. Wood and Karen M. Douglas of the University of Kent (UK). Entitled “What about Building 7? A social psychological study of online discussion of 9/11 conspiracy theories,” the study compared “conspiracist” (pro-conspiracy theory) and “conventionalist” (anti-conspiracy) comments at news websites.

The authors were surprised to discover that it is now more conventional to leave so-called conspiracist comments than conventionalist ones: “Of the 2174 comments collected, 1459 were coded as conspiracist and 715 as conventionalist.” In other words, among people who comment on news articles, those who disbelieve government accounts of such events as 9/11 and the JFK assassination outnumber believers by more than two to one. That means it is the pro-conspiracy commenters who are expressing what is now the conventional wisdom, while the anti-conspiracy commenters are becoming a small, beleaguered minority.

Perhaps because their supposedly mainstream views no longer represent the majority, the anti-conspiracy commenters often displayed anger and hostility: “The research… showed that people who favoured the official account of 9/11 were generally more hostile when trying to persuade their rivals.”

Additionally, it turned out that the anti-conspiracy people were not only hostile, but fanatically attached to their own conspiracy theories as well. According to them, their own theory of 9/11 – a conspiracy theory holding that 19 Arabs, none of whom could fly planes with any proficiency, pulled off the crime of the century under the direction of a guy on dialysis in a cave in Afghanistan – was indisputably true. The so-called conspiracists, on the other hand, did not pretend to have a theory that completely explained the events of 9/11: “For people who think 9/11 was a government conspiracy, the focus is not on promoting a specific rival theory, but in trying to debunk the official account.”

In short, the new study by Wood and Douglas suggests that the negative stereotype of the conspiracy theorist – a hostile fanatic wedded to the truth of his own fringe theory – accurately describes the people who defend the official account of 9/11, not those who dispute it.

Additionally, the study found that so-called conspiracists discuss historical context (such as viewing the JFK assassination as a precedent for 9/11) more than anti-conspiracists. It also found that the so-called conspiracists to not like to be called “conspiracists” or “conspiracy theorists.”

Both of these findings are amplified in the new book Conspiracy Theory in America by political scientist Lance deHaven-Smith, published earlier this year by the University of Texas Press. Professor deHaven-Smith explains why people don’t like being called “conspiracy theorists”: The term was invented and put into wide circulation by the CIA to smear and defame people questioning the JFK assassination! “The CIA’s campaign to popularize the term ‘conspiracy theory’ and make conspiracy belief a target of ridicule and hostility must be credited, unfortunately, with being one of the most successful propaganda initiatives of all time.”

In other words, people who use the terms “conspiracy theory” and “conspiracy theorist” as an insult are doing so as the result of a well-documented, undisputed, historically-real conspiracy by the CIA to cover up the JFK assassination. That campaign, by the way, was completely illegal, and the CIA officers involved were criminals; the CIA is barred from all domestic activities, yet routinely breaks the law to conduct domestic operations ranging from propaganda to assassinations.

DeHaven-Smith also explains why those who doubt official explanations of high crimes are eager to discuss historical context. He points out that a very large number of conspiracy claims have turned out to be true, and that there appear to be strong relationships between many as-yet-unsolved “state crimes against democracy.” An obvious example is the link between the JFK and RFK assassinations, which both paved the way for presidencies that continued the Vietnam War. According to DeHaven-Smith, we should always discuss the “Kennedy assassinations” in the plural, because the two killings appear to have been aspects of the same larger crime.

Psychologist Laurie Manwell of the University of Guelph agrees that the CIA-designed “conspiracy theory” label impedes cognitive function. She points out, in an article published in American Behavioral Scientist (2010), that anti-conspiracy people are unable to think clearly about such apparent state crimes against democracy as 9/11 due to their inability to process information that conflicts with pre-existing belief.

In the same issue of ABS, University of Buffalo professor Steven Hoffman adds that anti-conspiracy people are typically prey to strong “confirmation bias” – that is, they seek out information that confirms their pre-existing beliefs, while using irrational mechanisms (such as the “conspiracy theory” label) to avoid conflicting information.

The extreme irrationality of those who attack “conspiracy theories” has been ably exposed by Communications professors Ginna Husting and Martin Orr of Boise State University. In a 2007 peer-reviewed article entitled “Dangerous Machinery: ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ as a Transpersonal Strategy of Exclusion,” they wrote:
“If I call you a conspiracy theorist, it matters little whether you have actually claimed that a conspiracy exists or whether you have simply raised an issue that I would rather avoid… By labeling you, I strategically exclude you from the sphere where public speech, debate, and conflict occur.”
But now, thanks to the internet, people who doubt official stories are no longer excluded from public conversation; the CIA’s 44-year-old campaign to stifle debate using the “conspiracy theory” smear is nearly worn-out. In academic studies, as in comments on news articles, pro-conspiracy voices are now more numerous – and more rational – than anti-conspiracy ones.

No wonder the anti-conspiracy people are sounding more and more like a bunch of hostile, paranoid cranks.
About the author:

Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist, is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror. Dr. Barrett has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications. Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin, where he ran for Congress in 2008. He is the co-founder of the Muslim-Christian-Jewish Alliance, and author of the books Truth Jihad: My Epic Struggle Against the 9/11 Big Lie (2007) and Questioning the War on Terror: A Primer for Obama Voters (2009). His website is www.truthjihad.com. More articles by Dr. Kevin Barrett

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The Crime of the Century ~ 9/11


The Intellihub
Sept. 11, 2011
As we all remember the events of September 11, 2001, many of us have been searching for the truth regarding the events of 9/11 for many years. A new documentary produced by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth – AE911Truth.org, 9/11: Explosive Evidence — Experts Speak Out is the culmination of years of dedicated research.
Just a mere and simple utterance of the word, 9/11, or September 11th, or any other various related terms can stir up a caldron of emotion – and it runs the entire spectrum. From steadfast defenders of the government’s official explanation of what happened on 9/11 to those arguing theories of a deep, dark, evil conspiracy. There is no shortage of passion.
Regardless of your personal beliefs about what happened on 9/11 we can all agree (as we’ve been told over and over again) that 9/11 has indeed fundamentally changed the world we all live in and experience every day.
This would all be well and good if there was no doubt about what happened. If the official story was rock solid and beyond reasonable doubt, we could all stand up in unison, proudly, pound our chests with righteous indignation and get the bad guys without a second thought.
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth recently released another documentary Architects & Engineers: Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 – which is available on AE911Truths’ YouTube Channel
Architects & Engineers – Solving the Mystery of WTC7 has reached a new milestone for AE911Truth, garnering over 100,000 YouTube views in less than a week. The popularity of this groundbreaking mini-documentary has far outpaced every other video produced by AE911Truth, including the seminal film, 9/11: Blueprint for Truth. Congratulations to the Video Team and everyone else who helped to make this success possible! – Editorial
Architects & Engineers: Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is pleased to announce the launch of the Remember Building 7 10th Anniversary Campaign – the most aggressive ad campaign yet. This season we are accelerating our strategic partnership with RememberBuilding7.org in order to make this 10th Anniversary a vital turning point in the pursuit of a new 9/11 investigation.
Remember Building 7 Campaign Cosponsors
NYC CAN is non-partisan organization representing over one-hundred 9/11 family members, dozens of first responders and survivors, and thousands of proud citizens committed to bringing about a new and independent investigation into the events of September 11, 2001.
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is a non-partisan association of architects, engineers, and affiliates whose work is dedicated to the victims, families and all others throughout the world affected by the tragic events of September 11, 2001 and its aftermath. Their mission is to research, compile, and disseminate scientific evidence relative to the destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers, calling for a truly open and independent investigation and supporting others in the pursuit of justice.
911Blogger is committed to covering 9/11-related news and serves as a forum for discussion among thousands of concerned citizens seeking the truth about the events of September 11, 2001.
The Journal of 9/11 Studies is a peer-reviewed, open-access, electronic-only journal, covering the whole of research related to the events of 11 September, 2001. Many fields of study are represented in the journal, including Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Psychology. All content is freely available online.
World for 9/11 Truth is a grassroots initiative to unify the world behind one single idea: a new 9/11 independent investigation.
Firefighters for 9/11 Truth is a non-partisan association of firefighters and affiliates created to increase awareness, provide public education, demand a real investigation that follows National Standards, and provide support to our Brothers and Sisters in need. Firefighters for 9/11 Truth call for: 1) A truly independent investigation with Subpoena and Contempt Powers to uncover the complete truth of the events related to 9/11/2001, specifically the collapse of WTC Building 7 and the possibility of explosive demolition, 2) For the investigation to follow the national standards so clearly outlined in the National Fire Protection Association guidelines, specifically, NFPA 921 to include thorough analysis of the steel for the presence of “exotic accelerants,” and 3) For Congress to honor the promises made to the rescue workers of 9/11 by passing the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act.
In addition to leading the way in educating the French public about 9/11, ReOpen911 members translate English materials into French and make it available for the global French community. They are currently co-producing the upcoming documentary film “One”, the follow up to the 9/11 film “Zero: An investigation into 9/11”.
Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth is an association of political leaders from around the world calling upon President Barack Obama to authorize a new, truly independent investigation to determine what happened on September 11, 2001.
Religious Leaders for 9/11 Truth is a multi-faith association of religious leaders from around the world formed to address the significant moral challenge that has emerged from the discrepancies between the official account of 9/11 and the results of extensive independent research by individuals with relevant scientific or professional expertise. They call upon President Barack Obama to authorize a new, truly independent investigation into the 9/11 attacks.
Lawyers for 9/11 Truth is an association of lawyers who have concluded that the 9/11 Commission and other government examinations were wholly inadequate, and did not follow proper rules of evidence or procedure. They demand a full investigation by unbiased people with subpoena power and the courage to demand that the Constitution and rule of law are followed, and all guilty persons held accountable for their actions.

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Ketika Mohammad Moersi, dan juga Tayyep Erdogan, berhasil meraih kekuasaan di dua negara Islam terbesar di Timur Tengah, yaitu Mesir dan Turki, keduanya memiliki kesempatan sangat berharga untuk menjadikan kedua negara sebagai kekuatan besar yang dihormati dan dicintai oleh seluruh penduduk Timur Tengah dan bahkan dunia Islam.

Kita melihat, misalnya, ketika Erdogan berani "menghardik" Presiden Israel dalam konperensi internasional di Davos Swiss karena serangan biadab Israel terhadap penduduk Palestina di Gaza akhir pada tahun 2008 dan awal tahun 2009, seluruh masyarakat Islam di seluruh dunia dan terutama di negara-negara Arab, langsung mengelu-elukannya sebagai pahlawan. Apalagi dengan keberhasilan Erdogan membangun negeri Turki, membuatnya menjadi idola di kalangan umat Islam di seluruh dunia.

Demikian juga dengan Moersi, atau setidaknya harapan besar umat Islam terhadapnya. Berhasil meraih kekuasaan melalui pemilu yang demokratis paska tergulingnya diktator antagonis Hoesni Mubarrak, ia menjadi harapan bagi jutaan umat Islam untuk bisa membangkitkan kebanggan umat Islam terutama bangsa-bangsa Arab.

Namun baik Moersi maupun Erdogan ternyata "mengkhianati" harapan umat Islam di seluruh dunia. Setelah delapan tahun berhasil membangun Turki, Erdogan menghancurkan reputasinya sendiri dalam sekejap setelah ia memerintahkan polisi melakukan tindakan keras terhadap sekelompok kecil demonstran damai yang menentang proyek pembangunan Lapangan Taksim yang diketahui merupakan proyek milik kroni-kroni Erdogan. Kini, tidak hanya reputasinya yang hancur di mata rakyatnya dan di mata bangsa-bangsa di dunia, kekuasaan Erdogan terancam oleh aksi-aksi demonstrasi yang berubah menjadi aksi-aksi menuntut pengunduran dirinya sebagai perdana menteri.

Lebih tragis lagi adalah Moersi, yang hanya bisa bertahan menjadi presiden Mesir selama setahun. Padahal yang harus dilakukannya sederhana saja: melakukan kompromi terhadap semua kekuatan politik sebagaimana hukum politik yang berlaku di seluruh dunia, apalagi dengan Mesir yang demokrasinya baru saja tumbuh. Namun ia menolak jalan itu dan lebih memilih jalan "antagonis" yang dibenci rakyat.

Lengsernya Moersi dan tergoncangnya kekuasaan Erdogan, yang keduanya merupakan tokoh gerakan Ikhwanul Muslimin, menurut Presiden Syria Bashar al Assad merupakan bukti kegagalan dari apa yang disebutnya sebagai "politik Islam". Maksudnya adalah politik yang menggunakan simbol-simbol Islam untuk meraih kekuasaan, namun pada dasarnya tidak ada hubungannya sama sekali dengan Islam.

Melihat apa yang terjadi di Mesir dan Turki, memang sulit untuk menolak klaim Bashar al Assad. Bagi saya (blogger) sendiri Moersi, Erdogan dan Ikhwanul Muslimin-nya hanyalah pion yang dimainkan oleh para zionis penyembah berhala penguasa dunia yang berkuasa di balik layar.

(Jangan sinis dulu dengan "teori konspirasi" ini. Sebuah studi yang digelar University of Kent dan dipublikasikan tgl 8 Juli lalu berjudul "What about Building 7? A social psychological study of online discussion of 9/11 conspiracy theories” mengungkapkan bahwa mayoritas penduduk Amerika dan Inggris kini percaya dengan adanya "teori konspirasi" dan mereka yang menolak adanya "teori konspirasi". Studi tersebut juga menyebutkan bahwa orang-orang yang menolak "teori konspirasi" di tengah-tengah bukti-bukti rasional yang melimpah tentang hal itu cenderung menjadi defensif, emosional dan mengalami kecenderungan masalah kejiwaan. Jadi jika Anda masih ingin dianggap waras, percayalah pada "teori konspirasi").

Naik-turunnya Moersi dari kekuasaan menunjukkan hal itu. Meski awalnya melihat diktator Hoesni Mubarak dan model pemerintahan Mesir yang sentralistis sebagai penghalang yang harus dihancurkan demi memperlancar agenda liberalisasi Mesir, berubahnya Mesir dari negara diktatorial menjadi negara demokratis yang kuat bisa mengancam kepentingan Amerika dan zionis internasional. Bahkan meskipun Moersi adalah pemimpin yang pro-Amerika dan zionis internasional, yang lulus sekolah insinyur di Amerika dan membangun karier di negara itu, ia bukan harga mati yang harus dibela mati-matian. Maka ketika rakyat Mesir menuntut Moersi mundur dan militer berada di samping mereka, Amerika pun memberi lampu hijau pada militer Mesir untuk melakukan kudeta dan membuang jauh-jauh ide tentang "demokrasi".

Lalu mengapa Moersi, dan juga Erdogan, berani memainkan peran "antagonis" hingga mengundang kudeta dan mengabaikan kesempatan dirinya menjadi tokoh yang dihormati dan dicintai? Tidak lain karena ia hanya memainkan peran yang diinginkan Amerika menjadikan Mesir tetap sebagai negara lemah.

Al-Sisi Ungkap Penyebab Kudeta

Menhan dan pemimpin militer Mesir Jendral Abdel Fattah al-Sisi yang memimpin kudeta terhadap Moersi akhirnya mengungkapkan penyebab militer melakukan aksinya. Menurutnya, Mohammad Moersi menolak melakukan kompromi dengan menyelenggarakan referendum pemilihan umum yang dipercepat. Inilah salah satu peran antagonis yang dimainkan Moersi.

Menurut al-Sisi, sebagaimana ditulis oleh beberapa media Arab, beberapa hari sebelum kudeta ia telah mengajukan proposal kepada Mohammad Moersi untuk mengadakan referendum penyelenggaraan pemilu yang dipercepat. Hal ini dianggap sebagai jalan keluar terbaik untuk menghindari perang saudara antara pendukung dan anti-Moersi setelah tgl 30 Mei para penentang Moersi berhasil menggalang puluhan juta tandatangan petisi penolakan Moersi. Namun usulan tersebut ditolak Moersi.

Menurut pengakuan Sisi, militer menghormati hasil pemilihan umum bulan Juni 2012 yang mengantar Moersi ke kursi kekuasaan. Militer juga telah mencoba untuk menjauhkan diri dari politik. Namun ketika jutaan rakyat Mesir turun ke jalanan menuntut pengunduran diri Moersi, militer tidak bisa lagi berdiam diri.

"Tidak ada yang bisa menjadi pengayom masyarakat, dan tak seorang pun yang bisa memaksakan jalan atau pemikiran yang tidak diterima rakyat. Militer secara jujur menerima pilihan yang dikehendaki rakyat (Moersi), namun kemudian pemerintahan mengalami keruntuhan dan militer melihat bahwa setiap perbaikan atau penyesuaian harus melalui satu sumber, yaitu legitimasi rakyat," kata Sisi.

Kepemimpinan Ikhwanul Muslimin Baru

Ikhwanul Muslimin Mesir, paska lengsernya Moersi dari kekuasaan hanya memiliki 2 pilihan: menolak kudeta dan berperang melawan militer dan oposisi dengan resiko kehancuran organisasi, atau melakukan kompromi dengan kekuatan yang telah mengkudeta mereka dengan harapan organisasi tetap berdiri dan bisa berbagi kekuasaan.

Bagi tokoh-tokoh senior yang tidak mungkin lagi bisa mengelak dari konsekuensi politik yang telah mereka lakukan meski jalan kompromi dipilih, yaitu  dipenjara atau diasingkan secara politik, pilihan kedua tentu bukan yang mereka inginkan. Namun bagi para pemimpin di level yang lebih rendah, inilah pilihan yang terbaik. Dan inilah yang mulai terjadi.

Baru-baru ini muncul petisi dari 1.400 pemimpin muda Ikhwanul Muslimin yang menolak kepemimpinan pemimpin tertinggi Ikhwanul Muslimin Mesir Mohamed Badie. Mereka menamakan diri sebagai "Ikhwan Tanpa Kekerasan". Media-media barat menyebut mereka "bagaikan 1.400 pendeta Katholik yang menuntut pengunduran diri Sri Paus".

Pada tgl 12 Juli lalu, melalui wawancara dengan satu televisi Mesir, Ahmed Yehia, seorang pengacara yang menjadi koordinator kelompok ini menyebutkan alasan kelompoknya melakukan hal itu,

"Setelah mereka (Moersi dan para pemimpin Ikhwanul Muslimin) berkuasa, mereka berubah dan melupakan Islam dan toleransi serta seruan kepada jalan Islam, mereka hanya berfikir bagaimana melindungi kepentingan diri sendiri dan menemukan jalan yang aman demi meraih kekuasaan."

Yehia juga mengungkapkan bagaimana para pemimpin Ikhwanul Muslimin memerintahkan para pendukungnya untuk membebaskan Moersi dari tahanan, apapun risikonya. Dan saat tentara menembaki para demonstran yang menyerbu markas pasukan Pengawal Republik tempat Moersi ditahan hingga puluhan di antara mereka tewas dan ratusan lainnya mengalami luka-luka, para pemimpin Ikhwanul Muslimin tidak berada di samping mereka.

Yehia percaya bahwa militer telah mengetahui rencana "bunuh diri" pengikut Ikhwanul Muslimin ini dan kini hanya soal waktu sebelum para pemimpin Ikhwanul Muslimin itu mempertanggungjawabkan tindakannya. Bahkan Amerika dan zionis internasional pun tidak akan bisa membela mereka saat militer dan pemerintahan sementara Mesir mengeluarkan bukti --- di antaranya berupa transkrip pembicaraan telepon--- bahwa para pemimpin Ikhwanul Muslimin telah membunuhi pengikutnya sendiri.

"Mursi Rejected Early Elections Referendum"; almanar.com.lb; 15 Juli 2013
"New studies: ‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane; government dupes crazy, hostile";
Dr Kevin Barrett; Press TV; 12 Juli 2013
"Arab oil cash to kill democracy in Egypt"; Finian Cunningham; Press TV; 11 Juli 2013
"New MB leadership emerging in Egypt"; Jim W. Dean; Press TV; 16 Juli 2013

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