Senin, 01 Juli 2013

.....Miris sekali melihat Turki berseteru dengan Suriah meski keduanya sama2 mayoritas Islam. Sementara Turki dgn Israel kok kelihatan bersahabat padahal kekafiran dan kekejaman Israel thd ummat Islam 100% tidak diragukan lagi. Jelas di sebut di Al Qur’an dan juga Media Massa. Harusnya Tayyib Erdogan dari Ikhwanul Muslimin yg jadi Perdana Menteri Turki sejak tahun 2003 benar2 bisa mewujudkan Ukhuwah Islamiyyah dan mengamalkan ayat Al QUr’an di bawah:..>> Pesawat Tempur dgn Bendera Turki dan Israel berdampingan beserta para prajuritnya? Foto ini sudah saya konfirmasi dgn beberapa sumber di antaranya:>> B: Universitas Al-Azhar, dengan manhajnya yang moderat berisi kader-kader salafi dalam jumlah besar. Juga ada upaya untuk meracuni pikiran para mahasiswa Al-Azhar di asrama-asrama Al-Azhar. Hal itu Ikhwan lakukan dengan cara membelikan sebagian buku untuk para mahasiswa. Demikian juga, setiap hari Jumat ada mobil menjemput para mahasiswa dari asrama untuk diantar ke pengajian para syekh Salafi yang tidak henti-hentinya menghina Al-Azhar, hingga para mahasiswa tersebut mendengarkan ceramah yang menyatakan Al-Azhar kafir dan syirik menurut keyakinan mereka. Orang-orang Salafi Wahabi mengafirkan para ulama Al-Azhar. Mereka menuduh Al-Azhar telah mencampurkan bid’ah dan kemusyrikan. Mereka berusaha keras untuk mengubah akidah dan manhaj (metodologi) Al-Azhar dan diganti dengan metodologi badui, hingga Al-Azhar berubah menjadi instansi Wahabi dan sekte Wahabi tegak di bumi Mesir...>> ..THE SAUDI DYNASTY: FROM WHERE IS IT? AND WHO IS THE REAL ANCESTOR OF THIS FAMILY? RESEARCH AND PRESENTATION OF: MOHAMMAD SAKHER , who was ordered killed by the Saudi Regime for the following findings: 1. Are the Saudi Family members belonging to the Tribe of ANZA BEN WA'EL as they allege to be? 2. Is Islam their actual religion? 3. Are they of an ARAB ORIGIN at all? .>>... The Saudi Royal Family Are Crypto-Jews..???>> The Illuminati is in fact a reincarnation of the ancient Alumbrados , whose one time leader was Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits. [452] The Illuminati was established by Lorenzo Ricco, the Jesuit General, in 1776, who used his disciple, Adam Weishaupt, as the front man for the new organization (which was not really new at all).[453] The Jesuits, having just been suppressed by the pope in 1773, found it necessary to establish the Illuminati, which was an alliance between the Jesuits and the very powerful Ashkenazi Jewish Banking House of Rothschild. The purpose of Weishaupt initially was to avenge the papal suppression of the Jesuits by rooting out all religion and overturning the governments of the world, bringing them under a single world government, controlled, of course, by the Illuminati, under the authority of their god. That world government is commonly referred to by the Illuminati as the "New World Order." The god of the Illuminati is Satan.[454] ..>> Hundreds of people are dead. For the first time no one is blaming Muslim organizations. The Mumbai ATS chief Hemant Karkare and other officers of the ATS have been killed. These were the same people who were investigating the Malegaon Blasts–in which Praggya Singh, an army officer and several other noted personalities of the BJP-RSS-Bajrang Dal-VHP were arrested. Karkare was the man to arrest them. Karkare received threats from several quarters. LK Advani, the BJP chief and several other prominent leaders of the so-called Hindu terrorism squad were gunning for his head. And the first casualty in the terrorist attack was Karkare! He is dead–gone–the firing by terrorists began from Nariman House which is the only building in Mumbai inhabited by Jews. Some Hindu Gujaratis of the Nariman area spoke live on several TV channels. They openly said that the firing by terrorists began from Nariman house. And that for two years suspicious activities were going on in this house. But no one took notice. ..>> Jawab Imam Al-Buthi: “Kalau engkau tahu dengan perkiraanmu bahwa engkau akan dibebani membunuh jiwa yang tidak bersalah tanpa hak selama keberadaanmu di militer, maka pelarianmu disyariatkan. Namun jika engkau mengetahui bahwa engkau akan ditugaskan untuk mempertahankan diri dari penjahat yang bertujuan untuk mengancam nyawa tidak bersalah atau menghancurkan bangunan atau merampasnya dari para pemiliknya maka menerima hal itu wajib.”..>> FPI: Media informasi merupakan salah satu senjata paling ampuh, terlebih media berskala internasional yang menjadi sumber berita dunia. Bahkan kekuatan media sanggup menghancurkan sebuah negara yang berdaulat. Media pun bisa menjadi PENJAHAT PERANG jika turut andil dalam pemberitaan di sebuah negara konflik, dengan menyebarluaskan berita-berita fitnah yang penuh rekayasa dan KEBOHONGAN. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini, banyak huru-hara dan kehancuran yang terjadi disejumlah negara Timur Tengah. Propaganda media dan campur tangan pihak Barat telah membuat negara-negara tersebut terpecah belah sehingga dengan mudahnya dihancurkan oleh pihak-pihak yang memiliki kepentingan. Dalam situasi kacau-balau seperti ini, peran Ulama jujur sangat penting karena konflik yang terjadi memang di negara yang mayoritas penduduknya muslim. Bila Ulama tidak bisa menjadi pemersatu pihak yang bertikai apalagi kemudian berpolitik dan ikut ambil bagian dalam konflik ini, maka kehancuran umat sudah tak dapat terhindarkan lagi. Salah satu Ulama penting di Timur Tengah adalah Syeikh Yusuf Al Qordhowi, Ulama asal Mesir dan merupakan seorang tokoh syariah Sunni yang terkenal. Beliau tinggal di Qatar dan menjabat sebagai dewan penasehat syariah di Bank Islam terbesar, Qatar Islamic Bank. Beliau memiliki hubungan dekat dengan Emir Qatar. ..>> Bila kita umat Islam mampu melihat skenario BESAR yang diagendakan oleh zionis, maka nasib umat Islam tentu tak kan separah ini. Selama ashobiyah (fanatisme) masih menjangkiti sekelompok umat Islam, maka selama itu pula kita jadi sasaran empuk taktik ADU DOMBA zionis. Berapa banyak sudah darah muslim berceceran di Palestina , Iraq , Afghanistan .. apakah masih belum terbuka juga MATA dan TELINGA kita atas semua kejadian ini? Sungguh dibutuhkan kecerdaan akal dan hati umat Islam untuk BANGKIT dan SADAR dari perangkap zionis.. Kita sedang berada di dalam skenario besar mereka terkaitPERLUASAN WILAYAH ISRAEL atau THE GREATER ISRAEL...>> Bila kita melihat dengan lebih jelas, SEANDAINYA oposisi Syria berhasil menumbangkan rezim Al-Asad, apakah mereka berpikir zionis dan amerika akan berdiam diri? Tentu tidak.. Sungguh! mereka akan tetap memaksa negara ini BERTEKUK LUTUT dihadapannya, jika tidak bisa ditaklukkan.. maka sudah pasti oposisi ini akan turut DIBANTAI HABIS karena tidak tunduk pada mereka. Sadarlah umat Islam!. [slm/fpi]..>>

FPI: Kebohongan TV Al Jazeera & Persekongkolan Zionis


Assalamu’alaikum wr wb,

Semoga kita jadi paham mana Islam yang lurus, dan mana kaum munafik yang cuma jadi antek Yahudi dan Nasrani.

Ummat Islam berjihad untuk melawan Yahudi dan Nasrani yang memerangi ummat Islam di Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestina, dsb. Bukan untuk membunuh sesama Muslim.

Inilah ciri2 orang beriman menurut Firman Allah:

“Muhammad itu adalah utusan Allah dan orang-orang yang bersama dengan dia adalah keras terhadap orang-orang kafir, tetapi berkasih sayang sesama mereka…” [Al Fath 29]
“Hai orang-orang yang beriman, barangsiapa di antara kamu yang murtad dari agamanya, maka kelak Allah akan mendatangkan suatu kaum yang Allah mencintai mereka dan merekapun mencintaiNya, yang bersikap lemah lembut terhadap orang yang mukmin, yang bersikap keras terhadap orang-orang kafir, ..” [Al Maa-idah 54]

FPI: Kebohongan TV Al Jazeera & Persekongkolan Zionis

SELASA, 30 APRIL 2013 | 10:40 WIB
Jakarta – FPI: Media informasi merupakan salah satu senjata paling ampuh, terlebih media berskala internasional yang menjadi sumber berita dunia. Bahkan kekuatan media sanggup menghancurkan sebuah negara yang berdaulat.
Media pun bisa menjadi PENJAHAT PERANG jika turut andil dalam pemberitaan di sebuah negara konflik, dengan menyebarluaskan berita-berita fitnah yang penuh rekayasa dan KEBOHONGAN.
Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini, banyak huru-hara dan kehancuran yang terjadi disejumlah negara Timur Tengah. Propaganda media dan campur tangan pihak Barat telah membuat negara-negara tersebut terpecah belah sehingga dengan mudahnya dihancurkan oleh pihak-pihak yang memiliki kepentingan. Dalam situasi kacau-balau seperti ini, peran Ulama jujur sangat penting karena konflik yang terjadi memang di negara yang mayoritas penduduknya muslim. Bila Ulama tidak bisa menjadi pemersatu pihak yang bertikai apalagi kemudian berpolitik dan ikut ambil bagian dalam konflik ini, maka kehancuran umat sudah tak dapat terhindarkan lagi.
Salah satu Ulama penting di Timur Tengah adalah Syeikh Yusuf Al Qordhowi, Ulama asal Mesir dan merupakan seorang tokoh syariah Sunni yang terkenal. Beliau tinggal di Qatar dan menjabat sebagai dewan penasehat syariah di Bank Islam terbesar, Qatar Islamic Bank. Beliau memiliki hubungan dekat dengan Emir Qatar.
Sebagaimana kita ketahui, penguasa Qatar , Syeikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani adalah pemimpin Qatar sekaligus pendiri dan pendana stasiun TV Al Jazeera, hingga berita yang ditampilkan bisa dikendalikan penuh oleh pemerintah Qatar. Syeikh Al Qordhowi yang dekat dengan pemilik Al Jazeera tentu mendapat PORSI KHUSUS dalam keleluasaannya menyampaikan fatwa di televisi tersebut. Maka tak heran jika semua pernyataan Al Qordhowi hingga khutbahnya yang mengkritisi Almarhum Imam Muhammad Said RamadhanAl-Buthi Rhm. ditayangkan lengkap oleh Al Jazeera, bahkan setingkat FATWA bernuansa FITNAH TENDENSIUS yang gencar diberitakan untuk membunuh Ulama Syria yang “secara sepihak dianggap” pro pemerintah.
Syeikh Yusuf Al Qordhowi, saat membawakan program tetapnya “Al-Syari’ah wa Al-Hayah” (Syariah dan Kehidupan) di stasiun TV Al Jazeera yang diperkirakan ditonton oleh 60 juta orang diseluruh dunia, telah mengeluarkan fatwa yang menyatakan bahwa umat muslim harus membunuh siapa saja yang mendukung pemerintahan Syria dalam pertempuran melawan “Tentara Pembebasan Syria” (FSA).
Pernyataan ini adalah respon terhadap pertanyaan penonton yang menanyakan “bagaimana kedudukannya membunuh rakyat yang mendukung pemerintah atau pun tentara yang mendukung pemerintah, karena mungkin mereka telah berhenti”. Respon Al Qordhowi adalah: “sama saja, apakah dia tentara, rakyat biasa, ulama atau siapa pun, mereka bersalah seperti pemerintah dan harus mendapatkan ganjaran yang sepantasnya diterima.”Pernyataan ini jelas merupakan seruan pembantaian dengan dukungan penuh dari Qatar . Tak lama kemudian, Imam Muhammad Said Ramadhan Al-Buthi terbunuh dan banyak pihak mengecam Al-Qordhowi atas fatwa tersebut sebagaimana bisa disimak pada link berikut ini: (
Ironisnya, Al Jazeera tidak melakukan prinsip jurnalistik “cover both side” atau “memberi porsi tayangan berita yang adil dan berimbang kepada kedua belah pihak”, karena Al Jazeera belum pernah menayangkan satu pun jawaban Imam Al-Buthi atas fitnah yang diarahkan kepada dirinya. Bahkan saat tragedi pembantaian Imam Al-Buthi, televisi Al Jazeera hanya menulis melalui running text yang mengatakan “Al-Buthi Si Pembela Rezim Syria terbunuh”, tidak lebih dari itu. Tak satu pun pernyataan Ulama Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah dari Syria mau pun Timur Tengah lainnya yang mengecam fatwa tendensius Al Qordhowi dan membela sikap Imam Al-Buthi dimuat oleh Al Jazeera.
Berikut beberapa Fatwa penting Imam Muhammad Said Ramadhan Al-Buthi yang seharusnya juga disiarkan oleh Al Jazeera agar didengar oleh banyak orang:
Jawaban Imam Muhammad Said Ramadhan Al-Buthi saat ditanya seorang anggota wajib militer Syria yang kabur dari tugas karena takut melakukan pembunuhan ketika ia terus berada dalam militer, yaitu: Apa hukum syar’i atas keputusannya (kabur) itu.
Jawab Imam Al-Buthi: “Kalau engkau tahu dengan perkiraanmu bahwa engkau akan dibebani membunuh jiwa yang tidak bersalah tanpa hak selama keberadaanmu di militer, maka pelarianmu disyariatkan. Namun jika engkau mengetahui bahwa engkau akan ditugaskan untuk mempertahankan diri dari penjahat yang bertujuan untuk mengancam nyawa tidak bersalah atau menghancurkan bangunan atau merampasnya dari para pemiliknya maka menerima hal itu wajib.”
Sebelumnya pada tanggal 05 Juni 2011, situs resmi (Nashim Syam), Masjid Umawi Damaskus, melansir beberapa fatwa beliau yang menjawab pertanyaan tentara Syria yang menyebutkan bahwa dia dan rekannya di militer berselisih mengenai keadaan dimana petinggi memerintahkan mereka menembak demonstran dengan peluru hidup, apakah perintah itu boleh ditaati atau tidak? Penanya juga menyampaikan bahwa jika ia tidak menembak demonstran maka ia akan dibunuh petingginya.
Jawab Imam Al-Buthi: “Para fuqaha menyatakan bahwa orang yang dipaksa untuk membunuh tanpa hak, maka ia tidak boleh menuruti siapa yang memaksanya untuk melakukan perbuatan itu, meskipun dia tahu dia akan dibunuh ketika tidak menurutinya. Hal itu dikarenakan dua pelanggaran itu (pemimpin membunuh tentara dan tentara membunuh demonstran) memiliki derajat bahaya yang sama, maka tidak boleh orang yang dipaksa untuk membunuh mengutamakan kehidupannya daripada nyawa yang tak berdosa.”..
Dari jawaban-jawaban yang diberikan Imam Dr. M. Said Ramadhan Al-Buthi tersebut bisa difahami bahwa beliau menentang pembunuhan rakyat tak bersalah oleh tentara Syria .
Seminggu sebelum pembunuhan Imam Al-Buthi itu, beliau mengatakan dalam ceramahnya, “Kami diserang di setiap jengkal tanah kami, makanan kami, kesucian dan kehormatan perempuan dan anak-anak kami, hari ini kami menjalankan tugas yang sah… yakni kebutuhan mobilisasi untuk melindungi nilai-nilai, tanah air, dan tempat-tempat suci kami, dan dalam hal ini tidak ada perbedaan antara tentara nasional dan seluruh bangsa ini”.
Sempat beredar fitnah terhadap Imam M.Said Ramadhan Al-Buthi terkait seseorang yang bertanya kepada beliau tentang “apa hukumnya orang yang diminta sujud menyembah fotoPresiden Basyar Al Asad”. Al Jazeera menyiarkan lagi berita fitnah yang mengatakan jawaban Syeikh Ramadhan Al-Buthi adalah: “bahwa berdosa jika tidak mematuhi perintah itu karena hal tersebut berarti tidak taat kepada pemimpin”. Padahal pada hakikatnya, Imam Al-Buthi TIDAK PERNAH BERFATWA DEMIKIAN. Simaklah! Dengarkan! Apa yang difatwakan oleh ImamAl-Buthi dalam ceramah tersebut. Anda semua dapat menyimak dan menilai fatwa Syeikh Al-Buthi dengan jujur dan bijak dalam tayangan berikut:
Dalam hal ini, di saat tidak ada pihak yang berani dan maju mengingatkan Presiden Basyar Al Asad, baik dari para ulama negara semisal mufti negara, mufti wilayah, maupun ulama-ulama yang diluar lembaga negara, justru Imam Al Buthi yang maju mendatangi Presiden Basyar Al Asad untuk menyampaikan pandangannya. Fakta-fakta seperti ini serta banyak hal positiflain terkait Imam Al-Buthi memang sengaja tidak dipublikasikan oleh media-media pro-zionissejenis Al Jazeera.

Seminggu setelah pembunuhan Imam Al-Buthi, seorang ulama sunni lainnya Syaikh Hassan Saifuddin (80 tahun) secara brutal dipenggal kepalanya di bagian utara Kota Aleppo – Syria, oleh sekelompok orang dan menyeret tubuhnya di jalanan. Kepalanya ditanam di menara sebuah masjid yang biasa digunakannya untuk berkhotbah. Syaikh Saifuddin juga dikenal sebagai seorang anti-milisi, dan penentang perang yang sedang berkecamuk melawan rezim Syria .

Syaikh Hassan Saifuddin adalah ulama terakhir dari daftar ulama-ulama yang dibunuh. Korban pertama adalah seorang ulama Sunni, Syaikh Mohammad Ahmad Aufus Shadiq, yang kerap berkhotbah di Masjid Malik Bin Anas di Damaskus. Ia adalah salah seorang ulama yang pertama kali memperingatkan ancaman kekerasan di Syria , beliau ditembak mati pada 25 Februari 2012. Korban berikutnya adalah Syaikh Sayyid Nasser. Ia ditembak mati di dekat makam Sayyidah Zaynab r.a, cucu Nabi Muhammad SAW.

Korban lainnya adalah Syaikh Abbas Lahham. Ia tewas bulan Mei di luar Masjid Ruqayyah (putri Imam Hussein r.a.) di mana ia biasa berkhotbah. Dia diikuti oleh tewasnya Syaikh Abdul-Kuddus Jabbarah, ia ditembak mati di sebuah pasar dekat situs suci Sayyidah Zainabr.a.

Pada Juli 2012, pada awal bulan Ramadhan, Syeikh Abdul Latif Ash-Shami dibunuh dengan cara sadis yang mengerikan saat sedang shalat dalam masjid bersama jamaah lain, ia ditembak matanya. Sebulan kemudian, imam Masjid Al-Nawawi di Damaskus, Syaikh Hassan Bartaui dibunuh. Lalu pada hari terakhir tahun 2012, Imam Sunni yang lain Syaikh Abdullah Saleh juga dibunuh di Raqa.

Pada bulan Februari 2012, Syaikh Abdul Latif Al-Jamili, seorang ulama dari Masjid Ahrafiyyah terbunuh oleh pecahan peluru yang diluncurkan oleh milisi di halaman masjid itu. Pada bulan Maret, giliran Sheikh Abid Sa’ab, yang kerap memimpin doa di Masjid Al-Mohammadi yang terletak di distrik Mazze di Damaskus, terbunuh oleh ledakan bom yang ditempatkan di bawah mobilnya.

Apakah rentetan pembunuhan terhadap sejumlah ulama di Syria ini semakin mengganas setelah terbitnya fatwa Syeikh Al Qordhowi tahun 2011?… Allahu A’lam.

Cuplikan pidato penting Mufti Syria, Sheikh Ahmad Hassun pada pemakaman anaknya yang tidak pernah disiarkan oleh TV Al Jazeera:

“…Kami bukan mempersiapkan pemuda-pemuda kami untuk dibantai oleh bangsa sendiri… Kami persiapkan mereka untuk syahid di tanah Palestina… dengarkanlah wahai para pemimpin Arab… kami persiapkan pemuda kami untuk syahid di Palestina… kalian menarik duta-duta besar dari tanah kami… sementara Amerika, Perancis, Inggris, duta-dutanya masih tetap di tanah kami… bukannya membiarkan duta besar kalian tetap disini untuk menjalin komunikasi sesama saudara… kami menantikan kalian para duta yang mulia..untuk datang ke Syria … untuk bertemu dengan rakyat dan pemimpin… dan mendamaikan sesama manusia… kami tidak mengharapkan kalian mengirimkan fatwa-fatwa…

Wahai para Ulama… ijinkan saya… wahai orang yang terhormat.. Syeikh Al Azhar… wahai Syeikh Al Qordhowi… yang berdiri dan berkhutbah… dan mengeluarkan fatwa untuk membunuh 1/3 rakyat Syria… kini anak-ku telah kembali kepada Allah… jika kalian tidak mampu mati dan mengikuti langkahnya… maka terserah kerjakanlah… kalian akan bertanggung jawab di hari kiamat atas darah mereka, ada 3000 yang syahid di Syria.

Dia akan menghadap Allah dan dia akan berkata kepada kalian semua… wahai orang yang berfatwa pada kalian untuk membunuh rakyat Syria… wahai Allah… darah kami akan menjadi saksi di hadapanMu… bagi siapa yang berfatwa untuk membunuh kami… bagi siapa yang memotivasi orang-orang untuk membunuh rakyat Syria… bagi siapa yang mengirimkan senjata ke Syria.. bagi siapa yang mendanai Syria … duhai dosa kami… duhai dosa kami…

Katakan kepada mereka, wahai saudaraku, wahai Abal Walid…wahai Khalid Masy’al… katakan pada orang-orang Arab… siapa yang merangkulmu di Syria ?… katakan pada HAMAS… siapa yang merangkulmu di Syria ?.. katakan pada rakyat Gaza siapa yang menangisi darah kalian di Syria ?.. duhai dosa kami.. sesungguhnya kami merangkul HAMAS… dan jihad Islam… dengarkan saudari-saudariku… partai-partai Islam di dunia… soal anakku, saya serahkan kepada Allah… tetapi, saya bersumpah kepada Allah, sesungguhnya telah bersabda Nabi kita tercinta “menghancurkan Ka’bah menjadi batu demi batu, lebih ringan dihadapan Allah dibandingkan membunuh atau menumpahkan darah orang mukmin diluar batasan hukum yang ditetapkan Allah (had)”..

Saya akan bertanya pada 4 pembunuh yang turun kemarin membunuh anakku dan seorang guru… saya bertanya kepada mereka dan guru-guru mereka.. dengan hukum Allah yang mana kalian membunuh anakku?… apakah (dia) membunuh salah satu dari kalian? Apakah ayahnya ikut andil membunuh seseorang? Bukankah telah saya katakan dari awal, saya adalah pelayan negeri ini, saya adalah jembatan kasih sayang antara pemimpin dan rakyat, saya tidak menyukai jabatan ini… tapi saya adalah Mufti dari 23 juta jiwa di negeri ini, sudah saya katakan kepada kalian saya adalah pelayan, saya tidak rela siapa pun dari kalian tersakiti… saya menangisi semua yang gugur syahid… saya berduka bagi semua anak-anak… saya berduka bagi semua ibu.. mengapa kalian lakukan hal itu terhadap (anakku) Sarya…

Dan bagi kalian, yang masih berdemonstrasi di negaraku… akan aku cium tangan kalian… akan aku cium kening kalian.. kampung halaman kalian akan jadi tempat pembantaian kedua… kalian semua akan dibantai… sasarannya bukanlah pemerintah… yang menjadi target bukanlah rezim… jika yang menjadi target adalah rezim, mereka akan melarikan diri… seluruh pemimpin Arab akan melarikan diri.. mengapa mereka banyak membom saat ini? Mengapa mereka membunuh rakyat di Serbia ? Mengapa Libya di bom?… mereka bukan menginginkan Sarya dan teman-teman syahidnya… yang mereka inginkan Syria BERLUTUT dihadapan ZIONIS dan AMERIKA……………. Selengkapnya saksikan dalam video berikut:

Pada November 2011, kedutaan Amerika memerintahkan pemberontak oposisi Syria untuk tidak menerima tawaran amnesti yang disampaikan dalam pidato Mufti Ahmad Hassun. Oposisi Syria pun menuruti tuntutan Amerika itu dan pertumpahan darah akhirnya terus berlanjut hingga kini, entah kapan terselesaikan.

Sekedar untuk diketahui, Al-Qordhowi adalah musuh rezim Mesir dan musuh nyata bagi rezim Libya . Kedua negara tersebut telah dihancurkan pemberontak, sebagian besar dikendalikan oleh Ikhwanul Muslimin. Negara lain yang tampaknya bebas dari KERUSUHAN adalah Saudi Arabia . Mereka yang berspekulasi bahwa KERUSUHAN akan menyebar ke Saudi Arabia tampaknya dugaan itu akan MELESET. Karena Al-Qordhowi adalah PENDIRI dan juga MEMIMPIN The Union of Good (UG), atau dalam bahasa arab disebut Itilaf al-Khayr. Kelompok inilah yang memayungi 53 yayasan amal yang berpusat di Saudi Arabia .

The Union of Good juga mendanai organisasi jihad, khususnya HAMAS. The Union of Good memiliki keterkaitan dengan kerajaan Saudi. Keluarga kerajaan Saudi juga mendanai kegiatan Ikhwanul Muslimin. Rasanya tak mungkin Ikhwanul Muslimin akan membuat KERUSUHAN di Saudi Arabia . Demikian pula di Qatar , Al-Qordhowi tak akan MENGGIGIT tangan yang memberinya tunjangan.

Pemimpin Qatar dan Kerajaan Saudi tak lebih BAIK dari eks Presiden Mesir Husni Mubarak. Qatar dan Saudi juga tak lebih BEBAS dari Libya . Namun hingga kini tak ada kerusuhan di kedua negara tersebut. Mengapa demikian? Umat Islam harus CERMAT dan JELI melihat keadaan seperti ini.

Al Jazeera Media Provokator dengan misi Adu Domba

Dari serangkaian pemberitaan, tampak jelas Al Jazeera adalah PROVOKATOR yang inginmengadu-domba rakyat dengan militer Syria, justru pada saat Ulama Aswaja Syria semuanya bersama Imam Al-Buthi ingin mendamaikan rakyat dengan pihak militer untuk kebaikan negeri Syria yang sedang dihancurkan Zionis dan Salibis Internasional. Imam Al-Buthi diganjal habis-habisan saat beliau sedang berusaha mendorong Presiden Basyar Al-Asad agar membuka kran REFORMASI SISTEM POLITIK, yakni agar mengizinkan semua pihak yang bertikai mendirikan partai politik lalu berkompetisi secara sehat dalam PEMILU yang adil dan jujur.

Kecurangan Al Jazeera dalam pemberitaan yang BIAS dan sering mengarang berita BOHONG, melahirkan fenomena seperti sekarang yang membuat kemelut di Syria semakin keruh. Al Jazeera mengemas berita sedemikian rupa tentang keadaan politik di Syria yang MONOPARTAI sebagai sebuah kemunduran yang harus dirombak, sehingga di mata rakyat Syria Presiden Al-Asad digambarkan sebagai sosok otoriter dan diktator yang harus digulingkan demi terwujudnya demokrasi di Syria. Seharusnya media sekelas Al Jazeera mengedepankan prinsip pemberitaan yang berimbang dan profesional dalam mewartakan, bukan malah sebaliknya ikut berperan mengambil fungsi sebagai provokator dengan misi ADU DOMBA.

Salah satu masalah paling mendasar bagi Media dalam menjalankan prinsip jurnalistik adalah VALIDITAS informasi. Belakangan, sejumlah media mainstream melancarkan kampanye hitam melalui pemberitaan BOHONG yang disiarkan ke seluruh dunia. Media Amerika Serikat, Foreign Policy mengungkapkan bahwa dua jaringan televisi Arab, Al Jazeera dan Al Arabiya menuding televisi nasional Syria menutupi kenyataan sebenarnya yang terjadi sejak meletusnya konflik di negara itu. Namun kini faktanya, tudingan tersebut justru dilakukan oleh Al Jazeera dan Al Arabiya yang memberitakan KEBOHONGAN di Syria.

KEBOHONGAN Al Jazeera terungkap dari hengkangnya sejumlah staf dan jurnalis yang tidak tahan dengan KEBOHONGAN media milik Qatar itu. Tahun lalu, tepatnya pada bulan Mei, Al Jazeera diguncang eksodus staf dan jurnalisnya akibat begitu banyak KEBOHONGAN media Al Jazeera dalam melansir berita di berbagai negara konflik di Timur Tengah, terutama di Syria . Mereka tidak sanggup lagi dengan kebijakan Al Jazeera yang menjadi CORONG propaganda perang.

Bukti-Bukti Kebohongan Al Jazeera

Media yang menjadi sekutu Zionis ini selalu menyebarkan KEBOHONGAN tentang situasi di Syria dengan tujuan untuk menghancurkan persatuan nasional dan menodai citra pemerintah Syria dan tentaranya. Salah satu kebohongannya adalah berita tentang Brigadir Jenderal “Jawdat Muhammad” dari desa “Fattah Nassar” di kota “Safita”. Al Jazeera memberitakan dan mengklaim bahwa ia tewas setelah ditembak oleh tentara Syria dan Shabbiha.

Tim Shukumaku mengunjungi rumah Brigadir Jenderal “Jawdat Muhammad” dan berbicara dengan putra sulungnya “Waleed” yang menyatakan bahwa ayahnya meninggal karena gagal ginjal di rumah sakit “Al-Shami” 20 December 2011. Dia menunjukkan sertifikat kematian dan laporan pemeriksaan medis untuk menguatkan pernyataanya.

Oleh karenanya, pihak keluarga terkejut saat mereka menyaksikan pemakaman jenderal – di pintu masuk Safita – disiarkan oleh Al Jazeera dengan judul: Brigadir Jenderal “Jawdat Muhammad” membelot dari tentara Syria dan dibunuh oleh keamanan Syria dan Shabbiha .
Waleed menunjukkan kepada kita ID ayahnya yang menjamin bahwa Jenderal itu sudah pensiun (ID tersebut hanya diberikan kepada personil militer yang sudah pensiun, dan Anda dapat membaca kata “Retired” di atasnya).

Selain itu, Al Jazeera juga menyiarkan berita BOHONG tentang pembunuhan mahasiswa “Obadah Safwan Shaar” di fakultas sains di universitas Aleppo . Tim Shukumaku bertemu dengan mahasiswa “Shaar” – yang tentu saja masih hidup – dan dia mengatakan bahwa kemarin sore ia menghabiskan waktu di ruang baca kemudian dia pergi keluar dengan banyak rekan-rekannya untuk makan siang, mereka melihat sekelompok “mahasiswa” di alun-alun fakultas. Mereka pergi ke tempat di mana mahasiswa berkumpul dan tinggal di sana selama beberapa waktu. Tiba-tiba sekelompok orang bertopeng dengan tongkat besi menyerangnya dan memukulnya sampai ia pingsan. Rekan-rekannya membawanya keluar … Setelah itu ia terkejut mendengar berita kematiannya di Al Jazeera dan media lain yang mengklaim bahwa ia dibunuh oleh tentara Syria di dalam kompleks universitas. Dia marah dan mengatakan berita ini konyol.

Silahkan membaca juga artikel tentang Kebohongan Al Jazeera yang ditulis oleh Pempimpin Redaksi harian Al-Akhbar, Ibrahim Al-Amin. Artikel ini adalah edisi terjemahan dari edisi berbahasa Arab. Jazeera-s-identity-crisis/29763

Rusia Today pada 12 Maret 2012 lalu, mengabarkan bahwa biro Al Jazeera di Beirut mengundurkan diri. Mereka yang mengundurkan diri adalah Managing Director, Hassan Shaaban. Ini merupakan rentetan dari pengunduran diri Staff penting Al Jazeera lainnya seperti Ali Hashem, Ghassan ben Jeddo, dan Afshin Rattansi. Alasan pengundurannya adalah penolakan Al Jazeera Pusat menayangkan video gempuran pemberontak Syria . Selain itu menolak menayangkan berita pembantaian yang dilakukan pemerintah Bahrain terhadap rakyatnya sendiri, dan penolakan Emir Qatar atas hasil Referendum Syria . (

Luna Al-Chebel presenter berita terkenal asal Syria juga mengundurkan diri dari Al Jazeera, ia memprotes pemberitaan di chanel tersebut yang dinilainya BIAS dan tidak profesional tentang krisis Syria. Setelah berhenti ia mengadakan beberapa wawancara untuk mengungkap KEBOHONGAN-KEBOHONGAN Al Jazeera, yang akhirnya membuat dirinya menjadi target Al Jazeera dan maniak oposisi Syria .

Alhasil kondisi ini mulai dirasa sejak April 2011, ketika Emir Qatar mengambil penuh kendali profesional Al Jazeera. Perubahan arah Al Jazeera ini berkat keberhailan LOBI mantan menteri luar negeri Amerika Hillary Clinton. Amerika menghendaki agar Al Jazeera sama seperti CORONG propaganda perang Barat semacam CNN, BBC, MSNBC, CNBC dan Fox News. Usulan Washington itu diamini oleh Emir Qatar Syekh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani. Dan sejak itu Emir menyerukan propaganda perang media sesuai dikte Amerika. Hal ini sangat disayangkan kalau jaringan TV Al Jazeera yang menjangkau 60 juta pemirsa di seluruh duniaakhirnya hancur reputasinya gara-gara memuaskan ambisi pribadi Emir Qatar dalammenyebarluaskan fitnah dan KEBOHONGAN.

Berikut ini adalah Video kompilasi KEBOHONGAN-KEBOHONGAN Al Jazeera di Syria

Sebuah keluarga pernah diberitakan Al Jazeera dibantai oleh tentara pemerintah Syria. Namun setelah diwawancarai oleh media lain, mereka sekeluarga membantah dan marah diberitakan telah mati. Al Jazeera dicaci karena mereka semua masih hidup bahkan mereka diperlakkukan sangat baik oleh tentara pemerintah dan dibantu dalam kesulitan mereka. Berikut link rekamannya:

Mehr News melaporkan, serial PEMBOHONGAN publik yang dilakukan stasiun TV Qatar, Al Jazeera terkait Syria terus berlanjut. Baru-baru ini Al Jazeera menayangkan sebuah gambar yang mereka sebut terkait dengan konflik Syria .

Khadijah bin Qinnah, seorang reporter TV Al Jazeera mengungkapkan KEBOHONGAN baru tentang Syria . Ia mengatakan gambar seorang anak penderita penyakit Hidrocephalus (kelebihan air di dalam otaknya) yang ditayangkan Al Jazeera adalah seorang anak Syria . Setelah dilakukan pembahasan dan penelaahan serius terkait hal ini, terbukti bahwa gambar anak yang diampilkan TV Al Jazeera itu adalah seorang anak Vietnam yang menderita penyakit Hydrocephalus dikarenakan bom kimia pasukan AS yang meledak di ladang-ladang warga selama perang Vietnam berkecamuk.

Untuk membuktikan KEBOHONGAN Al Jazeera, silahkan merujuk 4 link di bawah ini sebagai bukti bahwa gambar tersebut adalah gambar terkait perang Vietnam dan korban-korban kejahatan AS:

Fakta lain tentang Al Jazeera

Al Jazeera selama ini dijalankan oleh orang-orang pro-Israel. Mulai sejak pertama berdirinya, stasiun TV ini telah mempekerjakan banyak pekerja zionis untuk membentuk program acara dan pemberitaan. Sebab, di kantor Al Jazeera Qatar yang diback up Amerika, Hamad Bin Khalifa al-Thani bukanlah orang yang mendirikan Al Jazeera meskipun ia adalah pendana terbesar.

Al Jazeera didirikan oleh milyuner zionis bersaudara keturunan Perancis-Israel yaitu David dan Jean Frydman, yang membuat jaringan untuk memasuki media di dunia Islam serta untuk mengendalikan haluan di Timur Tengah dalam pendudukan zionis di Palestina. Kedua bersaudara tersebut adalah penasihat senior perdana menteri Israel penjahat perang Yitzhak Rabin dan Ehud Barak. Jean Frydman juga pendana pribadi bagi dedengkot program nuklir ilegal Israel , penjahat perang Israel Shimon Peres dan ia menggelontorkan jutaan dolar dalam ‘proses perdamaian Oslo ’, yang menguatkan cengkeraman zionis terhadap Palestina. Baca berita selengkapnya di:

Bukti kedekatan Al Jazeera dengan AS dan Israel , silahkan merujuk pada link dibawah ini: (Pemimpin Qatar / juga pemilik Al Jazeera bertemu dengan zionis) (Al Jazeera bekerja untuk zionis) (artikel tentang hubungan Al Jazeera dengan zionis dan KEBOHONGAN Al Jazeera)

Peran Zionis di Syria silahkan baca: 

Bila kita umat Islam mampu melihat skenario BESAR yang diagendakan oleh zionis, maka nasib umat Islam tentu tak kan separah ini. Selama ashobiyah (fanatisme) masih menjangkiti sekelompok umat Islam, maka selama itu pula kita jadi sasaran empuk taktik ADU DOMBA zionis. Berapa banyak sudah darah muslim berceceran di Palestina , Iraq , Afghanistan .. apakah masih belum terbuka juga MATA dan TELINGA kita atas semua kejadian ini? Sungguh dibutuhkan kecerdaan akal dan hati umat Islam untuk BANGKIT dan SADAR dari perangkap zionis.. Kita sedang berada di dalam skenario besar mereka terkaitPERLUASAN WILAYAH ISRAEL atau THE GREATER ISRAEL.

Bila kita melihat dengan lebih jelas, SEANDAINYA oposisi Syria berhasil menumbangkan rezim Al-Asad, apakah mereka berpikir zionis dan amerika akan berdiam diri? Tentu tidak.. Sungguh! mereka akan tetap memaksa negara ini BERTEKUK LUTUT dihadapannya, jika tidak bisa ditaklukkan.. maka sudah pasti oposisi ini akan turut DIBANTAI HABIS karena tidak tunduk pada mereka. Sadarlah umat Islam!. [slm/fpi]

DR. Ahmad Karimah: Lawan Paham Radikal, Al-Azhar Harus Gunakan Televisi

 (Wawancara Eksklusif, bagian 2)

By NIZAM - Sun Apr 28, 7:37 pm

Mosleminfo, Kairo – Ini merupakan lanjutan (bagian 2) dari wawancara eksklusif DR. Ahmad Karimah dengan harian al-Wafd. Bagi pembaca yang belum membaca bagian pertama, silakan membacanya di sini.

A: Mengapa mereka tidak mendengarkan pendapat oposisi?
B: Ikhwanul Muslimin selama 80 tahun melakukan gerakan bawah tanah. Mereka tidak dapat bekerja secara terang-terangan. Tatkala gerakan ini keluar dari tempatnya yang gelap gulita ke realitas yang terang-benderang, mereka kehilangan fokus dan menjadi buta.

A: Bagaimana Anda melihat cara rezim Ikhwan dalam membungkam insan media, kalangan liberal, dan para ulama moderat?
B: Kekuasaan yang dibungkus dengan jargon-jargon agama, baik di kalangan Yahudi, Nasrani, maupun Islam, merupakan kekuasaan yang fasisme dan diktator. Kita belum pernah mendengar dalam sejarah bahwa ada otoritas keagamaan menerima prinsip musyawarah dan keadilan kecuali di era Nabi SAW. dan Khulafaur Rasyidin.

A: Kami tahu bahwa Anda marah dengan konstitusi (UUD) yang ada, karena menurut Anda konstitusi tersebut tidak dirancang oleh seorang lulusan fakultas hukum, mengapa?
B: Konstitusi harus dirancang oleh para pakar hukum, bukan orang-orang jebolan akademi persiapan dai berijazah diploma. Ditambah lagi ada campur-aduk antara pasal-pasal konstitusi dan aturan pelaksanaan. Pasal-pasal terkait syariat Islam semuanya bertentangan dengan syariat Islam itu sendiri. Saya telah mengirimkan catatan terkait hal itu kepada Presiden dan anggota Majelis Konstituante dari Al-Azhar, namun belum mendapat jawaban.

A: Pasal-pasal apa saja yang membuat Anda marah?
B: Banyak sekali, contohnya pasal 219 yang merupakan pasal penafsir dari pasal 2 UUD yang berbunyi: “Prinsip-prinsip syariat Islam yang mencakup dalil-dalil komplit, kaidah-kaidah ushul fikih dan fikih, serta sumber-sumber rujukan terpercaya di dalam mazhab-mazhab Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah”. Ini merupakan pasal Wahabi Salafi yang akan mereka gunakan untuk menipu dan membuat konspirasi. Dalil dalam syariat Islam adakalanya bersifat qath’i (pasti) atau zanni (dugaan), dan adakalanya bersifat ijmali (global) atau tafshili (rinci). Menyifati dalil-dalil dalam syariat Islam dengan sifat ‘komplit’ merupakan kesalahan fatal secara ilmiah. Sedangkan kalimat ” kaidah-kaidah ushul fikih dan fikih, serta sumber-sumber rujukan terpercaya” tidak perlu dicantumkan dalam UUD sebuah bangsa yang berakal. Demikian juga, di dalam mazhab Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah ada beberapa ‘ranjau’ yang berhasil diletakkan oleh kalangan Salafi Wahabi di dalam UUD. Hal ini akan menyebabkan terjadinya konflik agama dan sektarian. UUD kita saat ini menyerupai UUD Iran. Meski kita saat ini berada di Mesir yang merupakan jantung dunia Islam dan pusat Al-Azhar, namun kita kerap mengulangi kebodohan yang pernah ada. Kita hanya membatasi penafsiran syariat Islam, atau masalah-masalah fikih, atau konstitusi dengan penafsiran mazhab Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah. Fikih Islam memiliki lima cabang, yaitu mazhab Hanafi, Maliki, Syafii, Hambali, dan Zahiri. Salafi Wahabi sangat bertentangan dengan prinsip tersebut. Menurut mereka, Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah itu adalah Ibnu Taimiyah dan Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab. Demikian juga terkait pasal 4 yang mendepak Al-Azhar untuk menjadi rujukan satu-satunya terkait masalah-masalah fikih dan fatwa. Pasal ini akan membuka peluang munculnya rujukan-rujukan alternatif. Oleh karena itu, Salafi Wahabi sekarang ini mendirikan instansi-instansi lain agar dapat menjadi alternatif lain, atau menandingi Al-Azhar itu sendiri.

A: Menurut Anda, mengapa dalam konstitusi baru perempuan terpinggirkan?
B: Perempuan dalam pola pikir Ikhwan dan Salafi Wahabi merupakan warga negara kelas dua, hanya seorang pembantu yang diperistri dan alat pemuas syahwat. Pola pikir tersebut adalah pola pikir dunia ketiga yang cocok untuk kalangan badui.

A: Akankah perempuan memiliki perwakilan di DPR dalam pemilu yang akan datang?
B: Perempuan akan memasuki DPR sebagai hiasan semata, untuk memuaskan Amerika dan Uni Eropa.

A: Bagaimana sebenarnya posisi perempuan dalam Islam?
B: Posisi perempuan dalam Islam, tidak seperti posisinya di kalangan umat Islam saat ini. Islam memuliakan dan mengangkat derajat perempuan. Sepanjang sejarah manusia, tidak pernah ada pernyataan bahwa surga ada di bawah telapak kaki seorang perempuan, kecuali di dalam Islam. Perempuan adalah partner laki-laki. Islam tidak melarang perempuan untuk menduduki jabatan tertinggi di negara. Al-Qur’an sendiri menceritakan tentang Ratu Balqis penguasa Yaman, ibu Nabi Musa ‘Alaihis Salam, Siti Maryam ibu Nabi Isa ‘Alaihis Salam, juga istri-istri Nabi SAW. Ummul Mukminin yang mengajarkan kepada umat tentang dasar-dasar agama Islam.

A: Apa pendapat Anda tentang Menteri Agama?
B: Semoga Allah mengampuninya. Di masa kepemimpinannya, banyak ulama senior Al-Azhar yang disingkirkan dari keanggotaan Majelis Tinggi Urusan Agama, seperti DR. Ahmad Umar Hasyim (Guru Besar Ilmu Hadits Universitas Al-Azhar, red). Para ulama senior Al-Azhar itu disingkirkan dan diganti dengan orang-orang yang tidak berkompeten. Tujuan semua itu adalah untuk menggerus wibawa para ulama, dan menjalankan politik “Orang yang bukan dari golongan kami, maka tidak ada jalan baginya untuk bersama kami”. Ditambah lagi adanya usaha untuk menyingkirkan para ulama Al-Azhar dari masjid-masjid besar dan menggeser mereka ke masjid-masjid kecil pinggiran kota.

A: Bagaimana Anda melihat terkait penggunaan agama dalam politik?
B: Menggunakan agama dalam politik membawa kita kembali ke abad pertengahan. Hal ini akan menyebabkan munculkan pemikiran-pemikiran ekstrem dan peperangan. Inilah yang dilakukan oleh Paus Gereja pada abad pertengahan. Ini sudah diberhangus selama berabad-abad. Karena berpolitik dengan agama dapat menyeret umat Islam ke dalam peperangan sengit. Para politisi islamiyyin saat ini menyalahgunakan agama, sesuai dengan keinginan mereka. Dalam sejarah Islam, slogan-slogan agamis digunakan oleh kaum Khawarij untuk tujuan-tujuan politik melawan Sayyidina Ali r.a. saat mereka menyatakan: “Wahai Ali, hukum hanya milik Allah, bukan milikmu.”

A: Bagaimana menurut Anda mengenai orang-orang yang mencela dan menfitnah di layar televisi atas nama Islam?
B: Mereka telah membahayakan Islam melebihi musuh-musuh Islam sendiri. Tidak ada seorang pun dari mereka yang memiliki kapabilitas keilmuan agama yang mumpuni. Oleh karenanya, amunisi mereka habis untuk berbicara mengenai tema-tema agama. Mereka hanya bisa berbicara mengenai obrolan ringan, peristiwa-peristiwa yang sedang terjadi, tafsir mimpi, dan materi-materi tarbiyah ringan yang merupakan pondasi pembangun karakter mereka, yang ini semua menyebabkan syariat Islam terasa kering dan merendahkan akhlak.

A: Apakah tindakan para syekh Salafi sesuai dengan pemahaman Islam yang benar?
B: Sangat disayangkan, mereka melaksanakan agenda Wahabi yang berasal dari negara Teluk. Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk menggeser Mesir dari peran kepemimpinannya dalam menyebarkan Islam yang diwakili oleh Al-Azhar. Ada negara Teluk yang bermimpi ingin mengambil peran sentral Mesir, namun terhalang oleh keberadaan Al-Azhar. Oleh karena itu, mereka berpikir pentingnya mendirikan rujukan alternatif atau setidaknya instansi tandingan Al-Azhar. Bertolak dari hal ini, mulai ada upaya untuk menebarkan keraguan ke masyarakat akan keilmuan dan sikap moderat Al-Azhar.

A: Apa pendapat Anda tentang fatwa takfir terhadap siapa pun yang menentang Ikhwanul Muslimin dan Salafi?
B: Fatwa takfir tersebut akan terus muncul selama Ikhwan dan Salafi memimpin Mesir. Mereka melanjutkan kebijakan keamanan yang salah dari rezim sebelumnya.

A: Bagaimana cara menghadapi fatwa tersebut?
B: Caranya dengan memperkuat instansi Al-Azhar, tidak mengucilkan para ulama yang berkompeten, dan melarang berfatwa tanpa ilmu yang mumpuni.

A: Anda adalah orang pertama yang menyerukan perlunya stasiun televisi yang berbicara atas nama Al-Azhar, mengapa?
B: Saya menyerukan hal itu untuk melawan tersebarnya pemahaman-pemahaman dan pemikiran-pemikiran yang salah dari para syekh Salafi dan Ikhwan. Sayangnya, saluran televisi milik mereka telah memasuki rumah orang-orang awam. Dakwah Al-Azhar tidak cukup hanya dilakukan di masjid-masjid. Al-Azhar harus menggunakan sarana dan senjata yang sama dengan mendirikan stasiun televisi yang menyiarkan pemahaman Islam yang benar, yang jauh dari persoalan mazhab-mazhab akidah dan fikih, serta urusan politik. Stasiun ini berdiri secara independen yang diisi oleh para ulama yang ikhlas, tidak mengharapkan ketenaran dan kekayaan, serta mereka harus menjadi panutan umat bukan justru menjadi pengikut kelompok tertentu.

A: Apa hambatan untuk mewujudkan lahirnya stasiun televisi ini?
B: Saya tidak tahu.

A: Apakah Anda pernah menggalang dana untuk mendirikan stasiun televisi Al-Azhar?
B: Saya tidak pernah melakukan hal itu. Saya seorang ulama dan dai. Tugas dan misi saya adalah berdakwah, bukan urusan uang.

A: Mengapa Anda dituduh demikian?
B: Tuduhan ini merupakan rangkaian tuduhan yang dilakukan oleh Ikhwanul Muslimin dan Salafi yang menuduh saya sebagai orang Syiah dan Sufi, serta saya membela para artis. Entah tuduhan apa lagi selanjutnya.

A: Apakah benar Anda membela artis Ilham Shaheen?
B: Merupakan sebuah kehormatan jika saya membela seorang warga negara Mesir yang dituduh telah berbuat zina. Saya melakukan itu untuk membela reputasi dakwah Islam. Pijakan saya dalam melakukan pembelaan tersebut adalah prinsip dasar Islam, dan saya tidak tahu detail prilaku artis tersebut. Saya senantiasa berbaik sangka kepada seluruh warga Mesir. Itu saya lakukan bukan untuk membela seseorang (artis tersebut, red), namun saya membela dakwah Islam yang terlepas dari tuduhan zina kepada orang lain dengan cara seperti itu.

A: Apa alasan Salafi menyerang Anda?
B: Salafi telah meletakkan saya di kepala mereka. Mereka akan terus menyerang saya sampai saat ini. Itu karena saya terus menjalankan misi untuk mengoreksi pemahaman-pemahaman yang salah tentang ajaran Islam. Hal inilah yang membuat kalangan ekstrimis tidak nyaman. Saya menjalankan misi ini sejak 50 tahun lalu, saat gerakan terorisme mulai merebak yang sekarang ini menjadi satu bagian aneh di tengah-tengah kehidupan kita. Saya mengritik mereka dalam buku-buku yang saya tulis. Saya telah membongkar kedok mereka saat saya menulis buku berjudul “Ahdaaf al-Fikr al-Wahabi wa as-Salafiyah bainan al-Ashil wa ad-Dafiin” (Tujuan Sekte Wahabi Salafi Antara Prinsip Murni dan Agenda Tersembunyi). Saya juga telah menulis buku tentang pemahaman Islam yang benar untuk dikonsumsi kalangan muslim luar negeri, melalui perantara Kementerian Luar Negeri. Semua itu saya perjuangkan sendiri.

A: Bagaimana mereka menyerang Anda?
B: Mereka menyerang saya di mana-mana. Itu dimulai ketika saya mengajar di masjid-masjid, mereka mempersulit keberadaan saya di masjid-masjid tersebut. Demikian juga saat saya mengajar secara khusus kepada para pemuda dan kalangan perempuan. Ditambah lagi, mereka melakukan berbagai ancaman hingga sampai pada pelecehan fisik, menebar tuduhan bohong, dan memalsukan potongan-potongan video dari media demi menggiring opini publik untuk memusuhi saya.

A: Mengapa berbagai ancaman tersebut muncul?
B: Karena saya satu-satunya yang secara nyaring menyuarakan kebenaran menentang pemikiran radikal dan kekerasan bersenjata yang dilakukan oleh Ikhwanul Muslimin dan Salafi.

A: Apa pendapat Anda tentang Mursyid Ikhwanul Muslimin?
B: Apa yang Anda maksud dengan mursyid? Saya ingin tahu arti spesifik dari kata “mursyid”. Apakah yang Anda maksud mursyid politik atau mursyid agama? Saya tidak tahun, sebenarnya dia mursyid di ranah yang mana.

A: Siapa sebenarnya yang memimpin Mesir?
B: Sangat ruwet dan kacau.

A: Bagaimana menurut Anda terkait Jamaah Amar Ma’ruf Nahi Munkar?
B: Itu adalah kelompok para remaja dari kalangan Salafi yang ingin terkenal di dunia dengan memakai nama Islam.

A: Anda pernah menyatakan bahwa jika jamaah tersebut benar-benar ada, maka perlu dipertanyakan keberadaan Menteri Dalam Negeri dan Menteri Kehakiman, kenapa?
B: Saya tidak bermaksud meremehkan keberadaan kedua menteri tersebut. Akan tetapi, jika organisasi Amar Makruf Nahi Munkar berdiri, maka apa manfaat dan tugas dari Menteri Dalam Negeri dalam menjaga stabilitas keamanan dan Menteri Kehakiman sebagai badan peradilan?

A: Menurut Anda, siapa yang berhak melakukan Amar Ma’ruf dan Nahi Munkar?
B: Sudah tentu para ulama Al-Azhar.

A: Apakah mahasiswa Universitas Al-Azhar terpengaruh dengan pemikiran mereka?
B: Universitas Al-Azhar, dengan manhajnya yang moderat berisi kader-kader salafi dalam jumlah besar. Juga ada upaya untuk meracuni pikiran para mahasiswa Al-Azhar di asrama-asrama Al-Azhar. Hal itu Ikhwan lakukan dengan cara membelikan sebagian buku untuk para mahasiswa. 

Demikian juga, setiap hari Jumat ada mobil menjemput para mahasiswa dari asrama untuk diantar ke pengajian para syekh Salafi yang tidak henti-hentinya menghina Al-Azhar, hingga para mahasiswa tersebut mendengarkan ceramah yang menyatakan Al-Azhar kafir dan syirik menurut keyakinan mereka. Orang-orang Salafi Wahabi mengafirkan para ulama Al-Azhar. Mereka menuduh Al-Azhar telah mencampurkan bid’ah dan kemusyrikan. Mereka berusaha keras untuk mengubah akidah dan manhaj (metodologi) Al-Azhar dan diganti dengan metodologi badui, hingga Al-Azhar berubah menjadi instansi Wahabi dan sekte Wahabi tegak di bumi Mesir.

A: Apakah menurut Anda ada perbedaan antara sekulerisme, liberalisme, dan kalangan kiri?
B: Tidak ada perbedaan. Semua itu merupakan ideologi politik dan ekonomi yang tidak akan mempengaruhi keberagamaan seseorang selagi dia mengucapkan dua kalimat syahadat. Seorang liberal dan sekuler yang muslim jauh lebih baik daripada orang yang mengaku menegakkan agama Islam. Mereka memiliki pemikiran yang bersih jauh lebih baik daripada para penjual agama. Kata liberal dan sekuler tidak bermakna agama, namun itu hanya ideologi politik semata.

A: Bagaimana Anda melihat tragedi kota Khosus baru-baru ini?
B: Untuk pertama kalinya dalam sejarah, Al-Azhar dengan para ulamanya dan Gereja dengan para pastornya bekerjasama melawan agresi Ikhwanul Muslimin dan Salafi. Beberapa hari setelah Al-Azhar dilecehkan dengan berdemo di Kantor Grand Shaikh Al-Azhar, terjadi penyerangan terhadap Gereja Katredal. Apa yang bisa kita harapkan dari para pemuda yang terdoktrin oleh Yasir Buhami, Ya’kub, dan Abu Islam?!

A: Meski rezim Mubarak buruk, namun sebagian rakyat Mesir beranggapan bahwa itu masih lebih baik daripada rezim saat ini?
B: Rezim Mubarak tidak semuanya buruk. Mubarak telah berkontribusi dalam membangun militer, perang istinzaf (the war of attrition) dengan Israel, kemenangan Oktober, dan membangun pondasi-pondasi negara seperti jalanan, alat transportasi, dan kota-kota baru. Ya, memang dia melakukan banyak kesalahan, akan tetapi dia merupakan bagian dari sejarah militer Mesir. Adapun sekarang ini, saya sendiri tidak tahu apa yang harus saya katakana tentang Presiden sekarang. (habis)

The Saudi Royal Family Are Crypto-Jews

By Abdulaziz Saud

RESEARCH AND PRESENTATION OF: MOHAMMAD SAKHER , who was ordered killed by the Saudi Regime for the following findings: 

1. Are the Saudi Family members belonging to the Tribe of ANZA BEN WA'EL as they allege to be? 

2. Is Islam their actual religion? 

3. Are they of an ARAB ORIGIN at all? 

In the year 851 A.H. a group of men from AL MASALEEKH CLAN, which was a branch of ANZA Tribe, formed a caravan for buying cereals (wheat and corn) and other food stuff from IRAQ, and transporting it back to NAJD. 

The head of that group was a man called SAHMI BIN HATHLOOL. The caravan reached BASRA, where the members of the group went to a cereal merchant who was a Jew, Called MORDAKHAI BIN IBRAHIM BIN MOSHE'. During their bargaining with that merchant, the Jew asked them : "Where are you from?" They answered: "From ANZA TRIBE; a clan of AL MASALEEKH." Upon hearing that name, the Jew started to hug so affectionately each one of them saying that he, himself, was also from the clan of AL MASALEEKH, but he had come to reside in BASRA (IRAQ) in consequence to a family feud between his father and some members of ANZA Tribe. 

After he recounted to them his fabricated narrative, he ordered his servants to load all the camels of the clan's members with wheat, dates and tamman; a remarkable deed so generous that astonished the MASALEEKH men and aroused their pride to find such an affectionate (cousin) in IRAQ- the source of their sustenance; they believed each word he said , and , because he was a rich merchant of the food commodities which they were badly in need, they liked him (even though he was a Jew concealed under the garb of an Arab from AL MASALEEKH clan). 

When the caravan was ready to depart returning to NAJD, that Jewish Merchant asked them to accept his company, because he intended to go with them to his original homeland, NAJD. Upon hearing that from him, they wholeheartedly welcomed him with a very cheerful attitude. 

So that (concealed) Jew reached NAJD with the caravan. In NAJD, he started to promulgate a lot of propaganda for himself through his companions (his alleged cousins), a fact, which gathered around him a considerable number of new supporters; but, unexpectedly, he confronted a campaign of opposition to his views led by SHEIKH SALEH SALMAN ABDULLA AL TAMIMI, who was a Muslem religious preacher in AL-QASEEM. The radius of his preaching area included Najd, Yemen, and Hijaz, a fact which compelled the Jew (the Ancestor of the present SAUDI FAMILY to depart from AL QASEEM to AL IHSA, where he changed his name (MORDAKHAI) To MARKHAN BIN IBRAHIM MUSA. Then he changed the location of his residence and settled at a place called DIR'IYA near AL-QATEEF, where he started to spread among the inhabitants a fabricated story about the shield of our Prophet MOHAMMAD (p.b.u.h), that it was taken as a booty by an Arab Pagan in consequence of OHOD Battle between the Arab pagans and the Muslems. "That shield, he said, was sold by the Arab Pagan to a Jewish Clan called BANU QUNAIQA' who preserved it as a treasure! He gradually enhanced his position among the Bedouins through such stories which indicated how the Jewish clans in Arabia were so influential and deserved high esteem. He gained some personal importance among the Bedouins, and decided to settle permanently there, at DIR'IYA town, near AL QATEEF, which he decided to be his (Capital) on the Persian Gulf. He aspired to make it his spring board for establishing a Jewish Kingdom in Arabia. 

In order to fulfill his ambitious scheme, he started to approach the desert Arab Bedouins for support of his position, then gradually, he declared himself as their king! 

At that juncture, AJAMAN Tribe together with BANU KHALED Tribe became fully aware of that Jewish cunning plan after they had verified his true identity, and decided to put an end to him. They attacked his town and conquered it, but before arresting him he had escaped by the skin of his teeth. 

That Jewish Ancestor of the SAUDI FAMILY, (MORDAKHAI), sought shelter in a farm called at that time AL-MALIBEED-GHUSAIBA near AL-ARID, which is called at our present time : AL-RIYADH. 

He requested the owner of that farm to grant him an asylum. The farmer was so hospitable that he immediately gave him sanctuary. But that Jew (MORDAKHAI), no longer than a month had he stayed there, when he assassinated the land lord and all members of his family, pretending that all were killed by an invading band of thieves. Then he pretended that he had bought that real estate from them before that catastrophe happened to them! Accordingly, he had the right to reside there as a land lord. He then gave a new name to that place: He named it AL-DIRIYA - the same name as that he had lost. 

That Jewish Ancestor of the SAUDI FAMILY (MORDAKHAI), was quick to establish a "GUEST HOUSE" called "MADAFFA" on the land he usurped from his victims, and gathered around him a group of hypocrites who started to spread out false propaganda for him that he was a prominent Arab Sheikh. He plotted against Sheikh SALEH SALMAN ABDULLA AL TAMIMI, his original enemy, and caused his assassination in the mosque of the town called (AL-ZALAFI). 

After that, he felt satisfied and safe to make (AL-DIRIYA) his permanent home. There he practiced polygamy at a wide scale, and indeed, he begot a lot of children whom he gave pure Arab names. 

Ever since his descendants grew up in number and power under the name of SAUDI CLAN, they have followed his steps in practicing under ground activities and conspiracies against the Arab Nation. They illegally seized rural sectors and farm lands, and assassinated every person who tried to oppose their evil plans. They used all kinds of deceit for reaching their goals: they bought the conscience of their dissidents; they offered their women and money to influential people in that area, particularly to those who started to write the true biography of that Jewish Family; they bribed writers of history in order to purify their ignominious history, and make their lineage related to the most prominent Arab Tribes such as RABI'A, ANZA, and ALMASALEEKH. 

A conspicuous hypocrite in our era whose name is MOHAMMAD AMIN AL TAMIMI- Director/Manager of the contemporary Libraries of the SAUDI KINGDOM, made up a genealogical tree (FAMILY TREE) for this JEWISH FAMILY (THE SAUDIS), connecting them to our Great Prophet, MOHAMMAD (P.B.U.H). For his false work, he received a reward of 35 (THIRTY FIVE) THOUSAND EYPTIAN POUNDS from the then SAUDI AMBASSADOR TO CAIRO, EGYPT, in the year 1362 AH.- 1943 A.D. The name of that Ambassador is: IBRAHIM AL-FADEL. 

As aforementioned, the Jewish Ancestor of the SAUDI FAMILY, (MORDAKHAI), practiced polygamy by marrying a lot of Arab women and begot many children; his polygamous practice is, at the present time, being carried out " to the letter" by his descendants; they cling to his marital heritage! 

One of MORDAKHAI'S sons called AL-MAQARAN, arabized from the Jewish root (MACK-REN) begot a son called Mohammad, then another son called SAUD, which is the name of the present day SAUDI DYNASTY. 

Descendants of SAUD (the present day SAUDI FAMILY )started a campaign of assassination of the prominent leaders of the Arab Tribes under the pretence that those leaders were apostates; renegading from the Islamic Religion, and deserting their Koranic doctrines; so they deserved the SAUDI condemnation and slaughter! 

In the History Book of the SAUDI FAMILY pages (98-101), their private family historian declares that the SAUDI DYNASTY considers all the people of NAJD blasphemous; so their blood must be shed, their properties confiscated, and their females be taken as concubines; no Muslim is authentic in his /her belief unless he/she belongs (affiliates) to the sect of MOHAMMAD BIN ABDUL WAHAB, (whose origins are also Jewish from TURKEY.) His doctrines give authority to the SAUDI FAMILY to destroy the villages with all their inhabitants-males including children, and to sexually assault their women; stab the bellies of the pregnant, and cut off the hands of their children, then burn them! They are further authorized by such a BRUTAL DOCTRINE to plunder all the properties of whom they call renegades (not following their Wahabi Sect). 

Their hideous Jewish Family has, in fact, done all that kind of atrocities in the name of their false religious sect (the Wahabi), which was actually invented by a Jew so as to sow the seeds of terror in the hearts of people in towns and villages. This Jewish Dynasty has been committing such brutal atrocities ever since 1163 A.H. They have named the whole Arabian Peninsula after their family name (SAUDI ARABIA) as if the whole region is their own personal real estate, and that all other inhabitants are their mere servants or slaves, toiling day and night for the pleasure of their masters (THE SAUDI FAMILY).

They are completely holding the natural wealth of the country as their own property. If any poor person from the common people raises his/her voice complaining against any of the despotic rules of this Jewish Dynasty, (the Dynasty) cuts off his/her head in the public square. A princess of theirs once visited FLORIDA, USA, with her retinue; she rented 90 (NINETY) Suite rooms in a Grand Hotel for about One Million Dollars a night! Can anyone of their subjects comment about that extravagant event? If he/she does, his/her fate is quite known: DEATH WITH THE EDGE OF THE SAUDI SWORD IN THE PUBLIC SQUARE!!!!!! 

Witnesses on the Jewish Ancestry of this Saudi Family: 

In the 1960's the "SAWT AL ARAB" Broadcasting Station in Cairo, Egypt, and the YEMEN Broadcasting Station in SANA'A confirmed the Jewish Ancestry of the SAUDI Family. 

King FAISAL AL-SAUD at that time could not deny his family's kindred with the JEWS when he declared to the WASHINGTON POST on September 17, 1969 stating: "WE, THE SAUDI FAMILY, are cousins of the Jews: we entirely disagree with any Arab or Muslem [sic] Authority which shows any antagonism to the Jews; but we must live together with them in peace. Our country (ARABIA) is the Fountain head from where the first Jew sprang, and his descendants spread out all over the world." That was the declaration of KING FAISAL AL-SAUD BIN ABDUL AZIZ!!!!! 

HAFEZ WAHBI, The SAUDI Legal Adviser, mentioned in his book entitled: "THE PENINSULA OF ARABIA" that KING ABDUL AZIZ AL-SAUD, who died in 1953, had said : "Our Message (SAUDI MESSAGE) encountered the opposition of all Arab Tribes; my grandfather, SAUD AWAL, once imprisoned a number of the Sheikhs of MATHEER Tribe; and when another group of the same tribe came to intercede for the release of the prisoners, SAUD AWAL gave orders to his men to cut off the heads of all the prisoners, then, he wanted to humiliate and derogate the interceders by inviting them to eat from a banquet he prepared from the cooked flesh of his victims whose cut off heads he placed on the top of the food platters!! The interceders became so alarmed and declined to eat the flesh of their relatives; and, because of their refusal to eat, he ordered his men to cut off their heads too. That hideous crime was committed by that self imposed king to innocent people whose guilt was their opposition to his most cruel and extremely despotic rules. 

HAFEZ WAHBI, states further that King ABDUL AZIZ AL-SAUD related that bloody true story to the Sheikhs of the MATHEER Tribe, who visited him in order to intercede for their prominent leader at that time, FAISAL AL DARWEESH, who was the king's prisoner. He related that story to them in order to prevent them from interceding for the release of their Sheikh; otherwise, they would face the same fate; He killed the Sheikh and used his blood as an ablution liquid for him just before he stood up for his prayer (after the false sect doctrine of the Wahabi); The guilt of FAISAL DARWEESH at that time was that he had criticized King ABDUL AZIZ AL-SAUD when the king signed the document which the English Authorities prepared in 1922 as a declaration for giving PALESTINE to the Jews; his signature was obtained in the conference held at AL AQEER in 1922. 

That was and still is the system of this Regime of the JEWISH FAMILY (SAUDI FAMILY): All its goals are: plundering the wealth of the country, robbing, falsifying, and committing all kinds of atrocity, iniquity, and blasphemy-all are executed in compliance with their self invented Wahabi Sect which legalizes the chopping of the heads of their opposing subjects.

The Battle of Blood River By Deidre Fields

The Current Immigration Invasion into White Nations has been orchestrated by the International Jewish Banking Mafia.  It is a continuation of the Rothschild-orchestrated wars against the Boer People. A detailed study of their tactics against the Boer people shows that these same tactics are today being employed on a world scale.
The House of Rothschild was instrumental in goading the British into attacking the Boers.  WHY?  Because diamonds, gold and other mineral wealth was found underneath the peaceful pastures of the Boer Volk; and the Rothschilds, vipers that they are, had to have it!!   
First, the Rothschilds began a culture war against the Boers.  When that failed, they sent in British troops to make war against these peaceful farmers, so as to take away from the Boers what the Rothschilds had to have: MORE WEALTH!  Not content to steal their wealth, the Rothschilds were intent on stealing their freedom too!
This article will demonstrate to you how fiendishly evil the House of Rothschild is.  You should also understand that the modern destruction of the Republic of South Africa and Rhodesia has also been orchestrated by the Rothschilds, using Nelson Mandela and the African National Congress, all directed by Rothschild-paid Jewish communist agents.
Please let all your Christian friends know that the Zionists are Satanists: evil through and through!!!!!!  They are NOT "God's chosen people."  They are the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN, which "deceiveth the whole world," -- Rev. 12:9.
As you read, remember that all of this genocidal treachery, causing British White brothers to fight against their Boer White
brothers, was conceived and financed by the Rothschilds and carried out by their Jewish and Shabbez Goy henchmen. 

The Battle of Blood River
By Deirdre Fields
The 16th of December 2006 marks the 168th anniversary of the Battle of Blood River, an event that lies at the heart and soul of Boer-Afrikaner nationalism. 

It is a story of courage, determination, sacrifice, suffering and of undaunting faith in God. It even has mystical aspects. But, it is a battle that could have spelled the end of the Boer nation -- perhaps even should have been their end, but miraculously was not. It enabled an entire saga of the White people known as the "Boers" to unfold. The saga and its background encapsulate White-Black relations in South Africa, and everywhere and ironically, the Boers find themselves in approximately the same situation once again. As the ratio of Black to White increases, so the efforts of the Boers are esteemed. 

Watching the movie "Lord of the Rings" yet again, I am forced to conclude that Tolkien was inspired by the Battle of Blood River in his powerful depiction of the Battle of Helm's Deep, between Theoden and the people of Rohan and the tens of thousands of Orcs. Tolkien lived in South Africa in his youth. 

I am proud to claim that my grandmother's grandfather, Stefanus Schoeman, a minor Trek leader himself, was among those heroes of the Battle of Blood River: in fact, he owned one of the two canons used in that Battle. His cannon was named "Ou Grietjie" (Old Greta) and had been imported from Germany. It was strapped to a set of wagon wheels and upon firing would leap into the air, sometimes somersaulting, and have to be retrieved before being fired again. It is presently in the Voortrekker Museum. 

Stefanus Schoeman later married Maria Aleta van Heerden, the widow of another Trekker leader, Hendrik Potgieter. 

The Boers climbed Execution Hill (Hlomo Amabutu) in the hot, subtropical, Natal sun; the stench of rotting flesh filled their nostrils and sensibilities. This had been the Zulu king Dingaan's execution site and many had been the executions he had ordered! 

Thousands had found their tortured, final resting place here! Mostly, executions were conducted with the aid of a sangoma or witchdoctor, who would conduct "smelling out" ceremonies, during which he would claim to sniff out those people who were evil, wizards, or plotting some mischief against the chief. Sometimes, he would "smell out" hundreds at a time. Then they would be taken to Hlomo Amabutu to be executed, their bodies left for the vultures, which Dingaan affectionately referred to as his "children," on which to feed. 

Holding their noses, the Boers picked their way over countless bones and bodies. Vultures rose to the air reluctantly, squawking their protest, their stomachs distended -- with human flesh. At last, the Boers recognized the remains of the bodies of the White men - Piet Retief and his party, whom Dingaan had murdered so treacherously: How cruelly they had been murdered! The Zulus had held Piet Retief and forced him to watch, as one by one, his comrades, and finally his own teenage son were murdered before his eyes -- bludgeoned with a knobkierrie or sliced up with an assegaai (Zulu spear). When it was all over, Piet Retief's heart and his liver had been cut out and presented to Dingaan.
But, what was that? Beside Retief's body, lay a leather pouch. Inside, lay that precious Treaty he had signed with Dingaan, granting the Boers all the land between the Tugela and the Umzimvubu rivers. Here was the proof that the Voortrekkers had won the land two ways -- by treaty and by battle. 

But, something was strange here, in this place of iniquity, where the vultures gorged on their accustomed diet of the flesh of black victims; as though kept at bay by a hidden hand, they had not dared to touch the bodies of the Voortrekkers... 

Looking at the treaty, Andries Pretorius thought back on the events that had led up to this moment back to the Cape, in the years between 1835 and 1838. 

British Oppression
British rule was oppressive, anti-Boer, and favored the non-white peoples to the detriment of the Boers. The British had no time for the independent, Dutch-Afrikaans speaking, freedom-loving Boers, and they used the race issue against the Boers to hinder and control them, to the extent that they felt neither secure nor free to conduct their lives in such a way as to ensure their own security, and they could see no future for their children. 

As the British government had grown in strength, British authority and military presence had became increasingly heavy-handed in the region, and with it came the curtailment of the (Boer) Burgher commandos: Then, as now, the British authorities sought to impose equality on Black, Khoisoinoid, and White, regardless of their very great differences. As a result, the vagrancy of the Khoisan (Hottentots) and former slaves (Malays and some West Africans, brought to the Cape by the Dutch East India Company), constituted a real risk to the safety of the Whites. Furthermore, missionary societies, mainly acting as agents for the British Government, had set up a type of ACLU, which made it their business to collect grievances and reports of maltreatment against the Boers, and champion them through the courts. It seemed that the non-White heathens were automatically believed -- they, who had no value-system that deterred lying, and they who had nothing to lose in making such claims and everything to win! 

Many spurious cases were prosecuted against the Boers, who were thus persecuted in the courts. The infamous Ordinance 50 set out the basis for a raceless society -- which spelled out then, as now-- the extinction of the Whites (a claim their descendants would learn to understand intimately, as they underwent the genocidal attempts at ethnic cleansing under the Black, Xhosa-dominated government from 1994 onwards, in conditions strikingly similar to those prevailing in the 19th Century Cape). 

The British authorities either could not or would not give the Eastern frontier Boers protection against the constant raids by the Xhosa from across the Fish River, to plunder their cattle, and attack their homes, often murdering the occupants and burning their homes, before they could mobilize their commandos. During the Sixth Frontier War, forty farmers had been murdered, 416 homesteads burned and thousands of horses, cattle, and sheep stolen. The British authorities pursued a policy of appeasement towards the Xhosa.
Unable to tolerate British rule any longer, from 1835 onwards, some 15,000 Boer families packed up the few possessions they could fit into their canvass-covered wagons, and set off for the interior, hoping there to find land, freedom, and self-determination, whilst preserving the integrity of their gene pool -- that essential pre-requisite for maintaining one's unique identity: They could speak their own language, worship their God and live according to their own culture, without interference. 

This Great Trek was the calling out of the people who would form the Boer nation. These were passionately independent, freedom-loving people who loved God, and their culture. As they would put it decades later in their anthem: "slaves of the Almighty, but before all others-free and uncompromised." These were principled people rather than materialistic: The Cape had been so built up that it was known as the "fairest Cape in all the world," and "Little Paris," but they left behind their beautiful Cape Dutch homes and farms, to travel into the unknown hinterland, with nothing but their big Dutch Bibles, their pots and pans and the few small items they could carry in their wagons. Those unable to make the sacrifice for their principles, or who did not share these principles, stayed behind. Thus, was the Boer nation born - in the spirit of self sacrifice, with the Bible in one hand and the gun in the other. The events of the Great Trek would provide a common history of hardship and sacrifice, and a belief in Divine intervention that would forge the Boers indelibly into a distinct national identity.

For the first Voortrekkers, things did not go well: Jan van Rensburg's small group which left in 1835 was ambushed by Blacks on the Highveld and massacred. Louis Trichardt's party survived attacks by Blacks, only to be vanquished by malaria. 

The few survivors struggled on to Lorenzo Marques Mozambique, where the friendly Portuguese put them on a ship returning to the Cape. This disaster might have deterred other treks in a more complacent people, but the Boers in the Cape were unable to meet the dangers that faced them, on their own terms, because British laws effectively tied their hands behind their back, and they were determined to gain self-determination.
Piet Retief 

In 1837, Piet Retief delivered his Manifesto to the "Grahamstown Journal," in which he laid out the grievances of the Voortrekkers (pioneers). This document served as a Declaration of Independence for the Boers. As the historian Dr. Gustav Preller was later to evaluate him, Retief's greatest virtue, "in his deeds and in his death, [was that] he compelled the Dutch-Afrikaans emigrants to believe that they were not merely isolated, roaming individuals, but that everyone was a participant in a great national bond, with one concern and one destination."

Of French Huguenot ancestry, Retief was an educated man, of a refined and intelligent character: his involvement in various commandos against the Xhosa, and his leadership role in mediations with the British had developed in him just the skills necessary to lead such a trek.
Retief led his party across the Orange River, and out of British-held territory to Thaba Nchu, where they met up with other parties of Voortrekkers who had left earlier, Retief was promptly elected as the leader of the combined group. Retief led the largest group of Trekkers across the formidable Drakensberg Mountains (Dragon Mountains) into Natal, while yet others crossed the Vaal River into the Transvaal or remained in what was to become the Orange Free State. 

Previously, in return for 49 cattle and Boer protection against the Matabele chief Mzilikazi (a renegade Zulu captain), the black leader Makwena had granted Hendrik Potgieter's party the land between the Vet and Vaal Rivers. When, in 1836 Mzilikazi attacked, Potgieter's commando succeeded in driving Mzilikazi and his Matabele (Ndebele) from the western Transvaal into what is now Zimbabwe, where they have remained to this day.

For the Retief Trek, crossing the formidable Drakensberg Mountains in itself was an almost superhuman feat, requiring an indomitable determination, resilience, and perseverance not to mention an optimistic, adventurous spirit. These intrepid qualities were required of even the children and women, for the ordeal was not easy on anyone, and it became indelibly etched into the Boer psyche. Tottering over near vertical inclines, they ascended the Drakensberg, and on the other side, they descended often near vertical declines, requiring that the wheels be removed from the wagons, and saplings tied in their place; while the men would hold fast onto ropes at the front of the wagons, to prevent them from running over the oxen -- making their laborious descent, almost on their knees; or careering to their destruction far below. 
There were no stores en route and Voortrekkers had to be incredibly resourceful in creating all of their own commodities, from making their own soap, candles, bullets, wagon parts, shoes, clothes, makeshift ovens --from termite heaps-- to developing their own medical cures, "Boererat" (Boer remedies) which drew heavily on the knowledge of local herbs and use of the raw environment. 

As they left the Cape, they started reading their Bibles at the point where God leads the children of Israel out of bondage in Egypt, and leads them to the land of milk and honey in Canaan - the Promised Land, and naturally, they identified strongly. When they saw the green lands that lay before them, as they surmounted the Drakensberg, they could not be blamed for thinking that they too, had reached the Promised Land, and they called it Blydevooruitzicht - Happy Prospects. 

Dingaan and the Zulus
Natal was occupied by the warlike Zulu tribe, like the Xhosa, part of the Nguni people who originated in the Uganda area of Africa. Leaving the bulk of his party encamped along the Bloukrans River, Retief led a party of some 60 men and teenage boys to negotiate for land with Dingaan, the chief, at his kraal, "Umgungundlovu," (Place of the Elephant- meaning Dingaan himself). Dingaan promised Retief and his Trekkers, that if they could recover the cattle that a local chief had stolen from him, then he would grant them land.
With little difficulty, the Boers recovered the cattle, and on 2 February 1837, they arrived at Umgungundlovu with the some 7,000 retrieved cattle. On 5 February, Dingaan and Retief signed a treaty granting the Boers the land between the Tugela and the Umzimvubu rivers in Natal. Being illiterate, Dingaan signed with an "X."

During the ceremony, a little Zulu picaninny (child) knelt at Dingaan's side, with his hands cupped. At intervals, Dingaan would spit into his hands, and the boy would rub the spittle into his belly, praising the king. The honor was greatly coveted. Festivities followed the signing of the agreement. 

The following day, 6 February, the Boers rose before daybreak to return to Bloukrans where the rest of the trek awaited them. Just then, a messenger arrived from Dingaan, inviting Retief and his party to meet once more with the King, before they left. 

Unwisely, Retief and his Trekkers, as well as two Englishmen from Port Natal, were persuaded to leave their weapons outside the kraal, as a mark of respect to the Zulu king. Offering them some raw sorghum beer, Dingaan toasted their friendship, attested to by the signed treaty Retief carried in his bag. Then Dingaan commanded two of his impis (regiments) to entertain them by dancing. For some fifteen minutes the warriors danced, shouted and made feinting movements with their spears. 
Advancing three steps and retreating two -- they advanced towards the Boers. Suddenly, Dingaan rose shouting, "Bulala Amatakati" ("Kill the White Wizards!"), and immediately some 2,000 Zulus fell upon the unsuspecting Boers.

Some leaped to their feet, drawing their small hunting knives, but they were no match for the numbers and spears of the Zulu warriors. Feet trailing, they were dragged off to a hill next to Umgungundlovu, called "Hlomo Amabutu," the Hill of Execution, there to be savagely murdered, one by one, where Andries Pretorius and the victors of Blood River would eventually find them .. 

About two hours after Retief's heart and liver had been presented to Dingaan, his impis under the captains Ndlela and Dambuza, set off to massacre the rest of the Boer party, who were camped out at Bloukrans, a considerable distance from Umgungundlovu; chanting, "We will go and kill the white dogs!"

The English missionary, Francis Owen and an American William Wood, witnessed the murder from Owen's hut overlooking Hlomo Amabutu. Fearful for their own lives, they fled several days later for Port Natal. 

Not suspecting any treachery, the Boers had not formed their wagons into a defensive laager or circle, but were camped out in groups of varying sizes. As they slept on the night of 16 February 1838, the Zulu army of some 10,000 attacked: The Liebenberg family was slaughtered in their beds. Having been left for dead, along with his murdered wife, mother, and sisters, a badly wounded Daniel Bezuidenhout managed to mount his horse and ride to warn other camps. 
It was a bloody massacre: the Zulus were snatching up babies, throwing them into the air, and impaling them upon their assagaais or dashing their heads on rocks. 

One man grabbed his baby daughter and ran for miles through the bush, clutching his child to his chest, only to find that she had already been murdered while still in her crib! 

One woman, having survived the initial onslaught, was seeking her opportunity to warn the others, when she was surprised by some Zulus, returning from their bloody past-time. Trying to crawl into a wagon, her leg was still protruding as they came in sight of her. She lay motionless, feigning death. As they passed her by, each Zulu stabbed her leg. To flinch or cry out would have meant certain death, so with superhuman will-power she managed to remain absolutely motionless, as tens of Zulu stabbed that exposed leg and survived to tell of it. 

At last, some of the larger camps managed to draw their wagons into a laager, and the Zulus were fended off. 

As dawn broke on February 16th, the specter of the mutilated corpses of some 300 people assailed the eyes of the survivors: The senseless brutality of the Zulus impressed itself upon all: the body of Johanna van der Merwe was found to have been stabbed 21 times; Catherina Prinsloo's 17 times, while Elizabeth Smit lay with her three-day-old baby beside her -- her breast hacked off.

Anna Elizabeth Steenkamp's diary describes the gory scene of a wagon filled with the corpses of 50 people, mostly children, all of whom had been hacked apart, their blood drenching the wagon. Altogether, 41 men, 56 women and 185 children - had been murdered. Together with the Retief party, more than half of the Boer party in Natal had been massacred. 

So, the Voortrekkers named the place Weenen, or "Weeping," the name it is called by still, though the Black ANC government seeks to erase all such reminders of the Boer presence in South Africa, and how they watered the ground with their blood, and still do. 

Leaving their bloody handiwork at Bloukrans, the Zulu turned on the British trading settlement of Port Natal, seeking to exterminate the Whites there too. Some Englishmen from Port Natal, including Thomas Halstead and George Biggar, had been murdered along with Retief's party. Wishing to avenge the deaths of their friends, the British set out to meet the Zulu, but only four Englishmen and 500 of their Zulus (refugees from Dingaan) escaped to Port Natal. The English eventually took refuge on a ship in port, leaving the Zulu refugees to face Dingaan's forces. 
Other Boer parties came to the aid of the Boers at Weenen but were ambushed at the Battle of Italeni. 

Andries Pretorius
The news of the treachery of Dingaan aroused much indignation, and a wave of sympathy for the Natal Boers resulted in hundreds of Boers joining Andries Pretorius' Trek. Pretorius was a successful farmer from Graaff Reinet -- an area that along with Swellendam, in opposition to the autocratic rule of the Dutch India Company, had declared itself an independent republic in 1795 -- before the British had occupied the Cape, though the British had reversed this the next year when they occupied the Cape during the Napoleonic wars. Many Voortrekkers hailed from this area.

Pretorius' Trek arrived in Natal in November 1838. He was elected Commandant General by the Natal Boers. Pretorius swiftly organized a commando of some 464 men. He would not attack the Zulu, but waited for them to attack him. 

First, Sarel Celliers, the pastor, led the Boers in taking an oath to Almighty God, that if He would deliver them from the Zulu and grant them victory, then for ever more, they and their descendants would celebrate the day as a sacred day and celebrate it as if it "were a Sabbath."
Then, on the 15th December, as his scouts reported a large Zulu army in the area, Pretorius chose the site of his camp: He formed a laager of 64 wagons into the shape of a capital "D": the straight side ran along a deep donga or ditch which extended for some distance at a 90 degree angle to the Ncome river; the lower part of the "D" ran parallel with the Ncome River, and the rest of the rounded part faced the north west, where there were no natural defenses. The two muzzle loading canons were positioned in openings between the wagons; while the 900 oxen and about 500 horses were penned up in the centre of the laager. 

The motto of the Boers has ever been "Boer maak 'n plan" (a Boer makes a plan), and they plugged the spaces between and under the wagons with thorn bushes, which worked like barbed wire, to bar the entry of the Zulu into the laager. They also lined the donga with thorn bushes. 

As it grew dark and a mist descended, the Boers hung their lanterns on the ends of their long whips, and secured them on the wagons, so that the lights protruded from the wagons. To the Zulus, creeping up for a surprise attack under the cover of dark, it appeared that a halo of ethereal light hovered over the laager, protecting the Boers. "Bewitched! Bewitched!" they screamed as they fled in terror, leaving the Boers safe for the night. 

The Battle of Blood River 

The Boers fought with muzzle-loading rifles, loaded by pouring gunpowder down the barrel, then ramming leaden, ball-shaped bullets down the barrel with a ramrod. On pulling the trigger, the gunpowder ignited and a few seconds later, the shot was fired. The Boers made their own bullets. 

Traditionally, while the man was shooting, his wife, mother, or daughter would be loading another gun, and they would shoot until the guns were hot. Sometimes, if the Blacks were too close, the women would have to make the shot, or hit a Black on the head with the butt of the gun, as they tried to crawl under the wagons. Opening up this land was not for the feint-hearted! 

The Zulu attack came at dawn on the 16th December, 1838. Looking out on the veld before them, the Boers were greeted instead by a seething Black mass of between 15,000 and 20,000 Zulu warriors, chanting and stamping their feet in a bloody war dance, working themselves up into a killing-frenzy. The sight was enough to send chills through the stoutest of hearts. They had no desire to replay the events of the massacre at Bloukrans (Weenen). 

Heavily outnumbered as they were, the Boers needed to hold their fire until they were sure it would count; at the first burst of fire, the Zulu fell in their hundreds, and at every successive round, their corpses stacked up hampering them in their charge. 
The successive rains of spears thrown by the Zulus came hurtling through the air like a black rain, but miraculously, throughout the battle, they caused no casualties at all.
Inside the laager, the air grew blue with smoke so that the Boers could hardly see their hands before them. Fortunately, the Zulu retreated out of range of the rifles, allowing the guns to cool and the air to clear, before a second charge. 

Again and again they charged, swarming into the donga, and through the river, and again and again the Boers shot into their midst, taking a heavy toll on their numbers. The Boers used their canons to maximum effect, at one stage aiming one as far as possible into the rear lines, and the other into the centre of the front lines. Attacking en masse, the Zulu crossing the river were shot in the water, until the river turned red with the blood of the Zulu. So, the river came to became known until this day, as "Blood River." 

The Boers pulled aside a wagon, and a commando of around 100 men galloped out, shooting from the saddle, they caused havoc amongst the Zulu until their forces were divided and routed. 

The Zulus fled, and the Boers pursued them until dark, leaving around 3,000 Zulus dead on the battlefield, and countless more off the site, with even more dying later from their wounds.
Remarkably, there were no Boer casualties at all, though Pretorius himself was slightly wounded in the arm, and another two Boers were nicked by a spear. It was truly a miracle, and the Calvinistic Boers gave the glory to God, taking their victory as a sign from God that He was with them and that just as he had given the Land of Canaan to the Israelites, He had delivered Natal to the Boers. 

After the Battle, Dingaan fled into Swaziland, where he was subsequently assassinated, and in 1840, Andries Pretorius and a Boer commando of around 400 helped Dingaan's half-brother, Mpanda, establish himself as king. 

And, so it was that the Boers of the Blood River made a pilgrimage to "Hlomo Amabutu," "The Hill of Execution," to find the murdered bodies of Piet Retief and his party, and to give them a Christian burial, and so it was that they retrieved the Treaty from their untouched bodies. 

The Boers kept their part of the vow, and built a Church to God and ever after their descendants have celebrated the 16th December as a Sabbath, -- that is, until the traitor governments of PW Botha and F.W. De Klerk (1980s onwards) ceased observing it as a public event at the Voortrekker Monument, though there were always Boers who kept the day holy at private and political rallies. 
One hundred years later, in 1938, when the Boers had once again gained power in their own country, they built the mighty Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria to commemorate the Battle of Blood River and the Covenant they had made with God. 

On the lower floor of the massive monument, stands a cenotaph to the Voortrekker dead; which from the ground floor, can be seen through a circular well in the marble floor. In the domed ceiling, some hundred and twenty feet above, there is a little hole, and at exactly midday on the 16th of December, the sun shines through that little aperture, down onto the cenotaph, to illuminate the words on it: 

These are the words of the South African anthem, "Die Stem," (The Call [or Voice] of South Africa), which pledges our lives for our country and volk. 

The site of Blood River too, was graced with 64 bronze, life-size wagons, forming an eternal laager to mark the site of this significant battle, and God's grace. 


The defeat of the Zulus at Blood River, and the murder of Dingaan had broken the back of the Zulu power for the moment. Significantly, the Boers never sought to rule the Zulu, but in 1840 helped Mpande establish his own independent kingdom; while the Boers had established their own independent Boer Republic of Natalia in 1839.
However, the defeat of the Zulu, caused the British to cast even more covetous eyes over Natal, and by 1843, British encroachment from the Eastern Cape led to a war between the Boers and the British, with the Boers besieging Congella. 

The British broke the siege and in 1845, just as the Boers were reaping the rewards of their hard work, the British formally annexed the Republic of Natalia, claiming that the Boers were still British subjects and as such any land they claimed belonged to the Crown.
Once again, the Boers became disheartened, having sacrificed so much, only to find themselves once again under British rule. However, it was the Boer women who vowed that their beloved dead husbands, fathers and sons, and all those at Bloukrans, should not have died in vain, and even if they had to cross that Drakensberg range barefoot, they would do so, but they would never remain under British rule. Heartened by the courage and the willingness of their women to endure further sacrifice, the Boers trekked once again over the Drakensberg mountains into the fledgling republics in the Orange Free State and the Transvaal. There they were toachieve independence until the discovery of gold in the Transvaal brought an unholy alliance of the British and the Jewish gold mine owners to threaten their sovereignty, yet again. 
This is the pattern that has repeated itself in the present subjugation of the Boers, this time through the proxies of the Blacks, but the Rothschilds and the Oppenheimers, operating out of the City of London, remain the motivating impetus. Boer nationalism is simply in the way of the New World Order - and the country is too valuable in all resources for the international financiers to leave them in the hands of the Boers. Through the agency of partnerships with the naive Blacks, they are seizing Africa at a rate that makes the head spin, and will yet make the scramble for Africa seem altruistic.


Just three years after Pope Clement XIV's suppression of the Jesuits, the subversive organization called the "Illuminati" was purportedly founded by a trained Jesuit named Adam Weishaupt in 1776. [450] Weishaupt was a Jew and a professor of canon law at Ingolstadt University, which was a Jesuit University and the center of the Jesuit counter-reformation. [451] Alberto Rivera, a former Jesuit priest, stated that the occult Illuminati organization was not founded by Weishaupt, as many believe, but in fact was established long before Weishaupt. The Illuminati is in fact a reincarnation of the ancient Alumbrados , whose one time leader was Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits. [452] The Illuminati was established by Lorenzo Ricco, the Jesuit General, in 1776, who used his disciple, Adam Weishaupt, as the front man for the new organization (which was not really new at all).[453] The Jesuits, having just been suppressed by the pope in 1773, found it necessary to establish the Illuminati, which was an alliance between the Jesuits and the very powerful Ashkenazi Jewish Banking House of Rothschild. The purpose of Weishaupt initially was to avenge the papal suppression of the Jesuits by rooting out all religion and overturning the governments of the world, bringing them under a single world government, controlled, of course, by the Illuminati, under the authority of their god. That world government is commonly referred to by the Illuminati as the "New World Order." The god of the Illuminati is Satan.[454] 

[450] Collier's Encyclopedia, Volume 12, p. 516 (1991).
[451 Sidney Hunter, Is Alberto For Real?, p. 21 (1991); See also, Edmond Paris, The Secret History of the Jesuits, p. 35 (1975).
[452] Sidney Hunter, Is Alberto for Real?, Chick Publications, p. 21-23 (1988)
[453] Eric Jon Phelps, Vatican Assassins: "Wounded In The House of My Friends," P. 206 (2001).
[454] William Still, New World Order, The Ancient plan of Secret Societies, P. 79 (1990).


The Journal of History - Spring 2010 Copyright © 2010 by News Source, Inc.  

Fake Terrorism: The Road to Dictatorship

By Michael Rivero
What Really
It's the oldest trick in the book, dating back to Roman times; creating the enemies you need. 

In 70 BC, an ambitious minor politician and extremely wealthy man, Marcus Licineus Crassus, wanted to rule Rome. Just to give you an idea of what sort of man Crassus really was, he is credited with invention of the fire brigade. But in Crassus' version, his fire-fighting slaves would race to the scene of a burning building whereupon Crassus would offer to buy it on the spot for a tiny fraction of its worth. If the owner sold, Crassus' slaves would put out the fire. If the owner refused to sell, Crassus allowed the building to burn to the ground. By means of this device, Crassus eventually came to be the largest single private landholder in Rome, and used some of his wealth to help back Julius Caesar against Cicero. 

In 70 BC, Rome was still a Republic, which placed very strict limits on what Rulers could do, and more importantly NOT do. But Crassus had no intention of enduring such limits to his personal power, and contrived a plan. 

Crassus seized upon the slave revolt led by Sparticus in order to strike terror into the hearts of Rome, whose garrison Sparticus had already defeated in battle. But Sparticus had no intention of marching on Rome itself, a move he knew to be suicidal. Sparticus and his band wanted nothing to do with the Roman empire and had planned from the start merely to loot enough money from their former owners in the Italian countryside to hire a mercenary fleet in which to sail to freedom. 

Sailing away was the last thing Crassus wanted Sparticus to do. He needed a convenient enemy with which to terrorize Rome itself for his personal political gain. So Crassus bribed the mercenary fleet to sail without Sparticus, then positioned two Roman legions in such a way that Sparticus had no choice but to march on Rome.
Terrified of the impending arrival of the much-feared army of gladiators, Rome declared Crassus Praetor. Crassus then crushed Sparticus' army and even though Pompeii took the credit, Crassus was elected Consul of Rome the following year. 

With this maneuver, the Romans surrendered their Republican form of government. Soon would follow the first Triumvirate, consisting of Crassus, Pompeii, and Julius Caesar, followed by the reign of the god-like Emperors of Rome. 

The Romans were hoaxed into surrendering their Republic, and accepting the rule of Emperors. 

Julius Caesar's political opponent, Cicero, for all his literary accomplishments, played the same games in his campaign against Julius Caesar, claiming that Rome was falling victim to an internal "vast right wing" conspiracy in which any expressed desire for legislative limits on government was treated as suspicious behavior. Cicero, in order to demonstrate to the Romans just how unsafe Rome has become hired thugs to cause as much disturbance as possible, and campaigned on a promise to end the internal strife if elected and granted extraordinary powers. 

What Cicero only dreamed of, Adolf Hitler succeeded in doing. Elected Chancellor of Germany, Hitler, like Crassus, had no intention of living with the strict limits to his power imposed by German law. Unlike Cicero, Hitler's thugs were easy to recognize; they all wore the same brown shirts. But their actions were no different than those of their Roman predecessors. They staged beatings, set fires, caused as much trouble as they could, while Hitler made speeches promising that he could end the crime wave of subversives and terrorism if he was granted extraordinary powers.
The Germans were hoaxed into surrendering their Republic, and accepting the rule of Der Fuhrer. The state-sponsored schools will never tell you this, but governments routinely rely on hoaxes to sell their agendas to an otherwise reluctant public. The Romans accepted the Emperors and the Germans accepted Hitler not because they wanted to, but because the carefully crafted illusions of threat appeared to leave no other choice. 

Our government too uses hoaxes to create the illusion that We The People have no choice but the direction in which the government wishes us to go.

In 1898, Joseph Pulitzer's New York World and William Randolph Hearst's New York Journal were arguing for American intervention in Cuba. Hearst is reported to have dispatched a photographer to Cuba to photograph the coming war with Spain. When the photographer asked just what war that might be, Hearst is reported to have replied, “You take the photographs, and I will provide the war.” Hearst was true to his word, as his newspaper published stories of great atrocities being committed against the Cuban people, most of which turned out to be complete fabrications. 

On the night of February 15, 1898, the USS Maine, lying in Havana harbor in a show of US resolve to protect her interests, exploded violently. Captain Sigsbee, the commander of the Maine, urged that no assumptions of enemy attack be made until there was a full investigation of the cause of the explosion. For this, Captain Sigsbee was excoriated in the press for "refusing to see the obvious." The Atlantic Monthly declared flat out that to suppose the explosion to be anything other than a deliberate act by Spain was “completely at defiance of the laws of probability.” 

Under the slogan “Remember the Maine,” Americans went to war with Spain, eventually winning the Phillipines (and annexing Hawaii along the way). 
In 1975, an investigation led by Admiral Hyman Rickover examined the data recovered from a 1911 examination of the wreck and concluded that there had been no evidence of an external explosion. The most likely cause of the sinking was a coal dust explosion in a coal bunker imprudently located next to the ship's magazines. Captain Sigsbee's caution had been well founded. 

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt needed a war. He needed the fever of a major war to mask the symptoms of a still deathly ill economy struggling back from the Great Depression (and mutating towards Socialism at the same time). Roosevelt wanted a war with Germany to stop Hitler, but despite several provocations in the Atlantic, the American people, still struggling with that troublesome economy, were opposed to any wars. Roosevelt violated neutrality with lend lease, and even ordered the sinking of several German ships in the Atlantic, but HItler refused to be provoked. 

Roosevelt needed an enemy, and if America would not willingly attack that enemy, then one would have to be maneuvered into attacking America, much as Marcus Licinius Crassus has maneuvered Sparticus into attacking Rome. 

The way open to war was created when Japan signed the tripartite agreement with Italy and Germany, with all parties pledging mutual defense to each other. Whereas Hitler would never declare war on the United States no matter the provocation, the means to force Japan to do so were readily at hand. 

The first step was to place oil and steel embargoes on Japan, using Japan's wars on the Asian mainland as a reason. This forced Japan to consider seizing the oil and mineral rich regions in Indonesia. With the European powers militarily exhausted by the war in Europe, the United States was the only power in the Pacific able to stop Japan from invading the Dutch East Indies, and by moving the Pacific fleet from San Diego to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Roosevelt made a pre-emptive strike on that fleet the mandatory first step in any Japanese plan to extend its empire into the “southern resource area.”
Roosevelt boxed in Japan just as completely as Crassus had boxed in Sparticus. Japan needed oil. They had to invade Indonesia to get it, and to do that they first had to remove the threat of the American fleet at Pearl Harbor. There never really was any other course open to them. 

To enrage the American people as much as possible, Roosevelt needed the first overt attack by Japan to be as bloody as possible, appearing as a sneak attack much as the Japanese had done to the Russians. From that moment up until the attack on Pearl Harbor itself, Roosevelt and his associates made sure that the commanders in Hawaii, General Short and Admiral Kimmel, were kept in the dark as much as possible about the location of the Japanese fleet and its intentions, then later scapegoated for the attack. (Congress recently exonerated both Short and Kimmel, posthumously restoring them to their former ranks). 

But as the Army board had concluded at the time, and subsequent de-classified documents confirmed, Washington knew the attack was coming, knew exactly where the Japanese fleet was, and where it was headed. 

On November 29th, Secretary of State Hull showed United Press reporter Joe Leib a message with the time and place of the attack, and the New York Times in its special 12/8/41 Pearl Harbor edition, on page 13, reported that the time and place of the attack had been known in advance! 

The much repeated claim that the Japanese fleet maintained radio silence on its way to Hawaii was a lie. Among other intercepts still held in the Archives of the NSA is the UNCODED message sent by the Japanese tanker Shirya stating, “proceeding to a position 30.00 N, 154.20 E. Expect to arrive at that point on 3 December.” (near HI)
President Lyndon Johnson wanted a war in Vietnam. He wanted it to help his friends who owned defense companies to do a little business. He needed it to get the Pentagon and CIA to quit trying to invade Cuba. And most of all, he needed a provocation to convince the American people that there was really “no other choice.” 

On August 5, 1964, newspapers across America reported “renewed attacks” against American destroyers operating in Vietnamese waters, specifically the Gulf of Tonkin. The official story was that North Vietnamese torpedo boats launched an “unprovoked attack” on the USS Maddox while it was on “routine patrol.” 

The truth is that USS Maddox was involved in aggressive intelligence gathering in coordination with actual attacks by South Vietnam and the Laotian Air Force against targets in North Vietnam. The truth is also that there was no attack by torpedo boats against the USS Maddox. Captain John J. Herrick, the task force commander in the Gulf, cabled Washington DC that the report was the result of an "over-eager" sonarman who had picked up the sounds of his own ship's screws and panicked. But even with this knowledge that the report was false, Lyndon Johnson went on national TV that night to announce the commencement of air strikes against North Vietnam, “retaliation” for an attack that had never occurred. 

President George Bush wanted a war in Iraq. Like Crassus, George Bush is motivated by money. Specifically oil money. But with the OPEC alliance failing to keep limits on oil production in the Mideast, the market was being glutted with oil pumped from underneath Iraq, which sat over roughly 1/3 of the oil reserves of the entire region.
George wanted a war to stop that flow of oil, to keep prices (and profits) from falling any further than they already had. But like Roosevelt, he needed the “other side” to make the first move. 

Iraq had long been trying to acquire greater access to the Persian Gulf, and felt limited, confined to a narrow strip of land along Kuwait's northern border, which placed Iraqi interests in close proximity with hostile Iran. George Bush, who had been covertly arming Iraq during its war with Iran, sent word via April Glaspie (1) that the United States would not intervene if Saddam Hussein grabbed a larger part of Kuwait. Saddam fell for the bait and invaded. 

Of course, Americans were not about to send their sons and daughters to risk their lives for petroleum products. So George Bush arranged a hoax, using public relations firm Hill & Knowlton, which has grown rich on taxpayer money by being most industrious and creative liars! Hill & Knowlton concocted a monumental fraud in which the daughter of the Kuwaiti Ambassador to the United States, went on TV pretending to be a nurse, and related a horror story in which Iraqi troops looted the incubators from a Kuwaiti hospital, leaving the premature babies on the cold floor to die. The media, part of the swindle from the start, never bothered asking why the “nurse” didn't just pick the babies up and wrap them in blankets or something.

Enraged by the incubator story, Americans supported operation Desert Storm, which never removed Saddam Hussein from power but which did take Kuwait's oil off of the market for almost 2 years and limited Iraq's oil exports to this very day. That our sons and daughters came home with serious and lingering medical illnesses was apparently not too great a price to pay for increased oil profits. 

Following the victory in Iraq, yet another war appeared to be in the offing in the mineral rich regions of Bosnia. Yet again, a hoax was used to create support for military action. 

The photo of Fikret Alic, a Muslim, staring through a barbed wire fence, was used to "prove" that the Bosnians were running modern day “Concentration Camps.” As the headline of “Belsen 92” indicates, all possible associations with the Nazi horrors were made to sell the necessity of sending yet more American troops into someone else's nation.
But when German Journalists went to Trnopolje, the site of the supposed Bosnian Concentration Camp, to film a documentary, they discovered that the photo was a fake! The camp at Trnopolje was not a concentration camp but a refugee center. Nor was it surrounded by barbed wire. Careful examination of the original photo revealed that the photographer had shot the photo through a broken section of fence surrounding a tool shed. It was the photographer who was on the inside, shooting out at the refugees. 

Once again, Americans had been hoaxed into support of actions they might otherwise not have agreed with (2). 

While several American Presidents have willingly started wars for personal purposes, perhaps no President has ever carried it to the extreme that Bill Clinton has. 

Coincident with the expected public statement of Monica Lewinsky following her testimony, Bill Clinton ordered a cruise missile attack on Sudan and Afghanistan, claiming to have had irrefutable proof that bogeyman extraordinaire (and former Afghani ally) Osama Bin Ladin was creating terrorist chemical weapons there.

Examination of the photos of the debris revealed none of the expected structures one would find in a laboratory that handled lethal weapons-grade materials. Assurances from the CIA that they had a positive soil test for biological weapons fell on their face when it was revealed that there had been no open soil anywhere near the pre-bombed facility. Sudan requested that international observers come test the remains of the factory for any signs of the nerve gas Clinton had insisted was there. None was found. The Sudanese plant was a harmless aspirin factory, and the owner has sued for damages. Later examination of the site hit in Afghanistan revealed it to be a mosque. 

Meanwhile, back in Kosovo, stories about genocide and atrocities were flooding the media (in time to distract from the Sudanese embarrassments) , just as lurid and sensational and as it turns out often just as fictional as most of William Randolph Hearst's stories of atrocities against the Cubans. 

Again, the government and the media were hoaxing Americans. The above photo was shown on all the American networks, claiming to be one of Slobodan Milosovic's Migs, shot down while attacking civilians. Closer examination shows it to be stenciled in English!
Editor's note: My apologies for not being able to show the photo.

Like Germany under Chancellor Hitler, there have been events in our nation which strike fear into the hearts of the citizens, such as the New York World Trade Tower bombing, the OK City Federal Building, and the Olympic Park bomb (nicely timed to divert the media from witnesses to the TWA 800 shoot down). The media has been very quick to blame such events on “radicals,” “subversives,” “vast right wing conspiracies,” and other “enemies in our midst,” no different than the lies used by Cicero and Hitler.
But on closer examination, such “domestic terrorist” events do not appear to be what they are made out to be. The FBI had an informant inside the World Trade Tower bombers, Emad Salam, who offered to sabotage the bomb. The FBI told him “no.” The so-called “hot bed” of white separatism at Elohim City, occasional home to Tim McVeigh in the weeks prior to the OK City bombing, was founded and is being run by an FBI informant!

And nobody has ever really explained what this second Ryder truck was doing in a secret camp half way from Elohim City to Oklahoma City two weeks before the bombing. (See photo below) 

So, here we are today. Like the Romans of Crassus' and Cicero's time, or the Germans under a newly elected Hitler, we are being warned that a dangerous enemy threatens us, implacable, invisible, omnipresent, and invulnerable as long as our government is hamstrung by that silly old Bill of Rights. Already there have appeared articles debating whether or not “extraordinary measures” (i.e. torture) are not fully justified under certain circumstances such as those we are purported to face. 

As was the case in Rome and Germany, the government continues to plead with the public for an expansion of its power and authority, to “deal with the crisis.” 

However, as Casio watch timers are paraded before the cameras, to the stentorian tones of the talking heads' constant dire warnings, it is legitimate to question just how real the crises is, and how much is the result of political machinations by our own leaders.
Are the terrorists really a threat, or just hired actors with bombs and Casio watches, paid for by Cicero and given brown shirts to wear by Hitler? 

Is terrorism inside the United States really from outside, or is it a stage managed production, designed to cause Americans to believe they have no choice but to surrender the Republic and accept the totalitarian rule of a new emperor, or a new Fuhrer? 

Once lost, the Romans never got their Republic back. Once lost, the Germans never got their Republic back. In both cases, the nation had to totally collapse before freedom was restored to the people. 

Remember that when Crassus tells you that Sparticus approaches. 

Remember that when thugs in the streets act in a manner clearly designed to provoke the public fear. Remember that when the Reichstagg burns down. 

Mumbai and Mossad

By Amaresh Misra

November 29, 2008

Editor's note: Mumbai (pronounced Mum bi) is the Indian name for Bombay. 

Mumbai and India Under Attack 

It is 4AM in India right now. I am in Mumbai reporting from the ground. I have not slept a wink. Mumbai is under attack. People and forces who killed Mahatama Gandhi, who demolished the Babari Mosque have triumphed. More than 16 groups of terrorists have taken over Taj, Oberai and several hotels. Hundreds of people are dead. For the first time no one is blaming Muslim organizations. The Mumbai ATS chief Hemant Karkare and other officers of the ATS have been killed. These were the same people who were investigating the Malegaon Blasts–in which Praggya Singh, an army officer and several other noted personalities of the BJP-RSS-Bajrang Dal-VHP were arrested. Karkare was the man to arrest them. Karkare received threats from several quarters. LK Advani, the BJP chief and several other prominent leaders of the so-called Hindu terrorism squad were gunning for his head. And the first casualty in the terrorist attack was Karkare! He is dead–gone–the firing by terrorists began from Nariman House which is the only building in Mumbai inhabited by Jews. Some Hindu Gujaratis of the Nariman area spoke live on several TV channels. They openly said that the firing by terrorists began from Nariman house. And that for two years suspicious activities were going on in this house. But no one took notice.

Our worst fears have come true. It is clear that Mossad is involved in the whole affair. An entire city has been attacked by Mossad and probably units of mercenaries. It is not possible for one single organization to plan and execute such a sophisticated operation. It is clear that this operation was backed by communal forces from within the Indian State. The Home Minister Shivraj Patil should resign. The RSS-BJP-VHP-Bajrang Dal should be banned. Advani and others ought to be arrested. Today is a day of shame for all Indians and all Hindus. Muslims and secular Hindus have been proven right. RSS type forces and [the state of] Israel are all involved in not only destabilizing but finishing India. India should immediately snap all relations with [the state of] Israel. We owe this much to Karkare and the brave ATS men who had shown the courage to arrest Praggya Singh, Raj Kumar Purohit, the army officer and several others. 

A photograph published in the Urdu Times , Mumbai, clearly shows that Mossad and ex-Mossad men came to India and met Sadhus and other pro-Hindutva elements recently. A conspiracy was clearly hatched. 

This is a moment of reckoning especially for Hindus of India. The killers of Gandhi have struck again. If we are true Sanatanis and true Hindus and true nationalists and true patriots we have to see this act as a clear attack by anti-national deshdrohi forces. Praggya Singh, Advani and the entire brand is anti-national. They ought to be shot. Any Hindu siding with them is hereafter warned of serious consequences. 

This is a question of nationalism. If no one else, the Indian army will not take this lying down. Communal, anti-national forces have attacked the very foundation of the Indian constitution and the nation. We will fight a civil war if need be against the pro-Hindutva, communal forces and their Israeli backers.

Editor's note: My thanks and appreciation to Pastor Eli James for providing this information.

Pesawat Tempur Turki dan Israel?

Pesawat Tempur Turki dan Israel
Pesawat Tempur dgn Bendera Turki dan Israel berdampingan beserta para prajuritnya?
Foto ini sudah saya konfirmasi dgn beberapa sumber di antaranya:

Miris sekali melihat Turki berseteru dengan Suriah meski keduanya sama2 mayoritas Islam.

Sementara Turki dgn Israel kok kelihatan bersahabat padahal kekafiran dan kekejaman Israel thd ummat Islam 100% tidak diragukan lagi. Jelas di sebut di Al Qur’an dan juga Media Massa.

Harusnya Tayyib Erdogan dari Ikhwanul Muslimin yg jadi Perdana Menteri Turki sejak tahun 2003 benar2 bisa mewujudkan Ukhuwah Islamiyyah dan mengamalkan ayat Al QUr’an di bawah:

“Muhammad itu adalah utusan Allah dan orang-orang yang bersama dengan dia adalah keras terhadap orang-orang kafir, tetapi berkasih sayang sesama mereka. Kamu lihat mereka ruku’ dan sujud mencari karunia Allah dan keridhaan-Nya, tanda-tanda mereka tampak pada muka mereka dari bekas sujud. Demikianlah sifat-sifat mereka dalam Taurat dan sifat-sifat mereka dalam Injil, yaitu seperti tanaman yang mengeluarkan tunasnya maka tunas itu menjadikan tanaman itu kuat lalu menjadi besarlah dia dan tegak lurus di atas pokoknya; tanaman itu menyenangkan hati penanam-penanamnya karena Allah hendak menjengkelkan hati orang-orang kafir (dengan kekuatan orang-orang mukmin). Allah menjanjikan kepada orang-orang yang beriman dan mengerjakan amal yang saleh di antara mereka ampunan dan pahala yang besar.” [Al Fath 29]

“Hai orang-orang yang beriman, barangsiapa di antara kamu yang murtad dari agamanya, maka kelak Allah akan mendatangkan suatu kaum yang Allah mencintai mereka dan merekapun mencintaiNya, yang bersikap lemah lembut terhadap orang yang mukmin, yang bersikap keras terhadap orang-orang kafir, yang berjihad dijalan Allah, dan yang tidak takut kepada celaan orang yang suka mencela. Itulah karunia Allah, diberikan-Nya kepada siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya, dan Allah Maha Luas (pemberian-Nya), lagi Maha Mengetahui.” [Al Maa-idah 54]

Turki satu2nya negara “Islam” yg jadi anggota NATO. Padahal NATO ini kafir harbi yg memerangi banyak negara2 Islam seperti Afghanista, Iraq, Libya, dsb:

Kedubes Israel di Turki:
Embassy of Israel in Ankara, Turkey:
SOK Mahatma Gandi 85 Ankara,
Tel.: 90 -312-4463605,
Fax: 90 -312-4468071,

Like This Page · May 9
Kedubes Israel ternyata ada di: Mesir, Turki, Qatar, Yordania. Ikhwanul Muslimin menempatkan Tayyib Erdogan sebagai PM Turki sejak 2003 dan Mursi sebagai presiden Mesir sejak 2012. Pemimpin Ikhwanul Muslimn, Yusuf Qaradhawi tinggal di Qatar. Warga Ungu adalah negara-negara yang menyediakan Pangkalan Militer bagi AS:

Pangkalan Militer AS di Timur Tengah
Pangkalan Militer AS di Timur Tengah

Kedubes Israel di Seluruh dunia:
Embassy of Israel in Cairo, Egypt:
6 Sharia Ibn-El Maleck, Cairo,
Tel.: 20 -2-3610528, 20 -2-7610458, 20 -2-7610528/45,
Fax: 20 -2-7610414,

Embassy of Israel in Doha, Qatar:
56/11 IBN Al-Buhaturi St. P.O.B 22183 Doha,
Tel.: 974 –4689074, 974 –4689077,
Fax: 974 –4685258,

Embassy of Israel in Ankara, Turkey:
SOK Mahatma Gandi 85 Ankara,
Tel.: 90 -312-4463605,
Fax: 90 -312-4468071,

Embassy of Israel in Amman, Jordan:
47 Maysaloun Street Rabiya,
P.O. Box 950866 Amman 11195, Jordan,
Tel.: 962 -6-5524680-8, 962 -6-5525170-5, 962 -6-5524689,
Fax: 962 -6-5525177,
For those who think Turkey is their friend especially muslim,think again.Let photo speak for you
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