Rabu, 31 Juli 2013

SYIAH DAN SUNNY...???>>.... MENGAPA UMMAT ISLAM TIDAK SEGERA BERSATU DALAM WADAH YANG SATU...??? >> MENGAPA KITA UMMAT ISLAM MASIH MENGAGUNGKAN MAZHAB...??? MENGAPA KITA MASIH MEMILAH INI DAN ITU...SUNNY DAN SHIAH...?? MENGAPA TIDAK SEMUA BERSATU DALAM BARISAN ISLAM YANG LUAS DAN BERGABUNG DENGAN IKHLAS MEMBANGUN UMMAT DENGAN KELUASAN ILMU DAN KELUASAN AMAL YANG SALING BERTOLERANSI..DAN MEMBANGUN AKHLAQ RASULULLAH SAW.. AKHLAQ PARA ANBIYA PARA SHAHABAT DAN IMAM2 SHAHIH DAN MULIA-SERTA PARA ULAMA2 HAQ...??>> MENGAPA HARUS SALING JEGAL DAN SALING AMBISI KEKUASAAN DENGAN SALING MEMBUAT FITNAH DAN KERUSAKAN TERHADAP SESAMA MUSLIMIN..??>> MENGAPA ULAMA2 TIDAK SALING BERSILATURAHIM DAN MEMBANGUN MEMPERSATUKAN DAN MEMPERSAUDARAKAN SEMUA UMMAT ISLAM..??>> ADA APAKAH SEBENARNYA... INI..??>> INIKAH HASIL KARYA KEZUHUDAN ATAUKAN KEMUNAFIKAN ATAUKAN MEMANG SUDAH IKUT DESIGN PARA KAUM PENJAJAH KRIMINAL INTERNASIONAL..DAN PARA KONSPIRASI DUNIA..YANG MENG-GLOBAL..SEHINGGA SEMUANYA DIKENDALIKAN OLEH JARINGAN2...TANGAN2 ASING TERSELUBUNG DAN PARA KOLABORATOR2 PENGKHIANAT DAN PENINDAS UMMAT MUSLIMIN...???>>> .... DIMANAKAH HATI NURANI DAN KELURUSAN JIWA DALAM MEMBENGUN UMMAT-BANGSA-DAN NEGARA... ??? ...DAN MENGAPA MEMBIARKAN UMMAT MENJADI BINGUNG DAN RAGU HARUS BERJALAN KEMANA...???>> TUNJUKANLAH...BAHWA UMMAT HARUS BERSATUUU...DAN CONTOHKANNLAH OLEH PARA ALIM...PARA ULAMA HAQ..DAN IMAM2 SHAHIH..AKAN JALAN KERUKUNAN-SILATURAHIM-PERSATUAN DAN PERSAUDARAAN YANG UTUH-MENYELURUH DAN KOMPREHENSIF.....>>> .... INI ADA PERMAINAN YANG SUDAH DI DESIGN SECARA GLOBAL DAN DENGAN STRATEGI...YANG DIRANCANG RAPI..DENGAN JARINGAN MEDIA-JURNALIS-POLITISI2-TOKOH2- MILITER...DAN AHLI2 INTELIGEN..YANG TERLATIH...??>> INILAH HASIL KERJA PARA KONSPIRASI-AGEN2 GANDA...DAN TENTU PARA KOLABORATOR-DAN AGEN2 ASING....YANG TERSELUBUNG...>>>> .... INILAH BUAH DARI MEMBANGUN PERPECAHAN UMMAT... DAN SALING MEMBENCI DAN SALING MENDENGKI SESAMA UMMAT ISLAM..DAN SELALU MENCARI KELEMAHAN DAN KESALAHAN2 SECARA SEPIHAK...?? >> HAYYOOO KEMBALILAH KEPADA FURQON-DAN TUNTUNAN RASULULLAH SAW...DAN SHAHABAT DAN IMAM2 SHAHIH DAN ULAMA2 HAQ...>> LURUSKAN PERSATUAN UMMAT DAN HENTIKAN BERTIKAI... HENTIKAN SALING HUJAT SESAMA UMAT DAN BERSATULAH SEMUA MAZHAB...DAN LURUSKAN BARISAN UMMAT ISLAM DALAM WADAH PERSATUAN UUMAT ISLAM..YANG KOKOH-LURUS..DAN BERAMAL SHALIH..AAMIIN..>>.........Penghianatan Salafi An Nour dan Permainan Cantik Baredei...??? >>> ....Pekan pekan kedepan yang akan datang akan memberikan kami dengan rincian lebih lanjut tentang rencana karakter sipil negara ini yang dibaliknya adalah militer. Harus diingat bahwa selama beberapa dekade tentara Mesir telah berhasil menguasai hampir 40 persen perekonomian nasional serta menjadi penerima utama dari paket bantuan Amerika tahunan sebesar $ 1,5 miliar...>> ..Strateginya adalah untuk menabur perpecahan di antara berbagai kecenderungan Islam politik, untuk memicu konfrontasi dan untuk mengacaukan. Strategi yang sama berfokus pada kontradiksi antara organisasi politik Sunni dan memperburuk perpecahan antara Syiah dan Sunni....>>> .....Presiden Mursi tidak dapat menerima kritikan dan ia tidak membangun hubungan dengan oposisi, baik dengan mengundang mereka untuk bergabung dengan pemerintah atau untuk mengambil bagian dalam dialog nasional yang luas....>> ...Faktanya, bagaimanapun, bahwa manajemennya pemerintahnya telah gagal untuk mendengarkan sebagian suara rakyat dan bahkan beberapa penasihat yang terpercaya. Hubungan yang eksklusif dengan petinggi pimpinan Ikhwanul Muslimin menjadikan ia sering membuat keputusan yang tergesa-gesa (beberapa di antaranya Mursi mengakui ia telah membuat kesalahan)......>> ...Kegagalan untuk berjuang melawan korupsi dan kemiskinan, dan salah urus mengenai urusan sosial dan pendidikan.....>> .....Tuntutan IMF (Dana Moneter Internasional) dengan penundaan yang disengaja oleh mereka menjadikan Negara dalam posisi tidak bisa dipertahankan: Mursi salah analisa bahwa lembaga internasional itu akan mendukungnya ....>>> ..Hanya hari ini, ketika Presiden Mursi telah jatuh, IMF muncul siap untuk membantu dan menghilangkan poin poin yang menjadi hambatan. Hal ini muncul hanya tiga hari setelah penggulingan pemerintah yang dipilih secara demokratis. IMF Terlibat dalam kudeta ini !...>>> ...Kenaifan seorang presiden, pemerintah dan Ikhwanul Muslimin . Setelah enam puluh tahun beroposisi dan dibawah represi pihak militer (dengan persetujuan langsung dan tidak langsung dari pemerintah AS dan Barat), bagaimana mereka (Para ikhwan) bisa yakin dan membayangkan bahwa mantan musuh mereka akan mendukung mereka naik ke tahta kekuasaan, menyerukan demokrasi? Apakah mereka tidak belajar dari sejarah mereka sendiri, dari Aljazair pada tahun 1992, dan, baru-baru ini, dari Palestina?...>>> ...Saya tetap kritis, program dan strategi ambigu Presiden Mursi dan Ikhwanul Muslimin , yang kompromi dengan angkatan bersenjata dan AS, menyerah pada perekonomian dan masalah Palestina, dll, dan kurangnya kesadaran politik telah menjadikan sesuatu hal bodoh. ...>>> ..Coba dengar sewaktu Presiden Mursi memberitahu Jenderal al-Sisi, saat sepuluh hari sebelum kudeta , bahwa dia akan menurunkan Al Sisi (sebelumnya ia juga yang mengangkatnya) dan bahwa Mursi yakin pihak Amerika “tidak pernah mengizinkan kudeta militer ” . Keyakinan Mursi itu saya sebut sebagai pikiran yang membingungkan – surealistik...>>> ...The New International Herald Tribune (Juli 6-7) menginformasikan kepada kita bahwa Jenderal al-Sisi sangat dikenal di Amerika, serta dekat dengan pemerintah Israel, yang ia “dan kantornya,” kita dapat informasi bahwa ia terus berkomunikasi dan mengkoordinasikan dengan pihak AS . Bahkan ketika awal Mohamed Mursi menduduki istana presiden. Al-Sisi sebelumnya pernah bertugas di Badan Intelijen Militer di Sinai Utara, bertindak sebagai perantara bagi pemerintah Amerika dan Israel. Ini tidak akan meremehkan untuk mengatakan bahwa Israel, dan AS, hanya bisa melihat positif pada perkembangan di Mesir paska kudeta...>>> Al Sisi pintar memainkan Strategi! Demonstrasi tergorganisir melibatkan jutaan orang untuk membuat orang percaya bahwa tentara benar-benar peduli tentang rakyat ! Ini kudeta, Kudeta babak kedua....>>> ...Lihat berita di International Herald Tribune, 5 Juli, dan Le Monde, 6 Juli, kebijakan AS mengkonfirmasi apa yang sudah jelas: keputusan untuk menggulingkan Presiden Mohamed Mursi telah dibuat jauh hari sebelum demonstrasi 30 Juni 2013 . Sebuah percakapan antara Presiden Mursi dan Jenderal al-Sisi menunjukkan bahwa kepala militer negara itu telah merencanakan penggulingan dan pemenjaraan presiden seminggu sebelum pergolakan , demonstrasi rakyat yang akan membenarkan kudeta militer “atas nama kehendak rakyat.”...>>> ..Aku pernah membahas antusias “revolusioner”. Saya juga tidak percaya bahwa peristiwa di Mesir, dan di Tunisia, adalah hasil dari pergolakan sejarah mendadak. Masyarakat dari kedua negara tersebut menderita dari kediktatoran, dari krisis ekonomi dan sosial, mereka bangkit atas nama martabat, keadilan sosial, dan kebebasan....>>>

Tariq Ramadhan : 

Ikhwan diantara Penghianatan Salafi An Nour dan Permainan Cantik Baredei (3)

Redaksi – Sabtu, 5 Ramadhan 1434 H / 13 Juli 2013 15:59 WIB
Beberapa pengamat terkejut melihat Salafi, terutama Partai Nour, bergabung dengan militer bersama faksi yang katanya  ”demokratis” yang menentang Presiden Mursi.

Apakah hasilnya tidak begitu tragis, akan tergoda untuk melabelkan semua itu adalah  sandiwara

Media Barat yang cepat menyebut label “Islam” untuk Salafi sebagai sekutu Ikhwanul Muslimin, tetapi dalam kenyataannya, para Salafi itu hanyalah menjadi  sekutu rezim Negara-negara Teluk, yang pada gilirannya telah menjadi  sekutu regional AS.

Idenya adalah untuk merusak kredibilitas agama dari Ikhwanul Muslimin, dan memaksa ikhwan ke posisi ekstrem. Pada saat penggulingan Presiden Mursi, mereka tidak hanya mengkhianati tapi mereka juga para Salafi mengungkapkan strategi mereka dan aliansi strategis mereka untuk seluruh dunia dapat melihat.

Hal ini tidak mengherankan untuk dicatat bahwa negara-negara pertama yang mengakui kudeta rezim baru adalah Uni Emirat Arab, Arab Saudi, dan Qatar, Negara Negara itulah yang  tetap memberikan, dukungan keuangan langsung dan tidak langsung terhadap Salafi Mesir ( serta rekan-rekan Tunisia mereka).

Analisa dangkal mungkin akan membawa kita untuk percaya bahwa Arab Saudi dan Qatar mendukung Ikhwanul Muslimin, dalam kenyataannya Negara Negara  tersebut adalah andalan kekuatan Amerika di wilayah timur tengah.

Strateginya adalah untuk menabur perpecahan di antara berbagai kecenderungan Islam politik, untuk memicu konfrontasi dan untuk mengacaukan. Strategi yang sama berfokus pada kontradiksi antara organisasi politik Sunni dan memperburuk perpecahan antara Syiah dan Sunni.

Amerika Serikat dan Eropa tidak memiliki perselisihan dengan Islam politik gaya  Salafi di Negara-negara Teluk (dan penolakan mereka terhadap demokrasi, mereka menghormati minoritas, diskriminasi terhadap perempuan mereka, dan penerapan KUHP  “Islam” yang ketat digambarkan sebagai “syari’at”), mereka melindungi kepentingan ekonomi geostrategis dan regional mereka sementara kebijakan represif atas domestik mereka, asalkan kebijakan itu diterapkan di dalam negeri, asal tidak berpengaruh ke Barat.

Ini semua tentang mengambil image,  Jutaan warga Mesir berunjuk rasa mendukung “revolusi kedua” dan meminta angkatan bersenjata, untuk cepat merespon. Mereka sekarang berjanji untuk menyerahkan kekuasaan kepada sipil. Pemimpin oposisi, Mohamed al-Baradei, telah memainkan peran sentral dalam proses, dan keterkenalannya telah tumbuh pesat. Ia telah berhubungan erat dengan para cyber muda dan gerakan 6 April sejak tahun 2008, dokumen Departemen Luar Negeri AS, yang saya kutip dalam buku saya, mereka semua dekat dengan pemerintah Amerika. Visinya telah dipromosikan dengan strategi cerdas, dan meskipun ia telah menolak posisi Perdana Menteri (dan mengumumkan bahwa ia tidak akan menjadi calon presiden, ia telah muncul sebagai pemain penting di panggung politik Mesir.

Baredei terkesan demokratis – membela atas penangkapan anggota Ikhwanul Muslimin, mengecam penutupan stasiun televisi dan seluruh tindakan represif kepada pendukung Presiden Mursi.

Pekan pekan kedepan yang akan datang akan memberikan kami dengan rincian lebih lanjut tentang rencana karakter sipil negara ini yang dibaliknya adalah militer. Harus diingat bahwa selama beberapa dekade tentara Mesir telah berhasil menguasai hampir 40 persen perekonomian nasional serta menjadi penerima utama dari paket bantuan Amerika tahunan sebesar $ 1,5 miliar. (OI.Net/Dz)

Tariq Ramadhan : Kesalahan Mursi adalah Kenapa Ia dan Ikhwan Yakin Bahwa Militer Yang Selama Ini Menjadi Musuhnya Dipercaya Amankan Kekuasaannya (2)

Redaksi – Sabtu, 5 Ramadhan 1434 H / 13 Juli 2013 15:22 WIB

Apa Kesalahan Mursi ? setelah fakta yang mengejutkan , adalah ia hanya punya pikiran yang sederhana, kurangnya pengalaman, dan kesalahan yang dibuat oleh Mohamed Mursi, bersama dengan sekutu-sekutunya, khususnya Ikhwanul Muslimin sebagai sebuah organisasi Islam .

Selama tiga tahun terakhir, saya telah sangat kritis terhadap pemikiran, tindakan dan strategi dari Partai Kebebasan dan Keadilan”, serta pimpinan Ikhwanul Muslimin (lebih dari dua puluh lima tahun terakhir, analisis dan komentar saya telah dan tetap tajam kritis).

Presiden Mursi tidak dapat menerima kritikan  dan ia tidak membangun hubungan dengan oposisi, baik dengan mengundang mereka untuk bergabung dengan pemerintah atau untuk mengambil bagian dalam dialog nasional yang luas.

Faktanya, bagaimanapun, bahwa manajemennya pemerintahnya  telah gagal untuk mendengarkan sebagian suara rakyat dan bahkan beberapa penasihat yang terpercaya. Hubungan yang eksklusif dengan petinggi pimpinan Ikhwanul Muslimin menjadikan ia sering membuat keputusan yang tergesa-gesa (beberapa di antaranya Mursi mengakui ia telah membuat kesalahan)

Tetapi pada tingkat yang lebih mendasar, kesalahan yang terbesar adalah tidak adanya visi politik dan kurangnya prioritas politik dan ekonomi yang jelas,

Kegagalan untuk berjuang melawan korupsi dan kemiskinan, dan salah urus mengenai urusan sosial dan pendidikan.

Tuntutan IMF (Dana Moneter Internasional) dengan penundaan yang disengaja oleh mereka menjadikan Negara dalam posisi tidak bisa dipertahankan: Mursi salah analisa bahwa lembaga internasional itu akan mendukungnya .

Hanya hari ini, ketika Presiden Mursi telah jatuh, IMF muncul siap untuk membantu dan menghilangkan poin poin yang menjadi hambatan. Hal ini muncul hanya tiga hari setelah penggulingan pemerintah yang dipilih secara demokratis. IMF Terlibat dalam kudeta ini !

Kenaifan seorang presiden, pemerintah dan Ikhwanul Muslimin . Setelah enam puluh tahun beroposisi dan dibawah represi pihak militer (dengan persetujuan  langsung dan tidak langsung dari pemerintah AS dan Barat), bagaimana mereka (Para ikhwan)  bisa yakin dan membayangkan bahwa mantan musuh mereka akan mendukung mereka naik ke tahta  kekuasaan, menyerukan demokrasi? Apakah mereka tidak belajar dari sejarah mereka sendiri, dari Aljazair pada tahun 1992, dan, baru-baru ini, dari Palestina?

Saya tetap kritis,  program dan strategi ambigu Presiden Mursi dan Ikhwanul Muslimin , yang kompromi dengan angkatan bersenjata dan AS, menyerah pada perekonomian dan masalah Palestina, dll, dan kurangnya kesadaran politik telah menjadikan sesuatu hal bodoh. 

Coba  dengar  sewaktu Presiden Mursi memberitahu Jenderal al-Sisi, saat sepuluh hari sebelum kudeta , bahwa dia akan menurunkan Al Sisi (sebelumnya ia juga yang mengangkatnya) dan bahwa Mursi yakin pihak Amerika “tidak pernah mengizinkan kudeta militer ” . Keyakinan Mursi itu saya sebut sebagai pikiran  yang membingungkan – surealistik. (OI.Net/Dz)

Tariq Ramadhan : Jenderal Al Sisi itu Peliharaan AS dan Israel, Militer Tidak Pernah Tinggalkan Politik

Redaksi – Sabtu, 5 Ramadhan 1434 H / 13 Juli 2013 14:58 WIB
Selama dua tahun ini  saya sering bertanya mengapa saya tidak bisa mengunjungi Mesir, karena ternyata saya telah dilarang masuk Mesir selama 18 tahun. Sering saya ulangi bahwa berdasarkan informasi yang saya dapat dan – dikonfirmasi oleh pejabat Swiss dan Uni Eropa – tentara Mesir tetap tegas dalam kendali Mesir dan tidak pernah meninggalkan arena politik.

Aku pernah membahas  antusias “revolusioner”. Saya juga tidak percaya bahwa peristiwa di Mesir, dan di Tunisia, adalah hasil dari pergolakan sejarah mendadak. Masyarakat dari kedua negara tersebut menderita dari kediktatoran, dari krisis ekonomi dan sosial, mereka bangkit atas nama martabat, keadilan sosial, dan kebebasan.

Kebangkitan mereka, adalah karena “revolusi intelektual,” dan keberanian mereka haruslah diberikan rasa hormat.

Militer Mesir beberapa saat yang lalu paska Arab Spring hanyalah belum kembali ke politik,  karena alasan sederhananya  bahwa mereka tidak akan pernah meninggalkan politik itu.

Jatuhnya Hosni Mubarak adalah kudeta militer juga sebenarnya, yang memungkinkan generasi militer baru untuk memasuki panggung politik dengan cara yang baru pula , dari balik tirai pemerintahan sipil.

Dalam sebuah artikel saya yang diterbitkan pada tanggal 29 Juni 2012 , saya mencatat adanya deklarasi militer dari komandan tertinggi bahwa pemilihan presiden bersifat sementara, selama enam bulan hingga periode satu tahun (judulnya membuat sebuah firasat eksplisit: “?” (Kenapa )  Sebuah pemilu sebenarnya untuk apa”).

Pemerintah Amerika telah memantau seluruh proses, tahukah sekutu sejatinya  di Mesir selama lima puluh tahun terakhir ini adalah Militer Mesir, dan bukan Ikhwanul Muslimin .

Lihat berita di International Herald Tribune, 5 Juli, dan Le Monde, 6 Juli, kebijakan AS  mengkonfirmasi apa yang sudah jelas: keputusan untuk menggulingkan Presiden Mohamed Mursi telah dibuat jauh hari sebelum demonstrasi 30 Juni 2013 . Sebuah percakapan antara Presiden Mursi dan Jenderal  al-Sisi menunjukkan bahwa kepala militer negara itu telah merencanakan penggulingan dan pemenjaraan presiden seminggu sebelum pergolakan , demonstrasi rakyat yang akan membenarkan kudeta militer “atas nama kehendak rakyat.”

Al Sisi pintar memainkan Strategi! Demonstrasi tergorganisir melibatkan jutaan orang untuk membuat orang percaya bahwa tentara benar-benar peduli tentang rakyat !  Ini kudeta, Kudeta babak kedua.

Bagaimana kemudian kita analisa reaksi langsung dari pemerintah Amerika, yang menghindari penggunaan istilah “kudeta” (yang, jika diterima, akan berarti tidak bisa memberikan dukungan keuangan kepada rezim baru)?  Pemerintah Eropa pun akan mengikutinya, tentu saja: image terbentuk : tentara telah disikapi sebagai pejuang ” demokratis” karena  panggilan rakyat.

Ini semua terlalu bagus untuk menjadi kenyataan! Ajaib, ini sangat pengaturan, konspiratif. Lihatlah  listrik padam, sedikitnya kesediaan bensin, dan kekurangan gas alam berakhir tiba-tiba setelah menjelang jatuhnya presiden. Seolah-olah orang telah dipaksa kehilangan kebutuhan dasar sehingga mendorong rakyat bersegera berdemo ke jalan-jalan dengan waktu yang telah ditentukan.

Amnesty International mengamati sikap aneh dari angkatan bersenjata, yang tidak melakukan intervensi dalam demonstrasi tertentu (meskipun itu militer memantau mereka), yang memungkinkan demonstrasi kekerasan menjadi lepas kendali, seolah-olah semuanya sudah didesain. Angkatan bersenjata kemudian lakukan intervensi dibalik demonstrasi publik, dan memfasilitasi media internasional dengan foto-foto yang diambil dari helikopter nya, menggambarkan penduduk Mesir bersorak dan mengagungkan penyelamat militer mereka, sebagaimana ditegaskan dalam Le Monde.

“musim semi Arab” dan revolusi Mesir terus direbut oleh tangan Jenderal Abdul Fatah al-Sisi. Ia memang dilatih oleh Angkatan Darat Amerika Serikat, dan sangat dekat dengan rekan-rekan Amerika-nya.

The New International Herald Tribune (Juli 6-7) menginformasikan kepada kita bahwa Jenderal al-Sisi sangat dikenal di Amerika, serta dekat dengan pemerintah Israel, yang ia “dan kantornya,” kita dapat informasi bahwa  ia terus  berkomunikasi dan mengkoordinasikan dengan pihak AS . 

Bahkan ketika awal Mohamed Mursi menduduki istana presiden. Al-Sisi sebelumnya pernah bertugas di Badan Intelijen Militer di Sinai Utara, bertindak sebagai perantara bagi pemerintah Amerika dan Israel. Ini tidak akan meremehkan untuk mengatakan bahwa Israel, dan AS, hanya bisa melihat positif pada perkembangan di Mesir paska kudeta . (OINet/Dz)

Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

NKRI-SYIAH DAN SUNNY-BANGSA DAN NEGARA.....>>> BAGI UMAT ISLAM INDONESIA... MENGINGINKAN SEMUA UMAT ISLAM BERSATU... BAHKAN DALAM SATU PARTAI YANG BESAR DAN PENUH HIKMAH-BERMUSAYAWARAH-BERSILATURAHIM SEMUA ULAMA-SEMUA MAZHAB SHAHIH....DAN MEMBANGUN AKHLAK MULIA...DAN JAUHKAN KEDENGKIAN DAN NAFSU SALING MENJEGAL SESAMA UMAT ISLAM...>>> JANGANLAH MENGIKUTI..AJARAN VAN DER PLAS...YANG MEMECAH BELAH UMMAT DAN JANGANLAH MENYOMBONGKAN DIRI...>>> KEMBALILAH KEPADA AL FURQON-AL HAQ- KEBENARAN ALLAH DAN TUNTUNAN RASULULLAH SAW...DENGAN UTUH DAN KOMPREHENSIF...>>> ... SEMUA MAZHAB SALING MELENGKAPKAN...DAN UNTUK MANFAAT DAN MASLAHAT UMMAT ISLAM...SELURUHNYA.... DAN MEMBERIKAN DARMA BAKTI DAN KEBAIKAN2 YANG MAKSIMAL BAGI SELURUH UMAT MANUSIA...DENGAN ADAB DAN KELUHURAN AKHLAQ DAN BUDAYA...ISLAM YANG DIAJARKAN RASULULLAH SAW...DAN AKHLAQ MULIA PARA ANBIYA-PARA SHAHABAT MULIA-PARA IMAM2 SAHIH-PARA ULAMA2 HAQ-DAN PARA MUJAHID YANG IKHLASH... >>> KONON SUDAH ADA ARAHAN DENGAN AMANAH/ SERUAN/PESAN AMMAN- "THE AMMAN MESSAGE"-..... CUKUPKANLAH SEMUA KEBAIKAN...JANGAN DIBERIKAN CACAT...KARENA AMBISI BERLEBIHAN..DAN MUNGKIN KEKURANGAN ILMU...>>> MARILAH BERGANDENG TANGAN DENGAN IKHLAS... SEMUA ULAMA2 HAQ-DAN ALIM2 YANG BIJAK... AGAR UMMAT ISLAM BERSATU-BERSAUDARA-BERSILATURAHIM DENGAN HIDMAT-DAN MEMBERIKAN AMAL KEBAIKAN YANG SE-BESAR2 MANFAAT BAGI UMMAT MANUSIA..DAN KEMANUSIAAN YANG MULIA...UTUH DAN LURUS...HANYA SEMATA-MATA KEPADA RAHMAT DAN RIDHA ALLAH...>>> KEPADA YTH..BP MENAG [SDA]...KAMI MOHONKAN.. AGAR MEMBANGUN PERSAUDARAAN ISLAM...DAN MEMPERKAYA DENGAN ILMU2 AGAMA DAN MEMBERIKAN KELUASAN AJARAN MAZHAB SHAHIH...[5 MAZHAB..?] AGAR UMMAT ISLAM INDONESIA BISA BELAJAR DENGAN ILMU YANG LUAS...DAN REFERENSI YANG BENAR.... .DAN MEMBANGUN AMAL2 SHALIH2 BAGI SE-BESAR2 MANFAAT BAGI BANGSA -NEGARA-DAN UMAT MANUSIA..SEUTUHNYA...AAMIIN>> .....kita berharap pengungsi Syiah diyakinkan dengan hikmah, pencerahan dan dalil. Keyakinan yang didorong dengan tekanan dan paksaan bukan hanya tidak konstitusional tapi juga semu bahkan memalukan bagi cara dakwah Ahlus Sunnah. Kita menawarkan silakan saja para kiai jika hendak membuat mereka kembali ke ajaran lama dan mendakwahi warga Syiah bahkan 10 jam sehari, dan silakan jika mereka ingin kembali ke ajaran Ahlus Sunnah, tetapi jangan ada paksaan karena itu juga tak akan berarti apa-apa bagi kepentingan Ahlus Sunnah, dan itu adalah tindakan inkonstitusional. ..... .>>>..... SDA dengan entengnya bilang, "wah lama dong, perlu proses panjang kalau begitu. Kita maunya ada taubatan nasuha kembali ke ajaran yang benar secara terbuka di depan kyai, pemerintah dan media."...>> ..... Prof. A'la jelas sekali membutuhkan strong conviction dari SBY untuk menjalankan misinya. Selama kedatangannya ke Sampang dan Surabaya, alih-alih menengok pengungsi di Rusunawa, SDA malah menyuruh Pemprov Jatim mengirim ibu Tajul Muluk menghadap kepadanya di sekitar lounge di bandara. Kami menolak lantaran alasan usia ibu yang sudah sepuh dan kemudian hanya mengirim Pak Iklil dan Rosid. Saat bertemu, Rabu lalu, SDA langsung menuding Iklil bahwa bukankah dulu waktu dia datang ke GOR usai kasus penyerangan 26 Agustus 2012, ibu Tajul setuju direlokasi. Iklil lalu mengklarifikasi tidak benar itu. Itu plintiran terjemahan dari bahasa madura yang dilakukan Rudi Setiadi Kepala Kesbangpol Sampang untuk mengarahkan relokasi...>>> ..Menag SDA (surya darma ali) dan Menteri Perumahan Djan Faridz, yang keduanya dari PPP ke Sampang dan kota Surabaya sejak 3 hari lalu terutama di saat pematangan rekonsiliasi oleh Prof. Abd A'la yang juga Rektor IAIN Sunan Ampel menurut kami hanya untuk mengacak-acak rencana dan arah rekonsiliasi Prof. A'la yang sangat bagus terkait pemulangan dan rekonsiliasi melibatkan polisi, tentara, dan pemberdayaan ekonomi...>> MUI Sampang, menurutnya, kurang memahami bagaimana kedudukan dan pemikiran Islam Sunni dan Syiah. Atau mungkin, dia menduga, ada kelompok-kelompok atau oknum tertentu yang tidak ingin umat Islam bersatu. "Ada yang tidak ingin Islam ini menyatu. Sehingga (umat Islam) ditunggangi, bahkan dihasut, yang malah jauh dari ajaran Islam seperti membakar rumah," tandasnya...>>> Ketua Umum Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) KH. Said Aqil Siroj menduga, ada desain besar di balik aksi pembakaran pesantren Syiah di Sampang, Madura. Atas dasar tersebut pemerintah dan aparat keamanan diminta bekerja lebih keras dalam mencegah aksi serupa, agar tidak terulang di kemudian hari...>>>

Ketua PBNU: 
Ada Big Design di Balik Pembakaran Pesantren Syiah di Madura

Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011 , 17:29:00 WIB

Laporan: Samrut Lellolsima


RMOL. Ketua Umum Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) KH. Said Aqil Siroj menduga, ada desain besar di balik aksi pembakaran pesantren Syiah di Sampang, Madura. Atas dasar tersebut pemerintah dan aparat keamanan diminta bekerja lebih keras dalam mencegah aksi serupa, agar tidak terulang di kemudian hari.

Dugaan itu disampaikan Kiai Said atas kondisi hubungan Sunni-Syiah di Indonesia yang sebelumnya berlangsung damai. Aksi pembakaran pesantren Syiah diduga dilakukan sekelompok orang untuk merusak kondisi damai tersebut.

"Ini pasti ada big design-nya. Ada pihak-pihak yang ingin merusak suasana damai di Indonesia," kata Kiai Said di Jakarta (Sabtu, 31/12).

Indikasi lain dari dugaan tersebut adalah latar belakang aksi pembakaran pesantren Syiah di Sampang, yang bermula dari perselisihan hubungan keluarga. Ditegaskan Kiai Said, demikian ia disapa, Sunni dan Syiah di Madura sama sekali tidak terlibat perselisihan, baik di masa lampau maupun sekarang.

"Artinya jelas, Sunni dan Syiah hanya dijadikan alat seolah-olah memang ada permusuhan. Padahal tidak, mereka dari dulu sampai sekarang hidup damai berdampingan," terang dia.

Kiai Said meminta semua pihak bisa menahan diri untuk tidak melakukan tindakan-tindakan anarkis. "Pihak ketiga selalu melancarkan provokasi supaya konflik terus terjadi. Dan bukan tidak mungkin kasus serupa akan terjadi di kemudian hari," katanya.

Namun ditanya mengenai pihak lain yang diduga sengaja merusak perdamaian di Madura, Kiai Said enggan membeberkannya secara gamblang. Doktor Tasawuf lulusan Universitas Ummul Qura' Mekkah ini hanya meminta Pemerintah dan aparat penegak hukum bekerja lebih keras, mencegah aksi serupa meluas dan terulang di kemudian hari.

"Kalau saya yang mengatakan nanti dikatakan fitnah. Tapi kalau saya saja sudah tahu, polisi dan Pemerintah harusnya lebih tahu. Mereka harus bekerja lebih keras mengatasi permasalahan ini," tandasnya.[dem]

Lucunya Indonesia: Menteri Agama Yang anti toleransi


Catatan Update YLBHU tentang dinamika rekonsiliasi Sampang:

 Menag SDA (surya darma ali)

testimoni- Kedatangan Menag SDA (surya darma ali) dan Menteri Perumahan Djan Faridz, yang keduanya dari PPP ke Sampang dan kota Surabaya sejak 3 hari lalu terutama di saat pematangan rekonsiliasi oleh Prof. Abd A'la yang juga Rektor IAIN Sunan Ampel menurut kami hanya untuk mengacak-acak rencana dan arah rekonsiliasi Prof. A'la yang sangat bagus terkait pemulangan dan rekonsiliasi melibatkan polisi, tentara, dan pemberdayaan ekonomi.

Seluruh hasil pertemuan pihak kami dengan SDA dua hari ini isinya adalah upaya SDA untuk membuat warga Syiah bertobat karena menurut dia ini daerah mayoritas Ahlus Sunnah dan seharusnya ikut ajaran yang benar bukan ajaran sesat.(padahal Yang seharusnya tobat adalah orang-orang Yang ada didalam departemen yang dipimpinnya karena telah meng-korupsi al-quran secara berjamaah, adm)

Dalam pertemuan itu juga, SDA menghadirkan kiai- kiai intoleran seperti Ali Karrar, Jafar Shodik, Doffir disertai Kesbangpol Sampang dan Soekarwo, dua pejabat publik yang terkenal begitu larut dengan kepentingan kiai-kiai intoleran.

Jadi jelas buat kami sikap SDA yang ingin memaksakan pindah akidah, syahadat ulang, menyebut aliran sesat dan perlunya taubatan nasuha menunjukkan bahwa dia bukan hanya intoleran tapi memang konsisten bersikap antisyiah dan antikeragaman.

Tantangan serius dari kaum intoleran kiai- pemerintah untuk merintangi pemulangan dan rekonsiliasi sejati menjadi Pekerjaan Rumah berat kami dan harus kami jelaskan ke Presiden SBY yang akan datang akhir Juli ke Jatim dan berencana mengajak pihak ABI-YLBHU dalam informasinya kepada kami.

Prof. A'la jelas sekali membutuhkan strong conviction dari SBY untuk menjalankan misinya. Selama kedatangannya ke Sampang dan Surabaya, alih-alih menengok pengungsi di Rusunawa, SDA malah menyuruh Pemprov Jatim mengirim ibu Tajul Muluk menghadap kepadanya di sekitar lounge di bandara. Kami menolak lantaran alasan usia ibu yang sudah sepuh dan kemudian hanya mengirim Pak Iklil dan Rosid. Saat bertemu, Rabu lalu, SDA langsung menuding Iklil bahwa bukankah dulu waktu dia datang ke GOR usai kasus penyerangan 26 Agustus 2012, ibu Tajul setuju direlokasi. Iklil lalu mengklarifikasi tidak benar itu. Itu plintiran terjemahan dari bahasa madura yang dilakukan Rudi Setiadi Kepala Kesbangpol Sampang untuk mengarahkan relokasi.

Rudi Setiadi ini dalam catatan kami rekam jejaknya sangat pro kiai intoleran dan pengusiran. SDA lalu meminta pertemuan berikutnya dilakuan esok pagi dengan mengumpulkan pegowes dan keluarga Iklil. Saat pertemuan dilakukan pagi hari Kamis ini, ternyata SDA berupaya untuk membuat warga Syiah untuk taubatan nasuha dengan mengundang kiai-kiai intoleran di samping SDA disertai Kepala Kesbangpol Sampang dan Soekarwo.

Jawaban kami saat bertemu SDA yang didampingi Karwo dan kiai-kiai intoleran itu kira-kira poinnya berkata bahwa sebaiknya menyelesaikan masalah ini mengutamakan pijakan persaudaraan, kebangsaan dan warga negara bukan soal mayoritas, mazhab dan minoritas. Apalagi pengungsi Syiah telah turun-temurun menjadi warga di kampung Bluuran dan Karanggayam.

Kita mengatakan bahwa kita berharap pengungsi Syiah diyakinkan dengan hikmah, pencerahan dan dalil. Keyakinan yang didorong dengan tekanan dan paksaan bukan hanya tidak konstitusional tapi juga semu bahkan memalukan bagi cara dakwah Ahlus Sunnah. Kita menawarkan silakan saja para kiai jika hendak membuat mereka kembali ke ajaran lama dan mendakwahi warga Syiah bahkan 10 jam sehari, dan silakan jika mereka ingin kembali ke ajaran Ahlus Sunnah, tetapi jangan ada paksaan karena itu juga tak akan berarti apa-apa bagi kepentingan Ahlus Sunnah, dan itu adalah tindakan inkonstitusional.

Tetapi kemudian SDA dengan entengnya bilang, "wah lama dong, perlu proses panjang kalau begitu. Kita maunya ada taubatan nasuha kembali ke ajaran yang benar secara terbuka di depan kyai, pemerintah dan media."

Nampaknya Sampang yang rukun, sejahtera dan damai serta bisa menjadi inspirasi penyelesaian konflik dan kampung kerukunan agama akan sulit terwujud jika para pejabat publik kualitasnya seperti Menag SDA yang ingin hanya satu paham eksis sendirian bahkan jika harus dengan cara memaksa dan menolerir kekerasan.
Salam, Herta
penulis: HERTASNING ICHLAS dari LBH-Universalia

Tokoh Dan Ulama Indonesia Bicara Tentang Syiah


“Pertemuan ulama Sunni-Syiah tentang Persatuan Islam dan Kasus Palestina.“

Topik- Persatuan umat Islam khususnya antara kaum Sunni dan kaum Syiah, adalah mutlak perlu sebagai prasyarat kejayaan Islam. Kejayaan umat Islam pada abad- abad pertengahan juga didukung persatuan dan peran serta kedua kelompok umat Islam tersebut. Berikut ini adalah pernyataan dan Komentar Para Ulama Ahlusunnah Dan Tokoh Nasional Tentang Syi'ah :

gusd.jpgAlmarhum Gus Dur,  
Gus Dur pernah bilang, Syiah itu mazhab ke-5 dalam Islam. Pada kesempatan lain Gus Dur juga pernah berkata bahwa Nu itu seperti Syiah hanya saja minus Imamah dan beliau mengatakan bahwa Nu adalah Syiah kultural. Dimana amalan-amalan yang dilakukan kaum Nahdliyin seperti Tawassul, Tahlil, Mengambil berkah (tabarukan), Ziarah dan Majlis shalawatan adalah merupakan amalan yang juga dilakukan oleh Syiah.
Kompas, Selasa 3 Januari 2012

habb.jpgHabib Rizik Shihab Ketua FPI,  
Habib mengatakan, "Saat ini ada segelintir kelompok yang sengaja menciptakan kondisi di mana setiap ada diantara ummat Islam yang membicarakan tentang Sayyidina Ali, Sayyidah Fatimah, Sayyidi na Hasan dan Sayyidina Husein sebagai Tokoh- tokoh Ahlul Bait Nabi Muhammad saww maka akan langsung di vonis sebagai Syiah sehingga diharapkan ummat akan takut atau minder membicarakan tentang Ahlul Bait Nabi saww karena khawatir di cap sebagai Syiah."
Radio Silaturahmi

sas.jpgSaid Agil Siradj (Ketua Umum PB NU)  
“ Ajaran syiah tidak sesat dan termasuk Islam seperti halnya sunni. Di universitas di dunia manapun tidak ada yang menganggap Syiah sesat.“

sas.jpgDin Syamsuddin (Ketua Umum PP Muhammadiyah)
 “ Tidak ada beda Sunni dan Syi’ah. Dialog merupakan jalan yang paling baik dan tepat, guna mengatasi perbedaan aliran dalam keluarga besar sesama muslim.“

sas.jpgAmin Rais (Mantan Ketua PP Muhammadiyah)
“ Sunnah dan Syi’ah adalah madzhab- madzhab yang legitimate dan sah dalam Islam.“ [kompas.com]

sas.jpgBuya Syafii Ma’arif (Cendikiawan Muslim, Mantan Ketua PP Muhammadiyah)
“ Kalau Syiah dikalangan mazhab, dianggap sebagai mazhab kelima.“

sas.jpgKH. Alie Yafie (Ulama Besar Indonesia)  
“ Dengan tergabungnya Iran yang mayoritas bermazhab Syiah sebagai negara Islam dalam wadah OKI tersebut, berarti Iran diakui sebagai bagian dari Islam. Itu sudah cukup. Yang jelas, kenyataannya seluruh dunia Islam, yang tergabung dalam 60 negara menerima Iran sebagai negara Islam.“
[Tempo interaktif]

sas.jpgProf. Dr. Azyumardi Azra, MA (Cendikiawan Muslim, Direktur Sekolah PascaSarjana UIN Jakarta)
 “ Syiah adalah bagian integral dari umat Islam dan tidak ada perbedaan yang prinsipil dan fundamental dalam Syiah dan Sunni, kecuali masalah kepemimpinan politik. Fatwa haram atau sesat Syiah itu tidak diperlukan, baik secara teologis, ibadah dan fiqh karena pertaruhannya Ukhuwah Islamiyah di Indonesia.“

sas.jpgProf. Dr. Komaruddin Hidayat (Rektor UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta)
 “ Syiah merupakan bagian dari sejarah Islam dalam perebutan kekuasaan, dari masa sahabat, Karenanya akidahnya sama, Alqurannya, dan Nabinya juga sama.“

sas.jpgMarzuki Ali (Ketua DPR RI)  
“ Syi'ah itu mahzab yang diterima di negara manapun diseluruh dunia, dan tidak ada satupun negara yang menegaskan bahwa Islam Syi'ah adalah aliran sesat.“

sas.jpgJusuf Kalla (Mantan Wakil Presiden RI) 
“ Harus ada toleransi terhadap perbedaan karena perbedaan adalah rahmat.“

sas.jpgMuhammad Mahfud MD (Ketua MK)
“ Kalau saya mengatakan semua keyakinan itu tidak boleh diintervensi oleh negara. Keyakinan itu tak boleh diganggu orang lain, kecuali dia mengganggu keyakinan orang lain.“

sas.jpgDR. Quraish Shihab saat menerima tamu dari Iran yang bermadzab Syiah 

“ Imam Husein (ra) adalah milik seluruh umat islam tapi sangat disayangkan kisah kesyahidan beliau tidak banyak yang tahu padahal Rasulullah (saw) pernah bersabda, “Siapa yang tidak mengagungkan Imam Husain maka diragukan keimanannya.“ Padahal kisah kesyahidan beliau sarat dengan teladan dan pesan persatuan.“
[Ceramah di ICC Jakarta]

sas.jpgProf. Dr. Umar Shihab (Ketua MUI Pusat) 
“Syiah bukan ajaran sesat, baik Sunni maupun Syiah tetap diakui Konferensi Ulama Islam International sebagai bagian dari Islam .“ [rakyatmerdeka online]

sas.jpgSlamet Effendy Yusuf (Ketua PB NU) 

“ Caranya terus menjaga persamaan sesama Umat Islam, bukan mencari perbedaannya.“

sas.jpgKH Nur Iskandar Sq (Ketua Dewan Syuro PPP)
“ Kami sangat menghargai kaum Muslimin Syiah.“

sas.jpgRhoma Irama ( Seniman dan Mubaligh )  
“ Tuhan kita sama, nabi kita sama, kiblat kita sama, sholat kita sama, puasa kita sama, zakat kita sama, haji kita sama, kenapa harus saling mengkafirkan?“


Repost by:deleteisrael

Prof. Umar Shihab Sepakat dengan Prof. Din, Syiah Bukan Ajaran Sesat
Minggu, 01 Januari 2012 , 14:21:00 WIB

Laporan: Ihsan Dalimunthe


RMOL. Ketua Majelis Ulama Indonesia Prof. Umar Shihab sepakat dengan pernyataan Ketua Umum PP Muhammadiyah Prof. Din Syamsuddin bahwa Syiah bukan ajaran sesat. Baik Sunni maupun Syiah, tetap diakui Konferensi Internasional Ulama Islam di Mekkah dua tahun lalu, sebagai bagian dari Islam.

Hal itu dikatakan Prof. Umar Shihab kepada Rakyat Merdeka Online siang ini (Minggu, 1/1) menanggapi aksi pembakaran pesantren Syiah di Sampang, Madura, Kamis lalu.

Karena itu, kakak kandung mantan Menteri Agama M. Quraish Shihab meminta umat Islam kembali mengartikan Islam sebagai rahmahlil'alamiin. Terkait perbedaan, dia mengutip Sabda Rasulullah Muhammad SAW, bahwa perbedaan itu adalah rahmat. Karena itu, ungkapnya, MUI Pusat akan melakukan pertemuan dengan MUI Sampang, Jawa Timur, yang memfatwakan Syiah itu ajaran sesat.

"Kita belum ada rencana untuk evaluasi MUI daerah, terutama Sampang. Tapi Insya Allah kita akan ikuti perkembangan. Selasa besok kita ketemu," ungkap Gurubesar Ilmu Hukum Islam UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta ini.

MUI Sampang, menurutnya, kurang memahami bagaimana kedudukan dan pemikiran Islam Sunni dan Syiah. Atau mungkin, dia menduga, ada kelompok-kelompok atau oknum tertentu yang tidak ingin umat Islam bersatu. "Ada yang tidak ingin Islam ini menyatu. Sehingga (umat Islam) ditunggangi, bahkan dihasut, yang malah jauh dari ajaran Islam seperti membakar rumah," tandasnya. [zul]

IS IT THE NEWEST OIL DRILLING TECHNOLOGY..?? >> ....The "Octopus"..??>> .............It's an Eco-Friendly Technology 8 Times More Powerful than Fracking...>>> ....... and it will create a new wave of millionaires as America reclaims global oil dominance..>>>

The "Octopus"
It's an Eco-Friendly Technology 8 Times
More Powerful than Fracking
... and it will create a new wave of millionaires as America reclaims global oil dominance
Dear Reader,
Where will you be when Saudi Arabia falls?
I only ask because it's finally set to become a reality... in the next two years.
Of course, when I say "falls," I don't mean conquered or invaded. I'm simply referring to the fact that Saudi Arabia's oil death grip on the world is coming to a fast end. And, believe it or not, the U.S. is the driving force behind it all.
Why is this suddenly the case?
Well, it's all thanks to something top insiders are calling the "Octopus."
Not only is it revolutionizing (and juicing up) American oil production — but it's also quickly creating unparalleled opportunities to strike it rich.
Think of all those folks who turned into millionaires following the shale oil pandemonium several years back... or, more recently, the fracking surge...
Now multiply that by a factor of TEN.
Oh, and I'll get this out of the way right now: The "Octopus" is nowhere near as destructive or controversial as the fracking (and horizontal drilling) you've heard so much about.
Instead, this is (for once) an eco-friendly alternative that's actually proven to be 8 times more powerful than any current (destructive) drilling method.
And because of that, U.S. oil production is looking to nearly double — from 6.7 million barrels of oil per day to around 12 million (eclipsing the 9.8 million barrels the Saudis are currently producing).
But most importantly for you, this new technology will unleash a new wave of millionaires as domestic oil production skyrockets and we produce more oil than any country on the planet.
The only question is: Will you be in on the ground floor and join the ranks of America's second go-round of oil barons?

The Five-Year Countdown Begins NOW
Experts call this new technology the "Octopus" because it involves multiple drills that stretch beneath the ground into multiple oil wells.
These drills can siphon hidden oil from 4-18 wells at one time, from just one single site on the ground.
Check out the illustration below for a better idea of what I'm talking about:


One drilling site... multiple wells of buried oil being tapped... and it's all happening at 8x the speed of traditional horizontal drilling.
This is why Lynn Helms, former director of North Dakota's Mineral Resources, declared this technology to be a big step forward for oil production, as it potentially increases oil recovery up to 10% on each take.
This is why oil behemoths like Continental Resources and Devon Energy have been quietly bypassing traditional oil methods in favor of the Octopus.
And for good reason.
You see, the drilling tentacles of the Octopus can stretch in opposite directions, tapping shale oil from north to south and east to west at the same time — even reaching oil that once seemed "impossible" to get.
It's a major breakthrough for the oil industry. And energy engineers think its impact will dwarf the groundswell caused by hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling in recent years.
It will also put millions of dollars in the pockets of early-bird investors.
Those who time this thing right could see easy gains of 550%... even up to 890%...
And that's what this presentation is all about.
So, let me tell you WHY this new technology stands to put so much extra cash in your bank account...

Much More Oil... in Far Less Time
Normally for a company to drill just four wells using traditional horizontal drilling, it would need four different pads or land sites, with each covering about seven acres of land.
That's a total of 28 acres of land needed for four wells.
The company would drill one hole and then break down the rig and haul it to the next location... then the rig has to be built again to start drilling the second hole, a process that takes no less than five days.
But the Octopus, or multi-well pads, allow for those same four wells (even up to 18 wells, in fact) to be drilled from one single site.
So, one pad equals 4-18 wells.
Even more impressive, as many as 2,000 acres of shale reservoir can be tapped from one single drill pad on just seven acres of land and recover oil and gas at eight times more speed than traditional horizontal drilling.
So, how does it all work?
Well, after the one well pad is established, the first well is drilled. All pretty normal stuff... but then the interesting part begins...
The rig is then able to crawl on hydraulic feet to drill another well a few yards away on the same pad site. The new well is drilled in a different direction under the ground, tapping oil and gas from a different direction.
This process is repeated until all the wells on the pad are drilled in a period of just two hours' time between each well. It's quite a departure from the five days it took from well to well on separate pads with the traditional horizontal drilling.
So it's only a short time before a given pad has multiple drills stretching in several locations below the ground, tapping more oil, increasing our production, and turning the global energy industry upside down in favor of America as it chugs towards world oil dominance.

Ever Think You'd Hear of Environmentally-Friendly Oil That's CHEAP?
We all know that horizontal drilling opened up billions of barrels of oil in America's shale plays.
And to be fair, it was the first step in America having the chance to reclaim its energy independence — and foothold as the world's top oil producer (something most "experts" said wouldn't happen in our lifetime).
But it was merely a step in the whole process...
The true game-changer is the Octopus, or what is more technically referred to as multi-well pad drilling.
Let me show you what I mean so you understand the magnitude of this technology and how financially rewarding it stands to be for you in the months ahead...
Reason #1: More oil can be drilled — from two different shale oil plays at the same time
Just recently, Continental Resources, one of the pioneers of multi-well pad drilling, was able to drill four wells — two in the Bakken play and two wells in the Three Forks shale play — from just one pad above the ground.
With a breakthrough technology like this, North Dakota's oil production is expected to climb from 700,000 barrels per day to 1 million by the end of 2013. And that's just a conservative estimate. It could happen MUCH sooner than that.
But more oil isn't the only advantage...
Reason #2: Time- and cost-efficient oil
Unlike horizontal drilling, where the cost of operation can add up to millions... multi-well pads allow companies to save up to $2 million per pad.
For example, if a company operates four wells across a shale formation, that would mean bulldozing a separate road for each well — not to mention the power lines and water systems for fracking would have to be on site in each location.
With the ability to set up multiple wells in one small location, the same infrastructure... one road network... one set of power lines... one water system can serve the 4-18 wells at the same time, since they're all in one location.
Already, some companies are starting to see the reduction in operating costs...
For instance, Rick Muncrief, Senior Vice President of Continental Resources, recently said individual horizontal wells cost in excess of $6 million to operate. Four individual wells would amount to a staggering $24 million.
With multi-well pads, they now save $2.5 million on every pad.
And because oil rigs can crawl from well to well on hydraulic feet when using multi-well pads, rig movement time is shaved from five days to just two hours.
Which brings me to my next point...
Reason #3: Less environmental impact
Remember how I told you with the old method, you'd need 28 acres of land for just four wells?
Well unlike horizontal drilling, multi-well pads use just seven acres of land for a minimum of four wells.
This means the environmental impact on the surface is significantly reduced by about 75%, according to Lynn Helms, former director of North Dakota's Mineral Resources.
As such, drillers can access more oil with less "on-the-ground" damage to farmlands.
It also means that drillers can tap oil beneath several farms from one location without tampering with the surface lands and without bothering underground water sources.
Here's a good example of what I mean...
Recently — using the Octopus technology — energy company Encana just completed a mind-blowing 51 wells on one pad site to drill gas from an entire canyon in Colorado.
Apart from the 10-acre pad site... the entire canyon remains green and untouched, as if nothing is going on...
But the company will drill more gas from this site than it ever has from any previous well pad.
The shot below shows one of Encana's engineers with a plan depicting drill lines that run around like the tentacles of an octopus in various directions.
octopus pic
In fact at this point, there isn't a single downside to using multi-well pad drilling.
And as I said, it's already being deployed in the Bakken by a handful of companies on a first phase basis.
My point? This hasn't hit the mainstream yet... major publications aren't covering it, and most Americans have no clue the Octopus even exists.
So we have a true game-changing oil technology for the first time in over a decade — and people haven't caught on yet!
It's THE perfect storm for a ripe moneymaking situation.
I would even go so far as to say the Octopus will usher the U.S. into a new age of energy and economic prosperity unlike anything we've seen in our history.
The energy companies that are now deploying this strategy will be the major players in the industry and the ones set to soar 300%... 550%... even 890%.
I have no doubt early investors who are smart enough to tap these plays will earn huge profits. In fact, I don't think it's far-fetched to think there will be more new American millionaires than ever before as a result of this technology.
How can I be so confident?
Well, I've spent the last few months compiling all the data I can on this new oil technology. I've been to conferences, spoken with company CEOs, and traveled far and wide to see the Octopus for myself...
And that's why I'm going to show you — right now — HOW to profit from this major development before you start hearing about it on CNN.
I firmly believe this is one of the biggest oil stories since we started recommending stocks out of the Bakken back in 2006.
This isn't guesswork, either. This technology is already being deployed by companies like Continental Resources, the largest stakeholder in the Bakken play.
But to help you understand the magnitude of the Octopus and its profound effect on our energy output, I have to take you back a bit and show you exactly how this situation evolved...

The Greatest Creation of Wealth in American History
Most people don't even know that America is experiencing an energy boom right now.
Yet, according to the International Energy Agency, the U.S. has enough oil to last the next 40 to 60 years, and enough natural gas to last the next century.
And it's all because of more than 50 billion barrels of oil buried in the ground in more than 10 tight shale gushers across the U.S... and they're right beneath our farms, backyards, schools, town halls, and airports.
More importantly, it stands to be the greatest creation of wealth in American history.
Right now, in fact, Goldman Sachs is predicting America will outpace Saudi Arabia in oil production before the end of this decade.
My research shows it will happen even sooner than that — quite possibly in the next two years.
Sound impossible?
It might, except for one thing: It's already happening.
In fact, here's how it all started...
When oil and gas were first discovered in shale formations in the U.S in 1951, no one thought it was possible to extract it. So the stuff just sat in the ground for decades.
It wasn't until the late 80s that George Mitchell pioneered the technology of horizontal drilling and later hydraulic fracturing, igniting a large-scale oil boom in Texas, Pennsylvania, North Dakota, Louisiana, and Oklahoma.
With shale oil and gas driving the economic growth in these states, their unemployment rates fell below the national average of 7.8%; in Oklahoma, it's down to 5.2%.
The "Economic Miracle State" of North Dakota — which holds about 20 billion barrels of shale oil — continues to lead the nation with the lowest state unemployment rate at 3% in September.
Williams County, the epicenter of the Bakken oil boom, continues to boast the lowest county jobless rate in the country at just 0.7%.
Businesses that serve the oil industry — such as steel companies that supply drilling pipe, railroads that transport oil, homebuilders, auto dealers, and retailers in energy-producing states — are also getting a lift...
In Kenedy, Texas, the State Motel has been booked solid for two years by oil company workers — and will be full for the next five years, says manager Maria Munoz. The "No Vacancy" sign hangs perpetually in the window.
It's raining money in all the big shale plays in the United States.
Most Americans don't even know that ordinary folks — farmers... cowboys & roughriders... teachers... mechanics... or anyone with a piece of land — are becoming millionaires almost overnight.
As Jerry Simmons, director of the National Association of Royalty Owners (NARO) recently told Business Insider: "Millionaires are made every day from North Dakota to Pennsylvania."
Trip Ruckman, 66, president of the Karnes County National Bank in Texas, said deposits rose by $2 million a month last year, and now and will now double what they were five years ago.
Tell me you don't want a piece of THAT action...

Only Boom in American History that Turns Everyday
Investors into Overnight Millionaires
Last year, states paid out more than $54 billion in royalties to landowners whose property was fracked for oil and gas.
An estimated 12 million Americans are receiving those payments, according to data from the National Association of Royalty Owners (NARO)...
black checkTake Robert Western, for example, a farmer who dresses in rumpled overalls and a baseball cap. He is now co-owner of a Piper single engine propeller plane, according to FAA records. Yet he's hardly the richest man in town.
black checkDavid Brodsky in rural Texas used to own a coin laundry mat. Now he's on his way to becoming a millionaire... He's leased over 100 acres of land to oil companies. His latest deal got him $10,000 per acre, plus a 25% royalty on oil produced on the property.
In Pennsylvania, the Marcellus Shale — the biggest natural gas find in U.S. history — is about 95,000 square miles, nearly half the size of France, and has its success stories as well...
black checkAn auto mechanic named Chris Sutton became a millionaire virtually overnight when he leased his 154 acres of land to Talisman Energy over a year ago. He got $900,000 up front, plus 20% of the revenue from natural gas extracted from his land.
black checkJeff and Pamela Barnes have been collecting oil royalties for nearly a year, allowing the family to pay off bills, purchase machinery, and invest $50,000 in a portfolio of mutual funds. They're now working with a financial planner and an accountant to discuss, among other things, a college fund for their sons.
North Dakota has been minting more millionaires than any other state...
According to Bruce Gjovig, founder of the Center of Innovation at the University of North Dakota, "The oil rush could be creating up to 2,000 millionaires a year in the state."
Read that again: 2,000 new millionaires per year.
And it's easy to see why...
Right now, North Dakota is the second biggest oil-producing state in the country. Just a few months ago, North Dakota broke another oil production record when it topped 700,000 barrels per day for the month of August.
You can BET everyday folks are cashing in on North Dakota's oil parade.
North Dakota Oil Baron at 83 Years "Young"
Oscar Stohler was raised in a sod house in Western North Dakota and ranched there for nearly seven decades. He never gave much thought to what lay below the grass that fattened his cattle...
When oilmen wanted to drill there last year, Stohler, 83, doubted oil would be found two miles underground on his property. He even joked about it, he recently told ABC News.
In less than a year, Stohler and his wife, Lorene, became oil barons, raking in millions.
But that's nothing compared to...

The Newly-Minted Harold Hamm
Perhaps the most well-known oil baron from the Bakken oil play is Harold Hamm.
Like all success stories, he started at the bottom. The son of Oklahoma farmers, Harold worked the gas pump in the city of Enid, eventually working his way up in the oil fields...
Hamm is now America's richest wildcatter, worth almost $11 billion. He is the chairman and CEO of Continental Resources, the No. 1 land leaseholder in the Bakken, with at least 937,900 acres under its belt.
Harold Hamm now thinks the Bakken play holds a massive 24 billion barrels of oil, and will be producing more than 1 million barrels per day within the next five years. And Hamm should know. He's drilled there more than anyone else.
He's a pioneer in drilling the Bakken. And Continental Resources made its investors very rich.
But it's not the only company to have done this...
Other energy companies operating in the Bakken returned massive profits:
  • Northern Oil and Gas – 103%
  • Brigham Exploration Company 478%
  • UTS Energy Corp. 140%
  • Brigham Exploration 574%
  • Petrobank Energy 103%
And you know what they ALL have in common?
I recommended them ALL to my current group of readers — much like I will with the Octopus plays I've currently been researching.
The thing is, while those gains are wonderful, they were only the first round of profits to come out of North Dakota's Bakken...
With something so mammoth as the Octopus drilling more oil, the gains stand to be exponentially higher.
Just to give you an idea of how much oil we're talking about...

North Dakota's Production Tops Ecuador
When the U.S. does overtake Saudi Arabia as the world's no. 1 oil producer in the next two years, a lot of the credit for the increased production will go to the "Economic Miracle State" of North Dakota — and the use of multi-well pad drilling.
If you look at the numbers over the last 16 months, North Dakota's production jumped from 364,000 barrels per day in May last year to a record high of more than 728,000 in September of this year.
North Dakota alone has been producing more oil than OPEC's Ecuador, which produces just about 476,000. And it's about to edge out Qatar's production next.
At the current pace, North Dakota's oil production will surpass one million barrels per day easily by the end of this year.
Same thing in the Lone Star State: Texas, with more than 2 million barrels per day, now produces more oil than OPEC members Angola, Ecuador, and Qatar — and it's fast approaching the daily output of Algeria, Iraq, Nigeria, and Libya.
With new drilling technologies like multi-well pads, Texas could be producing over four million barrels in the next decade. That would rank Texas #3, if it were a member of OPEC.
"U.S. to Overtake Saudi Arabia as Top Oil Producer By 2017" — International Energy Agency
International Energy Agency Chief Economist Fatih Birol recently told a news conference in London he believed the United States will stomp Russia as the biggest gas producer by a significant margin by 2015... and by 2017, become the largest oil producer.


But here's what you must keep in mind: The U.S is still in the infancy stage of this shale oil and gas bonanza.
There are literally billions of barrels of oil trapped within shale formations that lie beneath older traditional shale plays that are not yet even dry.
For example, beneath the Bakken's 20 billion barrels is another new reservoir called the Sanish-Three Forks with an estimated 20 billion barrels in reserves, and two billion barrels in recoverable oil.
Beneath the Marcellus Shale's 50 trillion cubic feet of natural gas is the Utica Shale, with more than 30 trillion cubic feet of gas.
Energy companies are now securing permits to unleash multi-well pads in these shale plays. And as drilling technology improves, more of the "impossible to get" oil and gas will be siphoned out of the ground.
With all this oil and gas beneath our feet, it's no surprise U.S. crude imports have fallen 11% this year.
In fact, the U.S. Energy Information Administration reports the U.S. is already producing 6.7 million barrels of oil per day. That's more than every individual OPEC member, save Saudi Arabia (for now) with its 9.8 million barrels.

OPEC Admits America's Oil Drilling Technology is a Game-Changer
OPEC, for the first time, recently acknowledged that technology for extracting shale oil and gas is changing the global supply picture significantly, and demand for their oil will be reduced.
The thing is... OPEC fears these technologies are a significant threat to their little oil circus.
In OPEC's new forecast, U.S. shale oil will contribute two million barrels per day to global supply by 2020 and three million bpd by 2035.
Just imagine...
The United States in a position to export oil?
For comparison's sake, two million barrels per day is equal to the current output of OPEC member Nigeria, Africa's top exporter.
If you were to rip OPEC apart and let every member stand on its own... their measly 1-2 million barrels of oil can't hold a candle to America's output... and they know that.
Truth is OPEC is only strong as a unit, and they might last a few more years... but already, there's growing pain within the camp.
OPEC is nothing but a bunch of renegade little oil-producing countries that want to hold the world hostage for oil.
The OPEC cartel will self-destruct due to internal woes aligned with its radical members.
But here's what most people don't know: The only country keeping OPEC somewhat solid is Saudi Arabia, with its 9.8 million barrels per day.
Which brings me to my next point...

Saudis Leaving the Oil Game?
Not only is U.S. oil production creeping up to take the podium as #1, but the Saudis are facing a bunch of issues that compound their struggling position.
Their internal oil consumption is about to surge... which means they'll have less oil to export.
And I'm not the only one who thinks so. Citigroup recently released an eye-opening report that suggests the Saudis will stop exporting oil by 2030.
Saudi Arabia knows this, and they're trying everything from green energy to less oil consumption to cut their addiction to their own oil.
But modernization comes with a steep price. The price that America once paid.
But it's the Saudis turn now...
It's only a matter of time until OPEC and Saudi Arabia come clean about the future of oil production.
Personally, I don't intend to wait around for them to fess up — and investors shouldn't either...
The best part about North America's oil renaissance is that we don't have to play along with OPEC's game of shady reserves, declining production, and the Saudis' future export crisis... because we don't share these same problems.
Instead, America will be calling the shots on the energy stage as we produce more oil due to cutting-edge technology like multi-well pad drilling.
It's one of the most innovative engineering feats of our time, and it will usher the U.S. into economic and energy prosperity that will dwarf every other boom we've seen in this country.

Why You Must Claim Your Oil Riches Right Now — Before It's Too Late (like last time)
You don't have to wait around until America gets to the peak of its oil prosperity...
It's important that you move in now, especially with the breakthrough multi-well "Octopus" technology that will double our energy output and return profits to shareholders.
If there's anything you need to take from this presentation, it's this:
It would be absolutely foolish to pass up on this round of gains like you may have last time... it's never too early to start getting rich.
This is the only boom in the history of America where everyday folks — farmers, teachers, mechanics, you name it — are becoming millionaires.
The good news is you don't have to live in North Dakota or Texas or own a piece of land to make thousands of dollars or become a millionaire from this oil boom.
You can become rich regardless of where you live.
Right now, energy companies are quietly making the transition to multi-well pads... and shale states like North Dakota and Texas are issuing permits to companies on the verge of using only this drilling innovation.
So, what are we doing?

We're Shooting for 550% in Oil Profits
While the "Octopus" technology stands to make you rich, it would be unwise to just run out and buy into any company bucking the shale fields with multi-well pad drilling.
Luckily for you, over the last few months I've been in the fields, visiting and witnessing the technology firsthand. And there are some small energy companies using this technology that stand to provide some of the biggest, quickest gains in the process.
These are the small players that provide explosive gains at any moment. I'm talking potential gains of 550% here. And based on past experience, it could happen in a matter of months.
To help you know all there is about multi-well pad drilling and the major players involved... and how to position yourself for a five-fold payday...
I've compiled all the details in my newest report, "550% Windfall from Bakken 'Octopus' Technology."
And I'd like to send it to you free of charge.
But first...

Let Me Introduce Myself
My name is Keith Kohl, and I'm the investment director for Angel Publishing's hugely successful Energy Investor advisory service.
My readers have stuck it out with me for one simple reason: They get high-caliber profit-gushing energy investments that simply can't be found anywhere else.
We were the first to break the news about Bakken oil plays to our readers back in 2005, when no one could imagine North Dakota would hold more oil than any OPEC member.
No one had heard about the Bakken; everyone was focused on oil sands in Canada — yet the Bakken play became our backyard, our playground for fast gains, even in the worst economic times.
And readers like you netted thousands of dollars from my recommendations.
Here's a snapshot of some of the quick gains we've fleeced from the Bakken...

Northern Oil & Gas spiked 103% in just two months.


Brigham Exploration popped 316% in just 16 months.

UTS Energy Corp climbed 140% in 36 months.


We've had an amazing run of profits over the last six years, which include...
  • Northern Oil and Gas 103%
  • Brigham Exploration 200%
  • UTS Energy Corp. 140%
  • Brigham Exploration 315%
  • Petrobank Energy 103%
  • Continental Resources 48%
  • Brigham Exploration 256%
  • Continental Resources 46%
  • Brigham Exploration 48%
  • Continental Resources 26%
  • Crescent Point Energy 69.6%
  • American Oil and Gas 215%
  • PowerShares DB Crude Oil 124%
  • Canadian Superior Energy Inc. – 85%
Gains like these could have made you rich in short order...
That's why it's no surprise my readers flooded me with notes on their performance:
Bought the wife a new car
230% in less than 12 months
Up 252%, 156% and 101%

When I first started the Energy Investor, my single goal was to offer my readers a way to profit from the upcoming surge in oil and gas production. My focus has always been on North American energy companies (primarily in Canada and the United States). As the years passed, I began to target long-term investments, including both larger infrastructure stocks as well as the bigger drilling players...
And my subscribers are thrilled with the results. So we'll keep it that way.
But I wanted to create a service that will target the smaller, unknown stocks that monitor the shale plays.
I want to show my readers the next Continental Resources or Brigham Exploration... companies that have a huge amount of growth ahead of them, capable of delivering potentially monstrous gains in a short time.
This required a fast-paced service that delivered profit opportunities as they come... at any time.
That's why I created Oil & Gas Trader, a fast-paced energy service that will give you the chance to capitalize on potential targets where and whenever they surface.
The biggest gains are yet to come as multi-well pad drilling launches America toward energy independence and global oil dominance.
This is huge and historic, no matter how you look at it. It's a new age of American industrialism. There will be millions to be made by investors who sit on the right side of the fence.
This new energy boom is unlike any other in American history.
It's bigger... It has and will continue to dwarf every other previous boom that created the likes of Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs.
In fact this new energy boom is better by miles, because for the first time, everyday Americans are the ones getting wealthy.
And the wealth has just started. A lot of money will be made.
More everyday Americans will be able to afford the luxury homes they've dreamed about... and even quietly create a legacy of wealth for their children — a phenomenon that once seemed impossible.
It would be foolish to just sit aside and not be a part of this.
The small companies using multi-well pad drilling are the ones to look out for. They the are ones that will dish out gangbuster profits to folks like you, just as they did at the start of the oil boom in early 2000.
I have my eyes set on a few drillers in the Bakken right now...
But there's one little player you can tap. It's the first of a long line of energy companies I will recommend going forward.
I have documented everything I know about this play and how we'll bank some gain on it... and how we'll make lots of money from this new oil renaissance in the years ahead.
It's all in my latest and most prized report: "550% Windfall from Bakken 'Octopus' Technology."
And it's yours free of charge when you take a risk-free trial to Oil & Gas Trader for the next 30 days.
I'll show you how to get your hands on your copy in a bit...

How My Research Could Deliver Millions to Readers Like You
But you're probably wondering by now how much a fast-paced energy service like Oil & Gas Trader costs...
Well, for one, this service is unlike any other service I've run before for two simple reasons:
1. I tend to focus on some of the smallest and most liquid energy companies that are set to explode in a matter of weeks or months... the kind of potential gangbuster plays that can surface at any time.
2. I've logged even more airtime and face time with CEOs, and I've covered nearly 15,000 square miles of America in search of these underground plays — especially in the Bakken, Marcellus, and Eagle Ford Shale.
With a fast-paced advisory like Oil & Gas Trader, I'll be releasing data and recommendations to you directly from the fields, seconds after I write them. You'll never miss out on an opportunity.
Keep in mind, it's costly to run such a service... but it's worth the profits that it could bring you. I will never water down your profits just to save a few thousand bucks in favor of on-the-ground research.
That said, I believe Oil & Gas Trader is an incredible bargain, considering the amount of time and money that goes into each recommendation... and considering the returns these recommendations could generate in a short period of time...
Fast-piling gains like 251% on America Oil & Gas in nine months, or 103% on Northern Oil & Gas in two months (just to remind you of the moneymaking power I'm talking about here).
And you can only experience these kind of plays with timely and quick on-the-ground research.
Even better, you have 30 full days to find out for yourself.

Here's Everything You'll Get During Your Test-Drive...
Starting today, I want you to have every bit of access to Oil & Gas Trader, risk-free.
So here's what I have in mind...
When you join Oil & Gas Trader for a test-drive for the next 30 days, you'll have immediate access to:
  • Quick Profit e-Alerts — Get flash updates from the energy fields on the latest moneymaking scoops from my profit alerts. These obscure recommendations cannot wait another minute — and will be delivered straight to your inbox seconds after they're written as these profitable opportunities arise.
  • Regular Portfolio Updates — You'll know exactly what's happening with each profit-making play in your model portfolio, regular updates, and any news that will send the stock soaring further, or when to sell for maximum profits.
  • Members-Only Oil & Gas Trader Website — Your password to my secure online platform for members only with my no-nonsense research reports, commentary, picks, current portfolio. You'll even get fast-track commentary on how to get the most out of my service.
  • Outstanding Customer Support — If you ever have any questions or concerns, you can call our Customer Support staff at any time and get live help between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. (EST).
Plus when you accept this trial to Oil & Gas Trader, you'll immediately have full access to my latest moneymaking research report, "550% Windfall from Bakken 'Octopus' Technology," absolutely free of charge.
In other words, I am giving you free access to off-limit research on new technologies deployed in the Bakken by fast-growing energy companies delivering potentially monstrous gains... without you risking a penny.
Keep in mind this trial to Oil & Gas Trader (in exchange for your FREE special report), gives you first crack at once-in-a-lifetime oil profits to be made as America chugs toward energy independence.
And your free report is yours to keep whether you decide to cancel your trial run, or subscribe for decades — until you don't need any more money...
But remember, for this particular opportunity, you must make your move now. It's the only realistic way to have a shot at life-changing profits.
Which brings us to this point...
How much would you pay to tap into the greatest boom that will lead America to inevitable oil and gas dominance in the world?
What do you think a big-name hedge fund manager would charge you for a private consultation revealing what stands to be the most lucrative investment opportunity in the history of mankind?
Anywhere from $10,000 to $15,000 would be considered a bargain...
Wall Street boutique firms charge that much (and more!) for their research. And you'd need at least a million dollars to even start investing with some of them.
In fact, left to hedge funds alone, would you even be able to get in on the latest and most profitable deals of our time?
Truth is I know exactly how much I could charge for the kind of research we publish...
But I'm not going to charge anywhere near that much. It just doesn't make sense to charge an arm and a leg just so ten people have access to information that stands to change their lives.
For this reason, just this one time, a whole year of Oil & Gas Trader will cost you just $999.
Personally, I believe it's a incredible bargain when you consider how just one of the opportunities we cover could pay you back several times over, in no time at all...
Of course, I know despite the incredible value here, $999 may still seem like a lot of money...
That's why I'm also offering a special quarterly payment option: For just $279 every three months, you can enjoy the very same benefits and receive the very same information I've been telling you about.
Whether you pay $999 or choose your quarterly option, your money will be held in escrow for the next 30 days.

Guaranteed Profits
As I said before, you're not on the hook for a thing. This is merely a test-drive.
By agreeing to this offer, you're ONLY agreeing to try it for the next 30 days.
During your trial period, you'll have full membership privileges to Oil & Gas Trader, but you'll also immediately have access to your free report, "550% Windfall from Bakken 'Octopus' Technology" — again, absolutely free.
If after 30 days you're convinced that you can't make any money with my research, or should you decide that Oil & Gas Trader simply isn't for you, just let me know — and you'll get your money back.
Keep in mind that your reports, any alerts you receive, and any other intelligence you gather during those 30 days, are yours to keep — even if you cancel.
Remember, you're not paying a cent yet for the information that could make you rich many times over... You're simply putting $999 on the table and letting me hold it in escrow for a month while you decide whether Oil & Gas Trader is worth what I'm asking.
I'm making this arrangement simply because I'm confident this service will deliver the profits.
With the oil and gas bonanza boiling in America's shale plays... and America's near rise to oil dominance, the profits are as sure as I've ever believed them to be.
So if you're interested in trying Oil & Gas Trader, then here's what I recommend you do...

Claim Your Free Research Report by Clicking Below
Sign up for Oil & Gas Trader ASAP.
This will guarantee your access to your free report, "550% Windfall from Bakken 'Octopus' Technology," within the next few minutes.
I'd suggest you take some time to read it and then proceed to make your first investment as recommended.
Within 30 minutes of signing up, you'll also receive an email giving you access to our password–protected, subscribers–only website, where you'll be able to find briefing and alerts...
There will also be other research reports posted on this private website throughout the year.
I'd encourage you browse through our "Getting Started" window so you get a feel for what to expect throughout your subscription with us going forward...
As a subscriber to Oil & Gas Trader, you'll be in a position to know more about the Bakken and other shale plays, and how multi-well pad drilling will double America's oil production in the next two years... and make a lot of money along the way.
It would be foolish to sit on the sidelines and witness other individuals getting all the profits while you're left high and dry.
I suggest you sign up right now.
Just click below to get started.
Once again, you'll have 30 days to test-drive my research. If you feel it's not for you... just let me know and I will gladly refund your entire subscription fee.
So there you have it.
If you're interested in learning and profiting from the mega energy trend sweeping across America...
If you want to get hot-off-the-press alerts from the field to trigger the quickest profits...
Then a trial subscription to Oil & Gas Trader is a no–brainer.
Click here to do so right now and get in on the ground-level profits that stand to come rolling in.
Good Investing,
Keith Kohl Signature
Keith Kohl
Investment Director, Oil & Gas Trader
P.S. Most Americans have no idea the Octopus even exists... yet it's eight times more powerful than horizontal drilling — and it's the one technology that will thrust America into inevitable global oil and gas dominance. Most importantly, it will create a new wave of everyday millionaires. Click here to give yourself a chance at becoming one of them.

the map for having the more view  and recheck ....if, the figure of oil production over the world such below;.

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