Kamis, 30 Januari 2014

Shaaban wondered if one can imagine that there are Syrians who refuse to denounce US interference in their country and sending weapons to criminals who murder and abduct, and who disagree to liberating occupied and to stopping terrorism and foreign interference. She reiterated that the Syrian Arab Republic delegation wants to stop terrorism, stem bloodshed, and end the crisis and the tragedy affecting the Syrian people due to foreign interferences, noting that those who started this tragedy want to keep it going, while the Syrian government is trying to find a way to end the war and restore security and safety to Syria so that Syrians can decide upon their future...>>>...Salah satu anggota Takfiri ISIS warga Spanyol melarikan diri dari pertempuran di Suriah setelah menolak untuk melakukan misi bunuh diri. Menurut surat kabar Spanyol El Pais, pria berumur 28 tahun asal Spanyol itu bernama Mohamed Abdelwahid Sadik, ditangkap di Malaga–Costa del Sol Airport pada tanggal 5 Januari lalu ketika ia kembali ke Spanyol dari Suriah. ...>>>.... Shaaban said that Ford addressed the Syrian people on Tuesday as if he were a high commissioner, telling the Syrian people what they want, don’t want, and what’s good and what’s not good, forgetting that Syria is 10,000 years old and that the Syrians have dignity, and that those he meets and dictates to don’t represent Syria nor its people..>>> ...She pointed out that the coalition delegation of so-called “opposition” doesn’t care about first Geneva communiqué nor about Syria; all they care about is reaching a transitional stage to carry out what its supporters want, adding that the coalition delegation claims to represent part of the Syrian people, but in fact it only represent foreign interests which are hostile towards Syria and its people...>>> ....She noted that agreeing to discuss counterterrorism came due to the Syrian official delegation’s persistence on this point. “The coalition delegation talked yesterday with a vision that almost made us feel like they had a magic wand and that they will solve all problems at once, but when we told them to let us bring humanitarian aid to Adra if they’re capable of stopping violence, terrorism and murder with their incredible capacities, they said that they cannot guarantee anything,” Shaaban pointed out...>>>

Number of foreign militants in Syria rises: US

US Senate Chamber
US Senate Chamber
More than 7,000 foreign militants are fighting for the militants in Syria's conflict and some are being trained to return home and conduct attacks, US spy chiefs has told lawmakers.
The estimate, given at a Senate intelligence hearing on Wednesday, was much higher than earlier figures of 3,000 to 4,000 foreign terrorists in Syria, and came after news emerged this week that Congress had secretly approved more funding to send weapons to militants in Syria.
"We estimate, at this point, an excess of 7,000 foreign terrorists have been attracted from some 50 countries, many of them in Europe and the Mideast," James Clapper, the US director of national intelligence, told the hearing.
"And this is of great concern not only to us, but to those countries," he said at the Senate Intelligence Committee's annual hearing on global security threats.
US spy agencies had not previously made the figure of 7,000 public, though it has appeared in classified intelligence reports, a US official said.
Clapper said US intelligence agencies had spotted the appearance of "training complexes" for foreign terrorists in Syria, where the unrest has killed at least 100,000 people and forced millions to flee.
US officials have privately estimated that at any one time, a handful of Americans have been fighting in Syria with militant factions.
US and European security officials said this week that light arms supplied to the United States are flowing to Syrian militants and the US Congress had secretly approved funding for months of further deliveries.
Congressional committees had held up weapons deliveries for months over fears that US arms would not prove decisive in the militants' efforts to oust the Syrian President government and could end up in the hands of extremist militants.
Some of the foreign terrorists fighting in Syria, such as the al-Nusra Front, have aspirations to attack the United States itself, Clapper said.
Senator Dianne Feinstein, who chairs the intelligence committee, called the situation in Syria the most notable new security threat in the year since the panel last held a hearing on global threats.
IHS Jane's Company estimated that some 10,000 militants are fighting for groups affiliated with al-Qaeda such as al-Nusra Front, and the rest fight for different militant groups.
- See more at: http://en.alalam.ir/news/1560681#sthash.Kye8DRzd.dpuf

Suriah Desak AS Hentikan Pengiriman Senjata untuk Teroris

Islam Times - http://www.islamtimes.org/vdcjmmetauqexvz.bnfu.html
Menurut Meqdad, hal itu membuktikan bahwa Amerika sebenarnya sama sekali tidak tertarik akan keberhasilan pembicaraan Jenewa 2 yang bertujuan mencari solusi damai dalam krisis Suriah.
Amerika  adalah Zionis
Amerika adalah Zionis

Deputi Menteri Luar Negeri Suriah pada hari Selasa (28/1/14) meminta Amerika Serikat dan sekutu-sekutunya untuk menghentikan pengiriman senjata pada kelompok-kelompok teroris di Suriah.

Faisal Meqdad mengatakan, sangat jelas bagi semua pihak bahwa senjata yang diberi Amerika pada kelompok bersenjata 'moderat' telah jatuh ke kelompok teroris ekstrimis.

Menurut Meqdad, hal itu membuktikan bahwa Amerika sebenarnya sama sekali tidak tertarik akan keberhasilan pembicaraan Jenewa 2 yang bertujuan mencari solusi damai dalam krisis Suriah.

Pejabat Suriah itu membuat pernyataan dalam sebuah konferensi pers di sela-sela pelaksanaan Konferensi Jenewa 2.

Sesi pagi Selasa (28/1/13) antara delegasi pemerintah Suriah dan Koalisi Nasional Suriah (SNC) ditunda karena AS tetap bersikeras terus mempersenjatai kelompok-kelompok teroris di Suriah.

Sementara sesi sore pembicaraan terpaksa dibatalkan karena muncul perselisihan yang sangat mendasar.

Pembicaraan Jenewa 2 berakhir dengan kebuntuan seiring perbedaan pendapat yang sangat tajam antara kedua belah pihak. SNC dukungan asing menuntut pembentukan pemerintahan tanpa Presiden Bashar al-Assad. Sementara Damaskus menolak tegas hal itu dan mengatakan bahwa rakyatlah yang akan menentukan dalam pemilua apakah Assad akan berkuasa atau tidak.[IT/r]

Konferensi Jenewa 2

Brahimi: Ada Jurang Besar dalam Konfrensi Jenewa 2

Islam Times - "...Saya tidak bisa berharap bahwa kita akan mencapai sesuatu yang substantif," kata Brahimi dalam konferensi pers setelah pembicaraan hari Rabu (29/1/14) di Swiss.
Lakhdar Brahimi. Utusan Khusus PBB dan Liga Arab untuk Suriah
Lakhdar Brahimi. Utusan Khusus PBB dan Liga Arab untuk Suriah

Utusan Khusus Liga Arab dan PBB untuk Suriah, Lakhdar Brahimi mengatakan ada kesenjangan besar antara kedua belah pihak dalam konferensi Jenewa 2.

"...Saya tidak bisa berharap bahwa kita akan mencapai sesuatu yang substantif," kata Brahimi dalam konferensi pers setelah pembicaraan hari Rabu (29/1/14) di Swiss.

Tapi Brahimi menambahkan bahwa es yang berada di antara oposisi dan pemerintah Suriah mulai meleleh perlahan-lahan.

Pembicaraan Jenewa 2 dimulai di kota Montreux, Swiss pada 22 Januari lalu dan bertujuan mencari solusi politik untuk krisis maut yang melanda Suriah sejak Maret 2011.[IT/r]

Pengakuan Takfiri: Mereka Dipaksa Melakukan Bom Bunuh Diri

Islam Times-http://www.islamtimes.org/vdcdk90szyt0os6.lp2y.html
Kelompok-kelompok bersenjata di Suriah percaya, anggota yang bergabung dengan Takfiri terutama berasal dari Maroko dan negara-negara Eropa rata-rata tidak mampu berperang seperti yang berasal dari Arab Saudi dan Yordania, karenanya mereka ditugaskan untuk melakukan misi bom bunuh diri.

Salah satu anggota Takfiri ISIS warga Spanyol melarikan diri dari pertempuran di Suriah setelah menolak untuk melakukan misi bunuh diri.

Menurut surat kabar Spanyol El Pais, pria berumur 28 tahun asal Spanyol itu bernama Mohamed Abdelwahid Sadik, ditangkap di Malaga–Costa del Sol Airport pada tanggal 5 Januari lalu ketika ia kembali ke Spanyol dari Suriah.

Mohamed yang saat ini berada di penjara menunggu sidang karena terlibat dengan jaringan al-Qaeda, Negara Islam Irak dan Sham (ISIS), mengaakan, dirinya "diundang" oleh pemimpin kelompok itu untuk melakukan misi bunuh diri, namun kepada mereka, ia mengatakan belum siap untuk melakukan misi tersebut.

Lebih lanjut dikatakannya, setelah penolakannya untuk melakukan misi itu, ia dikirim ke operasi yang sangat berbahaya termasuk serangan di penjara Irak, Abu Ghraib pada bulan Juli.

Tahanan itu menambahkan,a setelah ia berulang kali ditekan untuk ambil bagian dalam misi bunuh diri ia memutuskan untuk meninggalkan negara Timur Tengah dan kembali ke Spanyol.

Menurutnya, kelompok-kelompok bersenjata di Suriah percaya, anggota yang bergabung dengan Takfiri terutama berasal dari Maroko dan negara-negara Eropa rata-rata tidak mampu berperang seperti yang berasal dari Arab Saudi dan Yordania, karenanya mereka ditugaskan untuk melakukan misi bom bunuh diri. [IT/Onh/Ass]
Middle East    

Shaaban: Tomorrow’s Talks Will Tackle Issue of Terrorism

Local Editor
Syrian Presidential Political and Media Advisor Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban said that Thursday’s talks between the Syrian Arab Republic delegation and the coalition delegation of the so-called “opposition” will tackle terrorism, as UN Envoy to Syria Lakhdar Brahimi became convinced that they must discShaabanuss how to stop terrorism first.
In statements to the press on Wednesday, Shaaban said that the coalition delegation of the so-called “opposition” doesn’t want to discuss anything other than how it can rise to power, and this is what those who support it want as well.
She pointed out that that former US Ambassador to Damascus Robert Ford came out into the open yesterday to confirm that he leads the coalition delegation of so-called “opposition” after he was leading it covertly.

Shaaban said that Ford addressed the Syrian people on Tuesday as if he were a high commissioner, telling the Syrian people what they want, don’t want, and what’s good and what’s not good, forgetting that Syria is 10,000 years old and that the Syrians have dignity, and that those he meets and dictates to don’t represent Syria nor its people.

She pointed out that the coalition delegation of so-called “opposition” doesn’t care about first Geneva communiqué nor about Syria; all they care about is reaching a transitional stage to carry out what its supporters want, adding that the coalition delegation claims to represent part of the Syrian people, but in fact it only represent foreign interests which are hostile towards Syria and its people.

Shaaban wondered if one can imagine that there are Syrians who refuse to denounce US interference in their country and sending weapons to criminals who murder and abduct,  and who disagree to liberating occupied and to stopping terrorism and foreign interference.

She reiterated that the Syrian Arab Republic delegation wants to stop terrorism, stem bloodshed, and end the crisis and the tragedy affecting the Syrian people due to foreign interferences, noting that those who started this tragedy want to keep it going, while the Syrian government is trying to find a way to end the war and restore security and safety to Syria so that Syrians can decide upon their future.

Shaaban said the morning session was different, but the talks were positive, with the coalition delegation trying to discuss the issue of a transitional government, and the Syrian official delegation said it doesn’t mind discussing the first Geneva communiqué one item at a time from the beginning, noting that the first item of this communiqué calls for halting violence which has now become terrorism and creating a suitable atmosphere for launching a political process.

She noted that agreeing to discuss counterterrorism came due to the Syrian official delegation’s persistence on this point.
“The coalition delegation talked yesterday with a vision that almost made us feel like they had a magic wand and that they will solve all problems at once, but when we told them to let us bring humanitarian aid to Adra if they’re capable of stopping violence, terrorism and murder with their incredible capacities, they said that they cannot guarantee anything,” Shaaban pointed out.

On the interposition presented by the coalition delegation, Shaaban said this interposition’s main point is that they want a transitional government with full authority which they consider capable of ending violence, defeating terrorism and making Syria a paradise, noting that it’s clear that the coalition delegation need time to coordinate and agree on the ideas they want to discuss with the Syrian government, but it seems that there are sides who give contrary opinions to this coalition.
She pointed out that Friday may be dedicated to discussing when sessions will be continued afterwards, as the Syrian official delegation informed Brahimi that they will stay in Geneva only until Friday because they have commitments in Syria, stressing at the same time that the Syrian government wants to see a wide spectrum of opposition, particularly internal opposition.
On the US Congress decision to continue arming the so-called “opposition” and if this was discussed with Brahimi, Shaaban said that Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari discussed this with Brahimi.
“We know that they are arming and funding and overlooking Saudi Arabia which arms and funds, but declaring this while the Geneva talks are in session shows confusion on the part of the US administration which on one side talks to Russia and says it wants to hold Geneva to resolve the crisis in Syria, and on the other side hinders it, as announcing the arming constitutes real and tangible hindering of any political solution we seek to achieve,” she said.
Shaaban said that it’s unclear whether the contradiction in US step is between different US sides or strategies, contrasting it to the Russian government which has been consistent in its positions and statements.
She said that the results of what is taking place in the conference will be discussed by the Russians and the Americans who sponsored this conference, with an upcoming meeting between Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, US State Secretary John Kerry, and Brahmi.
Shaaban voiced belief that the meetings in the Geneva conference will reflect positively on the Syrian people and their interests, adding that this optimism is drawn from what is happening on the ground, form the Syrian people, and the army.
She pointed out that the CNN correspondent told her during an interview that the Syrian government is “making a strong performance” which is why they cut down on media coverage, as the Syrian government has things to say while the other side seems not to have much that is convincing.
Shaaban said that the foreign press which had been against Syria and attempted to isolate it now realizes that Syria has convincing things to say, adding “we came to Geneva carrying the tears of the mothers, wives and children of martyrs, the strength of the Syrian Arab Army, President Bashar al-Assad, and the Syrian people, and the Syrians’ interests.”
She asserted that the foremost concern for any Syrian citizen is the restoration of security and stability to Syria, and the Syrian official delegation is representing this and hopes to be able to realize the Syrians’ aspirations.
On social media taking parts of statements she made out of context, Shaaban said this isn’t surprising as media misdirection was employed since the beginning against Syria, its people, and against her in person, adding that this is done by people without the least bit of respect and professionalism, and she will not respond to it because this does not worry her.
On whether there can by a Syrian-Syrian dialogue in Damascus instead of Geneva, Shaaban said that this is the Syrian government’s goal, and when all spectra of the opposition arrive and real dialogue begins, it must take place in Damascus.

Source: Agencies
29-01-2014 - 21:57 Last updated 29-01-2014 - 21:57

Syrian Army Advances in Aleppo, Kills Scores of Terrorists in Several Provinces

Local Editor 

The Syrian army firmly controlled the high way that links the eastern areas of Aleppo to its central part, cutting off the supporManar-Syrian Armyt lines to the militant groups in the northern province.
The Syrian army further liberated the factories of the industrial areas in the city, paving the way to maintaining and re-operating them after they were destroyed and looted by the militant groups.
A military source said that army units killed terrorists in the area surrounding Aleppo central prison, Maaret al-Artiq, al-Mansoura, Ainjara, Helan, Dahret al-Breij, Kweires, al-Jdeideh and Rasm al-Abboud, killing many and destroying their weapons.
The source added that an ammunition cache was destroyed in Qadi Askar, in addition to terrorists' dens in al-Jazmati, al-Shaar, al-Nairab, Hanano, al-Rashidin the surrounding area of al-Haowoz roundabout and the farms near al-Nairab bridge.
In Idleb, army units eliminated armed terrorist groups in the towns and villages of Kafarlaha, Abu al-Dohour, Tal Salmo and Maaret al-Noman.
The army units carried out several operations against the armed terrorist groups in many areas in Damascus Countryside, killing scores of terrorists and eliminating their weaponry and equipment.
SANA said that the army clashed with terrorist groups in the areas of Adra and al-Qadam and killed and injured a number of them.
The army also targeted terrorists’ hideouts in the areas of Daraya and Joubar and killed scores of terrorists, among them Yaser al-Itr, leader of the so-called “al-Shuhada Brigade” terrorist group.
The army destroyed hideouts for Jabhet al-Nusra terrorist organization and eliminated a number of terrorists in the area of Khan al-Sheeh and destroyed two vehicles for terrorists in the city of al-Zabadani.
An army unit clashed with terrorists who tried to attack military checkpoints in the town of Madaya and eliminated the majority of the assailants.
Meanwhile, an army unit destroyed a mortar and a vehicle equipped with heavy machinegun near the area of al-Qastal.
The army destroyed an explosive devices factory in Daraa al-Balad and killed scores of terrorists in many areas in the province.
A military source told SANA that the army clashed with terrorists who tried to attack a military checkpoint in al-Aurdun Street, killing two terrorists and injuring others.
The army also clashed with terrorist groups in the area between al-Hrak and al-Mlaiha al-Gharbyeh and near Ibta’ and Otman areas and killed and injured scores of terrorists.
Meanwhile, the army units clashed with terrorists in the area of al-Sheikh Miskeen and killed a number of them. Among the killed terrorists were Omar Saber and Rashed al-Hariri.
The army units killed dozens of terrorists, the majority of them of the Saudi, Tunisian and Lebanese nationalities in the town of al-Zara in Homs countryside.
A field source told SANA that among the killed terrorists were Mohammad al-Aryan of the Saudi nationality, Abdul-Salam Mousa and Abdul-Fath Sateef of the Tunisian nationality, Bilal Assaf, Ibrahim Khashan, Majed al-Masri and Muhannad Surour of the Lebanese nationality, in addition to terrorists Waled Muhalla, Mohammad Nasser and Mohammad al-Zain.

Source: Agencies
28-01-2014 - 20:36 Last updated 28-01-2014 - 20:36

Syrian Army Launches Attack from Qusseir, Controling Naaimat Hills near Lebanon

Local Editor 
The Syrian army launched from the city of Qusseir an intensive campaign against the terrorist groups in al-Qaa area at Lebanese borders, regaining control over Naaimat Hills.Syria Army
In details, the Syrian army attacked over 1000 the terrorists on Naaimat hill which is considered a stronghold for the militants as they used it to attempt infiltrating into Qusseir and to launch rockets and shells against the Lebanese areas.
The Syrian army killed scores of the terrorists and confiscated their munitions.
The Syrian Army foiled several infiltration attempts in the provinces of the Daraa and Souwayda, ambushing and killing scores of the militants who were trying to assist the besieged terrorists in eastern Gouta.
The Syrian army restored security to the international Damascus-Daraa highway by pushing back the militants from surrounding areas.
The Syrian army also foiled attempts by terrorist groups to infiltrate Talkalakh countryside from Lebanon and destroyed many terrorists' hideouts in many areas in the province.
A source told SANA that the army eliminated all members of an armed terrorist group in the town of al-Zara and destroyed a vehicle loaded with weapons and ammunition, among the killed terrorists was leader of the group, Mustafa Rajab.
The source added that an army unit killed scores of terrorists who tried to infiltrate Talkalakh countryside from the area of Wadi Khaled in Lebanon and seizing a rocket launcher.
About 13 terrorists were killed and 9 vehicles were destroyed in many areas in al-Qseir southern countryside.
A military source told SANA that the army clashed with terrorists in the neighborhoods of Qadi Askar, Karm al-Maysar, al-Marjeh, Bustan al-Qasr, al-Rashideen, al-Jazmati and al-Hawouz in Aleppo city.
The source added that the army also targeted and destroyed terrorists' hideouts in the areas of Jdaidah, Kweires, al-Sheikh Najjar, Darat Izza, al-Atareb, Maarat al-Arteeq, al-Widehi and Azzan and killed and injured scores of the terrorists.
In Raqqa, the Syrian army continued its special operations against the terrorists, despite the hard field conditions in the area.
The Syrian army killed a number of militants who besiege and attack Tabaqa's airport.
Despite the terrorist siege, the Syrian army was able to supply its soldiers with the munitions and foodstuffs via the military airplanes.

Source: Agencies
29-01-2014 - 14:48 Last updated 29-01-2014 - 21:32 |

Number of foreign militants in Syria rises: US

US Senate Chamber
US Senate Chamber
More than 7,000 foreign militants are fighting for the militants in Syria's conflict and some are being trained to return home and conduct attacks, US spy chiefs has told lawmakers.
The estimate, given at a Senate intelligence hearing on Wednesday, was much higher than earlier figures of 3,000 to 4,000 foreign terrorists in Syria, and came after news emerged this week that Congress had secretly approved more funding to send weapons to militants in Syria.
"We estimate, at this point, an excess of 7,000 foreign terrorists have been attracted from some 50 countries, many of them in Europe and the Mideast," James Clapper, the US director of national intelligence, told the hearing.
"And this is of great concern not only to us, but to those countries," he said at the Senate Intelligence Committee's annual hearing on global security threats.
US spy agencies had not previously made the figure of 7,000 public, though it has appeared in classified intelligence reports, a US official said.
Clapper said US intelligence agencies had spotted the appearance of "training complexes" for foreign terrorists in Syria, where the unrest has killed at least 100,000 people and forced millions to flee.
US officials have privately estimated that at any one time, a handful of Americans have been fighting in Syria with militant factions.
US and European security officials said this week that light arms supplied to the United States are flowing to Syrian militants and the US Congress had secretly approved funding for months of further deliveries.
Congressional committees had held up weapons deliveries for months over fears that US arms would not prove decisive in the militants' efforts to oust the Syrian President government and could end up in the hands of extremist militants.
Some of the foreign terrorists fighting in Syria, such as the al-Nusra Front, have aspirations to attack the United States itself, Clapper said.
Senator Dianne Feinstein, who chairs the intelligence committee, called the situation in Syria the most notable new security threat in the year since the panel last held a hearing on global threats.
IHS Jane's Company estimated that some 10,000 militants are fighting for groups affiliated with al-Qaeda such as al-Nusra Front, and the rest fight for different militant groups.
- See more at: http://en.alalam.ir/news/1560681#sthash.Kye8DRzd.dpuf

2 komentar:

  1. Yang dibutuhkan dunia adalah kedamaian di setiap negara, semoga ini cepat tercapai


  2. ya bener.. setiap negara harus bisa memlihara perdamaian dgn semw anak2 bangsanya.. dan bisa bersatu.. untuk membangun kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan rakyat secara menyeluruh.. dengan cara seksama.. serta jiwa dan perilaku kemandirian yang kokoh...

    Sayangnya kalw di negara itu diserbu oleh pihak2 asing.. dengan menggunakan berbagai dalih... dan kolaborator.. politik-agama-issue2 teroris-dll... dan campurtangan asing dengan dukungan negara2 kuat dan super kuat.. maka perdamaian yang diharapkan sepertinya.. semakin gak keruan.. karena adanya kepentingan2.. asing.. dengan berbagai aspek2nya... Inilah yg terjadi dalam sejarah dunia.. dalam memperjuangkan hak2 negara yg ingin merdeka dan berdaulat..
    Walaupun Negara sudah merdeka.. tetapi kedaulatannya sering diganggu dengan berbagai cara dan dalih2 kepentingan2..terselubung.. Juga dengan menggunakan tangan2 kolaborator dan antek2..nya.. yang sesungguhnya mereka itu sangat serakah.. sehingga hak2 anak2 bangsa n rakyat semesta.. dirampas-dirampok dijajah dijarah dengan cara2 terselubung.. n menekan pemerintahan yg lemah.. sehingga uu nya di ubah2 menjadi sangat pro asing.. dan malahan menindas bangsa n anak2 negeri..??>> sedang mereka berfoya2..dan bersandiwara..dengan berbagai pencitraan yang seakan2.. sangat bagus.. padahal dia dkk adalah dalang2nya yang menindas dan mnyerahkan kedaulatannya kepada tangan2 asing.. sedang mereka seakan mendapat legitimasi..??>> inilah sulitnya bagi awam.. meghadapi mereka mepermainkannya dengan segala kekuatan yg mendunia..dana-media-kekuatan politik jaringan internasional-dan aparat2... yg tentu sdh terpilih para komandan2nya.. yang juga pro mereka..??>> inilah gambaran yang ada pada kondisi setiap negara yg masih lemah n tak memiliki ideologi kabangsaan yang utuh dan kuat..>> Semoga lah Allah memilihkan jalan yg terbaik bagi ummat dan kemanusiaan.. dan anak2 generasi bangsa..seluruhnya.. aamiin
