Menyimak Statemen Kerry soal Kehadiran Iran di Konferensi Jenewa 2
Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat, John Kerry yang tengah melawat Timur
Tengah, saat berada di Riyadh melakukan pertemuan singkat dengan
petinggi Arab Saudi membahas isu Suriah dan Irak.
(5/1) dalam konferensi pers, Kerry merilis statemen kontra dengan
sebelumnya. Ia menandaskan, "Republik Islam Iran dapat memainkan peran
dalam perundingan guna mengakhiri krisis Suriah."
Washington sampai sebelum ini masih menolak kehadiran Republik Islam
dalam Konferensi Jenewa 2 meski adanya penekanan dari Lakhdar Brahimi,
utusan khusus PBB dan Liga Arab urusan Suriah serta sikap Rusia dan Uni
Eropa yang menilai sangat urgen partisipasi Tehran dalam kasus ini.
John Kerry ketika mengatakan Iran tidak mungkin dapat disertakan secara
penuh dalam Konferensi Jenewa 2 tanpa kesepakatan Tehran untuk
melaksanakan kesepakatan pada konferensi Jenewa pertama, menghendaki
pembentukan pemerintahan transisi menggantikan pemerintahan Suriah saat
Statemen Kerry ini sama halnya Amerika secara
implisit melunak dari sikap penolakan transparannya mengenai
keterlibatan Iran dalam Konferensi Jenewa 2. Meski demikian Kerry dalam
statemennya berbicara seolah-olah menunjukkan bahwa Washington masih
tetap memilik pra syarat bagi kehadiran Iran di Konferensi Jenewa 2.
Apa yang pasti adalah peran dan pengaruh Iran terhadap konstelasi Timur
Tengah tidak dapat dipungkiri oleh Amerika Serikat. Oleh karena itu,
penolakan AS terhadap partisipasi Iran di Jenewa 2 kini dilontarkan
dalam bentuk keraguan atas efektifitas Tehran dalam menyelesaikan krisis
Penekanan Kerry terhadap kata-kata "Semua
akan merasa gembira bahwa Iran sangat berguna" menunjukkan kecenderungan
ini, namun menlu Amerika di tempat lain dalam pidatonya terpaksa
mengisyaratkan poin bahwa kini Sekjen PBB, Ban Ki moon yang diserahi
untuk menyebar undangan, harus mengambil keputusan terkait keikutsertaan
Iran sejak awal menolak agresi militer di
Suriah dan menekankan bahwa solusi bagi krisis di Damaskus hanya dapat
diraih melalui perundingan Suriah-Suriah dengan dukungan internasional.
Statemen Kerry terkait partisipasi Iran di Konferensi Jenewa 2 dirilis
hanya kira-kira dua pekan dari penyelenggaraan konferensi ini yang
dijadwalkan digelar pada 22 Januari mendatang. Hal ini mengindikasikan
realita ini bahwa peran Iran di Suriah dalam berbagai sektor sangat
penting. Amerika Serikat selang beberapa bulan lalu menggulirkan
konspirasi dengan menuding pemerintah Suriah menggunakan senjata kimia
untuk menggelar perang terhadap Damaskus.
Namun proses
penyidikan tim inspeksi internasional terkait isu ini dan kesediaan
Damaskus bergabung dengan Organisasi Pelarangan Senjata Kimia (OPCW)
serta pelaksanaan proses penghancuran dan relokasi seluruh senjata kimia
dari negara ini telah mengubah kondisi yang ada dan alasan Amerika
untuk menyulut perang pun sirna.
Di sisi lain, dengan
terbongkarnya lebih besar lagi peran Arab Saudi dan Amerika Serikat
dalam mendukung kelompok teroris dan perubahan konstelasi kekuasaan
mengingat keberhasilan militer Suriah dalam menumpas teroris dari
wilayah yang mereka duduki, kondisi Damaskus semakin stabil.
Oleh karena itu, Amerika tidak memiliki jalan lain kecuali bergantung
pada Konferensi Jenewa 2, dengan harapan mampu meloloskan ambisinya yang
gagal disukseskan melalui intervensi militer dan kini melalui jalur
diplomasi serta represi politik ambisi tersebut akan terealisasi. (IRIB
Rabah Mohanna, anggota Biro Politik PFLP dalam konferensi persnya baru-baru ini memperingatkan Otorita Ramallah karena sepakat dengan inisiatif "munafik" Kerry untuk mencegah kembalinya para pengungsi Palestina ke tanah air mereka dengan tetap menampung mereka di berbagai negara dunia. Ia menilai langkah tersebut sebagai bentuk pelayanan terhadap rezim Zionis Israel.
Diterimanya para pengungsi Palestina di berbagai negara termasuk Australia dan Kanada adalah bagian dari usulan Menlu AS dalam perundingan damai antara Otorita Ramallah dan Israel.
Kebijakan pengusiran warga Palestina dari tanah air mereka untuk menstabilkan posisi rezim Zionis di berbagai wilayah pendudukan adalah sebuah agenda yang telah diterapkan sejak berdirinya rezim ilegal tersebut. Kebijakan itu telah menyebabkan jutaan warga Palestina mengungsi ke berbagai negara dunia. Keberadaan 5,5 juta pengungsi Palestina yang tersebar di berbagai negara dunia adalah sebuah tragedi yang diciptakan Israel untuk bangsa Palestina.
Rezim Zionis adalah sebuah rezim ilegal dan tidak memiliki "komponen" untuk membentuk sebuah pemerintahan, di mana rezim haram ini dengan berbagai trik selalu berusaha menetapkan pendudukannya di Palestina dan membalikkan fakta terkait hal itu. Rezim Zionis tidak memiliki wilayah untuk membentuk sebuah pemerintahan dan juga tidak memiliki populasi penduduk yang diperlukan untuk membentuk pemerintahan itu.
Dalam situasi saat ini, rezim Zionis dengan berbagai cara dan klaim-klaim palsunya serta retorika bohong, berusaha menjustifikasi kebijakan ekspansionisnya. Sejak munculnya Zionisme, slogan "wilayah tanpa rakyat untuk rakyat tanpa wilayah" adalah panduan langkah-langkah Zionis. Pesan dari slogan itu adalah di wilayah Palestina, bangsa Palestina tidak memiliki hak untuk tinggal di sana. Oleh karena itu, dunia harus menerima pengungsi Palestina.
Zionis yang tidak memiliki wilayah akhirnya menduduki Palestina, dan untuk memecahkan solusi mengenai kependudukan, rezim Zionis menerapkan berbagai cara termasuk mendorong orang-orang Yahudi dunia untuk imigrasi ke Palestina pendudukan dan mengusir warga Palestina dari tanah air mereka.
Negara-negara Barat terutama AS yang menjadi pendukung utama rezim Zionis, melakukan langkah yang sejalan dengan agenda rezim tersebut untuk mencegah kembalinya pengungsi Palestina kembali ke tanah air mereka. Menampung secara permanen para pengungsi Palestina di berbagai negara tempat mereka mengungsi adalah salah satu agenda bersama Washington dan Tel Aviv. Agenda tersebut merupakan penyempurna dari rencana konspirasi AS dan Barat sebelumnya untuk menanggapi krisis Palestina.
Proses perdamaian di Timur Tengah yang terbentuk pada tahun 1991 atas arahan dan rancangan AS dan Barat adalah sebuah proses yang berbahaya dan rumit, di mana tujuan dari upaya tersebut adalah untuk sepenuhnya mencabut hak-hak bangsa Palestina.
Inisiatif baru AS seperti pertukaran wilayah adalah sebuah langkah untuk mendominasi penuh sebagian besar wilayah yang diduduki oleh Israel. Upaya tersebut juga dianggap sebagai gerakan halus untuk mengusir warga Palestina.
Langkah-langkah baru AS dan Israel untuk mencegah pulangnya para pengungsi Palestina dilakukan ketika resolusi-resolusi PBB termasuk Resolusi 194 dengan jelas menegaskan realisasi hak dan kembalinya semua pengungsi Palestina ke tanah air mereka dan memberikan kompensasi kepada mereka. (IRIB Indonesia/RA/NA)
Berikut adalah peta terkini perang dan pembagian wilayah di Aleppo, Suriah:
Warna kuning adalah area yang dikendalikan oleh Tentara Arab Suriah;
Warna merah adalah area yang dikendalikan oleh Takfiri;
Warna orange adalah area pertempuran yang berlasung antara tentara Suriah dan Takfiri;
Warna oily/minyak adalah lembaga konstruktor
Warna hijau adalah wilayah Orchards dan taman
Warna biru adalah Yards
Warna hitam adalah wilayah pemakaman.
Peta diatas menunjukkan bahwa hampir dua-pertiga dari kota Aleppo (65%) dikuasai oleh Tentara Arab Suriah, termasuk daerah yang awalnya di bawah kendali tentara Suriah seperti, Shaykh-Said, Ameria, dan bagian lain di Salahaddin serta Ashrafiyeh. Sabtu, 04/01/14. [IT/Onh/Ass]
Upaya AS Cegah Kembalinya Pengungsi Palestina
baru langkah-langkah Amerika Serikat untuk menghalangi kembalinya para
pengungsi Palestina ke tanah air mereka menyulut respon negatif dari
bangsa Palestina. Front Rakyat untuk Pembebasan Palestina (Popular
Front for the Liberation of Palestine/PFLP) memperingatkan upaya terbaru
Menteri Luar Negeri AS John Kerry untuk mencegah pulangnya para
pengungsi Palestina dengan cara tetap menampung mereka di Australia dan
berbagai negara lainnya.
Rabah Mohanna, anggota Biro Politik PFLP dalam konferensi persnya baru-baru ini memperingatkan Otorita Ramallah karena sepakat dengan inisiatif "munafik" Kerry untuk mencegah kembalinya para pengungsi Palestina ke tanah air mereka dengan tetap menampung mereka di berbagai negara dunia. Ia menilai langkah tersebut sebagai bentuk pelayanan terhadap rezim Zionis Israel.
Diterimanya para pengungsi Palestina di berbagai negara termasuk Australia dan Kanada adalah bagian dari usulan Menlu AS dalam perundingan damai antara Otorita Ramallah dan Israel.
Kebijakan pengusiran warga Palestina dari tanah air mereka untuk menstabilkan posisi rezim Zionis di berbagai wilayah pendudukan adalah sebuah agenda yang telah diterapkan sejak berdirinya rezim ilegal tersebut. Kebijakan itu telah menyebabkan jutaan warga Palestina mengungsi ke berbagai negara dunia. Keberadaan 5,5 juta pengungsi Palestina yang tersebar di berbagai negara dunia adalah sebuah tragedi yang diciptakan Israel untuk bangsa Palestina.
Rezim Zionis adalah sebuah rezim ilegal dan tidak memiliki "komponen" untuk membentuk sebuah pemerintahan, di mana rezim haram ini dengan berbagai trik selalu berusaha menetapkan pendudukannya di Palestina dan membalikkan fakta terkait hal itu. Rezim Zionis tidak memiliki wilayah untuk membentuk sebuah pemerintahan dan juga tidak memiliki populasi penduduk yang diperlukan untuk membentuk pemerintahan itu.
Dalam situasi saat ini, rezim Zionis dengan berbagai cara dan klaim-klaim palsunya serta retorika bohong, berusaha menjustifikasi kebijakan ekspansionisnya. Sejak munculnya Zionisme, slogan "wilayah tanpa rakyat untuk rakyat tanpa wilayah" adalah panduan langkah-langkah Zionis. Pesan dari slogan itu adalah di wilayah Palestina, bangsa Palestina tidak memiliki hak untuk tinggal di sana. Oleh karena itu, dunia harus menerima pengungsi Palestina.
Zionis yang tidak memiliki wilayah akhirnya menduduki Palestina, dan untuk memecahkan solusi mengenai kependudukan, rezim Zionis menerapkan berbagai cara termasuk mendorong orang-orang Yahudi dunia untuk imigrasi ke Palestina pendudukan dan mengusir warga Palestina dari tanah air mereka.
Negara-negara Barat terutama AS yang menjadi pendukung utama rezim Zionis, melakukan langkah yang sejalan dengan agenda rezim tersebut untuk mencegah kembalinya pengungsi Palestina kembali ke tanah air mereka. Menampung secara permanen para pengungsi Palestina di berbagai negara tempat mereka mengungsi adalah salah satu agenda bersama Washington dan Tel Aviv. Agenda tersebut merupakan penyempurna dari rencana konspirasi AS dan Barat sebelumnya untuk menanggapi krisis Palestina.
Proses perdamaian di Timur Tengah yang terbentuk pada tahun 1991 atas arahan dan rancangan AS dan Barat adalah sebuah proses yang berbahaya dan rumit, di mana tujuan dari upaya tersebut adalah untuk sepenuhnya mencabut hak-hak bangsa Palestina.
Inisiatif baru AS seperti pertukaran wilayah adalah sebuah langkah untuk mendominasi penuh sebagian besar wilayah yang diduduki oleh Israel. Upaya tersebut juga dianggap sebagai gerakan halus untuk mengusir warga Palestina.
Langkah-langkah baru AS dan Israel untuk mencegah pulangnya para pengungsi Palestina dilakukan ketika resolusi-resolusi PBB termasuk Resolusi 194 dengan jelas menegaskan realisasi hak dan kembalinya semua pengungsi Palestina ke tanah air mereka dan memberikan kompensasi kepada mereka. (IRIB Indonesia/RA/NA)
Peta Pertempuran Tentara Suriah dan Takfiri di Aleppo
Times- Peta itu menunjukkan bahwa hampir dua-pertiga dari kota Aleppo
(65%) dikuasai oleh Tentara Arab Suriah, termasuk daerah yang awalnya di
bawah kendali tentara Suriah seperti, Shaykh-Said, Ameria, dan bagian
lain di Salahaddin serta Ashrafieh
Berikut adalah peta terkini perang dan pembagian wilayah di Aleppo, Suriah:
Warna kuning adalah area yang dikendalikan oleh Tentara Arab Suriah;
Warna merah adalah area yang dikendalikan oleh Takfiri;
Warna orange adalah area pertempuran yang berlasung antara tentara Suriah dan Takfiri;
Warna oily/minyak adalah lembaga konstruktor
Warna hijau adalah wilayah Orchards dan taman
Warna biru adalah Yards
Warna hitam adalah wilayah pemakaman.
Peta diatas menunjukkan bahwa hampir dua-pertiga dari kota Aleppo (65%) dikuasai oleh Tentara Arab Suriah, termasuk daerah yang awalnya di bawah kendali tentara Suriah seperti, Shaykh-Said, Ameria, dan bagian lain di Salahaddin serta Ashrafiyeh. Sabtu, 04/01/14. [IT/Onh/Ass]
Foreign Mercenaries Guard United Arab Emirate’s Elite
News Brief — January 7, 2014
The oil rich Emirates rulers have reportedly hired foreign mercenaries to protect their palaces, according to sources in contact with Fars News.
Many have been employed through the U.S. security firm Academi, which is no stranger to mercenary military dealings. Formerly known as Xe services and before that Blackwater, the security firm recruited many former Special Forces personnel for its operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Near East.
According to Fars New’s source: “Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, and a number of his brothers and UAE Sheikhs have assigned Blackwater to protect their palaces”.
The UAE media had earlier reported that the country’s rulers had signed contracts with a Western security firm to protect government buildings from possible popular uprisings and riots. The contract was reportedly worth US$579 million.
It has emerged however that Blackwaters founder, Erik Prince, signed the contract after he resettled in the emirates in 2010 following protracted legal difficulties his company faced in the United States.
According to a New York Times report, Blackwater’s founder then began forming an 800-strong battalion in the oil rich emirate in May 2011.
The force is thought to be intended to conduct special operations missions inside and outside the country, guard oil pipelines and installations from terrorist attacks and help contain internal civil unrest. Such troops could be deployed if the Emirates faced insurrection among locals or were challenged by pro-democracy protests like those that have swept the Middle East in recent years.
Moreover, like the Janissaries of the Ottoman Empire — the elite imperial household guard who were deliberately made up of those from outside the Empire — the UAE rulers could be assured of the unit’s loyalty; in contrast to that of locally recruited security forces who they reportedly see as vulnerable to influences emanating from nearby Iran.
The UAE rulers also believe that the unit could be used to blunt the ambitions of Iran, the country’s biggest regional adversary, a former employee said.
The unit’s training camp, located on a sprawling Emirati base called Zayed Military City, is hidden behind concrete walls topped with barbed wire. Beyond are said to be rows of identical yellow temporary buildings, used for barracks and mess halls, and a motor pool, which houses Humvees and other military vehicles.
Colombians, along with South African and other foreign troops, are being trained by retired U.S. soldiers and veterans of the German and British special operations units and the French Foreign Legion, a former employee of the Emirates security told the New York Times.
Another source told Fars News that this was not the first time that the UAE had hired former soldiers from overseas.
With an indigenous population of only 1 million out of total of over 8 million, the United Arab Emirates has a large contingent of foreigners serving in or advising its police, army, air force, navy and coastguard.
The source added that there has recently been a large influx of former Australian soldiers into the Emirates. Although it is unknown at this stage whether they will serve in Erik Prince’s newly formed battalion or some other security outfit, they represent another facet of the Emirates outsourced and growing security apparatus.
Al Qaeda, Alat Kepentingan AS-Arab Saudi
Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat John Kerry sepertinya menganggap bodoh
semua orang. Awal pekan lalu ketika berbicara di Arab Saudi, Kerry
memperingatkan bahwa militan Al Qaeda di Suriah dan Irak adalah pemain
paling berbahaya di wilayah Timur Tengah.
Dia juga
menjanjikan dukungan Washington kepada pemerintah Irak untuk merebut
kembali kota-kota di Provinsi al-Anbar yang jatuh ke tangan militan
Negara Islam Irak dan Mediterania Timur (ISIL).
sungguh aneh. Pemerintah Suriah juga sedang berjuang untuk menumpas
militan yang berafiliasi dengan Al Qaeda. Akan tetapi, AS tidak
menawarkan dukungan serupa. Pada dasarnya, prioritas Washington di
Damaskus adalah menggulingkan pemerintahan Presiden Bashar al-Assad.
Lalu, bagaimana Kerry akan menjustifikasi kontradiksi itu? Di Irak, Al
Qaeda merupakan ancaman yang perlu ditumpas, sedangkan di Suriah,
organisasi yang sama tampaknya bukan ancaman, tapi bahaya utama justru
pemerintah Damaskus!
Anehnya lagi, Kerry mengeluarkan
peringatannya mengenai bahaya Al Qaeda di negara yang dikuasai oleh
Keluarga Al Saud, yang dikenal luas sebagai mitra serta pendukung dana
dan pemasok senjata jaringan tersebut.
Mantan Duta
Besar AS untuk Baghdad, Christopher Hill mengatakan Arab Saudi
mensponsori kekerasan di Irak dan merupakan tantangan terbesar bagi
pemerintah Baghdad.
Dalam kabel rahasia AS tahun 2009
mengenai hubungan Irak dengan tetangganya, Hill menuturkan, "Saudi
merupakan tantangan terbesar dan masalah yang kompleks dalam kaitannya
dengan para politisi Irak yang berusaha untuk membentuk pemerintah yang
stabil dan mandiri."
Dokumen tersebut menunjukkan
bahwa Saudi mendukung konflik sektarian dan menggunakan fatwa para ulama
Wahabi untuk membunuh pengikut mazhab lain.
Menlu AS Hillary Clinton pada tahun 2011, menyebut Saudi sebagai sumber
dana bagi gerakan terorisme, seperti Taliban. "Para pendonor di Saudi
menyumbang paling banyak untuk kegiatan teroris di seluruh dunia," kata
Al Qaeda di Irak juga mengubah namanya
menjadi Negara Islam Irak dan Mediterania Timur (ISIL). Organisasi ini
menjalin hubungan erat dengan kelompok-kelompok ekstremis lain, seperti
Front al-Nusra, Ahrar al-Syams, Liwa al-Islam dan Front Islam.
Meski jumlah dan nama kelompok itu beragam, tapi tidak mengubah fakta
bahwa mereka semua mengadopsi ideologi ekstremis Wahhabi Saudi, mereka
beroperasi di bawah bendera Al Qaeda, mereka melakukan kejahatan paling
keji terhadap warga sipil, termasuk pengikut Sunni, Syiah dan Kristen,
dan mereka semua disponsori oleh Arab Saudi.
hadapan publik, Kerajaan Saudi selalu menegaskan bahwa mereka hanya
mendukung "faksi moderat" yang disebut Tentara Pembebasan Suriah FSA).
Namun, fakta tidak dapat dimanipulasi bahwa kerajaan kaya minyak itu
adalah bankir untuk jaringan Al Qaeda, sebagaimana disampaikan oleh
mantan Dubes AS untuk Irak.
Media-media mainstream Barat bahkan tidak bisa menyembunyikan fakta tersebut. Pada Oktober 2013, koran New York Times
melaporkan para pejabat AS mengakui bahwa Saudi telah mempersiapkan
senjata untuk diserahkan kepada FSA, tapi senjata itu berakhir di tangan
para militan garis keras di Suriah.
Irak baru-baru ini menegaskan bahwa senjata Saudi yang diberikan kepada
teroris seperti ISIL di Suriah, saat ini sedang digunakan dalam
kebangkitan kelompok itu di Provinsi al-Anbar.
itu sangat jelas. Senjata AS yang dipasok diam-diam ke Saudi, sedang
digunakan oleh Al Qaeda untuk menciptakan konflik sektarian di Irak dan
Suriah serta menghancurkan kedua negara tersebut.
Kerry mengatakan selama kunjungan ke Riyadh, bahwa itu adalah perang
yang berhubungan dengan rakyat Irak. Sebenarnya tidak demikian. Itu
adalah perang Irak melawan teroris yang disponsori oleh Arab Saudi dan
Amerika Serikat.
Bahkan lebih menggelikan lagi adalah
tawaran Washington mengenai dukungan militer kepada pemerintah Baghdad
untuk melawan militan, yang telah dipersenjatai oleh AS dan Saudi
Itu adalah sebuah skenario yang aneh, di mana
AS mempersenjatai kedua belah pihak di Irak - pemerintah dan militan Al
Qaeda. Akan tetapi, itu tidak boleh dipandang sebagai satu kontradiksi,
ini adalah strategi yang akan menguntungkan industri senjata AS.
Pertama, mereka menciptakan isu terorisme, dan kedua memasok senjata
untuk memerangi fenomena itu.
Semua fenomena itu tidak
aneh. AS telah menjalin kontak rahasia dengan intelijen militer Saudi
dan Inggris selama lebih dari tiga dekade untuk mendukung ekstrimis Al
Qaeda, yang dimulai di Afghanistan untuk melawan Uni Soviet dari dekade
1970 sampai tahun 1990.
Kerry dan mitranya dari Riyadh
mungkin ingin menipu diri mereka sendiri, tapi mereka lupa kalau fakta
tidak bisa ditutupi. (IRIB Indonesia/RM)
[Update: Majed al-Majed died while in Lebanese custody on January 4.]
There are many stories about what Saudi national Majed al-Majed has perpetrated, whether through his extensive involvement in a wide array of al-Qaeda’s activities, or his role as the emir of the Abdullah Azzam Brigades, and recently, his role in supporting the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Certainly, dozens of Lebanese, Syrians, and non-Arabs were victims of terrorist acts that Majed had a role in, whether through planning, financing, or recruiting terrorists to carry them out.
As security officers closely involved in his case attest, Majed is a strong figure among his supporters and followers. The security sources say that Majed’s associates have carried out acts that demonstrate their conviction and faith in him, to the extent of being willing to sacrifice their lives for Majed.
The most recent example of this was the crew made up of at least seven men who acted as a decoy to help take Majed back from a medical trip to Beirut to his hideout in either the Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp or a neighborhood in Saida. Majed’s bodyguards were aware that the Lebanese security services had knowledge of his medical illness, making them more cautious and prompting them to take additional measures, including drafting plans to bail him out in the event there was an attempt to kill or capture him. Four in Majed’s crew lost their lives in order to “secure” their leader’s movements.
Majed, according to experts on extremist groups, is privy to the secrets of a long era that spanned at least 10 years of direct action. His journey took him from Saudi Arabia to Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon, and also Afghanistan and Pakistan, during which he became acquainted with quite a few individuals who would go on to join al-Qaeda. Majed also had a key role to play in helping jihadists regroup in decentralized frameworks following the US-led invasion of Afghanistan and the dismantling of al-Qaeda’s leadership.
The information supposedly in his possession covers a large number of operatives, operational details, the form and targets of sleeper cells, and amendments introduced to the modus operandi of jihadi groups after the US-led invasion of Iraq and then the Syrian crisis. Majed also has intricate knowledge of how the group’s leaders and members are financed, where the funds are spent, and also many of the group’s political, security, military, and economic contacts that helped it operate in several countries, including in Lebanon.
Furthermore, the emir of Abdullah Azzam Brigades is very familiar with the itineraries of “jihadi trips” to Syria, both before and after the crisis. Majed also has a record of the recruitment campaign among supporters of Sheikh Ahmad al-Assir.
More importantly, Majed, despite his illness, remained in contact with the cells tasked with attacking Hezbollah and the Lebanese army across Lebanon. The man possibly knows everything about the database of targets his group intends to attack, but above all, he holds the most important secrets about ties to Arab and Western governments and agencies, especially Saudi’s shadow men in the Levant and Iraq. Yet as much as Majed was a high-value target that many agencies in the region and the world were tracking down, and as much as his arrest was a major achievement – regardless of how and why it succeeded – his case is shrouded in mystery, prompting one to infer that his capture was a difficult matter for those who decided to do it, and that he has now become a burden.
Since he was arrested on December 26 by a Lebanese army unit, the army went into “radio silence.” Perhaps this is an ordinary measure in the world of security services, especially since the catch was exceptional, and the military establishment needed time to take appropriate measures to secure the place of his detention, and keep him away from the eyes and hands of those who do not want him in prison alive, or who want him dead.
But after news leaked of the arrest, mystery continued to surround the army’s conduct. Conflicting statements, leaks, and information emerged, all leading to the same question: Who has been feeling nervous about the affair? Members of a security service outside the army expressed their anxiety over this by saying: It’s good that he’s in the army’s hands, because if he was in someone else’s custody, especially the Information Branch, and something bad happened to him, no one in the world would have believed that he was in dire health that could lead to his death.
Today, many in the state are faced with a major challenge. There are many rumors and inaccurate leaks about Majed’s health. Some hold that he had been in a coma since before he was arrested (and this is not true), while others purport that Majed had been suffering from rapid deterioration in his health in the days that followed his capture, that he is in no condition to be interviewed or questioned, and that there are indications he could enter into a coma or that he is living his final moments.
However, there are questions and warnings that need to be raised now, with officials in general, but with the army in particular, especially army commander Gen. Jean Qahwaji and intelligence director Gen. Edmond Fadel, and others in the state.
Majed’s life, and access to the trove of secrets he carries, are invaluable. Any attempt by outside parties, in the form of recommendations, wishes, or suggestions to get rid of him, will be very negative, and will adversely affect the army, the reputation of its leadership, and security conditions in Lebanon. Just listening to the pro-Saudi camp in Lebanon would draw a big question mark about things that go beyond self-interests and immediate ones.
Letting Majed die, or not doing enough to keep him alive, will be the biggest crime, equal to the terrorist crimes of Majed and his comrades. A segment of people in Lebanon, especially those who are pro-Resistance and who are being targeted by al-Qaeda, will be face to face with an open killing season in the event Majed is neglected.
Nothing should thus prevent us from raising our voice to say: Save Majed’s life, and do everything possible to keep him alive. Beware, beware of letting him die or letting him be killed!
Ibrahim al-Amin is editor-in-chief of Al-Akhbar.
Don’t Let Majed al-Majed Be Killed
There are many stories about what Saudi national Majed al-Majed has perpetrated, whether through his extensive involvement in a wide array of al-Qaeda’s activities, or his role as the emir of the Abdullah Azzam Brigades, and recently, his role in supporting the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Certainly, dozens of Lebanese, Syrians, and non-Arabs were victims of terrorist acts that Majed had a role in, whether through planning, financing, or recruiting terrorists to carry them out.
As security officers closely involved in his case attest, Majed is a strong figure among his supporters and followers. The security sources say that Majed’s associates have carried out acts that demonstrate their conviction and faith in him, to the extent of being willing to sacrifice their lives for Majed.
The most recent example of this was the crew made up of at least seven men who acted as a decoy to help take Majed back from a medical trip to Beirut to his hideout in either the Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp or a neighborhood in Saida. Majed’s bodyguards were aware that the Lebanese security services had knowledge of his medical illness, making them more cautious and prompting them to take additional measures, including drafting plans to bail him out in the event there was an attempt to kill or capture him. Four in Majed’s crew lost their lives in order to “secure” their leader’s movements.
Majed, according to experts on extremist groups, is privy to the secrets of a long era that spanned at least 10 years of direct action. His journey took him from Saudi Arabia to Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon, and also Afghanistan and Pakistan, during which he became acquainted with quite a few individuals who would go on to join al-Qaeda. Majed also had a key role to play in helping jihadists regroup in decentralized frameworks following the US-led invasion of Afghanistan and the dismantling of al-Qaeda’s leadership.
The information supposedly in his possession covers a large number of operatives, operational details, the form and targets of sleeper cells, and amendments introduced to the modus operandi of jihadi groups after the US-led invasion of Iraq and then the Syrian crisis. Majed also has intricate knowledge of how the group’s leaders and members are financed, where the funds are spent, and also many of the group’s political, security, military, and economic contacts that helped it operate in several countries, including in Lebanon.
Furthermore, the emir of Abdullah Azzam Brigades is very familiar with the itineraries of “jihadi trips” to Syria, both before and after the crisis. Majed also has a record of the recruitment campaign among supporters of Sheikh Ahmad al-Assir.
More importantly, Majed, despite his illness, remained in contact with the cells tasked with attacking Hezbollah and the Lebanese army across Lebanon. The man possibly knows everything about the database of targets his group intends to attack, but above all, he holds the most important secrets about ties to Arab and Western governments and agencies, especially Saudi’s shadow men in the Levant and Iraq. Yet as much as Majed was a high-value target that many agencies in the region and the world were tracking down, and as much as his arrest was a major achievement – regardless of how and why it succeeded – his case is shrouded in mystery, prompting one to infer that his capture was a difficult matter for those who decided to do it, and that he has now become a burden.
Since he was arrested on December 26 by a Lebanese army unit, the army went into “radio silence.” Perhaps this is an ordinary measure in the world of security services, especially since the catch was exceptional, and the military establishment needed time to take appropriate measures to secure the place of his detention, and keep him away from the eyes and hands of those who do not want him in prison alive, or who want him dead.
But after news leaked of the arrest, mystery continued to surround the army’s conduct. Conflicting statements, leaks, and information emerged, all leading to the same question: Who has been feeling nervous about the affair? Members of a security service outside the army expressed their anxiety over this by saying: It’s good that he’s in the army’s hands, because if he was in someone else’s custody, especially the Information Branch, and something bad happened to him, no one in the world would have believed that he was in dire health that could lead to his death.
Today, many in the state are faced with a major challenge. There are many rumors and inaccurate leaks about Majed’s health. Some hold that he had been in a coma since before he was arrested (and this is not true), while others purport that Majed had been suffering from rapid deterioration in his health in the days that followed his capture, that he is in no condition to be interviewed or questioned, and that there are indications he could enter into a coma or that he is living his final moments.
However, there are questions and warnings that need to be raised now, with officials in general, but with the army in particular, especially army commander Gen. Jean Qahwaji and intelligence director Gen. Edmond Fadel, and others in the state.
Majed’s life, and access to the trove of secrets he carries, are invaluable. Any attempt by outside parties, in the form of recommendations, wishes, or suggestions to get rid of him, will be very negative, and will adversely affect the army, the reputation of its leadership, and security conditions in Lebanon. Just listening to the pro-Saudi camp in Lebanon would draw a big question mark about things that go beyond self-interests and immediate ones.
Letting Majed die, or not doing enough to keep him alive, will be the biggest crime, equal to the terrorist crimes of Majed and his comrades. A segment of people in Lebanon, especially those who are pro-Resistance and who are being targeted by al-Qaeda, will be face to face with an open killing season in the event Majed is neglected.
Nothing should thus prevent us from raising our voice to say: Save Majed’s life, and do everything possible to keep him alive. Beware, beware of letting him die or letting him be killed!
Ibrahim al-Amin is editor-in-chief of Al-Akhbar.
From ISIS to Majed: The Deals of Death
There’s hardly any recent Middle East security-related news
that does not involve the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in one
way or another. The group has taken the region by storm, becoming
synonymous with murder. ISIS is at the forefront of terrorist groups,
but is this status being deliberately exaggerated ahead of Geneva II?
Paradoxically, when Ayman al-Zawahiri, leader of al-Qaeda, announced he was dissolving ISIS and delegating al-Qaeda leadership in Syria to al-Nusra Front, ISIS dramatically strengthened. In parallel, there were growing suspicions about the role and goals of the group. All opposition factions, from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) to the Syrian National Coalition and even al-Nusra Front, accused ISIS of having ties to the Syrian, Iraqi, and Iranian regimes.
The Syrian authorities remained silent, probably deliberately. Fighting among the militants relieves the Syrian government; all ambiguity about the affiliations of terrorist groups helps the Syrian authorities restore their once key role in coordinating with Western agencies to fight terrorism. Indeed, the stronger terrorism is, the more the regime appears like one of its victims.
Security coordination with the Europeans has intensified in a striking manner. European sources indicate that collaboration with Syria now includes sharing intelligence on names, movements, and even counter-terrorism techniques. Consequently, the regime’s silence cannot last for much longer. According to reliable reports, an announcement in this regard could be issued in the coming hours, unequivocally declaring ISIS a terrorist group. It helps that ISIS has claimed responsibility for the most recent bombing in Beirut’s southern suburb, a stronghold of Hezbollah, the Syrian regime’s ally.
How Does Damascus Benefit?
Damascus would benefit not only from rebutting accusations that it has been coordinating with ISIS, but also heading off those Damascus accuses of “inventing” the so-called Islamic Front ahead of Geneva II. For the Syrian regime, one of the purposes of the Islamic Front is to claim that it is an armed opposition group that is fighting terrorism.
In effect, Robert Ford, ex-American ambassador to Damascus, has been actively seeking to create an acceptable and effective military and political opposition force before Geneva II. This American desire intersects with those of Paris and Riyadh. The matter was discussed during French President Francois Hollande’s recent visit to Saudi. These countries and other regional and international actors do not want the Syrian regime to go to Geneva II in a position of strength.
The Islamic Front filled part of this vacuum. It offset some of the heavy losses that almost completely destroyed the FSA. It was thus necessary to polish the front’s image to appear moderate and at odds with al-Qaeda’s ideology and terrorism. The FSA had to be reinvigorated, especially after the advances of the Syrian army on multiple fronts in some areas. Something important in this regard may be declared in the coming days.
Russia sought to impose counterterrorism as the main theme of the Geneva II conference, and to present President Bashar al-Assad as a partner for the West in the fight against terror. The opposition’s – and Saudi’s – position was weakened as a result.
In the Meantime…
There was an attempt to blow up the Iranian embassy in Beirut. Former minister Mohammed Shatah was assassinated. Two suicide bombings hit the Russian city of Volgograd. Beirut’s southern suburb was hit with a third bombing. Saudi national Majed al-Majed, emir of the Abdullah Azzam Brigades and al-Qaeda leader, was arrested and then died in custody, burying with him the mysteries surrounding his capture and death. Before this, nearly a year ago, Maj. Gen. Wissam Hassan, head of the Lebanese Information Branch, was assassinated. Amid all this, Saudi intelligence chief Bandar bin Sultan failed to get Vladimir Putin to change his position on Syria in two visits to Moscow.
A quick look at all these seismic events gives one the impression we are seeing actions and reactions in the course of a battle between two axes in the region and the world. Maybe this is true and maybe not, but what is certain is that two major developments have transpired in the past few weeks, and could well alter the whole equation.
First of all, Putin has decided to take revenge. His public statements in this regard are but one-quarter of what is being reported from his private meetings and contacts. Putin said that those behind the incidents in Volgograd would greatly regret it.
Second, Iran, which had until now avoided accusing Saudi Arabia of involvement in the bombing outside the Iranian embassy in Beirut, has changed its tone. Spokesperson of the National Security and Foreign Affairs Committee in the Iranian Shura Council, Hossein Naqavi Hosseini said, “Majed al-Majed was liquidated on account of the important information he held about terrorist operations and his links to senior Saudi officials including Bandar bin Sultan.”
This was echoed by Iranian Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alawi, who told Al-Mayadeen TV, “There are doubts surrounding the circumstances of Majed al-Majed’s death.” For his part, Mansour Haqiqat Pour, deputy chairman of the Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy in the Shura Council, said that Saudi Arabia offered $3 billion to Lebanon in return for extraditing Majed. However, the Saudi ambassador in Lebanon reacted by saying his country was pursuing Majed, and raised questions about who had “abetted, trained, and financed Majed,” alluding to Syria and Iran.
At this time, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki was venturing into a major battle in Anbar against ISIS. He wants the international anti-terror alliance to step up its measures. Meanwhile, Turkey has arrested terrorists and closed down the Bab al-Hawa crossing, but Syrian confidence in the Turkish government is nearly non-existent.
Qatari Foreign Minister Khalid bin Mohammed al-Attiyah said there is no alternative for a political solution in Syria. Jordan has been taking tougher measures at its borders, though it has yet to comply with Syrian demands. And Morocco has arrested Salafi cells bound for Syria, though its government remains opposed to Assad. Clearly, then, all these countries are complying with the US appeals to contribute in fighting terror, but they, like Washington, do not want the Syrian regime to benefit from this.
But what will Saudi Arabia do? What if it turns out that Saudis were indeed behind the Iranian embassy bombing and the attacks in Volgograd? More importantly, why has the United States not put pressure on Saudi to crackdown on takfiris?
Furthermore, will Barack Obama benefit from Saudi’s position and the Israeli desire for rapprochement with the kingdom to get an Israeli-Palestinian deal to pass? Did US Secretary of State John Kerry go from Israel to Riyadh to appease it or to put pressure on it?
The danger is growing. Kuwait has asked its citizens to leave Lebanon. The United States has made a similar request with more urgency. Other countries have done the same. This portends security developments that are more than dangerous.
This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.
Paradoxically, when Ayman al-Zawahiri, leader of al-Qaeda, announced he was dissolving ISIS and delegating al-Qaeda leadership in Syria to al-Nusra Front, ISIS dramatically strengthened. In parallel, there were growing suspicions about the role and goals of the group. All opposition factions, from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) to the Syrian National Coalition and even al-Nusra Front, accused ISIS of having ties to the Syrian, Iraqi, and Iranian regimes.
The Syrian authorities remained silent, probably deliberately. Fighting among the militants relieves the Syrian government; all ambiguity about the affiliations of terrorist groups helps the Syrian authorities restore their once key role in coordinating with Western agencies to fight terrorism. Indeed, the stronger terrorism is, the more the regime appears like one of its victims.
Security coordination with the Europeans has intensified in a striking manner. European sources indicate that collaboration with Syria now includes sharing intelligence on names, movements, and even counter-terrorism techniques. Consequently, the regime’s silence cannot last for much longer. According to reliable reports, an announcement in this regard could be issued in the coming hours, unequivocally declaring ISIS a terrorist group. It helps that ISIS has claimed responsibility for the most recent bombing in Beirut’s southern suburb, a stronghold of Hezbollah, the Syrian regime’s ally.
How Does Damascus Benefit?
Damascus would benefit not only from rebutting accusations that it has been coordinating with ISIS, but also heading off those Damascus accuses of “inventing” the so-called Islamic Front ahead of Geneva II. For the Syrian regime, one of the purposes of the Islamic Front is to claim that it is an armed opposition group that is fighting terrorism.
In effect, Robert Ford, ex-American ambassador to Damascus, has been actively seeking to create an acceptable and effective military and political opposition force before Geneva II. This American desire intersects with those of Paris and Riyadh. The matter was discussed during French President Francois Hollande’s recent visit to Saudi. These countries and other regional and international actors do not want the Syrian regime to go to Geneva II in a position of strength.
The Islamic Front filled part of this vacuum. It offset some of the heavy losses that almost completely destroyed the FSA. It was thus necessary to polish the front’s image to appear moderate and at odds with al-Qaeda’s ideology and terrorism. The FSA had to be reinvigorated, especially after the advances of the Syrian army on multiple fronts in some areas. Something important in this regard may be declared in the coming days.
Russia sought to impose counterterrorism as the main theme of the Geneva II conference, and to present President Bashar al-Assad as a partner for the West in the fight against terror. The opposition’s – and Saudi’s – position was weakened as a result.
In the Meantime…
There was an attempt to blow up the Iranian embassy in Beirut. Former minister Mohammed Shatah was assassinated. Two suicide bombings hit the Russian city of Volgograd. Beirut’s southern suburb was hit with a third bombing. Saudi national Majed al-Majed, emir of the Abdullah Azzam Brigades and al-Qaeda leader, was arrested and then died in custody, burying with him the mysteries surrounding his capture and death. Before this, nearly a year ago, Maj. Gen. Wissam Hassan, head of the Lebanese Information Branch, was assassinated. Amid all this, Saudi intelligence chief Bandar bin Sultan failed to get Vladimir Putin to change his position on Syria in two visits to Moscow.
A quick look at all these seismic events gives one the impression we are seeing actions and reactions in the course of a battle between two axes in the region and the world. Maybe this is true and maybe not, but what is certain is that two major developments have transpired in the past few weeks, and could well alter the whole equation.
First of all, Putin has decided to take revenge. His public statements in this regard are but one-quarter of what is being reported from his private meetings and contacts. Putin said that those behind the incidents in Volgograd would greatly regret it.
Second, Iran, which had until now avoided accusing Saudi Arabia of involvement in the bombing outside the Iranian embassy in Beirut, has changed its tone. Spokesperson of the National Security and Foreign Affairs Committee in the Iranian Shura Council, Hossein Naqavi Hosseini said, “Majed al-Majed was liquidated on account of the important information he held about terrorist operations and his links to senior Saudi officials including Bandar bin Sultan.”
This was echoed by Iranian Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alawi, who told Al-Mayadeen TV, “There are doubts surrounding the circumstances of Majed al-Majed’s death.” For his part, Mansour Haqiqat Pour, deputy chairman of the Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy in the Shura Council, said that Saudi Arabia offered $3 billion to Lebanon in return for extraditing Majed. However, the Saudi ambassador in Lebanon reacted by saying his country was pursuing Majed, and raised questions about who had “abetted, trained, and financed Majed,” alluding to Syria and Iran.
At this time, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki was venturing into a major battle in Anbar against ISIS. He wants the international anti-terror alliance to step up its measures. Meanwhile, Turkey has arrested terrorists and closed down the Bab al-Hawa crossing, but Syrian confidence in the Turkish government is nearly non-existent.
Qatari Foreign Minister Khalid bin Mohammed al-Attiyah said there is no alternative for a political solution in Syria. Jordan has been taking tougher measures at its borders, though it has yet to comply with Syrian demands. And Morocco has arrested Salafi cells bound for Syria, though its government remains opposed to Assad. Clearly, then, all these countries are complying with the US appeals to contribute in fighting terror, but they, like Washington, do not want the Syrian regime to benefit from this.
But what will Saudi Arabia do? What if it turns out that Saudis were indeed behind the Iranian embassy bombing and the attacks in Volgograd? More importantly, why has the United States not put pressure on Saudi to crackdown on takfiris?
Furthermore, will Barack Obama benefit from Saudi’s position and the Israeli desire for rapprochement with the kingdom to get an Israeli-Palestinian deal to pass? Did US Secretary of State John Kerry go from Israel to Riyadh to appease it or to put pressure on it?
The danger is growing. Kuwait has asked its citizens to leave Lebanon. The United States has made a similar request with more urgency. Other countries have done the same. This portends security developments that are more than dangerous.
This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.
Lebanon Secara Resmi Diundang ke Konferensi Jenewa 2
Lebanon mendapat undangan resmi untuk hadir di Konferensi Jenewa 2 yang akan membahas solusi krisis Suriah.
IRNA (8/1) melaporkan, Adnan Mansour, Menteri Luar Negeri Lebanon,
Selasa (7/1) malam mengatakan, dirinya menerima undangan resmi Ban
Ki-moon, Sekretaris Jenderal PBB untuk hadir dalam Konferensi Jenewa 2.
Menurut Mansour, prioritas Lebanon adalah solusi politik krisis Suriah dan terciptanya ketenangan serta keamanan di negara itu.
Menlu Lebanon menuturkan, "Beirut di Jenewa 2 akan menyampaikan masalah
terorisme yang semakin meluas dan masalah pengungsi Suriah yang sangat
menekan Lebanon."
Konferensi Jenewa 2 digelar untuk
menyelesaikan krisis Suriah dipimpin oleh Ban Ki-moon Sekjen PBB di
tingkat Menlu dari sekitar 30 negara dunia. Konferensi tersebut akan
digelar pada 22 Januari 2014 di Swiss.
Tujuan digelarnya konferensi ini adalah untuk membantu mengakhiri kekerasan dan penyelesaian politik krisis Suriah dengan menekankan upaya menjaga kedaulatan, kemerdekaan dan persatuan negara tersebut. (IRIB Indonesia/HS)
Solana: Keliru Jika Iran Tidak Diundang Pada Konferensi Jenewa 2
ketua kebijakan politik luar negeri Uni Eropa, Javier Solana menilai
tidak mengundang Iran dalam Konferensi Jenewa II sebagai sebuah
kekeliruan besar dan dia meminta PBB untuk mencegahnya.
Tasnim News melaporkan, Solana mengatakan bahwa tidak mengundang Iran
untuk hadir dalam Konferensi Jenewa II merupakan sebuah kekeliruan besar
dan masih ada waktu untuk membenahi kekeliruan tersebut.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, satu lagi tokoh politik terkemuka dunia dalam
pernyataan terbarunya Selasa (7/1) mengatakan, "Mereka yang menolak
kehadiran Iran dalam Konferensi Jenewa II harus mengingat kembali peran
positif Iran dalam perundingan 2002 terkait rekonstruksi
Afghanistan."(IRIB Indonesia/MZ)
Snowden Akan Ungkapkan Rahasia Spionase Israel
Times -
"Ya. [Tapi] aku tak ingin menunjukkan setiap cerita yang belum
diterbitkan. Yang pasti, ada sejumlah besar cerita sangat signifikan
yang belum dilaporkan," kata Greenwald yang berbasis di Brazil pada
Channel TV 10 lewat sebuah jaringan video.
Demo menolak spionase AS di Hamburg, 28/12/13 (al-Alam)
Edward Snowden, mantan kontraktor agen mata-mata AS masih memiliki
banyak rahasia tentang Israel dan Timur Tengah yang akan dibeberkan
nanti, kata seorang jurnalis, al-Alam melaporkan, Selasa (7/1/14).
Glenn Greenwald, penulis The Guardian Inggris, pernah bertatap muka dengan Snowden. Greenwald banyak menulis spionase AS dalam berbagai surat kabar berdasarkan materi yang diperolehnya dari Snowden.
Dalam sebuah wawancara televisi Israel hari Senin (6/1/14), Greenwald ditanya apakah Snowden memiliki banyak rahasia terkait dengan Israel.
"Ya. [Tapi] aku tak ingin menunjukkan setiap cerita yang belum diterbitkan. Yang pasti, ada sejumlah besar cerita sangat signifikan yang belum dilaporkan," kata Greenwald yang berbasis di Brazil pada Channel TV 10 lewat sebuah jaringan video.
"Kami [berkesempatan] memiliki dokumen-dokumen ini, selama tujuh bulan. Mengingat volume dan kompleksitas dokumen tersebut [7 bulan] bukanlah waktu yang sangat lama. Pasti ada cerita tersisa yang melibatkan Timur Tengah, yang melibatkan Israel. Laporan akan terus berlangsung dengan kecepatan yang sama tentang apa yang telah terjadi."
Tahun lalu, Snowden mengatakan bahwa Badan Keamanan Nasional AS (NSA) dan rekanan Inggrisnya, Markas Komunikasi Pemerintah (GCHQ), pada tahun 2009 telah menargetkan alamat email yang terdaftar sebagai milik Perdana Menteri Israel, Ehud Olmert dan memantau email para senior pejabat pertahanan Israel.
Sebuah penyelidikan yang dilakukan beberapa surat kabar Eropa tahun lalu juga mengungkapkan bahwa AS dan badan mata-mata Inggris bergantung pada pusat transmisi data di Siprus untuk mencegat catatan telepon dan internet dari pengguna di Timur Tengah.
Penyelidikan itu juga mengidentifikasi bahwa stasiun pengawasan Ayios Nikolaos yang terletak di pangkalan militer Inggris di Siprus Timur adalah usat mata-mata utama di Timur Tengah.[IT/AAL/NAT]
Glenn Greenwald, penulis The Guardian Inggris, pernah bertatap muka dengan Snowden. Greenwald banyak menulis spionase AS dalam berbagai surat kabar berdasarkan materi yang diperolehnya dari Snowden.
Dalam sebuah wawancara televisi Israel hari Senin (6/1/14), Greenwald ditanya apakah Snowden memiliki banyak rahasia terkait dengan Israel.
"Ya. [Tapi] aku tak ingin menunjukkan setiap cerita yang belum diterbitkan. Yang pasti, ada sejumlah besar cerita sangat signifikan yang belum dilaporkan," kata Greenwald yang berbasis di Brazil pada Channel TV 10 lewat sebuah jaringan video.
"Kami [berkesempatan] memiliki dokumen-dokumen ini, selama tujuh bulan. Mengingat volume dan kompleksitas dokumen tersebut [7 bulan] bukanlah waktu yang sangat lama. Pasti ada cerita tersisa yang melibatkan Timur Tengah, yang melibatkan Israel. Laporan akan terus berlangsung dengan kecepatan yang sama tentang apa yang telah terjadi."
Tahun lalu, Snowden mengatakan bahwa Badan Keamanan Nasional AS (NSA) dan rekanan Inggrisnya, Markas Komunikasi Pemerintah (GCHQ), pada tahun 2009 telah menargetkan alamat email yang terdaftar sebagai milik Perdana Menteri Israel, Ehud Olmert dan memantau email para senior pejabat pertahanan Israel.
Sebuah penyelidikan yang dilakukan beberapa surat kabar Eropa tahun lalu juga mengungkapkan bahwa AS dan badan mata-mata Inggris bergantung pada pusat transmisi data di Siprus untuk mencegat catatan telepon dan internet dari pengguna di Timur Tengah.
Penyelidikan itu juga mengidentifikasi bahwa stasiun pengawasan Ayios Nikolaos yang terletak di pangkalan militer Inggris di Siprus Timur adalah usat mata-mata utama di Timur Tengah.[IT/AAL/NAT]
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