Jumat, 31 Januari 2014

AS DKK MEMBUAT LELUCON POLITIK JAHAT... DI JENEVA2... DALAM MEMAINKAN POLITIK ABSURD.. DAN MENCIPTAKAN ... PERMAINAN POLITIK DAN PEPERANGAN SIPIL ABSURD.. DI SURIAH... SEPERTI BIASA.. MEREKA MEMAINKANNYA DI FORUM2 INTERNASIONAL.JUGA..???>>> NAMUN BERHADAPAN DENGAN MASALAH SURIAH... AS DKK BENAR2 KENA BATUNYA.. DAN MENOHOK TENGGOROKANNYA SENDIRI...SEHINGGA.. TERMUNTAH-MUNTAH DENGAN BERDARAH-DARAH... ???>>> KEJAHATAN2 YAN G DIBUAT DAN DIRANCANG... DENGAN BERBAGAI SELUBUNG DUSTA ITU... HENDAK DIJADIKAN BADUT2.... PATRIOT RAKYAT DAN BANGSA SURIAH....???>>> NAMUN FAKTA2.. MENUNJUKKAN DENGAN NYATA.. DAN TAK BISA DITUTUPI.. LAGI.. BAHWA MEREKA ITU KAUM PENJAHAT DAN PENYERANG ASING DENGAN MENGATAS NAMAKAN OPOSISI..SURIAH...???>>> PADAHAL PASUKAN ASING YANG KONON PULUHAN BAHKAN RATUSAN RIBU.. ITU JELAS DATANG DARI BERBAGAI NEGERI YANG DI REKRUT OLEH KEPALA INTELIGEN SAUDI ARABIA.. DENGAN DUKUNGAN AS DKK... DAN MELAKUKAN TERROR DAN INVASI SECARA BERGELOMBANG KEPADA SURIAH ... DAN MEMBUNUH RAKYAT SIPIL-MILITER-TOKOH2 AGMA.. DAN MENGHANCURKAN RUMAH2 SIPIL.. DAN INFRA STRUKTUR PUBLIK....??>> BAHKAN KONON RUMAH SAKIT DAN RUMAH IBADAH SERTA TOKOH2 AGAMA JADI SASARAN DAN TARGET.. PEMBUNUHAN2...???>> INILAH FAKTA.. PELANGGARAN KEDAULATAN NEGARA SURIAH YANG SAH.. DAN JUGA PERBUATAN KRIMINAL TERHADAP KEMANUSIAAN... DI SURIAH...-LEBANON-DAN PALESTINA...>> KONON JUGA DI IRAQ DAN YAMAN DAN AFGHANISTAN...??>> MEMANG DAHSYAT CARA2 POLITISASI DAN PERMAINAN KOTOR-JAHAT-DAN KRIMINAL AS-ARAB SAUDI-ISRAEL DKK...ITU.. DIMANAPUN...>> WASPADALAH DAN ELING...>>>.... Dalam sebuah wawancara dengan Press TV pada hari Rabu 29/1/14, Stephen Lendman, seorang penulis dan penyiar radio, mengatakan bahwa perdana menteri Israel sebagai " pembohong" dan mengatakan Israel sangat menyadari bahwa program energi nuklir Iran tidak memiliki aspek militer. "Segala sesuatu yang keluar dari mulutnya tidak memiliki kredibilitas, Iran tidak memiliki program senjata nuklir, " kata Lendman, menambahkan bahwa semua orang tahu Israel adalah satu-satunya pemilik senjata nuklir dan senjata kimia di Timur Tengah...>>> ...Seorang analist politik berbasis di AS mengatakan bahwa Perdana Menteri Israel Benjamin Netanyahu adalah "pembohong berantai" ketika sampai pada program energi nuklir Iran, Press TV melaporkan...>>>.......Wakil Menlu itu mengatakan bahwa AS tidak dapat mengubah kedaulatan politik di Suriah melalui perang psikologis dan propaganda. Pembicaraan yang bertujuan menemukan solusi politik untuk krisis Suriah dimulai di kota Montreux, Swiss pada 22 Januari lalu. Oposisi dan pendukung bersikeras bahwa Presiden Suriah Bashar al-Assad harus mundur dan pemerintahan transisi harus dibentuk di Suriah. Tapi Damaskus menolak dengan alasan bahwa Koalisi Nasional Suriah (SNC) dukungan asing tidak mewakili seluruh oposisi di Suriah.... >> ...Seorang pejabat Kementerian Luar Negeri Iran mengatakan, Amerika gagal mencapai hasil yang diinginkannya dari konferensi Jenewa 2 tentang krisis Suriah. Wakil Menteri Luar Negeri untuk Urusan Arab dan Afrika, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian mengatakan pada Kamis malam (30/1/14) bahwa tindakan AS menekan kelompok oposisi Suriah tidak bisa menghasilkan hasil yang positif. Amir-Abdollahian melanjutkan, bagi para pemerhati politik, sudah jelas bahwa perundingan itu tidak akan berhasil karena delegasi yang mewakili oposisi tidak dipilih secara tepat. Amir-Abdollahian menambahkan bahwa Washington berusaha mengubah hasil pembicaraan untuk keuntungan sendiri dengan memasukkan kelompok oposisi Suriah. .....>>> ..Kementerian Luar Negeri Iran menolak pernyataan Presiden AS, Barack Obama, tentang Iran dan menyebutnya sebagai pernyataan tak realistis dan konstruktif. Juru bicara Kementerian Luar Negeri Iran, Marzieh Afkham mengatakan pada hari Rabu (29/1/14) bahwa komentar Obama tentang kegiatan nuklir Iran menunjukkan pemahamannya yang salah tentang komitmen Tehran tentang sifat damai kegiatan nuklirnya. Afkham menambahkan, AS berilusi bahwa sanksi yang dijatuhkannya untuk Iran mampu mempengaruhi motivasi dan semangat Iran dalam pembicaraan nuklir. Afkham menegaskan kembali komitmen Tehran untuk menghilangkan keraguan dunia tentang sifat damai kegiatan nuklirnya...>>...Sebelumnya, dalam penerbangan dari Washington ke Warsawa, Hagel mengatakan pada wartawan pada hari Rabu (29/1/14) bahwa tindakan Karzai membahaykan perencanaan penting misi militer AS pasca 2014 di Afghanistan. "Anda tidak bisa terus menunda dan menunda karena di beberapa titik realitas, perencanaan, penganggaran dan semua yang diperlukan akan saling bertabrakan," katanya...>>>...Menteri Pertahanan AS, menyatakan rasa frustrasi yang mendalam pada pemerintah Presiden Afghanistan Hamid Karzai karena menunda penandatanganan perjanjian keamanan bilateral yang akan mengizinkan ribuan pasukan Amerika tetap tinggal di negara itu beberapa tahun mendatang. "Apa yang keluar dari istana kepresidenan hari ini atau apa yang dikatakan Presiden Karzai hari ini, saya tidak tahu. Selalu berubah," kata Chuck Hagel dalam konferensi pers di ibukota Polandia, Warsawa pada hari Kamis (30/1/14). Hagel mengklaim bahwa Karzai secara pribadi telah setuju untuk menandatangani Perjanjian Keamanan Bilateral (BSA) yang sudah dinegosiasikan oleh Washington denganKabul sejak tahun lalu. Tapi Karzai tak jua menandatanganinya....>>> ...permusuhan Amerika terhadap pemerintahan Suriah di bawah pimpinan Bashar Assad, Presiden negara itu, memaksa Washington menggunakan seluruh fasilitas yang dimilikinya dan mengalokasikan dana dalam jumlah sangat besar, persenjataan dan dukungan politik untuk para pemberontak Suriah. Akan tetapi di sisi lain, menjamurnya kelompok-kelompok pemberontak dan Takfiri di Suriah telah memukul genderang bahaya bagi masyarakat dunia. Fenomena dukungan Amerika dan Eropa kepada kelompok-kelompok teroris di Suriah layaknya cerita seorang yang melepaskan binatang buas dari kandangnya dan sekarang tidak bisa memasukkannya kembali. Namun ini bukan kesalahan pertama Amerika terkait kelompok-kelompok ekstrem, kekerasan dan terorisme. Tiga dekade lalu Amerika juga mengalami kesalahan dalam memahami realitas yang terjadi di Afghanistan, sehingga kelompok teroris Al Qaeda dan Taliban lahir dengan bantuan langsung Amerika dan pada akhirnya menyerang tuannya sendiri....>>> ...ini menunjukkan bahwa lembaga-lembaga pengambil keputusan di Amerika mengalami kontradiksi dan kebingungan. ..>>> .. Ischinger mengatakan Konferensi Keamanan Munich akan memberikan kesempatan kepada Tehran untuk mempresentasikan posisinya dan menjelaskan rencana mengenai kesepakatan jangka panjang Iran dengan Barat. Dia menambahkan bahwa para pejabat Uni Eropa lainnya dan Amerika kemungkinan akan bergabung dengan Zarif dan Bildt dalam diskusi panel tersebut. Sebagai konferensi yang paling diakui oleh para pejabat keamanan, pertemuan tahun ini akan mendiskusikan sejumlah isu penting dunia termasuk, krisis Suriah dan perundingan nuklir Iran dengan Barat...>> ..... Lalu meletuslah pemberontakan ditahun 2011, dan Suriah pun hancur. Apakah hanya rakyat Palestina yang kelaparan dan kurus kering? Tidak, rakyat Suriah pun mengalami nasib serupa. Penyebab kelaparan mereka (sesuai dengan laporan delegasi Suriah di Jenewa) antara lain: 1. Suriah, karena belum bisa dikalahkan meski konflik telah berlangsung tiga tahun menyebabkan AS dan sekutunya berang. Mereka mengembargo Suriah, contohnya melarang Suriah mengimpor gandum, sehingga pada akhirnya mereka kesulitan memproduksi kebutuhan pokok bagi rakyatnya. 2. Pabrik roti dan makanan dijarah oleh milisi bersenjata. Informasi seperti ini mungkin tidak akan ditemui di media mainstream, namun aktivis Suriah sangat aktif memberitakan kondisi terkini di negara mereka melalui jejaring sosial, termasuk ketika ada sebuah pabrik roti di Suriah diambil alih oleh militan yang berafiliasi dengan Al-Qaeda 3. Sulitnya distribusi makanan. Pemerintah Suriah mengizinkan semua aktivis kemanusiaan dari seluruh dunia memasuki Suriah. Namun mereka kesulitan menyalurkan bantuan karena mereka dihalangi dan diteror oleh pemberontak. Aktivis yang dilindungi oleh pemerintah menyaksikan sendiri bagaimana kondisi yang terjadi sebenarnya di Suriah. Bagaimana dengan Yarmouk?..>>> ..Peristiwa itu berawal ketika Pangeran Turki mendesak Rusia untuk menghentikan pengiriman bantuan kepada pemeritah Suriah. Alexey Pushkov yang duduk tidak jauh dari Pangeran Turki langsung membalas: “Sudahkan Saudi menghentikan bantuannya kepada pemberontak?” “Tentu,” jawab Pangeran Turki. “Saya tidak yakin,” balas Alexey Pushkov lagi. “Anda tidak percaya? Cobalah untuk percaya!” Selanjutnya Turki membantah negaranya telah membantu para teroris, melainkan kelompok Free Syrian Army yang juga didukung oleh Amerika dan negara-negara barat. “Kami mendukung Free Syrian Army,” katanya merujuk pada kelompok pemberontak dukungan Amerika yang beridiologi Islam liberal sebagai pembeda dengan kelompok-kelompok militan Islam, meski faktanya para pengamat meyakini Saudi justru lebih dekat hubungannya dengan yang terakhir. Namun, bagaimana pun ia harus mengelak dari tuduhan yang sudah terlalu banyak tantang adanya bantuan Saudi kepada kelompok-kelompok teroris. “Jika ada individu-individu (di Saudi) yang memberikan dukungan (kepada kelompok-kelompok teroris), ia mungkin saja terjadi,” katanya...>>

Iran vs Hegemoni Global

Iran: Pernyataan Obama Tak Realistis dan Konstruktif
Islam Times - 
Juru bicara Kementerian Luar Negeri Iran, Marzieh Afkham mengatakan pada hari Rabu (29/1/14) bahwa komentar Obama tentang kegiatan nuklir Iran menunjukkan pemahamannya yang salah tentang komitmen Tehran tentang sifat damai kegiatan nuklirnya.
Marzieh Afkham, Jurubicara Kementrian Luar Negeri Iran
Marzieh Afkham, Jurubicara Kementrian Luar Negeri Iran

Kementerian Luar Negeri Iran menolak pernyataan Presiden AS, Barack Obama, tentang Iran dan menyebutnya sebagai pernyataan tak realistis dan konstruktif.

Juru bicara Kementerian Luar Negeri Iran, Marzieh Afkham mengatakan pada hari Rabu (29/1/14) bahwa komentar Obama tentang kegiatan nuklir Iran menunjukkan pemahamannya yang salah tentang komitmen Tehran tentang  sifat damai kegiatan nuklirnya.

Afkham menambahkan, AS berilusi bahwa sanksi yang dijatuhkannya untuk Iran mampu mempengaruhi motivasi dan semangat Iran dalam pembicaraan nuklir. Afkham menegaskan kembali komitmen Tehran untuk menghilangkan keraguan dunia tentang sifat damai kegiatan nuklirnya.

Pernyataan Afkham itu merupakan respon atas pernyataan Obama dalam Pidato Kenegaraan kelima di depan Kongres AS hari Selasa malam (28/1/13).

Juru bicara Kementerian Luar Negeri Iran itu juga menolak tuduhan Washington bahwa program energi nuklir Iran mengarah pada bidang militer dan mengatakan, Tehran tak akan pernah berusaha membuat senjata nuklir.

Afkham menekankan komitmen Iran untuk merealisasikan kesepakatan nuklir interim yang ditandatangani Iran dan enam kekuatan dunia di Jenewa pada bulan November 2013 dan menyeru Amerika Serikat agar tak melupakan kewajibannya sesuai perjanjian.

Pejabat Iran itu juga mengecam Obama karena menganggap gerakan perlawanan Libanon, Hizbullah, sebagai kelompok teroris dan pada saat yang sama, Gedung Putih menutup mata akan kejahatan militan Takfiri dukungan asing di wilayah Timur Tengah.[IT/r]
Perang Afghanistan

AS Sangat Frustrasi

Islam Times - "Anda tidak bisa terus menunda dan menunda karena di beberapa titik realitas, perencanaan, penganggaran dan semua yang diperlukan akan saling bertabrakan," katanya.
Chuck Hagel, Menhan AS di Afghanistan.jpg
Chuck Hagel, Menhan AS di Afghanistan.jpg

Menteri Pertahanan AS, menyatakan rasa frustrasi yang mendalam pada pemerintah Presiden Afghanistan Hamid Karzai karena menunda penandatanganan perjanjian keamanan bilateral yang akan mengizinkan ribuan pasukan Amerika tetap tinggal di negara itu beberapa tahun mendatang.

"Apa yang keluar dari istana kepresidenan hari ini atau apa yang dikatakan Presiden Karzai hari ini, saya tidak tahu. Selalu berubah," kata Chuck Hagel dalam konferensi pers di ibukota Polandia, Warsawa pada hari Kamis (30/1/14).

Hagel mengklaim bahwa Karzai secara pribadi telah setuju untuk menandatangani Perjanjian Keamanan Bilateral (BSA) yang sudah dinegosiasikan oleh Washington denganKabul sejak tahun lalu. Tapi Karzai tak jua menandatanganinya.

Sebelumnya, dalam penerbangan dari Washington ke Warsawa, Hagel mengatakan pada wartawan pada hari Rabu (29/1/14) bahwa tindakan Karzai membahaykan perencanaan penting misi militer AS pasca 2014 di Afghanistan.

"Anda tidak bisa terus menunda dan menunda karena di beberapa titik realitas, perencanaan, penganggaran dan semua yang diperlukan akan saling bertabrakan," katanya.

Sementara Ketua Pentagon menyatakan bahwa Karzai adalah presiden terpilih dari sebuah negara berdaulat dan tentu saja kemampuan Washington untuk mempengaruhi keputusannya cukup terbatas.

"Karzai adalah presiden terpilih dari bangsa yang berdaulat dan kemampuan kita untuk mempengaruhi keputusan presiden terpilih dan pemimpin bangsa yang berdaulat yang dibuat atas nama negara mereka cukup terbatas," katanya.

Berdasarkan draft perjanjian BSA, pasukan asing pimpinan AS akan tetap berada di Afghanistan setelah tahun 2014. Mereka juga tetap bisa menyerang rumah-rumah penduduk Afghanistan.

Karzai mengatakan dia tak akan menandatangani BSA sampai syarat -syarat tertentu terpenuhi, termasuk jaminan Washington bahwa tidak akan ada lagi penggerebekan terhadap rumah-rumah warga Afghanistan. Tuntutan itu, menurut Karzai, berasal dari Loya Jirga, badan sesepuh pembuat keputusan tertinggi di Afganistan.[IT/r]

 Kebingungan Amerika Serikat di Suriah

Amerika Serikat memperingatkan soal bahaya kehadiran para teroris asing di Suriah dan kembalinya mereka ke Eropa dan Amerika. James R. Clapper, Direktur Keamanan Nasional dan Ketua Masyarakat Intelijen Amerika di Senat mengatakan, ada kekhawatiran yang dalam terkait para ekstremis ini. Menurutnya jumlah teroris dan pemberontak bersenjata asing yang ada di Suriah mencapai tujuh ribu orang.
Kekhawatiran Direktur Keamanan Nasional Amerika atas kehadiran para teroris asing di Suriah disampaikan bersamaan dengan tersebarnya berita tentang kesepakatan Kongres Amerika untuk memulai kembali pengiriman senjata kepada pemberontak bersenjata Suriah. Masalah ini menunjukkan bahwa lembaga-lembaga pengambil keputusan di Amerika mengalami kontradiksi dan kebingungan.

Dari satu sisi, permusuhan Amerika terhadap pemerintahan Suriah di bawah pimpinan Bashar Assad, Presiden negara itu, memaksa Washington menggunakan seluruh fasilitas yang dimilikinya dan mengalokasikan dana dalam jumlah sangat besar, persenjataan dan dukungan politik untuk para pemberontak Suriah. Akan tetapi di sisi lain, menjamurnya kelompok-kelompok pemberontak dan Takfiri di Suriah telah memukul genderang bahaya bagi masyarakat dunia.

Fenomena dukungan Amerika dan Eropa kepada kelompok-kelompok teroris di Suriah layaknya cerita seorang yang melepaskan binatang buas dari kandangnya dan sekarang tidak bisa memasukkannya kembali. Namun ini bukan kesalahan pertama Amerika terkait kelompok-kelompok ekstrem, kekerasan dan terorisme. Tiga dekade lalu Amerika juga mengalami kesalahan dalam memahami realitas yang terjadi di Afghanistan, sehingga kelompok teroris Al Qaeda dan Taliban lahir dengan bantuan langsung Amerika dan pada akhirnya menyerang tuannya sendiri.

Di Suriah, pemerintah Amerika dan Eropa membayangkan bahwa dengan memberikan kesempatan kepada kelompok-kelompok anti-Assad, mereka akan mampu menggulingkan pemerintahan Damaskus dengan cepat dan menaikkan kubu pro-Barat serta sekuler ke tampuk kekuasaan. Akan tetapi perlawanan rakyat Suriah dan tidak mengakarnya kelompok pemberontak,  membuat agenda yang telah disusun berantakan. Sebagian pendukung pemberontak Suriah di kawasan, untuk lari dari kekalahan, merekrut orang-orang dan kelompok paling ekstrem dari seluruh penjuru dunia.

Saat ini dikabarkan bahwa para teroris dari 70 negara berbeda sedang bertempur, bahkan melawan pemberontak dalam negeri Suriah dengan suntikan dana Syeikh-syeikh Arab dan persenjataan Barat. Kekejaman kelompok teroris Daulah Islamiyah fi Iraq wa Syam (DIIS) tidak diragukan telah mencengangkan seluruh masyarakat internasional.
Sekarang ini bahaya berubahnya Suriah menjadi Afghanistan kedua, itupun di wilayah strategis Timur Mediterania dan berbatasan dengan Turki serta rezim Zionis Israel, dua sekutu dekat Barat, sudah semakin besar. Jika tidak ada perlawanan dari bangsa Suriah, dunia akan menghadapi bencana yang jauh lebih besar dari yang pernah terjadi di Afghanistan dengan berkuasanya Taliban.

Namun demikian, sejak beberapa bulan lalu, dengan semakin seriusnya bahaya teroris Takfiri di Suriah, strategi negara-negara pendukung pemberontak bersenjata Suriah kurang lebih mengalami perubahan. Sebagai contoh, Turki mulai membatasi aktivitas para teroris Takfiri dan Eropa menghentikan pasokan senjatanya untuk pemberontak Suriah.

Bersamaan dengan itu, seluruh pejabat keamanan di Eropa dan Amerika memperingatkan bahaya kembalinya warga Eropa dan Amerika yang berperang di Suriah. Akan tetapi sekalipun demikian, kebencian mendalam terhadap pemerintahan politik Suriah dan ambisi untuk mendirikan pemerintahan boneka di antara negara-negara Arab dan Barat semakin meluas, sehingga melebihi cepatnya pertumbuhan kelompok-kelompok ekstrem dan kekerasan di negara Arab itu.

Jika kondisi seperti ini terus berlanjut, api yang disulut Barat di Suriah akan merembet juga ke Eropa dan Amerika. Selain itu bencana yang jauh lebih mengerikan yang ditimbulkan para teroris akan terjadi juga di New York, Washington, London dan Madrid. (IRIB Indonesia/HS)

Pangeran Saudi yang Mengundang Tawa di Davos

Pengeran Turki al Faisal, mantan kepala inteligen Saudi Arabia dan salah satu tokoh penting dinasti penguasa Saudi Arabia, mengundang tawa para undangan Forum Ekonomi Dunia di Davos, Swiss. Dalam forum diskusi yang diikutinya, hari Sabtu (25/1), ia meminta anggota parlemen Rusia untuk mempercayai pernyataannya bahwa Saudi telah menghentikan bantuannya kepada para teroris di Suriah.

“Anda tidak percaya? Cobalah untuk percaya!” kata Pangeran Turki kepada anggota parlemen Rusia Alexey Pushkov. Kontan saja perkataan tersebut mengundang ketawa tamu-tamu undangan lainnya yang meyakini pernyataan sang pangeran sebagai omong kosong belaka.

Peristiwa itu berawal ketika Pangeran Turki mendesak Rusia untuk menghentikan pengiriman bantuan kepada pemeritah Suriah. Alexey Pushkov yang duduk tidak jauh dari Pangeran Turki langsung membalas:

“Sudahkan Saudi menghentikan bantuannya kepada pemberontak?”

“Tentu,” jawab Pangeran Turki.

“Saya tidak yakin,” balas Alexey Pushkov lagi.

“Anda tidak percaya? Cobalah untuk percaya!”

Selanjutnya Turki membantah negaranya telah membantu para teroris, melainkan kelompok Free Syrian Army yang juga didukung oleh Amerika dan negara-negara barat.

“Kami mendukung Free Syrian Army,” katanya merujuk pada kelompok pemberontak dukungan Amerika yang beridiologi Islam liberal sebagai pembeda dengan kelompok-kelompok militan Islam, meski faktanya para pengamat meyakini Saudi justru lebih dekat hubungannya dengan yang terakhir. Namun, bagaimana pun ia harus mengelak dari tuduhan yang sudah terlalu banyak tantang adanya bantuan Saudi kepada kelompok-kelompok teroris.

“Jika ada individu-individu (di Saudi) yang memberikan dukungan (kepada kelompok-kelompok teroris), ia mungkin saja terjadi,” katanya.(ca/almanar)

Keterangan: tulisan asli di situs liputanislam.com tgl 26 Januari 2014

3 komentar:

abu bakar mengatakan...
jika dana terroris dihentikan keganasan berupaya terhenti,,namun kita tidak melihat kitaran terrorism akan berhenti..kenyataan negara tertentu menyokong keganasan dan imun terhadap apa apa tindakan menjadikan masalah berterusan
abu bakar mengatakan...
menafikan bukti syiah membantai kaum sunni, pemimpin wahabi mengaku merekalah onarnya membunuh kemanusiaan,,,,benarlah kata nuri al maliki...namun telinga yang tersumbat takkan mendengarnya

abu bakar mengatakan...
saya cuba percaya pak syeikh

And now, the Iraqi Prime Minister has finally got it right:


dari sypers

Palestinian children lie on the ground as they take part in a rally to show solidarity with Palestinian refugees in Syria's main refugee camp Yarmouk

Sheikh Ramadhan al-Buthi terbunuh, itu adalah perintah Assad!
Saria Hassoun terbunuh, itu adalah perintah intelejen Assad!
Ada bom di Turki, itu adalah ulah milisi pro Assad!
Ada gempa di bulan, itu adalah konspirasi Assad!
Ada alien di angkasa, itu shabiha Assad yang sedang menyamar ! 

Cuplikan kalimat diatas pernah saya (penulis) temui di sebuah thread, yang diposting oleh aktivis pro Pemerintah Suriah. Tulisannya itu, bertujuan menyindir pemberontak dan pendukungnya, yang selalu dan berulang- ulang menimpakan semua permasalahan yang terjadi di Suriah sebagai ‘salahnya Assad’. Tidak tanggung- tanggung, bahkan ketika Israel menyerang gudang senjata Suriah pun ceritanya dipelintir;( katanya Assad diam- diam bekerja sama dengan Israel untuk menyerang gudang senjatanya sendiri karena dikhawatirkan tentara Suriah yang mengontrol gudang senjata tersebut akan membelot ke kubu pemberontak. Akhirnya Assad pun mengambil tindakan, dan Israel menjadi pelayan Assad).  Jadi menurut pemberontak dan pendukungnya, apapun yang terjadi di Suriah adalah salah Assad. Bahkan ketika ada gempa di bulan hingga ada alien yang berkeliaran di angkasa sekalipun, itu ulah Assad. Bagaimanapun kejadiannya harus Assad dan Assad yang salah !

Masalahnya sekarang, bisakah pemaksaan pemahaman seperti itu diterima oleh semua orang?

Menelusuri sebuah konflik, tidak bisa hanya dengan melihat apa yang terjadi hari ini. Tidak bisa hanya melihat dari satu sisi atau satu sumber. Tidak bisa juga bersikap fanatik terhadap salah satu golongan  tertentu hanya karena kita termasuk bagian dari golongan itu. Begitu juga halnya dengan kasus kelaparan hari ini yang terjadi di Yarmouk, apakah Assad lagi yang salah ?

Yarmouk adalah sebuah kamp untuk para pengungsi Palestina di Suriah. Rakyat Palestina tinggal di kamp selama puluhan tahun dengan aman. Di dalamnya, terdapat sekolah, masjid, rumah sakit dan berbagai faslilitas umum lainnya. Seorang warga Palestina yang menetap di Suriah dan kini aktif berjuang di media pernah berkata: “Bagi warga Palestina, hidupnya  di Suriah 1000x lebih baik daripada hidup di negara penampungan lainnya”. Suriah, melayani rakyat Palestina selayaknya warga sendiri. Segala fasilitas yang diberikan untuk Suriah, juga diberikan kepada rakyat Palestina. Meski statusnya adalah pengungsi, rakyat Palestina boleh memiliki properti di Suriah.

Lalu meletuslah pemberontakan ditahun 2011, dan Suriah pun hancur. Apakah hanya rakyat Palestina yang kelaparan dan kurus kering? Tidak, rakyat Suriah pun mengalami nasib serupa.  Penyebab kelaparan mereka (sesuai dengan laporan delegasi Suriah di Jenewa)  antara lain:
1. Suriah, karena belum bisa dikalahkan meski konflik telah berlangsung tiga tahun menyebabkan AS dan sekutunya berang. Mereka mengembargo Suriah, contohnya melarang Suriah mengimpor gandum, sehingga pada akhirnya mereka kesulitan memproduksi kebutuhan pokok bagi rakyatnya.
2. Pabrik roti dan makanan dijarah oleh milisi bersenjata. Informasi seperti ini mungkin tidak akan ditemui di media mainstream, namun aktivis Suriah sangat aktif memberitakan kondisi terkini di negara mereka melalui jejaring sosial, termasuk ketika ada sebuah pabrik roti di Suriah diambil alih oleh militan yang berafiliasi dengan Al-Qaeda
3. Sulitnya distribusi makanan. Pemerintah Suriah mengizinkan semua aktivis kemanusiaan dari seluruh dunia memasuki Suriah. Namun mereka kesulitan menyalurkan bantuan karena mereka dihalangi dan diteror oleh pemberontak. Aktivis yang dilindungi oleh pemerintah menyaksikan sendiri bagaimana kondisi yang terjadi sebenarnya di Suriah.
Bagaimana dengan Yarmouk?
Untuk menjawab mengimbangi tudingan -tudingan miring bahwa Assad lagi  yang salah dalam kasus ini, saya akan mengutip uraian yang disampaikan oleh Daoud Kuttab, seorang jurnalis asal Palestina, kolumnis di Al- Monitor. Saat ini ia menjabat sebagai Direktur Jenderal Community Media Network, sebuah organisasi non- profit yang didedikasikan untuk memajukan media independen di kawasan Arab.
Yarmouk Camp, salah satu kamp yang terbesar di Suriah telah menjadi target pengepungan selama berminggu- minggu. Itu disebabkan karena beberapa kekuatan oposisi bersembunyi di sana dan pasukan pemerintah melakukan pengepungan dengan ketat.
Selama berminggu-minggu, TV Palestina memonitor pengepungan Yarmouk secara nonstop. Para pemimpin politik yang melakukan manuver, berita status pengiriman makanan diupdate setiap jam dan kampanye penggalangan dana juga telah dimulai. Save Yarmouk  tidak terbatas hanya pada TV Palestina. Media sosial, kelompok-kelompok lokal, demonstran dan masyarakat di dalam Palestina dari pendukung kedua belah pihak yang sedang bertikai ditugaskan untuk memberikan perhatian kepada Yarmouk Camp
Yang luar biasa dari aksi Save Yarmouk ini adalah, solidaritas untuk rakyat Palestina yang terkepung menjalar ke semua kelompok politik di Palestina tanpa memandang siapa yang bertikai. Baik Fatah maupun Hamas dan faksi lainnya bergabung dengan iring iringan, mengumpulkan sumbangan dan membuat deklarasi publik. Rakyat Palestina di negara negara lain baik itu di Yordania, Teluk, juga melakukan kampanye dan menggalang dana.
UNRWA, organisasi internasional yang bertanggung jawab bagi para pengungsi Palestina, juga memprakarsai kampanye sendiri untuk membantu Yarmouk. Badan PBB juga melakukan  tiga hari kampanye di media sosial dan sukses, menurut sebuah rilis berita UNRWA, kampanye itu telah ditayangkan 31.000.000 kali dan disaksikan puluhan juta orang di seluruh dunia.
Tidak jelas apa yang membuat  Save Yarmouk berhasil mempersatukan Palestina. Seorang anak Palestina di Yarmouk yang memegang sepotong roti yang menjadi icon Save Yarmouk telah menyebar bagai virus.  Kemungkinan lainnya adalah, fakta bahwa pengungsi Palestina terpaksa untuk mencari lagi tempat untuk berlindung setelah bertahun tahun hidup di Yarmouk telah membuat hati mereka begitu terluka.
Secara politis, saat ini menjadi waktu yang tepat untuk melakukan kampanye. Fatah menunjukkan dengan adanya kampanye kepedulian ini adalah jawaban atas rumor yang beredar bahwa Fatah melakukan ‘transaksi’ dengan Israel mengenai pengungsi. Fatah, melalui kampanye ini seakan menunjukkan bahwa masih ada gerakan nasional Palestina yang konsen serta peduli dan berupaya untuk memulangkan semua pengungsi ke tanah air, termasuk pengungsi Palestina di Suriah.
Gerakan Islam Hamas menyerukan kepada semua milisi untuk meninggalkan kamp. Hamas yang kini telah kehilangan pijakan di Suriah setelah tidak bersikap netral lagi atas konflik Suriah, ikut bergabung dalam gerakan Save Yarmouk untuk menunjukkan bahwa Hamas masih peduli dengan pengungsi Palestina di Suriah.
Ironisnya, sementara Hamas yang  pernah menjadi sekutu dekat rezim Suriah sebelum akhirnya berubah posisi, PLO dan afiliasinya yang lebih netral dalam konflik Suriah lebih mudah mendapatkan makanan untuk disalurkan ke dalam kamp. Yarmouk Camp kini hanya dihuni oleh kurang dari 50.000 jiwa, sebelum konflik kurang lebih 150.000 jiwa.
Kemarahan dan frustrasi rakyat  Palestina telah membuahkan hasil. Beberapa bantuan pun mengalir untuk kamp Palestina, tapi sayangnya tidak terlalu lama bisa menarik nafas lega. Menurut Associated Press,  setelah sejumlah konvoi berhasil masuk, tembakan demi tembakan menargetkan truk bantuan. Meskipun begitu, halangan demi halangan tidak menghentikan kampanye kemanusiaan untuk menyelamatkan Yarmouk. Hikmah terbesar sekaligus keberhasilan terbesar dalam peristiwa ini adalah masing- masing pihak yang tidak akur dalam internal Palestina, kini telah kembali fokus untuk berjuang demi Palestina, karena di luar sana di pengungsian, rakyat Palestina masih tinggal di luar rumah dan tanpa perlindungan dari negara asalnya.
Mungkin, saat ini bukanlah hal yang tepat untuk saling salah menyalahkan. Apalagi, masing -masing pihak yang bertikai memiliki alasan masing- masing. Namun jika harus menyalahkan pun, setidaknya berdasarkan data yang valid dan argumen yang masuk akal. Pihak pemerintah Suriah, telah dengan tegas mengumumkan kepada dunia bahwa mereka akan memerangi terorisme. Pernyataan mereka bukan tanpa alasan. Kita sudah melihat sendiri bagaimana Suriah yang aman dan damai kini menjadi negara hancur setelah teroris tersbut bertamu ke Suriah. Tentang terorisme coba kita tanyakan pada rakyat Bali yang pernah menjadi korbannya. Bali yang begitu indah dan penuh daya tarik mendadak menjadi kota mati, ekonomi hancur, pengusaha kecil hingga menengah gulung tikar, para petani, sayurnya membusuk dan masyarakatnya banyak yang stress hingga bunuh diri. Itu baru satu tempat yang terkena bom, lalu bagaimanakah kondisi Suriah yang bom meledak dimana mana? Apakah salah pemerintah sah Suriah membasmi pengacau negaranya?
Sedangkan pemberontak, mereka tengah berhalusinasi. Mereka mengira bahwa mereka tengah berjihad di Suriah memerangi rezim thagut, syiah atau kafir kendatipun yang mereka bunuh adalah ulama -ulama ahlussunah, kendatipun yang jadi korbannya adalah rakyat sipil yang tidak berdosa. Mereka masih tidak berhenti bermimpi sedang mendirikan sebuah Daulah Islam dengan segala kebaikannya. Pertanyaannya sekarang adalah, Daulah Islam seperti apa yang didirikan dengan mengorbankan banyak jiwa  dan segala kerusakan lainnya? Mereka tidak belajar dari Libya, setelah Ghadaffi tumbang, tidak ada khilafah Islam yang  terbentuk. Justru, Libya kini diperintah oleh boneka Barat. Kini mereka mengulangi kesalahan yang sama di Suriah, mereka bermandikan darah rakyat Suriah, dan dengan tangan penuh darah tersebut, mereka menuduh Assad yang membantai rakyatnya. Sungguh, pertunjukan yang jauh dari lucu. (liputanislam.cm/almonitor/AF)

Iran dan Konferensi Keamanan Munich

Menteri Luar Negeri Iran Mohammad Javad Zarif akan mengambil bagian dalam Konferensi Keamanan Munich ke-50 yang dijadwalkan berlangsung pada tanggal 31 Januari sampai 2 Februari.

Direktur Konferensi Keamanan Munich Wolfgang Ischinger sebelumnya mengumumkan bahwa pihaknya mengirimkan surat undangan bagi Iran untuk mengambil bagian dalam acara tersebut.

Diskusi panel pada hari Ahad, akan menampilkan Menlu Zarif dan timpalannya dari Swedia Carl Bildt, untuk membahas strategi mencapai kesepakatan final terkait isu nuklir Iran.

Ischinger mengatakan Konferensi Keamanan Munich akan memberikan kesempatan kepada Tehran untuk mempresentasikan posisinya dan menjelaskan rencana mengenai kesepakatan jangka panjang Iran dengan Barat.

Dia menambahkan bahwa para pejabat Uni Eropa lainnya dan Amerika kemungkinan akan bergabung dengan Zarif dan Bildt dalam diskusi panel tersebut.

Sebagai konferensi yang paling diakui oleh para pejabat keamanan, pertemuan tahun ini akan mendiskusikan sejumlah isu penting dunia termasuk, krisis Suriah dan perundingan nuklir Iran dengan Barat.

Menyusul kepemimpinan Presiden Hassan Rohani yang menawarkan interaksi konstruktif Iran dengan dunia, masyarakat internasional semakin antusias untuk mendengarkan pandangan-pandangan Republik Islam dalam forum-forum internasional.

Konferensi Keamanan Munich fokus pada isu-isu strategis internasional dan mengundang para pejabat pemerintah, pakar, dan peneliti terkemuka dunia untuk membahas sejumlah dimensi masalah keamanan.

Memasuki usianya yang ke-50, Konferensi Keamanan Munich telah mengundang sejumlah tamu kehormatan dalam pertemuan itu antara lain, mantan Kanselir Jerman Helmut Schmidt, mantan Presiden Perancis Valery Giscard d'Estaing, mantan Menteri Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat Henry Kissinger, dan juga mantan Menteri Luar Negeri Inggris David Miliband.

Sebanyak 20 kepala negara dan pemerintahan, 50 menteria luar negeri dan pertahanan serta 10 pimpinan organisasi internasional diharapkan akan berpartisipasi dalam konferensi itu.

Dunia saat ini sedang menghadapi sejumlah tantangan serius yang menuntut penyelesaian segera. Ada sejumlah tantangan yang mengancam berbagai dimensi kehidupan manusia seperti, terorisme, ekstrimisme, keamanan cyber, kasus penyadapan global, keamanan energi, lingkungan hidup, perubahan iklim, senjata pemusnah massal, berbagai jenis penyakit mematikan, kejahatan terorganisir, penyelundupan, dan polusi.

Menurut National Defense Magazine, tantangan utama keamanan di masa depan adalah keberadaan senjata destruksi massal, serangan cyber, kejahatantransnasional, dan perubahan iklim.

Sejumlah pakar percaya bahwa fenomena ketidakamanan sulit ditangani dan tidak ada jalan lain kecuali semua negara mengadopsi pendekatan yang seragam dan menjalin kerjasama secara jujur demi mencapai dunia yang bebas dari ancaman. Akan tetapi, perlu dicatat bahwa perdamaian tidak akan tercipta selama senjata masih memainkan peran utamanya.

Keamanan kolektif dan kerjasama semua negara diperlukan untuk mewujudkan perdamaian dunia dan menghapus peperangan. Semua ancaman harus diasumsikan sebagai tantangan bersama dan perlu diambil langkah-langkah yang sejalan dengan kepentingan masyarakat dunia.

Majelis Umum PBB dalam pada 19 Desember 2013, dengan suara bulat menerima usulan Presiden Iran untuk Dunia Menentang Kekerasan dan Ekstremisme (WAVE). Para pengamat memuji terobosan Republik Islam dan menganggap kerjasama kolektif sebagai satu-satunya solusi untuk meghadapi fenomena kekerasan dan ketidakamanan. (IRIB Indonesia/RM)


AS Gagal Capai Tujuannya di Jenewa 2

Islam Times - Waki lMenlu itu mengatakan bahwa AS tidak dapat mengubah kedaulatan politik di Suriah melalui perang psikologis dan propaganda.
Hossein Amir-Abdollahian - Wakil Menlu Iran untuk Urusan Arab dan Afrika
Hossein Amir-Abdollahian - Wakil Menlu Iran untuk Urusan Arab dan Afrika

Seorang pejabat Kementerian Luar Negeri Iran mengatakan, Amerika gagal  mencapai hasil yang diinginkannya dari konferensi Jenewa 2 tentang krisis Suriah.

Wakil Menteri Luar Negeri untuk Urusan Arab dan Afrika, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian mengatakan pada Kamis malam (30/1/14) bahwa tindakan AS menekan kelompok oposisi Suriah tidak bisa menghasilkan hasil yang positif.

Amir-Abdollahian melanjutkan, bagi para pemerhati politik, sudah jelas bahwa perundingan itu tidak akan berhasil karena delegasi yang mewakili oposisi tidak dipilih secara tepat.

Amir-Abdollahian menambahkan bahwa Washington berusaha mengubah hasil  pembicaraan untuk keuntungan sendiri dengan memasukkan kelompok oposisi Suriah.

Wakil Menlu itu mengatakan bahwa AS tidak dapat mengubah kedaulatan politik di Suriah melalui perang psikologis dan propaganda.

Pembicaraan yang bertujuan menemukan solusi politik untuk krisis Suriah dimulai di kota Montreux, Swiss pada 22 Januari lalu.

Oposisi dan pendukung bersikeras bahwa Presiden Suriah Bashar al-Assad harus mundur dan pemerintahan transisi harus dibentuk di Suriah. Tapi Damaskus menolak dengan alasan bahwa Koalisi Nasional Suriah (SNC) dukungan asing tidak mewakili seluruh oposisi di Suriah.

Analis: Netanyahu Pembohong Berantai

Seorang analist politik berbasis di AS mengatakan bahwa Perdana Menteri Israel Benjamin Netanyahu adalah "pembohong berantai" ketika sampai pada program energi nuklir Iran, Press TV melaporkan.
Analis: Netanyahu Pembohong Berantai

Seorang analist politik berbasis di AS mengatakan bahwa Perdana Menteri Israel Benjamin Netanyahu adalah "pembohong berantai" ketika sampai pada program energi nuklir Iran, Press TV melaporkan.

Dalam sebuah wawancara dengan Press TV pada hari Rabu 29/1/14, Stephen Lendman, seorang penulis dan penyiar radio, mengatakan bahwa perdana menteri Israel sebagai " pembohong" dan mengatakan Israel sangat menyadari bahwa program energi nuklir Iran tidak memiliki aspek militer.

"Segala sesuatu yang keluar dari mulutnya tidak memiliki kredibilitas, Iran tidak memiliki program senjata nuklir, " kata Lendman, menambahkan bahwa semua orang tahu Israel adalah satu-satunya pemilik senjata nuklir dan senjata kimia di Timur Tengah.

Pada tanggal 28 Januari Netanyahu membuat tuduhan yang lebih kosong tentang program energi nuklir Iran, mengklaim bahwa kesepakatan nuklir antara Teheran dan enam kekuatan dunia, telah memperlambat kemampuan Iran untuk membangun senjata nuklir selama enam minggu. "

Iran dan enam kekuatan utama dunia meraih kesepakatan nuklir interim di Jenewa, Swiss, November lalu dalam upaya untuk membuka jalan bagi sebuah resolusi yang telah berumur satu dekade atas program nuklir Republik Islam Iran.

Lendman lebih lanjut menyatakan bahwa Netanyahu telah membuat komentar tersebut dalam upaya untuk mensabotase kesepakatan Jenewa, dan berusaha untuk mendapatkan bantuan AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) di Amerika untuk mendorong Kongres AS "untuk menekan sanksi lebih terhadap Iran.(IT/TGM

Entitas Zionis Hancurkan 600 Pohon Zaitun di Palestina

Islam Times- Pohon-pohon tersebut ditanam oleh Komite Palang Merah Internasional untuk membantu petani Palestina.
Petani Palestina
Petani Palestina

Kemarin, ‪Selasa, 28/01/14, entitas Zionis Israel menumbangkan 600 pohon zaitun dan pohon almond di sebuah desa dekat Ramallah‬.

Pohon-pohon tersebut ditanam oleh Komite Palang Merah Internasional untuk membantu petani Palestina.

Menurut laporan OCHA, entitas Zionis membakar, menumbangkan atau merusak 10.142 kebun dan pohon milik warga Palestina pada tahun 2013, naik daritis dari 8.259 pada tahun 2012. [IT/Onh/Ass]

Kamis, 30 Januari 2014

Shaaban wondered if one can imagine that there are Syrians who refuse to denounce US interference in their country and sending weapons to criminals who murder and abduct, and who disagree to liberating occupied and to stopping terrorism and foreign interference. She reiterated that the Syrian Arab Republic delegation wants to stop terrorism, stem bloodshed, and end the crisis and the tragedy affecting the Syrian people due to foreign interferences, noting that those who started this tragedy want to keep it going, while the Syrian government is trying to find a way to end the war and restore security and safety to Syria so that Syrians can decide upon their future...>>>...Salah satu anggota Takfiri ISIS warga Spanyol melarikan diri dari pertempuran di Suriah setelah menolak untuk melakukan misi bunuh diri. Menurut surat kabar Spanyol El Pais, pria berumur 28 tahun asal Spanyol itu bernama Mohamed Abdelwahid Sadik, ditangkap di Malaga–Costa del Sol Airport pada tanggal 5 Januari lalu ketika ia kembali ke Spanyol dari Suriah. ...>>>.... Shaaban said that Ford addressed the Syrian people on Tuesday as if he were a high commissioner, telling the Syrian people what they want, don’t want, and what’s good and what’s not good, forgetting that Syria is 10,000 years old and that the Syrians have dignity, and that those he meets and dictates to don’t represent Syria nor its people..>>> ...She pointed out that the coalition delegation of so-called “opposition” doesn’t care about first Geneva communiqué nor about Syria; all they care about is reaching a transitional stage to carry out what its supporters want, adding that the coalition delegation claims to represent part of the Syrian people, but in fact it only represent foreign interests which are hostile towards Syria and its people...>>> ....She noted that agreeing to discuss counterterrorism came due to the Syrian official delegation’s persistence on this point. “The coalition delegation talked yesterday with a vision that almost made us feel like they had a magic wand and that they will solve all problems at once, but when we told them to let us bring humanitarian aid to Adra if they’re capable of stopping violence, terrorism and murder with their incredible capacities, they said that they cannot guarantee anything,” Shaaban pointed out...>>>

Number of foreign militants in Syria rises: US

US Senate Chamber
US Senate Chamber
More than 7,000 foreign militants are fighting for the militants in Syria's conflict and some are being trained to return home and conduct attacks, US spy chiefs has told lawmakers.
The estimate, given at a Senate intelligence hearing on Wednesday, was much higher than earlier figures of 3,000 to 4,000 foreign terrorists in Syria, and came after news emerged this week that Congress had secretly approved more funding to send weapons to militants in Syria.
"We estimate, at this point, an excess of 7,000 foreign terrorists have been attracted from some 50 countries, many of them in Europe and the Mideast," James Clapper, the US director of national intelligence, told the hearing.
"And this is of great concern not only to us, but to those countries," he said at the Senate Intelligence Committee's annual hearing on global security threats.
US spy agencies had not previously made the figure of 7,000 public, though it has appeared in classified intelligence reports, a US official said.
Clapper said US intelligence agencies had spotted the appearance of "training complexes" for foreign terrorists in Syria, where the unrest has killed at least 100,000 people and forced millions to flee.
US officials have privately estimated that at any one time, a handful of Americans have been fighting in Syria with militant factions.
US and European security officials said this week that light arms supplied to the United States are flowing to Syrian militants and the US Congress had secretly approved funding for months of further deliveries.
Congressional committees had held up weapons deliveries for months over fears that US arms would not prove decisive in the militants' efforts to oust the Syrian President government and could end up in the hands of extremist militants.
Some of the foreign terrorists fighting in Syria, such as the al-Nusra Front, have aspirations to attack the United States itself, Clapper said.
Senator Dianne Feinstein, who chairs the intelligence committee, called the situation in Syria the most notable new security threat in the year since the panel last held a hearing on global threats.
IHS Jane's Company estimated that some 10,000 militants are fighting for groups affiliated with al-Qaeda such as al-Nusra Front, and the rest fight for different militant groups.
- See more at: http://en.alalam.ir/news/1560681#sthash.Kye8DRzd.dpuf

Suriah Desak AS Hentikan Pengiriman Senjata untuk Teroris

Islam Times - http://www.islamtimes.org/vdcjmmetauqexvz.bnfu.html
Menurut Meqdad, hal itu membuktikan bahwa Amerika sebenarnya sama sekali tidak tertarik akan keberhasilan pembicaraan Jenewa 2 yang bertujuan mencari solusi damai dalam krisis Suriah.
Amerika  adalah Zionis
Amerika adalah Zionis

Deputi Menteri Luar Negeri Suriah pada hari Selasa (28/1/14) meminta Amerika Serikat dan sekutu-sekutunya untuk menghentikan pengiriman senjata pada kelompok-kelompok teroris di Suriah.

Faisal Meqdad mengatakan, sangat jelas bagi semua pihak bahwa senjata yang diberi Amerika pada kelompok bersenjata 'moderat' telah jatuh ke kelompok teroris ekstrimis.

Menurut Meqdad, hal itu membuktikan bahwa Amerika sebenarnya sama sekali tidak tertarik akan keberhasilan pembicaraan Jenewa 2 yang bertujuan mencari solusi damai dalam krisis Suriah.

Pejabat Suriah itu membuat pernyataan dalam sebuah konferensi pers di sela-sela pelaksanaan Konferensi Jenewa 2.

Sesi pagi Selasa (28/1/13) antara delegasi pemerintah Suriah dan Koalisi Nasional Suriah (SNC) ditunda karena AS tetap bersikeras terus mempersenjatai kelompok-kelompok teroris di Suriah.

Sementara sesi sore pembicaraan terpaksa dibatalkan karena muncul perselisihan yang sangat mendasar.

Pembicaraan Jenewa 2 berakhir dengan kebuntuan seiring perbedaan pendapat yang sangat tajam antara kedua belah pihak. SNC dukungan asing menuntut pembentukan pemerintahan tanpa Presiden Bashar al-Assad. Sementara Damaskus menolak tegas hal itu dan mengatakan bahwa rakyatlah yang akan menentukan dalam pemilua apakah Assad akan berkuasa atau tidak.[IT/r]

Konferensi Jenewa 2

Brahimi: Ada Jurang Besar dalam Konfrensi Jenewa 2

Islam Times - "...Saya tidak bisa berharap bahwa kita akan mencapai sesuatu yang substantif," kata Brahimi dalam konferensi pers setelah pembicaraan hari Rabu (29/1/14) di Swiss.
Lakhdar Brahimi. Utusan Khusus PBB dan Liga Arab untuk Suriah
Lakhdar Brahimi. Utusan Khusus PBB dan Liga Arab untuk Suriah

Utusan Khusus Liga Arab dan PBB untuk Suriah, Lakhdar Brahimi mengatakan ada kesenjangan besar antara kedua belah pihak dalam konferensi Jenewa 2.

"...Saya tidak bisa berharap bahwa kita akan mencapai sesuatu yang substantif," kata Brahimi dalam konferensi pers setelah pembicaraan hari Rabu (29/1/14) di Swiss.

Tapi Brahimi menambahkan bahwa es yang berada di antara oposisi dan pemerintah Suriah mulai meleleh perlahan-lahan.

Pembicaraan Jenewa 2 dimulai di kota Montreux, Swiss pada 22 Januari lalu dan bertujuan mencari solusi politik untuk krisis maut yang melanda Suriah sejak Maret 2011.[IT/r]

Pengakuan Takfiri: Mereka Dipaksa Melakukan Bom Bunuh Diri

Islam Times-http://www.islamtimes.org/vdcdk90szyt0os6.lp2y.html
Kelompok-kelompok bersenjata di Suriah percaya, anggota yang bergabung dengan Takfiri terutama berasal dari Maroko dan negara-negara Eropa rata-rata tidak mampu berperang seperti yang berasal dari Arab Saudi dan Yordania, karenanya mereka ditugaskan untuk melakukan misi bom bunuh diri.

Salah satu anggota Takfiri ISIS warga Spanyol melarikan diri dari pertempuran di Suriah setelah menolak untuk melakukan misi bunuh diri.

Menurut surat kabar Spanyol El Pais, pria berumur 28 tahun asal Spanyol itu bernama Mohamed Abdelwahid Sadik, ditangkap di Malaga–Costa del Sol Airport pada tanggal 5 Januari lalu ketika ia kembali ke Spanyol dari Suriah.

Mohamed yang saat ini berada di penjara menunggu sidang karena terlibat dengan jaringan al-Qaeda, Negara Islam Irak dan Sham (ISIS), mengaakan, dirinya "diundang" oleh pemimpin kelompok itu untuk melakukan misi bunuh diri, namun kepada mereka, ia mengatakan belum siap untuk melakukan misi tersebut.

Lebih lanjut dikatakannya, setelah penolakannya untuk melakukan misi itu, ia dikirim ke operasi yang sangat berbahaya termasuk serangan di penjara Irak, Abu Ghraib pada bulan Juli.

Tahanan itu menambahkan,a setelah ia berulang kali ditekan untuk ambil bagian dalam misi bunuh diri ia memutuskan untuk meninggalkan negara Timur Tengah dan kembali ke Spanyol.

Menurutnya, kelompok-kelompok bersenjata di Suriah percaya, anggota yang bergabung dengan Takfiri terutama berasal dari Maroko dan negara-negara Eropa rata-rata tidak mampu berperang seperti yang berasal dari Arab Saudi dan Yordania, karenanya mereka ditugaskan untuk melakukan misi bom bunuh diri. [IT/Onh/Ass]
Middle East    

Shaaban: Tomorrow’s Talks Will Tackle Issue of Terrorism

Local Editor
Syrian Presidential Political and Media Advisor Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban said that Thursday’s talks between the Syrian Arab Republic delegation and the coalition delegation of the so-called “opposition” will tackle terrorism, as UN Envoy to Syria Lakhdar Brahimi became convinced that they must discShaabanuss how to stop terrorism first.
In statements to the press on Wednesday, Shaaban said that the coalition delegation of the so-called “opposition” doesn’t want to discuss anything other than how it can rise to power, and this is what those who support it want as well.
She pointed out that that former US Ambassador to Damascus Robert Ford came out into the open yesterday to confirm that he leads the coalition delegation of so-called “opposition” after he was leading it covertly.

Shaaban said that Ford addressed the Syrian people on Tuesday as if he were a high commissioner, telling the Syrian people what they want, don’t want, and what’s good and what’s not good, forgetting that Syria is 10,000 years old and that the Syrians have dignity, and that those he meets and dictates to don’t represent Syria nor its people.

She pointed out that the coalition delegation of so-called “opposition” doesn’t care about first Geneva communiqué nor about Syria; all they care about is reaching a transitional stage to carry out what its supporters want, adding that the coalition delegation claims to represent part of the Syrian people, but in fact it only represent foreign interests which are hostile towards Syria and its people.

Shaaban wondered if one can imagine that there are Syrians who refuse to denounce US interference in their country and sending weapons to criminals who murder and abduct,  and who disagree to liberating occupied and to stopping terrorism and foreign interference.

She reiterated that the Syrian Arab Republic delegation wants to stop terrorism, stem bloodshed, and end the crisis and the tragedy affecting the Syrian people due to foreign interferences, noting that those who started this tragedy want to keep it going, while the Syrian government is trying to find a way to end the war and restore security and safety to Syria so that Syrians can decide upon their future.

Shaaban said the morning session was different, but the talks were positive, with the coalition delegation trying to discuss the issue of a transitional government, and the Syrian official delegation said it doesn’t mind discussing the first Geneva communiqué one item at a time from the beginning, noting that the first item of this communiqué calls for halting violence which has now become terrorism and creating a suitable atmosphere for launching a political process.

She noted that agreeing to discuss counterterrorism came due to the Syrian official delegation’s persistence on this point.
“The coalition delegation talked yesterday with a vision that almost made us feel like they had a magic wand and that they will solve all problems at once, but when we told them to let us bring humanitarian aid to Adra if they’re capable of stopping violence, terrorism and murder with their incredible capacities, they said that they cannot guarantee anything,” Shaaban pointed out.

On the interposition presented by the coalition delegation, Shaaban said this interposition’s main point is that they want a transitional government with full authority which they consider capable of ending violence, defeating terrorism and making Syria a paradise, noting that it’s clear that the coalition delegation need time to coordinate and agree on the ideas they want to discuss with the Syrian government, but it seems that there are sides who give contrary opinions to this coalition.
She pointed out that Friday may be dedicated to discussing when sessions will be continued afterwards, as the Syrian official delegation informed Brahimi that they will stay in Geneva only until Friday because they have commitments in Syria, stressing at the same time that the Syrian government wants to see a wide spectrum of opposition, particularly internal opposition.
On the US Congress decision to continue arming the so-called “opposition” and if this was discussed with Brahimi, Shaaban said that Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari discussed this with Brahimi.
“We know that they are arming and funding and overlooking Saudi Arabia which arms and funds, but declaring this while the Geneva talks are in session shows confusion on the part of the US administration which on one side talks to Russia and says it wants to hold Geneva to resolve the crisis in Syria, and on the other side hinders it, as announcing the arming constitutes real and tangible hindering of any political solution we seek to achieve,” she said.
Shaaban said that it’s unclear whether the contradiction in US step is between different US sides or strategies, contrasting it to the Russian government which has been consistent in its positions and statements.
She said that the results of what is taking place in the conference will be discussed by the Russians and the Americans who sponsored this conference, with an upcoming meeting between Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, US State Secretary John Kerry, and Brahmi.
Shaaban voiced belief that the meetings in the Geneva conference will reflect positively on the Syrian people and their interests, adding that this optimism is drawn from what is happening on the ground, form the Syrian people, and the army.
She pointed out that the CNN correspondent told her during an interview that the Syrian government is “making a strong performance” which is why they cut down on media coverage, as the Syrian government has things to say while the other side seems not to have much that is convincing.
Shaaban said that the foreign press which had been against Syria and attempted to isolate it now realizes that Syria has convincing things to say, adding “we came to Geneva carrying the tears of the mothers, wives and children of martyrs, the strength of the Syrian Arab Army, President Bashar al-Assad, and the Syrian people, and the Syrians’ interests.”
She asserted that the foremost concern for any Syrian citizen is the restoration of security and stability to Syria, and the Syrian official delegation is representing this and hopes to be able to realize the Syrians’ aspirations.
On social media taking parts of statements she made out of context, Shaaban said this isn’t surprising as media misdirection was employed since the beginning against Syria, its people, and against her in person, adding that this is done by people without the least bit of respect and professionalism, and she will not respond to it because this does not worry her.
On whether there can by a Syrian-Syrian dialogue in Damascus instead of Geneva, Shaaban said that this is the Syrian government’s goal, and when all spectra of the opposition arrive and real dialogue begins, it must take place in Damascus.

Source: Agencies
29-01-2014 - 21:57 Last updated 29-01-2014 - 21:57

Syrian Army Advances in Aleppo, Kills Scores of Terrorists in Several Provinces

Local Editor 

The Syrian army firmly controlled the high way that links the eastern areas of Aleppo to its central part, cutting off the supporManar-Syrian Armyt lines to the militant groups in the northern province.
The Syrian army further liberated the factories of the industrial areas in the city, paving the way to maintaining and re-operating them after they were destroyed and looted by the militant groups.
A military source said that army units killed terrorists in the area surrounding Aleppo central prison, Maaret al-Artiq, al-Mansoura, Ainjara, Helan, Dahret al-Breij, Kweires, al-Jdeideh and Rasm al-Abboud, killing many and destroying their weapons.
The source added that an ammunition cache was destroyed in Qadi Askar, in addition to terrorists' dens in al-Jazmati, al-Shaar, al-Nairab, Hanano, al-Rashidin the surrounding area of al-Haowoz roundabout and the farms near al-Nairab bridge.
In Idleb, army units eliminated armed terrorist groups in the towns and villages of Kafarlaha, Abu al-Dohour, Tal Salmo and Maaret al-Noman.
The army units carried out several operations against the armed terrorist groups in many areas in Damascus Countryside, killing scores of terrorists and eliminating their weaponry and equipment.
SANA said that the army clashed with terrorist groups in the areas of Adra and al-Qadam and killed and injured a number of them.
The army also targeted terrorists’ hideouts in the areas of Daraya and Joubar and killed scores of terrorists, among them Yaser al-Itr, leader of the so-called “al-Shuhada Brigade” terrorist group.
The army destroyed hideouts for Jabhet al-Nusra terrorist organization and eliminated a number of terrorists in the area of Khan al-Sheeh and destroyed two vehicles for terrorists in the city of al-Zabadani.
An army unit clashed with terrorists who tried to attack military checkpoints in the town of Madaya and eliminated the majority of the assailants.
Meanwhile, an army unit destroyed a mortar and a vehicle equipped with heavy machinegun near the area of al-Qastal.
The army destroyed an explosive devices factory in Daraa al-Balad and killed scores of terrorists in many areas in the province.
A military source told SANA that the army clashed with terrorists who tried to attack a military checkpoint in al-Aurdun Street, killing two terrorists and injuring others.
The army also clashed with terrorist groups in the area between al-Hrak and al-Mlaiha al-Gharbyeh and near Ibta’ and Otman areas and killed and injured scores of terrorists.
Meanwhile, the army units clashed with terrorists in the area of al-Sheikh Miskeen and killed a number of them. Among the killed terrorists were Omar Saber and Rashed al-Hariri.
The army units killed dozens of terrorists, the majority of them of the Saudi, Tunisian and Lebanese nationalities in the town of al-Zara in Homs countryside.
A field source told SANA that among the killed terrorists were Mohammad al-Aryan of the Saudi nationality, Abdul-Salam Mousa and Abdul-Fath Sateef of the Tunisian nationality, Bilal Assaf, Ibrahim Khashan, Majed al-Masri and Muhannad Surour of the Lebanese nationality, in addition to terrorists Waled Muhalla, Mohammad Nasser and Mohammad al-Zain.

Source: Agencies
28-01-2014 - 20:36 Last updated 28-01-2014 - 20:36

Syrian Army Launches Attack from Qusseir, Controling Naaimat Hills near Lebanon

Local Editor 
The Syrian army launched from the city of Qusseir an intensive campaign against the terrorist groups in al-Qaa area at Lebanese borders, regaining control over Naaimat Hills.Syria Army
In details, the Syrian army attacked over 1000 the terrorists on Naaimat hill which is considered a stronghold for the militants as they used it to attempt infiltrating into Qusseir and to launch rockets and shells against the Lebanese areas.
The Syrian army killed scores of the terrorists and confiscated their munitions.
The Syrian Army foiled several infiltration attempts in the provinces of the Daraa and Souwayda, ambushing and killing scores of the militants who were trying to assist the besieged terrorists in eastern Gouta.
The Syrian army restored security to the international Damascus-Daraa highway by pushing back the militants from surrounding areas.
The Syrian army also foiled attempts by terrorist groups to infiltrate Talkalakh countryside from Lebanon and destroyed many terrorists' hideouts in many areas in the province.
A source told SANA that the army eliminated all members of an armed terrorist group in the town of al-Zara and destroyed a vehicle loaded with weapons and ammunition, among the killed terrorists was leader of the group, Mustafa Rajab.
The source added that an army unit killed scores of terrorists who tried to infiltrate Talkalakh countryside from the area of Wadi Khaled in Lebanon and seizing a rocket launcher.
About 13 terrorists were killed and 9 vehicles were destroyed in many areas in al-Qseir southern countryside.
A military source told SANA that the army clashed with terrorists in the neighborhoods of Qadi Askar, Karm al-Maysar, al-Marjeh, Bustan al-Qasr, al-Rashideen, al-Jazmati and al-Hawouz in Aleppo city.
The source added that the army also targeted and destroyed terrorists' hideouts in the areas of Jdaidah, Kweires, al-Sheikh Najjar, Darat Izza, al-Atareb, Maarat al-Arteeq, al-Widehi and Azzan and killed and injured scores of the terrorists.
In Raqqa, the Syrian army continued its special operations against the terrorists, despite the hard field conditions in the area.
The Syrian army killed a number of militants who besiege and attack Tabaqa's airport.
Despite the terrorist siege, the Syrian army was able to supply its soldiers with the munitions and foodstuffs via the military airplanes.

Source: Agencies
29-01-2014 - 14:48 Last updated 29-01-2014 - 21:32 |

Number of foreign militants in Syria rises: US

US Senate Chamber
US Senate Chamber
More than 7,000 foreign militants are fighting for the militants in Syria's conflict and some are being trained to return home and conduct attacks, US spy chiefs has told lawmakers.
The estimate, given at a Senate intelligence hearing on Wednesday, was much higher than earlier figures of 3,000 to 4,000 foreign terrorists in Syria, and came after news emerged this week that Congress had secretly approved more funding to send weapons to militants in Syria.
"We estimate, at this point, an excess of 7,000 foreign terrorists have been attracted from some 50 countries, many of them in Europe and the Mideast," James Clapper, the US director of national intelligence, told the hearing.
"And this is of great concern not only to us, but to those countries," he said at the Senate Intelligence Committee's annual hearing on global security threats.
US spy agencies had not previously made the figure of 7,000 public, though it has appeared in classified intelligence reports, a US official said.
Clapper said US intelligence agencies had spotted the appearance of "training complexes" for foreign terrorists in Syria, where the unrest has killed at least 100,000 people and forced millions to flee.
US officials have privately estimated that at any one time, a handful of Americans have been fighting in Syria with militant factions.
US and European security officials said this week that light arms supplied to the United States are flowing to Syrian militants and the US Congress had secretly approved funding for months of further deliveries.
Congressional committees had held up weapons deliveries for months over fears that US arms would not prove decisive in the militants' efforts to oust the Syrian President government and could end up in the hands of extremist militants.
Some of the foreign terrorists fighting in Syria, such as the al-Nusra Front, have aspirations to attack the United States itself, Clapper said.
Senator Dianne Feinstein, who chairs the intelligence committee, called the situation in Syria the most notable new security threat in the year since the panel last held a hearing on global threats.
IHS Jane's Company estimated that some 10,000 militants are fighting for groups affiliated with al-Qaeda such as al-Nusra Front, and the rest fight for different militant groups.
- See more at: http://en.alalam.ir/news/1560681#sthash.Kye8DRzd.dpuf

"Do You Recognize This Well-Dressed
Con Man?"If not, you could LOSE over 50% of your savings starting this year during

what is being called
"The BIGGEST Con Job In Wall Street History."
*Click on the 2-minute video below to discover who this man is...
How he ties into the  biggest con job in Wall Street history...
And how you can position yourself to DOUBLE or TRIPLE
your wealth while millions lose the shirts off their backs...

Hey... Nick Hodge here.
If you ever read stories or watched movies about con men, you'd know there are two general types of cons.
First, there's the short con — one in which you could lose $20-$100 in just a few moments, like in a game of Three Card Monte... a con game many hustlers play on street corners in cities throughout the world.
And then there's the long con — one that could play out over the course of months or even years.
Many times, people fooled in these long cons can lose tens of thousands of dollars... and in some cases, their entire life savings.
One of the best-known long cons is the "Ponzi scheme," named after Charles Ponzi, shown in the picture above.
In this scheme, investors are promised a higher-than-normal return on their investments.
However, the return doesn't come from profits from running the organization... it comes from new investors investing money into the moneymaking scheme.
In other words, it's a matter of taking the investment money from Peter, Paul, and Mary to pay returns to Mark, Mike, and Susie who invested in the scheme earlier.
So as long as you have new money coming in consistently from newer investors to pay returns to investors who got started earlier, all is well.shale-ponzi-2
But the problem is the whole house of cards falls down if there's no new money coming into the system. And as you can guess... there are only so many suckers that will pay into the system. Once you run out of new "investors," the jig is up.
Remember Bernie Madoff? That was nothing compared with what I'm about to share with you.
Right now, tens of millions of Americans and others around the globe are actually voluntarily paying into the largest Ponzi scheme of the past 100 years... and they don't even realize it.
To be clear, this has nothing to do with Social Security or Medicare... even though both are very similar to a Ponzi scheme.
And because of what my research shows will happen starting this year...
You, along with tens of millions of others, could lose over 50% of your retirement savings — with little or no notice.
Imagine the value of your bank accounts... your brokerage accounts... your 401k... your IRA... all cut in half — practically overnight.

Do You Think Losing Up to 50%

of Your Wealth Can't Happen to You?

If so, you'd be wrong... as it has happened many times before to people who thought it couldn't happen to them.
In fact, in a moment, I'll also show you how this could begin to happen over the next few months.
Nobody in the mainstream media is talking about it. The financial bobbleheads on TV are afraid to mention it. Financial publications won't write about it.
Because if they told you and the tens of millions of other people who are being played as suckers in this con game...
... Not only would the "game" be over, but the executives at the too-big-to-fail banks and financial institutions on Wall Street who are running it would fear for their lives once word got out about this cleverly-disguised scheme.
And we don't have to look as far back as the Great Depression to understand what happens when a country's currency collapses. We can look to more recent times...
In fact, since 1990, there have been several major currency crashes throughout the world.
shale-ponzi-3Consider the Mexican peso crash of 1994, when — in just 42 days — the value of the currency plummeted 39%.
Or in 1997 during the Asian Currency Crisis, when Thailand's currency — the Thai baht — lost 23% of its value in just 25 days... and then lost another 41% of its value in the following six months.
But these weren't isolated events...
The same thing happened in Brazil in 1996... in Russia in 1998... in Argentina in 2001... in South Korea in 2007... and in Iceland in 2008.
Each time, tens of millions of people were affected.
Quite frankly, I'm sure I'll be upsetting a whole lot of financial "big-wigs" and political figureheads by bringing this story to light.
And truth be told, I don't know how long I'll even be able to keep this research available online once certain "powers that be" get wind of it.
But let me assure you, it's certainly NOT all doom and gloom...
In fact, while it is inevitable that many people will have their savings and investments literally wiped out later this year, a handful of people who position themselves correctly for this financial upheaval stand to profit immensely.
You see, there are a few simple steps you can take right now that can not only protect your existing wealth when this house of cards comes crashing down... but can also give you the opportunity to DOUBLE or TRIPLE your financial net worth.
I'll reveal them in a moment... but before I do, let me show you some disturbing facts that nobody is willing to share with you...

The BIGGEST Con Job in Wall Street History

Right now, you are witnessing the BIGGEST con job in Wall Street history. You may even be contributing to it without giving it a second thought.
You see, the entire stock market as we know it is one giant Ponzi scheme. I'll show you why...
Recently, as you may recall, the Dow Jones Industrial Average reached historic highs of 16,400 in January 2014 — while in 2009, the DOW was at just 6,626.
That's a miraculous climb of almost 10,000 points in less than five years.
Never before did the market rise so much in so little time. (I'll show you why it has risen and why it's a "sucker's rally" that will wipe out people's retirement accounts.)
And despite President Obama and the financial bobbleheads on TV claiming we're out of the recession and into a recovery...
... The true unemployment and underemployment rate is at 25%.
... Half of all U.S. households receive some form of government "benefits."
... And over 60% of American workers have less than $25,000 in total savings.
With that said, I'm sure you'd agree that doesn't sound like much of a recovery.
In fact, it's a countrywide train wreck just waiting to happen...
And as scary as that may all sound... for many Americans who may be doing alright financially at this moment, it's about to get worse... much worse.
Because while the Ponzi scheme is scary in and of itself, it is what's feeding this Ponzi scheme that will really take many people by surprise.
Allow me to explain...

This Hidden Research Will Change EVERYTHING

About How You Spend, Save, and Invest This Year...

While traveling for business late last year, I met a very interesting financial researcher named Steve. He's spent years studying the markets, and I'm humbled enough to say what he uncovered left me a bit dumbfounded.
After asking him question after question about his research, I came to the realization that what he pieced together is probably known only to 100 people in the world.
shale-ponzi-4And though I like to think of myself as a highly educated and experienced investor, what he showed me completely changed how I look at the entire financial system and investing. His work was so groundbreaking, scary, and enlightening — all at the same time — I asked him if I could share his research with my readers.
He warned me about the impact his data could have once it got out in the public and the potential consequences. But after seeing it, I came to the conclusion that it's far too important to keep to myself...
So for right now — because of the broad-reaching effects of his research — Steve prefers to keep the rest of his identity hidden from the public. And in exchange for exclusive access to his financial data... I agreed.
You see, everything we've been told about the markets by the mainstream media has been a lie to get us to keep pumping money into paper assets.
In fact, in addition to institutional and individual investors — even the U.S. government is pumping $85 billion a month with "Quantitative Easing" to keep the economic house of cards standing.
That's over $1 trillion a year!
(*** Now, remember that amount of money... because in a moment I'll show you how it will collapse the entire global economy.)
Even many of the alternative media outlets have gotten the story wrong — focusing exclusively on the rapidly declining value of the U.S. dollar or why you must own precious metals to survive the coming collapse.
But there's much more to it than that.
As a matter of fact, there is one key economic factor that — once you see how it works — will completely change everything: the way you spend, save, and invest your money.
And I mean EVERYTHING. Starting this year.shale-ponzi-5

Here's what you must know...

It all comes down to energy.
More specifically, "Energy IOUs."
If you've never heard of them before, you're not alone.
As you probably know, the entire global economy is run on energy... particularly oil.
You see, each day, millions of barrels of oil are drilled, transported, and refined for fuel.
And according to the research and data I recently received from Steve, oil production abilities have plateaued since 2005 — despite the increased demand throughout the world.
Obviously, this has led to gas prices DOUBLING from $1.75 a gallon then to over $3.50 a gallon today.
And the only reason gas prices are still only $3.50 a gallon is because the U.S. government is pumping over $1 trillion of "funny money" into the markets.
But this charade can't last forever.
Here's why...

Have You Bought into THE BIG LIE About Shale

Oil and Gas That's Fueled This Ponzi Scheme?

Before I reveal this BIG LIE about shale oil and gas, I want to show you something nobody may have pointed out to you before...
Take any dollar bill out of your wallet... it doesn't matter if it is a $1, $5, $10, or $20. (Go ahead, I'll wait.)
Look at the top on the front of the bill. You'll see it says, "Federal Reserve Note."
Now, the word "note," when used in relation to financial matters, means an instrument of debt. So, for example, when you pay off the "note" on your mortgage or car, you no longer have debt, and you take ownership of the title or deed.
Each dollar bill (of any denomination) is actually a debt and therefore not considered to be money.
Yes, U.S. dollars are a currency — but they're NOT money.
You see (and you may already know this), money by definition is BOTH a store of value and exchangeable. That is why gold and silver are considered money.
However, while the U.S. dollar is exchangeable, it is NOT a store of value.
The U.S. dollar can be printed at will — and with over $17 trillion in debt, there is only one reason the U.S. dollar hasn't collapsed yet. And that is...

The ILLUSION of cheap energy.

As I mentioned earlier, oil production has plateaued the past several years. So as the U.S. and emerging market countries continue to expand their consumption of oil and natural gas, it makes you wonder...
If production has plateaued, where is all of it coming from?
The answer is from shale.
For the past few years, oil and natural gas from shale have been touted as saviors for the U.S. to break its dependence on foreign oil. Here, take a look at all the shale oil and gas basins in the U.S...


The media... talking heads on TV... and even well-respected financial publications have been bragging about the United States becoming "energy independent" in the coming years.
But there's just one problem...

It's all ONE BIG LIE!

You see, what most people don't know (and what Steve alerted me to) is that the U.S. shale gas industry has actually been a commercial failure and is doomed.
Energy from shale is nothing but a pipe dream.
See for yourself in this chart where the four biggest shale players (Chesapeake, Southwestern, Devon, and EOG) are actually losing money...


You'll note that while their total combined cash flow between 2008-2012 was over $80 billion, their total combined expenditures were over $132 billion. That's over $52 billion in losses!
As you and any other intelligent person could guess... they can't continue to operate at a loss.
In fact, our research shows that this whole Ponzi scheme of the U.S. dollar being propped up by the illusion of cheap energy is ALL about to come crashing down starting this year.
And when it does, it won't be pretty.
But if you take the precautions I mention below, you can position yourself to weather the storm, as gas prices could quickly double... even triple... over the course of a few months.
Imagine paying $10/gallon at the gas pumps. Depending on the size of your vehicle, it could cost you anywhere between $125-$320 to fill up your gas tank.
This alone will completely cripple the middle class.
And that's just the impact on individuals driving their vehicles.shale-ponzi-8
As a result of increased fuel prices, the cost of everything will spike.
FOOD... MEDICINE... HEATING FUEL... CLOTHING... All costing 3-5x their current amounts.
And you can bet this will cause never-before-seen protests, riots, and absolute chaos. What's worse is this will happen over a very short period of time.
And I'm not going to sugarcoat this... but if this research and data proves true, it will completely change not only the U.S. economy, but the global economy.
But as I mentioned earlier, those who take action now and prepare for this inevitability can not only survive this chaos... they can actually position themselves to come out ahead when the smoke finally clears and order is restored.
And even once order is restored... again, the entire global economy will be changed. The way you spend, save, and invest your money will be changed forever.
So to help you prepare yourself and your family for this, I created a special report that contains all of Steve's data (just so you can see for yourself how this will play out), along with specific steps to take today — before things get really bad starting later this year once the Ponzi scheme falls apart.
This report is called, "The Omega Report: How to Protect Your Family and Your Wealth from the BIGGEST Ponzi Scheme Ever Created."
It is by far the most important information I've ever shared with my readers.
I'll show you how you can download this free report in a moment. But before I do, I think you'd be interested in this opportunity (especially if you already own some gold).

The Gold Play That Could
Multiply Your Money Ten-Fold
Turning Every $10,000 into $100,000
Not only can you use hidden information from "The Omega Report" mentioned above to protect and grow your wealth during the coming market crash... but you can also get into a unique gold play I've been investigating for the past several months.
You see, I've found there are two trains of thought when it comes to gold...
First, you have those who have never invested in any physical gold or other precious metals. Instead, most (if not all) of their savings and wealth is in cash or other cash-based equities like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, IRAs, 401(k)s, etc.
Many of the people in this group will end up losing a great deal of their wealth starting this year once the BIGGEST Ponzi scheme starts to unravel.
But it doesn't have to be that way, as I'll show you in a moment.
The second group of people is comprised of the "gold-bugs."
These individuals already know how our current monetary system is built upon fiat currency and fractional reserve banking.
In other words, it's a house of cards that is propped up with a bunch of digitally-created "monopoly money."
And because of this, gold-bugs invest in gold, along with silver and other precious metals, on the premise that the government will continue to print more money — and essentially collapse the U.S. dollar.
Maybe you've already bought some gold... and if you did, I believe that was a smart move on your part.
No matter whether you currently own gold or not, this opportunity will give you the chance to multiply your wealth by a factor of 10.
I understand that may be difficult to believe, so let me explain...
While I was working with Steve and investigating how the biggest Ponzi scheme is about to start playing out in 2014, we came to the conclusion based on our research that stocks of mining companies will be among the best ones to hold during a financial collapse.
But I wasn't about to tell my readers to invest in every single mining company they could. That would be foolish.
In fact, I set out to find the one with the MOST profit potential and the LEAST amount of risk.
I'm calling it: The "King" Play.
shale-ponzi-9Because quite frankly, if you invested a sizeable portion of your wealth in this single play, you could very well live like a king for the rest of your days.
Let me share with you some facts about this remarkable mining company...
First, it owns 6-7 million ounces of gold grading 1.6 grams per ton — which is very good for a mining company.
Plus, the mining property is sitting on a huge deposit in a friendly mining location in the western U.S. — which is good for investors because the company won't be hamstrung with bureaucratic red tape and restrictions as it mines.
And most importantly, its current market cap is $115 million — and it's significantly undervalued... even at today's depressed gold prices.
In fact, if you're among the large (and growing) number of people who believe current gold prices have been manipulated to these low levels (which they have), then you'll be very interested in what could happen to the price of this mining stock when the value of gold begins climbing back to its highs of $1,800-$1,900 an ounce and beyond.
And the fact that you can get in on this play right now for less than $1 a share is incredible.
Unfortunately, I'm unable to share the name of this company here for the masses to see.
That's why I've put my research on this company (including the company's name and stock symbol) in a new special report called, "The 'King' Play: How to Turn Every $10,000 You Invest into $100,000."
It's only recently been made available to paying members of my online community — but if you're interested, I'll show you how you can get a copy of this report for free.
Why give away this valuable research report for free?
Well, the answer is quite simple, really...

The Founding of Like Minded People
Over the past few years, I've noticed a growing number of people looking for ways to protect their wealth... shield their personal and financial privacy... and safeguard their civil liberties.
These people don't trust the government... banks... or big corporate institutions...
And quite frankly, neither do I.
These people were looking for ways to buck the broken and corrupt financial system...
People of all ages, from all walks of life, who were looking for ways to increase their income... increase their personal and financial privacy... and increase their personal freedoms.
All while decreasing their taxes... decreasing their debt... and decreasing their dependence on the broken system in America.
So that's why, in the summer of 2013, I decided to form a special one-of-a-kind online community of individuals who hold these similar beliefs.
Today — less than a year from when we started this community — there are thousands of members in the U.S. and around the world.
And while corrupt politicians, bankers, and corporate executives want to limit our financial and personal freedoms... we believe it's time for us to expand them.
It's an idea whose time has come... and it may be something you'd like to be a part of.
Membership in this community is by invite-only.
And you can find out if it's right for you in a moment. But first...

There Are Some Important Things
You Should Know About Me...
As I mentioned earlier, my name is Nick Hodge.
I've co-written two best-selling books about investing and have helped thousands of individuals make a lot of money with my financial research over the past few years. My readers have seen gains like: nick hodge
Xethanol, Inc. — 159% gains... Akeena Solar — 316% gains... Organovo Holdings — 245% gains... Natcore Technology — 128.81% gains... BYD Company — 391% gains... DNI Metals — 113% gains... Cree — 119% gains... Alternate Energy Holdings — 426% gains... JA Solar — 101.97% gains 
And these are just a handful of the dozens of winning recommendations I've made to others over the past few years.
Had you invested in any of those plays, you could have easily doubled your money...
Many of my readers have done just that, and they have contacted me to share their experiences...

So why is all this important?

You see, I'm a firm believer in practicing what you preach.
It's also important to know that I don't mention all this stuff about me to impress you... as I'm certainly not the bragging type.
I merely mention all this to show you I know what I'm talking about...
And if you're interested, I can share with you the secrets I've discovered about massively growing your wealth and expanding your personal freedoms.
In fact...

Right Now, You Can Have Complete Access to My
Personal Freedom Library and Online Forum
As I mentioned, I've created a new online community called Like Minded People.
And for new members, I'm providing access to several special research reports I've created.
I detailed two of these reports earlier...
They are:
  • "The Omega Report: How to Protect Your Family and Your Wealth from the BIGGEST Ponzi Scheme Ever Created" — In this newly-released financial research report, you'll discover precisely how the energy sector is set to crash the entire financial market. This is the best-kept secret going on now in order to "protect" the U.S. economy — but it is actually just delaying the inevitable crash. Once people get this report and share it with others, all hell will break loose for politicians and Wall Street. Most importantly, you'll learn exactly what "triggers" to look for and how to position yourself to protect and grow your wealth... while millions of others lose the shirts off their backs.
  • "The 'King' Play: How to Turn Every $10,000 You Invest into $100,000" — Here, I'll share with you an undervalued gold mining company that will allow you to leverage gold prices with practically no risk. Right now, you can invest in this company for less than $1/share. And with gold down 30% off its high — once it climbs back up again (it's only a matter of time) — this company could be revalued, and every dollar you invest today could approach $10 per share and significantly grow your wealth... practically risk-free!
Now, you could easily make or save tens of thousands of dollars this year alone from what you discover in those special reports...
Still, I created many more somewhat controversial but incredibly useful reports for new members, including:
  • "On Our Own Together: The Foundation of Like Minded People" — Here, I'll reveal why I've created this community and the numerous ways you'll benefit as a new member.
  • "Bucking the System: Your Three Simple Steps to Get Started" — Here, you'll discover a financial tool that is rarely ever used by individuals but is used by every multi-billion dollar corporation — a proven strategy to maximize your wealth that could mean the difference between retiring with $500,000 in savings and $5 million in savings, and the most sure-fire (and legal) method I know of... and personally use... to lower my income taxes each year. (Just doing this alone could save you tens of thousands of dollars that you'd have to pay to the government.)
  • "My Secret to Real Wealth: The Three Investments You Must Own Today That Have Nothing to Do With the Stock Market" — In this report, I share the single greatest asset class billionaires are piling their money into right now. Plus, you'll discover a special commodity that has nothing to do with gold, silver, or precious metals — and has proven to consistently go up in value — that you should invest in today and that will be beneficial to you no matter what happens in the financial markets.
  • "How to Break the Bank: The Best Way to Protect Your Wealth" — Here, I'll show you how to preserve your savings even if banks continue to tack on more and more service fees and surcharges. Plus, I'll share why traditional 'brick and mortar' banks are becoming obsolete because of the emergence of safe and secure online banks. And you'll discover 'alternative' accounts where you can put your savings that offer the highest interests without any monthly or annual fees.
  • "Freedom from Centralized Power: What You REALLY Need to Know about Guns and Precious Metals" — In this report, you'll discover the five simple steps you can take over the next few weeks to significantly make yourself (and your family) 10 times more self-reliant and less dependent on "the system."
  • "Energy Independence: A Guide to Turning the Table on the Utility and Gas Companies" — While most people are burdened with higher fuel and utility bills, a growing number of people are discovering the exceptional energy investment opportunities that allow them to make substantial profits by investing in select energy sectors. In this report, I'll show you where to get in on these plays over the next several years — where your gains could easily pay for your gas, heat, and electricity... but possibly even your mortgage payments, too!
  • "The Next Level: Capitalizing on Market Shifts" — As you may know, each time the markets shift, people stand to make a substantial fortune. However, most people don't recognize when these shifts are going to happen. In this special report, you'll discover where I see the upcoming shifts occurring and how to profit from them.
Every quarter, I'll be adding new special reports to this Personal Freedom Library that could make a substantial difference in the ways you save, invest, and maintain your personal freedoms.
Plus, as a new member of the Like Minded People community, you'll also get immediate access to:
  • Complete 24/7 online access to a special forum where you can interact with other members of this community, asking and answering each other's questions and exchanging ideas on investing, wealth preservation, self-reliance, privacy protection, and much more...
  • 12 monthly issues of the Like Minded People newsletter, mailed to you each month, where you'll discover unique investment opportunities that could consistently grow your wealth — no matter how much or how little you currently have — as well as strategies on how to (legally) live outside the "system." Plus, you'll be able to access these monthly issues from your computer or even your cell phone.
  • Investment alerts and updates that you'll receive by email letting you know about special investments I'm researching. I also address our portfolio and any actions I recommend you take with our positions. And while we cannot offer personalized advice, we also publish answers to questions or comments we get from our members during these updates.
Now, you may be wondering what it costs to try out a Like Minded People membership.
I'll get to that in a moment... and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with how affordable I've made it for you to try out.
But before I talk price, I do need to make one more thing clear...

Please Take the Warnings Above Seriously...
or Risk Putting Yourself in Serious Financial Danger
Look, I'm not trying to scare you just so I can sell memberships or subscriptions. It's simply not in my nature to do that.
I write financial books and occasionally talk on financial news networks so I can inform the everyday Joe about what's really happening in the markets.shale-ponzi-12-edit
And while the facts and research I've presented above are not meant to scare you — they ARE meant to warn you... and perhaps even save your financial future.
You see, some people just have a hard time going out of their "comfort zone," and that's exactly why they'll be caught completely off guard when the shale Ponzi scheme crashes the value of ALL paper assets, and the value of precious metals begins to skyrocket.
That's why, if nothing else, you should read through "The Omega Report" and "The 'King' Play" report today... so at the very least, you can position yourself to protect your existing savings and wealth.
It will take less than just 30 minutes of your time to do — but it can mean the difference between being able to retire in comfort and with dignity... and needing to work until you die and enduring the shame of relying on government handouts.
While others watch their retirements or pensions get obliterated and are left wondering what happened... you can be in the driver's seat, having already prepared for what others were too naive to see or too scared to acknowledge.
I can all but guarantee that a membership in Like Minded People is very different from anything you've ever been part of before.
You're going to discover ideas and opportunities you likely won't see or hear about anywhere else.
But if you're interested ONLY in ordinary stocks, bonds, and mutual funds — and other outdated investment ideas and strategies that those financial bobbleheads on TV talk about — then Like Minded People will not be right for you... so please don't waste your time.
However, if you're ready to get your retirement planning and investments back on track and join a growing group of others who are doing the same, then you owe it to yourself to at least check out Like Minded People.

If you're unsure about what to do, here's what I recommend:

Take a look at everything I've described here over the next year, and then make up your mind for yourself.
That's right... a whole year.
In other words, let me know you'd like to give Like Minded People a no–risk look today, and we'll make sure you receive everything I mentioned in this video.
Unlike all those other financial publishers out there who only give you 30... 60... or even 90 days to try out their research... we're taking it to a whole new level.

When you try out a membership to Like Minded People today, you can take the whole next 12 months to make up your mind.

If you decide the ideas are too "out there" for you, or that you are better off sticking with mainstream conventions, simply let us know, and I'll make sure you get back the money you paid.
Believe me, there's no shame in asking for a refund.
The ideas I'll share in the newsletters and the updates, along with the ideas you'll hear about in the online forum, are certainly not for everyone.
In fact, they're probably not right for most ordinary people.
I realized long ago in my teenage years that life is so much better when you take the road less travelled... but for some people (for whatever reason), that just doesn't make sense.
As I mentioned before, some people just have a hard time going out of their "comfort zone."

But the funny thing is, that's exactly why our strategies work so well — and why they can work to your advantage!

You see, if everyone were using these techniques and secrets... and everyone felt comfortable with them... well, they'd become mainstream, and their effectiveness would basically disappear.
The nice thing is, by accepting this invitation today, you are agreeing only to try out a membership to see if you like it.
Trying out a membership in this "club" puts all the risk on our shoulders. Either we live up to our claims I mentioned today, or you get ALL your money back.
Not some of it... not a pro-rated amount... we will refund every single penny you paid.
It's as simple as that.
The membership fee for Like Minded People, by the way, is only $199 for one full year.

That comes to just $0.54 a day.

At that price, I am sure there's no better bargain for access to this kind of financial research and proven wealth-building strategies.
I promise you the ideas I introduce you to will be different and could easily be worth an absolute fortune in your life over the next few years.
As I said earlier, it's highly unlikely that you'll hear about these ideas anywhere else... and the fact that you can get all of this information for less than $1,000 is simply amazing to me.
Believe me, it is worth many, many times that price.

And actually, the deal gets even better...

For a limited time while we run this special offer, you can pay HALF of what we'll ask others to pay.
So instead of paying $199 like other readers will in the future, you'll get a full year's membership, including everything I mentioned here, for just $99.
That comes to just $0.27 a day, and it could possibly be the best investment you ever make.

There is, however, just one catch in order to qualify for this deal...

You see, this is the first time we've ever set up a membership community like this.
And as a result, we're building out our infrastructure for it slowly... and can only enroll 5,000 new members this month...
And while that may sound like a lot, when you consider this presentation will be seen by millions of people, those spots are sure to fill up rather quickly.
So if you click on the link below to enroll and all the spots are full, you'll be placed on a VIP priority notification list, and you can get started when we open up more spots next month.
I sincerely hope you take advantage of this unique opportunity to join our growing community of Like Minded People.
Simply click the link below to get started before this HALF–OFF Membership offer ends.
I look forward to welcoming you as a new member...
Nick Hodge Signature
Nick Hodge
Founder and Publisher, Like Minded People
P.S. When you try out your 12-month, risk-free membership today, you'll receive immediate access to all the financial research reports I mentioned today... along with personal access to the online member forum, where you can interact with other 'Like Minded People' 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
And when you try out your membership today, I'll also send you our newest report...
  • "Your Personal Fort Knox: How to Buy and Safely Store Your Precious Metals" — Here, you'll discover how smart investors buy gold and silver coins and bullion. Plus, you'll learn why a safety deposit box at a bank may be one of the worst places to store your precious metals. I'll also share the top three places to store your gold in your home (a heavy-duty safe is actually NOT one of them!) and the best place to store your precious metals overseas (just in case things get really bad with the U.S. economy).
Plus, as a new member, you'll be able to review ALL the existing newsletter issues, which include our member investment portfolio.
Remember, we can only accommodate a limited number of new members each month, so you don't want to be put on the waiting list.
To claim your spot right now, simply CLICK HERE.