Selasa, 10 Desember 2013

RUSSIA AND USA NUKES...?? SO FAR AROUND 10% RUSSIAN NUKES ENLIGHTEN USA..?? SO WHATS WAS HAPPENED..??>> >... Salah satu yang ambisius dari kebangkitan Rusia pasca Perang ingin adalah kembalinya rencana pengembangan missile train (kereta/kendaraan rudal). Pada Era Uni Soviet, kendaraan rudal tertentu akan membawa fasilitas rudal balistik. Kendaran rudal sulit untuk dideteksi karena keberadaannya bisa di mana saja. Ilmuwan dan teknisi Rusia sekarang sedang mengembangkan kendaraan bertenaga nuklir (untuk membawa rudal) untuk meniadakan penggunaan tiga mesin yang harus selalu mengisi bahan bakar dan akomodasi-akomodasi lain yang diperlukan. Sebuah prototipe dari kendaraan/lokomotif turbin gas, yang juga busa menarik kereta rudal, telah berhasil dibuat dan diuji coba. >>Pemerintah Amerika Serikat baru-baru ini mengungkapkan bahwa sekitar setengah dari bahan bakar nuklir yang digunakan untuk reaktor nuklir Amerika merupakan daur ulang dari hulu ledak nuklir Rusia. Sejak akhir 1990-an, sekitar 10 persen listrik yang dihasilkan di Amerika berasal dari pembangkit listrik yang menggunakan sumber bahan bakar nuklir Rusia.....>>> ..Ini merupakan hasil dari suksesnya upaya perlucutan senjata nuklir sejak Perang Dingin berakhir. Merupakan upaya bersama Amerika Serikat, Rusia, dan negera-negara penerus Uni Soviet guna mengumpulkan kembali, mengamankan atau menghancurkan ribuan senjata nuklir yang pernah dimiliki Uni Soviet dan Amerika sebagai senjata pemusnah massal. Secara khusus, senjata nuklir kecil (artileri) dari kedua negara tidak pernah jatuh ke tangan pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab...>> ... Yury Dolgoruky, dinamai dari pahlawan militer awal Rusia, adalah kapal selam yang pertama dari kelas Borey yang masuk ke layanan dan kapal selam berikutnya yaitu Vladimir Monomakh (sekarang sedang uji coba laut) dan Alexander Nevsky (masih dibangun) dijadwalkan akan segera bergabung dalam waktu dekat. Total semua kapal selam kelas ini yang berjumlah 8 akan segera selesai. Di atas kertas, Yury Dolgoruky adalah kapal selam rudal balistik antarbenua paling canggih yang dimiliki Rusia, yang rudal Bulava ("Mace") adalah rudal yang terbang rendah (akan sulit dideteksi radar), hipersonik, serta berhulu ledak ganda. Rudal yang terbang rendah seperti Bulava sangat berbahaya. Selama Perang Dingin, para analis militer AS yakin bahwa Uni Soviet mampu meluncurkan serangan rudal "terbang rendah" yang bisa menghancurkan, dengan peringatan sangat sedikit (sulit dideteksi) oleh sistem pertahanan rudal AS, menurut Norris.>>..... USEC Inc. USU +6.63% today shipped the last cylinders of low enriched uranium under the Megatons to Megawatts program from the Port of Baltimore to its facility in Paducah, Ky. Since 1995, USEC has purchased more than 14,000 metric tons of low enriched uranium downblended from 500 metric tons of weapons-grade uranium that has been extracted from the equivalent of 20,000 Russian nuclear warheads. ...>> Calling the HEU-LEU treaty a “significant non-proliferation accomplishment,” Gottemoeller said the US looked forward to “celebrating this historic achievement” at the ceremony marking the shipment of the final Russian uranium fuel containers in St. Petersburg. However, Russia has stressed that it will not be extending the contract, despite US proposals. Although the US paid more than $8 billion for the uranium fuel, and the estimated total payment may reach as high as $17 billion, it still purchased the downgraded uranium at below market price. ..>>


Nuklir Rusia Telah Menerangi Amerika

Ledakan nuklir

Pemerintah Amerika Serikat baru-baru ini mengungkapkan bahwa sekitar setengah dari bahan bakar nuklir yang digunakan untuk reaktor nuklir Amerika merupakan daur ulang dari hulu ledak nuklir Rusia. Sejak akhir 1990-an, sekitar 10 persen listrik yang dihasilkan di Amerika berasal dari pembangkit listrik yang menggunakan sumber bahan bakar nuklir Rusia.

Ini merupakan hasil dari suksesnya upaya perlucutan senjata nuklir sejak Perang Dingin berakhir. Merupakan upaya bersama Amerika Serikat, Rusia, dan negera-negara penerus Uni Soviet guna mengumpulkan kembali, mengamankan atau menghancurkan ribuan senjata nuklir yang pernah dimiliki Uni Soviet dan Amerika sebagai senjata pemusnah massal. Secara khusus, senjata nuklir kecil (artileri) dari kedua negara tidak pernah jatuh ke tangan pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab.

Pada akhir 1990-an, Rusia melaporkan bahwa mereka telah membongkar semua hulu ledak nuklir pada roket dan amunisi artileri. Sekitar 20.000 hulu ledak nuklir Soviet telah dibongkar di bawah perjanjian ini. AS kemudian membeli sebagain besar hulu ledak nuklir tersebut untuk kemudian diproses kembali (diluted) ke pembangkit listrik. Terakhir Rusia mengirimkan 500 ton bahan nuklir ini ke Amerika Serikat.

Semua ini dilakukan atas perjanjian tahun 1990 antara Amerika Serikat dan Rusia untuk membeberkan semua senjata nuklir Soviet dan membongkar sebagian besar dari senjata-senjata nuklir tersebut. AS menyediakan dana dan bantuan teknis, namun pekerjaan tetap dilakukan para ahli dan diplomat Rusia. Belarus, Kazakhstan, dan Ukraina (ketiganya pecahan Uni Soviet) mewarisi senjata nuklir ketika Uni Soviet bubar pada tahun 1991. Kepemilikan ini berdasarkan perjanjian "bubar" yang menyebutkan bahwa apapun aset milik Uni Soviet yang berada di 14 negara baru adalah milik negara baru tersebut. Dengan dibantu secara keuangan dan diplomatik dari negara-negara Barat, Rusia kemudian membeli nuklir dari 3 negara itu untuk dibongkar.

Rusia bergerak cepat dalam menyingkirkan hulu ledak nuklir kecil mereka karena khawatir jatuh ke tangan yang tidak bertanggung jawab yang notabene ini merupakan senjata-senjata ideal untuk kelompok-kelompok tempur kecil. AS sendiri butuh waktu 3 tahun untuk menyingkirkan nuklir-nuklir kecilnya, karena jumlahnya memang lebih banyak dari Soviet. Sejak awal 1970-an, Amerika Serikat memiliki lebih dari 7.000 hulu ledak nuklir yang disimpan di Eropa, sebagian besar merupakan hulu ledak dari amunisi artileri kaliber 155 mm. Tugas ini terakhir diselesaikan AS pada tahun 2003.
Pada 1990, para pejabat Rusia mengakui bahwa uranium seberat 3-5 kilogram yang sudah diperkaya dan sekitar 100 gram senjata kelas plutonium telah dicuri dari fasilitas nuklir mereka.
Sementara itu, Rusia masih banyak memiliki yang lain, problem unik Rusia. Mereka memiliki banyak (ton) bahan radiokatif lainnya yang beredar, sebagian besar dalam digunakan untuk listrik dan sebagian besar lainnya digunakan untuk keperluan medis dan industri. Yang paling mengkhawatirkan adalah ratusan Radiothermal Generators (RTGs) yang dibangun di pelosok-pelosok negeri selama era Uni Soviet. RTGs juga ditemukan pada beberapa satelit ruang angkasa, menggunakan bahan radioaktif untuk menghasilkan panas dan listrik, untuk rambu radio dan repeater sinyal di daerah terpencil. Pada awal 1990-an, Rusia bahkan tidak meyakini lokasi penempatan beberapa RTGs mereka, yang akhirnya kemudian beberapa ditemukan oleh sipil. Akhirnya semua RTGs ditemukan dan dibongkar.

Ada satu masalah lagi. Pada 1990, para pejabat Rusia mengakui bahwa uranium seberat 3-5 kilogram yang sudah diperkaya dan sekitar 100 gram senjata kelas plutonium telah dicuri dari fasilitas nuklir mereka. Beberapa kemudian ditemukan, dalam jumlah sedikit, di Eropa Barat, Turki, dan di Rusia yang sebagai pencurinya sendiri untuk dijual kembali. Rusia mengatakan bahwa jumlah kehilangan tersebut belum cukup untuk membuat bom.

Dalam dua dekade terakhir, material radioaktif yang diselundupkan keluar dari Rusia berada dalam jumlah kecil dan biasanya merupakan bahan baku tingkat rendah yang tidak cocok untuk dibuat bom. Kebanyakan nuklir Rusia telah dibongkar dan material nuklir mereka diubah menjadi bahan bakar pembangkit listrik. Senjata-senjata nuklir yang tersisa saat ini berada di bawah keamanan yang sangat ketat dan ilmuwan-ilmuwan nuklir Rusia diberikan karir dan insentif keuangan untuk agar tidak melakukan hal yang tidak diinginkan.

End to energy nukes: Russia ships last weapons-derived uranium batch to US

Published time: November 14, 2013 20:00
Liquid uranium hexafluoride weir, isotope separation plant; Siberian chemical integrated works
(RIA Novosti / A. Solomonov)
Liquid uranium hexafluoride weir, isotope separation plant; Siberian chemical integrated works (RIA Novosti / A. Solomonov)
Russia is set to deliver the last 160 tons of low-enriched uranium to the US as part of the “Megatons-to-Megawatts” program. The fuel obtained from disarmed Russian nuclear warheads has been used to generate about half of total US nuclear power.
Ten cylinders with low-enriched uranium (LEU) will be shipped from St. Petersburg to Baltimore, a Rosatom spokesperson told RIA Novosti.

The shipment marks the end of the 1993 United States-Russia Highly Enriched Uranium Purchase Agreement, which was a spin-off of the landmark bilateral Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START).

Under the 1993 agreement, Russia downgraded some 500 tons of highly enriched uranium (HEU) and sold it to the US. The HEU-LEU contract, also known as the “Megatons-to-Megawatts” deal, encouraged Russia to dispose of its nuclear warheads as part of non-proliferation treaties, and enabled the United States to save on its nuclear fuel production for power plants.

According to US Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security, Rose Gottemoeller, the downgraded Russian uranium has been “used by nearly all US nuclear power plants to generate half of the nuclear energy in the United States.”

The uranium - derived from about 20,000 disarmed Russian warheads - has been used to light and heat American homes for 20 years, generating 10 percent of all US-produced electricity, Gottemoeller told a UN committee in October. That amounted to seven trillion kilowatt-hours, according to Rosatom head Sergey Kirienko. A smaller amount of uranium from disarmed American weapons has also been used for the same purpose.

Calling the HEU-LEU treaty a “significant non-proliferation accomplishment,” Gottemoeller said the US looked forward to “celebrating this historic achievement” at the ceremony marking the shipment of the final Russian uranium fuel containers in St. Petersburg. 

However, Russia has stressed that it will not be extending the contract, despite US proposals. Although the US paid more than $8 billion for the uranium fuel, and the estimated total payment may reach as high as $17 billion, it still purchased the downgraded uranium at below market price.

Instead, a new agreement has been signed between the United States Enrichment Corporation (USEC) and Russia’s Techsnabexport (TENEX), under which the US will purchase commercially produced Russian uranium fuel for American power producers. According to USEC spokesman Jeremy Derryberry, the new contract is “based on market prices.”

Comments (5)

Liberator 15.11.2013 14:07

Thanks for the article; I had not known this. Looks like a good case of swords to plowshares.
How much of the US Government's weapons-derived uranium has been converted to peaceful use?

Spudmonkey 15.11.2013 12:24

Fidel; The ads are telling me that the end of Britain is about to arrive and I need to click on it for financial advise, I see no mention of Israel nor Iran.
I think it's tailored to our fears :)

David 14.11.2013 21:52

The US are patsies once again. This latest 'shipment' is smoke n mirrors. Irrelevant. Now the US is attempting to guide talks with the Ruskies about tactical nukes. For Russia, tactical nukes are essential for strategic defense whereby that part of the world has no oceans that protect and has dangerous heinous Islamic cult countries to the south, plus Russian/Chinese borders to defend. The US makes deals to reduce its own nuclear arsenal just to get to 'talk' about tactical nukes, weakening us. Hillary said so herself. Will Russia have to protect the US from itself? With the likes of Obama in office, perhaps yes. 

Hamid 14.11.2013 21:18

I liked the cold war era better! It was more sincere!

MEJanssen 14.11.2013 20:56

I thought that treaty had expired years ago, didn't know it was for 20 years. Wow, we got a deal in USA. So now we can still buy the uranium, but will have to pay a higher price? I wonder how that will make the numbers pencil out for a bunch of older nukes in the eastern states. We may see a bunch of them get shut down.

press release 
Dec. 10, 2013, 3:41 p.m. EST

Final Megatons to Megawatts Shipment Completes Historic Program

-20-year energy and nonproliferation program converted Russian nuclear warhead material into commercial nuclear fuel-

BETHESDA, Md., Dec 10, 2013 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- 
USEC Inc. USU +6.63% today shipped the last cylinders of low enriched uranium under the Megatons to Megawatts program from the Port of Baltimore to its facility in Paducah, Ky. Since 1995, USEC has purchased more than 14,000 metric tons of low enriched uranium downblended from 500 metric tons of weapons-grade uranium that has been extracted from the equivalent of 20,000 Russian nuclear warheads. 

"Together, USEC and Techsnabexport (TENEX), working in close partnership with our respective governments in the United States and Russia, have fueled the production of clean, reliable electricity through an historic nonproliferation program that USEC funded at no cost to taxpayers," said John Welch, USEC's president and chief executive officer. "Over the past two decades, our commercial business operations have greatly advanced the strategic policy goals of our national governments, benefitting all mankind with a safer, cleaner world." 

The Megatons to Megawatts program is a unique, commercially financed government-industry partnership in which bomb-grade uranium from dismantled Russian nuclear warheads was downblended into low enriched uranium and purchased by USEC to fuel American nuclear power plants. This commercial program executed a 1993 government-to-government agreement between the United States and Russia to reduce excess supplies of highly enriched uranium in the former Soviet Union. In implementing this multi-billion dollar program, USEC, as executive agent for the U.S. government, paid for the downblended uranium at no cost to taxpayers through a contract with TENEX, as executive agent for the Russian government. Under this contract, USEC purchased the low enriched uranium from Russia with USEC corporate funds, adding this supply of fuel to its inventory for sale to its utility customers. 

"Our program's success resulted from strong bilateral cooperation and dedication to the effective execution of the contract over the long term," Welch said. "Our companies have worked together to implement the contract on terms that benefit both countries while providing America's nuclear reactors with competitively priced nuclear fuel. To that end, USEC's long-term contracts with American utilities supported the contract and provided stability to the program." 

Since the late 1990s, nearly 10 percent of all the electricity generated in the United States has been fueled by this downblended uranium. This nuclear fuel could power the United States for nearly two years. The program has safely completed more than 250 shipments of fuel between Russia and the United States. The final shipment will be delivered to USEC's facility in Paducah and will be incorporated into USEC's inventory for future delivery to customers. 

To verify that the material used in the program came from Russian warheads and became fuel for commercial nuclear power plants, the National Nuclear Security Administration, for the United States, and ROSATOM, for the Russian Federation, supported the implementation of the commercial program. Both countries cooperated to verify the source, production and end use of this nuclear fuel material over the program's lifetime. Close coordination on the government-to-government level ensured the smooth implementation and success of the commercial program. 

Follow-On Contract Provides Deliveries of Commercial Russian Supply through 2022

In 2011, USEC and TENEX entered into a multi-year contract for the supply of low enriched uranium that will build on USEC's long-term relationship with TENEX. Under the terms of the new contract, the supply of low enriched uranium to USEC began in 2013 and will ramp up until it reaches a level in 2015 that is approximately one-half the level supplied by TENEX to USEC under the Megatons to Megawatts program. The new contract includes a mutual option to increase the quantities up to 5.5 million SWU (separative work units) per year, the same level as the Megatons to Megawatts program. 

Unlike the Megatons to Megawatts program, the quantities supplied under the new contract will come from Russia's commercial enrichment activities rather than from downblending of Russian weapons material. Deliveries under the contract are expected to continue through 2022. USEC is purchasing the SWU contained in the low enriched uranium and delivers natural uranium to TENEX for the uranium component of the low enriched uranium. 

Background: Warheads to Fuel

The conversion of highly enriched uranium from Russian nuclear warheads into low enriched uranium for use in fabricating fuel for commercial nuclear power reactors took place at several nuclear facilities in Russia. The process began with the removal of the warheads and their highly enriched uranium metal components from strategic and tactical nuclear missiles. The highly enriched uranium warhead components were machined into metal shavings that were then heated and converted to a highly enriched uranium oxide, and any contaminants were chemically removed. The highly enriched uranium oxide was converted to highly enriched uranium hexafluoride, a compound that becomes a gas when heated. This highly enriched uranium hexafluoride was introduced into a gaseous process stream where it was mixed with very low enriched uranium material and diluted to less than 5 percent concentration of the fissionable uranium-235 isotope, a level too low to be of any military value but ideal for producing electric power. 

The newly produced low enriched uranium was checked to ensure it met commercial specifications and then transferred to 2.5-ton steel cylinders, enclosed in protective shipping containers and sent to a storage and handling facility in St. Petersburg, Russia. USEC took possession of the containers in St. Petersburg and had them delivered to its uranium enrichment plant in Kentucky. At USEC's facility, the low enriched uranium was tested again to ensure that it met appropriate commercial and customer specifications. USEC then shipped the warhead-derived low enriched uranium to U.S. fuel fabricators, who converted it into uranium oxide pellets and fabricated them into fuel assemblies. The assemblies are delivered to USEC's utility customers as a source of fuel for their nuclear reactors. It is expected that the low enriched uranium delivered to USEC under this program will continue to be supplied to fabricators from USEC's inventories over the next several years. 

USEC Inc., a global energy company, is a leading supplier of enriched uranium fuel for commercial nuclear power plants. 

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 - that is, statements related to future events. In this context, forward-looking statements may address our expected future business and financial performance, and often contain words such as "expects", "anticipates", "intends", "plans", "believes", "will" and other words of similar meaning. Forward-looking statements by their nature address matters that are, to different degrees, uncertain. For USEC, particular risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual future results to differ materially from those expressed in our forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: risks related to the ongoing transition of our business; our dependence on deliveries of low enriched uranium from Russia under the new commercial supply agreement with Russia and limitations on our ability to import the Russian low enriched uranium we buy under the Russian commercial supply agreement into the United States and other countries; risks related to our ability to sell our fixed purchase obligations under the Russian commercial supply agreement; and other risks and uncertainties discussed in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including our Annual Report on Form 10-K and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q that are available at . We do not undertake to update our forward-looking statements except as required by law.

A nuclear power plant in Pottstown, Pennsylvania, March 25, 2011 (AFP/File, Stan Honda)
US takes last shipment of Russian uranium
(AFP) – 5 hours ago
Washington — The United States has taken delivery of its last shipment of downgraded uranium from Russia, signaling the end of a 20-year program to neutralize around 500 tonnes of the weapons-grade material, the White House said Tuesday.
"Today the United States and Russia are commemorating the completion of one of the most successful non-proliferation programs in our history," National Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden said in a statement.
The final shipment of low-enriched uranium arrived in the Maryland port city of Baltimore, Hayden added.
The fuel, which is destined for use in US nuclear plants, is the latest from a vast quantity contained in some 20,000 Russian warheads which were deactivated under the 1991 START treaty at the end of the Cold War.
The recycling and transfer of the uranium to the United States were formalized in a 1993 agreement.
The program -- named "Megatons to Megawatts" -- had helped provide 10 percent of all US electricity generated over the past 15 years, Hayden added.
"The United States and Russia remain strongly committed to building on this success, and will continue to collaborate across various fields of nonproliferation, nuclear security and nuclear research and development," Hayden said.
The agreement was halted at the initiative of Russia, which said the United States was not paying enough for the uranium, roughly equivalent to 10 billion barrels of crude. A much smaller quantity of uranium from decommissioned US weapons had also been used to produce energy.
The United States had sought to extend the agreement with Russia but Moscow refused.
Washington has paid close to $8 billion up until now for Russian uranium, according to the United States Enrichment Corporation (USEC), the government agency which provides fuel to power plants.
USEC has signed a new agreement with Russian consortium Techsnabexport, but fuel provided under the deal will be at market prices, USEC said in October.
The end of the post-Cold War deal comes at a time of tensions between the United States and Russia, who have sparred this year over Syria, a missile shield in Europe and the fate of US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden, who has been granted refuge in Moscow.

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Disclosure: I have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.
Uranium is a significant source of fuel used in nuclear reactors that generate electricity for personal and industrial consumption throughout the world. Supply and demand have come out of balance as a result of increased demand and globally reduced mining supply. Above ground stockpiles of uranium have filled that gap, but there is about to become a significant change to the supply of available above ground uranium. Finally, average uranium mining costs are presently below uranium selling prices. These factors will be reviewed in this article and point to a positive investment environment for uranium and for companies that mine it.
According to the Nuclear Energy Institute:
"As of November 2013, 30 countries worldwide are operating 435 nuclear reactors for electricity generation and 72 new nuclear plants are under construction in 14 countries. Nuclear power plants provided 12.3 percent of the world's electricity production in 2012. In total, 13 countries relied on nuclear energy to supply at least one-quarter of their total electricity."
Despite unfortunate and well-publicized disasters such as Chernobyl and Fukushima, nuclear energy has many other benefits as a source of energy and is here to stay. That is because a single uranium fuel pellet the size of a pencil eraser contains the same amount of energy as 17,000 cubic feet of natural gas, 1,780 pounds of coal or 149 gallons of oil. There are no emissions of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide during the production of electricity at nuclear energy facilities. Nuclear energy is the only clean-air source of energy that produces electricity 24 hours a day, every day. As shown below, absent those disasters, nuclear energy is a low cost, low emissions form of power generation.

US to upgrade nuke arsenal while cutting nonproliferation efforts – report

Published time: April 10, 2013 07:36 
A Trident II, or D-5 missile (Reuters)
A Trident II, or D-5 missile (Reuters)
In the face of looming budget cuts, the Obama administration reportedly wants to reduce spending on nuclear nonproliferation efforts while continuing to upgrade America’s atomic weapons arsenal.
The planned changes in funding are to be revealed Wednesday when the White House proposes its 2014 federal budget, according to Foreign Policy magazine.
Under the proposal, the US Department of Energy’s (DOE) nuclear weapons-related programs would see a roughly 7 percent boost of around $500 million, Foreign Policy quoted anonymous officials as saying. The current budget for these programs stands at more than $7 billion.
At the same time, the DOE’s nonproliferation programs would be cut by around 20 percent, or some $460 million, the report said; these programs currently receive $2.45 billion a year.
The new spending would reportedly be for an upgrade of older nuclear warheads, and to help fund construction of a uranium processing plant in Tennessee. The modernization program is part of Obama’s deal with Congress as part of the New Start (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) pact with Russia. Lawmakers agreed to back the reduction of the number of nuclear warheads in US arsenals if those remaining in service are upgraded.
Much of the reduction in nonproliferation spending would bet cut from a half-complete plant designed to process excess plutonium from decommissioned warheads into fuel for civilian reactors. Other programs aiming at securing loose fissile materials overseas and preventing the illegal trade of WMD technology would also be trimmed.
The only category of the DOE’s nonproliferation activities that would see an increase in spending is research and development, in order to finance the development of a satellite-based nuclear detonation sensor, Foreign Policy reported.
The proposed changes are due to overall cuts across the federal budget. On top of that, the DOE’s programs reportedly suffered from mismanagement and overspending. The department turned to the Pentagon to cover the cost overruns on its W76 warhead upgrade programs, but received only $3 billion of the $7 billion requested, Foreign Policy said.
The 2014 budget proposal is likely to be billions of dollars higher than the spending caps mandated by the 2011 Budget Control Act. It is expected to see strong opposition from lawmakers. The White House and Congress have battled for two years over budgetary issues, and so far have failed to reach common ground.
Meanwhile, the Pentagon is struggling to cope with austerity measures by cutting spending not related to active duty troops. The Navy announced Tuesday that it is grounding its renowned Blue Angels precision flying team for the remainder of 2013 show season. The cancellation of 33 shows would save an estimated $28 million. A similar move by the Air Force grounded its Thunderbirds exhibition flying team as of April 1.

Comments (37)

Larry 14.11.2013 23:29

sadly, we are going to all die and destroy the planet, but it's not going to be nuclear, at least not until everything has already mostly died, and then we fight over whats left. Mark my words. I have seen the future with my own eyes. The world will become an overpopulated wasteland and battleground to survive. and its coming sooner than you think, and it has nothing to do with the bible. christ message was never meant to scare people into following him. He just wanted us all to act like enlightened kind,reasonable people and tolerant people.

Anonymous user 11.04.2013 12:03

But we wont mind our own business.Thats the problem.

Anonymous user 10.04.2013 19:38

Nukes are worthless. Sure you obliterate your enemy, then you deal with the worldwide damage.

menachem Har-Zahav 10.04.2013 18:21

The US wants a whole bunch of countries to go without nukes (the countries that aren't tied to the US), but then they want to beef-up their own nukes. Sounds like typical american double standard. I can't believe that we even WANT to irradiate our own planet. NOBODY wins a nuclear war. It ruins the whole planet and makes things uninhabitable for thousands of years. I hope we DO blow ourselves up--look at the world around you and say that mankind is worth saving.

Anonymous user 10.04.2013 17:55

The perfect win-win: US ensures nuclear annihilation for any attacker, then minds its own business.

Anonymous user 10.04.2013 17:23

take a stand and stop the craziness! its your world too!

Anonymous user 10.04.2013 16:48

America spends so much time fear mongering about nukes; then do things like this.

Anonymous user 10.04.2013 16:30

The 2 party system in the U.S. has become a one party system...the rich.

Anonymous user 10.04.2013 16:24

More defense spending, just another war mongering Republican dressed as a Democrat.

Anonymous user 10.04.2013 16:03

and just who is going to own the plant in TN with our money? let the comp use their own!

Anonymous user 10.04.2013 16:00

as if we don't have enough money woes, we don't need to upgrade our nukes. we need teachers!!!!

Anonymous user 10.04.2013 15:23

Identical ears as Bush
Identical contents between

All Americans voters got was a folksy (foxy) grin

Alex Povolotski 10.04.2013 15:21

The world goes nuclear and we cannot do anything about it.

Anonymous user 10.04.2013 14:02

Is uranium the only bad guy?

Anonymous user 10.04.2013 13:54

Making cuts and reducing yet upgrading. Sounds like the start of an arms race.

Anonymous user 10.04.2013 13:53

Obama is afraid to change course on the policy that got the usa hated around the world.

Anonymous user 10.04.2013 13:51

$28 million for air shows? What a waste.

Kemampuan Nuklir Rusia Segera Lampaui AS

Yury Dolgoruky menembakkan rudal Bulava
Rudal balistik antarbenua Bulava ditembakkan dari kapal selam nuklir Yury Dolgoruky
ARTILERI - Di masa jabatan yang kedua sebagai presiden Rusia, Vladimir Putin telah membangun kembali kekuatan pasukan militer Rusia, termasuk kemampuan nuklirnya yang mencolok sebagai prioritas utama. Berbagai rudal canggih, pesawat bomber (pembom) dan kapal selam sudah adak di cetak biru dan sebagian sudah menempati posnya di Angkatan Bersenjata Rusia. Berbeda dengan Amerika Serikat yang saat ini militernya tengah menghadapi kemunduran akibat pemotongan besar anggaran pertahanan.
Dari nuklir yang terdapat di tiga matra angkatan bersenjata Rusia (udara, laut dan darat), sebuah kapal selam nuklir baru yang dirancang untuk membawa rudal balistik antar-benua telah mendapatkan perhatian khusus. Moskow saat tengah mengimbangi Amerika Serikat dalam hal nuklir, kemudian suatu saat akan menyalip persenjataan nuklir Amerika Serikat.
"Selama program modernisasi militer jangka panjang, Rusia telah berada di jalur yang tepat untuk mencapai paritas, yang pada akhirnya akan melampaui Amerika Serikat dalam kemampuan nuklir, terutama jika pemotongan anggaran mengancam kemampuan militer AS," kata Rick Norris, seorang veteran Angkatan Darat AS, Badan Intelijen Pertahanan, dan juga sebagai seorang analis yang pendapatnya diakui dalam hal persenjataan dan kontraterorisme.
Norris membuat pernyataan ini setelah media menghubunginya tentang efektivitas kapal selam rudal balistik terbaru Rusia, Yury Dolgoruky, yang baru saja memulai tugasnya di Angkatan Laut Rusia.
Yury Dolgoruky, dinamai dari pahlawan militer awal Rusia, adalah kapal selam yang pertama dari kelas Borey yang masuk ke layanan dan kapal selam berikutnya yaitu Vladimir Monomakh (sekarang sedang uji coba laut) dan Alexander Nevsky (masih dibangun) dijadwalkan akan segera bergabung dalam waktu dekat. Total semua kapal selam kelas ini yang berjumlah 8 akan segera selesai.
Di atas kertas, Yury Dolgoruky adalah kapal selam rudal balistik antarbenua paling canggih yang dimiliki Rusia, yang rudal Bulava ("Mace") adalah rudal yang terbang rendah (akan sulit dideteksi radar), hipersonik, serta berhulu ledak ganda.
Rudal yang terbang rendah seperti Bulava sangat berbahaya. Selama Perang Dingin, para analis militer AS yakin bahwa Uni Soviet mampu meluncurkan serangan rudal "terbang rendah" yang bisa menghancurkan, dengan peringatan sangat sedikit (sulit dideteksi) oleh sistem pertahanan rudal AS, menurut Norris.
Rudal Bulava ini dimaksudkan sebagai perbaikan dari kemampuan Soviet sebelumnya. Rudal Bulava memiliki sistem bimbingan (guidance) otonom (sendiri) dan mampu mengubah ketinggian dengan cepat yang tentu saja untuk menghindari sistem pertahanan anti-rudal. Kapal selam kelas Borey mampu membawa sebanyak 20 rudal Bulava, Norris menyatakan. -Tiga kelas Borey pertama dilengkapi dengan 16 rudal balistik Bulava, namun kelas Borey berikutnya dilengkapi dengan 20 rudal Bulava-
Moskow berencana untuk menggunakan kapal selam kelas Borey di Atlantik maupun di Pasifik. Semakin banyak patroli kapal selam jenis ini di perairan perbatasan Amerika, maka akan menjadi kekhawatiran serius bagi Amerika, ujar Norris.
Konsep bomber strategis PAK DA
Rusia juga meningkatkan kemampuan tempur nuklirnya di aspek lain. Selain modernisasi armada pesawat bomber, Moskow sedang mengembangkan generasi berikutnya bomber strategis masa depan, mungkin secara rahasia, bomber tersebut dikenal dengan PAK DA. Seiring dengan patroli kapal selamnya, pesawat bomber Rusia juga akan berkeliaran di sepanjang perbatasan Amerika Serikat.
Salah satu yang ambisius dari kebangkitan Rusia pasca Perang ingin adalah kembalinya rencana pengembangan missile train (kereta/kendaraan rudal). Pada Era Uni Soviet, kendaraan rudal tertentu akan membawa fasilitas rudal balistik. Kendaran rudal sulit untuk dideteksi karena keberadaannya bisa di mana saja.

Ilmuwan dan teknisi Rusia sekarang sedang mengembangkan kendaraan bertenaga nuklir (untuk membawa rudal) untuk meniadakan penggunaan tiga mesin yang harus selalu mengisi bahan bakar dan akomodasi-akomodasi lain yang diperlukan. Sebuah prototipe dari kendaraan/lokomotif turbin gas, yang juga busa menarik kereta rudal, telah berhasil dibuat dan diuji coba.
Moskow sangat serius dalam intensi untuk mengembalikan posisinya sebagai kekuatan nuklir dunia. Dorongan politik mempengaruhi persenjataan rusia terdeteksi dalam Tweet yang dikirim oleh Wakil Perdana Menteri Rusia Dmitry Rogozin dan hal ini sangat menarik perhatian Norris. Rogozin membuat Tweet setelah kapal selam Yury Dolgoruky resmi ditugaskan ke Armada Utara Angkatan Bersenjata Rusia. (FS)

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