Lupakan sejenak gonjang-ganjing dunia saat ini, Erdogan dan SBY yang
kelabakan setelah orang-orang terdekatnya terindikasi korupsi, Mohammad
Moersi yang sebentar lagi menghadapi pengadilan yang mengancamnya dengan
hukuman yang sangat berat, atau wacana pembongkaran konspirasi Serangan
WTC yang kini disampaikan secara resmi oleh para anggota legislatif
Amerika, atau pencitraan Jokowi, Dahlan Iskan dan Gita Wirjawan yang
semakin lebay. Mari kita sedikit bernostalgia, ke era Saddam Hussein di Irak.
Antara tahun 1985 sampai 1990 (Perang Iran-Irak terjadi tahun 1980-1988) sebanyak 771 ijin ekspor disetujui Amerika, untuk mempersenjatai Irak. Pada saat yang sama CIA menggelontorkan informasi-informasi inteligen pentingnya ke Irak, dan agen Mossad yang beroperasi di Amerika, Gerald Bull, membantu regim Irak membangun proyek ambisius berupa senjata meriam raksasa yang diberi nama Babyllon.
Space Research, perusahaan yang dikelola Gerald Bull untuk membangun Babyllon (Konon jika sudah jadi, senjata ini bisa menembak satelit di angkasa. Belum terbukti kebenarannya. Boleh jadi Mossad dan orang-orang yahudi mengibuli Saddam Hussein sembari menguras uangnya. Mossad terkenal dengan kelicikan seperti itu) dimiliki oleh keluarga Bronfman yang terkenal sebagai pengusaha zionis sejati. Cerita tentang keluarga Bronfman sangat menarik untuk difilmkan. Pendahulu mereka adalah big boss para mafia Amerika Utara, namun kini usahanya meliputi semua sektor dari perbankan, minyak, media massa, produser film, penerbitan buku, properti, makanan hingga kosmetik. Salah seorang dari mereka, Edgar Bronfman, pernah menjadi Ketua Kongres Yahudi Se-dunia (World Jewish Congress) dan mengepalai proyek "holocoust industry" pada tahun 1990-an yang berhasil memeras para bankir Eropa senilai miliaran dollar dengan menggunakan isu korban holocoust. Keluarga Bronfman sendiri merupakan salah satu "operator" dari keluarga Rothschild yang legendaris.
Gerald Bull terlibat dalam konflik di Afrika selama era Perang Dingin tahun 1980-an dengan mempersenjatai kelompok teroris UNITA di Angola dan RENAMO di Mozambique, di bawah pengawasan Kepala CIA di Angola, James Potts. Bull diperkenalkan dengan para pemimpin Irak oleh pedagang senjata keturunan Armenia Sarkis Soghanalian, juga agen CIA-Mossad, yang telah mempersenjatai Irak dengan helikopter-helikopter Bell.
Inilah "cerdas"-nya para kapitalis penguasa global: menciptakan koflik komunis - kapitalis sekaligus konflik apartheid - anti-apartheid di Afrika, padahal semua pihak yang bertikai berada di bawah kendali (setidaknya dalam keuangan) para kapitalis global. Dalam konflik di Angola kita melihat bagaimana pasukan dan penasihat militer Kuba dan Uni Sovyet membantu gerilyawan komunis anti-apartheid UNITA dalam pertempuran sengit melawan pasukan komando Amerika, Inggris dan regim apartheid Afrika Selatan di hutan pedalaman Afrika.
Ketika Deputi Perdana Menteri Belgia Andre Cools menemukan memo yang mengungkap keterlibatan Bull dengan CIA dan Mossad, kedua badan inteligen itu memutuskan untuk membunuh Andre Cools dan Gerald Bull sekaligus.
Dalam menjalankan proyek Babyllon, Bull mendapat bantuan dari Bank BCCI senilai $72 juta untuk menyelundupkan komponen propelan dari Belgia ke Irak. Uang sebesar itu ditransfer BCCI ke Banca Nacionale de Lavaro (BNL). BNL memiliki kantor cabangnya di Peachtree Center, Atlanta. Antara tahun 1983-1989 BNL sibuk mendanai proyek persenjataan regim Saddam Hussein bersama bank Iraqi Central Bank dan Rafidain Bank of Iraq, yang memiliki sejumlah rekening di Bank of America, Bank of New York, Chase Manhattan and Manufacturers Hanover Trust. Agen kliring BNL untuk semua transaksi proyek tersebut adalah Morgan Guaranty Trust. Ketika Saddam Hussein gagal mengembalikan pinjamannya, semua bank-bank itu tetap mendapatkan keuntungannya yang dibayar dari pajak rakyat Amerika senilai $347 juta.
BNL adalah bank terbesar di Italia yang awalnya bernama Bank of Italy dan dimiliki oleh keluarga Rothschild. Sebuah laporan Senat Amerika menyebutkan bahwa BNL membiayai program senjata Irak dan cabangnya di Atlanta Amerika dijalankan oleh beberapa lingkaran mafia industri militer Amerika. Biasanya dalam penyaluran dananya ke Irak menggunakan Bank BCCI, dimana para pejabat inteligen Saudi juga menggunakannya untuk mencuci uang dari hasil perdagangan obat-obatan terlarang milik kartel Medellin Kolumbia.
Di antara anggota Dewan Konsultasi untuk Kebijakan Luar Negeri BNL adalah Henry Kissinger dan bosnya, David Rockefeller, sang bigboss dari Rockefeller Group. Jika kekayaan keluarga Bronfman sudah bisa membuat kekayaan Bill Gates tampak seperti tikus dibandingkan singa, maka kekayaan keluarga Rockefeller adalah seperti ikan paus. Ini jika Anda tidak terlalu na'if untuk memercayai "Daftar Orang Terkaya di Dunia" versi majalan "Forbes" atau media massa pengalih perhatian lainnya. Jangan ditanyakan kekayaan keluarga Rothschild, beberapa "thruther" meyakini kekayaannya lebih dari 1/2 total kekayaan dunia. Negara-negara di seluruh dunia menanggung hutang senilai hingga $50 triliun (Indonesia menanggung lebih dari $200 miliar) dan bunga yang harus dibayarkan mencapai triliunan dollar atau "Rp puluhan ribu triliun", sekali lagi "Rp puluhan ribu triliun" setiap tahun, sebagian besarnya masuk ke pundi-pundi kekayaan keluarga Rothschild.
Sebagai pejabat BNL antara tahun 1985 sampai 1991, Kissinger mendapat kan bonus sebesar $10.000 (lebih dari Rp 100 juta) setiap masuk kantor. Jumlah sebesar itu hanya remah-remah kecil tak berarti bagi keluarga Rockefeller atau Rothschild, namun sudah sangat besar bagi sebagian besar manusia di bumi.
Pada tahun 1984 Kissinger membentuk US-Iraq Business Forum di Houston. Pada tahun 1989 Kissinger diangkat menjadi anggota Dewan Penasihat Kebijakan Luar Negeri pada pemerintahan George Bush Sr. Bersama Kissinger, di US-Iraq Business Forum juga duduk sebagai penasihat adalah mantan Menlu Inggris Lord Carrington yang juga pernah menjadi Sekjen NATO dan Presiden Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) serta anggota senior Bilderberger Group.
Carrington juga duduk sebagai Dewan Penasihat Hollinger Corporation yang dipimpin oleh zionis pemilik Jerusalem Post dan London Daily Telegraph, Conrad Black. Black yang termasuk salah satu manusia terkaya di Kanada itu menjalankan kerajaan bisnisnya di Toronto. Ia juga memiliki Toronto Globe & Mail dan menjadi pelanggan setia Toronto Jockey Club yang dimiliki keluarga Bronfman. Pada tahun 2007 Black menjadi terdakwa kasus pelanggaran hukum.
Antara tahun 1985 sampai 1990 (Perang Iran-Irak terjadi tahun 1980-1988) sebanyak 771 ijin ekspor disetujui Amerika, untuk mempersenjatai Irak. Pada saat yang sama CIA menggelontorkan informasi-informasi inteligen pentingnya ke Irak, dan agen Mossad yang beroperasi di Amerika, Gerald Bull, membantu regim Irak membangun proyek ambisius berupa senjata meriam raksasa yang diberi nama Babyllon.
Space Research, perusahaan yang dikelola Gerald Bull untuk membangun Babyllon (Konon jika sudah jadi, senjata ini bisa menembak satelit di angkasa. Belum terbukti kebenarannya. Boleh jadi Mossad dan orang-orang yahudi mengibuli Saddam Hussein sembari menguras uangnya. Mossad terkenal dengan kelicikan seperti itu) dimiliki oleh keluarga Bronfman yang terkenal sebagai pengusaha zionis sejati. Cerita tentang keluarga Bronfman sangat menarik untuk difilmkan. Pendahulu mereka adalah big boss para mafia Amerika Utara, namun kini usahanya meliputi semua sektor dari perbankan, minyak, media massa, produser film, penerbitan buku, properti, makanan hingga kosmetik. Salah seorang dari mereka, Edgar Bronfman, pernah menjadi Ketua Kongres Yahudi Se-dunia (World Jewish Congress) dan mengepalai proyek "holocoust industry" pada tahun 1990-an yang berhasil memeras para bankir Eropa senilai miliaran dollar dengan menggunakan isu korban holocoust. Keluarga Bronfman sendiri merupakan salah satu "operator" dari keluarga Rothschild yang legendaris.
Gerald Bull terlibat dalam konflik di Afrika selama era Perang Dingin tahun 1980-an dengan mempersenjatai kelompok teroris UNITA di Angola dan RENAMO di Mozambique, di bawah pengawasan Kepala CIA di Angola, James Potts. Bull diperkenalkan dengan para pemimpin Irak oleh pedagang senjata keturunan Armenia Sarkis Soghanalian, juga agen CIA-Mossad, yang telah mempersenjatai Irak dengan helikopter-helikopter Bell.
Inilah "cerdas"-nya para kapitalis penguasa global: menciptakan koflik komunis - kapitalis sekaligus konflik apartheid - anti-apartheid di Afrika, padahal semua pihak yang bertikai berada di bawah kendali (setidaknya dalam keuangan) para kapitalis global. Dalam konflik di Angola kita melihat bagaimana pasukan dan penasihat militer Kuba dan Uni Sovyet membantu gerilyawan komunis anti-apartheid UNITA dalam pertempuran sengit melawan pasukan komando Amerika, Inggris dan regim apartheid Afrika Selatan di hutan pedalaman Afrika.
Ketika Deputi Perdana Menteri Belgia Andre Cools menemukan memo yang mengungkap keterlibatan Bull dengan CIA dan Mossad, kedua badan inteligen itu memutuskan untuk membunuh Andre Cools dan Gerald Bull sekaligus.
Dalam menjalankan proyek Babyllon, Bull mendapat bantuan dari Bank BCCI senilai $72 juta untuk menyelundupkan komponen propelan dari Belgia ke Irak. Uang sebesar itu ditransfer BCCI ke Banca Nacionale de Lavaro (BNL). BNL memiliki kantor cabangnya di Peachtree Center, Atlanta. Antara tahun 1983-1989 BNL sibuk mendanai proyek persenjataan regim Saddam Hussein bersama bank Iraqi Central Bank dan Rafidain Bank of Iraq, yang memiliki sejumlah rekening di Bank of America, Bank of New York, Chase Manhattan and Manufacturers Hanover Trust. Agen kliring BNL untuk semua transaksi proyek tersebut adalah Morgan Guaranty Trust. Ketika Saddam Hussein gagal mengembalikan pinjamannya, semua bank-bank itu tetap mendapatkan keuntungannya yang dibayar dari pajak rakyat Amerika senilai $347 juta.
BNL adalah bank terbesar di Italia yang awalnya bernama Bank of Italy dan dimiliki oleh keluarga Rothschild. Sebuah laporan Senat Amerika menyebutkan bahwa BNL membiayai program senjata Irak dan cabangnya di Atlanta Amerika dijalankan oleh beberapa lingkaran mafia industri militer Amerika. Biasanya dalam penyaluran dananya ke Irak menggunakan Bank BCCI, dimana para pejabat inteligen Saudi juga menggunakannya untuk mencuci uang dari hasil perdagangan obat-obatan terlarang milik kartel Medellin Kolumbia.
Di antara anggota Dewan Konsultasi untuk Kebijakan Luar Negeri BNL adalah Henry Kissinger dan bosnya, David Rockefeller, sang bigboss dari Rockefeller Group. Jika kekayaan keluarga Bronfman sudah bisa membuat kekayaan Bill Gates tampak seperti tikus dibandingkan singa, maka kekayaan keluarga Rockefeller adalah seperti ikan paus. Ini jika Anda tidak terlalu na'if untuk memercayai "Daftar Orang Terkaya di Dunia" versi majalan "Forbes" atau media massa pengalih perhatian lainnya. Jangan ditanyakan kekayaan keluarga Rothschild, beberapa "thruther" meyakini kekayaannya lebih dari 1/2 total kekayaan dunia. Negara-negara di seluruh dunia menanggung hutang senilai hingga $50 triliun (Indonesia menanggung lebih dari $200 miliar) dan bunga yang harus dibayarkan mencapai triliunan dollar atau "Rp puluhan ribu triliun", sekali lagi "Rp puluhan ribu triliun" setiap tahun, sebagian besarnya masuk ke pundi-pundi kekayaan keluarga Rothschild.
Sebagai pejabat BNL antara tahun 1985 sampai 1991, Kissinger mendapat kan bonus sebesar $10.000 (lebih dari Rp 100 juta) setiap masuk kantor. Jumlah sebesar itu hanya remah-remah kecil tak berarti bagi keluarga Rockefeller atau Rothschild, namun sudah sangat besar bagi sebagian besar manusia di bumi.
Pada tahun 1984 Kissinger membentuk US-Iraq Business Forum di Houston. Pada tahun 1989 Kissinger diangkat menjadi anggota Dewan Penasihat Kebijakan Luar Negeri pada pemerintahan George Bush Sr. Bersama Kissinger, di US-Iraq Business Forum juga duduk sebagai penasihat adalah mantan Menlu Inggris Lord Carrington yang juga pernah menjadi Sekjen NATO dan Presiden Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) serta anggota senior Bilderberger Group.
Carrington juga duduk sebagai Dewan Penasihat Hollinger Corporation yang dipimpin oleh zionis pemilik Jerusalem Post dan London Daily Telegraph, Conrad Black. Black yang termasuk salah satu manusia terkaya di Kanada itu menjalankan kerajaan bisnisnya di Toronto. Ia juga memiliki Toronto Globe & Mail dan menjadi pelanggan setia Toronto Jockey Club yang dimiliki keluarga Bronfman. Pada tahun 2007 Black menjadi terdakwa kasus pelanggaran hukum.
"Saddam’s Banker In Atlanta"; Dean Henderson; Veterans Today; 12 Desember 2013
“Royal Bank of Canada insider”. How is it this fellow comes to meddle so extensively in Canadian affairs? Is he a Canadian citizen?
Posted by Murray | March 23, 2013, 1:36 pm
aapplearkapcom.wordpress.com and MC-DiesmAe/ PromoTeamMember for HitmakerMusicGroup…combining the realnews and music…one truth for every lie, were onto the streets to enlighten our peepz! ILLUMINATI NEWS 2013
Posted by aapplearkapcom | April 22, 2013, 12:02 pm
The Bush Mob & the Arming of Saddam Hussein
(Excerpted from Chapter 14: Saddam’s Banker in Atlanta: Big Oil & Their Bankers…)
Bush League Criminals
In 1984 Vice-President George Bush pressured Export-Import Bank (EIB) President William Draper into providing Saddam’s government with $1 billion in US taxpayer-backed loans for a pipeline project in Iraq. Bush received a secret memo from Assistant Secretary of State for the Middle East Richard Murphy, whose Murphy Associates later cleaned up in Kuwait, which read, “Liberalize export controls, help Iraq construct pipeline to Jordanian port of Aqaba, arrange Ex-Im financing”. [580]The pipeline was built by Bechtel, where Reagan Secretary of State and CFR Director George Pratt Schultz was director. In 1987 Bush met with Iraq’s US Ambassador Nizar Hamdoon to promise the Iraqis military technology. Bush intervened upon EIB President John Bohn, persuading him to provide $200 million more to Saddam. Bohn was hesitant because Iraq had a well established record of defaulting on its loans. As of 1986 it owed over $100 billion to Western governments. Britain, France and Japan had suspended all loans to Iraq.
Bush didn’t care if Iraq defaulted, leaving US taxpayers in the lurch, so long as his oil and defense buddies made a buck on the Iraq deals. From 1984-89 $5 billion went down the drain in Commodity Credit Corporation and EIB loans to Iraq. Welfare-case corporations receiving EIB financing through Banca Nacionale de Lavoro (BNL) included Snap-On, Bristol Meyers, Dow Chemical, John Deere, Warner Lambert, Singer and Cyanamid International. In 1989, two years after Saddam gassed the Kurds, Bush signed NSD-26 committing the US to “improve and expand our relationship with Iraq”. Iraq joined the short-lived US-orchestrated Arab Cooperation Council with Egypt, North Yemen and Jordan.
The Iraqis got US guns and grain, while the Four Horsemen got cheap Iraqi oil. In 1988 the US bought only 80,000 barrels of crude a day from Iraq. By the time Saddam attacked Kuwait, that figure had jumped to 1 million barrels/day on, according to a State Department memo, “favorable terms”. Just prior to Saddam’s move into Kuwait, the US ratcheted up oil imports from Kuwait to 1.1 million barrels/day. Exxon was the biggest buyer. In the months before the Gulf War, the US Department of Energy purchased 3.4 million barrels/day from Kuwait. In 1991 EIB loans began flooding into Kuwait to finance the Fortune 500 rebuilding party.
In January 1990 Bush approved preferential trade status for the Iraqi regime, shortly after Congress voted to ban all loans to Iraq. That same month Harken Energy was awarded the biggest offshore oil concession ever off the coast of Bahrain. Harken was controlled by George W. Bush, who had received $50,000 in seed money, possibly from Saudi Sheik bin Laden, to launch Harken predecessor Arbusto Energy with Halliburton crook and Bush Jr. Vice President Dick Cheney. [581] Attorney Allen Quasha swung the Harken deal for Bush Jr., just as his Nugan Bank insider father William had, in 1961, helped George Bush Sr. gain rights to drill the first oil well in Kuwait with drug-infested Zapata Offshore Oil. [582] Bush Jr. sold his 66% stake in Harken at 200% profit just before “Poppy” sprang Operation Desert Storm.
According to Pittsburgh Attorney Marion Gasior, many corporations providing arms to Iraq had ties to the blue blood Brown Brothers Harriman, where Grandpa Prescott Bush had worked. Once the Gulf War began, President Bush signed an executive order, exempting eleven top cabinet members from conflicts of interest generated by their stock holdings in firms that profited from the war. Among them was Secretary of State James Baker, who held stock in Exxon, Texaco, Amoco and other oil companies who rang up record profits during the Gulf War. Baker also held stock in Chemical Bank, Salomon Smith Barney, and defense contractor United Technologies.
Also exempted were Kissinger Associates Eagleburger and Scowcroft, who cleaned up in similar fashion. Scowcroft owned a $1 million stock portfolio in 40 corporations including 11 major defense contractors and several oil giants. His most significant holdings were Mobil, Westinghouse, Monsanto, Lockheed, ITT, Halliburton, Bank of America, Lehman Corporation, General Motors, General Electric and Royal Dutch/Shell. [583]
Weapons of Mass Destruction Anyone?
BNL was the main conduit through which General Motors had vehicle sales to Iraq financed. A good chunk of Wall Street was using BNL in similar fashion. More disturbing was the fact that BNL was covertly supplying Saddam Hussein with a wide array of high-tech military know-how which furthered his pursuit of weapons of mass destruction. Saddam received sensitive military software, electron-beam welders for uranium enrichment, mainframe defense computers, rare uranium enrichment lubricants and a glass fiber processor to make missile casings for Scud missiles. Brett Coulson, who sat on Bush’s NSC from 1989-1991, said later, “We knew Iraq was progressing on nuclear, biological and chemical weapons programs.”[584]Bechtel and Lummus Crest built PC-1 and PC-2 plants in Iraq which manufacture ethylene oxide and ethylene glycol, key components in making thyodiglycol, out of which Saddam derived the mustard gas he used against the Kurds in 1987. US soldiers who fought in Operation Desert Storm testified that barrels of chemical agents found in Iraqi bunkers were marked “Made in America”. In 1988-1989 the Reagan/Bush Administrations sent binary VX nerve gas to Iraq in violation of UN Security Council Resolution 598. Following the 2003 invasion of Iraq, US troops found VX canisters at the Alcaca weapons depot. The bills of lading showed that Carlyle Group had facilitated the shipments. [585]
European Customs officials were keeping their eyes on Euromac, which through its Italian and British offices acted as Iraq’s weapons procurement agent on that continent. Euromac once tried to get a nuclear circuit for a bomb from CSI Technologies, a California company. CSI informed the CIA and got no response. Bryan Seibert, head of the Department of Energy’s Office of Classification and Technology Policy, got a similar response from Energy’s intelligence unit, when he told them of suspicious Iraqi deals. Euromac was run by Dr. Safa Haji al-Habobi, who headed the Iraqi Ministry of Industrial & Military Production and oversaw Iraq’s NASSR weapons complex. Al-Habobi also ran Matrix-Churchill in the UK and Babil International of Paris, two of the main BNL Iraqi arms procurement fronts.
Often BNL-financed weapons were smuggled into Iraq through East European BNL contacts who were compensated with the same type of CCC loans paid to Mossad agent Gerald Bull and Cargill Continental. [586] The CIA knew of at least five BNL-financed deals from 1985-1990 bound for Iraq’s Defense Industry, but Bush Commerce Secretary and Texas Commerce Bank insider Robert Mosbacher told his people to approve the $1.5 billion worth of contracts. [587] Rockwell International, Hewlett-Packard and Tektronix were among those who benefited from Mosbacher’s empathy for Saddam Hussein. On one occasion a BNL deal with Iraq’s Central Bank- there were over 3,000 telex lines between the two- involved nuclear triggers.
CIA told Secretary of State James Baker about Iraq’s nuclear capabilities in September 1989. A month later Baker assured Iraq’s Foreign Minister that export controls toward his country would not be tightened, while approving a $1 billion food aid package to Baghdad. In July 1989 an Energy Department Task Force tracking intelligence reports on Iraq was suddenly disbanded. The CIA not only knew that US exporters of sensitive material to Iraq were Iraqi front companies; it ran many of those fronts. According to the Senate Intelligence Committee, both RD&D and Rexon Technology were CIA fronts to arm Iraq. Dale Toler, head of RD&D, had worked at NSA.
William Muscarella, President of XYZ Options, said the CIA was fully aware that his firm was training Iraqi technicians in Topeka, Kansas to run a secret arms factory to be built at Iraq’s al-Atheer complex. In 1987 Dr. Richard Fuisz was invited to tour a Terex plant at Motherwell, Scotland. Terex had been spun off by US/Iraqi Business Forum member and BNL client General Motors a year earlier. Fuisz testified to Congress that he saw all-terrain trucks whose hauling bins were replaced with sheets of metal with pre-drilled holes. The plant manager told him the trucks would become “missile launchers for the Iraqi military”. They were later mounted with the Scud missiles fired at US forces and Israel during the Gulf War. [588]
Canira Technical Corporation of Ireland was an important Iraqi weapons procurement front, as was Kintex of Bulgaria. Kintex, like the Milan-based Stibam Corporation that swung the Iranian hostage release deal, is a front company for Turkish Gray Wolves fascists, who use this Sophia conglomerate to smuggle Golden Crescent heroin into Europe via Bulgaria. When the Shah of Iran was deposed, the Gray Wolves found a new supplier in the Afghan mujahadeen and their Pakistani handlers. Now they were using their Kintex front to arm Saddam with a wink and a nod from Langley.
Bert SerVass, an Indianapolis friend of the Quayle family and leading supporter of both Pat Robertson and Robert Schuler Ministries, got BNL financing for his Servass Inc. to build a brass shell recycling plant in Iraq. SerVass got help from Vice-President Dan Quayle, whose family controls Eli Lilly, where Dan’s boss George Bush had been CEO. Quayle’s appointment as Vice-President was presumably a payback for the pharmaceutical giant’s funding of Bush’s political career.
Servass was Indianapolis City Council President, owned the Saturday Evening Post, served with the OSS in China and was a vocal supporter of the South African apartheid regime. A Post writer once told of how SerVass wanted him to write an article, at the request of Richard Helms, extolling the virtues of CIA. The writer said when SerVass called Helms, “he always got through right away.” Indianapolis is also home to CIA assassin John Hull.
BNL collateralized a loan made by Tulsa-based American Bank & Trust Company (ABTC) to Iraq’s State Machinery Company. ABTC Chairman Fred Henke headed Utica National Bank & Trust, which loaned millions to Farhad Azima’s Global International Airways, which was central to Reagan’s effort to arm the Ayatollah. ABTC’s prior Chairman Victor Thompson was forced to step down due to improprieties while heading Reagan’s Synthetic Fuels Corporation. Thompson’s son Robert formed a consulting firm with Prescott Bush in 1983. He served in Reagan and Bush Sr. Administrations as a top aide. Both were under investigation by Congress for deals with aptly-named Arizona businessman and S& L looter James Fail. [589]
The Germans got into the act too. Krupp-Widia and Hertel sold Iraq tungsten carbide cutting tools to make artillery shells, which were manufactured by Kennametal of Latrobe, Pennsylvania. Ironically, when an Iraqi Scud missile hit a US military barracks in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War, most of the twenty-eight US soldiers killed were from Latrobe. Kennametal had dealings with Matrix Churchill and Chilean arms dealer Carlos Cardoen in supplying Iraq’s NASSR munitions complex. Other German corporations who helped build up Iraq’s military included Daimler-Benz, Messerschmitt, Gildemaster, Ferrostaal, Thyssen, SMS Hasenclever, Karl Kolb and Siemens. Karl Kolb subsidiary Pilot Plant built the Samarra chemical weapons plant which made the mustard gas used against the Kurds. Siemens provided Saddam with sensitive nuclear technology. [590]
The Condor II Project was a joint military program between Argentina, Egypt and Iraq which was financed by BNL, with contracts going to Mack Truck, Hewlett Packard, Halliburton’s Dresser Industries, Caterpillar, Ingersoll Rand and Mannesmann Demag. BNL financed French arms sales to Iran in 1984 for Luchaire, France’s largest private arms manufacturer. In 1989 BNL was one of the two largest lenders to Mexico, where President Carlos Salinas and his brother Raul were busy laundering drug money through James Baker’s Texas Commerce Bank. BNL became a NATO conduit for P-2 Freemason activity and financed US Sidewinder missile sales to Italy in 1986. Convicted double-agent Aldrich Ames had an account at BNL-Rome.
When the BNL scandal broke 68 Commerce Department documents were altered to read “commercial” instead of “military”. Undersecretary of Commerce Dennis Kloskie, who was ordered to alter the documents, later said his actions were approved by an inter-agency panel. NSA Norman Bailey admitted, “…the authorities knew all about it and approved it. They were using this channel for the financing of certain activities.” Iraq purchased $46.7 billion worth of arms during the 1980’s, the largest accumulation of modern weaponry by a Third World country ever. The buildup was financed by BNL, with the tacit approval of the US government. When Iraq defaulted on those BNL loans, the US taxpayer became de facto paymaster for Saddam Hussein in his drive towards developing weapons of mass destruction.
[580] “Bush Lobbied to Aid Saddam for Years”. Los Angeles Times. 3-3-92
[581] The Outlaw Bank: A Wild Ride into the Heart of BCCI. Jonathan Beaty and S.C. Gwynne. Random House. New York. 1993. p.226
[582] “Arming Saddam Hussein”. Patrick Barnard. Commonweal. 6-5-92
[583] “Kissinger Associates, Scowcroft, Eagleburger, Stoga, Iraq and BNL”. Chair Henry Gonzalez. H2694. Senate House Banking Committee. 4-28-92
[584] “US Contributed Significantly to Saddam’s Bomb Arsenal”. AP. Northwest Arkansas Morning News. 11-1-92. p.1
[585] “Paranote”. Paranoia. #41. Spring 2006. p.64 (waynemadsenreport.com)
[586] “Arming Saddam Hussein”. Patrick Barnard. Commonweal. 6-5-92 p.5
[587] “CIA Knew about Defense Sales to Iraq”. Rocky Mountain News. 10-30-92
[588] Shell Game: A True Story of Banking, Spies, Lies, Politics and the Arming of Saddam Hussein. Peter Mantius. St. Martin’s Press. New York. 1995. p.80
[589] American Banker/Bond Buyer. 4-27-92
[590] “My Advice to the Privileged Orders”. Chairman Henry Gonzalez (D-TX) H206. Senate House Banking Committee. 2-3-92
Dean Henderson is the author of four books: Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families & Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics & Terror Network, The Grateful Unrich: Revolution in 50 Countries, Das Kartell der Federal Reserve & Stickin’ it to the Matrix. You can subscribe free to his weekly Left Hook column @ www.deanhenderson.wordpress.com
Cargill, Kissinger & the Arming of Saddam Hussein
(Excerpted from Chapter 14: Saddam’s Banker In Atlanta: Big Oil & Their Bankers…)
The US and their Western allies weren’t concerned with dual use items being shipped to Iraq during the 1980’s. From 1985-1990, 771 licenses for dual-use exports from the US to Iraq were approved, as US defense contractors, not content with the Ayatollah’s money, armed Iraq, while the CIA passed intelligence to Saddam. When Hussein gassed the Mossad-backed PUK Kurds in 1987, President Reagan opposed sanctioning Iraq. Instead, Mossad agent Gerald Bull and his Space Research Corporation helped the Iraqis develop three “super guns” code-named Babylon.
Space Research was controlled by the Canadian Bronfman family, the Pure Drug Company “whiskey men” whose Eagle Star Insurance interlocks with Silver Triangle Canadian banks. The Bronfmans married into the Rothschild family and launched the careers of Detroit mob boss/United Brands insider Max Fischer and the Buffalo Jacobs mob, which conveniently owns concessions on Gulf of Mexico oil drilling platforms. Montreal police have identified Mitchell Bronfman as a kingpin of organized crime. [1]
Gerald Bull peddled arms for the CIA in South Africa, where Space Research supplied guns and advisers to UNITA terrorists in Angola and RENAMO thugs in Mozambique under direction of CIA Angola Chief of Station James Potts. [2] Bull was introduced to the Iraqis by Armenian-born arms dealer Sarkis Soghanalian, a CIA asset who supplied the Iraqis with Bell Helicopters. [3] When Belgian Deputy Prime Minister Andre Cools uncovered a memo exposing Bull’s program and its links to the CIA and Mossad, both Cools and Bull were assassinated.
BCCI helped Bull smuggle propellant for his super guns from Belgium to Iraq and loaned $72 million through Bank of America to Space Research financier Banca Nacionale de Lavaro (BNL). BNL had its US offices at the posh Peachtree Center in Atlanta. From 1983-1989 BNL busied itself financing Saddam Hussein’s arms procurement efforts in tandem with the Iraqi Central Bank and Rafidain Bank of Iraq, which had numbered accounts at Bank of America, Bank of New York, Chase Manhattan and Manufacturers Hanover Trust. BNL’s clearing agent on all transactions was Morgan Guaranty Trust. When Saddam defaulted on the loans, the US multinationals which benefited were paid in full, while US taxpayers were charged $347 million. [4]
BNL is Italy’s largest bank. Its headquarters is across from the US Embassy in Rome. BCCI-founder Bank of America was first known as Bank of Italy and is controlled by the Rothschild family. A report by the Italian Senate stated that BNL Rome ran the Iraqi weapons procurement program and that BNL Atlanta was launched by “some circles in the American political-military-industrial complex”. BNL was 96%-owned by the Italian government. It often transferred funds to Iraq using BCCI, where Saudi intelligence officers laundered drug money for the Medellin Cartel.
Kissinger Associates
BNL’s Consulting Board for International Policy included Henry Kissinger and his boss David Rockefeller, now chairman of Rockefeller Group. [5] Kissinger received $10,000 per meeting, serving on the board from 1985-1991. In 1984 the US/Iraq Business Forum was established in Houston with a push from Kissinger Associates, a private consulting firm co-founded by CFR/TC insider Henry Kissinger, who in 1989 was named in to the Bush Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board; and former British Foreign Secretary Lord Carrington, former secretary general of NATO and president of both the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) and Bilderberger Group. Carrington is on the board of Hollinger Corporation, chaired by Jerusalem Post and London Daily Telegraph Zionist owner Conrad Black. Black- one of Canada’s wealthiest citizens- runs his financial empire from Toronto. He owns the Toronto Globe & Mail and frequents the Bronfman family’s Toronto Jockey Club. [6] Black, a CIIA member and Bilderberger insider, was convicted in 2007 for fraud and obstruction of justice.BNL was a Kissinger Associates client from 1986-1988, as was National Bank of Georgia, which BCCI agent Ghaith Pharaon helped Bert Lance slide out from under. Kissinger is a good friend of Pharoan and an even better friend of his father, who was adviser to the House of Saud. Several Kissinger Associates clients got BNL financing for Iraqi projects including Midland Bank (now HSBC), Chase Manhattan, Fiat, Asea Braun Boveri, Lummis Crest, Volvo and Hewlett Packard. President Bush Sr. included two directors of Kissinger Associates in his cabinet- Undersecretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger and NSA Brent Scowcroft. Both had worked on the BNL account, which was funneling taxpayer-guaranteed money to Saddam so that he could dole out contracts to US/Iraqi Business Forum members. [7]
The rotund Eagleburger, a long-time Kissinger deputy, was US Ambassador to Yugoslavia from 1977-1981. He was president of Kissinger Associates from 1984-89. He was on the board at Nazi/Pinochet backer ITT, Alcatel, Bethlehem Rebar, Mutual of New York, Josephson International and Best Mart. In 1993 he joined the board of Dresser Industries, a subsidiary of Halliburton where Dick Cheney ran the show. Prescott S. Bush Jr. (George Sr’s. brother) was an executive at Dresser. [8]
Scowcroft joined Kissinger Associates as vice-chairman in 1982. He owned stock in many of the multinationals who were members of the US/Iraqi Business Forum including ITT, Westinghouse, GM, AT&T and Hewlett Packard. These five companies were granted 100 of the 800 export licenses which the US government approved for sales to Iraq. [9] Scowcroft was consultant to Lockheed, now the world’s largest defense contractor after its merger with Martin Marietta produced Lockheed Martin.
Scowcroft and Eagleburger led the charge in the Bush White House to sell arms to Iraq and any other country that would buy them. Under pressure from the Aerospace Industries Association and the CEOs of Lockheed Martin, United Technologies, LTV, Raytheon, Grumman and ITT Defense, they lobbied to change the name of the State Department’s Office of Munitions Control to Center for Defense Trade. US Embassies worldwide were now advised to play salesmen for US defense contractors. United Technologies, LTV and Raytheon soon announced a $10 billion military modernization in Turkey compliments of the Istanbul embassy staff.
Chief economist and director of Kissinger Associates was Allen Stoga, also chief economist at the CIA favorite First Chicago Bank. First Chicago’s Chairman was Robert Abboud, now at First City Bank of Houston and chairman of the US/Iraqi Business Forum. The port of Houston, where the Texas oil mafia had just satisfied their S&L looting cravings, was now supplying the brunt of Saddam Hussein’s needs, including 20% of the US rice harvest. Abboud was also president of Kuwaiti-owned Occidental Petroleum. In the fall of 1989 Stoga met several times with BCCI officials, who had a year earlier been indicted in Tampa on money laundering charges.
In 1984 Abboud and fellow First Chicago cronies John Drick and Gaylord Freeman signed a letter to authors/investigators of the Priory of Sion- Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln. The letter bore the Prieure de Sion logo and a crest containing the letters ‘R’ and ‘C.’, possibly a Rosicrucian insignia. The letter was also signed by Pierre Plantard, self-proclaimed Merovingan dynasty descendent and Priory Grand Master. It warned legal action against anyone who would take or fake Priory documents. Gaylord Freeman sat on the board of ARCO with contra ranch hand Robert O. Anderson and was an insider at the Shah-friendly Aspen Institute and the MacArthur Foundation.
Henry Kissinger was rewarded for his efforts in 1995 when Queen Elizabeth II bestowed upon him the title of Honorary Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael & St. George, the highest honor granted by the British House of Windsor to non-British citizens. [10]
Jolly Grain Giants
In October 1988 Kissinger joined the board of Continental Grain, the French Fribourg family-controlled private firm that was the second largest grain company in the world until its 1999 merger with Cargill. Cargill is the grain trade’s biggest fish and is privately held by the Minneapolis-based Cargill and MacMillan families. Cargill Continental now controls over 50% of the world’s grain trade. It is one of four giant privately held companies that have quietly monopolized the world’s grain business since the mid 1800’s. Cargill Continental, the French Louis Dreyfus, the Brazilian Bunge and the Swiss Andre constitute the Four Horsemen of grain. Dan Morgan’s book Merchants of Grain is an excellent expose of these grain dynasties.In 1989 Bush Secretary of State James Baker ordered Secretary of Agriculture Clayton Yeuter to increase credits to Iraq via the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) after Eagleburger, Robert Kimmitt and Iraq’s CCC lobbyist and CIA agent Kevin Kattke lobbied for a $1 billion CCC loan. Kattke got help from Oliver North and TGS International, an Arlington, Virginia firm named for CIA old hand Ted Shackley. [11]
Gerald Bull was paid by Saddam for his super gun efforts with money from these CCC loans, for which BNL served as conduit. BNL worked through one of three banks who handle all CCC business in the Middle East- National Bank for Cooperatives of Denver, Morgan Guaranty and First City Bank of Houston, whose Priory of Sion chair Robert Abboud now chaired the US/Iraq Business Forum. Morgan Guaranty was the US clearing agent for both Iraq’s Central Bank and BNL. [12]
Cargill Continental and the other grain giants were the main beneficiaries of the taxpayer-guaranteed CCC loans through grain sales to Iraq. Continental, with Kissinger on its board, also used BNL to finance Yugoslavian grain shipments. In 1988-89 BNL financed Russian Exportkhleb purchases of grain from Cargill, Continental, Louis Dreyfus and Conagra. A favorite middleman for Cargill deals with Iraq was the Turkish Entrade, a subsidiary of Enka Holdings, Bechtel partner on Iraqi construction projects and LTV partner on NATO missile programs in Turkey.
Another grain giant middleman favorite was Amman Resources, owned by Jordanian shipping merchant and CIA contact Wafai Dajani. Dajani worked with Norwegian shipping giant Gearbulk through their jointly held Araba Holdings to ship Iraqi goods into the Jordanian port of Aqaba. Dajani was close to the American Wheat Association, the Rice Council, USDA and the French Louis Dreyfus grain giant. Dreyfus also received BNL financing to ship CCC grain to Iraq. Some was delivered on their own substantial fleet of cargo ships. Other times the shipper was Araba Holdings.
Dajani is the straw man for US agribusiness interests in the Middle East. He runs joint ventures with Comet Rice of Houston and the British sugar giant Tate & Lyle. Eighty percent of all BNL CCC shipments went through Amman Resources or another of Dajani’s companies, which include Wafai Dajani & Sons, Araba Holdings and Aqaba Packing. Dajani was a close friend of Jordan’s late King Hussein. His brother was the country’s Minister of Interior. His family had long been the agent for Mobil in Jordan.
Dajani also worked with Carlos Rosa’s Armiberica of Portugal and A & L Management Services of Cyprus in shipping Howitzers, ammunition and small arms to Saddam Hussein. Later when BNL-Atlanta fired manager Christopher Drougul, who served as the fall guy for the BNL ordeal, Dajani hired him as a $50,000/year consultant. Drougal maintained that BNL was part of an Italian-American covert operation to arm Iraq. When the BNL case came to trial a number of small-time Cargill employees were singled out as un-indicted co-conspirators, while the Big Grain fish swam under the net.
[1] Dope Inc.: The Book that Drove Kissinger Crazy. The Editors of Executive Intelligence Review. Washington, DC. 1992. p.417
[2] “Naming Names”. Louis Wolf. Covert Action Information Bulletin. Summer 1989. p.14
[3] Shell Game: A True Story of Banking, Spies, Lies, Politics and the Arming of Saddam Hussein. Peter Mantius. St. Martin’s Press. New York. 1995. p.55
[4] “Bankrolling the War”. Jim Donahue. Multinational Monitor. March 1991. p.6
[5] “Gonzalez’s Discovery”. David Corn. The Nation. 5-13-91. p.620
[6] The Robot’s Rebellion: The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance. David Icke. Gateway Books. Bath, UK. p.195
[7] “Kissinger Associates, Scowcroft, Eagleburger, Stoga, Iraq and BNL”. Chair Henry Gonzalez. H2694. Senate House Banking Committee. 4-28-92
[8] Ibid
[9] “Arms and the Man”. Doug Ireland. Village Voice. 5-5-92. p.8
[10] “Bow for Kissinger”. AP. Missoulian. 6-14-95
[11] Mantius. p.34
[12] Ibid. p.30
Dean Henderson is the author of four books: Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families & Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics & Terror Network, The Grateful Unrich: Revolution in 50 Countries, Das Kartell der Federal Reserve & Stickin’ it to the Matrix. You can subscribe free to his weekly Left Hook column @ www.deanhenderson.wordpress.com
The Iran/Iraq War: Mutual Assured Destruction
(Excerpted from Chapter 10: The Iran/Iraq War: Big Oil & Their Bankers…)
In 1979, as Iranian revolutionaries were taking charge in Tehran, Carter National Security Adviser, Afghan Frankenstein godfather and Trilateral Commission co-founder Zbigniew Brzezinski was in Kuwait City meeting with Kuwaiti Emir Sheik Jaber Ahmed al Sabah, House of Saud envoys and Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. The group decided that Saddam’s Republican Guard would seize the oil-rich Iranian province of Khuzistan.
In 1980 Iraq invaded Iran. That same year Kuwait’s Ambassador to the UN shed light on the forces which used Brzezinski to goad Hussein into his attempt to partition Iran’s oilfields. He informed the UN General Assembly of, “a cabal which controls, manipulates and exploits the rest of humanity by controlling the money and wealth of the world”.
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
The cabal which Kuwait’s UN Ambassador was referring to controls the JASON Society which, according to author William Cooper’s book Behold a Pale Horse, emerged from a 1952 alliance between Europe’s Black Nobility, the Illuminati and the Vatican. The JASON Society is also known as The Order of the Quest, the exact name of the Afghan Roshaniya “all-seeing ones”. The power structure for JASON is recruited from Skull & Bones, Scroll & Key, Britain’s Group of Oxford and the German Thule Society. JASON has close ties to the Trilateral Commission and the CFR. [1] Its name comes from the story of Jason and the Golden Fleece, which denotes a search for truth.President Eisenhower commissioned JASON to investigate the UFO question. Many of the group’s top scientists came from the Manhattan Project which developed the atomic bomb. The group was behind the advent of submarine warfare and President Reagan’s Star Wars initiative. JASON is the driving force behind secret US military technology being developed at places like Area 51 near Groom Lake, Nevada.
Cooper, a former Naval Intelligence officer, states that JASON scientists have come to the conclusion that the greenhouse affect may actually lead to a new Ice Age. The Pentagon Papers revealed that JASON was behind an electromagnetic barrier placed over the DMZ (demilitarized zone) during the Vietnam War. [2] JASON, through the Black Nobility, serves the Bilderberger Group, whose Policy Committee, at its first known meeting in 1954, endorsed a JASON document titled Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars. Research for the document was done at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Harvard Economic Research Project. What follows are excerpts of the document, which Cooper claims to have had in his possession:
“This publication marks the 25th anniversary of the Third World War, called the ‘Quiet War’, being conducted using subjective biological warfare…implying extensive objectives of social control and destruction of human life, i.e., slavery and genocide…dominance revolved around the subject of energy sciences…bookkeeping can be made king if the public can be kept ignorant of the methodology…it was agreed that a nation or world of people who will not use their intelligence are no better than animals…Such people are beasts of burden and steaks on the table by choice and consent…consequently …it was decided to privately wage a quiet war…shifting the natural and social energy of the undisciplined and irresponsible many into the hands of the self-disciplined, responsible and worthy few.
In order to achieve a totally predictable economy, the low-class elements of the society must be brought under total control, i.e., must be housebroken, trained and assigned a yoke…the lower class family unit must be disintegrated by the process of increasing preoccupation of the parents…The quality of education given to the lower class must be of the poorest sort…with such an initial handicap, even the bright lower class individuals have little hope of extricating themselves from their assigned lot in life. This form of slavery is essential to maintaining some measure of social order, peace and tranquility for the ruling upper class.
The public cannot comprehend this weapon, and therefore cannot believe they are being attacked and subdued. The general public…has become a herd of proliferating barbarians…a blight upon the face of the earth…it is possible to program computers…(to) bring about the complete control and subjugation of the public…the simplest form of economic amplifier is advertising. If a person is spoken to by a TV advertiser as if he were a 12-year-old, then…he will reach into his economic reservoir to buy that product…achieved by disengaging their minds…engaging their emotions…the more confusion, the more profit. Create problems, then offer solutions…keep the public entertainment below the 6th grade level…keep the public busy…back on the farm with the other animals…silent weapons technology is an outgrowth of a simple idea discovered, succinctly expressed and effectively applied by…
Mr. Mayer Amschel Rothschild…Rothschild discovered the missing passive component of economic theory known as economic inductance…That principle is ‘when you assume the appearance of power, people soon give it to you’…Rothschild discovered that currency or deposit loan accounts had the required appearance of power that could be used to induce people into surrendering their real wealth in exchange for a loan of promissory notes (paper money).
Mr. Rothschild loaned his promissory notes to individuals and governments. Then he would make money scarce, tighten control of the system, and collect collateral through the obligation of contracts (debt)…The pressures could be used to ignite war. Then he would control the availability of currency to determine who would win the war. That government which gave him control of its economic system got his support…balanced by the negation of population (genocide)…war is therefore the balancing of the system by killing the true creditors…the politicians are publicly hired hit men that justify the act (of war)…take control of the world by the use of economic silent weapons in the form of ‘quiet warfare’ and reduce economic inductance of the world to a safe level by the process of benevolent slavery and genocide…if the lower classes can be postponed long enough, the elite can achieve energy dominance…the ‘Presidential’ level of commander-in-chief is shared by the international bankers.”
Arming the Iranians
While Brzezinski gave Saddam the green light to invade Iran, CIA Director Bill Casey met Iranian Shah loyalist Cyrus Hashemi in Madrid, ostensibly to plan a new round of “energy domination” and “economic inductance”. The US would now arm both Iran and Iraq then send them to war, hoping to decimate both oil price-hawk nations.In 1981 while Hashemi was panhandling Princess Ashraf, the Shah of Iran’s sister, for $20 million to launch Hardy Boy John Shaheen’s Hong Kong mujahadeen fronts, brother Jamshid bought a Greek freighter and made four trips between the Israeli Port of Eliat and the Port of Bandar Abbas on Iran’s Arabian Sea coast. His cargo was $150 million in weapons and ammunition produced by Israeli Defense Industries under US license.
Arif Durfani, a Pakistani arms dealer, ran another Enterprise cell that delivered hundreds of millions of dollars in weaponry to the Iranians. Durfani was a close friend of BCCI-founder Aga Hasan Abedi, whose bank financed the operation. He was also tight with the Saudi Gokal brothers, who shipped the weapons from Israel to Iran. [3] While the Iranian port at Bandar Abbas was humming with activity, other shipments of TOW missiles were entering Iran from the north at Tabriz.
Overseeing the arming of Iran was Assistant Secretary of Defense Richard Armitage, the Far East Trading Company godfather and Valerie Plame leaker. Armitage was assured a steady supply of weapons by Chief White House Liaison to Saudi Arabia Richard Secord. In 1985 Ted Shackley met with Cyrus Hashemi in Hamburg, where Hashemi introduced him to Manucher Gorbanifar, another former SAVAK agent who now worked for Israeli Mossad. Gorbanifar was a friend of Iranian President Hashemi Rafsanjani, whose family owned pistachio groves in Iran. He worked with BCCI’s Black Network and often procured financing for his weapons deals from Saudi billionaire Adnan Khashoggi. Gorbanifar became the key Iranian contact to Secord’s Enterprise.
BCCI paid Southern Air Transport pilots like Eugene Hasenfus to fly Enterprise weapons to both the Nicaraguan contras and the Iranian mullahs. In 1978 42% of Southern Air’s CIA contracts were for flights to Iran. In 1997 the Mobile Register reported an incident in that Alabama city involving a Southern Air Transport plane. The aircraft landed at Mobile Aerospace Technologies. Mechanics working on the plane popped off a fiberglass panel and found hundreds of kilos of cocaine. The Southern Air flight had originated in Latin America and was en route to Miami, but had taken a rather circuitous detour to Germany along the way. [4]
The US sent Hawk and Phoenix missiles to protect Iran’s oil installations, especially the vast Kharg Island facility which includes the massive Abadan refinery at the strategic mouth of the Shatt al-Arab waterway on the Persian Gulf. Mansur Rafizadeh, former SAVAK intelligence officer and CIA liaison, said the US had thrown its support behind Ayatollah Khomeini, thinking Islamic fundamentalism the best defense against communism in the Middle East. This strategy was certainly playing out in Afghanistan, where the CIA was funding the most fanatical faction of mujahadeen Assassins.
Despite releasing the US hostages the day Reagan was inaugurated, the Iranians had saved a powerful trump card. Iran is the main supporter of Hezbollah, the militia group battling Israel’s occupation of southern Lebanon. The Israelis continually thumb their noses at UN Resolution 3236, which calls for a Palestinian state. They have seized additional Arab lands in Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon through invasions in 1956, 1967 and 1973. In 1978 Israeli troops marched into southern Lebanon where they remained until 2001. In 1984 the US vetoed a unanimous UN resolution calling on Israel to respect international law and pull out of Lebanon. In June 2006 Israel bombed Beirut and sent troops into Lebanon after two of its soldiers were allegedly kidnapped. Over 500 Lebanese civilians were killed.
Lebanon was for decades an offshore banking haven utilized by the CIA via Edmund Safra’s Republic Bank and a web of Beirut drug and gold smugglers. Henry Kissinger is a friend of Safra. Both sat on the board of American Express. When Syrian-backed Arab nationalists took control of Lebanon they cracked down on drug money laundering. Republic moved its headquarters to New York where it continued to be a major player in the gold market. In 1999 Republic was bought by a bigger goldfish- HSBC.
British, Israeli and American bankers were forced to move their operations to Dubai and Bahrain, while their MI6, Mossad and CIA goons harassed the new Lebanese government. In 1982 the USS New Jersey shelled Beirut in its backing of pro-Israeli Lebanese militia leader Amin Gemayel. That same year Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, now the country’s prime minister, oversaw the massacre of hundreds of Lebanese at Sabra and Shatila. In January 2002 Gemayel, who took part in the massacre under Sharon’s command, was gunned down as he was about to testify on the ordeal before a Belgian court. [5] The court indicted Sharon for war crimes anyway.
Hezbollah retaliated to the massacres by kidnapping CIA Chief of Middle East Operations William Buckley. Buckley had been the CIA contact to the mid-1970’s Argentine fascists, who tossed 30,000 suspected leftists into the Atlantic Ocean. [6] Buckley was tortured and left for dead, but not until Hezbollah made videotapes of Buckley singing about CIA black operations in the region. Hezbollah was still holding five other CIA agents as hostages.
In 1983 Hezbollah bombed a US Marine barracks in Beirut killing 283 American soldiers and precipitating a US withdrawal from Lebanon. The CIA countered with a March 1985 car bomb in a crowded Shi’ite suburb of Beirut, killing 80 civilians and injuring 200. Few people will ever know what Buckley confessed to his Hezbollah interrogators, but apparently the CIA thought the tapes embarrassing enough to cut a deal with Hezbollah’s Iranian backers.
Former SAVAK agent and CIA liaison Mansur Rafizadeh said the CIA was pursuing a two-track strategy in Iran. On the one hand they were arming the Ayatollah and helping him crush the Iranian left. On the other hand they were working to destabilize the Khomeini regime in a variety of ways. The CIA was funding Iranian exile groups like the Paris-based Front for the Liberation of Iran and the Cairo-based Radio Nejat.
In 1986 the CIA recruited the Shah’s exiled son to deliver an 11-minute derision of the mullahs which was piped into Iran with CIA help and shown on the nation’s television networks. Robert Sensi, a CIA agent who worked with BCCI money launderer Faisal Saud al Fulaij’s Kuwaiti Airways, set up CIA front companies in Iran with the help of Habib Moallem. Through these fronts, they recruited Iranian agents who would spy on the mullahs and help destabilize the government.
Arming the Iraqis
The Saudis and Kuwaitis agreed to fund Saddam Hussein’s attack into Iran’s oil-rich Khuzistan Province at Brzezinski’s request. The idea was to sever Khuzistan from the rest of Iran, then install a pliable government with which the Four Horsemen could do business. Khuzistan contains the strategic Shatt al-Arab Waterway, which flows into the Persian Gulf and forms the Iran/Iraq border. Kharg Island, in the waterway’s delta, is home to the bulk of Iran’s oil processing facilities, including the Abadan and Ahwaz refineries.Khuzistan is also home to 90% of Iranian oil reserves and most of Iran’s significant natural gas reserves, which are surpassed only by those in Russia and Turkmenistan. Khuzistan is the stronghold of the Tudeh and People’s Mujahadeen Parties, thorns in the side of the Ayatollah, the Shah and Big Oil alike. The population of the province is largely Arab and Kurdish, while Persians predominate elsewhere in Iran. The CIA hoped to exploit these ethnic differences as it so often does.
Brzezinski told Saddam that his Revolutionary Guard would be seen entering Khuzistan as, “great Arab liberators”. Hussein was also assured control of the Shatt al-Arab, which former Iraqi President al-Bakr had ceded to Iran under the 1973 Algiers Agreement in return for a cessation of Shah and CIA backing of Iraqi Patriotic Union of Kurdistan rebels. In 1980 Hussein’s troops invaded Iran. Iraq gained control of the prized Shatt al-Arab only briefly. Its troops were seen by the Khuzistanis for what they really were- tools of US imperialism. The real US goals were quite different from what Brzezinski had told Saddam Hussein.
While the CIA was funneling information to the Ayatollah and his goons on Iranian nationalists, Saddam Hussein’s troops now pounded the leftists as a rear guard. Iranian dissidents, who had backed Mohammed Mossadegh’s calls to nationalize Iran’s oil in the 1950’s, and who later launched the oilfield strikes against the Iranian Consortium that brought the Shah to his knees, were now caught in a crossfire of the CIA’s making.
Iraqi forces also targeted Iran’s oil infrastructure. MIG-27 fighters strafed the refineries at Abadan and Ahwaz on Kharg Island, while Revolutionary Guard troops laid waste to facilities at Iran’s largest port of Khorramshahr on the Persian Gulf. [7] By disrupting Iranian oil exports, the CIA hoped to starve the mullahs of foreign exchange, a situation which would lead to a devaluation of the Iranian rial and subsequent hyperinflation. The CIA could then exploit the economic decay to turn the country against the Khomeini government. Iran, which had become a modern nation state, saw decades of progress destroyed during the war with Iraq. The nation was literally de-modernized.
The CIA’s goals toward Iraq were no different. Throughout the war GCC members Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the UAE provided Saddam with interest-free loans. The Saudis and Kuwaitis sent Iraq over $120 billion. [8] Kuwait, the UAE and Jordan all made their ports available to the Iraqi Navy. Saudi Arabia and Oman provided landing rights for Iraqi MIG-27 fighters. The US was joined by Israel, Russia, Italy, France, Egypt and Brazil in sending Iraq weapons through the Jordanian Port of Aqaba. US corporations such as Honeywell, Rockwell, Unisys and Hewlett Packard sent over $40 million in dual-use items to both Iran and Iraq during the war.
The CIA took a shine to Saddam Hussein for the same reason they worked with Ayatollah Khomeini. In 1974, as Revolution Command Council Internal Security Chief, Hussein attacked leftist political parties in Iraq. Jalal Talabani’s Patriotic Union of Kurdistan worked for CIA and the Shah of Iran in attacking the al-Bakr government in Baghdad. Al-Bakr was an influential OPEC price hawk leader who railed against Big Oil dominance over Arab oil.
Saddam was doing everything he could to suppress these voices. From 1974-75 250,000 Iraqi Kurds fled to Iran. In April 1979, while his Ba’ath Party thugs were brutalizing Shi’ite Muslims, leftists and renegade Kurd factions, Saddam signed a security agreement with Saudi Arabia. By 1980 Saddam, a Sunni Muslim, banned two major Shi’ite political parties in Iraq- al-Dawah al Islamiyya and al-Mujahidin. Iranian-born Shi’ites were deported, along with 3,000 leftists. Twenty-two Ba’ath leaders accused of collaborating with Syria were executed. [9]
Hussein’s purges looked so similar to the ones being conducted by the Ayatollah that one had to wonder if Saddam had not also received a Company hit list. Thrilled with Saddam’s fascist killing spree, Western multinationals flocked to Iraq where a massive agricultural privatization was under way. Cooperative land that had grown staple foods for Iraqi peasants for decades was now for sale to the highest bidder. A handful of wealthy Iraqis got most of the land and their diras (estates) began cultivating crops for export.
Iraq was forced to import basic foods like wheat and rice to feed its suddenly landless people. Western grain giants Cargill and Continental Grain (now merged), Louis Dreyfus, Andre and Bunge & Born moved in to fill the void. In 1982 Iraq imported 820,000 tons of US grain. [10]
Other segments of Iraq’s economy were ceded to multinationals as well. Had Saddam cut a deal with the West, whereby US corporations got greater access to Iraq’s economic spoils in return for US support in his war with Iran?
Until 1984 the US publicly favored Iran in the war with Iraq. Then Iran reclaimed the Shatt al-Arab Waterway and Khuzistan Province. The tide of the war was turning in Iran’s favor. In 1984 the US began re-flagging Kuwaiti oil tankers in the Persian Gulf which, it claimed, came under attack by Iranian gunboats. Actually it had been the Iraqis who started the tanker war that year. By 1987 the Iraqi Navy had damaged 219 oil tankers. [11]
The shift was on. In 1984 Reagan removed Iraq from the State Department list of nations that support terrorism. That year marked the beginning of the War of Cities, when numerous major cities in both countries were reduced to rubble, including the capitals Tehran and Baghdad. Both countries targeted the economic infrastructure of the other. A 1985 CIA memo to Director Casey stated, “Our tilt to Iraq was timely when Iraq was against the ropes and the Islamic Revolution was on a roll”.
In 1987 85,000 Iranian troops overran Fao, Iraq’s main oil terminal for its vast Rumaila oilfields near the Kuwaiti border. Under the pretext of a US Navy re-flagging operation, forty-two US Naval vessels arrived in the Persian Gulf. US gunboats shelled Iranian oil installations at the mouth of the Shatt al-Arab and shot down an Iranian passenger jumbo jet, killing everyone on board. When Iraq used mustard gas against its own Kurdish people in 1987, the US looked the other way and began to arm Saddam Hussein.
The House of Saud, which had been bankrolling the Iraqi war effort all along, now began to work through BCCI to arm the Iraqis. In addition to the $1 billion/month they were sending Saddam, the Saudis now provided intelligence, logistics and weapons, including NK-84 helicopters. The Saudis entered a joint venture to help strengthen Baghdad’s nuclear capabilities, which the Israelis had wiped out in a 1981 bombing raid commanded by Ariel Sharon. [12]
Saudi Arabia and Iraq set up Gulf International Banks to supplement the BCCI channel. A 1989 Defense Department study showed US military aid to the Saudis landing in Iraqi accounts in Switzerland. US AWAC surveillance planes flew from Saudi bases and gathered intelligence for Iraq. The US/Saudi collaboration was so blatant that many believed the Americans were directing Saudi security agencies. [13]
Mutual Assured Destruction
The US continued to play both sides in the Iran/Iraq War, backing one country until it had a military advantage, before switching sides to back the other. The US resisted any moves to negotiate a peace treaty. Both countries saw their infrastructure leveled, their economies crippled and their people decimated. In Iraq 750,000 people were killed. A 1979 memo to President Carter from NSA Brzezinski, explains the US policy, “the Iran-Iraq conflict is a unique opportunity to consolidate our security position”.The Export Import Bank provided $200 million in taxpayer insured loans to Iraq, most of which were funneled through Banco Nacionale de Lavoro. The Commodity Credit Corporation provided a similar amount of taxpayer-insured loans so Iraq could buy grain from Cargill and Continental Grain. As much as 20% of the US rice crop was sold to Iraq. By the first quarter of 1990 Iraq was the United States’ third largest trading partner. [14] Iraq owed $241 billion to global creditors: $120 billion to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, $9 billion to Russia and $3 billion to Japan. In 1989 Japan cut Iraq off.
Carter NSA Gary Sick, said later that, “the US has resisted all moves in the United Nations toward a negotiated settlement of the tanker war”. [15] The US Navy’s re-flagging operation established a permanent US presence in the Persian Gulf. Reagan Defense Secretary Casper Weinberger, who was later Knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for his genocidal efforts, characterized the re-flagging as a “trade-off for basing rights”, in GCC countries. The monarchs had been slow to cooperate with US security plans in the region. The Iran/Iraq War had the effect of scaring the daylights out of the emirates and getting them on board with US plans to modernize bases in Saudi Arabia and to build new ones in the other GCC emirates.
Saudi/US relations became very cozy during this time, especially on the military front. The Saudis became the biggest annual recipient of US military aid. In 1983 the Saudis received $17 billion in US military hardware. In 1984 that jumped to $22.7 billion. Richard Secord was in the thick of it- brokering the sale of five AWACs to the Saudis the night Reagan was sworn into office. Hidden in the $8.5 billion package was a provision that beefed up the Kingdom’s C3 system at bases, some of which contain underground nuclear command centers that only US personnel can control.
By 1993 the Saudis had spent $156 billion on the joint Saudi/US military buildup within the Kingdom. The US now effectively occupied Saudi Arabia, guarding the 261 billion barrels of Four Horsemen oil. Many members of Congress were not even aware of what was going on. As Rep. Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH) said, “The US/Saudi relationship is different because only a tiny White House club is in the know”. [16]
Iran and Iraq are the only two OPEC nations with large enough oil reserves to challenge Saudi/GCC control over oil prices. Iraq is second only to the Saudis with 112 billion barrels of oil reserves and much of the country remains unexplored. Iran has close to 100 billion barrels of crude. Both are firmly in the camp of the OPEC price hawks. By disrupting oil flows from these two nations, Big Oil eliminated competition and kept the price hawks busy rebuilding their shattered economies instead of rallying for OPEC unity.
Both Iran and Iraq’s primary oil exporting facilities- Khorramshahr and Fao respectively- were demolished during the war. Iran’s entire Kharg Island facilities were leveled. Iraq was now deeply in debt to the Saudis and Kuwaitis. Many of both nations’ oil tankers were damaged in the tanker war. The cities of both countries required billions of dollars and a decade to be rebuilt as a result of the war of the cities. It was a war of attrition with each side suffering untold loss of life and $25-35 billion worth of damage.
In CIA-think, a decisive victory by either Iran or Iraq would have left the winner in a position to take on the Saudis militarily. A staggering defeat by either might breed internal revolutionary forces who would challenge the Ayatollahs or Saddam, who had been quite useful to the CIA in wiping out nationalistic elements and in providing a pretext for the US military buildup in the Persian Gulf. But a long war of attrition would leave both nations crippled and focused on rebuilding. Neither would have the luxury of mounting any sort of challenge to Four Horsemen control over Persian Gulf oil.
Big Oil used the war as another excuse to hike gas prices in the US. The GCC sheiks filled the oil shortfall which the war created, pumping out more than enough crude to move wholesale prices lower on world markets. The Four Horsemen pocketed the difference, while stockpiling crude oil. A memo uncovered by Edwin Rothschild, energy adviser for the group Public Citizen, sums up US policy towards Saudi/GCC overproduction and the misery it brings the poor countries of OPEC. The memo, sent by Undersecretary of State Richard Murphy to the Saudi government, said simply, “Let the market rule”.
Lower wholesale prices made it more difficult for Iraq and Iran to rebuild. In 1988 Iran earned 90% of its hard currency through oil exports. Iraq gained 99% of its foreign exchange from oil. Both the Iraqi dinar and the Iranian rial plummeted. In 1994 the rial lost 100% of its value. Before the war Iraq had $40 billion in hard currency reserves. Afterwards, it had zero and huge debts to pay.
The Israelis worked hand-in-hand with the US to destroy both nations. While supplying Mustafa Barzani’s Kurds in their attacks on Iraq, the Israelis duplicitously provided missile targeting to Saddam Hussein for his attacks on Iranian cities via US spy satellites. In 1988 Mossad launched Operation Brush Fire, a psychological warfare campaign designed to draw the US military further into the Middle East conflagration. Their ultimate goal was to have the US destroy Iraq’s powerful military, while leaving their “perfect villain” Saddam in power.
The campaign was launched when Israeli commandos bombed an Iraqi weapons plant at Al-Iskandariah in at attempt to make “Iraqi weapons of mass destruction” a global household phrase. Mossad set up a London Observer freelance journalist named Farzad Bazroft to take the story international. Bazroft had been investigating the death of Shah-loyalist tuned Mossad arms dealer Cyrus Hashemi and had gotten too close to the truth, which was that Mossad had eliminated Hashemi. Knowing Bazroft would be seen as a foreign spy by Baghdad after the Mossad terrorism at the weapons plant, they sent him into Iraq. Saddam took the bait and Bazroft was hung as a spy creating an even bigger international incident. To speed things along, Mossad leaked secret documents on Iraqi weapons programs to ABC News.
US and Israeli arms merchants made a killing during the war. The US refused to supply spare parts to either side, so when a weapons system broke Iran or Iraq would be expected to buy a whole new system. This policy bolstered the bottom lines of US defense contractors and assured that battlefield weapons malfunctions could not be fixed on the spot, thus negating the momentum which the side on the offensive had attained. This helped keep the war in a constant state of stalemate.
Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon used the conflict as an opportunity to bomb Baghdad’s nuclear facilities in 1981. In 1982 Sharon declared that Israel was siding with Iran, but his exact words were more revealing. Sharon declared at a conference in Paris that, “Israel has a vital interest in the continuing war in the Persian Gulf and in Iran’s victory.” In 1986 retired Mossad Chief General Aharon Yariv declared the US and Israeli position more succinctly when he stated bluntly, “It would be good if the Iran/Iraq War ended in a tie, but it would be better if it continued”.
[1] Behold a Pale Horse. William Cooper. Light Technology Press. Sedona, AZ. 1991. p.81
[2] Ibid. p.83
[3] The Outlaw Bank: A Wild Ride into the Secret Heart of BCCI. Jonathan Beaty and S.C. Gwynne. Random House. New York. 1993. p.268
[4] The Spotlight. June 1997
[5] BBC World News. January 2002
[6] The Great Heroin Coup: Drugs, Intelligence and International Fascism. Henrik Kruger. South End Press. Boston. 1980. p.217
[7] The Reign of the Ayatollahs: Iran and the Islamic Revolution. Shaul Bakhash. Basic Books, Inc. New York. 1984. p.193
[8] Iraq and Kuwait: A History Suppressed. Ralph Schoenman. Veritas Press. Santa Barbara, CA. 1990. p.21
[9] Beyond the Storm: A Gulf Crisis Reader. Phyllis Bennis and Michel Monshabeck. Olive Branch Press. Brooklyn, NY. 1991. p.31
[10] Iraq Since 1958: From Revolution to Dictatorship. Marion Farouk-Sluglett and Peter Sluglett. I.B. Tauris & Company, Inc. 1990. p.260
[11] “The Gulf Between Pretense and Reality”. Larry Everest. In These Times. 7-20-88. p.9
[12] “The Arming of Saudi Arabia”. Frontline. PBS. 2-16-93
[13] The Gulf: Scramble for Security. Raj Choudry. Sreedhar Press. New Dehli. 1983. p.108
[14] March to War. James Ridgeway. Four Walls Four Windows. New York. 1991. p.13
[15] Everest. p.9
[16] Frontline
Dean Henderson is the author of four books: Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families & Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics & Terror Network, The Grateful Unrich: Revolution in 50 Countries, Das Kartell der Federal Reserve & Stickin’ it to the Matrix. You can subscribe free to his weekly Left Hook column @ www.deanhenderson.wordpress.com
5 thoughts on “The Iran/Iraq War: Mutual Assured Destruction”
Posted by daniel blake | January 10, 2012, 4:40 pm
Posted by johann climacus | January 17, 2012, 2:52 am
How easy it has been to control the masses and that is why the only way our of this mess is through off planet support.
Posted by john | January 26, 2012, 5:47 am
Posted by jk | February 3, 2012, 4:53 am
Posted by paper shredding | May 30, 2012, 2:59 pm