Minggu, 22 Desember 2013

PERANG SURIAH..DAN KEKUATAN BARU DI IRAN-LEBANON DAN IRAQ PASCA ...INVASI AS DI AFGHANISTAN DAN IRAQ...DAN KEKUATAN ISLAM..BARU DISEKITAR TELUK-MESIR-SURIAH DAN LEBANON.TELAH DIKACAUKAN DENGAN ISSUE ARAB SPRINGS...YANG MERUPAKAN AGENDA PARA ZIONIS-BILDERBERG-ILLUMINATI-NEOCOND-NEOLIBS..-WTO DAN NWO..?? .DAN DI SURIAH DAN YAMAN-MESIR DAN LIBYA... TERNYATA ADA JUGA TANGAN2.... BERLUMUR DARAH... SAUDI ARABIA IKUT MEMAINKAN... PERANG .DALAM ARABS SPRING..ITU... DAN PALING MENONJOL DI MESIR DAN SURIAH....>> .. SITUASI YANG SELAMA INI DITUTUPI DAN RETORIKA PALSU DAN TERSELUBUNG DARI RAJA2 SAUDI ARABIA MULAI TERKUAK DAN TERUNGKAP TENTANG PENGKHIANATAN KERAJAAN SAUDI TERHADAP UMMAT ISLAM DAN BANGSA PALESTINA ...???: >> RANCANGAN MEREKA AKAN PENAKLUKAN IRAQ.. DAN AFGHANISTAN.. ADALAH SESUAI SKENARIO DAN GLOBAL STRATEGI MENGHADAPI IRAN-SURIAH-LEBANON.. DEMI KEAMANAN ISRAEL DAN KERAJAAN SAUDI ARABIA..DAN PENGUASAAN SAMUDERA HINDIA OLEH AS DAN ALIANSINYA....??>> ADA APA DENGAN ALIANSI ISRAEL DENGAN KERAJAAN SAUDIA DAN AS DLL YANG SELAMA INI TERSELUBUNG... DAN SAUDI ARABIA TERKESAN MEMASANG TOPENG2 INGIN MELINDUNGI DAN MENJADI PEMIMPIN... UMMAT ISLAM DUNIA..??>> ..NAMUN RUPANYA DIBALIK TOPENG2...PENDUSTAAN DAN PENGKHIANATAN... SEJAK AWAL BERDIRINYA KERAJAAN SAUDIA... YANG TERLALU BANYAK YANG DIRAHASIAKAN... DIMANA SEBENARNYA ADA JANJI2 SUCI ANTARA AS-INGGRIS-SAUDIA DAN ISRAEL...??? BAHKAN DALAM PERSETUJUAN DEKLARASI BALFOUR DAN INVASINYA ISRAEL KE PALESTINA TIDAK TERLEPAS DARI KONSPIRASI INI...??>> SEKARANG UMMAT ISLAM SEAKAN BERADA DALAM DILEMA TERHADAP KERAJAAN SAUDIA ... YANG SELAMA INI TERKENAL SANGAT KERAS DENGAN AJARAN WAHABIYAH.. DAN SANGAT KERAS DENGAN TAFSIR EXCLUSIF..TENTANG TAKFIRI-BID'AH...DAN TAK SEGAN DENGAN KEKERASAN DAN PENINDASAN TERHADAP SESAMA UMMAT ISLAM...??>> PADAHAL DAHULU SEBAGIAN BESAR UMMAT SANGAT BERHARAP KEPADA KERAJAAN SAUDIA SEBAGAI PEMIMPIN UMMAT ISLAM DAN MEMBEBASKAN BANGSA PALESTINA DARI PENJAJAHAN DAN PENDUDUKAN TIDAK SAH OLEH ISRAEL...???>> TETAPI DENGAN SEMAKIN GAMBLANGNYA SEJARAH TERBUKA.. MAKA SEJAK AWAL BERDIRI...DAN PEMBERONTAKAN TERHADAP ..KHALIFAH USTMANY..DAN DIBARENGI DENGAN PEMBUNUHAN2 TERHADAP SESAMA UMMAT ISLAM.. DIBAWAH ISSUE PANJI2..PERJUANGAN..."MEMURNIKAN ISLAM"... YANG PADA DASARNYA ADALAH MENGHANCURKAN... PIHAK2 YANG MENGETAHUI KEBUSUKAN DAN KEJAHATAN... KONSPIRASI MEREKA DENGAN PARA PENJAJAH BARAT...??? >>> SEMOGA UMMAT SEMAKIN WARAS-DAN WASPADA...AKAN TRIK2 JAHAT DAN PALSU... YANG MEMPROVOKASI DAN MENGACAUKAN PERSATUAN UMMAT ISLAM.. DAN AJARAN KEBENARAN ALLAH DAN RASULULLAH SAW...>> INSYA ALLAH UMMAT ISLAM BERJAYA DAN BERSATU DENGAN SEUTUHNYA DAN LURUS KEPADA FURQON DAN AJARAN RASULULLAH SAW..SEUTUHNYA.. AAMIIN..>>>??... ...... Israel akan mengerahkan segenap kemampuan militernya secara luas termasuk operasi udara yang didukung penuh informasi intelijen. Hal itu dilakukan untuk melemahkan gerakan Hizbullah dalam jangka panjang. ..>> Angkatan Udara Israel mampu menghancurkan ratusan sasaran Hizbullah dalam satu hari, kata berita itu. Namun, Israel mengkhawatirkan adanya perbedaan internal, dimana hal itu akan menghambat rencana Tel Aviv untuk mengobarkan perang baru dengan Hizbullah....>>> tentara Libanon menembak dan menewaskan seorang tentara Israel dalam penembakan dilintas perbatasan pada hari Minggu kemarin...>>> Enam orang angggota kelompok Takfiri bersenjata yang berafiliasi dengan Front al-Nusra mengaku melakukan pembunuhan terhadap Sheikh Syahid Mohammad Said Ramadhan al-Bouti, Ulama Sunni kharismatik, di Masjid al-Iman di Damaskus, Suriah pada 21 Maret 2013 setelah diperintahkan oleh pemimpin tinggi gerakan Takfiri tersebut...>>> Israel has recently decided to increase its number of official statements supporting closer relations with Saudi Arabia. As the West and Iran struck their nuclear deal, Israeli media leaks on secret.....>>> Never before has the Saudi government felt comfortable flaunting its alliance with Israel. This alliance is not new and has long historical precedences. But the Saudi royal family, in the age of the second generation of princes, has been changing tactics: Historically cautious and duplicitous, the Saudi regime is now open about its alliance with the United States and Israel (closer to Israel than the US as of late). ..>> 1) It is not clear what is left in terms of ideology for the royal family. Wahhabiyyah is now aligned with Zionism, and the clerics are made to make changes in interpretations of the religious doctrine in response to demands of US Congress. 2) There will come a contradiction. The Saudi government, while sponsoring jihadi and non-jihadi Salafis all over the region, is aligning itself with a state and an ideology that Salafis (of whatever stripe) have a hard time reconciling themselves to. 3) How far will the Saudi family go before it causes harm to its religious and Arab nationalist image – an image which it can only brandish with payments of large sums of money to Arab media and publishing houses. 4) After a period of time, the Saudi government will be seen as a partner in the Israeli occupation of Arab (and in the minds of many Muslim) lands. 5) The alliance with Israel can be used against certain Saudi princes by other Saudi princes, especially that the struggle for power is now in full swing. 6) The conflict between the various Gulf regimes seems to have increased, and this alliance will be used by the rivals of Saudi Arabia against it. 7) How will the Saudi government seek to gain popularity in the Arab world (always through sums of cash tossed at dictators) while maintaining its alliance with Israel? 8) What can Israel give to Saudi Arabia that it can't get from the US? And what can Israel get from Saudi Arabia? The benefits from this relationship are at best tactical for both sides. 9) How can the Saudi regime use the argument of jihad in Syria while preserving an alliance with Israel, and refraining from any talk of a military solution to the Palestinian problem?..>>> After September 11, the Saudi government calculated, for reasons related to winning over US Congress and media, that an alliance with Israel would remove all the resentment against Saudi Arabia for the complicity of the royal family (with the full support of successive US administrations) in the establishment of a global jihadi network. The Saudi calculation worked. Suddenly, criticism in the US Congress disappeared, and a legal case against the Saudi minister of defense was dismissed and the media started to, yet again, sing the praises of Saudi moderation and reasonableness. The Saudi government added its "peace plan" to prove its credentials as a state willing to walk in the footsteps of Anwar Sadat, and to make an ostensible break with its past grotesque rhetoric of anti-Semitism (not that this anti-Semitic rhetoric was eliminated or that this anti-Semitic rhetoric ever bothered Zionists, provided that services to Israel are rendered)...>> Before the Iraqi invasion of 1990, the Saudi government and its neighbors wanted a US military presence but always "over the horizon." They were afraid of local and Arab public opinion had they invited US troops to their land. Those qualms and apprehensions were removed once the Saudi regime invited US forces into the kingdom, and other Gulf regimes followed suit and hosted various US military and intelligence bases (some of the military and CIA bases in the Gulf region are among the biggest in the world)...>> ..Israel has recently decided to increase its number of official statements supporting closer relations with Saudi Arabia. As the West and Iran struck their nuclear deal, Israeli media leaks on secret meetings between representatives from the two countries intensified, prompting the Arab press to treat Riyadh and Tel Aviv as allies...>> There is very little evidence in the kingdom, officially and on the popular level, of any sentiment in favor of establishing ties with the Zionist state. One can only imagine the amount of US pressure Riyadh was subjected to after the invasion of Iraq and the September 11 attacks to open up to Israel. So let us agree that there is no love lost between Saudi and Israel, but the Gulf monarchy is deeply antagonistic to Iran and fears Tehran’s regional influence. Add to that Western media analysis suggesting that the region is undergoing a shift in alliances, in which the US and Iran could return to their strategic partnership from the days of the Shah. Undoubtedly, there is a meeting of interests between Riyadh and Tel Aviv in Syria, where both want the undoing of the Bashar al-Assad regime and its regional allies, Hezbollah and Iran. “It is our hope that Israel and Saudi initiate positive relations,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is recently reported to have said, adding, “We have common interests in the economy and in regional politics.”...>> That the House of Saud and the Israeli state should be this close on the political front should not be surprising at all. In fact, Israel has always enjoyed the closest relationships with right-wing dictators around the world: from apartheid South Africa to the Shah of Iran, to Mobuto in Zaire, to the various right-wing dictatorships in Latin America, which Israel provided with security and military expertise and assistance to kill their leftist dissidents. Similarly, one should be surprised if the House of Saud and the Jewish state were not close...>> The history of Saudi-Israeli relations is not recent. There is now much attention paid to the close relationship (still not fully officially declared or publicly celebrated by the House of Saud) between the Israeli state and the state that derives its legitimacy (according to its rulers) from its ostensible protection of the Muslim holy sites...>> From the very beginning of the Zionist movement, the Saudi royal family (in the person of the founder to his sons-successors) took a practically indifferent, if not outright sympathetic, look at the project of the Jewish state. King Abdul-Aziz was after all a mere puppet of the British colonial powers, and he did not lose time to prove his credentials (as an obedient puppet) to his masters. Once oil revenues started rolling in (much to the coffers of the American and British oil companies), the Saudi king used his financial wherewithal to influence Arab politics in a manner that suited the interests of his Western sponsors. In the Palestinian revolt of 1936-1939, the king was one of the Arab leaders who exerted much pressures on Hajj Amin Husayni to end the revolt and to allow the British government to prove its good will. The truce that ended the first phase of the revolt in 1937 was crucial in allowing the Zionists and the British to gain momentum and to put an end to Palestinian aspirations by instigating intra-Palestinian feuds: the revolt quickly degenerated into a mini-Palestinian civil war. The role of the Hashemites and of the Nashshashibi family (both of whom were on the payroll of the Zionists) was crucial in those schemes...>> And then there is the suspicious and hitherto unrevealed role of St. John Philby, the adviser of King Abdul-Aziz who had extensive dealings with Zionist leaders. His biographer talked about a plan to bribe the Saudi king on behalf of the Zionists. Not much is known about the plan, and whether negotiations conducted to that effect by Philby had the approval or the authorization of the Saudi king...>> A few years after Israel was founded (and not with any role for the Saudi royal family and the token support that all pro-British Arab potentates provided to the Palestinian cause), Gamal Abdel-Nasser emerged as the pan-Arab leader and rival to the House of Saud. The Arab Cold War began, and the House of Saud were from the very beginning in the same camp with Israel and Western powers. It will be a long time before Western powers (who are obsessed with the protection of Gulf dictatorships) release the relevant documents relating to the role of House of Saud in Western Middle East plots and conspiracies...>> ...But the level of Israeli-Saudi coordination increased yet again after the eruption of Arab uprisings: Saudi and Israeli foreign policy have mirrored one another on Egypt and Iran. The two may not have seen eye-to-eye on Syria, but they seem to have put their trust in the Free Syrian Army. Nevertheless, this unusual closeness between the two countries can’t come without a heavy price to be paid now or later by the Saudi royal family. ...>>

Complications of the Saudi Alliance With Israel

Never before has the Saudi government felt comfortable flaunting its alliance with Israel. This alliance is not new and has long historical precedences. But the Saudi royal family, in the age of the second generation of princes, has been changing tactics: Historically cautious and duplicitous, the Saudi regime is now open about its alliance with the United States and Israel (closer to Israel than the US as of late). 

Before the Iraqi invasion of 1990, the Saudi government and its neighbors wanted a US military presence but always "over the horizon." They were afraid of local and Arab public opinion had they invited US troops to their land. Those qualms and apprehensions were removed once the Saudi regime invited US forces into the kingdom, and other Gulf regimes followed suit and hosted various US military and intelligence bases (some of the military and CIA bases in the Gulf region are among the biggest in the world).

After September 11, the Saudi government calculated, for reasons related to winning over US Congress and media, that an alliance with Israel would remove all the resentment against Saudi Arabia for the complicity of the royal family (with the full support of successive US administrations) in the establishment of a global jihadi network. The Saudi calculation worked. Suddenly, criticism in the US Congress disappeared, and a legal case against the Saudi minister of defense was dismissed and the media started to, yet again, sing the praises of Saudi moderation and reasonableness. The Saudi government added its "peace plan" to prove its credentials as a state willing to walk in the footsteps of Anwar Sadat, and to make an ostensible break with its past grotesque rhetoric of anti-Semitism (not that this anti-Semitic rhetoric was eliminated or that this anti-Semitic rhetoric ever bothered Zionists, provided that services to Israel are rendered).

But the meeting between Saudi Prince Turki and past and current Israeli officials in Monte Carlo may indicate that the Saudi government has gotten quite comfortable in its dealings with Israelis. The Saudi government is now showing its displeasure with the Obama administration by flaunting its agreement with the government that can wield the most influence in US Congress. But this policy carries risks for the royal family:

1) It is not clear what is left in terms of ideology for the royal family. Wahhabiyyah is now aligned with Zionism, and the clerics are made to make changes in interpretations of the religious doctrine in response to demands of US Congress.
2) There will come a contradiction. The Saudi government, while sponsoring jihadi and non-jihadi Salafis all over the region, is aligning itself with a state and an ideology that Salafis (of whatever stripe) have a hard time reconciling themselves to.
3) How far will the Saudi family go before it causes harm to its religious and Arab nationalist image – an image which it can only brandish with payments of large sums of money to Arab media and publishing houses.
4) After a period of time, the Saudi government will be seen as a partner in the Israeli occupation of Arab (and in the minds of many Muslim) lands.
5) The alliance with Israel can be used against certain Saudi princes by other Saudi princes, especially that the struggle for power is now in full swing.
6) The conflict between the various Gulf regimes seems to have increased, and this alliance will be used by the rivals of Saudi Arabia against it.
7) How will the Saudi government seek to gain popularity in the Arab world (always through sums of cash tossed at dictators) while maintaining its alliance with Israel?
8) What can Israel give to Saudi Arabia that it can't get from the US? And what can Israel get from Saudi Arabia? The benefits from this relationship are at best tactical for both sides.
9) How can the Saudi regime use the argument of jihad in Syria while preserving an alliance with Israel, and refraining from any talk of a military solution to the Palestinian problem?

The Saudi royal family is facing a political crisis that coincides with the crisis of succession in the kingdom. The recent uncharacteristically bold moves by the kingdom in its foreign policy are signs of indecision and conflict at the level of leadership. This could only lead to strategically wrong moves by either the government as a whole or an individual prince who is too impatient to wait for the right time to seize the throne.


brandish and burnish are both appropriate in the context of item 3.
saudi is on dangerous and non islamic course, islamic awekening will smash thru their false islamic agenda, the quran says, do not make friends with yahud and nasarrah , alsothose who are their freinds, are not with us, and this is what saudi doing, may ALLAH judge them for their unholy escapades
Morons like you give Muslims a bad rap.
Me thought religion Is about compassion and way of life,not total vengeance.What's next?
"The Day of Resurrection will not arrive until the Moslems make war against the Jews and kill them, and until a Jew hiding behind a rock and tree, and the rock and tree will say: 'Oh Moslem, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!'" (Sahih Bukhari 004.52.176)

Religions were created and written down by men,In accordance to at the times economical,political,cultural realities.If you wish to live according to ancient,Ignorant fears and uncertainties, go ahead. Crawl back Into a cave (and any Jew or other who Is mindless and not capable of Independent thought.
In list item 3, "brandish" (wave around threateningly)? Does As'ad mean "burnish" (polish to a shine)?

Perang Suriah

Takfiri Front al-Nusra Mengaku Membunuh Sheikh Ramadhan al-Bouti

Islam Times- http://www.islamtimes.org/vdcgtw9w7ak9ww4.1ira.html
Anggota Takfiri itu mengatakan sebelumnya, pembunuhan Sheikh al-Bouti itu direncakan di al-Hamidiyyeh Souk setelah ia selesai khotbah Jumat di Masjid Umayyah sementara mobilnya melewati wilayah Souk.
Enam anggota Takfiri pembunuh ulama Sunni
Enam anggota Takfiri pembunuh ulama Sunni

Enam orang angggota kelompok Takfiri bersenjata yang berafiliasi dengan Front al-Nusra mengaku melakukan pembunuhan terhadap Sheikh Syahid Mohammad Said Ramadhan al-Bouti, Ulama Sunni kharismatik, di Masjid al-Iman di Damaskus, Suriah pada 21 Maret 2013 setelah diperintahkan oleh pemimpin tinggi gerakan Takfiri tersebut.
"Setelah Sheikh al-Bouti mengkritik operasi Jabhat (Front) al-Nusra di Suriah, kami diperintahkan untuk membunuhnya, karena fatwa dari pejabat umum legislatif Jabhat al-Nusra yang bernama Abu Khadijeh al-Ordoni," kata salah satu anggota Takfiri sesuai dengan pengakuannya yang disiarkan oleh TV Suriah pada hari Sabtu, 21/12/13.

Anggota Takfiri itu mengatakan sebelumnya, pembunuhan Sheikh al-Bouti itu direncakan di al-Hamidiyyeh Souk setelah ia selesai khotbah Jumat di Masjid Umayyah sementara mobilnya melewati wilayah Souk.

"Namun, rencana itu akhirnya berubah setelah kita mendapatkan informasi bahwa Sheikh al-Bouti mengadakan pelajaran agama setiap hari Kamis di Masjid al-Iman sehingga pembunuhan itu berlangsung di Masjid itu," kata para Takfiri Salafi.

Mereka lebh lanjut mengatakan, rencana untuk menyerang Sheikh al-Bouti juga dilakukan dengan memakai bom mobil bunuh diri dengan memakai sabuk peledak, namun rencana itu diubah karena dikhawatirkan, mobil yang membawa Sheikh berlapis baja.

Pada Ahad, 22/12/13, syrianperspective.com menerjemahkan teks pengakuan dari enam anggota Takfiri Front al-Nusra yang ditangkap tentara Suriah dan mengaku membunuh secara brutal ulama Sunni Sheikh al-Bouti.

Enam Takfiri Salafi tersebut mengaku bertanggung jawab atas pembunuhan sadis saat mereka diwawancarai oleh televisi pemerintah Suriah.

Berikut identitas keenam Takfiri Salafi yang mendapatkan perintah dari pimpinan pusat Front al-Nusra untuk membunuh Sheikh Syahid Mohammad Said Ramadhan al-Bouti.

1. Name: Ibraaheem Muhammad 'Abbas
Operational Name: 'Abdul-'Azeez
Nationality: Iraqi
Educational Level: 3rd Junior H.S.
Position: Commander of Syria in J.N.
Commander of Syria in ISIS

2. Name: Wissaam Muhammad 'Abbaas
Operational name: Abu Usaamaa
Nationality: Iraqi
Position: security and military official
for Damascus and its rural areas in Jabhat Al-Nusra

3. Name: 'Alaa` Al-Deen Qattaash
Operational name: Abu Haytham
Nationality: Syrian
Educational level: 3rd high school
Position: Commander of Rukneddeen Detachment in Jabhat Al-Nusra

4. Name: Usaamaa 'Abdul-Fattaah 'Abdul-Haadi
Operational Name: Abu 'Abdullah
Nationality: Palestinian
Educational Level: 3rd grade h.s.
Position: Commander of Al-Mazza Area Detachment of ISIS

5. Name: Faysal Ghaazi Hussayn Al-Shibli
Operational Name: 'Abdul-Rahmaan
Nationality: Syrian
Educational Level: 5th year student
Petroleum Engineering
Position: Member of J.N. - Al-'Ammaara Area Detachment

6. Name: Sa'ad Jallood Al-Kaddaash Jad'aan
Operational Name: Abu-Al-Layth
Nationality: Syrian
Educational Level: 5th year student in petroleum engineering
Position: Member Jabhat Al-Nusra -Al-'Ammaariyya Area Detachment. [IT/Onh/Ass]

Sumber: http://www.syrianperspective.com/2013/12/first-post-december-22-2013-confession.html
World Tribune: 

Israel Persiapkan Perang Baru dengan Hizbullah

Islam Times- http://www.islamtimes.org/vdcayunei49new1.h8k4.html
Dalam laporan itu, militer Israel telah melakukan pengeluaran besar untuk mendapatkan kemampuan terbaru yang akan memungkinkan untuk memulai perang singkat dengan Hizbullah.
Tentara Israel di Perbatasan
Tentara Israel di Perbatasan

Israel berencana meluncurkan perang singkat dan menentukan terhadap Hizbullah, demikian situs berita World Tribune melaporkan, menukil sumber informasi intelijen, Rabu, 18/12/13.

Dikatakannya, perang tersebut ditujukan untuk menghancurkan kemampuan strategis gerakan Perlawanan Hizbullah.

Dalam laporan itu, militer Israel telah melakukan pengeluaran besar untuk mendapatkan kemampuan terbaru yang akan memungkinkan untuk memulai perang singkat dengan Hizbullah.

Masih menurut World Tribune, Israel akan mengerahkan segenap kemampuan militernya secara luas termasuk operasi udara yang didukung penuh informasi intelijen. Hal itu dilakukan untuk melemahkan gerakan Hizbullah dalam jangka panjang.

Angkatan Udara Israel mampu menghancurkan ratusan sasaran Hizbullah dalam satu hari, kata berita itu.

Namun, Israel mengkhawatirkan adanya perbedaan internal, dimana hal itu akan menghambat rencana Tel Aviv untuk mengobarkan perang baru dengan Hizbullah.

Sebelumnya, tentara Libanon menembak dan menewaskan seorang tentara Israel dalam penembakan dilintas perbatasan pada hari Minggu kemarin.

Militer Israel mengatakan dalam sebuah pernyataan, seorang tentara Israel dibunuh oleh "sniper tentara Libanon" di dekat pos perbatasan di Naqoura. [IT/Onh/Ass]

Suksesi Kerajaan Saudi
Perkuat Kekuasaan, Raja Saudi Tunjuk Putranya Sebagai Gubernur Mekkah
Islam Times- Menurut beberapa analis, penunjukkan itu sebuah isyarat adanya pengawasan ketat terhadap semua gerakan para pangeran senior kerajaan terhadap proses suksesi buram di kerajaan properti al-Saud itu.
Raja Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz
Raja Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz

Raja Saudi Arabia, Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz menunjuk putranya, Pangeran Mishaal sebagai gubernur Provinsi Mekkah, salah satu pekerjaan yang paling terkemuka di kerajaan ini.

Pangeran Mishaal menggantikan Pangeran Khaled al-Faisal yang digeser menjadi menteri pendidikan, demikian al-Alam melaporkan, Ahad, 22/12/13.

Penunjukan itu diumumkan dalam sebuah dekrit kerajaan yang dimumkan oleh media pemerintah.

Menurut beberapa analis, penunjukkan itu sebuah isyarat adanya pengawasan ketat terhadap semua gerakan para pangeran senior terhadap proses suksesi buram di kerajaan properti al-Saud itu.

Sejak 2011, akibat kematian, pensiun dan promosi dini, posisi-posisi paling tinggi kerajaan itu berpindah tangan ke beberapa orang pangeran setelah puluhan tahun dicengkeram oleh segelintir pangeran tertentu.

Perubahan itu mencerminkan keinginan Raja Abdullah yang diduga untuk membangun dinasti dan kekuasaan kepada anak-anaknya dan sekutu lainnya dengan menempatkan mereka pada posisi-posisi kunci untuk masa depan.

"Menunjuk seorang putra raja pada salah satu gubernuran utama dalam kerajaan adalah sebuah catatan penting. Dia (Abdullah) memberikan anak-anaknya kesempatan besar untuk mendapatkan tempat dalam proses suksesi kelak," kata Khaled al-Dakhil seorang ilmuwan politik Saudi.

Abdullah juga menunjuk beberapa kerabat dekat dan anaknya yang lain, pangeran Miteb sebagai minister of the Saudi Arabian National Guard, menunjuk anak Abdulaziz sebagai wakil menteri luar negeri dan putra pangeran Turki sebagai wakil gubernur Riyadh.

Mishaal, Gubernur Mekkah yang baru sebelumnya menduduki gubernur provinsi Najran di perbatasan dengan Yaman.

Tugas Gubernur Mekkah membawa tanggung jawab administratif besar karena provinsi ini memiliki jumlah penduduk yang paling besar, serta merupakan simbol penting perwalian atas situs suci Islam dan rumah bagi muslimin yang berhaji setiap tahun. [IT/Onh/Ass]

Lines of the Game: Protecting Saudi From Israel

Israeli soldiers patrol on October 9, 2013 along the Israel-Syria border after mortar fire from inside war-torn Syria hit the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. (Photo: AFP - Jalaa Marey)
Published Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Israel has recently decided to increase its number of official statements supporting closer relations with Saudi Arabia. As the West and Iran struck their nuclear deal, Israeli media leaks on secret meetings between representatives from the two countries intensified, prompting the Arab press to treat Riyadh and Tel Aviv as allies.

The Saudi-Lebanese media tycoon Waleed bin Talal only helped to reinforce this image by saying, “The kingdom, along with other Arab and Sunni Muslim countries, supports an Israeli attack on Iran to destroy its nuclear program.” This begs the question: Is it in the interest of Arabs to accuse Saudi of having an alliance with Israel?

There is very little evidence in the kingdom, officially and on the popular level, of any sentiment in favor of establishing ties with the Zionist state. One can only imagine the amount of US pressure Riyadh was subjected to after the invasion of Iraq and the September 11 attacks to open up to Israel.
 So let us agree that there is no love lost between Saudi and Israel, but the Gulf monarchy is deeply antagonistic to Iran and fears Tehran’s regional influence. Add to that Western media analysis suggesting that the region is undergoing a shift in alliances, in which the US and Iran could return to their strategic partnership from the days of the Shah.

Undoubtedly, there is a meeting of interests between Riyadh and Tel Aviv in Syria, where both want the undoing of the Bashar al-Assad regime and its regional allies, Hezbollah and Iran. “It is our hope that Israel and Saudi initiate positive relations,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is recently reported to have said, adding, “We have common interests in the economy and in regional politics.”

It appears that it is in the interest of Israel to publicly declare improving ties with Saudi Arabia, given the number of official statements and media leaks about the matter. For Tel Aviv, this is not only useful against Hezbollah and Iran, but Israel hopes that this will give it Arab cover to sign a peace agreement that is unfavorable to the Palestinians.

All indications suggest that, sooner or later, there will be a Saudi-Iranian summit, despite the tensions that exist today. Riyadh is in no rush for such a meeting, given its relatively weak position at this juncture. Tehran, too, is in no hurry – other Gulf nations are lining up to visit Iran, as was the case with the Emirates recently.

Rather than adopt Israel’s statements and leaks, it is more important that the Arabs protect Saudi from Zionist influence, perhaps by advising the kingdom to make adjustments in its foreign relations, particularly toward Syria and Iran. And in fact, reports suggest that there are active attempts by mediators to help mend fences between these countries, with many obstacles still preventing any breakthrough in the near future.
This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.


Amateur analysis.first,it's in israel's interest that Assad hold to Syria and not as suggested by the author.assad(father and son)have kept the border relatively calm since 1973.better confront an enemy you are familiar with,than with an unknown one(Islamic extremists).
Arab tourists,business men,are often seen in Israel.so what's the scoop?there will be peace eventually in the ME,in spite of narrow minded self righteous as the commentator , because that's what most regular people strive for-security and decent living.

The Saudis are like the married man who wishes his mistress (Israel) would just shut up. They have always been half-hearted in their Israel-hating. They were more likely to send checks after a war rather than commit troops (or allow volunteers).
I have been told that Saudis are often spotted in Tel Aviv for shopping, clubbing and most of all for medical tourism. Their militaries and intelligence cooperate and there is illicit trade.
If the Saudis feel better about keeping it under wraps, Israel should be happy and keep up appearances.
BTW- A lot of blood has been spilled in Syria and Lebanon and much of it has been Iranian and Saudi. Not sure they are going to get together anytime soon.

There is no hope for the House of Saud. They have been the eager servants of Zionism and Imperialism since the 20s. Their obedience to the West has always been the price they pay for continuing to run their kingdom of nightmares and hypocrites.

Sami Kleib - It is uncanning how blind hatred of Israel and its capital, Jerusalem, can permeate from what purports to be a sober political analysis. When has Jerusalem threatened Saudi Arabia in anyway? Any Arab country should be lucky to have the Zionist influence, you so loath. Nothing but progress and emancipation can come from a respectful relation to Israel, Jerusalem its capital and Zionist progress. Wake up and join the 21st century and shed your hatred and bigotry.

Background of the Saudi-Israeli Alliance

The history of Saudi-Israeli relations is not recent. There is now much attention paid to the close relationship (still not fully officially declared or publicly celebrated by the House of Saud) between the Israeli state and the state that derives its legitimacy (according to its rulers) from its ostensible protection of the Muslim holy sites. That the House of Saud and the Israeli state should be this close on the political front should not be surprising at all. In fact, Israel has always enjoyed the closest relationships with right-wing dictators around the world: from apartheid South Africa to the Shah of Iran, to Mobuto in Zaire, to the various right-wing dictatorships in Latin America, which Israel provided with security and military expertise and assistance to kill their leftist dissidents. Similarly, one should be surprised if the House of Saud and the Jewish state were not close.

From the very beginning of the Zionist movement, the Saudi royal family (in the person of the founder to his sons-successors) took a practically indifferent, if not outright sympathetic, look at the project of the Jewish state. King Abdul-Aziz was after all a mere puppet of the British colonial powers, and he did not lose time to prove his credentials (as an obedient puppet) to his masters. Once oil revenues started rolling in (much to the coffers of the American and British oil companies), the Saudi king used his financial wherewithal to influence Arab politics in a manner that suited the interests of his Western sponsors. In the Palestinian revolt of 1936-1939, the king was one of the Arab leaders who exerted much pressures on Hajj Amin Husayni to end the revolt and to allow the British government to prove its good will. The truce that ended the first phase of the revolt in 1937 was crucial in allowing the Zionists and the British to gain momentum and to put an end to Palestinian aspirations by instigating intra-Palestinian feuds: the revolt quickly degenerated into a mini-Palestinian civil war. The role of the Hashemites and of the Nashshashibi family (both of whom were on the payroll of the Zionists) was crucial in those schemes.

And then there is the suspicious and hitherto unrevealed role of St. John Philby, the adviser of King Abdul-Aziz who had extensive dealings with Zionist leaders. His biographer talked about a plan to bribe the Saudi king on behalf of the Zionists. Not much is known about the plan, and whether negotiations conducted to that effect by Philby had the approval or the authorization of the Saudi king.

The Saudi king did not spend much time worrying about the plight of the Palestinians. He was more interested in cementing his relations, first with the British and then with the American government, which he did with the FDR administration, thus establishing one of the longest “strategic” relationship between the US and a foreign country (an extreme dictatorship at that, but that has never been an anomaly for US foreign policy).

A few years after Israel was founded (and not with any role for the Saudi royal family and the token support that all pro-British Arab potentates provided to the Palestinian cause), Gamal Abdel-Nasser emerged as the pan-Arab leader and rival to the House of Saud. The Arab Cold War began, and the House of Saud were from the very beginning in the same camp with Israel and Western powers. It will be a long time before Western powers (who are obsessed with the protection of Gulf dictatorships) release the relevant documents relating to the role of House of Saud in Western Middle East plots and conspiracies.

The eruption of the Yemeni civil war only made the coordination between Israel and Saudi Arabia more plausible and imperative. Again, we don't have much by way of the declassified archives in Western (or Israeli) capitals, but there is a sense (and some evidence) that Israel supplied the Yemeni monarchist rebels. (Israel always takes the side of the monarchies against republican, progressive dissidents, and that has not changed). In the following years, Israel and Saudi Arabia were on the side of Jordanian and Moroccan rulers against their people (and against the Palestinians in the case of Jordan). And both were fiercely opposed to the first Arab Marxist republic in South Yemen.

Yet, the relationship between the two governments was propelled to a much higher level after Sept. 11. The Saudi royal family came under pressure from the public, media, and Congress for their role in funding fanatical movements around the world (as if the US was not a partner in that endeavor – at least until the 1990s). The Saudi royal family made the decision to elevate their covert and semi-overt relationship with Israel in order to win back American congressional approval. The plot worked: The Saudi King vomited his peace plan, and Thomas Friedman and congressional Zionists were impressed.

But the level of Israeli-Saudi coordination increased yet again after the eruption of Arab uprisings: Saudi and Israeli foreign policy have mirrored one another on Egypt and Iran. The two may not have seen eye-to-eye on Syria, but they seem to have put their trust in the Free Syrian Army. Nevertheless, this unusual closeness between the two countries can’t come without a heavy price to be paid now or later by the Saudi royal family. 

The relationship between Israel and the Saudi government was also facilitated by the US. Both Israel and Saudi Arabia were on the side of the US not only against communists and leftists around the world but also against liberation movements from Latin America to Vietnam. We don't know, of course, the extent to which Israel and Saudi Arabia coordinated directly, but it would be foolish to assume that the anti-Semitism of King Faysal, for example, prevented him from appeasing Zionists in the US and Israel. His relationship with Henry Kissinger are quite telling. The Saudi royal family and the Wahhabi clerics never saw a contradiction between their anti-Semitism and their coordination with the Israeli state, especially when the coordination bolstered the Saudi place in US foreign policy plans.

When Anwar Sadat visited Israel, a new rupture hit Arab politics. While Sadat established an alliance with Israel (an alliance to be continued and expanded under Hosni Mubarak), with US blessing and sponsorship, it is wrongly assumed that the whole Arab world was united against him. We know now that King Husayn and King Fahd maintained a close relationship with Sadat, and may have encouraged him in his liquidationist plans. And after Sadat's assassination, it was the Saudi government that helped to reintegrate the Egyptian regime into the "Arab fold" and without any changes to the Camp David Accords and the Egyptian-Israeli treaty.

The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait took the relationship to another level, and the extent to which Saudi Arabia helped in "restraining" Israel, as its reluctant agreement to not respond to Saddam Hussein's missiles is called. But it was Sept. 11 that took the relationship between the two regimes to a much higher level altogether.


Israel's is secret allies with Hezbollah and Hamas too. Why don't you disclose that? The secret friendship between them is based on their mutual desire to rule the world. Israelis can be seen often in Cairo tring to overthrow the governments of Nigeria, Malysia, Egypt and Iraq. They have no interest in Tunisia. It is well known in our world that Obama is really Jewish

Man you are so utterly deluded if you believe what you are saying. And if you do not believe in what you are saying you are naive to believe that your hocus locus can convince anybody.
You are not convinced of because you have determined long ago that you will never allow yourself to be convinced by any fact and/or truth that you perceive to be in yourself interest. But your underlying assumption that no one will be convinced by the facts and arguments presented in this article by the academic About Khalil, whose intellectual integrity is beyond any reproach even by his academic colleagues zionists like you or zionist sympathizers like you, will not convince the except the already convinced and converted to your zionist ideology.
Last time I checked Obama was a Muslim, a Liberation Theology Christian and a socialist. Now he is a Jewish too. Really, Obama is something, but with Hezballah the ally of Zionists nothing is impossible LOL
As we call it in Russia, a city's madman got a PC with internet, I guess :(
And who opposed the treachery of King Abd al-Ingleez at the time and the subsequent treacheries of Aal-Su'ood, who are in the Saudi dungeons by the tens of thousands, whose hundreds of ulama and shuyookh inside and outside of Saudi, condemned Saudi treachery and their donkey ulama, unlike the dregs of the mumana'a az-za'ifah which sanctifies their traitors, why the hypocrisy? Why didn't your ilk condemn their traitors?

Has anyone noticed how the English of the indefatigable Abu Umar improved over the years. Being a fan of this under-rated genius, I have. :)
In the list of right wing friends of the Zionists you gracefully forgot to mention the local militias - Sabra and Shatila....

dear As'ad,
you might have noted that the Secret Pals are currently feeling quite lonesome, with Pres Obama's betrayal of the Syrian revolution.
I'm not the only one who misses Pres GW Bush!

The fan of the stupidest prez in USA history (no mean feat) still whining about human-heart-eating sectarian mass-murderers (mostly non-Syrians) aka "rebels" are being not so eagerly supported by Obama the mass murderer as the fan of the stupidest prez in USA history (no mean feat) would like. In this fan of the stupidest prez in USA history (no mean feat) is in good company with Saudi royals and Zionists - the most backward and undemocratic specimens of the ME.
"human-heart-eating sectarian mass-murderers"
One act by one fighter means all the Syrian rebels(who no doubt have criminals and thugs) are as such while this know-nothing Jewish Jezebel whitewashes the sectarian scorched-earth policy of the Neo-Qarmati Assadi and Safawi forces. The Americans backed Iran's thuwar Nato ten-fold to anything to they did in Syria with absolute silence from the Iranian regime and Hezbollah.
Re: "One act by one fighter means"
It has not been, as you claim, "one act by one fighter". What we have witnessed and continue to witness is a Takfiri-Wahhabi ideology adopted by the Islamist Jihadi terrorists from all countries who intend to ethnic cleanse all those who believe in reason and tolerance in Syria. It is not one act by one fighter. It is the destruction of the nonsectarian character of the Syrian State that these Takfiris and terrorists are trying to achieve by terror and the eating of human hearts.
The sectarian and proud AU is so right - after all, not every al-Qaida type was proudly shown himself eating human body parts, most of them are only shown themselves beheading, murdering children for "insulting" Muhammad or just for being of the "wrong" sect.
And sure, Syrian army is very "sectarian" - while consisting of members of all sects of Syria and while not asking for the sectarian affiliation. As a matter of fact, the majority of Syrian Army soldiers could be sunni.
But sectarian and proud AU still prefer "his" sectarian fighters, who are on payroll of Saudi royals and CIA and with whom Zionists are more then happy - after all, they murder Hezballah fighters, who otherwise could be of danger to Zionists.
I wish Dr. abu Khalil would name any contacts between Israelis and Saudis. There's very little in this post that I'd feel comfortable quoting to a third party. The paragraph that begins with, "Both Israel and Saudi Arabia were on the side of the US not only against communists and leftists around the world..." doesn't satisfy as a source of information. It's like saying there was an alliance between the US and Soviet Union because they both supplied Iraq during 1980's Gulf war.
On the other hand, I'm surprised he doesn't mention Israel's tacit approval of the 60bn arms package to Saudi. http://www.theatlanticwire.com/global/2011/12/why-are-we-selling-saudi-a...

Re: "I wish Dr. abu Khalil would name any contacts…".
It is not clear what thesis you want to defend. You wish from About Khalil to do your homework for you! If you do not agree with him, you can try to refute his argument with facts and logic. But since you have failed to do that, we can assume that you find yourself incapable of refuting him.
Huge US military sales to KSA have little effect on Israel or IRAN. It is a price to pay by the KSA for the US to protect the hated Saudi regime.
Are you suggesting that the contents of the article are false?
No. I'm just thinking Saudi Arabia appeasing Israel might be a better title, if there's no evidence of direct coordination available.
Asaad... something missing up in your comment, could you finish it please?

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