Krisis Ukraina membuat China melakukan akrobat diplomasi di antara Rusia dan A.S.
Krisis Ukraina membuat China berada di ujung tanduk dilema antara
Rusia di satu sisi, dan Amerika Serikat Serta Eropa Barat di sisi
“Sudut pandang China terhadap krisis ini sangatlah kompleks,” ungkap
Charles W. Freeman, Jr., rekan ketua umum Fondasi Kebijakan A.S. China
kepada Asia Pacific Defense Forum [APDF] dalam suatu wawancara. “Saya
berpikir bahwa sekarang China sedang menahan diri di Moskow.”
Pada tanggal 2 Maret, juru bicara Kementerian Luar Negeri China, Qin
Gang “mengimbau agar semua pihak yang terlibat dalam situasi di Ukraina
agar mematuhi hukum internasional dan mencari solusi politik bagi
perselisihan mereka, melalui berbagai dialog dan negosiasi.
“China sangat khawatir dengan situasi Ukraina saat ini," ungkap Qin
kepada para wartawan. Dia telah diminta untuk menyatakan posisi China di
depan Dewan Federasi yang merupakan majelis tinggi dari parlemen Rusia,
yang memberi kewenangan kepada Presiden Vladimir Putin untuk
menggunakan kekuatan militer bila dinilai perlu, guna melindungi warga
negara Rusia dan para prajuritnya di wilayah Ukrania.
Qin mengutuk penggunaan kekerasan oleh semua pihak yang terlibat
dalam krisis di Ukraina. Kantor berita negara china, Xinhua, melaporkan
bahwa Qin berkata betapa China telah memberi nasihat kepada semua pihak
di Ukraina, untuk mencoba menyelesaikan konflik mereka melalui jalan
damai dan sesuai dengan hukum di negara tersebut, menjaga hak sah dari
para rakyat Ukraina, dan mendirikan kembali tatanan sosial secepat
Qin menekankan bahwa China mendasarkan posisinya dalam masalah
Ukraina berdasarkan prinsip tidak campur tangan dalam suatu permasalahan
internal negara. Beijing terus menghormati kemerdekaan, kedaulatan, dan
integritas teritorial Ukraina, Xinhua melaporkan.
Melanjutkan hubungan yang baik serta mengembangkan perdagangan secara stabil bersama ke-27 negara Uni Eropa dan Amerika Serikat, merupakan inti dari strategi Presiden Xi Jinping.
“Legitimasi politik dari semua pemerintahan China modern bertumpu
pada kemampuan berkelanjutan mereka untuk memberikan pertumbuhan ekonomi
serta peningkatan standar kehidupan rakyatnya,” kata Ralph Winnie,
kepada dari program China di Koalisi Bisnis Eurasia, kepada APDF.
China bertujuan untuk mempertahankan hubungan dengan A.S.dan Rusia
China perlu kontinuitas dalam persahabatannya dengan Amerika Serikat.
Namun China juga memiliki hubungan kuat dan simpati terhadap, Rusia.
Rusia telah menjadi sekutu strategis utama China
selama hampir 13 tahun setelah Organisasi Kooperasi Shanghai
diluncurkan dalam bentuk lengkapnya, pada pertemuan tingkat tinggi
Shanghai tanggal 15 Juni 2001.
China juga memiliki kekhawatiran serupa dengan Rusia, bahwa Amerika
Serikat dan UE mungkin menggunakan alasan protes pro-demokrasi atau
revolusi berskala besar, untuk menggulingkan pemerintahan tetangga yang
bersahabat, atau bahkan nantinya melakukan desentralisasi terhadap
negara-negara mereka sendiri.
“Di sisi lain China memandang Ukraina dan melakukan perbandingan
dengan Taiwan,” dan bersimpati terhadap hasrat Rusia untuk setidaknya
meningkatkan pengaruhnya dalam suatu wilayah besar yang pernah
dikuasainya selama berabad-abad,” kata Freeman.
“Bangsa China juga menarik garis sejajar antara status Crimea di
Ukraina, dan pengimbuhan berkelanjutan atasTibet di negara mereka
sendiri,” katanya. “China tidak akan memenangkan prinsip determinasi
mandiri dalam konteks apa pun.”
Beijing telah menegaskan bahwa mereka ingin mempertahankan hubungan
baik dengan pemerintahan koalisi pro-Barat Ukraina yang baru di Kiev,
juru bicara Kementerian Luar Negeri Hua Chunying mengumumkan di Beijing
pada tanggal 4 Maret. China ingin memelihara dan memperluas kemitraan
strategisnya dengan Ukraina, berdasarkan kesetaraan dan keuntungan
bersama, Xinhua melaporkan.
Hua mengatakan dalam sebuah pengarahan pers harian, bahwa pemerintah
Beijing terus memantau berbagai peristiwa yang muncul di Ukraina, dan
menyatakan harapan mereka bahwa kondisi akan membaik.
China menghadapi sikap publik secara berhati-hati
“Kami berharap bahwa proses politik dalam menyelesaikan krisis di
Ukraina akan terus berlanjut di dalam kerangka hukum,” kata Hua.
Seorang analis berkebangsaan Italia, Francesco Sisci, menulis di Asia
Times Online pada tanggal 5 Maret dan memberikan argumen bahwa di balik
pernyataan publik para pemimpin China yang disusun secara hati-hati dan
penuh kewaspadaan, mereka sebenarnya telah dikejutkan oleh penggulingan
Presiden Ukrania Viktor Yanukovych melalui protes publik, dan bahwa
pada dasarnya mereka [China] tetap berada di pihak Rusia dalam hal
krisis ini.
“China telah sangat terkejut melihat perkembangan di Ukrania, dan
telah berpihak pada Rusia, khawatir bahwa revolusi serupa dapat
mengancam Beijing dan juga bahwa kekalahan di Ukraina dapat mengganggu
Rusia,” tulis Sisci, seorang kolumnis untuk suratkabar harian Italia Il Sole 24 Ore.
Sementara China tidak ingin membuat berang Amerika Serikat dan Uni
Eropa dalam krisis tersebut, mereka juga tidak ingin mengasingkan Rusia,
sekutu strategis utamanya, tulis Sisci.
“Bagi Beijing, memberi jarak dalam hubungan mereka dengan Moskow pada
saat ini juga akan menimbulkan kecurigaan bahwa China berminat untuk
melemahkan Rusia secara umum, sesuatu yang dapat membantu China di Asia
Pusat dan Siberia, di mana kekuatan ekonominya tumbuh dan Moskow merasa
takut akan hal itu,” tulisnya.
Freeman setuju bahwa China terus menganggap Rusia sebagai mitra dalam
memelihara keamanan di seluruh Eurasia, dan sikap ini juga memberi
faktor bagi posisi China dalam krisis ini.
Tanggapan China terhadap fokus A.S. pada Asia
“China telah menanggapi '[penyeimbangan kembali] terhadap Asia' pemerintahan Obama
dengan memperkuat ikatan mereka dengan Rusia, guna menciptakan suatu
tingkat kompensasi strategis bagi mereka di Eurasia,” ungkapnya kepada
Sebuah komentar dari Xinhua yang dicetak ulang dalam China Daily
yang diterbitkan negara, pada tanggal 5 Maret menyatakan, “Dengan UE
yang telah membuktikan ketidakmampuannya untuk menjadi penengah
perdamaian di Ukraina, negara Barat seharusnya menunjukkan apresiasi
lebih besar terhadap tindakan Rusia untuk mengatasi krisis tersebut.
Dengan mempertimbangkan pengaruh historis dan budaya Rusia di negara
tersebut, Kremlin menjadi suatu bagian yang tidak dapat dihilangkan dari
teka-teki politis ini.”
“Amerika Serikat dan negara-negara Eropa harus bekerja sama dengan
Rusia, bukan menentang mereka, agar dapat mengatasi krisis ini,”
komentar tersebut menyimpulkan.
Langkah apa yang harus diambil negara-negara Asia Pasifik dalam
reaksinya terhadap krisis di Ukraina? Utarakan pendapat Anda di bagian
komentar di bawah ini.
Krisis Ukraina: China dan India bersikap hati-hati
![Kekuasaan Rusia: Rakyat menyaksikan tentara Rusia dan warga Krimea pro-Rusia berpatroli di markas besar AL Ukraina di kota Sevastopol di semenanjung Krimea. [AFP]](
Rusia: Rakyat menyaksikan tentara Rusia dan warga Krimea pro-Rusia
berpatroli di markas besar AL Ukraina di kota Sevastopol di semenanjung
Krimea. [AFP]
Krisis di Ukraina telah memprovokasi berbagai reaksi yang kompleks di
seluruh Asia. India, yang memiliki hubungan yang semakin erat, telah
mendukung Rusia. China, mitra Rusia dalam Organisasi Kerjasama Shanghai,
telah pernah mengalami posisi yang lebih rumit.
China tidak bertindak apa-apa ketika pertemuan Dewan Keamanan PBB di
New York City menghadapi jalan buntu mengenai penyusunan resolusi atas
krisis tersebut pada tanggal 15 Maret.
"China tidak setuju untuk berkonfrontasi," juru bicara Kementerian
Luar Negeri China, Qin Gang, menyatakan setelah dilakukan voting, kantor
berita resmi Xinhua melaporkan.
Rusia menggunakan hak vetonya sebagai salah satu dari lima Anggota
Tetap Dewan Keamanan PBB untuk memblokir konsep resolusi yang disusun
oleh Amerika Serikat dan didukung oleh negara-negara Barat. Resolusi itu
menyatakan bahwa referendum 16 Maret yang diatur oleh Rusia mengenai
status Krimea "tidak memiliki keabsahan" dan menyerukan organisasi
nasional dan internasional untuk tidak mengakuinya.
“Voting atas konsep resolusi Dewan Keamanan pada saat ini hanya akan
menyebabkan konfrontasi dan lebih mengacaukan situasi, yang tidak sesuai
dengan kepentingan umum rakyat Ukraina dan komunitas internasional,"
kata Qin.
China selalu menghormati kedaulatan dan integritas teritorial semua
negara, kata Qin. Ini sudah lama menjadi prinsip kebijakan luar negeri
yang mendasar dari pemerintah Beijing.
“Dalam situasi saat ini, kami menyerukan kepada semua pihak untuk
tetap tenang dan mengendalikan diri demi menghindari ketegangan yang
semakin runcing," kata Qin.
“Menurut berita Xinhua, "China mengambil sikap yang objektif dan adil
mengenai masalah Ukraina," kata Liu JIeyi, perwakilan tetap China untuk
PBB, kepada Dewan Keamanan, menurut Xinhua.
India: Rusia memiliki 'kepentingan yang sah' di Ukraina
Bertentangan dengan tindakan China yang tidak memihak, pemerintah
India tidak ragu-ragu mendukung pengambil-alihan Rusia atas Krimea.
“India yakin Rusia memiliki ‘kepentingan yang sah'
di Ukraina – suatu sikap yang berlawanan dengan pihak barat atas krisis
terbaru di Krimea. Yang justru menarik adalah, China menentang
intervensi Rusia di Krimea, yang menyimpang dari dukungannya selama ini
kepada Moskow di Dewan Keamanan PBB,” The Times of India melaporkan
tanggal 8 Maret.
![China berdiam-diri: Duta besar China untuk PBB, Liu Jieyi, kiri, mendengarkan saat Duta besar Perancis, Gerard Araud berbicara pada pertemuan Dewan Keamanan, 13 Maret. [AFP]](
berdiam-diri: Duta besar China untuk PBB, Liu Jieyi, kiri, mendengarkan
saat Duta besar Perancis, Gerard Araud berbicara pada pertemuan Dewan
Keamanan, 13 Maret. [AFP]
Kementerian Luar Negeri India mengeluarkan pernyataan tanggal 13
Maret yang mengungkapkan keprihatinan atas "’ketegangan yang terus
meningkat, khususnya mengenai kehadiran 5.000 lebih warga India,
termasuk sekitar 4.000 pelajar, di berbagai belahan Ukraina.”
“Memang ada keabsahan Rusia dan kepentingan lain yang terkait, dan
kami berharap semuanya dibahas dan diselesaikan," kata Penasihat
Keamanan Nasional, Shivshankar Menon kepada The Times of India.
'Triangulasi' China ingin menghindari benturan dengan A.S.
Pendekatan China yang hati-hati terhadap krisis ini ditentukan oleh
kelanjutan hubungan dagang dan investasi yang dekat dengan Amerika
Serikat, kata Ralph Winnie, direktur program China di Eurasian Business
Coalition, kepada Asia Pacific Defense Forum [APDF].
“Pemerintahan Presiden Xi [Jinping] seperti para pendahulunya selama
35 tahun silam, mengukuhkan legitimasinya dari keberhasilannya yang
berkelanjutan dalam mempertahankan dan meninggikan standar kehidupan di
China. Oleh karena itu, kondisi global yang stabil secara berkelanjutan
untuk pertumbuhan ekonomi, minat investasi internasional dan hubungan
stabil berkelanjutan dengan Amerika Serikat tetap merupakan prioritas
yang ditaati," katanya.
“Oleh karena itu, China secara tulus ingin agar krisis internasional
yang mengancam ini secepatnya diselesaikan secara damai dan mereka juga
ingin menghindari perpecahan dengan Rusia, sama seperti yang mereka
inginkan untuk mempertahankan hubungan dengan Amerika Serikat," katanya
kepada APDF.
Posisi "triangulasi" China ini untuk menghindari bentrok dengan Washington sekaligus menghindari perpecahan terbuka dengan Moskow, sudah diketahui di seluruh Asia.
Dalam tulisannya untuk surat kabar Malaysia, The Star pada
tanggal 16 Maret, Bunn Nagara, rekan senior di Institute of Strategic
and International Studies [ISIS] Malaysia berargumentasi bahwa hal ini
bahkan mengesampingkan perbandingan dengan keprihatinan keamanan
nasional dalam negeri China.
“Pemahaman yang berat sebelah ini telah menimbulkan harapan naif,
bahwa China akan lebih berpihak kepada US/EU melawan Rusia di Dewan
Keamanan PBB. Asumsinya adalah, bahwa Beijing tidak ingin di China
terjadi perpecahan seperti di Krimea," tulis Nagara.
Moderasi Beijing mengungkapkan bahwa “etos China sudah berubah,” tulis analis Rowan Callick, di surat kabar The Australian tanggal 13 Maret.
“Hingga tingkat kisaran-luas yang luar biasa, China … terlibat secara
ekonomi, dan bahkan secara sosial, dengan dunia pada umumnya, melalui
perdagangan, penelitian, investasi reksadana dan keingintahuan budaya,"
Callick mengidentifikasi pusat dilema untuk China dalam menentukan posisinya atas Krimea dan Ukraina.
“Langkah Ukraina menyulitkan Beijing, tentu saja, karena sudah lama
China secara keras menolak semua intervensi dalam urusan dalam negeri
negara lain, dan tindakan penyerbuan tersebut pasti masuk ke dalam
kategori itu," tulisnya.
China juga prihatin bahwa, jika Rusia semakin berani dengan
pengambil-alihan Krimea, Rusia mungkin akan mencoba memperoleh kembali
kekuasaan lamanya, dan berdiri dalam limpahan semangat republik Soviet
terdahulu di Asia Pusat dengan mengorbankan Beijing, Callick
"Sebagian besar daratan terkurung 'Stans' dari Asia Tengah, yang
sebagian besar pernah menjadi satelit Rusia, terakhir melalui Uni
Soviet, sebagian besar juga sangat bergantung pada produksi energi."
“Akankah perebutan Krimea menambah nilai output mereka, atau mungkin
menggoda Moskow untuk memperkuat pengaruhnya atas mereka, dalam
persaingan dengan Beijing?” tanyanya. “Mungkinkah perkembangan peristiwa
di Ukraina akan juga menginspirasi unsur perpecahan dan nasionalis
dalam 'stans', dan Rusia mungkin lebih bersedia mempertimbangkan
permintaan untuk menanggapi permohonan pertolongan? Pasti akan ada
Tindakan apa yang seharusnya diambil bangsa-bangsa Asia dalam
menanggapi upaya Rusia di Krimea? Sampaikan pendapat Anda di bagian
komentar di bawah ini.
Rusia Siap Invasi Ukraina, Kiev Peringatkan Perang

Rusia Siap Invasi Ukraina, Kiev Peringatkan Perang

Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin menuntut
dan memenangkan persetujuan parlemen negaranya pada hari Sabtu
(1/3/2014) untuk menginvasi Ukraina. Sementara itu, pemerintahan baru
Ukraina memperingatkan kemungkinan perang dan menempatkan pasukannya
dalam siaga tinggi serta meminta bantuan NATO.
Pernyataan terbuka Putin tentang hak
untuk mengirim pasukan ke negara berpenduduk 46 juta di Eropa Tengah itu
menciptakan konfrontasi terbesar antara Rusia dan Barat sejak Perang
Perdana Menteri Ukraina, Arseny
Yatseniuk, yang memimpin pemerintahan setelah mengambil alih kekuasaan
dari sekutu Moskwa, Viktor Yanukovich, yang melarikan diri minggu lalu,
mengatakan, tindakan militer Rusia itu “akan menjadi awal perang dan
akhir dari setiap hubungan Ukraina dan Rusia”.
Penjabat Presiden Ukraina, Oleksander Turchinov, memerintahkan pasukan untuk ditempatkan pada siaga tempur tinggi.
Menteri Luar Negeri Andriy Deshchytsya
mengatakan, ia telah bertemu dengan para pejabat Eropa dan AS, serta
mengirim permintaan kepada NATO untuk “mengkaji segala kemungkinan untuk
melindungi integritas teritorial dan kedaulatan Ukraina”.
Langkah Putin itu merupakan penolakan
langsung terhadap para pemimpin Barat yang berulang kali mendesak Rusia
untuk tidak melakukan intervensi.
Termasuk Presiden AS Barack Obama, yang
sehari sebelumnya menyampaikan pidato di televisi guna memperingatkan
Moskwa soal “ongkos” jika Rusia beraksi.
Pasukan tanpa lencana di seragam mereka,
tetapi diyakini tentara Rusia, beberapa menggunakan kendaraan dengan
nomor pelat Rusia, telah menyerbu Crimea, sebuah semenanjung terpencil
di Laut Hitam di Armada Laut Hitam Rusia bermarkas. Pihak berwenang baru
di Kiev tidak berdaya untuk menghentikan mereka.
Lokasi Krimea (hijau gelap) sehubungan dengan Ukraina (lampu hijau) di peta Eropa. (
Crimea atau Krimea (/kraɪˈmiːə/), atau Republik Otonom Krimea (Автономная Республика Крым, Avtonomnaya Respublika Krym),
merupakan sebuah republik di Ukraina yang memiliki luas wilayah 26.200
km² dan populasi 1.994.300 jiwa (2005). Ibu kotanya ialah Simferopol.
Pada akhir tahun 1917 di Krimea, setelah selama tahun-tahun bergolak Perang Saudara Rusia, akhirnya tercapai kemerdekaan Republik Rakyat Krimea.
Tetapi negara ini berumur pendek karena
pada Januari 1918, republik ini diduduki oleh Bolshevik, yang merupakan
kelompok radikal dari Partai Buruh Sosial-Demokrat Rusia
pimpinan Vladimir Lenin yang menghendaki cara-cara perubahan secara
revolusioner dengan pimpinan pusat yang ketat. Kelompok ini mendirikan Partai Komunis Rusia pada tahun 1912.
Pada tahun 1917, kelompok Bolshevik
bersama kaum buruh dan serdadu merah mengambil alih kekuasaan di Rusia
yang saat itu dibawah otokrasi Tsar Nikolai II. Peristiwa ini dikenal
sebagai Revolusi Bolshevik atau Revolusi Rusia.
Wilayah Ukraina (warna putih) dan wilayah Crimea (baca: Krimea, warna merah) di Ukraina (
Antara 1921 dan 1945 wilayah ini berada di Daerah Otonomi Krimea Republik Sosialis Soviet, yang termasuk bagian dari SFSR (Rossiiskaya Sovetskaya Federativnaya Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika) atau Republik Sosialis Federasi Soviet Rusia.
Dari 1945, status otonom dicabut dan republik berubah ke Oblast Krims. Pada tahun 1954, Krimea secara keseluruhan selama pemerintahan Nikita Khrushchev wilayah ini ditransfer dari Rusia ke Ukraina.
Pada bulan Januari 1991 mayoritas penduduk melalui referendum menyerukan untuk pembentukan Republik Otonomi Krimea di dalam Uni Soviet.
Dengan runtuhnya Uni Soviet pada tahun
1991, Krimea menjadi bagian dari negara merdeka baru Ukraina, karena
sebagian besar etnis di Krimea didominasi etnis Rusia setelah program
transmigrasi dari Rusia hal ini menyebabkan beberapa ketegangan antara
Ukraina dan Rusia.
Peta Krimea dengan kota-kota besar. (
Pada tanggal 6 Mei 1992 parlemen di Simferopol mengambil konstitusi terpisah untuk Republik yang baru terbentuk dari Crimea.
Hal itu juga disepakati bahwa Republik Krimea sebagai sebuah republik otonom dalam Ukraina akan terus berlanjut.
Sejak itu Republik Krimea atau Republik Otonomi Qirim memiliki senjata dan bendera sendiri.
Presiden Barack Obama telah menyampaikan
kepada Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin bahwa Rusia telah melanggar hukum
internasional dengan mengirimkan pasukan ke Ukraina.
Dalam sebuah pembicaraan telepon selama
90 menit pada Sabtu, Gedung Putih mengatakan, “Obama menyatakan
keprihatinan yang mendalam terkait pelanggaran nyata Rusia terhadap
kedaulatan dan integritas teritorial Ukraina itu.”
Gedung Putih mengatakan, AS menangguhkan persiapan bagi sebuah pertemuan negara-negara industri di Rusia pada Juni mendatang.

AS Barack Obama terlihat menundukkan kepala saat Presiden Vladimir
Putin berjalan di depannya setelah sebelumnya ia berbincang sebentar
dengan Barack Obama. Aksi perang dingin itu disaksikan Presiden Susilo
Bambang Yudhoyono pada saat pertemuan G20 di St. Petersburg, Russia.
“AS menyerukan kepada Rusia untuk
meredakan ketegangan dengan menarik kembali pasukannya ke pangkalan di
Crimea dan menahan diri dari campur tangan di wilayah lain di Ukraina,”
tegas pernyataan Gedung Putih.
Obama memperingatkan bahwa pelanggaran
kedaulatan Ukraina “akan berdampak negatif pada posisi Rusia dalam
komunitas internasional,” dan bahwa AS “akan menangguhkan partisipasi
dalam pertemuan untuk G-8 mendatang,” kata pernyataan itu.
Rusia raih kontrol
Pasukan Rusia memperkuat kontrol mereka
atas Crimea dan kerusuhan menyebar ke wilayah lain Ukraina, Sabtu. Para
demonstran pro-Rusia bentrok dengan para pendukung pemerintah baru
Ukraina dan mengibarkan bendera Rusia di atas gedung-gedung pemerintah
di beberapa kota.

Crimea Emblem, “Kemakmuran dalam kesatuan”
“Ini mungkin situasi yang paling
berbahaya di Eropa sejak Soviet menginvasi Cekoslowakia tahun 1968,”
kata seorang pejabat Barat yang tidak mau disebut namanya.
“Secara realistis, kita harus
mengasumsikan Crimea berada di tangan Rusia. Tantangannya sekarang
adalah untuk mencegah Rusia mengambil alih wilayah berbahasa Rusia di
Ukraina timur,” lanjutnya.
Putin meminta parlemen untuk menyetujui
penggunaan pasukan “terkait situasi luar biasa di Ukraina, ancaman
terhadap kehidupan warga Federasi Rusia, rekan-rekan kita” dan untuk
melindungi Armada Laut Hitam di Crimea.
Majelis tinggi parlemen Rusia secara
cepat dan dengan suara bulat menyatakan “setuju” atas permintaan itu.
Hal itu ditayangkan langsung di televisi.
Negara-negara Barat pun bergegas memberi
tanggapan, tetapi hal itu sebatas pada kata-kata. Seorang pejabat AS
mengatakan, Menteri Pertahanan Chuck Hagel telah berbicara dengan mitra
Rusia-nya, Sergei Shoigu. Pejabat itu mengatakan, sejauh itu belum ada
perubahan dalam postur militer AS.

Flag of Crimea
Kepala urusan luar negeri Uni Eropa,
Catherine Ashton, mendesak Moskwa untuk tidak mengirim tentara. Menteri
Luar Negeri Swedia, Carl Bildt, mengatakan, itu “jelas melanggar hukum
internasional”. Presiden Ceko Milos Zeman menyamakan krisis itu dengan
invasi tahun 1968 ke Cekoslowakia.
“(Ada) kebutuhan mendesak untuk meredakan
ketegangan di Crimea,” kata Sekretaris Jenderal NATO, Anders Fogh
Rasmussen, lewat kicauan di Twitter. “Para sekutu NATO terus
berkoordinasi secara erat.”
Sementara itu, Putin mengatakan,
permintaannya terkait otorisasi penggunaan kekuatan di Ukraina akan
berlangsung “sampai terjadi normalisasi situasi sosial-politik di negara
Justifikasinya, yaitu kebutuhan untuk
melindungi warga Rusia, sama seperti yang ia gunakan saat melancarkan
invasi ke Georgia tahun 2008.
Sejauh ini belum ada tanda-tanda aksi
militer Rusia di Ukraina di luar Crimea, satu-satunya wilayah negara itu
yang berpenduduk mayoritas etnis Rusia, dan sudah sering menyuarakan
niat untuk memisahkan diri.
Sementara itu di Independence Square
di pusat kota Kiev, di mana para demonstran telah berkemah selama
berbulan-bulan saat melawan Yanukovich, sebuah film Perang Dunia II
tentang Crimea sedang ditampilkan di layar raksasa, ketika Yuri
Lutsenko, mantan menteri dalam negeri, menyela untuk mengumumkan
keputusan Putin. “Perang telah tiba,” kata Lutsenko. Ratusan warga
Ukraina di alun-alun itu pun bernyanyi, “Kemuliaan bagi para pahlawan.
Kematian bagi para penjajah”. (
Photo Gallery:
Ukraine’s Odessa joins massive pro-Russian rallies across Southeast
NATO countries unleashed forces of nationalism & fear in Ukraine
Kiev Riot: Deadly clashes between protesters & police continue overnight
Putin’s proposal to deploy forces in Ukraine approved by Russian senators
2 March 2014
Last updated at 08:56
As it happened - Ukraine army on full alert
Key Points
- Ukraine puts its army on full combat alert after Russia approves the deployment of its troops
- Newly-appointed head of Ukrainian navy "defects", pledges allegiance to unrecognised Crimean PM
- US Secretary of State John Kerry warns that Russia faces expulsion from the Group of Eight developed nations
- Nato has held an emergency meeting at 12:00 GMT to discuss the escalating conflict in Crimea
- There are stand-offs between Ukrainian armed forces and Russian soldiers who have surrounded Ukrainian bases
- All times GMT
08:55:Welcome to our coverage of events in Ukraine, where the army is on full combat alert and high-level diplomacy will be taking place in Kiev, Moscow, Brussels and elsewhere.
09:02:The BBC's Daniel Sandford, who is at the Ukrainian naval headquarters in the Crimean port of Sevastopol, says pro-Russian activists are blocking sailors from coming to work. There appears to be great nervousness inside the base, with at least one machine-gunner stationed on a roof. Other armed troops are peering through windows and off rooftops.
09:04:The Ukrainian Supreme Council is holding an emergency closed-door session to discuss Russia's decision to authorise military intervention, reports the Ukrainian Espresso TV channel. The council will hear reports by Defence Minister Ihor Tenyukh, security service chief Valentyn Nalyvaychenko, Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, and the chief of the Border Service, Mykola Lytvyn.
09:10:Crimea has at times been under the control of the ancient Greeks, the Romans, Gothic tribes, the Kievan Rus' state, the Byzantine empire and the Mongols, among others. It was a protectorate of the Ottoman Empire from the mid-1400s to 1783, when it was annexed by Russia. This is a good summary of the peninsula's complicated history from the Washington Post.
09:14:Is this the most dangerous moment in Europe since the end of the Cold War? The head of the Carnegie Moscow Center, Dmitri Trenin, certainly thinks so. In this commentary for the Guardian newspaper, he says: "Even if there is no war, the Crimea crisis is likely to alter fundamentally relations between Russia and the west and lead to changes in the global power balance."
Oleksandr Buryan in Poltava, Ukraineemails: I am partly Russian, my first language is Russian and no one here is suppressing my right to speak in Russian. Putin's reasons for protecting the Russian speaking population in Ukraine are a complete nonsense.
09:16:UK Foreign Minister William Hague is due to visit Kiev on Sunday. He has said he is "deeply concerned" and will "reiterate support for the territorial integrity of Ukraine".
09:21: Richard Galpin BBC News, Moscowtweets: #Russia media reporting "provocations" by #Ukraine ultra-nationalists on border - "attempt to block Moscow-Crimea road".
09:25:The Russian Orthodox Church described Russia's decision to send troops as a "peace-keeping mission".
"We hope that the mission of the Russian warriors aimed at defending the freedom and the cultural originality of [Ukrainians] will not meet with the sort of violent resistance which can lead to big-scale military engagements," the church said in a statement. -
09:26:Why is Putin doing this? Because he can, writes Julia Ioffe (@juliaioffe) of The New Republic. Western logic does not apply to Russia, she says. "All you really need to do to seem clairvoyant about the place is to be an utter pessimist." And the US or Nato will not do much.
09:31: Kevin Bishop BBC News, Moscowtweets: Ukraine is a state but not yet a nation - from Jack Matlock, former US Ambassador to USSR
09:32:"Pull over and get out": Journalists report being stopped at Crimean checkpoints and having their bulletproof vests confiscated by militia armed with Kalashnikovs.
09:34: Andrey in Donetsk, Ukraineemails: I live in Donetsk and I am Russian-speaking Ukrainian. From Friday Donetsk is overcrowded with outsiders whose job is to pretend to be us (locals). On Saturday they staged the protest meeting with Russian flags, and even announced a people's governor, right on the square - a person who no one had heard about before. I do not know what is happened in other eastern Ukrainian cities, but it looks like the same scenario as in Donetsk.
09:35:Syria, Edward Snowden and now Ukraine: the past 12 months are the worst year of Washington-Moscow relations since the collapse of the Soviet Union, writes Edward-Isaac Dovere in Politico.
09:43: Duncan Crawford BBC NewsUS options being discussed v weak: cancel Obama Russia trip in June, shelve pos trade deal, kick Moscow out of G8, etc.
09:45:The BBC's Ukraine analyst Olexiy Solohubenko says it appears that the far-right paramilitary movement Right Sector is becoming the target of all sorts of dodgy accusations. Their appeal to the Chechen warlord Doku Umarov seems to be a fake, and Right Sector press secretary Andriy Skoropadsky says the account was hacked at the time the appeal was allegedly sent.
09:46:The latest is the mysterious "Russian sniper" in Belgorod allegedly hired by Praviy Sector. Now their site, hosted by VKontakte (the Russian Facebook) has been blocked after a demand from the Russian regulator Roskomnadzor.
09:48: Breaking NewsUkraine is to call up all its military reservists, the government has announced.
09:49:Ukraine's armed forces are in a state of full combat readiness to protect key energy and nuclear sites, officials say.
09:52:US President Barack Obama says Russia is in breach of international law, having clearly violated Ukraine's sovereignty. Watch our short report on the earlier phone conversation between Mr Obama and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin.
09:56:Ukraine is estimated to have around one million reservists. Its active military force counts some 160,000 personnel.
Olga, Moscow, Russiaemails: I am Russian, was born in Russia and have lived in Moscow all my life. I am deeply ashamed of our government's decisions and actions concerning Ukraine. The military invasion will destroy the relations with Ukraine, with Europe and with all civilised countries, but also it will not safe or protect anybody in Crimea. All people will suffer, including Russia supporters.
10:00: Dan in Kidderminsteremails: The Crimea is clearly part of Russia. Only an accident of Soviet history made it part of Ukraine! Let the people of the Crimea have their way!
10:02:Ukraine's government says the mobilisation of its armed forces is to "ensure the security and territorial integrity of Ukraine".
10:03:BBC Ukrainian editor Nina Kuryata in Kiev has received reports of Russian paratroopers threatening to storm Ukrainian army's marine battalion barracks in the village Perevalnoye, south of Simferopol. The battalion refused to hand in weapons and is preparing for assault.
10:04: Dean in Londonemails: The usual double standards by the West. We are supposed to promote and support democracy and suddenly we are happy with armed coup only because it hurts Russia. Do we really expect that Russia will watch this indifferently and leave millions of Russians to be threatened by hooligans, armed by whom?
10:05: Gregory Edelston in Londonemails: Just as Gibraltar is and wants to be British, so too Crimea wants to be Russian. The people are Russian and want to be part of Russia. What is the problem - it's democracy?
Kevin Bishop BBC News, Sevastapoltweets: The blast from the twelve o'clock daily cannon fire here in Sevastopol causes its usual jump among the gathered journos...
10:09: Alex McCormac in Londontweets: @BBC_HaveYourSay What is the point of the Security Council if it can't act? Surely States in play should be excluded from the voting process
10:15: Ben O'Sullivan, UKtweets: Very worrying in Ukraine, massive shift of global power. US obviously much weaker than it was 10 years ago @BBC_HaveYourSay #ukraine
10:17: Shaun in the Lake Districtemails: While people are following the rhetoric that 'Crimea wants to be Russian', they seem to be skipping over the fact of the latest Gallup poll of Crimean residents where the results were 53% wanted to stay as an autonomy within Ukraine, and only 23% wanted to be separated and become an autonomy in Russia.
Associated Press correspondent Tim Sullivan has tweeted: Soldiers - still in unmarked uniforms - at Crimean council of ministers. Sunday. Simferopol.#ukraine #russia
10:24: Andrei in Londonemails: I am Belarusian, live in London, my mother and grandfather are Ukranians. I think even if most of people in Crimea are Russians, that does not mean all of them want to live in Russia. Even if they did want to, there should be a referendum, but not Putin who will decide.
10:25:Meetings to prepare for an upcoming G8 summit in the Russian resort of Sochi should be put on hold, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius has told Europe 1 radio. The US and Canada have already said they will not take part in the meetings.
10:26:Colleagues at BBC Ukrainian in Kiev point out that Facebook accounts of most Ukrainian cabinet ministers are becoming a valuable source of information. The Interior Minister Arsen Avakov is using his Facebook page to publish detailed updates of developments in Crimea and elsewhere.
Richard Galpin BBC News, Moscowtweets: Police break up anti-war demo in #moscow # Russia. Outside ministry of defence. Few hundred people
10:29:Ukrainian Defence Minister Ihor Tenyukh has told the Supreme Council that 11 Russian helicopters and seven Il-76 transport aircraft landed in Crimea last night. He added that Colonel General Aleksandr Galkin, Southern Military District commander, is in charge of the Russian "special operation" in Crimea.
10:38:The Kremlin has published this read-out of Russian President Vladimir Putin's conversation with his US counterpart Barack Obama on Saturday. It says Mr Putin stressed that in case of any further spread of violence to Eastern Ukraine and Crimea, Russia retains the right to protect its interests and the Russian-speaking population of those areas.
10:39:Putin will not let Ukraine go easily, writes John Kampfner in the Sunday Telegraph: "It is hard to think of two countries more entangled".
10:41:Ukraine has called for the immediate despatch of an international fact-finding mission to Ukraine and Crimea, as well as assistance in protecting nuclear facilities. It is inviting the OSCE, the EU and others to hold meetings in Ukraine. It is also setting up a parliamentary negotiation group to reach out to Russian MPs.
10:45:The Ukrainian military recruitment office in the Crimean capital Simferopol is open, reports the BBC's Olga Ivshina: "Staff members did not let us in, but said that volunteers to join Ukrainian army can come tomorrow. Conscripts will be called to come, when 'the order comes'," she says.
Yaroslav Trofimov Wall Street Journaltweets: So far the only ethnic Russians beaten/arrested/persecuted are the ones trying to demonstrate in Moscow against the war on #Ukraine
10:47: Attila Bordas
10:48: Ivar Bundulis in Edinburgh, Scotlandemails: I really hope the decision-makers here see the potential for loss of human life and suffering that a conflict could bring. Their first priority should be to avoid war. Their second priority should be to respect the democratic will of the people. If the people of Crimea vote to leave the Ukraine and rejoin Russia, then that should be respected by all parties and brought about in a fair and just manner. Just like the wishes of the rest of the Ukraine to have closer ties to the west should be respected.
Michael in Leedsemails: This reminds me of the Sudetenland crisis [in 1938]. Germany claims they have the right to takeover the Sudetenland as there are Germans speakers there, then takes it. Then decides it wants the rest of Czechoslovakia.
11:03: Ian in Folkestoneemails: I am not sure why the events in Ukraine are considered to be an "armed coup" and "undemocratic". Large numbers of civilians protested, significant numbers were killed by Ukrainian forces and the changes were passed by the Ukrainian parliament in accordance with Ukrainian law. Other than the killing of protesters, which must have been sanctioned by the previous government, this seems to me to be democracy in action.
11:04:Ukrainian MP Hryhoriy Nemyrya, a former deputy prime minister for Euro-integration, has said there is no threat to Russian citizens on Ukrainian and Crimean territory, so there are no grounds for Russian troops getting involved, Ukraine's 5 Kanal TV reports.
11:08:Journalist Brian Whelan, who specialises in reporting on Europe's far-right, tweets:
Who is in charge of defence in post-revolution Ukraine? Andriy Parubiy of far-right Svoboda party and Dmytro Yarosh of Right Sector (nazis) -
11:14: Yulia Miadz, Belarusian in Francetweets: @BBC_HaveYourSay There are many Russian apeakers in Belarus. Really afraid that my country will put the next one on Putin's list.
11:16:Reuters reports that Ukraine's acting President Olexander Turchynov has said Ukraine's airspace is closed to any non-civilian aircraft.
11:17:"We are on the brink of disaster," Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk is quoted as saying by the AFP news agency.
11:20:BBC Russian Service correspondent Oleg Boldyrev at the Crimean base in Feodosiya says the deadline has passed for Ukrainian marines to swear their allegiance to the new Crimean authorities. The base gates are blocked by a chain of Cossacks; two armoured personnel carriers are visible beyond that.
11:21:More from BBC Russian correspondent Oleg Boldyrev at the Ukrainian marine base in Feodosiya: "The atmosphere is calm but people are chanting. There are calls for the Ukrainain marines not to obey orders from Kiev... [It is] very calm at the moment, with locals coming to thank Russian soldiers."
11:21: Iain Morris in Londonemails: There seem to be lots of people posting on this site who believe Russia is justified because Crimea is home to lots of Russian speakers. Does that mean Russia has carte blanche to invade any territory where there are Russian speakers on the pretext of defending their rights? I don't recall reading any reports that Russian speakers in Ukraine were being threatened with violence and discrimination in the wake of Yanukovych's exit.
11:24: Yauhen in Londonemails: I hope that Europe manages to avoid another disgrace and finally acts to protect the country that paid such a high price for a chance to become a part of united Europe one day. If Europe and US don't act, what were these people fighting for?
11:26:EU specialist Gergely Polner tweets: In 1994, Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons against joint guarantees by US, UK & Russia of its territorial integrity.
11:27:Ukraine's acting Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk accuses Russia of "declaring war", the AFP news agency reports.
11:33:In a statement, PM Yatsenyuk said:
"This is actually a declaration of war to my country. We urge Putin to pull back his troops from this country and honour bilateral agreements. If he wants to be the president who started the war between two neighbouring and friendly countries, he has reached his target within a few inches." -
Carl Bildt Swedish Foreign Ministertweets: "On the centenary of 1914, we are suddenly in a Europe of invasion, aggression and threats of massive use of military force."
11:36: Alice Mishchenko in Edinburgh, Scotlandemails: I'm a British citizen but I was born and lived half of my life in Ukraine, where I still have close family and friends. Clearly what's happening here is Putin's unwillingness to let go of the firm hold he's had over Ukraine for so many years. First he acted as a puppet master of the former Ukrainian president, Yanukovich, pressuring him not to sign the EU agreement and now breaking the international law. He's brought the troops into Ukraine under the false pretence of the Russian people in Ukraine getting suppressed and beat up, when locals (including Russians in Ukraine) are saying it's all fake and it's not them protesting with Russian flags. This has to be stopped! If Crimean majority want to be part of Russia, let them have a referendum but Putin has no right to dictate what people in Ukraine (Russian or not) want and need. No to war in Ukraine!
11:37: Christian Fraser BBC News, Sevastapoltweets: Russian soldiers going through store rooms of a naval base in Crimea. "We are hostages" said a Ukrainian admiral
11:38: Chris Dancer in St Helens, UKemails: 100 years since 1914 and we are still doing this? Trying to solve disputes by moving soldiers into other people's countries? It makes you want to scream.
11:40:Our Russian Service correspondent Oleg Boldyrev is near the gates of Ukraine's marines base in Feodosia, where a standoff is taking place after marines refused to pledge loyalty to the new Pro-Russian government in Crimea.
"Despite threats to attack the base, local Cossacks, who act as law and order here, continue to stand in a chain near the gates," he reports. -
11:43: Richard Galpin BBC News, Moscowsays two anti-war demonstrations were broken up by riot police on Sunday morning. In total, a few hundred took part. A demonstration in support of the Russian government's policy on Ukraine is due to take place at 13:00 GMT.
11:43:More from our Russian Service correspondent Oleg Boldyrev, who says it has become risky to film activity in the crowds in Feodosia: "We saw cameramen and photographers being harassed, a Reuters cameraman had to leave as he approached the base and another cameraman was led away by a policeman."
Szilard Szocs in Budapest, Hungaryemails: I'm deeply concerned about the current escalation of the events. So far, it also gives me much anxiety that Hungary - as a member of the EU and the North Atlantic treaty, as well as a neighbour to Ukraine - we still fail to make a bold statement about the situation and oppose any kind of aggression which threatens sovereignty. I don't know how the heroes of the 1956 Hungarian revolution would feel about this.
11:47:Paul Mason from British Channel 4 TV sees a broader risk from the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Coming home on a London bus on Saturday night, he writes: "Few people betrayed any grasp of the odds that they were living through the last days of globalisation and multilateral order - but they are high."
Daniel Sandford BBC News, Perevalnoe
11:53:Nato Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen says Russia is threatening peace and security in Europe, the Reuters news agency reports. Mr Rasmussen also calls on Russia to de-escalate tensions.
Sam Stoner in Indiana, UStweets: @BBC_HaveYourSay I live in the United States, but even I fear the implications of another land war in Europe.
11:55:One of the central Russian complaints about the Maidan protests in Ukraine was the far-right involvement, says the BBC's Jack Garland. The BBC's Newsnight programme has produced this analysis: watch it on our YouTube channel here.
11:58: Marcela in Bucharest, Romaniaemails: This is most important moment in Europe history. It has to stand up against aggression coming from Russia which wants to break the rise of human values. It is a big lie that Russia protects its citizens. The vast majority of Russian people from Ukraine are just happier living in peace in the country. It is their life who is going to be disrupt now.
Mark Lowen BBC News, Sevastapoltweets: Self-defence unit blockading naval hq in #Sevastapol. Say they won't move. We saw men on roof of building behind
Mark Lowen BBC News, Sevastapoltweets: Then these guys arrived: professional-looking, heavily-armed soldiers as back-up. Prised open door & left #Sevastapol
12:06:To recap, Ukraine has ordered a full military mobilisation in response to Russia sending more troops to Crimea.
Other measures announced by Ukraine on Sunday include:
- Reserves to be mobilised and trained
- Emergency headquarters to be set up
- Increased security at key sites, including nuclear plants
Max Seddon BuzzFeedis at the stand-off at the Ukrainian naval base in Perevalnoe, in Crimea, which is surrounded by Russian troops. He tweets: "I feel like I know everyone here who doesn't have a machine gun".
12:15:German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier calls the escalation of tensions "extremely dangerous" and says it is urgently necessary for those responsible not to take further steps that could only be seen as "provocation", the Reuters news agency reports.
Myroslava Petsa Correspondent at Ukraine's 5 Channel TVtweets: Int Minister #Avakov denies reports of mass resignations within Ukrainian troops based in #Crimea, says not a single officer resigned
Harry in Watford, UKemails: This is not a war, this is democracy. The wishes of Crimean people need to be respected. If they vote in favour of rejoining Russia, then that is their decision. Western interference is not helping. Lives are at risk, that is the main priority. Russia is only thinking of the people, nothing else.
12:18:Andrey Illarionov, a former advisor to Russian President Vladimir Putin, says Ukraine is facing a real prospect of full-out war and "fratricide" at the hands of the Russian government, and should seal its borders with Russia.
"The current operation is aimed at immersing Ukraine in civil war, turning Ukraine into a territory of chaos, collapse and catastrophe in which brother would turn on brother," the Washington-based economist told Ukrainian media. -
12:21:Here is that statement from Nato's secretary general calling on Russia to de-escalate tensions.
12:34: Lee Knight in Melbourne, Australiaemails: I'm married to a Ukrainian and as a friend of Ukraine. I am horrified by events in Ukraine and hope the world will work to stop this war and stop Putin's naked aggression and bullying tactics reminiscent of Hitler's tactics.
David M Herszenhorn Moscow correspondent for the New York Times
12:45:"No-one in Crimea obeys Kiev," the speaker of the Crimean parliament Vladimir Konstantinov tells a news conference. He says all the local security services are now under the control of an emergency HQ formed by the new head of the Crimean government, pro-Russian activist Sergiy Aksyonov.
12:46:BBC correspondents have seen what appear to be Russian troops digging trenches on Crimea's border.
Myroslava Petsa Correspondent at Ukraine's 5 Channel TVtweets: Husband says he packed his backpack already, ready to go to military enlistment office. In case of war he'll be an interpreter
12:50: Boris Sergeev in Novosibirsk, Russiaemails: I'm a Russian, live in the centre of Russia - Siberia. No idea why Putin did this, this must be some mistake. We, the middle class of Russia, don't want any war, we don't want any imperial ambitions to be established. We want a decent life for us and our children and good relations with the whole world and with our neighbours. But even if he made this mistake, Putin has never retreated and he never said he was wrong. And this is what scares me most.
12:51: Olga, Londonemails: I am amazed that some of the people writing on here hold a view that this is democracy in action. Beggars belief. If Crimea wants to have a referendum, that is one thing, but invading a foreign country with a military force is something else altogether. Please, please let's not mix these two points.
12:58: Andy in Edinburghemails: My wife is from Donetsk and her family are still there. Generations of their family are from rural Ukraine but they also feel close to Russian culture, with a shared religion, language and history. They want Ukraine to stay together but one of the first actions of the new unelected Ukrainian leaders was to revoke the official status of Russian language. This disregard for a large proportion of citizens showed no desire to help build a united Ukraine. Many in the east remember western Ukrainian collaboration with the Nazis in WWII and are worried to see the far right gaining leadership positions again in Kiev.
13:02:Ukraine's acting Foreign Minister Andrii Deshchytsia has told the BBC World Service Newshour programme that he's been trying to talk to his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, for three days, but he never called back. Mr Deshchytsia says it is up to the West now to force Russia to back down.
Damian McElroy Telegraph correspondent in Kiev
13:15:Ukraine's richest man, Rinat Akhmetov, says his company, SCM, "will do all it can to preserve Ukraine's unity".
Mark Lowen BBC News, Crimeatweets: Russian organisation head in #Sevastopol tells me Moscow must intervene because of "genocide" vs Russians in Kiev. "We've prevented it here"
13:18: Richard Galpin, BBC News, Moscowtweets: Anti-war protestor in #Moscow #Russia: "I am ashamed at what's happening. We have to show Ukrainians not all Russians support views of #Putin"
13:21: Mike in Gwynedd ,Walesemails: Surely the Paralympics can't go ahead in this atmosphere?
13:21:Britain pulls out of preparatory talks due to be held in the coming days for the G8 summit in Sochi because of Russia's decision to authorise military action in Ukraine, Foreign Office officials tell the Press Association.
Andrew Stevens in Nottinghamemails: My wife is Ukrainian and my in-laws live in the South of Ukraine. I have recently visited both Ukraine and Moscow. Let me tell everyone who is reading these feeds, there is absolutely no threat to Russian nationals, the Ukrainian people want to build their country and have hope for the future, nothing more. My brother-in-law is telling me that Russia is organising the demonstrations.
13:29: Christian Fraser, BBC News, Sevastopoltweets: Russian naval ship from the Black Sea Fleet now in sight of the Sevastopol promenade. And in our live shot - handy!
13:30: Robert, Stockholm, Swedenemails: I am a Bosnian that fled my own country during the war in Bosnia [1992-95]. This is exactly the same scenario that happened in Bosnia and Croatia. Except in Bosnia and Croatia it was Serbs backed by Serbia and Russia who expressed "fears of safety" and Russia intervened. The West also "warned" and "protested" and also "strongly objected" the war in Bosnia, but were scared that Russians might jump in if USA and EU step in and stop Serbia. They never did anything, hundreds of thousands fled and died in largest genocide after WWII. They will do nothing yet again.
13:37:Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk accuses the Russian army of carrying out "acts of provocation" in Crimea in order to justify its presence there, but says the Ukrainian military have not responded and are still at their bases, according to the Ukrainska Pravda website.
Mike Alder in Bathemails: How can using the native language of some of the people be a rationale for invading a country. Following that logic maybe Russia will target Chelsea or Knightsbridge next!
13:43:More from UK Foreign Secretary William Hague on the UK's pullout from preparatory G8 talks: "The sovereignty and the territorial integrity of Ukraine has been violated and this cannot be the way to conduct international affairs. And so in addition to calling yesterday's emergency meeting of the UN security council, the United Kingdom will join other G8 countries this week in suspending our cooperation under the G8 which Russia chairs."
13:43: Gabriel Gatehouse, BBC News, Crimeatweets: Russian soldiers I've seen in #Crimea seem very disciplined, not aggressive but well armed and firmly holding positions at Ukrainian bases
13:44:Why is Crimea so dangerous? It's complicated: read the BBC news website's guide here.
13:45: Philip Rose in Brighton, Englandemails: Crisis in Crimea? Russian Imperialism? Replace 'Ottoman Empire' with maybe the European Community or the USA, then haven't we seen this all before? I suggest we send in the Light Brigade.
13:46: Daniel Sandford, BBC News, Sevastopoltweets: Meanwhile the Sochi 2014 Paralympics organisers carry on as if nothing has happened
13:46: Nick Bryant BBC News, at the UNtweets: Russia argued for weeks at #UN against aid convoys entering #Syria because it violated sovereignty. Crimea with Russian troops? No problem
13:45: Christian Fraser, BBC News, Sevastopolhas just tweeted: another photo of a Russian naval ship in Sevastopol.
13:56: Will Vernon, BBC News, Sevastopolhas just tweeted a photo of a gunman on a roof near the navy base in Sevastopol
13:57:The BBC's Richard Galpin is in Moscow and watching how Russians are reacting to developments. He's just seen thousands of pro-government demonstrators marching through the city.
14:00: Julia Ioffe Senior editor, The New Republictweets: Czech Republic recalls its ambassador to #Russia for what it calls "Prague Spring in the #Crimea." Damn. …
14:00:Ukrainian border guards tell Reuters that the situation is stable on all borders except for Crimea.
14:01: Ben Judah Russia analysttweets: "A Ukraine war won't pose a threat to Putin from Western sanctions. A Ukraine war will pose a threat to Putin by de-stablising the elite.
14:08:More than 1,500 veterans of the Soviet Union's military campaign in Afghanistan (1979-89) have arrived in Crimea from Russia, the Russian Interfax news agency reports. Their leader, Frants Klintsevich, told the agency that they are there to offer "friendly and moral support" to activists in Crimea - via BBC Monitoring.
14:11:US Secretary of State John Kerry says Russia is behaving "in 19th century fashion by invading another country on completely trumped-up pretext".
14:15:The events leading to today's crisis in Ukraine can be traced all the way back to 1991, the year the country declared independence from the USSR. Learn more thanks to our handy timeline.
14:16:The Telegraph has published this article on Russia's version of the Hell's Angels - the Night Wolves. They are strong Putin supporters and are reported to have a heavy presence now in Crimea.
14:17:More from US Secretary of State John Kerry, who has just appeared on the CBS programme Face the Nation. He says Russia has committed an "incredible act of aggression" in Ukraine, and threatened "very serious repercussions" from the United States and other countries, including sanctions.
14:25:Mr Kerry warned Russia could lose its place in the G8 over its deployment of troops in Ukraine.
"[Vladimir Putin] may find himself with asset freezes, on Russian business, American business may pull back, there may be a further tumble of the ruble," the US Secretary of State said. -
Kevin Bishop BBC News, SevastopolThe fourth navy ship we've seen heading towards dock in Sevastopol in the last hour. #Crimea
14:27:The Ukrainian ambassador to the UN, Yuriy Sergeyev, says Ukraine is preparing to defend itself against Russia and will ask other countries for military aid if Russian activity expands.
14:35:Pope Francis has appealed to all sides to work together and find a peaceful solution to the crisis.
14:35:The Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe has called an emergency meeting in Vienna later this afternoon to discuss the situation in Ukraine. The body is the world's largest security-oriented intergovernmental organisation. Representatives from 57 member states are expected to attend.
14:36:British Foreign Secretary William Hague is on his way to Ukraine's capital Kiev for talks with the new government there.
Thousands of people have rallied in Ukrainian cities to condemn what they see as Russia's "military aggression" in Crimea. Demonstrations were held in Kirovohrad, Vinnytsya, Cherkasy, Ternopil and Sumy, UNIAN news agency reports. In Kherson, two rival rallies took place.
Mark Riddell in St Albans, Englandemails: My wife is Ukrainian and we regularly visit her family in the west of Ukraine. You would be hard pressed to meet more peaceful and welcoming people. They don't want confrontation with Russia, they just want to govern themselves without Putin's interference. It's absolute nonsense to say that the pro-Russian minority are in danger.
Christopher Jefferyemails: Clearly Putin wasn't listening the the speech made by the head of the IOC, perhaps now is the time for Olympic medalists to return their medals to the Russians?
14:48:There are reports that Russia's leading broadcaster, Channel One, has cancelled its coverage of tonight's Oscars awards ceremony.
14:50:The Ukrainian coast guard tells Reuters that it has withdrawn from two ports in Crimea and moved its vessels to other Black Sea bases. Vessels from the Crimean ports of Kerch and Sevastopol have been moved to Odessa and Mariupol, it said. Earlier the Ukrainian border guard announced all frontiers were stable apart from Crimea's.
15:01:France is suspending participation in preparatory meetings ahead of the G8 summit in Sochi, a source in President Francois Hollande's office tells Reuters. The nation joins Britain, the US and Canada in pulling out of the talks.
15:14: Chris Weafer Moscow-based investment expertsays the escalating crisis in Ukraine and threats from the West pose little danger to Russia's economy. He explains that 80% of the country's exports are commodities, and that the bulk of its imports are sourced from the EU.
"The trade and investment relationship with the US is less important and major US corporations, such as Boeing or ExxonMobil, who have been active in Russia for many years have historically sidestepped political disputes," he says. -
Christian Fraser BBC News, Sevastopolhas been tweeting images of several Russian navy ships arriving in the port of Sevastopol. He says the latest arrival is a Vishnya class intelligence ship.
15:16:China has voiced concern over the continuing crisis in Ukraine and urged talks to resolve it. Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang said China sticks to the principle of non-interference in any country's internal affairs and respects Ukraine's independence and territorial integrity, official Xinhua news agency reports - via BBC Monitoring.
15:23:Up to 27,000 people have marched through Moscow to show support for the Kremlin's policy on Ukraine, police in the Russian capital tell Interfax news agency.
Here, pro-Kremlin demonstrators are dressed in World War Two army uniforms and carrying replicas of Soviet Army banners reading "Ukrainian Front". -
15:25:The BBC's Daniel Sandford in Perevalnoe is warning people against trying to enter Crimea by road from Eastern Ukraine. He says many journalists have encountered problems at the checkpoint. Earlier CBS correspondent Elizabth Palmer complained that Ukrainian militia stole her team's body armour before turning them back.
Toby Knight in Cambridgeemails: With the Paralympics still going on in Sochi, are countries such as Great Britain, USA, France, Germany etc withdrawing their athletes? It would seem rather odd to me to continue being a part of this, while Russian aggression continues in the Ukraine. In fact I am very surprised that Putin has not ordered the removal of said athletes!
US Secretary of State John Kerrytweets: This is not East-West, #US & Europe versus #Russia. This is about people of #Ukraine fighting against tyranny.
15:43:Ukraine's new Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk earlier warned that his country was "on the brink of disaster". Find out what else he had to say about Russia in this short video.
Christian Fraser BBC News, Sevastopoltweets: Sorry to bore you - but that makes six in a couple of hours - is there a regatta on?
15:44:Ukraine's economic woes are a reminder of how challenging the process of economic transition can be, notes our chief business correspondent Linda Yueh. In her latest blog, she says none of the key numbers look pretty more than two decades after Ukraine became a market economy.
Daniel Trilling Editor, New Humanisttweets: "Crowd stops by statue of St Volodymyr at Holland Park. Photos of protesters who died are on display"
15:53: BBC MonitoringThe Ukrainian State Border Service's HQ in Simferopol has been "captured", the service says in a statement circulated by UNIAN news agency.
15:57:Ukraine's navy tells Reuters it still has its full fleet of 10 ships in Sevastopol. The navy says they have not disarmed and remain loyal to Kiev. Earlier the Ukrainian coast guard told Reuters that it had withdrawn its vessels from Sevastopol.
16:01:What's next in the Ukrainian crisis? As our diplomatic correspondent Bridget Kendall points out, Russian President Vladimir Putin showed in Georgia in 2008 that he is fully prepared to go to war. "And Ukraine matters to him much more," she writes in this analysis.
US Secretary of State John Kerrytweets: Unified view by G8 & more that they will not engage with #Russia as business as normal. Russia inviting trade isolation.
16:03: BBC Monitoringreports: Dmytro Firtash, a major business tycoon in Ukraine, has appealed to the Russian business community to prevent a further escalation of hostilities.
"On behalf of Ukraine's business circles, which represent all of its regions from west to east and from north to south, I appeal to you as authoritative and responsible representatives of the Russian business community to use all your influence to prevent the conflict from entering an active stage," he said in a statement seen by UNIAN news agency. -
16:06: BBC Monitoringreports: The Ukrainian State Border Service's regional HQ in Simferopol has been stormed and captured by "unidentified armed men", the service says in a statement circulated by UNIAN news agency. The headquarters of the Simferopol border detachment has also been taken.
16:07:According to the report, the attack was started by a group of plain-clothed men wearing bullet-proof vests and helmets, who were later joined by members of the Russian military.
16:20: Damon Wilsonwriting for the Atlantic Council think tank says: "The classic Putin playbook is now on display: fuel separatist sentiments, justify military action by asserting the need to protect ethnic Russians (or at least passport holders), and then "maintain the peace" by stationing Russian forces permanently. In effect, dismember your weak neighbors."
Howard Amos Journalist, Moscowtweets: "75 mins after pro-war rally started in Moscow, literally everyone has gone home. Traffic running again"
16:24:Earlier there were reports of thousands attending pro-government rallies in the Russian capital. There have also been anti-government protests and several arrests.
16:31: Ben Judah Political analystwrites in Politico Magazine: "Western leaders are stunned because they haven't realized Russia's owners no longer respect Europeans the way they once did after the Cold War. Russia thinks the West is no longer a crusading alliance. Russia thinks the West is now all about the money."
Ben in Sheffield, UKemails: As a member of a younger generation having little exposure to warfare, this is the first time I have been genuinely concerned that something could spark into a much wider situation. I just hope that world leaders and organisations handle this in an adult and sensible way before the situation gets out of hand.
Duncan Crawford BBC Newstweets: US continues to condemn Russia for violating Ukrainian territorial integrity. Many in Moscow will keep saying what about Iraq, Libya etc.
16:46: BBC Monitoringsays: Russian state-owned news agency RIA Novosti reports that Ukrainian navy chief Denys Berezovsky, who was appointed by acting President Turchynov yesterday, has "taken an oath of allegiance to the people to Crimea", which suggests that he has joined forces with the pro-Russian authorities there. Speaking at a news conference in Sevastopol, Rear Adm Denys Berezovskyy reportedly vowed to "defend" the people of Crimea.
16:46:That report on the apparent defection of the Ukrainian navy chief has not yet been carried in Ukrainian media sources, BBC Monitoring says.
16:51: Matt in Cambridgeemails: My wife is Russian and is horrified by the events in Ukraine, but not surprised. Putin is unpopular with many younger, savvier Muscovites. It was reported earlier that 27,000 people marched in Moscow in a show of strength for the Kremlin, but this figure is deceiving. I have friends in Moscow who tell me that many were forced to go by their companies (government employees, teachers, civil servants, those who work for large Russian corps) but they do NOT agree with Russian military intervention. Putin only aims to bring civil war to Ukraine, then his presence is justified there.
16:55:US Secretary of State John Kerry has released strongly-worded condemnations of Russian policy in Crimea on Twitter and during various TV interviews in the US. You can watch part of his interview with ABC here.
16:55: Bruce Springnote, Ukraine analyst
17:05: Breaking NewsThere's now video footage showing the Ukrainian navy chief Denys Berezovsky pledging allegiance to "the Crimean people". He was only appointed on Saturday by the new government in Kiev.
17:11: Paul, UKemails: Here's hoping that the British Paralympics Association will condemn this action and withdraw from Sochi.
17:11: Ben Judah, Russia analysttweets: If you are going to expel Russia from a forum, make it one Putin can actually be bothered to turn up to. He missed Obama's G8 in 2012.
17:15: Yevheniia Gurina in Zaporozhye, Ukraineemails: Ukrainian people are really shocked by Russian intervention, we never thought and no one believed that they might start war with us. We don't want war, we're not ready to fight with people we fought together with in the Second World War! And we really cannot understand why Putin (we call him Putler now) really decided that he can do everything, that he can send his guys and our brothers, husbands, fathers and children to death.
17:15: BBC MonitoringThe unrecognised Prime Minister of Crimea, Sergey Aksyonov, says he is ordering all Ukrainian navy servicemen in Sevastopol to ignore orders coming from "the self-declared agencies and officials in Ukraine, including the illegally appointed Defence Minister Tenyukh".
17:18: Maxim Tucker Amnesty Internationalis sceptical about the Ukrainian navy chief's decision to switch sides. He tweets: "#Russia media reports of defections and resignations in #Crimea misleading. Defection and resignation at gunpoint is meaningless. #Ukraine"
17:16:Here's the translation of the newly-appointed Ukrainian Navy chief's statement in which he announces his "defection": "I, Berezovsky Denys Valentynovych, pledge allegiance to the residents of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the hero city of Sevastopol. I vow to strictly follow orders from the commander-in-chief of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and hero city of Sevastopol, as well as orders by military commanders appointed by them, demands placed by the military code. I vow to fulfil my military duty properly and bravely defend the life and property of the people of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol."
17:28: Myroslava Petsa Journalist, Kievtweets: It took #Berezovsky [Ukrainian navy chief] one day in office to decide to defect, #Turchynov [Ukraine's new prime minister] must look for a better man of principle to fill Navy commander position
17:27:In protest at the crisis over Ukraine, UK ministers will not attend the Sochi Paralympic Games later this week, UK Prime Minister David Cameron has announced. He tweeted: "Because of the serious situation in Ukraine, [Foreign Secretary] @WilliamJHague & I believe it would be wrong for UK Ministers to attend the Sochi Paralympics."
17:32: Lilyemails: I am abroad but my family lives in Sevastopol in Ukraine. All our family is Russian. My granddad died in Ukraine in WW2 protecting the Slovenia culture and our mother land. Ukraine and Russia are brothers. Through the centuries we went together and we begged Russia and the Russian president to protect us! Everything that's going on in Kiev is terrorism and oppression! I'm happy that my granddad doesn't know what did he die for!
17:35: BBC MonitoringUkrainian Defence Minister Ihor Tenyukh has dismissed Navy chief Denys Berezovsky after he pledged allegiance to Crimea - Interfax news agency
17:36: Peter Ferns in Saint Petersburgemails: As someone who's been living in Russia for over two years from the UK, I would say Russia is acting pretty much as business as usual. Not many people really believe things will escalate much and many people don't think Russian soldiers will have much stomach to fight Ukraine. Many have relatives and friends there and view Ukraine people as their brothers and sisters. I think a full-scale conflict would really bring about instability in Russia.
17:37: Andrew in Salisburyemails: I have been to Russia and Ukraine numerous times since 1993. From the Russian point of view things don't look the same as the mainstream media propaganda in the UK suggest. Yanakovich was democratically elected and the foreign observers agreed it was free and fair election. Yet an unelected mob pushed the Government out of power after breaking a negotiated agreement. Then the same mob complains when another mob in Crimea pushes them out of power. The West that was only too happy to help Kosovo separate from Serbia says Crimea cannot do the same!
17:38:Nato's North Atlantic Council met in a closed-door session earlier on Sunday. The Brussels bureau chief for the Financial Times, Peter Spiegel, tweets: "Have been told there was NO discussion of military planning or deployments at @NATO council meeting. #Ukraine"
17:44: Nikolas Holmov British blogger in Odessa
17:45: BBC MonitoringThe Ukrainian navy's flagship, the Hetman Sahaydachny, remains loyal to Ukraine and is "proudly flying the Ukrainian flag", Rear-Adm Andriy Tarasov says in a statement published on the Defence Ministry's website. The Hetman Sahaydachny frigate is currently docked at a naval base on Crete, Greece, on the way back to Ukraine from an anti-piracy mission in the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean, the statement says.
17:46: BBC MonitoringRear-Adm Serhiy Hayduk has been appointed as the new chief of Ukraine's navy after Denys Berezovsky pledged allegiance to Crimea - Interfax-Ukraine news agency
17:56:Making Russia pay? It's not so simple, writes Peter Baker of the New York Times.
18:03:David Cameron's office has just released this statement: "The Prime Minister remains gravely concerned about events in Ukraine and is determined to pursue all avenues to reduce tensions and de-escalate a very dangerous situation. This evening he will speak to President Obama, Polish Prime Minister Tusk and Lithuanian President Grybauskaite. "
18:05: BBC MonitoringUkraine's prosecutor-general's has started investigating dismissed navy chief Denys Berezovsky for "high treason" - Interfax-Ukraine news agency
Olga Tokariuk Journalist, Kiev
UK Foreign Secretary William Hague
18:19:Thank you for joining us for our live coverage of the crisis in Ukraine. This page will no longer be updated, but coverage will continue on the rest of the BBC News website.
Massive blackouts could leave millions in the dark as...
Putin's Nuclear Curtain
Comes Down
Comes Down
A new Cold War has kicked off a nuclear boom
that will deliver 833% to early investors...
that will deliver 833% to early investors...
Dear Reader,
Before it snatched Crimea away from Ukraine, Russia launched a secret attack on the U.S. power grid.
This covert plan by Putin and his secret cohorts to ransack the stability of the U.S. didn’t make the news.
It wasn't widely talked about, as it's something the White House would never openly acknowledge.
And just like the Crimea conflict, it caught American lawmakers completely off-guard.
It's all part of Vladimir Putin's plan to undermine the United States and restore the Soviet Union.
This isn't new; it's something Hillary Clinton, herself, openly acknowledged as Secretary of State, saying:
“There is a move to re-Sovietize the region."
And from the looks of it, Vladimir Putin isn't going to let the U.S. stand in his way.
That's the impetus for the attack on our energy grid.
In fact American officials had been secretly begging Putin to not
fully launch his plan on the U.S… nevermind Obama trying to play tough
with his recent sanctions on Russian officials.
Indeed, if Putin has his way, it's American men, women and children
(who will be subjected to massive blackouts), as well as the U.S.
military, that will be left out in the cold.
Major cities like New York, Los Angeles, Houston, Detroit, Miami, Philadelphia, and Chicago will be incapacitated.
Hospitals, police, and fire departments will be forced to run on
backup generators. Trains will stop working. Restaurants and schools
will shut down. Businesses won't be able to function.
All facets of daily life will be disrupted for days, weeks, even months.
And our only chance to avert this catastrophe is the one thing Putin overlooked...
Namely, there's one little company with the ability to offset
Russia's plans... to prevent this nightmare... and to keep life normal
for millions of Americans who have no idea what's going on...
The company in question is so small, in fact, I'm not surprised the Russians overlooked it. Everyone else has.
And that's precisely why its share price will inevitably jump from a few cents to a few dollars in no time.
I am predicting at least an 800% windfall from its current price.
There is no guesswork here. It's already happening.
The stock started surging the second Putin made his move. It's already up 33% since I first recommended it to my readers.
But that's just the beginning.
It's clear now that the Cold War never ended. It just took a break.
And now that it's ramped back up, the effects are coming back home where U.S. citizens are directly affected.
There's almost nothing America can do to stop Putin and his KGB cohorts.
This whole saga is a well-connected story with roots in the highest
halls of political power. And, as usual, we the citizens are the ones
left in the dark.
I'm Nick Hodge, executive editor at Angel Publishing. And I've been tracking this story for months.
I can tell you firsthand that what you're about to read is disturbing
news for Americans — yet, incredibly, it's also lit the fuse on the
most lucrative moneymaking development since the fall of the Berlin
And the investors who pay attention to this development will not only
get rich... but they'll also experience financial righteousness against
Putin's ill intentions.
Even if I'm only half right about the events to come, you'll still walk away with a fair chunk of profits.
As I said, because of this major development, my readers are already positioned — and up 33% waiting for the full throttle.
Now, in this presentation, I'll get down to the bottom of it and show you how it will all play out.
As the saying goes, "With crisis comes opportunity." Here's the crisis...
The New Cold War that Could Leave U.S. Cities in Darkness
It's no secret Vladimir Putin despises America for many reasons — including its self-appointed role as "world police."
America and Russia were at loggerheads over the conflict in Libya... then Snowden... then Syria...
And then tensions finally boiled over in Ukraine.
Putin has banned U.S. adoptions of Russian children.
He's penned an op-ed in the New York Times denouncing American exceptionalism.
And most recently — and daringly — he's invaded our would-be ally.
Still, what's next is worse than anything you'll hear in the news...
Sen. Chuck Schumer even told CNN: "I know what he's doing. He's trying to make Russia a big power again."
No doubt, this is Putin's Cold War mulligan — and he's playing for
keeps... fighting not with firepower or missiles, but an unusual arsenal
you don't often hear about...
It's more like a subtle war. Colder than the Cold War. More effective and sinister.
Indeed, Putin's latest plan will not only put the United States to
shame as a superpower, but is intended to make Mother Russia righteous
Said former Soviet submarine captain Alexander Nikitin: "What Russia
is doing today, all these ambitious plans, is its desire to make other
countries dependent on Russia, which is something Putin is always
reaching for."
Putin's Plans to Exalt Russia
And in the eyes of many, that last attribute is far from a fault. They see it as the "charm" of a leader on the verge of restoring their country's pride, economy, and influence after a humiliating period they'd rather forget.
If that requires trampling the rights of some citizens... well, everything has its price.
And the Russians are willing to pay for their new global identity and class.
But many Americans, including president Obama, find Putin's actions to be revolting.
And his latest move to cripple U.S. electricity grid is the worst development since the tension days of the first Cold War.
Since 2011, there's been a fervent effort by the U.S. to hold talks with Russia to avoid this nightmare.
But they've failed.

What you have to understand is that America already runs a fragile electricity network.
That's precisely why it's the focus of Russia's plan. It's an Achilles heel.
"The U.S. is operating the most advanced economy in the world with 60s and 70s technology. Failing to modernize the grid will threaten the U.S. position as an economic superpower," according to electricity expert Professor Massoud Amin.
No surprise, the number of U.S. blackouts over the past two decades increased 124% — up from 41 in the early 1990s to 92 in 2000 and beyond.
We've had blackouts in Florida, California, New York, and the major one that swept the East Coast on August 15, 2003, affecting 45 million people and leaving thousands to sleep on office steps and in government buildings and parks.
But that's not all...
The average American experiences 214 minutes of power outage each year, compared to 70 minutes in Great Britain and just 6 minutes in Japan.
The White House's own figures estimate cost to America at $33 billion per year.
And it will only get worse.
I'm not being overly pessimistic here. I'm just going on the events happening behind closed doors and not being reported in the news... and the foreseeable outcome.
The Nuclear Option
The truth is America's electricity system is fragile — much more fragile than you think.
Putin, of all people, knows this. And he should!
After all, Russia is the reason
millions of Americans can switch on the lights in their homes... cook
dinner in their microwave... watch a movie... go to a nice restaurant...
and read their children bedtime stories by lamplight.
Now they're pulling the plug...
And does Uncle Sam have a backup plan?
Not really.
Bear in mind this is not about natural gas or oil...
As you know, America has enough of that (for now).
It's not about solar or wind energy, either.
Our problem lies deep within something most Americas have no idea about...
You see, a staggering 31 U.S. states run on nuclear energy.
Love it or hate it, nuclear energy is the reason millions of Americans can live a normal life, day and night.
Nuclear powers one in every five homes.
In short, 20% of U.S. electricity comes from nuclear.

And no one's more excited about nuclear than Obama, who said he's:
"Looking forward to working with Congress on implementing policies that
ensure that our nation can continue to rely on carbon-free nuclear
No surprise there... After all, nuclear energy, according to most
world governments, is the safest and most reliable source of power.
But here's where this story gets interesting...
America's fleet of 104 nuclear plants swallows over 43 million pounds of uranium annually.
After the Cold War, Russia had a huge stockpile of uranium and — get
this — it was uranium from nuclear warheads that were just lying around.
America knew this. And we needed uranium to keep the lights on for
American families.
At the same time, Russia was broke...
An ingenious solution was then hatched...
Russian Bombs Lighting American Homes
In 1992, the White House signed a 20-year contract worth $12 billion
to supply America with uranium extracted from Russian A-bombs.
To pass it off to the press, they whipped up a fancy name for this program: Megatons to Megawatts (M2M).
Basically, uranium from Russia's bombs was down-blended, a process
that takes high-grade nuclear bomb uranium and reprocesses it for
electricity use in nuclear plants.
Of course, Russia and the U.S. NEVER trusted each other throughout
the 20-year contract, so they monitored one another's behavior...
U.S. inspectors made 359 monitoring trips to four of Russia's uranium
processing facilities to ensure the Russians were extracting the
uranium from the warheads as agreed.
And Russia conducted reciprocal monitoring at U.S. facilities at the
Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant in Piketon, Ohio and the Paducah
Gaseous Diffusion Plant near Paducah, Kentucky — just to make sure the
U.S. was using the uranium for electricity only.
I know this sounds like something out of a Robert Ludlum novel, but it couldn't be more real.
In all, 20,000 Russian nuclear warheads were dismantled to extract 21
million pounds of uranium for American electricity each year, says the
World Nuclear Association.
It's this uranium that's kept the lights on in cities like Austin,
Dallas, New York, Chicago, Philly, and Miami for the last two decades.
That's right: The electricity in your home for everyday use is powered by uranium from Russian bombs.
But guess what?
The program expired in December, and now, the Russians aren't willing to renew it, putting us on the verge of an energy crisis.
Putin Thinks Boris Yeltsin was a Madman
President Putin and the current Russian powers always viewed former
President Yeltsin's support of this uranium contract as a betrayal of
Russian sensibilities — and of her national security.
Now, they're dismantling it.
And with Russian supplies removed from the equation, 21 million
pounds of uranium annually have been taken away from American electric
With M2M no longer active, it means America must find a new supplier.
What about our own U.S. uranium production?
It doesn't even cut it.
Based on Energy Administration figures, the U.S. produces just 4 million pounds of uranium from all of its mines.
Meanwhile, demand from its nuclear power plants is over 43 million pounds — most of it imported, obviously from Russian bombs.
Meanwhile, demand from its nuclear power plants is over 43 million pounds — most of it imported, obviously from Russian bombs.
In short, we only produce 9% of the uranium we need to keep the lights on.
And this is a shortfall that could leave millions in the
dark... at the same time sending the price of uranium soaring 400%,
making early investors extremely wealthy...
Indeed, with this Russian uranium off the market, there's a gaping shortage that's set to drive prices higher.
And if you're an investor on the right side of this imminent
boom, you could easily turn a small $5,000 stake into $25,000 with no
Insiders are already bracing for this new uranium bull market that's coming. It's as sure as the sun will rise.
As I said, we're already up 33% on one uranium play... and enjoying the ride up.
Whether you're pro- or anti-nuclear really doesn't matter. The truth
is America needs uranium right now more than ever, because millions of
homes are connected to nuclear grids.
And here's the thing: You can't just shut down a nuclear power plant overnight and connect the grid to another source of energy.
Solar really isn't viable to power cities, let alone states. You need
several panels to power even a tiny home. And the sun hardly shines
every day.
What about wind? Well, those 300-foot wind turbines can barely
generate enough electricity to run a small neighborhood. You be the
What about fossil fuel plants like coal, gas, and oil? They're the
culprits for 2,166 million metric tons of carbon dioxide in our
atmosphere last year...
Source | Million Metric Tons of Carbon Emission | Share of Total |
Coal | 1,718 | 79% |
Natural Gas | 411 | 19% |
Petroleum | 25 | 1% |
Other | 11 | 1% |
Total | 2,166 |
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration
Plus, you can't build new plants fast enough to keep up with demand.
So it's no surprise Obama hired Earnest Moniz, a pro-nuclear energy
secretary, to carry out the government's ambitious nuclear energy goals.
Despite a huge uranium deficit and Putin's plan, America's
nuclear fleet will be expanding from 104 — with three new nuclear
reactors under construction and nine more to come online, according to
the World Nuclear Association.
For now, Putin holds the uranium market by the throat — and he's choking it for Russia's Cold War agenda.
And there's nothing that Obama or any straightforward, harsh-talking U.S. Senator can do about it.
You might wonder, "Can't America just get its uranium from somewhere else?"
Well that's the problem...
There's hardly any uranium elsewhere. And Putin knows this.
This uranium shortage isn't just for America, but the world...
Every developing country is eyeballing the very same limited
supplies in Canada, Kazakhstan, Australia, and of course, Mother Russia.
At current pace, the world is adding one nuclear plant every five days.
There are 432 nuclear reactors operating in the world... 68 under
construction... 167 on order to be constructed... and 316 new ones
proposed, according to the World Nuclear Association.
Add China to the mix, and everything goes to hell in a handbasket, as
it leads the way in nuclear growth — building 28 plants with an
additional 171 proposed.
Just imagine... the United Arab Emirates has already started
construction on two plants, and has ten more in the pipeline. Saudi
Arabia, of all places, is proposing 16 nuclear power plants. Others like
Brazil, Turkey, and Vietnam have hopped on the bandwagon, too.
But what's the real cause of the uranium shortage, the coattails of which Putin is riding?
Currently, uranium is sitting at around $40 a pound. It really isn't
profitable for mining companies to go digging up the stuff in the ground
at that price...
So they just close shop, or go bankrupt.
"Uranium Shortage Can't Be Ignored" — Forbes
For instance, big-time miners like BHP Billiton, Paladin Energy,
Kazatomprom, Cameco, and Uranium One are closing mines or producing less
uranium than expected.
And the renowned Cigar Lake Mine in Canada was supposed to come
online five years ago, but is facing a mountain of problems with
constant underground flooding... Up to this point, not an ounce of
uranium has been mined.
Only 135 million pounds of uranium was produced last year.
Global consumption of the stuff is at 176.7 million pounds.
That's a deficit of 41 million pounds on a global scale.

And that's not even the scariest part...
Demand is expected to grow 33% over the next ten years.
Because, as I just showed you, nuclear is the safest source of
clean energy that can power large cities like New York, London, or
Sounds crazy to say that, but it is what it is.
The only time people have died from a reactor problem was at
Chernobyl, and it was due to Russia's poor workmanship,
miscommunication, and weak oversight.
And the disaster at Fukushima was a unique result of an
earthquake-induced tsunami coupled with ancient technology — but was
brought under control. There have been no deaths directly attributable
to the nuclear power plant.
Compare this to the number of people that die every day in the
world's coal mines, or who suffer from asthma or other health problems
because of coal-related smog, or pollution from fossil fuels. On a per
kilowatt-hour generated basis... nuclear is the safest energy there is.
"The Coming Nuclear Energy Crunch" — The Guardian
World leaders know nuclear energy is the safest option.
And they're paying top dollar for it... which means uranium is already in high demand.
Listen, there is no way the trend of uranium sitting at 40 bucks a pound can continue...
Keep in mind the last time uranium spiked in 2007 — to over $130 a
pound! — some investors were able to bank life-altering gains like:
- 1,046%
- 427%
- 1,238%
All in just about 12 months, on average.
Will it happen again?
Time will tell. But I'm expecting huge profits, based on the extent of the coming deficit and the expected impact that will shake the United States and the world.
In fact, the uranium grab has already begun...
France-based EDF Group is the world's largest electricity provider.
They've secured multi-million-dollar contracts with miner Paladin Energy
and AREVA to supply 13.7 million pounds of uranium between 2014 and
2024... They paid $200 million upfront to secure supplies that will be delivered six years from now.
The United Arab Emirates signed a $3 billion nuclear fuel supply
contract with Uranium Energy Corp, even if they've not yet built a
single plant. And that's just one of six deals.
China is snapping up huge chunks of uranium supply by buying mines in Africa.
Just imagine Russia pulling the rug out from under Uncle Sam, just at
a time when uranium is so hard to get and when all other countries are
quickly claiming their share of what's left...
Can you see the lights already dimming?
If not, here are some headlines from around the world...
"Germany facing power blackouts"

"[Britain faces] power shortage risks by 2015"

"India power cut hits millions, among world's worst outages"

What all of this means is that the U.S. will have to struggle to
get uranium and compete with other cash-rich nations like China, India,
and the Arabs who want to keep their lights on.
This is all part of Putin's plan to send the world into a uranium
catfight... and exalt Russia, as it holds 40% of global uranium
Putin already has tremendous clout in Kazakhstan, the largest uranium
producer in the world. It's only a matter of time before Putin gets his
hands on that uranium as well.
After all, he's done it with oil...
On top of Russia's huge reserves, state-owned Rosneft bought TNK-BP,
an integrated oil company co-owned by British oil firm BP. Rosneft will
now be in charge of more than 4.5 million barrels of oil a day — enough
to put it neck and neck with Exxon.
Gazprom, the Russian state gas company, already has Europe wrapped
around its little finger, with 34% of its gas needs. Recently, Gazprom
bought a stake in the massive Leviathan gas field off Israel's coast.With a snap of his fingers, Putin is creating Russian influence in the world by controlling other countries' energy needs.
And while Putin can't control American oil and gas needs because
we're flushed with shale... he can definitely control our uranium needs,
since we barely produce it. And since one out of every five American
homes are connected to nuclear grids that can't be switched off or
replaced overnight (not in the next 10 or 15 years, at least), Putin has
us in the palm of his hand.
The good news is the price of uranium tanked over the last six years, and has nowhere to go but shoot for historical highs.
It's currently sitting around $40 a pound, and insiders are anxious for the inevitable spike.
There will be loads of money to be made. And one little company has the edge with a bold new uranium discovery on its hands.
I'll give you more details in a minute...
If you get in now, chances are you'll make a lot of money. I am predicting you could quadruple your stake.
It's happened before.
Here's what I mean...
If You Missed the Last Uranium Bull Run, Don't Miss This One
In 2005, uranium was sitting at $20 a pound when a uranium bull market was triggered.
By 2007, uranium climbed 700%, touching $135 a pound...

Investors made a killing in a matter of months — enough money to help
folks quit work for good and retire on an island paradise, buy a new
house, or pay off their mortgages.
Paladin Energy (PDN) climbed 427% in just 12 months.
Readers of my firm's research made some nice gains on PDN.
They made even more on Uranium One, which soared 1,238% in less than two years...

Had you taken a small position of just $5,000 on this stock, you'd have seen your money multiply to $61,900.
$10,000 would have swollen into a $123,800 bankroll.
And this was no fluke...
Another small miner, Pinetree Capital, bolted for a life-changing 1,046% windfall.

You could have easily retired from those three investments, had you invested at the right time.
But don't worry. The opportunity has come full circle.
Keep in mind that uranium bull run was triggered when the highly
anticipated Cigar Lake uranium mine in Canada got flooded, and uranium
supplies failed to meet demand...
Well, the shortage we face today dwarfs the one in 2005 on many
levels: It's more global and touches every continent, because
governments are building more nuclear plants than they are schools or
Above all, Putin has left America's uranium flow high and dry.
That's why what I'm about to share right now could be the most
profitable investment opportunity to come your way for the next two
Our Firm Discovered a Major Moneymaking Idea
As you may know, our firm, Angel Publishing, has built quite a
reputation for investigating "big ideas" that trigger massive financial
gains for our readers.
Quite often, we investigate and discover opportunities that other
mainstream experts can't cover, simply because of our "footprint"
approach to investing. We're known for visiting companies, mines, and
oilfields on any continent to investigate new developments...
And when we learned that America's sweet Megaton to Megawatt deal
with Russia was expiring — and that Putin was effectively cutting
America off — we knew there would be a major shake-up in the uranium
At the same time, a newly-discovered uranium deposit sitting in Canada's Athabasca Basin surfaced on our radar...
This basin is a traditionally rich uranium zone that hosts the
world's highest grades in a well-established and politically stable
exploration environment. Other deposits like the infamous Cigar Lake and
McArthur mines are in the same region.
But what we discovered about this new uranium mother lode is just epic...
Will it be the answer to America's uranium needs?
Only if another country doesn't snatch it all up first.
The thing is, this high-grade deposit is the only major discovery on
the planet in the last five years, and there isn't much uranium to go
The Resource Discovery That Will Make You Rich in the Coming Months
No surprise it's creating a massive landgrab unlike anything we've seen in the industry.
I can point out four big institutional firms with hundreds of millions of dollars invested in what's happening in the Athabasca Basin.
I won't name names here... but small companies like Forum Uranium and
NexGen Energy are buying property close to this deposit, hoping to tap
into the ore and boulders surrounding it.
The deposit is divided into a northern and southern portion — both of which are already taken.
One little company has already drilled the southern portion of it, and what they found so far is world-class...
They could be sitting on over 100 million pounds of high-grade uranium worth billions on the open market.
What does this mean?"The grades are good and there is potential for better. The depth is shallow compared to most other deposits in the basin. And it's thick. That's the force behind the staking rush," David Talbot, a senior mining analyst, told Uranium Investing News.
This is about the richest-grade uranium you can find on earth.
To put this into perspective, Uranium from the Olympic Dam in
Australia, which is a huge deposit, only has a grade of 0.08%... and
it's lying 1,000 meters below the surface.
In Kazakhstan, the world's largest producer, the uranium grade is 0.5%.
But in this newly-discovered deposit, the uranium is less than 400
meters below ground, making it one of the shallowest... and based on the
first phase of drill testing, much of the uranium mineralizationis 21%
to 52% rich.
That's an unheard of concentration!
That's more than 50 times the grade of what's found in Australia and Kazakhstan.
No surprise, big capital investors are sounding their "buy and hold" rating on the company that owns this mother lode.
Again, I can't name names here, but there's a general feeling among
insiders that this company will be bought out by a large miner like
Cameco or Rio Tinto, based on the stellar results in this first phase of
The stock's moving fast. My readers are already positioned in this play. And we're sitting nicely at 33%.
Of course, I can't tell you the name here — for the sake of my readers.
But if you missed this one, don't worry... because the best is yet to come. You must hurry.
Get In on This Investment Today if You Want to Be in the Game
Here's what I mean...
The northern part of the property is owned by another little miner.
They just did a complete survey of the property, while early investors
wait on the sidelines with bated breath for drill results.
I want you to get in early — before the crowd rushes in on this one.
It could even turn out to be bigger than its sister project in the
south. And I say this because I've seen the property myself...
I flew from Baltimore to Canada's Athabasca to investigate... met the CEO of the company... and toured the deposit.


(This is the routine I undertake before making any recommendation. It's the work I do on your behalf).
By now, you may have guessed that I know more about this new uranium deposit than anyone else, save the CEO of this little company.
So far, the guys who run this little gem have wasted no time in
pushing the work of this company forward. They raised $1.5 million in
late June to meet its 2013 work requirements... and it's been on the
upswing ever since.
The company's shares have jumped over 100% en route to 30 cents.
According to its CEO, another uranium acquisition is a priority
moving forward, as there are opportunities to pick up properties from
other companies struggling with financing.
If everything pans out, this company could offset Putin's
plan and send enough uranium America's way to keep the lights on for a
How Much Money Can You Make on This Sub-$1 Stock?
Here's where this opportunity gets really interesting...
Keep in mind this little junior miner currently trades for less than
50 cents a share. And this stock has the inevitable potential to run
wild, quadrupling your stake in little or no time at all.
Any slight movement in the stock price is a profit opportunity...
If the share price moves to just 90 cents, that's a 200% gain right there.
If it creeps to $1.85... that's a 500% gain.
To realize a 1,000% profit, the stock price just has to move to $3.30.
At that rate of return, a $500 stake could potentially grow into $50,000.
With a high-grade uranium deposit potentially 50x the normal grade
found in several other mines around the world right next door... and
especially at a time when supply is scarce... the sky's the limit.
There is no way this little player will sit idly at under a dollar a share for long.
Heck, it could go up 2,000%. It just has to climb to an easy $6.50.
If that doesn't send chills up your spine, I don't know what will.
Another Possible Scenario...
Something else could also happen... and it's not the ideal scenario
I'd like to see, but it's certainly possible, based on the attention
this new deposit is getting from the mining industry.
Remember, this is a small junior miner with a potential world-class uranium deposit.
Big miners like Cameco and Areva are always on the lookout to acquire a small player once it owns a world-class deposit.
It happened recently with small miner Hathor Exploration...
Hathor's new discovery was located in Cameco's backyard, the
Athabasca Basin, and Cameco watched Hathor grow their deposit bigger and
One day, Cameco simply walked into Hathor's office and made a
takeover offer. However, Hathor didn't think it was a fair offer, and
asked Cameco to politely leave their office and to call back with a
better offer, while Hathor looked for another company to compete against
They succeeded, and three weeks later Rio Tinto (the second largest
mining company in the world) came in and made a higher offer — and won.
Hathor's shareholders walked away at least with a 200% windfall after the dust settled.
Will this scenario happen with our little uranium miner?
Well, there's no way to tell for sure... but if this little gem gets bought out, it could still triple our stake.
Again, it's not the most favorable scenario I'd like to see pan out.
Instead, I'd like to see this stock shoot up based on its own merit (and it will) and make us four to ten times our money.
I just want to lay all the facts and possibilities out on the table,
so you can see the profit potential no matter what happens, buyout or
If you're interested in this opportunity, I'd strongly suggest you
pick up shares right away while it's still early... before the first
phase of drilling begins.
Could This New Idea Make You Rich?
Which brings me to my next point...
As America, China, India, Britain, Russia, and others fight to secure
their electricity flow and avoid major blackouts that could affect
billions of citizens, there will be a major rush by these countries to
stake a claim in this uranium cache.
And this little miner will no doubt sell to the highest bidder.
In short, this company could derail Putin's blackout plan.
I'd suggest you move in now to lock in your shares before it's too late. At below 50 cents, it's a no-brainer.
How can you take advantage of the situation?
If this sounds good to you, then you should be itching to get your hands on my new report, "Profit from the Coming Uranium Rush," which I've just written.
To be honest, it might very well be the first write-up about this
company in the financial publishing business. And for good reason — this
little company isn't "everywhere" yet. In fact, there are no institutional buyers as we speak.
This miner may well be the most off-the-radar stock with a major discovery on hand. And that's good.
By the time the crowd catches on, you will already be in and enjoying the profit ride.
To get started, I want to make sure you have access to my report...
It details the merits and profit potential of this opportunity in
easy-to-understand language. It reveals who's involved in this company
and what we can expect in the coming months concerning drilling and
further exploration. You'll also learn the ticker symbol and up to what
price to buy this little gem.
Best of all, I'd like to send you this report absolutely free of charge.
All I ask in return is that you take a risk-free trial membership to my research publication Early Advantage.
What, exactly, is Early Advantage?
And how can it make you rich?
We Spend Millions on Our Research...
You already know the best way to make a lot of money is to get in the game early — before a
company makes the news with a major discovery in the mining sector, the
energy sector, or a breakthrough in agriculture or health...
It's for this reason I meet with start-up CEOs in Silicon Valley...
visit actual farmers... inspect mines in Alberta and Ontario... attend
obscure conferences and trade shows... and conduct site visits and
private one-on-one interviews.
It's all in the name of giving you the early advantage on any moneymaking or money-saving opportunity available.
That's what the Early Advantage is all about.
I've been on the cutting edge for years, discovering major
life-changing moneymaking opportunities that other financial
institutions simply don't cover.
For example...



Quite often, my investigations lead to companies that you may never hear or read about in mainstream news, like the Wall Street Journal or Forbes... If the stock is everywhere, there is no way you'll ever make big money on it.
But that's what's great about my approach — and it has rewarded my readers handsomely...
- 119% on Cree (3-4 months)
- 159% on Xethanol, Inc. (2-3 months)
- 316% on Akeena Solar (15 months)
- 101% on JA Solar (14 months)
- 391% on BYD Company (3 months)
- 426% on Alternate Energy Holdings (3 months)
- 110% on Solarfun Power (5 months)
- 43% on GT Solar (1 month)
- 54% on Yingli Green Energy (2 months)
- 40% on A-Power Energy (1 month)
- 62% on Maxwell Technologies (3 months)
- 52% on Nevada Geothermal (6 months)
- 42% on First Trust Global (8 months)
- 35% on Ultra DJ-AIG (3 weeks)
- 78% on PowerSave Energy (3 months)
Rest assured these are the opportunities that can make you rich in the game.
And that's my sole purpose here.
In short, that's the work I do on behalf of my readers. It's made
them a lot of money, and they are some of the most satisfied readers in
the investment newsletter business.
Here are a few in their own words...
Anne Chaney wrote in to say:
for getting back to me Nick! Yes this is great news!! Way to pick a
winner. I actually picked it up for $2.52, and had to sell half at $4.30
back in April to cover my taxes — ugh ;) But the rest is sitting rather
nicely, up over 200%! I'll let it ride. Cheers."
I got this note form Mark R.:
job Nick! I got in a bit late, but I still made over 60% on my money in
less than 90 days. Wow! I am ready to jump into your next
Drake S. added...
"Your service is head and shoulders above any other I have used. I am 100% up on the year thanks to you. Kind regards."
There are just too many great opportunities hidden in the market
making a lot of money for everyday investors, while you sit on the
For instance, right now I'm looking into the new uranium deposit in Athabasca Basin. This is our latest play.
As I said, my readers are already up 33% on one of the major players
involved. Their property is right next to that of the other little
player I've been telling you about.
You should own both today.
Because as activity keeps igniting in the basin, stock prices will shoot upwards for absurd profits.
Below is a List of What You'll Get
I'll send you my report, "Profit from the Coming Uranium Rush" — free of charge — when you take a no-risk trial to Early Advantage.
This report spells out my latest uranium recommendations from the
Athabasca Basin. You'll have access to it as soon as you sign up.
But that's not all you'll get...
You'll also have full access to:
- Quick Profit e-Alerts — Get updates on the latest moneymaking scoops from my profit alerts. These obscure recommendations that cannot wait a minute will be delivered straight to your inbox seconds after they're written.
- Regular Portfolio Updates — You'll know exactly what's happening with each profit-making play in your model portfolio, regular updates, and any news that will send the stock soaring further... or when to sell for maximum profits.
- The Members-Only Early Advantage Website — You'll receive a username/password to my secure online platform for members only with my no-nonsense research reports, commentary, picks, and current portfolio.
- Outstanding Customer Support — If you ever have any questions or concerns, you can call our Customer Support staff at any time and receive live help between 9:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. (EST).
I encourage you to read the research reports you'll have access to on
our website. Many of the recommendations are still considered major
buys. Be sure to scan the "Getting Started" window to learn how to get
the most out of this service.
So at this point, you must be wondering how much a membership to Early Advantage costs...
Before we get into that, there's something else I want to send you absolutely free of charge.
I'll Also Send You My New Book, Energy Investing for Dummies — Absolutely Free
As you know, my research has taken me to all corners of the
investment world to meet with the major players you'd otherwise never
get to rub elbows with.
The knowledge and wealth tips I've accumulated over the years are priceless.
So I decided to take all this know-how, and I did something I've never done before...
I've written a no-nonsense book called Energy Investing for Dummies.
This is the last book you'll ever need on any form of energy investing. It covers the nuts and bolts of the business.
Here's a sample of what you'll discover within the pages:
- Inside knowledge about oil production and pricing, reserves, demand, and the OPEC cartel.
- Basics of oil and gas as commodities and how they're traded, including pricing in various markets like Europe and Asia.
- How to invest in oil and gas companies: majors and minors, explorers and drillers, pipelines and refiners... including MLPs and national oil companies.
- Investing on your own and how to start with a budget; setting up your accounts; and investing beyond just energy stocks.
- Exciting ways to play energy commodities through equities, indices, exchange-traded funds, and mutual funds.
- Risks and rewards of energy investments, including laws and policies.
- How to evaluate uranium miners and invest in them.
- Why energy investing will be the most profitable sector based on growing global demand.
This only scratches the surface of what you'll discover in my new book, Energy Investing for Dummies.
And it's yours free — along with your uranium report — when you take a trial membership to Early Advantage.
Lock in This Low Subscription Rate Today
So, how much would you pay for the moneymaking picks you'll get as a member of Early Advantage?
I don't have to tell you how much it costs to uncover the kind of research I do...
One minute, I'm flying to California to check out the latest biotech
breakthroughs... and the next minute, I am hopping to Ottawa or landing
in a float plane on a lake in Saskatchewan.
This is by no means a cheap operation. But it's worth the research.
No doubt the money you'll make from my picks will always be several times what you pay for my research.
Consider this...
One of my readers, Peter Hanson called me to say, "I did very well on two picks. Pretty lucky with a profit of $27,649."
Another of my followers, who wishes to remain anonymous, chimed in: "Hey
Nick. I bought Renesola (SOL) in late March at $2.95, today it's
trading at $6.35 (up 18% just today) so I've more than doubled my money.
Thanks for the great pick."
The profits from just one recommendation could pay your membership fee several times over.
So just how much is it?
One full year of Early Advantage runs you only $499.
This price allows you to enter our profitable world of investing and
gives you full access to all my research, including the uranium
discovery in the Athabasca Basin.
You'll get full details on the uranium bull market shaping up as nuclear power plants are eating up all the world's supplies...
Plus you'll receive a copy of my book, Energy Investing for Dummies, hot off the presses — absolutely free.
Sign Up for Early Advantage with No Risk
Best of all, you can access all this research with no risk whatsoever.
Here's what I mean..
I am confident this research will put crazy profits in your pocket, starting with the uranium report I'd like to send you today.
Take the next 30 days to soak in my research.
Comb the Early Advantage website. Look at my track record.
There are archives of reports and issues that you can skim through at any time.
Put some money into some of my open recommendations. Many are still rated "buys."
Everything is just waiting there for you...
During your 30-day trial period, if you're not completely satisfied
with my research — or if you don't think you can prosper financially
through my recommendations... simply let me know, and I'll refund every
No hard feelings, and no line of questioning — you'll receive all your money back immediately.
I am truly confident that over the next few months, the price of
uranium will head north as Russia plans to sabotage America's nuclear
electricity network and as other world governments fight for the last
remaining bit of supply on the open market.
These two little companies in the Athabasca Basin may well be the best recommendations I'll make all year.
Your free report spells out all you need to know to take full advantage of this opportunity immediately.
And you can do so with absolutely no risk at all: either you're satisfied, or you get 100% of your money back.
To access your report and all my other research, click the button below.
I look forward to the profits we'll make together.

Nick Hodge
Editor and Creator, Early Advantage
Editor and Creator, Early Advantage
P.S. Putin's trying to pull the plug on America's electricity supply.
This new "war" will open the floodgates to a tidal wave of commodity
profits for early investors. Little time remains...
If you want to get in on all the details, I'll send you my report, "Profit from the Coming Uranium Rush." It's yours free within minutes of subscribing to my service.
You'll also get the inaugural copy of my hot-off-the-press investment book, Energy Investing for Dummies, again sent to you absolutely free. Just sign up below to get your hands on this timely research ASAP.
Dear Fellow Investor,
Most Americans don't know this...
But the U.S. government, through the SEC, has kept the most secure and cash-rich retirement plan out of the mainstream media.
And it's been doing it for YEARS!
I'm referring to a censored program that allows you to collect anywhere from $500,000 up to $1 million from a one-time investment through what I call the IRM(72) plan.
And even though IRM(72) retirement plans can generate up to 10 times more cash than IRAs, your typical 401(k), or even Obama's newly proposed MyRA (a short way of saying "My IRA")...
Most people haven't heard about IRM(72) plans for one simple reason.
Companies that offer these plans are forbidden to advertise them to the public.
Put simply, SEC rules won't let them.
Yet despite this censorship, you are legally entitled to open an IRM(72) plan if you wish. And there are no age or income restrictions whatsoever.
It's something that could forever change the way people in America retire. The problem is, the average citizen just doesn't know about it.
Keep in mind, this has nothing to do with regular dividends offered by blue chip companies... bonds... CDs... or anything remotely close to those things.
Instead, it's a way for you to pocket consistent income in a far more profitable way.
According to the Federal Reserve, the value of a typical 401(k) is about $120,000. That's almost nothing if you're looking at retiring anytime soon.
And it's 10 times less than the $1.1 million you could collect through a basic IRM(72) plan.
If more Americans knew about IRM(72) plans, we wouldn't be looking at a time when ordinary people are forced to work into their 70s (or even 80s).
The best part is, most plans allow you to start with as little as $10.
And you can access the money you've saved anytime you want without any penalty whatsoever.
Now, normally, as a financial analyst with a journalism background, and one who's been writing about breakthrough investments most people have never heard of...
I'd be the first to be skeptical about something as secretive and financially rewarding as IRM(72) accounts.
After all, there are enough get-rich schemes out there already.
But according to financial guru Peter Schiff, IRM(72) accounts make it so "you don't have to work anymore. You quit your job and retire."
And you can hold multiple accounts if you're so inclined. I know Warren Buffett holds several.
Of course, these are influential investors with a lot of capital at their disposal.
So I wanted to see if everyday Americans who don't have billions of dollars were secretly tapping into these accounts as well.
Turns out they are... and they are making a TON of money.
Check it out:
99% of the investing public have no idea these things even exist...
Even though they're not allowed to be advertised, why do so few people know about them?
The Secret Investment Plan That's
"None of Your Business"
Well, don't expect to hear GE, Coca-Cola, or any of those rich
American companies advertise their IRM(72) plans. It's against the law
to do so.
You won't even see any mention of those plans in their financial statements sent to their other regular shareholders.
Now can you see why practically no one knows this program even exists?
Another unusual thing about those IRM(72) plans is that they have nothing to do with the stock market, and Wall Street hates them because they bypass their greed.
In fact, brokers have secretly lobbied Congress to ban IRM(72) retirement plans completely.
We even spoke to one financial insider who admitted as much...
Tax and pension attorney Chris Egoville sat down with us to break down why brokers are so scared of IRM(72).
And it's not just brokers that hate IRM(72) plans.
Congress hates them enough to consider wiping them off the grid entirely.
President Obama's recent MyRA idea is just another red herring to push for full shutdown of IRM(72) plans.
Chris told us that not only was the MyRA a "terrible idea," but it was also the "surest way to lose your money."
But until MyRA becomes a reality, the good thing is anyone with the right information can open an IRM(72) plan and blissfully make hundreds of thousands of dollars, even millions, that can be used for a comfortable retirement.
I've created this video to show exactly how these plans work, who exactly is offering them, how much money you can make, when you can expect to collect your payouts...
And, most importantly, why they're the safest investments on earth.
How I Discovered America's Safest and
Most Secretive Investment
My name is Jimmy Mengel.
You may have seen me hobnobbing with the financial elite on CNBC's Closing Bell...
Or you may have heard of me as the architect behind the wildly popular finance and investing website Wealth Wire, where I brought readers the story behind the mainstream financial news every single day.
I've spent my entire professional career researching and writing about little-known opportunities in the financial arena.
Today, because of my experience, I'm managing editor of one of the country's largest independent financial boutiques filtering obscure moneymaking ideas to our followers.
I head the Outsider Club and our financial planning advisory, The Crow's Nest.
As a trained journalist, I've gained a reputation among my peers for digging like a sleuth to uncover under-the-radar moneymaking loopholes in financial back doors that most people never hear of...
In other words, I don't follow the crowd. The real money is always in the investments you've never heard of. That's how the rich play the game.
For instance, last year I discovered a greedy way to play silver that doubles your return compared to buying silver the regular way.
It's a very simple tool to maximize silver's inevitable returns over the coming years...
In short, this investment phenomenon allows you to earn 2% every time silver spikes 1%.
Another unconventional investment I discovered is a way to get into the collectables market.
Through hard research, we tapped the resources of a collectables company that has authenticated and graded more than 27 million coins — worth a total of $27 billion.
The company's card experts have certified more than 20 million trading cards, autographs, and other valuable memorabilia, exceeding $1 billion in worth.
It's already up 45% in just a few months, and to top it all, my followers are enjoying a juicy 7.4% dividend, a return that's almost unheard of in the regular market.
I've been furnishing my readers with these unorthodox — but incredibly safe — investment ideas that could have a huge impact on their financial goals.
I am not one who follows the mainstream when it comes to money. That's the route to the poor house.
Folks who want to stick to conventional investment ideas can buy a CD and be happy with a 2% return forever or follow the herd in the stock market.
But if you want to beat the market at its own game and stay ahead of everyone else — instead of playing "catch up" — then this video is your gateway to financial freedom.
When I heard about the IRM(72) investment plan that has the potential to make Social Security, IRAs, and 401(k)s a thing of the past...
I went to work right away to uncover how you could open an IRM(72) plan and possibly build a million-dollar fortune like the folks I told you about.
So what exactly are IRM(72) plans, and how can a small $180 multiply into as much as $7 million like it did for Grace Gray?
You see, an IRM(72) plan is a corporate perk that was once reserved only for executives of rich companies...
And even though companies are forbidden to publicize this safe and lucrative retirement plan, nowadays, anyone can start a plan with a company of their choice.
This plan is specifically designed for people who want to start out small but want to accumulate thousands — even hundreds of thousands — without risking ANY money.
$2,000 Multiplies into More than $1 Million
There is no investment under the sun that is safer and more
consistent than these plans. Not options, regular dividends, blue chip
stocks, penny stocks, or anything else...
Yet they're the "best-kept secret on Wall Street," says financial analyst Vita Nelson, who is a devote follower of IRM(72) plans.
In short, an IRM(72) plan is what we in the financial world call an Individual Retirement Multiplier.
And it uses the "Rule of 72," a mathematical phenomenon used in elite financial circles to determine, with amazing accuracy, your profit's doubling effect or compounding periods...
Or how many years it will take for a currency's buying power to be cut in half.
Or the impact of additional fees on financial policies, mutual fund fees, or insurance policies.
Words alone cannot do justice to the compounding force behind this rule...
But famed scientist Albert Einstein tried when he said, "Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it... he who doesn't, pays it."
Well, the Rule of 72 is the secret booster behind IRM(72) plans. It's the compounding effect on your money that makes this plan trump IRAs, 401(k)s, or Obama's ready-to-fail MyRA.
In fact, this force is so powerful that I think the government is deliberately keeping it from you.
I say that because if the masses actually knew of the income this multiplying effect could deliver, they would immediately demand an end to Ponzi schemes like Social Security.
That's exactly what a woman name Shelly Eifrig knew, and she used that knowledge to pad her retirement.
She learned the power of allowing her money to multiply. She started at age 20 with only $2,000 invested into her IRM(72) plan. By age 54, she was a millionaire.
But she isn't the only one. While the rest of the investing public fights for the same pool of risky stocks and low-return 2% CDs, I discovered people from all walks of life who secretly own those safe IRM(72) plans.
No Age or Income Limits
Consider the story of Alisha Brown.
She was a first grader when she was enrolled in the IRM(72) program of Coca-Cola as a present for her sixth birthday.
For Alisha's family, it was giant first step towards securing her financial future.
When Coca-Cola sent her certificate of ownership for her IRM(72) account... so monumental was this moment that it was framed with an engraving of the first part of Deuteronomy 8:18 placed under it: "You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth."
It didn't take long before Coca-Cola mailed her documents to welcome her as a proud member of their IRM(72) program.
Her IRM(72) account was opened with less than $50. Today, it's worth nearly $8,000.
If the account continues undisturbed until she graduates college, Alisha will have roughly $15,400, which will be a great gift along with her college degree.
Just imagine if your child or grandchild had that privilege...
In a moment, I'll show you how you can open an IRM(72) plan that will generate $25,000... $50,000... $270,000... even up to $1.1 million more than what you're getting today in your traditional IRA or even your 401(k).
You'll know which company to contact, and applying is as easy as tying your shoe.
You simply fill out a form. There's a line at the top for your name and address. You sign at the bottom... enclose a check for an initial payment, which could be as low as $10 or $100... then drop it in the mail.
From there on, you can expect your $10 — or whichever amount you decide to start with — to multiply as if on autopilot.
But here's the real question: How did a retirement plan so rewarding and so secretive get started in the first place... and how can you take advantage of it starting today?
A Look into the Most Secretive and
Safest Investment on Earth
More than 50 years ago, some of America's biggest companies started
offering their executives and other employees a special perk.
In short, they were allowed to buy shares of the company DIRECTLY from the company, usually at a steep discount.
Hundreds of companies like General Electric, Kellogg's, AT&T, Johnson & Johnson, and Procter & Gamble began offering these perks.
As you may have guessed, these shares became part of the company's IRM(72) program.
Over time, that perk was extended to the wider public, allowing them to get in on the program.
It was a way for a company to grow a stable of loyal shareholders and raise money away from greedy brokers and the stock market.
By now, you can see why brokers are furious about it and have dogged the government to shut down the IRM(72) program... and leave Americans to rot with the likes of IRAs and 401(k)s.
I'm not even surprised.
You see, every time your broker buys or sells a stock on your behalf, that broker makes a commission — whether or not you make money on that stock.
Mutual fund advisors, financial advisors, and planners all take their cut to get you into the market. No matter what you do, if you are investing, it has to go through one of these guys.
Do you think they'll ever tell you about IRM(72) plans? Don't hold your breath.
But guess what? It's time to stop paying needless broker fees.
That's exactly what Anne Scheiber did.
Novice Investor Turned $5,000 Into
$22 Million without a Broker
Sheiber was an IRS auditor, yet she didn't have much to rely on to retire worry-free.
She was badly burnt by brokers, so she resolved to never rely on anyone for her own financial future.
What happened next is shocking, for lack of a better word...
Using a measly $5,000 she had saved and a pension of roughly $3,150, she plowed it into an IRM(72) plan and built a $22 million fortune from her tiny New York apartment.
Never before has any investment in this nation's history given so much investing freedom to average Americans like IRM(72) plans have.
But there's one thing you must be mindful of. You can't wait one minute more to start a plan.
Obama is already on track to shut down every retirement plan that keeps your money from the government.
In fact, the government could wake up one morning and shut down the IRM(72) program for good.
So you must hurry to grab this ticket to a safe and worry-free retirement.
Here's how it works...
How to Use One Share of Stock to Make $1 Million
To open an IRM(72) plan (and I'll show you exactly which companies
offer the best plans), you must buy ONE share of stock. That's it.
Your ONE share of stock generates dividends. But here's where it gets really good.
"These plans permit shareholders to automatically plow their dividends into the buying of additional company shares. In some cases, there's a discount on the price of those shares," as the Chicago Tribune puts it.
The more shares you get, the greater your dividends multiply over time. Keep in mind, these preferred dividends are not like the ordinary dividends regular investors get when they buy a stock.
These preferred dividends go straight into your IRM(72) account, and they are like dividends on steroids. They multiply quickly without you doing any work whatsoever.
That's a great way to start preparing for retirement even if you don't have a lot of cash on hand.
But if you can afford it, you can begin your plan by buying more than one share.
For example...
Let's say you saved $3,000 and started an IRM(72) plan with one of my favorite dividend payers, Duke Energy Corp. (DUK).
That initial investment of $3,000 would have bought you 176 shares of DUK at the time, each one earning a dividend yield of 5.4%. That dividend would eventually multiply five times.
Your IRM(72) plan would earn you a tidy $1 million payday as long as you simply let your dividend multiply in the plan and add a monthly contribution of just $80.
You could have earned a yearly dividend stream of $50,845 without lifting a finger.
This is way better than the returns you'd get from the S&P 500's measly 10.4% over the last three decades.
Remember, this is something you cannot do with regular dividends if you buy the stock via the stock market.
You can only get that "dividend multiplier" when you open an IRM(72) retirement plan.
How Your Money Can Multiply on its Own
Let me show you an example.
Some folks are happy with the 3% dividend advertised by Johnson & Johnson.
If you were to invest $5,000 into Johnson & Johnson the regular way — through your broker via the stock market — your profits would have been a measly $150 in annual dividends.
To some folks, that's a big deal.
But that's probably because they don't know about the company's IRM(72) plan that that allows you to collect 36%... from the exact same shares over the long haul.
This effectively translates into a whopping $1,950 in annual dividends that gets reinvested in your IRM(72) account to buy more shares directly from the company and build your retirement portfolio on solid ground.
And that's regardless of what happens to Social Security, IRAs, 401(k)s, the stock market, or the wider economy.
Your IRM(72) account must get paid by law.
Same thing could have happened had you tapped into the IRM(72) plan of Pepsi Co.
Most Americans take home the company's 2.9% dividend and stash it away hoping to build something for rainy days.
Too bad many of those individuals don't know Pepsi — according to American law — is forbidden from advertising its IRM(72) plan that could yield a sizzling dividend of 39% in a few years.
Another good example is AT&T's IRM(72) plan, where your dividend would have been seven times more than the regular dividends.
While the company currently yields a 6.7% dividend, its IRM(72) plan holders are bagging a whopping 43% instead.
Throughout my career as a financial analyst, I have seen my fair share of investment fads, and I can tell you there aren't many investments out there that are safe.
But IRM(72) accounts are just about the safest and most consistent way to multiply your money regardless of what happens in the market.
These Plans are Immune to Stock Market Crashes,
Falling Stock Prices, or Recessions
These plans are so solid that even if the company's stock price stumbles... your IRM(72) plans remain untouched.
Remember the earlier story of 6-year-old Alisha Brown, who owns an IRM(72) plan with Coca-Cola?
Well, her plan was opened with one share of Coca-Cola's stock, which cost less than $50 bucks at the time. Today, the account is worth nearly $8,000.
Thing is, Coca Cola still trades today at around the same price it did when the plan was started almost a decade ago. Nothing fantastic has happened to the stock price.
Not only that...
We've experienced the September 11th terrorist attacks... the rise and fall of the housing bubble... the stock market collapse of 2008... two wars waged halfway around the world... expanding federal deficits... and near double-digit unemployment.
Despite all of these woes, Alisha's plan grew at roughly 6% compounded.
But this is not just a stroke of good luck.
A man named John Kayson bought 105 shares of U.S. Bancorp in one of his IRM(72) retirement trusts simply as an experiment.
He paid $27.29 per share and had a total cost of $2,865. The stock crashed (along with everything else) to $23.62 as of the close of the markets on November 19th, 2008.
Folks who owned just stock via the stock market and through a broker saw a 13% drop in price and lost a huge chunk of their savings.
Yet John Kayson's IRM(72) plan showed a 45.348% gain while everyone else got waxed in the market.
Could These Plans Make the Stock Market Obsolete?
Which brings me to another point that highlights how these IRM(72)
accounts are better than IRAs, 401(k)s, or any other retirement plans...
When you open an IRM(72) plan, remember you buy shares directly from the company.
If the stock price of the company falls, the multiplying dividends simply buy more shares on the cheap... accelerating higher percentage dividends for the future.
John Kayson originally bought 105 shares. When U.S. Bancorp shares fell, he automatically owned 124.36474 shares. That's nearly 20 shares more than he originally purchased.
Did he get more dividends on those extra shares? You bet. He might be a millionaire in the making as a result.
His interest begins to earn interest on itself: the Rule of 72 in full action.
Bottom line: Falling stock prices don't affect IRM(72) plans in any negative way at all.
In fact, they allow you to add shares at the cheapest possible price.
From the looks of it, if too many Americans know about IRM(72) plans, it could make the stock market obsolete. And that's true in a sense.
Maybe that's why the government is working overtime to keep this a secret.
How You Can Get Paid to Invest
Here's the thing: I've only begun to scratch the surface of how great these plans are at helping you accumulate wealth.
If at this point you want to fold in your IRA or your 401(k), I won't blame you, considering that IRM(72) plans outperform them by 10-fold in some cases.
And with retirement on the horizon, the earlier you start, the better you can let your dividends accumulate to hundreds of thousands or even a million dollars.
I don't know about your personal financial situation. But here's some shocking news when you think of it...
72% of Americans say they will have to work until they are at least 80 because they have not saved enough to retire, according to USA Today.
Bottom line: Now's the best time to open an IRM(72) plan. And holding back a day longer is like throwing money away.
Plus, you never know when the government will shut down this program.
Nothing this good can last forever.
Right now, you may even want to start one for your kids or grandkid.
It will give them a jumpstarted financial advantage most kids never have. And you can do this with as little as $10, $50, or $100. Heck, you could start with $500.
In fact, you can start an IRM(72) account today at a discount.
What I mean is some companies secretly offer a 5% discount to begin a plan with them.
It's like these companies are paying you to invest in them.
And even if brokers hate it... and the government is keeping it a secret from you...
I'll show you exactly how to open an IRM(72) plan. It's as easy as paddling downstream, and it's 100% legal.
I'll even reveal a full list of companies that allow this technique and a full list of companies that will "pay you to invest in them."
I've just written a special report with all the details, starting with three of those companies that offer the best IRM(72) plans today.
IRM(72) Dividend Booster #1
This rock-solid company allows you to take full advantage of an IRM(72) program. Not only does it offer free dividend reinvestment on its 2.4% yield, but it also gives you a 5% discount on stock purchased directly this way.
That is a smooth 7.4% dividend that will multiply into over 20% over time. Not to mention the trading fees you'll save.
This company has raised its dividend every year for the past decade and in 22 of the last 23 years. And it plans to keep doing so.
When looking to buy any IRM(72) company, the key isn't to look at how large the dividend yield is, but to examine how many years the company has raised the dividend and the future chances of it continuing to do so.
That's why my second IRM(72) company is a gem.
IRM(72) Dividend Booster #2
This is a company that invests primarily in health care real estate, including senior housing and related facilities.
It could sound "boring" at first. But don't let it fool you.
The company has increased its preferred annual dividend for IRM(72) plans for the last 28 years. In fact, the last dividend increase was scheduled at the end of January 2014.
You can enjoy a nice 5.5% that will multiply more than five times once your IRM(72) plan kicks in.
But you'll have to hurry. Forget Wall Street and buy your share directly from the company to get plugged in.
IRM(72) Dividend Booster #3
A master at delivering IRM(72) plans, with dividends raised every year for the last 25 years... this is one plan you must add to your name.
I am talking about an average 6.6% dividend that will quadruple over time once you hold on to your IRM(72) plan.
I'll show you how to get started, who to contact, and what to expect over the long term.
You can get the full details on how to proceed to start an IRM(72) plan with each of these companies in my new research report: "The Forbidden Secret to Retire a Millionaire."
Once you get this groundbreaking report, browse it. Take action. Get invested in an IRM(72) plan, and watch your retirement plan sizzle five, even 10 times your traditional IRA or 401(k).
You won't have to worry about Social Security or the lagging retirement plans that send millions of Americans back to work well into their 60s.
Best of all, I'll be sending you this report FREE of charge. No strings attached.
You can claim your free report the minute you take a look at my research newsletter, The Crow's Nest.
What exactly is The Crow's Nest about... and where did it get its unusual name?
In the days of naval conquest, explorers were only as good as their lookout...
The best lookouts were built atop the highest point of a ship's mast, an area aptly named after the birds that would often perch there: the crow's nest.
While these were dangerous to climb, it was there that the lookout could see for miles out and identify any hazards, traps, or storms — well before they threatened the ship.
Not only did they spot potential threats and dangers, but a good lookout could also spy treasure, land, and opportunity to safely guide the captain to riches and prosperity.
It is for this reason that the success of most ships depended on the crow's nest.
As you can imagine, today's financial landscape has much in common with the high seas of pirate lore. The world of personal finance is filled with tricks, traps, fees, and scalawags...
But instead of Blackbeard coming for your booty, you have bankers, money managers, and government officials with their beady eyes fixed on emptying your pockets.
It's time to wake up and take matters into your own hands — not just with investments, but in every financial aspect of your life.
After all, you are the captain of your own ship.
But a captain is only as good as his crew... and that's why we at The Crow's Nest are ready to break our backs for you to help you reap the rewards of financial security.
The Crow's Nest will teach you how to completely take control of your finances — from buying stocks to plotting your retirement, taking advantage of tax breaks, and simply plugging the money leaks that threaten to sink you.
We're not here to follow the crowd. You'll never find the super rich glued to the TV screen like a bunch of lemmings.
The best investments are those you'll never hear about or think you could participate in.
But here at The Crow's Nest, no investment is off limits. That's why we dig like sleuths to unearth the most obscure and potentially rewarding ones.
That's how you'll get rich in this game.
Today, you're about to start with one of those investments that most Americans have NEVER heard about but that have created millionaires whose wealth outlived them.
Your free report, "The Forbidden Secret to Retire a Millionaire," is the gateway to taking back control of your financial future.
If you're ready to chart the course of your retirement, then IRM(72) accounts are just the beginning.
Earn an Unheard-of 7.8% Dividend
from Valuable Items
Over the last few months, I introduced my followers to another investment strategy that's hidden from the public.
It's a way to collect steady paychecks thanks to other people's valuable collections like coins.
You don't have to be anyone's heir. You don't even have to own a single rare coin yourself — or any valuable collection, for that matter.
If you know what I'm about to share with you... you can turn the valuable collections of other people into a steady income stream for yourself or supplement your fixed income and build a nest egg that will support you for a long time.
These paychecks aren't collected just on coins — they come from every kind of collector's piece, like the first Elvis single released in America... a signed letter from Albert Einstein explaining Pi to a curious 8-year-old working on her math homework... and, get this, the most valuable American stamp ever created: the famous Inverted Jenny, currently valued around a million bucks.
In fact, I saw these valuables with my own two eyes when I visited the office of the company who's the leading authority on those rare collections...
And you can claim these paychecks on just about anything worth anywhere from a few bucks up to millions.
Guys like Bond King Bill Gross are tapping into these kinds of investment, reserved for the rich elites.
But I've found a way to get in, and I showed my readers the backdoor play on this.
I can't tell you much about this rare investment here, except that you can earn a juicy 7.8% dividend year on year as your reward.
You can get all the details about this rare investment in a special report I've prepared called, "The 7.8% Dividend Machine."
And like your first report, "The Forbidden Secret to Retire a Millionaire," my dividend report is also yours free of charge as part of your trial subscription to The Crow's Nest.
How to Get Started and Earn Sizzling
Dividends for the Rest of Your Life
But that's hardly all you will get as your welcome package to The Crow's Nest.
You'll get 12 monthly issues of The Crow's Nest, including unbiased and obscure investment ideas that have made millions yet remain buried because "you're not supposed to know about them."
Get ready for a front row seat to the best investment ideas available.
You'll get your very own password and username to The Crow's Nest platform, which gives you access to my Research reports... Newsletter Archives... Portfolio... plus my Research Videos.
Most importantly, I will tell you what to buy and sell at the most opportune time. There is no guesswork on your behalf.
If there's a moneymaking move that requires immediate attention, you'll get a quick alert to take action.
Got questions? There's a support staff to deal with any queries you may have.
Another good thing is the super low price I've asked my publisher to set in stone for you.
12 Monthly Issues for Less Than $0.25 a Day
How much does it cost, and how can you lock in your subscription today?
Today, you can get The Crow's Nest and everything I've mentioned for just $69 a year. That's less than $0.25 a day!
In other words, for less than the price of a stick of gum, you can begin to receive my Crow's Nest advisory to learn investment strategies like IRM(72) plans that can make you hundreds of thousands of dollars in retirement cash.
Remember, as soon as you subscribe to The Crow's Nest, you will have immediate access to your two free reports...
Special Report #1: "The Forbidden Secret to Retire a Millionaire"
Here's what I mean...
By subscribing today, you're only agreeing to try my research... not for the next month or next three months... but for the next six months.
If, during that time, you're not completely thrilled or satisfied, you're free to ask for a full refund.
Last thing I want is for you to pay for something that can't help you get rich.
But I want to take it a step further.
Regardless of what you do, your free reports and any investment intelligence you receive during your time with us are yours to keep.
I can't be fairer than that. But that's just the half of it.
You have to take a bold step to secure your retirement, and the best time to get started is today so we can see those dividends piling up in your IRM(72) account.
Remember, there is a lot of vested interest in seeing IRM(72) plans go away. You just never know when the government will cave in and ban those plans for good.
You must hurry today to start your plan now... for yourself or your kids.
I'm giving you all the info so you can take back control of your finances.
To open your IRM(72) account and get set on the right path to retire free of money worries...
Click here.

Jimmy Mengel
Investment Director, The Crow's Nest
The government forbids companies from telling you about...
Retirement Plans
Retirement Plans
They're 100% legal and can generate up to $1 million more cash
than Social Security, IRAs, 401(k)s, and even Obama's new "MyRAs"
than Social Security, IRAs, 401(k)s, and even Obama's new "MyRAs"
They're open to anyone, with no income or age restrictions...
Here's how to start yours today...
Dear Fellow Investor,
Most Americans don't know this...
But the U.S. government, through the SEC, has kept the most secure and cash-rich retirement plan out of the mainstream media.
And it's been doing it for YEARS!
I'm referring to a censored program that allows you to collect anywhere from $500,000 up to $1 million from a one-time investment through what I call the IRM(72) plan.
And even though IRM(72) retirement plans can generate up to 10 times more cash than IRAs, your typical 401(k), or even Obama's newly proposed MyRA (a short way of saying "My IRA")...
Most people haven't heard about IRM(72) plans for one simple reason.
Companies that offer these plans are forbidden to advertise them to the public.
Put simply, SEC rules won't let them.
Yet despite this censorship, you are legally entitled to open an IRM(72) plan if you wish. And there are no age or income restrictions whatsoever.
It's something that could forever change the way people in America retire. The problem is, the average citizen just doesn't know about it.
Keep in mind, this has nothing to do with regular dividends offered by blue chip companies... bonds... CDs... or anything remotely close to those things.
Instead, it's a way for you to pocket consistent income in a far more profitable way.
According to the Federal Reserve, the value of a typical 401(k) is about $120,000. That's almost nothing if you're looking at retiring anytime soon.
And it's 10 times less than the $1.1 million you could collect through a basic IRM(72) plan.
If more Americans knew about IRM(72) plans, we wouldn't be looking at a time when ordinary people are forced to work into their 70s (or even 80s).
The best part is, most plans allow you to start with as little as $10.
And you can access the money you've saved anytime you want without any penalty whatsoever.
Now, normally, as a financial analyst with a journalism background, and one who's been writing about breakthrough investments most people have never heard of...
I'd be the first to be skeptical about something as secretive and financially rewarding as IRM(72) accounts.
After all, there are enough get-rich schemes out there already.
But according to financial guru Peter Schiff, IRM(72) accounts make it so "you don't have to work anymore. You quit your job and retire."
And you can hold multiple accounts if you're so inclined. I know Warren Buffett holds several.
Of course, these are influential investors with a lot of capital at their disposal.
So I wanted to see if everyday Americans who don't have billions of dollars were secretly tapping into these accounts as well.
Turns out they are... and they are making a TON of money.
Check it out:
- A $10 million fortuneKathleen Magowan, a first grade teacher, built a $10 million fortune through her IRM(72) plan. The funny thing is, her neighbors and family members never had any idea she was a millionaire.
- $180 turned into $7 millionThen there's Grace Gray, who turned a small $180 investment into a whopping $7 million from her IRM(72) plan. She keeps quiet about her success, but she'll gladly tell you how thankful she is for her IRM(72) account.
- A millionaire in the makingAnother gentleman, Mike Rogalski, is a millionaire in the making.
He holds several IRM(72) accounts and plans to retire MUCH earlier than he ever thought possible.
99% of the investing public have no idea these things even exist...
Even though they're not allowed to be advertised, why do so few people know about them?
The Secret Investment Plan That's
"None of Your Business"
You won't even see any mention of those plans in their financial statements sent to their other regular shareholders.
Now can you see why practically no one knows this program even exists?
Another unusual thing about those IRM(72) plans is that they have nothing to do with the stock market, and Wall Street hates them because they bypass their greed.
In fact, brokers have secretly lobbied Congress to ban IRM(72) retirement plans completely.
We even spoke to one financial insider who admitted as much...
Tax and pension attorney Chris Egoville sat down with us to break down why brokers are so scared of IRM(72).
Financial brokers make their money by
selling you a product... One of the unfortunate pieces of financial
services is that it is really a sales-driven business.
A broker by definition is a
salesperson. They're not going to be compensated the way that they want
to be compensated if you invest in an IRM(72).
Brokers are self-interested... it
probably isn't appropriate for someone giving retirement or long term
savings advice to be compensated the way brokers are. It's just not
And it's not just brokers that hate IRM(72) plans.
Congress hates them enough to consider wiping them off the grid entirely.
President Obama's recent MyRA idea is just another red herring to push for full shutdown of IRM(72) plans.
Chris told us that not only was the MyRA a "terrible idea," but it was also the "surest way to lose your money."
But until MyRA becomes a reality, the good thing is anyone with the right information can open an IRM(72) plan and blissfully make hundreds of thousands of dollars, even millions, that can be used for a comfortable retirement.
I've created this video to show exactly how these plans work, who exactly is offering them, how much money you can make, when you can expect to collect your payouts...
And, most importantly, why they're the safest investments on earth.
How I Discovered America's Safest and
Most Secretive Investment

You may have seen me hobnobbing with the financial elite on CNBC's Closing Bell...
Or you may have heard of me as the architect behind the wildly popular finance and investing website Wealth Wire, where I brought readers the story behind the mainstream financial news every single day.
I've spent my entire professional career researching and writing about little-known opportunities in the financial arena.
Today, because of my experience, I'm managing editor of one of the country's largest independent financial boutiques filtering obscure moneymaking ideas to our followers.
I head the Outsider Club and our financial planning advisory, The Crow's Nest.
As a trained journalist, I've gained a reputation among my peers for digging like a sleuth to uncover under-the-radar moneymaking loopholes in financial back doors that most people never hear of...
In other words, I don't follow the crowd. The real money is always in the investments you've never heard of. That's how the rich play the game.
For instance, last year I discovered a greedy way to play silver that doubles your return compared to buying silver the regular way.
It's a very simple tool to maximize silver's inevitable returns over the coming years...
In short, this investment phenomenon allows you to earn 2% every time silver spikes 1%.
Another unconventional investment I discovered is a way to get into the collectables market.
Through hard research, we tapped the resources of a collectables company that has authenticated and graded more than 27 million coins — worth a total of $27 billion.
The company's card experts have certified more than 20 million trading cards, autographs, and other valuable memorabilia, exceeding $1 billion in worth.
It's already up 45% in just a few months, and to top it all, my followers are enjoying a juicy 7.4% dividend, a return that's almost unheard of in the regular market.
I've been furnishing my readers with these unorthodox — but incredibly safe — investment ideas that could have a huge impact on their financial goals.
I am not one who follows the mainstream when it comes to money. That's the route to the poor house.
Folks who want to stick to conventional investment ideas can buy a CD and be happy with a 2% return forever or follow the herd in the stock market.
But if you want to beat the market at its own game and stay ahead of everyone else — instead of playing "catch up" — then this video is your gateway to financial freedom.
When I heard about the IRM(72) investment plan that has the potential to make Social Security, IRAs, and 401(k)s a thing of the past...
I went to work right away to uncover how you could open an IRM(72) plan and possibly build a million-dollar fortune like the folks I told you about.
So what exactly are IRM(72) plans, and how can a small $180 multiply into as much as $7 million like it did for Grace Gray?
You see, an IRM(72) plan is a corporate perk that was once reserved only for executives of rich companies...
And even though companies are forbidden to publicize this safe and lucrative retirement plan, nowadays, anyone can start a plan with a company of their choice.
This plan is specifically designed for people who want to start out small but want to accumulate thousands — even hundreds of thousands — without risking ANY money.
$2,000 Multiplies into More than $1 Million
Yet they're the "best-kept secret on Wall Street," says financial analyst Vita Nelson, who is a devote follower of IRM(72) plans.
In short, an IRM(72) plan is what we in the financial world call an Individual Retirement Multiplier.
And it uses the "Rule of 72," a mathematical phenomenon used in elite financial circles to determine, with amazing accuracy, your profit's doubling effect or compounding periods...
Or how many years it will take for a currency's buying power to be cut in half.
Or the impact of additional fees on financial policies, mutual fund fees, or insurance policies.
Words alone cannot do justice to the compounding force behind this rule...
But famed scientist Albert Einstein tried when he said, "Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it... he who doesn't, pays it."
Well, the Rule of 72 is the secret booster behind IRM(72) plans. It's the compounding effect on your money that makes this plan trump IRAs, 401(k)s, or Obama's ready-to-fail MyRA.
In fact, this force is so powerful that I think the government is deliberately keeping it from you.
I say that because if the masses actually knew of the income this multiplying effect could deliver, they would immediately demand an end to Ponzi schemes like Social Security.
That's exactly what a woman name Shelly Eifrig knew, and she used that knowledge to pad her retirement.
She learned the power of allowing her money to multiply. She started at age 20 with only $2,000 invested into her IRM(72) plan. By age 54, she was a millionaire.
But she isn't the only one. While the rest of the investing public fights for the same pool of risky stocks and low-return 2% CDs, I discovered people from all walks of life who secretly own those safe IRM(72) plans.
- Curt Degerman, a man who collected bottles and cans to be recycled, built a net worth of $1.5 million. You can imagine how shocked people were to discover he was a millionaire.
- Pete Green was barely 30 years old when he got married, and he didn't want his kid to start with nothing. He set aside $325 and dumped it into Pepsi's IRM(72) plan. That tiny $300 has grown into $5,604.63.
- A man who wished to remain anonymous watched his account grow from $13,950 into $178,994.52 by opening an IRM(72) plan with Colgate Palmolive.
No Age or Income Limits
She was a first grader when she was enrolled in the IRM(72) program of Coca-Cola as a present for her sixth birthday.
For Alisha's family, it was giant first step towards securing her financial future.
When Coca-Cola sent her certificate of ownership for her IRM(72) account... so monumental was this moment that it was framed with an engraving of the first part of Deuteronomy 8:18 placed under it: "You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth."


Her IRM(72) account was opened with less than $50. Today, it's worth nearly $8,000.
If the account continues undisturbed until she graduates college, Alisha will have roughly $15,400, which will be a great gift along with her college degree.
Just imagine if your child or grandchild had that privilege...
In a moment, I'll show you how you can open an IRM(72) plan that will generate $25,000... $50,000... $270,000... even up to $1.1 million more than what you're getting today in your traditional IRA or even your 401(k).
You'll know which company to contact, and applying is as easy as tying your shoe.
You simply fill out a form. There's a line at the top for your name and address. You sign at the bottom... enclose a check for an initial payment, which could be as low as $10 or $100... then drop it in the mail.
From there on, you can expect your $10 — or whichever amount you decide to start with — to multiply as if on autopilot.
But here's the real question: How did a retirement plan so rewarding and so secretive get started in the first place... and how can you take advantage of it starting today?
A Look into the Most Secretive and
Safest Investment on Earth
In short, they were allowed to buy shares of the company DIRECTLY from the company, usually at a steep discount.
Hundreds of companies like General Electric, Kellogg's, AT&T, Johnson & Johnson, and Procter & Gamble began offering these perks.
As you may have guessed, these shares became part of the company's IRM(72) program.
Over time, that perk was extended to the wider public, allowing them to get in on the program.
It was a way for a company to grow a stable of loyal shareholders and raise money away from greedy brokers and the stock market.
By now, you can see why brokers are furious about it and have dogged the government to shut down the IRM(72) program... and leave Americans to rot with the likes of IRAs and 401(k)s.
I'm not even surprised.
You see, every time your broker buys or sells a stock on your behalf, that broker makes a commission — whether or not you make money on that stock.
Mutual fund advisors, financial advisors, and planners all take their cut to get you into the market. No matter what you do, if you are investing, it has to go through one of these guys.
Do you think they'll ever tell you about IRM(72) plans? Don't hold your breath.
But guess what? It's time to stop paying needless broker fees.
That's exactly what Anne Scheiber did.
Novice Investor Turned $5,000 Into
$22 Million without a Broker
She was badly burnt by brokers, so she resolved to never rely on anyone for her own financial future.
What happened next is shocking, for lack of a better word...
Using a measly $5,000 she had saved and a pension of roughly $3,150, she plowed it into an IRM(72) plan and built a $22 million fortune from her tiny New York apartment.
Never before has any investment in this nation's history given so much investing freedom to average Americans like IRM(72) plans have.
But there's one thing you must be mindful of. You can't wait one minute more to start a plan.
Obama is already on track to shut down every retirement plan that keeps your money from the government.
In fact, the government could wake up one morning and shut down the IRM(72) program for good.
So you must hurry to grab this ticket to a safe and worry-free retirement.
Here's how it works...
How to Use One Share of Stock to Make $1 Million
Your ONE share of stock generates dividends. But here's where it gets really good.
"These plans permit shareholders to automatically plow their dividends into the buying of additional company shares. In some cases, there's a discount on the price of those shares," as the Chicago Tribune puts it.
The more shares you get, the greater your dividends multiply over time. Keep in mind, these preferred dividends are not like the ordinary dividends regular investors get when they buy a stock.
These preferred dividends go straight into your IRM(72) account, and they are like dividends on steroids. They multiply quickly without you doing any work whatsoever.
That's a great way to start preparing for retirement even if you don't have a lot of cash on hand.
But if you can afford it, you can begin your plan by buying more than one share.
For example...
Let's say you saved $3,000 and started an IRM(72) plan with one of my favorite dividend payers, Duke Energy Corp. (DUK).
That initial investment of $3,000 would have bought you 176 shares of DUK at the time, each one earning a dividend yield of 5.4%. That dividend would eventually multiply five times.
Your IRM(72) plan would earn you a tidy $1 million payday as long as you simply let your dividend multiply in the plan and add a monthly contribution of just $80.
You could have earned a yearly dividend stream of $50,845 without lifting a finger.
This is way better than the returns you'd get from the S&P 500's measly 10.4% over the last three decades.
Remember, this is something you cannot do with regular dividends if you buy the stock via the stock market.
You can only get that "dividend multiplier" when you open an IRM(72) retirement plan.
How Your Money Can Multiply on its Own
Some folks are happy with the 3% dividend advertised by Johnson & Johnson.
If you were to invest $5,000 into Johnson & Johnson the regular way — through your broker via the stock market — your profits would have been a measly $150 in annual dividends.
To some folks, that's a big deal.
But that's probably because they don't know about the company's IRM(72) plan that that allows you to collect 36%... from the exact same shares over the long haul.

This effectively translates into a whopping $1,950 in annual dividends that gets reinvested in your IRM(72) account to buy more shares directly from the company and build your retirement portfolio on solid ground.
And that's regardless of what happens to Social Security, IRAs, 401(k)s, the stock market, or the wider economy.
Your IRM(72) account must get paid by law.
Same thing could have happened had you tapped into the IRM(72) plan of Pepsi Co.
Most Americans take home the company's 2.9% dividend and stash it away hoping to build something for rainy days.
Too bad many of those individuals don't know Pepsi — according to American law — is forbidden from advertising its IRM(72) plan that could yield a sizzling dividend of 39% in a few years.

Another good example is AT&T's IRM(72) plan, where your dividend would have been seven times more than the regular dividends.
While the company currently yields a 6.7% dividend, its IRM(72) plan holders are bagging a whopping 43% instead.

Throughout my career as a financial analyst, I have seen my fair share of investment fads, and I can tell you there aren't many investments out there that are safe.
But IRM(72) accounts are just about the safest and most consistent way to multiply your money regardless of what happens in the market.
These Plans are Immune to Stock Market Crashes,
Falling Stock Prices, or Recessions
Remember the earlier story of 6-year-old Alisha Brown, who owns an IRM(72) plan with Coca-Cola?
Well, her plan was opened with one share of Coca-Cola's stock, which cost less than $50 bucks at the time. Today, the account is worth nearly $8,000.
Thing is, Coca Cola still trades today at around the same price it did when the plan was started almost a decade ago. Nothing fantastic has happened to the stock price.
Not only that...
We've experienced the September 11th terrorist attacks... the rise and fall of the housing bubble... the stock market collapse of 2008... two wars waged halfway around the world... expanding federal deficits... and near double-digit unemployment.
Despite all of these woes, Alisha's plan grew at roughly 6% compounded.
But this is not just a stroke of good luck.
A man named John Kayson bought 105 shares of U.S. Bancorp in one of his IRM(72) retirement trusts simply as an experiment.
He paid $27.29 per share and had a total cost of $2,865. The stock crashed (along with everything else) to $23.62 as of the close of the markets on November 19th, 2008.
Folks who owned just stock via the stock market and through a broker saw a 13% drop in price and lost a huge chunk of their savings.
Yet John Kayson's IRM(72) plan showed a 45.348% gain while everyone else got waxed in the market.
Could These Plans Make the Stock Market Obsolete?
When you open an IRM(72) plan, remember you buy shares directly from the company.
If the stock price of the company falls, the multiplying dividends simply buy more shares on the cheap... accelerating higher percentage dividends for the future.
John Kayson originally bought 105 shares. When U.S. Bancorp shares fell, he automatically owned 124.36474 shares. That's nearly 20 shares more than he originally purchased.
Did he get more dividends on those extra shares? You bet. He might be a millionaire in the making as a result.
His interest begins to earn interest on itself: the Rule of 72 in full action.
Bottom line: Falling stock prices don't affect IRM(72) plans in any negative way at all.
In fact, they allow you to add shares at the cheapest possible price.
From the looks of it, if too many Americans know about IRM(72) plans, it could make the stock market obsolete. And that's true in a sense.
Maybe that's why the government is working overtime to keep this a secret.
How You Can Get Paid to Invest
If at this point you want to fold in your IRA or your 401(k), I won't blame you, considering that IRM(72) plans outperform them by 10-fold in some cases.
And with retirement on the horizon, the earlier you start, the better you can let your dividends accumulate to hundreds of thousands or even a million dollars.
I don't know about your personal financial situation. But here's some shocking news when you think of it...
72% of Americans say they will have to work until they are at least 80 because they have not saved enough to retire, according to USA Today.
Bottom line: Now's the best time to open an IRM(72) plan. And holding back a day longer is like throwing money away.
Plus, you never know when the government will shut down this program.
Nothing this good can last forever.
Right now, you may even want to start one for your kids or grandkid.
It will give them a jumpstarted financial advantage most kids never have. And you can do this with as little as $10, $50, or $100. Heck, you could start with $500.
In fact, you can start an IRM(72) account today at a discount.
What I mean is some companies secretly offer a 5% discount to begin a plan with them.
It's like these companies are paying you to invest in them.
And even if brokers hate it... and the government is keeping it a secret from you...
I'll show you exactly how to open an IRM(72) plan. It's as easy as paddling downstream, and it's 100% legal.
I'll even reveal a full list of companies that allow this technique and a full list of companies that will "pay you to invest in them."
I've just written a special report with all the details, starting with three of those companies that offer the best IRM(72) plans today.
IRM(72) Dividend Booster #1
This rock-solid company allows you to take full advantage of an IRM(72) program. Not only does it offer free dividend reinvestment on its 2.4% yield, but it also gives you a 5% discount on stock purchased directly this way.
That is a smooth 7.4% dividend that will multiply into over 20% over time. Not to mention the trading fees you'll save.
This company has raised its dividend every year for the past decade and in 22 of the last 23 years. And it plans to keep doing so.
When looking to buy any IRM(72) company, the key isn't to look at how large the dividend yield is, but to examine how many years the company has raised the dividend and the future chances of it continuing to do so.
That's why my second IRM(72) company is a gem.
IRM(72) Dividend Booster #2
This is a company that invests primarily in health care real estate, including senior housing and related facilities.
It could sound "boring" at first. But don't let it fool you.
The company has increased its preferred annual dividend for IRM(72) plans for the last 28 years. In fact, the last dividend increase was scheduled at the end of January 2014.
You can enjoy a nice 5.5% that will multiply more than five times once your IRM(72) plan kicks in.
But you'll have to hurry. Forget Wall Street and buy your share directly from the company to get plugged in.
IRM(72) Dividend Booster #3
A master at delivering IRM(72) plans, with dividends raised every year for the last 25 years... this is one plan you must add to your name.
I am talking about an average 6.6% dividend that will quadruple over time once you hold on to your IRM(72) plan.
I'll show you how to get started, who to contact, and what to expect over the long term.
You can get the full details on how to proceed to start an IRM(72) plan with each of these companies in my new research report: "The Forbidden Secret to Retire a Millionaire."
Once you get this groundbreaking report, browse it. Take action. Get invested in an IRM(72) plan, and watch your retirement plan sizzle five, even 10 times your traditional IRA or 401(k).
You won't have to worry about Social Security or the lagging retirement plans that send millions of Americans back to work well into their 60s.
Best of all, I'll be sending you this report FREE of charge. No strings attached.
You can claim your free report the minute you take a look at my research newsletter, The Crow's Nest.
What exactly is The Crow's Nest about... and where did it get its unusual name?
In the days of naval conquest, explorers were only as good as their lookout...
The best lookouts were built atop the highest point of a ship's mast, an area aptly named after the birds that would often perch there: the crow's nest.
While these were dangerous to climb, it was there that the lookout could see for miles out and identify any hazards, traps, or storms — well before they threatened the ship.
Not only did they spot potential threats and dangers, but a good lookout could also spy treasure, land, and opportunity to safely guide the captain to riches and prosperity.
It is for this reason that the success of most ships depended on the crow's nest.
As you can imagine, today's financial landscape has much in common with the high seas of pirate lore. The world of personal finance is filled with tricks, traps, fees, and scalawags...
But instead of Blackbeard coming for your booty, you have bankers, money managers, and government officials with their beady eyes fixed on emptying your pockets.
It's time to wake up and take matters into your own hands — not just with investments, but in every financial aspect of your life.
After all, you are the captain of your own ship.
But a captain is only as good as his crew... and that's why we at The Crow's Nest are ready to break our backs for you to help you reap the rewards of financial security.
The Crow's Nest will teach you how to completely take control of your finances — from buying stocks to plotting your retirement, taking advantage of tax breaks, and simply plugging the money leaks that threaten to sink you.
We're not here to follow the crowd. You'll never find the super rich glued to the TV screen like a bunch of lemmings.
The best investments are those you'll never hear about or think you could participate in.
But here at The Crow's Nest, no investment is off limits. That's why we dig like sleuths to unearth the most obscure and potentially rewarding ones.
That's how you'll get rich in this game.
Today, you're about to start with one of those investments that most Americans have NEVER heard about but that have created millionaires whose wealth outlived them.
Your free report, "The Forbidden Secret to Retire a Millionaire," is the gateway to taking back control of your financial future.
If you're ready to chart the course of your retirement, then IRM(72) accounts are just the beginning.
Earn an Unheard-of 7.8% Dividend
from Valuable Items
It's a way to collect steady paychecks thanks to other people's valuable collections like coins.
You don't have to be anyone's heir. You don't even have to own a single rare coin yourself — or any valuable collection, for that matter.
If you know what I'm about to share with you... you can turn the valuable collections of other people into a steady income stream for yourself or supplement your fixed income and build a nest egg that will support you for a long time.
These paychecks aren't collected just on coins — they come from every kind of collector's piece, like the first Elvis single released in America... a signed letter from Albert Einstein explaining Pi to a curious 8-year-old working on her math homework... and, get this, the most valuable American stamp ever created: the famous Inverted Jenny, currently valued around a million bucks.
In fact, I saw these valuables with my own two eyes when I visited the office of the company who's the leading authority on those rare collections...
And you can claim these paychecks on just about anything worth anywhere from a few bucks up to millions.
Guys like Bond King Bill Gross are tapping into these kinds of investment, reserved for the rich elites.
But I've found a way to get in, and I showed my readers the backdoor play on this.
I can't tell you much about this rare investment here, except that you can earn a juicy 7.8% dividend year on year as your reward.
You can get all the details about this rare investment in a special report I've prepared called, "The 7.8% Dividend Machine."
And like your first report, "The Forbidden Secret to Retire a Millionaire," my dividend report is also yours free of charge as part of your trial subscription to The Crow's Nest.
How to Get Started and Earn Sizzling
Dividends for the Rest of Your Life
You'll get 12 monthly issues of The Crow's Nest, including unbiased and obscure investment ideas that have made millions yet remain buried because "you're not supposed to know about them."
Get ready for a front row seat to the best investment ideas available.
You'll get your very own password and username to The Crow's Nest platform, which gives you access to my Research reports... Newsletter Archives... Portfolio... plus my Research Videos.
Most importantly, I will tell you what to buy and sell at the most opportune time. There is no guesswork on your behalf.
If there's a moneymaking move that requires immediate attention, you'll get a quick alert to take action.
Got questions? There's a support staff to deal with any queries you may have.
Another good thing is the super low price I've asked my publisher to set in stone for you.
12 Monthly Issues for Less Than $0.25 a Day
Today, you can get The Crow's Nest and everything I've mentioned for just $69 a year. That's less than $0.25 a day!
In other words, for less than the price of a stick of gum, you can begin to receive my Crow's Nest advisory to learn investment strategies like IRM(72) plans that can make you hundreds of thousands of dollars in retirement cash.
Remember, as soon as you subscribe to The Crow's Nest, you will have immediate access to your two free reports...
Special Report #1: "The Forbidden Secret to Retire a Millionaire"
- IRM(72) Dividend Booster #1: This plan offers you the perk of "getting paid to invest," with an initial 5% discount to get started. You'll start off with a sizzling 7.4% dividend that will definitely multiply to over 20% over the long haul, a send-off to a golden retirement.
- IRM(72) Dividend Booster #2: Start off with a 5.5% dividend and watch it multiply five times as you hold on to this plan. This company had increased its preferred annual dividend for IRM(72) plans for the last 28 years.
- IRM(72) Dividend Booster #3: This is the one IRM(72) plan you must own right now before it's too late to get in. This company is a master at delivering IRM(72) plans, with dividends raised every year for the last 25 years. Start with a juicy 6.6% that will quadruple in a few years.
- Learn about the one safe investment most people have no idea exists but is the cash-gusher of the rich. This obscure moneymaker takes you inside the world of collectibles, where you earn a rare 7.8% dividend from other people's valuable items. Start building your dream retirement account.
Here's what I mean...
By subscribing today, you're only agreeing to try my research... not for the next month or next three months... but for the next six months.
If, during that time, you're not completely thrilled or satisfied, you're free to ask for a full refund.
Last thing I want is for you to pay for something that can't help you get rich.
But I want to take it a step further.
Regardless of what you do, your free reports and any investment intelligence you receive during your time with us are yours to keep.
I can't be fairer than that. But that's just the half of it.
You have to take a bold step to secure your retirement, and the best time to get started is today so we can see those dividends piling up in your IRM(72) account.
Remember, there is a lot of vested interest in seeing IRM(72) plans go away. You just never know when the government will cave in and ban those plans for good.
You must hurry today to start your plan now... for yourself or your kids.
I'm giving you all the info so you can take back control of your finances.
To open your IRM(72) account and get set on the right path to retire free of money worries...
Click here.

Jimmy Mengel
Investment Director, The Crow's Nest
Nice post!..good information,it is really really impressed me alot and i just loved it.Thanks for posting such an informative content:
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