Dukungan Luas Masyarakat Lebanon Terhadap Hizbullah
terbaru dari Lebanon mengkonfirmasikan dukungan luas masyarakat dan
para pejabat Lebanon terhadap Hizbullah. Masalah ini menunjukkan betapa
popularitas muqawama Hizbullah jauh lebih tinggi dari militer negara
Warga kota Seida di Lebanon selatan menunjukkan
dukungan mereka dalam sebuah demonstrasi massif. Warga kota Seida, Ahad
(2/3), menyatakan bahwa mereka sepenuhnya mendukung muqawama Lebanon
dalam menghadapi rezim Zionis Israel dan kejahatan para teroris Takfiri.
Osama Saad, Sekjen Partai Rakyat Naseri Lebanon, yang juga ikut serta
dalam demonstrasi itu, mengecam kejahatan teroris Takfiri dan sejumlah
negara di kawasan dan global dalam memberikan dukungan finansial dan
senjata kepada kelompok-kelompok teroris tersebut.
Kebungkaman sejumlah kelompok dan partai politik Lebanon menghadapi
kejahatan para teroris Takfiri sangat disayangkan. Aksi perusakan
negara-negara Islam dan Arab serta penyulutan fitnah yang dilakukan
kelompok tersebut, tidak lain merupakan pengkhidmatan terhadap rezim
Zionis Israel dan kepentingannya.
Dalam menyikapi hal
ini, penting sekali bagi rakyat Lebanon untuk bersatu sementara di sisi
lain, pemerintah Lebanon juga harus bekerjasama dengan Hizbullah untuk
memberantas fenomena bejat Takfiri itu.
dengan seruan tersebut, Presiden Lebanon Michel Sleiman menilai
perimbangan rakyat, militer dan muqawama adalah perimbangan yang rapuh.
Lain halnya dengan sikap Gibran Basil, Menteri Luar Negeri Lebanon,
yang menekankan berlanjutnya muqawama anti-Israel untuk membebaskan
wilayah Lebanon yang dijajah Israel. Berbeda dengan Sleiman, Basil
menyatakan bahwa tidak ada yang dapat menghentikan muqawama anti-Israel.
Karena muqawama telah terbukti berhasil dalam melawan agresi serta
penjajahan Israel dan dalam menjaga Lebanon.
jika pejabat Lebanon ini tidak dapat menyembunyikan penentangannya
terhadap pernyataan Sleiman, bahkan ia menyatakan terkejut karena
seorang pemimpin seperti Sleiman diharap dapat bersikap lebih netral dan
Sleiman menuntut agar opsi muqawama yang
selama bertahun-tahun telah menyelamatkan Lebanon, yaitu Hizbullah, agar
segera dihapus.(IRIB Indonesia/MZ)
'Iran akan Bangun
Pembangkit Nuklir Kedua 9 April nanti'
Times - http://www.islamtimes.org/vdcbzzbf8rhbs0p.qnur.html
Bulan Februari lalu, perusahaan nuklir milik Rusia, Rosatom
mengumumkan bahwa Tehran dan Moskow sedang melangsungkan negosiasi
tentang pembangunan pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir kedua di Provinsi

abdolkarim Jomayri (Fars News)
Iran akan mulai membangun pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklirnya yang
kedua di Provinsi Bushehr tanggal 9 April nanti, seorang anggota senior
Parlemen mengatakan.
Fars News hari Senin (3/3/14) melaporkan bahwa Abdolkarim Jomayri menyampaikan hal itu di kota Bushehr pada Minggu malam (2/3/14). Jomayri mengatakan, "Mengingat fakta bahwa pembangunan pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir kedua akan dimulai di Bushehr 9 April nanti, kami telah mengadakan pembicaraan langsung dengan Bapak Presiden dan Wakil Presiden serta meminta mereka untuk menyediakan anggaran yang kami butuhkan demi memindahkan penduduk Halileh dan Bandargah sebelum meluncurkan pembangkit listrik baru Bushehr."
Halileh dan Badargah adalah tempat di mana pembangkit listrik nuklir tersebut akan dibangun.
Bulan Februari lalu, perusahaan nuklir milik Rusia, Rosatom mengumumkan bahwa Tehran dan Moskow sedang melangsungkan negosiasi tentang pembangunan pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir kedua di Provinsi Bushehr.
"Kami sedang berdialog dengan pihak Iran tentang pilihan memperpanjang kerjasama kami mengenai pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir Bushehr," kata Wakil Ketua Rosatom, Nikolai Spassky.
Akhir tahun 2013, Presiden Iran telah mengumumkan bahwa Iran akan memproduksi lebih banyak listrik melalui energi nuklir di tahun-tahun mendatang dengan membangun pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir kedua di Bushehr.[IT/FN/NAT]
Fars News hari Senin (3/3/14) melaporkan bahwa Abdolkarim Jomayri menyampaikan hal itu di kota Bushehr pada Minggu malam (2/3/14). Jomayri mengatakan, "Mengingat fakta bahwa pembangunan pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir kedua akan dimulai di Bushehr 9 April nanti, kami telah mengadakan pembicaraan langsung dengan Bapak Presiden dan Wakil Presiden serta meminta mereka untuk menyediakan anggaran yang kami butuhkan demi memindahkan penduduk Halileh dan Bandargah sebelum meluncurkan pembangkit listrik baru Bushehr."
Halileh dan Badargah adalah tempat di mana pembangkit listrik nuklir tersebut akan dibangun.
Bulan Februari lalu, perusahaan nuklir milik Rusia, Rosatom mengumumkan bahwa Tehran dan Moskow sedang melangsungkan negosiasi tentang pembangunan pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir kedua di Provinsi Bushehr.
"Kami sedang berdialog dengan pihak Iran tentang pilihan memperpanjang kerjasama kami mengenai pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir Bushehr," kata Wakil Ketua Rosatom, Nikolai Spassky.
Akhir tahun 2013, Presiden Iran telah mengumumkan bahwa Iran akan memproduksi lebih banyak listrik melalui energi nuklir di tahun-tahun mendatang dengan membangun pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir kedua di Bushehr.[IT/FN/NAT]
Aktivis Politik:
Obama Harus Tolak Permintaan Netanyahu
Seorang aktivis politik Amerika mengatakan bahwa ia berharap Obama
tidak mendengarkan permintaan Perdana Menteri Israel Benjamin Netanyahu
dari Presiden AS. "

Seorang aktivis politik Amerika mengatakan bahwa ia berharap Obama
tidak mendengarkan permintaan Perdana Menteri Israel Benjamin Netanyahu
dari Presiden AS. "
Obama akan bertemu Netanyahu di Gedung Putih hari ini (3/3/14) untuk membahas diplomasi Timur Tengah.
Obama mengatakan kepada Bloomberg View bahwa ia akan mendesak pemimpin Israel untuk mendukung kerangka kerja yang telah dirancang oleh AS untuk kesepakatan damai dengan Palestina, atau menghadapi isolasi internasional di masa depan. Tapi Netanyahu, memiliki plan sendiri dengan mencoba untuk melibatkan Gedung Putih dalam konflik di Timur Tengah.
"Netanyahu terkenal karena berbagai usahanya untuk menyebarkan plot agresif, seperti penyebaran Mossad untuk berpartisipasi dalam serangan militer di Suriah, penggunaan senjata kimia di Suriah, dan perkembangan nuklir Iran, yang merupakan plot Zionis Israel seperti halnya 9/11, kata James Henry Fetzer, editor Veteran Today, kepada Press TV pada hari Senin (3/3/14).(IT/TGM)
Co-founder of CODEPINK, gerakan perdamaian dan keadilan sosial bersama ratusan demonstran anti perang menyerukan perdamaian dengan Iran di luar tempat konferensi kebijakan tahunan American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Washington DC.
"Hari ini, kami berada di sini, di luar [gedung] konferensi kebijakan AIPAC di Washington DC. Ada ratusan orang yang memprotes konferensi kebijakan AIPAC. Kami menyerukan perdamaian dengan Iran dan juga keadilan untuk Palestina," kata Medea Benjamin dalam sebuah wawancara dengan Press TV.
AIPAC adalah kelompok lobi pro Israel terkuat di Amerika. Badan ini telah menekan pemerintahan Presiden Barack Obama untuk mengadopsi kebijakan yang lebih keras terhadap Iran dalam konferensi tiga hari yang dimulai 2 Maret lalu.
Pelobi AIPAC juga mengedarkan surat yang mendesak Obama untuk melakukan pendekatan demi membatasi program nuklir Iran.
Benjamin menambahkan, kelompok anti perang telah melakukan protes serupa setiap tahunnya dalam beberapa tahun terakhir karena mereka muak pada AIPAC yang sangat mencengkeram kebijakan luar negeri AS.
Kelompok CODEPINK juga telah mempelopori kampanye boikot terhadap perusahaan yang bekerja sama dengan Israel termasuk Elbit Systems, sebuah perusahaan yang memproduksi pesawat tanpa awak untuk tentara Israel.
Dalam undangan demo kepada para pendukungnya untuk berpartisipasi dalam protes anti Israel yang dijuluki dengan Boikot AIPAC di halam Facebooknya, kelompok itu menulis, "Muak dengan gerakan AIPAC karena [mereka] membawa kita pada perang dengan Iran! Muak melihat dolar pajak AS mengalir ke Israel sementara mereka melakukan pelanggaran HAM di Palestina!"
Benjamin juga menambahkan bahwa kampanye CODEPINK untuk memboikot Israel telah tersosialisasi terutama di kalangan anak muda. Dia berharap lewat gerakan boikot, Tel Aviv bisa dipaksa untuk mematuhi hukum internasional.[IT/r]
Obama mengatakan kepada Bloomberg View bahwa ia akan mendesak pemimpin Israel untuk mendukung kerangka kerja yang telah dirancang oleh AS untuk kesepakatan damai dengan Palestina, atau menghadapi isolasi internasional di masa depan. Tapi Netanyahu, memiliki plan sendiri dengan mencoba untuk melibatkan Gedung Putih dalam konflik di Timur Tengah.
"Netanyahu terkenal karena berbagai usahanya untuk menyebarkan plot agresif, seperti penyebaran Mossad untuk berpartisipasi dalam serangan militer di Suriah, penggunaan senjata kimia di Suriah, dan perkembangan nuklir Iran, yang merupakan plot Zionis Israel seperti halnya 9/11, kata James Henry Fetzer, editor Veteran Today, kepada Press TV pada hari Senin (3/3/14).(IT/TGM)
AIPAC Rapat,
Warga AS Gelar Demo Anti Zionis
Times - "Hari ini, kami berada di sini, di luar [gedung] konferensi
kebijakan AIPAC di Washington DC. Ada ratusan orang yang memprotes
konferensi kebijakan AIPAC. Kami menyerukan perdamaian dengan Iran dan
juga keadilan untuk Palestina," kata Medea Benjamin dalam sebuah
wawancara dengan Press TV.

Anti AIPAC di Washington, AS.jpg
Co-founder of CODEPINK, gerakan perdamaian dan keadilan sosial bersama ratusan demonstran anti perang menyerukan perdamaian dengan Iran di luar tempat konferensi kebijakan tahunan American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Washington DC.
"Hari ini, kami berada di sini, di luar [gedung] konferensi kebijakan AIPAC di Washington DC. Ada ratusan orang yang memprotes konferensi kebijakan AIPAC. Kami menyerukan perdamaian dengan Iran dan juga keadilan untuk Palestina," kata Medea Benjamin dalam sebuah wawancara dengan Press TV.
AIPAC adalah kelompok lobi pro Israel terkuat di Amerika. Badan ini telah menekan pemerintahan Presiden Barack Obama untuk mengadopsi kebijakan yang lebih keras terhadap Iran dalam konferensi tiga hari yang dimulai 2 Maret lalu.
Pelobi AIPAC juga mengedarkan surat yang mendesak Obama untuk melakukan pendekatan demi membatasi program nuklir Iran.
Benjamin menambahkan, kelompok anti perang telah melakukan protes serupa setiap tahunnya dalam beberapa tahun terakhir karena mereka muak pada AIPAC yang sangat mencengkeram kebijakan luar negeri AS.
Kelompok CODEPINK juga telah mempelopori kampanye boikot terhadap perusahaan yang bekerja sama dengan Israel termasuk Elbit Systems, sebuah perusahaan yang memproduksi pesawat tanpa awak untuk tentara Israel.
Dalam undangan demo kepada para pendukungnya untuk berpartisipasi dalam protes anti Israel yang dijuluki dengan Boikot AIPAC di halam Facebooknya, kelompok itu menulis, "Muak dengan gerakan AIPAC karena [mereka] membawa kita pada perang dengan Iran! Muak melihat dolar pajak AS mengalir ke Israel sementara mereka melakukan pelanggaran HAM di Palestina!"
Benjamin juga menambahkan bahwa kampanye CODEPINK untuk memboikot Israel telah tersosialisasi terutama di kalangan anak muda. Dia berharap lewat gerakan boikot, Tel Aviv bisa dipaksa untuk mematuhi hukum internasional.[IT/r]
AS Dukung Fasisme Eropa, Ekstrimisme Timur Tengah, dan Militerisme Amerika Latin
Times- http://www.islamtimes.org/vdchqqnxq23nm-d.yrt2.html
Anehnya, tulis Cooke, dalam semua kasus itu, kelompok terkemuka
yang dikendalikan "oposisi" itu sama sekali tak ada hubungannya dengan
demokrasi--kelompok fasis Eropa di Ukraina, ekstremis Wahhabi di Suriah,
dan elit penggila tradisi kediktatoran militer di Venezuela.

al-Qaeda sama dengan AS (http://gdb.rferl.org)
Konflik di Ukraina, Venezuela, dan Suriah memiliki satu kesamaan: pemerintah AS mendukung kelompok "oposisi" yang bernafsu menggulingkan--atau telah menggulingkan--pemerintahan berkuasa. Dukungan itu diberikan entah secara politik, keuangan, atau militer. Demikian ungkap analis politik internasional, Shamus Cooke.
Anehnya, tulis Cooke, dalam semua kasus itu, kelompok terkemuka yang dikendalikan "oposisi" itu sama sekali tak ada hubungannya dengan demokrasi--kelompok fasis Eropa di Ukraina, ekstremis Wahhabi di Suriah, dan elit penggila tradisi kediktatoran militer di Venezuela.
Jika kelompok itu berkuasa, lanjut Cooke, kondisi negara bakal jauh lebih buruk ketimbang sekarang. "Contohnya Ukraina. Sehari setelah pemerintah yang terpilih secara demokratis melarikan diri dari Kiev, para pemimpin 'oposisi' langsung memberitahu publik bahwa mereka 'harus membuat beberapa keputusan tidak populer'. Perdana Menteri baru menyebut kabinetnya 'pemerintahan Kamikaze (bunuh diri)'," imbuhnya.
Pemerintah "bunuh diri" itu, kata Cooke, diharuskan mencari pinjaman dari lembaga keuangan Barat--seperti IMF dan Komisi Eropa--yang jual mahal; dengan imbalan uang, Ukraina harus melakukan penghematan besar-besaran di mana standar hidup Ukraina akan hancur seperti Yunani. "Ini alasan sebenarnya Presiden Ukraina terguling Viktor Yanukovych mulai merapat ke Rusia, karena Putin setuju untuk memberi Ukraina uang tanpa pamrih," pungkasnya.
Di Suriah, ujar Cooke, Obama secara konsisten bergantung pada ekstrimis sayap kanan sebagai pemimpin "oposisi" melawan pemerintah al-Assad. "Peran ekstremis Wahhabi bergaya al-Qaeda ini telah diabaikan media, sekalipun kekejaman mereka sudah menumpuk di Youtube," paparnya.
Suriah adalah salah satu negara paling modern, kosmopolitan, di Timur Tengah dan sekarang sedang diseret kembali ke Abad Kegelapan, tulis Cooke. "'Sekutu' Obama di kawasan ingin Suriah terlihat seperti Arab Saudi ('sekutu dekat' AS lainnya), di mana tak ada kebebasan politik, agama, atau hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan ketenaga-kerjaan," paparnya.
Islam versi Arab Saudi, ujar Cooke, menjadi tipe ultra-kanan yang disukai monarki diktator penguasa negara itu. "Seperti teman fasisnya di Ukraina, AS mengandalkan ideologi ultra-kanan lain di Suriah dalam upaya menciptakan pemerintahan pro-AS," tegasnya.
Koalisi terbaru oposisi (teroris) bersenjata Suriah menyebut dirinya Front Islam. Media AS, kata Cooke, menggambarkan kelompok ini "pemberontak yang baik" versus al-Qaeda yang juga memerangi pemerintah Suriah. "Tapi tentu saja media AS bungkam saat milisi terkuat dalam Front Islam, Ahrar al-Sham, mendeklarasikan diri sebagai perwakilan "asli" al-Qaeda di Suriah (politisi AS sudah lama tahu Ahrar al-Sham secara ideologis terkait dengan al-Qaeda)," tulisnya.
Jika Obama berhasil dan Front Islam berkuasa, ujar Cooke, Suriah akan mengalami devolusi budaya seperti Afghanistan di masa Taliban. "Sementara itu, Obama dan Media AS akan terus memberikan dukungan politik yang penting untuk oposisi yang sebenarnya tidak layak," katanya.
Venezuela juga baru-baru ini menjadi berita karena diguncang protes kelompok oposisi ultra-kanan yang didukung 100 persen oleh rezim Obama, kata Cooke. "Dalam artikelnya yang sangat baik di Guardian, Mark Weisbrot menyebut bahwa rezim Obama memberi dukungan politik dan keuangan kepada para oposisi Venezuela yang melancarkan protes," imbuhnya.
"Jika oposisi Venezuela berkuasa, kita tahu persis apa yang akan mereka lakukan," tulis Cooke. Saat sekejap mengambil alih kekuasaan dalam kudeta militer dukungan AS pada 2002, lanjutnya, mereka langsung membubarkan seluruh lembaga demokratis yang mengatur negara. Mereka lebih memilih jenis sistem politik yang melayani mereka dengan baik selama ratusan tahun kediktatoran pra-Chavez.
"Mengapa pemerintahan Obama memilih jenis kebijakan luar negeri ini?," tanya Cooke. Alasan utamanya, negara-negara target tadi telah keluar dari orbit kendali AS, dan hanya kelompok ultra-kanan yang tertarik untuk menarik kembali ke orbit AS. "Akhirnya, para kapitalis AS meraup keuntungan menggunung bila suatu negara bergantung pada pinjaman AS, serta produk AS seperti senjata, barang-barang manufaktur, bahan makanan, dan lain-lain," paparnya.
Inilah sebabnya mengapa penguasa AS--sekarang diwakili pemerintahan Obama--tidak akan begitu saja membiarkan Amerika Latin, Timur Tengah, atau Eropa Timur menjadi mandiri atau jatuh ke dalam orbit kekuatan regional saingan seperti Rusia, kata Cooke. "Terlalu banyak keuntungan yang dipertaruhkan. Perdamaian bukanlah pilihan," ujarnya.
Untuk menghentikan kegilaan perang tanpa akhir dari kebijakan luar negeri AS, lanjut Cooke, pemerintah AS sendiri harus berubah secara fundamental. "Penguasa AS pendukung sistem ekonomi kapitalis, tiada henti memprovokasi perang demi keuntungan, sementara sistem ekonomi tanpa motif keuntungan tidak butuh perang mancanegara," tulisnya.
Pepatah kuno mengatakan, "Tunjukkan siapa teman Anda, dan saya akan memberitahu siapa Anda." (IT/CP/rj)
Hezbollah: Resistance a 'Lebanese reality' against Israel, Takfiris

Hezbollah’s deputy
secretary-general Sheikh Naim Qassem
Lebanon’s Hezbollah has urged tis
rival groups to avoid chicanery in drafting the Cabinet’s policy statement,
saying any such attempt would be futile as the resistance is now a
"Lebanese reality.”
“The resistance is a reality and a destiny. It
was the first supporter of the state and its strength is in facing challenges.
There is no point in playing smart, looking for ways to remove this solid
strategy,” Sheikh Naim Qassem, Hezbollah’s deputy secretary-general, told
reporters at his office on Tuesday.
“The resistance is no longer a proposal or an
idea that can be questioned. It is fixed, just like Lebanon. The right of the resistance
in the policy statement is a given and one of its primary premises,” he added.
His remarks come as ministers struggle to draft
the Cabinet’s policy statement.
The March 14 coalition insists that the clause
dealing with the resistance, known as the “Army, people and resistance”
formula, should be dropped in favor of one that clearly places the resistance
under the authority of the state.
However, the Hezbollah-led March 8 camp has
rejected the demand, arguing that resistance against Israel is an inherent right.
The clause relating to the resistance represents
the remaining hurdle for ministers drafting the policy statement.
During his brief chat with the press, Qassem said
Israel and Takfiris
represented a danger to Lebanon
and that political stability was needed to address the two challenges.
“The all-embracing Cabinet was the first [step
toward political stability] and now we call on our partners to continue this
step and not present obstacles to do away with the resistance,” he said.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Tammam Salam met with
several officials including MP Qassem Hashem from Speaker Nabih Berri's
Liberation and Development parliamentary bloc.
Hashem said the prime minister remained
optimistic that rival parties would reach an understanding over the policy
statement before the end of the Constitutional deadline on March 16.
“I emphasized the need for adherence to national
principles in the ministerial statement, not to overlook the resistance, and
reach an understanding,” he said.
- See more at:
AIPAC still threatens
US national interests

Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses the Israel Public Affairs Committee
(AIPAC) policy conference in Washington,DC on March 4, 2014.
The American Israel Public
Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is still one of the most powerful lobby organizations
in the country, but fortunately, it is starting to lose its iron-clad grip on
our policymakers.
AIPAC lost the fight to stop Chuck Hagel from
being confirmed as Secretary of Defense; it lost the push for the US military
to attack Syria, and it is losing its effort to derail nuclear talks with Iran,
Medea Benjamin, an American political analyst writes in an article reviewing
AIPAC threats to US interests.
She says, in the old days, AIPAC bragged that it
could, within 24 hours, get the signatures of 70 Senators on a napkin if it
really wanted to.
This year, AIPAC got stuck at 59 cosponsors for
its S.1881 sanctions bill–not enough support to force Senator Harry Reid to
bring the bill to the floor or to override a threatened presidential veto.
Another sign of AIPAC’s waning influence is the
fact that this year, at their March 2-4 Policy Conference in Washington DC,
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will attend but not President Obama
or Vice President Joe Biden—both of whom have spoken in past years.
But it’s certainly not time to sound the death
Benjamin says however, AIPAC still is a threat to
US national interests in several key areas:
1. AIPAC continues to gun for a military confrontation with Iran.
AIPAC has been pushing for increased sanctions
during these delicate international nuclear talks, a move that would violate
the terms of the agreement, signal to Iran
that the US negotiating team
cannot deliver on its commitments and divide the US from its international
negotiating partners. AIPAC is still pushing for this, but as a backup is
trying to set the conditions for the talks. AIPAC’s policy would lead us down a
path to yet another disastrous war in the Middle East (AIPAC was a big promoter
of the war in Iraq–and
look how that one turned out!).
2. AIPAC’s call for unconditional support for the Israeli regime undermines a possible negotiated solution between the Israelis and Palestinians.
AIPAC promotes Israeli policies that are in
direct opposition to international law, including the establishment of
settlements in the Occupied West Bank and the confiscation of Palestinian land
in its construction of the 26-foot high concrete “separation barrier” running through
the West Bank. On February 27 Amnesty International published a report called
Trigger Happy providing chilling detail of Israel’s
use of excessive force in the West Bank.
AIPAC’s support of these illegal practices is in direct opposition to a negotiated
solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict. AIPAC has also been pressuring
Secretary of State Kerry to keep the political representatives of Palestinians
in Gaza–Hamas–completely out of the peace talks. How can you come to a
negotiated solution if 40 percent of all Palestinians are not represented?
3. AIPAC’s influence on US policy–pushing it in the direction of unconditional support for Israel–increases anti-American sentiment around the world, sowing the seeds of more possible terrorist attacks against us.
Even General David Petraeus admitted that the
US/Palestine conflict “foments anti-American sentiment, due to a perception of US favoritism for Israel.” He also said that “Arab
anger over the Palestinian question limits the strength and depth of US partnerships
with governments and peoples in the [region] and weakens the legitimacy of
moderate regimes in the Arab world. Meanwhile, al-Qaeda and other militant
groups exploit that anger to mobilize support.”
4. AIPAC makes the US a pariah at the UN.
AIPAC describes the UN as a body hostile to Israel and has pressured the US government to oppose resolutions calling Israel to
account. Since 1972, the US
has vetoed 44 UN Security Council resolutions condemning Israel’s
actions against the Palestinians. President Obama continues that practice.
Under Obama, the US vetoed UN censure of the savage Israeli assault on Gaza in
January 2009 in which about 1400 Palestinians were killed; a 2011 resolution
calling for a halt to the illegal Israeli West Bank settlements, even though
this was stated US policy; a 2011 resolution calling for Israel to cease
obstructing the work of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian
Refugees; and another resolution calling for an end to illegal Israeli
settlement building in East al-Quds (Jerusalem) and the occupied Golan Heights.
5. AIPAC attacks politicians who question unconditional support of Israel.
AIPAC demands that Congress rubber stamp
legislation drafted by AIPAC staff. It keeps a record of how members of
Congress vote and this record is used by donors to make contributions to the
politicians who score well. Members of Congress who fail to support AIPAC
legislation have been targeted for defeat in re-election bids. These include
Senators Adlai Stevenson III and Charles H. Percy, and Representatives Paul
Findley, Pete McCloskey, Cynthia McKinney, and Earl F. Hilliard. AIPAC’s
overwhelmingly disproportionate influence on Congress subverts our democratic
6. AIPAC attempts to silence all criticism of Israel.
Journalists, think tanks, students and professors
have been accused of anti-Semitism for merely taking stands critical of Israeli
regime policies. These attacks stifle the critical discussions and debates that
are at the heart of democratic policy-making. Most recently, AIPAC has been
attacking supporters of the movement that calls for the boycott, divestment,
and sanctions on Israel (BDS), a movement that has gained rapid momentum and
multiple victories to put pressure on Israel to end the occupation. In
December, the American Studies Association passed a measure supporting BDS. In
direct response, AIPAC is trying to push a bill through Congress that would cut
federal funding to American academic institutions that advocate a boycott of Israel. Several
state-level bills are also in the works. Seems like AIPAC has a hard time with
the First Amendment!
7. AIPAC feeds US government officials a distorted view of the Israel/Palestine conflict.
AIPAC takes US representatives on sugar-coated
trips to the occupied territories. Every year, AIPAC takes dozens of members of
Congress—and many of their spouses—on a free junket to the territories to
see precisely what the Israeli regime want them to see. It is illegal for lobby
groups to take Congresspeople on trips, but AIPAC gets around the law by
creating a bogus educational group, the American Israel Education Foundation
(AIEF), to “organize” the trips for them. AIEF has the same office address as
AIPAC and the same staff. These trips help cement the ties between AIPAC and Congress,
furthering their undue influence.
8. AIPAC lobbies for billions of US taxdollars to go to Israel instead of rebuilding America or funding the truly needy.
While our country is still suffering from a
prolonged financial crisis, AIPAC is pushing for no cuts in military funds for Israel. With
communities across the nation slashing budgets for teachers, firefighters and
police, AIPAC pushes for over $3 billion a year to Israel.
Benjamin says the bottom line is that AIPAC has
influence on US
policy out of all proportion to the number of Americans who support its
When a small group like this has disproportionate
power, that hurts everyone, she adds.
- See
more at: http://en.alalam.ir/news/1572286#sthash.tiYlOUsY.dpuf
AIPAC still threatens US national interests

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses the
Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) policy conference in
Washington,DC on March 4, 2014.
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is
still one of the most powerful lobby organizations in the country, but
fortunately, it is starting to lose its iron-clad grip on our
AIPAC lost the fight to stop Chuck Hagel from being confirmed as
Secretary of Defense; it lost the push for the US military to attack
Syria, and it is losing its effort to derail nuclear talks with Iran,
Medea Benjamin, an American political analyst writes in an article reviewing AIPAC threats to US interests.
She says, in the old days, AIPAC bragged that it could, within 24
hours, get the signatures of 70 Senators on a napkin if it really wanted
This year, AIPAC got stuck at 59 cosponsors for its S.1881 sanctions
bill–not enough support to force Senator Harry Reid to bring the bill to
the floor or to override a threatened presidential veto.
Another sign of AIPAC’s waning influence is the fact that this year, at
their March 2-4 Policy Conference in Washington DC, Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will attend but not President Obama or Vice
President Joe Biden—both of whom have spoken in past years.
But it’s certainly not time to sound the death knell.
Benjamin says however, AIPAC still is a threat to US national interests in several key areas:
1. AIPAC continues to gun for a military confrontation with Iran.
AIPAC has been pushing for increased sanctions during these delicate
international nuclear talks, a move that would violate the terms of the
agreement, signal to Iran that the US negotiating team cannot deliver on
its commitments and divide the US from its international negotiating
partners. AIPAC is still pushing for this, but as a backup is trying to
set the conditions for the talks. AIPAC’s policy would lead us down a
path to yet another disastrous war in the Middle East (AIPAC was a big
promoter of the war in Iraq–and look how that one turned out!).
2. AIPAC’s call for unconditional support for the Israeli regime
undermines a possible negotiated solution between the Israelis and
AIPAC promotes Israeli policies that are in direct opposition to
international law, including the establishment of settlements in the
Occupied West Bank and the confiscation of Palestinian land in its
construction of the 26-foot high concrete “separation barrier” running
through the West Bank. On February 27 Amnesty International published a
report called Trigger Happy providing chilling detail of Israel’s use of
excessive force in the West Bank. AIPAC’s support of these illegal
practices is in direct opposition to a negotiated solution to the
Israel/Palestine conflict. AIPAC has also been pressuring Secretary of
State Kerry to keep the political representatives of Palestinians in
Gaza–Hamas–completely out of the peace talks. How can you come to a
negotiated solution if 40 percent of all Palestinians are not
3. AIPAC’s influence on US policy–pushing it in the direction of
unconditional support for Israel–increases anti-American sentiment
around the world, sowing the seeds of more possible terrorist attacks
against us.
Even General David Petraeus admitted that the US/Palestine conflict
“foments anti-American sentiment, due to a perception of US favoritism
for Israel.” He also said that “Arab anger over the Palestinian question
limits the strength and depth of US partnerships with governments and
peoples in the [region] and weakens the legitimacy of moderate regimes
in the Arab world. Meanwhile, al-Qaeda and other militant groups exploit
that anger to mobilize support.”
4. AIPAC makes the US a pariah at the UN.
AIPAC describes the UN as a body hostile to Israel and has pressured
the US government to oppose resolutions calling Israel to account. Since
1972, the US has vetoed 44 UN Security Council resolutions condemning
Israel’s actions against the Palestinians. President Obama continues
that practice. Under Obama, the US vetoed UN censure of the savage
Israeli assault on Gaza in January 2009 in which about 1400 Palestinians
were killed; a 2011 resolution calling for a halt to the illegal
Israeli West Bank settlements, even though this was stated US policy; a
2011 resolution calling for Israel to cease obstructing the work of the
UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees; and another
resolution calling for an end to illegal Israeli settlement building in
East al-Quds (Jerusalem) and the occupied Golan Heights.
5. AIPAC attacks politicians who question unconditional support of Israel.
AIPAC demands that Congress rubber stamp legislation drafted by AIPAC
staff. It keeps a record of how members of Congress vote and this record
is used by donors to make contributions to the politicians who score
well. Members of Congress who fail to support AIPAC legislation have
been targeted for defeat in re-election bids. These include Senators
Adlai Stevenson III and Charles H. Percy, and Representatives Paul
Findley, Pete McCloskey, Cynthia McKinney, and Earl F. Hilliard. AIPAC’s
overwhelmingly disproportionate influence on Congress subverts our
democratic system.
6. AIPAC attempts to silence all criticism of Israel.
Journalists, think tanks, students and professors have been accused of
anti-Semitism for merely taking stands critical of Israeli regime
policies. These attacks stifle the critical discussions and debates that
are at the heart of democratic policy-making. Most recently, AIPAC has
been attacking supporters of the movement that calls for the boycott,
divestment, and sanctions on Israel (BDS), a movement that has gained
rapid momentum and multiple victories to put pressure on Israel to end
the occupation. In December, the American Studies Association passed a
measure supporting BDS. In direct response, AIPAC is trying to push a
bill through Congress that would cut federal funding to American
academic institutions that advocate a boycott of Israel. Several
state-level bills are also in the works. Seems like AIPAC has a hard
time with the First Amendment!
7. AIPAC feeds US government officials a distorted view of the Israel/Palestine conflict.
AIPAC takes US representatives on sugar-coated trips to the occupied
territories. Every year, AIPAC takes dozens of members of Congress—and
many of their spouses—on a free junket to the territories to see
precisely what the Israeli regime want them to see. It is illegal for
lobby groups to take Congresspeople on trips, but AIPAC gets around the
law by creating a bogus educational group, the American Israel Education
Foundation (AIEF), to “organize” the trips for them. AIEF has the same
office address as AIPAC and the same staff. These trips help cement the
ties between AIPAC and Congress, furthering their undue influence.
8. AIPAC lobbies for billions of US taxdollars to go to Israel instead of rebuilding America or funding the truly needy.
While our country is still suffering from a prolonged financial crisis,
AIPAC is pushing for no cuts in military funds for Israel. With
communities across the nation slashing budgets for teachers,
firefighters and police, AIPAC pushes for over $3 billion a year to
Benjamin says the bottom line is that AIPAC has influence on US policy
out of all proportion to the number of Americans who support its
When a small group like this has disproportionate power, that hurts everyone, she adds.
Netanyahu on Obama’s critique:
I won’t give in to pressure
Hours after president warns US will be hard-pressed to protect Israel if peace talks fail, PM says Palestinians are at fault
March 3, 2014, 8:30 am
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, wife Sara at his side, responds to
President Barack Obama's criticism on his arrival in the US, March 3,
2014 (photo credit: Channel 2 screenshot)
Blame for the morass in the
Middle East peace process lies squarely with the Palestinians, Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said late Sunday, hours after US President
Barack Obama was quoted saying that Washington would be hard-pressed to defend Israel should talks fail.
made the remarks upon landing in Washington, where he was to meet
Monday with Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John
Kerry, who is managing negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.
Netanyahu and Kerry will also speak at the conference of the AIPAC
pro-Israel lobby in the capital.
“The tango in the Middle East needs at least
three,” Netanyahu said in a statement to the press. “For years there
have been two — Israel and the US. Now it needs to be seen if the
Palestinians are also present,” he said.
“In any case, in order for us to have an
agreement, we must uphold our vital interests. I have proven that I do
so, in the face of all pressures and all the turmoil, and I will
continue to do so here as well,” he said.
The prime minister also told Channel 2 that he wanted a peace deal, “but it must be a good deal.”
Netanyahu’s response came hours after Bloomberg published an interview with Obama, during which the US president stressed that time was running out for Israel to achieve a peace deal.
US President Barack Obama delivers the 2014 State of the Union address (screen capture: White House)
Obama also said that Abbas was, in fact, a
true peace partner who “has proven himself to be somebody who has been
committed to nonviolence and diplomatic efforts to resolve” the
However, if Netanyahu “does not believe that a
peace deal with the Palestinians is the right thing to do for Israel,
then he needs to articulate an alternative approach,” Obama said, adding
that he believed Israel’s prime minister had the capacity to rally his
citizens behind an agreement..
“There comes a point where you can’t manage this anymore, and then you start having to make very difficult choices,” he said.
Obama also cautioned that Israel can expect to
face international isolation and possible sanctions from countries and
companies across the world if Netanyahu fails to endorse a framework
agreement with the Palestinians and engages in more settlement building.
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks during the weekly cabinet meeting on
February 16, 2014 (photo credit: Marc Israel Sellem/POOL/Flash90)..
“If you see no peace deal and continued
aggressive settlement construction — and we have seen more aggressive
settlement construction over the last couple years than we’ve seen in a
very long time — if Palestinians come to believe that the possibility of
a contiguous sovereign Palestinian state is no longer within reach,
then our ability to manage the international fallout is going to be
limited,” Obama said.
Netanyahu will reportedly seek to steer the conversation away from peace talks and toward dealing with Iran’s nuclear program.
Before boarding his plane to the US, the prime minister said he had rejected pressures in the past and would continue to do so.
Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz, who accompanied Netanyahu to the US, was more blunt in rebuffing Obama’s comments.
“We want to promote a political settlement;
however, are justifiably concerned about our national security — there
is no reason to pressure Israel. We are only caring for Israel’s most
fundamental needs,” he said.
Direct peace talks between Israelis and
Palestinians, which began last July with the goal of reaching a deal
within nine months, have made no visible progress.
Kerry is now focused on getting the two sides
to agree on a framework proposal which would extend the deadline until
the year’s end.
Although the document has not yet been made
public, it is understood to be a non-binding proposal laying out
guidelines for negotiating the central issues of the conflict, such as
borders, security, Jerusalem, Israeli settlements and the right of
return for Palestinian refugees.
The proposal, or its outline, is likely to be
presented to Netanyahu this week and to Abbas on March 17 when he meets
Obama at the White House.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Read more: Netanyahu on Obama's critique: I won't give in to pressure | The Times of Israel http://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-palestinians-arent-doing-peace-dance-with-israel-and-us/#ixzz2uyz9Follow us: @timesofisrael on Twitter | timesofisrael on Facebook
Obama’s Ominous Warning to Israel
if It Doesn’t Reach a Peace Deal
President Barack Obama is warning Israel of a bleak future
characterized by international isolation and less security should Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not agree to a U.S.-proposed framework peace
this Sept. 30, 2013, file photo, President Barack Obama meets with
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Oval Office at the
White House in Washington. (AP/Charles Dharapak)
Speaking to Bloomberg View’s Jeffrey Goldberg,
Obama suggested that time was running out for Israel to agree to a deal
or else otherwise face international isolation and the prospect of
losing its Jewish majority.
Goldberg wrote that he took Obama’s remarks “to be a veiled threat”
that the administration might not be able to continue to defend Israel
at the United Nations and other international forums where the Jewish
state faces attacks on its policies.
Obama called the U.S. commitment to Israel’s security “rock solid” and “not subject to periodic policy differences.”
“But what I do believe is that if you see no peace deal and continued
aggressive settlement construction — and we have seen more aggressive
settlement construction over the last couple years than we’ve seen in a
very long time — if Palestinians come to believe that the possibility of
a contiguous sovereign Palestinian state is no longer within reach,
then our ability to manage the international fallout is going to be
limited,” Obama said.
Responding hours before the two leaders were set to meet in
Washington on Monday, Netanyahu suggested the Palestinians are to blame.
“The tango in the Middle East needs at least three,” Netanyahu said. “For years there have been two — Israel and the U.S. Now it needs to be seen if the Palestinians are also present.”
He added, “In any case, in order for us to have an agreement, we must
uphold our vital interests. I have proven that I do so, in the face of
all pressures and all the turmoil, and I will continue to do so here as
Netanyahu told Israel’s Channel 2 News that he favored reaching a peace deal, “but it must be a good deal.”
Obama referred to the building of homes for Jews in the West Bank and
east Jerusalem as “aggressive” and further warned that international
isolation could make Israel less safe.
“[I]n today’s world, where power is much more diffuse, where the
threats that any state or peoples face can come from non-state actors
and asymmetrical threats, and where international cooperation is needed
in order to deal with those threats, the absence of international
goodwill makes you less safe,” Obama said. “The condemnation of the
international community can translate into a lack of cooperation when it
comes to key security interests. It means reduced influence for us, the
United States, in issues that are of interest to Israel. It’s
survivable, but it is not preferable.”
Though seemingly critical of Netanyahu not endorsing as of yet the
proposal being brokered by Secretary of State John Kerry, the president
expressed sympathy with Israeli concerns about strife in its immediate
“You have the chaos that’s been swirling around the Middle East.
People look at what’s happening in Syria. They look at what’s happening
in Lebanon. Obviously, they look at what’s happening in Gaza. And
understandably a lot of people ask themselves, ‘Can we afford to have
potential chaos at our borders, so close to our cities?’ So he
[Netanyahu] is dealing with all of that, and I get that,” Obama said.
“[T]here comes a point where you can’t manage this anymore, and then
you start having to make very difficult choices,” Obama said. “Do you
resign yourself to what amounts to a permanent occupation of the West
Bank? Is that the character of Israel as a state for a long period of
time? Do you perpetuate, over the course of a decade or two decades,
more and more restrictive policies in terms of Palestinian movement? Do
you place restrictions on Arab-Israelis in ways that run counter to
Israel’s traditions?”
Besides a theoretical discussion of border adjustments that could
place a limited number of Arab citizens of Israel under Palestinian
Authority control, peace talks have not focused on Israeli-Arabs.
Israel’s Arab citizens are represented in the nation’s parliament, as
diplomats and as high-ranking military commanders.
Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz also responded to Obama’s warning,
saying: “We want to promote a political settlement; however, are
justifiably concerned about our national security. There is no reason to
pressure Israel. We are only caring for Israel’s most fundamental
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