Selasa, 26 November 2013

THE FINAL RESULT OF AMERICAN GAMES IN AFGHANISTAN WARFARE THAT THEY CREATED SINCE 911 WTC 2001... BY BIG LIER ISSUES... AND DEMOLISHED WTC TOWER NO 1 AND 2 AND 7... ?? >> ITS DID BY BUSH REGIME AND PEELS- ISRAEL-CIA-MI-6... AS CONSPIRATION OF THE INSIDERS JOB...>> SO HOW MANY INNOCENT PEOPLE DIED AND WOUNDED... AND THE RUINS OF SO A LOT INFRA STRUCTURES.. AND ALSO HUMANITY ....>> REALLY ITS A HUGE CRIME COLONIALIST WAR..AND CRIME FOR MANKIND...??>> USA AND PEELS MUST BE BROUGHT TO THE INTERNATIONAL COURT.. AND GIFT THE SO STRONGLY HEAVY PUNISHMENT ....>> THIS THE BETRAYEL OF BASIC HUMANITY AND JUSTICE....>> AMERICAN PEOPLE WERE WELKNOWN AS THE MOST EDUCATED PEOPLE AND HAVE THE RICH AND MODERN COUNTRY... BUT UNLUCKY..THEY HAVE THE BADLY BRUTAL MORALITY AND SUCH LIKE MAKING WAR AND UNFAIR... POLITICAL BEHAVIORS..??>> SO WHAT ....??!! >> .... IS IT THE REAL AMERICAN...OR MAY BE WHICH IS SOMETHING DIFFERENT...?? We all know that Americans destroyed Iraq by lying that it had WMD. Similarly, they invaded and destroyed Afghanistan claiming that Ben Laden, then in Afghanistan, was responsible for 9/11, another unsubstantiated claim. Now, after the phony Seal 6 story of killing and dumping Ben Laden’s body in the ocean, they want to stay in Iraq indefinitely. Why? Some say they are in cahoots with UK queen to control the profits from the opium fields, while others also point to Afghanistan’s large uranium mines. On top of that, they also want to continue their crimes without being subject to due process under Afghanistan laws! Low and behold all those so-called supporters of human rights...>> You're right. But let me add some in. A host of political experts and military personnel in the western world are whispering the US is the main loser of these 10 years war in Iraq and in Afghanistan. Even though it has inflicted severe damages to the infrastructure of these two countries. The US economy has gone, over 1 million US soldiers have been severely wounded as a result of necessary clashes between Taliban. The pain appears to be greater in the US part as it leads to sporadic internal revolts never seeing since the black liberation movement of the 60s. The only chance of declaring victory for the US while the situation has highly improved on the ground is to be able to stay another 10 years. This is where this pact comes to play and has become important for the US. With also the hope to be able to use it against a Iran. ..>>

Afghanistan rejects US demand on bilateral security agreement
Afghanistan has rejected the US demand to sign a security deal with Washington, known as the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA), as soon as possible.

The US said on Thursday it wants the key security pact approved and signed by Kabul by the end of 2013.

White House spokesman, Josh Earnest, said, “Failure to get this [agreement] approved and signed by the end of the year would prevent the United States and our allies from being able to plan for a post-2014 presence.”

Earlier in the day, Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai said during his address to Loya Jirga, or grand council, that the BSA would be signed by the Afghan government after the presidential election.

On Friday, his spokesman, Aimal Faizi, reiterated Karzai’s stance on the issue, saying, “Security, peace and good elections are key to the signing of the BSA.”

“Let's wait and see what will the Loya Jirga decide on the document. If approved, as the president said, it will be signed after elections,” Faizi added.

Loya Jirga is Afghanistan’s assembly of some 2,500 tribal elders and political leaders from across the country who have gathered in the capital Kabul to discuss the BSA.

People in Afghanistan will go to the polls on April 5, 2014, to elect a successor to Karzai.

Under the BSA, US troops would be allowed to remain in Afghanistan beyond the 2014 deadline.

Kabul has agreed to US military operations under special circumstances and American troops' immunity from prosecution in Afghanistan.

Anti-US sentiments have been on the rise in Afghanistan due to the deadly raids carried out by the US and other foreign troops in the war-torn country.

Afghans have also held several demonstrations against the security deal with the United States.


Nov 22, 2013 7:54 PM
they did the American people a favor by not supporting that agreement: we need to stay home and fix our own problems instead of occupying other nations and fighting wars!
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Nov 22, 2013 7:0 PM
We all know that Americans destroyed Iraq by lying that it had WMD. Similarly, they invaded and destroyed Afghanistan claiming that Ben Laden, then in Afghanistan, was responsible for 9/11, another unsubstantiated claim. Now, after the phony Seal 6 story of killing and dumping Ben Laden’s body in the ocean, they want to stay in Iraq indefinitely. Why? Some say they are in cahoots with UK queen to control the profits from the opium fields, while others also point to Afghanistan’s large uranium mines. On top of that, they also want to continue their crimes without being subject to due process under Afghanistan laws! Low and behold all those so-called supporters of human rights.
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atamaz jalizin reply to Percy
11/22/2013 8:12:40 PM
You're right. But let me add some in. A host of political experts and military personnel in the western world are whispering the US is the main loser of these 10 years war in Iraq and in Afghanistan. Even though it has inflicted severe damages to the infrastructure of these two countries. The US economy has gone, over 1 million US soldiers have been severely wounded as a result of necessary clashes between Taliban. The pain appears to be greater in the US part as it leads to sporadic internal revolts never seeing since the black liberation movement of the 60s. The only chance of declaring victory for the US while the situation has highly improved on the ground is to be able to stay another 10 years. This is where this pact comes to play and has become important for the US. With also the hope to be able to use it against a Iran. 
Nov 22, 2013 6:7 PM
That is not difficult. US should raise the money and other perks. Karzai will definite sell his country.
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Nov 22, 2013 4:8 PM
Karzai is an US puppet, but nobody's fool. Like the US, he knows how to get the cake and eat it too. But if he can't get the Loya Jirga to give him what he wants, he'll let the US dollars get them for him. Karzai doesn't want to go down as a traitor or be found hanging in a tree. He wants to pass the buck to the next elected satrap, who'll keep feeding off the US all over again. Poor ordinary Afghans who don't care for dictators or democracy, they only want their lives.
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Nov 22, 2013 1:58 PM
All those who know Afghanistan nation very well, are not expecting anything else but the "Afghanistan rejects US demand on bilateral security agreement", from them for now and then.
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Nov 22, 2013 1:17 PM
Next step will be duffel bags full of dollars delivered by US generals to tribal chiefs for their "agreement."
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Igorin reply to Nick
11/22/2013 1:30:03 PM
They should take money and still kick USA .... out of Afghanistan.
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Nov 22, 2013 1:9 PM
The deal with USA was rejected. It will not be sign even if close of USA soldier immunity to crimes committed by them is scratched.
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Rabiin reply to Truth
11/22/2013 1:22:57 PM
I am afraid that US will refuse to withdraw its soldiers from Afghanistan despite deal not being signed. USA military-indastrial lords will have do be forced to withdraw US army. Karzai is aware of that.



Mengikuti tetangganya, Irak, yang menolak menjadi negara 1/2 jajahan Amerika, Afghanistan akhirnya menolak menandatangani perjanjian keamanan dengan Amerika (Bilateral Security Agreement) yang memberikan hak-hak istimewa kepada Amerika.

Dalam pernyataan di hadapan sidang para tetua agama dan masyarakat Lora Jirga yang digelar hari Kamis (21/11) Presiden Hamid Karzai mengatakan bahwa perjanjian keamanan akan ditandatangani oleh pemerintah mendatang setelah pemilu. Sehari kemudian jubir Karzai Aimal Faizi mengulang kembali pernyataan Karzai, "Keamanan, perdamaian dan pemilu yang baik adalah kunci untuk menandatangani perjanjian keamanan.”

“Mari kita tunggu apa keputusan Loya Jirga atas dokumen itu. Jika disetujui, sebagai presiden, dokumen itu akan ditandatangani setelah pemilu," kata Faizi.

Padahal pada hari Kamis Amerika sudah menyatakan bahwa Amerika menginginkan perjanjian tersebut ditandatangani pada akhir tahun ini.

Jubir pemerintahan Amerika Josh Earnest, mengatakan, “kegagalan menandatangani perjanjian ini tahun ini akan mencegah Amerika dan sekutu-sekutu menetapkan rencana masa depan setelah tahun 2014.”

Loya Jirga adalah dewan rakyat Afghanistan yang beranggotakan 2.500 ketua suku dan pemimpin politik di seluruh Afghanistan. Mereka berkumpul di Kabul untuk membahasa perjanjian keamanan tersebut. Adapun pemilu presiden Afghanistan akan dilaksanakan tgl 5 April 2014.

Di bawah perjanjian keamanan yang dirancang Amerika berbulan-bulan itu sebagian pasukan Amerika diijinkan tetap tinggal di Afghanistan setelah tahun 2014. Selain itu tentara-tentara Amerika itu diberikan hak immunitas dari hukum Afgahistan. Namun kebencian terhadap Amerika sudah mendarah daging bagi sebagian besar rakyat Afghanistan terkait dengan banyaknya aksi-aksi biadab pasukan Amerika. Berbagai aksi demonstrasi juga telah digelar rakyat Afghanistan menentang perjanjian keamanan tersebut.

Jika Afghanistan benar-benar monolak perjanjian keamanan dengan Amerika, maka hal ini merupakan pengulangan dari apa yang terjadi di Irak sebelum penarikan pasukan Amerika tahun 2011. Kala itu pun Amerika memaksa pemerintah Irak menandatangani perjanjian yang memberi hak keberadaan pasukan Amerika dan kekebalan hukum bagi para personilnya. Namun karena penolakan rakyat Irak serta adanya jaminan keamanan dari Iran, maka Irak pun menolak perjanjian tersebut, dan Amerika terpaksa hengkang dengan tangan hampa setelah menghabiskan triliunan dolar biaya perang dan ribuan personil militernya yang tewas sia-sia.

"Afghanistan rejects US demand on bilateral security agreement"; PRESS TV; 22 November 2013

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