Minggu, 07 Oktober 2012

.....Full text of Ahmadinejad's Speech to the UN General Assembly...>>...Clearly, continuation of the current circumstances in the world is impossible. The present inequitable and unfavorable conditions run counter to the very nature of human kind and move in a direction which contravenes the truth and the goal behind the creation of the world. ..>>..Any change must be structural and fundamental both in theory and practice, involving all domains of our life. The outdated mechanisms which themselves were instrumental in and the root cause for present problems in human societies can never be used to bring changes and create our desired world. Liberalism and capitalism that have alienated human beings from heavenly and moral values will never bring happiness for humanity because they are the main source of all misfortune wars, poverty and deprivation...>>...All problems existing in our world today emanate from the fact that rulers have distanced themselves from human values, morality and the teachings of divine messengers. Regrettably, in the current international relations, selfishness and insatiable greed have taken the place of such humanitarian concepts as love, sacrifice, dignity, and justice. The belief in the One God has been replaced with selfishness. ...>>...The Secretary-General and the UN General Assembly can take the lead by undertaking necessary measures for the fulfillment of our shared goals on the basis of: 1. Restructuring the United Nations in order to transform this world body to an efficient and fully democratic organization, capable of playing an impartial, equitable, and effective role in the international relations; reforming the structure of the Security Council, specially by abolishing the discriminatory privilege of veto right; restoration of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people by organizing a referendum and free elections in Palestine in order to prepare a conducive ground for all Palestinian populations, including Muslims, Christians and Jews to live together in peace and harmony; putting an end to all types of interferences in the affairs of Iraq, Afghanistan, Middle East, and in all countries in Africa, Latin America, Asia and Europe....>>...Reforming the current economic structures and setting up a new international economic order based on human and moral values and obligations. A new course is needed that would help promote justice and progress worldwide by flourishing the potentials and talents of all nations thus bringing well-being for all and for future generations;...>>...Reforming the international political relations based on the promotion of lasting peace and friendship, eradication of arms race and elimination of all nuclear, chemical and biological weapons;..>>...Reforming cultural structures , respect for diverse customs and traditions of all nations, fostering moral values and spirituality aimed at institution of family as the backbone of all human societies;...>>...Worldwide efforts to protect the environment and full observance of the international agreements and arrangements to prevent the annihilation of nature's non-renewable resources. ..>>

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Pidato Ahmadinejad di Sidang PBB ke-64 


Alhamdulillahi rabbil ‘alamin.
Wasshalatu wassalamu ‘ala sayyidina wanabiyyina ‎Muhammad wa alihi al-thahirin wa shahbihi al-muntajabin.‎ Allahumman ‘ajjil liwaliyyikal faraj wal ‘afiata wan nashr. Waj‘alna min khairi ansharihi ‎wa a‘wanih walmustasyhadina baina yadaih.‎

Bapak ketua, rekan-rekan yang terhormat; bapak dan ibu hadirin sekalian.

Saya mengucapkan syukur kepada Allah yang Maha Besar atas kesempatan dapat hadir kembali di ‎forum dunia yang penting ini. Selama empat tahun lalu saya telah berbicara kepada Anda sekalian ‎mengenai problem utama dunia, sebab dan faktor-faktor asli munculnya problem ini, ‎kekuatannya dan pentingnya meninjau kembali pemikiran dan perbuatan para pemilik ‎kekuataan sekaligus solusinya. ‎

Ada dua aliran pemikiran yang saling bertentangan. Pertama, berdasarkan prinsip ‎mendahulukan kepentingan materialnya atas orang dan bangsa lain. Demi menguasai dunia dan ‎memaksakan kehendaknya terhadap bangsa-bangsa lain mereka memperluas ketidakadilan ‎dan kezaliman, kemiskinan dan penderitaan, agresi dan penipuan. Hasil dari cara pandang ini ‎menggambarkan keputusasaan dan masa depan yang kelam kepada manusia.‎

Kedua, berdasarkan prinsip keimanan kepada Allah yang Maha Esa dan mengikuti ajaran-‎ajaran para Nabi Ilahi. Aliran pemikiran ini menginginkan terciptanya dunia yang penuh ‎dengan rasa aman, bebas, sejahtera, perdamaian yang berkelanjutan berdasarkan keadilan dan ‎spiritual bagi seluruh umat manusia dengan tetap menghormati kemuliaan manusia dan cinta ‎kepada sesama. Sebuah aksi, yang menghormati setiap manusia, bangsa, budaya tradisional ‎yang tak ternilai, kebangsaan dan kemanusiaan, yang menuntut dihapuskannya diskriminasi ‎dari dunia dan kesetaraan semua di hadapan hukum yang berdasarkan keadilan dalam ‎memanfaatkan segala fasilitas, kesempatan belajar, kesempurnaan manusia dan kemajuan. ‎Cara pandang ini berusaha mewujudkan masa depan penuh harapan.‎

Saya berbicara tentang mendesaknya perubahan mendasar dalam cara pandang terhadap ‎dunia, manusia dan pentingnya menciptakan sistem yang adil dan insan yang baru demi ‎terciptanya esok yang cemerlang.‎

Saudara-saudara dan rekan-rekan sejawat.‎

Hari ini, sebagai kelanjutan dari pembicaraan saya yang dahulu, saya ingin menjelaskan ‎beberapa poin tentang pelbagi dimensi perubahan yang harus diwujudkan.‎

Poin Pertama
Situasi yang menguasai dunia saat ini jelas tidak mungkin dapat dilanjutkan. Kondisi sepihak ‎dan tidak diidamkan saat ini bertentangan dengan fitrah manusia dan bahkan bertentangan ‎dengan tujuan penciptaan dunia dan manusia. Kini tidak mungkin lagi menciptakan kekayaan ‎semu uang kertas dan menyuntik kekayaan tidak riil bernilai puluhan trilyun dolar kepada ‎ekonomi dunia. Setelah menciptakan defisit anggaran luar biasa, inflasi, problem ekonomi ‎dan sosial, apa yang dihadapi ini hendak dialihkan kepada negara-negara lain, bahkan ‎berusaha memindahkan kekayaan negara-negara lain kepada ekonomi negara-negara tertentu.‎

Mesin ekonomi kapitalis, kendali yang tercerai-berai, dengan sistem tidak adil telah berada di ‎ujung jalan, tidak dapat dipakai lagi dan tidak mampu mempertahankan keseimbangannya ‎yang hanya memiliki satu sisi.‎

Periode pemaksaan ide kapitalisme yang tak berperasaan, pemaksaan selera dan animo satu ‎kelompok khusus kepada masyarakat internasional, ekspansi hegemoni terhadap dunia ‎dengan nama globalisasi dan era kekaisaran, telah berakhir. Masa penghinaan terhadap ‎bangsa-bangsa dan pemaksaan politik standar ganda sudah tamat.‎

Bila dikatakan keberhasilan sebagian negara merealisasikan keinginannya sebagai satu-‎satunya tolok ukur ada atau tidak adanya kebebasan dan demokrasi; berada di bawah bendera ‎kebebasan dengan melakukan segala penipuan dan ancaman terburuk dicitrakan sebagai ‎demokrasi dan diktator dianggap demokrat; semua ini jelas buruk dan tidak memiliki ‎legitimasi. Sudah bukan zamannya lagi sebagian menjadikan dirinya sebagai definisi ‎demokrasi dan kebebasan, menganggap dirinya sebagai tolok ukurnya dan saat melanggar, ‎mereka meletakkan dirinya sebagai hakim dan eksekutornya. Sementara pada saat yang sama ‎mereka juga memerangi negara-negara yang berdasarkan demokrasi hakiki.‎

Namun penyebaran kebebasan global dan kesadaran bangsa-bangsa di dunia tidak akan ‎membiarkan terus watak tidak benar ini. Dengan alasan inilah mayoritas bangsa-bangsa, ‎termasuk rakyat Amerika menanti perubahan luas, dalam dan riil. Itulah mengapa mereka ‎menyambut baik slogan perubahan dan akan terus menyambutnya.‎

Siapa yang dapat menggambarkan kemungkinan berlanjutnya pemaksaan politik tidak ‎manusiawi di Palestina? Bertentangan dengan segala tolok ukur kemanusiaan, mereka ‎mengusir satu bangsa dari rumah-rumah mereka secara paksa di bawah todongan senjata dan ‎propaganda bohong selama 60 tahun. Mereka menyerang rakyat Palestina dengan segala cara ‎tidak manusiawi dan dengan peluru kendali, bahkan dengan senjata terlarang. Sebaliknya, mereka bahkan ‎merampas hak rakyat Palestina untuk membela diri. Lebih aneh lagi, di hadapan ‎ketercengangan masyarakat internasional, mereka malah menyebut agresor dan penjajah ‎sebagai pihak yang “cintai damai” dan “benar”, sementara rakyat yang terzalimi disebut “teroris”.‎

Bagaimana mungkin kejahatan para penjajah terhadap anak-anak dan wanita, perusakan ‎tempat-tempat tinggal, tanah pertanian, sekolah-sekolah dan rumah-rumah sakit mendapat ‎perlindungan mutlak sebagian negara, sementara para pria dan wanita tertindas yang ‎dianggap bersalah hanya dikarenakan membela rumah dan tanah airnya berada di bawah ‎blokade bahan pangan, air, obat-obatan dan pembersihan etnis. Bahkan diupayakan untuk ‎mencegah rekonstruksi bangunan-bangunan mereka yang rusak akibat agresi brutal 22 hari ‎rezim Zionis Israel, padahal musim dingin akan tiba. Para agresor dan pendukungnya ‎meneriakkan slogan membela hak asasi manusia, sementara pada saat yang sama ‎memanfaatkan slogan ini guna menekan pihak lain. Kini tidak dapat lagi diterima kelompok ‎minoritas dengan jaringan rumit disertai desain yang tidak manusiawi menguasai ekonomi, ‎politik dan budaya dunia. Mereka menerapkan perbudakan modern dan menjadikan martabat ‎seluruh bangsa dunia, bahkan Eropa dan Amerika sebagai korban ketamakan rasialisme.‎

Tidak dapat diterima bila sebagian yang berasal dari ribuan kilometer jauhnya dari kawasan ‎Timur Tengah, melakukan intervensi militer yang mengakibatkan terjadinya pembunuhan, ‎perang, teror, ancaman dan agresi. Namun sensitifitas bangsa-bangsa di kawasan akan nasib dan ‎keamanan nasionalnya, teriakan protes terhadap ketidakadilan, agresi dan dukungan mereka ‎kepada masyarakat sebangsa dan seagama yang tertindas disebut sebagai aksi perlawanan ‎terhadap perdamaian dan campur tangan urusan dalam negeri negara lain. Perhatikan dengan ‎baik kondisi yang terjadi di Irak dan Afghanistan!‎

Kini, tidak bisa lagi melakukan pendudukan militer terhadap satu negara dengan slogan ‎melawan terorisme dan narkotika, sementara produksi narkotika menjadi berkali lipat, ‎wilayah terorisme menjadi lebih luas, ribuan orang tak berdosa tewas, cidera dan mengungsi, ‎infrastruktur hancur dan keamanan regional terancam. Lucunya, para pelaku utama tragedi ‎kemanusiaan ini malah terus menuduh pihak lain sebagai pihak yang harus bertanggung ‎jawab.‎

Kini, tidak bisa lagi meneriakkan slogan persahabatan dan solidaritas kepada bangsa-bangsa ‎namun bersamaan dengan itu mereka memperluas pangkalan-pangkalan militer di dunia, ‎termasuk di Amerika Latin.‎

Kondisi yang ada tidak dapat dilanjutkan. Kini tidak mungkin logika militerisme mampu ‎memajukan politik ekspasi dan anti kemanusiaan. Logika kekuatan dan ancaman akan ‎memunculkan dampak yang lebih buruk dan menambah masalah yang telah ada.‎

Tidak dapat diterima bila anggaran belanja militer sebagian negara mencapai beberapa kali ‎lipat dari bujet militer seluruh negara di dunia; ekspor senjata yang pertahunnya mencapai ‎ratusan miliar dolar; penyimpanan senjata kimia, biologi dan nuklir; pembukaan pangkalan ‎militer dan pengerahan pasukan di pelbagai penjuru dunia; namun di saat yang sama mereka ‎masih menuduh pihak lain melakukan politik militerisme. Mereka berusaha menghalangi ‎kemajuan pengetahuan seluruh bangsa di dunia dengan menyalahgunakan fasilitas dunia dan ‎dengan mengangkat slogan-slogan bohong diantaranya slogan melawan perlombaan senjata.‎

Tidak dapat diterima bila Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa (PBB) dan Dewan Keamanan PBB ‎yang semestinya berperan mewakili seluruh bangsa dan negara dan pengambilan ‎keputusannya berdasarkan sistem paling demokratis ternyata justeru berada di bawah kendali ‎dan pengaruh segelintir negara dan hanya melayani kepentingan mereka.‎

Pada prinsipnya, di dunia yang pemikiran, budaya dan opini publik menjadi faktor penentu, ‎kondisi seperti ini tak bisa dipertahankan. Harus ada tindakan nyata untuk melakukan ‎perubahan yang mendasar.

Poin Kedua
Perubahan harus dilakukan di dua ranah; ranah teori dan ranah praktis dalam struktur dan ‎metode secara mendasar.‎ Tidak mungkin mengubah kondisi yang ada dan menciptakan dunia yang ideal dengan ‎prinsip pemikiran dan metode yang menjadi penyebab utama semua problem masyarakat ‎manusia. ‎

Pemikiran Liberalisme dan Kapitalisme yang menghegemoni dunia, yang telah memisahkan ‎manusia dari akhlak dan “langit”, bukan hanya tidak membawa kebahagiaan kepada umat ‎manusia, tapi malah menjadi faktor kesengsaraan termasuk perang, kemiskinan dan ‎penderitaan. Semua menyaksikan bagaimana struktur ekonomi timpang yang berada di ‎bawah pengawasan kebijakan politik yang menggerus kepentingan bangsa-bangsa di seantero bumi demi ‎keuntungan sejumlah kecil pemodal tak bermoral.‎

Struktur politik dan ekonomi pasca Perang Dunia II yang dibangun dengan niat hegemoni ‎dunia sudah tidak mampu lagi menjamin keadilan dan keamanan yang berkelanjutan.‎

Para penguasa yang hatinya tidak pernah bergetar dengan cinta kepada manusia, bakal ‎mengorbankan ide keadilan dalam dirinya. Mereka tidak pernah memberikan hadiah ‎perdamaian dan persahabatan kepada umat manusia.‎

Sebagaimana Marxisme telah tumbang dan hanya dapat ditemukan dalam sejarah, dengan ‎pertolongan Allah, Kapitalisme juga akan bernasib sama. Karena berdasarkan Sunnah Ilahi, ‎yang disebut al-Quran sebagai prinsip, kebatilan bak melukis di atas air, bakal lenyap dan ‎hanya yang memberikan manfaat kepada manusia akan tetap dan langgeng. Semua harus ‎waspada betapa tujuan imperialisme, diskriminasi dan aksi tak manusiawi tidak ‎dapat diraih hanya dengan mengubah slogan semata-mata dan dengan paket usulan baru.‎

Dunia membutuhkan perubahan mendasar dan semua harus saling bekerjasama agar ‎perubahaan terjadi di jalur yang benar. Di bawah perubahaan mendasar ini tidak boleh ada ‎pengecualian baik pribadi maupun negara dan tidak ada yang lebih dibandingkan yang lain. ‎Tidak boleh terjadi ada pemaksaan keinginan hanya dengan mengklaim dirinya sebagai ‎pemimpin dunia.‎

Poin Ketiga
Penyebab utama segala problema masyarakat internasional adalah menjauhnya sebagian ‎penguasa dari moral, nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dan ajaran para Nabi Ilahi. Patut disayangkan ‎dalam mayoritas hubungan utama dunia, cinta, pengorbanan demi keselamatan dan ‎kebahagiaan orang lain, penekanan terhadap keadilan dan kehormatan manusia telah diambil ‎alih oleh egoisme, kerakusan yang tidak pernah puas dan kenikmatan individu yang tak ‎terbatas.‎

Penyembahan kepada Allah yang Esa telah diserahkan kepada penyembahan diri, bahkan ‎sebagian malah meletakkan dirinya pada posisi Tuhan. Tanpa memiliki kelayakan manusiawi ‎mereka bersikeras memaksakan apa yang dipahami dan diinginkannya kepada dunia. Kebohongan telah mengambil tempat kebenaran, kemunafikan di tempat kejujuran dan ‎egoisme menggantikan pengorbanan.‎

Tipu muslihat dalam berinteraksi disebut kecakapan dan diplomasi. Penjarahan kekayaan ‎negara lain disebut pembangunan dan pengembangan, penjajahan tanah air bangsa lain ‎diistilahkan pemberian hadiah kebebasan dan demokrasi, dan penindasan bangsa lemah ‎dianggap membela hak asasi manusia.‎

Saudara-saudara dan rekan-rekan yang terhormat.

Menyelesaikan masalah dunia dan menciptakan keadilan dan perdamaian hanya akan ‎terwujud dengan tekad dan solidaritas seluruh bangsa dan negara di dunia. Periode dua kutub ‎yang berasal dari sistem hegemoni dan kekuasaan beberapa negara atas dunia telah berakhir.‎

Hari ini kita harus bangkit dengan komitmen bersama menghadapi kondisi yang ada, ‎menindaklanjuti perubahan secara serius dan berusaha dalam partisipasi dan perjuangan ‎bersama agar kita semua dapat kembali pada nilai-nilai akhlak, manusiawi dan fitrah.‎

Para Nabi Ilahi dan orang-orang saleh diutus ke dunia untuk mengenalkan hakikat manusia ‎dan tanggung jawab individu dan sosial manusia.‎

Kesucian, iman kepada Allah yang Esa, Hari Perhitungan, penerapan keadilan di dunia dan ‎akhirat, pencarian kebahagiaan hakiki dalam kebahagiaan orang lain menggantikan ‎kedengkian dan egoisme, dan melayani orang lain sebagai ganti dari penguasaan atas orang ‎lain merupakan puncak ajaran para Nabi Ilahi dari Nabi Adam, Nuh hingga Ibrahim, Musa, ‎Isa dan Rasulullah Muhammad Saw, penutup silsilah para Nabi.‎

Mereka semua diutus untuk mencegah terjadinya perang, melenyapkan diskriminasi dan ‎kemiskinan, memberantas kebodohan dan menciptakan kemakmuran bagi seluruh umat ‎manusia. Bila pemikiran “penantian” akan datangnya pemerintahan yang terbaik dan pemerintahan dari orang-orang yang saleh ‎menjadi pemikiran global dan kita semua berusaha mewujudkannya demi kebahagiaan seluruh dunia, maka saat itulah ‎harapan akan perubahan menjadi lebih realistis dan lebih berkembang.‎

Poin Keempat
Menurut saya ada beberapa agenda penting di hadapan kita. Sekjen PBB dan Ketua Majelis ‎Umum PBB dapat menyusun program berdasarkan agenda tersebut dan menjadi pelopor ‎dalam mengambil langkah-langkah penting di jalan ini.‎

1. Perubahan struktur Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa dan mengubahnya menjadi satu lembaga ‎yang sesuai dengan harapan masyarakat saat ini, netral, adil, berpengaruh kuat dalam hubungan internasional, termasuk perubahan ‎struktur Dewan Keamanan, penghapusan diskriminasi keistimewaan hak veto, pemberian ‎segera dan secara penuh hak-hak rakyat Palestina dengan menyelenggarakan referendum ‎yang bebas dan menjadi sarana bagi kehidupan harmonis antara umat Islam, Kristen dan Yahudi di ‎Palestina dan menghentikan intervensi di Irak, Afghanistan, Timur Tengah, Afrika, Amerika ‎Latin, Asia dan Eropa.‎

Pemerintahan yang kafir dapat diterima tapi tidak untuk pemerintahan yang zalim. Ini adalah ucapan Nabi ‎Muhammad Saw. Kezaliman dan pelanggaran HAM di Palestina seperti berlanjutnya ‎pengusiran warga Palestina pemilik asli tanah air Palestina yang tinggal di Baitul Maqdis, serta perusakan rumah-rumah oleh penjajah al-Quds. Demikian pula di Afghanistan dan Pakistan, kezaliman yang ‎serupa dilakukan lewat pengeboman udara dan kezaliman di penjara Guantanamo yang sangat disesalkan karena hingga kini belum ditutup. Belum lagi di penjara-penjara rahasia di Eropa.‎

Berlanjutnya kondisi seperti ini mengakibatkan semakin bertambahnya kedengkian dan ‎kekerasan. Kezaliman dan agresi harus dicegah. Patut disesalkan, bagaimana laporan-laporan ‎resmi terkait aksi-aksi brutal rezim Zionis Israel di Jalur Gaza tidak dipublikasikan secara ‎lengkap. Sekjen PBB yang terhormat punya kewajiban berat yang harus dilakukan. ‎Masyarakat internasional sudah tidak sabar menanti para agresor Gaza dan pembantai rakyat ‎yang lemah diadili dan dijatuhi hukuman.‎

2. Perubahan struktur ekonomi berdasarkan hubungan ekonomi yang etis dan manusiawi di ‎dunia demi melayani kebutuhan manusia berlandaskan keadilan yang kongkret. ‎Hubungan ekonomi yang mampu mengaktualkan potensi dan kemampuan bangsa-bangsa, ‎memberi hadiah kesejahteraan kepada seluruh umat manusia dan dapat menjamin kehidupan ‎bagi generasi mendatang.‎

3. Perubahan hubungan politik internasional, membangun hubungan berdasarkan perdamian ‎dan persahabatan yang berkelanjutan, mencabut sampai ke akar-akarnya perlombaan ‎senjata, mengakhiri politik destruktif, melucuti senjata nuklir, kimia, dan biologi, dan ‎mempersiapkan sarana bagi pemanfaatan teknologi modern dan damai demi kemajuan umat ‎manusia.‎

4. Perubahan struktur budaya, penghormatan kepada adat-istiadat dan tradisi bangsa-bangsa, ‎menyebarkan akhlak, spiritual dan memperkuat sendi-sendi keluarga yang hangat, langgeng ‎dan sejahtera sebagai tiang penyangga masyarakat yang bahagia.‎

5. Perhatian global terhadap upaya perlindungan lingkungan hidup manusia dan menjaga ‎undang-undang dan hukum internasional guna mencegah kerusakan kekayaan alam yang tak ‎dapat diperbaharui.‎

Poin Kelima
Bangsa Iran pasca pemilu presiden yang meriah dan benar-benar bebas telah menandai babak ‎baru kemajuan nasional dan interaksi luas dengan dunia, dan dengan suara mayoritas ‎menyerahkan tanggung jawab berat di pundak saya. Di sini saya mengumumkan kesiapan ‎bangsa Iran yang besar demi terciptanya peradaban dan negara Republik Islam Iran sebagai satu dari ‎pemerintah maju dunia yang paling demokratis untuk ikut secara aktif dalam sebuah program ‎yang adil dan berdasarkan prinsip saling menghormati demi menghilangkan kekhawatiran ‎dan problema umat manusia dengan memanfaatkan segala kapasitas budaya, politik dan ‎ekonominya.‎

Bangsa Iran adalah termasuk korban terbesar terorisme. Di dekade pertama ‎revolusinya yang sudah berumur tiga puluh tahun saat ini, Iran mampu menghalau invasi militer dari luar. ‎Bangsa kami selalu menjadi sasaran kebencian pihak-pihak yang suatu hari mendukung ‎agresi Saddam ke Iran bahkan mereka memanfaatkan senjata kimia saat itu, sementara di hari lainnya ‎mereka mengerahkan pasukan ke Irak dengan alasan ingin melenyapkan kejahatannya.‎

Bangsa Iran menginginkan dibangunnya dunia yang penuh dengan keindahan dan kasih ‎sayang bagi setiap bangsa dan seluruh umat manusia. Bangsa ini mengumumkan siap ‎melestarikan perdamaian dan keamanan bagi seluruh bangsa berdasarkan keadilan, ‎spiritualitas dan kehormatan manusia di samping upaya pembelaan dengan segenap kekuatan ‎atas hak-hak legalnya.‎

Demi terealisasinya semua tujuan ini, bangsa kami siap menyambut hangat tangan yang ‎diulurkan dengan jujur. Tidak ada bangsa yang merasa tidak membutuhkan perubahan dalam ‎melalui jalan kesempurnaan ini. Kami menyambut baik perubahan riil dan manusiawi, dan ‎siap berperan serta dalam perubahan dunia yang mendasar.‎

Berdasarkan hal ini saya menekankan;‎

Satu-satunya jalan keselamatan adalah kembali pada tauhid dan keadilan. Ini harapan dan ‎kesempatan terbesar di setiap masa dan generasi. Tanpa iman kepada Allah, komitmen ‎kepada pelaksanaan keadilan dan melawan ketidakadilan dan diskriminasi, sistem dunia tidak ‎akan terbentuk menjadi lebih baik.

Manusia adalah inti keberadaan sebuah sistem. Ciri khas manusia ada pada sisi kemanusiaannya. ‎Hakikat inilah yang menuntut akan keadilan, kesucian, cinta, ilmu, makrifat dan seluruh ‎kesempurnaan akhlak lainnya. Harus ada dukungan dan kesempatan bagi setiap manusia untuk ‎meraih nilai-nilai kemanusiaan ini. Menghapus satu dari dimensi hakikat ini sama artinya ‎dengan mennghapus kemanusiaan. Ini adalah unsur kolektif yang mengikat seluruh umat ‎manusia dan membentuk pondasi perdamaian, keamanan dan persahabatan.‎

Agama-agama Ilahi memperhatikan seluruh dimensi kehidupan manusia termasuk ‎penghambaan kepada Allah, akhlak, keadilan, melawan kezaliman dan berusaha menciptakan ‎pemerintahan yang adil dan saleh. Nabi Ibrahim as adalah penyeru tauhid di hadapan ‎Namrud, Nabi Musa as di hadapan Firaun dan Nabi Isa serta Nabi Muhammad saw berdiri ‎kokoh menghadapi orang-orang zalim di masanya. Sikap tegar mereka sampai pada tahapan ‎diancam mati dan diusir dari negerinya. Tanpa keteguhan dan protes, ketidakadilan tidak ‎akan tercerabut dari dunia.‎

Poin Terakhir
Rekan-rekan dan saudara-saudara yang tercinta.‎

Dunia saat ini tengah mengalami perubahan. Sesuai janji Allah kepada manusia, nasibnya ‎dibangun berdasarkan kehidupan thayyibah dan manusiawi. Akan tiba suatu masa di mana ‎keadilan akan berlaku menyeluruh dan global dan setiap manusia akan dihormati dan dimuliakan. Pada ‎saat itu jalan kesempurnaan spiritual manusia akan terbuka dan perjalanannya menuju Allah ‎dan manifestasi asma Allah bakal terwujud. Manusia harus sampai pada satu titik di mana ‎simbol ilmu dan hikmah, rahmat dan belas kasih, keadilan, kekuasaan dan kreativitas, ‎kedermawanan dan kemurahan semuanya berasal dari Allah, Pencipta alam semesta.

Semua ini bakal terwujud di bawah pemerintahan manusia sempurna, insan Ilahi yang ‎dipersiapkan untuk akhir zaman, keturunan Rasulullah saw; yakni Imam Mahdi (af). Beliau ‎akan datang untuk merealisasikan tugas besar dunia dengan diiringi Nabi Isa bin Maryam as ‎dan manusia-manusia suci lainnya. Inilah pemikiran “penantian”. Penantian kepemimpinan ‎segala kebaikan dan pemerintahan saleh. Sebuah pemikiran global, fitrah dan sumber harapan ‎bangsa-bangsa akan perubahan dunia.‎

Dengan bantuan manusia-manusia mukmin dan saleh, mereka akan mewujudkan kebebasan, kesempurnaan, kemajuan, keamanan, ‎ketenangan, perdamaian dan keindahan, bagi seluruh umat manusia. Mereka akan datang untuk memberangus perang dan ‎agresi dan menghadiahkan segala ilmu, spiritualitas dan persahabatan kepada dunia.‎

Sungguh benar, masa depan manusia yang cemerlang akan segera tiba.‎

Saudara-saudara, mari kita nantikan periode indah itu dan dalam komitmen bersama kita turut ‎memberikan sumbangsih yang selayaknya guna mempersiapkan sarana demi terciptanya ‎masa depan ini.‎

Hidup cinta dan spiritual …‎
Hidup perdamaian dan keamanan …‎
Hidup keadilan dan kebebasan …‎

Terima kasih kepada seluruh hadirin.‎

Wassalamu‘alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Full text of Ahmadinejad's Speech to the UN General Assembly

Read the words without the interpretative spin from a FOX News anchor. 

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Courtesy: swordattheready.files.wordpress.com

(NEW YORK) - It took little time for American media pundits to go on the offensive, condemning Iranian President Ahmadinejad's speech at the UN General Assembly.
Debbie Menon with intifada-palestine.com, summed up the immediate political bashing by saying, "The never-ending commentary has begun."

Along with others who have already read the full text of Ahmadinejad's speech, Menon asks others to read the text and determine whether anything is outrageous and/or offensive in this particular speech. 

Menon said, "Please make the distinction between what Ahmadinejad said today ... and ... what some folks are already saying that he said. Please think for yourself and draw your own conclusions. For peace is the goal. You will notice that Mr. Ahmadinejad used the word 'vicegerents' in his speech. Not to worry. I looked it up. A vicegerent is 'an administrative deputy'."

Source: UN
Permanent Mission to the United Nations
64th Session of the United Nations General Assembly
23 September 2009

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
"All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Universe, and peace and blessing be upon our Master and Prophet, Mohammad, and his pure Household, and his noble Companions"

"Oh, God, hasten the arrival of Imam Al-Mahdi and grant him good health and victory and make us his followers and those who attest to his rightfulness"

Mr. President,
Ladies and gentlemen,

I thank the Almighty God for granting me, once more, this opportunity to address this important international meeting.

I wish to begin by congratulating you, Mr. President, for having assumed the presidency of the 64th Session of the UN General Assembly and wish you all the success. I also extend my thanks to H.E. Mr. Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann, President of the 63rd Session of the General Assembly, for his excellent stewardship of the work of the General Assembly during his term.

Over the past four years I have talked to you concerning the main challenges facing our world. I have talked about the roots and underlying causes of these challenges and the need for the world powers to review their outlook and workout new mechanisms to address the pressing international problems. I have talked about the two conflicting outlooks prevailing in our world; one that is based on the predominance of its materialistic interests through spreading inequality and oppression, poverty and deprivation, aggression, occupation and deception, and tends to bring the entire world under its control and impose its will on other nations. This outlook has produced nothing but frustration, disappointment and a dark future for the entire humanity.

The other outlook is the one that spouses with the belief in the oneness of the Almighty God, follows the teaching of His messengers, respects human dignity and seeks to build a secure world for all members of the human community, in which everybody can equally enjoy the blessings of sustainable peace and spirituality. The latter is an outlook that respects all human beings, nations, and valuable cultures in defiance of all types of discrimination in the world, and commits itself into a constant fight to promote equality for all before the law on the basis of justice and fraternity, laying a solid foundation to guarantee equal access for all human beings in their quest to excel in knowledge and science.

I have laid emphasis time and again on the need to make fundamental changes in the current attitudes towards the world and the human being in order to be able to create a bright tomorrow.
Friends and Colleagues;

Today, I wish to share with you a few points about the changes that should take place.

Clearly, continuation of the current circumstances in the world is impossible. The present inequitable and unfavorable conditions run counter to the very nature of human kind and move in a direction which contravenes the truth and the goal behind the creation of the world.

It is no longer possible to inject thousands of billions of dollars of unreal wealth to the world economy simply by printing worthless paper assets, or transfer inflation as well as social and economic problems to others through creating sever budget deficits. The engine of unbridled capitalism with its unfair system of thought has reached the end of road and is unable to move. The era of capitalist thinking and . imposition of one's thoughts on the international community, intended to predominate the world in the name of globalization and the age of setting up empires is over. It is no longer possible to humiliate nations and impose double standard policies on the world community.

Approaches in which realization of the interests of certain powers is considered as the only criteria to weigh democracy, and using the ugliest methods of intimidation and deceit under the mantle of freedom as a democratic practice, and approaches through which sometimes dictators are portrayed as democrats, lack legitimacy and must be totally rejected.

The time has come to an end for those who define democracy and freedom and set standards whilst they themselves are the first who violate its fundamental principles. They can no longer sit both the judge and the executor and challenge the real democratically- established governments.

The awakening of nations and the expansion of freedom worldwide will no longer allow them to continue their hypocrisy and vicious attitudes. Because of all these reasons most nations including the people of the Untied States are waiting for real and profound changes. They have welcomed and will continue to welcome changes.

How can one imagine that the inhuman policies in Palestine may continue; to force the entire population of a country out of their homeland for more than 60 years by resorting to force and coercion; to attack them with all types of arms and even prohibited weapons; to deny them of their legitimate right of self-defense, while much to the chagrin of the international community calling the occupiers as the peace lovers, and portraying the victims as terrorists.

How can the crimes of the occupiers against defenseless women and children and destruction of their homes, farms, hospitals and schools be supported unconditionally by certain governments, and at the same time, the oppressed men and women be subject to genocide and heaviest economic blockade being denied of their basic needs, food, water and medicine.

They are not even allowed to rebuild their homes which were destroyed during the 22-day barbaric attacks by the Zionist regime while the winter is approaching. Whereas the aggressors and their supporters deceitfully continue their rhetoric in defense of human rights in order to put others under pressure.

It is no longer acceptable that a small minority would dominate the politics, economy and culture of major parts of the world by its complicated networks, and establish a new form of slavery, and harm the reputation of other nations, even European nations and the U.S., to attain its racist ambitions.

It is not acceptable that some who are several thousands of kilometers away from the Middle East would send their troops for military intervention and for spreading war, bloodshed, aggression, terror and intimidation in the whole region while blaming the protests of nations in the region, that are concerned about their fate and their national security, as a move against peace and as interference in others' affairs. Look at the situations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

It is no longer possible to bring a country under military occupation in the name of fight against terrorism and drug trafficking while the production of illicit drugs has multiplied, terrorism has widened its dimensions and has tightened its grips, thousands of innocent people have been killed, injured or displaced, infrastructures have been destroyed and regional security has been seriously jeopardized; and those who have created the current disastrous situation continue to blame others. How you can talk about friendship and solidarity with other nations while you expand your military bases in different parts of the world including in Latin America. This situation cannot continue. It is all the more impossible to advance expansionist and inhuman policies on the basis of militaristic logic. The logic of coercion and intimidation will produce dire consequences, exacerbating the present global problems.

It is not acceptable that the military budget of some governments exceeds far larger than those of the entire countries of the world. They export billions of dollars of arms every year, stockpile chemical and biological weapons, establish military bases or have military presence in other countries while accusing others of militarism, and mobilize all their resources in the world to impede scientific and technological progress of other nations under the pretext of countering arms proliferation. It is not acceptable that the United Nations and the Security Council, whose decisions must represent all nations and governments by the application of the most democratic methods in their decision making processes, be dominated by a few governments and serve their interests. In a world where cultures, thoughts and public opinions should be the determining factors, the continuation of the present situation is impossible, and fundamental changes seem to be unavoidable.

Any change must be structural and fundamental both in theory and practice, involving all domains of our life. The outdated mechanisms which themselves were instrumental in and the root cause for present problems in human societies can never be used to bring changes and create our desired world. Liberalism and capitalism that have alienated human beings from heavenly and moral values will never bring happiness for humanity because they are the main source of all misfortune wars, poverty and deprivation.

We have all seen that how the inequitable economic structures controlled by certain political interests have been used to plunder national wealth of countries for the benefit of a group of corrupt business giants. The present structures are incapable of reforming the present situation.

The political and economic structures created following the World War II that was based on intentions to dominate the world failed to promote justice and lasting security.

Rulers whose hearts do not beat for the love of humankind and who sacrificed the spirit of justice in their minds never offer the promise of peace and friendship to humanity. By the grace of God, Marxism is gone. It is now history. The expansionist Capitalism will certainly have the same fate. Because based on the divine traditions referred to as a principle in the Holy Quran, the wrong like the bubbles on the surface of water, will disappear. There remains only what that can be used forever towards the interest of human societies.

We must all remain vigilant to prevent the pursuit of colonialist, discriminatory and inhuman goals under the cover of the slogans for change and in new formats. The world needs to undergo fundamental changes and all must engage collectively to make them happen in the right direction, and through such efforts no one and no government would consider itself an exception to change or superior to others and try to impose its will on others by proclaiming world leadership.

All problems existing in our world today emanate from the fact that rulers have distanced themselves from human values, morality and the teachings of divine messengers. Regrettably, in the current international relations, selfishness and insatiable greed have taken the place of such humanitarian concepts as love, sacrifice, dignity, and justice. The belief in the One God has been replaced with selfishness. 

Some have taken the place of God and insist to impose their values and wishes on others. Lies have taken the place of honesty; hypocrisy has replaced integrity and selfishness has taken the place of sacrifice. Deception in interactions is called foresight and statesmanship; looting the wealth of other nations is called development efforts; occupation is introduced as a gift towards promotion of freedom and democracy, and defenseless nations are subjected to repression in the name of defending human rights.

Friends and Colleagues;
Settlement of global problems and administration of justice and maintenance of peace will only be materialized with collective determination and cooperation of all nations and states. The age of polarizing the world on the premises of the hegemony or domination of a few governments is over.

Today we must rise together in a collective commitment against the present challenges; we must take change seriously and help others through collective work to return to the basic moral and human values. Messengers were sent by God to show the light of the truth to human kind, they came to make people aware of their individual and social obligations. Piety, having faith to Allah and its judgment of human behavior or conduct in the next world, belief in the primacy of justice in both lives, seeking one's happiness, well being and security in the happiness, well-being and security of others, respecting human kind, making efforts to expand love and compassion against hostility were all on top of the teachings offered by the Messengers of God from Adam to Noah, from Noah to Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ and the last one Prophet Mohamamd (PUH). All of them came to do something to eliminate war and ignorance, to eradicate poverty and uproot discrimination in order to spread happiness in the entire world. They are the best gifts that God Almighty has granted to human beings.

If the belief in Entezar( A waiting patiently for the Imam to return) will turn into a common and we join hands to achieve prosperity for all, then there will be more real and increasing hopes for reform.

In my opinion, we have several important agendas in front of us. The Secretary-General and the UN General Assembly can take the lead by undertaking necessary measures for the fulfillment of our shared goals on the basis of:

1. Restructuring the United Nations in order to transform this world body to an efficient and fully democratic organization, capable of playing an impartial, equitable, and effective role in the international relations; reforming the structure of the Security Council, specially by abolishing the discriminatory privilege of veto right; restoration of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people by organizing a referendum and free elections in Palestine in order to prepare a conducive ground for all Palestinian populations, including Muslims, Christians and Jews to live together in peace and harmony; putting an end to all types of interferences in the affairs of Iraq, Afghanistan, Middle East, and in all countries in Africa, Latin America, Asia and Europe.

As our great Prophet said, a government may survive with blasphemy, but never with oppression. Oppression against Palestinians and violation of their rights still continue; a new group of Palestinians who lived in al-Qod al-Sharif were again forced out of their homes as the destruction of their residential homes continues by the occupiers; bombings in Afghanistan and Pakistan have not yet sopped; and Guantanamo Prison has not yet been shut down and there are still secret prisons in Europe.

Continuation of the present situation adds to hostilities and violence. Oppression and military aggression must be stopped. Regrettably, official reports concerning the brutalities of the Zionist regime in Gaza have not been completely published. The Secretary-General and the United Nations have crucial responsibilities in this respect and the international community is impatiently waiting for the punishment of the aggressors and the murderers of the defenseless people of Gaza.

2. Reforming the current economic structures and setting up a new international economic order based on human and moral values and obligations. A new course is needed that would help promote justice and progress worldwide by flourishing the potentials and talents of all nations thus bringing well-being for all and for future generations;

3. Reforming the international political relations based on the promotion of lasting peace and friendship, eradication of arms race and elimination of all nuclear, chemical and biological weapons;

4. Reforming cultural structures , respect for diverse customs and traditions of all nations, fostering moral values and spirituality aimed at institution of family as the backbone of all human societies;

5. Worldwide efforts to protect the environment and full observance of the international agreements and arrangements to prevent the annihilation of nature's non-renewable resources.

Our nation has successfully gone through a glorious and fully- democratic election, opening a new chapter for our country in the march towards national progress and enhanced international interactions. They entrusted me once more with a large majority this heavy responsibility.

And now, I want to declare that our great nation that has made great contribution to the world civilization, and the Islamic Republic of Iran as one of the most democratic and progressive governments of the world is ready to mobilize all its cultural, political and economic capabilities to engage into constructive process aimed at addressing the international concerns and challenges. Our country has been a main victim of terrorism and the target of an all-out military aggression during the first decade of the revolution.

All through the past thirty years we have been subject to hostile attitudes of those who supported Saddam's military aggression and his use of chemical weapons against us, and then they took military action in Iraq to get rid of him. Today, our nation seeks to create a world in which justice and compassion prevail. We announce our commitment to participate in the process of building a durable peace and security worldwide for all nations based on justice, spirituality and human dignity, while being dedicated to strongly defending our legitimate and legal rights.

To materialize these goals, our nation is prepared to warmly shake all those hands which are honestly extended to us. No nation can claim to be free from the need to change and reform in this journey towards perfectness. We welcome real and humane changes and stand ready to actively engage in fundamental global reforms.

Therefore, we emphasize that:
The only path to remain safe is to return to Monotheism (believing in the Oneness of God) and justice, and this is the greatest hope and opportunity in all ages and generations. Without belief in God and commitment to the cause of justice and fight against injustice and discrimination, the world architect would not get right.

Man is at the center of the universe. The man's unique feature is his humanity. The same feature which seeks for justice, piety, love, knowledge, awareness and all other high values. These human values should be supported, and each and every fellow humans should be given the opportunity to acquire them. Neglecting any of them is tantamount to the omission of a constituting piece of humanity. These are common elements which connect all human communities and constitute the basis of peace, security and friendship.

The divine religions pay attention to all aspects of human life, including obedience to God, morality, justice, fighting oppression, and endeavor to establish just and good governance. Prophet Abraham called for Oneness of God against Nimrod, as Prophet Moses did the same against Pharaohs and the Jesus Christ and Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon them) did against the oppressors of their own time. They were all threatened to death and were forced out of their homelands. Without resistance and objection, the injustices would not be removed from the face of the earth.

Dear friends and colleagues;
The world is in continuous change and evolution. The promised destiny for the mankind is the establishment of the humane pure life. Will come a time when justice will prevail across the globe and every single human being will enjoy respect and dignity. That will be the time when the Mankind's path to moral and spiritual perfectness will be opened and his journey to God and the manifestation of the God's Divine Names will come true. The mankind should excel to represent the God's "knowledge and wisdom", His "compassion and benevolence", His "justice and fairness", His "power and art", and His "kindness and forgiveness".

These will all come true under the rule of the Perfect Man, the last Divine Source on earth, Hazrat Mahdi (Peace be upon him); an offspring of the Prophet of Islam, who will re-emerge, and Jesus Christ (Peace be upon him) and other noble men will accompany him in the accomplishment of this, grand universal mission. And this is the belief in Entezar (Awaiting patiently for the Imam to return). Waiting with patience for the rule of goodness and the governance of the Best which is a universal human notion and which is a source of nations' hope for the betterment of the world.

They will come, and with the help of righteous people and true believers will materialize the man's long-standing desires for freedom, perfectness, maturity, security and tranquility, peace and beauty. They will come to put an end to war and aggression and present the entire knowledge as well as spirituality and friendship to the whole world.

Yes; Indeed, the bright future for the mankind will come.

Dear friends,
In waiting for that brilliant time to come and in a collective commitment, let's make due contributions in paving the grounds and preparing the conditions for building that bright future.

Long live love and spirituality; long live peace and security; long live justice and freedom.
God's Peace and blessing be upon you all.
Courtesy: Payvand News

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