Rabu, 19 Februari 2014

WHAT'S ACTUALLY PLAY THE DIRTY GAME IN UKRINE....?? WHO WORKING BEHIND...??? WAS IT REALLY PEOPLE MOVEMENT.....OR JUST THERE IS THE GHOSTY PLAYERS AS JUST MASTERS OF THE DARKNESS CRIME OF THE POLITICIANS ..??? >>> ....THE POLITIKING PLAY AND THE DEVILS HANDS FOR THE ANARCHIST MOVEMENTS AS MAKE A MESS AND DAMAGE TO THE PURPOSE OF GOVERNMENT OR AUTHORITY TURN IN LINE WITH THE PLAN AND POLITICAL AGENDA OF THE AGENT THAT SINCE BEEN PREPARED IN PLANNING. BEEN SAID, THAT FOR POLITICIAN, THAT THERE IS NO COINCIDENCE THAT IN ANY POLITICAL MOVEMENT, THEN IT WAS ALL PLANNED ALREADY WRAPPED AND COVERT AGENDA. ...>> AS IF THERE IS SUCH AWARENESS FOR THE UNITED STATES, THAT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE - AND AMERICAN POLITICIAN HAS ALSO FALL UNDER ISRAELI foot ..? ... DURING DECADES ... -IN HISTORY SO FAR - AS IF AMERICAN PEOPLE AND SUCH LIKE DRUGGED AND HYNOTICED BY FEEL POWER HAVE FAITH DOCTRINE AND DO SOMETHING GREAT AND HOLY, WHEN THEY BECOME VOLUNTARY SLAVES TO THE ISRAELI .. SUCH LIKE BUFFALO AS BINDING ITS NOSE ...? One reader wrote: “My wife, who is of Ukrainian nationality, has weekly contact to her parents and friends in Zhytomyr [NW Ukraine]. According to them, most protesters get an average payment of 200-300 grivna, corresponding to about 15-25 euro. As I additionally heard, one of the most active agencies and ‘payment outlets’ on EU side is the German ‘Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’, being closely connected to the CDU, i.e. Mrs. Merkel’s party.” As I reported on February 12, “Washington Orchestrated Protests Are Destabilizing Ukraine,” Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, a rabid Russophobe and neoconservative warmonger, told the National Press Club last December that the US has “invested” $5 billion in organizing a network to achieve US goals in Ukraine in order to give “Ukraine the future it deserves.”..>>> ...Anti-AIPAC sentiment is spreading throughout all segments of American society. Even the American Jewish community, once a bastion of near-monolithic support for Israel, now includes a rising chorus of anti-Zionist voices. ..>>> Sebanyak 21 orang tewas dan lebih dari 200 orang lainnya terluka kemarin ketika polisi anti huru-hara berusaha membubarkan unjuk rara antipemerintah di sebuah alun-alun di Ibu Kota Kiev, Ukraina. Ini menjadi bentrokan terburuk sejak protes meletus pada November lalu. Otoritas Ukraina sebelumnya mengatakan 14 orang tewas termasuk tujuh polisi yang terbunuh akibat tembakan, seperti dilansir situs GlobalPost, Rabu (19/2). ...>>

‘Americans speaking out about “Israelification” of the USA’

Dr Kevin Barrett — Press TV Feb 17, 2014


The expression “Israeli-Occupied Territories” normally refers to Palestine. But more and more Americans are speaking out about the “Israelification” of the USA – and wondering whether their country, too, is occupied. 

On March 2nd through March 4th, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) will hold its annual celebration of Zionist domination of American politics and media. The 2014 AIPAC Policy Conference at the Washington, DC Convention Center will attract thousands of fanatical Zionists – as well as an angry crowd of protestors.

Anti-AIPAC sentiment is spreading throughout all segments of American society. Even the American Jewish community, once a bastion of near-monolithic support for Israel, now includes a rising chorus of anti-Zionist voices.

A Jewish-American woman, Medea Benjamin, is a key force behind Code Pink’s “Boycott AIPAC” protests. The Code Pink Activists will protest AIPAC at the Washington, DC Convention Center on Sunday, March 2nd from 8:30 am to 8:30 pm with a special event from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

Max Blumenthal, son of American Jewish leader and former Clinton advisor Sidney Blumenthal, is another prominent critic of the Israelification of America. Blumenthal’s book Goliath, a compendium of unpleasant truths about Israel, has rocked the American Jewish community and stimulated debate about whether the next generation of American Jews will turn anti-Zionist.

The expression “Israelification of America” was popularized by one of the USA’s top foreign policy experts, Andrew Bacevich of Boston University. Bacevich points out that the US has “stumbled willy-nilly into an Israeli-like condition of perpetual war” with horrific consequences for the US economy and Constitution.

Bacevich’s notion of “Israelification” explains the recent American fascination with assassinations and killer drones. In his article “How We Became Israel” Bacevich points out that in the pre-9/11 era, when assassination was illegal in the USA, Israel had already made “targeted assassination…the Israeli way of war.”

Israel was the first to develop and use drones. Now it is the world’s largest drone exporter. Today’s wildly unconstitutional US drone killings are a symptom of America’s enslavement to Zionism.

Bacevich is correct: The US has indeed “become Israel.” But he is wrong about one thing: The US has not “stumbled willy-nilly” into Israelification.

There was nothing random or unplanned about the Zionist coup d’état of September 11th, 2001 which imposed near-total Zionist control on America. According to Stanley Hilton and Francis Boyle – both of whom studied beside neoconservative guru Leo Strauss at the University of Chicago during the 1960s – Strauss and his disciples, including roommates and Strauss intimates Paul Wolfowitz and Abram Shulsky, were even then planning to impose a sort of Zio-Nazi fascism on America through a 9/11 style event.

One neoconservative Zio-Nazi, Edward Luttwak, actually wrote a doctoral dissertation outlining the Straussian plan to overthrow democracy through a 9/11-style stealth coup d’état. Luttwak’s dissertation was published in 1968 as Coup d’État: A Practical Handbook. Italian journalist Mauricio Blondet, in his book September 11th: A Coup d’État (2002) explains that the neoconservatives used Luttwak’s Coup d’État as their step-by-step guide to staging 9/11.

Israeli’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu celebrated 9/11 with the ecstatic outburst: “It’s very good!” Then-Israeli-Prime-Minister Ariel Sharon crowed: “We Jews control America, and the Americans know it!” (Israeli spy agency) Mossad kingpin Mike Harari allegedly boasted of orchestrating 9/11 at the celebratory party he threw in Bangkok, Thailand, immediately after the attack on America, according to eyewitness Dmitri Khalezov.

The famous “dancing Israeli” Mossad agents openly celebrated the success of the 9/11 operation. They shared high-fives and took pictures of each other flicking cigarette lighters in front of the burning and then exploding Twin Towers.

But these and other Zionist celebrations of the 9/11 coup d’état were premature. While the Zionists achieved their near-term goals – beginning with a US attempt to destroy “seven countries in five years” on behalf of Greater Israel – they inadvertently provoked a backlash that will eventually sweep Zionism into the proverbial dustbin of history.

That backlash began just a few days after 9/11, when US Army Col. Donn de Grand-Pré and fellow military officers met to formulate a response to the 9/11 coup d’état. These patriotic American officers began a process that continues today at the US military and intelligence community’s voice of 9/11 truth, the on-line publication Veterans Today.

The disastrous failure of the 9/11 wars-for-Israel has created an anti-Zionist backlash. Though the Zionists try to ruin the careers and reputations of anyone who questions 9/11 or Zionism, they are finding it more and more difficult to build an “Occupation Wall of Silence” around these topics.

A few years ago, when professors like Steven Jones spoke out about 9/11, or journalists like Helen Thomas and Rick Sanchez criticized Zionist domination of the media, they could be driven from their jobs. This year, when Seattle Seahawks coach Pete Carroll questioned 9/11, nobody suggested firing him…and Carroll went on to win the Super Bowl.

For two decades AIPAC never lost a political battle. During the past year it has already lost two: Its attempt to trigger a US bombing of Syria, and its push for new nuclear-deal-killing sanctions on Iran.

In both cases, the Zionist-dominated media could not convince Americans to support yet another war-for-Israel.

The rise of the internet-based alternative media has made the Zionist death-grip on mainstream media increasingly irrelevant. The Zionist thought-policemen are panicking.

One leading Zionist thought-policeman, Mark Gardner, recently blasted the celebrity photographer Rankin for discussing who controls the media: “It’s allegations about Jewish power over the media that distinguishes anti-Semitism from other forms of racism. Rankin may well not be an anti-Semite, in which case he should learn not to spread the stink of anti-Semitic claims about Jews running the media and Hollywood.”

Why is it “anti-Semitic stink” to tell the truth? As Joel Stein explained in his L.A. Times article “Who runs Hollywood? C’mon” – and as everyone in Hollywood knows – “Jews totally run Hollywood.” Stein’s article names the big Hollywood power brokers and notes that virtually all are Jewish.

The same is true, in less extreme fashion, of the whole US mainstream media, including the big TV, magazine, and newspaper franchises. Former New York Times reporter Philip Weiss, now a leading blogger on Middle East issues, lays it out in his article “Do Jews Dominate in American Media? And So What If We Do?”

But perhaps we should be calling the people who dominate American media “Zionists,” not “Jews.” Judaism is a religion, while Zionism is a tribal political project. Most of the media-controllers are not religious. They are, however, devoted to their “Jewish state” in Occupied Palestine.

As Americans continue to lose confidence in the mainstream media, they will increasingly turn to alternative sources. And those sources, precisely because they are trying to provide an alternative to the mainstream, will continue to chip away at the Zionist occupation of the American mind.

So if you want to protest AIPAC’s faltering death-grip on America, do it this year. There is no telling how many more years AIPAC, and the Zionist entity it represents, will still be in business.

US and EU Are Paying Ukrainian Rioters and Protesters

Protesters in front of burning police bus in central Kiev. Click to enlarge

Paul Craig Roberts — Activist Post Feb 17, 2014


A number of confirmations have come in from readers that Washington is fueling the violent protests in Ukraine with our taxpayer dollars. Washington has no money for food stamps or to prevent home foreclosures, but it has plenty of money with which to subvert Ukraine.
One reader wrote: “My wife, who is of Ukrainian nationality, has weekly contact to her parents and friends in Zhytomyr [NW Ukraine]. According to them, most protesters get an average payment of 200-300 grivna, corresponding to about 15-25 euro. As I additionally heard, one of the most active agencies and ‘payment outlets’ on EU side is the German ‘Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’, being closely connected to the CDU, i.e. Mrs. Merkel’s party.”

As I reported on February 12, “Washington Orchestrated Protests Are Destabilizing Ukraine,” Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, a rabid Russophobe and neoconservative warmonger, told the National Press Club last December that the US has “invested” $5 billion in organizing a network to achieve US goals in Ukraine in order to give “Ukraine the future it deserves.”

Nuland is the Obama regime official who was caught red-handed naming the members of the Ukrainian government Washington intends to impose on the Ukrainian people once the paid protesters have unseated the current elected and independent government. (Source)

What Nuland means by Ukraine’s future under EU overlordship is for Ukraine to be looted like Latvia and Greece and to be used by Washington as a staging ground for US missile bases against Russia.

From the responses I received to my request for confirmations of the information sent to me from Moldova, there is enough evidence that Washington fomented the violent riots for western newspapers and TV channels to investigate. But they haven’t. As we know, the presstitutes are enablers of Washington’s crimes and duplicities. However, the US media has reported that the Ukrainian government is paying Ukrainians to rally in favor of the government.(Source)

As Karl Marx wrote, money turns everything into a commodity that is bought and sold. I wouldn’t be surprised if some protesters are working both sides of the street.

John McCain can be seen here speaking at a rally organized largely by the Neo-Nazi Svoboda movement in Kiev, Ukraine, Sunday, Dec. 15, 2013. To John McCain’s right is neo-Nazi leader Oleh Tyahnybok and to his left is US Senator Chris Murphy (D) Connecticut. Click to enlarge
Of course, not all of the protesters are paid. There are plenty of gullible dupes in the streets who think they are protesting Ukraine government corruption. I have heard from several. There is little doubt that the Ukraine government is corrupt. What government isn’t? Government corruption is universal, but it is easy to go from the frying pan into the fire. Ukrainian protesters seem to think that they can escape corruption by joining the EU. Obviously, these gullible dupes are unfamiliar with the report on EU corruption issued February 3 by the EU Commissioner for Home Affairs. The report says that a business-political nexus of corruption affects all 28 EU member countries and costs the EU economies $162.2 billion per annum. (Source) Clearly, Ukrainians will not escape corruption by joining the EU. Indeed, the corruption will be worse.

I have no objection to Ukrainians protesting government corruption. Indeed, such gullible people could benefit from the lesson they would learn once their country is in the hands of corrupt Brussels and Washington. What I object to is the lack of awareness on the part of the protesters that by permitting themselves to be manipulated by Washington, they are pushing the world toward a dangerous war. I would be surprised if Russia is content to have US military and missile bases in Ukraine.

It was fools like Nuland playing the great game that gave us World War I. World War III would be the last war. Washington’s drive to exploit every opportunity to establish its hegemony over the world is driving us all to nuclear war. Like Nuland, a significant percentage of the population of western Ukraine are Russophobes. I know the case for Ukrainian dislike of Russia, but Ukrainian emotions fueled with Washington’s money should not direct the course of history. No historians will be left to document how gullible and witless Ukrainians set the world up for destruction.
This article first appeared at Paul Craig Roberts’ website Institute For Political Economy.  Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His Internet columns have attracted a worldwide following.

At Yanukovych's request, Russia's President Putin sending envoy to Kiev as mediator


At Yanukovych's request, Russia's President Putin sending envoy to Kiev as mediator

President of Russia Vladimir Putin sends Ombudsman Vladimir Lukin to Kiev, as a mediator in negotiations with the opposition, at the request of President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, Press-Secretary of the Russian leader, Dmitry Peskov, said.

"A telephone conversation between President Putin and President Yanukovych was carried out on the initiative of the Ukrainian side, during which the President of Ukraine suggested that the head of the Russian state should send a Russian representative to Kiev to participate in the negotiation process with the opposition as a mediator," Peskov said.
The Russian leader's Press Secretary said that "Putin has made the decision to send Ombudsman Vladimir Lukin on this mission".
It is known, that Vladimir Petrovich (Lukin) has an abundance of experience in diplomatic service, and a considerable reputation among human rights defenders; he has headed a major opposition party," Peskov reminded.

Sanctions threat against Ukraine looks like blackmail - Sergei Lavrov

Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has condemned Western threats of sanctions against Ukraine as blackmail and double-standard approach.
The foreign minister is on a working trip in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad. He said at a press conference that Ukraine's opposition couldn't or simply wouldn't "dissociate itself from extremist forces."
"The possibility of sanctions is nothing but an attempt at bullying," Lavrov said during a news conference in Baghdad, in remarks translated from Russian into Arabic.
Mr. Lavrov accused the United States of double standards as it piled all the blame on the Ukrainian government.
"The EU is mulling sanctions while paying uncalled-for visits to Ukraine," he added. "This behavious looks like blackmail [to me]."

Ukraine and western countries should stand apart from radicals – Russia

Ukraine and the West should stay apart from radicals, Sergey Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister, said. “Russia thinks that Ukraine opposition as well as western countries should stay apart from extremists and other radicals,” said Lavrov during the press-conference in Bagdad on Thursday. This Tuesday, mass disorders escalated in Kiev again.
During the Verkhovna Rada meeting, the opposition insisted on return of the parliamentary-presidential form of government and on putting the Constitution of 2004 in force again.
Aggressive protestors wanted to approach the building of Ukrainian Parliament, they seized the buildings in the center of Kiev, burned tire-covers, threw stones and Molotov cocktails in the law enforcers. According to the police, the radicals use fire arms.

Russia's Lavrov blames West for forcing Ukraine into EU

The demand to hold early elections in Ukraine is aimed at forcing Ukraine to choose Europe, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.
"You probably heard more than once that the capitals of Western European countries have demanded that the people of Ukraine should be given the freedom to choose, and they added that the choice should be in favor of the European Union," Lavrov told a press conference in Baghdad.
"Their purpose in the current initiatives is to essentially force this choice is evident to the Ukrainian administration: the demand to hold parliamentary and early presidential elections as soon as possible and to form a coalition government. That is, they are trying to decide everything for them," Lavrov said.

West misinterprets Ukraine extremist violence, threatens to sanction gov't – Russian FM Lavrov

The West is incorrectly interpreting the extremists' actions in Ukraine and threatening Kyiv with sanctions instead, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.
"Our Western partners in Europe and the U.S. are laying all the blame on the country's authorities and fail to properly qualify the extremists' actions," Lavrov said at a press conference in Baghdad.
"We are really concerned about this, because double standards are obvious here, and instead they are threatening [the government] with sanctions, and not only threatening, but the Americans have already imposed them, thereby encouraging the opposition to dismiss any compromises," he added.

Russian FM accuses Western media of distorting truth about Ukraine unrest

The Western mainstream media are distorting the situation in Ukraine, Russia's foreign chief Sergei Lavrov has said.
Speaking at a press conference in Baghdad, Mr. Lavrov accused Western media of giving biased coverage on the Ukrainian political crisis.
The latest accounts estimate the number of casualties at 35 following clashes that have been erupting across the country. Over 500 have been injured in Kiev alone.
Moscow has accused extremist and opposition of pushing the country towards the edge, adding that the rhetoric of foreign officials was inciting radicalism and contributing to unrest.
Read also:

21 Orang tewas saat bentrok protes antipemerintah di Ukraina

Reporter : Vincent Asido Panggabean | Rabu, 19 Februari 2014 10:58

21 Orang tewas saat bentrok protes antipemerintah di Ukraina
aksi protes anti pemerintah ukraina. ©REUTERS/Vasily Fedosenko

Merdeka.com - http://www.merdeka.com/dunia/21-orang-tewas-saat-bentrok-protes-antipemerintah-di-ukraina.html

Sebanyak 21 orang tewas dan lebih dari 200 orang lainnya terluka kemarin ketika polisi anti huru-hara berusaha membubarkan unjuk rara antipemerintah di sebuah alun-alun di Ibu Kota Kiev, Ukraina. Ini menjadi bentrokan terburuk sejak protes meletus pada November lalu.

Otoritas Ukraina sebelumnya mengatakan 14 orang tewas termasuk tujuh polisi yang terbunuh akibat tembakan, seperti dilansir situs GlobalPost, Rabu (19/2).

Kekerasan meletus di saat polisi memblokir demonstran ingin mendekati gedung parlemen, di mana perubahan konstitusi akan diperdebatkan kemarin.

Bentrokan meningkat ketika polisi anti huru-hara maju menuju Independence Square, pusat demonstrasi, dan menembakkan meriam air yang dibalas oleh pengunjuk rasa dengan melemparkan batu dan bom molotov.
Ukraina telah terpecah atas kebijakan diplomatik, setelah pemerintahan Presiden Viktor Yanukovych menangguhkan suatu perjanjian asosiasi dengan Uni Eropa pada November lalu dalam mendukung ikatan dengan Rusia.


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