Media Israel:
Hizbullah Paling Diuntungkan dari Kabinet Baru Lebanon
2 televisi rezim Zionis Israel dalam laporannya tentang kabinet baru
Lebanon dan dipilihnya 24 anggota kabinet itu mengumumkan, Sayid Hassan
Nasrullah, Sekretaris Jenderal Hizbullah adalah pihak yang paling
diuntungkan dari pembentukan kabinet ini.
Tasnim News (16/2) melaporkan, Kanal 2 TV Israel mengabarkan tentang terbentuknya kabinet baru Lebanon di bawah pimpinan Tammam Salam, Perdana Menteri negara itu.
Formasi kabinet baru Lebanon menunjukkan
bahwa target Gerakan 8 Maret, Michel Aoun, Ketua Gerakan Kebebasan
Nasional dan mitra-mitra Hizbullah tercapai.
Selain itu, Hizbullah setelah mendapat tekanan kuat dari Gerakan 14 Maret agar nama kelompok itu dihapus di kabinet baru, sama sekali tidak kehilangan apapun. Menurut keyakinan Maher Al Khatib, Penulis dan pakar masalah politik Lebanon, di bawah tekanan terus menerus, akhirnya Hizbullah berhasil masuk ke kabinet tanpa rugi sedikitpun, tidak di masalah pernyataan di tingkat Kementerian, tidak dalam masalah komitmen atas statemen Baabda atau soal menarik pasukan dari perang Suriah.
Pada kenyataannya formasi kabinet baru Lebanon memperjelas esensi dan
alasan mundurnya Gerakan 14 Maret dari posisinya dalam pembentukan
kabinet ini. Dipastikan bahwa mundurnya kelompok itu dari sikap
sebelumnya telah membuka peluang terbentuknya kabinet baru Lebanon.
(IRIB Indonesia/HS)
Hizbullah Tingkatkan Kemampuan Intelijen & Keamanan
Beberapa analis Timur Tengah menyebut kelompok teroris al-Qaeda,
seperti Jabhah Nusrah dan ISIS, hanyalah gerombolan amatir dan anak
ingusan di hadapan kekuatan Hizbulllah yang profesional, terlatih, dan
sarat pengalaman tempur.
Kelompok teroris takfiri yang diciptakan dan didukung oleh duo AS (Amerika Serikat-Arab Saudi), makin intensif dan brutal dalam melancarkan serangan terhadap kubu gerakan perlawanan Hizbullah di Libanon dengan bantuan zionis "Israel". Bagi Hizbullah, seluruh serangan itu tentu saja sama sekali tidak mempengaruhi kekuatannya.
Beberapa analis Timur Tengah menyebut kelompok teroris al-Qaeda, seperti Jabhah Nusrah dan ISIS, hanyalah gerombolan amatir dan anak ingusan di hadapan kekuatan Hizbulllah yang profesional, terlatih, dan sarat pengalaman tempur. Bahkan pada 2006, organisasi perlawanan Islam yang dikomandan Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah ini menang telak saat mempecundangi tentara zionis "Israel" yang konon menjadi kekuatan bersenjata kelima terkuat di dunia.
Namun, kondisi ini berbeda dengan rakyat dan pemerintah Libanon yang menjad korban sebenarnya. Mereka benar-benar terguncang akibat serangan brutal dan pengecut para monster takfiri itu. Demi melindungi eksistensi Libanon serta mengantisipasi setiap kemungkinan serangan, seraya menutup celah yang dapat diinfiltrasi teroris, Hizbullah bekerjasama dengan Brigade al-Quds Garda Revolusi dan Kementerian Intelijen dan Keamanan Republik Islam Iran memulai sebuah proyek penting untuk meningkatkan kemampuan intelijen dan keamanannya.
Kedua pihak lalu membentuk tim khusus untuk mengumpulkan informasi dari hasil interogasi terhadap Majid al-Majid, pemimpin kelompok teroris Brigade Abdallah Azzam asal Arab, yang tewas di penjara Libanon pada 4 Januari (2014). Kelompok teroris buatan kepala intelijen Arab Saudi, Bandar bin Sulthan itu, mengklaim beberapa serangan terhadap sasaran-sasaran Hizbullah.
Tim yang ditugaskan untuk menjalankan proyek jangka panjang itu dibekali dengan pedoman yang dihasilkan dari pertemuan bilateral yang diselenggarakan komandan Brigade al-Quds Jenderal Qassem Soleimani, Sekjen Hizbullah Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah, dan dua wakil puncaknya, Panglima Militer Mustafa Badr al-Din, dan kepala direktorat keamanan Hizbullah Wafiq Safat.
Konferensi itu memutuskan untuk mempertahankan tim pakar Iran di ibukota Libanon secara permanen untuk meningkatkan mekanisme intelijen dan keamanan Hizbullah dalam garis struktural yang sama dengan layanan keamanan dan intelijen Iran.
Konferensi Iran-Hizbullah memilih tiga area untuk meningkatan kemampuan intelijen dan keamanan Hizbullah:
1 . Lembah Beqaa di timur Libanon.
2 . Distrik Dahya di selatan Beirut.
3 . Intelijen lapangan Hizbullah di medan perang Suriah. (IT/rj)
Hizbullah Mendukung dan Memuji Militer Libanon
Tentara juga menyita sekitar 100 kilogram bahan peledak,
beberapa roket, dan sabuk bahan peledak yang ditempatkan dalam SUV hitam
yang diparkir di kawasan Corniche al-Mazraa, tak jauh dari lokasi

bendera Hizbullah
Pada Rabu kemarin (14/2), Hizbullah mengumumkan dukungannya terhadap institusi militer Libanon, menyusul prestasi militer terbaru dalam memerangi dan memberangus "terorisme takfiri".
"Prestasi keamanan canggih militer menambah poin untuk rekam jejak terhormatnya," ujar sebuah pernyataan yang dirilis gerakan perlawanan Islam itu.
"Militer adalah perisai yang melindungi seluruh wilayah Libanon," katanya menambahkan.
Pernyataan itu muncul beberapa jam setelah pihak militer pada Rabu pagi mengumumkan penangkapan Naim Abbas yang merupakan gembong Brigade Abdullah Azzam (organisasi teroris yang terhubung dengan al-Qaeda) asal Palestina. Abbas digambarkan sebagai orang nomor dua dalam lingkaran organisasi teroris itu di Libanon.
Tentara juga menyita sekitar 100 kilogram bahan peledak, beberapa roket, dan sabuk bahan peledak yang ditempatkan dalam SUV hitam yang diparkir di kawasan Corniche al-Mazraa, tak jauh dari lokasi ditangkap.
Pernyataan Hizbullah menjelaskan, "Langkah ini merupakan indikasi dari dedikasi, kerja keras, dan pengorbanan pihak militer yang berkesinambungan guna melindungi rakyat Libanon dari seluruh bahaya yang mengancam mereka, terutama bahaya Zionis dan ancaman takfiri teroris yang menarget warga sipil tak berdosa."
"Kami menyerukan kepada rakyat Libanon, semua pihak dan kelompok, untuk mendukung pihak militer yang sedang melawan gerombolan teroris yang menarget keamanan warga, mengancam masa depan mereka, dan menanam benih hasutan dan perselisihan di tengah mereka."
Seraya menyatakan salut atas kemampuan militer Libanon dalam menghadapi "terorisme", kelompok perlawanan Islam itu juga mendesak warga LIbanon untuk menyadari bahaya ini, dan "menyudahi perselisihan mereka serta bersatu demi menyelamatkan Libanon dari badai yang sedang menggerus wilayah itu. " (IT/N/rj)
Lebanon: A new government set to be formed after Friday Prayers unless minor hurdles emerge

Prime Minister-designate Tamam Salam (Photo: Haitham Moussawi)
A new cabinet is expected to be formed in the coming hours in Lebanon, putting an end to months of political deadlock, unless some minor hurdles emerge.
After refusing all negotiations with General Michel Aoun and making
up theories about portfolio rotation and the PM- designate powers,
stressing that people should come to him not vice versa, a compromise
was finally reached between the Future Movement and the Free Patriotic
Movement. This came after several meetings and phone calls between Aoun
and former PM Saad Hariri, then Minister Gebran Bassil and Hariri’s
office manager Nader Hariri, accompanied by Minister Wael Abu Faour.
Following Friday prayers at a mosque near his residence in Mousaytbeh, PM- designate Tammam Salam is set to head to Baabda Palace to meet with President Michel Suleiman. They will agree on the new cabinet, since the political forces that brought them both to power have already approved it. Then a presidential decree would be issued, accepting the resignation of the Mikati government and forming the new Salam cabinet.
This is the expected scenario, unless minor differences over some portfolios emerge.
Major obstacles were crossed, mainly regarding the rotation issue,
when Hariri approved alloting the Energy Ministry to Tashnag
representative Arthur Nazarian, who belongs to the Change and Reform
parliamentary bloc.
Bassil would be given the Foreign Affairs Ministry while the Defense
portfolio would go to an Orthodox or a Catholic chosen by the president,
which would mean further changes in the distribution of portfolios.
Until late last night, President Suleiman hadn’t yet approved the new
sectarian formulas of the Defense and the Foreign Affairs ministries.
Meanwhile, Salam was resentful for being “blown off” by the Future
Movement in the Hariri-Aoun negotiations. Practically, Hariri
relinquished “the rotation principle after embroiling Salam in it”.
Hariri let Salam down further by depriving the latter’s candidate,
Dani Kabbani, from the Energy Ministry, and keeping it with the Change
and Reform bloc, “which was considered a red line by the Future Movement
for the last ten months”.
The other hurdle concerns the Future Movement candidate for the
Interior Ministry. Until last night, it hadn’t revealed its candidate to
the “mother of all portfolios”. Some sources wondered whether “the
Future Movement is making a trap for the formation deliberations today”.
The Hariri- March 8 agreement sponsored by MP Walid Jumblatt
stipulated that no “provocative person” would be allotted the Interior
Some have mentioned General Ashraf Rifi “but his name was meant to
raise the ceiling of negotiations, so we would accept other names,
deemed less provocative” March 8 sources said.
Rifi’s name was later withdrawn for the sake of Jamal al-Jarrah and
Samir el-Jisr. However, el-Jisr’s name was also withdrawn while Future
sources said that al-Jarrah will be allotted the Social Affairs
Salim Diab later emerged as a possible candidate for the Interior Ministry, but Rifi’s name was again deliberated, which threatens to introduce new hurdles to the cabinet formation.
Sources in the main political forces (Hezbollah, Amal, FPM, the
Future Movement and the Progressive Socialist Party) all confirmed that
the cabinet will be formed today, before the February 14 rally and
before Speaker Nabih Berri leaves to Kuwait.
Meanwhile, President Suleiman, also angered by the political forces
that overlooked him in the negotiations process, stressed to his
visitors that the government would be announced today, with or without
all parties’ approval, or it would be a ‘fait accompli’ one.
After last nights calls and meetings, the draft formation of the new cabinet was as follows:
- The Change and Reform Bloc: Foreign Affairs (Gebran Bassil), Energy, Education, Labor (Rony Araji from Marada)
- Kataeb: Information (Sejaan Kazzi), Environment
(Alain Hakim), Justice (Ramzi Jreij, though the Future Movement insists
that he is not from Kataeb but belongs to March 14)
- Amal: Finance, Public Works
- Progressive Socialist Party (Walid Jumblatt): Health, Agriculture
- Boutros Harb: Communications
- Future Movement: Interior, Social Affairs, Economy (to a minority representative: Bassem el-Shab or Nabil De Freige), Administrative Development
- The President: Defense, Ministry of the Displaced
- Tammam Salam: Tourism, Culture
Interestingly, none of the drafts mentioned the names of Hezbollah
candidates. Salam hasn’t made any portfolio suggestions to Hezbollah and
the latter hasn’t given any names to the Prime Minister- designate
because it is waiting for the problems to be resolved between Salam and
the FPM.
(Al-Akhbar)Lebanon forms government after 330 days of deadlock

announced that it has formed a government on Saturday after more than
330 days of deadlock between the various political blocs. (Photo:
Haitham Moussawi)
Lebanon announced that it has formed a government on Saturday after
more than 330 days of deadlock between the various political blocs.
The announcement was made by Secretary General of the Council of
Ministers Suheil Nouji in the afternoon after a meeting was conducted
between Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam with Lebanese President
Michel Sleiman and other officials at the Baabda Presidential Palace
outside of Beirut.
The final line-up of an encompassing 24-member cabinet include:
Tammam Salam as Prime Minister, Samir Mokbel as Defense Minister and
Deputy Prime Minister, Nouhad al-Machnouk as Interior Minister, Sejaan
Kazzi as Labour Minister, Boutros Harb as Telecommunication Minister,
Gebran Bassil as the Foreign Affairs Minister, Alain Hakim as Minister
of Economy and Trade, Elias Bou Saab as the Education Minister, Alice
Chabtini as Minister of Displaced, and Michel Faraon as Tourism
Arthur Nazarian will head the Energy Ministry, Ghazi Zaiter for
Public Works and Transport, Ashraf Rifi for the Justice Ministry, Remond
Arayji as Culture Minister, Abdel Matlad Hennawi for Youth and Sports,
Hassan al-Haj Hassan for Industry, and both Nabil de Freij and Mohammed
Fneish will serve as State Ministers.
The Finance Minister position goes to Ali Hassan Khalil, while Wael
Abou Faour will head the Health Ministry, Ramzi Jreij as Information
Minister, Akram Chouhayeb for Agriculture, Rashid Derbas as Social
Affairs Minister, and Mohammed Mashnouq as Environment Minister
After the announcement, Salam vowed that the new cabinet, "will be
capable of holding the presidential elections on time and pass a new
electoral law."
"After 10 months of efforts, of patience, a government protecting the national interest is born," he said.
"It is a unifying government and the best formula to allow Lebanon to confront challenges."
A Flurry of Midnight Meetings
Efforts to form a cabinet were at full throttle last night, intent on
resolving the key problem of who should be appointed as Minister of
Interior. This dispute had almost blown all progress made in the previous days to put together a cabinet lineup acceptable by all rival factions.
Late into Friday night, Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam was
still asking President Michel Suleiman and Speaker Nabih Berri to stay
awake, as he was planning to announce the formation of his cabinet at
night. Salam wanted to have the official group portrait of the new
government taken on Saturday noon, and hold the cabinet’s first session
before Berri’s scheduled visit to Kuwait.
MP Walid Jumblatt also wanted to get the official decree forming the
cabinet issued. Jumblatt wants the negotiations to have a happy outcome
as soon as possible.
President Suleiman, as per Salam’s wishes, stayed awake along with
some of his advisors and senior staff. Berri, meanwhile, gave up in the
end, and told people who were in contact with him that he was going to
The negotiations stalled and almost collapsed earlier on Friday,
though many Lebanese had expected the government to be announced
yesterday morning. Things came to a head when Berri and ally Hezbollah
vetoed the nomination of retired General Ashraf Rifi as the new Minister
of interior, but due to Jumblatt’s mediation, progress was made on this
matter by Friday evening.
According to reports, the head of the Future bloc MP Fouad Siniora
had called Tammam Salam late on Thursday, to get an update on the
cabinet negotiations. Salam told Siniora that there was a lot of
progress, after which Siniora affirmed Future’s demand of assigning the
interior ministry to General Rifi.
Dialogue between the two leaders ended with both men sticking to
their guns. Then on Friday morning, Salam reached out to Berri, who
reaffirmed his stance and told Salam, “Our position has nothing to do
with Hezbollah’s. This was your decision; from the outset, you said you
would propose acceptable figures for the post of interior minister.”
For his part, Ahmad Hariri, secretary general of the Future Movement,
restated Future’s insistence on putting Rifi in the Ministry of
Interior. Complicating the situation further, he told reporters, “We
will not accept anyone other than General Ashraf Rifi as the minister of
interior.” Leading figures in March 14 were also pressuring Saad Hariri
to dig in his heels and insist on Rifi’s nomination.
As the Interior Ministry hitch showed no signs of easing, almost
completely upending all that has been agreed upon throughout previous
negotiations, Jumblatt intervened through Minister Wael Abu Faour. The
Druze politician proposed that Rifi be excluded from the Interior
portfolio, and giving it to another figure from Future that would be
acceptable to all factions. According to March 8 sources, Hezbollah and
Amal agreed, saying, “We have no problem with any name from the Future
Movement, with the exception of Rifi and Ahmad Fatfat.”
Abu Faour conveyed March 8’s position to Salam and Hariri. The
discussions then shifted to “finding” a new ministry to appease Rifi,
and it was suggested to appoint him as Minister of Labor, instead of
Rony Areiji, of the Marada Party. Salam proposed this to Hariri, who
then offered Rifi either the Labor or Social Affairs portfolio – to
which Rifi responded by saying that he was not seeking a ministerial
post or a consolation prize.
Hariri told Jumblatt that he was prepared to make a deal on the
interior ministry, but that he needed some time to come up with his
nominees for the post, and to work things out with the “hawks” in his
party, who are opposed to any concessions to the rival faction, and who
“do not see what good can be achieved in forming a government as such”
according to sources close to Hariri.
By Friday night, reports emerged that Hariri intended to nominate MP
Nuhad al-Mashnouq for the Interior Ministry, but the names of MP Jamal
Jarrah and General Marwan Zein were also floated, the latter being the
former director general of the Internal Security Forces and former
ambassador to Saudi Arabia.
Subsequent discussions with Salam also focused on implementing the
idea of rotating control of ministries among the factions on other
portfolios, which would allow Salam to give the labor ministry to
Future, instead of the Marada Party. Negotiations continued until the
late hours of Friday night to also address this issue, in addition to
the question of which portfolios would be given to Hezbollah.
In the meantime, President Michel Suleiman called for “not
squandering the opportunity, the positive achievements made, and the
climate that has prevailed.” Suleiman also stressed that “accord among
the rival factions is better than clinging to narratives, as it can
eliminate provocation and tension, and open the door wide to the
elimination of the quota-based sharing of power and mutual vetoes, for
the sake of the country and the citizens.”
(Al Akhbar)
Excerpts of this article are translated from the Arabic Edition.
aya ibu hayati ingin berbagi cerita kepada anda semua bahwa saya yg dulunya cuma seorang TKW di HONGKONG jadi pembantu rumah tangga yg gajinya tidak mencukupi keluarga dikampun,jadi TKW itu sangat menderita dan disuatu hari saya duduk2 buka internet dan tidak disengaja saya melihat komentar orang tentan MBAH KABOIRENG dan katanya bisa membantu orang untuk memberikan nomor yg betul betul tembus dan kebetulan juga saya sering pasan nomor di HONGKONG,akhirnya saya coba untuk menhubungi MBAH KABOIRENG dan ALHAMDULILLAH beliau mau membantu saya untuk memberikan nomor,dan nomor yg diberikan MBAH KABOIRENG meman betul2 terbukti tembus dan saya sangat bersyukur berkat bantuan MBAH KABOIRENG kini saya bisa pulang ke INDONESIA untuk buka usaha sendiri,,munkin saya tidak bisa membalas budi baik MBAH KABOIRENG sekali lagi makasih yaa MBAH dan bagi teman2 yg menjadi TKW atau TKI seperti saya,bila butuh bantuan hubungi saja MBAH KABOIRENG DI 085-260-482-111 insya ALLAH beliau akan membantu anda.Ini benar benar kisah nyata dari saya seorang TKW.. KLIK GHOB 2D 3D 4D 6D DISINI
BalasHapusSaya ibu hayati ingin berbagi cerita kepada anda semua bahwa saya yg dulunya cuma seorang TKW di HONGKONG jadi pembantu rumah tangga yg gajinya tidak mencukupi keluarga dikampun,jadi TKW itu sangat menderita dan disuatu hari saya duduk2 buka internet dan tidak disengaja saya melihat komentar orang tentan MBAH KABOIRENG dan katanya bisa membantu orang untuk memberikan nomor yg betul betul tembus dan kebetulan juga saya sering pasan nomor di HONGKONG,akhirnya saya coba untuk menhubungi MBAH KABOIRENG dan ALHAMDULILLAH beliau mau membantu saya untuk memberikan nomor,dan nomor yg diberikan MBAH KABOIRENG meman betul2 terbukti tembus dan saya sangat bersyukur berkat bantuan MBAH KABOIRENG kini saya bisa pulang ke INDONESIA untuk buka usaha sendiri,,munkin saya tidak bisa membalas budi baik MBAH KABOIRENG sekali lagi makasih yaa MBAH dan bagi teman2 yg menjadi TKW atau TKI seperti saya,bila butuh bantuan hubungi saja MBAH KABOIRENG DI 085-260-482-111 insya ALLAH beliau akan membantu anda.Ini benar benar kisah nyata dari saya seorang TKW.. KLIK GHOB 2D 3D 4D 6D DISINI
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