Selasa, 25 Februari 2014

THE CURRENCIES...& THE CONSPIRACIES...?? THE WORLD CURRENCIES..?? IS ITS REAL VELUES.. OR JUST THE PLAY OF SOME GAMES..?? ... WHO DID IT.. AND WHOM CONTROL ITS UNDER THE WORLD POWERS AND MAY BE ONLY THE HANDS OF CONSPIRACY..???>> WHY...THEY DID ITS.. AND WHAT THE OBJECTIVES...??>>> ...As we all know, history is doomed to repeat itself... right? Well, that axiom may have some merit. On October 2, 2013 — roughly 100 years to the day that the covert Jekyll Club meeting occurred — another "secret expedition in American finance" came to fruition, all thanks to an undercover team of NSA operatives and a $33.6 million drug bust. And while it may not be clear yet as to why this paradigm shift could be worth $148,500 to you, I promise you this......>>>The Conspiracy to Create a Currency In 2008, under the guise of regular business, a team of NSA operatives created an entire monetary system out of thin air. How? Why? And could it really be worth $148,500 to you?...>>>...... "Picture a party of the nation's greatest bankers stealing out of New York on a private railroad car under cover of darkness, stealthily riding hundred[s] of miles South, embarking on a mysterious launch, sneaking onto an island deserted by all but a few servants, living there a full week under such rigid secrecy that the names of not one of them was once mentioned, lest the servants learn the identity and disclose to the world this strangest, most secret expedition in the history of American finance."...>>... Bitcoin was first proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 in a paper submitted to mailing list. However, it turns out Satoshi was an anonymous (not the hacker group) name offered by one or more individuals. To understand Bitcoin is like asking to explain open source, every process is readily accessible but every action is perfectly hidden. FastCompany and Forbes have both attempted to locate the original curators as they have slowly lost touch with the community. FastCompany assumes that due to the 72 hour gap between the filing of a patent by Neal King, Vladimir Oksman and Charles Bry on 15 August 2008 that it is likely them--all three have denied this...>>> .. It’s still commonly used by hackers, criminals, and hariminals (hacker-criminals). Wikileaks accepted it as a form of donation, 1000 merchants use it world-wide, and beyond Mt. Gox the banking infrastructure is non-existent In it’s basic form you receive a private key and public key which you trade with another this sense, Bitcoin could be duplicated, or halved, or millionthed, but the private key cannot. The explosion of interest around Bitcoin is largely due to the United States Treasury report released on March 18 2013. In it’s basic form you receive a private key and public key which you trade with another this sense, Bitcoin could be duplicated, or halved, or millionthed, but the private key cannot....>>> A. Revelation, a book in the Christian Bible written by the Apostle John claims that the “beast” will provide a global mark which will be necessary to conduct all financial transactions and ultimately allowing the enforcement of jurisdiction. Bitcoin is at it’s root a private number issued to you that is too long for you to remember but unique enough to never be duplicated in natured. This identification the crux of the Bitcoin network. B. Bitcoin miners (banks) and currency exchanges are irrelevant, it is only as valuable as the people who use it, in this way (as is suggested in Revelation) the Bitcoin network stands above government authorities because use is its only value. To understand this look at the evaluation of the value of currency. The first evaluation was the wide adoption of the Denarius coin used in Roman times backed by Ceasar. However as mining operations from the Africa conquests increased the gold/silver supply the currency began to lose its value. The critical weakness of the currency was the the tie to resource scarcity--gold and silver while difficult to obtain are not impossible to duplicate....>>> C. Ok, enough of the finance talk. My last thought for you is this, if I were to describe all religions without any unique classifications or keywords unique to the religion I think the common philosophy is a belief in a greater good. I think people have shifted this common good to an assumption that with more money, you have greater good. In this sense we can assume that a one world religion around the faith in money may already be here...>> Several days later, they shared a congratulatory drink, shook hands, and exited their conference room with what amounted to a nine-page research paper. With smiles on their faces, they all agreed on one thing: It was time to go live. On November 1, 2008, the first "reveal" of their hard work was published on an obscure cryptography listserv (an early form of electronic mailing list)... and it was done so under a single name — "Satoshi Nakamoto."...>>> The details were murky, to say the least... "Nakamoto's" profile said he lived in Japan... Yet, his email address was traced back to Germany. The paper was written in clear, concise, perfect English... Meanwhile, repeated Google searches yielded almost nothing....>> ..."Kita belum tahu bisa menyumbang berapa. Mimpi kita bisa menyumbang pemasukan negara. Tarif biaya transaksi di saja 1 persen. Misalnya mau menetapkan pajak 3 persen dari biaya transaksi yang 1 persen itu sudah cukup besar. Dengan menetapkan bitcoin sebagai bagian dari komoditas virtual, maka negara dapat menarik pajak dari transaksi bitcoin sehingga meningkatkan pendapatan negara," ujar Oscar. ...>>> Kelebihan dari BitCoin sebagai alat pembayaran adalah sifatnya yang simple dan ringkas. BitCoin merupakan alat transaksi orang per orang dan hanya orang yang memegangnya yang bisa menggunakannya. Selain itu dalam menggunakannya pun, kita tidak perlu menyertakan informasi pribadinya seperti pada mata uang bank atau akun transaksi online lain. Hal ini tentunya memberikan keamanan informasi dari sang pemilik...>>> ..Yang menjadi kerugian dari pemakaian BitCoin adalah karena bentuknya yang hanya berupa file, memungkinkan BitCoin menjadi rusak/ hilang/ terhapus jika terjadi sesuatu dengan perangkat tempat kita menyimpan BitCoin tersebut. Dan kelemahan terbesarnya adalah karena BitCoin merupakan sebuah alat transaksi yang hadir karena ada kemauan dan kepercayaan dari para penggunaya. Hal ini memungkinkan suatu saat BitCoin bisa benar-benar tidak bernilai karena sudah tidak ada yang mau menggunakan mata uang tersebut...>> ...Mengenai nilai BitCoin, jika di-kurs-kan dengan nilai dolas AS, beberapa pihak menyatakan bahwa saat ini nilai 1 BitCoin atau 1B (symbol BitCoin) senilai dengan $195 dolar. Namun nilai tersebut akan terus berubah sesuai dengan keberadaan jumlah BitCoin yang ada saat ini. Hingga saat ini diperkirakan sudah terdapat 21 juta BitCoin yang bertambah 25 BitCoin permenitnya diseluruh dunia...>>> ..Menurut beberapa sumber, sejarah dari lahirnya BitCoin berawal pada tahun 2007. Seorang ahli komputer mencoba mengembangkan sistem mata uang virtual model baru yang sama sekali tidak terikat oleh pihak atau otoritas manapun. Orang itu bernama Satoshi Nakamoto. Pria asal jepang tersebut mengaku mengembangkan BitCoin selama 2 tahun dan mulai melepasnya di dunia internet pada tahun 2009 dan akhirnya menyebar hingga saat ini...>>> .... Wahyu terakhir dari adanya penipuan dalam NASA dan program ruang Apollo oleh Dinas Intelijen dan lain-lain telah mengakibatkan banjir propaganda, program televisi, dan film yang dirancang untuk membuat orang terjebak dalam tidur bodoh dalam. Yang paling ambisius adalah "Apollo 13" dan "Dari Bumi ke Bulan", baik yang melibatkan aktor/ produser Tom Hanks. Yang terakhir dibuka dengan monolog oleh Mr Hanks yang berjalan maju mengungkapkan representasi besar dari "Allah" Apollo (Sun, Osiris, kata hilang, dll) membimbing keretanya ditarik oleh 4 ekor kuda di langit. ..?? >>> ..C. Fred Kleinknect, kepala NASA pada saat Program Luar Angkasa Apollo, sekarang Grand Panglima Penguasa Dewan Gelar ke-33 dari Ritus Skotlandia Kuno dan diterima Freemasonry dari Yurisdiksi Selatan. Ini adalah hadiah-Nya untuk menariknya dari. Semua astronot pertama adalah Freemason. Ada sebuah foto di House of Candi di Washington DC dari Neil Armstrong di permukaan bulan (seharusnya) di ruang angkasa yang memegang Apron Masonik di depan selangkangannya...>>> Ada yang begitu jelas palsu bahwa ketika perbedaan yang ditunjukkan kepada pemirsa tidak curiga sebuah terdengar terkesiap telah didengar. Beberapa benar-benar pergi ke dalam keadaan ringan shock. Beberapa Orang merobohkan dan menangis. Saya telah melihat orang lain menjadi begitu marah karena mereka telah merobek foto menyinggung sampai hancur sambil menjerit-jerit tak jelas...>> Selain itu sebagian besar, jika tidak semua, dari foto, film, dan rekaman video dari Misi Apollo Bulan mudah terbukti palsu. Siapapun dengan pengetahuan sedikit fotografi, pencahayaan, dan fisika dengan mudah dapat membuktikan bahwa NASA memalsukan catatan visual dari Program Ruang Apollo. ..>>> NASA mengklaim bahwa sesuai ruang yang dikenakan oleh para astronot yang bertekanan pada 5 psi selama tekanan ambien (0 vakum psi) pada permukaan bulan. Kami telah meneliti NASA mengklaim sarung tangan astronot memakai dan menemukan mereka terbuat dari bahan lentur yang tidak mengandung, perangkat mekanis hidrolik, atau listrik yang akan membantu astronot dalam penggunaan cekatan jari-jari dan tangan saat mengenakan sarung tangan. Percobaan membuktikan benar bahwa sarung tangan tersebut tidak mungkin digunakan dan pemakainya tidak bisa menekuk pergelangan tangan atau jari untuk melakukan pekerjaan terampil apapun ketika diisi dengan 5 psi tekanan ambien lebih baik dalam ruang hampa atau di atmosfer bumi. NASA benar-benar menunjukkan film dan cuplikan televisi astronot menggunakan tangan dan jari normal selama EVA pada permukaan yang disebut bulan. Film-film menunjukkan dengan jelas bahwa tidak ada tekanan apapun dalam sarung tangan. suatu kondisi yang akan menyebabkan dekompresi ledakan para astronot yang menyebabkan kematian hampir segera jika mereka benar-benar telah dikelilingi oleh ruang vakum. Jika Anda tidak percaya coba sendiri, itu adalah eksperimen yang sangat sederhana dan tidak memerlukan ilmuwan roket untuk melakukan. Ini hanya dua dari lebih dari seratus sangat sederhana dan sangat mudah untuk membuktikan alasan ilmiah yang valid mengapa NASA dan Program Ruang Apollo adalah dua terbesar terletak pernah disisipkan pada Orang yang tidak menaruh curiga dan saling percaya di dunia. Selain itu sebagian besar, jika tidak semua, dari foto, film, dan rekaman video dari Misi Apollo Bulan mudah terbukti palsu. Siapapun dengan pengetahuan sedikit fotografi, pencahayaan, dan fisika dengan mudah dapat membuktikan bahwa NASA memalsukan catatan visual dari Program Ruang Apollo. Ada yang begitu jelas palsu bahwa ketika perbedaan yang ditunjukkan kepada pemirsa tidak curiga sebuah terdengar terkesiap telah didengar. Beberapa benar-benar pergi ke dalam keadaan ringan shock. Beberapa Orang merobohkan dan menangis. Saya telah melihat orang lain menjadi begitu marah karena mereka telah merobek foto menyinggung sampai hancur sambil menjerit-jerit tak jelas....>>>

Conspiracies and Swarms

Conspiracy vs. Convergence

By Adam English   

While we've gone about our daily lives, billions of hidden agents have established an empire across Europe.
Over the last 80 years, they have set up millions of outposts from northern Italy through southern France and all the way to the Atlantic coast of Spain.
They have brutally usurped and butchered their native European rivals in a zero-sum game for territory and resources.
The expertise and authority required to carve out, coordinate, and control an empire that could cover the distance from San Diego beyond the northeast tip of Maine makes this exploit seem impossible.
It should take a legendary figure like Alexander the Great or a conspiracy of powerful people to accomplish such a feat.
But there is no such emperor or conspiracy. In fact, no one is in charge at all.

Deceptively Simple Rules

The empire that has come to dominate such a wide swath of land is a supercolony of Argentine ants.
It is made up of millions of independent colonies that have brutally destroyed their rivals. Yet you can take Argentine ants from Portugal and drop them in an Italian colony, and they all get along just fine.
These ants will not hesitate to slaughter their kin in South America, so what changed when they crossed the Atlantic?
Entomologist Kenneth Ross of the University of Georgia called it a "resource bonanza." A small group of invasive, nearly mindless ants found themselves in a situation where they could dominate and thrive.
It doesn't take a central figure or vast and powerful conspiracy to create the illusion of centralized coordination. It just requires swarm intelligence.
Picture a school of fish, a flock of birds, or a swarm of bees. Their movement is eerily synchronized and appears to be part of a fluid, overly complex system.
Humanity was hopelessly terrible at figuring out how creatures with such low intelligence could pull it off until computer science and biology collided in the late '80s. Cold, hard math teased out the three rules of swarms with ease.
All it takes is a reward for coordination and three simple rules:
  • Separation — avoid crowding neighbors (short range repulsion)
  • Cohesion — steer towards average position of neighbors (long range attraction)
  • Alignment — steer towards average heading of neighbors
Just like a person watching a swarm, people are mesmerized by the complexity and synchronization of the global wealthy elite. Grasping for an explanation, many attribute it to vast, malignant conspiracies.
The fact is, there is no need for secret meetings in smoke-filled rooms to create a global elite of obscenely wealthy CEOs, banking executives, and industry magnates.
The super rich are following the same three basic rules unintelligent creatures have for eons. As they aim for the "resource bonanza" they can extract from the rest of us, their behavior converges and appears coordinated.
Here is how the three rules work for them...

Staking Claims

There is plenty of money to be made, and avoiding a turf war with another company or big-time investor is crucial. Separation is essential to avoiding wasted wealth and time when there is plenty of low-hanging fruit.
The wireless spectrum auctions conducted by the Federal Communications Commission are a prime example. Although cell phone carriers are highly competitive, bidders can unwittingly coordinate without it being a conspiracy.
When competition is weak or a single bidder has an intrinsic advantage to win a license, other bidders will back off and not bid at all. One bidder gets the resource at a low cost, while the others save resources for the licenses to other areas all at the cost of the FCC, which collects licensing fees on behalf of the American people.
Wealthy individuals do the same. They normally won't take large short or long positions against each other and will not get into bidding wars over shares of a company. It is far easier to stake your own claim.
The only time you'll really notice this is when it goes wrong, such as Bill Ackman and Carl Icahn's public spat over Herbalife.
If it weren't for their pride, both men could have been unopposed in shaping market sentiment about other companies and extracting more profits from different boards of directors.

Sticking Together

Cohesion is necessary to keep the swarm intact and protect everyone from outside forces.
Competitors jointly contribute to industry trade groups and lobbying efforts. Policy concessions from company pressure, industry-written laws, and disingenuous publicity campaigns are the norm.
The recent Citizens United Supreme Court ruling added a new element. The super rich can anonymously donate whatever they want from their personal wealth to ensure the health of their entire class.
On a social level, news of a reporter sneaking into a private meeting of Kappa Beta Phi, a Wall Street fraternity, just broke.
Executives from too-big-to-fail banks, massive private equity firms, and touted hedge funds laughed in unison to skits mocking the poor and a parody of ABBA's "Dancing Queen" called "Bailout King," all while gorging on racks of lamb and foie gras.
No sympathy was given to the fact that their members brought the world to its knees and extorted trillions out of the common people to maintain their lavish lifestyle. No hint of remorse could be found over the charred remains of the retirement savings of millions of Americans.
The swarm was self-reinforcing and sticking together. Since everyone else isn't a part of it, they don't matter.

Follow the Trend

Alignment, in this context, is all about sticking to the trend.
Wall Street has driven markets to all-time highs on multiples, not on immediate information. Their army of analysts has been deployed to keep retail investors in line.
Brokers have pulled countless millions in fees as people chased the trend they created.
Equities drop in unison when what used to be considered positive economic information comes out. To stay aligned, members of the swarm avoid the temptation to capitalize on hints of recovery in favor of staying in formation at the free-money feeding trough.
Commodities get battered as investors pull out and short positions increase after news stories quote bearish analysts singing like a choir about the end of the super cycle.
Staying aligned with the market sentiment has even reached the point where course corrections occur in milliseconds. Traders are willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars to get market news two-thousandths of a second before the general public.
In essence, they are competing to be the first to follow the trend that the swarm will follow. There is no longer any ambiguity in how others will react nor any incentive to compete with a "contrarian" position.

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A Far Worse Reality

Don't get me wrong: there are conspiracies in finance — but not nearly as many as some would make it seem. LIBOR is a great example, but that is virtually a drop in the bucket from lowly trading desk jockeys when compared to the grand picture.
There is also plenty of plutocracy going on, but it is not dictated in the back rooms at a Bilderberg meeting. Reality is far simpler... and far worse.
There are no grand, all-encompassing conspiracies because it is all done right out in the open. We've reached a point where there is no need for subterfuge.
We live in a day and age where governments are entirely dependent on the super rich. Politicians need them to bankroll elections and then act as advisors in policy meetings because they'll ship middle-class jobs overseas if the terms aren't favorable.
They need the approval of institutional investors, otherwise the market (which Americans have been deceived into believing is also the economy) will drop, and they'll be blamed.
Market conditions are tweaked by central bankers in order to cover up the excesses of bankers who can do no wrong in the eyes of the law. The same select elite that nearly tanked the entire world enjoys safety from prosecution.
It is just a rigged system with no one at the wheel. It is the collective result of decades of individual actors. There is only a swarm hogging all of the resources, gorging until there is nothing left.
It truly does appear to be an overly complex system that is being exploited by a conspiracy of the global elite. It just seems more sinister and coordinated because we're on the outside.
We're left to fend for ourselves, and we have never played by the same rules. All we can do is desperately try to protect our dwindling share of the "resource bonanza" from them.
The rules will never change. However, I have no doubt that the super rich would rip each other apart under different circumstances.
The only thing we can do is limit access to the "resource bonanza." The rest will take care of itself.
Take Care,
Adam English
Adam English
Adam's editorial talents and analysis drew the attention of senior editors at Outsider Club, which he joined in mid-2012. While he has acquired years of hands-on experience in the editorial room by working side by side with ex-brokers, options floor traders, and financial advisors, he is acutely aware of the challenges faced by retail investors after starting at the ground floor in the financial publishing field. For more on Adam, check out his editor's page
*Follow Outsider Club on Facebook and Twitter.

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The Conspiracy to Create a Currency
In 2008, under the guise of regular business,
a team of NSA operatives created an entire
monetary system out of thin air.
How? Why? And could it really be worth
$148,500 to you?
This is the story...

Dear Reader,
In November of 1910, seven men — representing 25% of the world's wealth — gathered on a seven-mile strip of land off the coast of Georgia.
Inside an ornate conference room at the resplendent Jekyll Club, these seven men had ostensibly gathered for a duck hunting expedition among old friends.


However, not a single duck was shot that week.
Instead, what happened there over the course of two days effectively changed the world's view of money forever...
As the founder of Forbes magazine says of this event:
"Picture a party of the nation's greatest bankers stealing out of New York on a private railroad car under cover of darkness, stealthily riding hundred[s] of miles South, embarking on a mysterious launch, sneaking onto an island deserted by all but a few servants, living there a full week under such rigid secrecy that the names of not one of them was once mentioned, lest the servants learn the identity and disclose to the world this strangest, most secret expedition in the history of American finance."
What came of that meeting was the creation of something you know as the Federal Reserve — an institution that's been pulling America's financial strings for over a hundred years.
And what those seven men decided as they sipped brandy and filled their hotel conference room with cigar smoke was that the U.S. dollar would begin its reign as the new world reserve currency.
As the men concluded their business and returned to their homes in utter secrecy, each of them privately wondered how America would receive the news...


Then it dawned on them: It didn't matter.
American citizens had no say. Like it or not, their futures had been decided for them.
Within two months, Congress had voted. The Federal Reserve Act was signed by President Wilson. And the rest is history.
As we all know, history is doomed to repeat itself... right? Well, that axiom may have some merit.
On October 2, 2013 — roughly 100 years to the day that the covert Jekyll Club meeting occurred — another "secret expedition in American finance" came to fruition, all thanks to an undercover team of NSA operatives and a $33.6 million drug bust.
And while it may not be clear yet as to why this paradigm shift could be worth $148,500 to you, I promise you this...
Give me the next few minutes of your time, and not only will you understand why the door has opened for you to get filthy rich... but you'll also be privy to one of the most cryptic conspiracies in American history.

November 1, 2008: The Birth of a Currency
In July of 2008, a second currency meeting occurred much like the one that took place over 100 years ago at the Jekyll Club.
Only this time, the meeting didn't involve America's rich elite.
And it didn't happen at some location on an almost deserted island.
No, this time around, a team of NSA operatives was quietly assembled in our nation's capital by high-ranking government officials to carry out the unthinkable task of creating an entire system of currency.
The reasons for this will become clear in a moment, but I can tell you this: They carried out their orders without question and to such precision that I can't think of anything in history to equate it to.
Now, to be clear, I wasn't at this meeting. No one was — except, of course, for the undercover team of NSA operatives and a handful of overseers with top-secret security clearance. And in fact there are no transcripts of this meeting, no recordings, and certainly no photographs.
But through countless days of research, hours of interviews, and many dozens of phone calls to well-placed contacts, I've been able to piece together the most likely scenario of what went down in that unassuming office building in the middle of Washington, D.C.
Over the span of several weeks (and who knows how many cups of coffee), this consortium of intelligence banged their heads together in an attempt to fulfill their directive.


It was clear that a "new" dollar was out of the question. And with the current dollar barely treading water (and countless other currencies buried in the muck), an alternative printed currency of any kind would be impossible.
But then a light bulb went on...
Several days later, they shared a congratulatory drink, shook hands, and exited their conference room with what amounted to a nine-page research paper.
With smiles on their faces, they all agreed on one thing: It was time to go live.
On November 1, 2008, the first "reveal" of their hard work was published on an obscure cryptography listserv (an early form of electronic mailing list)... and it was done so under a single name — "Satoshi Nakamoto."
The details were murky, to say the least...
  • "Nakamoto's" profile said he lived in Japan...
  • Yet, his email address was traced back to Germany.
  • The paper was written in clear, concise, perfect English...
  • Meanwhile, repeated Google searches yielded almost nothing.
The reason for this, of course, is that an unsuspecting public was essentially chasing a ghost. After all, "Nakamoto" didn't exist — at least, not as a single person.
Yet, the work that "he" had posted was a revelation. It solved an issue cryptographers hadn't been able to crack for decades.
Now, the document itself is extremely technical, filled with jargon and the brand of computer expertise you only ever see in movies. Even I don't fully understand all the specifications outlined in the document.
But thankfully, I know some folks who do...
And this is what "Nakamoto's" great discovery amounted to: the concept of a digital currency, 100% legal, untraceable, perfectly anonymous, and free of government meddling.
The good thing is you don't have to understand a word of what "Nakamoto" wrote, or even read a sentence of his report to bank $148,500 — or possibly even more.
I'll explain in just a moment, but first, hear me on this...

The Investment Heard Around the World

At age 25, Joseph Kelbaugh made an investment most people didn't even know existed.
And even if they did know, they likely would have considered it an utter waste of money.
In fact, Kelbaugh himself didn't think much of it. He made it on a complete whim.
You see, as he was researching cryptography for a thesis paper, he came across "Nakamoto's" documentation of a digital currency and became intrigued... So he bought 5,000 units of the currency — and then promptly forgot about them.
Fast-forward four years later, when Kelbaugh spotted an article on the Internet that made him recall the investment he'd made.
He had to spend an entire day trying to remember what the password to his account was... but once he did, his jaw dropped.
The 5,000 units of currency he'd been sitting on were now worth $866,000.
The true kicker? He'd only invested $27 initially. In four years, he'd pulled in three million percent gains.
He decided to hold onto a bulk of the currency, but he did sell a fifth of it to pay for a deposit and restoration on a house he'd had his eye on.
"Not in my wildest dreams," he says, "could I have imagined that [my investment] would have soared like this."
He's not alone.
Very few people in the world could have imagined this was going to happen.
Of course, that's probably why Joseph's story was immediately plastered all over every media outlet the Internet has to offer.
Even more astounding is that Joseph isn't alone...

How "Uncle Burt" Banked Enough to Retire at Age 30

Burton Lewis, now age 30, is lovingly known as "Uncle Burt" to his friends. That's because, despite his youthful appearance, he tends to act "like an old man."
Regardless of what his friends call him, there's no debating one thing — and that's how much money Burt has made over the past few years.
Like Joseph Kelbaugh, Burt was early on the scene and made the decision to invest in "Nakamoto's" digital currency.
Also like Kelbaugh, he put in a nominal sum, hoping it would be worth something one day.
Only Burt didn't forget about his investment like Kelbaugh did. He managed it on a daily basis... almost obsessively so.
That's probably why Burt is now one of the very first millionaires to get rich using ONLY the currency that was created by a team of NSA operatives in a boardroom five years ago.
And at the ripe old age of 30, "Uncle Burt" is sitting on a pile of cash that would be enough for twenty retirements.
But he hasn't given up the investment game. If anything, he's ramped up his activity... as have many others.
As Burt says, "Before, you only had people that were willing to spend $500 or so, but now you have people that are putting down [as much as] $1 million."
So, it's safe to say the secret's out. But one thing is still quite clear: The gains (as much as $148,500) you stand to pull in are still a very real possibility.
Here's why...

You've Probably Already Guessed This...

If you've followed the financial news at all over the past few months, you've probably heard about digital currency... and, more specifically, something called Bitcoin.
What you probably do not know is that these Bitcoins are not only the newest sensation in investing, but they are the very currency created in that conference room by the team of high-ranking NSA operatives I told you about earlier.
The main question you should have is...
Why? Why the heck would government officials order a currency to be created out of thin air, on a moment's notice, and then release it in such a secretive manner?
Well, I have the answer to that question.
It's no secret we've recently experienced some very turbulent financial times. And it's just as well known that, for years, the U.S. dollar hasn't carried the same value it used to have.
That's putting it mildly. Really, the U.S. dollar is on the brink of extinction in terms of being the world's reserve currency.
I don't want to beat a dead horse, but when the dollar collapses, many things happen... most of them bad. Foreign investors and banks stop demanding dollars, bond prices tank, interest rates skyrocket, mortgage rates soar, and on and on.
So, what do you do?
Print more money?
We've already tried that, and it's done nothing but make the problem even worse.
Or maybe — just maybe — you could create an entirely new currency to hedge your bets... create value somewhere else.
When you have a team of crack computer programmers with the highest levels of security clearance — a la the NSA — it's not as hard to accomplish as you might think. I mean, it's already happened.
Thing is you can't just run out there and yell what you've done from the mountaintops.
The value is in grass roots, organic build-up.
The value has to create itself.
Merely telling someone about an investment is one thing; but when it's plastered all over the news, and your friends and family can't stop talking about it, you have something else entirely.
So the best way to do this would be to surreptitiously post it on the Internet and let the masses go wild... just like the NSA did when they posted their document online under the name of "Satoshi Nakamoto."
However, despite some good press — and some great success stories — Bitcoins were still quite volatile. They were brand new, and while some folks like Kelbaugh and "Uncle Burt" had made a ton of cash, there were still mixed feelings on how viable a currency this really was, or could be...
Pundits saw it as a flash in the pan. Ordinary investors shied away, figuring this was a mere bubble.
Of course, this was to be expected. Natural growing pains.
So the government, foreseeing this, did the unthinkable...

Why the U.S. Gov't Endorsed a Worldwide Drug Network

Just this past October, on a cool Wednesday afternoon, the FBI arrested a man by the name of Ross William Ulbricht.
His crime?
He was the owner of an Internet site known as Silk Road, an underground website that made worldwide trafficking of drugs possible and easier than ever. People suddenly found themselves with the ability to have heroin delivered to their mailboxes.
Ulbricht, known online as "Dread Pirate," grew richer than ever.
However, there was one catch to the website: The only currency permitted, due to its anonymous and untraceable nature, was Bitcoin.
I'm sure you see the problem here...
Why would you want to invest in a currency that's primarily used for illegal activities?
You'd think that this would've thrown a real wrench in the government's plan...


But here's the most interesting part...
It turns out it was actually PART of their plan.
Now, I'm not saying the government created this site (though they may have), but they certainly knew about it.
No one is out there selling drugs on that kind of basis without being spotted.
But it's curious how long it took them to "find" and arrest Ulbricht... maybe because he was the most elusive criminal of all time, or maybe because they didn't WANT to find him right away.
You see, so long as Silk Road was around, the value of Bitcoins kept rising and they were continually in the American consciousness.
However, officials also understood that the value of a currency based on illegal activities could only go so far (even though the dollar has been used for such for decades). And this is where the genius of the conspiracy really comes in — and it's how they sealed the deal on Bitcoins...
On October 2, the Silk Road empire was brought down by the FBI and a notice of seizure was posted on the website.
But of course, Bitcoin still remained.
As would be expected, the price dove as hundreds of people no longer had any use for them. People dumped their Bitcoins, went back to dollars, and never looked back.
Then something surprising happened...
Bitcoin value started creeping back up, ever so slowly at first — and then in a rapid flurry. Suddenly, Bitcoins were as valuable as they had been before Silk Road had been taken down — and even more so!
And before anyone really realized what happened, a drug empire had been disarmed and the world had a brand-new — and validated — currency.
The value of Bitcoins is no longer propped on the trafficking of drugs, but on a much more reliable concept: good old supply and demand.
Not only that, but as co-anchor of CNBC's Squawk Box, Andrew Ross Sorkin recently said quite succinctly, there is no "Bernanke of the Bitcoin Reserve."
Because Bitcoin is unregulated, it cannot be tampered with... and this, in part, is what gives Bitcoin so much credibility.
Yet another great example of how popular and reliable Bitcoin has become is through the sheer amount of transactions that have taken place recently.


As you can see, Bitcoin transactions per day have jumped astronomically. And there's a very good reason for that...
Businesses are joining the Bitcoin revolution by the hundreds.
Where in 2009, no one in the world was accepting Bitcoin, you can now buy a coffee, grab a sandwich for lunch, even buy socks online... all using Bitcoin. Heck, you can even pay for online dating services using Bitcoin these days!
Businesses are joining the ranks as fast as they can because they don't want to be left behind.
And neither should you.
However, if you believe you can just walk up to the counter at your local bank or jump online and grab several hundred dollars' worth... think again.

If You Can Get In and Ride the Wave of This
Once-in-history Event, Count Yourself Lucky

Years ago, it was quite easy to buy Bitcoins. In fact, you could purchase almost as many as you wanted, whenever you wanted.
But that's no longer the case.
You see, Bitcoins are produced through a specialized method called "mining."
As popular tech magazine Wired states: "Users willing to devote [computer] power to running a special piece of software would be called miners and would... generate new currency."
Now, this may sound technical. And it is. But the truth is it doesn't really matter how they're produced...
That's for the computer wizards to worry about.
What YOU need to be concerned with is the fact that only a certain amount of Bitcoins can be produced in any given day — and even more so with the idea that there will only ever be a finite number of Bitcoins to be produced EVER.
To be exact, only 21 million Bitcoins will ever hit the market.
After that, no more will ever be produced.
That's right. It's as if someone suddenly decided that only a certain amount of U.S. dollars would ever be created. I'm sure you can envision the pandemonium that would ensue. There would probably be riots in the streets.
Of course, Bitcoins haven't created that type of panic yet — but I will tell you that more than half of the Bitcoins that will ever be produced are already in the hands of savvy investors.
And while 21 million Bitcoins (the maximum number that will ever be available) may sound like a lot, it's actually quite a low number.
That's why the value has been increasing ever since they've been created. Check it out:


As you can see, there was a "freak" peak in April, which caused folks to sell off and cash in.
However, since then, the value has been on the steady incline, approaching the all-time high set in April.
Plus, there's also this bit of exciting news...


Bitcoin has followed the Gartner Hype cycle to a tee.
The period of inflated expectations is already behind us, and we're now in the plateau of productivity.
This is the phase where mainstream adoption takes off. In other words, people are taking notice and going "all in" as quickly as they possibly can.
As Bitcoin has now become fully legitimized, it's getting more and more valuable by the day.
So in retrospect, the Silk Road debacle was the best thing that ever happened to Bitcoin. And it clears up why it took the government so long to shut the site down.
They used it for two years to drive the value of Bitcoin... And then, in shutting it down, they used it to validate Bitcoin as a new world currency.
The fact that Silk Road was distributing drugs on a worldwide scale was of little consequence — though you'll never hear that from any government agency.
It may seem extreme, but when you're trying to create an entire currency out of thin air, and make it desirable, desperate measures are the means to an end.
Also, you have to consider that when "Nakamoto's" paper came out in 2008, trust in the government and banks was at a paralyzing low. We were dealing with "quantitative easing" and the Great Recession.
The creators of this currency — the U.S. government itself — KNEW it was the perfect time to strike... and so they did.
Now you understand the conspiracy, how it happened, and why. The only thing left is to show you how this once-in-history event has given you the chance to earn $148,500 — or more — over the next couple of years...

The first currency to hit $5,000? $10,000? $1 MILLION?
It may seem farfetched to say that Bitcoin has joined the ranks of gold and silver, but get this...
Over the past four years, while gold has outperformed ALL major fiat currencies, it hasn't beaten Bitcoin. Not once in four years.
Not even close!


In the first five years of Bitcoin's existence, it's beaten gold EVERY single year. And not by slim margins, either.
To say Bitcoin has crushed gold would be a vast understatement.
Other major currencies though? Well, I think you can see from all the red on the chart how well they've fared over the same period.
So the question is no longer whether Bitcoin is the real deal or not... it's How high will it go?
I've seen prices all across the board — all from quite reliable sources — that have Bitcoin reaching anywhere from $10,000 per coin to an outlandish $1 million per coin.
And while $1 million doesn't seem likely (though you never know), it seems all but certain that Bitcoin will hit $5,000 in 2014.
Beyond that, it could soar even higher... reaching the neighborhood of $10,000 per coin.
And don't worry if $1,000 per coin (around where Bitcoin is trading right now) seems a bit rich for your blood.
You can actually buy portions of Bitcoins and still make huge gains.
In fact, you can buy as little as .01 of a Bitcoin, giving you the chance to buy pieces of Bitcoins for about $10 or so. And when Bitcoin hits $5,000, those portions could add up to a whole lot of profit...
It may seem crazy, but think about guys like Joseph Kelbaugh and "Uncle Burt." They were probably laughed out of the building when they got in early, putting money into something no one had even really heard about.
No one in their right minds thought Bitcoin was going to hit $50... $100... or even $250 per coin.
Yet that's exactly what happened, and these guys were the ones laughing last — with hundreds of thousands of dollars to show for it.
And while you can't get Bitcoins for pennies any longer, the good news is that Bitcoin is just beginning to heat up.
As Michael Novogratz, principal and director of Fortress Investment Group, says: "More and more people are getting involved... There is a fixed supply... prices are going higher..." He continued by explaining that Bitcoin is just in "inning 3 of a 9-inning game."

If you don't know who Novogratz is, it doesn't really matter. All you have to understand is that the man's a billionaire. So his insight isn't to be taken lightly.
Neither is Chamath Palihapitiya's...
You may not know him either, but he's described by Business Insider as being "live on an island and never look at a computer screen again" rich.
His take on Bitcoin? "It's money 2.0 — a huge, huge, huge deal."
Maybe that's why he owns $5 million worth of the currency himself and wants to own about $10 million more. After all, he's no dummy.
And recently, the Winklevoss twins, made famous thanks to their highly publicized battles with Facebook and who currently hold $11 million worth of these red-hot Bitcoins, put in their two cents...
As they said on November 12: "Today [Bitcoin's market cap] is at $4 billion... We believe [it could reach] $400 billion."
In other words, there's the possibility of Bitcoin exploding by 9,900%.
With a simple $1,500 investment, those kinds of gains would hand you pure profits of $148,500.
Now imagine if you put $10,000 in...
You'd have nearly a million bucks in that scenario.
Pretty easy to see how these guys are using Bitcoin to get rich, isn't it?
So, the only question now is how do you make a run at Bitcoin and get rich yourself?

"How do I move on this RIGHT NOW?"

Before I get too far ahead here, though, let me quickly introduce myself. My name is Brian Hicks, and I'm the President of Angel Publishing based in downtown Baltimore.
If you've heard my name, it's likely from my frequent appearances on TV as a money and markets commentator on CNBC, Bloomberg, and Fox News. Or maybe you've read some of my regular commentary in the Wealth Daily e-Letter. Perhaps you've read my book, Profit from the Peak.
Now, I bring this all up not to brag, but simply to show you that I've been making a living in the financial research industry for a long time now. Over that time, I've learned that of all the ways in the world to make money, the absolute best is timing huge market swings with absolute precision.
It seems obvious, but you'd be surprised how hard it really is to do...
And the Bitcoin situation I've been telling you about just so happens to be one of those opportunities — probably the best I've seen in my career.
While others are turning their heads, I always make sure I'm looking straight on. Sometimes you can miss what's right under your nose if you're not careful.
I don't like to miss out on tens (even hundreds) of thousands of dollars because of what everyone else is or isn't doing.
That's why I'm pounding the table on Bitcoins right this very moment. I don't care who's buying... who's selling... or who's saying what.
I've done the research, examined this situation from every possible angle, and I don't see how Bitcoins aren't one of the most exciting investment opportunities in history.
The thing you should be asking yourself at this point isn't, "When should I move on this?"...
It's "How do I move on this RIGHT NOW?"
And before I give you the specifics on that, I want to tell you...

Why I Hired "The Hammer" to Bring You Obscene Profits
"The Hammer" may sound like a nickname better suited for a boxing champion than an investment guru...
But if you've ever met the guy, you'd understand how much sense the moniker makes.
His real name is Christian DeHaemer (though I almost never call him that), and his last name actually means "The Hammer" in his ancestors' native tongue.
Whatever you decide to call him, "The Hammer" is a grizzled profit veteran I hired specifically to dig up the inside details on the world's most explosive profit opportunities.


Whether something has hit the mainstream media or is literally an underground opportunity, like the Mongolian oil company he delivered 795% gains on, "The Hammer" is rarely wrong.
He's a serious man — a U.S. military-trained fortune-seeker with a vast network of worldwide contacts in business and intelligence circles.tao-silkroad-image7
I mean, you don't find out the true "dirt" behind the opportunities "The Hammer" has found without having some top-notch friends in high places...
And I'm not just saying this. I have emails sitting in my inbox right now that prove how "The Hammer" navigates through his circle of "friends" to obtain the biggest money secrets out there.
I've known the guy for more than 15 years. I've seen first-hand how he's made his way through hazardous places like Egypt, Cuba, Libya, Israel, and Tunisia in pursuit of profits no one else even knows exist. He's made TONS of cash exploiting the hottest profit secrets on earth.
Luckily, this time around, "The Hammer" didn't have to travel off to some dark corner of the earth to find the most profitable secrets behind Bitcoin...
But that's not to say he didn't make a few "private line" phone calls.
When I first came across this opportunity, I knew without a doubt that "The Hammer" was the man to uncover every nook and cranny.
And if his past results are any indicator, I think you're in for a pretty profitable ride...
Check out some of the recent winners "The Hammer" has under his belt:
  • 795% Petro Matad
  • 690% Oracle
  • 672% Sun Microsystems
  • 498% Simulations Plus
  • 515% Palm Source
  • 558% MBNA
  • 411% Africa Oil
  • 302% Aastrom Bioscience
  • 362% Evergreen Solar
  • 278% Summit Resources
  • 129% Sirius
  • 162% Markland Tech
  • 268% China Yuchai
  • 243% CEMEX
  • 148% Railpower Tech
  • 178% Grupo Simec
  • 121% Solidere
  • 122% Cannondale
  • 147% Bio Pham
  • 192% Holis Eden
  • 118% Take Two Interactive
Now maybe you understand why I lured "The Hammer" away from the well-known investment research firm he spent 14 years tracking down huge gains for...
Just $1,000 put into each of those recommendations would have handed you $50,000 in pure profit.
$10,000 turns into half a million.

And those are just a fraction of the hundreds of gains this guy has pulled in for his readers.
Needless to say, I wanted him on my side.
When he called to tell me what he'd found out about Bitcoin, you could say I was a bit shocked...
I knew about the currency, its recent popularity, and all of that good stuff — but I would never have imagined the conspiracy behind it all.
And today I'm going to relay to you what "The Hammer" told me in terms of how YOU can start profiting with Bitcoin right now.
The answer may seem obvious, but there's more to Bitcoin than you probably realize...

What You NEED to Know Before Buying Bitcoin
Pulling in Bitcoin profits may seem like a pretty straightforward affair...
Go out, buy some Bitcoins, and sit back as they soar to $5,000 per coin.
But as with almost anything in life, it's just not that easy. There are several things to consider when buying Bitcoins, and once you know them, you'll be a pro in no time.
Think of it like buying gold...
Where do you go to buy it?
Well, if you're like any smart investor, you vet your resources thoroughly before sending money to anyone.
The same is true with Bitcoins. You have your scammers, your less reliable sources, and your super reliable sources. Simply put, you can't just go anywhere you want online and buy Bitcoins from anyone who is offering them. And even with Bitcoin exchanges you can run into issues...
Unless, of course, you know what you're doing.
Plus, as I've already mentioned, Bitcoins are a very limited thing. They're hard to get your hands on.
Believe it or not, there's a specific time of day when you have the best shot at buying them.
And with popularity soaring, little secrets like these make all the difference between a chance at getting rich and missing out entirely.
Beyond that, if you're lucky enough to score a handful of Bitcoins, where do you store them... how do you manage them... and how do you sell if you decide to get out?
The answers to these questions are not complex, but they do need to be answered before you buy your first Bitcoin.
That's why I had "The Hammer" draw up an extensive report on Bitcoins that deals with everything you need to know.
In fact, it turned out to be so extensive — and informative — that we aptly named it "The Bitcoin Bible." It covers everything you need to know in order to get rich using Bitcoins, like...
  • What time of day you should be online to buy your first order, and why that time is crucial...
  • The best price to buy and when those prices occur...
  • How many Bitcoins you should start with — and how to increase your load as you start profiting...
  • How to watch the Bitcoin market for fluctuations — and how to expose those blips to your financial advantage...
  • Why Bitcoin should see $5,000 in 2014 and what you should do if that happens...
  • How to buy portions of Bitcoins if you don't have the capital to buy several full coins...
  • How to store your Bitcoins securely and how to manage them effectively...
  • How to sell Bitcoins for the highest profits whenever you feel it's time for you to get out...
  • Where to buy Bitcoins: the winners, the losers, the scammers, and how to make sure you're securely making your transactions...
  • What your first experience will be like and what to do after you've bought your first coin...
  • And most importantly, how to give yourself a real shot at becoming the next Bitcoin millionaire...
And that's just some of what's included in "The Bitcoin Bible."
I wasn't exaggerating when I said it turned out to be an extensive product.
Even more incredible is that I'd like to send "The Bitcoin Bible" to your inbox today — FREE of charge.
That's right. Absolutely FREE. No risk or obligation.
Why would I disclose such valuable information for FREE?
Well, because...

Locating Explosive Technology Profits is "The Hammer's" Newest Gig
For a long time, "The Hammer" has been making people money through his Crisis and Opportunity advisory service.
He has such a strong and loyal readership (not to mention unparalleled profit-finding techniques), that I decided to start a whole new service centered on technology — with "The Hammer" at the helm.
It wasn't even a question in my mind that "The Hammer" was the perfect person to head up this service. And to keep with a theme, we decided to name this advisory Technology and Opportunity.
Every last profit opportunity "The Hammer" finds in the tech sector will be published in this advisory service.
And there's one thing I fully expect to happen... that's for "The Hammer" to replicate the success he's proven he's capable of.
I'd like for you to be one of the first to take a sneak peek at what he has to offer in the brand-new, just released Technology and Opportunity service.
In exchange for your "test-drive" and feedback, I'm going to send you the "The Bitcoin Bible" absolutely free of charge.
And this exclusive release isn't all you'll have access to...
You'll also have privileged rights to:
  • 12 Monthly Issues of Technology and Opportunity: Jam-packed with new and exciting research on the hottest technology companies on the planet, each month "The Hammer" will introduce you to a breakthrough company or event that has the potential to change the world. You'll also receive explicit instructions on how to best take advantage of these opportunities for the chance at maximum gains.
  • Portfolio Updates: When pertinent, you'll receive market pulse updates on recommendations that have been made and general patterns in the technology world.
  • Flash Alerts: Every day, "The Hammer" monitors the markets, keeping a close eye on each of recommendations. If immediate changes are happening, you'll receive up-to-the-minute flash alerts that will let you know what's going on.
  • Unlimited Access to the Private Members-Only Website: This is where you'll find a catalog of any and all reports that are issued, alerts that have gone out, and bonus reports.
And that last thing — bonus reports — reminds me that I almost forgot to tell you...
In addition to everything I've already listed, I'm also including a FREE bonus report along with the "The Bitcoin Bible."
I understand currency may not be for everyone, so I'd also like to send you a more conventional report that centers on ordinary stock plays.
Now, when I say ordinary, I just mean that they're standard stocks. The gains, however, stand to be anything BUT ordinary.

3 Tech Stocks You Should Own RIGHT NOW
As you may know, biometrics identifies people through physical traits.
This includes things like voice recognition, fingerprint technology, face recognition, eye scanning, and other such advancements.
The applications are nearly limitless.
And this stuff isn't just for securing government buildings or science fiction movies anymore...
It's gone mainstream.
Recently, Apple integrated the new iPhone with fingerprint sensory technology. And get this: The company that's providing Apple with this biometric technology recently soared 567%.
The scope of biometrics is exploding, and "The Hammer" has identified THREE stocks that could double, triple, or even quadruple in the coming months.
Everything you need to know about these three stocks is covered in the bonus report I'd like to send you called, "The 3 Biometric Technology Stocks for 2014 and Beyond."
Again, this report is absolutely free. And it's yours the minute you agree to become a trial member of Technology and Opportunity today.
Of course, I'm sure you're wondering by now what it costs to become a member of Technology and Opportunity...
Well, I can tell you how little it costs right now.

The World's Most Explosive Tech Plays for Just 14 Cents per Day
It's no secret that top-notch investment advice often costs $500... $1,000... even $5,000 per year. I actually know people who gladly pay these amounts — and more — for services very similar to Technology and Opportunity.
The normal price tag for a full-fledged Technology and Opportunity membership, however, costs a very reasonable $129.
But if I hear from you within the next 24 hours, you'll lock in a special subscription fee of just $49 for a full year of Technology and Opportunity.
That means for about 14 cents per day, you'll get cutting-edge investment information from one of the most experienced profit-hunters on the planet.
I think you'll agree that's a flat-out steal...
It's my special price offer to you — today — for agreeing to take a risk-free trial to Technology and Opportunity.
But be warned... $49 isn't the "forever" price.
This is simply the bargain basement price I'm charging today for those who agree to become first-run Charter members of Technology and Opportunity.
And if you're still on the fence, I'm going to make this a "no-brainer" for you right now...
I'm going to offer you a second FREE report in addition to the first FREE report, "The 3 Biometric Technology Stocks for 2014 and Beyond" and the "The Bitcoin Bible."

2 Stocks to Own and 2 to Dump
Drones used to be exclusively for military use. But in 2015, the Federal Aviation Administration will open the skies to commercial drones.
And while that may not seem extraordinary to you, you have to understand...
This is the birth of a whole new industry — and an opportunity for you to make a fortune.
And guess what? "The Hammer" is on top of things. He's isolated two drone stocks that are absolute "home runs" waiting to happen.
Think three... four... even five times your money.
Both of these companies are poised for an explosive move upward based on their strategic placement in the impending drone extravaganza.
Right now, you have the chance to get in on the ground floor and reap enormous profits.
"The Hammer's" new report, "2 Drone Stocks to Own and 2 to Dump," gives you the details on what each company is doing... how they're changing the world... and how you could cash in during the coming months.
In addition, "The Hammer" has included a write-up on two drone stocks to avoid like the plague. After all, you want to make money... not lose it.
And again, this report is yours FREE of charge for taking a no-risk trial membership to Technology and Opportunity.
So just to quickly recap, you'll have immediate access to all of the following when you sign up today:
  • 12 Monthly Issues of Technology and Opportunity
  • Consistent Portfolio Updates
  • Up-to-the-Minute Flash Alerts
  • Unlimited Access to the Private Members-Only Website
  • Bonus Report #1: "The 3 Biometric Technology Stocks for 2014 and Beyond"
  • Bonus Report #2: "2 Drone Stocks to Own and 2 to Dump"
  • And, of course, "The Bitcoin Bible"
I must add one more thing — why this is a no-risk, no-obligation decision on your part...

You Have 30 Days to Decide
If at any time during the first 30 days you are unhappy with your Technology and Opportunity subscription — for any reason — just say the word... and I'll refund every penny you spent with us — NO QUESTIONS ASKED!

And after the first 30 days, if you're not pleased, I'll send you an immediate refund for the unused portion of your subscription... again, no questions asked!
And even if you decide to take a 100% refund, you keep everything I send you today... including "The Bitcoin Bible" and the two FREE bonus reports.

You have absolutely nothing to lose. And your upside on the Bitcoin opportunity alone is HUGE.
Within your 30-day trial period, it's very possible you'll have already made enough money to pay for 10 subscriptions to Technology and Opportunity.
But you must move quickly...
Bitcoin prices are steadily rising, making people more money than ever. The longer you wait, the more potential gains you leave on the table.
Think about it... a year from now, do you want to be the proud investor who got in on Bitcoins early?
Or would you rather be kicking yourself because you passed only to watch Bitcoin prices soar past $5,000?
I know the answer to that, and so do you.
There's no reason to pass on something that could literally make you tens (or hundreds) of thousands of dollars over the next couple of years.
Click the "Join Us Now" button below and be on your way...
I look forward to seeing your name on the Charter member roster for Technology and Opportunity.
Brian Hicks Signature
Brian Hicks
President, Angel Publishing

P.S. Remember, you have 30 full days to try out Technology and Opportunity... and you can do so at the lowest price we'll ever charge for this advisory service. It's your chance to become a first-run Charter member — and to make thousands of dollars along the way. Join today.

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Dear Reader,
In July 2008, a meeting occurred.
It involved a team of top-level NSA operatives that had been assigned to a single task...
To create an entire currency system out of thin air.
Over the span of several weeks (and who knows how many cups of coffee), this consortium of intelligence banged their heads together in an attempt to fulfill their directive.
Then, a light bulb went on...
And several days later, the NSA operatives shared a congratulatory drink, shook hands, and exited their conference room with what amounted to a nine-page research paper.
With smiles on their faces, they all agreed on one thing: It was time go live!
Thing is, I've been following this situation for some time now, and I can tell you one thing is for sure...
What these NSA operatives derived for their own good could actually hand you $148,500 in pure profits over the next several months.
It may sound crazy, but once you see the full story for yourself, I think you'll understand why this situation is so explosively profitable.
Good Investing,
Brian Hicks Signature
Brian Hicks
Publisher, Technology and Opportunity

Untraceable Bitcoin Transactions, Regulators in Uproar

First 3D-Printed Guns at Home, Now This

By Brittany Stepniak   

Last spring, I wrote to you about one law school dropout who had taken the initiative to manufacture liberty on his own.
Embracing the technology of the future, Defense Distributor founder Cody Wilson championed an effort to make 3D-printed guns available to anyone who was interested. In fact, he made it so interested parties could actually print those guns in the comfort and convenience of their own homes.
Although he stirred up a great deal of controversy in 2013 by publicly posting blueprints for anyone to download via the Internet, Wilson asserted that he was simply counter-acting the recent attacks on our liberty.
Commenting on congressional laws that infringe upon some of our basic civil liberties, Wilson stated, "We see liberty under threat, we see sovereignty under threat. We must respond."
Many months have passed, and Wilson has indeed proven he's not just a gun guy. He's a freedom guy. And he's doing everything in his power to ensure that freedom is still granted...
Only this time he's honing in on financial freedom in the midst of the dollar's 30-year slide.
As we rang in 2014, Wilson rattled headlines yet again. This time — keeping true to his motto of embracing the future and manufacturing liberty — the 25-year-old libertarian is making waves in the Bitcoin community.
And regulators are quite concerned with what he has up his sleeve...

Paradigm Shift: The Dollar's Replacement is Online 

"We need an anonymous cash online." — Cody Wilson
While many feel that e-cash will very likely to replace the dollar and other tangible forms of fiat money, Wilson has taken that idea even further.
As an ever-increasing number of investors flock to Bitcoins as a hedge against today's currency crisis, Wilson has found a demand for online cash transactions that are not regulated. The Wall Street Journal reports his rationale:
"It's not that I want you to buy drugs," he says. "It's just that I think you should have the freedom to do it."
As soon as this alternative currency came into the spotlight, experts in favor of Bitcoin feared it would soon be "squashed under the full weight of Federal law," according to Forbes. It was assumed that when Bitcoins were officially regarded as money in the U.S., there would also be a tightening legal net around them.
That assumption proved to be well-founded...
Earlier this year, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network published guidelines mandating that Bitcoin-related businesses be considered Money Services Businesses under U.S. law. This would mean every company that dealt in Bitcoin currency would be considered "a financial institution" that had "the same obligations as any money services business."
Of course, that responsibility doesn't come cheap. Barclay's Bank actually closed down a money transfer business to East Africa due to the costs that came with it — obeying the regulators' rules turned out to cost more than the bank was able to make from the transactions.

All things considered, Wilson saw a window of opportunity and got to work right away. If he could find a way to remove the middleman — the regulators — and make Bitcoin transactions anonymous, underground money transfer businesses might be able to thrive.

Moreover, individuals would have the freedom to buy and sell whatever they wanted in privacy. His present goal is to cover the tracks made by these "financial institutions" (or any individual buying or selling) when they use Bitcoins for transactions. And he's about to launch software that will make this a reality.
Wilson isn't alone. He's part of a large band of programmers ambitiously motivated to actualize new technology for the sole purpose of overcoming legal mandates that impose on our personal freedom. They too support Wilson's Dark Wallet software.

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  Dark Wallet: Promoting Digital Cash as a Private, Government-Free Currency

It's no surprise that libertarians are touting this movement as a giant leap forward in finding something more legitimate and secure than today's crumbling dollar.

One billionaire libertarian, PayPal founder Peter Theil, recently met Mr. Wilson to discuss the future of Bitcoin. A close friend of Theil's said he seemed impressed with Wilson's entrepreneurial efforts and confident in his future potential.

But even some unlikely supporters have highlighted the benefits of Bitcoin and other online currencies. In November, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke told lawmakers these alternative currencies "may hold long-term promise, particularly if the innovations promote a faster, more secure, and more efficient payment system."
For other supporters interested in helping Wilson achieve his goals to get this "government-free" program released in early 2014, developers are accepting donations. So far, Wilson has raised roughly $250,000 — most of it in Bitcoin.

After dropping out of law school last May in order to pursue his real passion of protecting liberty, Wilson expresses a strong fervor for his Dark Wallet project, saying it "captures everything we want to do." 
But if you haven't yet invested in the only currency completely immune to sovereign debt crises, finite in supply (therefore unaffected by inflation), and impossible to counterfeit, now's the time to jump aboard the Bitcoin bandwagon. 

Farewell for now,
Brittany Stepniak Signature
Brittany Stepniak
follow basic@AngelPubGirl on Twitter
Brittany Stepniak is the Project Manager and Editor for the Outsider Club. Her “big picture” insights have helped guide thousands of investors towards achieving and maintaining personal and financial liberties while pursuing their individual dreams in lieu of all the modern-day chaos. For more on Brittany, take a look at her editor's page.
*Follow Outsider Club on Facebook and Twitter.

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(Bagian I)

Tentunya temen-temen sering mendengar kata World Bank, namun apakah temen-temen mengetahui apa dan siapa world bank itu? Apakah temen-temen tahu apasih yang dikerjain world bank di Indonesia ? Terus kenapa sekarang orang-orang pada ngeributin kerjaannya world bank yang konon katanya ngak bener dan semakin nyusahin bokap-bakop and nyokap-nyokap kita, nyusahin petani, nyusahin nelayan, nyusahin kaum buruh, pokoknya semua orang dibuat susah deh.....
Nah...ini ada sedikit pengetahuan tambahan buat temen-temen yang mo tahu apa dan siapa world bank itu, mudah-mudahan bisa menambah wawasan kita semua terus kalo ada yang mo ngediskusiin lebih bagus lagi tuh..
Sejarah Lahirnya World Bank
Cikal bakalnya si World Bank ini dimulai sewaktu lagi seru-serunya Perang Dunia ke 2, adalah seorang yang bernama Henry Morgenthau, Sekretaris Bidang Keuangan Amerika, beliau ini ceritanya punya bayangan apa yang akan terjadi di dunia ini kalo perang udah selesai trus dibantu oleh seorang penasehat internasional bidang ekonomi, Harry Dexter White mereka berdua bikin momerandum yang akan menyelaraskan pertukaran nilai uang internasional dan mempromosikan perdagangan. Ide mereka ini di bawa ke dalam konferensi moneter dan keuangan PBB yang diadakan di Hotel Mount Washington, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, di Amrik sono. Konon ada sekitar 700 delegasi dari 43 negara yang ikut di pertemuan yang berakhir pada tanggal 22 Juli 1944 dan mereka-mereka yang hadir itulah yang membidani lahirnya si World Bank dan sodara kembarnya si IMF (International Monetary Fund).
Terus apa sih tujuan kehadiran world bank ?
Katanya sih misinya si World Bank atau nama panjangnya International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) ini adalah untuk “membantu pembangunan dan rekonstruksi teritori para anggota bank dunia dengan memfasilitasi investasi kapital untuk tujuan produksi”. Jadi...misi utama keberadaan bank dunia (di Indonesia-in aja ya biar gampang nyebutinnya) adalah Pembangunan, mengingat pada masa itu hampir separo negara-negara di dunia mengalami perang dunia yang melumpuhkan perekonomian mereka. Sementara sodaranya yaitu si IMF punya misi untuk merekonstruksi dan ngejagain sistem moneter internasional yang pada masa itu bangkrut.
Gimana Struktur Organisasi Bank Dunia ?
1. Dewan Gubernur (Board of Governor)
Dewan Gubernur adalah lembaga pengambilan keputusan tertinggi di Bank Dunia. Para Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur ditunjuk oleh masing-masing negara anggota, yang biasanya adalah Menteri Keuangan atau Pimpinan Bank Sentral yang memiliki otoritas penuh berbicara atas nama pemerintah masing-masing. Dewan Gubernur bertemu setahun sekali dalam sidang tahunan Bank Dunia.
2. Dewan Direktur (Board of Directors)
Dewan Gubernur mendelegasikan wewenang pengambilan keputusan sehari-hari kepada Dewan Direktur yang terdiri dari 24 Eksekutif Direktur (ED) yang ditunjuk dan dipilih mereka. 5 (lima) dari ED dipilih oleh 5 (lima) negara yang memiliki saham terbanyak di Bank Dunia dan 19 lainnya mewakili kelompok negara dan masing-masing dipilih oleh negara yang tergabung dalam kelompok tersebut. Posisi ED di 19 kelompok ini merupakan posisi yang bergilir. Dewan Direktur memilih seorang Presiden untuk menjalankan pekerjaan Dewan Direktur sehari-hari.


Ternyata yang namanya Bank Dunia itu ngak sendirian, setelah yang sulung lahir disusul sodara-sodaranya yang lain, jadi sampe saat ini mereka ada 5 (lima) be-sodara selain dengan kembarannya si IMF, yaitu :

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development alias Bank Internasional untuk Rekonstruksi dan 
Pembangunan. Didirikan tahun 1944, dengan tujuan utama untuk meminjamkan uang dengan bunga yang berlaku di pasaran untuk keperluan pembangunan dan investasi proyek ke negara-negara berkembang dengan pendapatan perkapita yang relatif tinggi. Pinjaman diberikan kepada pemerintah atau proyek yang dijamin oleh pemerintah. Sumber dana berasal dari negara-negara anggota IBRD yang memberikan kontribusi uang kontan atau menjaminkan obligasinya di pasar modal internasional. Sampai tahun 1994 pinjaman keseluruh dunia telah mencapai US$ 14,25 miliar.

International Development Association / Asosiasi Pembangunan Internasional
Didiri-in pada tahun 1960, tujuan utamanya untuk ngutangin negara-negara miskin yang pendapatan perkapita tiap tahunnya kurang dari 1.345 US$, dengan bunga yang lebih rendah yang berlaku dipasaran. Pinjaman diberikan kepada pemerintah atau proyek-proyek yang dijamin oleh pemerintah. Sumber dana IDA berasal dari negara pendana IDA, sebagian keuntungan IBRD, dan pengembalian kredit IDA. Sampai dengan tahun 1994 pinjaman IDA udah mencapai US$ 6,59 miliar.

International Finance Corporation / Korporasi Keuangan Internasional
Didirikan pada tahun 1956, dengan tujuan untuk membangun sektor bisnis swasta di negara berkembang. Pinjaman ditujukan untuk bisnis swasta. Sumber dana dari negara anggota yang menjaminkan obligasinya di pasar modal internasional dan keuntungan yang didapatkan dari pendapatan yang tidak dibagikan kepada pemegang saham. Sampai tahun 1994, pembiayaan, pinjaman, dan investasi di seluruh dunia mencapai US$ 2,5 miliar.

Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency / Agensi Penjamin Investasi Multilateral
Didirikan tahun 1988, dengan tujuan untuk menyediakan asuransi resiko politik bagi investasi bisnis di negara berkembang. MIGA tidak memberikan pinjaman namun memberikan asuransi untuk kontrak bisnis swasta. Sumber dana dari negara anggota yang mengagunkan polis asuransinya dan pendapatan premi dan biaya komitmen. Kontrak yang dikeluarkan pada tahun 1994 mencapai US$ 373 juta.

International Center for Settlement of Investment Dispute / Pusat Internasional Penyelesaian Sengketa Investasi
Didirikan pada tahun 1966, untuk menyediakan layanan penengah dalam perselisihan antara investor asing dan pemerintah lokal yang timbul sebagai akibat dari adanya penanaman modal. ICSID beranggotakan 131 negara, dimana anggotanya harus juga merupakan anggota IBRD.
Modified by dEr@
Bersambung ya....


Setelah kita tahu tentang Bank Dunia dan sodara-sodaranya tentunya kurang dong kalo kita-kita ngak tahu banyak apa aja yang mereka kerjain sehingga mereka boleh dikatakan menguasai duitnya dunia. Berikut adalah tipe-tipe atawa bentuk utang / cara si Bank Dunia (BeDe) ngutangin negara-negara macam Indonesia ini.

1. SALs (Structural Adjustment Loans / Pinjaman Penyesuaian Struktural)

Pinjaman ini katanya ditujuin untuk merestrukturisasi perekonomian suatu negara untuk siap dalam pasar bebas, kebijakan ekonomi makro serta neo-liberal. Tujuannya adalah untuk menstabilkan perekonomian salam jangka waktu panjang. Ini termasuk usaha-usaha memotong pengeluaran pengeluaran (subsidi), devaluasi, privatisasi dan meningkatkan ekspor.

2. SECALs (Sector Adjustment Loans / Pinjaman Penyesuaian Sektor)

Pinjaman ini untuk merestrukturisasi sektor-sektor khusus dalam perekonomian suatu negara. Umumnya diberikan untuk mengimplementasikan penyesuaian struktural, dan termasuk usulan perubahan kebijakan, seperti mendorong adanya pengaturan tentang swastanisasi. Bank Dunia banyak memberikan pinjaman untuk sektor pertanian, energi, telekomunikasi dan transportasi.

3. Investment Loans (Pinjaman Investasi)

Tujuan pinjaman ini adalah untuk mendukung program anti kemiskinan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi secara berkesinambungan. Ada pinjaman untuk proyek yang menjaga produktivitas aset, termasuk infrastruktur (pembangunan bendungan, jalan kereta api, pembangkit listrik dan pelabuhan), produksi pertanian, pertambangan, kehutanan, sanitasi dan pengembangan sektor sosial (pendidikan, kesehatan, gizi).

4. TALs (Technical Assistance Loans / Pinjaman Bantuan Teknis)

Pinjaman ini berujuan untuk membangun kapasitas lembaga-lembaga pemerintah agar mereka mampu untuk menerapkan strategi kebijakan investasi.

5. LILs (Learning and Inovation Loans / Pinjaman Pembelajaran dan Inovasi)

Tujuannya untuk membangun inisiatif lokal atau penilaian sosial, serta lebih menekankan kemitraan. Persetujuan pinjaman tidak perlu melalui Dewan Direktur cukup di tingkat Menejer di Bank Dunia.

6. APLs (Adaptable Program Loans / Pinjaman program Adaptasi)

Pinjaman ini didisain untuk mendanai program jangka panjang dengan melalui serangkaian proses. Persetujuan [injaman cukup di tingkat Manager.

7. Emergency Reconstruction Loans (Pinjaman Rekonstruksi Darurat)

Pinjaman diberikan kepada negara dalam kondisi emergensi/darurat disektor perekonomian, seperti segera memerlukan dana segar untuk menyeimbangkan neraca ataupun memperbaiki aset (sektor produksi maupun infrastruktur).

8. Debt and Debt Service Reduction Loans = DDRS (Pinjaman Pelayanan Pengurangan Hutang)

Negara-negara yang memiliki utang luar negeri tinggi dapat meminta DDRS ini. Pemotongan utang dapat dilakukan dengan membeli kembali utang komersial dengan harga diskon, atau menukar utang dengan instrumen yang lebih murah.

9. Financual Intermediary Loans (Pinjaman Keuangan Intermediasi)

Pinjaman Bank Dunia untuk menunjang lembaga-lembaga keuangan nasional atau lokal, yang akan memberikan pinjaman kembali ke sektor swasta, kegiatan atau ke pemerintah lokal.

10. Guarantees (Garansi)

Garansi ditujukan untuk menarik investasi sektor swasta dan mengurangi resiko berinvestasi. Garansi dapat diberikan kepada pemerintah maupun ke pihak swasta. Garansi ini dapat dimintakan hanya jika dana dari pasar swasta, IFS ataupun MIGA tidaklah mencukupi.


Kebijakan pengaman (safeguard policy) adalah kebijakan-kebijakan yang mempertimbangkan aspek sosial dan lingkungan yang berlaku ketika Bank Dunia menerapkan pinjamannya.
Sejak tahun 1980-an Bank Dunia mengembangkan kebijakan-keebijakan operasionalnya, terutama setelah mendapat banyak kritik terutama dari Ornop dan negara-negara donor. Kebijakan pertama yang diterbitkan adalah mengenai “Involuntary Resetlement” (Pemindahan Pemukiman Secara Paksa) tahun 1980. Tahun 1982 menerbitkan kebijakan mengenai kesukuan (Tribal) yang kemudian dirubah dengan Operational Directive (OD) 4.20 tentang Masyarakat Adat. Kebijakan lainnya antara lain Mengenai Analisa Lingkungan, Pengelolaan Pestisida, Pengelolaan Dam, dan proyek-proyek di area Perselisihan.
Kebijakan pengaman ini ditandai dengan OD (Operational Directive), OP (Operational Procedures), BP (Bank Procedures) dan GP (Good Practices). OD adalah pernyataan BeDe yang disetujui oleh Dewan Direktur dan merupakan kewajiban bagi semua staf BeDe. OD ini dirincikan dalam bentuk OP, BP dan GP. OP dan BP bersifat mandatori, artinya seluruh staf BeDe terikat untuk menerapkannya dalam setiap aktivitas BeDe. Sementara GP tidak bersifat mandatori, tetapi lebih merupakan pedoman operasional yang dapat digunakan oleh seluruh staf BeDe.

Mengenal Siklus Proyek Bank Dunia

Bank Dunia membuat dokumen CAS (Country Assistance Strategy) yang merupakan ‘Rencana Induk’ Bank Dunia akan suatu Negara yang berlaku selama tiga tahun, dimana akan direvisi setiap tahunnya. Dokumen CAS ini adalah dasar dari Bank Dunia untuk memberikan pinjaman atau tidak kepada suatu Negara. Berikut adalah tahapan yang harus dilalui dalam proses pengucuran pinjaman, yaitu :

1. Identifikasi

Tahapan dimana Bank Dunia dan negara peminjam mengidentifikasikan sebuah proyek seperti yang digambarkan dalam CAS.

2. Persiapan

Negara peminjam melakukan studi, analisis teknis dan sosial serta ekonomi. Apabila diperlukan AMDAL maka harus dibuat AMDAL.

3. Penilaian

Tahapan dimana Bank Dunia mengirimkan staf dan konsultan kepada Negara peminjam untuk menentukan apakah proyek tersebut patut didanai atau tidak. Dalam tahap ini Bank Dunia mengeluarkan dokumen SAR (Staff Appraisal Report) yaitu laporan dari staf yang melakukan kunjungan.

4. Negosiasi

Bank Dunia dan Negara peminjam menegosiasikan tindakan yang diperlukan dalam pelaksanaan proyek, termasuk persyaratan sosial dan lingkungan hidup.

5. Persetujuan Dewan Direktur

Versi final/akhir SAR ditulis dan dipresentasikan kepada Dewan Direktur Bank Dunia bersama dengan Laporan dari Presiden Bank Dunia. Dewan Direktur kemudian menilai dan melakukan pemungutan suara untuk menyetujui atau tidak permohonan pinjaman tersebut. Bila disetujui maka perjanjian utang (Loan Agreement) akan dilakukan oleh kedua belah pihak. Dokumen ini seharusnya terbuka untuk publik.

6. Implementasi dan Pengawasan

Tahapan ini adalah pengucuran pinjaman oleh Bank Dunia dan dimulainya proyek. Bank Dunia dapat melakukan pengawasan proyek berdasarkan syarat negosiasi sebelumnya.

7. Evaluasi

Tahap dimana semua dana telah dicairkan. Negara peminjam akan menuliskan laporan penyelesaian (PCR-Project Completion Report). Bank Dunia akan menyiapkan laporan audit terpisah yang diajukan ke Dewan Direktur. Dokumen yang dapat diakses masyarakat adalah studi dampak dari pelaksanaan proyek. Dalam tahap semua dana telah dikucurkan, masyarakat tidak dapat lagi melakukan pengaduan kepada Bank Dunia.
Kalo ngeliat tipe-tipe utang dan siklus proyek Bank Dunia kayaknya baik juga Bank Dunia ini, jadi dimana bagian yang ngak baik serta merugikan, nah untuk itu mari kita telaah bersama cara Bank Dunia bekerja di suatu Negara, misalnya Negara kita Indonesia, dari BeDe kita mendapat pinjaman SALs (Structural Adjustment Loans) dan oleh World Bank kita dilarang untuk memproduksi barang substitusi import (yaitu barang pengganti dari barang-barang yang kita import selama ini), jadi seperti yang diungkapkan oleh Walden Bello dan Shea Cunningham dalam buku “Dark Victory” (1994) jika suatu negara menjalani program SAL meskipun ekspornya cenderung naik, belum tentu GNP (Gross National Product) negara tersebut juga naik, akibat dari kontraksi ekonomi yang disebabkannya (tarik-menarik kepentingan ekonomi).
Jadi sebenarnya memberikan bantuan ke negara-negara berkembang adalah cara yang paling efektif untuk dapat mengontrol negara tersebut sekaligus membuka akses terhadap pasar dan sumber daya alam negara itu. Begitu suatu negara berada dalam ‘asuhan’ World Bank dan IMF, maka otomatis mereka ‘dipaksa’ untuk melaksanakan tiga ajaran fundamental neo-liberalisme, yaitu perdagangan bebas atas barang dan jasa, sirkulasi modal secara bebas/liberalisasi keuangan dan kebebasan investasi (asing).
Dengan menjalankan ajaran ini, pemerintah Indonesia (dan negara-negara berkembang lainnya) yang pada tahap awal pinjaman seharusnya dapat mengembalikan pinjamannya atau bunganya, harus menginvestasikan uangnya keperusahaan-perusahaan di pasar internasional, karena harus mengembalikan pinjaman tersebut dalam bentuk dolar AS. Sehingga pada saat jatuh tempo, pemerintah tidak dapat membayar utangnya dan akhirnya terjerat. Begitu terjerat pemerintah bukannya mengurangi pengeluaran, tetapi pemerintah harus meminjam lagi, dan akhirnya akan semakin tergantung pada kreditor (World Bank dan IMF). Pada titik ini melalui SAP (Structural Adjustment Loan), World Bank dan IMF dapat lebih melegitimasikan kontrolnya terhadap negara peminjam untuk mengambil alih ekonomi negara tersebut dan memastikan bahwa pembayaran bunga cicilan dibayar tepat waktu (dikutib dari Mengapa Susan George, Nadia Hadad, INFID, 2002).
Dari situ kita udah bisa lihat perangkap yang dibuat oleh lembaga-lembaga keuangan dunia yang menjerat suatu negara ke dalam jurang utang, dan negara yang udah masuk ke dalam perangkap utang mereka ngak bakalan bisa lepas begitu saja. Semakin lama kita ikuti program yang mereka buat untuk kita, semakin dalam kita terjerumus kedalam jurang utang mereka dan kemungkinan untuk melepaskan diri semakin kecil. Globalisasi yang diagung-agungkan selama ini ternyata juga dibawah kendali Bank/lembaga-lembaga keuangan dunia dan korporasi global sehingga tidak mengherankan bahwa aturan baru menguntungkan kepentingan mereka, dan menjamin adanya kekuatan pasar yang lebih bebas. Jadi satu-satunya cara adalah berhenti berhutang dan menolak agenda neo-liberalisme di bumi Indonesia ini, karena bisa kita lihat negara-negara yang telah menolak ajaran neo-liberalisme dan menolak tekanan World Bank dan IMF, mereka mampu mengontrol import dan modalnya dengan baik, seperti negara-negara Taiwan, Korea Selatan, Singapura, Hongkong dan Malaysia, perelonomian mereka cepat pulih meskipun dilanda krisis yang sama dengan Indonesia di tahun 1997 lalu.
So....apa untungnya berhutang kepada World Bank dan IMF ? Mungkin hanya ‘mereka’ yang mendapatkan “keuntungan” secara “langsung” yang merasa masih perlu dan harus ngutang.
Banjarbaru, 4 Agustus 2004
Modified by DeRa

Bitcoin, Fiat Dan Indonesia

Dipublikasikan Oleh Palagan NM Pada Hari Kamis, 23 Januari 2014 | 21:06

Dalam rentang waktu yang cukup singkat, Bitcoin menjadi sebuah pembahasan yang menarik di media informasi Indonesia. Berawal dari meroketnya harga jual Bitcoin di akhir tahun lalu yang mencapai USD 1000 per 1 BTC, banyak orang Indonesia yang mulai melirik mata uang digital terenkripsi satu ini. Mereka yang semula hanya 'diam diam' menggeluti industri Bitcoin mulai berani buka suara tentang potensi keuntungan Bitcoin di masa depan.
Pemerintah Indonesia pun tidak mau ketinggalan, setelah koleganya di China melarang penggunaan Bitcoin sebagai alat transaksi dalam jaringan perbankannya, Pemerintah Indonesia yang diwakili Bank Indonesia pun mulai angkat bicara yang senada dengan koleganya di China, yang intinya 'memperingatkan' tentang potensi bahaya Bitcoin dan juga penggunaannya yang melanggar Undang Undang Keuangan di Indonesia. 
Konsep Bitcoin sebenarnya adalah sebuah media alternatif yang memberikan kemudahan dalam bertransaksi online. Berbeda dengan proses transaksi keuangan yang kita kenal selama ini, Bitcoin memberikan sebuah alternatif yang memungkin setiap orang di muka bumi untuk saling mengirim dan menerima Bitcoin tanpa birokrasi perbankan yang membutuhkan waktu dan juga biaya.
Konsep sebagai media alternatif pembayaran ini kemudian mulai berubah, ketika muncul anggapan bahwa Bitcoin bisa menjadi sebuah aset investasi. Pembelian Bitcoin dalam jumlah besar dengan cara menukarkan sejumlah Fiat (mata uang yang diregulasi pemerintah sebuah negara) ini kemudian menyebabkan harga beli dan jual Bitcoin semakin tinggi. Kenaikan harga ini adalah yang wajar terjadi dalam hukum supply and demand - Bitcoin adalah jenis mata uang digital yang menganut konsep jumlah terbatas (scarcity), bukan mata uang digital yang bisa 'dicetak' atau diterbitkan dalam jumlah seenaknya.
Melihat harga jual Bitcoin yang semakin tinggi tentu menarik minat banyak orang untuk mencari informasi tentang bagaimana cara mendapatkan Bitcoin, dan inilah yang sedang terjadi di Indonesia - sekelompok masyarakat Indonesia dengan segala cara berusaha mendapatkan Bitcoin - 
Mereka yang memiliki uang lebih dan memiliki mental 'investor' yang siap menghadapi resiko kerugian, tidak ragu untuk mengeluarkan sejumlah Rupiah yang cukup besar untuk mendapatkan Bitcoin dengan harapan bisa menjualnya kembali ketika harga Bitcoin semakin tinggi dikemudian hari. 
Mereka yang tidak memiliki uang lebih atau tidak ingin menghadapi resiko kerugian, memilih untuk mendapatkan Bitcoin secara 'langsung' - apakah itu dengan melakukan proses mining atau mendapatkannya dengan modal seminim mungkin, bahkan kalau perlu menjadi 'pemulung digita' (duh), mengumpulkan Bitcoin gratisan yang diberikan dalam rangka memperkenalkan Bitcoin kepada masyarakat dunia. Setelah mereka mendapatkan Bitcoin, lalu untuk apa? Yang paling banyak dilakukan adalah menukarkannya ke Rupiah! Karena bagaimanapun juga, Rupiah adalah mata uang yang masih SANGAT DIBUTUHKAN dalam kehidupan sehari hari di Indonesia.
Apakah Bitcoin sudah siap dipergunakan sebagai media alternatif transaksi di Indonesia untuk menggantikan Rupiah? Semisal membeli ini itu dengan menggunakan Bitcoin daripada menggunakan Rupiah dan kemudian hal ini akan mengancam stabilitas Rupiah ... Sepertinya hal ini tidak akan pernah terjadi. 
Dalam kegiatan perekonomian di dunia, ketergantungan terhadap Fiat masih sangat besar - bahkan dalam 'dunia Bitcoin' sendiri, tidak bisa lepas dari Fiat! Contoh sederhana, produksi hardware untuk keperluan Bitcoin mining misalnya - masih bergantung kepada Fiat, listrik dan akses internet yang dibutuhkan untuk menghubungkan jaringan Bitcoin - masih dibayarkan dengan menggunakan Fiat. 
Mau atau tidak, suka atau tidak - 'Bitcoin dan Fiat saling membutuhkan' .. Bitcoin tidak bisa berdiri sendiri, kemudian menjadi mata uang tunggal dalam perekonomian dunia karena masih harus disandingkan dengan Fiat dan diperdagangkan dalam pair mata uang seperti yang terjadi di dalam perdagangan mata uang asing (valas).
Ancaman bahwa Bitcoin akan mengganggu stabilitas keuangan sebuah negara sebenarnya tidak perlu dikhawatirkan, malah sebaliknya Bitcoin bisa digunakan sebagai potensi pemasukan bagi perekonomian sebuah negara - pemasukan pajak dan lain lain.
Yang perlu dilakukan oleh pemerintah adalah memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat dan ...
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Started in 1873 to provide monthly income to widows and orphans in Scotland...

"Title VI" Funds Are Now the
Preferred Investment Secret
of the Super-Rich!


Dear Fellow Investor,

There's a type of fund — a fund that most Americans know very little about — that's responsible for protecting and growing the wealth of the world's greatest investors.
I call this kind of fund "Title VI," thanks to the clause given to it by the SEC.
Created in 1873, these unique funds were first designed to provide a reliable and substantial source of income for Scotland's widows and orphans... but they wound up paying so much, their fame rapidly spread.
In fact, they were so profitable that they soon became the preferred investment of the world's richest families...
  • The Guggenheim family has been relying on Title VI for years. They now collect $159,000 every single month.
  • Even large Ivy League endowments invest in them. According to Bloomberg, "Harvard University Endowment has a history of being one of the most-aggressive [Title VI] investors."
  • Institutional Investor Magazine said that Title VI "have attracted savvy investors like Yale University endowment."
  • Most recently, the world's second richest man, Bill Gates, jumped on a Title VI opportunity...

    According to a MarketWatch report from last October: "Bill Gates has been taking advantage of a little-known investment on the stock market... and it's open to anyone. He's been quietly building his position in two of these [little-known] funds."
Gates now collects $140,000 from these funds every single month.
These funds have been such a reliable source of income — in good times and bad — that it's baffling to hear fewer than 1% of Americans even know they exist, or that anyone can take advantage of them...
That's why I'm going to reveal in this presentation how you too can start collecting as many as 12 Title VI checks per month — beginning as early as next week.
But before I do that, let me share with you a bit more about how these unique funds got their start, and why the world's richest families use them to protect and grow their wealth...

Massive, Reliable Income from the World's Poorest to the World's Wealthiest!

It all began with Scottish financier Robert Fleming...
Fleming started one of the very first Title VI funds in 1873. He created it to provide steady income to Scotland's widows and orphans (a pretty noble cause, if you ask me).
The investment Fleming created was unique in that it offered almost absolute security while also paying a hefty dividend, between 5% and 8%.
That feat was accomplished because unlike any other funds, even those that exist today, the focus was on handing returns to the investor — not to board members or sales teams.


As you can imagine, it wasn't long before the world's investment elite started catching on... and 19 more funds were forced to be created just to handle investor demand.
But that was only the start...
Given their safety and high-profitability, this unique investment design rapidly crossed the ocean and made its way to Wall Street, where it still exists and flourishes today — helping the world's wealthiest families safely grow and protect their fortunes.

The $265 Billion Cash Pot that's Paying Investors
as Much Money as They Wish!
That's right.
The Title VI cash hoard is worth roughly $265 billion.
That's $265 billion that the world's richest and smartest investors have been quietly using to reliably protect and grow their wealth.
And it's getting larger every single day...
  • According to the Investment Company Institute, an estimated 2.1 million wealthy investors are now taking advantage of these Title VI funds.
  • Guggenheim Capital owns 1.05+ million shares and pays 8.5 cents in monthly dividends. That works out to roughly $86,000 a month (and that's just from one single Title VI fund!).
  • A survey of wealthy investors by Nuveen Investment shows holdings in Title VI dividends have risen 30% in the last year — this as more and more wealthy investors, Nuveen says, understand what they are.
After seeing so many of Wall Street's richest players investing in these funds, using them to compound their wealth several times over, I've decided to take matters into my own hands...
Today I'm going to share with you everything I've come to learn about these funds, so that you too can use them to build your own long-term retirement — no matter what your current financial situation may be.
After all, why should the rich guys be the only ones taking advantage of these enormous income-generating opportunities?
Imagine yourself in the not-too-distant future making steady income every month — or even every single week — without even thinking about it...
Well, you can.
And all it takes is just five minutes, either online or on the phone with your broker, and you're set for life!
No more stressing over the Dow, oil, gold futures, or mutual fund performances...
No more sweating over risky options plays...
Five minutes could change your life forever.
It's really that easy.
Now, before we get started, let me show you one example...

"They'll make at least an easy $159,540 per month"

Seeking a better life for himself, 19-year-old Meyer Guggenheim left the Jewish ghettos of his native town of Lengnau, Switzerland, to see what hard work and ingenuity could bring him.
The Guggenheim family arrived in Philadelphia in 1847 extremely poor. But that didn't stop Meyer from working hard to provide his family with a roof over their heads and fresh meat for the table...
His first job was selling household goods to coal mining families in northern Pennsylvania. Meyer soon moved up to manufacturing stove polish, and then set up his own business importing Swiss embroidery products.
By the 1870s, Meyer had made his family a modest fortune through his import business — enough to have his two sons open two embroidery factories back in Switzerland.
It wasn't until 1881 that the Guggenheims' fortune really took off...
An acquaintance offered Meyer half interest in two Colorado silver mines, which started his claims of the world's mining and smelting business that would soon spread over half the globe.
The Guggenheims have since reinvested their precious metals fortune many times over.  
Today they hold a whopping $150 billion in collective investments.
But right now, they aren't thinking of making a buck today, or two tomorrow... They want millions, today, tomorrow, and 50 years from now.
Should another economic crash happen, they won't even break a sweat. Because they're not letting Meyer's years of hard work and smart investing go down the drain because of some financial crisis.
With Title VI, the Guggenheims continue to make sure they have a secure paycheck, no matter what the market is doing. And they'll make at least an easy $159,540 per month.
But as I already mentioned, you don't need to have a billion-dollar fortune to secure your own monthly income check...

Thousands of Everyday Investors are Discovering
How Powerful "Title VI Income" Can Be!

What's really amazing about these investments — on top of their safety — is that you can make as much money per month as you want, from a few extra dollars to a few thousand dollars... in your bank account... Every. Single. Month.
  • Salvatore Zizza knows it: Every month, he's finding an extra $923 in his account without lifting a finger.
  • James Keenan recently joined the Title VI party... and his monthly checks are now more than $1,420!
  • Family man Walter Row decided to bank an extra $471 in income.
  • Richard Duncan just received the first of many monthly checks for $405.
  • And Mario Gabelli is safely collecting $988 — every single month!
The best part is these Title VI investors are safely collecting these payments from every corner of the market — no matter how volatile.
Mario, for example, is collecting his $988 a month from a gold-backed Title VI fund.
That's right. Even while physical prices and mining stocks tank, thanks to using a Title VI investment and not direct stocks, he's still getting a handsome monthly payment!
By now, you may be wondering: What's the catch?
Like any investment, Title VI dividend returns depend on how much you invest.
And with Mario's investment, for example, there's one very important caveat...

Title VI Funds are Generally Much Safer than
Anything You'll Find Trading in the Open Stock Market

As a long-term investor, you'll find Title VI funds' inherent safety is much easier to stomach than throwing your money into the index fund.
The fact is the 2008 financial crisis has made it increasingly harder to find a safe and profitable investment that can outpace our growing inflation rate.
You will be hard-pressed to find advice geared toward the long-term investment in today's environment. Too many people out there are still looking for the quick buck.
If you're looking for a secure and easy way to make your retirement savings work for you, then Title VI dividends will be the perfect way to do so.
There's no need to open up any special accounts or fill out any special paperwork...
As I already mentioned, it's as simple as a phone call or email to your broker.
And now, due to my research and a recently published report, you no longer have to be a member of the world's richest families to become familiar with Title VI Incomes.
I'm talking about monthly, even weekly, checks of tens, hundreds, or thousands of dollars — sent straight to your mailbox...
You could retire early and have more time to spend with your grandkids... donate to your favorite charity... set money aside to refurbish a '69 Pontiac GTO... or take that long awaited trip to Italy's wine country.
The report is called, "Top Title VI Dividends: How to Earn a Paycheck Every Week."
And it details how you can gain access to the best investments in the world.

Title VI Income: The Income Secret of the Super-Rich

Income from Title VI dividends is a rare but safe, high-income investment that has been used by the world's richest for years.
Now, I should warn you...
You'll have a heck of a time finding any kind of money manager who knows anything about it.
If you ask your average broker the safest place to store your wealth in times like these, they'll give you the same poorly thought out answer — a wishy-washy "diversify" recommendation, or what Warren Buffett recently bought, or whatever stock was featured in the latest analyst report he read.
The simple fact is that they're either completely oblivious — or extremely greedy.
Money managers make their commission by constantly either buying and selling stocks, or rolling over investments from fund to fund for their customers — regardless of performance.
They can't make any money off you if you're putting your money into secure long-term income investments — regardless of how lucrative and safe they may be.
So what do the world's richest investors do in times like these to secure their own financial independence?
They certainly don't leave their future up to the groupthink of marginally informed brokers, financial advisors, salesmen, sit-in bank certificate deposits, or in the hands of inept "where's my bonus" mutual fund managers.
After all, they're rich. And they've maintained and grown their wealth for decades — and in some cases, centuries.
They have access to investments that no one else does.
That is, until now...
And access to them couldn't have come at a better time for you.
The simple truth is if our recent recession hasn't already crushed your 401(k) or IRA, the European Debt crisis and our current government's economic betrayal almost certainly will.
Stashing your money in a savings account isn't any better... The returns on CDs, Treasury bonds, and savings accounts are barely enough to keep ahead of government-sponsored inflation.
It can be hard to trust anyone but yourself with your financial future these days.
The market crash proved all too well that sometimes you're just safer doing these things yourself.
That's the beauty of Title VI Income.
You might have heard about the safety of dividends before — but I assure you that this particular income stream is unlike any you've ever heard of before...

The Safest, Highest-Paying Investment You Can Make

And in a moment, I'll tell you exactly how to secure your own access to these virtually recession-proof Title VI secrets of the extremely wealthy.
twa-title6-sidebar1First, I'm going to show you why Title VI dividends are practically one of the safest investments you can make these days... 
Title VIs were originally designed to require minimal effort on your part — which is what makes them such an appealing income investment for folks like you, folks who are worried about their retirement.
If they're good enough for the Guggenheims, the Gates, and the Rockefellers, they're good enough for you and me.
The truth is you can get the exact same kind of yields as these folks, too — without being a multi-billionaire.

Safe Enough for Widows and Orphans...
Massive Upside Potential for Aggressive Investors

You see, Title VI Income hasn't always been the preferred investment of billionaires...
As I mentioned earlier, these were originally meant to give a savings plan to those who were unable to create one of their own. At the time of their creation, this was primarily widows and orphans...
With little work and money available without a male breadwinner in the family, these two classes of people were often left to fend for themselves. And the little work that they were able to take up didn't pay enough for any kind of savings for their future.
Now, initial securities used to back up funds were some of the safest growth-oriented stocks of the day: U.S. railroad construction.

You can see from the map that this was during one of the greatest expansion periods in U.S. history, which proved to be gangbusters for the first holders of Title VI funds streams...
"The Scottish American Investment Company is estimated to have yielded between 5.5 and 7.5 per cent annually, even during years of crisis up to 1929." — Baillie Gifford Investment Trust Magazine
You can bet it didn't take long for the rest of the investment world to take notice of these once little-known profit sources.
But as safe investments fell to the wayside with speculative boom and bust bubbles, Title VIs soon joined them.
Fortunately, due to the recent publication of "Top Title VI Dividends: How to Earn a Paycheck Every Week," many investors are once again finding safety and ease in utilizing this type of income investment.
And I'm not talking about limiting this to the privileged few, either.
This report is meant to put a monthly, even weekly, income check into your pockets — for as little or as much as you like.
Want to easily supplement your Social Security checks?
Perhaps you just want to retire early?
Maybe you want to upgrade your retirement home to a condo in Boca Raton...
Or you simply want a better way for your investments to work for you?
"[These little known dividends are] invading the income securities world," says Forbes.
"[Title VIs remain] terrific opportunities for the shrewd," writes the Wall Street Journal.
In 1940, the SEC developed the following little-known provision, which has made Title VI Income streams the go-to retirement vehicle of the richest families in the world:
SEC. 23. No registered [Title VI] company shall issue any of its securities (1) for services; or (2) for property other than cash or securities (including securities of which such registered company is the issuer), except as a dividend or distribution to its security holders or in connection with a reorganization.
What's that mean for you? Simply put, the law requires Title VIs to provide regular payments via dividends or distributions.
This is a "set it and forget it" investment that is far better suited to protect your own retirement funds than any cash-hungry money manager.

                          Title VI Payments are like Dividends... On Steroids

Without revealing the whole secret, I can tell you that this secret income is — as you may have guessed — a type of dividend.twa-title6-sidebar2
But it's not your normal dividend investment...
As you'll see, these Title VI Incomes are much more reliable than the dividends you've heard about before.
Most dividends are distributed when you purchase stock from a dividend-paying company; but these dividend payments can fluctuate widely on the price of the stock.
You don't need to be a financial expert to see that the stock market is anything but stable since 2008.
Not only are regular dividend payments extremely volatile, but you stand to lose a lot of money on the stock itself, should the market decide to drop. And the majority of dividends from big-name corporations pay out a measly 2%-3% per-share return on any shares you buy.
Title VIs are like dividends — but with much higher yields and a lot safer returns.
What's more, they're more of a bargain...
"[Title VI funds] have long had a cost advantage over open-ended funds, with no upfront charges other than stamp duty on purchases, and annual management charges that tend to be lower than the industry-standard 1.5% AMC on actively managed open-ended funds." — IFAonline
Unlike regular dividends, there's only a limited amount of Title VIs available to be purchased, which makes them practically invulnerable to wild market swings caused by uncontrolled speculation.
Their limited availability also makes finding the reasonably priced ones an extremely difficult task — that is, unless you know exactly where to look.
In a moment, I'll show you 11 Title VI funds that you can find in my latest report, "Top Title VI Dividends: How to Earn a Paycheck Every Week."
Now I'd like to tell you why Title VI Incomes make the perfect vehicle for your retirement — no matter what the market is doing.

Bull Market Profits in Bear Market Times

Remember the "feel-good years" of the dot-com boom, when picking a winning investment was so easy even your kids could do it?
Those years saw massive growth in the general stock market.
But it all came barreling down once the bubble burst... and the 2001 terrorist attacks saw the stock market hit record-low levels.
Amateur investors pumped their life savings into the dot-com speculations. They lost thousands.
At the same time, the much safer Title VIs went practically ignored...
Title VI dividends took off during the stagnant growth of the early Bush years — to the tune of $104 billion!
And for good reason: Title VI Incomes are the type of investment that cautious investors buy in troubled times. Their limited exposure to speculation, management transparency, and positive returns are the ultimate retirement investments for in-the-know investors looking to avoid heavy recession losses.
And they won't just secure you a steady income in a bear market...
Take a look at this piece from financial news site IFAonline:
"Recent research by broker Winterflood showed that over 10 years, closed-ended funds outperformed open-ended funds in seven out of eight major sectors [...], covering both developed and emerging markets and larger and smaller companies."
That's a decade of gains during the end of the dot-com market decline, the "Bagdad bounce" of 2003, and the crash and following recovery of 2008/2009.
The economic stability of Title VIs in both bull and bear markets means there's no need to panic and sell, no need to worry about selling your losses, and no need to keep a constant eye on stock charts.

I've Never Seen a Better Title VI Buying Opportunity

Title VI dividends aren't a "get rich quick" scheme or pump-and-dump penny stocks...
With yields nine times higher than Treasury bonds, 10 times higher than CDs, and 25% higher than even the best retirement income vehicles, this investment provides one of the healthiest returns you'll see in the market today.
The world's wealthiest families are continuing to make Title VI dividends a healthy part of their portfolios:
  • Rockefeller Financial, the investment arm of the Rockefeller family, holds $91.96 million in Title VI funds.
  • The Du Pont family — head of America's second largest chemical firm, which also owns Dupont Capital Management — has $356,281,000 in Title VI funds.
  • RIT Capital Partners, a 51-year-old investment trust owned by the Rothschild family, is a Title VI fund valued at a whopping $3.08 billion.
But again, with the information I'm about to give you, you don't have to be famous or come from old money millions to make as much money as these folks on a percentage basis...
In fact, I'll now show you a few of the Title VI funds that you can get in on today, with as little as a few hundred dollars.
You could be earning your first weekly paycheck in less than a week.

Title VI Income #1:
Cash In on the
$759 Million Income-Generating Powerhouse!

Trying to invest in the stability of large-cap American companies can be tough on the wallet...
Shares for Exxon ($88), Google ($589), and Wal-Mart ($61) are a bit pricey for everyday investors.
You could try to get a part of them by paying outrageous manager fees for a mutual fund that probably won't beat the market average... or by buying the stocks individually (but then you risk losing money if the share prices fall).
Why bother with the risk and weak returns when you could take part in Title VI Income #1?
This is a diversified, large-cap portfolio with companies like Exxon, Apple, and Pfizer right at your fingertips.
No need to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars making just one of these stocks pay for you...
Now you can get the same stability and income payouts at a fraction of the price.

Title VI Income #2:
Every Month, an
Astounding 14% "Payment"— Straight to Your Wallet!

Use this Title VI fund, and reap a stable source of income worth more than 14% annually.
That's right... 14%.
More amazing, this Title VI fund focuses primarily on gold and natural resources, paying you even when prices tank.
Let's face it; if you own physical gold, you can't really do much with it...
If its value rises, great. Your gold is worth more (if you ever even sell it). If prices crash, you're stuck with a yellow rock in your safe.
In other words, physical gold will never again be the same as cash. And neither will risky stocks in a market as hectic as this.
That's where this unique Title VI fund comes into play...
Simply put, there's no safer way to make a fortune in gold, silver, or any other precious metals. Whether prices go up or down, this Title VI fund won't leave you — or your investment — hanging.
No matter what happens to spot prices on Wall Street or the performance of mining companies, you can rest assured that this special fund continues to pay you every single month.

Title VI Income #3:
Make 13% Annually from
Industries that Never Lose Demand
Energy. Water. Waste. Electricity. Roads. Utilities.
For some people, the prospect of investing in basic goods might seem "boring"...
The people who pass up this Title VI jackpot are suckers.
Understandably, most of the utility stocks available are downright weak. On average, a "good" one will hand you a dividend of about 4% — nothing to get excited about.
But what if you could supercharge your utility investments and have them start handing you real money, month after month?
That's exactly what this Title VI fund is designed to do!
Managed by some of the brightest minds in the financial world, it manages to hand the risk-averse investor safe, sizable checks, month after month — 275% larger payments than buying regular utility companies!
Title VI Income #4:
$1.62 Billion Fund that
Mastered the Art of Stable Value Investing

Many of the richest investors in the world — including the infamous Rothschild family — made their initial fortune by following one simple mantra: "Buy low, and sell high."
When things look grim, you play it safe. When they look up, you swing for the fences.
Unlike other Title VI funds, this one's unique approach and freedom to rearrange assets on a moment's notice truly sets it apart from anything else the markets have to offer.
That goes for other Title VI funds as well.
Its primary objective is stability; but as its team of global tacticians will tell you, when they get a hunch certain investments are going to skyrocket (and they're hardly wrong), they become as aggressive as a wolf.

Title VI Income #5:
Meet the $2.9 Billion Powerhouse that
Dishes Out Cash
from the World's Best-Performing Companies!

America doesn't hold the monopoly on safe long-term investments — and as a way to diversify your income portfolio, you should consider Title VI Income #5.
It's a top rated income fund with holdings in such large-cap companies as:
  • Korean electronics giant Samsung
  • Multinational oil king Chevron
  • Biotech leader Novartis
All of these companies have excellent long-term growth potential...
And Title VI Income #5 is the best way to grow your income from these international players.
The complete report on these Title VI Incomes — plus six more I haven't even mentioned yet! — can be found in your free copy of "Top Title VI Dividends: How to Earn a Paycheck Every Week."
I'll show you exactly how to have your own copy — detailing all 11 Title VI opportunities — in just one minute.
But first, let me show you how to...

Free Yourself from Your 401(k)

My name is Brian Hicks, and I'm the publisher of The Wealth Advisory.
The goal of The Wealth Advisory is simple: to provide you with the instruments necessary for you to take control of your own financial destiny.
And I don't mean instruments that cost thousands of dollars, or require you to be a multi-millionaire.
I'm living proof that you can take successful control of your finances with as little as $1,000...
In 1996 — with hours of scanning financial statements and finding expert opinions — I invested $1,000 of my teacher's salary into the newly public Closure Medical Corporation. Closure Medical Corporation is the manufacturer of Dermabond, a liquid bandage that now sells over the counter.
I'd noticed the medical potential of Dermabond as it was nearing the end of its clinical trials — but more importantly, my research indicated buyout potential from larger pharmaceutical companies.
Later that year, Dermabond was bought out by Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ), quadrupling the price of Closure's stock... and netting me $4,000 — all on my very first investment!
After that, I knew I could make a living out of investing if I took the time and due diligence to research my investment theories as thoroughly as possible.
A year later, I followed up my first investment experience by studying stock market technical analysis with the Market Technicians Association... This led me to develop the Volume Spike Indicator, which has led me to predict numerous financial trends, including the decline in worldwide oil production and the rise in American natural gas usage.
What's this mean for you?
Well, if you're one of my readers, it means you get to take advantage of some of the most reliable and consistent gains the market has to offer.


Using trend analysis to create safe investment havens for my readers is the backbone of The Wealth Advisory — and the reason I've been invited to speak on CNBC, CNN, Fox News, and Bloomberg TV.Brian Hicks
I'm writing you today because you're one of the many Americans fed up with the corporate greed and inexperience rampant in today's money managers and financial planners.
But you're also willing and intelligent enough to take back control of your finances from the suits on Wall Street — and guarantee yourself some better returns in the process.
In my 19 years of investment advising, I have to tell you that right now, Title VI funds represent one of the best opportunities for reliable long-term investment income that I have seen for quite some time.
But you don't have to take my word for it...




I've spent the past year putting together a small library of the best Title VI opportunities I could find, and I've compiled them all in the "Top Title VI Dividends: How to Earn a Paycheck Every Week" report.
I'd like to send it to you, right now — so you can start collecting your next paycheck within the next few days.
As a bonus, I'll also sign you up for a trial membership to my flagship investment service, The Wealth Advisory.
Once you read your first issue, I guarantee you'll be hooked. That's because The Wealth Advisory is unlike any other investment advisory service you've heard of before...
With so many publications fixed on speculative penny stocks and volatile commodity plays, The Wealth Advisory focuses on bringing you safe and reliable investment recommendations resulting in consistent returns on your investment.
Take a look at the following high-yield, highly reliable investment ideas that you'll have access to with a membership to The Wealth Advisory (in addition to your Title VI dividend report, of course)...

Outstanding Income from the North American Oil and Gas Boom

Do "master limited partnerships" (MLPs) or "oil and gas trusts" ring a bell?
Don't worry if they don't...
Like Title VI dividends, they're another tool that only a handful of experienced investors are aware of.
MLPs and trusts are basically a way to utilize the safe growth of certain stocks with the tax benefits of a limited partnership.
In order to qualify to become a MLP, a company has to operate in a certain financial sector and is usually contractually obligated to pay its investors quarterly dividend payments. Because of the way they're structured, MLPs usually have more incentive to create higher dividend returns than most other types of investments.
But while you can plunk your money in any MLP and maybe watch your investment slowly grow, I've recently discovered four MLPs that are currently skyrocketing at a record rate.
They're in American shale oil and natural gas.
Recent discoveries across North America have led to enormous support from the likes of George Soros, Warren Buffett, Big Oil, and politicians on both sides of the aisle.
I've been bullish on natural gas for quite some time. I even published a book about profiting from easy-to-get oil production across the United States.


The fact is the United States is poised to be the largest natural gas producer in the world, soon outpacing Russia. And with enough oil to wean us from foreign producers, long-term investors in American energy MLPs could see larger and larger dividend payouts as America reclaims its spot as a global energy supplier.
I've discovered four American oil and natural gas MLPs that are paying huge dividends right now — yielding anywhere from 7.3% to 9.0% per share!
The investment details of all four MLPs are located in another report you'll have access to through The Wealth Advisory website — free of charge.
This report is called, "Outstanding Income from the North American Oil and Gas Boom" — and it's yours free as part of your trial membership to The Wealth Advisory.

Is The Wealth Advisory right for you?

As I've mentioned before, The Wealth Advisory is not your typical research letter...
We're not focused on quick gains, short selling, or day trading.
Our goal is to provide you with the information necessary so you can control your own long-term portfolio. We're talking about the highest-yielding incomes and continuous growth stocks that won't stumble when the market does.
That's why I'm so excited about these 11 amazing Title VI investments.
What's more, The Wealth Advisory aims to provide you with the advice necessary to build long-term capital in a volatile world — whether it be for an early or comfortable retirement, saving for your dream car or a trip around the world, or providing your grandchildren with the gift of college tuition payments...
As you'll see during your free trial, a Wealth Advisory membership gives you everything you need to create a successful, self-controlled retirement portfolio, including:
  • 12 issues of The Wealth Advisory letter, delivered monthly to your email inbox.
    On the third Friday of each month, you'll receive an issue containing recent market trends, insights into the general market, investment tips, and economic news you should look out for. This includes access to The Wealth Advisory archives and our open income stocks portfolio.
  • Special Report: "Top Title VI Dividends: How to Earn a Paycheck Every Week"
    Utilize one of the preferred investment vehicles of the world's richest families — the Guggenheims, the Gates, and the Rockefellers — to secure your own retirement. The amount you receive depends on how much you invest, but total yearly income yields of 95.7% are realistic. Remember, as part of SEC regulations, these companies are required to hand you regular dividend payments. Getting paid to invest has never been easier!
  • Bonus Report: "Outstanding Income from the North American Oil and Gas Boom"
    Like it or not, America's shale oil and natural gas boom is upon us. Due to their belief in Big Oil, many investors will refuse to take advantage of this lifetime opportunity... and they will pass up thousands of dollars in the process. You don't have to take any chances with this special oil and gas MLP report, which details for you four of the biggest players — with some of the highest income yields — in the industry.
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Good Investing,
Brian Hicks Signature
Brian Hicks
Publisher, The Wealth Advisory

Tiny Biotech Owns World's
Only Source Of
Rare Cancer-Curing Chemical
Early investors are looking to bank 300 times their money
This urgent video has live footage of the company in action...
[This Material] Could Cure Cancer. — Popular Science

Dear Reader,

This is urgent. And every minute counts.
As you read this report, investors are getting rich from a tiny biotech start-up that is lighting the fuse under modern-day medicine.
At the center of it all is its main product, which is on a worldwide lockdown: "Blue Blood."


Highly rich Blue Blood Protein — which really is blue — is extracted from one of the rarest and most endangered animals on the face of this planet... a sea snail called a Limpet.
What makes this blood so unique and life-changing?
Well, it's a major component of over 100 vaccines and drugs currently going through clinical trials with the FDA. In other words, these drugs simply cannot work without Blue Blood... and there is nothing in the world that can replace it.
And here's the mind-blowing peculiarity in all of this...
Blue Blood is so vital to breakthrough vaccines and drugs today... one gram of it can sell for up to $900,000.
Talk about top dollar!
The biggest pharmaceutical companies around the world don't mind paying a fortune for it.
Well, because right now, "Several companies and institutions are developing Blue Blood based therapies for a wide variety of cancers," according to the National Cancer Institute.
If you're thinking of American giants like Pfizer, Merck, Amgen, and Biogen Idec... you wouldn't be off the mark.
England's GlaxoSmithKline, Germany's Bayer, Switzerland's Novartis, and Denmark's Novo Nordisk all need this Blue Blood too...
And the most exciting part of this opportunity for you is that they can only get this Blue Blood Protein from one little biotech company, which I'd like to tell you about today.
It owns exclusive rights and patents to extract and supply Blue Blood Protein to over a dozen big pharma companies... which gives this little gem a virtual monopoly in the biotech arena.
Over the last seven months, I've been shouting about and making the call on this little company — and it's up more than 300% since then.
Now, I'm predicting the stock could surge another 300% over the next 12 months based on events already shaping up. A deal with a company developing a breast cancer vaccine has already been signed.
I'd suggest you get in now to avoid missing out again on this life-changing opportunity.
Remember, it's trading below $3 right now. So there isn't much time to waste. You need to get in now to reap the biggest possible gains.
When you understand the operations of this tiny company... how it secures worldwide supplies of Blue Blood from a sea snail, not to mention its global influence... you'll realize why it's set to become the most important and innovative company this century.
That's the impression I got when one of my valuable inside sources alerted me about this tiny company a few months ago. And the company has been proving it every day since with its rising share price.
I can't reveal his name or identity here. All I can say is he's a major shareholder and close to this tiny company.
To vet every detail, I quickly hopped on a plane from Baltimore to visit this company's facilities and met with the top brass... the CEO and all the scientists working there.
Because of their tight security, I had to fax my ID a week in advance. Why?
They operate out of a naval base on the West Coast. There are even armed guards at the gates.
No surprise there. This stuff is top-secret!
This company's technology is launching an entirely new era of human history.
It holds the key to freeing human beings from breast, prostate, lung, lymphoma, leukemia, and brain cancer...
It could free us from Alzheimer's, arthritis, and heart disease... from nursing homes and the indignities of old age.
And while this company has returned over 300% gains to investors in just the last seven months...
It's on the cusp of rapid advancements and is beginning to receive the kind of commercial backing and attention we like to see in a promising new technology...
In short, it's about to sign contracts with major pharmaceutical companies. And that could make the 300% gains so far look tiny by comparison.
Possibly the most exciting thing about this little company, though, is that it's also minting millionaires out of the everyday people who own its shares.
Today, without missing a beat, you need to get in on this mammoth profit saga that's about to explode.
I'll give you all the details over the next few minutes.

4x Your Money in 7 Months

I'm Nick Hodge, founder of the Outsider Club and managing editor of the highly-aggressive investment service Early Advantage.
Since early last year, I've been sounding the alarm on this little biotech company... while it was trading at just $0.50.
No other analyst covered this stock. Most people didn't pay attention.
And that was a BIG mistake!
Like anything else, they just can't believe breakthroughs of this magnitude until it's too late.
I don't want you to make the same mistake... and miss the next round of huge profits.
Because when the stock bolted for its first round of 300% gains, I made some everyday folks very happy and extremely rich. Some of them made hundreds of thousands of dollars.
They made FOUR TIMES their money in half a year.
For instance...
A fellow named Geoffrey M. wrote in to say, "I've made serious money with you on             . Sold my long accumulated position (handsomely) when I was allowed to get into their private placement for 300,000 units. I'm a subscriber for life and strong disciple. Thanks!"
Joe A. chimed in, "Nick, I have made nice money with your recommendations and was able to get into              private placement for 50,000 units (which includes 25,000 warrants at $1.35). Keep those recommendations coming."
And Brit H. told me, "Hi Nick, I decided to lock in some profits on             and so it's the second triple-digit winner with you this year. I'm looking forward to the next. Not only for the profits, but also because these companies are promising and your research is well done."
But here's what's really exciting...
There's still time to get in at less than $3.00 a share. The only caveat: the window to get into this play is extremely tight.
Remember, it's already up 300%, and ink could be put to paper with a major pharmaceutical company any day.


This time around, I suggest you get in now or risk missing out.
Over the next few months, I'm forecasting a move to $5.00 — or more — as the company starts signing contracts with major pharmaceutical companies that simply can't get Blue Blood anywhere else.
Let's dive into the details....

The World's Only "Blue Blood" Supplier
Blue Blood is real blood that comes from an extremely rare wild sea snail. But here's the problem...
There are only 100,000 of these rare snails left in the ocean. They can only be found off the coast in California. And the numbers are fast depleting.
What's so special about this blood?
Blue Blood contains a complex protein molecule, and it's an indispensable ingredient in over 100 drugs and vaccines that pharmaceutical companies desperately want to bring to market.
In short, this protein activates your body's immune system and tells it to let the vaccine kill whatever bad cells need killing... something that has never been done before.
Let me show you how groundbreaking and historical all this is...
To understand how Blue Blood Protein works, you have to go back to the early days of vaccines 50 years ago.
You see, medical researchers would take something harmful like a virus, kill it, and then inject it into your body.
Your immune system would see the inactive virus and learn how to attack it in the future.
That's how we fought polio and rubella viruses for decades.

But What About Cancer?

The problem with cancer cells is they look like your body's own cells and trick your immune system to ignore them.
The body's immune system sees the cancer cells and says, "This is my own. I shouldn't attack or kill it."
And they keep growing into huge tumors until your body is no longer able to handle it.
In short, cancer cells are like stealth planes: "Invisible."
But attaching Blue Blood Protein to cancer cells is like attaching reflectors to a once-invisible stealth plane.
All of a sudden, your body's radar begins to see cancer cells as foreign objects and starts killing them.
In short, Blue Blood offers a solution that, according to Popular Science, "Could Cure Cancer."


Not only would that be a world-changing event that would bring relief to millions of people... it would also generate billions in revenue for this tiny biotech firm.
Over the next 12 months, we'll see a phenomenal opportunity to make money from what I call the Blue Blood revolution.
Right now, this tiny company is the only one in the world that can supply Blue Blood Protein to the market... at up to $900,000 per gram.
What's even more exciting from an investing standpoint is this supplier is so incredibly small, with enough space to run wild, that early shareholders are literally getting rich with a single stake.
Based on the numbers alone — the amount of Blue Blood these guys are producing now (I'll show you numbers in a bit) and the current market value of it — we're looking at a possible upside of an additional 300% - 500% in the next 12 months.
Remember, over the last 7 months alone, the stock has climbed 300%. At that rate, you could turn every $5,000 into $20,000 in quick time.
Just imagine the money you have right now and multiply by four or even five times...
Like I did when I suggested this company months ago, I am making the same call now to get in at under $3.00. Only this time around, the stock is heading for the stratosphere quickly...

Not Mentioned Anywhere

The question you're probably asking is: If this is so big, why haven't I heard of this before today?
The way it works in this business, you just can't win if you don't have an inner circle of contacts in various industries who share details of the next breakthrough or moneymaking trend before it makes headlines.
Of course, I do my due diligence to confirm the merits of each story.
But one of the main reasons my firm has become one of the largest newsletter publishers in the world is because of our connections.
Which brings me to the next point...
This is not something you'll likely hear about in the news anytime soon, regardless of how cutting-edge it is...
You bet we couldn't find this company mentioned anywhere in the Wall Street Journal, Fortune, Forbes, or any other mainstream financial publications.
Because the company is ridiculously small. And mutual funds and other large financial institutions are legally prohibited from investing in tiny companies — their charters just won't allow it.
You can also bet the major pharmaceutical companies in negotiations with this tiny biotech have barred it from using their names with a non-disclosure agreement. They don't want their competitors to know how utterly reliant on Blue Blood they actually are.
Sad thing is, most investors will never hear about this tiny biotech player. And if they do, it'll be too late.
Well, that's just too bad, because starting today, you'll be way ahead of the curve when you finally buy this stock for under $3 a share.
In fact, there are several reasons why this little company is a winner regardless of how you look at it.
Here's what I mean...


Companies with competitive advantages like Coca-Cola, Wrigley, Hershey, Apple, Wal-Mart, and Amazon jump right to the front.
Biotech firms like Amgen, which soared 10,421%, and Celgene, which climbed 20,838%, both had incredible moats made of countless patents.
Their huge profit margins, consistent growth, and dominance made investors very wealthy.
Well, this tiny biotech company I want you to own today is building its own legacy with several impenetrable moats... and will soon take its place among the most innovative companies in the world.
Here are the amazing facts propelling this tiny Blue Blood company forward towards greatness:

Moat #1:

Global Monopoly on Production

and Supply of Blue Blood Protein

Traditionally, drug companies sent divers into the ocean to search for Blue Blood Limpets. If they found some, they'd extract the blood. And then the Limpets would die.
But this operation added to the scarcity of Limpets and left only 100,000 in the waters off the coast of California.
This little biotech company has changed all that.
What did they do?
They patented a way to grow the same limpets... on land!
And they also patented a way to extract their Blue Blood... WITHOUT killing them.
This startling video explains it all.

No company in the world can provide any competition or steal this tiny biotech's proprietary methods of producing Blue Blood on a commercial scale.
It also means that any pharmaceutical company in the world that needs Blue Blood to make vaccines or drugs can only get it from this tiny biotech player.
Truly, this is groundbreaking stuff.
But the story only gets juicier when you add this next moat around the company...

Moat #2:
Biggest Multi-Billion Dollar Client List...
The Who's Who of Big Pharma
Blue Blood drugs are already approved and in use in Europe and Asia.
But what about the U.S.?
The largest and most influential drug companies are now signing contracts to secure their reliable supply of Blue Blood ONLY from this little company.
In short, these big companies are poised to commercialize a variety of Blue Blood-based drugs to treat various diseases, like...


But that barely scratches the surface. Check out this question and answer from my private site visit:
  • Amgen is developing a therapy for systemic lupus that's in Phase 1
  • Biogen Idec has a multiple sclerosis therapy in Phase 4
  • GlaxoSmithKline owns a therapy for dermatitis in Phase 1
  • Neovacs' Crohn's disease vaccine is in Phase 2
  • Samsung Medical Center's prostate cancer vaccine is in Phase 2
  • National Cancer Institute's leukemia vaccine is in Phase 2
  • Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center is in Phase 1 with its prostate cancer vaccine
  • Stanford University's brain cancer vaccine is in Phase 1
  • Axon Neuroscience's Alzheimer's disease vaccine recently entered Phase 1 
According to the Government's National Cancer Institute...
"Optimer Pharmaceuticals is at phase II clinical trials with a breast cancer vaccine, Celldex Therapeutics is in phase II clinical trials with a glioblastoma vaccine, and Biovest International is evaluating a vaccine for non-Hodgkin lymphoma in phase III trials."
And all of them are utterly dependent on Blue Blood.
Bottom line: If one of these companies — be it Pfizer, the largest pharmaceutical company in the world by sales, or Novartis, the third largest in the world by sales — is to begin selling Blue Blood-based therapies and vaccines, a multi-billion dollar industry will emerge.
And this tiny company — the only one capable of providing a reliable source of Blue Blood product — will emerge a billion dollar company, passing its wealth on to you if you hurry and get in now at this ground floor price!
On the surface, it all sounds a lot like science fiction.
Call it what you will, but it's already making my readers rich and will do the same for you if you decide to ride this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity starting today.
Just how much money can this company make with a global monopoly on Blue Blood Protein?

Moat #3:
Huge Profit Potential and Financial Stability

It's no surprise rich drug companies are spending top dollar to secure their stash of the stuff.
As each drug goes through the three stages of clinical trials, every single one uses specific amounts of Blue Blood Protein.
For Phase 1 of clinical trials, each drug uses 3-5 grams of Blue Protein. With over 100 drugs, that's up to 500 grams of protein.
How about Phase 2?
It takes 50-100 grams of Blue Protein to get through that phase. That's a mind blowing 10,000 grams of protein.
How much money can this little company make at this point?
Blue Blood Protein costs about $35,000 per gram for lower grade.
Those 100 drugs will need 10,500 grams just to get approved by the FDA.
That totals over $367 million right there.
But keep in mind... if higher grade Blue Blood is required — at up to $900,000 per gram — the total quickly jumps to almost $1 billion.
And that's without even mentioning Phase 3 potential.
If you were to go beyond that, the numbers would be truly off the charts.
Just take a look at the company's revenue projections below:


That kind of revenue would make this tiny biotech stock — currently trading below $3.00 — an $18.00 stock.
An 800% increase in share price!
Now, I don't want you to think that all those 100 drugs will make it to the market.
Given the history of the FDA, many drugs don't see the light of day after Phase 1 and 2 trials. They just fail at the labs.
But here's what to keep in mind...
Even if just 10 of those drugs get approved for the market, the company will still rake in billions a year.
In fact, this company has publicly stated it can earn over $800 million in the next two to three years. That's nearly eight times its current value with a market cap around $100 million.
And over the long haul, it's securing royalties on the long-term sales of blockbuster drugs brought to the market that utilize the power of Blue Blood.
But it doesn't end there.

Moat #4:
Exclusive Groundbreaking Vaccines

Not only is the company supplying Blue Blood for other drugs... it's developing its own drugs as well.
Here's what I mean.
It just acquired the worldwide license and exclusive rights to develop, manufacture, and sell vaccines to treat an infection known as Clostridium difficile (C. diff) from an agreement with a Canadian university.
According to professor Mario Monteiro, discoverer of the C. diff technology, "[This company's] vision has made it possible for our scientific discovery to migrate from the lab to the hands of industry. I'm confident that in time, this vaccine will prove to have saved many lives."
This is life-changing news because C. diff is a growing cause of mortality in hospitalized patients and causes more than 330,000 infections in the U.S. every year.
Heck, the cost of C. diff treatment in the U.S. and Europe is already estimated at more than $7 billion annually.
No doubt this tiny biotech company will eat away a huge chunk of this money.
And this is just the company's first proprietary drug. There could be more in the pipeline.
After all, it owns the world's only commercial supply of Blue Blood.
Which brings me to my next point...

Moat #5:

Blue Protein Cannot Be
Artificially Produced or Synthesized

No one else can artificially make Blue Blood.
As Popular Science puts it, "Blue Blood is too big and complicated to synthesize."
If no lab can artificially create a Blue Blood substitute, then researchers and scientists who create breakthrough therapies have no choice but to team up with the only supplier in world...
And that's our little trail-blazing biotech company.
Keep in mind, this isn't some wild speculation.
When I first recommended this company, it was trading at just $0.50 a share.
Over the last seven months, the stock bolted for a 300% gain, making some of my readers, who listened to my call, wealthy.
I am making the call again for you to get in today under three bucks a share.
Those who don't listen this time will miss out on the biggest biotech start-up in modern day history.
For good reason...

Why You Need to Jump on This
Opportunity Now at Under $3.00 a Share

The stock is garnering momentum and attention worldwide. It can only stay a secret for so long.
First off, this tiny company just got added to the S&P Dow Jones TSX Venture Select Index. Essentially, this is a list of 48 companies that are the "best in breed" and meet specific liquidity criteria.
Another thing: All throughout 2013, the company released peer-reviewed research and presented at medical conferences... so word is also getting out in the medical community.
What about new contracts?
It has signed an irrevocable, worldwide license to own the technology developed through a Collaborative Research Agreement between it and big pharma's Bayer... 
It's also signed an agreement with a company in late-stage trials for a breast cancer vaccine. And there are other ones in the pipeline. 
Let me also mention this quickly... and this is incredible.
I just got alerted that the California Fish & Wildlife Department is courting this tiny biotech company for its expertise and guidance on how to protect the 100,000 Limpets that remain in the wild...
This is like asking a heroin dealer to help regulate the heroin market.
No doubt this tiny company's goal will be to help influence the strictest regulations for the wild harvest of sea Limpets... effectively sealing its monopoly, since it's the only one that can birth them on land.
Which begs the question... How much money can you really make from a small investment in this sub-$3 stock by getting in now?

A 4,752% Return Could Be Possible

Considering the science-rocking discovery of Blue Blood Protein... this is a rare opportunity to take advantage of once-in-a-lifetime-type gains.
To be frank, I actually don't know how ridiculous the profits could get. Why?
This company's stock could surge 10-fold in the near future alone based on its influence in the biotech space.
It's simply so game-changing, examples of past scientific developments may be completely pointless.
However, for the sake of comparison, I'm going to show you what happens when truly world-changing scientific discoveries are made and how they create personal wealth.
One such discovery dates back to a runny nose...
In the mid-1980s, a man by the name of H. DuBose Montgomery got a fairly severe cold. As he tried to recover, he began to wonder why the medical world hadn't yet perfected a cure for this malady that affects 1 billion people every year.
It may not seem like much, but in truth, a legend was born...
Not only did Montgomery go on to co-found a company now known as Gilead Sciences, but his work in antiviral medicines transformed the world.
Gilead Sciences went on to perfect something known as small molecule antiviral therapeutics in 1992.
In short, these things have had a profound effect on everything from the common cold to HIV.
The rest is history — and it was unbelievably profitable for early-bird investors. Take a look:


The stock absolutely erupted from a measly $0.57 per share to nearly $28. That's a gain of 4,752%.
Just $200 into this company would have yielded $9,700.
Imagine if you put in more... $3,000 would have turned into nearly $150,000.
Even crazier, the share price is actually much higher these days.
All told, in the years since, the stock price has risen to $45.87 (a total gain of almost 8,000% — or 80x your money).
And this isn't the only company that's done something like this. In fact, it's actually one of the less profitable examples.
Check it out:
  • 10,421%
    Amgen brought Epogen and Neupogen to the market between 1989 and 1990, taking its revenue from $2.8 million to over $1 billion. Had you gotten in early, you could have been rewarded with a 10,421% gain — enough to roll $10,000 into a cool $1.04 million.
  • 11,350%
    Novo Nordisk specialized in diabetic care,  and brought the drugs Novonorm and PrandiMet to the market, as well as the groundbreaking diabetic drug Victoza, which brought in $2.7 billion. Its stock returned a life-changing 11,350%.
  • 29,258%
    Biogen Idec blazed a trail by launching the first multiple sclerosis drug, Avonex, which achieved $1 billion in sales. No surprise the investors cashed in a staggering 29,258% gain, turning a small $2,000 into a whopping $585,160.
  • 20,838%
    Celgene has more than 300 clinical trials and is building a strong reputation for its intellectual property rights, including bringing miracle blockbuster drug Thalomid to the market. The stock has exploded 20,838% — enough to turn $5,000 into $1 million.
As you can see, we're talking anywhere from 50 times up to nearly 300 times your cash.
I told you this was once-in-a-lifetime-type stuff here. These things don't come around often. And I don't know of a single other person who's on top of this opportunity like I am right now...
None of those companies, like Amgen or Celgene, had the kind of advantages and monopoly this little biotech player enjoys today.
With everything panning in favor of this company right now, the stock is poised for historical highs, and investors — including you, if you hurry — could become rich from a one-time investment.
As you saw at the start of this presentation, some everyday folks are already cashing in on huge profits. Now, it's your turn.
I hope you jump on this opportunity before the door shuts on this $3.00-a-share deal.
If this sounds like something that interests you, then I'm ready to send you my free report on this situation: "Minting Millions from the Magic Molecule."
You'll also know the ticker symbol and up to what price to buy this little gem.
Best of all, I'd like to send you this report absolutely free of charge.
All I ask in return is that you take a risk-free trial membership to my research publication Early Advantage.
What exactly is Early Advantage... and how can it make you rich from groundbreaking investment research?

I Spend Millions on My Research

You already know the best way to make a lot of money is to get in the game early — before a company makes news with a major discovery in the mining sector or energy sector... the creation of some disruptive technology... or breakthroughs in agriculture or health.
It's the reason I meet with start-up CEOs in Silicon Valley... visit actual farmers... inspect mines in Alberta and Ontario... attend obscure conferences and trade shows... and conduct private one-on-one interviews.
All in the name of giving you the early advantage on any moneymaking or money-saving opportunity available, long before the rest of the market catches on.
That's what Early Advantage is all about.
I've been on the cutting edge for years, discovering major life-changing, moneymaking opportunities that other financial institutions don't cover.
For example...
  • Before 3D printing made the news, I told my readers about a company called Organovo that develops three-dimensional (3D) human tissue printing technology to create tissue on demand for research and surgical applications. Since then, the stock has surged over 570%.
  • Then there's Natcore Technology, a company with a number of patented technologies that any solar company can use to double the efficiency of current solar cells while cutting costs in half. I flew to New York to visit the company's facilities and was impressed with what I saw. In less than 3 months, my readers were able to secure a 128% gain.
Quite often, my investigations lead to companies that you may never hear or read about in mainstream news publications like the Wall Street Journal or Forbes...
But that's okay with me; the gains for my readers are real — no matter how many mainstream publications ignore the opportunities.
If the stock is everywhere, there is no way you'll ever make any money on it. But that's what's great about my approach, and it has rewarded my readers handsomely.
Whether with 3D-printed human tissue, solar breakthroughs, or the initial run of this Blue Blood company, members of Early Advantage have been raking in the gains.
Benny J. called in to say:
"Success story? Let's say stories! I had a doubler with Organovo. Bought             at 0.50 which has now given me 280% and I have not sold any yet. And my $25,000 investment in Natcore is now worth $95,000! Another 280%! Big compliment to your service Nick. It is the absolute best service I have had, and I am going to be a lifetime member."
Anthony R. also shared his experience:
"Hi Nick, I'm looking forward for the next 'Natcore,' 'Organovo,'  and '           .' Early Advantage is the most profitable service in almost 10 years of trading. Pure and simple. As a friend of mine who speaks a broken English used to say to me, "Thank you very big!"
Others are more straightforward. Bob D. simply chimed in with:
"Needless to say, your picks have been very rewarding. Thanks for all your hard work and "hand holding" during these volatile markets. It is always reassuring to get your timely e-mails."
Or William S., who said:
"Dear Nick, I enjoy your insight into market assessments. I have religiously followed your tips and recommendations... and made lots of money!"
Rest assured, these are the opportunities that can make you rich in the game. And that's my sole purpose here.
In short, that's the work I do on behalf of my readers, and it's made them a lot of money and the most satisfied in the investment business.
There are just too many great opportunities hidden in the market making great gains for everyday investors... while you sit on the sidelines.
As activity heats up in the biotech space and the masses catch onto this story, expect late investors to push the price through the roof.
I want you in before this happens, and I'll help make this decision easy for you right now.

Below is a List of What You'll Get

I will send you my report "Minting Millions from the Magic Molecule" free of charge when you take a no-risk trial of Early Advantage.
It spells out all the details on this hot little biotech stock that will no doubt hold the crown as the most profitable and important company of the next decade.
Because of the urgency of this play, you'll have access to that info minutes after you sign up. But that's not all you'll get.
You'll also have full access to...
  • Quick Profits E-alerts: Get flash updates on the latest moneymaking scoops from my profit alerts. These obscure recommendations — that cannot wait a minute — will be delivered straight to your inbox seconds after they're written, as profitable opportunities could surface tomorrow.
  • Regular Portfolio Updates: You'll know exactly what's happening with each profit-making play in your model portfolio, including regular updates and any news that will send the stock soaring further or when to sell for maximum profits.
  • The Members-Only Early Advantage Website: Your gateway to my secure online platform for members only, with my no-nonsense research reports, commentary, picks, and current portfolio. You'll even get fast-track commentary on how to get the most out of my service.
  • Research Videos: You'll have full access to my "boots-on-the-ground" research videos when I travel around the country investigating companies, visiting their facilities, and talking to CEOs. That way, you can follow my travels from your living room.
  • Outstanding Customer Support: If you ever have any questions or concerns, you can call our Customer Support staff at any time and receive live help between 9:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. EST.
Within minutes of signing up, you'll receive an email with your password to the Early Advantage website... your ultimate gateway to unheard-of profits in cutting-edge sectors ahead of the crowd.
I encourage you to read the research reports you'll see there. Many of the recommendations are still considered major "buys."
Be sure to scan the "Getting Started" window to help you know how to get the most out of this service.
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This price takes you into our profitable world of investing and gives you full access to all my research, including the Blue Blood Protein revolution sweeping across the medical landscape.
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Nick Hodge Signature
Nick Hodge
Editor and Creator, Early Advantage

P.S. I've spent the last 7 months making the call on this tiny biotech company, starting when it was trading at just $0.50 a share. I made readers who listened a boatload of money. Now it's under $3.00 a share — still a once-in-a-lifetime deal.

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“Blue Blood” — Which “Tiny Biotech Owns Only Source of Rare Cancer-Curing Chemical?”

Checking out the latest tease from Nick Hodge at Early Advantage

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A couple days ago we started getting a deluge of new queries from subscribers about something called “blue blood” — teasing a company that was about to sign contracts with major pharmaceutical companies, and which had a “lockdown” on a secret “blue blood” protein that will cure cancer.
I was a little baffled at first, because I hadn’t actually seen the ad — but more folks kept asking what “blue blood” was, so I looked a little closer and finally did find that we had a copy of that email in the vast Gumshoe teaser vaults. So let’s solve it for you, shall we?
The newsletter being promoted here is Early Advantage, from Nick Hodge, and it’ll run you $499 per year at the current price. Dunno what else they may be investing in, but we can at least get you this answer for a better price. Like, more free-ish. Then you can think it over and discuss it on your own … feel free to subscribe to Early Advantage if you like, but don’t do so just to learn what the secret “blue blood” thingamajiggery is all about.
Here’s the opening of the pitch:
“Tiny Biotech Owns World’s Only Source Of Rare Cancer-Curing Chemical
“Early investors are looking to bank 300 times their money
“This urgent video has live footage of the company in action….
“At the center of it all is its main product, which is on a worldwide lockdown: ‘Blue Blood.’”
Irregulars Quick Take
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Frankly, that sounds like hooey. And probably the kind of teaser that should have us all running for the exits (or at the very least, hitting the delete key), but a core precept of Gumshoedom is that even if a stock is touted with ridiculous, overhyped promise — like curing cancer with a secret chemical that only they own — it doesn’t mean it’s worthless. We have to go into this with an open mind — it’s almost certainly not as good as the teasers say it is, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad.
So what is it? Honestly, once we were into the ad a few paragraphs and saw the little snippet of video for this “blue blood” business we had our answer quickly at hand … but we don’t want to spoil the surprise, so let me share a few more of the clues they tossed out for us:
“Amgen, Pfizer, Merck, Abbott, Bayer, and others pay $35,000–$900,000 for one gram of this molecule.
“A single biotech company trading under $3 controls the world’s only source.
“Its stock is already up 300%!
“Highly rich Blue Blood Protein — which really is blue — is extracted from one of the rarest and most endangered animals on the face of this planet… a sea snail called a Limpet.
“What makes this blood so unique and life-changing?
“Well, it’s a major component of over 100 vaccines and drugs currently going through clinical trials with the FDA. In other words, these drugs simply cannot work without Blue Blood… and there is nothing in the world that can replace it.
“And here’s the mind-blowing peculiarity in all of this…
“Blue Blood is so vital to breakthrough vaccines and drugs today… one gram of it can sell for up to $900,000.”
Sound familiar? Yes, this is our old favorite “miracle mollusk” tease reborn. Hodge is now reworking his (very successful, so far) tease for Stellar Biotechnologies (KLH in Canada, SBOTF on the pink sheets).
And yes, we’ve covered that one to death here in its run from 60 cents or so last Spring — Hodge started teasing it in May, I think, and we covered it then … it got as high as about $2 a share a couple times in recent months, and is recently at roughly $1.60.
I didn’t cover the stock much after that, but we had an eager bunch of folks discussing it — led for a while by our own “blind squirrel,” Jim Skelton, as he started a discussion thread on the site and followed it up through last month with many, many detailed comments. There’s a lot more in that thread than I can tell you about Stellar, but there’s also a lot more optimism about Stellar in that thread than I could come up with.
Stellar Biotechnologies is essentially a pharmaceutical supplier — they have created an aquaculture and harvesting technique for extracting Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin (KLH), which is apparently a very widely used protein for stimulating an immune response, and is of use particularly in vaccines but also as a tool for delivering other drugs.
My initial sense of the stock back in May was that it was tiny enough and a good enough story to be driven quite high by Nick Hodge and his relentless boosterism … but that the possibility of real volume production of their product or any kind of dramatic sales growth was very far away.
I may be too conservative on this point, I like the model of Stellar Biotech — develop a supply of a high-quality “drug carrier” (the KLH protein, in this case — which is produced from their aquaculture farm full of Keyhole Limpets, with Stellar’s primary “uniqueness” coming from their ability to harvest this hemocyanin from the limpets without killing them or decimating the shrinking wild population), then make money by both selling the ingredient to drug companies and by using their unique offering as leverage to get royalties on future products that are made using this chemical. It’s a great idea. It’s just that even if they are successful, it’s a long way off.
[As an aside, I like the model but I'm a lot more comfortable with the much larger biotech stock in my portfolio, Ligand (LGND), that has a somewhat similar business model (though more of a "prospect generator" that also is an ingredient supplier) but is already generating millions in royalties. Unfortunately, LGND is now a growth darling and ain't exactly cheap at the moment.]
Stellar’s latest investor presentation is on their website here, and they do well in talking up the potential markets for their KHL — with dozens of clinical trials using this ingredient currently underway. From the presentation, I can’t tell whether they’re getting potential royalties on any of these drugs, or just potentially making long-term supply arrangements — the word royalty only comes up for their own proprietary stuff, like their potential clostridium difficile vaccine (that one is still in the lab, not in the clinic, and therefore probably at least many years away from real human results being known).
If they’re not going to earn royalties on any of the drugs in the KLH pipeline that are currently in late-stage clinical trials (I haven’t asked them), then their revenue for the next several years will be dependent on sales of the material to the firms who are making these drugs and vaccines. So I won’t guess about which of these drugs might be approved or even reach high-volume clinical trials, but we’ll look quickly at it from the other end — how much can they produce, and what will they be able to charge for it?
Hodge teases the fact that this hemocyanin is priced at up to $90,000 a gram, but it’s available now from Sigma Aldrich for $75 for 20mg — which would be $3,750 per gram. I don’t know whether a pharma company would expect to pay a premium over that amount in order to get guaranteed supply, or would demand a discount for taking up much of the production, or whether there’s something better about that expensive gram, but $3,750 is a LOT less than $90,000.
At $3,750, Stellar Biotech would be able to hit revenues of $75 million if they sell 20kg a year — 20kg is their goal production level over the next six or seven years, but that seems to be the “stretch” goal, the goal by 2017, according to comments in a press release last year, is annual production of 5kg. If they do reach 5kg, over the next three years as they hope, that would mean potential sales — at that lower, current $3,750 price per gram — of just under $19 million.
$19 million is approximately how much money KLH lost over the last twelve months, according to Yahoo Finance’s numbers … so put that way, a cynic would say that if they can keep their costs under control and not have costs rise dramatically over the next three years as they expand capacity (in my quick look at recent filings, I see no announcement of what their current production level might be), then they might be able to break even by 2017 on material sales… but it doesn’t sound like limpet aquaculture is necessarily “low cost” so expansion might be pricey. Whatever their production level is right now, it costs more than it brings in according to their latest quarterly filing but, again, we don’t know whether they’re currently producing 100 grams or 2 kg per year, or more or less, and we don’t know what they’re charging per gram.
The optimist, on the other hand, would say that they’re going to get better prices as competition for bulk delivery of this material begins because of approval of high-volume drugs requiring this hemocyanin … or that they will make strides in their own clinical trials or begin to receive milestone or royalty payments on drugs that use KLH (again, I have no idea what their deals with pharma companies are like, or whether they’re anything but a material supplier to any of these firms). There may be ammunition for the optimist’s take, too, in their partnership with Amaran, which invested in KLH in December and is partnering with them on two cancer drugs in clinical trials … I just don’t know much about the science or timeline there, and I don’t know enough to be confident in the uniqueness or value of this particular hemocyanin as a drug carrier protein (we have, at least, been told that it can’t be created artificially just yet — the molecules are apparently too big and complex. Whatever that means).
I know we’ve got plenty of folks who have traded Stellar Biotechnologies on both sides here in Gumshoedom, so let’s hear your updated thoughts — feel comfortable with Stellar as a long-term stock in this range? Feel like it’s going to run again, or has the story lost its mojo? Let us know with a comment below.

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