Minggu, 06 April 2014

PENYELESAIAN PALESTINA... HARUS KEMBALI KEPADA DASARNYA... YAKNI... PEMBATALAN DEKLARASI BALFOUR ... YANG MENJADI CIKAL BAKAL TERJADINYA PENJAJAJAHAN DAN PENDUDUKAN TIDAK SAH DAN MELANGGAR KAIDAH HUKUM OLEH ISRAEL TERHADAP TANAH AIR BANGSA PALESTINA YANG BEBAS MERDEKA... >>> KONSPIRASI .... BARON ROTHSCHILD-PM BALFOUR-KERAJAAN INGGRIS- AS- RAJA SAUDI ARABIA.. ADALAH PENGKHIANATAN TERHADAP RAKYAT DAN BANGSA PALESTINA.. DIMANA MEREKA MENGGUNAKAN DALIH HOLOCAUST UNTUK MENCAPLOK TANAH AIR BANGSA PALESTINA ... DEMI KEPENTINGAN PENJAJAHAN DAN KEJAHATAN KRIMINAL ISRAEL-EROPA-AS-DAN KELOMPOK KERAJAAN SAUDI ARABIA.. MENCENGKERAM KEKAYAAN NEGARA2 BANGSA DAN RAKYAT ARAB DI TIMUR TENGAH... DAN UMMAT ISLAM DISANA...??>> . KARENA ITU ... DARI LATAR BELAKANG SEJARAH PANJANG SEJAK AWAL.... MAKA... AS .... SEPERTINYA.... TIDAK MUNGKIN AKAN... BISA MELAKSANAKAN PERDAMAIAN DENGAN ADIL... KARENA PADA DASARNYA HARUS MENGUSIR KEMBALI BANGSA ISRAEL .... DAN MEMBAWA... KEMBALI MEREKA SEMUANYA... KENTANAH NEGERI2 DI EROPA ATAU AMERIKA... SEBAGAI GANTINYA..??? . SEBAB ISUE HOLOCAUST YANG PENUH MANIPULASI DAN KEBOHONGAN ITU.. PADA DASARNYA ADALAH ISSUE.. DUSTA... DAN ISSUE.. DARI... PERMAINAN POLITIK PENJAJAHAN... DAN IMPERIALISTIS ??>> PERMAINAN PARA KONSPIRASI DAN MEDIA MAINSTREAM SERTA POLITISI ABSURD NEOCONS -NEOLIBS -NEKOLIM... DI PBB DAN TENTU DENGAN ISUE2 DAN BERBAGAI AGENDA ... YANG MEREKA LAKUKAN DAN ATAU DIRANCANGNYA... WALAUPUN HARUS MELANGGAR AZAS KEADILAN UMUM DAN SELALU MENGGUNAKAN STANDAR2 GANDA ATAU MULTI STANDARS YANG TIDAK ADIL. ..>>> INILAH KEJAHATAN KRIMINAL.... KEMANUSIAAN DAN PELANGGARAN HAK2 AZASI MANUSIA DAN KEADILAN.. OLEH PARA KONSPIRATOR ITU.. DILAKUKAN KHUSUSNYA KEPADA BANGSA DAN RAKYAT PALESTINA.. DAN NEGARA2 ARAB YANG BEBAS.. >>> KINI KESADARAN BANGSA DAN SEBAGIAN RAKYAT ARAB DI TIMUR TENGAH SUDAH MULAI BANGKIT.... DAN PERLAWANAN DENGAN KEKUATAN YANG SEMAKIN NYATA...??? >>> ....MAKA AS TIDAK MUNGKIN BISA MENYELESAIKAN PERDAMAIAN DI TIMUR TENGAH.. KARENA MEREKA PARA POLITISI DAN PEMERINTAHANNYA ADALAH BAGIAN DARI KONSPIRATOR.. DAN BAHKAN PENDUKUNG PARA KONSPIRATOR.... ???>> KACUALI ...BILAMANA BENAR2.... ADA PERUBAHAN MENDASAR PADA BANGSA AMERIKA SERTA PEMERINTAHAN AS YANG LEBIH BEBAS DAN INDEPENDEN...???>> MUNGKINKAH...???>> ... HANYA ..ALLAH MAHA TAHU.. DAN SEJARAH AKAN MEMBUKTIKAN... APAKAH BANGSA AMERIKA DAN PEMERINTAHAN AMERIKA SERIKAT BENAR2 BERUBAH KEPADA YANG LBIH BAIK.. ATAU AKAN TETAP MENJADI BUDAK YAHUDI YANG MENGUASAI LOBY2 POLITIK DAN KEUANGAN AMERIKA...???>> .. WASPADALAH DAN ELING.....!!! >>> HAK2 KEMANUSIAAN DAN KEMERDEKAAN ADALAH HAK SEGALA BANGSA... DAN SEGALA BENTUK PENJAJAHAN DAN PENISTAAN DAN PENDUDUKAN ....ADALAH PERBUATAN ANIAYA DAN KRIMINAL.. DAN KARENANYA ..HARUS DIHAPUSKAN DIMUKA BUMI SECARA KESELURUHAN... >>> MERDEKA...!!! >>> persatuan di antara kelompok-kelompok Palestina akan mampu membantu merealisasikan cita-cita bangsa Palestina untuk membentuk sebuah negara independen dengan Baitul Maqdis sebagai ibukotanya....>>>..... Kegagalan berturut-turut dari berbagai perundingan dan pembicaraan damai adalah bukti nyata bahwa langkah tersebut tidak mampu menyelesaikan krisis Palestina. Oleh karena itu, opini publik Palestina berharap Otorita Ramallah akan merevisi kebijakannya terkait perundingan kompromi dengan Israel dan mengambil langkah tepat untuk merealisasikan cita-cita bangsa Palestina. Kelompok-kelompok Palestina termasuk Gerakan Muqawama Islam Palestina (Hamas) dan Jihad Islam meyakini bahwa dalam kondisi saat ini kekompakan dan solidaritas di antara rakyat Palestina adalah langkah dan kinerja terbaik untuk menghadapi langkah-langkah rezim Zionis dan konspirasi para pendukungnya khususnya AS. ..>>> ..Deputi Menteri Luar Negeri Suriah Faisal Mekdad mengatakan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) telah mengabaikan keberadaan teroris di Suriah. Dia dalam artikelnya, Sabtu (5/4) di harian al-Binaa cetakan Lebanon, menulis, "PBB – meskipun meratifikasi sejumlah resolusi dengan tema perang melawan terorisme – menutup mata atas kegiatan teroris di Suriah dan mereka telah menjadi alat kepentingan untuk beberapa kekuatan."..>> ... Anasir-anasir teroris melakukan berbagai kejahatan sadis terhadap rakyat Suriah di bawah kebungkaman dan sikap pasif PBB. Standar ganda PBB di Suriah telah membuka jalan bagi pihak asing untuk mendukung kelompok-kelompok teroris yang beroperasi di negara itu. Padahal, pemerintah Damaskus berulang kali menyeru Dewan Keamanan dan Dewan HAM PBB untuk mengesampingkan standar ganda dan berkomitmen untuk memerangi terorisme. Namun anehnya, sejumlah negara termasuk beberapa anggota PBB justru menghalangi Dewan Keamanan untuk mengecam kekejaman yang dilakukan oleh militan di Suriah...>> ...Suriah sejak Maret 2011 menghadapi sebuah krisis serius yang diciptakan oleh beberapa negara regional dan internasional. Krisis Suriah telah memasuki tahun ketiga dan pengiriman militan bersenjata dari berbagai penjuru dunia ke Suriah masih terus berlanjut. Menurut para pejabat Damaskus, teroris dari 80 negara dunia hadir di Suriah untuk bertempur...>> ...Hilang seribu, tumbuh tiga ribu. Sepertinya, ungkapan ini cocok disematkan kepada penduduk Gaza. Kesedihan rakyat Gaza atas hilangnya nyawa 1.412 putra putrinya, terobati dengan lahirnya 3.700 bayi selama 22 hari gempuran Israel terhadap kota kecil ini. Hamam Nisman, Direktur Dinas Hubungan Sosial dalam Kementerian Kesehatan pemerintahan Gaza menyatakan bahwa dalam 22 hari 3.700 bayi lahir di Gaza. “Mereka lahir antara tanggal 27 Desember 2008 hingga 17 Januari 2009, ketika Israel melakukan serangan yang menyebabkan meninggalnya 1.412 rakyat Gaza, yang mayoritas wanita dan anak-anak,” katanya....>>> ...“Israel sengaja membunuh para wanita dan anak-anak untuk menghapus masa depan Gaza. Sebanyak 440 anak-anak dan 110 wanita telah dibunuh dan 2.000 anak serta 1.000 wanita mengalami luka-luka....>>> ...Sharafi mengatakan, 1.520 anak Palestina tewas dan hampir 6.000 lainnya terluka oleh pasukan Israel dalam 14 tahun terakhir ini. Sharafi menambahkan, 10.000 lebih anak Palestina telah ditahan. Sekitar 200 anak ditahan di pusat penahanan Israel. Menteri Palestina itu meminta masyarakat internasional untuk mengambil langkah-langkah tegas untuk melindungi dan mendukung anak-anak Palestina. ..>>> Israel's chief negotiator, Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, suggested that Washington scale down its "intensive" involvement in the process with the Palestinians. "Part of what took place in the past months was primarily negotiations between us and the US, and less with the Palestinians," she told Channel 2 television on Saturday. "We need bilateral meetings between us, including between the prime minister and Abu Mazen (Abbas)," she added...>>> .."Israel always implements unilateral steps," he told Voice of Palestine radio, saying the Palestinians were already being punished by Israel. Officials from Netanyahu down have been cautious not to specify the exact nature of punitive measures Israel might take. But media reports mention preventing Wataniya Palestine Telecom from laying down cellphone infrastructure in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, and halting Palestinian construction projects in parts of the West Bank...>>> Komando Staf Angkatan Darat Pembebasan Palestina,- Palestine Liberation Army (PLA)- mempertegas dukungannya kepada Tentara Arab Suriah dalam menghadapi konspirasi yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya untuk merusak keamanan dan stabilitas Suriah. Dalam sebuah pernyataan pada peringatan Earth Day ke-38 pada Jumat, 28/03/14, kepala staf mengatakan, "Earth Day" adalah sumber kebanggaan bagi semua bangsa Palestina dan Arab, karena ia merupakan sebuah pesan yang jelas bahwa Palestina akan mengambil tanah mereka yang diduduki dan kesucian diberbagai wilayah. >> Duta Besar Palestina untuk PBB, Riyad Mansour mengatakan keanggotaan Palestina dalam konvensi tersebut akan berlaku 30 hari setelah Sekjen menerima surat tersebut. Pejabat Palestina juga menyampaikan surat permohonan menjadi anggota dalam Konvensi Jenewa ke Swiss dan Konvensi Den Haag (IV) tentang hukum dan kebiasaan perang di darat ke Belanda. Kepala Otoritas Palestina, Mahmoud Abbas langsung menandatangani 15 permohonan itu dalam sebuah upacara yang disiarkan televisi pada hari Selasa (2/4/14). Rezim Israel murka menyaksikan langkah Palestina itu....>>> PBB mengatakan, pihaknya telah menerima surat permohonan dari Palestina untuk bergabung dengan 13 konvensi dan perjanjian internasional. Pada hari Rabu (2/4/14), Wakil Juru Bicara PBB, Farhan Haq menegaskan bahwa surat permohonan sudah sampai di tangan Robert Serry, utusan PBB untuk Timur Tengah PBB. Surat itu akan disampaikan pada Sekretaris Jenderal PBB Ban Ki-moon pada hari Kamis (3/4/14)...>> ..Deklarasi yang dikeluarkan mantan Menlu Inggris, Arthur James Balfour tanggal 2 November 1917 itu menyatakan bahwa pemerintah Inggris mendukung pendirian sebuah tanah air nasional bagi warga Yahudi di Palestina. Dan 30 tahun kemudian, rezim Israel terlahir di tanah Palestina. Dalam peringatan ke-69 Deklarasi Balfour, Menteri Informasi Palestina mengeluarkan pernyataan bahwa sejak tahun 1917, rakyat Palestina telah membayar dengan sangat mahal kejahatan politik terbesar yang pernah tercatat dalam sejarah kontemporer manusia. Kementerian Palestina itu menggambarkan deklarasi Balfour sebagai hal yang sangat memalukan dalam sejarah kemanusiaan...>>>

To Saudi royals: Where is your humanity?

Saudi king Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz
Saudi king Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz
Perhaps it started as sheer coincidence, but just like a fire that starts from the smallest sparks, words that strike a chord with the oppressed in the oil kingdom could ignite the flammable stock of discontent that has been accumulating for decades in Saudi Arabia.
This is in short the essence of a new wave of appeals made by a new generation of people who do not necessarily belong to the past, despite their relatively disparate social and ideological allegiances. They might not be subject to the influence of the traditional concept of the tribal elder, which Abdul Aziz and his successors tried to transform into lowly recipients of handouts in return for their allegiance to the Saudi monarchy.
Today, they seem to be engaged in a well-developed, popular movement worthy of observation and analysis.
In what is a new, interactive, and courageous way to express the voice of the majority of young people in the oppressive kingdom, a group of youths from different tribes and regions of Saudi Arabia have started posting short video messages on YouTube, highlighting various popular demands.
The videos are structured in a way where a young activist, identified by the name of his or her tribe, makes a timed statement on camera lasting between 30 seconds and 3 minutes. The brief statements directly address King Abdullah, explaining issues people face such as: unemployment, poverty, shortages in housing and public services, and other socio-political issues like the freedom of expression and assembly.
Similar to what happened during the #Salaries_Not_Enough campaign, which quickly trended on Twitter, a hashtag was set up for the new appeals with the words: “The people have their say.” The campaign has so far mainly attracted youths, who have been sharing the videos and messages. Notable intellectuals and journalists have preferred to wait and see for the time being.
Below, we quote word for the most prominent posts spotted on social media, in chronological order:
On March 22, the man identified as Abdul-Aziz bin Fahd al-Dosari appeared in a 33-second clip, saying things that have not been heard in the kingdom for decades. Addressing King Abdullah directly, he said,
“I am a Saudi citizen. I do not get more than 1900 riyals ($506) [monthly]. By God, O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, is this enough for dowry, a car, or a home? Brother, we are tired, and yet you blame those who bomb…O brother, help us; until when should we beg you from the oil [money]? Give us what you and your children have been playing with…give us what is our right […].”
The video received record views shortly after it was posted. By April 1, it had 1.6 million views.
On March 23, Abdullah Mabrouk bin Othman al-Ghamdi from the city of Bisha in southwest Saudi Arabia, posted another video, commenting on Dosari’s video. Addressing the king as well, he said:
“Based on my experience and observations, I support what the young man said in his appeal to the king. I ask everyone to join-in in the same manner so that our voice can reach the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, and so that he learns of the situation, of the low wages, the rampant corruption, and the injustice, and that it is neither reasonable nor acceptable for a small elite, be it in power or a corrupt elite, to control state funds, while the rest of the people are starving and living in poverty and injustice. For this reason, I support what the young man said.”
He then displayed his identity card bearing his name and photograph, and called again on everyone to participate in the campaign. By April 1, the video had received up to 737,167 hits.
On March 27, Saoud Mardi Abdullah al-Bidani al-Harbi, born in Riyadh, posted a video expressing solidarity with the demands made previously. Commenting on the videos, he said:
“Of course, these are our demands, the demands of an entire people. Our voices have grown hoarse from talking about them. Our demands are easy…there is no need to come see them on Twitter or elsewhere, because they are all present in the advisor’s wastebasket. Don’t push the people to protest; do not force us to go into the street, because the number of black police cars is simply much less than the number of free people. It is easy for us to take to the street and demand our rights, in a peaceful manner of course, so please, please heed our voices. You have spoken to Jews and Christians, and tomorrow you will speak to Obama…please listen to us, fulfill our demands. We want housing, we want to have a decent life.”
Harbi then also showed his identity card with his photo and name on it.
On March 30, Abdul-Rahman Ali Ahmed Ghreidi al-Asiri, a physician, posted a video message, giving in 2 minutes and 32 seconds his brief and bold commentary, and said:
“I, citizen Abdul-Rahman Ali Ahmed Ghreidi al-Asiri, from Tuhama Asir (southwest Saudi), have seen videos by some of our good young compatriots like Dosari, Ghamdi, and Harbi, demanding their rights, their most simple rights, and they were imprisoned on the following day. The problem with you O House of Saud is that you deliberately humiliate and impoverish the people…poor Dosari said his salary is 1900 and this is not enough to buy dinner for one of your children. The next day, we saw how one of your princes bought a car inlaid with gold…
The problem with you, House of Saud, is that you have stolen everything. You stole our name, our country, and attributed it to you but by what right? You stole Islam and distorted it, you stole the prophet and made him a Saudi. Instead of distributing oil [revenues] among us and give to the people, you impoverish them, humiliate them, and if you do distribute it then you give it to the enemies of the nation like [Egyptian Defense Minister Abdel-Fattah] al-Sisi and the Christians of Lebanon who see Arabs as nothing but scum [Sic].
The problem is that you have stolen everything. I am a doctor and I worked and trained at the [National] Guard, military hospitals, and Ministry of Health hospitals. One time, I put three patients on the same bed.
Where is this Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz? I am demanding rights; firstly, I ask why did you imprison them? These people demanded their right, so why arrest them? The man who was given a car inlaid with gold, it is from him that we want to take our rights.
As I record this video, you have bought allegiance for [Prince] Muqrin. The people are a piece of furniture [to you], this is unacceptable. If we speak out, then you imprison us, and say: if you don’t like it then leave the country. This is not your country alone. The people are asking for their rights. We want freedom, and I warn you, we want the right thing for our country. Yemen and Tunisia and others are in their second republic, and Saudi would enter its first republic if you don’t act.”
Then he brandished his identity card and showed it to the camera. The video has had over 1.5 million views.
On March 31, Wafi Mardi Abdullah al-Bidani al-Harbi, who is 18 years old, appeared in a video message after the arrest of his brother Saoud, and spoke about the detention of those who he said had only demanded their rights like his brother, Abdul Aziz al-Dosari, and others. He said:
“What about the supposed freedom of expression? Since when has demanding one’s rights become a crime punishable by prison in the country of the Two Holy Mosques, when they are legitimate and peaceful? The error and the crime are the arrests themselves…Oppression will not work.”
He then sent out two messages, the first addressing Mohammed bin Nayef, the interior minister, saying,
“We have had enough of rhetoric, yet we have almost died of thirst…we just want to live a decent life without injustice and persecution…enough is enough…our demands are our rights…bear in mind that the barrier of fear has been broken, and many among the people are not cowards.”
He then addressed the people, recounting a story told by Ali ibn Abi Taleb, who said that if you see the oppressor continuing to engage in injustice then know that his end is inevitable, and if you see the oppressed continuing to resist his oppressor, then know that his victory is inevitable. He then said,
“I hope I do not get myself detained like those before me. If I am detained then I hope that these appeals and initiatives do not go to waste.”
The younger Harbi then also showed his id card to the camera, bearing his full name. Within a day, the video had received 240,777 hits.
On March 31, the 23-year-old man Maaz Mohammed Suleiman al-Juhani from the Hijaz spoke and said,
“I want to address a message to the House of Saud[…]. You steal people’s money, ask people to give you their money, and then imprison them for debt. Where is your humanity? We call on the government to distribute the country’s wealth fairly among the people, and not monopolize it and steal it by you and your children, and to build housing, employ the unemployed, and increase wages. Otherwise, there will be dire consequences.”
On April 2, another young man appeared in a video message addressing the king. He said,
“I salute the five heroes, Dosari, Harbi, Ghamdi, Asiri, and Juhani…
O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz; my name is Ghanem Hammoud Farah al-Masarir al-Dosari. These five are a crown on your head and prison is not where they belong…prison is a place for oppressors, evildoers, and tyrants…
O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz; you are immoral and a liar. You promised a fund to the poor eight years ago but they haven’t seen it.
O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz; you have plundered the wealth of the country under the guise of economic cities and fictive projects that are all just ink on paper.
O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz; you have squandered the country's wealth on Sisi’s gangs and coups everywhere, and yet you say you are the custodian of the Two Holy Mosques.
O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz; from time to time, you throw crumbs at the people and you call it a royal gift. If they were of your salary and your trouble, then you could call them whatever you please, but the rights of the people are no gifts from you or anyone else.
O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz; you say you are a humane king, but humaneness is innocent of you. Even your daughters have not been spared from your evil, and have been imprisoned for thirteen years.
People of the Two Holy Mosques; all peoples impeach their rulers when they become thieves, so when will you say to the thieves that they have no place among you?”
The above were some of the videos that have gone viral on social media and among Saudi youths for many reasons, including their outright boldness, the fact that they stuck a chord with the majority of young people and their concerns, their brevity, and most importantly because they were made by young people themselves.
The Saudi government’s reaction has been negative as expected. The Saudi government detained one young man after the other, but the Saudi youth have responded by staying defiant and showing their willingness to pay the price for their stances.
It seems that we are seeing a new wave of political protests and civil resistance worth watching, amid the insistence of the Saudi regime on pursuing a security-based approach in dealing with the demands of young people, who are an underprivileged majority in the oil kingdom.
By: Fouad al-Ibrahim
Source: Al Akhbar
- See more at: http://en.alalam.ir/news/1582901#sthash.bl0gsH2R.dpuf
Pembicaraan "Damai" Israel Otoritas Palestina Buntu

Islam Times- http://www.islamtimes.org/vdcip3apqt1aq32.k8ct.html

Beberapa jam sebelum pertemuan hari Minggu (6/4/14), Perdana Menteri Israel Benjamin Netanyahu mengancam akan mengambil tindakan sepihak terhadap PA, kecuali Palestina menunda rencananya untuk menjadi anggota organisasi PBB.
Benjamin Netanyahu dan Mahmoud Abbas.jpg
Benjamin Netanyahu dan Mahmoud Abbas.jpg

Otoritas Palestina (PA) mengatakan putaran terakhir perundingan dengan rezim Israel telah berakhir tanpa terobosan baru.

Pernyataan itu diutarakan seorang pejabat Palestina pada hari Minggu (6/4/14) setelah PA dan negosiator Israel mengadakan pembicaraan dengan utusan AS, Martin Indyk, dalam pertemuan tiga -arah di Timur al- Quds (Yerusalem).

Beberapa jam sebelum pertemuan hari Minggu (6/4/14), Perdana Menteri Israel Benjamin Netanyahu mengancam akan mengambil tindakan sepihak terhadap PA, kecuali Palestina menunda rencananya untuk menjadi anggota organisasi PBB.

Pembicaraan Palestina-Israel terakhir gagal pada bulan September 2010 setelah Tel Aviv menolak membekukan kegiatan pembangunan pemukiman di Tepi Barat yang diduduki.[IT/r]

Posted by : dwi kurniawan Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013

PA: Sejak Tahun 2000, Israel Bunuh 1.500 Anak Palestina
Islam Times - http://www.islamtimes.org/vdcaaonei49nii1.h8k4.html
Sharafi mengatakan, 1.520 anak Palestina tewas dan hampir 6.000 lainnya terluka oleh pasukan Israel dalam 14 tahun terakhir ini.
Anak anak Palestina, perjuangan adalah jalan tunggal.jpg
Anak anak Palestina, perjuangan adalah jalan tunggal.jpg

Otoritas Palestina (PA) mengatakan, pasukan Israel telah membunuh 1.500 lebih anak Palestina dan melukai ribuan lainnya sejak tahun 2000.

Menteri Urusan Sosial PA, Kamal al-Sharafi mengungkapkan hal itu hari Sabtu (5/4/14) dalam sebuah peringatan Hari Anak Palestina.

Sharafi mengatakan, 1.520 anak Palestina tewas dan hampir 6.000 lainnya terluka oleh pasukan Israel dalam 14 tahun terakhir ini.

Sharafi menambahkan, 10.000 lebih anak Palestina telah ditahan. Sekitar 200 anak ditahan di pusat penahanan Israel.

Menteri Palestina itu meminta masyarakat internasional untuk mengambil langkah-langkah tegas untuk melindungi dan mendukung anak-anak Palestina.

Tahun lalu, Dana Anak-anak PBB (UNICEF) juga memperingatkan   kekerasan yang dilakukan rezim Israel terhadap anak Palestina.

Dalam laporannya, lembaga itu mengatakan, sekitar 700 anak Palestina berusia 12-17 tahun telah ditangkap, diinterogasi dan ditahan oleh pasukan Israel setiap tahunnya di Tepi Barat yang diduduki.

Pemukim Israel sering juga sering menyerang warga Palestina, merusak properti mereka, mobil, masjid dan pohon-pohon zaitun. Tapi para penyerang itu jarang sekali dihukum.

Menurut PBB, terdapat 400 insiden kekerasan yang dilakukan pemukim Israel terhadap warga Palestina di Tepi Barat pada tahun 2013 saja.

Saat ini, setengah juta lebih warga Israel tinggal di 120 pemukiman ilegal yang dibangun Israel sejak tahun 1967.[IT/r]

Pembebasan Palestina
Deklarasi Balfour Kejahatan terhadap Kemanusiaan
7 Nov 2013 7:55
Islam Times - http://www.islamtimes.org/vdcci4q1i2bqs08.5fa2.txt

Deklarasi itu mengizinkan rezim Zionis melakukan pembersihan etnis Palestina di tanah air mereka yang masih terus berlanjut hingga hari ini, tambah pernyataan tersebut.

Otoritas  Palestina (PA) mengutuk keterlibatan Inggris dalam Deklarasi Balfour yang berakhir dengan terlahirnya rezim rasis Israel di tanah Palestina. PA juga menyebutnya sebagai kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan.

Deklarasi yang dikeluarkan mantan Menlu Inggris, Arthur James Balfour tanggal 2 November 1917 itu menyatakan  bahwa pemerintah Inggris mendukung pendirian sebuah tanah air nasional bagi warga Yahudi di Palestina. Dan 30 tahun kemudian, rezim Israel terlahir di tanah Palestina.

Dalam peringatan ke-69 Deklarasi Balfour, Menteri Informasi Palestina mengeluarkan pernyataan bahwa sejak tahun 1917, rakyat Palestina telah membayar dengan sangat mahal kejahatan politik terbesar yang pernah tercatat dalam sejarah kontemporer manusia.

Kementerian Palestina itu menggambarkan deklarasi Balfour sebagai hal yang sangat memalukan dalam sejarah kemanusiaan.

Deklarasi itu mengizinkan rezim Zionis melakukan pembersihan etnis Palestina di tanah air mereka yang masih terus berlanjut hingga hari ini, tambah pernyataan tersebut.

"Inggris dan seluruh dunia harus mengakui hak Palestina yang telah direbut karena segala sesuatu yang menimpa warga Palestina baik agresi, penindasan, perusakan pemukiman, penangkapan, pembangunan tembok pemisah, pengepungan Gaza dan pengungsian jutaan warga Palestina, terjadi karena Deklarasi Balfour," tambahnya.

Gerakan Fatah pimpinan Mahmoud Abbas juga mengecam deklarasi rekayasa Inggris itu sebagai sebuah sebagai janji yang hina dan ilegal karena telah membuat warga rakyat Palestina menderita.

Fatah mengatakan, Inggris dan pendukung Israel lainnya ikut bertanggung jawab dalam kejahatan yang dilakukan rezim Zionis.

Fatah juga mengatakan, rakyat Palestina bertekad merebut kembali semua hak mereka dan membebaskan tanah air mereka dari pendudukan Israel.

Fatah menuntut Inggris untuk meminta maaf dan menebus kesalahannya terhadap rakyat Palestina karena deklarasi tersebut .[IT/r]

Gurunya saja sudah bilang Syekh Muhammad bodoh, berarti umat Islam lebih bahlul lantaran membiarkan dua kota suci Makkah dan Madinah terus dalam cengkeraman rezim Wahabi.
****** akhir kutipan ******

Rasulullah shallallahu alaihi wasallam bersabda “Kalian akan mengalami babak Kenabian selama masa yang Allah kehendaki, kemudian babak kekhalifahan mengikuti manhaj Kenabian selama masa yang Allah kehendaki, kemudian babak Raja-raja yang menggigit,selama masa yang Allah kehendaki, kemudian babak para penguasa yang memaksakan kehendak selama masa yang Allah kehendaki, kemudian kalian akan mengalami babak kekhalifahan mengikuti manhaj Kenabian, kemudian Nabi diam.” (HR Ahmad)

Sebagaimana kita ketahui Ummat Islam dewasa ini sedang menjalani babak keempat dari lima babak perjalanan sejarahnya di Akhir Zaman.

Tiga babak sebelumnya telah dilalui:
Babak pertama, babak An-Nubuwwah (Kenabian) yakni masa ketika manhaj kenabian berlangsung
Babak kedua, babak Khilafatun ’ala Minhaj An-Nubuwwah (Kekhalifahan yang mengikuti Sistem / Metode Kenabian),

Babak ketiga, babak Mulkan ’Aadhdhon (Raja-raja yang menggigit)., masa ketika raja-raja masih “mengigit” / berpegangan pada Al-Qur’an dan Hadits.

Sesudah berlalunya babak ketiga yang ditandai dengan tigabelas abad masa kepemimpinan Kerajaan Daulat Bani Umayyah, kemudian Kerajaan Daulat Bani Abbasiyyah dan terakhir Kesultanan Utsmani Turki, maka selanjutnya ummat Islam memasuki babak keempat, babak Mulkan Jabbriyyan (Penguasa-penguasa yang memaksakan kehendak seraya mengabaikan kehendak Allah dan RasulNya).

Babak keempat diawali semenjak runtuhnya Kekhalifahan Utsmani Turki yang sekaligus merupakan kekhalifahan Islam terakhir pada tahun 1924.

Rasulullah shallallahu alaihi wasallam bersabda,”Ikatan-ikatan Islam akan lepas satu demi satu. Apabila lepas satu ikatan, akan diikuti oleh lepasnya ikatan berikutnya. Ikatan islam yang pertama kali lepas adalah pemerintahan dan yang terakhir adalah shalat.” (HR. Ahmad)

Saat ikatan islam yang pertama kali lepas adalah pada saat keruntuhan kekhalifahan Turki Ustmani
Sebuah episode sejarah keemasan Turki saat dipimpin oleh Khalifah Sultan Abdul Hamid II di awal abad ke-20.

Saat itu Theodore Hertzl, pemimpin Gerakan Zionis Internasional, mendatangi Abdul Hamid untuk meminta agar Turki Utsmani mau membagi sebagian tanah Palestina untuk dijadikan negara Israel. Permintaan Hertzl ini disertai dengan bujuk rayu dan janji, jika keinginannya dituruti maka Turki dan juga Sultan Abdul Hamid II akan diberi hadiah sangat besar oleh gerakan Zionis Internasional.

Namun dengan sikap tegas Abdul Hamid mengusir Hertzl seraya berkata, “Turki tidak akan pernah sekali pun menyerahkan Tanah Palestina kepada kamu hai orang-orang Yahudi. Tanah Palestina bukanlah milik Turki, melainkan milik seluruh umat Islam dunia. Jangan bermimpi bisa menginjak Tanah Palestina selama saya masih hidup!”

Sebab itu, Hertzl dan para tokoh Zionis lainnya merancang suatu konspirasi untuk menghancurkan kekhalifahan Islam Turki Utsmani sehingga kekhalifahan ini benar-benar ambruk pada tahun 1924 dan Turki pun diubah menjadi negeri Sekuler.

Keberakhiran kekhalifahan pada dasarnya karena terpengaruh paham individualisme dalam skala negara (nasionalisme) yang dilancarkan oleh kaum Zionis Yahudi. Paham nasionalisme untuk memecah belah umat Islam atau upaya meruntuhkan Ukhuwah Islamiyah. Kita telah terpecah belah ke dalam beberapa wilayah atau negara atau kesatuan dalam negara (nation state) yang dikenal dengan propaganda nasionalisme. Salah satu hasutan kaum Zionis Yahudi adalah menumbuhkan nasionalisme Arab.

Secara perlahan namun pasti, lembaga-lembaga kajian Islam yang didirikan para orientalis Barat (kaum Zionis Yahudi) ini meracuni pemikiran umat Islam Turki. Para orientalis menjelek-jelekkan sistem Islam dan membangga-banggakan sistem nasionalisme. Dari sinilah lahir gerakan nasionalisme Arab.

Jenderal Allenby mengirim seorang perwira Yahudi Inggris bernama Edward Terrence Lawrence ke Hijaz untuk menemui para pemimpin di sana. TE. Lawrence ini diterima dengan sangat baik dan seluruh hasutannya di makan mentah-mentah oleh tokoh-tokoh Hijaz. Maka orang-orang dari Hijaz ini kemudian membangkitkan nasionalisme Arab dan mengajak tokoh-tokoh pesisir Barat Saudi untuk berontak terhadap kekuasaan kekhalifahan Turki Utsmaniyah.

Pada awal Perang Dunia I tahun 1914, Zionis Yahudi Inggris pada saat itu berupaya menjamin kekuasaannya di negara-negara Syam dan Irak dengan cara memfungsikan tiga pendekatan yang kontradiktif, pertama; negosiasi dengan Syarif Husain bin Ali dengan mendorongnya mendeklarasikan revolusi Arab, kedua; negosiasi dengan Prancis membahas masa depan Palestina dan negara- negara Syam, akhirnya mereka setuju pada satu kesepakatan yang dikenal dengan kesepakatan Sykes Picot

Agreement pada bulan Mei 1916 dengan memberikan sebagian besar wilayah-wilayah Irak Timur Jordan dan daerah Haifah di Palestina kepada Inggris, Prancis mendapatkan Lebanon dan Suriah dan Palestina menjadi wilayah dibawah kawasan internasional karena pertimbangan banyak pihak yang menghendaki pendudukan atas wilayah Palestina

Kata-kata Deklarasi ini kemudian digabungkan ke dalam perjanjian damai Sèvres dengan Turki Utsmani dan Mandat untuk Palestina. Deklarasi yang ditandatangani oleh Balfour ialah sebagai berikut

Deklarasi Balfour
Foreign Office
November 2nd, 1917

Dear Lord Rothschild,
I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty’s Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.

“His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish pePLOe, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”

I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.
Yours sincerely,
Arthur James Balfour

Catatan tentang diskusi-diskusi yang menghasilkan teks akhir deklarasi Balfour ini menjelaskan beberapa rincian susunan kata-katanya. Frase “tanah air” secara disengaja digunakan sebagai pengganti “negara”, dan Inggris mencurahkan beberapa usaha pada dekade-dekade berikutnya untuk menyangkal bahwa mereka memaksudkan pembentukan suatu negara, termasuk Buku Putih Churchill, 1922. Namun demikian, secara pribadi, banyak pejabat Inggris setuju dengan interpretasi kaum Zionis bahwa hasil akhir yang diharapkan memang adalah sebuah negara.

Dalam sebuah wawancara dalam majalah New Statesman, pada November 2002 menteri luar negeri Inggris, Jack Straw tidak menyetujui penjajahan Inggris masa lalu atas banyak masalah politik modern, termasuk konflik Arab-Israel. Jack Straw mengungkapkan “Deklarasi Balfour, merupakan sejarah yang menarik buat kami, namun bukan sesuatu yang terhormat, karena disatu sisi Inggris memberikan janji kepada Palestina Untuk memberikan kemerdekan dan disisi lain Inggris memberikan jaminan kepada Israel untuk mendirikan negara di tanah Palestina“

Deklarasi Balfour adalah sebuah perjanjian yang paling aneh dan kontradiktif dengan kesepakatan kesepakatan lain, dimana dalam deklarasi ini Inggris berjanji untuk memberikan wilayah yang bukan miliknya bahkan wilayah tersebut belum dijajah Inggris, hal ini terjadi di saat Inggris mencapai puncak kejayaannya dengan mengklaim dirinya sebagai pembela nilai-nilai prinsip kemanusiaan.

Syarif Husain bin Ali sebagai Amir Mekah menolak untuk mengakui negara Israel. Sebagai Khadim Al Haramain atau ‘Penjaga Dua Kota Suci’, beliau tidak sanggup mengkhianati amanah yang diberikan oleh umat Islam dengan mengakui negara haram Israel yang didirikan di atas tanah kaum muslimin.

Beliau terpaksa membayar penolakan tersebut dengan harga yang sangat mahal yaitu kehilangan kedudukan sebagai Amir Mekah dan Raja Hijaz.

Hal sama dapat kita ketahui dari tulisan pada http://www.eramuslim.com/berita/tahukah-anda/lawrence-of-arabia-di-balik-berdirinya-kerajaan-saudi.htm

Berikut kutipannya
****** awal kutipan ******
Menurut logika yang sehat, seharusnyalah Kerajaan Saudi Arabia menjadi pemimpin bagi Dunia Islam dalam segala hal yang menyangkut keIslaman. Pemimpin dalam menyebarkan dakwah Islam, sekaligus pemimpin Dunia Islam dalam menghadapi serangan kaum kuffar yang terus-menerus melakukan serangan terhadap agama Allah SWT ini dalam berbagai bentuk, baik dalam hal Al-Ghawz Al-Fikri (serangan pemikiran dan kebudayaan) maupun serangan Qital.

Seharusnyalah Saudi Arabia menjadi pelindung bagi Muslim Palestina, Muslim Afghanistan, Muslim Irak, Muslim Pattani, Muslim Rohingya, Muslim Bosnia, Muslim Azebaijan, dan kaum Muslimin di seluruh dunia. Tapi yang terjadi dalam realitas sesungguhnya, mungkin masih jadi pertanyaan banyak pihak. Karena harapan itu masih jauh dari kenyataan.

Craig Unger, mantan deputi director New York Observer di dalam karyanya yang sangat berani berjudul “Dinasti Bush Dinasti Saud” (2004) memaparkan kelakuan beberapa oknum di dalam tubuh kerajaan negeri itu, bahkan di antaranya termasuk para pangeran dari keluarga kerajaan.

“Pangeran Bandar yang dikenal sebagai ‘Saudi Gatsby’ dengan ciri khas janggut dan jas rapih, adalah anggoa kerajaan Dinasti Saudi yang bergaya hidup Barat, berada di kalangan jetset, dan belajar di Barat. Bandar selalu mengadakan jamuan makan mewah di rumahnya yang megah di seluruh dunia. Kapan pun ia bisa pergi dengan aman dari Arab Saudi dan dengan entengnya melabrak batas-batas aturan seorang Muslim. Ia biasa minum Brandy dan menghisap cerutu Cohiba, ” tulis Unger.

Bandar, tambah Unger, merupakan contoh perilaku dan gaya hidup sejumlah syaikh yang berada di lingkungan kerajaan Arab Saudi. “Dalam hal gaya hidup Baratnya, ia bisa mengalahkan orang Barat paling fundamentalis sekali pun. ”

Bandar adalah putera dari Pangeran Sultan, Menteri Pertahanan Saudi. Dia juga kemenakan dari Raja Fahd dan orang kedua yang berhak mewarisi mahkota kerajaan, sekaligus cucu dari (alm) King Abdul Aziz, pendiri Kerajaan Saudi modern.

Bukan hanya Pangeran Bandar yang begitu, beberapa kebijakan dan sikap kerajaan terkadang juga agak membingungkan. Siapa pun tak kan bisa menyangkal bahwa Kerajaan Saudi amat dekat—jika tidak bisa dikatakan sekutu terdekat—Amerika Serikat. Di mulut, para syaikh-syaikh itu biasa mencaci maki Zionis-Israel dan Amerika, tetapi mata dunia melihat banyak di antara mereka yang berkawan akrab dan bersekutu dengannya.

Barangkali kenyataan inilah yang bisa menjawab mengapa Kerajaan Saudi menyerahkan penjagaan keamanan bagi negerinya—termasuk Makkah dan Madinah—kepada tentara Zionis Amerika.

Bahkan dikabarkan bahwa Saudi pula yang mengontak Vinnel Corporation di tahun 1970-an untuk melatih tentaranya, Saudi Arabian National Guard (SANG) dan mengadakan logistik tempur bagi tentaranya. Vinnel merupakan salah satu Privat Military Company (PMC) terbesar di Amerika Serikat yang bisa disamakan dengan perusahaan penyedia tentara bayaran.

Ketika umat Islam dunia melihat pasukan Amerika Serikat yang hendak mendirikan pangkalan militer utama AS dalam menghadapi invasi Irak atas Kuwait beberapa tahun lalu, maka hal itu tidak lepas dari kebijakan orang-orang yang berada dalam kerajaan tersebut.

Langkah-langkah mengejutkan yang diambil pihak Kerajaan Saudi tersebut sesungguhnya tidak mengejutkan bagi yang tahu latar belakang berdirinya Kerajaan Saudi Arabia itu sendiri. Tidak perlu susah-sudah mencari tahu tentang hal ini dan tidak perlu membaca buku-buku yang tebal atau bertanya kepada profesor yang sangat pakar.

Pergilah ke tempat penyewaan VCD atau DVD, cari sebuah film yang dirilis tahun 1962 berjudul ‘Lawrence of Arabia’ dan tontonlah. Di dalam film yang banyak mendapatkan penghargaan internasional tersebut, dikisahkan tentang peranan seorang letnan dari pasukan Inggris bernama lengkap Thomas Edward Lawrence, anak buah dari Jenderal Allenby (jenderal ini ketika merebut Yerusalem menginjakkan kakinya di atas makam Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi dan dengan lantang berkata, “Hai Saladin, hari ini telah kubalaskan dendam kaumku dan telah berakhir Perang Salib dengan kemenangan kami!”).

Film ini memang agak kontroversial, ada yang membenarkan namun ada juga yang menampiknya. Namun produser mengaku bahwa film ini diangkat dari kejadian nyata, yang bertutur dengan jujur tentang siapa yang berada di balik berdirinya Kerajaan Saudi Arabia.

Konon kala itu Jazirah Arab merupakan bagian dari wilayah kekuasaan Kekhalifahan Turki Utsmaniyah, sebuah kekhalifahan umat Islam dunia yang wilayahnya sampai ke Aceh. Lalu dengan bantuan Lawrence dan jaringannya, suatu suku atau klan melakukan pemberontakan (bughot) terhadap Kekhalifahan Turki Utsmaniyah dan mendirikan kerajaan yang terpisah, lepas, dari wilayah kekhalifahan Islam itu.

Bahkan di film itu digambarkan bahwa klanSaud dengan bantuan Lawrence mendirikan kerajaan sendiri yang terpisah dari khilfah Turki Utsmani. Sejarahwan Inggris, Martin Gilbert, di dalam tulisannya “Lawrence of Arabia was a Zionist” seperti yang dimuat di Jerusalem Post edisi 22 Februari 2007, menyebut Lawrence sebagai agen Zionisme.

Sejarah pun menyatakan, hancurnya Kekhalifahan Turki Utsmani ini pada tahun 1924 merupakan akibat dari infiltrasi Zonisme setelah Sultan Mahmud II menolak keinginan Theodore Hertzl untuk menyerahkan wilayah Palestina untuk bangsa Zionis-Yahudi. Operasi penghancuran Kekhalifahan Turki Utsmani dilakukan Zionis bersamaan waktunya dengan mendukung pembrontakan Klan Saud terhadap Kekalifahan Utsmaniyah, lewat Lawrence of Arabia.

Entah apa yang terjadi, namun hingga detik ini, Kerajaan Saudi Arabia, walau Makkah al-Mukaramah dan Madinah ada di dalam wilayahnya, tetap menjadi sekutu terdekat Amerika Serikat. Mereka tetap menjadi sahabat yang manis bagi Amerika.

Selain film ‘Lawrence of Arabia’, ada beberapa buku yang bisa menggambarkan hal ini yang sudah diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Antara lain:

Wa’du Kissinger (Belitan Amerika di Tanah Suci, Membongkar Strategi AS Menguasai Timur Tengah, karya DR. Safar Al-Hawali—mantan Dekan Fakultas Akidah Universitas Ummul Quro Makkah, yang dipecat dan ditahan setelah menulis buku ini, yang edisi Indonesianya diterbitkan Jazera, 2005)

Dinasti Bush Dinasti Saud, Hubungan Rahasia Antara Dua Dinasti Terkuat Dunia (Craig Unger, 2004, edisi Indonesianya diterbitkan oleh Diwan, 2006)

Timur Tengah di Tengah Kancah Dunia (George Lenczowski, 1992)
History oh the Arabs (Philip K. Hitti, 2006)

Sebab itu, banyak kalangan yang berasumsi bawah berdirinya Kerajaan Saudi Arabia adalah akibat “pemberontakan” terhadap Kekhalifahan Islam Turki Utsmani dan diback-up oleh Lawrence, seorang agen Zionis dan bawahan Jenderal Allenby yang sangat Islamofobia. Mungkin realitas ini juga yang sering dijadikan alasan, mengapa Arab Saudi sampai sekarang kurang perannya sebagai pelindung utama bagi kekuatan Dunia Islam, wallahu a’lam. (Rz)

***** akhir kutipan ******
Dari buku berjudul “Api Sejarah”, karya Ahmad Mansur Suryanegara yang diterbitkan Salamadani Pustaka Semesta, cetakan I Juli 2009 halaman 167 dapat kita ketahui bahwa gerakan Zionisme dalam gerakan politiknya ada dua langkah kerjasama yakni

Pengakuan AS atas Ketidakmampuan dalam Memajukan Pembicaraan Damai

Kurang dari tiga pekan dari berakhirnya tenggat waktu selama sembilan bulan untuk babak baru perundingan kompromi antara Palestina dan rezim Zionis Israel, Menteri Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat sebagai mediator negosiasi tersebut mengakui ketidakmampuan Washington untuk memajukan pembicaraan damai itu.


John Kerry, Menteri Luar Negeri AS dalam pernyataannya mengenai perundingan antara Palestina dan Israel, pada Jumat (4/4) mengatakan, mengingat adanya langkah-langkah yang tidak konstruktif dari kedua belah pihak yang berunding selama beberapa hari terakhir dan juga karena keterbatasan kemampuan AS untuk memajukan pembicaraan tersebut, maka ada kemungkinan upaya Washington dalam proses perundingan damai Timur Tengah akan terhenti.


Statemen tersebut dilontarkan Kerry sehari setelah Israel mengumumkan bahwa Tel Aviv telah memutuskan untuk membatalkan tahap ke-4 pembebasan tahanan Palestina. Keputusan tersebut diambil ketika sebelumnya Israel telah berkomitmen untuk membebaskan104 tahanan Palestina di tahap ke-4 pembebasan. Namun hingga kini, Israel hanya melaksanakan tiga tahap dari kesepakatan yang telah ditandatangani dengan Otorita Ramallah itu. Padahal, tahap ke-4 pembebasan tahanan Palestina seharusnya dilaksanakan pada akhir bulan Maret 2014.


Penundaan pembebasan tahanan Palestina dan tidak adanya perkembangan dalam perundingan telah menyebabkan Mahmoud Abbas, Ketua Otorita Ramallah secara resmi menandatangani tuntutan keanggotaan "pemerintah Palestina" di lembaga-lembaga internasional sebagai protes terhadap keputusan Israel.  


Transformasi terbaru di Palestina telah menyebabkan kunjungan Kerry sebagai sponsor dan penengah babak baru pembicaraan kompromi, ke Ramallah untuk bertemu dengan Abbas dibatalkan.  Sementara itu, tenggat waktu selama sembilan bulan akan segera berakhir pada akhir bulan April. Dengan demikian, pembicaraan yang tidak pernah mencapai hasil nyata itu telah diambang kegagalan.


Babak baru pembicaraan kompromi antara Otorita Ramallah dan rezim Zionis berlanjut sejak musim panas tahun lalu setelah terhenti selama tiga tahun. Pembicaraan tersebut dilanjutkan atas mediasi AS. Sejak awal, kebanyakan kelompok Palestina telah memperkirakan bahwa babak baru perundingan itu tidak akan mencapai hasil apapun seperti negosiasi-negosiasi sebelumnya. Sebab, Israel selama ini tidak pernah komitmen dengan janji-janjinya dan tidak melaksanakan pra-syarat termasuk penghentian pembangunan distrik-distrik Zionis di wilayah Palestina yang diduduki.


Kebuntuan perundingan damai tersebut menunjukkan bahwa diplomasi AS dalam menyelesaikan krisis Palestina yang dipusatkan pada proses pembicaraan kompromi dan kepentingan Israel telah gagal. Hal itu tampak jelas dalam kunjungan berturut-turut terutama kunjungan Menlu AS ke Palestina pendudukan (Israel) pada pekan lalu tanpa hasil apapun.


Kegagalan berturut-turut dari berbagai perundingan dan pembicaraan damai adalah bukti nyata bahwa langkah tersebut tidak mampu menyelesaikan krisis Palestina. Oleh karena itu, opini publik Palestina berharap Otorita Ramallah akan merevisi kebijakannya terkait perundingan kompromi dengan Israel dan mengambil langkah tepat untuk merealisasikan cita-cita bangsa Palestina.


Kelompok-kelompok Palestina termasuk Gerakan Muqawama Islam Palestina (Hamas) dan Jihad Islam meyakini bahwa dalam kondisi saat ini kekompakan dan solidaritas di antara rakyat Palestina adalah langkah dan kinerja terbaik untuk menghadapi langkah-langkah rezim Zionis dan konspirasi para pendukungnya khususnya AS.


Menurut mereka, persatuan di antara kelompok-kelompok Palestina akan mampu membantu merealisasikan cita-cita bangsa Palestina untuk membentuk sebuah negara independen dengan Baitul Maqdis sebagai ibukotanya. (IRIB Indonesia/RA/NA)

Krisis Suriah dan Standar Ganda PBB

Deputi Menteri Luar Negeri Suriah Faisal Mekdad mengatakan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) telah mengabaikan keberadaan teroris di Suriah.
Dia dalam artikelnya, Sabtu (5/4) di harian al-Binaa cetakan Lebanon, menulis, "PBB – meskipun meratifikasi sejumlah resolusi dengan tema perang melawan terorisme – menutup mata atas kegiatan teroris di Suriah dan mereka telah menjadi alat kepentingan untuk beberapa kekuatan."
Mekdad meminta organisasi internasional itu untuk mengadopsi sikap dan kebijakan yang adil dan bukan menerapkan standar ganda terhadap sejumlah negara. Menurutnya, kinerja dan pendekatan PBB perlu diperbaiki.

PBB – yang lahir setelah Perang Dunia II – dibentuk oleh kekuatan-kekuatan utama dunia untuk melindungi perdamaian dan keamanan global. Berdasarkan pasal satu Piagam PBB, misi utama lembaga dunia itu adalah menjaga perdamaian dan keamanan internasional. Sejalan dengan pasal tersebut, PBB harus mengatasi krisis dan ancaman-ancaman terhadap perdamaian dengan cara damai dan sesuai dengan prinsip keadilan dan hukum internasional.

Sejumlah krisis yang pecah di dunia menunjukkan bahwa PBB tidak berhasil dalam menjalankan mandatnya sebagai lembaga penjaga perdamaian. Sebagai contoh, organisasi internasional itu menjalankan kebijakan standar ganda terhadap krisis di Suriah.

Suriah sejak Maret 2011 menghadapi sebuah krisis serius yang diciptakan oleh beberapa negara regional dan internasional. Krisis Suriah telah memasuki tahun ketiga dan pengiriman militan bersenjata dari berbagai penjuru dunia ke Suriah masih terus berlanjut. Menurut para pejabat Damaskus, teroris dari 80 negara dunia hadir di Suriah untuk bertempur.

Anasir-anasir teroris melakukan berbagai kejahatan sadis terhadap rakyat Suriah di bawah kebungkaman dan sikap pasif PBB. Standar ganda PBB di Suriah telah membuka jalan bagi pihak asing untuk mendukung kelompok-kelompok teroris yang beroperasi di negara itu.

Padahal, pemerintah Damaskus berulang kali menyeru Dewan Keamanan dan Dewan HAM PBB untuk mengesampingkan standar ganda dan berkomitmen untuk memerangi terorisme. Namun anehnya, sejumlah negara termasuk beberapa anggota PBB justru menghalangi Dewan Keamanan untuk mengecam kekejaman yang dilakukan oleh militan di Suriah.

Damaskus juga meminta PBB untuk mengambil langkah-langkah serius dan bertanggung jawab terhadap terorisme di Suriah.

Kinerja lemah PBB terhadap krisis di Suriah dijalankan pada saat negara itu membangun kerjasama konstruktif dengan lembaga-lembaga internasional termasuk, Organisasi Pelarangan Senjata Kimia (OPCW). Pemerintah Damaskus sejalan dengan komitmennya untuk menyelesaikan krisis, telah menyerahkan senjata kimianya untuk dimusnahkan.

Sikap PBB mengenai rezim Zionis Israel berbeda jauh dengan perlakuan lembaga itu terhadap Suriah. Damaskus senantiasa menghormati keputusan-keputusan yang dikeluarkan oleh Majelis Umum PBB dan Dewan Keamanan, tapi Tel Aviv – dengan lampu hijau Barat khususnya Amerika Serikat – selalu melanggar hukum internasional.

Berdasarkan pengakuan pejabat dari beberapa negara dunia, Israel dengan menyimpan sekitar 300-400 hulu ledak nuklir, merupakan ancaman serius terhadap keamanan kawasan dan dunia.

Sikap pasif PBB terhadap kegiatan teroris di Suriah kian menjauhkan organisasi internasional itu dari filosofi pencetusannya yaitu, menciptakan perdamaian dan keamanan dunia. (IRIB Indonesia/RM)

To Saudi royals: Where is your humanity?

Saudi king Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz
Saudi king Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz
Perhaps it started as sheer coincidence, but just like a fire that starts from the smallest sparks, words that strike a chord with the oppressed in the oil kingdom could ignite the flammable stock of discontent that has been accumulating for decades in Saudi Arabia.
This is in short the essence of a new wave of appeals made by a new generation of people who do not necessarily belong to the past, despite their relatively disparate social and ideological allegiances. They might not be subject to the influence of the traditional concept of the tribal elder, which Abdul Aziz and his successors tried to transform into lowly recipients of handouts in return for their allegiance to the Saudi monarchy.
Today, they seem to be engaged in a well-developed, popular movement worthy of observation and analysis.
In what is a new, interactive, and courageous way to express the voice of the majority of young people in the oppressive kingdom, a group of youths from different tribes and regions of Saudi Arabia have started posting short video messages on YouTube, highlighting various popular demands.
The videos are structured in a way where a young activist, identified by the name of his or her tribe, makes a timed statement on camera lasting between 30 seconds and 3 minutes. The brief statements directly address King Abdullah, explaining issues people face such as: unemployment, poverty, shortages in housing and public services, and other socio-political issues like the freedom of expression and assembly.
Similar to what happened during the #Salaries_Not_Enough campaign, which quickly trended on Twitter, a hashtag was set up for the new appeals with the words: “The people have their say.” The campaign has so far mainly attracted youths, who have been sharing the videos and messages. Notable intellectuals and journalists have preferred to wait and see for the time being.
Below, we quote word for the most prominent posts spotted on social media, in chronological order:
On March 22, the man identified as Abdul-Aziz bin Fahd al-Dosari appeared in a 33-second clip, saying things that have not been heard in the kingdom for decades. Addressing King Abdullah directly, he said,
“I am a Saudi citizen. I do not get more than 1900 riyals ($506) [monthly]. By God, O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, is this enough for dowry, a car, or a home? Brother, we are tired, and yet you blame those who bomb…O brother, help us; until when should we beg you from the oil [money]? Give us what you and your children have been playing with…give us what is our right […].”
The video received record views shortly after it was posted. By April 1, it had 1.6 million views.
On March 23, Abdullah Mabrouk bin Othman al-Ghamdi from the city of Bisha in southwest Saudi Arabia, posted another video, commenting on Dosari’s video. Addressing the king as well, he said:
“Based on my experience and observations, I support what the young man said in his appeal to the king. I ask everyone to join-in in the same manner so that our voice can reach the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, and so that he learns of the situation, of the low wages, the rampant corruption, and the injustice, and that it is neither reasonable nor acceptable for a small elite, be it in power or a corrupt elite, to control state funds, while the rest of the people are starving and living in poverty and injustice. For this reason, I support what the young man said.”
He then displayed his identity card bearing his name and photograph, and called again on everyone to participate in the campaign. By April 1, the video had received up to 737,167 hits.
On March 27, Saoud Mardi Abdullah al-Bidani al-Harbi, born in Riyadh, posted a video expressing solidarity with the demands made previously. Commenting on the videos, he said:
“Of course, these are our demands, the demands of an entire people. Our voices have grown hoarse from talking about them. Our demands are easy…there is no need to come see them on Twitter or elsewhere, because they are all present in the advisor’s wastebasket. Don’t push the people to protest; do not force us to go into the street, because the number of black police cars is simply much less than the number of free people. It is easy for us to take to the street and demand our rights, in a peaceful manner of course, so please, please heed our voices. You have spoken to Jews and Christians, and tomorrow you will speak to Obama…please listen to us, fulfill our demands. We want housing, we want to have a decent life.”
Harbi then also showed his identity card with his photo and name on it.
On March 30, Abdul-Rahman Ali Ahmed Ghreidi al-Asiri, a physician, posted a video message, giving in 2 minutes and 32 seconds his brief and bold commentary, and said:
“I, citizen Abdul-Rahman Ali Ahmed Ghreidi al-Asiri, from Tuhama Asir (southwest Saudi), have seen videos by some of our good young compatriots like Dosari, Ghamdi, and Harbi, demanding their rights, their most simple rights, and they were imprisoned on the following day. The problem with you O House of Saud is that you deliberately humiliate and impoverish the people…poor Dosari said his salary is 1900 and this is not enough to buy dinner for one of your children. The next day, we saw how one of your princes bought a car inlaid with gold…
The problem with you, House of Saud, is that you have stolen everything. You stole our name, our country, and attributed it to you but by what right? You stole Islam and distorted it, you stole the prophet and made him a Saudi. Instead of distributing oil [revenues] among us and give to the people, you impoverish them, humiliate them, and if you do distribute it then you give it to the enemies of the nation like [Egyptian Defense Minister Abdel-Fattah] al-Sisi and the Christians of Lebanon who see Arabs as nothing but scum [Sic].
The problem is that you have stolen everything. I am a doctor and I worked and trained at the [National] Guard, military hospitals, and Ministry of Health hospitals. One time, I put three patients on the same bed.
Where is this Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz? I am demanding rights; firstly, I ask why did you imprison them? These people demanded their right, so why arrest them? The man who was given a car inlaid with gold, it is from him that we want to take our rights.
As I record this video, you have bought allegiance for [Prince] Muqrin. The people are a piece of furniture [to you], this is unacceptable. If we speak out, then you imprison us, and say: if you don’t like it then leave the country. This is not your country alone. The people are asking for their rights. We want freedom, and I warn you, we want the right thing for our country. Yemen and Tunisia and others are in their second republic, and Saudi would enter its first republic if you don’t act.”
Then he brandished his identity card and showed it to the camera. The video has had over 1.5 million views.
On March 31, Wafi Mardi Abdullah al-Bidani al-Harbi, who is 18 years old, appeared in a video message after the arrest of his brother Saoud, and spoke about the detention of those who he said had only demanded their rights like his brother, Abdul Aziz al-Dosari, and others. He said:
“What about the supposed freedom of expression? Since when has demanding one’s rights become a crime punishable by prison in the country of the Two Holy Mosques, when they are legitimate and peaceful? The error and the crime are the arrests themselves…Oppression will not work.”
He then sent out two messages, the first addressing Mohammed bin Nayef, the interior minister, saying,
“We have had enough of rhetoric, yet we have almost died of thirst…we just want to live a decent life without injustice and persecution…enough is enough…our demands are our rights…bear in mind that the barrier of fear has been broken, and many among the people are not cowards.”
He then addressed the people, recounting a story told by Ali ibn Abi Taleb, who said that if you see the oppressor continuing to engage in injustice then know that his end is inevitable, and if you see the oppressed continuing to resist his oppressor, then know that his victory is inevitable. He then said,
“I hope I do not get myself detained like those before me. If I am detained then I hope that these appeals and initiatives do not go to waste.”
The younger Harbi then also showed his id card to the camera, bearing his full name. Within a day, the video had received 240,777 hits.
On March 31, the 23-year-old man Maaz Mohammed Suleiman al-Juhani from the Hijaz spoke and said,
“I want to address a message to the House of Saud[…]. You steal people’s money, ask people to give you their money, and then imprison them for debt. Where is your humanity? We call on the government to distribute the country’s wealth fairly among the people, and not monopolize it and steal it by you and your children, and to build housing, employ the unemployed, and increase wages. Otherwise, there will be dire consequences.”
On April 2, another young man appeared in a video message addressing the king. He said,
“I salute the five heroes, Dosari, Harbi, Ghamdi, Asiri, and Juhani…
O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz; my name is Ghanem Hammoud Farah al-Masarir al-Dosari. These five are a crown on your head and prison is not where they belong…prison is a place for oppressors, evildoers, and tyrants…
O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz; you are immoral and a liar. You promised a fund to the poor eight years ago but they haven’t seen it.
O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz; you have plundered the wealth of the country under the guise of economic cities and fictive projects that are all just ink on paper.
O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz; you have squandered the country's wealth on Sisi’s gangs and coups everywhere, and yet you say you are the custodian of the Two Holy Mosques.
O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz; from time to time, you throw crumbs at the people and you call it a royal gift. If they were of your salary and your trouble, then you could call them whatever you please, but the rights of the people are no gifts from you or anyone else.
O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz; you say you are a humane king, but humaneness is innocent of you. Even your daughters have not been spared from your evil, and have been imprisoned for thirteen years.
People of the Two Holy Mosques; all peoples impeach their rulers when they become thieves, so when will you say to the thieves that they have no place among you?”
The above were some of the videos that have gone viral on social media and among Saudi youths for many reasons, including their outright boldness, the fact that they stuck a chord with the majority of young people and their concerns, their brevity, and most importantly because they were made by young people themselves.
The Saudi government’s reaction has been negative as expected. The Saudi government detained one young man after the other, but the Saudi youth have responded by staying defiant and showing their willingness to pay the price for their stances.
It seems that we are seeing a new wave of political protests and civil resistance worth watching, amid the insistence of the Saudi regime on pursuing a security-based approach in dealing with the demands of young people, who are an underprivileged majority in the oil kingdom.
By: Fouad al-Ibrahim
- See more at: http://en.alalam.ir/news/1582901#sthash.bl0gsH2R.dpuf

To Saudi royals: Where is your humanity?

Saudi king Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz
Saudi king Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz
Perhaps it started as sheer coincidence, but just like a fire that starts from the smallest sparks, words that strike a chord with the oppressed in the oil kingdom could ignite the flammable stock of discontent that has been accumulating for decades in Saudi Arabia.
This is in short the essence of a new wave of appeals made by a new generation of people who do not necessarily belong to the past, despite their relatively disparate social and ideological allegiances. They might not be subject to the influence of the traditional concept of the tribal elder, which Abdul Aziz and his successors tried to transform into lowly recipients of handouts in return for their allegiance to the Saudi monarchy.
Today, they seem to be engaged in a well-developed, popular movement worthy of observation and analysis.
In what is a new, interactive, and courageous way to express the voice of the majority of young people in the oppressive kingdom, a group of youths from different tribes and regions of Saudi Arabia have started posting short video messages on YouTube, highlighting various popular demands.
The videos are structured in a way where a young activist, identified by the name of his or her tribe, makes a timed statement on camera lasting between 30 seconds and 3 minutes. The brief statements directly address King Abdullah, explaining issues people face such as: unemployment, poverty, shortages in housing and public services, and other socio-political issues like the freedom of expression and assembly.
Similar to what happened during the #Salaries_Not_Enough campaign, which quickly trended on Twitter, a hashtag was set up for the new appeals with the words: “The people have their say.” The campaign has so far mainly attracted youths, who have been sharing the videos and messages. Notable intellectuals and journalists have preferred to wait and see for the time being.
Below, we quote word for the most prominent posts spotted on social media, in chronological order:
On March 22, the man identified as Abdul-Aziz bin Fahd al-Dosari appeared in a 33-second clip, saying things that have not been heard in the kingdom for decades. Addressing King Abdullah directly, he said,
“I am a Saudi citizen. I do not get more than 1900 riyals ($506) [monthly]. By God, O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, is this enough for dowry, a car, or a home? Brother, we are tired, and yet you blame those who bomb…O brother, help us; until when should we beg you from the oil [money]? Give us what you and your children have been playing with…give us what is our right […].”
The video received record views shortly after it was posted. By April 1, it had 1.6 million views.
On March 23, Abdullah Mabrouk bin Othman al-Ghamdi from the city of Bisha in southwest Saudi Arabia, posted another video, commenting on Dosari’s video. Addressing the king as well, he said:
“Based on my experience and observations, I support what the young man said in his appeal to the king. I ask everyone to join-in in the same manner so that our voice can reach the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, and so that he learns of the situation, of the low wages, the rampant corruption, and the injustice, and that it is neither reasonable nor acceptable for a small elite, be it in power or a corrupt elite, to control state funds, while the rest of the people are starving and living in poverty and injustice. For this reason, I support what the young man said.”
He then displayed his identity card bearing his name and photograph, and called again on everyone to participate in the campaign. By April 1, the video had received up to 737,167 hits.
On March 27, Saoud Mardi Abdullah al-Bidani al-Harbi, born in Riyadh, posted a video expressing solidarity with the demands made previously. Commenting on the videos, he said:
“Of course, these are our demands, the demands of an entire people. Our voices have grown hoarse from talking about them. Our demands are easy…there is no need to come see them on Twitter or elsewhere, because they are all present in the advisor’s wastebasket. Don’t push the people to protest; do not force us to go into the street, because the number of black police cars is simply much less than the number of free people. It is easy for us to take to the street and demand our rights, in a peaceful manner of course, so please, please heed our voices. You have spoken to Jews and Christians, and tomorrow you will speak to Obama…please listen to us, fulfill our demands. We want housing, we want to have a decent life.”
Harbi then also showed his identity card with his photo and name on it.
On March 30, Abdul-Rahman Ali Ahmed Ghreidi al-Asiri, a physician, posted a video message, giving in 2 minutes and 32 seconds his brief and bold commentary, and said:
“I, citizen Abdul-Rahman Ali Ahmed Ghreidi al-Asiri, from Tuhama Asir (southwest Saudi), have seen videos by some of our good young compatriots like Dosari, Ghamdi, and Harbi, demanding their rights, their most simple rights, and they were imprisoned on the following day. The problem with you O House of Saud is that you deliberately humiliate and impoverish the people…poor Dosari said his salary is 1900 and this is not enough to buy dinner for one of your children. The next day, we saw how one of your princes bought a car inlaid with gold…
The problem with you, House of Saud, is that you have stolen everything. You stole our name, our country, and attributed it to you but by what right? You stole Islam and distorted it, you stole the prophet and made him a Saudi. Instead of distributing oil [revenues] among us and give to the people, you impoverish them, humiliate them, and if you do distribute it then you give it to the enemies of the nation like [Egyptian Defense Minister Abdel-Fattah] al-Sisi and the Christians of Lebanon who see Arabs as nothing but scum [Sic].
The problem is that you have stolen everything. I am a doctor and I worked and trained at the [National] Guard, military hospitals, and Ministry of Health hospitals. One time, I put three patients on the same bed.
Where is this Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz? I am demanding rights; firstly, I ask why did you imprison them? These people demanded their right, so why arrest them? The man who was given a car inlaid with gold, it is from him that we want to take our rights.
As I record this video, you have bought allegiance for [Prince] Muqrin. The people are a piece of furniture [to you], this is unacceptable. If we speak out, then you imprison us, and say: if you don’t like it then leave the country. This is not your country alone. The people are asking for their rights. We want freedom, and I warn you, we want the right thing for our country. Yemen and Tunisia and others are in their second republic, and Saudi would enter its first republic if you don’t act.”
Then he brandished his identity card and showed it to the camera. The video has had over 1.5 million views.
On March 31, Wafi Mardi Abdullah al-Bidani al-Harbi, who is 18 years old, appeared in a video message after the arrest of his brother Saoud, and spoke about the detention of those who he said had only demanded their rights like his brother, Abdul Aziz al-Dosari, and others. He said:
“What about the supposed freedom of expression? Since when has demanding one’s rights become a crime punishable by prison in the country of the Two Holy Mosques, when they are legitimate and peaceful? The error and the crime are the arrests themselves…Oppression will not work.”
He then sent out two messages, the first addressing Mohammed bin Nayef, the interior minister, saying,
“We have had enough of rhetoric, yet we have almost died of thirst…we just want to live a decent life without injustice and persecution…enough is enough…our demands are our rights…bear in mind that the barrier of fear has been broken, and many among the people are not cowards.”
He then addressed the people, recounting a story told by Ali ibn Abi Taleb, who said that if you see the oppressor continuing to engage in injustice then know that his end is inevitable, and if you see the oppressed continuing to resist his oppressor, then know that his victory is inevitable. He then said,
“I hope I do not get myself detained like those before me. If I am detained then I hope that these appeals and initiatives do not go to waste.”
The younger Harbi then also showed his id card to the camera, bearing his full name. Within a day, the video had received 240,777 hits.
On March 31, the 23-year-old man Maaz Mohammed Suleiman al-Juhani from the Hijaz spoke and said,
“I want to address a message to the House of Saud[…]. You steal people’s money, ask people to give you their money, and then imprison them for debt. Where is your humanity? We call on the government to distribute the country’s wealth fairly among the people, and not monopolize it and steal it by you and your children, and to build housing, employ the unemployed, and increase wages. Otherwise, there will be dire consequences.”
On April 2, another young man appeared in a video message addressing the king. He said,
“I salute the five heroes, Dosari, Harbi, Ghamdi, Asiri, and Juhani…
O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz; my name is Ghanem Hammoud Farah al-Masarir al-Dosari. These five are a crown on your head and prison is not where they belong…prison is a place for oppressors, evildoers, and tyrants…
O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz; you are immoral and a liar. You promised a fund to the poor eight years ago but they haven’t seen it.
O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz; you have plundered the wealth of the country under the guise of economic cities and fictive projects that are all just ink on paper.
O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz; you have squandered the country's wealth on Sisi’s gangs and coups everywhere, and yet you say you are the custodian of the Two Holy Mosques.
O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz; from time to time, you throw crumbs at the people and you call it a royal gift. If they were of your salary and your trouble, then you could call them whatever you please, but the rights of the people are no gifts from you or anyone else.
O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz; you say you are a humane king, but humaneness is innocent of you. Even your daughters have not been spared from your evil, and have been imprisoned for thirteen years.
People of the Two Holy Mosques; all peoples impeach their rulers when they become thieves, so when will you say to the thieves that they have no place among you?”
The above were some of the videos that have gone viral on social media and among Saudi youths for many reasons, including their outright boldness, the fact that they stuck a chord with the majority of young people and their concerns, their brevity, and most importantly because they were made by young people themselves.
The Saudi government’s reaction has been negative as expected. The Saudi government detained one young man after the other, but the Saudi youth have responded by staying defiant and showing their willingness to pay the price for their stances.
It seems that we are seeing a new wave of political protests and civil resistance worth watching, amid the insistence of the Saudi regime on pursuing a security-based approach in dealing with the demands of young people, who are an underprivileged majority in the oil kingdom.
By: Fouad al-Ibrahim
Source: Al Akhbar
- See more at: http://en.alalam.ir/news/1582901#sthash.bl0gsH2R.dpuf

To Saudi royals: Where is your humanity?


Saudi king Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz
Saudi king Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz

Perhaps it started as sheer coincidence, but just like a fire that starts from the smallest sparks, words that strike a chord with the oppressed in the oil kingdom could ignite the flammable stock of discontent that has been accumulating for decades in Saudi Arabia. 

This is in short the essence of a new wave of appeals made by a new generation of people who do not necessarily belong to the past, despite their relatively disparate social and ideological allegiances. They might not be subject to the influence of the traditional concept of the tribal elder, which Abdul Aziz and his successors tried to transform into lowly recipients of handouts in return for their allegiance to the Saudi monarchy.

Today, they seem to be engaged in a well-developed, popular movement worthy of observation and analysis.
In what is a new, interactive, and courageous way to express the voice of the majority of young people in the oppressive kingdom, a group of youths from different tribes and regions of Saudi Arabia have started posting short video messages on YouTube, highlighting various popular demands.

The videos are structured in a way where a young activist, identified by the name of his or her tribe, makes a timed statement on camera lasting between 30 seconds and 3 minutes. The brief statements directly address King Abdullah, explaining issues people face such as: unemployment, poverty, shortages in housing and public services, and other socio-political issues like the freedom of expression and assembly.

Similar to what happened during the #Salaries_Not_Enough campaign, which quickly trended on Twitter, a hash-tag was set up for the new appeals with the words: “The people have their say.” The campaign has so far mainly attracted youths, who have been sharing the videos and messages. Notable intellectuals and journalists have preferred to wait and see for the time being.

Below, we quote word for the most prominent posts spotted on social media, in chronological order:

On March 22, the man identified as Abdul-Aziz bin Fahd al-Dosari appeared in a 33-second clip, saying things that have not been heard in the kingdom for decades. Addressing King Abdullah directly, he said,

“I am a Saudi citizen. I do not get more than 1900 riyals ($506) [monthly]. By God, O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, is this enough for dowry, a car, or a home? Brother, we are tired, and yet you blame those who bomb…O brother, help us; until when should we beg you from the oil [money]? Give us what you and your children have been playing with…give us what is our right […].”

The video received record views shortly after it was posted. By April 1, it had 1.6 million views.

On March 23, Abdullah Mabrouk bin Othman al-Ghamdi from the city of Bisha in southwest Saudi Arabia, posted another video, commenting on Dosari’s video. Addressing the king as well, he said:

“Based on my experience and observations, I support what the young man said in his appeal to the king. I ask everyone to join-in in the same manner so that our voice can reach the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, and so that he learns of the situation, of the low wages, the rampant corruption, and the injustice, and that it is neither reasonable nor acceptable for a small elite, be it in power or a corrupt elite, to control state funds, while the rest of the people are starving and living in poverty and injustice. For this reason, I support what the young man said.”

He then displayed his identity card bearing his name and photograph, and called again on everyone to participate in the campaign. By April 1, the video had received up to 737,167 hits.

On March 27, Saoud Mardi Abdullah al-Bidani al-Harbi, born in Riyadh, posted a video expressing solidarity with the demands made previously. Commenting on the videos, he said:
“Of course, these are our demands, the demands of an entire people. Our voices have grown hoarse from talking about them. Our demands are easy…there is no need to come see them on Twitter or elsewhere, because they are all present in the advisor’s wastebasket. Don’t push the people to protest; do not force us to go into the street, because the number of black police cars is simply much less than the number of free people. It is easy for us to take to the street and demand our rights, in a peaceful manner of course, so please, please heed our voices. You have spoken to Jews and Christians, and tomorrow you will speak to Obama…please listen to us, fulfill our demands. We want housing, we want to have a decent life.”

Harbi then also showed his identity card with his photo and name on it.

On March 30, Abdul-Rahman Ali Ahmed Ghreidi al-Asiri, a physician, posted a video message, giving in 2 minutes and 32 seconds his brief and bold commentary, and said:

“I, citizen Abdul-Rahman Ali Ahmed Ghreidi al-Asiri, from Tuhama Asir (southwest Saudi), have seen videos by some of our good young compatriots like Dosari, Ghamdi, and Harbi, demanding their rights, their most simple rights, and they were imprisoned on the following day. The problem with you O House of Saud is that you deliberately humiliate and impoverish the people…poor Dosari said his salary is 1900 and this is not enough to buy dinner for one of your children. The next day, we saw how one of your princes bought a car inlaid with gold…
The problem with you, House of Saud, is that you have stolen everything. You stole our name, our country, and attributed it to you but by what right? You stole Islam and distorted it, you stole the prophet and made him a Saudi. Instead of distributing oil [revenues] among us and give to the people, you impoverish them, humiliate them, and if you do distribute it then you give it to the enemies of the nation like [Egyptian Defense Minister Abdel-Fattah] al-Sisi and the Christians of Lebanon who see Arabs as nothing but scum [Sic].
The problem is that you have stolen everything. I am a doctor and I worked and trained at the [National] Guard, military hospitals, and Ministry of Health hospitals. One time, I put three patients on the same bed.
Where is this Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz? I am demanding rights; firstly, I ask why did you imprison them? These people demanded their right, so why arrest them? The man who was given a car inlaid with gold, it is from him that we want to take our rights.
As I record this video, you have bought allegiance for [Prince] Muqrin. The people are a piece of furniture [to you], this is unacceptable. If we speak out, then you imprison us, and say: if you don’t like it then leave the country. This is not your country alone. The people are asking for their rights. We want freedom, and I warn you, we want the right thing for our country. Yemen and Tunisia and others are in their second republic, and Saudi would enter its first republic if you don’t act.”

Then he brandished his identity card and showed it to the camera. The video has had over 1.5 million views.

On March 31, Wafi Mardi Abdullah al-Bidani al-Harbi, who is 18 years old, appeared in a video message after the arrest of his brother Saoud, and spoke about the detention of those who he said had only demanded their rights like his brother, Abdul Aziz al-Dosari, and others. He said:

“What about the supposed freedom of expression? Since when has demanding one’s rights become a crime punishable by prison in the country of the Two Holy Mosques, when they are legitimate and peaceful? The error and the crime are the arrests themselves…Oppression will not work.”

He then sent out two messages, the first addressing Mohammed bin Nayef, the interior minister, saying,

“We have had enough of rhetoric, yet we have almost died of thirst…we just want to live a decent life without injustice and persecution…enough is enough…our demands are our rights…bear in mind that the barrier of fear has been broken, and many among the people are not cowards.”

He then addressed the people, recounting a story told by Ali ibn Abi Taleb, who said that if you see the oppressor continuing to engage in injustice then know that his end is inevitable, and if you see the oppressed continuing to resist his oppressor, then know that his victory is inevitable. He then said,

“I hope I do not get myself detained like those before me. If I am detained then I hope that these appeals and initiatives do not go to waste.”

The younger Harbi then also showed his id card to the camera, bearing his full name. Within a day, the video had received 240,777 hits.
On March 31, the 23-year-old man Maaz Mohammed Suleiman al-Juhani from the Hijaz spoke and said,
“I want to address a message to the House of Saud[…]. You steal people’s money, ask people to give you their money, and then imprison them for debt. Where is your humanity? We call on the government to distribute the country’s wealth fairly among the people, and not monopolize it and steal it by you and your children, and to build housing, employ the unemployed, and increase wages. Otherwise, there will be dire consequences.”

On April 2, another young man appeared in a video message addressing the king. He said,

“I salute the five heroes, Dosari, Harbi, Ghamdi, Asiri, and Juhani…
O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz; my name is Ghanem Hammoud Farah al-Masarir al-Dosari. These five are a crown on your head and prison is not where they belong…prison is a place for oppressors, evildoers, and tyrants…
O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz; you are immoral and a liar. You promised a fund to the poor eight years ago but they haven’t seen it.
O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz; you have plundered the wealth of the country under the guise of economic cities and fictive projects that are all just ink on paper.
O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz; you have squandered the country's wealth on Sisi’s gangs and coups everywhere, and yet you say you are the custodian of the Two Holy Mosques.
O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz; from time to time, you throw crumbs at the people and you call it a royal gift. If they were of your salary and your trouble, then you could call them whatever you please, but the rights of the people are no gifts from you or anyone else.
O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz; you say you are a humane king, but humaneness is innocent of you. Even your daughters have not been spared from your evil, and have been imprisoned for thirteen years.
People of the Two Holy Mosques; all peoples impeach their rulers when they become thieves, so when will you say to the thieves that they have no place among you?”

The above were some of the videos that have gone viral on social media and among Saudi youths for many reasons, including their outright boldness, the fact that they stuck a chord with the majority of young people and their concerns, their brevity, and most importantly because they were made by young people themselves.
The Saudi government’s reaction has been negative as expected. The Saudi government detained one young man after the other, but the Saudi youth have responded by staying defiant and showing their willingness to pay the price for their stances.

It seems that we are seeing a new wave of political protests and civil resistance worth watching, amid the insistence of the Saudi regime on pursuing a security-based approach in dealing with the demands of young people, who are an underprivileged majority in the oil kingdom.

By: Fouad al-Ibrahim
- See more at: http://en.alalam.ir/news/1582901#sthash.bl0gsH2R.dpuf

Arab Saudi Tuding 

Dunia Khianati Oposisi Suriah

Selasa, 25 Maret 2014 | 19:50 WIB 
YASSER AL-ZAYYAT / AFP Menteri Luar Negeri Somalia, Abdirahman Udale Bayle, duduk di sebelah kursi kosong yang seharusnya ditempati Menteri Luar Negeri Suriah, dalam sesi pertemuan para menlu di KTT Liga Arab di Kuwait City, Selasa (24/3/2014). Suriah didepak dari keanggotaan Liga Arab terkait konflik bersennjata di dalam negerinya.
Putra mahkota Arab Saudi, Pangeran Salman bin Abdulaziz, Selasa (24/3/2014), mengatakan komunitas internasional sudah mengkhianati para pemberontak Suriah karena gagal mempersenjatai mereka.

"Pemberontak Suriah telah dikhianati komunitas internasional dan ditinggalkan untuk menjadi mangsa penguasa tiran," kata Pangeran Salman di KTT Liga Arab yang digelar di Kuwait City.

Salman merujuk pada sejumlah negara yang tak memenuhi janji mereka untuk mempersenjatai para pemberontak yang melawan Presiden Bashar al-Assad, yang didukung Rusia dan Iran.

Arab Saudi adalah salah satu pendukung terbesar pemberontak Suriah sejak perang saudara pecah tiga tahun lalu.

"Suriah sudah menjadi medan pembunuhan dan penghancuran terbuka yang dilakukan rezim penguasa dengan partisipasi warga asing and teroris bersenjata yang datang dari berbagai tempat," tambah Pangeran Salman.

Dia juga menyerukan Liga Arab untuk mempercepat proses pengalihan kursi keanggotan Suriah kepada kelompok oposisi Koalisi Nasional, untuk memberi status formal kelompok itu agar mendapatkan pengakuan dunia.

Kursi keanggotaan Suriah di Liga Arab saat ini dibiarkan kosong setelah organisasi itu mendepak Suriah, sudah sejak KTT Liga Arab di Doha tahun lalu dijanjikan kepada kelompok oposisi.

Ketua Liga Arab Nabil al-Arabi mengatakan kelompok oposisi Suriah harus memenuhi sejumlah persyaratan legal sebelum mengambil alih kursi Suriah itu.

Alhasil, ketua Koalisi Nasional Ahmed Jarba sempat memberikan pidato di Kuwait City pada Senin (23/3/2014), namun tidak diperkenankan berbicara di kursi yang disediakan untuk delegasi Suriah.

Editor : Ervan Hardoko
Sumber: AFP

Israel lack of cooperation failed peace-talks :Official


A handout picture released by the Palestinian Press Office (PPO) shows Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas (C-R) meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry (C-L) in the Jordanian capital Amman, on March 26, 2014.
A handout picture released by the Palestinian Press Office (PPO) shows Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas (C-R) meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry (C-L) in the Jordanian capital Amman, on March 26, 2014.
The Palestinian Authority (PA) says the US-mediated talks with the Israeli regime has ended with no breakthrough blaming Tel Aviv for the failure and lack of cooperation.
A Palestinian official made the remarks on condition of anonymity on Sunday after PA and Israeli negotiators held talks with the US envoy, Martin Indyk, in a three-way meeting in East al-Quds (Jerusalem).
"Israel is preparing to return to routine dealings with the Palestinians as they were before the negotiations started nine months ago," the official said.
Hours before Sunday’s meeting, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu threatened to take unilateral measures against the PA, unless it dropped plans to seek membership in UN organizations.
Last Palestinian-Israeli talks had broken down in September 2010 after Tel Aviv refused to freeze its settlement activities in the occupied West Bank.
The presence and continued expansion of Israeli settlements in occupied Palestine has created a major obstacle for the efforts to establish peace in the Middle East.
More than half a million Israelis live in over 120 illegal settlements built since Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and East al-Quds in 1967.
The United Nations and most countries regard the Israeli settlements as illegal because the territories were captured by Israel in a war in 1967 and are hence subject to the Geneva Convention, which forbids construction on occupied lands.
- See more at: http://en.alalam.ir/news/1582868#sthash.VMUnS6gv.dpuf


Israel warns of unilateral measures against Palestine over treaty applications

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu chairs the weekly cabinet meeting on April 6, 2014. (Photo: AFP - Gali Tibbon)
Published Sunday, April 6, 2014
Updated at 3:05 pm:
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned on Sunday that Israel would take unilateral measures against Palestine if the Palestinian Authority goes ahead with applications to adhere to international treaties.

"These will only make a peace agreement more distant," he said of the applications the PA made on Tuesday to adhere to 15 international treaties.

"Any unilateral moves they take will be answered by unilateral moves at our end."
Meanwhile, Israeli warplanes attacked several sites in the besieged Gaza Strip Sunday, sources on both sides said.

Palestinian medical and security sources said five sites in northern and southern Gaza were hit, including training camps for the militant Islamic Jihad and Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas's military wing.
The Palestinians said there were no injuries in the attacks.

The Israeli army said in a statement that it "retaliated" to "ongoing rocket attacks from Gaza", targeting four "terror sites" in northern Gaza and a fifth in the south of the coastal territory.

On Saturday night, a rocket fired from Gaza hit an open area in southern Israel without causing damage or injuries, the army and police said.

Netanyahu, in his first public comments on a crisis in US-brokered peace talks with the Palestinians, said Israel was prepared to continue negotiations but "not at any price."

The treaties the PA applied include the Geneva conventions, which provides the legal basis of rejection of Israeli settlements in the occupied territories.

Israel says the move by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas was a clear breach of the commitments the Palestinians gave when peace talks were relaunched in July to pursue no other avenues for recognition of their promised state.

The Palestinians say Israel had already reneged on its own undertakings by failing to release a fourth and final batch of prisoners last weekend, and the treaty move was their response.

Yasser Abed Rabbo, general secretary of the Palestine Liberation Organization executive committee, blamed the latest talks crisis on Israel which "wants to extend the negotiations for ever" as it creates "more facts on the ground."

"Israel always implements unilateral steps," he told Voice of Palestine radio, saying the Palestinians were already being punished by Israel.

Officials from Netanyahu down have been cautious not to specify the exact nature of punitive measures Israel might take.

But media reports mention preventing Wataniya Palestine Telecom from laying down cellphone infrastructure in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, and halting Palestinian construction projects in parts of the West Bank.

Israel's chief negotiator, Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, suggested that Washington scale down its "intensive" involvement in the process with the Palestinians.

"Part of what took place in the past months was primarily negotiations between us and the US, and less with the Palestinians," she told Channel 2 television on Saturday.

"We need bilateral meetings between us, including between the prime minister and Abu Mazen (Abbas)," she added.
(AFP, Reuters, Al-Akhbar)

Israel lack of cooperation failed peace-talks :Official

A handout picture released by the Palestinian Press Office (PPO) shows Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas (C-R) meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry (C-L) in the Jordanian capital Amman, on March 26, 2014.
A handout picture released by the Palestinian Press Office (PPO) shows Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas (C-R) meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry (C-L) in the Jordanian capital Amman, on March 26, 2014.
The Palestinian Authority (PA) says the US-mediated talks with the Israeli regime has ended with no breakthrough blaming Tel Aviv for the failure and lack of cooperation.
A Palestinian official made the remarks on condition of anonymity on Sunday after PA and Israeli negotiators held talks with the US envoy, Martin Indyk, in a three-way meeting in East al-Quds (Jerusalem).
"Israel is preparing to return to routine dealings with the Palestinians as they were before the negotiations started nine months ago," the official said.
Hours before Sunday’s meeting, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu threatened to take unilateral measures against the PA, unless it dropped plans to seek membership in UN organizations.
Last Palestinian-Israeli talks had broken down in September 2010 after Tel Aviv refused to freeze its settlement activities in the occupied West Bank.
The presence and continued expansion of Israeli settlements in occupied Palestine has created a major obstacle for the efforts to establish peace in the Middle East.
More than half a million Israelis live in over 120 illegal settlements built since Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and East al-Quds in 1967.
The United Nations and most countries regard the Israeli settlements as illegal because the territories were captured by Israel in a war in 1967 and are hence subject to the Geneva Convention, which forbids construction on occupied lands.
- See more at: http://en.alalam.ir/news/1582868#sthash.VMUnS6gv.dpuf

Komandan PLA: "Kami Bangga Mendukung Tentara Suriah"
Islam Times- 
Pernyataan itu juga menekankan, dukungan Israel kepada kelompok bersenjata menunjukkan plot untuk menghancurkan Suriah, bertujuan melindungi entitas Israel yang didukung pemimpin lokal dan negara-negara Arab.
Logo PLA
Logo PLA

Komando Staf Angkatan Darat Pembebasan Palestina,- Palestine Liberation Army (PLA)- mempertegas dukungannya kepada Tentara Arab Suriah dalam menghadapi konspirasi yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya untuk merusak keamanan dan stabilitas Suriah.

Dalam sebuah pernyataan pada peringatan Earth Day ke-38 pada Jumat, 28/03/14, kepala staf mengatakan, "Earth Day" adalah sumber kebanggaan bagi semua bangsa Palestina dan Arab, karena ia merupakan sebuah pesan yang jelas bahwa Palestina akan mengambil tanah mereka yang diduduki dan kesucian diberbagai wilayah.

Pernyataan itu juga menekankan, dukungan Israel kepada kelompok bersenjata menunjukkan plot untuk menghancurkan Suriah, bertujuan melindungi entitas Israel yang didukung pemimpin lokal dan negara-negara Arab.

Pernyataan itu lebih lanjut menyatakan PLA berbangga dimana Tentara Pembebasan Palestina berpartisipasi bersama dengan Tentara Arab Suriah dalam menghadapi kelompok teroris dan mengungkapkan kesiapan untuk mengerahkan segala upaya mempertahankan persatuan dan kemerdekaan Suriah.

Perlawanan adalah satu-satunya jaminan Penyebab Palestina Merdeka setelah mayoritas rezim Arab mengecewakan rakyat Palestina, tambahnya,

Menurutnya, hasil KTT Arab terakhir di Kuwait pada Rabu lalu, tidak mengejutkan karena pertemuan puncak itu meninggalkan tanggung jawabnya mengenai Palestina. [IT/Onh/Ass]
PBB Terima Surat Palestina
Islam Times - http://www.islamtimes.org/vdcci4q1e2bqep8.5fa2.html
Setelah permohonan secara resmi diterima di markas PBB, "Kami akan meninjau untuk mempertimbangkan langkah tepat selanjutnya," tambah Haq.
Mahmoud Abbas, Bertindak Ketua Otoritas Palestina di PBB.jpg
Mahmoud Abbas, Bertindak Ketua Otoritas Palestina di PBB.jpg

PBB mengatakan, pihaknya telah menerima surat permohonan dari Palestina untuk bergabung dengan 13 konvensi dan perjanjian internasional.

Pada hari Rabu (2/4/14), Wakil Juru Bicara PBB, Farhan Haq menegaskan bahwa surat permohonan sudah sampai di tangan Robert Serry, utusan PBB untuk Timur Tengah PBB. Surat itu akan disampaikan pada Sekretaris Jenderal PBB Ban Ki-moon pada hari Kamis (3/4/14).

Setelah permohonan secara resmi diterima di markas PBB, "Kami akan meninjau untuk mempertimbangkan langkah tepat selanjutnya," tambah Haq.

Surat permohonan tersebut antara lain permohonan untuk bergabunga dalam Konvensi Wina tentang hubungan diplomatik, konvensi hak anak, konvensi penghapusan diskriminasi terhadap perempuan, kovensi hak sipil dan politik, kovensi hak ekonomi, sosial dan budaya dan konvensi tentang penyiksaan, korupsi dan pencegahan genosida.

Duta Besar Palestina untuk PBB, Riyad Mansour mengatakan keanggotaan Palestina dalam konvensi tersebut akan berlaku 30 hari setelah Sekjen menerima surat tersebut.

Pejabat Palestina juga menyampaikan surat permohonan menjadi anggota dalam Konvensi Jenewa ke Swiss dan Konvensi Den Haag (IV) tentang hukum dan kebiasaan perang di darat ke Belanda.

Kepala Otoritas Palestina, Mahmoud Abbas langsung menandatangani 15 permohonan itu dalam sebuah upacara yang disiarkan televisi pada hari Selasa (2/4/14). Rezim Israel murka menyaksikan langkah Palestina itu.

Sejak pembicaraan damai dimulai bulan Juli tahun lalu, Palestina menghentikan langkah menjadi anggota badan-badan internasional dan menggugat Israel ke pengadilan internasional. Sebagai imbalan, Israel sepakat membebaskan 104 tahanan Palestina dalam empat kelompok.

Abbas mengatakan pihaknya membuat keputusan tersebut karena Israel mengingkari janjinya dan tidak membebaskan kelompok keempat tahanan yang sedianya dibebaskan akhir Maret lalu.[IT/r]

Militer Suriah Kuasai 

Benteng Era Perang Salib

Sabtu, 22 Maret 2014 | 11:37 WIB 
wikipedia.org Benteng Crac des Chevaliers dari era Perang Salib di Provinsi Homs, Suriah
Pasukan Suriah memukul mundur pasukan oposisi dengan merebut kembali sebuah benteng terkenal dari era Perang Salib di dekat perbatasan dengan Lebanon, Kamis (20/3). Hal itu menjadi tanda kemajuan yang signifikan pasukan rezim Presiden Bashar al-Assad dalam menutup semua rute suplai logistik oposisi dari Lebanon ke Suriah.

Televisi Suriah melaporkan, tentara telah menaikkan bendera bangsa di atas Benteng Crac des Chevaliers di Provinsi Homs setelah menghancurkan para teroris yang bersembunyi di sana. Sebutan ”teroris” ditujukan kepada pihak oposisi yang berperang melawan rezim Damaskus.

Militer Suriah berhasil memasuki benteng dari abad ke-12 itu setelah beberapa hari terlibat pertempuran sengit dengan pasukan oposisi. Televisi melaporkan, kerja keras militer pemerintah telah membuahkan hasil.

Jaringan televisi swasta Lebanon, Al-Mayadeen, yang bersimpati kepada rezim Assad, merilis gambar tentang pengibaran bendera Suriah di puncak benteng. Perebutan kembali benteng tersebut semakin menambah panjang deretan kemenangan rezim Assad atas oposisi.

”Usaha kami, para personel dari Angkatan Darat Arab Suriah dan Pasukan Pertahanan Nasional berhasil dengan menaikkan bendera Suriah di Crac des Chevaliers,” kata seorang perwira militer Suriah kepada Al-Mayadeen. ”Pertempuran telah berlangsung lebih dari sebulan. Beberapa desa di dekatnya dibebaskan.”

Benteng dikuasai oposisi sejak tahun 2012. Sebelum merebut lagi Benteng Crac des Chevaliers itu, pasukan loyalis Assad merebut kota Yabrud di perbatasan dengan Lebanon. Kota ini merupakan simpul utama distribusi logistik oposisi. Kondisi itu menyebabkan rantai suplai kebutuhan oposisi terputus.

Puluhan tewas

Seorang kepala milisi pro rezim Suriah mengatakan, pertempuran di benteng itu menewaskan sedikitnya 40 oposan. Termasuk pemimpin kelompok jihad Jund al-Sham, Khaled al Mahmud, yang lebih dikenal sebagai Abu Suleiman al-Muhajir.

Dilaporkan, serangan itu adalah salah satu dari dua operasi besar oleh tentara Suriah di dekat perbatasan dengan Lebanon. Tujuannya untuk memotong rute utama suplai bagi oposisi.

Tentara Suriah dalam pertempuran itu didukung oleh para pejuang Hezbollah, gerakan garis keras Syiah Lebanon. Hezbollah akhir-akhir ini kian agresif mendukung militer Suriah di daerah perbatasan dengan Lebanon.

Seorang aktivis yang menetap di Homs mengatakan, benteng jatuh ke tangan militer Damaskus pada Kamis pagi. Hal itu terjadi sehari setelah oposisi dan pemerintah bersepakat bahwa para pejuang oposisi diperbolehkan kembali ke Lebanon dalam keadaan aman dan selamat.

Organisasi Pemantau Hak Asasi Manusia Suriah (SOHR) yang berbasis di London mengatakan, 12 pejuang oposisi tewas dalam pertempuran sekitar Homs pada Kamis.. Televisi Suriah melaporkan, ”sejumlah teroris telah dibunuh” saat mereka melarikan diri dari Homs menuju Lebanon. (AFP/AP/CAL)

Editor : Egidius Patnistik

Krisis Suriah dan Standar Ganda PBB 

Deputi Menteri Luar Negeri Suriah Faisal Mekdad mengatakan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) telah mengabaikan keberadaan teroris di Suriah.
Dia dalam artikelnya, Sabtu (5/4) di harian al-Binaa cetakan Lebanon, menulis, "PBB – meskipun meratifikasi sejumlah resolusi dengan tema perang melawan terorisme – menutup mata atas kegiatan teroris di Suriah dan mereka telah menjadi alat kepentingan untuk beberapa kekuatan."
Mekdad meminta organisasi internasional itu untuk mengadopsi sikap dan kebijakan yang adil dan bukan menerapkan standar ganda terhadap sejumlah negara. Menurutnya, kinerja dan pendekatan PBB perlu diperbaiki.

PBB – yang lahir setelah Perang Dunia II – dibentuk oleh kekuatan-kekuatan utama dunia untuk melindungi perdamaian dan keamanan global. Berdasarkan pasal satu Piagam PBB, misi utama lembaga dunia itu adalah menjaga perdamaian dan keamanan internasional. Sejalan dengan pasal tersebut, PBB harus mengatasi krisis dan ancaman-ancaman terhadap perdamaian dengan cara damai dan sesuai dengan prinsip keadilan dan hukum internasional.

Sejumlah krisis yang pecah di dunia menunjukkan bahwa PBB tidak berhasil dalam menjalankan mandatnya sebagai lembaga penjaga perdamaian. Sebagai contoh, organisasi internasional itu menjalankan kebijakan standar ganda terhadap krisis di Suriah.

Suriah sejak Maret 2011 menghadapi sebuah krisis serius yang diciptakan oleh beberapa negara regional dan internasional. Krisis Suriah telah memasuki tahun ketiga dan pengiriman militan bersenjata dari berbagai penjuru dunia ke Suriah masih terus berlanjut. Menurut para pejabat Damaskus, teroris dari 80 negara dunia hadir di Suriah untuk bertempur.

Anasir-anasir teroris melakukan berbagai kejahatan sadis terhadap rakyat Suriah di bawah kebungkaman dan sikap pasif PBB. Standar ganda PBB di Suriah telah membuka jalan bagi pihak asing untuk mendukung kelompok-kelompok teroris yang beroperasi di negara itu.

Padahal, pemerintah Damaskus berulang kali menyeru Dewan Keamanan dan Dewan HAM PBB untuk mengesampingkan standar ganda dan berkomitmen untuk memerangi terorisme. Namun anehnya, sejumlah negara termasuk beberapa anggota PBB justru menghalangi Dewan Keamanan untuk mengecam kekejaman yang dilakukan oleh militan di Suriah.

Damaskus juga meminta PBB untuk mengambil langkah-langkah serius dan bertanggung jawab terhadap terorisme di Suriah.

Kinerja lemah PBB terhadap krisis di Suriah dijalankan pada saat negara itu membangun kerjasama konstruktif dengan lembaga-lembaga internasional termasuk, Organisasi Pelarangan Senjata Kimia (OPCW). Pemerintah Damaskus sejalan dengan komitmennya untuk menyelesaikan krisis, telah menyerahkan senjata kimianya untuk dimusnahkan.

Sikap PBB mengenai rezim Zionis Israel berbeda jauh dengan perlakuan lembaga itu terhadap Suriah. Damaskus senantiasa menghormati keputusan-keputusan yang dikeluarkan oleh Majelis Umum PBB dan Dewan Keamanan, tapi Tel Aviv – dengan lampu hijau Barat khususnya Amerika Serikat – selalu melanggar hukum internasional.

Berdasarkan pengakuan pejabat dari beberapa negara dunia, Israel dengan menyimpan sekitar 300-400 hulu ledak nuklir, merupakan ancaman serius terhadap keamanan kawasan dan dunia.

Sikap pasif PBB terhadap kegiatan teroris di Suriah kian menjauhkan organisasi internasional itu dari filosofi pencetusannya yaitu, menciptakan perdamaian dan keamanan dunia. (IRIB Indonesia/RM)


To Saudi royals: Where is your humanity?

Saudi king Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz
Saudi king Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz
Perhaps it started as sheer coincidence, but just like a fire that starts from the smallest sparks, words that strike a chord with the oppressed in the oil kingdom could ignite the flammable stock of discontent that has been accumulating for decades in Saudi Arabia.
This is in short the essence of a new wave of appeals made by a new generation of people who do not necessarily belong to the past, despite their relatively disparate social and ideological allegiances. They might not be subject to the influence of the traditional concept of the tribal elder, which Abdul Aziz and his successors tried to transform into lowly recipients of handouts in return for their allegiance to the Saudi monarchy.
Today, they seem to be engaged in a well-developed, popular movement worthy of observation and analysis.
In what is a new, interactive, and courageous way to express the voice of the majority of young people in the oppressive kingdom, a group of youths from different tribes and regions of Saudi Arabia have started posting short video messages on YouTube, highlighting various popular demands.
The videos are structured in a way where a young activist, identified by the name of his or her tribe, makes a timed statement on camera lasting between 30 seconds and 3 minutes. The brief statements directly address King Abdullah, explaining issues people face such as: unemployment, poverty, shortages in housing and public services, and other socio-political issues like the freedom of expression and assembly.
Similar to what happened during the #Salaries_Not_Enough campaign, which quickly trended on Twitter, a hashtag was set up for the new appeals with the words: “The people have their say.” The campaign has so far mainly attracted youths, who have been sharing the videos and messages. Notable intellectuals and journalists have preferred to wait and see for the time being.
Below, we quote word for the most prominent posts spotted on social media, in chronological order:
On March 22, the man identified as Abdul-Aziz bin Fahd al-Dosari appeared in a 33-second clip, saying things that have not been heard in the kingdom for decades. Addressing King Abdullah directly, he said,
“I am a Saudi citizen. I do not get more than 1900 riyals ($506) [monthly]. By God, O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, is this enough for dowry, a car, or a home? Brother, we are tired, and yet you blame those who bomb…O brother, help us; until when should we beg you from the oil [money]? Give us what you and your children have been playing with…give us what is our right […].”
The video received record views shortly after it was posted. By April 1, it had 1.6 million views.
On March 23, Abdullah Mabrouk bin Othman al-Ghamdi from the city of Bisha in southwest Saudi Arabia, posted another video, commenting on Dosari’s video. Addressing the king as well, he said:
“Based on my experience and observations, I support what the young man said in his appeal to the king. I ask everyone to join-in in the same manner so that our voice can reach the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, and so that he learns of the situation, of the low wages, the rampant corruption, and the injustice, and that it is neither reasonable nor acceptable for a small elite, be it in power or a corrupt elite, to control state funds, while the rest of the people are starving and living in poverty and injustice. For this reason, I support what the young man said.”
He then displayed his identity card bearing his name and photograph, and called again on everyone to participate in the campaign. By April 1, the video had received up to 737,167 hits.
On March 27, Saoud Mardi Abdullah al-Bidani al-Harbi, born in Riyadh, posted a video expressing solidarity with the demands made previously. Commenting on the videos, he said:
“Of course, these are our demands, the demands of an entire people. Our voices have grown hoarse from talking about them. Our demands are easy…there is no need to come see them on Twitter or elsewhere, because they are all present in the advisor’s wastebasket. Don’t push the people to protest; do not force us to go into the street, because the number of black police cars is simply much less than the number of free people. It is easy for us to take to the street and demand our rights, in a peaceful manner of course, so please, please heed our voices. You have spoken to Jews and Christians, and tomorrow you will speak to Obama…please listen to us, fulfill our demands. We want housing, we want to have a decent life.”
Harbi then also showed his identity card with his photo and name on it.
On March 30, Abdul-Rahman Ali Ahmed Ghreidi al-Asiri, a physician, posted a video message, giving in 2 minutes and 32 seconds his brief and bold commentary, and said:
“I, citizen Abdul-Rahman Ali Ahmed Ghreidi al-Asiri, from Tuhama Asir (southwest Saudi), have seen videos by some of our good young compatriots like Dosari, Ghamdi, and Harbi, demanding their rights, their most simple rights, and they were imprisoned on the following day. The problem with you O House of Saud is that you deliberately humiliate and impoverish the people…poor Dosari said his salary is 1900 and this is not enough to buy dinner for one of your children. The next day, we saw how one of your princes bought a car inlaid with gold…
The problem with you, House of Saud, is that you have stolen everything. You stole our name, our country, and attributed it to you but by what right? You stole Islam and distorted it, you stole the prophet and made him a Saudi. Instead of distributing oil [revenues] among us and give to the people, you impoverish them, humiliate them, and if you do distribute it then you give it to the enemies of the nation like [Egyptian Defense Minister Abdel-Fattah] al-Sisi and the Christians of Lebanon who see Arabs as nothing but scum [Sic].
The problem is that you have stolen everything. I am a doctor and I worked and trained at the [National] Guard, military hospitals, and Ministry of Health hospitals. One time, I put three patients on the same bed.
Where is this Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz? I am demanding rights; firstly, I ask why did you imprison them? These people demanded their right, so why arrest them? The man who was given a car inlaid with gold, it is from him that we want to take our rights.
As I record this video, you have bought allegiance for [Prince] Muqrin. The people are a piece of furniture [to you], this is unacceptable. If we speak out, then you imprison us, and say: if you don’t like it then leave the country. This is not your country alone. The people are asking for their rights. We want freedom, and I warn you, we want the right thing for our country. Yemen and Tunisia and others are in their second republic, and Saudi would enter its first republic if you don’t act.”
Then he brandished his identity card and showed it to the camera. The video has had over 1.5 million views.
On March 31, Wafi Mardi Abdullah al-Bidani al-Harbi, who is 18 years old, appeared in a video message after the arrest of his brother Saoud, and spoke about the detention of those who he said had only demanded their rights like his brother, Abdul Aziz al-Dosari, and others. He said:
“What about the supposed freedom of expression? Since when has demanding one’s rights become a crime punishable by prison in the country of the Two Holy Mosques, when they are legitimate and peaceful? The error and the crime are the arrests themselves…Oppression will not work.”
He then sent out two messages, the first addressing Mohammed bin Nayef, the interior minister, saying,
“We have had enough of rhetoric, yet we have almost died of thirst…we just want to live a decent life without injustice and persecution…enough is enough…our demands are our rights…bear in mind that the barrier of fear has been broken, and many among the people are not cowards.”
He then addressed the people, recounting a story told by Ali ibn Abi Taleb, who said that if you see the oppressor continuing to engage in injustice then know that his end is inevitable, and if you see the oppressed continuing to resist his oppressor, then know that his victory is inevitable. He then said,
“I hope I do not get myself detained like those before me. If I am detained then I hope that these appeals and initiatives do not go to waste.”
The younger Harbi then also showed his id card to the camera, bearing his full name. Within a day, the video had received 240,777 hits.
On March 31, the 23-year-old man Maaz Mohammed Suleiman al-Juhani from the Hijaz spoke and said,
“I want to address a message to the House of Saud[…]. You steal people’s money, ask people to give you their money, and then imprison them for debt. Where is your humanity? We call on the government to distribute the country’s wealth fairly among the people, and not monopolize it and steal it by you and your children, and to build housing, employ the unemployed, and increase wages. Otherwise, there will be dire consequences.”
On April 2, another young man appeared in a video message addressing the king. He said,
“I salute the five heroes, Dosari, Harbi, Ghamdi, Asiri, and Juhani…
O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz; my name is Ghanem Hammoud Farah al-Masarir al-Dosari. These five are a crown on your head and prison is not where they belong…prison is a place for oppressors, evildoers, and tyrants…
O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz; you are immoral and a liar. You promised a fund to the poor eight years ago but they haven’t seen it.
O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz; you have plundered the wealth of the country under the guise of economic cities and fictive projects that are all just ink on paper.
O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz; you have squandered the country's wealth on Sisi’s gangs and coups everywhere, and yet you say you are the custodian of the Two Holy Mosques.
O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz; from time to time, you throw crumbs at the people and you call it a royal gift. If they were of your salary and your trouble, then you could call them whatever you please, but the rights of the people are no gifts from you or anyone else.
O Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz; you say you are a humane king, but humaneness is innocent of you. Even your daughters have not been spared from your evil, and have been imprisoned for thirteen years.
People of the Two Holy Mosques; all peoples impeach their rulers when they become thieves, so when will you say to the thieves that they have no place among you?”
The above were some of the videos that have gone viral on social media and among Saudi youths for many reasons, including their outright boldness, the fact that they stuck a chord with the majority of young people and their concerns, their brevity, and most importantly because they were made by young people themselves.
The Saudi government’s reaction has been negative as expected. The Saudi government detained one young man after the other, but the Saudi youth have responded by staying defiant and showing their willingness to pay the price for their stances.
It seems that we are seeing a new wave of political protests and civil resistance worth watching, amid the insistence of the Saudi regime on pursuing a security-based approach in dealing with the demands of young people, who are an underprivileged majority in the oil kingdom.
By: Fouad al-Ibrahim
Source: Al Akhbar
- See more at: http://en.alalam.ir/news/1582901#sthash.bl0gsH2R.dpuf

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