Minggu, 13 Mei 2012

WHO IS WHO letnan kolonel Matthew Dooley.??... >>> Terkadang kita fikir AS adalah negara yang patut dicontoh... ??? Tetapi ternyata isinya DAN FAKTA PEMIMPIN2NYA adalah pemikir2 yang TIDAK BERAKAL SEHAT...??? >>> Coba kita fikir mengapa ada 911 WTC dimana orang2 AS sendiri merencanakan dan melakukan Penghancuran Gedung WTC yang Kesohor itu... dengan korban Rakyat dan anak2 Bangsanya sendiri demi suatu ambisi untuk legitimasi invasi ke Afghanistan dan Iraq dan yang diincar oleh para KAUM SUPER KAYA AMERIKA DAN EROPA...??>> mereka sangat serakah dan bernafsu.. untuk menguasai MIGAS di Iraq dan Kekayaan alam Afghanistan yang konon sangat kaya.dan strategis....>>> Juga konon Afghanistan itu suatu strategi perang dan batu loncatan menyerang Rusia dan China.. serta mengunci Iran yang konon sangat kaya dengan MIGAS..?? Disitulah Bush dan Pemerintahan AS bersekutu dengan Inggris dan NATO menggempur Iraq dan Afghanistan..??? Juga mereka ingin mengamankan Negara Boneka mereka yaitu Israel yang merampas tanah Palestina.. dengan ilusi Holocaust..nya..??? Aneh tapi nyata... bahwa pemikir2 dan peran Penguasa Sinting itu digunakan para Super Kaya untuk menjerumuskan umat manusia kepada peperangan.. karena Keserakahan Nafsu2 Jahat mrereka para Kaum Super Kaya... dan ambisi para Penjahat dan Penjajah Kriminal Internasional yang dipimpin AS dan NATO itu..??? Mereka membuat sasarannya adalah Negara2 Islam dan Umat Islam... dengan berbagai tipu daya dan slogan perang..>> Contohlah selama ini dikembangkan War on Terror... tetapi sasarannya adalah Umat Islam dimana-mana..??? Nah... itulah cara2 busuk Penguasa AS dan Sekutu mereka yang menjadi budak2 bayaran para kaum Super Kaya... yang konon adalah Pengusaha2 kaya para Yahudi AS dan Eropa...???>>> Mereka menggunakan berbagai argumen politik kotor dan double standar yang keji..>> .. Karena itu Tuan Mattew Dooley ini pun bukan tidak mungkin adalah budak2 bayaran yang sudah menjual hidupnya untuk sekedar ingin kaya.. dan mengabdi para kaum Super Kaya... yang notabene dikuasai oleh para Pengusaha dan loby2 para Yahudi2 AS dan Eropa.. itu...>>> .Waspadalah Umat Islam dan tetap istiqomah dan lurus dijalan Allah SWT..dengan Furqon..>>> Tegakan Furqon.. dan Sunnaturasulullah SAW.. secara kaffah, utuh, komprehensif dan menyeluruh..>> Bangun dan kuatkan Silaturahim dan persudaraan muslim serta kekuatan dan persatuan yang utuh dan dan kokoh dengan kekuatan taqwa kepada Allah SWT..>>> Luruskan barisan.. dan kuatkan persatuan Umat Islam seutuhnya seluruhnya.. >>> Insya Allah Umat Islam dan ajaran Allah dan Rasulullah SAW tetap tegak dan berjaya.... Aamiin..

"Orang Sinting" Ini Melatih Tentara AS Untuk Menghancurkan Mekah dan Madinah

melaporkan bahwa dalam salah satu kursus militer yang dilakukan oleh Pentagon, para perwira pasukan AS diajari bahwa musuh AS adalah umat Islam secara keseluruhan dan AS memiliki kemungkinan melakukan serangan besar untuk tempat-tempat suci umat Islam di Makah dan Madinah, tanpa mempedulikan warga sipil muslim yang akan jatuh sebagai korban.

Kantor berita Amerika, Associated Press dan media massa terkemuka Inggris, The Guardian melaporkan pada Jum’at (11/5/2012) bahwa kursus militer untuk para perwira militer AS itu akhirnya dihentikan oleh Pentagon pada akhir April 2012.

Penghentian kursus perwira militer itu diawali oleh protes seorang perwira peserta. Materi kursus itu dinilai bertentangan dengan pernyataan para pemimpin AS pada tahun sebelumnya yang menyatakan AS memerangi kelompok fundamentalis Islam, bukan memerangi Islam itu sendiri, tulis AP. Pentagon memerintahkan penyidikan atas materi kursus militer tersebut dan memberhentikan instruktur kursus, letnan kolonel Matthew Dooley.

Kepada para perwira kursus militer di Joint Forcess Staff College di Norfolk, Virginia, Doley mengajarkan bahwa kaum muslimin membenci segala hal yang dibela oleh AS. Sekolah untuk anggota militer profesional ini mengajar para perwira menengah militer dan pemerintah sipil.

Dooley mengajarkan bahwa Konvensi Jenewa tentang tawanan perang dan perlakuan terhadap warga sipil kini tidak lagi relevan untuk diterapkan. Hal itu memberi peluang kepada AS untuk melakukan serangan yang menargetkan penduduk sipil tempat-tempat suci kaum muslimin di Makah dan Madinah, jika diperlukan, seperti yang telah dilakukan oleh militer AS di Nagasaki dan Hirosima pada Perang Dunia II.

Pelatihan militer bagi para perwira AS yang menargetkan warga sipil muslim bukanlah kali pertama ini. Tahun lalu, FBI juga menghentikan kursus militer serupa, tulis AP dan The Guardian.

Meski Pentagon dan Gedung Putih berusaha menutup-nutupi niat jahatnya, realita membuktikan kepada masyarakat dunia bahwa perang melawan terorisme yang dikampanyekan oleh AS dan sekutunya sejatinya adalah perang terhadap kaum muslimin yang ingin hidup di bawah naungan syariat Islam dan menolak sistem hidup yang dipaksakan oleh AS

Dooley’s ‘Total War’ on Islam.

Abu Faris’s latest post is just one reminder of the dangers of Islamism, of the violence and bigotry perpetuated in the name of Islam.  You’ll find plenty of reminders of those manifestations of Islam in the archives here – but you can also, of course, find examples of Muslims, whether they are the writers or the subjects of posts, who have nothing in common with such vile extremists, and are in many cases actively opposing them.  And of course Muslims are particularly likely to be victims of Islamism – one example mentioned recently (by Andrew Coates in the comments) is Tunisia, where there have been protests against restrictions on freedom by secularists, protests which don’t seem to be attracting a great deal of interest or support in the West.

Of course people can be accused of Islamophobia for questioning aspects of multiculturalism, for speaking out against hate preachers, or for defending freedom of expression. So when I first saw headlines about Islamophobia in US army training I thought perhaps there was some exaggeration at work. But it really does seem to be – that bad.
Lt Col Matthew A. Dooley, who designed the controversial training, took his hatred of Islam (not Islamism) to eye-popping extremes which would surely horrify even Islam’s toughest (within normal parameters) critics:
He added that international laws protecting civilians in armed conflicts – such as the Geneva Conventions were “no longer relevant”.
That left open the option, the instructor continued, of applying “the historical precedents of Dresden, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki” to Islam’s holiest cities, and bringing about “Mecca and Medina destruction”.
One doesn’t have to be a fan of the Saudi regime to find the idea of its cities simply being wiped off the map disturbing.
Some guest speakers seem to have been even more outrageous:
So was a video lecture from Serge Trifkovic, a former professor who appeared as a defense witness in several trials of Bosnian Serb leaders convicted of war crimes, including the genocide of Muslims. A web link, titled “Watch Before This Is Pulled,” supposedly shows President Obama — the commander-in-chief of the senior officers attending the course — admitting that he’s a Muslim.
The course has now been suspended, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen Martin Dempsey has strongly condemned it. As so often, apparently opposed extremists are strangely aligned. I’m sure Islamists everywhere would endorse the idea that the West is engaged in a war against all Muslims, and be delighted at the likely effect these revelations will have on Muslims in America and elsewhere.

Abu Faris’s latest post is just one reminder of the dangers of Islamism, of the violence and bigotry perpetuated in the name of Islam.  You’ll find plenty of reminders of those manifestations of Islam in the archives here – but you can also, of course, find examples of Muslims, whether they are the writers or the subjects of posts, who have nothing in common with such vile extremists, and are in many cases actively opposing them.  And of course Muslims are particularly likely to be victims of Islamism – one example mentioned recently (by Andrew Coates in the comments) is Tunisia, where there have been protests against restrictions on freedom by secularists, protests which don’t seem to be attracting a great deal of interest or support in the West.
Of course people can be accused of Islamophobia for questioning aspects of multiculturalism, for speaking out against hate preachers, or for defending freedom of expression. So when I first saw headlines about Islamophobia in US army training I thought perhaps there was some exaggeration at work. But it really does seem to be – that bad.
Lt Col Matthew A. Dooley, who designed the controversial training, took his hatred of Islam (not Islamism) to eye-popping extremes which would surely horrify even Islam’s toughest (within normal parameters) critics:
He added that international laws protecting civilians in armed conflicts – such as the Geneva Conventions were “no longer relevant”.
That left open the option, the instructor continued, of applying “the historical precedents of Dresden, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki” to Islam’s holiest cities, and bringing about “Mecca and Medina destruction”.
One doesn’t have to be a fan of the Saudi regime to find the idea of its cities simply being wiped off the map disturbing.
Some guest speakers seem to have been even more outrageous:
So was a video lecture from Serge Trifkovic, a former professor who appeared as a defense witness in several trials of Bosnian Serb leaders convicted of war crimes, including the genocide of Muslims. A web link, titled “Watch Before This Is Pulled,” supposedly shows President Obama — the commander-in-chief of the senior officers attending the course — admitting that he’s a Muslim.
The course has now been suspended, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen Martin Dempsey has strongly condemned it. As so often, apparently opposed extremists are strangely aligned. I’m sure Islamists everywhere would endorse the idea that the West is engaged in a war against all Muslims, and be delighted at the likely effect these revelations will have on Muslims in America and elsewhere.

NATO Member Countries

NATO is an Alliance that consists of 28 independent member countries. Country by country, this page offers an overview of the links to national information servers and to the website of national delegations 
Last updated: 10-Mar-2009 16:30


Czech Rep
United Kingdom
United States


Parliament, 1st Chamber
Senate, 2nd Chamber
Head of State / President
Prime Minister
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry/Department of Defence
Military / Chief of Staff
National Mission or Delegation to NATO
Information Centre
Note : the State flag hides the link to the nation's homepage (if on-line).

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