Malang benar! Uang AS raib, operasi gagal
Selasa, 26 Juli 2011 09:42:41
Dana yang seolah-olah dihabiskan pemerintahan AS untuk
mempromosikan ‘bisnis’ di Afghanistan seringkali jatuh ke
tangan para milisi bayaran yang tak pernah sama sekali
membantu AS memperoleh keberhasilan. AS dinilai mengalami
kerugian setelah menandatangani kontrak transportasi
senilai $ 2,16 miliar, Washington Post melaporkan Minggu
malam (24/7/2011).
Mengutip hasil penyelidikan selama setahun operasi
militer yang dipimpinnya, kata surat kabar itu, upaya
AS dan Afghanistan untuk mengatasi masalah dinilai
sangat lambat, dan delapan perusahaan angkutan truk
yang terlibat masih diutangi AS.
Selain itu, Pentagon memperpanjang kontrak selama enam bulan
Maret lalu, kata laporan itu. Penyelidikan menemukan “bukti
yang berhasil didokumentasikan dan cukup kredibel mengenai
keterlibatan empat dari delapan kontraktor utama dalam sebuah
perusahaan yang melakukan tindakan kriminal atau memberi
dukungan untuk musuh.”
Menurut Washington Post, peneliti berhasil menemukan
uang senilai $ 7,4 juta yang dipakai untuk membayar salah
satu dari delapan perusahaan, yang pada gilirannya perusahaan
tersebut membayar subkontraktor lain.
komandan Polisi Nasional Afghanistan sebagai upah untuk menjamin
perjalanan yang aman bagi konvoi, kata laporan itu.
Pejabat intelijen kemudian mengklaim berhasil menelusuri
$ 3,3 juta, yang ditarik dari 27 transaksi rekening komandan
Afghan, untuk ditransfer ke sejumlah milisi dalam bentuk senjata,
bahan peledak, dan uang tunai, kata surat kabar itu.
Legendary investor Jim Rogers dismisses the debt ceiling debates as a charade, calls the U.S. "bankrupt" in this intense interview with the Wall Street Journal.
"Anybody who knows what's going on, knows that the U.S. is now the largest debtor nation in the history of the world. It's only Moody's and S&P that hasn't figured out whats going on..."Jim Rogers: U.S. Already Has Lost AAA Rating 7/25/2011 9:00:55 AM
Who is Jim Rogers ?
James "Jim" Rogers was born in Oct. 19, 1942 and grew up in Demopolis, Alabama . Jim Rogers started trading the stock market with $600 in 1968. In 1973 he formed the Quantum Fund with the legendry investor George Soros before retiring, a multi millionaire at the age of 37. Rogers and Soros helped steer the fund to a miraculous 4,200% return over the 10 year span of the fund while the S&P 500 returned just 47%. They ran what is considered to be one of the first truly global macro hedge funds. .
Famed investor Jim Rogers says the U.S., in effect, already has lost its AAA credit rating amid fiscal mismanagement, and he remains pessimistic on the country's outlook. He calls the current debt negotiations in Washington a political "charade."
Last week's action by the Federal Reserve allowing TARP banks to resume stock buybacks and increase dividends was just the latest example of the Fed's willingness to inject itself into theoretically free financial markets. "Breakout" spoke to investing legend Jim Rogers to discuss the Fed, Japan, and stock and currency markets.
After Rogers ran through a sharp critique of Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke, we played Kingmaker and asked him what he would do were we to make him the Federal Reserve Chairman.
"I'd shut it down," Rogers told us without hesitation.
As for the current U.S. equity market, Rogers says it "needs a rest" after an extended rally. Rogers cites the highest corporate profit margins in 18 years as a reason for caution: "Once something gets to all-time highs, it makes sense that it's going to go lower."
Meanwhile, stocks Monday are jumping, with the Dow reclaiming 12,000, following this weekend's news that AT&T will purchase T-Mobile in a $39 billion stock and cash deal, creating the largest U.S. mobile provider.
James "Jim" Rogers was born in Oct. 19, 1942 and grew up in Demopolis, Alabama . Jim Rogers started trading the stock market with $600 in 1968. In 1973 he formed the Quantum Fund with the legendry investor George Soros before retiring, a multi millionaire at the age of 37. Rogers and Soros helped steer the fund to a miraculous 4,200% return over the 10 year span of the fund while the S&P 500 returned just 47%. They ran what is considered to be one of the first truly global macro hedge funds. .
In 1964 he got his first job on Wall Street at Dominick & Dominick in the summer between high school and Yale University, that's how he got his first experience with stocks and bonds. He immediately fell in love with the job. After Oxford, he returned to the U.S. and joined the army in 1970 he returned to Wall Street, working again with Dominick & Dominick. That same year he joined Arnold S. Bleichroeder, where he met George Soros, and together founded the Quantum Fund. This has opened a new era of global macrotrading and inspired numerous imitations and spin-offs. In the book "Money Masters of Our Time," Jim Rogers writes about that time "the most important thing in my life was work. I did not do anything until I had completed my work." To emphasize this professional ethic , it is good to remember that he did not made any holiday for ten years. In 1980, Jim Rogers has decided to "retire" at 37 years. Since then he has spent much of his time traveling and supporting the causes of philanthropic and taking on many high profile roles in the media. However, he continues to be an active investor and media commentator
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