Senin, 18 Juli 2011

Gold Hits $1600 Milestone, Silver Back Over $40 >>> Seeking a safe haven, United States investors have rushed to the gold market to protect their wealth. >>> Note: Gold and Silver values are looks stable in the long run.... and it is most likely so good for being monetary stability unit standard. So, Indonesia and or Asian countries and or whole the world would be much better using the gold and silver standard or such guaranteed by gold and real... in using the payment bill or payment instrument.... >>...Harga emas meroket diatas 1.600 dolar AS (atau setara dengan Rp 13,7 juta) per ons untuk pertama kalinya akibat makin tak menentunya situasi ekonomi dunia di tengah krisis utang AS dan Eropa.....>

Gold Hits $1600 Milestone, Silver Back Over $40

Posted by Brittany Stepniak - Monday, July 18th, 2011

Seeking a safe haven, United States investors have rushed to the gold market to protect their wealth.  

Debt concerns and uncertainty in the U.S. and Europe have pushed gold to all-time highs. Gold rallied today for an 11th consecutive day on the markets; making it the longest streak of gains since July of 1980. 
Gold was trading at $1,603 an ounce on the Comex in New York, up 0.8 percent. The price peaked at a record of $1,603.80. The debt ceiling debate in addition to the financial crisis in Europe play, perhaps, the most important role in the recent bullion trend. According to Bloomberg:
The situation in the euro area, as well as the proliferation of the debt-ceiling problem in the U.S., continues to be a very strong focus,” Ben Westmore, a minerals and energy economist at National Australia Bank Ltd. (NAB), said by phone from Melbourne. “It’s difficult to see the problems and downside risk to global growth being less of a focus.”

Bullion almost doubled since December 2008 as the Federal Reserve kept interest rates at a record low and governments spent trillions of dollars to prop up the economy after the worst global recession since World War II. The Treasury Department has warned the U.S. debt ceiling must be lifted by Aug. 2 to avoid default. Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s Investors Service are threatening to downgrade the government’s credit rating if Congress doesn’t act. 

Holdings of the metal in exchange-traded products rose 0.6 percent to 2,101.9 metric tons on July 15, data compiled by Bloomberg show. That’s the highest level since December.
Silver is hovering right around $40. Immediate silver delivery jumped as much as 2.8 percent, up to $40.3875 per ounce -the highest amount since May 4. 

Yan Chen, head of metals and mining for Standard Chartered Equity Research, reports on the future outlook for gold in this Bloomberg Television clip.

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Note: Gold and Silver values are looks stable in the long run.... and it is most likely so good for being monetary stability unit standard. So, Indonesia and or Asian countries and or whole the world would be much better using the gold and silver standard or such guaranteed by gold and real... in using the payment bill or payment instrument....

Selasa, 19 Juli 2011 - 11:46 WIB

Harga Emas Semakin Meroket

JAKARTA (POs Kota)- Harga emas meroket diatas 1.600 dolar AS (atau setara dengan Rp 13,7 juta) per ons untuk pertama kalinya akibat makin tak menentunya situasi ekonomi dunia di tengah krisis utang AS dan Eropa.
Harga logam mulia ini naik 12,3 dolar AS dan akhirnya berada di posisi 1.602 dolar AS per ons di pasar logam mulia London.
Dikutip dati BBC Indonesia, kenaikan harga jual emas hari Senin (18/7) tersebut menandai rekor baru penjualan emas setelah berturut-turut selalu naik selama 11 hari.
Emas dipandang sebagai bentuk investasi yang paling aman terutama di tengah situasi ekonomi dunia yang tak menentu.
Harga perak ikut meroket, naik lebih dari 3persen dalam dua bulan terakhir, kini berada di posisi 40 dolar AS (Rp342 ribu) per ons.
“Emas menorehkan titik (harga) tertingginya yang baru… pada 1.600 dolar AS karena inevestor kehilangan kepercayaan pada kemampuan politisi mengatasi masalah utang yang membuat sentimen anjlok,” kata Michael Hewson dari kelompok perusahaan perdagangan CMC Markets.
“Kelihatannya (harga) masih akan naik lagi ,” tambah Hewson.
Harga emas di titik tertinggi ini dicapai hampir bersamaan dengan jadwal pertemuan puncak pimpinan zona ekonomi Eropa yang akan bertemu Kamis lusa, di Brussels dimana sekali lagi mereka akan memeras otak mencari jalan keluar mengatasi krisis utang sejumlah negara.
Para investor khawatir Yunani mungkin akan dinyatakan tak mampu membayar utang, dan negara lain seperti Spanyol dan Italia yang juga mengalami kesulitan dengan utangnya akan ikut terbelit krisis lebih dalam.
Sementara saat yang sama di AS, politisi dari dua kubu juga bergelut keras dengan upaya untuk mencari kesepakatan terkait upaya pengurangan defisit untuk menghindari terjadinya situasi gagal bayar (default) sebelum tanggal 2 Agustus.(BBC/b)

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