masalah nuklir, finansial keuangan negara, tata negara, politik internasional, perselisihan mazhab, persatuan umat islam, nasionalisme, pembangunan bangsa, ketahanan nasional, hutang negara, perang dunia, timur tengah, new world order
Rabu, 11 November 2015
SURABAYA, 10 NOPEMBER 1945... ADALAH PERANG YG TDK AKAN TERLUPAKAN OLEH PARA PELAKU PERANG DAN BANGSA YG TERLIBAT DIDALAMNYA..?? >>> SEBENARNYA ASING TAHU WATAK BANGSA INDONESIA... YG CINTA DAMAI.. DAN SANGAT RAMAH.. DAN BER BAIK2 DG SIAPAPUN JUGA..?? >> TAPI KALU SUDAH DISAKITI DAN DICURANGI... ???? MAKA RAKYAT TDK AKAN DIAM TERHADAP SIAPAPUN JUGA..?? >> Di Singapura para panglima Inggris berkumpul. “Kita sudah kalah di Surabaya” kata seorang Panglima. “Pasukan kita sudah kelaparan, tidak ada lagi pasokan” memang saat itu pasukan sekutu sudah amat kelaparan. Mereka tidak dapat pasokan logistik, sementara para pejuang Republik dapat pasokan terus menerus nasi bungkus, pisang, dan banyak bahan makanan dari rakyat yang sukarela membuatkan masakan di dapur umum. Bahkan beberapa pasukan Inggris seperti anjing kelaparan saat melihat sisa nasi bungkus bahkan yang udah basi, mereka ambil dan makan. “Keadaan ini harus dirahasiakan” Bagaimanapun pasukan Brigade 49 dari Divisi V adalah pasukan kebanggaan Inggris, mereka dijuluki “Fighting Cock” pada Perang Burma 1944, merekalah yang merebut satu persatu wilayah Burma dengan sistem gerilya hutan, kini Brigade itu perlahan-lahan mati kelaparan, digebukin dan ditembakin. Lalu para Panglima itu mengutus Admiral Heifrich menemui Presiden Sukarno. Heifrich mengakui sendiri dalam buku biografinya, ‘Keputusan untuk menghentikan perang, satu-satunya hanya pada Presiden Sukarno” apa yang dilakukan Heifrich ini bila diperhatikan sangat aneh untuk watak Inggris yang amat ksatria. Karena saat ultimatum, Inggris sempat menganggap Pemerintahan Republik Indonesia tidak ada, lantas setelah pasukan Brigade 49 sudah kalah dan terjepit ia minta tolong pada Sukarno. >>>> .....Dari Aceh sudah disiapkan ribuan orang pengiriman, di Medan ribuan orang berkumpul untuk bersiap diberangkatkan ke Surabaya, di Lombok Mataram di depan para Ulama, rakyat Lombok siap mati dan akan berangkat ke Surabaya. Di Yogyakarta sudah mulai ada pengiriman pasukan, Malang sudah kirim pasukan sementara Djakarta masih menunggu perkembangan, penggede-penggede Djakarta masih berharap perang bisa diselesaikan dengan cepat. Di wilayah lain di luar Surabaya, Jenderal Sudirman dan para staf-nya memutuskan untuk memotong rantai logistik sekutu. Jadi 20 ribu pasukan infanteri bakalan terlokalisir dan digebuki rakyat Surabaya. Taktik ini berhasil, laskar-laskar rakyat di Jawa Barat menghadang pasukan logistik sekutu yang mau masuk dari arah barat, di Malang gudang logistik pasukan sekutu dihancurkan, otomatis selama 5 hari pasukan sekutu terkunci dari semua pintu masuk kota, sementara ribuan orang Indonesia terus mengalir memasuki kota dengan senjata apa adanya berperang melawan sekutu. Pasukan sekutu mulai stress, karena logistik tidak ada, bantuan tempur logistik yang diterjunkan dari pesawat kemakan orang-orang Republik, bahkan nyaris tidak ada logistik yang berhasil didapatkan pasukan Inggris. Mereka sudah terkunci dan terkepung oleh seluruh orang Indonesia yang mengitari mereka, keberadaan pasukan Inggris dari Brigade 49 tinggal menghitung waktu. Tempat-tempat dimana pos pasukan Inggris berada di blokade total, tak ada listrik, tak ada makanan, mereka harus berjaga 24 jam agar jangan sampai ditembaki Republik yang terus menerus nggan berhenti. Di hari kelima pertempuran mulai jarang tembakan dari pasukan sekutu, pasukan Inggris mulai kehabisan amunisi, beberapa orang Surabaya nekat masuk ke pos-pos Inggris dan meledakkan granat, inilah yang mereka takutkan. Dalam kondisi rusak mental inilah, pasukan Brigade 49 mulai teriak-teriak ke markas mereka di Djakarta bahwa mereka sudah terdesak. Rahasia kekalahan Inggris ini disimpan rapi-rapi, jangan sampai Penggede Republik Indonesia tau, mereka berlagak ja’im dan masih mencitrakan diri sebagai pemenang perang di Surabaya. Begitu juga dengan pemimpin di Jakarta yang tidak begitu mengetahui perkembangan perang di Surabaya, mereka sudah ‘underestimate’ bahwa perang akan dimenangkan oleh Inggris...>>>.......Gubernur Soerjo bilang “ini sudah keterlaluan Inggris, sudah tidak menganggap Pemerintahan Djakarta itu ada, tidak ada Republik Indonesia” lalu Gubernur Soerjo dengan blangkonnya berpidato “kita tidak mau dijajah kembali, Merdeka….!!” Jam 6 pagi dari arah pelabuhan di Surabaya Utara, kanon-kanon kapal perang Inggris sudah mengarah ke kota. Tembakan pertama meletus jam 6.10 dari sebuah kapal kemudian meletus lagi dari semua kapal berikutnya seluruh wilayah kota yang dekat dengan pelabuhan jadi korbannya. Wilayah Surabaya Utara dihuni oleh banyak orang-orang Cina, Arab, India dan beberapa pedagang dari Bugis. Rata-rata dari mereka adalah pedagang. Rumah-rumah mereka hancur dengan tanah, tembakan kanon terus menerus menghancurkan Pasar Turi, Kramat Gantung dan Pasar Besar. Beberapa tempat sudah tak berbekas. Jam 7 pagi pasukan Inggris mulai masuk ke Surabaya. Mereka masuk ke kampung-kampung dan menembaki rakyat dengan membabi buta, ada orang tembak, ada pemuda tembak mati. Sekutu menendangi rumah penduduk dan mencari senjata, bila ada yang melawan tembak mati. Rakyat Surabaya belum melawan, mereka masih siaga di posisinya masing-masing, belum ada perintah tembak dari Djakarta. Para penggede militer TKR di Djakarta dilapori situasi Surabaya terutama penembakan kanon di Surabaya Utara. Amir Sjafruddin yang saat itu mengurusi pertahanan langsung memerintahkan “Lawan!!” lalu datanglah perintah dari Djakarta agar rakyat Surabaya melawan. Jam 9.15 milisi Surabaya sudah dapat kabar bahwa Jakarta menyetujui perang, lalu tembakan pertama kali terjadi di Pasar Turi dari pihak Republik. Di batas-batas kota rakyat mulai berdatangan memasuki kota, ratusan ribu orang memasuki kota Surabaya mempertahankan kedaulatan bangsanya yang sedang dihina Inggris dan Belanda. Pasukan resmi tentara juga mulai mengoordinasi, semuanya ikut dalam barisan milisi, pertahanan Republik langsung dibangun dari arah barat ke Timur, wilayah Asem Jajar dijadikan wilayah perang pertama antara sekutu dan Republik. Di wilayah ini pasukan sekutu berhasil dipukul mundur, beberapa dari mereka tewas ketika pasukan bambu runcing nekat maju dan masuk ke lobang pasir dimana mitraliyur ditaruh. Di selatan Pasar Turi pasukan Inggris menerobos masuk tapi ditembaki dari gedung-gedung oleh pasukan rakyat. Jam 10.12 di langit Surabaya suara pesawat menderu-deru kencang. Rupanya Inggris mengerahkan pasukan Royal Air Force (RAF) langsung dari pangkalan militernya di Burma. Pasukan RAF yang dikerahkan ini adalah veteran perang dari Perang Dunia kedua yang mengebom Berlin. Tapi sekarang bukan Berlin yang dibom tapi Kota Surabaya, mereka mengebom kantor-kantor pemerintahan, gedung-gedung sekolah. Bila tahun 1940 Inggris dibombardir Jerman, maka Inggris mengulangi kejahatan Jerman dengan memborbardir kota Surabaya, banyak orang tertembak mati kena runtuh gedung, dan orang yang tertembak mitraliyur pesawat, Inggris seperti pasukan gila yang mengamuk habis-habisan. Tapi Inggris belum kenal watak orang Surabaya yang panas. Pasukan rakyat kemudian mengambil beberapa mitralyur anti pesawat buatan Jepang dan menembaki skuadron pasukan RAF. Dua pesawat kena tembak salah satunya adalah seorang jenderal yang bernama Brigjen Robert Guy Loder Symonds seorang komandan pasukan Artileri yang sedang melakukan survey udara. Jenderal ini kemudian dibawa ke Jakarta dan dimakamkan di Kramat Pulo, Menteng. Pertempuran makin meluas, sampai ke Kali Mas. Di pinggir Kali Mas pasukan sekutu langsung menggempur pasukan rakyat. Jam 12 siang hari pertama, pasukan infanteri mulai mendarat sekitar 20.000 orang, inilah pasukan terbesar Inggris setelah perang dunia selesai, dan merupakan perang paling brutal sepanjang sejarah pertempuran pasukan Inggris. Dari Radio hampir seluruh rakyat Indonesia menunggu laporan-laporan dari perkembangan perang, mereka menunggu pidato Bung Tomo. Semua mendekatkan telinga mereka di radio. Pada hari itu juga banyak dari orang-orang Indonesia di tempat lainnya menyiapkan diri untuk perang ke Surabaya. Sekitar 20.000 orang Bali sudah siap masuk ke Surabaya, beberapa bisa menyusup dan langsung menggempur sekutu...>>> ....Mallaby yang saat itu berpangkat Mayor Jenderal dengan senang hati menerima perintah memimpin pasukan Brigade 49 yang terkenal nekat dan berhasil menghajar Jepang pada perang Burma 1944. Pangkat Mayor Jenderal pun diturunkan menjadi Brigadir Jenderal, karena pangkat seorang komandan Brigade Inggris adalah Brigjen. Mallaby yang saat itu menjadi saksi atas gencatan senjata memerintahkan pasukannya untuk menarik diri dari semua pertempuran. Keputusan itu ditandatangani 29 Oktober 1945. Namun informasi gencatan senjata ternyata tidak sampai ke seluruh pasukan. Ada pasukan kecil India (Gurkha) yang membangun benteng pasir di bawah Jembatan Merah Surabaya. Mereka menembaki segerombolan pemuda. Para Pemuda membalas berondongan senjata dengan serbuan bambu runcing, naas bagi Mallaby yang dikiranya kota sudah aman dia berjalan-jalan malam untuk mencari restoran yang masih buka, ia lapar. Dengan naik mobil Buick ia bersama pengawalnya berkeliling Surabaya, di dekat jembatan merah ia malah masuk ke wilayah Republik, kemudian ada pistol menyalak ke dada Mallaby. Seketika Mallaby mati kemudian ada granat masuk ke dalam mobil Mallaby, mobil Mallaby meledak hebat. Mayatnya terpanggang di dalam. Sampai sekarang siapa yang nembak Mallaby, siapa yang melempar granat tidak diketahui, apakah ini mainan intelijen Belanda, NEFIS atau memang sebuah aksi spontan pemuda. Namun yang jelas dari sinilah Perang Surabaya bermula. Dalam perang lima tahun dengan NAZI, Inggris tidak pernah kehilangan satu Jenderal pun. Tapi di Surabaya baru lima hari mendarat seorang Jenderal terbunuh. Inilah yang membuat marah Inggris.....>>>..Lalu dengan cepat Mountbatten menunjuk Mayor Jenderal Mansergh sebagai kepala pasukan Inggris di Surabaya untuk membereskan kota Surabaya. Mayjen Mansergh yang jago perang dunia itu langsung mengambil keputusan untuk melucuti semua orang Surabaya. “Hak apa orang Inggris memerintahkan orang Surabaya sebuah bagian dari negara berdaulat” teriak Bung Tomo sambil menggebrak meja setelah mendapatkan laporan bahwa ada ultimatum bahwa orang Surabaya harus menyerahkan senjata sampai tanggal 10 November 1945. “Wah perang ini” kata Bung Tomo di depan banyak temannya. Beberapa jam kemudian Bung Tomo memerintahkan anak buahnya untuk menyiapkan mobil lalu pergi ke Tebu Ireng, Jombang. Disana ia berjumpa dengan Hadratus Sjaikh Hasjim As’ary (kakek Gus Dur) untuk meminta pertimbangan. “Perang ini akan jadi perang sahid, perang suci karena membela tanah air, tapi sebelum saya putuskan bantu kamu baiknya kamu dzikir dulu, saya menunggu seorang Kyai dari Cirebon” Esoknya Hadratus Sjaikh berkata lagi pada Bung Tomo “Kamu perang saja, ulama membantu, santri-santri membantu”. Mendapat jaminan dan restu dari tokoh ulama, Bung Tomo langsung ke Surabaya dan meneriakkan di corong “Radio Pemberontak” ..>> ...Saudara-saudara Allahu Akbar!!… Semboyan kita tetap: MERDEKA ATAU MATI. Dan kita yakin, saudara-saudara, pada akhirnya pastilah kemenangan akan jatuh ke tangan kita sebab Allah selalu berada di pihak yang benar percayalah saudara-saudara, Tuhan akan melindungi kita sekalian. Allahu Akbar…!! Allahu Akbar…! Allahu Akbar…!!! MERDEKA!!! Mendengar pidato Bung Tomo, orang Surabaya paham itu isyarat perang. ..>> .......ZAMAN BARU TELAH BERUBAH...?? PENGEMBANGAN NUKLIR SDH SANGAT LUAR BIASA DISEGALA BIDANG.. TERMASUK PERLENGKAPAN DAN PERSENJATAAN ANGKATAN PERNAG..?? KENAPA INDIONESIA DIAAM?? SEDANG CINA -INDIA-PAKISTAN-JEPANG-KOREA UTARA-KOREA SELATAN-IRAN-ISRAEL-DLL SUDAH MENJADI NEGARA NUKLIR.. BAUK UTK PERTAHANAN MAUPUN UNTUK EKONOMI DAN INDUSTRI BISNIS..?? QUO VADIS....INDONESIA..?? ...>>>
Padahal perang Surabaya adalah sebuah drama
besar yang bisa dijadikan landasan untuk merdeka sepenuhnya, Perang
Surabaya juga dikabarkan lewat radio-radio dan didengarkan oleh para
pejuang di banyak negara terjajah seperti Vietnam dan Burma, dari perang
inilah kemudian membangkitkan semangat mereka melawan Kolonialisme
– Perang Surabaya November 1945, bisa dikatakan merupakan pertemuan
antara : Keberanian rakyat Indonesia, kegagalan Intel Inggris,
cerobohnya Belanda dan naifnya pemimpin Republik di Jakarta dalam
memahami keadaan. Perang ini amat massif sifatnya dan merupakan perang
pertama di dunia setelah Hitler dikalahkan pada Mei 1945. Perang ini
juga merupakan sebuah kejutan besar bagi Inggris dan menjadi inspirasi
bagi negara Asia lainnya untuk mengobarkan perlawanan anti kolonial.
Bisa dikatakan “Perang Surabaya adalah titik balik terpenting bagi
negara-negara jajahan di Asia untuk memulai revolusinya”.
Perang di Surabaya
Di tahun 1942, ketika Jepang berhasil
menginvasi Jawa dan mendaratkan banyak pasukan di Pulau paling kaya di
Asia, pasukan Belanda mundur ke belakang. Beberapa pasukan Belanda di
garis terdepan ditangkap dan diinternir, namun para penggede militer
Belanda terutama bagian intelnya berhasil mengungsi ke tepi-tepi pantai
atau di bandara kecil kota diterbangkan ke Australia dengan
terburu-buru. Disana para penggede militer Belanda terus menjalin
hubungan dengan Inggris, dan memeloti setiap berita yang masuk tentang
Hindia Belanda. Dikabarkan pula Belanda telah menanam ribuan senjata
ringan dan beberapa senjata berat yang siap digunakan sebagai perlawanan
bawah tanah terhadap Jepang bila kemudian hari Jepang sudah melemah
daya tempurnya maka pasukan bawah tanah bersenjata siap mengepung
Jepang. Sampai detik ini belum bisa dibuktikan adanya penemuan
senjata-senjata baru, tapi dari banyak kesaksian di masa perang Revolusi
1945 banyak dari pasukan laskar bersenjata memiliki alat persenjataan
yang amat baik dan bukan peninggalan Jepang.
Sementara di Eropa, Churchill dan
Franklin Delano Roosevelt terus melakukan koordinasi, mereka berdua
memanfaatkan Stalin untuk menghadapi Hitler di front timur dan juga
memutuskan sebuah persetujuan baru untuk bersiap bila sekutu kalah oleh
Hitler di Eropa maka pertempuran akan dilanjutkan di Asia. Churchill dan
Roosevelt pun menuliskan perjanjian Atlantic Charter 1940 yang isinya
antara lain: “Hak bangsa-bangsa untuk menentukan nasibnya sendiri” isi
perjanjian ini jika dilihat kemudian waktu adalah hanya sebagai bom
waktu agar bangsa Asia bisa dimanfaatkan oleh Inggris dan Amerika
Serikat dalam melawan Hitler. Bukti bahwa Inggris-Amerika akan
menjadikan semua dunia adalah wilayah jajahan mereka terjadi tahun 1945,
dalam perjanjian Yalta, Inggris-Amerika Serikat dan Sovjet Uni sepakat
bahwa geopolitik akan dibelah menjadi blok barat dan blok timur. Setelah
Stalin tertawa-tawa menandatangani perjanjian ini di depan Roosevelt
dan Churchill, lalu Roosevelt dan Churchill bertemu di ruangan lain dan
membicarakan tentang nasib jajahan Asia.
Churchill bersikeras “Biarlah jajahan di
Asia akan tetap seperti masa sebelum Jepang mengobrak-abrik Asia” ini
artinya : Inggris, Perancis dan Belanda akan menerima keuntungan besar.
Roosevelt diam saja karena mau-nya Churchill ini jelas merugikan Amerika
Serikat. Roosevelt melihat keadaan dan kemudian pelan-pelan menarik
diri dari agresifitas Inggris di Asia. Bagi Roosevelt belum waktunya
Amerika masuk ke Asia, sebuah wilayah yang belum begitu dikenalnya
kecuali Filipina. Ketika kemenangan sekutu mulai terasa di Asia, setelah
MacArthur secara lompat kodok berhasil satu persatu mencaplok
pulau-pulau di Asia, berawal dari kemenangannya menguasai pulau-pulau
kecil di Pasifik selatan, kemudian menguasai Biak dan membunuhi ribuan
serdadu Jepang. Lalu menerbangkan pesawat-pesawatnya ke Filipina, disana
MacArthur memenuhi janjinya kepada rakyat Filipina “I shall return”.
Sampai pada titik ini, MacArthur dan Amerika Serikat masih bercitra
menjadi pembebas negeri, apalagi di Asia, Jepang amat kalap demi
kemenangan perang ia memperbudak penduduk negeri-negeri jajahan.
Namun dibalik kemenangan MacArthur ini,
Belanda dengan licik memanfaatkan Amerika Serikat, seperti kebiasaan
orang Belanda yang selalu ambil manfaat sebanyak-banyaknya dan berjuang
sekecil-kecilnya, maka Belanda mulai mendompleng kemenangan MacArthur
demi menguasai kepulauan paling kaya di dunia: Hindia Belanda. Pada
tahun 1943, ketika Filipina sudah dikuasai MacArthur, Belanda langsung
menerbangkan Van Mook dari Australia untuk ikut menandatangani
perjanjian di Tacloban, Filipina tentang wilayah perang. Saat itu
wilayah perang dibagi dua : Wilayah Tenggara (South East) dan South West
(Pasifik Barat Daya) kebanyakan wilayah Indonesia masuk ke dalam South
West. Baik wilayah perang Asia Tenggara dan Pasifik Barat Daya semuanya
dibawah komando MacArthur sebagai Supreme Commander. Setelah Jepang
menyerah kalah, dengan gentleman Amerika Serikat menyerahkan wilayah
perang itu kepada Inggris. Inggris saat itu menunjuk Lord Louis
Mountbatten, Raja Muda India untuk menjadi penguasa di Asia eks jajahan
Jepang. Mountbatten sendiri berkedudukan di Saigon. Van Mook, Van Der
Plas dan Spoor adalah tiga serangkai dari Belanda yang paling banyak
melobi pihak Inggris untuk mengembalikan Hindia Belanda ke tangan
Belanda. Van Der Plas menganggap remeh situasi di Hindia Belanda.
Inilah kesalahan terpenting intel-intel
Belanda di Indonesia yang masih melihat pergerakan pemuda di Jawa atau
Sumatera adalah pergerakan anak bawang. Karena sikap meremehkan Van Der
Plas ini membuat Van Mook bersama Spoor hanya merekrut 5000 serdadu
Belanda dari Suriname dan Curicao untuk disiapkan mengamankan kedatangan
mereka di Jawa. Saat sarapan pagi di markasnya Australia, Van Mook
kaget mendengar berita Proklamasi dari Jakarta. Van Mook mulai memiliki
insting akan ada situasi berat, tapi ketika Van Mook menyampaikan ini ke
Van Der Plas, Van Der Plas hanya tersenyum kecil dan berkata singkat
“Apa bisa sekelompok manusia penakut melawan Brigade tempur veteran
perang dunia?” Sekelompok orang pengecut ternyata sudah berubah. Van
Mook mati-matian mempertahankan pendapat bahwa Belanda harus mengirimkan
banyak pasukan. Van Der Plas menolak, karena dengan mengirimkan banyak
pasukan akan membuat kecurigaan Inggris tentang begitu menggebunya
Belanda mencaplok Hindia Belanda “Santai saja jangan membuat Inggris
atau Amerika memperhatikan kita” . Gagal meyakinkan Van Der Plas,
akhirnya Van Mook menghubungi jaringannya di London agar segera melobi
Perdana Menteri Inggris. Utusan Van Mook mengejar PM Inggris ke Downing
Street, tapi ternyata Churchill sedang beristirahat di Chequers,
pinggiran kota London disana diadakan pertemuan dadakan. Churchill
akhirnya menyarankan agar dibentuk sebuah tentara pengambil alihan
sipil, pihak Belanda setuju lantas disana dibentuklah NICA (Nederlaands
India Civil Affair), NICA ini akan jadi semacam pengawal pemerintahan
peralihan untuk kemudian menegakkan kekuasaan Belanda di Inggris, dalam
nota Chequers yang tertanggal 24 Agustus 1945 ini pula termuat komitmen
Inggris untuk siap membantu apabila NICA mengalami kesulitan dalam
menegakkan kembali kekuasaannya di Indonesia.
Nota Chequers ini amat rahasia, bahkan
Van Mook sendiri sampai beberapa saat merahasiakannya di depan
teman-temannya, karena apabila ini bocor maka pendaratan Inggris sebagai
pasukan pembuka akan gagal. Inggris kemudian membentuk RAPWI, sebuah
organ pembebasan tawanan perang sekutu oleh Jepang dan pasukan Inggris
mendarat di Jawa atas nama AFNEI. Barulah beberapa hari kemudian setelah
berpikir panjang Van Mook menunjukkan surat nota Chequers ke Van Der
Plas, sambil marah-marah Van der Plas bilang ke Van Mook, kenapa tidak
langsung diberikan kepada dirinya info itu, karena Van Der Plas bisa tau
posisi Inggris saat ini. Van Der Plas langsung memutuskan untuk membawa
Van Mook ke Kandy, Srilanka untuk menemui Lord Louis Mountbatten.
Disini kemudian Van Mook dan Van Der Plas ditemui di teras belakang
dengan santai di rumah dinas Mountbatten. “Kita akan melanjutkan hasil
pertemuan di Yalta 1945 dan melanjutkan keputusan tuan Perdana Menteri
tentang ini” kata Van Mook sambil menyerahkan surat nota Chequers kepada
Mountbatten. Raja Muda India itu membaca dengan seksama surat itu, lalu
mengonfirmasi dengan ajudannya atas keabsahan surat itu lewat jalur
rahasia, setengah jam kemudian ada pesan dari London bahwa surat itu
absah. Tanpa pikir panjang Mountbatten berkata “Akan saya perintah ke
seluruh divisi pasukan saya untuk membantu pasukan Belanda. Tapi ini
jangan terlalu berlebihan biarlah Inggris membereskan seluruh persoalan
sipil dengan baik” “Kami tak ingin kedahuluan Komunis” kata Van Mook
menakut-nakuti Inggris. Mountbatten tersenyum “Saya tau watak Stalin, ia
sudah terikat dengan perjanjian Yalta 1945. Stalin tidak akan masuk ke
wilayah yang dikuasai sekutu, asal kita jangan pancing dia”.
Mountbatten langsung melanjutkan “Saya
punya intelijen disana namanya Kolonel Van Der Post, biarlah dia jadi
perwira penghubung nanti kita akan terima banyak laporan dari dia”. Van
Mook setuju, begitu juga dengan Van Der Plas mereka bersalaman dengan
Mountbatten lalu balik ke Australia dan menyiapkan pasukan serta para
perwira stafnya. Di Australia pemimpin pasukan diputuskan perwira KNIL
orang Jawa bernama Abdulkadir Wijoyoatmodjo dan Mayor KNIL
Santoso.Abdulkadir dan Santoso diperintahkan Van Mook untuk ke Djakarta
untuk mengadakan pengembangan kontak-kontak jaringan dengan eks perwira
KNIL yang masih memiliki pasukan. Abdulkadir dan Santoso langsung
berangkat ke Jakarta dan menemui beberapa perwira KNIL di Jakarta untuk
bersiap melakukan perang dengan pihak Indonesia apabila pasukan NICA
nanti mendarat dan menerima perlawanan. Setelah Abdulkadir bertemu
dengan pasukannya, lalu Van Mook dan Van Der Plas datang ke Jakarta
disana ia berjumpa dengan Kolonel Van Der Post, kontak terpenting Van
Der Post dengan banyak pemimpin-pemimpin baru Republik. Van Mook agak
nggak suka dengan Van Der Post yang secara eksplisit mendukung
kemerdekaan Indonesia. Van Der Post sempat menertawai Belanda ketika
pasukan Belanda akan datang kembali. “Kamu akan berhadapan dengan banyak
orang nekat” kata Van Der Post di satu sore depan stadion Vios,
Karena sudah memegang Nota Chequers itu
Van Mook amat yakin bisa menguasai kembali Republik. Sementara di
Djakarta sendiri, kedatangan sekutu disambut baik. Sukarno amat takut
apabila dirinya akan ditangkap karena tuduhan kolaborator, sementara
Hatta dan Sjahrir sudah berhitung untuk menghindari perang terhadap
sekutu. Kelemahan Sukarno yang kadang-kadang menyebalkan adalah “Ia
tidak memperhitungkan kekuatannya sendiri” padahal seluruh bangsa ini
mau merdeka secara sukarela karena mereka melihat figur Sukarno.
Hatta dan Sjahrir amat bergantung dengan
figur Sukarno. Sementara kekuatan lain belum bermunculan, Tan Malaka
masih bersembunyi di rumah Achmad Subardjo dan masih bingung harus
kontak siapa lagi yang bisa dipercaya, karena Sukarni menghilang setelah
Tan Malaka bertemu dengan Sukarni di rumahnya. Sukarni, Maruto
Nitimihardjo, Chaerul Saleh, dan banyak tokoh pemuda berkali-kali
meyakinkan Sukarno akan perang total dengan sekutu. Sukarno marah-marah
karena perbuatan amat gila berperang dengan pasukan sekutu. Para pemuda
tidak tau akan nota Chequers 24 Agustus 1945, tapi para pemuda liwat
insting politiknya yakin Belanda bermain di belakang sekutu, kejadian
ini seperti 120 tahun yang lampau saat pasukan Inggris menyerahkan Jawa
ke tangan Belanda setelah kekalahan Napoleon. Sukarno, Hatta dan Sjahrir
tidak mau berspekulasi dan memutuskan untuk menganut garis
“menghindarkan perang dan menyelamatkan nyawa orang banyak dari
peperangan”. Lalu sekutu datang ke Tanjung Priok. Kedatangan sekutu
disana mendapatkan banyak perhatian dari orang-orang Priok termasuk
Hadji Tjitra (mertuanya Lagoa, jagoan Priok) dan Hadji Tjitra melaporkan
kedatangan sekutu yang bersenjata lengkap juga beberapa orang berbicara
bahasa Belanda kepada pemimpin pemuda Maruto Nitimihardjo. Kedatangan
orang Belanda ini menjadi alasan bagi Pemuda untuk menembaki sekutu di
Jalan-Jalan Djakarta, lalu Sukarno marah-marah dan membentak Maruto juga
Pandu Kartawiguna “Hentikan Perang, Tolol!!”………… Maruto marah begitu
juga dengan Pandu. Tapi di tempat lain sudah mulai muncul tokoh baru Tan
Malaka, yang ternyata mereka kenal sebagai Ilyas Hussein seorang utusan
pemuda dari Bayah, Banten.
Di Tanjung Mas, Surabaya Pasukan sekutu
mendarat dan membebaskan banyak interniran perang Belanda. Banyak eks
orang kaya Belanda langsung lupa diri, mereka kemudian berpesta. Di
Hotel Yamato, para orang kaya Belanda menyiapkan pesta untuk mengganti
nama Hotel Yamato ke nama semula yaitu : Hotel Oranje. Proses
penggantian nama ini kemudian diikuti oleh pengerekan Bendera Belanda di
atas hotal Yamato. Perintah pengerekan ini dilakukan oleh Ploegman
salah seorang advokat Surabaya di jaman sebelum Jepang.
Pengibaran itu dilakukan jam 9 malam.
Paginya pengibaran bendera Belanda bikin perhatian banyak orang yang
sedang berjalan kaki. Pemuda-pemuda yang dilapori rakyat bahwa Belanda
mengibarkan bendera langsung ngasah bambu runcing, beberapa pemuda
melapor ke Residen Surabaya : Sudirman. “Lha, kan sudah ada perintah
dari Jakarta untuk mengibarkan bendera merah putih” Sudirman memegang
surat perintah 1 September 1945 tentang bendera merah putih lalu
membawanya ke Hotel Yamato. Disana Sudirman dikawal Sidik dan Haryono.
Sampai di depan kerumunan massa, Sudirman
ditemui beberapa orang pemuda yang kalap “Kita bakar saja hotel ini”
Sudirman menahan ide pemuda itu, lalu ia segera masuk ke ruang lobi
Hotel. Disana Sudirman disoraki orang-orang Belanda yang sedang
menyiapkan acara dansa. “Mana Pemimpin Belanda disini..!!” kata Sudirman
sambil kedua tangannya memegang pinggang. “Saya kamu mau apa?” kata
Ploegman dengan pandangan menghina. Lalu Sudirman menunjukkan surat
perintah Djakarta tentang pengibaran bendera “Kamu bisa baca ini?”
Ploegman mengibaskan tangannya dan mengenai surat itu langsung terjatuh
ke lantai. Sidik yang melihat kelakuan kurang ajar Ploegman langsung
memegangi leher Ploegman, lalu Ploegman mengeluarkan pistol dan
mengarahkan ke Sudirman. Tak lama kemudian dari belakang pistol meletus
dan mengenai punggung Sidik. Sidik langsung jatuh dan mati, lalu
beberapa orang Belanda mau mengeroyok Sudirman dan Haryono. Para pemuda
menerobos masuk dan terjadilah perkelahian seperti di bar-bar, beberapa
orang Belanda digebuki sampai mati. Di luar keadaan semakin memanas,
beberapa orang pemuda naik ke atas dan merobek warna biru Belanda, lalu
mengibarkan sisa bendera robekan itu : Merah Putih, sekejap rakyat
Surabaya terdiam lalu menangis, beberapa diantara dengan semangat
menyanyikan lagu Indonesia Raya dengan suara gemetar.
Hari itu rakyat Surabaya memiliki
keIndonesiaannya. Sejak Insiden Yamato itu kemudian pemuda menyerang
pos-pos militer sekutu. Perang kecil-kecilan terjadi, barulah pada akhir
Oktober 1945 terjadi perang besar. Inggris mengirimkan Hawthorn untuk
melobi Sukarno di Djakarta. Sukarno langsung berangkat ke Surabaya,
ditengah tembakan mendesing Sukarno menemui beberapa pemuda dan
memerintahkan menghentikan tembakan “Musuh kita bukan sekutu, mereka
hanya membebaskan tawanan perang..” kata Sukarno. Para pemuda menuruti
apa kata Sukarno. Lalu gencatan senjata terjadi. Van Mook menganjurkan
pada Mountbatten agar mengirimkan Jenderal administrasi saja, semacam
Jenderal Salon yang tak pernah pegang pasukan. Bagi para Jenderal amat
senang dan merupakan reputasi menarik apabila diperintahkan memegang
pasukan. Begitu juga yang terjadi pada Mallaby, selama perang dunia
kedua Mallaby hanya duduk di belakang meja merapihkan administrasi
markas dan mengatur alat-alat peraga Atlas untuk presentasi para
Jenderal yang mengatur pasukan di lapangan.
Mallaby yang saat itu berpangkat Mayor
Jenderal dengan senang hati menerima perintah memimpin pasukan Brigade
49 yang terkenal nekat dan berhasil menghajar Jepang pada perang Burma
1944. Pangkat Mayor Jenderal pun diturunkan menjadi Brigadir Jenderal,
karena pangkat seorang komandan Brigade Inggris adalah Brigjen. Mallaby
yang saat itu menjadi saksi atas gencatan senjata memerintahkan
pasukannya untuk menarik diri dari semua pertempuran. Keputusan itu
ditandatangani 29 Oktober 1945. Namun informasi gencatan senjata
ternyata tidak sampai ke seluruh pasukan. Ada pasukan kecil India
(Gurkha) yang membangun benteng pasir di bawah Jembatan Merah Surabaya.
Mereka menembaki segerombolan pemuda. Para Pemuda membalas berondongan
senjata dengan serbuan bambu runcing, naas bagi Mallaby yang dikiranya
kota sudah aman dia berjalan-jalan malam untuk mencari restoran yang
masih buka, ia lapar. Dengan naik mobil Buick ia bersama pengawalnya
berkeliling Surabaya, di dekat jembatan merah ia malah masuk ke wilayah
Republik, kemudian ada pistol menyalak ke dada Mallaby. Seketika Mallaby
mati kemudian ada granat masuk ke dalam mobil Mallaby, mobil Mallaby
meledak hebat. Mayatnya terpanggang di dalam. Sampai sekarang siapa yang
nembak Mallaby, siapa yang melempar granat tidak diketahui, apakah ini
mainan intelijen Belanda, NEFIS atau memang sebuah aksi spontan pemuda.
Namun yang jelas dari sinilah Perang Surabaya bermula. Dalam perang lima
tahun dengan NAZI, Inggris tidak pernah kehilangan satu Jenderal pun.
Tapi di Surabaya baru lima hari mendarat seorang Jenderal terbunuh.
Inilah yang membuat marah Inggris.
Lalu dengan cepat Mountbatten
menunjuk Mayor Jenderal Mansergh sebagai kepala pasukan Inggris di
Surabaya untuk membereskan kota Surabaya. Mayjen Mansergh yang jago
perang dunia itu langsung mengambil keputusan untuk melucuti semua orang
Surabaya. “Hak apa orang Inggris memerintahkan orang Surabaya sebuah
bagian dari negara berdaulat” teriak Bung Tomo sambil menggebrak meja
setelah mendapatkan laporan bahwa ada ultimatum bahwa orang Surabaya
harus menyerahkan senjata sampai tanggal 10 November 1945. “Wah perang
ini” kata Bung Tomo di depan banyak temannya. Beberapa jam kemudian Bung
Tomo memerintahkan anak buahnya untuk menyiapkan mobil lalu pergi ke
Tebu Ireng, Jombang. Disana ia berjumpa dengan Hadratus Sjaikh Hasjim
As’ary (kakek Gus Dur) untuk meminta pertimbangan. “Perang ini akan jadi
perang sahid, perang suci karena membela tanah air, tapi sebelum saya
putuskan bantu kamu baiknya kamu dzikir dulu, saya menunggu seorang Kyai
dari Cirebon” Esoknya Hadratus Sjaikh berkata lagi pada Bung Tomo “Kamu
perang saja, ulama membantu, santri-santri membantu”. Mendapat jaminan
dan restu dari tokoh ulama, Bung Tomo langsung ke Surabaya dan
meneriakkan di corong “Radio Pemberontak”
…Saudara-saudara Allahu
Akbar!!… Semboyan kita tetap: MERDEKA ATAU MATI. Dan kita yakin,
saudara-saudara, pada akhirnya pastilah kemenangan akan jatuh ke tangan
kita sebab Allah selalu berada di pihak yang benar percayalah
saudara-saudara, Tuhan akan melindungi kita sekalian. Allahu Akbar…!!
Allahu Akbar…! Allahu Akbar…!!! MERDEKA!!! Mendengar pidato Bung Tomo,
orang Surabaya paham itu isyarat perang.
Mayjen Mansergh juga ambil
kesimpulan bakal ada perang beneran. Akhirnya tanggal 10 November tiba,
sirene pagi berbunyi keras dan tak satupun rakyat Surabaya yang datang
ke pos militer sekutu untuk menyerahkan senjata. Para pemuda membangun
benteng-benteng pasir, menjalin kawat berduri, bersembunyi di
jendela-jendela toko sudah perseneleng siap tempur. Pagi hari Gubernur
Surjo mendatangi beberapa tokoh pemuda.
Gubernur Soerjo bilang “ini sudah
keterlaluan Inggris, sudah tidak menganggap Pemerintahan Djakarta itu
ada, tidak ada Republik Indonesia” lalu Gubernur Soerjo dengan
blangkonnya berpidato “kita tidak mau dijajah kembali, Merdeka….!!” Jam 6
pagi dari arah pelabuhan di Surabaya Utara, kanon-kanon kapal perang
Inggris sudah mengarah ke kota. Tembakan pertama meletus jam 6.10 dari
sebuah kapal kemudian meletus lagi dari semua kapal berikutnya seluruh
wilayah kota yang dekat dengan pelabuhan jadi korbannya. Wilayah
Surabaya Utara dihuni oleh banyak orang-orang Cina, Arab, India dan
beberapa pedagang dari Bugis. Rata-rata dari mereka adalah pedagang.
Rumah-rumah mereka hancur dengan tanah, tembakan kanon terus menerus
menghancurkan Pasar Turi, Kramat Gantung dan Pasar Besar. Beberapa
tempat sudah tak berbekas. Jam 7 pagi pasukan Inggris mulai masuk ke
Surabaya. Mereka masuk ke kampung-kampung dan menembaki rakyat dengan
membabi buta, ada orang tembak, ada pemuda tembak mati. Sekutu
menendangi rumah penduduk dan mencari senjata, bila ada yang melawan
tembak mati. Rakyat Surabaya belum melawan, mereka masih siaga di
posisinya masing-masing, belum ada perintah tembak dari Djakarta. Para
penggede militer TKR di Djakarta dilapori situasi Surabaya terutama
penembakan kanon di Surabaya Utara. Amir Sjafruddin yang saat itu
mengurusi pertahanan langsung memerintahkan “Lawan!!” lalu datanglah
perintah dari Djakarta agar rakyat Surabaya melawan. Jam 9.15 milisi
Surabaya sudah dapat kabar bahwa Jakarta menyetujui perang, lalu
tembakan pertama kali terjadi di Pasar Turi dari pihak Republik. Di
batas-batas kota rakyat mulai berdatangan memasuki kota, ratusan ribu
orang memasuki kota Surabaya mempertahankan kedaulatan bangsanya yang
sedang dihina Inggris dan Belanda. Pasukan resmi tentara juga mulai
mengoordinasi, semuanya ikut dalam barisan milisi, pertahanan Republik
langsung dibangun dari arah barat ke Timur, wilayah Asem Jajar dijadikan
wilayah perang pertama antara sekutu dan Republik. Di wilayah ini
pasukan sekutu berhasil dipukul mundur, beberapa dari mereka tewas
ketika pasukan bambu runcing nekat maju dan masuk ke lobang pasir dimana
mitraliyur ditaruh. Di selatan Pasar Turi pasukan Inggris menerobos
masuk tapi ditembaki dari gedung-gedung oleh pasukan rakyat. Jam 10.12
di langit Surabaya suara pesawat menderu-deru kencang. Rupanya Inggris
mengerahkan pasukan Royal Air Force (RAF) langsung dari pangkalan
militernya di Burma. Pasukan RAF yang dikerahkan ini adalah veteran
perang dari Perang Dunia kedua yang mengebom Berlin. Tapi sekarang bukan
Berlin yang dibom tapi Kota Surabaya, mereka mengebom kantor-kantor
pemerintahan, gedung-gedung sekolah. Bila tahun 1940 Inggris dibombardir
Jerman, maka Inggris mengulangi kejahatan Jerman dengan memborbardir
kota Surabaya, banyak orang tertembak mati kena runtuh gedung, dan orang
yang tertembak mitraliyur pesawat, Inggris seperti pasukan gila yang
mengamuk habis-habisan. Tapi Inggris belum kenal watak orang Surabaya
yang panas. Pasukan rakyat kemudian mengambil beberapa mitralyur anti
pesawat buatan Jepang dan menembaki skuadron pasukan RAF. Dua pesawat
kena tembak salah satunya adalah seorang jenderal yang bernama Brigjen
Robert Guy Loder Symonds seorang komandan pasukan Artileri yang sedang
melakukan survey udara. Jenderal ini kemudian dibawa ke Jakarta dan
dimakamkan di Kramat Pulo, Menteng. Pertempuran makin meluas, sampai ke
Kali Mas. Di pinggir Kali Mas pasukan sekutu langsung menggempur pasukan
rakyat. Jam 12 siang hari pertama, pasukan infanteri mulai mendarat
sekitar 20.000 orang, inilah pasukan terbesar Inggris setelah perang
dunia selesai, dan merupakan perang paling brutal sepanjang sejarah
pertempuran pasukan Inggris. Dari Radio hampir seluruh rakyat Indonesia
menunggu laporan-laporan dari perkembangan perang, mereka menunggu
pidato Bung Tomo. Semua mendekatkan telinga mereka di radio. Pada hari
itu juga banyak dari orang-orang Indonesia di tempat lainnya menyiapkan
diri untuk perang ke Surabaya. Sekitar 20.000 orang Bali sudah siap
masuk ke Surabaya, beberapa bisa menyusup dan langsung menggempur
Dari Aceh sudah disiapkan ribuan orang
pengiriman, di Medan ribuan orang berkumpul untuk bersiap diberangkatkan
ke Surabaya, di Lombok Mataram di depan para Ulama, rakyat Lombok siap
mati dan akan berangkat ke Surabaya. Di Yogyakarta sudah mulai ada
pengiriman pasukan, Malang sudah kirim pasukan sementara Djakarta masih
menunggu perkembangan, penggede-penggede Djakarta masih berharap perang
bisa diselesaikan dengan cepat. Di wilayah lain di luar Surabaya,
Jenderal Sudirman dan para staf-nya memutuskan untuk memotong rantai
logistik sekutu. Jadi 20 ribu pasukan infanteri bakalan terlokalisir dan
digebuki rakyat Surabaya. Taktik ini berhasil, laskar-laskar rakyat di
Jawa Barat menghadang pasukan logistik sekutu yang mau masuk dari arah
barat, di Malang gudang logistik pasukan sekutu dihancurkan, otomatis
selama 5 hari pasukan sekutu terkunci dari semua pintu masuk kota,
sementara ribuan orang Indonesia terus mengalir memasuki kota dengan
senjata apa adanya berperang melawan sekutu. Pasukan sekutu mulai
stress, karena logistik tidak ada, bantuan tempur logistik yang
diterjunkan dari pesawat kemakan orang-orang Republik, bahkan nyaris
tidak ada logistik yang berhasil didapatkan pasukan Inggris. Mereka
sudah terkunci dan terkepung oleh seluruh orang Indonesia yang mengitari
mereka, keberadaan pasukan Inggris dari Brigade 49 tinggal menghitung
waktu. Tempat-tempat dimana pos pasukan Inggris berada di blokade total,
tak ada listrik, tak ada makanan, mereka harus berjaga 24 jam agar
jangan sampai ditembaki Republik yang terus menerus nggan berhenti. Di
hari kelima pertempuran mulai jarang tembakan dari pasukan sekutu,
pasukan Inggris mulai kehabisan amunisi, beberapa orang Surabaya nekat
masuk ke pos-pos Inggris dan meledakkan granat, inilah yang mereka
takutkan. Dalam kondisi rusak mental inilah, pasukan Brigade 49 mulai
teriak-teriak ke markas mereka di Djakarta bahwa mereka sudah terdesak.
Rahasia kekalahan Inggris ini disimpan rapi-rapi, jangan sampai Penggede
Republik Indonesia tau, mereka berlagak ja’im dan masih mencitrakan
diri sebagai pemenang perang di Surabaya. Begitu juga dengan pemimpin di
Jakarta yang tidak begitu mengetahui perkembangan perang di Surabaya,
mereka sudah ‘underestimate’ bahwa perang akan dimenangkan oleh Inggris.
tDi Singapura para panglima Inggris
berkumpul. “Kita sudah kalah di Surabaya” kata seorang Panglima.
“Pasukan kita sudah kelaparan, tidak ada lagi pasokan” memang saat itu
pasukan sekutu sudah amat kelaparan. Mereka tidak dapat pasokan
logistik, sementara para pejuang Republik dapat pasokan terus menerus
nasi bungkus, pisang, dan banyak bahan makanan dari rakyat yang sukarela
membuatkan masakan di dapur umum. Bahkan beberapa pasukan Inggris
seperti anjing kelaparan saat melihat sisa nasi bungkus bahkan yang udah
basi, mereka ambil dan makan. “Keadaan ini harus dirahasiakan”
Bagaimanapun pasukan Brigade 49 dari Divisi V adalah pasukan kebanggaan
Inggris, mereka dijuluki “Fighting Cock” pada Perang Burma 1944,
merekalah yang merebut satu persatu wilayah Burma dengan sistem gerilya
hutan, kini Brigade itu perlahan-lahan mati kelaparan, digebukin dan
ditembakin. Lalu para Panglima itu mengutus Admiral Heifrich menemui
Presiden Sukarno. Heifrich mengakui sendiri dalam buku biografinya,
‘Keputusan untuk menghentikan perang, satu-satunya hanya pada Presiden
Sukarno” apa yang dilakukan Heifrich ini bila diperhatikan sangat aneh
untuk watak Inggris yang amat ksatria. Karena saat ultimatum, Inggris
sempat menganggap Pemerintahan Republik Indonesia tidak ada, lantas
setelah pasukan Brigade 49 sudah kalah dan terjepit ia minta tolong pada
Disinilah kesalahan Sukarno paling fatal, ia masih termakan
halusinasi bahwa sekutu adalah pihak yang menang perang dan merupakan
alat yang baik untuk berdiplomasi dengan Belanda. Sukarno nggak paham
kekuatan bangsa sendiri, ia tidak langsung melihat pertempuran, jalan
diplomatiknya yang dipilih merupakan blunder besar dalam perang
Kemerdekaan 1945-1949. Perang Surabaya yang berlangsung selama tiga
minggu, di minggu pertama dimenangkan oleh pihak Republikein, tapi
karena keputusan Sukarno yang memerintahkan penghentian perang, sehingga
Jenderal Sudirman membuka blokade lalu pasukan Divisi V yang awalnya
sudah diputuskan tidak akan masuk Surabaya karena takut dihabisi, jadi
masuk. Logistik yang tadinya terputus mengalir kembali. Dan kemudian
Inggris mampu menghajar pasukan Republik. Lalu nggak berapa lama Inggris
menguasai kota Surabaya, karena sudah dapat suplai logistik dari
Jakarta. Apakah yang terjadi bila Sukarno tau kebohongan Inggris, mulai
dari Nota Chequers 24 Agustus 1945 sampai pada rahasia pasukan Brigade
49 yang kocar-kacir. Sukarno saat itu berada pada persimpangan politik
yang amat tragis. Di satu sisi hanya dia-lah yang dipercaya rakyatnya,
di sisi lain dia tidak mau perang dengan sekutu, karena nama Sukarno
sudah tercatat sebagai kolaborator. Bila Sukarno diambil pihak sekutu,
Sukarno kuatir Indonesia akan kehilangan pemimpin. Kesalahan besar
Sukarno yang menghentikan perang ini juga sama fatalnya dengan perintah
Sukarno agar melarang pasukan KKO pimpinan Mayjen Hartono masuk ke
Djakarta di tahun 1966 untuk memberikan pelajaran bagi Suharto. Sukarno
memang pribadi yang menarik tapi ketika ia harus masuk ke dalam situasi
perang nampaknya ia lebih memilih menghindar. Padahal perang Surabaya
adalah sebuah drama besar yang bisa dijadikan landasan untuk merdeka
sepenuhnya, Perang Surabaya juga dikabarkan lewat radio-radio dan
didengarkan oleh para pejuang di banyak negara terjajah seperti Vietnam
dan Burma, dari perang inilah kemudian membangkitkan semangat mereka
melawan Kolonialisme. Pelajaran dari sejarah ini adalah ketika kita
sudah pada situasi perang, janganlah kita hentikan dengan diplomasi,
janganlah kita memberikan tempat pada lawan. Reformasi 1998 terlalu
memberikan tempat pada orang Orde Baru sehingga perjalanan demokrasi
menjadi rusak, begitu juga dengan sikap lemah kita pada IMF atau Bank
Dunia. Kita harus percaya atas kemampuan diri sendiri. Di Surabaya 1945
menjadi pengetahuan bagi kita bahwa kita bangsa berani… (ARN)
Sumber: Kompasiana ( Anton Dwisunu Hanung Nugrahanto )
Threats to the homeland include both terrorist threats from non-state
actors resident in ungoverned areas of South Asia and an active,
developing ballistic missile threat from North Korea and credible
Chinese nuclear missile capability to support other elements of China’s
national power. Terrorism Originating from Afghanistan and Pakistan (AfPak). Terrorist
groups operating from Pakistan and Afghanistan continue to pose a
direct threat to the U.S. homeland and undermine critical U.S. interests
in the region. These interests include the prevention of conflict
between India and Pakistan, which has the potential to go nuclear, and
the safety and security of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons. Pakistan is home to a host of terrorist groups that keep the region
unstable and contribute to the spread of global terrorism. The killing
of Osama bin Laden at his hideout in Abbottabad, Pakistan, in May 2011
and an intensive drone campaign in Pakistan’s tribal areas bordering
Afghanistan from 2010–2012 have helped to degrade the al-Qaeda threat.
However, followers and funds still flow to al-Qaeda, which is set to
play a greater role in Pakistan and in Afghanistan as the U.S. draws
down in the region. In response to ISIS’s
seizure of territory in Iraq–Syria—in its calculation, sufficient basis
from which to proclaim a “caliphate”—al-Qaeda can be expected to try to
assert stronger control of territory in AfPak in order to have its own
space from which to issue a rival claim of caliphate. There have been reports of ISIS recruiting efforts in both Afghanistan and Pakistan, and several leaders from the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP–Pakistani Taliban) have pledged allegiance to ISIS
leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. In early February, a U.S. drone strike
killed former Afghan Taliban member Abdul Rauf, who had become a
recruiter for ISIS in the Helmand province of Afghanistan.1 U.S. Commander in Afghanistan General John Campbell told a congressional committee in February that the ISIS presence in Afghanistan was “nascent.”2 In addition to al-Qaeda, several other like-minded terrorist groups
still thrive along the Afghanistan–Pakistan border, carry out regular
attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and target U.S. interests in the
region and beyond. The Afghan Taliban and its allies, headquartered in
Pakistan, have stepped up attacks against the Afghan National Security
Forces (ANSF)
over the past year and are making a push to regain territory in
Afghanistan as international forces depart. As of June 2015, around
13,200 U.S. and NATO troops were in Afghanistan as part of Operation Resolute Support to train and advise the Afghan forces. The ANSF
suffered a record number of casualties in 2014, with over 4,600 police
and army personnel killed. Senior U.S. commanders have said that the
high rate of combat deaths was unsustainable and that, when combined
with high desertion rates, the Afghan army shrank by 11 percent from
January–November 2014. A Taliban resurgence in Afghanistan could allow
al-Qaeda to regain ground in the region and pave the way for terrorist
groups of all stripes to reestablish bases there.3
Pakistan’s continued support for terrorist groups that have links to
al-Qaeda undermines U.S. counterterrorism goals in the region.
Pakistan’s military and intelligence leaders maintain a short-term
tactical approach of fighting some terrorist groups that are deemed to
be a threat to the state while supporting others that are aligned with
Pakistan’s goal of extending its influence and curbing India’s. A terrorist attack on a school in Peshawar on December 16, 2014, that
killed over 150 people, mostly children, shocked the Pakistani public
and prompted the government led by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to
introduce a National Action Plan (NAP)
to reinvigorate the country’s fight against terrorism. The action plan
includes steps like lifting the moratorium on the death penalty for
terrorists, establishing special military courts to try terrorists,
curbing the spread of extremist literature and propaganda on social
media, freezing the assets of terrorist organizations, and forming
special committees, comprised of army and political leaders, in the
provinces to implement the NAP. Implementation of the NAP and the Pakistani military’s operations against TTP
hideouts in North Waziristan should help to degrade the Pakistani
Taliban’s threat to both Pakistan and the international community. There
are few signs, however, that Pakistan’s crackdown on terrorism extends
to the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), responsible for the 2008 Mumbai attacks
that killed nearly 160, including six Americans. Shortly after the
Pakistani media reported in late January that Islamabad was freezing the
assets of LeT front organization Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD), LeT founder and JuD
leader Haziz Muhammed Saeed announced that his organization was
starting an ambulance service in Karachi, demonstrating that the
organization still operates relatively freely in the country. In early April 2015, Pakistan released on bail the mastermind of the
Mumbai attacks, Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi, who had been in Pakistani custody
since 2009. The day before Lakhvi’s release, the U.S. Department of
State had announced approval of nearly $1 billion in U.S. military sales
to Pakistan. It seems likely that Pakistan will continue to pursue a
lax policy toward the LeT regardless of U.S. inducements. In April 2012, the U.S. issued a $10 million reward for information
leading to the arrest or conviction of Hafez Muhammad Saeed. The LeT has
engaged in recruitment and fundraising activities in the U.S. In
September 2011, for instance, U.S. authorities arrested an American
permanent resident born in Pakistan, Jubair Ahmad, for providing
material support to the LeT by producing and uploading LeT propaganda to
the Internet. Ahmad reportedly attended an LeT training camp in
Pakistan before moving to the U.S. in 2007.4 The U.S. trial of Pakistani American David Coleman Headley, who was
arrested in Chicago in 2009 for his involvement in the 2008 Mumbai
attacks, led to striking revelations about the LeT’s international reach
and close connections to Pakistani intelligence. Headley had traveled
frequently to Pakistan, where he received terrorist training from the
LeT, and to India, where he scouted the sites of the Mumbai attacks. In
four days of testimony and cross-examination, Headley detailed meetings
he had with a Pakistani intelligence officer, a former army major, and a
navy frogman, who were among the key players in orchestrating the
Mumbai assault.5 The possibility that terrorists could gain effective access to
Pakistani nuclear weapons is contingent on a complex chain of
circumstances. In terms of consequence, however, it is the most
dangerous regional threat scenario. Concern about the safety and
security of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons increases when Indo–Pakistani
tensions increase. For example, during the 1999 Kargil crisis, U.S.
intelligence indicated that Pakistan had made “nuclear preparations,”
which spurred greater U.S. diplomatic involvement in defusing the
crisis.6 If Pakistan were to move around its nuclear assets or, worse, take
steps to mate weapons with delivery systems, the chances for terrorist
theft or infiltration would increase. Increased reliance on tactical
nuclear weapons (TNWs) is of particular concern because launch
authorities for TNWs are typically delegated to lower-tier field
commanders far from the central authority controls in Islamabad. Another
concern to take into account is the possibility for miscalculations
leading to regional nuclear war if top Indian leaders lose confidence
that nuclear weapons in Pakistan are under government control or,
conversely, hereafter assume they were under Pakistani government
control after they ceased to be. In addition to the security of nuclear
weapons, poor handling of nuclear materials in both Pakistan and India
is a cause for concern. There is concern that Islamist extremist groups with links to the
Pakistan security establishment could exploit those links to gain access
to nuclear weapons technology, facilities, and/or materials. The
realization that Osama bin Laden stayed for six years within a half-mile
of Pakistan’s premier defense academy has fueled concern that al-Qaeda
can operate relatively freely in parts of Pakistan and might eventually
gain access to Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal. A Harvard University Belfer
Center for Science and International Affairs study noted in 2010 that
Pakistan’s stockpile “faces a greater threat from Islamic extremists
seeking nuclear weapons than any other stockpile on earth.”7 There is the additional, though less likely, scenario of extremists
gaining access through a collapse of the state. While Pakistan remains
unstable because of its weak economy, regular terrorist attacks,
sectarian violence, civil–military tensions, and the growing influence
of religious extremist groups, it is unlikely that the Pakistani state
will collapse altogether. The country’s most powerful institution, the
500,000-strong army, which has ruled Pakistan for almost half of its
existence, would almost certainly intervene and take charge once again
if the political situation began to unravel.8 The
potential breakup of the Pakistani state would have to be preceded by
the disintegration of the army, which is currently not plausible.9 WWTA: The WWTA
notes that the Afghan National Security Forces prevented the Taliban
from achieving a decisive military advantage in 2014 but that they would
require continued international support and funding to stave off an
increasingly aggressive Taliban insurgency in 2015. With regard to
Pakistan, the WWTA notes that the Pakistan government will focus on diminishing TTP
capabilities in 2015 but that Pakistan’s provision of safe haven to the
LeT will continue to be an irritant in Indo–Pakistani relations.10 Summary: The threat to the American homeland emanating from
Afghanistan and Pakistan is diverse, complex, and mostly indirect and
largely involves non-state actors. The intentions of non-state terrorist
groups like the TTP
and LeT toward the U.S. are demonstrably hostile. Despite the broad and
deep U.S. relationships with Pakistan’s governing elites and military,
however, it is likely that the net result of political-military
interplay in Pakistan will continue to result in ambivalence with
respect to terrorist groups that mean harm to American interests, both
at home and in South Asia. Missile Threat: North Korea and China. The two
sources of the ballistic missile threat to the U.S. are very different
in terms of their sophistication and integration into broader strategies
for achieving national goals. The threats from North Korea and China
are therefore very different in nature. North Korea. In December 2012, North Korea successfully put a
satellite into orbit. The same technology that launches satellites can
be used to build intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). Three
months later, North Korea conducted its third nuclear test. These events
clearly signaled that new leader Kim Jong-un had no intention either of
resuming North Korea’s Six-Party Talks pledge to denuclearize or of
abiding by U.N. resolutions that require a cessation of Pyongyang’s
nuclear and missile programs. Instead, Kim Jong-un would continue North
Korea’s decades-long quest to develop nuclear weapons and the means to
deliver them. North Korea has declared that it already has a full nuclear strike
capability, even altering its constitution to enshrine itself as a
nuclear-armed state.11
Among North Korea’s many direct verbal threats to the U.S., in December
2014, the National Defense Commission warned that Pyongyang would
“carry out an ultra-harsh war of reaction targeting the entire U.S.
mainland, including the White House and the Pentagon. Our military and
people are perfectly prepared to fight with the U.S. in all kinds of
war, including a cyberwar.”12 The United States and South Korea have revised their estimates and
now see a more dire North Korean threat. After recovering components of
the intercontinental ballistic missile launched by North Korea in
December 2012, South Korea assessed that it had “a range of more than
10,000 kilometers.”13
U.S. Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral James A.
Winnefeld, Jr., attested to the North Korean missile threat in March
2013 when he stated, “We believe the KN-08 [North Korean long-range
missile] probably does have the range to reach the United States.”14 In April 2015, General Curtis Scaparrotti, commander of U.S. Forces
Korea, testified that he believes the North Koreans “have had time and
capability to miniaturize a nuclear warhead. They have stated that they
had had intercontinental missiles and they had a nuclear capability, and
they paraded it. As a commander, I think, we must assume that they have
that capability.”15
In April 2015, Admiral Bill Gortney, commander of the North American
Aerospace Defense Command, told reporters that the KN-08 road-mobile ICBM
“is operational today. Our assessment is that they have the ability to
put a nuclear weapon on a KN-08 and shoot it at the [U.S.] homeland.”16
According to press reports, U.S. experts concluded that the recovered
North Korean missile provided “tangible proof that North Korea was
building the missile’s cone at dimensions for a nuclear warhead, durable
enough to be placed on a long-range missile that could re-enter the
earth’s atmosphere from space.”17 China. Chinese nuclear forces are largely the responsibility of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA)
Second Artillery Corps, which controls most of China’s ballistic
missile forces. It is considered a “super branch,” but not quite an
independent service. China’s nuclear ballistic missile forces include
land-based missiles with a 13,000 km range that can reach the U.S.
(CSS-4) and submarine-based missiles that can reach the U.S. when the
submarine is deployed within missile range. The PRC
became a nuclear power in 1964 when it exploded its first atomic bomb
as part of its “two bombs, one satellite” effort. In quick succession,
China then exploded its first thermonuclear bomb in 1967 and orbited its
first satellite in 1970, demonstrating the capability to build a
delivery system that can reach the ends of the Earth. China chose to
rely primarily on a land-based nuclear deterrent rather than developing
two or three different basing systems as the United States did. Furthermore, unlike the United States or the Soviet Union, China chose to pursue only a minimal nuclear deterrent. The PRC
fielded only a small number of nuclear weapons, with estimates of about
100–150 weapons on medium-range ballistic missiles and about 60 ICBMs.
Its only ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) conducted relatively few deterrence patrols (perhaps none),18 and its first-generation submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM),
the JL-1 (if it ever attained full operational capability), had limited
reach. The JL-1’s 1,700-kilometer range makes it comparable to the
first-generation Polaris A1 missile the U.S. fielded in the 1960s. While China’s nuclear force remained stable for several decades, the
Second Artillery has been part of the modernization effort of the past
20 years. Consequently, there has been modernization and some expansion
of the Chinese nuclear deterrent. The core of China’s ICBM
force is the DF-31 series, a solid-fueled, road-mobile system, with a
growing number of longer-range DF-41 missiles that may be in the PLA
operational inventory. China’s medium-range nuclear forces have
similarly shifted to mobile, solid rocket systems so that they are both
more survivable and more easily maintained. Notably, the Chinese are expanding their ballistic submarine fleet. Replacing the one Type 092 Xia-class SSBN
are several Type 094 Jin-class SSBNs, three of which are already
operational. These are expected to be equipped with the new,
longer-range JL-2 SLBM. Such a system would provide the PRC
with a “secure second-strike” capability, substantially enhancing
China’s nuclear deterrent. There is also some possibility that the
Chinese nuclear arsenal now contains land-attack cruise missiles. The
CJ-20, a long-range, air-launched cruise missile carried on China’s H-6
bomber, may be nuclear tipped, although there is not much evidence that
China has pursued such a capability at this time. China is also believed
to be working on a cruise missile submarine, which, if equipped with
nuclear cruise missiles, would further expand the range of nuclear
attack options. As a result of its modernization efforts, China’s nuclear forces
appear to be shifting from a minimal deterrent posture (one suited only
to responding to an attack, and even then with only limited numbers) to a
more robust, but limited, deterrent posture. While the PRC
will still likely field fewer nuclear weapons than either the United
States or Russia, it will field a more modern and diverse set of
capabilities than India or Pakistan (or North Korea), its nuclear-armed
neighbors. If there are corresponding changes in doctrine, modernization
will enable China to engage in limited nuclear options in the event of a
conflict. WWTA: The WWTA
references China’s strengthening of its nuclear deterrent and strategic
strike options, its continued development of advanced ballistic and
cruise missiles, and participation of its strategic missile forces in
military exercises. The 2015 WWTA
notes that China is likely to begin seaborne nuclear deterrence patrols
in the near future but offers no judgment on the degree of threat that
it poses to the U.S. The WWTA
classifies North Korea’s nuclear weapons and missile programs as a
“serious threat to the United States and to the security environment in
East Asia.” In this regard, it reports that North Korea is “committed to
developing a long-range, nuclear-armed missile that is capable of
posing a direct threat to the United States and has publicly displayed
its KN08 road-mobile ICBM
twice. We assess that North Korea has already taken initial steps
toward fielding this system, although the system has not been
flight-tested.” The WWTA
further states the Director of National Intelligence’s long-held
assessment that North Korea’s “nuclear capabilities are intended for
deterrence, international prestige, and coercive diplomacy.”19
Summary: The respective missile threats to the American
homeland from North Korea and China are very different. China has many
more nuclear weapons, multiple demonstrated and tested means of
delivery, and more mature systems, but it is a more stable actor with a
variety of interests, including relations with the United States and the
international system. North Korea has fewer weapons and questionable
means of delivery, but it is less stable and less predictable, with a
vastly lower stake in the international system. There is also a widely
acknowledged difference in intentions: China seeks a stable second
strike capability and, unlike North Korea, is not actively and directly
threatening the United States.
Threat of Regional War
America’s forward deployed military at bases throughout the Western
Pacific, five treaty allies, security partners in Taiwan and Singapore,
and growing security partnership with India are keys to the U.S.
strategic footprint in Asia. One of its critical allies, South Korea, is
under active threat of invasion from the North. Taiwan is under a
long-standing, well-equipped, and purposely positioned military threat
from China. Japan and the Philippines, by virtue of maritime territorial
disputes, are under growing paramilitary, military, and political
pressure from China. In South Asia, India is geographically positioned between two major
security threats: Pakistan to its west and China to its northeast. From
Pakistan, India faces the additional threat of terrorism, whether
state-enabled or carried out without state knowledge or control. North Korean Attack on American Bases/Allies. North Korea’s conventional and nuclear missile forces threaten U.S. bases in South Korea, Japan, and Guam. Beyond its nuclear weapons programs, North Korea poses additional
risks to its neighbors. North Korea has an extensive ballistic missile
force. Pyongyang has deployed approximately 800 Scud short-range
tactical ballistic missiles, 300 No-dong medium-range missiles, and 50
Musudan intermediate-range ballistic missiles. The Scud missiles
threaten South Korea, the No-dong can target all of Japan, and the
Musudan can hit U.S. bases on Okinawa and Guam. Pyongyang continues its
development of the Taepo-dong series of ICBMs, at least some of which
have a range sufficient to hit parts of the U.S.20 North Korea has approximately 1 million people in its military, with
reserves numbering several million more. Pyongyang has forward-deployed
70 percent of its ground forces within 90 miles of the Demilitarized
Zone (DMZ),
making it possible to attack with little or no warning, and of
particular concern because South Korea’s capital, Seoul, is only 30
miles south of the DMZ.21 In addition to three conventional corps alongside the DMZ, Pyongyang has deployed two mechanized corps, an armor corps, and an artillery corps.22 South Korea. In 2005, South Korea initiated a comprehensive
defense reform strategy to transform its military into a smaller but
more capable force. Overall, South Korean military manpower would be
reduced approximately 25 percent, from 681,000 to 500,000. The army
would face the largest cuts, disbanding four corps and 23 divisions and
cutting troops from 560,000 in 2004 to 370,000 in 2020. Seoul planned to
compensate for decreased troop levels by procuring advanced fighter and
surveillance aircraft, naval platforms, and ground combat vehicles.23 North Korea’s conventional forces are a very real threat, as clearly
demonstrated by two deadly attacks on South Korea in 2010. In March, a
North Korean submarine sank the South Korean naval corvette Cheonan
in South Korean waters, killing 46 sailors. In November 2010, North
Korean artillery shelled Yeonpyeong Island, killing four South Koreans. Since the North Korean military is predominantly equipped with older
ground force equipment, Pyongyang has prioritized deployment of strong
asymmetric capabilities, including special operations forces, long-range
artillery, and missiles. As noted, North Korea has deployed hundreds of
Scud short-range ballistic missiles that can target all of South Korea
with explosive, chemical, and biological warheads. The land and sea
borders between North and South Korea remain unsettled, heavily armed,
and actively subject to occasional, limited armed conflict.
Experts have predominantly assessed that North Korea has developed
several nuclear devices but has not yet mastered the ability to
miniaturize a warhead or deliver it by missile. More recently, however,
several studies have concluded that the North Korean nuclear threat is
much greater than previously thought. Dr. Siegfried Hecker, former
Director of the Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory, concluded that North
Korea could have 20 nuclear weapons by 2016.24 The Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins SAIS predicted a worst-case scenario of Pyongyang’s having 100 nuclear weapons by 2020.25 In any event, enough information is available to conclude that North
Korea has likely already achieved the ability to deliver nuclear weapons
by means of its No-dong medium-range missile.26
Factors for such an assessment include the decades-long duration of
North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs; the technology, expertise,
and components acquired from collaborative involvement with Pakistan,
the A. Q. Khan network, and Iran; repeated instances of experts
underestimating North Korean nuclear and missile capabilities; North
Korea’s declarations of its ability to hit the U.S. and its allies with
nuclear weapons; and U.S. and South Korean government assessments of
North Korean breakthroughs. Press reports indicate that the CIA
assessed that Pyongyang received a nuclear package from Pakistan,
including detailed, step-by-step instructions to produce a
Chinese-designed nuclear warhead that could be delivered by North
Korea’s No-dong missile.27
Pakistani nuclear scientist A. Q. Khan reportedly stated that North
Korea’s nuclear weapons were “the perfect nuclear weapons,
technologically more advanced than ours.”28
Khan described how, in return for Pakistani assistance to Pyongyang’s
centrifuge program, “North Korea would help Pakistan in fitting the
nuclear warhead into the Ghauri missile.”29 In March 2013, the Korea People’s Army Supreme Command warned, “The
U.S. should not forget that Andersen AFB in Guam [and] naval bases in
Japan and Okinawa are within striking range of the DPRK’s precision strike means.”30
In April 2013, U.S. officials told reporters that North Korea “can put a
nuclear weapon on a missile, that they have missile-deliverable nuclear
weapons, but not ones that can go more than 1,000 miles [1,609
kilometers].”31 WWTA: The WWTA
calls North Korea’s nuclear weapons and missile programs “a serious
threat to…the security environment in East Asia.” It also references
North Korea’s export of ballistic missiles and associated materials to
several countries and assistance to Syria’s construction of a nuclear
reactor as illustrating “its willingness to proliferate dangerous
technologies.”32 The WWTA
warns that “[d]espite renewed efforts at diplomatic outreach, Kim
continues to challenge the international community with provocative and
threatening behavior in pursuit of his goals.” Summary: North Korean forces arrayed against American allies
in South Korea and Japan are substantial, and North Korea’s history of
provocation is a consistent indicator of its intent to achieve its
political objectives by threat of force. Chinese Threat to Taiwan. China’s long-standing
threat to end de facto independence of Taiwan and ultimately to bring it
under the authority of Beijing—if necessary, by force—is both a threat
to a major American security partner and a threat to the American
interest in peace and stability in the Western Pacific. Temperatures across the Strait have cooled significantly over the
past eight years. Regardless of the state of the relationship at any
given time, however, Chinese leaders from Deng Xiaoping and Mao Zedong
to Xi Jinping have consistently emphasized the importance of ultimately
reclaiming Taiwan. The island—along with Tibet—is the clearest example
of a geographical “core interest” in Chinese policy. China has never
renounced the use of force, and it continues to employ political warfare
against Taiwan’s political and military leadership. For the Chinese leadership, the failure to effect unification,
whether peacefully or through the use of force, would reflect
fundamental political weakness in the PRC.
For this reason, there is no realistic means by which any Chinese
leadership can back away from the stance of having to unify the island
with the mainland. As a result, the island remains an essential part of
the PLA’s “new historic missions,” shaping PLA acquisitions and military planning. Two decades of double-digit increases in China’s announced defense budget have produced a much more modern PLA,
much of which remains focused on a Taiwan contingency. This modernized
force includes more than 1,000 ballistic missiles, a modernized air
force, and growing numbers of modern surface combatants and
diesel-electric submarines capable of mounting a blockade. As the
1995–1996 Taiwan Strait crisis demonstrated, Beijing is prepared to use
at least open displays of force—and might have been willing to go
further in the absence of a strong American presence.
It is widely posited that China’s anti-access/area-denial (A2/AD)
strategy—the deployment of an array of overlapping capabilities,
including anti-ship ballistic missiles (ASBMs), submarines, and
long-range cruise missiles, satellites, and cyber weapons—is aimed
largely at forestalling American intervention in support of friends and
allies in the western Pacific, including Taiwan. By holding at risk key
American platforms and systems (e.g., aircraft carriers), the Chinese
seek to delay or even deter American intervention in support of key
friends and allies, allowing the PRC
to achieve a fait accompli. The growth of China’s military capabilities
is specifically oriented toward countering America’s ability to assist
in the defense of Taiwan. Chinese efforts to reclaim Taiwan are not limited to overt military
means. The “three warfares” highlight Chinese political warfare methods,
including legal warfare/lawfare, public opinion warfare, and
psychological warfare. The PRC
employs such approaches to undermine both Taiwan’s will to resist and
America’s willingness to support Taiwan. The Chinese goal would be to
“win without fighting,” to take Taiwan without firing a shot or with
only minimal resistance before the United States could organize an
effective response. WWTA: The WWTA does not reference the threat that China poses to Taiwan. Summary: The Chinese threat to Taiwan is long-standing.
Although currently obscured by positive political relations, the
military threat is never off the table. China’s ability to execute a
military action against Taiwan, albeit at high economic and political
cost, is improving. Its intent to unify Taiwan with the mainland under
the full authority of the PRC central government and to end the island’s de facto independence has been consistent over time. Major Pakistan-backed Terrorist Attack on India Leading to Open Warfare Between India and Pakistan.
An Indo-Pakistani conflict would jeopardize multiple U.S. interests in
the region and increase the threat of global terrorism. Pakistan would
rely on militant non-state actors to help it fight India and thus create
a more permissive environment in which various terrorist groups could
operate freely. The threat of conflict going nuclear would force U.S.
businesses to exit the region and disrupt investment and trade flows,
mainly between the U.S. and India, whose bilateral trade currently
totals around $100 billion. An actual nuclear exchange would be
devastating, both in human lives lost and long-term economic damage. India and Pakistan are engaged in a nuclear arms race that threatens
stability throughout the Subcontinent. They both tested nuclear weapons
in 1998, thus establishing themselves as overtly nuclear weapons states.
Both countries are developing naval nuclear weapons and already possess
ballistic missile and aircraft-delivery platforms.33 Pakistan has the fastest-growing nuclear weapons arsenal in the world
today. Islamabad currently has an estimated 100 nuclear weapons and is
developing war plans that include the use of tactical nuclear weapons in
the event of conflict with India. Pakistan’s development of a mobile
dual-use battlefield ballistic missile with a range of only 60
kilometers is of particular concern,34 especially given such weapons’ impact on India’s nuclear use threshold. The broader military and strategic dynamic between India and Pakistan
is essentially unstable. As noted, Pakistan continues to harbor
terrorist groups, like Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohmmaed (JeM), which attacked the Indian parliament in 2001. JeM
leader Masood Azhar resurfaced in 2014 in Pakistan to address a large
public rally where he called on suicide attackers to resume jihad
against India. Hafez Muhammed Saeed, LeT’s founder and leader of its front organization, JuD,
also continues to operate freely in Pakistan, often holding press
conferences and inciting violence against India during large-scale
public rallies. In December 2014, Saeed held a two-day conclave in
Lahore that received support from the Pakistani government, including
security from 4,000 police officers and government assistance in
transporting attendees to the gathering of more than 400,000. India
condemned the Pakistani government’s support for the gathering as a
“blatant disregard” for global norms against terrorism.35 The possibility of armed conflict between India and Pakistan seemed
to heighten slightly following the May 2014 election to power of
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
leader Narendra Modi. While Modi initially sought to reach out to
Pakistan by inviting Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to his
swearing-in ceremony, he subsequently called off Foreign Secretary-level
talks that were scheduled for August 2014 to express anger over a
Pakistani official’s meeting with Kashmiri separatist leaders. Modi’s
cancellation of the talks signaled that his government is likely to take
a harder line toward Islamabad than the one taken by his predecessor,
Manmohan Singh, and tie progress in dialogue to Pakistani steps to crack
down on anti-India terrorists. Before it took power last year, the BJP
often criticized previous Indian Prime Minister Singh for being too
soft on Pakistan. Another obstacle to improved Indo–Pakistani ties is
the political weakness of Pakistani Prime Minister Sharif, whose
government barely survived month-long street protests led by the
opposition in August 2014. Adding to the tension has been an increase in cross-border firing
between the Indian and Pakistani militaries, raising questions about
whether a cease-fire that has been in place since 2003 may be breaking
down. In August 2014, the two sides engaged in intense firing and
shelling along their international border (called the working boundary)
and across the Line of Control (LoC)
that divides Kashmir. India’s Border Security Force Director noted that
the firing across the international border was the worst it had been
since India and Pakistan fought a war in 1971.36
Tensions were defused following a phone call between the Directors
General of Military Operations in which they mutually agreed to stop the
firing. A similar escalation in border tensions occurred again in
December 2014 when a series of firing incidents over a one-week period
resulted in the deaths of at least five Pakistani soldiers and one
Indian soldier. In what could presage a slight thaw in relations, newly appointed
Indian Foreign Secretary Subrahmanyam Jaishankar visited Pakistan in
early March. Both sides reported they had constructive talks and would
seek to narrow their differences. Jaishankar also reportedly raised
Indian concerns with regard to cross-border terrorism and the cases
against LeT leaders in Pakistani custody for involvement in the 2008
Mumbai attacks. There is some concern about the impact on Indo–Pakistani relations of
the international troop drawdown in Afghanistan. The vacuum created by
the departing international forces will allow the Taliban and other
extremists to strengthen their grip in the region, potentially
reinvigorating the insurgency in Kashmir and raising the chances of a
major terrorist attack against India. Afghan security forces
successfully thwarted an attack on the Indian consulate in Herat,
Afghanistan, in May 2014. A successful future attack on Indian interests
in Afghanistan along the lines of the bombing of the Indian embassy in
Kabul in 2008 would sharpen tensions between New Delhi and Islamabad. With terrorist groups operating relatively freely in Pakistan and
maintaining links to the country’s military and intelligence services,
the risk of the two countries climbing the military escalation ladder
and eventually engaging in all-out conflict is relatively high.
Pakistan’s nuclear weapons capability appears to have acted as a
deterrent against Indian military escalation during both the 2001–2002
military crisis and following the 2008 Mumbai attacks, but the new
government in India would be under great pressure to react strongly in
the face of a terrorist provocation. Pakistan’s recent focus on
incorporating tactical nuclear weapons into its war-fighting doctrine
has also raised concern that if conflict does break out, there is now a
higher risk of nuclear exchange.37 WWTA: The WWTA does not reference the threat to American interests from a Pakistani attack on India and potential escalation. Summary: Indian military retaliation against a
Pakistan-backed terrorist strike against India could include targeted
airstrikes on terrorist training camps inside Pakistan. This would
likely lead to broader military conflict with some prospect of
escalating to a nuclear exchange. Neither side desires another general
war. Both countries have limited objectives and have demonstrated their
intent to avoid escalation. This is, however, a delicate calculation. Major Chinese Border Incursion into India. The
possibility of armed conflict between India and China, while currently
remote, poses an indirect threat to U.S. interests because it could
disrupt the territorial status quo and raise nuclear tensions in the
region. A border conflict between India and China could also prompt
Pakistan to try to take advantage of the situation, further contributing
to regional instability. Long-standing border disputes that led to a Sino–Indian War in 1962
have been heating up again in recent years. In April 2013, the most
serious border incident between India and China in over two decades
occurred when Chinese troops settled for three weeks several miles
inside northern Indian territory on the Depsang Plains in Ladakh. A
visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping to India in September 2014 was
overshadowed by another flare-up in border tensions when hundreds of
Chinese PLA
forces reportedly set up camps in the mountainous regions of Ladakh,
prompting Indian forces to deploy to forward positions in the region.
The border standoff lasted three weeks and was defused when both sides
agreed to pull back their troops to previous positions. India claims
that China occupies more than 14,000 square miles of Indian territory in
the Aksai Chin along its northern border in Kashmir, and China lays
claim to more than 34,000 square miles of India’s northeastern state of
Arunachal Pradesh. The issue is also closely related to China’s concern
for its control of Tibet and the presence in India of the Tibetan
government in exile and Tibet’s spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama.
The Chinese are building up military infrastructure and expanding a
network of road, rail, and air links in the border areas. To meet these
challenges, the new Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
government in India has also committed to expanding infrastructure
development along its disputed border with China, especially in the
Indian states of Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim. While China currently
holds a decisive military edge over India, New Delhi is engaged in an
ambitious military modernization program. The Border Defense and Cooperation Agreement (BDCA)
signed during then-Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to China in
October 2013 is unlikely to reduce border tensions significantly or lead
to a broader settlement in the near future. The accord is aimed at
putting into place institutional mechanisms for maintaining peace along
the border, but several Indian analysts worry that it is part of China’s
effort to keep in place the status quo, which favors the Chinese. Some
have even contended that the Chinese intend to buy time on their border
disputes with India through the BDCA while focusing on other territorial claims in the Asia–Pacific.38 The BDCA
affirms that neither side will use its military capability against the
other and proposes opening a hotline between each country’s military
headquarters, instituting meetings between border personnel in all
sectors, and ensuring that neither side tails the other’s patrols along
the Line of Actual Control (LAC).39
The agreement also includes language stipulating that in the event the
two sides come face-to-face, they “shall exercise maximum
self-restraint, refrain from any provocative actions, not use force or
threaten to use force against the other side, treat each other with
courtesy, and prevent exchange of armed conflict.”40 WWTA: The WWTA
highlights that Indian leaders will pursue closer economic and trade
relations with China to attract investment and close their bilateral
trade gap. The WWTA
further notes that New Delhi’s concern about perceived Chinese
aggressiveness along the disputed border is likely growing in light of
the border incidents.41 Summary: American interest in India’s security is
substantial and expanding. The threat to this interest from China is
active, albeit part of a broader, multifaceted bilateral relationship
that includes many cooperative dimensions. Both India and China
apparently want to avoid allowing minor incidents to escalate into a
more general war. The Chinese seem to use border tensions for limited
diplomatic/political gain vis-à-vis India, and India responds in ways
intended to contain minor incursions and maximize reputational damage to
China. Yet, despite limited aims, the unsettled situation and
gamesmanship along the border could result in miscalculation, accidents,
or overreaction.
Threats to the Commons
The U.S. has critical direct interests at stake in the East and South
Asia commons that include sea, air, space, and cyber interests. Washington has long provided the security backbone in these areas,
which in turn has supported the region’s remarkable economic
development. However, China is taking increasingly assertive steps to
secure its own interests in these areas independent of U.S. efforts to
maintain freedom of the commons for all in the region. It cannot be
assumed that China shares a common conception of international space
with the United States or interest in perpetuating American predominance
in securing the commons. Maritime and Airspace Commons. The aggressiveness of
the Chinese navy, maritime law enforcement forces, and air forces in
and over the waters of the East and South China Sea, coupled with
ambiguous, extralegal territorial claims and assertion of control there,
poses an incipient threat to American and overlapping allied interests. East China Sea. Since 2010, China has intensified its
efforts to assert claims of sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands of
Japan in the East China Sea. Beijing asserts not only exclusive economic
rights within the disputed waters, but also recognition of “historic”
rights to dominate and control those areas as part of its territory. Chinese and Japanese maritime law enforcement and coast guard vessels
regularly operate in waters surrounding the Senkakus that are
administered by Japan, raising the potential for miscalculation and
escalation into a military clash. In November 2013, China declared an air defense identification zone (ADIZ) in the East China Sea that largely aligned with its claimed maritime exclusive economic zone (EEZ).
The People’s Liberation Army declared that it would “take defense
emergency measures to respond to aircraft that do not cooperate in
identification or refuse to follow orders.”42
The announcement was a provocative act and another Chinese attempt to change the status quo unilaterally. The ADIZ
declaration is part of a broader Chinese pattern of using intimidation
and coercion to assert expansive extralegal claims of sovereignty and/or
control incrementally. South China Sea. Roughly half of global trade in goods, a
third of trade in oil, and over half of global liquefied natural gas
shipments pass through the South China Sea, which also accounts for
approximately 10 percent of global fish catch and may contain massive
potential reserves of oil and natural gas. It is hotly contested by six
countries, including Taiwan and the Philippines, an American security
treaty ally. Incidents between Chinese law enforcement vessels and other
claimants’ fishing boats occur on a regular basis in the South China
Sea, as do other Chinese assertions of administrative authority. The
U.S. presence also has become an object of Chinese attention, from
confrontations with the ocean surveillance ship USNS Impeccable and the destroyer USS John McCain in 2009 to the confrontation with the guided-missile cruiser USS Cowpens in December 2013 and a dangerous intercept of a U.S. Navy P-8 aircraft in August 2014. The most serious inter-regional incidents in the South China Sea have
occurred between China and the Republic of the Philippines (RP). In 2012, an RP
naval ship operating on behalf of its coast guard challenged private
Chinese poachers in waters around Scarborough Shoal. The resulting
escalation left Chinese government ships in control of the Shoal.
More recently, in March 2014, Chinese government ships attempted to
prevent the rotation of troops on and replenishment of Philippines-held
Second Thomas Shoal. Also in 2014, the Chinese began reclamation at
several sites in the Spratlys on a scale that the Philippines Defense
Minister called “massive and nonstop”43 and deployed an oil exploration rig in Vietnam’s EEZ. The deployment, accompanied by dozens of ships to include PLA Navy and other public vessels, raised tensions with Vietnam over the disputed waters. Chinese officials have hinted that Beijing may declare an ADIZ
above the South China Sea, presumably covering the 80 percent of the
sea over which, for many years, it has consistently claimed
“indisputable sovereignty.” To this end, China has begun a “large-scale”
land reclamation program involving six reefs in the Spratly Islands,
constructing islands and building facilities and airstrips and
stationing artillery on them.44 Airpower. Although China is not yet in a position to enforce an ADIZ consistently in either area, the steady two-decade improvement of the PLA Air Force (PLAAF)
and naval aviation will one day provide the necessary capabilities.
Chinese observations of recent conflicts, including wars in the Persian
Gulf, the Balkans, and Afghanistan, have all emphasized the growing role
of airpower and missiles in conducting “non-contact, non-linear,
non-symmetrical” warfare. China also seems to have made a point of publicizing its air force
modernization, unveiling new aircraft prototypes, including two new
stealthy fighters, on the eve of visits by American Secretaries of
Defense. (Secretary Chuck Hagel’s visit in 2014 was preceded by the
unveiling of the J-15 naval fighter.) Those aircraft have been flown
much more aggressively, with Chinese fighters flying very close to
Japanese aircraft in China’s East China Sea ADIZ and conducting armed combat air patrols in the skies over Tibet.45 Consequently, the PLA has shed most of its 1960s-era aircraft, replacing them with much more modern systems. Today’s PLAAF
is dominated by 4th- and 4.5th- generation fighter aircraft. These
include the domestically designed and produced J-10, as well as the
Su-27/Su-30/J-11 system, comparable to the F-15 or F-18, that dominates
both the fighter and strike missions.46
Older airframes such as the J-7 are being steadily retired from the
fighter inventory. China is also believed to be preparing to field two
stealthy 5th-generation fighter designs. The J-20 is the larger
aircraft, resembling the American F-22 fighter. The J-31 appears to
resemble the F-35 but with two engines rather than one. One of the
greatest challenges to Chinese fighter design remains the production of
advanced combat aircraft engines. China fields some long-range strike aircraft, largely the H-6 bomber
based on the Soviet-era Tu-16 Badger. While this aircraft has little
prospect of penetrating advanced air defenses, it is suitable as a
cruise missile carrier. China also has used the H-6 as the basis for
initial efforts at developing an aerial tanker fleet and seems to be
examining other options as well. As China deploys more tankers, this
will extend the range and loiter time of its fighter aircraft. China
will then be better equipped to enforce its newly declared East China
Sea Air Defense Identification Zone and any possible future South China
Sea ADIZ. A variety of modern support aircraft have also entered the PLAAF inventory, including airborne early warning (AEW), command and control (C2), and electronic warfare (EW)
aircraft. The Zhuhai Air Show has seen Chinese companies displaying a
variety of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), reflecting substantial
investments and research and development efforts. The surveillance and
armed UAV systems include the Xianglong (Soaring Dragon) and Sky Saber systems. The most recent DOD report on Chinese capabilities also reports that China has tested a stealthy flying-wing UAV, the Lijian.47 China’s air defenses, which are under the control of the PLAAF, have also been steadily modernizing. China has acquired the advanced S-300 surface-to-air missile (SAM) system (SA-10B/SA-20), which is roughly analogous to the American Patriot SAM system, as well as developing their own advanced SAM (the HQ-9), which is deployed both on land and at sea. In early 2014, Russia announced that it would sell China the S-400 SAM system. This would mark a substantial improvement in PLAAF air defense capabilities, as the S-400 has anti-aircraft and anti-missile capabilities.48 China has deployed these SAM
systems in a dense, overlapping belt along its coast, protecting the
nation’s economic center of gravity. Key industrial and military centers
such as Beijing are also heavily defended by SAM systems. A third component of the PLAAF is China’s airborne forces. The 15th Airborne Army is part of the PLAAF,
with three divisions of 10,000–15,000 personnel each. These are not
believed to be assigned to any of the Chinese military regions but are
instead a strategic reserve as well as rapid reaction force. In 2009, in
the military review associated with the 60th anniversary of the
founding of the PRC,
Chinese airborne units paraded through Tiananmen Square with ZBD-03
mechanized airborne combat vehicles. These vehicles provide Chinese
airborne forces with tactical mobility as well as some degree of
protected fire support from their 30mm autocannon and HJ-73 anti-tank
missile (a domestic version of the AT-3 Sagger)—something American
airborne forces continue to lack. One shortcoming of the Chinese airborne forces is the lack of military transport aircraft, although the PLAAF can undoubtedly call upon China’s substantial civilian fleet of airliners in time of crisis or war. Sea power. As the world’s foremost trading state, China
depends on the seas for its economic well-being. China’s factories are
increasingly powered by imported oil, and Chinese diets contain a
growing percentage of imported food. Chinese products rely on the seas
to be moved to markets. At the same time, because China’s economic
center of gravity is now in the coastal region, it has had to emphasize
maritime power to defend key assets and areas. Consequently, China has
steadily expanded its maritime power, including its merchant marine and
maritime law enforcement capabilities, but especially the People’s
Liberation Army Navy (PLAN). The PLAN is no longer an unsophisticated coastal defense force.
Instead, since the end of the Cold War, China’s navy has moved away from
a reliance on mass toward incorporating advanced platforms and weapons.
Many obsolete vessels have been decommissioned, including scores of
older, missile-armed, fast attack craft. In their place, China has
produced a range of more capable combatants and is building each class
in significant numbers. These range from the Type 022 Houbei
missile-armed catamaran, armed with sea-skimming supersonic anti-ship
cruise missiles, to the Type-052C Luyang-II destroyer, equipped with a phased-array radar for its HQ-9 surface-to-air missile (SAM)
system. The HQ-9 is believed to be comparable to early model Patriot
missiles, with its ability to combat most air-breathing systems and a
limited anti–ballistic missile capability. Although these new ships are
not replacing older Chinese surface combatants on a one-for-one basis,
the overall capability of the PLAN surface force is steadily improving. Similarly, the PLAN has been modernizing its submarine force. Since
2000, the PLAN has consistently fielded between 50 and 60
diesel-electric submarines, but the age and capability of the force has
been improving as older boats, especially 1950s-vintage Romeo-class boats, are replaced with newer designs. These include a dozen Kilo-class submarines purchased from Russia and domestically designed and manufactured Song and Yuan
class. All of these are believed capable of firing not only torpedoes,
but also anti-ship cruise missiles. The Chinese have also developed
variants of the Yuan, with an air-independent propulsion (AIP) system that reduces the boats’ vulnerability by removing the need to use noisy diesel engines to recharge batteries. The PLAN also has been augmenting its aerial maritime strike
capability. In addition to more modern versions of the H-6 twin-engine
bombers (a version of the Soviet/Russian Tu-16 Badger), the PLAN’s Naval
Aviation force has introduced a range of other strike aircraft into the
inventory. These include the JH-7/FBC-1 Flying Leopard, which can carry
between two and four YJ-82 anti-ship cruise missiles, and the Su-30
strike fighter. Within Chinese littoral waters, the PLAN Air Force can
bring a significant amount of firepower to bear. The PLAN also has been working to improve its “fleet train.” The 2010 PRC
defense white paper notes the accelerated construction of “large
support vessels.” It also specifically notes that the navy is exploring
“new methods of logistics support for sustaining long-time maritime
missions.”49 As with other aspects of PLA
modernization, even as the PLAN is upgrading its weapons, it is also
improving its doctrine and training, including increased emphasis on
joint operations and the incorporation of electronic warfare into its
training regimen. Such improvements suggest that PLA
Air Force assets, space and cyber operations, and even Second Artillery
forces might support naval aviation strikes. The new anti-ship
ballistic missile forces, centered on the DF-21D anti-ship ballistic
missile (now reportedly at initial operational capability), should be
seen as part of joint Chinese efforts to control the seas, complementing
PLAAF and PLAN air, surface, and sub-surface forces. WWTA: The WWTA
references China’s investment in power projection, advanced weapons,
and the development of the Y-20 transport plane but is quiet on the
threat that these Chinese capabilities or others pose to the airspace
commons. Summary: In the absence of U.S. forces, China is increasingly capable of dominating the airspace across the East Asian littoral. The PLAAF’s
array of modern systems gives China a substantial edge over many other
countries in the region. The Japanese Air Self Defense Force and the
Republic of Korea Air Force are not expected to field F-35s before the
end of the decade. Neither Taiwan nor any Southeast Asian nation can
match the PLAAF’s
number of high-performance aircraft. China’s military and party leaders
appear to be intent on establishing a dominant position in regional air
and maritime commons. Escalation of Territorial Disputes or Accidental Incidents at Sea. Because
Beijing and others in the region see active disputes over the East and
South China Seas not as differences regarding the administration of the
commons, but rather as matters of territorial sovereignty, there exists
the threat of armed conflict between China and American allies that are
also claimants, particularly Japan and the Philippines. Beijing prefers to accomplish its objectives quietly and through
non-military means. When necessary, however, it uses military and
economic threats, bombastic language, and enforcement through military
bullying. Chinese paramilitary-implemented, military-backed encroachment
in support of expansive extralegal claims could lead to an armed clash. Rising nationalism is exacerbating tensions, making geostrategic
relations in Asia increasingly complex and volatile. Nationalist themes
are becoming an increasingly strong undercurrent, affecting
policymaking. Although the nationalist phenomenon is not new, it is
gaining force and complicating efforts to maintain regional stability.
Governments may choose to exploit nationalism for domestic political
purposes, but they also run the risk of being unable to control the
genie that they have released. Nationalist rhetoric is mutually
reinforcing, which makes countries less likely to back down than in the
past. The increasing power that the Internet and social media provide to
the populace, largely outside of government control, adds an element of
unpredictability to future clashes. In case of armed conflict between China and the Philippines or
between China and Japan, either by intention or as a result of an
accidental incident at sea, the U.S. could be required to exercise its
treaty commitments.50
Escalation of a direct U.S.–China incident is itself not unthinkable.
Even keeping an inadvertent incident from escalating into a broader
military confrontation would be difficult. This is particularly true in
the East and South China Seas, where naval as well as civilian law
enforcement vessels from both China and the U.S. operate in what the
U.S. considers to be international waters. WWTA: The WWTA
states that “China will probably continue its increasingly provocative
approach to maritime disputes, including a hardline stance toward Japan
over the Senkaku Islands.” It also cites continued friction and the
“increase[d] risk of escalation” over territorial disputes.51
It offers no judgment either on the threat that this poses to American
interests or on the prospect for large-scale, conventional conflict in
the region. Summary: The Chinese have a growing capacity to disrupt the
freedom of the commons that benefits the entire region. Both territorial
disputes related to what the U.S. considers the commons and accidental
incidents could draw the U.S. into conflict. China likely does not
intend to engage in armed conflict with its neighbors, particularly
American treaty allies, or the U.S. itself. However, China will continue
to press its territorial claims at sea in ways that, even if
inadvertently, cause incidents that could escalate into more belligerent
action. Space. One of the key force multipliers for the
United States is its extensive array of space-based assets. Through its
various satellite constellations, the U.S. military can track opponents,
coordinate friendly forces, engage in precision strikes against enemy
forces, and conduct battle-damage assessments so that its munitions are
expended efficiently. The American military is more reliant than many others on space-based
systems because it is also an expeditionary military (i.e., its wars
are conducted far distant from the homeland). Consequently, it requires
global rather than regional reconnaissance, communications and data
transmission, and meteorological information and support. At this point,
only space-based systems can provide this sort of information on a
real-time basis. The U.S. can leverage space in ways that no other
country can, and this is a major advantage, but this heavy reliance on
space systems is also a key American vulnerability. China fields an array of space capabilities, including its own
navigation and timing satellites, the Beidou/Compass system. It has
three satellite launch centers, with a fourth under construction.
China’s interest in space dominance includes not only accessing space,
but also denying opponents the ability to do the same. As one Chinese
assessment notes, space capabilities provided 70 percent of battlefield
communications, over 80 percent of battlefield reconnaissance and
surveillance, and 100 percent of meteorological information for American
operations in Kosovo. Moreover, 98 percent of precision munitions
relied on space for guidance information. In fact, “It may be said that
America’s victory in the Kosovo War could not be achieved without fully
exploiting space.”52 Consequently, the PLA
has been developing a range of anti-satellite capabilities. These
include both hard-kill and soft-kill systems. The former include
direct-ascent kinetic-kill vehicles (DA-KKV),
such as the system tested in 2007, but also more advanced systems that
are believed capable of reaching targets in mid-Earth orbit and even
geosynchronous orbit.53The latter include anti-satellite lasers for either dazzling or blinding purposes.54This is consistent with PLA
doctrinal writings, which emphasize the need to control space in future
conflicts. “Securing space dominance has already become the
prerequisite for establishing information, air, and maritime dominance,”
says one Chinese teaching manual, “and will directly affect the course
and outcome of wars.”55 Soft-kill attacks need not come only from dedicated weapons, however.
The case of Galaxy-15, a communications satellite owned by Intelsat
Corporation, showed how a satellite could effectively disrupt
communications simply by being in “switched on” mode all of the time.56
Before it was finally brought under control, it had drifted through a
portion of the geosynchronous belt, forcing other satellite owners to
move their assets and juggle frequencies. A deliberate such attempt by
China (or any other country) could prove far harder to handle,
especially if conducted in conjunction with attacks by kinetic systems
or directed-energy weapons. WWTA: The WWTA
references China’s understanding of American advantages and
vulnerabilities in space and its “develop[ment] of capabilities to
disrupt US use of space in a conflict.”57 It does not offer a judgment on the threat that this poses to the space commons. Summary: The PRC
poses a challenge to the United States that is qualitatively different
from the challenge posed by any other potential adversary in the
post–Cold War environment. It is the first nation to be capable of
accessing space on its own while also jeopardizing America’s ability to
do the same. This appears to be its intent. Cyber. Threats in this area derive primarily from China and North Korea, and both are serious. China. The Verizon Risk Center identified China in 2013 as
the “top external actor from which [computer] breaches emanated,
representing 30 percent of cases where country-of-origin could be
determined.”58 Given the
difficulties of attribution, country of origin should not necessarily be
conflated with the perpetrators, but forensic efforts have identified
at least one Chinese military unit with cyber intrusions.59 Similarly, the Verizon report concluded that China was the source of 95 percent of state-sponsored cyber-espionage attacks. China’s cyber-espionage efforts are often aimed at economic targets,
reflecting the much more holistic Chinese view of both security and
information. Rather than creating an artificial dividing line between
military security and civilian security, much less information, the PLA
plays a role in supporting both aspects and seeks to obtain economic
intellectual property as well as military electronic information. This is not to suggest, however, that the PLA
has not emphasized the military importance of cyber warfare. Chinese
military writings since the 1990s have emphasized a fundamental
transformation in global military affairs (shijie junshi gaige).
Future wars will be conducted through joint operations involving
multiple services rather than through combined operations focused on
multiple branches within a single service. These future wars will span
not only the traditional land, sea, and air domains, but also outer
space and cyberspace. The latter two arenas will be of special
importance, because warfare has shifted from an effort to establish
material dominance (characteristic of Industrial Age warfare) to
establishing information dominance (zhi xinxi quan). This is
due to the rise of the Information Age and the resulting introduction of
information technology into all areas of military operations. Consequently, according to PLA
analysis, future wars will most likely be “local wars under
informationized conditions.” That is, they will be wars in which
information and information technology not only will be widely applied,
but also will be a key basis of victory. The ability to gather,
transmit, analyze, manage, and exploit information will be central to
winning such wars: The side that is able to do these things more
accurately and more quickly will be the side that wins. This means that
future conflicts will no longer be determined by
platform-versus-platform performance and not even by system against
system (xitong). Rather, conflicts are now clashes between rival arrays of systems of systems (tixi).60 It is essential to recognize, however, that the PLA views computer network operations as part of information operations (xinxi zuozhan),
or information combat. Information operations are specific operational
activities that are associated with striving to establish information
dominance. They are conducted in both peacetime and wartime, with the
peacetime focus on collecting information, improving its flow and
application, influencing opposing decision-making, and effecting
information deterrence. Information operations involve four mission areas:
Command and Control Missions. An essential part
of information operations is the ability of commanders to exercise
control over joint operations by disparate forces. Thus, command,
control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and
reconnaissance structures are a key part of information operations,
providing the means for collecting, transmitting, and managing
Offensive Information Missions. These are intended
to disrupt the enemy’s battlefield command and control systems and
communications networks, as well as to strike the enemy’s psychological
Defensive Information Missions. Such missions are
aimed at ensuring the survival and continued operation of information
systems. They include deterring an opponent from attacking one’s own
information systems, concealing information, and combating attacks when
they do occur.
Information Support and Information-Safeguarding Missions.
The ability to provide the myriad types of information necessary to
support extensive joint operations, and do so on a continuous basis, is
essential to their success.61
Computer network operations are integral to all four of these
overall mission areas. They can include both strategic and battlefield
network operations and can incorporate both offensive and defensive
measures. They also include protection not only of data, but also of
information hardware and operating software. Computer network operations will not stand alone, however, but will
be integrated with electronic warfare operations, as reflected in the
phrase “network and electronics unified (wangdian yiti).”
Electronic warfare operations are aimed at weakening or destroying enemy
electronic facilities and systems while defending one’s own.62
The combination of electronic and computer network attacks will produce
synergies that affect everything from finding and assessing the
adversary to locating one’s own forces to weapons guidance to logistical
support and command and control. North Korea. In 2014, North Korea conducted a cyber attack
on Sony Pictures in retaliation for the studio’s release of a satirical
film depicting the assassination of Kim Jong-un. The cyber attack was
accompanied by physical threats against U.S. theaters and citizens.
Contrary to the perception that North Korea is a technologically
backward nation, the regime has an active cyber warfare capability. In
2009, North Korea declared that it was “fully ready for any form of
high-tech war.”63
According to South Korea’s National Intelligence Service, North Korean
leader Kim Jong-un declared that cyber warfare was “a magic weapon” that
empowered Pyongyang to launch “ruthless strikes” against South Korea.64 The Reconnaissance General Bureau, North Korea’s intelligence agency,
oversees Unit 121 with almost 6,000 “cyber-warriors” dedicated to
attacking Pyongyang’s enemies, up from 3,000 just two years ago.
Defectors from the unit have told South Korean intelligence officials
that hackers are sent to other countries for training as well as to
conduct undercover operations. The unit’s hackers never operate
primarily within North Korea since the country’s limited computer
network would make it too easy to identify the source of the attack.65 Seoul concluded that North Korea was behind cyber attacks using
viruses or distributed denial-of-service tactics against South Korean
government agencies, businesses, banks, and media organizations in 2009,
2011, 2012, and 2013. The most devastating attack in 2013 against South
Korean banks and media outlets deleted the essential Master Boot Record
from 48,000 computers.66 North Korea also jammed GPS
signals in 2012, posing a risk to hundreds of airplanes transiting
Seoul’s Incheon airport. Lieutenant General Bae Deag-sig, head of South
Korea’s Defense Security Command, stated that “North Korea is attempting
to use hackers to infiltrate our military’s information system to steal
military secrets and to incapacitate the defense information system.”67 WWTA: According to the 2014 WWTA, China “seeks to [continue] its expansive worldwide program of network exploitation and intellectual property theft.”68 Additionally, “the North Korean Government was responsible for the November 2014 cyber attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE),
which stole corporate information and introduced hard drive erasing
malware into the company’s network infrastructure, according to the
FBI.”69 The 2015 WWTA noted that “Chinese economic espionage against US companies remains a significant issue.”70 Summary: With obvious implications for the U.S., the PLA
emphasizes the need to suppress and destroy an enemy’s information
systems while preserving one’s own, as well as the importance of
computer and electronic warfare in both the offensive and defensive
roles. Methods to secure information dominance would include
establishing an information blockade; deception (including through
electronic means); information contamination; and information paralysis.71
China sees cyber as part of an integrated capability for achieving
strategic dominance in the Western Pacific region. For North Korea,
cybersecurity is an area in which even its limited resources can
directly support discrete political objectives.
Threat Scores
AfPak-Based Terrorism. There is a great deal of
uncertainty surrounding the threat from AfPak. For the U.S., Pakistan is
both a security partner and a security challenge. Pakistan provides a
home and support to terrorist groups that are hostile to the U.S., other
U.S. partners in South Asia like India, and the fledgling government of
Afghanistan. Afghanistan is particularly vulnerable to efforts to
destabilize it. Both Pakistan and Afghanistan are already among the most
unstable states in the world. The instability of the former, given its
nuclear arsenal, has a direct bearing on U.S. security. The IISS Military Balance addresses only the military
capabilities of states. Consequently, it does not provide any accounting
of sub-state entities except as they relate to the possibility of
Pakistani nuclear weapons falling into hands that would broadly threaten
the American homeland or interests more broadly. In this regard, IISS
states that Pakistan’s “nuclear weapons are currently believed to be
well-secured against terrorist attack.”72
Pakistan’s Army Strategic Forces Command has 30 medium-range ballistic
missiles, 30 short-range ballistic missiles, land-attack cruise
missiles, and “likely nuclear capable” artillery in development. It also
has “1–2 squadrons of F-16A/B or Mirage 5 attack aircraft that may be
assigned a nuclear strike role.”73 This Index assesses the overall threat from AfPak-based
terrorists, considering the range of contingencies, as “aggressive” and
China. China presents the United States with the
most comprehensive security challenge in the region. It poses various
threat contingencies across all three areas of vital American national
interests: homeland; regional war (extending from attacks on overseas
U.S. bases or against allies and friends); and the global commons.
China’s provocative behavior is well-documented. It is challenging the
U.S. and its allies, like Japan, at sea and in cyberspace. It has raised
concerns on its border with India and is a standing threat to Taiwan.
While there may be a lack of official transparency, publicly available
sources shed considerable light on its fast-growing military
capabilities. According to the IISS Military Balance, among the key
weapons in China’s inventory are 66 Chinese ICBMs; four SSBMs; 6,540
main battle tanks (300 fewer than 2014); 66 tactical submarines; 72
principal surface combatants (including one aircraft carrier and 17
destroyers); and 2,239 combat-capable aircraft in its air force. There
are 1,600,000 members of the People’s Liberation Army. With regard to these capabilities, the 2014 Military Balance
states that “a lack of war-fighting experience, questions over training
and morale, and key capability weaknesses in areas such as C4ISTAR and ASW, mean that [the PLA]
remains qualitatively inferior, in some respects, to more
technologically advanced armed forces in the region—such as South Korea
and Japan—and it lags far behind the U.S.74
IISS also points out that China’s aircraft carrier has “yet to
demonstrate the capabilities that would enable carrier battle group
operations” and limitations with regard to its capacity for “sustained
conflict within the region” and deployment beyond the region.75 The 2015 Military Balance
contains neither of these caveats but does state that “without evidence
from active operations…the actual extent of improvements in China’s
equipment inventory and military doctrine remain difficult to assess.”76 This Index assesses the overall threat from China, considering the range of contingencies, as “aggressive” and “gathering.”
North Korea. In the first instance, North Korea
poses the most acute security challenge for American allies and bases in
South Korea. However, it is also a significant challenge to U.S. allies
in Japan and American bases there and in Guam. North Korean authorities are very actively and vocally provocative
toward the United States. While North Korea has used its missile and
nuclear tests to enhance its prestige and importance—domestically,
regionally, and globally—and to extract various concessions from the
United States in negotiations over its nuclear program and various aid
packages, such developments also improve North Korea’s military posture.
North Korea likely has already achieved warhead miniaturization, the
ability to place nuclear weapons on its medium-range missiles, and an
ability to reach the continental United States with a missile. According to the IISS Military Balance, key weapons in North
Korea’s inventory include 3,500-plus main battle tanks, 560-plus light
tanks, and 21,000 pieces of artillery. The navy has 72 tactical
submarines, three frigates, and 382 patrol and coastal combatants. The
air force has 563 combat-capable aircraft (40 fewer than 2014),
including 80 H-5 bombers. IISS counts 1,020,000 members of the North
Korean army. With regard to these capabilities, the 2014 IISS Military Balance states that “[e]quipment is mainly in a poor state, and training, morale and operational readiness all remain questionable.”77 The 2015 Military Balance
does not repeat this quotation. It does say, however, that “maintaining
ageing fleets of equipment while approaching anything resembling
adequate training hours is likely an increasing difficulty.”78
Like the 2014 edition, it also cites North Korea’s “active pursuit” of
nuclear weapons and the prospect that in the future, it could use its
No-dong missiles and H-5 bombers to “deliver nuclear warheads or bombs.”79 This Index assesses the overall threat from North Korea, considering the range of contingencies, as “hostile” and “gathering.”
Kim Jong-un builds nuclear-capable missiles that 'could reach Britain or America'
The news raises the terrifying prospect that the rogue state could deploy nuclear weapons against its mortal enemy
Sum of all fears: Could a North Korean nuke reach Britain?
Kim Jong-un has built nuclear-capable missiles that could reach Britain or America, according to a new US military report. The news raises the terrifying prospect that North Korea could deploy nuclear weapons against the West if provoked. Military
data analysts suggest that Pyongyang is trying to develop a nuke small
enough to be fitted to an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM). The
KN-08 missile, already believed to be in Kim Jong-un's arsenal, can
reach 9,000km when fired, putting it in range of Britain and parts of
the United States. Admiral Bill Gortney, commander of the North American Aerospace Defense Command, believes the KN-08 is "operational today."
Data: The missile range map provided by the Heritage Foundation thinktank
And a missile range map published in the '2016 Index of US
Military Strength' shows how Britain and parts of America are within
reach. Admiral Gortney added: "Our assessment is that
they have the ability to put a nuclear weapon on a KN-08 and shoot it at
the [US] homeland.” The report was drafted by data analysts at Conservative thinktank The Heritage Foundation. It
states: “North Korea has an extensive ballistic missile force that
could strike South Korea, Japan, and US military bases in Asia. “Pyongyang
has deployed at least 400 Scud short-range tactical ballistic missiles,
300 No-Dong medium-range missiles, and 100 to 200 Musudan
intermediate-range ballistic missiles.”
Tyrant: North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un
The longest-range missile, the Taepo Dong 2, is still in
development but analysts believe it could strike well into America's
heartland - perhaps even as far as Chicago. Last month North Korea threatened to attack America with "nuclear weapons any time." The country's main nuclear facility is up and running once more after recent tensions with the South.
Fallout: North Korea claims to be able to hit US with nukes at any time. File picture
Yongbyon complex is now in "full operation" according to the state-run news agency KCNA. Pyongyang
is boasting that North Korea's nuclear weapons are improving "in
quality and quantity" as a result of the site being reopened. It was closed down in 2007, but following an increase in regional tension with South Korea Kim Jong-Un's brutal regime has decided to announce that the reactor is now open again.
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