Jumat, 31 Mei 2019

Saudi Arabia plans to build 16 reactors by 2030 with the first reactor to come online in 2022. South Korea operates 25 reactors providing 33% of its power, and is currently building reactors for the UAE. China plans to build 99 reactors by 2030, with government investment of over $100 billion. (Current Chinese activities include 38 reactors in operation, 25 under construction, and 39 planned. They intend to double this number by 2040.) India plans to be 25% nuclear-energy-powered by 2050. And even Japan, which was devastated by a nuclear meltdown just a few short years ago, is upgrading and restarting its fleet of nuclear power plants. >>>

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The Clock Is Ticking On America’s Nuclear Dependence

Jason Simpkins PhotoBy Jason Simpkins
Written May. 31, 2019
Nuclear power is an underappreciated point man in America’s energy collective.
It’s frequently overshadowed by coal (which has long been the key source of U.S. energy 
output) and renewable sources like solar and wind, which are said to be our future.
But the truth is this: America can’t run on either of these things alone.
For decades, nuclear power has supplemented coal. And it will do the same for renewables 
for decades to come.
In fact, as it currently stands, nuclear is the world’s #1 source of clean energy.
It’s bigger than solar, wind, and every other renewable energy combined.
That’s why…
  • Saudi Arabia plans to build 16 reactors by 2030 with the first reactor to come  -online in 2022.
  • South Korea operates 25 reactors providing 33% of its power, and is currently building reactors for the UAE.
  • China plans to build 99 reactors by 2030, with government investment of over $100 billion. (Current Chinese activities include 38 reactors in operation, 25 under construction, and 39 planned. They intend to double this number by 2040.)
  • India plans to be 25% nuclear-energy-powered by 2050.
  • And even Japan, which was devastated by a nuclear meltdown just a few short years ago, is upgrading and restarting its fleet of nuclear power plants.
The liberal media claims that Trump is too cozy with Putin.
So wait 'til they hear about Donald’s stunning move that completely undercuts Russia’s energy.
On July 14, a Trump move will force production of a critical fuel that we now import from Russia….
To be made in America again!
The biggest winners?
Investors in three American energy producers that have the potential to fill the gap for this vital fuel.
As for the United States, we are the world's largest producer of nuclear power. We account for more than 30% of worldwide nuclear generation of electricity.
And after a 30-year period in which few new reactors were built, the U.S. is now expected to have two new units come online soon after 2020, with a total of 24 new nuclear reactors proposed. So our nuclear consumption is set to rise, just like everyone else’s.
However, it should be noted that we are not a major uranium producer.
We’re not even in the top 5, and we barely crack the top 10.
The result is a shocking disparity between consumption and production — one that leads us to import 97% of our uranium.
US Uranium Imports
That’s right. America only produces 3% of the uranium it uses for nuclear power. And, again, we are the world’s top nuclear power — consuming 25,000 tons of uranium annually. An amount that contributes one-fifth of our electricity.
Now, if you took a look at the chart above, you’d see it wasn’t always like this.
Have You Staked Your $7,924 Claim Yet?
To collect checks for $2,493... $4,112... and $7,924 — every month!
They’re called “coal contracts,” and regular folks all over the country are already collecting huge payouts.
But you only have until June 29th to stake your claim, so take action right now.
Back in 1980, virtually all of America’s uranium was homegrown.
But then trade barriers were removed, and American producers were undercut by foreign imports.
Our sources aren’t exactly reliable, either.
Russia and its satellite states of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan account for roughly half of our uranium imports.
US Uranium Suppliers
You might even call that a national security risk.
Which is exactly why the government is moving to address it.
You see, a small group of American uranium companies last year filed a "232" petition, asking the Commerce Department to mandate that 25% of the country’s uranium needs be met with American supplies.
These petitions are relatively rare, but there’s been an abundance of them since President Trump took office.
Indeed, the president has been aggressive in his quest to resuscitate fallen American industries.
In April 2017, the Commerce Department opened a 232 investigation into steel imports. Trump imposed tariffs on virtually all steel imports exactly one year later.
The same thing happened with aluminum.
Get the stock market’s biggest bang for your buck…
Every $1 share you buy of this small mining company could make you $8.
This company is in a unique position to supply an extremely rare resource.
And shares are poised to soar on runaway demand from America’s biggest defense technologies — jets, submarines, aircraft carriers, and missiles.
How many $1 shares will you be holding when this stock takes off?
The Commerce Department conducted an investigation, and then Trump put up tariffs on all foreign imports.
Now it’s happening with uranium — and soon.
You see, once a company or government department files a “232” petition, the Commerce Department has nine months to complete an investigation. The president then has three months to act on these findings.
Well guess what?
The window for Trump to act on uranium is coming up.
The report is set to be released, and Trump will be able to act as soon as July 14.
And when he does, it’s going to be a boon for the companies that mine uranium in the United States.
One small company, in particular, has seven U.S. uranium mines, which could scale up to 7 million pounds of production annually. All in less than a year.
That means this one company could more than triple the entire current production of U.S. uranium.
And that’s why our own Nick Hodge recently detailed the profit potential for investors in this report.
It tells you everything you need to know about 232 petitions and the coming U.S. production spike.
Fight on,
Jason Simpkins Signature
Jason Simpkins
Jason Simpkins is Assistant Managing Editor of the Outsider Club and Investment Director of The Wealth Warrior, a financial advisory focused on security companies and defense contractors. For more on Jason, check out his editor's page
*Follow Outsider Club on Facebook and Twitter.
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5 komentar:

  1. Here is a simple break down of

    the Cash Names for those large

    numbers in the


    1 million,=(1+6 zero's)

    1 billion,=(1+9 zero's)

    1 trillion,=(1+12 zero's)

    1 quadrillion,=(1+15 zero's)

    1 quintillion,=(1+18 zero's)

    1 sextillion,=(1+21 zero's)

    1 septillion,=(1+24 zero's)

    1 octillion,=(1+27 zero's)

    1 nonillion,=(1+30 zero's)

    1 decillion,=(1+33 zero's)

    1 undecillion,=(1+36 zero's)

    1 duodecillion,=(1+39 zero's)

    1 tredecillion,=(1+42 zero's)

    1 quattuordecillion,=(1+45 zero's)

    1 quindecillion,=(1+48 zero's)

    1 sexdecillion=(1+51 zero's)


  2. https://santri.net/manajemen-qalbu/kajian/albani-muhaddits-tanpa-sanad-andalan-wahabi/
    Biografi Syaikh Muhammad Nashiruddin Al-Albani
    Posted on April 5, 2011 by Forsan Salaf

    Di kalangan salafi (wahabi), lelaki satu ini dianggap muhaddis paling ulung di zamannya. Itu klaim mereka. Bahkan sebagian mereka tak canggung menyetarakannya dengan para imam hadis terdahulu. Fantastis. Mereka gencar mempromosikannya lewat berbagai media. Dan usaha mereka bisa dikata berhasil. Kalangan muslim banyak yang tertipu dengan hadis-hadis edaran mereka yang di akhirnya terdapat kutipan, “disahihkan oleh Albani, ”. Para salafi itu seolah memaksakan kesan bahwa dengan kalimat itu Al-Albani sudah setaraf dengan Imam Turmuzi, Imam Ibnu Majah dan lainnya.

    Sebetulnya, kapasitas ilmu tukang reparasi jam ini sangat meragukan (kalau tak mau dibilang “ngawur”). Bahkan ketika ia diminta oleh seseorang untuk menyebutkan 10 hadis beserta sanadnya, ia dengan entengnya menjawab, “Aku bukan ahli hadis sanad, tapi ahli hadis kitab.” Si peminta pun tersenyum kecut, “Kalau begitu siapa saja juga bisa,” tukasnya.

    Namun demikian dengan over pede-nya Albani merasa layak untuk mengkritisi dan mendhoifkan hadis-hadis dalam Bukhari Muslim yang kesahihannya telah disepakati dan diakui para ulama’ dari generasi ke generasi sejak ratusan tahun lalu. Aneh bukan?.

    Siapakah Nashirudin al- Albani?

    Dia lahir di kota Ashkodera, negara Albania tahun 1914 M dan meninggal dunia pada tanggal 21 Jumadal Akhirah 1420 H atau bertepatan dengan tanggal 1 Oktober 1999 di Yordania. Pada masa hidupnya, sehari-hari dia berprofesi sebagai tukang reparasi jam. Dia memiliki hobi membaca kitab-kitab khususnya kitab-kitab hadits tetapi tidak pernah berguru kepada guru hadits yang ahli dan tidak pernah mempunyai sanad yang diakui dalam Ilmu Hadits.

    Dia sendiri mengakui bahwa sebenarnya dia tidak hafal sepuluh hadits dengan sanad muttashil (bersambung) sampai ke Rasulullah, meskipun begitu dia berani mentashih dan mentadh’iftan hadits sesuai dengan kesimpulannya sendiri dan bertentangan dengan kaidah para ulama hadits yang menegaskan bahwa sesungguhnya mentashih dan mentadh’ifkan hadits adalah tugas para hafidz (ulama ahli hadits yg menghapal sekurang-kurangnya seratus ribu hadits).

    Namun demikian kalangan salafi menganggap semua hadits bila telah dishohihkan atau dilemahkan Albani mereka pastikan lebih mendekati kebenaran.

    Penyelewengan Albani



    Berikut diantara penyimpangan-penyimpangan Albani yang dicatat para ulama’

    1) Menyerupakan Allah dengan makhluk-Nya sebagaimana dia sebutkan dalam kitabnya berjudul Almukhtasar al Uluww hal. 7, 156, 285.

    2) Mengkafirkan orang-orang yang bertawassul dan beristighatsah dengan para nabi dan orang-orang soleh seperti dalam kitabnya “at-Tawassul” .

    3) Menyerukan untuk menghancurkan Kubah hijau di atas makam Nabi SAW (Qubbah al Khadlra’) dan menyuruh memindahkan makam Nabi SAW ke luar masjid sebagaimana ditulis dalam kitabnya “Tahdzir as-Sajid” hal. 68-69,

  4. 4) Mengharamkan penggunaan tasbih dalam berdzikir sebagaimana dia tulis dalam kitabnya “Salsalatul Ahadits Al-Dlo’ifah” hadits no: 83.

    5) Mengharamkan ucapan salam kepada Rasulullah ketika shalat dg kalimat “Melarang Assalamu ‘alayka ayyuhan-Nabiyy”. Dia berkata: Katakan “Assalamu alan Nabiyy” alasannya karena Nabi telah meninggal, sebagaimana ia sebutkan dalam kitabnya yang berjudul “Sifat shalat an-Nabi”.

    6) Memaksa umat Islam di Palestina untuk menyerahkan Palestina kepada orang Yahudi sebagaimana dalam kitabnya “Fatawa al Albani”.

    7) Dalam kitab yang sama dia juga mengharamkan Umat Islam mengunjungi sesamanya dan berziarah kepada orang yang telah meninggal di makamnya.

    8 ) Mengharamkan bagi seorang perempuan untuk memakai kalung emas sebagaimana dia tulis dalam kitabnya “Adaab az-Zafaaf “,

    9) Mengharamkan umat Islam melaksanakan solat tarawih dua puluh raka’at di bulan Ramadan sebagaimana ia katakan dalam kitabnya “Qiyam Ramadhan” hal.22.

    10) Mengharamkan umat Islam melakukan shalat sunnah qabliyah jum’at sebagaimana disebutkan dalam kitabnya yang berjudul “al Ajwibah an-Nafiah”.

    Ini adalah sebagian kecil dari sekian banyak kesesatannya, dan Alhamdulillah para Ulama dan para ahli hadits tidak tinggal diam. Mereka telah menjelaskan dan menjawab tuntas penyimpangan-penyimpangan Albani. Diantara mereka adalah:

    1.Muhaddits besar India, Habibur Rahman al-‘Adhzmi yang menulis “Albani Syudzudzuhu wa Akhtha-uhu” (Albani, penyimpangan dan kesalahannya) dalam 4 jilid;

    2.Dahhan Abu Salman yang menulis “al-Wahmu wath-Thakhlith ‘indal-Albani fil Bai’ bit Taqshit” (Keraguan dan kekeliruan Albani dalam jual beli secara angsuran);

    3.Muhaddits besar Maghribi, Syaikh Abdullah bin Muhammad bin as-Siddiq al-Ghumari yang menulis “Irgham al-Mubtadi` ‘al ghabi bi jawazit tawassul bin Nabi fil radd ‘ala al-Albani al-Wabi”; “al-Qawl al-Muqni` fil radd ‘ala al-Albani al-Mubtadi`”; “Itqaan as-Sun`a fi Tahqiq ma’na al-bid`a”;

    4.Muhaddits Maghribi, Syaikh ‘Abdul ‘Aziz bin Muhammad bin as-Siddiq al-Ghumari yang menulis “Bayan Nakth an-Nakith al-Mu’tadi”;

    5.Ulama Yaman, ‘Ali bin Muhammad bin Yahya al-‘Alawi yang menulis “Hidayatul-Mutakhabbitin Naqd Muhammad Nasir al-Din”;

    6.Muhaddits besar Syria, Syaikh ‘Abdul Fattah Abu Ghuddah yang menulis “Radd ‘ala Abatil wal iftira’at Nasir al-Albani wa shahibihi sabiqan Zuhayr al-Syawish wa mu’azirihima” (Penolakan terhadap kebatilan dan pemalsuan Nasir al-Albani dan sahabatnya Zuhayr al-Syawish serta pendukung keduanya);

    7.Muhaddits Syria, Syaikh Muhammad ‘Awwama yang menulis “Adab al-Ikhtilaf” dan “Atsar al-hadits asy-syarif fi ikhtilaf al-a-immat al-fuqaha”;

    8.Muhaddits Mesir, Syaikh Mahmud Sa`id Mamduh yang menulis “Tanbih al-Muslim ila Ta`addi al-Albani ‘ala Shahih Muslim” (Peringatan kepada Muslimin terkait serangan al-Albani ke atas Shahih Muslim) dan “at-Ta’rif bil awham man farraqa as-Sunan ila shohih wad-dho`if” (Penjelasan terhadap kekeliruan orang yang memisahkan kitab-kitab sunan kepada shohih dan dho`if);

    9.Muhaddits Arab Saudi, Syaikh Ismail bin Muhammad al-Ansari yang menulis “Ta`aqqubaat ‘ala silsilat al-ahadits adh-dha`ifa wal maudhu`a lil-Albani” (Kritikan atas buku al-Albani “Silsilat al-ahadits adh-dha`ifa wal maudhu`a”); “Tashih Sholat at-Tarawih ‘Isyriina rak`ataan war radd ‘ala al-Albani fi tadh`ifih” (Kesahihan tarawih 20 rakaat dan penolakan terhadap al-Albani yang mendhaifkannya); “Naqd ta’liqat al-Albani ‘ala Syarh at-Tahawi” (Sanggahan terhadap al-Albani atas ta’liqatnya pada Syarah at-Tahawi”;

    10.Ulama Syria, Syaikh Badruddin Hasan Diaab yang menulis “Anwar al-Masabih ‘ala dhzulumatil Albani fi shalatit Tarawih”.

    Saran kami. Hendaknya seluruh umat Islam tidak gegabah menyikapi hadis pada buku-buku yang banyak beredar saat ini, terutama jika di buku itu terdapat pendapat yang merujuk kepada Albani dan kroni-kroninya.

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