Microsoft, Google, and Facebook have joined forces to create
a groundbreaking device that will bring about...
The Death of the iPhone
Wired magazine says it will "change the way we interact with the world," and this tiny, $7 tech company is the one thing connecting them all together.
Dear Reader,
At a market cap of $750 billion, Apple Inc. recently became the single most valuable company in history.
It has $34 billion in cash, sells $224 billion in products each year,
and is raking in an incredible $50 billion on the bottom line.
Simply put, the brainchild of Steve Jobs has become an absolute powerhouse in the world of tech. Wired magazine even once referred to the company's flagship product as "The Unstoppable, Unbeatable iPhone."
But in just three minutes I'm going to show you a video clip that
will completely change the way you see Apple Inc. and its flagship
What I'm about to show you has Tim Cook and company shaking in their boots, because the $7 tech firm behind it is guaranteed to challenge the dominance of what's currently the largest and most powerful corporation in the world.

More importantly, though, this video clip could have profound
implications on your personal and financial future. It showcases a new
product that will drastically change the way you and I interact with the
world, and it could even make you a fair amount of cash in the process.
But before I show you that clip I'm going to start off by making a rather bold prediction.
And I have to warn you: what I'm going to say might sound a bit crazy
at first, but after reading this presentation, and learning everything
that I know, I think you'll understand.
And if you don't, that's okay... I know not everyone will be able to
see the forest for the trees, but for those who do, this could
completely change your view of the future.
More importantly, though, it could pad your bank account for years to come, if you choose to take the advice I'll have for you at the end of this presentation.
So here it is. My bold prediction, you can even mark it on your calendar if you please:
By 2021, less than five years from today... that iPhone sitting in
your pocket, or maybe you have an Android like me... is going to become
completely obsolete.
But I don't just mean your particular phone or my particular phone. I mean smartphones altogether.
In the very near future, consumers all around the world will look
back at today's smartphones the same way we look at floppy disks and
flip-phones today.
Again, I know that right now, it probably sounds like that could
never happen.... but let me explain exactly how I've arrived at this
stunning conclusion.
How One Device Changed My View of the World
Now, some of you may already know who I am, some of you may not.
My name is Jason Stutman, and I get paid to learn about the
technology industry and hunt down innovative, disruptive companies that
are changing the rules of the game.
I absolutely love my job. I get to do some really cool stuff, and see some really cool things.
From surgical robots, to miniature drones, to the next generation of
3D printers I've been fortunate enough to test countless different kinds
of technologies well before they even hit the market.
But there's one kind of technology that I've been privy to testing
out that absolutely blows my mind every time I use it and completely
changes the way that I think about the future of consumer electronics.
This technology, I believe, will make these amazing pocket-sized
computers that we've become so accustomed to over the last decade a
thing of the past.

And I'm not alone either. Tech visionaries like Mark Zuckerberg are
already hailing this technology as "the obvious next step" after
smartphones, and they've been spending billions of dollars to make sure
of it.
Microsoft and Google have been too...
Now, I know what you might be thinking: "That could never happen," and I quite frankly wouldn't blame you.
After all, we use our smartphones for everything these days. Checking
our email, getting directions, talking to our friends and family,
watching shows, playing games...
So when I tell you that you're not going to need one of these devices
in just a few years from today, I probably sound pretty nuts.
And just a few years ago I probably would have thought I was nuts too, but then something amazing happened.
Back in 2013 I was given a demo of this incredible device.

Now, at this point in my career I was still a little wet behind the ears, but not quite as much as the prototype I was testing.
As I'm sure you can tell, this device wasn't anywhere near commercial
production at the time. Anyone who wore it would have looked, well,
about as silly as I do in this picture.
But technology moves incredibly fast these days, and you'd be pretty
amazed to see what this product, and products like it, look like and are
doing today...
So what is this gadget I just showed you?
Well there are a number of different names for it, but I like to call it the "iPhone Killer" — the kind of device that will bring Apple Inc., the world's largest and most successful company ever, to its knees.
Now I must warn you: this isn't something that's going to happen
overnight, but it WILL happen, and it will happen much sooner than most
people think.
And as it does, savvy investors who take the right course of action will be rewarded beyond measure.
I've tested the technology, I've pored through the patent filings,
and I can tell you this: Apple is so incredibly far behind with this
tech, that the only thing that it can do, the only thing that will save it, is to abandon its flagship product, the iPhone, altogether.
Again, I know that's difficult to believe, especially since nearly
80% of Apple's revenue currently comes from the iPhone, but I have
plenty of facts to back up my case.
The first fact, you're going to have to see to believe.
A "Death Sentence" for the Smartphone
I'm going to show you just how amazing this "iPhone Killer" really is
in a moment, but let's take a step back first and talk a little bit
about smartphones for a second.
Now this might sound like a pretty simple question, but what is a smartphone?
Is it actually still a phone? Well, yeah... but not really.
It's much more accurate these days to think of a smartphone as a
mobile computer. You might be able to make a call on it, but that's far
from the main function.
In fact, there are countless functions for smartphones today,
functions that we've all come to know and love as applications or apps.
Over the last decade, we've seen a lot of amazingly popular applications for phones.
But as exciting as all these applications are, they all have the same
crippling physical limit: They're tied to a two-dimensional screen that
keeps us disconnected from the real world.
Simply put? Smartphones are like technology prisons: they keep the
world of computing, and by extension ourselves, trapped inside a 6-inch
by 3-inch plane.
Which brings us to that video clip I mentioned just a few minutes
ago: It should give you a glimpse into the future of consumer
electronics, and show you exactly why the "iPhone Killer" truly is the
single biggest threat facing Tim Cook and Apple Inc. today.
Now what I'm about to show you, you might not believe is real, but I assure you the video has been left unedited.
There are no special effects, no trickery: this is what the
experience looks like from the person using one of these "iPhone
There's no doubt in my mind: what you just witnessed is the future of
computing: the ability to free applications from their 2D prisons and
bring them into the real world.
Why exactly is this so groundbreaking, and why do I believe this
technology is destined to replace the iPhone? Well, imagine this:
Instead of having to reach into your pocket and stare down at your
phone every time you need to access an application, you could simply
summon it out of thin air.
Better yet, imagine you could choose any screen size imaginable, and have it follow you, wherever you look.
It would be a bit like having a weightless, 60-inch smartphone that you wouldn't have to worry about fitting it in your pocket.
In fact, these "iPhone Killing" devices will allow you to have as
many screens as you want, without taking up any extra physical space.
You could be watching a football game, chatting with distant
relatives on Skype, and checking your email all at once with a single
But the "iPhone Killer" goes way beyond just duplicating 2D screens.
It creates an immersive environment that merges technology seamlessly into the real world...
And while you might already feel a little apprehensive about this
technology at first, remember that the same feelings were once widely
felt about smartphones and computers, too.
Groundbreaking technology of this magnitude is bound to take a little
getting used to, but after consumers come to know just how useful the
"iPhone Killer" really is, it will become an unstoppable force in the
world of consumer electronics.
The result of the this will be media applications that most people today couldn't even dream of.
Schools and classrooms will become more interactive than ever before.
Movies and cinema will come bursting to life... which is exactly why
the Walt Disney Company, just dropped $60 million on a small startup
that develops special cameras that film content for the "iPhone Killer."
Even the $92 billion gaming industry is about be turned upside down,
with these devices promising to destroy the stereotype of couch-potato
We've already seen the beginning of this trend with things like
Microsoft Kinect and Nintendo Wii, but those are nothing compared to
immersive environments created by the "iPhone Killer."
We've all seen this kind of technology in science fiction films for years, but not until now has it actually become a reality.
As you just saw, this technology exists today, and I'm here
to tell you that within just a few years, these "iPhone Killers" will be
hitting store shelves and turning the entire technology industry on its
Even more exciting, though, I've located a small, little-known technology company that's already bucking the trend.
In fact, this $7 firm has already begun quietly shipping units to Google, Microsoft, and Facebook.
And while institutional banks haven't caught on just yet, they soon will.
This young technology firm currently trades for less than $7.00 a
share, but within less than a decade, I expect it to climb as high as
$450, or 64 times the price where it trades at today.
And if you think that sounds unrealistic, let me show you exactly how I arrived at that number...
Banking Intel-Like Gains (up to 6,400%)
from the $7 "iPhone Killer" Stock
You see, this small tech company produces the internal components for
the "iPhone Killer," much in the same way that Intel (NASDAQ: INTC)
caught its big break supplying processors for personal computers back in
the 1980s.
Back then, not many investors knew about Intel, and even those who did were often too hesitant to pull the trigger.
Those who didn't are probably still kicking themselves today.
Today, Intel is one of the largest and most recognized technology
companies in the world, sitting at a massive valuation of over $160
But not too long ago, this tech giant was trading at a mere $0.11 a
share, and when the PC market finally began to take off in the mid 90s,
the stock exploded to as high as $74.00.
That's a potential 67,272% gain: enough to turn a meager $1,000
investment into $673,000. Or better yet, a $10,000 investment into $6.7

Of course, the opportunity to make that kind of return on Intel has
come and gone, but even those who missed the rise of the PC were able to
profit off what came next: The mobile revolution.
While many people weren't aware of it at the time, when Steve Jobs
first introduced the Apple iPhone in 2006, he would create an incredibly
similar opportunity for investors who took a lesson from Intel.
While growth in personal computers had come to an end, smartphones
had suddenly become the next gold rush for internal component providers
and savvy tech investors.
And this time around there were even more chances to turn tiny investments into nest eggs that would last a lifetime.
Smartphone chipmaker ARM Holdings (NASDAQ: ARMH) is a perfect example...
In the years leading up to the release of the iPhone, ARM was trading at just $2.39 a share.
By 2013, opportunities in the mobile phone market had sent the stock
soaring to $54.80 — a 2,292% gain for investors who had the foresight to
bet on mobile.

Then there's NVIDIA Corporation (NASDAQ: NVDA) a company that
manufactures graphics processing and system-on-a-chip units specifically
for the mobile computing market.
In 2003, when smartphones were still in their development phase, the company was trading at just $2.71 a share.
Within just a few short years, NVIDIA's valuation had multiplied by 1,379%!

Qualcomm Inc. (NASDAQ: QCOM) is another great example...
By getting in early on both the PC and Mobile revolutions, the
company was able to return investors an astonishing 13,930%... Enough to
turn a $10,000 investment into $1.4 million.

But just like what happened to Intel following the PC explosion in
the 1990s, smartphone component companies like Qualcomm have already
begun to lose their edge.
Don't get me wrong, Qualcomm is a great company, and a good stock
right now too, but its once massive growth potential has no doubt come
and gone.
The truth is, if you plan to locate the next blockbuster component
provider for consumer electronics — the next Intel or the next Qualcomm —
you have to look at what comes after the smartphone, the same way
investors once bet on what came after the PC.
This is why I'm sharing with you today the tiny, $7 tech stock that's
already providing the essential components for the "iPhone Killer."
This company is positioning itself as Intel once did with the PC, and
it's setting itself up the same way NVIDIA, AMD, and Qualcomm did with
And if this firm continues to follow in their footsteps, its
shareholders will be rewarded beyond measure. In fact, by the time our
"iPhone Killer" stock reaches the market cap of Qualcomm, investors will
have made a 6,400% return.
If it were to reach the size of Intel, the number would be even bigger.
Mark Zuckerberg says the
"iPhone Killer" is "the obvious next step"
Now, I must warn you, there are never any guarantees in the stock
market, but this tiny company providing internal components for the
"iPhone Killer" is about as close as you can get.
You see, when I use the term "iPhone Killer" I'm not just referring
to a single product, but rather an entire line of devices currently
under development by the world's largest technology companies.
Right now, there are three heavyweight players leading the charge:
- Microsoft
Each of these companies is already developing their own version of
the "iPhone Killer", and each aims replace Apple as "king" of the
consumer electronics hill.
But here's the kicker: the little known $7 tech stock that I've uncovered has found its way into not one, not two, but all three of the "iPhone Killer" devices currently under development by Microsoft, Google, and Facebook.
After taking a look inside these three devices, we know one thing for
sure: Without this tiny firm's proprietary computer chips, the "iPhone
Killer" wouldn't even exist.
Its components have become a necessity, just as Intel's chips once were to PCs two decades ago.
In just a moment, I'm going to explain exactly how you can profit up
to 6,400% from this $7 "iPhone Killer" stock as these three technology
bellwethers attempt to knock Apple off its perch.
But first, I want to give you a deeper look at this technology, so
you can see for yourself why Apple has been frantically trying to poach
engineers who have been working in top-secret labs on the "iPhone
"iPhone Killer" #1:
Facebook's $2 Billion Bet
Back in 2014 Facebook purchased a company called Oculus for $2 billion in an acquisition that perplexed much of the market.
Oculus was developing a mobile device, an early stage "iPhone Killer," that was taking the technology community by storm.
While still in its infancy, this device, known as "The Rift,"
promised to bring immersive, interactive content to the average consumer
The question, of course, was what did Facebook have anything to do with virtual content?
After all, Facebook built its fortune on social media. It was a company in the Internet and software business, not physical hardware.
After all, Facebook built its fortune on social media. It was a company in the Internet and software business, not physical hardware.
Well, here's what Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg had to say about Facebook's future plans following the acquisition of Oculus:
"This is just the start. After games,
we're going to make Oculus a platform for many other experiences.
Imagine enjoying a courtside seat at a game, studying in a classroom of
students and teachers all over the world or consulting with a doctor
face-to-face — just by putting on [the "iPhone Killer"] in your home.
"This is really a new communication
platform. By feeling truly present, you can share unbounded spaces and
experiences with the people in your life. Imagine sharing not just
moments with your friends online, but entire experiences and adventures.
"These are just some of the potential
uses. By working with developers and partners across the industry,
together we can build many more. One day, we believe this kind of immersive, augmented reality will become a part of daily life for billions of people."
Needless to say, Zuckerberg is betting big on this "iPhone Killing"
device... Not just with a $2 billion acquisition, but with a long-term
business plan for Facebook.
And of course, that $7 tech company I've been talking about is
providing a crucial component for the device: a special kind of computer
chip that processes images for the Oculus Rift.
Better yet, this company has found its way into the devices of two
other technology giants determined to kill the iPhone: Microsoft and
"iPhone Killer" #2:
Microsoft's Second Computer Revolution
If there's any company that would relish at the chance to take down the iPhone, it would have to be Microsoft.
Bill Gates buoyed Apple's disastrous stock back in 1997 with a $150
million investment, only to have Steve Jobs overtake his company a
decade later with the most successful computing device ever built.
Microsoft later came out publicly to say that bailing out Apple was the "craziest thing" it had ever done...
So you can bet that this time around, Microsoft won't be doing Apple
any favors: The company is looking to take back the crown, and its
secret weapon is a potential "iPhone Killer."
In Microsoft's latest product reveal, the company demonstrated a new device called the HoloLens.
Microsoft had been working on this project in secret for years since
purchasing an Israeli startup called 3DV Systems back in 2009.
After years of keeping the HoloLens under wraps, Microsoft began
teasing the public with demos of what the product could do in 2014.
But get this:
Just a few months after the HoloLens was revealed, Apple was caught poaching a lead engineer from the HoloLens project.
While Apple would never admit it, the company clearly feels
threatened: It's already five years behind the ball, and it’s
desperately trying to figure out how the "iPhone Killer" works.
Now, it is possible that Apple can catch up to its long-time rival
Microsoft, but even if it does, that would still mean the death of the
iPhone... and a massive opportunity for our $7 tech stock.
You see, this little-known company produces a special kind of display chip, essential for the HoloLens to work.
And because Apple is being forced to poach Microsoft engineers, you can bet it'll be following a similar design approach...
Based on all our internal sources, this tiny company is the only place for Apple's engineers to turn.
"iPhone Killer" #3:
Google Gets Serious About Glass
One of the most telling indicators is that even technology giant
Google relies on our $7 tech firm's one-of-a-kind computer chips.
Specifically, Google uses the company's chips in its Google Glass devices
Google first introduced Glass as a developer's edition in 2013. Much
of the public was excited about the project at the time, but commercial
development was still several years down the road.
When Google later pulled the cord on its first generation of Glass,
many news outlets began falsely claiming that Google Glass was done for
But in reality, Google had simply taken Glass back to the drawing board, renaming it as "Project Aura."
You see, one of the biggest complaints about Glass was that the
device looked too nerdy, which is why Google is redesigning Aura with a
whole new look.
And while the appearance of Google Glass may have changed, all patents indicate its core components have remained the same.
Simply put, just as Facebook and Microsoft both rely on our tiny tech
firm's computer chips for their "iPhone Killers" to work, you can
expect that Google will, too.
Why The Naysayers Never Win
Now, I know there will be a few skeptics out there, even after seeing the "iPhone Killer" in action...
But if I've learned one thing investing in technology stocks over the years, it's that the naysayers always finish last.
I can remember riding in my father's Toyota 4-Runner when I was still
a child and being amazed by his $700 "car phone" that looked something
like this:

Back then, most people scoffed at the idea of fitting a touchscreen
computer in their pocket. Many were still laughing at the idea of the
World Wide Web, too.
But as I'm sure you've realized over the past few decades, we live in a world where technology develops at blazing speeds.
From drones, to robots, to self-driving cars, it's truly incredible what human ingenuity has been able to accomplish.
When you think about how far we've come, one thing should become
perfectly clear: Anything can happen, and nothing is impossible.
In fact, it's the technology that people think is impossible that allows you to truly multiply your wealth.
After all, that's how people make money in the stock market: They
find value in places where others can't yet see the forest for the
The trick to successful stock picking is thinking like a visionary: Taking a look at the future and asking, "What comes next?"
It's not about coming up with reasons why something could never happen, but figuring out exactly how and when it will.
Right now, the naysayers will tell you the "iPhone Killer" is too bulky or too expensive...
And for the brief moment, they'll be right.
But remember that mobile phones were once built like cinder blocks,
and today they're inside the pockets of every person you know.
So let me just say this: Investing in disruptive technology like the
"iPhone Killer" is not for the pessimists out there, and it's not for
the faint of heart.
It's for people who are willing to grab the bull by the horns and
take control of their financial future in a way most people couldn't
even dream of.
You've seen the videos, and you've heard the facts. The question now is whether or not you're willing to take action.
Are You a Visionary Too?
As I mentioned above, my name is Jason Stutman, and I've spent the last six years studying under-the-radar technology stocks.
In 2013, I joined Angel Publishing, one of the largest and most trusted investment advisory firms in the world.
I'm also the founder of the investment research advisory The Cutting Edge and popular news site Tech Investing Daily.
I'm proud to publish your blueprint to leading-edge technology
investments... investments that have the potential to double, triple,
quadruple, and more.
I cut my teeth in the world of technology, and over the last several
years, I've built an incredibly strong network of professional
connections in the industry.
I'm not at liberty to drop any names, but I will say my contacts
include high-ranking chief technology officers, investor relations
executives, and even high-profile technology CEOs.
To be clear, I'm not mentioning any of this to brag.
I simply want to point out the advantage this can give you.
Not only do technology companies let me know when they're developing a
new product, but I also often get to experience these new innovations
well before they hit the market.
If it's coming up in the world of tech, you can be sure it's on my radar.
And by getting in on the inside, I've been able to tip off my dedicated readers to a steady stream of winning technology stocks.
This includes recent gains like:

But don't just take it from me. My readers couldn't be happier. Here's what a few of my latest subscribers have had to say:

And here are some kind words from Jonathan C., CFA:

Now, doubling your money and buying a new car is great, but like I said, the play I have in mind for you today could net you up to 6,400%.
Your Chance at 6,400% Gains
All you have to do to get in on the action and learn the name of this
"iPhone Killer" stock is go ahead and give my investment newsletter, Technology and Opportunity, a risk-free try.
Just click the "Join Us Now" button at the bottom of the page.
The moment I hear from you, you'll have immediate access to your special, free report, "The Next Intel: Banking up to 6,400% from the Death of the iPhone." featuring the $7 tech company behind the "iPhone Killer."

As I mentioned earlier, getting in on this stock is a little like
getting in early on Qualcomm, NVIDIA, and AMD at the dawn of the mobile
phone revolution or Intel at the beginning of the computer era.
Folks who had the vision to take action back then ended up multimillionaires. Now you can do the same.
That's because there is no better time to invest in technology.
There's not a single sector of the economy that is not impacted by
tech — from commodity exploration to defense to consumer goods,
technology is prevalent in every aspect of our daily lives.
It really is just too hot to be ignored. Even Warren Buffett, who is
known for snubbing technology stocks, recently took an $8 billion tech
Every day, new innovations and inventions are hitting the marketplace.
And today we're sitting on the brink of a mega-industry that will change the world...
And make early-bird investors rich in the process.
As a subscriber to Technology and Opportunity, you'll have a front-row seat to unfolding innovation and invention.
Each month, I'll bring you a new company that is in the process of changing the world.
Most of these companies are still unknown... but the impact they make
can reshape the world as we know it — and create fortunes in the
Take a look at just a few of the tech companies I've been watching recently:
- LivePerson, Inc. (LPSN) provides live chat services for businesses. It showed early investors an 8,900% gain.
- VirnetX Holding Corp. (VHC) provides Internet security. It showed early investors a 13,000% gain.
- FLIR Systems (FLIR) provides thermal imaging technology. It showed early investors a 5,200% gain.
- Stratasys (SSYS) provides 3D printing technology. It showed early investors a chance to pocket a 9,200% gain.
- ANSYS (ANSS) provides simulation software technology. It showed early investors a 3,900% gain.
Bottom line: Breakthrough technology is a fortune just waiting to happen.
Of course, it's too late to get in on these homeruns. They've already hit their stride.
The good news is that there are plenty more opportunities unfolding
right at this very moment — like the "iPhone Killer" stock you'll find
in your FREE report: "The Next Intel: Banking up to 6,400% from the Death of the iPhone."

In just a minute, I’ll show you how easy it is to access your free report...
But first let me tell you what you can expect with a subscription to Technology and Opportunity.
- 12 Monthly Issues: Jam-packed with new and exciting
research on the hottest technology companies on the planet. Every
month, I'll introduce you to a breakthrough company that has the
potential to change the world. You'll get the name of the company, the
stock symbol, and specific instructions that will help you invest.
- Portfolio Updates: When pertinent, I'll send you a
market pulse update, letting you know what's happening in the world of
technology and giving you up-to-the-minute analysis on each of my
- Weekly Curated Content: Each week we'll share with
you the most important financial and tech news from around the web in
our "This Week in Tech" series. Stay up to date on all the latest
breakthroughs and innovations, even before they hit the public market.
- Flash Alerts: Every day, I monitor the markets,
keeping a close eye on each of my recommendations... If something
changes with any of our positions, you'll be the first to know via my
flash alerts.
- Unlimited Access to Our Private, Members-Only Website: Read all of our back issues and reports and stay up to date on the cutting-edge technology opportunities I uncover.
On top of all that I'm also going to give you two special bonus reports, a $250 value, completely free of charge.

In your first free bonus report, I'm going to let you in on three
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But that's not everything. I'd also like to give you a second bonus
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No more outsourcing to outside labs and waiting days for results: This
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You can learn everything there is to know about this company in your free report: "Doctor on a Chip: Biotech's Super Medical Card Moneymaker." Again, all you have to do is click the button below to take a free trial of my research service Technology and Opportunity.
By now, you're probably wondering: How much does all this cost?
Well, that's the best part...Less Than 30 Cents Per Day!
As you may know, investment research services can cost $2,000 or more per year...
I actually know people who pay well over $5,000 per year for seemingly the exact same information you're going to get from Technology and Opportunity.
You see, for the big shots on Wall Street, $5,000 for a full year of investment research is pocket change.
Services like mine give them a big leg up against the competition, so
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But I don't do what I do to make the fat cats on Wall Street richer
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on the competition.
This is why I've fought with my publisher tooth and nail for Technology and Opportunity to have an annual subscription fee of a very reasonable $249.
It's also why I'm offering a one-time special discount off that price today.
If I hear from you within the next 24 hours, you'll lock in a special subscription fee of just $99 for a full year of Technology and Opportunity.
That means for less than $0.30 per day, you'll get cutting-edge investment information that costs some people over $5,000.
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Here's my personal money-back guarantee...
My Ironclad Guarantee
If at any time during the first 30 days you are unhappy with your Technology and Opportunity subscription — for any reason — just say the word...
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And after the first 30 days, if you're not happy, I'll REFUND EVERY PENNY of the unused portion of your subscription.
Again, no questions asked!
Even if you decide to take a 100% refund, you keep everything I sent you, including the special report, "The Next Intel: Banking up to 6,400% from the Death of the iPhone."
You'll also get to keep your special bonus reports: "Doctor on a Chip: Biotech's Super Medical Card Moneymaker" and "Ride the Robot Revolution for 50 Times Your Money" for free.

Simply put: You have absolutely nothing to lose. And your upside on this opportunity is enormous.
But you must move quickly.
Most people haven't heard about the stock detailed in this special report. But that won't last.
Word is getting out, and big institutional money is already moving in.
Things are going to move fast, and you need to get in position now, not later, to ensure full profit potential...
Remember: The people who had a chance to make 67,000% on Intel were
the people with the vision to seize the opportunity early and get in on
the ground floor.
So please take just a moment to reserve your space by clicking the "Join Us Now" button below.
But hurry! This opportunity will not wait, and I'd hate to see you miss out.

Jason Stutman
Investment Director, Technology and Opportunity
Investment Director, Technology and Opportunity

Introducing New Texas Oil
The REAL reason oil is in the dumps...
And why Wildcatters, Big Oil, and OPEC are ditching oil to spend $5 Trillion on a new fuel...
That will ignite a tiny 50-cent stock... starting now!
— "Hands down the most profitable investment." — Forbes— "It's the new Black Gold" — Financial Post
Dear Reader,
There’s a new energy boom quietly raging in the oil fields of West Texas.
Check out these images of a giant project being built there right now:

But it’s not what you’re probably thinking.
As amazing as it sounds, this has nothing to do with oil... or even gas, coal, and nuclear.
Instead it’s a much more lucrative form of energy...
One that’s much more abundant... reliable... and cleaner...
And could mint more Texas-sized fortunes than any oil boom in history.
I call it the "New Texas Oil."
Because on June 11, 2015, the state of Texas discovered something astonishing...
Something that could not only change the way Americans power their homes forever...
But also change the fortunes of everyday Americans who know what’s going on... and move quickly.
It found that — just like oil — Texas is blessed with more of this energy than any other state in the country.
And in the heart of the Permian Basin, just miles away from where oil was first discovered in 1901...
It built a rig to extract the "New Texas Oil" instead.
A move that kicked off what the Wall Street Journal is calling "the next Texas energy boom"...
Now the race is on...
Over a thousand oil rigs have shut down...
A new generation of wildcatters is striking overnight fortunes...
And land holding millions of barrels of oil is going untapped... all for this "New Texas Oil."
As you read this, $5 trillion (that’s with a "t") is beginning to flow to this overlooked power source.
That includes big money investments from oilmen who are swapping the "black gold" for this new form of energy.
Like billionaires Ray and Hunter Hunt, heirs of the Hunt Oil fortune,
who recently started a "New Texas Oil" firm to cash in on the boom.
Or the Rockefeller family heirs who recently dumped ALL of their oil
investments and staked $860 million into this fuel instead.
And one oil billionaire from Russia — the world’s largest oil
exporter — recently plunked down $450 million on a "New Texas Oil"
Wood Mackenzie, the major oil consulting firm, even calls it...
"The New Shale"
— Major oil consultancy firm
— Major oil consultancy firm
The Financial Post agrees, calling it "the new Black Gold."
That’s why even oil giants are joining the rush for this new power source.
ExxonMobil estimates use of the "New Texas Oil" to soar by 2,000%.
The French giant Total is on a buying spree for shares of "New Texas Oil" companies.
It’s now investing half-a-billion each year in this new kind of fuel.
The CEO of Shell even goes so far as to call it "the dominant backbone of the future energy system."
Shell put its money where its mouth is, staking $53 million on a "New Texas Oil" play.
Let’s not forget OPEC.
Kuwait... Egypt... Abu Dhabi.
All these Gulf State oil giants are scrambling to get their hands on the "New Texas Oil."
Reuters reports it considers the new energy race "nearly as important as the current battle for oil market share."
Even Saudi Arabia, with its aging oil fields, is making a staggering $109 billion investment in "New Texas Oil."
According to the Saudi oil minister, "I believe [New Texas Oil] will be even more economic than fossil fuels."
Now the Saudis aim to compete against Texas as THE global powerhouse for this new energy.
We’re talking about a ton of oil money here.
Texas money.
Big Oil.
After the fracking bust and oil price slide... They’re all going after "New Texas Oil"...
And for good reason...
The Energy Information Administration just reported it’s the "fastest-growing source of U.S. electricity."
Soon, this fuel could power 2.5 million households in the Lone Star State alone.
27 million homes in America...
And 1.8 billion homes worldwide...
The IEA — the global energy agency — even predicts it could become "the world’s single biggest source of energy."
USA Today agrees, saying "this will be the biggest source of energy in the future."
I’m talking about a global energy transformation on a scale NEVER seen before...
Bigger than coal to the Industrial Revolution... or oil to the 20th century...
Neither of which EVER supplied power to this many people.
"Like shale oil," reports CNBC, "[New Texas Oil] is shaking up the world energy scene."
According to Business Insider, "just as the shale
revolution has made millionaires out of farmers, drove down the price of
natural gas and dramatically transformed the geopolitical landscape,
the new rush will also reshape our energy economy."
One Bloomberg headline even reads,
"The Way Humans Get Electricity is About to Change Forever"
— Bloomberg
— Bloomberg
So are the fortunes of early investors who get a piece of this action.
But even though there’s never been a better time in history to tap the "New Texas Oil"...
And even though this could mint even more brand-new fortunes than the shale boom...
I doubt 1 in 1,000 Americans know about the energy boom currently raging in the Lone Star State.
Or how they can get a piece of the cash the "New Texas Oil" investments are gushing.
Just like they didn’t see the shale boom coming... or busting. And lost out on the new fortunes minted.
The only reason I know about this is because I’ve been an insider in the world energy scene for the past decade.
That puts me in a unique position to hear about under-the-radar
stories like this long before the mainstream catches on... and that’s
when all the REAL money is made.
Here’s what I know...
In order to stake your claim on a share of the "New Texas Oil"...
- You don’t need to own land.
- You don’t need a rig.
- And you don’t need to live in or even visit Texas.
You just need to identify the tiny companies perfecting the new
technologies that are poised to rake in billions as they allow this "New
Texas Oil" to be harvested.
And buy in while it’s still a ground-floor opportunity.
Which won’t last for long.
That’s why I’ve done all the digging for you.
I’ve not only identified the companies reaping the biggest windfalls from this boom...
But I’ve visited their sites...
Met their CEOs, managers, and workers...
And analyzed their operations.
They’re small plays trading for $1 or less.
But according to my research, they could surge for nothing less than 13,400% gains.
And you don’t have to invest millions like the big guys.
By my count, just a small $10,000 stake could explode into $1,340,000.
Enough to fund your whole retirement on just one single play.
Starting this year... thanks to a series of unprecedented global and
U.S. political developments that are poised to hand investors the
biggest profit windfall of their lives.
In a moment, I’ll reveal two ultra-lucrative picks for this opportunity...
I’ll share with you their names, company profiles, and ticker symbols.
I’ll even show you uncut footage from inside their operations... the kind everyday investors NEVER get to see.
Plus, I’ll share details on why they could skyrocket for life-altering gains starting this year.
But first, allow me to explain this explosive situation and why it’s...
Bigger Than the Fracking Revolution...
Because where you’ll see the most money isn’t in the fuel... what I’ve been calling the "New Texas Oil."
It’s not even in the power plants that will generate energy using this fuel.
Instead it’s in the technological revolution that’s underway right now...
A rush to develop new breakthroughs to tap this fuel cheaper and much more efficiently than is currently done.
Just like the fracking revolution that was driven by new technology to extract oil...
Which sent the price of oil plunging... dramatically altering the world’s energy landscape...
The new energy boom in Texas is also being sparked by cutting-edge technologies...
Ones that are poised to reap tens of billions.
As Business Insider reports, "no other technology is closer to transforming power markets."
That’s why this energy revolution is setting off as we speak.
After all, the "New Texas Oil" has been around for decades.
But breakthrough advances that more efficiently convert it to electricity recently caused the price to dramatically plummet...
Take a look at this incredible chart...

As you can see, the price of the "New Texas Oil" has fallen
dramatically over the last few decades. But unlike with actual oil,
falling prices are a good thing for investors.
In fact, the cost of New Texas Oil has plummeted 94% in just the last seven years!
Up until last year most analysts wrote it off as "impractical" because of the cost...
Now it’s cheaper than oil, LNG, gas, and coal. And equal to the cost
of almost every other power source — what’s known as "grid parity" in
the energy field.
"Even if coal were free to burn, power stations still couldn’t compete," reports the Guardian.
USA Today reports, "It costs less than you can build a fossil fuel plant for, no matter the source of energy."
Never before has a new form of electricity gone from theoretical possibility to practical reality this fast.
Now take a look at the other half of this story.
How this is about to overtake the entire global electricity market — a multi-trillion-dollar industry.
Here’s a chart showing worldwide use of the "New Texas Oil" since the price began dropping precipitously.
Demand Has Skyrocketed 13,800%

That’s an astronomic 13,800% growth in use over the last decade.
In other words, for every 10 homes powered in 2000... 1,390 homes were powered in 2014.
Last year alone, the world generated 40 gigawatts of new power from the New Texas Oil.
That’s equal to...
40 new nuclear power plants
And 70 new coal-fired plants
At this rate of astronomic growth, says Jon Wellinghoff, chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, "[New Texas Oil] is going to overtake everything."
"The [New Texas Oil] Is Going to Overtake Everything."
— Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
— Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
But even though it’s the fastest-growing energy market in the world...
... A $120 billion industry poised to become the world’s largest power source... overtaking coal, oil, and nuclear...
It still represents LESS THAN half of 1% of the global power mix.
But that’s rapidly changing now...
As the cost of every other energy commodity — like oil and coal — inevitably goes up...
The price of "New Texas Oil" will continue to go DOWN.
That’s because — unlike oil — the price isn’t limited by any kind of scarcity, only by technology.
And if there’s one thing we all know about technology — from VCRs to microwaves to computers to cell phones...
It’s that over time, it goes down in price and up in performance.
In other words, there’s NO limit to how cheap it could get — besides zero.
As a result we’re seeing an unprecedented surge of demand for the "New Texas Oil."
One unlike anything seen since the rise of coal in the Industrial Revolution. Or oil in the 20th century.
As UBS Bank reports...
"We’re At The Beginning of a New Era in the Power Markets."
— UBS Bank
— UBS Bank
Every single second a new "rig" goes up to extract this power... or a plant to harness it....
From China and India...
To Africa and the Middle East...
The "New Texas Oil" is disrupting the entire field of energy.
And becoming essential to powering millions of households in over 130 countries.
Deutsche Bank predicts the "New Texas Oil" market to reach $5 trillion globally.
Money that will flow from billions of new customers... and into the pockets of early investors like you.
A $5 Trillion Market in the Making...
The growth potential is truly breathtaking...
Bloomberg Energy Finance forecasts it could soon make up least 30% of the world’s power grid.
That’s 1.8 billion households.
A massive surge of 19,900% in use.
This would make it the leading source of electricity for the entire world.
Displacing gas, oil, coal, and just about everything else.
While making a whole class of new energy wildcatters incredibly rich.
No other form of energy can grow at this astonishing rate — not even close.
So why haven’t you heard about it?
Well, until recently, the mainstream media has been too focused on the shale boom, LNG, and other fads.
But not me.
Thanks to my energy industry contacts, I not only called the shale oil bust exactly two months before oil crashed...

But I’ve claimed that the "New Texas Oil" is the REAL energy revolution for over a decade now.
In fact, in a 2007 book, Investing in Renewable Energy, I and my fellow authors predicted the inevitable rise of the "New Texas Oil"...

We wrote about the potential for new technology to eventually make it dirt cheap — cheaper than anything else...
We predicted its potential to power billions of homes worldwide.
But back then everybody laughed me off. Just as they did when I predicted the shale boom’s bust.
They called the "New Texas Oil" a fantasy — and said that actual oil and coal would dominate the market forever.
But the investors who listened to me could have already positioned themselves for life-altering gains.
You see, a few "New Texas Oil" companies that emerged have already made investors rich in no time flat.
These are the "first wave" companies bringing the new technology to market.
"The New 10- and 100-Baggers Of Energy"

That’s over 10 times your money in two years.
Pretty good, right? Few investors will ever see a return like this.
But one Canadian energy play, CSIQ, blew this out of the park.
It jumped for 1,957% in just 12 months...

That’s enough to turn just $10,000 into $195,700 in under a year... on this one single play.
Think that's good?
Consider another "New Texas Oil" play, which surged from just $1 to over $90.

All told, it delivered investors 8,588% gains in a few short years.
But get this...
One "New Texas Oil" play — SOPW — took off for astronomic gains of 9,233% in a little over a year’s time!

That’s one of the biggest and quickest gains I’ve EVER seen in the markets.
You could have started with just a little over $10,000 and retired a millionaire the next year.
I’ve never seen anything like it.
These returns are certainly great, and could have changed your life — even with a very small investment.
But don’t worry if you missed out.
Because I think we’ve just seen a blip compared to the potential of the new Texas energy boom...
Leading energy analysts predict this fuel could...
- Surge 19,900% in demand
- Power 1.8 billion homes worldwide
- And create $5 trillion in all-new wealth
A new round of companies is emerging now on the cusp of this revolution...
New startups with far more advanced technology and cheaper manufacturing processes.
The future Exxons, Chevrons, and Shells of the "New Texas Oil."
And you can buy them for $1 or less.
In just a moment, I’ll share with you the details on two ground-floor
plays set to launch this energy revolution full throttle in 2016.
And make investors rich once again — while cutting your light bill to just pennies a day.
That includes perhaps the biggest breakthrough in the history of the
energy markets... one that could double the power output — while
slashing the price of "New Texas Oil" in half.
But before I do, allow me to show you why the new Texas energy boom is still in its infant stages.
And why RIGHT NOW is the best time to get in — while it’s still minting millionaires.
"A New Gold Rush for Investors"
— Forbes
— Forbes
In early 2015, President Obama visited India where he set up a deal to export the "New Texas Oil."
A move that Forbes said "could signal a gold rush for investors."
Since then it’s attracted a whopping $200 billion in outside investment.
"New Texas Oil" companies and utilities are scrambling to get a piece
of India’s electricity market — the third largest in the world behind
China and the U.S.
In India, only 600,000 homes are currently powered by this energy.
But soon Deutsche Bank says the energy will represent one-quarter of India’s power capacity.
Mind you, I’m talking about a country with 800 million people — one of the world’s largest consumer markets.
All told, the "New Texas Oil" could bring electricity to over 200 million people in India alone.
An astronomic 33,000% surge in growth.
Just to give you an idea of how far-reaching this could be...
That’s five times the number of people worldwide who currently get power from the "New Texas Oil."
All in one country.
The price tag for this incredible expansion is estimated to reach $1 trillion.
How does the country’s government plan to pay for the project?
Simple — in the huge energy savings seen by local governments, businesses, and customers.
India isn’t the only one undergoing such a large-scale energy shift...
$3.7 Trillion
China is now the world’s fastest-growing user of "New Texas Oil" — slightly ahead of the U.S.
Its "New Texas Oil" projects are growing at over 200% annually.
This year it will build the equivalent of 17 nuclear power plants worth of "New Texas Oil" projects.
And in the next five years, China alone will QUADRUPLE the world’s entire capacity.
That’s 60 million new homes powered in the Red Giant alone.
A NASA satellite images show how a Chinese "New Texas Oil field" has tripled in capacity since 2012.

China is seeking to lower its dependence on oil and coal, which it has to import at high prices.
Not to mention the air pollution that’s wreaking havoc on the health of its citizens.
One study found 4,400 people die in China every single day
from diseases and illness related to smog. A 2015 study showed breathing
Beijing's air is the equivalent of smoking 40 cigarettes a day.
That’s why China is already the world’s leading market for this much cleaner form of energy.
But from here, the numbers grow astronomically. Almost impossible to believe.
A leading Chinese energy agency plans to make the "New Texas Oil" its #1 source of electricity.
A plan that would cost as much as $2.7 trillion.
All told, the new form of energy could make up exactly one-third of its power grid.
Or enough to deliver power to 540 million new people!
1.8 Billion New Customers
And it’s not just in these Asian giants, either.
In fact, "New Texas Oil" is becoming a vital fuel source worldwide.
Right now, 120 countries on six continents are replacing coal and gas with it.
And as the price keeps dropping, this trend will only accelerate.
Again, take a look at this chart...

As prices plunged 94% in just the past seven years, demand skyrocketed.
Since 2000, use has surged 13,280% — and that’s just for starters.
Remember, it still generates less than half of 1% of global electricity.
Worldwide this will become a dominant power source — powering 1.8 billion homes.
But before I go on, let me answer something that’s probably on your mind...
What exactly is "New Texas Oil"?
Of course, I’m talking about solar.
And I know what you might be thinking, but this is unlike solar you’ve seen before.
In fact, solar power has been around for well over a century... since Albert Einstein first discovered it.
But this new form of solar is much cheaper and more powerful than anything before it.
I call it "Solar 2.0." And it’s the new solar cell design — a
combination of breakthrough technologies — that have triggered the steep
94% price drop I’ve already shown you.
Now solar is cheaper than coal and gas — without subsidies.
In places like Abu Dhabi — where there are no tax credits for it —
solar farms are powering homes for 30% cheaper than natural gas... and
half the cost of coal.
Or take Texas, which is now seeing a solar energy boom, with its massive land reserves and abundant sunshine.
A record deal was recently inked with bids at around $0.03 per kWh.
That’s 58% cheaper than gas. And three times cheaper than coal.
Shortly after, Warren Buffett’s Nevada utility signed a solar deal at what Bloomberg calls "the cheapest electricity rate in the U.S."
Take that in for a second.
I mean, this was considered unthinkable just a few years ago when
solar was considered a nice but impractical source of energy — one that
would not be used at all if it weren’t for climate tax credits.
But subsidies or not, the solar market has reached a critical threshold — and there’s no turning back.
Even the U.S. Energy Secretary says "solar will grow without subsidies."
Whether you like it, believe in it, want it, or not — the Solar Age is here.
One global mega-bank calls solar "an unstoppable juggernaut."
And as USA Today puts it: "the solar energy revolution is past the point of no return."
"Past the Point of No Return"
— USA Today
— USA Today
Consider the Pentagon.
While it’s now the world’s single largest consumer of oil...
That’s all about to change.
On 124 military bases in 33 states, solar farms are going up. All
military branches — Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines — are joining the
The Defense Department invested $7 billion in solar in one single day.
The Navy is investing in what will be the world’s largest solar
farm... one that will supply power to fourteen of its southwestern U.S.
Some of the world’s biggest Fortune 500 corporations are lining up behind solar, too.
Google, for example, is investing $300 million to do it...
Apple is investing nearly $1 billion!
Everywhere you look, America’s biggest companies are going all in on solar... including:

The examples go on and on.
The world’s leading billionaires are tossing their fortunes at solar, expecting massive returns.
For example, on November 30, 2015, a dream team of billionaire titans including...
- Bill Gates
- Mark Zuckerberg
- Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos
- Virgin Mobile founder Richard Branson
- George Soros
- And 23 other deep-pocketed investors
All committed to investing $20 billion in solar and similar next-generation technologies.
Gates has already invested $1 billion of his OWN money into solar — and has committed to doubling that.
Warren Buffett has already invested as much as $15 billion in solar power, and is set to double down.
I could go on and on.
And we’re just at the very beginning of the solar rush... Remember, solar generates less than half of 1% of global energy.
A recent series of developments is catapulting this market to unseen heights... promising untold fortunes in 2016 and beyond.
Solar Catalyst #1:
The $2.5 Trillion "Solar Mega-Alliance"
On December 1, 2015, India and France forged an unprecedented "solar alliance" of 120 countries at the Paris Climate Summit.
The mega-group’s goal is to make solar energy the world’s dominant power source.
And it's committed to mobilizing $2.5 trillion of investment from governments and corporations.
On the home front, Obama’s 2015 climate plan has introduced sweeping changes to America’s power grid...
Changes that spell mega-profits for the solar boom.
The plan commits America to a 32% reduction in carbon emissions...
But here’s what you didn’t hear from news...
In order to achieve Obama’s sweeping reforms, we would need to generate at least 10% of our power from solar.
Right now it makes up just 0.23% of our power mix — so we’re talking about a 45-fold surge in use.

And it won’t stop there...
If Hillary wins the presidency later this year, expect more reforms — even quicker.
Hillary already said if she wins, her goal is to have a solar panel in every home — a total of 500 million solar panels.
What’s more, even the Republican-majority Congress has now lined up behind solar.
In December 2015, it unexpectedly passed a five-year extension of the
solar tax credit... one that already has solar stocks moving.
All of these developments mark a real "tipping point" for solar power’s energy dominance.
Here’s another...
The energy storage revolution — led by Elon Musk’s Powerwall Battery.
Solar Catalyst #2:
Nighttime Solar Power
Of course, everybody asks how solar can generate electricity when the sun isn’t shining.
Well, the sun generates far more energy than we could ever hope to
use. The key is storing it for nighttime consumption or cloudy days.
That’s where solar batteries come in.
Just like solar cells, battery costs are following a dramatic downward price curve.
A few years ago, they cost $1,000 per kWh.
The timing couldn’t have been better.
The energy storage revolution is moving arm-in-arm with solar.
The market was just $42 million in 2014.
But when Elon Musk announced presales of his Powerwall Battery in 2015, he immediately sold $1 billion worth.

Utilities, grid operators, companies, schools — the market for these batteries is huge.
By 2017, the battery market is projected to reach into the several billions — a result of the solar boom.
They all have teams right now racing to build more efficient batteries at lower costs.
Not only that, they’re using solar batteries to power their giant warehouses full of servers.
For instance, Apple recently invested $850 million to power its
warehouses and offices — the largest ever commercial deal for American
Car manufacturers like Nissan, Mercedes-Benz, and Toyota are joining
the race. So are electronics manufacturers like Samsung and Panasonic.
The "holy grail" is a battery that costs $100 kWh. And on our current price down curve, we’re getting there faster than ever.
Finally, there’s what I’m calling the third-generation solar cell...
Solar Catalyst #3:
The Biggest Solar Breakthrough in 60 Years
It's a new development made by a team of top scientists from NASA, the Department of Energy, and Rice University.
This "Dream Team" of solar energy experts aimed to disrupt industry in two ways:
- Lower-cost manufacturing process.
- Increased energy conversion.
And they did it.
They invented a series of innovations that created the "next generation solar cell."
One that could singlehandedly drop the solar price by 75% or more.
That’s nothing short of transformational.
The industry is scrambling for technologies that offer a few percentage points of better performance or lower cost...
And their tech not only DOUBLES the power generation of industry
solar cells, but has the potential to cut manufacturing costs in half...
Together it would mean a 75% cut on current solar prices.
Solar is already at "grid parity" with gas and coal — which most
homes still use — so that would mean a 75% cut on your power bill.
Imagine your bill dropping from $100 to $25 overnight — and that’s just for starters.
No other form of energy could EVER profitably compete with that.
Not natural gas or coal. Not even $1-a-gallon gas.
In short, this disruptive technology is driving solar toward becoming the undisputed champion of global energy.
The cheapest, most powerful, and most reliable form of energy ever invented.
Which is why it’s poised to become the industry standard — the
leading solar companies will have no choice but to adopt it, or risk
going out of business.
With a 75% cut in costs — plus increased sales from lower prices — it’s about as close to a "free lunch" as it gets.
I recently toured its facility, saw test results, and met the team of top scientists.
In a moment, I’ll share with you more of what I’ve found about this breakthrough development.
I’ll show you why it’s the biggest solar breakthrough in 60 years — one about to disrupt the industry.
Plus, you’ll see the tiny company that owns 60 patents on it.
And how you can buy into it now for under $1... before it becomes a billion-dollar giant.
It doesn’t manufacture the solar cells. And it isn't a solar company.
It simply owns the disruptive technology and processes that every solar maker will inevitably be forced to adopt.
These are the kinds of game-changing plays that could help us see massive profits on the solar boom.
But before I share more details on that, you should know that while
everything I’ve said so far may seem a little too optimistic...
It’s actually just a conservative estimate of solar’s growth potential.
In fact, based on one leading economist’s projection of its current
growth, it will inevitably overtake the entire global electricity
market... in just 16 years.
That would mean no more coal or gas — every home on the planet could be powered by solar...
And you have the very brief opportunity to buy in while it’s still on the ground floor.
Let me explain...
"Why Solar Could Soon Cost NOTHING...

It’s following a pattern you may have heard of before. One similar to
the pattern followed by the processing chip — a key component of the
personal computer revolution.
Moore’s Law.
And it says the size (and cost) of processor chip transistors halves every two years... doubling chip performance.
For the last 50 years it’s held true... and led to the development of the PC, smartphones, and calculators.
Incredibly enough, solar power has been following a similar trajectory.
Just like Moore’s Law, the cost of solar cells dips 20% for every doubling of total volume shipped.
And it's done that every two years...
For the last 20 years.

Dr. John Swanson, a professor of engineering, uncovered this pattern in 2006... one now known as "Swanson’s Law."
Since then solar has remained on the same trajectory. And based on the conventional growth curve...
It could continue falling 20% in price and doubling power output — every two years, for decades.
Just like Moore’s Law for processor chips.
How long would it take before solar became the world’s ONLY electricity source?
It would just need eight more times to double. That’s 16 years.
By then the price of solar would plunge to near zero.
A development that would forever transform how we power everything in
our lives — from our homes and cars... to schools and workplaces.
This may seem a little "out there." But the price of solar is limited by technology — not scarcity.
That brings me back to the technology I was just mentioning...
The biggest solar breakthrough in 60 years...
One that could kick "Swanson’s Law" into overdrive... pushing down the price of solar exponentially — even quicker.
"The $1 Stock That Holds ALL Patents on
THE Next Generation Solar Cell"
The company isn’t a solar manufacturer. Instead it’s a combination of the top engineers and physicists in the field.
The leading thinkers who are most capable of developing the best solar innovations.
They created a brand-new solar cell that delivers 100% more power output — at half the manufacturing costs.
A development that — writes economist Peter Arendas — "has the
potential to bring revolutionary changes to the global energy market."
Nothing else has singlehandedly revolutionized the solar cell design like it.
And they own every step of the process for what will inevitably be the first-line solar technology.
A must-have for every solar manufacturer.
It’s three generations ahead of the ordinary solar panel — and it’s coming to market sooner than anyone can imagine.
In 2016, I believe we’ll see the first of their solar cells go up on homes, businesses, and solar farms.
Based on the deals they’re setting up, they’ll earn 20% of every solar panel sold — without touching the manufacturing.
If this becomes industry standard in 2016 — and in a moment you’ll
see why it could — we’re talking about capturing a fifth of the
That’s a market now valued at $125 billion... and projected to reach $5 trillion over the next decades.
One of these is a silicon technology I call "absolute black."
"Absolute Black" Absorbs 99.7% of the Sun's Power
A few years ago, this team — thanks to its contacts — received an
exclusive patent license from the Department of Energy to develop and
commercialize it.
This was the first step to engineering the solar cell of the future.
According to a series of recent tests, in fact, it absorbs 99.7% of the sun’s energy — double that of existing solar cells.
What’s more, tests found it shaves off 23% of the production cost — a savings of $0.04 per watt.
Add to that its patented laser production process... which has led to even more exciting developments.
66% More Power — for Free
The world’s top-performing solar cell — the HIT — can generate 66% more power than the average.
The problem is, it’s expensive and complicated to produce using traditional methods.
But this company’s low-temperature laser process streamlines the
process — building the HIT for the same cost as typical solar cells.
It essentially delivers 66% more power than typical solar cells for free.
But a recent development may be the biggest.
Something that could cut even more off the manufacturing cost.
In 2015, the company announced it created a brand-new solar structure using its laser process.
One that doesn’t use silver.
Solar Panels Without Silver
Silver is the single most expensive metal in the solar panel — up to 30% of the cost.
And while silver is sitting at 10-year lows, that probably won’t last forever.
If silver reaches even just $25, it could seriously cripple solar panel production.
So the company developed a way to replace silver with aluminum — without reducing power output.
This alone directly shaves an extra one-third off the cost — and even
more, if silver prices go higher. (Which I hope they do for other
These designs have all proven commercially viable in production lines.
Together they DOUBLE power output — at half the cost. And 2016 is the year they hit the market.
Now here’s why this is REALLY a perfect storm of profits...
Why 2016 is The Last Year
This Tiny $1 Stock Trades
In 2016, governments worldwide will begin implementing the new proposals from the Paris Climate Summit.
The new billionaire solar alliance will commit its first major investments, too.
And if a Democrat wins the election — which looks likely — the U.S.
will lead the race with unprecedented reforms like Hillary’s 100% solar
power plan.
Republicans are getting behind the boost for clean energy too... and
just extended solar’s tax credit for five years — a major milestone for
this energy shift.
Solar stocks have already started moving on the tailwinds of all these trends...
Even Fortune predicts, "solar panels will boom in the first half of 2016."
My point is, 2016 is the "tipping point" for the solar market’s energy dominance.
And that’s exactly when this company’s new technologies will hit the market... dropping the price of solar by 75%.
Sure, tons of new solar technologies are being mentioned in the news.
But few are even close to ready for market. Most have not even left the
prototype stage.
That’s not the case at all with this company’s third-generation solar cell — which is not only ready for production...
But has proven commercially viable in assembly line tests.
How much money are we talking about?
In the United States alone, the market is $33 billion.
So let’s be conservative and say this company’s solar technology captures just half of current U.S. sales...
That’s nearly $16.5 billion in annual revenue.
Twenty percent of that — this company’s share of royalties — is roughly $3 billion.
Factoring in the average price-to-sales ratio for similar companies, the share price comes out to $67.
That’s a 13,400% gain!
Enough to turn every $10,000 invested into a staggering windfall of $1,340,000.
And in case you think I’m stretching here...
That’s just a fraction of the U.S. market... in a solar market that is growing rapidly here — and worldwide.
Considering that nobody, anywhere, can manufacture a more efficient solar cell for such a low price.
And that nothing like it has been developed in the last 60 years of the solar industry...
One conclusion is unavoidable:
There’s nothing stopping this new solar breakthrough from overtaking the entire industry worldwide.
Which is why its upside truly has NO limits.
It’s not even a question of IF solar makers will jump at the opportunity to cut costs by 75%.
It’s a matter of WHEN.
And that’s why 2016 is shaping up to be a game-changing year not just for the solar revolution...
Or the future trillion-dollar industry behind it...
But also for investors who buy in before the world’s biggest solar
players are begging to GIVE AWAY 20% of their sales to this tiny $1

So you can take action early while there’s still time, I include the
name, ticker symbol, and profile of this play in my FREE report: "134-Times Your Money on the Trillion-Dollar Solar Boom."
But before I show you how to get your hands on this groundbreaking research absolutely FREE...
Allow me to share a few details on a few other plays I’ve identified — starting with another potential 100-bagger.
Solar Boom Play #2:
Bag 100-Fold Gains on Solar Picks & Shovels
The next way to play the solar boom is also not really a solar company. It’s never touched a solar cell.
Instead it produces software that brings standardized quality to solar manufacturing.
What I consider a "picks and shovels" play for the solar boom.
The opportunity lies in the old, outdated, and inefficient production process for solar cells.
The current lines produce a high rate of defective solar cells — as high as 25% in fact...
A serious loss of time and money for solar makers.
Imagine if one of every four cars that came off the line was completely useless.
Nearly every car maker would go out of business tomorrow!
Well, that’s where the solar industry is at right now.
Solar companies are making cells at a 20% margin loss. And trying to make it up on volume.
As global demand climbs to unprecedented levels every single quarter, this will cut even deeper into profit margins.
And that’s why the industry is in desperate need of automated and standardized production.
Every product you can imagine at some point or another has gone through something similar.
Paper, steel, pharmaceuticals, semiconductors, petrochemicals, and so
on — all have gone through a phase that resulted in streamlined
finished products at extremely high standards. Like what Henry Ford did
for automobile manufacturing.
Now it’s solar’s turn, thanks to this company’s hardware and software.
Tests show it can yield 99% quality control — an absolutely incredible boost.
This will bring solar up to the standards of other industries — where the defective rate is 1% or less.
It can singlehandedly flip a solar maker’s 20% loss to a 20% profit gain.
So you can imagine why solar makers are lining up to get their hands on this tech.
Now get this...
This tiny company’s market cap is only $5 million...
But it has $10.5 million worth of orders already locked.
These are orders already set, with the shipments going out.
That’s double its market cap! But the stock hasn’t even moved. The markets haven’t caught on yet.
This is a huge under-the-radar opportunity... one that could instantly double your money — and that’s just for starters.
In total, there are 625 solar production lines worldwide and growing.
So this software (at $500,000 a pop) has a market opportunity of $312
When you add the service costs, it totals up to roughly $500 million.
That’s 100 times its current market cap — and that’s just on the existing lines.
All told, early investors could see 10,000% profits in the next few years as the orders roll in.
You’ll get all the lucrative details on this groundbreaking solar
play — and the one I already told you about — in my FREE report:
"134-Times Your Money on the Trillion-Dollar Solar Boom."
Each of the picks inside could hand you 100-fold gains starting in 2016.
And let me be clear:
While you’re virtually guaranteed to make money investing in solar stocks...
If you know where to look and when to buy, it could mean the difference between just doubling your money...
And retiring wealthier than you ever dreamed.
I only know where to look because of my extensive "boots-on-the-ground" investigations.
I go out to the operations... and see the technology firsthand.
I meet with the management, which is a crucial (yet overlooked) asset for any solar company...
And I get a peek "behind the scenes," pulling up the curtain on the quarterly earnings report.
While traveling the world, I’ve combed the entire solar sector from top to bottom.
And these two picks — the ones I just described — are the cream of
the crop when it comes to tiny solar stocks with explosive potential.
Hands down.

Again, I’ve included full details on these potential 100-baggers in my FREE report: "134-Times Your Money on the Trillion-Dollar Solar Boom."
Here’s a quick preview of what you’ll get:
- The two company names and ticker symbols.
- Exactly how high I think they could go and when.
- Uncut, behind-the-scenes footage from my recent visits to their
facilities — the kind of "sneak peek" only insiders ever get to see.
- Thorough company profiles based on firsthand analysis, including information you won’t find on CNBC, in Forbes, or even in industry journals.
- The analyst "consensus" you won’t hear in press releases... but I hear from hobnobbing with industry insiders.
- And details of their assets, holdings, and upcoming dates for potential catalysts that could move the stocks higher.
You'll get all of this absolutely FREE today... so you can position yourself now.
All I ask is that you give my advisory research service, Early Advantage, an absolutely free test drive.
Join the Club
Hi. I'm Nick Hodge.

I'm an investment analyst here at Angel Publishing in Baltimore, Maryland.
I'm also editor of Early Advantage, the resource for big
profits from little-known breakthroughs and disruptive technologies in
energy, electronics, technology, agriculture, and more.
No sector is off limits.
In just the past few years, I've brought investors massive, rapid-fire gains from companies in multiple sectors...
Including several big winners from the solar boom, such as:
- 316% on Akeena Solar
- 101% on JA Solar
- 245% on Organovo
- 426% on Alternate Energy Holdings (in just 3 months)
- 110% on Solarfun Power
- 113% on DNI Metals
- 391% on BYD Company (in 3 months)
- 159% on Xethanol Inc. (in 3 months)
- 119% on Cree
- 73% on World Energy Solutions (2 days)
- 62% on Maxwell Technologies (3 months)
- 82% on Capstone Turbine (7 months)
- 78% on PowerSave Energy (3 months)
The list goes on and on. I simply don’t have the time to list all of my big-time winners here.
But know this: Off of just one of my recommendations, you could make
the type of money that could change your portfolio... or even your life.
How do I know? It’s already happened.
One guy by the name of Dan Leopold wrote to me about one of my recent recommendations...
I made over $100,000 with you on the first run a year or so ago...
I’ve had to redact the stock name there because it’s an active play
that’s still making people money, and it wouldn’t be fair to those
currently holding positions.
Donald McMillan shared his story, too:
I did very well on two picks. Pretty lucky with a profit of $27,649!
And Anthony Reymond recently wrote me to say:
This is the most profitable service in almost 10 years of trading.
Pure and simple. [Three picks] have been triple-digit winners for me. As
a friend of mine who speaks broken English would say, 'THANK YOU VERY
But my favorite is from Tom Donaldson, who made nearly half a million dollars on a single trade:
Nick - My account is now over $450,000. Happy with the gains so far! Thanks!
So as you can see, I continually provide the potential for huge gains.
And I can tell you this...
It takes a lot of hard work and boots-on-the-ground research to maintain the success I’ve experienced.
Whether it’s flying out to California and speaking with an
aquaculture expert to get the inside details on a world-changing medical

Or taking a tour with Canadian CEOs to uncover the newest intelligence in the world of energy...

Or even interviewing Montel Williams in the hopes of discovering the next 1,000% gainer in the market...

There’s not a stone I won’t turn over if I think there’s money to be made on the other side.
I Spend Millions on My Research
You already know the best way to make a lot of money is to get in the
game early — before a company makes news with a major discovery in the
mining or energy sector... the creation of some disruptive technology...
or breakthroughs in agriculture or health.
I’ll go to any extent I feel necessary to make sure things are on the
up-and-up before I recommend something other folks might put their
money into.
I don’t simply sit behind a desk, stare at a computer screen, and
pick a stock based on some arcane information from an annual report.
That’s for the no-talent hacks that think they know what they’re doing.
Not me. I do the real research most analysts don’t feel like doing — or can’t afford to do.
I’ve been in a three-man helicopter over the Canadian wilderness...
stood on the edge of 500-foot-deep mines... and attended $5,000/seat
conferences across the country... all in the name of securing the full
stories behind the biggest wealth-creating opportunities in the world.
You can even say I’ve hobnobbed with the financial elite...

If you didn’t already know, the "other guy" in that snapshot is John Paulson, American hedge fund guru and billionaire.
We were both invited to a closed-door investment summit in Puerto Rico recently, and we had a nice little chat.
It’s pretty obvious these things don’t happen for analysts who refuse to leave the office — or get out of bed.
But I do it because it’s what I love to do. It’s what I’ve always loved to do.
Giving readers like YOU the early advantage on any moneymaking or
money-saving opportunity available long before the rest of the market
catches on.
That's what Early Advantage is all about.
I've been on the cutting edge for years, discovering major
life-changing, moneymaking opportunities that other financial
institutions don't cover.
Just to give you a better idea:
- Before 3D printing made the news, I told my readers about a company
called Organovo. It develops three-dimensional (3D) human
tissue-printing technology to create tissue on demand for research and
surgical applications. Since then, the stock has surged over 570%.
- In October, I set up an exclusive deal with a small Canadian medical
marijuana firm. This allowed my readers to buy in literally days before
the company’s IPO. In just eight days, the company’s shares took off for 211% gains — more than triple our money.
- And I've closed, in total, more than 220 double- and triple-digit winners on my stock recommendations alone by locating little-known wealth-building opportunities before the masses knew about them.
My research comes with NO RISK and absolutely NO OBLIGATIONS.
For 30 days, you'll have the chance to profit from every single one
of the winning investments I’ve shared exclusively with my followers...
without risking a single dime.
I want you to see for yourself how potentially profitable Early Advantage really could be for you.
Simply put, the minute you claim your copy of "134-Times Your Money on the Trillion-Dollar Solar Boom," you'll immediately receive 30 full days of unrestricted access to the following:
- Quick Profits E-alerts: Get flash updates on the
latest moneymaking scoops from my profit alerts. These obscure
recommendations — that cannot wait a minute — will be delivered straight
to your inbox seconds after they're written, as profitable
opportunities could surface tomorrow.
- Regular Portfolio Updates: You'll know exactly
what's happening with each profit-making play in your model portfolio,
including regular updates and any news that will send the stock soaring
further or when to sell for maximum profits.
- The Members-Only Early Advantage Website:
Your gateway to my secure online platform for members only, with my
no-nonsense research reports, commentary, picks, and current portfolio.
You'll even get fast-track commentary on how to get the most out of my
- Research Videos: You'll have full access to my "boots-on-the-ground" research videos when I travel around the country investigating companies, visiting their facilities, and talking to CEOs. That way, you can follow my travels from your living room.
Within minutes of signing up, you'll receive an email with your password to the Early Advantage website... your ultimate gateway to unheard-of profits in cutting-edge sectors ahead of the crowd.
Unbelievable Value!
So how much does all this cost?
The short answer is: nothing.
I’ve convinced my publisher to give you a special deal... one that we’ve never offered before.
Now, I've seen research services like Early Advantage sell for $10,000 or more.
There are also "analysts" on Wall Street who pay thousands for these small-audience subscriptions.
Some of these analysts work in hidden niches of the market, making
millions per year to research new ways to play upcoming trends.
To them, services like mine are a leg up on the competition, and they
would happily pay $10,000 or more per year, since it’s really a
fraction of the cost some "professionals" shell out for research like
But even though I could see this service going for that much, I know
it would be difficult for everyday investors to participate at such high
a price...
So I asked myself, What’s the absolute minimum I could ask people
to pay for this service? What's reasonable? What's fair, considering
the fundamental value?
After all, Angel Publishing and Outsider Club are in the
publishing biz, and we have to keep the lights on here. That, and many
of the companies I recommend with this predictive investment strategy
require deep investigation.
That last part means I have to travel out to worksites... talk to the
geologists and engineers... rub elbows with the people on drill decks
and in core shacks... and meet with the CEOs and other executives.
So after crunching the numbers, I finally settled on a price of
$1,599 per year for this service. At least, that will be the regular
price of this service moving forward.
It’s easy to understand why: One single recommendation could easily pay for your entire subscription.
For example, one of my followers, Chris G., recently sent me this note:
Thanks Nick, I grabbed a quick 36% gain today. That'll take care of this year's subscription price!
Another of my followers, who wishes to remain anonymous, chimed in,
I just renewed Early Advantage. Made $6,000 on one play, so my membership has more than paid for itself. Keep 'em coming!
Another one of my followers, Donald M., said he made a profit of $27,649 last year.
That’s enough to pay for 17 years of my research!
Todd S. is up a bit more, saying...
Thanks to Early Advantage, I'm planning to retire a multi-millionaire!
Given these kinds of gains, I'm sure you'll agree $1,599 is a bargain.
But you won’t have to pay that.
Reply Immediately and Receive My
"Charter Member" Pricing
As one of my invited subscribers, I’m prepared to offer you the entire Early Advantage subscription for just a fraction of the cost...
In fact, you’ll pay 50% less than others pay for 12 months of my profit alerts.
That’s a HUGE discount off the normal price!
Simply click the "Subscribe Now" button below to see your final pricing.
I truly believe the $5 trillion solar boom is the single best
opportunity I’ve ever discovered. I want to make absolutely sure you
don't miss out on your chance to profit from it.
But there’s no telling how long this offer will be open, especially
considering that many of the companies are small now but could be
hitting the mainstream soon.
Even if we can at some point reopen this offer, it will likely only
be to a handful of people and will probably come with the full price
It’s a truly unique opportunity.
Because when I release my next alert, you could be up and running on
your own path to becoming... well, much better off financially!
Subscribe at the end of this presentation to start receiving your profit alerts each month!
You're Minutes Away From Starting
You simply cannot afford to not join my research service immediately.
Click the "Subscribe Now" button below to receive my latest alert, and you could be on your way to riding the biggest gains of your life.
And if you're still not convinced, you have 30 days to decide if my brand-new strategy is really right for you!
You have my personal guarantee...
My "Keep Everything & Risk Nothing"
You see, I stand behind every piece of advice, insight, and
recommendation I make with 100% confidence. Your complete satisfaction
is guaranteed — or your money back!
So I want you to go ahead and take a FULL 30 DAYS to have a good look at every breakout company I've uncovered.
And then, if for any reason you're not totally thrilled...
Just tell us to send your money back, and we'll promptly refund every penny, NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
You’ll get all the details about the solar boom and the 100-baggers
primed to soar... all the exclusive information on the members-only Early Advantage website... all the reports and investment guides... all the recommendations... all the articles and investing tips.
And if you join me today, I will give you access to three bonus reports — ABSOLUTELY FREE:
- "The 'Giga Net' Revolution"
- "The Third Supercycle: How to Grab 10,000% Profits from the Coming Uranium Boom"
- "670x Your Money from America's Energy Grid Upgrade"

Some folks have shelled out $1,599 for EACH of these reports, but you won't pay a single cent for them.
All three bonus reports are yours FREE when you agree to test-drive Early Advantage for 30 full days starting right now.
The intel in just one of these special briefings could easily pay for your membership many times over...
And they're yours to keep — no matter what your final decision is. But you must act fast...
As you’ve seen, the solar boom is heating up right now. The opportunity is hot.
The tiny $1 company behind it is on the cusp of explosive profits that can change your life.
Its breakthrough technology is about to disrupt the market NOW. It’s rolling off the production lines as we speak.
Solar makers are lining up to get their hands on the first shipments of orders.
When just a fraction of the billions flowing through the energy
markets hit its balance sheets, the company will surge to $10... $30...
and as high as $67.
And it all begins in 2016.
You’ve seen the charts. You’ve seen the proof. You’ve seen the wealth and money.
Here’s what I suggest you do right now...
Click the link below to get started right away.
You’ll be able to review everything on the next page before your order is final.
And remember, this offer is risk-free for 30 days.
If you don’t like what you see, call me and cancel.
But if you’re still reading, I don’t think you'll need to worry, because I seriously doubt you'll be canceling...
Especially when you see what I’ve prepared for you.
Remember... your opportunity for incredible wealth could start immediately with my next alert.
I urge you not to delay.
I likely won't be able to offer this amazing deal to anyone else after this initial offer expires.
Just click here or the "Subscribe Now" below to get started... or call our customer service team at 855-877-8623.
I look forward to the wealth we'll make together.
Call it like you see it,

Nick Hodge
Editor and Creator, Early Advantage
Editor and Creator, Early Advantage

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