Big Pharma Makes Billion-Dollar Bet On...
The Biggest Medical
Breakthrough Since
the Polio Vaccine
A new device is emerging that’s promising to...
- Eradicate every disease from Zika, ebola, and HIV... to all kinds of cancer...
- Unleash a $57 billion wave of wealth...
- Send the one tiny $10 company with over 1,000 patents on it soaring to dizzying heights...
All starting with a critical FDA announcement on June 30th.
“It could change the way we think of disease.” - CNBC
The vaccines for smallpox, influenza, and polio saved millions of lives...
And revolutionized modern medicine unlike anything else...
But today, a cutting-edge device is emerging that could render vaccines as obsolete as VHS and tape cassettes.
I call it "Project Zero."
That’s because it promises to eliminate disease at the single source... before it forms in our own body.
In the same lab that developed the vaccines for once-fatal illnesses like measles and pneumonia...
A team of Philadelphia researchers has been working on a device that could eclipse them all.
And now they’ve done it.
They’ve created a needle-free technology — one that promises to end some of the worst diseases now ravaging mankind... all without side effects.
Take a look...

It may not look like much.
But what you’re seeing is now perhaps the most sought-after medical invention of the 21st century.
One that has leading experts in the medical community in absolute awe.
Researchers at the National Cancer Institute call it "a major breakthrough."
Lancet, the world’s most prestigious medical journal, calls it "a safe, non-surgical option" for cervical cancer.
CNBC writes that because of this development...
"Cancers could be cured or prevented with
a single, risk-free shot."
a single, risk-free shot."
And all without side effects!
But that’s just for starters...
A series of groundbreaking clinical trials is now underway at John Hopkins... UPenn... and Duke.
And they’re all reaching the same conclusion:
"This device could not only put a stop to
epidemic outbreaks like Ebola, Zika,
and MERS.
epidemic outbreaks like Ebola, Zika,
and MERS.
It could promise — just like vaccines — to
entirely wipe out tons of deadly diseases
from leukemia to HIV."
entirely wipe out tons of deadly diseases
from leukemia to HIV."
So it’s no wonder why some pretty big names are now throwing their weight behind "Project Zero."
Like Bill Gates, who has poured millions into the development of this technology.
The National Institutes of Health — America’s #1 scientific research institution — has put $41 million into it.
The military is completely on board too, including...
- The Army, which recently invested $500 million (yes, half a billion dollars) in it.
- The Department of Homeland Security.
- And the Pentagon’s research arm DARPA — the same group behind the smartphone and the PC — which has plunked down a total of $73 million in this device.
Major pharmaceutical companies are rushing to cut deals while they still can.
- Like the pharma giant AstraZeneca, which is now paying $1 billion to access this device.
- Merck has cut deals for this, too.
- And then there’s Roche — the world’s third largest drug company — which inked a $422 million deal to use this technology.
Bill Gates...
Big Pharma...
The military...
And leading scientific institutions...
They’re all on board and dropping down big-money investments...
Not only because they want to get this life-saving device out to hundreds of epidemic zones...
But because of all the tremendous fortunes to be made.
The vaccine market is a $57 billion industry.
The flu vaccine alone is worth $4 billion.
And this one device could completely take it over, starting on June 30, 2016...
On this day, the FDA is scheduled to announce the final phase of clinical trials.
And if past trials are any indication, we should see equally
astounding results — enough to quickly receive FDA approval, then move
it to market.
The best part is, the tiny $10 company with a monopoly on this device will see the lion’s share of the profits.
If it grabs even a tiny fraction of the vaccine market, its share price could surge to $20... $30... $150 and beyond.
All told, early investors who get in the ground floor, while it still trades at $10, could see nothing short of 2,400% short-term gains in the coming months.
Don’t believe me?
Well, the chart below shows this same company once surged for 1,035% gains in five short months...

That’s pretty stunning.
But get this: the news then was not even a fraction as good as the catalysts we’re about to see.
In fact, we’re now near the finish line of FDA approval — and it’s looking more certain than ever.
In anticipation of final trials, the company just hired a physician
with a proven track record of getting new therapies to market.
This man has earned a reputation for being a "rainmaker" in the biotech market.
All told, he’s helped six separate vaccines successfully complete trials and ultimately receive FDA approval.
Now everything you’ll see here today will point to one thing:
He’s about to do it again.
And everyday investors will once again get rich.
To be sure, I’ve got the inside scoop on this medical breakthrough and the company that pioneered it.
I’ve even contacted medical insiders at the center of this developing story.
They’ve informed me of the results to expect... how this technology works... and why it’s so powerful.
Using their expert analysis, I’ve formed this prospectus on "Project Zero"...
One that I’ve made available exclusively for members of the Outsider Club and Angel Publishing.
In it I’ll show you how this technology works so much more effectively than vaccines — without side effects.
Including details on its superior delivery system that makes our
bodies impervious to all kinds of disease: everything from malaria and
influenza... to HPV, hep C, and all kinds of cancer.
You’ll see the details on the tiny company with over 1,000 patents on this device.
The FDA announcement on June 30 that could send its share price surging to all-new heights.
And two other major catalysts around the same time that will spark an investor frenzy.
You’ll see why everyone from Big Pharma to the Pentagon is pumping this device with cash...
Why big banks and institutions are loading up on shares of the tiny company behind it.
And why 2016 is the "tipping point" for this transformational technology to begin taking over the $57 billion vaccine market.
But how much money can YOU really expect to make?
"Jaw-Dropping Growth Potential"
— Motley Fool
While vaccines are known for saving more lives than just about any other invention in history...
Few know they’re also responsible for some of the biggest wealth stories in financial history, too.
Take GlaxoSmithKline, one of the world’s top vaccine makers with eleven historic innovations...
That includes the world’s first vaccines for rubella, varicella, hep A and B (just to name a few).
Today the company has an unparalleled portfolio of over 30 vaccines...
One that’s helped make it one of the world’s top pharma giants.
In fact, if you had bought into GSK on the ground floor, you could have seen stunning 43,000% gains (and that’s not a typo).
That’s good enough to turn every $1,000 into more than $430,000.
All while helping to invest in some of history’s most life-saving innovations.
Even better is the pharma giant Merck... the inventor of the vaccines for everything from influenza to measles and mumps.
Inventions that helped Merck — now the world’s #1 vaccine maker — grow from a tiny shop to a pharma giant.
Since then, it’s handed early investors unbelievable 1,640-fold gains.
That's good enough to turn a very tiny stake of $1,000 into $1,640,000.
I think you’ll agree: those returns are nothing short of astonishing...
But the biggest returns — perhaps the biggest in financial history —
come from Pfizer, the inventor of the world’s first smallpox vaccine.
Not just smallpox either, but groundbreaking vaccines for a range of diseases from typhoid to pertussis (the whooping cough).
These life-saving inventions launched the company to the top of the pharmaceutical industry.
Since then Pfizer — the world’s third largest vaccine maker — has seen its revenues grow a mind-boggling 23,000-fold.
That’s good enough to turn...
- Every $10 into $243,000
- Every $50 into $1,215,000
- Every $100 into $2,430,000
Yes, you read that right.
You could have turned every $100 invested into $2,430,000.
Every single one of Pfizer’s early investors — no matter how much they put down — are now rich.
In fact, buying a single share of Pfizer when it went public could have made you a millionaire.
Together these millionaire-making companies control over 50% of the vaccine market share.
Which makes what I’m about to share with you all the more staggering...
This device could render EVERY vaccine obsolete — and take over 100% of the existing vaccine market.
So just imagine the kind of returns you could expect to see on the $10 company behind it.
Could it surge for 43,000% gains like GlaxoSmithKline?
1,640-fold gains like Merck?
Or 23,000-fold gains like Pfizer?
It’s impossible to say, especially since this invention is unprecedented.
But just a fraction of those kinds of returns could change your life.
And here’s why this opportunity can certainly deliver that — and more.
Consider the fact that the U.S. market alone for vaccines is $30 billion.
And let’s say this company grabs just 10% of these sales (and it could do a whole lot better).
If you factor in the industry price-to-sales ratio, its share price would be valued at roughly $300.
That’s a 2,900% return on its current share price — and that’s just a tiny fraction of the U.S. market.
But it won’t just take a fraction of the U.S. market... or even just half.
Thanks to its proven ability to treat everything from Ebola, Zika, and MERS to all kinds of cancers...
Plus its safety... lack of side effects... and potential for mass production...
This device is poised to disrupt 100% of the global vaccine market.
So the wealth potential it could deliver early investors is truly staggering... on a scale like I’ve never seen before.
And the best part is, 2016 is when we can expect to see the first wave of profits unleashed...
You see, I’ve identified no less than three critical milestone events this year...
Events that could double this company’s share price over and over again.
That includes a game-changing FDA announcement coming by June 30.
One that will launch "Project Zero" into the final phase of clinical trials — and out to market.
Another is an August 5th catalyst that will make this device known worldwide.
Together they’ll create a "perfect storm" of profit — and mint all-new millionaires in the process.
In just a moment, I’ll share with you the details on this fast-developing situation so you can act now.
That includes the details on the $10 stock at the center of this story.
You’ll see why this device is so much more powerful — and far-reaching — than vaccines.
And you’ll see why everyone from Big Pharma to big banks is investing billions into it.
But before I get into that, you should know something critically urgent about this development...
The #1 reason why 2016 is THE year this game-changing technology spreads around the world.
Two words:
Zika virus.
What Bloomberg is now calling...
"A Pharmaceutical Gold Rush"
— Bloomberg
The World Health Organization has declared the Zika outbreak a global health emergency.
It’s now spreading throughout the United States. And in Puerto Rico it could affect 1 in 5 residents by the end of 2016.
Obama is requesting $1.9 billion from Congress to stop the outbreak.
He's already diverted funds to Zika that were being used to combat
And we’ve finally got our first glimmer of hope.
You see, over a dozen companies are right now racing to develop a vaccine for it.
The thing is, none of these treatments have even passed the development phase.
But there’s one critical expectation...
THIS device.
It’s not only fully developed and ready for mass production...
But has proven in pre-clinical trials to make the immune system "bullet-proof" against the virus.
Now this device his heading into clinical trials as we speak.
And I doubt it will take very long either...
The Zika pandemic is spreading incredibly fast... and is already entering several states like Texas, Florida, and California.
A full-on outbreak is a nightmarish scenario for lawmakers, the CDC, and the FDA.
They’re eager for any solutions to stop it.
So if the early results are anything like we’ve already seen...
The FDA could step in and grant this device a breakthrough designation loophole.
One that will allow the treatment to bypass the conventional review process — and head quickly to market.
From there it will see the lion’s share of Obama’s $1.9 billion plan to combat Zika...
And shares of the tiny company behind it will surge from $10... to $30... $90... as high as $150.
But we may not even have to wait until then...
Summer 2016 Catalyst #1:
Zika Virus Panic
If the Zika virus becomes the nightmare that experts at the WHO are projecting — a scenario that’s looking more likely...
The attention to companies working on a Zika treatment will be enough to launch dozens of companies through the roof.
Take Arbutus Biopharma Corp, which was trading for just $7.
On January 1, 2014, it announced the beginning of clinical trials for its Ebola vaccine.
This was during the height of the Ebola panic.
By March it hit $28.

A gain of 300% within two months!
My point is, even companies associated with the virus will see their share prices go vertical.
So imagine the kind of returns we will see from the company that’s leading the race...
The one with the most developed treatment in clinical trials, that has a real chance of being quickly approved.
But here’s what makes this opportunity even more certain (and urgent).
This summer a "perfect storm" of events will make the Zika panic reach a fever pitch....
Starting August 5th, Brazil — where Zika has spread the most — is hosting the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio.
The games are the world’s largest sporting event — without question — and attract 3.2 billion viewers.
That’s 29 times the viewing audience of the Super Bowl.
With millions of visitors pouring into Brazil for the games...
And BILLIONS watching from home, all as Zika is spreading rapidly around the country...
You can start to imagine the kind of panic we’re about to see.
It would be as if South Africa had hosted the World Cup amidst the Ebola crisis.
As you can imagine, the Olympics Zika fear will drive 24/7 media coverage...
And drive an investor feeding frenzy for shares of Zika-associated companies.
To make the timing better, at this point the device will have already entered the first stage of clinical trials... Even as everybody else is struggling to get out of the development phase.
This means its developer will be the #1 stock driving investor attention as the situation unfolds.
And right now you have the rare opportunity to get in on the ground floor while it’s still just $10.
Can you see why everyone from the Pentagon to Big Pharma is investing billions into this device?
And why investors who buy in now are poised to see massive fortunes in 2016?
But as incredible as it sounds, another piece of news will generate
even more excitement about this device... (and more money for us)
Just as the Zika pandemic crisis — and attention to it — reaches its peak.
This device will enter phase 3 clinical trials for another deadly disease...
Summer 2016 Catalyst #2:
Critical FDA Announcement
A disease that ravages 493,000 new women each year — and kills 274,000.
Cervical cancer.
Late in 2015, the results of phase 2 trials were stunning...
This company treated cervical cancer with a stunning 80% success rate — all without side effects or invasive surgeries.
That’s pretty incredible.
Right now few treatments exist for cervical cancer — and dangerous surgeries are the only options.
So the gap in the market is HUGE — and one this device will soon fill.
The FDA will announce the initiation of these trials by the end of June.
That alone is enough to send the $10 stock behind this life-saving device through the roof.
But imagine...
Just as the Olympics are starting... and the Zika virus is getting unprecedented media coverage...
Just as investors are piling into Zika-associated companies — with ours leading the race for a cure...
The FDA then makes an announcement that launches it full throttle into the final phase of clinical trials.
Well, let’s just say, I’ve never seen a situation with such a perfect setup of news...
In fact, I see NO way this company’s shares can NOT go vertical in the summer of 2016.
But the profits get even bigger from here on out...
When you consider the unbelievable results from phase 2 trials — and the fact that no competitors exist for cervical cancer.
Phase 3 trials look like a slam-dunk.
Like I said, this company is leaving no room for error ahead of the FDA’s final decision.
With the goal of approval in arm’s reach, it just hired a biotech "rainmaker" — a guy who has worked with giants like Merck...
He’s helped over six different vaccine trials finish successfully, and ultimately receive FDA approval.
Now he's about to do it again.
The final result?
This tiny company will emerge as the next major biotech giant...
Just like Merck, Pfizer, or Novartis — only with a monopoly on the vaccine market.
But you need to buy now while it still trades for just $10...
Before these upcoming dates launch it to new heights...
And before it trades as high as $150.
That’s why I’ve compiled all the details on this explosive — and urgent — opportunity...
Including the name, ticker symbol, and company profile of the $10 stock behind it.
That way you can take quick and decisive action while there’s still time.
I’ll share all of that with you in just a moment.
But before I do, you should know what this device is exactly...
How it works — and why its technology is so powerful, it could make vaccines OBSOLETE...
And why what I’ve shown you so far is only a very small slice of its true potential.
I’ve even reached out to medical insiders, scientists, and doctors at the center of this opportunity...
Here’s the scoop I got...
Summer 2016 Catalyst #3:
Four Clinical Trials
Announce Results
This single device has entered clinical trials for almost every deadly disease imaginable...
CNBC reports it can treat "nearly every disease that has not been eradicated by vaccines."
- Lung, breast, and pancreatic cancer
- Prostate cancer
- Hepatitis B and C
- Leukemia
- Cancers caused by HPV
- Influenza
- Ebola
- Malaria
Just to name a few.
These are massive billion-dollar markets.
The cancer industry alone totals $173 billion in sales every year.
And this device has proven to target a single genetic code that exists in 85% of cancers.
The hTERT gene.
To my knowledge, no other existing therapy — or treatment — has honed in on this single gene.
Sure, dozens of other immunotherapies are being developed in the field...
But none of them are quite living up to the hype. That’s because they
don’t generate enough of the immune agents required to combat cancer.
This device — on the other hand — activates 18 times as many T cells as the leading immunotherapies.
This is like sending the entire army, navy, air force, and marines to fight cancer...
Compared to weaker therapies that simply send a squad or two.
The other reason is that most of these other therapies only focus on a single cancer-fighting antigen.
Antigens are molecules that give our immune system marching orders against disease cells.
The problem is, cancer expresses itself in over 50 different
antigens. So these single-agent treatments don’t even begin to target
the full extent of the cancer.
But that’s what makes this device such a powerful — and unparalleled — cancer therapy.
It’s capable of expressing multiple antigens, allowing our immune
system to identify — and kill — the entire cancer, wherever it exists.
All without side effects!
There’s nothing else like it!
And cancer is just the tip of the iceberg...
Clinical trials are also gearing up to report stunning results on diseases like HIV, hep C, and Influenza.
In the summer of 2016, a total of four clinical trials on this device are reporting early results.
Results that will add to all the attention this device is already getting — from Zika and the Olympics.
And help launch the tiny $10 company even higher in all the frenzy.
Make no mistake about it:
This summer everyone will finally recognize this device as the most important medical breakthrough in decades.
Even bigger than the polio or smallpox vaccines.
And right now — for a brief window — you have the chance to buy in before the crowd picks up on its real potential.
But how does this technology work?
And why is it so much better than vaccines — or anything else?
Why This DNA Technology Can Eradicate ALL Disease
Now, I consider vaccines the single greatest medical invention in
history. More lives have been saved by vaccines than almost anything
But vaccine technology is hopelessly outdated.
You see, vaccines still rely on introducing a weaker version of the disease into our body...
Which then triggers antibodies to fight the disease.
And that’s why they’ve been limited in how many diseases they can actually eradicate.
But this DNA technology works radically differently with our immune system.
It’s really simple.
First, DNA fragments are synthesized and engineered.
The process involves pure DNA in pure water — no chemicals, additives, or preservatives.
The genetic sequence is then coded to produce ONLY the antigens required to target a specific disease or illness.
And finally the re-coded DNA is introduced in the body, where it
trains the immune system to seek out the disease cells in the body.
Because the treatment is synthetic, they are more stable and easier to distribute than vaccines.
They also carry no risk of infection and don’t require refrigeration.
But there’s one problem...
For this DNA technology to work, it needs to penetrate directly into the cells.
That’s where this special delivery system comes in — the same device I’ve discussed this whole time.

This device is what makes this DNA therapy so much more powerful than any other.
In short, it triggers 10 times the number of T cells as similar DNA treatments without it.
It does this by delivering a tiny, pain-free electrical "shock" — no needles or scalpels required.
The electricity causes cell membranes to accept the DNA rather than try to fight it as a foreign substance.
In turn, those cells produce antigens that tell the immune system to fight the targeted disease.
Because this device gets the "smart DNA" right to the cells where it’s needed...
This treatment enjoys substantial success over any of its competitors, or any immunotherapy.
Certainly more than any vaccine.
All without any adverse side effects!
And remember, because this DNA sequence is coded to produce the specific immune response against ANY disease...
There’s no limit to its disease-fighting potential.
Or to the kind of fortunes investors could see.
But there’s one more thing you should know...
Something that makes this far more transformational — and lucrative — than other technologies.
The "Model T" Of DNA
This DNA technology doesn’t just harness a more powerful immune system mechanism... with more safety.
Since it’s synthetic, it can also be produced at far lower costs than conventional vaccines...
And much quicker.
In fact, it can be manufactured — and shipped out — in a matter of days... not weeks or months.
And since it doesn’t need to be refrigerated, it’s easier — and quicker — to transport.
That’s what makes this a real threat to disease worldwide.
It’s what I call the "Model T" of DNA disease-fighters.
See, Ford didn’t invent the car, but he did invent the manufacturing and assembly line model.
Which made it possible for mass production of cars and soon had the "Model T" in every driveway.
This company can do the same for treatments that target our disease at a cellular level.
Hundreds of thousands of these devices can be produced and shipped off within days.
From hospitals and clinics...
To epidemic zones.
Everywhere from Puerto Rico to combat Zika...
To West Africa against Ebola.
Large masses of people worldwide can now make their bodies impervious to disease...
All in a much quicker timespan, at a fraction of the cost.
That’s why this device is promising to disrupt the $57 billion vaccine industry... and beyond.
And why everyone from Bill Gates to Big Pharma is showering billions on it.
Soon it will become the recognized symbol of medicine’s fight against disease and illness...
Just as recognizable as the flu shot or prescription pills.
And with over 1,000 patents on this device and the DNA technology it delivers...
Plus, Big Pharma and government organizations piling billions into its coffers...
This tiny $10 company will be the recognized face of Big Pharma...
Just like Merck, Pfizer, or GlaxoSmithKline, which became household names from vaccines and made early investors rich.
But you need to take quick and decisive action if you want to join them.
You’ve got the Zika virus frenzy and this year’s Olympics in Brazil — a country at the epicenter of the crisis.
You’ve got phase 3 clinical trials beginning on an FDA announcement at the same time...
And you’ve got four separate clinical trials announcing early results...
Each of which will send this tiny $10 stock surging higher and higher.
All starting in the summer of 2016.
Bottom line:
Mid-2016 is the "tipping point" for this transformational medical technology...
One that will inevitably become a "first-line" treatment for every kind of disease imaginable.
So you can get started immediately, before these events drive the share price as high as $150...
And before they put this opportunity out of your reach...
I’ve assembled all the details on this explosive opportunity.
Like I said before, I reached out to medical insiders behind this
device. And they gave me "the scoop" you can’t find anywhere else.
Not from financial media, clinical trial reports, or press releases.
I’ve used their inside analysis to form a brand-new research dossier —
the same kind institutional investors use to inform themselves of
potential opportunity.
I call it:
"50-Times Your Money On the Biggest Medical Breakthrough since the Polio Vaccine."

Here’s a quick preview of what you’ll get:
- The company name and ticker symbols.
- Exactly how high I think it could go and when.
- Thorough company profiles from top medical researchers, including information you won’t find on CNBC, in Forbes, or even in industry journals.
- The analyst "consensus" you won’t hear in press releases... but I hear from hobnobbing with industry insiders.
- Details of the company’s medical pipeline and patents.
- Upcoming dates for clinical trials and new developments.
You get all of this absolutely FREE today... so you can position yourself now.
All I ask is that you give my advisory research service, Early Advantage, an absolutely free test drive.
Join the Club
Hi. I'm Nick Hodge.

I'm an investment analyst here at Angel Publishing in Baltimore, Maryland.
I'm also editor of Early Advantage, the resource for big
profits from little-known breakthroughs and disruptive technologies in
energy, electronics, technology, agriculture, and more.
No sector is off limits. Over the past few years, I've delivered gains like:
- 1,667 % on Lithium X
- 159% on Xethanol Inc. (in 3 months)
- 119% on Cree
- 123% on Lite Access
- 211% on Golden Leaf Holdings
- 316% on Akeena Solar
- 101% on JA Solar
- 245% on Organovo
- 426% on Alternate Energy Holdings (in just 3 months)
- 110% on Solarfun Power
- 113% on DNI Metals
- 391% on BYD Company (in 3 months)
- And many more.
And the list goes on and on. I simply don’t have the time to list all of my big-time winners here.
But know this: Off of just one of my recommendations, you could make
the type of money that could change your portfolio... or even your life.
In fact, I recently recommended a tiny lithium company that exploded from 15-cents to $2.58!
That’s a staggering 1,800% gain... Nearly 20 times your money in just a few months.
These are gains most consider impossible. Yet my readers have had the
opportunity to see these sort of profits just over the last few months.
No wonder why so many can’t wait to tell me about their newfound fortunes...
One guy by the name of Dan Leopold wrote to me about one of my recent recommendations...
"I made over $100,000 with you on the first run a year or so ago..."
I’ve had to redact the stock name there because it’s an active play
that’s still making people money, and it wouldn’t be fair to those
currently holding positions.
Donald McMillan shared his story, too:
"I did very well on two picks. Pretty lucky with a profit of $27,649!"
And Anthony Reymond recently wrote me to say:
"This is the most profitable service in almost 10 years of trading. Pure and simple. [Three picks] have been triple-digit winners for me. As a friend of mine who speaks broken English would say, 'THANK YOU VERY BIG.'"
But my favorite is from Tom Donaldson, who made nearly half a million dollars on a single trade:
"Nick — My account is now over $450,000. Happy with the gains so far! Thanks!"
So as you can see, I continually provide the potential for huge gains.
And I can tell you this...
It takes a lot of hard work and boots-on-the-ground research to maintain the success I’ve experienced.
Whether it’s flying out to California and speaking with an
aquaculture expert to get the inside details on a world-changing medical

Or taking a tour with Canadian CEOs to uncover the newest intelligence in the world of energy...

Or even interviewing Montel Williams in the hopes of discovering the next 1,000% gainer in the market...

There’s not a stone I won’t turn over if I think there’s money to be made on the other side.
I Spend Millions on My Research
You already know the best way to make a lot of money is to get in the
game early — before a company makes news with a major discovery in the
mining or energy sector... the creation of some disruptive technology...
or breakthroughs in agriculture or health.
I’ll go to any extent I feel necessary to make sure things are on the
up-and-up before I recommend something other folks might put their
money into.
I don’t simply sit behind a desk, stare at a computer screen, and
pick a stock based on some arcane information from an annual report.
That’s for the no-talent hacks that think they know what they’re doing.
Not me. I do the real research most analysts don’t feel like doing — or can’t afford to do.
I’ve been in a three-man helicopter over the Canadian wilderness...
stood on the edge of 500-foot-deep mines... and attended $5,000/seat
conferences across the country... all in the name of securing the full
stories behind the biggest wealth-creating opportunities in the world.
You can even say I’ve hobnobbed with the financial elite...

If you didn’t already know, the "other guy" in that snapshot is John Paulson, American hedge fund guru and billionaire.
We were both invited to a closed-door investment summit in Puerto Rico recently, and we had a nice little chat.
It’s pretty obvious these things don’t happen for analysts who refuse to leave the office — or get out of bed.
But I do it because it’s what I love to do. It’s what I’ve always loved to do.
Giving readers like YOU the early advantage on any moneymaking or
money-saving opportunity available long before the rest of the market
catches on.
That's what Early Advantage is all about.
I've been on the cutting edge for years, discovering major
life-changing, moneymaking opportunities that other financial
institutions don't cover.
Just to give you a better idea:
- Before 3D printing made the news, I told my readers about a company called Organovo. It develops three-dimensional (3D) human tissue-printing technology to create tissue on demand for research and surgical applications. Since then, the stock has surged over 570%.
- In October, I set up an exclusive deal with a small Canadian medical marijuana firm. This allowed my readers to buy in literally days before the company’s IPO. In just 8 days, the company’s shares took off for 211% gains — more than triple our money.
- And I've closed, in total, more than 220 double- and triple-digit winners on my stock recommendations alone by locating little-known wealth-building opportunities before the masses knew about them.
My research comes with NO RISK and absolutely NO OBLIGATIONS.
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After all, Angel Publishing and Outsider Club are in the
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That last part means I have to travel out to worksites... talk to the
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I truly believe this $57 billion medical breakthrough is the single
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It’s a truly unique opportunity.
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Call it like you see it,

Editor and Creator, Early Advantage
How to Make REAL
Money in Gold
Money in Gold
In the past, this "Golden Loophole"
has turned every $1 into $34...
has turned every $1 into $34...
Thanks to peak gold production, negative interest rates,
and a coming gold bull market...
and a coming gold bull market...
Today You Stand to Make Even More!
Dear Reader,
It's no secret that gold has been on an absolute tear recently...
Everyone is piling in. From little guys to big Wall Street hedge fund
managers... they're snapping up anything gold-related they can get
their hands on.
“Americans are buying tons of gold... buying coins and bars at levels unseen since the financial crisis,” says CNNMoney.
Hedge fund manager John Paulson, who made billions off the housing
market crash, just bought a stake in a small gold miner... for only the
third time ever.
Stanley Druckenmiller, another titan in the hedge fund world who made
a fortune shorting the British pound, also recently made a huge $323
million investment in a gold ETF.
They are all buying gold for good reason, too: Because they see the writing on the wall...
The reckless “quantitative easing” measures of the Federal Reserve
and other global central banks have resulted in vastly more debt...
Not only that, typically “safe” investments are now paying little or
no yield. The fact that gold has no yield is usually used against it by
the mainstream.
But when interest rates are negative, gold looks better than government paper — even to the mainstream.

Because, hands down, the absolute best way to protect and grow your wealth during times like these is to own gold.
But most people simply don't know the best way to own it...
That's why today I'm going to tell you about a radical way to play
gold that 99% of mainstream investors have never heard about before.
And here's the thing: You don't have to touch any hyped up gold
mining stocks... ETFs... options... or even gold coins or bars to do it.
This has to do with a “loophole” that's been proven to safely
generate huge gains off gold... and for some savvy people has even built
large multimillion-dollar fortunes.
One of them is a geologist named Bob Q.
Bob spent the first part of his career exploring for gold and silver in some of the most remote parts of Canada.
“Boots on the ground,” as Bob puts it. “We’d go on 20 kilometer hikes everyday, collect rocks, and bring them back."
In fact, he even worked as an extra hand, cooking food for his
cohorts, maintaining boats, digging outhouses, and organizing rock
“I knew little about mining law, financial statements, exploration finance or public companies,” he says.
But what Bob soon discovered about the gold market would change his
life forever... and it could change yours too if you act swiftly.
It all has to do with this little-known “loophole” hidden deep inside
the gold and silver markets... which is prime for exploiting right now.
And Bob's not the only one who's made a killing off it... Just have a
look at what's happened to other in-the-know investors who were privy
to this secret...

We're talking absolutely off-the-chart gains here. And the best part about this opportunity?
You don't need to be a geologist to capitalize on this “loophole.” In fact, you don't need a degree at all.
You don't have to buy any gold or silver mining “claims” either.
Instead, you simply have to know a secret about how the gold and
silver mining industry works... and act soon to take advantage of this
unusual situation...
This is much safer... and much more lucrative... than just hoarding the physical metal.
Let me explain...
In a Tiny Corner of the Gold Markets...
When people are scared about the economy and financial markets, they rush to gold. And boy, have they been worried recently...
According to the U.S. Mint, Gold Eagle coin sales surged to nearly 400,000 ounces last quarter, the highest level in more than five years.
If you own these assets, you'll probably do pretty well during the next gold rally.
But there's a secret in the gold markets that not one in 1,000 investors knows about, which gives you and me access to gold investment returns that are simply unheard of...
The geologist I told you about earlier used this “loophole” to generate millions of dollars for himself... and fortunes for others in the process.
For instance, he managed to turn every single $1 invested into $34!
That's a life-altering gain of 3,300%.
And you could have went along for this epic profit ride... WITHOUT touching options, bonds, ETFs, coins, or bars of any kind.
Another smart guy named Robert Friedland quietly used this same “loophole” with extraordinary results.
Robert didn't grow up around money. Both of his parents were immigrants. But he is now a self-made multibillionaire thanks to it. And has even appeared on the Forbes 400 list.
Not only is he rich, but as it turns out, back in college he mentored the late Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, Inc.
(As the story goes, Jobs was trying to sell his typewriter when he accidentally walked into Friedland’s dorm room. The two became friends and stayed friends for years).
"He turned me on to a different level of consciousness," said Steve Jobs. The pair even formed an investment business together in 1978.

Robert got his start in the industry with money that was loaned to him from a relative.
And on one of his very first projects, he turned every $1 invested into $161 for his shareholders... without even producing a SINGLE ounce.
That's good for a gain of 16,000% in just 13 months.
It's no wonder that Robert's been called “mining's biggest renegade.”
And this profitable “loophole” has remained secret despite being
“hidden” in plain sight. For one reason or another, most investors have
never heard of it.
But it's worked time and time again. It's tried and true.
What, exactly, is going on here?
Let me explain...
The Secret “Loophole”... Revealed!
There's a big fallacy in the mining industry (and it's been the downfall of countless miners in the past)...
For instance, if you believe gold is going to rise, then you should
buy a deposit and spend millions of dollars putting it in production.
Often, a few years later, when gold prices actually do go up — all
you have left is a hole in the ground where your gold used to be. The
gold price is up and all of your gold is gone.
But imagine if you left the gold in the ground and when the price
does go up, you sell the deposit to somebody else (a mining company
looking for reserves) to develop at those much higher prices?
You pocket the cash. And they spend the millions and millions of
dollars it takes on the labor, permits, and heavy mining equipment
needed to develop a mine...
That, in a nutshell, is the “loophole” that can make you a killing in the gold markets.
**It's a secret known in the industry as “land banking”**
It means to buy a piece of mineral-rich land and put it away (bank
it)... until the market realizes its “true value.” (The market ALWAYS
And then you eventually sell that land to someone else... for a much higher premium.
As Will Rogers, an early 20th Century humorist, said of this investing technique, “Don’t wait to buy land, buy land and wait!”
In short: These
companies hold the rights to mineral-rich land, with the intent of
eventually selling those rights to someone else at a much higher
The only thing they have to do is prove that the resource is actually
underneath the property... which attracts the interest of big mining
companies looking for reserves.
It's exactly how people like Bob Quartermain, the Canadian geologist
who used to dig outhouses I told you about earlier, made huge fortunes
in the mining industry...
He began assembling a “bank” of several undeveloped silver and gold properties throughout the Americas.
These were some large, promising properties containing hundreds of millions of ounces of high-grade silver and gold.
But instead of developing these properties, he simply holds onto them
until after prices rise, when he can get much greater value for them in
the market.
By doing this, shareholders of Silver Standard have seen the stock go
from less than $1 to over $43 per share — a gain of 5,207%!

As resource guru Rick Rule says:
“Along the way, Bob didn’t have to do anything to advance his ounces. All he had to do was own them and not mine them. So one thing I’ve learned over 40 years in this business is that not mining is much easier than mining.”
Sounds easy enough, right? But you'd be shocked at how many people
simply don't have the discipline to follow an approach like this.
“Convincing a management team that has been trained to put
stuff into production, to move projects forward — to convince them to do
nothing is very difficult,” says Rick Rule.
Luckily, I've found a small company — backed by some of the best
people in the industry — that sports a large, high-grade gold “land
bank.” And hardly anyone else knows about it. Its value isn't even close
to being fully realized.
But in the coming gold bull market, it will be.
One of the gold assets it acquired was recently valued by an independent engineering report at $233 million — 17 TIMES more than what they paid for it.
And that's just ONE of this small company's NINE major gold assets.
That's right — it owns eight more.
And this firm is trading right now for less than $1 per share. But I don't expect it to stay there for long.
More about it in just a moment...
First, let me share with you a few more examples of this lucrative “loophole” in action...
A company called Vista Gold Corp began buying up some undervalued
gold deposits before the last gold run in the 2000s. When gold started
to take off... shares went from nine cents a share to $14.07... for a gain of 15,566%.

Forget making that kind of return on some stodgy blue-chip gold stock like Barrick and Newmont. Or even from the metal itself.
New York Times best-selling author and multimillionaire Doug Casey says of this investment technique:
“If you believe that gold (and silver) are going to the moon, then the built-in leverage of owning metal in the ground can make more sense than digging the metal up and selling it while the price is still rising.”
And as I mentioned, it's not just limited to gold. You can do this with other minerals too.
Take Lumina Copper for instance...
It was sitting at a low of 50 cents per share. Ross Beaty, the
company's CEO, began quietly accumulating some of the world's best
copper properties. A few years later, the company was sold off in six
different pieces, at $46 per share...
That's an 80-fold return for investors!
Pan American Silver had a very similar performance following this
unique “land banking” approach... shares went from a financing price of
50 cents to $41 a share.

That's an 8,100% gain.
Heck, it even works with uranium. Paladin Resources went from 1 cent a share to a high of $10 a share!

That's a staggering 134,100% return in just under four years.
Again, these companies simply acquire undeveloped land that is rich
in high-grade gold, silver, or other minerals — thousands and thousands
of acres of it.
All they have to do is prove the resource is there... That's enough
to entice the big mining companies... and get the cash offers flowing.
Why You Haven't Heard About
This “Loophole” Before
The reason you've probably never heard of this before is because most
investors just look for companies that are mining all of their gold.
But really, it's the companies that own the high-grade gold that
actually score the biggest profits. And so do their shareholders.
As billionaire Robert Friedland says:
“The real wealth in the mining industry is generated by FINDING something.”
(By the way, Robert Friedland was the mentor to Steve Jobs whom I told you about earlier.)
Friedland stumbled onto a massive deposit of nickel while searching
for diamonds in Newfoundland. It turned out to be one of the world's
largest discoveries of nickel.
But instead of mining the vast deposit himself, he sparked a bidding war for it between two large mining companies.
Inco Mining ended up paying a whopping $4.3 BILLION for the deposit.
As Forbes says, “The find changed Friedland’s fortunes and those of shareholders.”
Shares of his company, Diamond Fields, soared from $1 to $161 a share in just 13 months...
That's an incredible 16,000% gain.
No blue-chip gold stock has ever seen that kind of gain. Not even after mining hundreds of millions of ounces.
Heck, sometimes just holding unproven land is enough to propel shares higher.
Here's an example: a tiny company called Altius Minerals. Altius
simply staked a host of new claims in Labrador, a region in Northern
Canada. Within a year, shares had soared 148%.
In other words, shares almost tripled just by virtue of the fact that they could have a big discovery.
So unlike regular mining stocks, the company can pay off for you even if it doesn't “hit it big.”
And these companies are always looking for more properties...
In my opinion, it's the perfect business model. And, more importantly, it's the perfect investment, especially right now.
There's almost no overhead, very few employees... and absolutely
incredible profits... (Bob Quartermain had fewer than five employees
when he started doing this... and he made an absolute killing.)
These “land banking” firms attract some of the world's most elite
mining firms — from small companies like AberDiamonds to behemoths like
Barrick and Newmont — who are happy to pay millions of dollars.
And even billions in some cases.
Sometimes a big mining company wants one of these properties so badly... it just buys the company outright.
A few years ago, for example, a company called Francisco Gold caught
the eye of mining giant Glamis Gold. Glamis wanted one of Francisco's
properties in Mexico...
So it just bought the company outright. After the deal was announced, Francisco's stock tripled, practically overnight.
With the current situation that exists in the gold markets, I expect
to see many more deals like this happening soon... In fact, they already
In March this year Endeavour Mining agreed to buy True Gold Mining
for about $240 million in stock. The deal gives Endeavour access to a
low-cost gold mine nearing production in Burkina Faso.
Shares of True Gold shot up 138% in just two months heading into the buyout...

What situation am I talking about, exactly?
Let me explain...
“The supply of easily exploitable
mines is diminishing”
–Bob Quartermain, CEO of Pretium Resources
mines is diminishing”
–Bob Quartermain, CEO of Pretium Resources
Chuck Jeannes is the CEO of Goldcorp, the largest gold mining company in the entire world.
And recently Chuck told The Wall Street Journal that we have reached “peak gold” production:
“I don't think we will ever see the gold production reach these levels ever again. There are just not that many new mines being found and developed.”
Discoveries of new, mineable gold reserves peaked in 1995 at around 140 million ounces.
In 2013, new discoveries totaled less than 10 million ounces!
Shocking, isn't it?
And not only is it getting a lot harder to find new reserves, but
it's also taking more time to bring any new deposits into production...
According to
“The time it takes to bring a deposit into production is also increasing significantly, slowing the rate at which production is replaced. The time from discovery to production increased to 11 years for new mines between 1996 and 2005, and to 18 years for new mines between 2006 and 2013. And it is expected to continue trending higher.”
At the same time, demand for gold continues to rise, especially in the rapidly developing nations of India and China.
As multimillionaire investor Jim Rogers says, "You want to buy things that China needs."
The only thing that isn't increasing is the gold supply.
As veteran geologist and mining stock analyst Brent Cook has been saying:
What we're facing right now... What "Peak Gold" really means is that we've passed the peak of discovery and production. We are mining about 90 ounces per year and we're finding maybe 40 million ounces per year. So there's a deficit there of about 50 million ounces. And that deficit IS NOT being made up by new discoveries.
So the "Peak Gold" problem is really a problem of peak discovery and putting new mines into production. For investors in this sector, I think you're going to get a real opportunity here to purchase and own new discoveries that are going to be much more valuable 2-3 years down the road.
As Business Insider reports, “The price of gold could rise substantially this year, as a supply crunch takes hold.”
In fact, prices are already rising... up 16% in just the first three months of this year amid turmoil in the financial markets.
And gold stocks have been moving right along with it...
- AngloGold Ashanti Limited is up 57%
- Barrick Gold Corp up 65%
- Sibanye Gold Limited has shot up 95%
But I've found a much safer and far more lucrative way to invest in gold than just buying traditional gold mining stocks.
Bottom line: The risks of investing in “land banking” companies is far, far, far
less than your typical mining stock (which spends millions of dollars
developing one or two mines that may or may not be winners).
And now that “Peak Gold” has arrived, big miners will be more
desperate than ever for gold-rich land... and willing to pay substantial
premiums for it.
But you don't need to go out and buy any land. Or buy “stakes” in any claims.
Thanks to this “loophole,” you can safely double, triple, or even
quadruple your money... even if you don't know a gold mine from a rabbit
All you have to do is simply piggyback off others who have done it before... and have made a ton of money doing it.
I'm talking about people who are proven. They are pioneers of the
industry... highly-skilled individuals who have a track record of
turning that skill into wealth.
And the man behind this sub-$1 stock, the founder of this tiny gold
“land banking” company, already has a successful track record...
The Single Best Gold “Land Banking”
Play You Should Buy...
Play You Should Buy...
This CEO is a huge name in the business.
He has been recognized by Fortune magazine on its "40 Under 40: Ones to Watch" list of North American executives.
In his first public resource company he produced gains of 3,673% for his shareholders.

Imagine turning a small $25,000 investment into $943,250 with just ONE tiny resource stock...
Well, that’s exactly what some investors did by getting in early on this uranium stock.
And now you have the rare opportunity to do the same thing today thanks to his newest venture in gold.
This is a tiny company that holds valuable resources in one of the
greatest gold belts in the world... and it could easily become a
10-bagger down the road.
It has a “land bank” of NINE gold assets in Brazil, a mining-friendly
nation that has attracted over $15 billion worth of investments in this
space in recent years.
In fact, this firm is financially backed by one of the wealthiest
families in Brazil... and one of the wealthiest in the world for that
This family business has been at the forefront of bringing billions
of dollars' worth of technology and investment into Brazil through 80
partnerships around the world...
Working on projects as diverse as bringing the first car rental
business to Brazil, the first cell phone, the first computer, the first
ethanol car, and so on.
One of the family members alone has a reported net worth of $1.2 BILLION.
And they aren't backing any other gold projects — only the one I'm telling you about today.
This company is experiencing rapid growth — going from under 1
million ounces of acquired gold in 2012 to over 9.5 million ounces of
gold today.
And it will continue to capitalize on its strategy of acquiring valuable, high-grade resource assets at bargain-basement prices.
With an estimated value of over $5 billion at today’s gold price,
it's easy to see why I think this company — currently trading with a $50
million “market cap” — is so undervalued.
Already, the assets it owns are worth over 100 TIMES what the stock is trading for!
The Smart Money is Already Aboard...
It’s no wonder some of the most legendary resource investors have
stakes in this explosive gold resource company... including Rick Rule,
Marin Katusa, and Doug Casey.
In fact, their private investment fund is one of the major
shareholders in this company... owning roughly 17% of the company's
And believe me, they would NOT put their money into a resource company unless they thought it had enormous potential.
Each of these guys are multimillionaires. They are titans of the
resource investing world. And they know a potentially lucrative deal
when they see one.
Just one of this company's NINE Brazilian gold properties is worth 509%+ more than the current stock price reflects.
The company's management also owns about 30% of the firm's shares. That's about a third of the company's stock!
What it shows is that the interests of the company's executives are truly aligned with its shareholders.
Few companies in the industry can say the same.
They are positioning this tiny gold resource company so that when the
gold sector takes off, which is already happening, this company will
have ample projects to sell.
(And Brazil's government has been recently buying up several gold projects.)
The full details are in my timely new FREE report, “The Golden Land Bank: Score 3,000%+ Gains on the Trade of the Decade.”
Plus, inside the report, I'm also giving you the names of two more tiny gold stocks to buy right now.
Why? Well, with enough work and experience, you can identify the best
companies in this sector… but you can never be certain exactly which of
these companies is going to soar the highest in price.
Markets are irrational, especially the junior gold stock market… and
so you want to own a small basket of the best opportunities to
dramatically increase your chances of taking part in the most
spectacular gains.
All it takes is just ONE of these companies to skyrocket to make an extraordinary amount of money.
But before I tell you how to secure your FREE report, let me quickly introduce myself...
Hi. I'm Nick Hodge.
I'm an investment analyst here at Angel Publishing, one of the
largest independent research firms in the world, headquartered in
Baltimore, Maryland.
We called for $1,000 gold long before anyone believed it could happen. (It hit that mark in 2008).
Even crazier is that we called for $1,500 gold two years before it
hit that price (It reached that mark in 2011)... In fact, gold has gone
as high as $1,895 an ounce!
We've made readers thousands of dollars off home run investments from our gold predictions.
Take a look for yourself:

I'm also editor of Nick Hodge's Early Advantage, the
resource for big profits from little-known breakthroughs and disruptive
companies in mining, energy, electronics, technology, agriculture, and
And I’ve gained quite a reputation for delivering these kinds of huge profits time and time again:
- 245% on Organovo Holdings
- 391% on BYD Company
- 113% on DNI Metals
- 153% on Captiva Verde
- 211% on Golden Leaf Holdings
- 159% on Cree, Inc.
- 316% on Akeena Solar
And the list goes on and on. I simply don’t have the time to list all of my big-time winners here.
But know this: Off of just one of my recommendations, you could make
the type of money that could change your portfolio... or even your life.
How do I know? It’s already happened.
One guy by the name of Dan Leopold wrote to me about one of my recent recommendations...
"I made over $100,000 with you on the first run a year or so ago..."
I’ve had to redact the stock name there because it’s an active play
that’s still making people money, and it wouldn’t be fair to those
currently holding positions.
Donald McMillan shared his story, too:
"I did very well on two picks. Pretty lucky with a profit of $27,649!"
And Anthony Reymond recently wrote me to say:
"This is the most profitable service in almost 10 years of trading. Pure and simple. [Three picks] have been triple-digit winners for me. As a friend of mine who speaks broken English would say, 'THANK YOU VERY BIG.'"
But my favorite is from Tom Donaldson, who made nearly half a million dollars on a single trade:
"Nick — My account is now over $450,000. Happy with the gains so far! Thanks!"
So as you can see, I continually provide the potential for huge gains.
And I can tell you this...
It takes a lot of hard work and boots-on-the-ground research to maintain the success I’ve experienced.
Whether it’s flying out to California and speaking with an
aquaculture expert to get the inside details on a world-changing medical

Or taking a tour with Canadian CEOs to uncover the newest intelligence in the world of energy...

Or even interviewing Montel Williams in the hopes of discovering the next 1,000% gainer in the market...

There’s not a stone I won’t turn over if I think there’s money to be made on the other side.
Mining stocks are a dime a dozen.
They come and go like flies.
But if you know how to analyze these companies down to the wire, and
you know the people who run them, chances are good you'll make a lot of
As I said before, this isn't your typical mining stock. which spends all of its money developing a mine that still may turn out to be a bust.
This company simply finds gold and takes ownership of the properties... with the intent of selling them for big profits.
In this particular case, I’ve been in close contact with the
management team of the tiny gold resource company I’ve been telling you
There's something we all seem to agree upon — and here it is in the words of the company's co-founder:
“We've taken advantage of the downturn in the resource market to go out and acquire a number of viable gold properties... picking up ounces in the ground for pennies on the dollar... and have substantial local financial partners with skin in the game. Not too many companies have partners based in the area where their projects are with skin in the game.”
And take advantage of the downturn this firm did...
This company's stock has outperformed everyone in the junior gold sector in spite of it!
So you can just imagine what it will do when the sector takes off again... which is happening right now.
It’s no wonder all three analysts covering this stock are calling
this company a super-buy, because it’s trading at a significant discount
compared to the value of the assets it owns.
In fact, these typically conservative analysts are setting some high targets for this “land banking” company’s stock in the near term.
- The analyst at H.C. Wainwright & Company has a $1.82 price target for the stock. That's 171% higher than the current share price.
- Cantor Fitzgerald values the stock at $2.70 — a 302% gain.
- And Salman Partners values it at $2.00 — a 198% gain.
Luckily for us, this company is by far the best-kept secret in the
gold mining industry — with little mention of it in investment circles
or in the media markets.
But that could change any day now, so your quick action on this opportunity is essential.
The profit potential here is unlike anything I’ve ever uncovered (and
that includes all of the gains I showed you just a moment ago).
There is literally no cap on how high this stock could go. But I do know this...
It’s set to happen soon.
This is truly once-in-a-lifetime-type stuff here. These things don't
come around often. And I don't know of a single other person who's on
top of this opportunity like I am right now...
I Spend Millions on My Research
You already know the best way to make a lot of money is to get in the
game early — before a company makes news with a major discovery in the
mining or energy sector... the creation of some disruptive technology...
or breakthroughs in agriculture or health.
I’ll go to any extent I feel necessary to make sure things are on the
up-and-up before I recommend something other folks might put their
money into.
I don’t simply sit behind a desk, stare at a computer screen, and
pick a stock based on some arcane information from an annual report.
That’s for the no-talent hacks that think they know what they’re doing.
Not me. I do the real research most analysts don’t feel like doing — or can’t afford to do.
I’ve been in a three-man helicopter over the Canadian wilderness...
stood on the edge of 500-foot-deep mines... and attended $5,000/seat
conferences across the country...
All in the name of securing the full stories behind the biggest wealth-creating opportunities in the world.
You can even say I’ve hobnobbed with the financial elite...

If you didn’t already know, the "other guy" in that snapshot is John Paulson, American hedge fund guru and billionaire.
I told you about him earlier. He recently bought gold for the third time ever.
We were both invited to a closed-door investment summit in Puerto Rico recently, and we had a nice little chat.
It’s pretty obvious these things don’t happen for analysts who refuse to leave the office — or get out of bed.
But I do it because it’s what I love to do. It’s what I’ve always loved to do.
Giving readers like YOU the early advantage on any moneymaking or
money-saving opportunity available long before the rest of the market
catches on.
That's what Early Advantage is all about.
I've been on the cutting edge for years, discovering major
life-changing, moneymaking opportunities that other financial
institutions don't cover.
For example...
Before 3D printing made the news, I told my readers about a company
called Organovo that develops three-dimensional (3D) human tissue
printing technology to create tissue on demand for research and surgical
applications. Since then, the stock has surged over 570%.
Whether with 3D-printed human tissue, solar breakthroughs, or the
initial run of a cancer-killing Blue Blood company, members of Early Advantage have been raking in the gains.
Today’s opportunity, however, stands to put EVERY gain I’ve ever produced to shame.
As activity heats up in the gold markets and the masses catch onto
this story, expect investors to push the price through the roof.
I want you in before this happens.
That's why I’ve put everything you need to know about this powerhouse gold company into a comprehensive report, including...
- The ticker symbol of the gold “land banking” firm I’ve been talking about
- The company profile and why this could be the most lucrative opportunity I’ve ever uncovered
- How to take action on this stock TODAY — I've outlined step-by-step instructions
- How you could bank "retire now" money in a few months' time
I would like to send this special report, "The Golden Land Bank: Score 3,000%+ Gains on the Trade of the Decade," directly to your inbox right now... FREE of charge.

All I ask in return is that you help ensure your family's financial
well-being once and for all by taking me up on one special offer...
It's a personal invitation to join thousands of Early Advantage
readers who have been booking double-digit and triple-digit gains on a
regular basis... and to have your chance at bagging the elusive
quintuple-digit winner.
All you have to do is take action.
And you can do that by giving my advisory service, Early Advantage, an absolutely free test-drive. [Click here to start your test-drive now.]
My research comes with NO RISK and absolutely NO OBLIGATIONS.
For 30 days, you'll have the chance to profit from every single one
of the winning investments I’ve shared exclusively with my followers...
without risking a single dime.
I want you to see for yourself how potentially profitable Early Advantage really could be for you.
Simply put, the minute you claim your copy of "The Golden Land Bank: Score 3,000%+ Gains on the Trade of the Decade," you'll immediately receive 30 full days of unrestricted access to the following:

How much does all this cost?
The short answer is: nothing.
Remember, you get to try it for free.
And if you stick with me for the long haul after you've discovered
what an extraordinary profit opportunity you have your hands on?
I’ve convinced my publisher to give you a special deal... one we’ve never offered before.
Subscription to my research normally costs only $1,599.
You see, our accountants insist on that annual fee. And many of our members have gladly joined at this price.
It’s easy to understand why: One single recommendation could easily pay for your entire subscription.
For example, one of my followers, Chris G., recently sent me this note:
"Thanks Nick, I grabbed a quick 36% gain today. That'll take care of this year's subscription price!"
And John B. says:
"I made $6,000 on a single recommendation, so my subscription has more than paid for itself."
Another one of my followers, Donald M., said he made a profit of $27,649 last year.
That’s enough to pay for 27 years of my research!
Todd S. is up a bit more, saying...
"Thanks to Early Advantage, I'm planning to retire a multimillionaire!"
Given these kinds of gains, I'm sure you'll agree $1,599 is a bargain.
But you won’t have to pay that.
I truly believe this $1 gold “land banking” company is the single
best opportunity I’ve ever discovered. I want to make absolutely sure
you don't miss out on your chance to profit from it.
So I convinced my publisher to offer you the absolute lowest price we’ve ever offered for a full year of Early Advantage.
Today, you can join Early Advantage for just $799.
Yes, you read that right...
I'm charging just $799 for my advisory service — one that's
delivered double-digit and triple-digit gains to my readers time and
time again.
You’ll save an incredible $800 off the regular membership rate.
That's 50% LESS than what many other investors have gladly paid.
So when I say that’s the lowest price I could ever dream of charging,
I mean it. Think about it: I've seen other services charge $2,500...
$5,000... even $10,000.
Not only that, but from what I've seen, the results of these other
publications don't come close to the track record I've put together
since 2007.
I want you to discover for yourself everything Early Advantage has to offer — without having to risk a single penny.
My "Keep Everything & Risk Nothing"
You see, I stand behind every piece of advice, insight, and
recommendation I make with 100% confidence. Your complete satisfaction
is guaranteed — or your money back!
So I want you to go ahead and take a FULL 30 DAYS to have a good look
at every breakout company I've uncovered. (There are several buy-rated
companies in the portfolio that I think have an easy chance of
And then, if for any reason you're not totally thrilled...
Just tell us to send your money back, and we'll promptly refund every penny, NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
You’ll get all the details about this under $1 gold “land banking” company. All the exclusive information on the members-only Early Advantage website. All the reports and investment guides. All the recommendations. All the articles and investing tips.
And if you join me today, I will give you access to three bonus reports — ABSOLUTELY FREE:

Some folks have shelled out $799 for EACH of these reports, but you won't pay a single cent for them.
All three bonus reports are yours FREE when you agree to test-drive Early Advantage for 30 full days starting right now.
The intel in just one of these special briefings could easily pay for your membership many times over...
And they're yours to keep — no matter what your final decision is.
But you must act fast...
The gold opportunity mentioned here is extremely time-sensitive.
Announcements are coming AT LEAST in the next three months, but likely much sooner.
Shares might be under $1 right now — but this could change overnight the second word gets out to other investors.
The company's PR team could even be drafting the press release right this very moment.
Once that happens, it will create a media frenzy around this company so big that it will set off alarms all over Wall Street.
So if you really want a chance at a quadruple-digit stunner — it's in your best interest to act this very instant.
All I know is that you clearly have a ground-floor opportunity to own
a land banking company that has the potential to generate life-changing
I could go on and on about this company and all the other reasons it
could easily be the last stock you and your family will ever need.
But I’ve already taken a lot of your time...
So instead, I would like to cut to the chase and send you the special
report that tells you everything you need to know about this
breakthrough opportunity: "The Golden Land Bank: Score 3,000%+ Gains on the Trade of the Decade."
I hope you don’t miss this chance to pull in 3,673%, 8,100%, 16,000% or more.
Just click the "Subscribe Now" button below to join us and begin
securing a lifetime of wealth for yourself and your family today.
I look forward to welcoming you as the newest member of Early Advantage.
Just click here or the "Subscribe Now" button below to get started... or call our customer service team at 855-877-8623.
Nick Hodge
Editor and Creator, Early Advantage

P.S. The stocks I find are about as tiny as you can get. And this
sub-$1 gold stock is among the tiniest. As a result, I have to keep a
very strict limit on the number of investors who have access to my
All it takes is a little bit of volume to drive these stocks up high,
very quickly. And that is not the way I invest. I typically get my
clients in early with the insiders... sometimes before the stocks even
go public.
My point is, we can only get into these deals because my clients and I
are a small, tight-knit group. By staying small, we can nimbly move in
and out of tiny stocks and get a fair price on either end of the trade.
That's why I can't keep the books open on this deal forever. So I
encourage you to ACT NOW if this is something you're interested in.