Palladium Prices Hit Record: Worth More Than GoldInbox |
Jan 18, 2019, 11:27 PM (4 days ago)
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the past five months, palladium prices have increased by almost 60%.
Yesterday, the price of palladium soared to over $1,400 an ounce, an
all-time high for the metal.
That's $100 more expensive than gold.
And almost $600 more than its cousin, platinum!
In fact, as of right now, palladium is the most expensive of the precious metals.
Jeff’s 2,005% Pot Stock Gain
Jeff showed his readers a 2,005% gain on a marijuana stock!
And that’s just for starters. He also showed them another pot stock that’s up by 1,219% and yet another that’s up by 1,090%.
In short, nobody's seeing cannabis market gains like Jeff’s readers!
But these recent successes are just a taste of what he sees coming next.
In fact, you have until February 19th to see what could be the biggest cannabis market gains ever.
And Jeff has his eye on a few ways to play it that could soar by 1,000% or higher...
We have talked about palladium a lot here in Energy and Capital.
Due to palladium's resistance to many types of corrosion, the metal has
been used as a store of wealth and capital. And due to the metal's
catalytic properties, palladium is a vital resource amid a
hydrocarbon-based energy society.
Palladium is an asset that almost quintessentially defines Energy and Capital.
But as an investment vehicle, palladium fails in many aspects.
And the first thing investors should know about palladium is investment options are very limited.
to metals like gold or silver (or even base metals like copper), there
are only a handful of ways investors can get exposure to palladium price
One way is, of course, through palladium mining stocks.
But there's one problem with palladium mining stocks: There aren't any.
OK, what I mean is that there aren't any pure-play palladium stocks. No one mines palladium exclusively.
There are a few large public companies like Anglo American Platinum (OTC: ANGPY) or Impala Platinum (OTC: IMPUY) that mine palladium as a by-product.
And there are one or two much smaller companies that focus a bit more on palladium-rich mines.
But overall, there aren't any pure-play palladium companies.
So, okay... what about palladium bullion — coins and bars? You know...
Well, yes, palladium coins and bars are
very easy to buy. In fact, the U.S. Mint recently released its
first-ever palladium bullion coin, which actually looks nice in my
And you can buy these from any online bullion dealer or through eBay or wherever.
2017 American Palladium Eagle
But nice-looking or not, palladium bullion has some serious downsides. And the biggest are the margins.
spread between the sell price (what you pay) and the buy price (what
bullion dealers pay) is much larger than that of any other precious
metal. In short, premiums for palladium bullion are high, and buyback
prices are low.
What that means in
practice is this: If palladium's cash price on COMEX is $1,350 per
ounce, a bullion dealer might sell a one-ounce Canadian Palladium Maple
Leaf for as much as $1,500. But with prices even at $1,350 an ounce,
they might only give you $1,300 for the same coin.
that to gold: If the cash price of gold on COMEX is $1,350 an ounce, a
bullion dealer might sell a one-ounce Canadian Gold Maple Leaf for about
$1,425. But they'd buy back your coin for $1,350, which is at least the
COMEX cash price.
So buying and selling
palladium bullion is far from ideal. And for large investments, forget
about it. Because another problem with palladium bullion can be
Sometimes bullion dealers buy back palladium... sometimes.
to low turnaround, bullion dealers don't always buy palladium. So it's
very important to check if your palladium bullion dealer will buy your
metal back before dipping your toe in that water.
Palladium bullion... it's not worth the cost.
This $4 Stock Is Disrupting a $1.2 Trillion Industry
a few short years, every car, truck, plane, train, bus, boat, and drone
could be powered by this new technology. And it's all thanks to a
breakthrough in the depths of a secret Army research lab in late 2017.
Click here
to discover the engineering breakthrough that stands to revolutionize
the $1.2 trillion energy industry and the stock primed to net 1,587%
gains from it!
Okay, what about ETFs?
Well, if you really want to invest in palladium that badly, the palladium ETF is the way to go.
Notice I said “the” palladium ETF because, yes, there's only one of any importance: Aberdeen Standard Physical Palladium Shares ETF (NYSE: PALL).
from the high expense ratio, liquidity could be a problem. PALL's
average daily volume is under 24,000. Compare that to the 9,000,000 SPDR Gold Shares ETF (NYSE: GLD) traded everyday. So PALL is still far from an ideal investment.
All in all, investing in palladium is limited, if not very expensive.
But maybe more important for investors to know is why palladium prices are shooting up right now.
short, the price of palladium is increasing on a mix of reported supply
concerns and rising demand for the metal. This is the message that's
being sent out by the mainstream media. Reuters reports,
“Palladium surpassed the $1,400 mark for the first time on Thursday, as
demand for the auto-catalyst metal overtook its availability in the
This is true. But what the mainstream financial media fails to mention is that the palladium and platinum markets are cyclical.
both palladium and platinum are used for many things. But the main
application is for catalytic converters on automobiles. These things:
mentioned earlier palladium's catalytic properties as a vital resource
in a hydrocarbon-based energy society. Here's where that comes into
In short, both palladium and
platinum can act as a sponge to soak up hydrocarbon emissions.
Palladium, for instance, can absorb as much as 900 times its own weight
in hydrocarbons, which is pretty incredible if you ask me.
That makes it (and platinum) ideal for automotive catalytic converters.
More than half of the world's production of palladium and platinum end up in catalytic converters.
So at the end of the day, the catalytic converter market drives the palladium and platinum markets.
Thing is, manufacturers of catalytic converters only need to use either palladium or
platinum as the main catalyst metal in their product. So, throughout
the years, manufacturers of catalytic converters have bought the less
expensive of the two metals to be used in their products.
palladium were less expensive than platinum, engineers would build
catalytic converters using mainly palladium. And if platinum was less
expensive, vice versa.
This substitution
between the two metals alters the supply/demand dynamic, and prices are
affected accordingly. And this is nowhere more clearly seen than in the
platinum/palladium price ratio.
In a much longer-term look at palladium prices alone, we can see more of the auto catalyst industry's action at work.
Palladium Price 40-Year

recent years, the prices of palladium and platinum have exchanged
places as the world's most expensive precious metal. And now that
palladium has taken the throne, it's certain that catalytic converter
manufacturers will begin to look for alternatives.
I mentioned, the price of platinum is almost $600 less per ounce than
palladium. Platinum is 40% cheaper and performs the same function as
palladium. If you're buying material for future catalytic converters,
which metal are you going to buy?
By now you probably see where this is going: Sooner
or later, the demand for palladium for catalytic converters will
dwindle and engineers will be designing them with platinum again.
So, buy platinum?
Yes... but hold on.
Bank 1,000% on the Death of Comcast
America’s most hated cable company is standing on its last leg.
And it’s not because of terrible customer service or mediocre products.
It’s because of a technological shift that’s scheduled to start in late-2018.
It's a shift that could earn you 1,000% gains as three companies bring down big cable.
Platinum Price 5-Year

in platinum has all the same problems as investing in palladium: It's
expensive, investment options are limited, and liquidity can be a
For investors, platinum is a
little better than palladium. But not by much. If investing in palladium
is like getting slapped in the face with your eyes open, investing in
platinum is like getting slapped with your eyes closed. It's not much
It's also very important to note that while platinum and palladium do
have somewhat of an inverse relationship, that relationship is weak.
The relationship between platinum and palladium is not as polarized as
the relationship between gold and the U.S. dollar. So betting on one
going up because the other might fall is a poor bet.
appears very cheap compared to palladium. But it might be five years
before you see any significant gains from the metal directly. That's
because (as you can see in the pt/pd price ratio chart) cyclical changes
to the platinum/palladium market are long term.
So, let's look at the investment options given a long-term approach...
Sit on an ETF for five years?
Ha. No way.
90% of the world's platinum and palladium mining operations are located
in South Africa and Russia. And most of them are in South Africa alone.
(You can blame geology for that.)
you could invest in one of the South African platinum mining companies.
But with major social political problems brewing down there, do you
really want to invest in South African firms right this second for the
next five years or so?
Maybe you know something I don't. But for long-term plays, exposure to high geopolitical risk is not something I want.
Holding a platinum ETF or platinum mining stock over the long term isn't appealing.
But now you've got this itch...
This itch that needs to be scratched...
You've got to buy some platinum.
Fine. I get it.
Satisfy that craving with buying platinum bullion.
normally I'd recommend staying away from buying platinum bullion. And
that's for all the same reasons I already mentioned about palladium
bullion. But, like I said, I know how these things go, and you've got to
have some platinum.
The premiums for
platinum bullion are generally lower than palladium but higher than
gold. And I'd say the same goes for liquidity: Platinum bullion is a bit
more liquid than palladium but not as liquid as gold.
buying a little platinum bullion isn't going to kill you. And it will
mostly be the easiest and most affordable platinum buy over the long
So what should you buy?
are actually a bunch of platinum bullion products. But the only two
worth your time are American Platinum Eagles and Canadian Platinum Maple
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Better Than Insider Trading And100% Legal... proven S-50 Trigger algorithm alerts you to triple-digit gains before they happen!And it just indentified the exact date the next profit cycle will peak: February 19, 2019.Here's how to get on board now...![]()
Dear Reader,
Do yourself a favor and mark February 19th down on your calendar.
You could very well remember it as the day that your life changed forever.
Because on that day, something is happening that will unleash nearly $1.5 BILLION in new wealth...
And send a tiny group of stocks soaring for historic 1,000% gains in just a few months.
How do I know these stocks will explode by February 19th?
Because what's about to happen has already happened dozens of times
before, thanks to a patented trading algorithm known as the "S-50
The S-50 Trigger works similarly to Google's artificial intelligence
(AI) program, which can accurately predict chess moves to win every
Only, instead of chess moves, the S-50 Trigger analyzes social,
economic, and political patterns that will directly affect a select
group of stocks.
It alerts you to a very specific type of event that will cause these stocks to soar before it happens.
I know, it sounds too good to be true...
So, let me show you how it works...
Within the next few minutes, you'll see for yourself that the S-50
Trigger is the real deal and can help you to pull in a steady stream of
double-, triple-, and even quadruple-digit gains on a regular basis.
Take Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) for instance...
On November 1, 2016, the S-50 Trigger alerted me to a series of
events that had a 91% chance of sending Tesla shares to the moon.
After cross-referencing the S-50's alert with my own set of data
points, I realized that something big was about to happen. So, I alerted
my readers to buy Tesla.
And boy, did we clean up...
Take a look:![]()
The S-50 Trigger also alerted us to a big move on Carmanah Technologies Corporation (TSX: CMH).
On December 1, 2013, the S-50 Trigger alerted me to yet another
series of events that had an 87% chance of sending Carmanah shares
So, I cross-referenced the S-50's alert with my own set of data
points and discovered that a major event was about to play out. And I
immediately sent a buy alert to my readers to buy Carmanah.
And we crushed it...
Those are just two examples of the massive gains that we've pulled off by using the S-50 Trigger.
The S-50 Trigger can be used for pretty much any industry: energy,
finance, and tech. But over the past two years, we've had our biggest
successes by using it to get rich from the rapid development of the
legal cannabis market.
Take Aphria (TSX: APH), for instance...
It's a Canadian cannabis producer that had been very successful in raising large amounts of cash.
The S-50 Trigger actually compiles this kind of data to determine the
strength of each company's cash position. And this is only one of the
dozens of data points that it constantly analyzes.
Because of Aphria's strong cash position, it was the company that was
most likely to get the biggest boost from the legalization legislation
that, back in 2017, was still being worked out.
The S-50 Trigger also compiles and analyzes legislation proceedings to determine when and if certain legislation will pass.
Around late-May 2017, the S-50 Trigger alerted us to the potential
time frame in which Ontario's government would be proposing its retail
and distribution model of legalized recreational cannabis.
That time frame was August 29, 2017, to September 12, 2017.
When the S-50 Trigger alerted us to this time frame, Aphria had been trading for around $5.40 a share.
And on September 8th, right inside the window that the
S-50 Trigger alerted us to, Ontario's government proposed its new retail
and distribution model for legalized recreational cannabis.
Here's how that worked out:
About six months after the S-50 Trigger alerted us to Aphria, its stock gained 256.8%.
And Aphria wasn't the only cannabis producer that the S-50 Trigger alerted us to...
Much like Aphria, Canopy Growth Corporation (TSX: WEED) also held a
large cash position and was primed to benefit from legalization
legislation. And thanks to the S-50 Trigger, we loaded up the boat with
shares of Canopy Growth, too.
Here's how that worked out:
And that, my friend, is how the S-50 Trigger is making us rich.
As you may know, cannabis is still illegal on the federal level in the U.S.
But individual states have been legalizing cannabis for both recreational and medical purposes for years.
And every time a new state legalizes pot, a select group of stocks
gets a major shot of steroids and delivers gains of 408%, 844%, and even
as much as 1,119%.
But the key to getting in on this action is to know which stocks to
buy before those new state laws get approved and implemented.
And this is what the S-50 Trigger does for you.
The S-50 Trigger analyzes every new development in each state and
triangulates those developments with proprietary data to determine which
state is the most likely to legalize and on what specific date.
This in-house data is compiled from my own research. It includes
things like insider buying and selling, competitive market analysis,
pending government contracts, and pending licensing approvals. Plus, it
includes the information that I uncover during personal site visits to
producers, legislators, and multimillion-dollar fund managers who are
getting rich from the legal cannabis market.
Basically, it's compiled by the stuff you couldn't possibly know unless you were in the field and meeting with major players.
It's how guys like Warren Buffett, Elon Musk, and Bill Gates do it. And it's how I do it, too.
The S-50 Trigger then analyzes all these inputs and, with amazing
accuracy, tells us which stocks to buy, when to buy them, and at what
You don't have to take my word for it...
It's already happened time and time again.
It happened when Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper signed Amendment
64 into law on December 10, 2012, which legalized cannabis for
recreational use statewide.
Thanks to the S-50 Trigger, WeKnew That This AmendmentWould Be Signed Into LawMonths Before It Happened![]()
Our algorithm identified that:
And it also identified two specific cannabis-related stocks that had
been the most likely to increase in value based on the approval of
legalization in Colorado.
And most importantly, of all the potential dates for the bill to be
signed into law, the S-50 Trigger indicated that there was more than a
90% chance that it would happen on December 10, 2012.
And that's the exact date that it happened.
On December 10, 2012, the bill to legalize recreational cannabis in Colorado became law.
And before it happened, you could've used the S-50 Trigger to buy the two companies that it identified.
The first company was one called Aerogrow International (OTC: AERO).
From December 3, 2012, to March 5, 2014, it ran from $0.75 a share to $9.60, delivering a gain of 1,180%:
Folks who got in on this one turned every $10,000 invested into $128,000.
You could've also picked up shares of Agritek Holdings (OTC: AGTK).
This one ran from only $0.04 to $1.20 a share for a gain of 2,899%.
That would have turned a $5,000 investment into a whopping $149,950 in profits:
And this isn't dumb luck or a one-time event, either. The S-50
Trigger has been right on the money, time and time again, for years.
The S-50 Trigger also alerted us to a big event that would happen on July 23, 2013.
And sure enough, this was the actual date that Oregon Governor Kate
Brown signed a bill into law that made the sale of recreational pot
legal throughout the state.
Because we knew ahead of time that July 23, 2013, was the date it
would all go down, you could have started buying the select group of
stocks that the S-50 Trigger suggested before the news broke and other investors started piling in.
Using the S-50 Trigger, you could have picked up shares of a company
called Cannabis Sativa (OTC: CBDS), which had been actively doing deals
with Oregon dispensaries.
Before July 23, 2013, CBDS had been trading for only $0.51 a share.
But just seven months later, you could have unloaded your position for
$11 a share — a massive gain of 2,056%.
And that would've turned a $5,000 grubstake into a windfall of more than $105,000:
Now, before we go any further, let me ask you...
What would you do with profits like these?
You could buy a cherry red Tesla Model S equipped with the autopilot feature...
![]() Maybe take a private cruise through the Mediterranean on a private yacht... ![]()
Or pay off your mortgage.
That, my friend, is the power of the S-50 Trigger algorithm.
And by using it, I've been able to lead people just like you to gains of 670%, 1,866%, 2,238%, and more!
As far as I know, you won't be able to find a resource like this anywhere else in the world.
My team and I have spent tens of thousands of hours on research and
travel. And we've spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on developing
this proprietary system. The S-50 Trigger is amazingly accurate and has
delivered a steady stream of huge winners.
In fact, the S-50 Trigger alerted us to a string of massive gains on November 8, 2016.
This was the date when a handful of states, including Maine,
Massachusetts, California, and Nevada, passed legislation to allow the
recreational use of marijuana.
And with the S-50 Trigger, we'd known that this legislation was
coming. So, we'd loaded up the boat with cannabis stocks months before
the votes on these measures were even cast.
Once legislation did pass, here's what happened to these legal cannabis stocks within just weeks:
All these windfalls can be directly tied to buying these stocks before legalization was approved.
We've been making a fortune again and again by using the S-50 Trigger.
And now, it's your turn. Because the S-50 Trigger has officially
alerted us to a group of stocks that are primed for massive gains.
A new event that will be taking place in a market is so big that it
could actually rival the value of Colorado's $2 BILLION cannabis
And it couild send this small group of stocks into the stratosphere.
But before I give you the details on this huge opportunity and how to
get on board right now, please allow me to introduce myself...
My Name Is Jeff Siegel![]()
I'm a senior investment analyst and lead researcher at Angel
Publishing — one of the world's largest independent investment research
advisories, headquartered in Baltimore.
You may have seen me speaking on Fox News, CNBC, or Bloomberg.
Or maybe you've read my top-selling book Making Money on Green Chip Stocks.
I've been showing people how to create and protect their wealth for over 20 years.
And I started covering pot stocks long before the mainstream ever did.
It's why I've been invited to speak at the High Times Cannabis Cup and many other investment conferences across the globe.
The end of marijuana's prohibition has been igniting the biggest gold
rushes of our lifetime, and it's not too late to get your piece of the
With legalization happening on a greater scale than ever before, the time to get in is NOW.
Today, recreational cannabis is legal in eight states and in D.C.
And by 2020, it could be 100% legal in all 50 states.
My readers are already sitting on huge triple- and quadruple-digit
winners in the marijuana investing space, thanks to the S-50 Trigger.
We're talking gains in excess of:
These nine stocks alone could have made you combined gains of more than 7,612.4%.
And I'm confident that these will continue going much, much higher.
But that's just a sample of the triple- and quadruple-digit winners
that I've been guiding my readers to in the legal marijuana sector.
Recently, an investor stopped me at a conference I was speaking at to tell me that my advice had helped him make over $400,000.
What would you do with a $400,000 windfall?
You could buy a summer home in the Virgin Islands...
![]() You could put your kids or grandkids through college... ![]() Hell, you could fly first class to Japan just to get sushi. ![]()
I'm not telling you this to brag but, rather, to show you that when
it comes to identifying and seizing opportunities in the marijuana
markets, nothing compares to the track record of the S-50 Trigger.
Indeed, the movement to legalize cannabis is spreading like wildfire.
And here's the thing: This isn't only limited to states in the U.S.
As you may already know, pot is being legalized internationally in
places like Canada, Uruguay, Portugal, and Germany. And that means there
will be even more opportunities all over the world for you to profit from...
For instance, when Canada announced its plan for full-scale
legalization back in April 2017, we'd already been loading up on several
Canadian pot companies for months in anticipation of the historic
And we watched our shares catapult for home run gains, like:
But don't worry if you missed out on these profits — there are plenty
of explosive opportunities for cannabis profits on the horizon.
I know this because the S-50 Trigger has already identified the
states that are the most likely to legalize next. And more importantly,
it's identified which cannabis stocks will deliver the biggest gains as a
According to the most recent S-50 Trigger data analysis, the next big
opportunity to profit from the legalization wave is now upon us.
February 19, 2019, to be exact.
You see, on November 6, 2018, the state of Michigan legalized the recreational use of cannabis.
And on February 19th, lawmakers will meet to discuss the regulatory framework that will allow cannabis companies to begin legally selling recreational cannabis.
This is also around the time when regulators will decide which companies get approved to sell cannabis and which don't.
But thanks to the S-50 Trigger, we already know which stocks to buy now ahead of this big announcement.
You see, my contacts in Detroit and Lansing, Michigan, have informed
me that regulators actually began to create new regulatory and tax
documents before legalization was even approved in November.
So, with that knowledge, I've been able to cross-reference S-50's
database of the publicly-traded cannabis companies that are already on
the ground in Michigan, working with local officials.
These are the companies that will be ready to capitalize the very moment those new regulations are approved.
Once Michigan announces these names publicly, there will be a mad run
on these stocks. But we'll already be in, letting the trend chasers
make us rich.
It's a proven strategy that we've made a fortune from with other
states that have legalized recreational cannabis, such as California,
Nevada, and Colorado.
It works like a charm.
But what makes the Michigan market particularly exciting is that this
state's legal cannabis program is expected to reach maturity with sales
of about $2 billion in less than five years. That's billion with a "B."
Make no mistake, this is happening. And you better believe
we're staking our claim now — before the next legislative session begins
and the rest of the trend chasers come running.
I'll show you how to play this big opportunity for maximum profits in
just a moment — plus, several more emerging opportunities that the S-50
Trigger has uncovered.
But there's something that you have to understand if you want to make some real money in the cannabis space...
Most Pot Stocks Are Duds![]()
Yes, we've seen our pot stocks go absolutely ballistic in the wake of recent historic legislation.
For example, when Colorado passed America's first legalization bill
in 2014, it opened the floodgates to all types of investment
With stocks like:
These are only a few of the big winners. And the people who'd built a position early made a fortune.
Only a handful of folks did. And some of my readers were among the lucky few.
But the truth is, far more stocks went nowhere.
Truth is, I see too many investors assuming that all pot stocks will go up — they won't.
You shouldn't just blindly buy any stock that has "cannabis" or "weed" in its name.
But unfortunately, it's what most investors do.
Then, guess what...
When it's revealed that these companies are being mismanaged — that they're burning through cash or are nothing but con games...
Everyday investors lose their shirts.
And the founders cash out before anyone figures it out — with no one getting rich but them.
Unfortunately, I've seen this happen over and over again during my 20 years in the markets.
And the marijuana market is no exception.
Take CV Sciences (OTC: CVSI), formerly known as CannaVest Corp., for example...
It rocketed from $2 a share in 2012 to a high of $161 in 2014.
No stock at the time was flying higher than CannaVest, which briefly hit a market valuation of $3 billion.
One of the company's board members even became the first pot stock "billionaire."
But when the CEO publicly admitted that it had grossly overstated the
value of the company's assets, the stock price fell faster than Wile E.
Coyote tethered to an anvil.
The company was even charged with fraud by the SEC.
CV Sciences saw nearly all its money instantly vanish while shares plunged 99% to a price of $0.23.
I don't want that to be you. And that's why you MUST have access to
solid, quantitative evidence that allows you to avoid dogs like CV
Sciences and focus only on the legitimate pot stocks that are delivering
triple- and quadruple-digit gains.
The S-50 Trigger helps you to avoid the losers while focusing on the
winners by using 50 select data points. Plus, I'm conducting research
every single day.
Unlike most analysts who spend most of their time sitting behind
fancy desks, sipping overpriced lattes, I'm out in the field,
investigating each and every opportunity I find. I make sure that these
companies are properly licensed, check their books, and ensure that
every claim they make can be verified.
There's no other way to do it.
Of course, you have to understand that the information and analysis
provided by the S-50 Trigger isn't something you'll find in the
mainstream media.
In fact, the mainstream media usually only reports on the big winners in the cannabis space after we've already locked in our profits.
So, needless to say, I don't chase headlines...
I don't cast my lot with whatever the media spits out or whatever the market thinks is "hot."
Instead, I rely on my boots-on-the-ground investigative processes
and, of course, my patented S-50 Trigger that alerts me to what's "hot"
months before the mainstream media catches on.
It's what has allowed us to make so much money in the legal cannabis
game over the past few years. And it's already leading us to even bigger
profits this year.
There's no other way to do it.
The fact that there's no market on the planet that's growing faster
or is more lucrative than cannabis, means there's no room for error.
Last year, sales from the North American cannabis industry clocked in at around $6.7 billion.
By 2021, sales are expected to exceed $21 billion.
That's more money than the NFL pulls in every year!
It's bigger and has faster market growth than what we saw back in the
early days of the internet. And it's bigger than anything else you can
get into today.
You simply can't afford to miss this once-in-a-generation opportunity.
The bottom line is that you have a chance to capture your share of
the new wealth that's being created in the legal marijuana market. And
it's not too late to get a piece of this action. But you don't want to
miss the next wave, because we're talking about as much as $200 billion
from recreational cannabis in the U.S. alone.
Thanks to the S-50 Trigger, I already know which states will
officially launch their new legal markets, and when they'll do it. I
also already know the marijuana companies that are in line for the
biggest gains along the way.
Now, February 19th is the next big day... that's when Michigan state
regulators will begin to decide which companies will be approved to sell
recreational cannabis, and which won't.
And there is a fortune to be made between now and then.
The truth is, 2019 is already looking like it will be our most profitable year ever!
And if you decide to accept this invitation to try the S-50 Trigger, it could be yours, too. Here's why...
The state of California legalized recreational marijuana in 2018.
California is the fifth-largest economy in the entire world.
The market for recreational cannabis is bigger in California than in
any other state. Its new recreational marijuana economy is valued at $7
billion a year!
And that's just to start...
The opportunities are popping up like weeds...
And the S-50 Trigger has already pinpointed every single one of them for 2019.
I've written a special report that highlights these companies, and
I'd like to give you a copy of it today. I'd also like to give you
instant access to an interactive map that is updated daily by the S-50
Trigger algorithm. It highlights potential legalization dates and the
companies in each state that are primed for the biggest gains this year.
The report, called "The S-50 Trigger: Your Guide to the Most Explosive Pot Stock Gains of 2019,"
tells you everything you'll need to know in order to make a boatload of
cash from the legal marijuana market, like why Michigan is on the cusp
of something big.
And the S-50 Trigger has already identified the three stocks that
will likely benefit the most from legalization in Michigan. In my
special report, you get the names of those stocks and my full analysis
on them.
I'll tell you how to get immediate access to this report in just a
moment. But before I do, I want to tell you about some of the other top
opportunities that the S-50 Trigger has identified in other industries.
Take a look at some of the winners that we've landed over the years, thanks to the S-50 Trigger:
Granted, though not all of my picks are guaranteed to go this high,
my readers have still had the chance to see many impressive triple-digit
Take a look...
"Jeff, Yes, Thanks! Loaded up my boat, well at least for my size portfolio, 5000 shares @ avg of $1. So $5K is now $20K."
— Peter H.
"Hi Jeff, My entry point was $0.99, so my score is 332%. Very Good! And thanks."
— Rene L.
"Jeff: Thank you so much for your publication. Over the last year I
have bought UGTH on four different occasions parlaying my gains into
where we are today. My gain thus far is almost 300% on my total
investment. Keep up the great work and thank you so much."
— Mary L.
"Up 163%! My deepest and darkest regret... I didn't mortgage the house! Thanks for the work!"
— Mike P.
Of course, those gains are still peanuts compared to what we've been pulling in from the legal cannabis space.
You've already seen some of the triple- and quadruple-digit gains
that we've landed in the legal cannabis space. And mark my words,
there's plenty more to come between now and February 19th — when
Michigan regulators will meet to decide which companies will be approved
to sell recreational cannabis in the state.
The S-50 Trigger narrowed the selection of cannabis companies in
Michigan with the greatest potential upside. And I actually have a
printout of those companies sitting on my desk right now. You can get a
list of those names, too.
But remember, this doesn't stop with just Michigan — or even with the U.S...
The S-50 Trigger operates on a global scale. It's how I know that Germany is close to legalization right now.
You see, German government officials, including the party of
Chancellor Angela Merkel, are nearing an agreement to completely
legalize marijuana. And once that happens, Germany will become the hub
for cannabis production and distribution for all of Europe.
The S-50 alerted us to this development last fall and highlighted the
company that had recently acquired all the permits to ship cannabis
from Canada to Germany.
This wasn't something being reported in the news, because, quite frankly, it's not particularly exciting.
But for us, it's an integral part of our strategy to profit from the future legalization of cannabis in Germany.
The company is called Aurora Cannabis. And when the S-50 Trigger gave the buy signal, we loaded up the boat and paid $3 a share.
Eleven days later, it closed out for higher than $6 a share.
And by January 2018, it was trading for more than $13 a share.
Take a look:
That's the power of the S-50 Trigger!
Now, given the kinds of results that I've shown you today — gains in excess of 203%, 677%, and 1,788%
— you can probably imagine that there are plenty of people who would
pay a small fortune to get access to my proprietary S-50 Trigger
In fact, I personally know people who'd take out a second — or third —
mortgage on their home in order to get their hands on this thing.
But I've made it much easier than that — much, much easier...
Instead of keeping access to the S-50 Trigger to myself or attaching
some huge price tag to it, I want to make it easy for you to get on
board before our next trigger alert. That's why I've made it available
to you today at the low price of only $99.
Accept my invitation today, and you'll have immediate access to the
S-50 Trigger's interactive map and the report that I mentioned earlier, "The S-50 Trigger: Your Guide to the Most Explosive Pot Stock Gains of 2019," which is a $499 value.
But that's not all...
You'll also get a free one-year membership to my private investment community Green Chip Stocks, a $1,200 value. This is where I post every new development that the S-50 Trigger uncovers. And there are a lot...
In fact, members of Green Chip Stocks get at least one update per week and at least one new investment opportunity per month.
Sometimes, these opportunities come in the form of buy alerts for any
number of legal marijuana stocks. Here are a few of our winners:
Again, the Power of the S-50Trigger Is Undeniable![]()
Now to ensure fairness to our members who have been with us for
years, and members of my staff, who work 12-hour days to make sure that
every opportunity we present will make you money, our special briefing, "The S-50 Trigger: Your Guide to the Most Explosive Pot Stock Gains of 2019," is not refundable.
The bottom line is that I'm only interested in working with serious
investors who are committed to wealth creation. Anything less is of no
value to our community.
Of course, as long as you're a member of our community, and your free
membership allows you all the benefits of membership, you can contact
me with any questions. My staff and I would be happy to work with you to
ensure that you get the full value of your membership.
As a member, you'll also be able to join me for our private
member-only dinners, our annual members-only summit, and our
members-only research trips.
One of our most successful trips was a recent two-day junket in
Denver where we went behind the scenes of the legal marijuana industry.
We sat in boardrooms with millionaire CEOs,
toured "off-limits" research labs, and even capped off our first day
with a members-only dinner where we dined on braised grass-fed beef
short ribs, Moroccan chicken, and a wonderful selection of organic
biodynamic wines.
And by the way, this was all free of charge — just one of the many benefits of a membership in our community.
I wouldn't expect anything less from any private investment group that I belong to, so I don't expect anything less for you.
So, if you're a serious investor who's interested in the types of exclusive benefits that I've shared...
If you want to get on board for the next round of double-, triple-, and quadruple-digit gains like we've talked about...
Then I urge you to accept this invitation now, so you can get in on
the handful of stocks that will soar between now and February 19th,
thanks to Michigan's big move.
The S-50 Trigger has been right time and time again. And it's already
identified a select group of stocks as the next big winners.
If you don't own any of the stocks that are set to soar once the
legal cannabis market in Michigan goes live, you could miss out on our
next 897%, 1,112%, even 2,238% gain.
There's still time to get on board, but you must act quickly.
Make no mistake: A $2 billion opportunity will be unleashed within a
matter of months. And the only way to get a piece of it is to stake your
claim right now, before the news breaks.
Click here to get your copy of "The S-50 Trigger: Your Guide to the Most Explosive Pot Stock Gains of 2019" right now.
To a new way of life and a new generation of wealth,
![]() Jeff Siegel Investment Director, Green Chip Stocks ![]() |