Peta Perang Terbaru di Aleppo
Peta terbaru ini menunjukkan keberhasilan besar Tentara Suriah
dan IDF dalam menguasai wilayah-wilayah yang diduduki Takfiri binaan
Saudi Arabia, AS dan Turki.
Berikut ini adalah peta perang terbaru di Aleppo yang dirilis pada 22 Februari 2014 oleh Syrian Perspective.
Peta terbaru ini menunjukkan keberhasilan besar Tentara Suriah dan IDF dalam menguasai wilayah-wilayah yang diduduki Takfiri binaan Saudi Arabia, AS dan Turki.
Peta terakhir ini juga menunjukkan posisi pengepungan Tentara Arab Suriah dan IDF terhadap wilayah-wilayah di Aleppo yang masih dikuasai para Takfiri. [IT]
Anggota Senior Al-Qaeda Setor Nyawa di Aleppo
Dua militan ekstrimis telah membunuh seorang agen senior Al-Qaeda di
kota Aleppo Suriah, disaat pertikaian antara kelompok-kelompok mlitan
asing terus meningkat di negara Arab.
Dua militan ekstrimis telah membunuh seorang agen senior Al-Qaeda di
kota Aleppo Suriah, disaat pertikaian antara kelompok-kelompok mlitan
asing terus meningkat di negara Arab.
Berbagai laporan mengatakan bahwa para pelaku melakukan bom bunuh diri di kompleks Abu Khaled al- Suri pada hari Minggu (24/2/14).
Abu Khaled Suri adalah wakil pemimpin al- Qaeda Ayman al- Zawahri di Suriah dan juga salah satu pendiri dari kelompok yang berafiliasi dengan al-Qaeda dari Ahrar al-Sham.
Berbagai laporan mengatakan bahwa para pelaku melakukan bom bunuh diri di kompleks Abu Khaled al- Suri pada hari Minggu (24/2/14).
Abu Khaled Suri adalah wakil pemimpin al- Qaeda Ayman al- Zawahri di Suriah dan juga salah satu pendiri dari kelompok yang berafiliasi dengan al-Qaeda dari Ahrar al-Sham.
Negara Islam Irak dan Sham diduga berada di balik serangan tersebut, laporan itu menambahkan.
ISIS dalam beberapa hari terakhir berusaha untuk menguasai wilayah di Suriah utara.
Pada tanggal 21 Februari, insiden serupa dari pertikaian terjadi antara anggota ISIL dan Tentara Pembebasan Suriah (FSA) di dekat Bab al - Salameh, sebelah utara Aleppo.(IT/TGM)
ISIS dalam beberapa hari terakhir berusaha untuk menguasai wilayah di Suriah utara.
Pada tanggal 21 Februari, insiden serupa dari pertikaian terjadi antara anggota ISIL dan Tentara Pembebasan Suriah (FSA) di dekat Bab al - Salameh, sebelah utara Aleppo.(IT/TGM)
Tentara Suriah Kuasai
Dataran Tinggi Golan
Islam Times -
Tentara Suriah memperkuat posisinya di Quneitra sebagai bagian dari upaya pembersihan teroris dukungan asing.
Tentara Suriah, semangat tinggi untuk menang.jpg
Pasukan pemerintah Suriah berhasil menguasai dua wilayah barat daya di tepi Dataran Tinggi Golan yang diduduki Israel. Kemenangan itu adalah kemenangan terbaru Tentara Suriah terhadap pemberontak dukungan asing.
Seorang pejabat militer Suriah mengatakan, Tentara berhasil menguasai kembali daerah Rasm al-Jam dan Rasm al-Sad, sebelah selatan kota Quneitra.
Observatorium HAM Suriah yang berbasis di Inggris menegaskan bahwa pasukan pemerintah telah menyerang di wilayah tersebut. Angkatan Udara Suriah juga ikut berpartisipasi dalam operasi itu.
Tentara Suriah memperkuat posisinya di Quneitra sebagai bagian dari upaya pembersihan teroris dukungan asing.
Pada hari Selasa (18/2/14), pasukan Suriah juga berhasil mengambil alih desa strategis Sheikh Najjar dan Ghali Hill, dekat kota Aleppo.
Sejumlah besar pemberontak, termasuk beberapa warga asing, tewas dalam serangan itu. Sejumlah besar senjata, termasuk senapan mesin berat, peluncur roket dan bahan peledak berhasil disita.[IT/r]
Israel Adalah Pangkalan Militer AS
di Timur Tengah
Seorang analis politik Amerika menyebut Israel sebagai pos militer Amerika Serikat di Timur Tengah, yang menjalankan tender dari pemerintah AS di kawasan tersebut.
"Israel lebih dari sekedar sekutu AS di Timur Tengah dan kawasan secara keseluruhan. Ini [Israel] adalah mitra junior. Sebuah pos militer. Sebuah entitas yang melakukan tawar-menawar AS di kawasan itu," kata Phil Wilayto, editor koran Virginia Defender, dalam sebuah wawancara telepon dengan Press TV pada hari Ahad (23/2).
Menyusul perundingan pekan lalu di Wina antara Iran dan lima anggota tetap Dewan Keamanan PBB - Inggris, Cina, Perancis, Rusia, dan Amerika Serikat – ditambah Jerman untuk mencapai kesepakatan final soal program energi nuklir Iran, juru runding Washington, Wendy Sherman, melakukan kunjungan singkat ke Israel.
Koran Haaretz Israel Kamis lalu melaporkan bahwa bahkan sebelum perundingan pekan lalu, Menteri Intelijen Israel Yuval Steinitz telah berdialog dengan Sherman tentang perundingan nuklir dengan Iran.
Sherman mengatakan kepada wartawan pada hari Sabtu (22/2) bahwa meskipun Amerika Serikat tidak setuju dengan Israel soal semua opsi, "Ini sangat penting bagi kita untuk mendapat masukan dan ide-ide dari Israel."(IRIB Indonesia/MZ)
Saudi dan Israel Membantu Teroris Irak
Arab Saudi dan Israel mendukung para teroris al-Qaeda di Irak, demikian kata seorang politisi Irak, Senin (24/4).
"Militer Irak sedang berperang secara terbuka dengan teroris. Arab
Saudi telah mengirim senjata serta teroris," kata Mohammed Alauqili,
pejabat anggota Koalisi Negara Hukum.
Pasukan keamanan
Irak sedang bertempur untuk memberantas teroris al-Qaeda dalam kelompok
yang disebut Daulah Islam fi Iraq wa Syam (DIIS) di kota Ramadi dan
Fallujah di bagian barat propinsi Anbar Irak dalam dua bulan terakhir.
"Para militan DIIS juga telah menggunakan senjata kecil yang tampaknya Israel," tambah Alauqili.
Menrutunya perbatasan Irak dengan Arab Saudi telah menjadi rute utama bagi penyaluran aliran senjata untuk teroris DIIS.
"DIIS sedang mencoba berperang di berbagai kota dalam upaya untuk
memecah barisan militer Irak. Israel membantu mereka," tambahnya.
Kekerasan meletus di Anbar Desember lalu setelah pasukan keamanan
membersihkan sebuah kamp protes di Ramadi. Pihak berwenang Irak
mengatakan kamp tersebut digunakan sebagai "markas para gembong teroris
al-Qaeda untuk melancarkan serangan."
Dalam pertempuran di propinsi Anbar, pasukan keamanan dan militer Irak didukung oleh suku Sunni lokal.(IRIB Indonesia/MZ)
Pengaruh Saudi di Suriah Semakin Kuat?
Senin, 24 Februari 2014, 10:43 WIB
Arab Saudi memiliki pengaruh kuat di
wilayah selatan Suriah. Berkoordinasi dengan Yordania, Saudi membantu
menyatukan pejuang pemberontak di daerah itu untuk melawan Presiden
Bashar Al-Assad.
Dilansir dari AFP, Saudi saat ini seperti membayangi Qatar sebagai pendukung utama pemberontak Suriah. Ini disampaikan pemimpin Koalisi Nasional Suriah Ahmad Jarba. Sementara di sisi lain menurut pejabat yang tak mau menyebut namanya, Qatar dan Turki bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan koordinasi dengan pemberontak di utara Suriah.
Ditubuh internal, Saudi mengganti Kepala Intelijennya Pangeran Bandar bin Sultan. Selama ini ia memimpin upaya Riyadh terkait Suriah. Para diplomat Barat mengatakan, file mengenai penggeseran Bandar telah diteruskan ke Menteri Dalam Negeri Pangeran Mohammed bin Nayef.
Selama ini Bandar dikenal karena tindakan kerasnya pada Alqaidah. Menyusul gelombang serangan mematikan di kerajaan, antara tahun 2003-2006. Sementara itu, Saudi mencela keputusan Washington yang mencegah sekutunya menyediakan senjata bagi pemberontak. Washington selama ini meminta sekutunya tak melakukan intervensi militer di Suriah.
Dilansir dari AFP, Saudi saat ini seperti membayangi Qatar sebagai pendukung utama pemberontak Suriah. Ini disampaikan pemimpin Koalisi Nasional Suriah Ahmad Jarba. Sementara di sisi lain menurut pejabat yang tak mau menyebut namanya, Qatar dan Turki bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan koordinasi dengan pemberontak di utara Suriah.
Ditubuh internal, Saudi mengganti Kepala Intelijennya Pangeran Bandar bin Sultan. Selama ini ia memimpin upaya Riyadh terkait Suriah. Para diplomat Barat mengatakan, file mengenai penggeseran Bandar telah diteruskan ke Menteri Dalam Negeri Pangeran Mohammed bin Nayef.
Selama ini Bandar dikenal karena tindakan kerasnya pada Alqaidah. Menyusul gelombang serangan mematikan di kerajaan, antara tahun 2003-2006. Sementara itu, Saudi mencela keputusan Washington yang mencegah sekutunya menyediakan senjata bagi pemberontak. Washington selama ini meminta sekutunya tak melakukan intervensi militer di Suriah.
Orang Dekat Osamah bin Laden Tewas
Dibom Gerilyawan Islam
Senin, 24 Februari 2014, 13:33 WIB
Reuters/Jalal Al-Mamo
Reuters/Jalal Al-Mamo
Perwakilan Al-Qaidah di Suriah tewas
dalam serangan bom bunuh diri pada Ahad waktu setempat. Demikian kata
gerilyawan Front Islam mengumumkan di akun Twitter-nya.
''Abu Khalid al-Suri, yang diangkat tahun lalu oleh pemimpin
Al-Qaidah Ayman al-Zawahiri sebagai wakilnya, meninggal di kota utara
Aleppo,'' kata kelompok itu.
Front Islam adalah aliansi gerilyawan terbesar di Suriah dan telah
terkunci dalam pertempuran dengan jihad Negara Islam Irak dan
Mediterania (ISIL).
Suri adalah seorang komandan gerakan Ahrar al-Sham, salah satu kelompok gerilyawan utama dalam aliansi Front Islam.
Kematiannya dalam pemboman bunuh diri di wilayah Al-Halq, Aleppo,
juga dikonfirmasi oleh Observatorium Suriah untuk Hak Asasi Manusia
(SOHR) dan situs jihad.
Kepala Observatorium, Rami Abdel Rahman, mengatakan ia meninggal
bersama dengan enam rekan ketika para pelaku jihad dari kelompok saingan
ISIL meledakkan dirinya di satu pos Ahrar al-Sham di Al-Halq.
Suri bertempur di Afghanistan dan Irak. Dia dikenal sangat dekat
dengan Osamah bin Laden --pendiri Al-Qaidah yang tewas oleh pasukan AS
di Pakistan pada tahun 2011.
Situs jihad juga menggambarkan Suri sebagai teman seperjalanan Sheikh
al-Zawahiri dan di antara para sahabat Sheikh Osama bin Laden
Suriah Pasca-Jenewa II
Ibnu Burdah ; Pemerhati masalah Timur Tengah dan
Dunia Islam,
Fakultas Adab UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
MERDEKA, 05 Februari 2014
KONFERENSI damai Jenewa II
(22-31/1/14) tidak membawa hasil sebagaimana diharapkan. Memang ada agenda
untuk kembali melanjutkan negosiasi pada 10 Februari mendatang, tetapi proses
negosiasi selama sepekan lalu tersebut telah memperlihatkan lebarnya jurang perbedaan
persoalan inti bagi kedua belah pihak. Sungguh tinggi pesimisme untuk
melanjutkan kembali konferensi tersebut.
Fakta memperlihatkan bahwa
konferensi awal pun gagal menghasilkan kesepakatan terbatas, berupa
pembebasan sebagian tahanan, gencatan senjata lokal sementara guna memberi
jalan bagi distribusi bantuan kemanusiaan, dan mengevakuasi sebagian korban.
Tiga masalah itu dianggap memiliki perbedaan ‘’ringan’’ sehingga didahulukan
dalam agenda perundingan. Tapi itu pun gagal menemukan titik temu.
Kedua pihak sama-sama kaku pada
posisi masing-masing. Kubu oposisi bersikeras Assad harus turun, serta tak
terlibat dalam pemerintahan transisi dan proses demokrasi di Suriah ke depan.
Tuntutan itu hampir tak banyak berubah sejak menjelang konferensi damai
Jenewa I hingga akhir perundingan Jenewa II. Tuntutan ini jelas tak masuk
akal menilik paritas kekuatan kedua pihak di lapangan.
Kubu Assad yang masih cukup
kuat, mudah ditebak, menolak mentah-mentah, sebagaimana berulang kali
disampaikan, dan hampir tanpa perubahan. Menerima tuntutan itu bagi mereka
bukan hanya berarti kehilangan kekuasaan melainkan juga ancaman. Mereka bukan
hanya akan diseret ke pengadilan dengan tuntutan kejahatan kemanusiaan
melainkan juga menjadi antagonis baru Suriah. Sebuah hal yang sangat tidak
mereka inginkan.
Penyebab Kegagalan
Namun, penyebab kegagalan
sejauh ini bukan karena semata alotnya sikap oposisi melainkan juga kekakuan
sikap kubu Assad. Mereka menginginkan Assad sepenuhnya masih memimpin
transisi dan berhak ikut dalam proses demokrasi. Ini tentu sama dengan bohong
bagi kubu oposisi. Apa pun konsesi lain yang diberikan kepada mereka, tak
banyak membawa arti jika hal itu tak dinegosiasikan. Pasalnya, tujuan politik
dari gerakan rakyat dan militer oposisi Suriah adalah menjatuhkan rezim
Kondisi di lapangan sebenarnya
sudah sangat memaksa untuk berdamai. Mereka pasti sadar tak bakal memperoleh
kemenangan telak, sekali pun dengan pengorbanan lebih besar lagi. Tetapi ada
faktor lain yang memperkuat kengototan dua kubu itu, yakni peranan
aktor-aktor luar yang mendukung mereka.
Beberapa negara Teluk seperti
menyediakan cek kosong kepada oposisi, baik sayap politik maupun militer,
asalkan mereka mati-matian menjatuhkan rezim Assad. Ini membuat logistik
mereka begitu kuat sehingga bisa bertahan sangat lama. Beberapa negara Eropa
dan AS, kendati tidak sengotot negara-negara Teluk, juga terus mendorong agar
perjuangan mereka bisa menjatuhkan Assad. Minimal hingga saat ini, oposisi
berpikir bahwa mereka tetap mampu melanjutkan perang sebab logistik cukup
Sementara pendukung Assad,
seperti Iran dan Hizbullah, menunjukkan sikap konsisten seolah-olah siap mati
bersama andai rezim Assad dihancurkan. Ini membuat rezim ini merasa lebih
tenang menghadapi pasukan militer oposisi dan juga di meja perundingan.
Dukungan politik dan militer Rusia yang makin naik daun di bawah Putin juga
membuat rezim ini tak mau memberikan konsesi besar dalam perundingan.
Korban Kemanusiaan
Kegagalan perundingan damai
berarti keberlanjutan perang. Faktanya, perang berkobar makin kejam begitu
perundingan ini tak menghasilkan kesepakatan. Pasukan rezim langsung menabuh
genderang perang besar di wilayah-wilayah yang dikuasai oposisi, terutama di
kota Aleppo. Kita melihat korban kemanusiaan semakin tak terhindarkan.
Entah sampai kapan perang keji
ini akan berakhir menilik paritas kedua pihak yang relatif seimbang. Kapan
perang berakhir adalah misteri seperti misteri kematian seseorang. Akan
tetapi, skenario yang mengkhawatirkan adalah perang akan berlangsung lama dan
berisiko makin destruktif.
Sebenarnya banyaknya korban
nyawa yang jatuh, korban terluka, destruksi masif, dan penderitaan panjang
jutaan warga Suriah seharusnya sudah cukup membuat pemimpin pihak-pihak yang
berseteru untuk ìmemaksakanî ada hasil minimal dalam perundingan tersebut.
Hasil minimal itu adalah penghentian perang (gencatan senjata) meski
Para aktor kawasan yang begitu
ambisius, baik yang mendukung rezim maupun oposisi, seharusnya punya hati
melihat yang terjadi di Suriah. Senjata dan uang yang mereka berikan telah
menjadi bola-bola api yang membunuh banyak orang, termasuk anak-anak dan
orang tua, dan menghancurkan kehidupan.
Perlu terus menggelorakan
harapan supaya sesi II perundingan bisa digelar. Idealnya, negosiasi itu jangan
dilakukan dalam sorot kamera saja. Beban para perunding terhadap ìbosnyaî
ataupun para pendukung, terlalu besar. Para perunding sedikit-sedikit jumpa
pers ìpribadiî yang bukan cari solusi melainkan ìcari mukaî dari para
pendukung. Perundingan harus dilakukan melalui multijalur, multipendekatan,
dan dengan tekanan besar kepada masing-masing pihak untuk segera mengambil
kesepakatan positif. ●
Syria: Fighters and mice all that
remain in Old Homs
Syrian young boy flashes the sign of victory amid dust as a man runs in
a street of the northern city of Aleppo following a reported Syrian
government forces air strike on February 21, 2014. (Photo: AFP - Baraa
Homs – The car enters al-Arrab Street near al-Dablan
and other flashpoint neighborhoods in the Syrian city of Homs. The
street is a reminder of its former cheerful days, when it was the site
of art exhibits and cultural events.
Reaching the temporary lodgings of the people who left Old Homs is not an easy feat. An army checkpoint awaits you, with a soldier wanting to know where you are heading and the reason for your visit. The elegant buildings in al-Arrab do not have bullet and shell marks. Its residents left after the initial clashes in al-Dablan, but they quickly returned; this makes the neighborhood stand out in comparison to nearby neighborhoods that have been abandoned.
Al-Andalus School, which the government turned into a shelter for refugees, is across the street from the Education Directorate. It houses about 340 civilians who left old Homs, paving the way for the exit of some men with their families. People who have nowhere to stay under the auspices of the state will remain in the old building.
The front of the building shows signs of old clashes, and there are policemen at its entrance to inspect IDs and conduct searches. In the school’s playground, children play soccer. Clergymen leave the center. They visit the families all the time. One sounds confident that the rest will be out soon. A woman standing nearby whispers: “They’re never going to come out. They boobytrapped the tunnels, and the road is full of snipers.”
Dr. Abdel-Qader Zubair had only two months left to finish his residency at al-Walid Hospital located in the Waer neighborhood, but he ended up in a field hospital after he was kidnapped from the hospital. Zubair has tried to return to his family.
“We were caught between a rock and a hard place. We were afraid of the militants inside, but we didn’t dare flee because we were afraid of how the security forces and the army was going to treat us. Were they going to treat us as if we were fighters?” he said.
Khaled al-Masry is an anesthesiologist. He was kidnapped from al-Bir Hospital in the Waer neighborhood to work at a field hospital in Jouret al-Shayah. The doctors there had no choice but to accept the situation. Leaving the hospital was forbidden. Masry said he and a friend escaped by helping to carry aid packages that were brought in. “We met the United Nations representative and gave him an idea about our situation. So he took us out in his car right away. We underwent a routine investigation then left,” he said.
Baraa, 8, is full of tales: “They don’t know how to shoot because they haven’t done their military service. They would come and ask daddy how to put the bullets because daddy has done his military service and knows how to shoot, but he doesn’t carry a gun because he worries about us.” She added: “They hid among us when we were leaving and they carried me and my sister Jana so the army would think they are families.”
Female volunteers from the Shabab al-Kheir Association in charge of the relief center cleaned up the little girls and gave them food. Tragedy befell the family before the father decided to take out Baraa and her three sisters, the youngest no older than three. They had lost their mother and an infant boy in an explosion seven months ago. The father, with his daughters, carried the mother’s remains to bury her. The girls talk about her as if she has vanished. They do not cry; hunger keeps them preoccupied.
Baraa said, “The rebels were our neighbors. We used to gather wood and cut it and put it in a barrel so they could feel warm.” The rebels, according to Baraa, would use the wood from doors of houses and bring them to the girls to break using large stones. They were used to carrying large stones and doing what those guys asked them.
“‘Tell your daughters we want tea, tell your daughters we want firewood,’” Baraa repeated what they used to tell her father. “‘Veil your daughters, we’re Muslim, have her wear a coat and cover her face.’”
“He wanted to buy my three-year-old sister Jana. He told father, I will pay as much as you want for her. He also told him, I will take your daughters and raise them if you can’t feed them.”
Fraiha, 12, said, “We had to eat [cats] out of hunger, but [the fighters] had some food left from the aid. They were able to break into homes and steal food supplies. They would search people’s homes and steal the food after putting a gun to the homeowner’s head.” Baraa interrupted, “We ate so many cats. Our houses were filled with big mice.” The girl’s neutral, expressionless face was unfathomable. Fraiha continued, “The meat was not good. It tasted bitter.”
Fraiha described how some tried to flee, but the fighters beheaded four of them. Another who tried to escape was whipped in the street.
Two other guys sit alone. Mohammed, 20, said he carried arms for a week so he could get rations. “They killed my friend under the pretext that he collaborated with the Syrian army. That is why I stopped carrying arms,” he said. “I started working with them like most people whom they used for logistical work, such as digging tunnels, serving them, and a lot of other hard work that they forced people to do.”
This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.
Reaching the temporary lodgings of the people who left Old Homs is not an easy feat. An army checkpoint awaits you, with a soldier wanting to know where you are heading and the reason for your visit. The elegant buildings in al-Arrab do not have bullet and shell marks. Its residents left after the initial clashes in al-Dablan, but they quickly returned; this makes the neighborhood stand out in comparison to nearby neighborhoods that have been abandoned.
Al-Andalus School, which the government turned into a shelter for refugees, is across the street from the Education Directorate. It houses about 340 civilians who left old Homs, paving the way for the exit of some men with their families. People who have nowhere to stay under the auspices of the state will remain in the old building.
The front of the building shows signs of old clashes, and there are policemen at its entrance to inspect IDs and conduct searches. In the school’s playground, children play soccer. Clergymen leave the center. They visit the families all the time. One sounds confident that the rest will be out soon. A woman standing nearby whispers: “They’re never going to come out. They boobytrapped the tunnels, and the road is full of snipers.”
Dr. Abdel-Qader Zubair had only two months left to finish his residency at al-Walid Hospital located in the Waer neighborhood, but he ended up in a field hospital after he was kidnapped from the hospital. Zubair has tried to return to his family.
“We were caught between a rock and a hard place. We were afraid of the militants inside, but we didn’t dare flee because we were afraid of how the security forces and the army was going to treat us. Were they going to treat us as if we were fighters?” he said.
Khaled al-Masry is an anesthesiologist. He was kidnapped from al-Bir Hospital in the Waer neighborhood to work at a field hospital in Jouret al-Shayah. The doctors there had no choice but to accept the situation. Leaving the hospital was forbidden. Masry said he and a friend escaped by helping to carry aid packages that were brought in. “We met the United Nations representative and gave him an idea about our situation. So he took us out in his car right away. We underwent a routine investigation then left,” he said.
Baraa and her neighbors the rebels
According to the people leaving Old Homs, the fighters address each other by aliases and titles. The name Abu al-Harith comes up a lot, which suggests he controls a number of fighters inside.Baraa, 8, is full of tales: “They don’t know how to shoot because they haven’t done their military service. They would come and ask daddy how to put the bullets because daddy has done his military service and knows how to shoot, but he doesn’t carry a gun because he worries about us.” She added: “They hid among us when we were leaving and they carried me and my sister Jana so the army would think they are families.”
Female volunteers from the Shabab al-Kheir Association in charge of the relief center cleaned up the little girls and gave them food. Tragedy befell the family before the father decided to take out Baraa and her three sisters, the youngest no older than three. They had lost their mother and an infant boy in an explosion seven months ago. The father, with his daughters, carried the mother’s remains to bury her. The girls talk about her as if she has vanished. They do not cry; hunger keeps them preoccupied.
Baraa said, “The rebels were our neighbors. We used to gather wood and cut it and put it in a barrel so they could feel warm.” The rebels, according to Baraa, would use the wood from doors of houses and bring them to the girls to break using large stones. They were used to carrying large stones and doing what those guys asked them.
“‘Tell your daughters we want tea, tell your daughters we want firewood,’” Baraa repeated what they used to tell her father. “‘Veil your daughters, we’re Muslim, have her wear a coat and cover her face.’”
“He wanted to buy my three-year-old sister Jana. He told father, I will pay as much as you want for her. He also told him, I will take your daughters and raise them if you can’t feed them.”
We ate the cats so the mice multiplied
The fighters, according to the civilians who left, have adapted to not having power by relying on electric generators that work four hours a day. The civilians, on the other hand, have forgotten what electricity means. They retrieve soiled water from an old well and spend much time filtering it before it’s potable.Fraiha, 12, said, “We had to eat [cats] out of hunger, but [the fighters] had some food left from the aid. They were able to break into homes and steal food supplies. They would search people’s homes and steal the food after putting a gun to the homeowner’s head.” Baraa interrupted, “We ate so many cats. Our houses were filled with big mice.” The girl’s neutral, expressionless face was unfathomable. Fraiha continued, “The meat was not good. It tasted bitter.”
Fraiha described how some tried to flee, but the fighters beheaded four of them. Another who tried to escape was whipped in the street.
Price of a bird
Omar, 15, sits by the school’s fence. He is happy. He is carrying cigarettes in all his pockets. Here, he can smoke as much as he wants. He explained the situation inside: “The price of a bird is 10,000 Syrian pounds ($70) even though it is eaten. But the price of a kilo of Arabic cigarettes is 3 million pounds ($20,877). But does anyone have 3 million pounds?” Answering his own question, he said, “All those inside have millions, but there are no goods to buy. … They stole everything, the market, jewelry and clothes stores.”Two other guys sit alone. Mohammed, 20, said he carried arms for a week so he could get rations. “They killed my friend under the pretext that he collaborated with the Syrian army. That is why I stopped carrying arms,” he said. “I started working with them like most people whom they used for logistical work, such as digging tunnels, serving them, and a lot of other hard work that they forced people to do.”
This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.
Naim Abbas: ISIS wants to spur fighting between Shia and Sunni neighborhoods in Beirut
Lebanese soldiers secure the northern port city of Tripoli on February 20, 2014. (Photo: AFP - Ibrahim Chalhoub)
It is no longer a conjecture to say that the masterminds
behind the suicide attacks want the situation to escalate in Lebanon,
all the way to instigating a full-blown Sunni-Shia conflict. Naim Abbas,
a prominent fundamentalist figure who is currently in custody for his
alleged involvement in terrorist attacks, has revealed in the course of
his questioning that there are plans in place for a major attack in the
Shia-majority Chiyah district of Beirut’s southern suburb, with a view
to cause an armed reaction against the people of Sunni-majority Tariq
Sources close to the investigation centering on the recent terror attacks said that Abbas collapsed in breathtaking speed, to the surprise of the investigators.
Abbas had turned his phone off when he had found out that an army unit was about to raid his hideout. Theoretically, Abbas could have “disappeared” and slipped from his pursuers, but his confusion gave him up, and prompted army intelligence officers to request to see his identification documents. After a five-minute quarrel between Abbas and army intelligence officers, Abbas revealed his real identity “outright.”
Abbas was put in a car that went straight to the Ministry of Defense. He not only revealed very quickly that there was a bomb rigged to explode near his apartment in the Corniche al-Mazraa district, but also lost control of himself en route to the ministry, and urinated in his clothes. The sources said that Abbas was in a state of terror until after he reached the interrogation room, and had told the investigators: I will tell you everything, just don’t beat me.
Sources close to the investigation centering on the recent terror attacks said that Abbas collapsed in breathtaking speed, to the surprise of the investigators.
Abbas had turned his phone off when he had found out that an army unit was about to raid his hideout. Theoretically, Abbas could have “disappeared” and slipped from his pursuers, but his confusion gave him up, and prompted army intelligence officers to request to see his identification documents. After a five-minute quarrel between Abbas and army intelligence officers, Abbas revealed his real identity “outright.”
Abbas was put in a car that went straight to the Ministry of Defense. He not only revealed very quickly that there was a bomb rigged to explode near his apartment in the Corniche al-Mazraa district, but also lost control of himself en route to the ministry, and urinated in his clothes. The sources said that Abbas was in a state of terror until after he reached the interrogation room, and had told the investigators: I will tell you everything, just don’t beat me.
Abbas also revealed information about a strategy for expanding the
scope of the bombings and maximizing the number of casualties, saying
that there was nothing to stop suicide bombers or their plans. According
to Abbas, his group had a “Sharia-based license” to do anything without
regard to civilians or their religious affiliations.
Abbas said that the goal was to provoke Hezbollah so much that it would react in a way that would antagonize the Sunni community. This, his group calculated, would expand the margin of freedom for jihadists to operate within the Sunni community, and prevent any attempt by the government or other political parties to give cover to a crackdown against these groups. Another goal was to force Sunni clerics and politicians to step up their rhetoric against Hezbollah, giving cover to further attacks against its base.
The suspect said that he was not a member of al-Nusra Front or the Abdullah Azzam Brigades, but that he operated in the same jihadist circles. Abbas also said that he focused on recruiting people who were involved in what happened in Abra, meaning the supporters of fugitive cleric Ahmad al-Assir, especially those who had fled to the Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp and other areas.
Naim Abbas said that it was him who had trained and gave the suicide belt and assault rifle to the young Syrian man who blew himself up in a van in Choueifat. In response to a question about why that suicide bomber was asking for directions to the police station and the gas company in the Ouzai area of Beirut, Abbas told the investigators that the man wanted to reach Hezbollah’s al-Manar TV building near the Golf course in Bir Hassan-Ouzai, which would have been easy to reach in a taxi from the police station or the gas company.
Abbas said that the suicide bomber was supposed to reach the building’s entrance, open fire at the guards, and then attempt to enter the building along with another suicide bomber. They were supposed to empty their magazines and then blow themselves up inside the building.
Abbas also told investigators that he wanted to prepare a third suicide bomber in an explosives-laden car that would wait nearby, and then hurtle toward the building when crowds gather detonating.
Abbas said that the goal was to provoke Hezbollah so much that it would react in a way that would antagonize the Sunni community. This, his group calculated, would expand the margin of freedom for jihadists to operate within the Sunni community, and prevent any attempt by the government or other political parties to give cover to a crackdown against these groups. Another goal was to force Sunni clerics and politicians to step up their rhetoric against Hezbollah, giving cover to further attacks against its base.
The suspect said that he was not a member of al-Nusra Front or the Abdullah Azzam Brigades, but that he operated in the same jihadist circles. Abbas also said that he focused on recruiting people who were involved in what happened in Abra, meaning the supporters of fugitive cleric Ahmad al-Assir, especially those who had fled to the Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp and other areas.
Naim Abbas said that it was him who had trained and gave the suicide belt and assault rifle to the young Syrian man who blew himself up in a van in Choueifat. In response to a question about why that suicide bomber was asking for directions to the police station and the gas company in the Ouzai area of Beirut, Abbas told the investigators that the man wanted to reach Hezbollah’s al-Manar TV building near the Golf course in Bir Hassan-Ouzai, which would have been easy to reach in a taxi from the police station or the gas company.
Abbas said that the suicide bomber was supposed to reach the building’s entrance, open fire at the guards, and then attempt to enter the building along with another suicide bomber. They were supposed to empty their magazines and then blow themselves up inside the building.
Abbas also told investigators that he wanted to prepare a third suicide bomber in an explosives-laden car that would wait nearby, and then hurtle toward the building when crowds gather detonating.
The Chiyah plot
The fundamentalist suspect admitted that during discussions with associates regarding the situation in Dahiyeh, the focus was on how to expand the scope of attacks inside Beirut’s southern suburb, to force Hezbollah and the population to react violently against Sunnis inside Dahiyeh.
What happened after the first few bombings was that Hezbollah did not
react, for example, by staging car-bomb attacks in Sunni-majority
areas, while the population showed a lot of self-restraint. Because of
this, the jihadist groups started thinking in a different way.
Abbas said that the groups in charge of surveillance noticed that countermeasures were stepped up in the areas that are under the full control of Hezbollah, while measures in the Chiyah area were relatively more relaxed compared to Haret Hreik, Roueiss, and Bir al-Abed. According to Abbas, his associates’ assumption was that despite the fact that the Amal Movement’s attitudes were identical to those of Hezbollah, the nature of the region in Chiyah, an Amal stronghold, made it less possible to rein in the street’s reaction compared to other areas. For this reason, plans were put in place to carry out suicide attacks in Chiyah, to instigate anti-Sunni reactions, especially in the direction of Tariq al-Jdideh.
Abbas was reportedly planning a two-pronged attack in a street in Chiyah, but Abu Abdullah al-Iraqi, commander of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in the Qalamoun region with whom Abbas was in close coordination, suggested a three-stage suicide attack instead.
Tidak berhenti sampai di situ, citra Iran yang rakyatnya mayoritas
bermazhab Syiah – yang konon begitu yang kejam dan bengis seperti
yang terus diberitakan berulang kali oleh media Islam mainstream,
perlahan menarik hati insan-insan yang hatinya jernih untuk bertabayun/
mengecek kebenaran. Dalam sebuah ayat, Allah berfirman manakala kita
mendapatkan berita dari orang fasik maka hendaklah kita meneliti
kebenarannya agar bisa bersikap lebih adil, karena bagaimanapun juga
sikap adil lebih dekat dengan taqwa.
Informasi yang berhasil diperoleh oleh team Liputan Islam dari mahasiswa Al Mustafa International University, kini di kota Qom, sebuah kota damai yang merupakan ‘tempat lahir’ dari alim ulama mazhab Syiah, sedang dikunjungi oleh K.H Luthfi Hakim, MA (Ketua Umum Forum Betawi Rempug sekaligus pengasuh Pondok Pesantren Ziyadatul Mubtadi- ien ) dan Sayyid Ali al-Hamid dari pemuda Front Pembela Islam (FPI) beserta rombongannya.
Saat berita ini diturunkan, rombongan sedang mengunjungi Percetakan dan Penerbit al-Qur’an terbesar di Qom, Republik Islam Iran. Kunjungan ini diharapkan akan mampu menabur berkah dan memberi kontribusi positif dalam jalinan ukhuwah Islamiyah. (LiputanIslam/AF)
Abbas said that the groups in charge of surveillance noticed that countermeasures were stepped up in the areas that are under the full control of Hezbollah, while measures in the Chiyah area were relatively more relaxed compared to Haret Hreik, Roueiss, and Bir al-Abed. According to Abbas, his associates’ assumption was that despite the fact that the Amal Movement’s attitudes were identical to those of Hezbollah, the nature of the region in Chiyah, an Amal stronghold, made it less possible to rein in the street’s reaction compared to other areas. For this reason, plans were put in place to carry out suicide attacks in Chiyah, to instigate anti-Sunni reactions, especially in the direction of Tariq al-Jdideh.
Abbas was reportedly planning a two-pronged attack in a street in Chiyah, but Abu Abdullah al-Iraqi, commander of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in the Qalamoun region with whom Abbas was in close coordination, suggested a three-stage suicide attack instead.
Rombongan dari Indonesia di tempat Percetakan AlQuran.
Sumber Foto: Mahasiswa Al Mustafa International University
Qom, LiputanIslam —
Di tengah propaganda
negatif yang menghujam Iran – sebuah negara di kawasan Timur Tengah yang
paling berani menentang hegemoni AS dan sekutunya, tidak lantas
memudarkan daya tariknya yang memikat. Saat ini, Iran tidak ubahnya
seorang gadis cantik yang mau tak mau, membuat mata tak lepas dari
menatapnya. Pasca disepakatinya perundingan nuklir dengan negara 5+1,
Iran mulai dirangkul kembali oleh negara-negara di seluruh dunia, tak
ayal Indonesia pun menandatangani kesepakatan pembangunan kilang minyak
dengan Iran yang rencananya akan mulai dibangun pada tahun 2015.
Informasi yang berhasil diperoleh oleh team Liputan Islam dari mahasiswa Al Mustafa International University, kini di kota Qom, sebuah kota damai yang merupakan ‘tempat lahir’ dari alim ulama mazhab Syiah, sedang dikunjungi oleh K.H Luthfi Hakim, MA (Ketua Umum Forum Betawi Rempug sekaligus pengasuh Pondok Pesantren Ziyadatul Mubtadi- ien ) dan Sayyid Ali al-Hamid dari pemuda Front Pembela Islam (FPI) beserta rombongannya.
Saat berita ini diturunkan, rombongan sedang mengunjungi Percetakan dan Penerbit al-Qur’an terbesar di Qom, Republik Islam Iran. Kunjungan ini diharapkan akan mampu menabur berkah dan memberi kontribusi positif dalam jalinan ukhuwah Islamiyah. (LiputanIslam/AF)
aya ibu hayati ingin berbagi cerita kepada anda semua bahwa saya yg dulunya cuma seorang TKW di HONGKONG jadi pembantu rumah tangga yg gajinya tidak mencukupi keluarga dikampun,jadi TKW itu sangat menderita dan disuatu hari saya duduk2 buka internet dan tidak disengaja saya melihat komentar orang tentan MBAH KABOIRENG dan katanya bisa membantu orang untuk memberikan nomor yg betul betul tembus dan kebetulan juga saya sering pasan nomor di HONGKONG,akhirnya saya coba untuk menhubungi MBAH KABOIRENG dan ALHAMDULILLAH beliau mau membantu saya untuk memberikan nomor,dan nomor yg diberikan MBAH KABOIRENG meman betul2 terbukti tembus dan saya sangat bersyukur berkat bantuan MBAH KABOIRENG kini saya bisa pulang ke INDONESIA untuk buka usaha sendiri,,munkin saya tidak bisa membalas budi baik MBAH KABOIRENG sekali lagi makasih yaa MBAH dan bagi teman2 yg menjadi TKW atau TKI seperti saya,bila butuh bantuan hubungi saja MBAH KABOIRENG DI 085-260-482-111 insya ALLAH beliau akan membantu anda.Ini benar benar kisah nyata dari saya seorang TKW.. KLIK GHOB 2D 3D 4D 6D DISINI
BalasHapusSaya ibu hayati ingin berbagi cerita kepada anda semua bahwa saya yg dulunya cuma seorang TKW di HONGKONG jadi pembantu rumah tangga yg gajinya tidak mencukupi keluarga dikampun,jadi TKW itu sangat menderita dan disuatu hari saya duduk2 buka internet dan tidak disengaja saya melihat komentar orang tentan MBAH KABOIRENG dan katanya bisa membantu orang untuk memberikan nomor yg betul betul tembus dan kebetulan juga saya sering pasan nomor di HONGKONG,akhirnya saya coba untuk menhubungi MBAH KABOIRENG dan ALHAMDULILLAH beliau mau membantu saya untuk memberikan nomor,dan nomor yg diberikan MBAH KABOIRENG meman betul2 terbukti tembus dan saya sangat bersyukur berkat bantuan MBAH KABOIRENG kini saya bisa pulang ke INDONESIA untuk buka usaha sendiri,,munkin saya tidak bisa membalas budi baik MBAH KABOIRENG sekali lagi makasih yaa MBAH dan bagi teman2 yg menjadi TKW atau TKI seperti saya,bila butuh bantuan hubungi saja MBAH KABOIRENG DI 085-260-482-111 insya ALLAH beliau akan membantu anda.Ini benar benar kisah nyata dari saya seorang TKW.. KLIK GHOB 2D 3D 4D 6D DISINI
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