Lebanon Mufti: Future Movement Supporters Spilled My Blood
told Al-Akhbar, “When I saw the martyr’s father and friends crying over
his casket, I decided to attend the funeral to pray over his body.”
(Photo: Haytham El-Mousawe).
The turban of Lebanon’s grand mufti, Sheikh Mohammed Rashid
Qabbani, fell on the floor of Khashogji Mosque yesterday, December 29.
It was knocked off by Future Movement supporters who tried to assault
him. However, members of the Internal Security Forces’ Information
Branch prevented them from going too far.
The presence of Qabbani at the funeral of 16-year-old Mohammed
al-Shaar – who died December 28 from a head injury he sustained during Friday’s blast
that killed former Finance Minister Mohammed Shatah – was not planned
or expected. Qabbani originally asked Sheikh Mohammed Amin al-Arwadi to
pray over Shaar’s body but then decided to attend the funeral himself.
Qabbani told Al-Akhbar, “When I saw the martyr’s father and
friends crying over his casket, I decided to attend the funeral to pray
over his body.” He added, “My security guards were not present, I just
wanted to pray and return home, but praise to God how things
When Qabbani reached the door of the mosque, a man yelled, “What
brought you?” As soon as Qabbani entered the mosque, a concert of
insults began. Future Movement supporters did not respect the solemnity
of the occasion, the symbolism of the turban, or the sanctity of the
Inside the mosque, no one bothered Qabbani. Mourners made way for him to pass, but the screaming and the slogans repeated outside took over the funeral rites, especially when they started chanting, “There is no God but God, and the Mufti is the enemy of God.”
Qabbani said, “When I heard this chant, I realized that my blood had
been spilled. The protesters wanted to kill me. I surrendered my fate to
God and accepted his judgement.”
Things did not go according to plan. Sheikh Arwadi did not pray over
the young man’s body. Instead, Sheikh Ahmad al-Omari – one of the hawks
of al-Jamaa al-Islamiya (the Muslim Brotherhood’s branch in Lebanon) and
head of the Association of Muslim Scholars in Lebanon – prayed over
Shaar’s body.
In his sermon, Omari attacked Hezbollah, describing it as the “party
of the devil.” He called on the Shia to “disown” Hezbollah “if they are
true believers,” and stressed the “patience of the persecuted Sunni sect
is running out.” Omari’s sermon re-ignited the atmosphere. The coffin
was carried to the nearby Shatila Cemetery while Future Movement
supporters waited for Qabbani.
Rumors spread that the mufti had left, but no one believed them. For
two hours he was trapped inside the mosque. Those close to him contacted
the security forces to secure his exit. Defense Minister Fayez Ghosn
answered his phone and promised to deal with the problem, reassuring
everyone that “the army will not enter the mosque,” as sources from Dar
al-Iftaa reported.
Despite promises of action, nothing happened on the ground. Time
passed very slowly for those trapped inside. Outside, the protesters
remained on high alert. Even the rain did not drive them away. In the
meantime, several officials arrived at the request of the head of the
security branch in Beirut, George Khamis: MP Mouin Merhebi; Hariri
security official Abed al-Arab; and Nader Hariri, former Prime Minister
Saad Hariri’s adviser.
They tried to persuade Qabbani to leave the mosque “under their
protection,” but Qabbani refused, insisting that he come out the same
way he went in. After mediations failed, the Information Branch
intervened. First they took out Sheikh Arwadi, who got his share of
blows that knocked off his turban. Then they escorted Qabbani out. The
crowd rushed him, knocking off his turban. Some protesters managed to
reach him before he got in an armoured vehicle, which Future Movement
supporters pelted with shoes. The mufti was driven to his motorcade
while the crowd at the mosque dispersed.
Most politicians condemned the events, except the Future Movement,
which acted as if nothing had happened. The mufti of Tripoli and the
North, Sheikh Malek al-Shaar, expressed his pain over events. Prime
Minister Najib Mikati condemned and rejected the events. Former Prime
Minister Salim al-Hoss asked that religious sanctuaries be respected.
Yet Future MP Ammar Houri said his political party is no longer able to
placate people, warning that tensions are running dangerously high.
Dar al-Fatwa issued a statement: “[We hold] political forces,
especially Prime Minister Mikati and head of the Future Movement
parliamentary bloc Fouad Siniora, directly responsible for trying to
tarnish the image and unifying post of the grand mufti by issuing
inflammatory campaigns that mislead people in order to fulfill their
desire to control Dar al-Fatwa.”
Saturday’s attack is reminiscent of the attack on the Grand Serail by
Future Movement supports after the funeral of Wissam al-Hassan in
October 2012.
Follow Qassem Qassem on Twitter.
This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.
Shatah Assassination: Who Will Benefit From the Accusations?
attend a candle-light vigil at the site of a car bomb that targeted
former finance minister, Mohamed Chatah, in Beirut on December 28, 2013.
(Photo: AFP - Anwar Amro)
No one needs to explain to people that the Future Movement
and March 14 are accusing Hezbollah of being behind the assassination of
former minister Mohammed Shatah. Their logic is based on a political –
or maybe non-political – conviction that Hezbollah is capable of
assassination, does not want any opposing voices, and wishes to
terrorize its adversaries in Lebanon.
For the past nine years, at least, the same group of people have been accusing Hezbollah and the Lebanese-Syrian security regime of being behind the series of political assassinations in Lebanon, which mostly targeted March 14 figures. This was even before their posing as a political coalition, or Syria’s withdrawal from Lebanon.
At first, they said Hezbollah and Damascus were behind it, and that
those entities did not expect that all hell would break loose if they
killed this or that person. They also said that those who planned the
assassinations did not anticipate the reaction, and did not take
people's anger into consideration. This group insisted on accusing the
same side, saying that Hezbollah continues to terrorize its opponents.
Much was said about how the party is a pawn of the Syrian regime and
that it only knows how to kill when confronting adversaries. Others said
the party wanted to disrupt the work of the Special Tribunal for
Lebanon (STL). They said Hezbollah wanted to expand the war from Syria
to Lebanon to block the path of all attempts to rebuild genuine
political life in the country.
March 14 has reached the same conclusion on every occasion: The killer continues to spill blood and lose.
In many cases, it’s understandable that anger, tension, and hatred
could lead to political accusations or even fabrications against an
opponent. But in our case, we might need to ask questions that are naive
or spiteful:
– Is Hezbollah stupid to the extent of not learning the lesson of the
first assassination? Does its resumé indicate a deficiency that could
make it a prisoner of this game?
– Did the outcome of those assassinations benefit Hezbollah, as a
resistance movement, a political group, or a side that is the center of
polarization for Arab Shia?
– Is Hezbollah working for its enemies, providing them with
ammunition whenever they face a difficulty, and facilitating a climate
to take measures and steps that would make it a central target?
– Doesn't Hezbollah possess other methods of terrorizing its opponents, after failing the first, second, and third time?
– Does Hezbollah, which is up to its neck in a more substantial
confrontation in Syria and the region, find itself in a situation
forcing it to toy with its local opponents through such an
– If Hezbollah today opposes the formation of a de facto government,
why does it give its local, regional, and international opponents a tool
to force such a government into being?
– Did Hezbollah pledge to kill an opponent every time there is a landmark in the STL, leading to more actions against the party?
– If the party was professional to the extent of doing all what its
opponents say, why does it not choose a more representative personality
from the opposition?
There are other calculations, based on facts and information, saying that Lebanon is heading toward more madness and more blood. And, as usual, Lebanon becomes big enough for an international congregation of assassins. Those who do not want to hear the voice of reason could let the tears cover their eyes and anger control their muscles, marching steadily to an abyss.
Lebanon, which is struggling under the weight of the Syrian crisis,
will become more agitated as the scene changes in the Levant. Every
single intelligence agency is in Lebanon, carrying information about the
"open arena" for "generations of terrorists." Those who attempt to
ignite the situation politically, taking steps akin to adventures, are
similar to those attempting to turn Lebanon into a launching pad for
terrorist operations related to the Syrian situation. There are those
like them, who think that such a crime would turn the political tides to
the benefit or one or another party.
It is clear that such a discussion does not have a middle ground in
the midst of political and security madness. It is even more clear that
March 14 wants to keep on dancing over the blood, exploiting it here or
there. And it is more than clear that someone wants to push Lebanon into
a more cruel situation in the international war in the region,
especially in Syria. However, they only aim for reactions, strife, and
madness. In this case, how could one take a step backward, to look at
the whole picture, while the only thing we see is a country by name
Ibrahim al-Amin is editor-in-chief of Al-Akhbar.
This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.
- Section: Opinion
- Category: Articles
- Tags: syria, Mohammed Shatah, MARCH 14, Lebanon, Hezbollah, Future Movement
Who Was Mohammed Shatah?
In 2006 Shatah played a role in the negotiations that brought an end to Israel’s 34-day war on Lebanon with the enactment of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701. (Photo: Bilal Jawish).Former Lebanese Finance Minister Mohammed Shatah, killed in a massive blast in downtown Beirut Friday morning, was a leading member of the Western-favored March 14 movement and a close adviser to ex-Prime Minister Saad Hariri.No one has claimed responsibility for the car bomb that killed Shatah, a strong opponent of the government in Syria, but who was also seen as a moderate with ties to figures across Lebanon’s political landscape.“I honestly don’t know why he was targeted. I asked a lot of people, and everyone gave a different explanation,” Bassem al-Shaab, an MP with the March 14 Future Movement, told Al-Akhbar.“He was a very moderate, very enlightened man,” Shaab added, describing Shatah’s death as “a tragic loss.”Shatah, 62, wore many hats: A diplomat, he served as Lebanon’s ambassador to the United States in the late-1990s under the government of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, himself killed in an explosion in downtown Beirut almost nine years ago.He was an influential economist, holding positions at the International Monetary Fund, and serving as vice governor of Lebanon’s Central Bank in the early and mid-1990s during a period of reconstruction when the country was reeling from a 15-year civil war.In 2006 Shatah played a role in the negotiations that brought an end to Israel’s 34-day war on Lebanon with the enactment of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701.
From 2008 to 2009 Shatah served as finance minister before becoming an adviser to Saad Hariri, Rafik Hariri’s son. The younger Hariri was prime minister from 2009 until the government collapsed two years later, prompting him to go into exile over fears for his own life.Shatah’s political allies and foes alike praised him for his diplomacy and openness, with commentators saying that his killing revealed that the perpetrators showed no mercy for moderate forces.“He represented a voice of moderation,” Sami Nader, a political analyst and professor at Beirut’s Saint Joseph University, told Al-Akhbar.“He spent most of his political career building bridges and trying to find compromises,” Nader added. “When you get rid of such a symbol, that means you are targeting the things they stood for: dialogue, moderation, compromise … ”His slaying comes over a year after the assassination of Brigadier General Wissam al-Hassan, another prominent March 14 figure who died in a car bomb explosion.Since that killing Lebanon has been wracked by a series of car bombs targeting mostly civilians in Beirut’s southern suburbs and a twin explosion outside mosques in the northern city of Tripoli.March 14 figures were quick to pin the blame for Shatah’s killing on Hezbollah, which vehemently denied involvement, describing the assassination as a “terrorist” act and “heinous crime.”“It’s not for me to suspect [who was behind the explosion], but Shatah had political enemies. One of them was the Syrian regime, and one of them was Hezbollah,” Shaab said, noting that Shatah had also been involved in the international tribunal set up to investigate Rafik Hariri’s 2005 assassination.The Special Tribunal for Lebanon is set to begin hearings next month in the Hague, where several Hezbollah members will be tried in absentia over accusations of involvement in Hariri's killing.Hezbollah has criticized the tribunal as being partial toward the March 14 bloc, accusing it of basing its evidence on false witnesses.MP Ibrahim Kanaan told Al-Akhbar that the former minister’s assassination came as a surprise, as he frequently reached out to his opponents and worked with figures from all sides.“He was well known for his strong political positions, but he was also a positive person and very open-minded,” Kanaan, who is affiliated with the rival March 8 bloc, said.“He worked with people from different parties and who held positions that differed from his own, not just March 14,” he added. “Maybe that’s why he was targeted.”Tags
Submitted by Activist4Justice (not verified) on Sat, 2013-12-28 13:06.This is my second comment today which needs to be stated as a reminder for those who so quickly forget.
Regarding the assassination of those that are anti-Hezbollah, here’s a look at other recent attacks in Lebanon, which definitely can be blamed on the Sewer Rat leader and his henchmen.
-Oct. 1, 2004: Former Economy Minister Marwan Hamadeh survives a powerful Beirut car bombing, the first in a string of similar attacks targeting anti-Syrian politicians and journalists.
- Feb. 14, 2005: Former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri is assassinated in a massive bombing in Beirut. Bassel Fleihan, who served as economy minister in Hariri’s government, also died in the blast. Anti-Syrian groups, then in the opposition, blame the Syrian and Lebanese governments, charges both deny.
- June 2, 2005: Anti-Syrian journalist and activist Samir Kassir is killed by a bomb placed under his car.
- June 21, 2005: Anti-Syrian politician George Hawi, a former Communist Party leader, is killed by a bomb planted under his car.
- Sept. 25, 2005: Prominent anchorwoman May Chidiac of the leading anti-Syrian TV station LBC loses an arm and a leg from a bomb placed under her car.
- Dec. 12, 2005: Gibran Tueni, a prominent anti-Syrian newspaper editor and lawmaker, is killed by a car bomb.
- Nov. 21, 2006: Pierre Gemayel, the industry minister and a prominent Christian politician, is shot dead by gunmen in a Beirut suburb.
- June 13, 2007: Walid Eido, an anti-Syrian member of parliament, is killed along with his son, two bodyguards and six others in an explosion in Beirut.
- Sept. 19, 2007: Antoine Ghanem, a pro-government lawmaker from the right-wing Christian Phalange Party, is killed in a blast in the Christian suburb of Sin el-Fil, east of Beirut. Six others are also killed.
- Dec. 12, 2007: Brig. Gen. Francois Hajj, the army’s head of operations, and his driver are killed in a car bombing in the Christian suburb of Baabda on the way to work.
- Jan. 25, 2008: Car bomb kills senior police intelligence officer, Capt. Wissam Eid, a bodyguard and at least four others in Hazmieh, a Christian neighborhood on the edge of the Lebanese capital.
- Oct. 19, 2012: A car bomb kills the chief of Lebanon’s police intelligence department, Brig. Gen. Wissam al-Hassan, in a Christian neighborhood in east Beirut. At least seven others were also killed.
And last but not least, a car bomb on Friday killed the prominent anti-Hezbollah Lebanese politician, Mohammad Shattah. There you have it. Do you really believe that the Saudis, Qataris and/or the Zionists were truly responsible for these?Submitted by الصراحة (not verified) on Sat, 2013-12-28 12:37.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9Zj1-rpwdY
الشهيد محمد شطح في مقابلة على تلفزيون المستقبل في 12/11/2013 يقول فيها ان حزب الله هو ليس فقط خارج اعلان بعبدا بل هو خارج الدستور في لبنان
الشهيد محمد شطح في مقابلة على تلفزيون المستقبل في 12/11/2013يرد على مواقف حزب الله بشان ابراج التنصت الاسرائيلية على لبنان:حزب الله يقوم بعملية تزكيرية ليقول انني لست بميليشيا اقليمية فقط بل انا ضد اسرائيل وهذا قناع قد سقطSubmitted by Activist4Justice (not verified) on Sat, 2013-12-28 11:53.I am indeed most pleased to have struck the first blow. Interesting how many Hezbollah supporters came out in force to the defence of the Sewer Rat leader.
Before we go further, the following, are the words of Mr Shattah for as the newspaper says ''Shattah was staunch critic of Hezbollah and of the Syrian government'. We now know that just prior to Shattah's death, he tweeted: "Hezbollah is pressing hard to be granted similar powers in security & foreign policy matters that Syria exercised in Lebanon for 15 yrs".
To "Witness" who called my comments as being 'Verbal diarrhoea', and to "hezbeleb", who wants to archive my comments, but then feels that I nevertheless have a dense brain, tells me much. I have indeed struck a raw nerve with those Sewer Rats supporters who will quickly do their utmost to protect the image of their King Rat (Nasrallah), which I can well understand. So please go ahead and blame the Saudis, the Qataris and the Zionists as well, it appears that in your eyes, the only ones with clean hands are the Syrians, the Iranians and of course Hezbollah who will not settle for anything less than being the Pharaoh of the new Lebanon. And I am supposed to be the one with a dense brain....For if that's not an indication of how much Hezbollah needed to dispose of Shattah, then I guess Lebanon has began its spiral fall into what can only be Hell itself.Submitted by hezbeleb (not verified) on Sat, 2013-12-28 16:16.Oh no Activist400000Justice. My comment is only one of adulation and admiration of your higher intellect. You seem to have a mastery of the English language as demonstrated by your copious use of the word "for" as a conjuction. If I consider one rat to be king it would be you. I want to thank you for continuing to post your comments. Without them we're left wondering about the intricate machinations of the middle east politics. But then you come and regurgitate the garbage of the M14 media and their zionist masters and then we all remember what we should be thinking. Go forth my hero "King Rat". :)Submitted by Rowan Berkeley (not verified) on Sat, 2013-12-28 06:07.It occurs to me that he was maybe a "leading member of Mar 14" but he was not a "leader of Mar 14." The leaders do not "take moderate positions." He was more expendable for both these reasons: for not being a leader and for taking moderate positions.Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 2013-12-28 03:11.no peace or progress anywhere in the middle east until the end to demented kings of Wahhabistan.Submitted by Curious George (not verified) on Sat, 2013-12-28 02:55.If one was to look for the motives some might have, it's probably those 'many hats' of Shattah and because he 'represented a voice of moderation' that he was picked as a target. It's Shattah's international missions that create a higher probability for upsetting the international establishment against - of course - those who have the least interest in being "witch hunted" by the West: Syria and Hezbollah.
Who would win on that scenario?
Those are the murderers.Submitted by Shartouni Supporter (not verified) on Fri, 2013-12-27 20:38.Hezbollah denounced this attack immediately. The people who benefit are those in March 14 who want to reject negotiation with March 8 and push harder for the takfiri gangs to terrorise Lebanon as they do in Syria. Shattah was willing to negotiate with Hezbollah and that was a crime that KSA and the takfiri gangs would never allow.Submitted by Activist4Justice (not verified) on Fri, 2013-12-27 19:16.We blame only Hezbollah for this latest atrocity. But Hezbollah will never openly claim that it carried out the killing. Doing so would immediately turn the entire country against them if Hezbollah admitted to Mohammed Shattah car-bomb participation.
Let's be realistic about this latest car-bomb event that killed Mohammed Shattah. Hezbollah is the only one that benefits from such a gruesome barbaric assassination. Trust me when I say this. This was a killing done by none other than Hezbollah. There would have been an immediate denial to what happened if it was not, such as Israel immediately denied when Laqqis was killed. It confirms what I said about Hezbollah being the responsible party for we have yet to hear from the sewer rat leader who has the most to gain by Mohammed Shattah death.
I guess what I previously predicted in reference to Nasrallah's plans for taking over the ultimate leadership of Lebanon has slowly began its course. Let us now see which other prominent Lebanese figure that is equally an anti Hezbollah personality will become the Sewer Rat's next killing target..Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 2013-12-28 05:18.Dear Sir, the only people who killed this man is the Saudis who are part of 14 March, and nobody else,as per today Hezbollah does not have the need to do such acts, Hezbollah are not the ennemies of Lebanese from any side, but you people from 14 March are at the sold of Saudis and Israel, you are dogs of Zionists, Hezbollah is fighting Israel, hezbollah is against the Big Israel project,but you people of 14 March are ready to sell all Lebanon for that project, we saw who is financing in Syria, i think that Saudis and Qataris are in the 1st place. We saw how Saudis are going and coming to Israel, we can see how Tripoli is full of Salafists. Is it Hezbollah who brought them in Lebanon? Is it hezbollah who is using arms to send to Al nosra true Lebanon borders? Is the takfiris are in south Lebanon?
Then please next time don't talk because you are an ignorant in politics.Submitted by hezbeleb (not verified) on Sat, 2013-12-28 05:03.The comments by activist2justice are so valuable they deserve archiving. I will be copying your comments from now on and posting each one on the above blog.
The blog was meant for archiving the comments of the salafi moron that used to comment on this website under the name Abu Umar. You have now earned that honor.
Please keep posting, as frequently as you can. Don't be shy or hesitant about putting every thought that strolls by that dense brain of yours. I want it on here so I can document it.Submitted by Witness (not verified) on Fri, 2013-12-27 22:02.Verbal diarrhoea at its best above lol March 14 and its terrorist allies like Bandar Bush have no issue blowing up each other when they need it for a political purpose.
If Hezbollah was in the business of assassinating political rivals, then trust me, there wouldn't be a March 14 politician alive lol But they chose to patiently put up with all this dribble in the name of Lebanon, but this Hariri group has sold out the country to Saudi. They not even allowed to hold elections without Saudi approval, what miserable humans.
Hezbollah cleared out the fierce JabRAT al Nusra and Islamic State of Suicide Bombers and Beheaders in Qusair after 3 weeks!!! Who are these politicians to them if they wanted to take them out??
This is clearly the same people who killed Hariri senior, Israel and Sauidi hands all over this. Just watch this space lolSubmitted by Curious George (not verified) on Sat, 2013-12-28 02:56."Hezbollah cleared out the fierce JabRAT al Nusra and Islamic State of Suicide Bombers and Beheaders in Qusair after 3 weeks!!! Who are these politicians to them if they wanted to take them out??"
Submitted by hussain shugaa (not verified) on Mon, 2013-12-30 16:25.
hahaha, Mr justice ur a joke. what sickens me most is how israel and
the western propaganda has affected you to an extent that israel and the
west are the good guys and hezbolah who have done nothing but defend
lebanon from israeli opression. ive never seen such ignorance and
stupidity. their is a war on shiat aal mohammad, has been going on since
the days of the cunt that is yazeed and banni oumayah, fought bani
hashem. your all gonna get it wen the imam arises!
Submitted by O (not verified) on Mon, 2013-12-30 14:53.
I'm glad I read this article. It confirms to me why I spend so little time viewing this site.
I'm never disappointed in finding every possible logical contradiction, which can sometimes make for amusing cheap journalism. But this is all very offensive and callous when the article covers a vicious act of terror. Knowing some of the people at al-Akhbar personally, I am once again convinced that this is a publication by the mentally confused for the mentally confused.
I'm never disappointed in finding every possible logical contradiction, which can sometimes make for amusing cheap journalism. But this is all very offensive and callous when the article covers a vicious act of terror. Knowing some of the people at al-Akhbar personally, I am once again convinced that this is a publication by the mentally confused for the mentally confused.
Submitted by Mrjuicy (not verified) on Sun, 2013-12-29 22:18.
Great article! Unfortunatley the hatred is deep rooted in m14 and
their kin's hearts therefore cannot see the situation with logic and
Submitted by Activist4Justice (not verified) on Sun, 2013-12-29 16:25.
Once again I respond to those, which I will now call my very own
personal critics, for their wonderful name calling. Wow I am truly
impressed that I have rattled so many out of their sewers to send me
their venomous appreciation for confirming my accurate conclusion about
Hezbollah. The fact is that the truth hurts and hurts most those who
take up their full hatred against me while by the same token they expose
themselves to the rest of us Lebanese.
Before closing…I want to personally thank ‘Anonymous’ and of course ‘hezbeleb’ for making me feel so important. I truly appreciate your kind responses on this (Shattah) issue. It’s not every day that my great analytical comments are so well revered. Thank you very much.
Before closing…I want to personally thank ‘Anonymous’ and of course ‘hezbeleb’ for making me feel so important. I truly appreciate your kind responses on this (Shattah) issue. It’s not every day that my great analytical comments are so well revered. Thank you very much.
Submitted by hezbeleb (not verified) on Sun, 2013-12-29 20:16.
What an honor. I have been singled out by the King himself. I am not a critic, I am merely a student My Furher.
Again, please don't stop commenting. And leave comments on the blog that honors your genius.
Again, please don't stop commenting. And leave comments on the blog that honors your genius.
Submitted by Anonymous Ma'as (not verified) on Sun, 2013-12-29 15:00.
Activist4Isrehell more like. Discourse on this platform requires a
higher level of intelligence. Tell your boss at the ministry of
information (propaganda) that the stink is far too obvious. You can fool
the people sometimes, but you can't fool the people all the time......
Submitted by Rowan Berkeley (not verified) on Sun, 2013-12-29 06:05.
Two points, one particular and one general. The particular point,
which follows a comment I made yesterday, is that one would be justified
in being more frank than merely to say "why (ex hypothesi) did
Hezb'ollah not choose a more representative member of the coalition?"
One could say more frankly that the unfortunate and doubtless sincerely
lamented Mr Shattah was expendable to the coalition because he was not a
major figure, a leader of it. Why did Hezb'ollah (again, ex hypothesi)
not choose a leader of the coalition, or even several of them?
The more general point is this. The West has spent a number of years trying to refocus the hatred its people originally felt against al-Qaeda, onto Shi'a, and indeed the West is now, we may say, 'officially' allied with al-Qaeda against Shi'a. But what few understand is that the entire terrorist program of assassinations is counter-productive in exactly the same way Mr al-Amin is describing here today. It has never been rational, from a revolutionary point of view, to assassinate anybody except direct military adversaries, in which case the term 'assassination' is not really appropriate, though the enemy will of course still use it, since the enemy never recognises guerrilla warfare as 'legitimate' in terms of its own inter-governmental 'laws of war'.
The more general point is this. The West has spent a number of years trying to refocus the hatred its people originally felt against al-Qaeda, onto Shi'a, and indeed the West is now, we may say, 'officially' allied with al-Qaeda against Shi'a. But what few understand is that the entire terrorist program of assassinations is counter-productive in exactly the same way Mr al-Amin is describing here today. It has never been rational, from a revolutionary point of view, to assassinate anybody except direct military adversaries, in which case the term 'assassination' is not really appropriate, though the enemy will of course still use it, since the enemy never recognises guerrilla warfare as 'legitimate' in terms of its own inter-governmental 'laws of war'.
Submitted by hezbeleb (not verified) on Sun, 2013-12-29 03:30.
That was hilarious. you got me all thinking that Ibrahim Al-amin was
in fact accusing Hezbollah, but then you used his words to convey a
different truth a darker and a more disturbing truth, but in a funny and
catchy way. damn you ActivistFourJustice for being so damn funny and
smart. I can't stop laughing but I am frightened at the same time. What
do you think of the blog where I am archiving your comments.
You're so damn funny.
You're so damn funny.
Submitted by Arab and Muslim unity (not verified) on Sun, 2013-12-29 02:52.
Assad has already asked Hezbollah for major assistance in Syria.
Despite Israeli propaganda and the like, Hezbollah is a small
organization as is it's military fighters, many of whom are part-time
lay people. Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the US and Israel among many others
are doing whatever they can to undermine and destroy Hezbollah. As such,
it is doubtful that Hezbollah would run again to Syria's aid and
assassinate a Lebanese leader who was critical of Syria, and acquire
more enemies and open yet another front. Assad and possibly Israel are
the more likely culprits and benefactors here. Assad did little to
defend Lebanon, just a few yards away when Israel was bombing it
unmercifully, so it is Assad who owes Hezbollah a great debt for its
assistance in the war in Syria and not the other way around and that is
why I don't believe Hezbollah would benefit from making such an
assassination. Assad should go but Hezbollah is not to blame for all of
Assad's dastardly deeds and I now for a fact that Hezbollah is critical
of Syrian politics and tutelage, but is also caught up in them. I didn't
read the article, I'll read it know.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 2013-12-29 01:13.
Someone further explain this article to Activist4Justice, the poor
sod has clearly misunderstood the entirety of the article and has missed
all points by a country mile.
Submitted by Activist4Justice (not verified) on Sat, 2013-12-28 22:50.
I commend Ibrahim al-Amin, editor-in-chief of Al-Akhbar, for his
opinion hits the nail right on the head. Mr. Shattah's assassination
benefits only one group and one group alone. It is Hezbollah and every
single person in Lebanon whether friend or foe, knows this. Hezbollah
together with Syria murdered Hariri. This fact has already been proven.
Thus anyone that's a Lebanese personality opposing Hezbollah, I say to
them, check your cars before you get into them and make sure that the
people who protect you are indeed your supporters. Otherwise what
happened to Shattah may well happen to you. Like I said, we all know
that Hezbollah and Hezbollah alone benefits from such murders. lets not
give these Sewer rats the opportunity to do more damage to our nation.
- reply
Explosion Rocks Downtown Beirut
Smoke billows from the site of a car bomb explosion that rocked central Beirut on December 27, 2013. (Photo: AFP - STR)(Photo: Al-Akhbar - Nour Samaha)(Photos: Al-Akhbar - Nour Samaha)(Photo: Al-Akhbar - Nour Samaha)(Photo: Al-Akhbar - Marc Abizeid)(Photo: Al-Akhbar - Marc Abizeid)(Photo: Al-Akhbar - Marc Abizeid)(Photo: Al-Akhbar - Marc Abizeid)(Photo: Al-Akhbar - Nour Samaha)Red Cross paramedics cover a body at the scene at the scene of a huge blast that rocked central Beirut on December 27, 2013. (Photo: AFP - STR)(Photo: Al-Akhbar - Marc Abizeid)
Berri: Saya Khawatir Tokoh Syiah Lebanon Jadi Target Teroris Selanjutnya
Parlemen Lebanon mengatakan, musuh sedang memanfaatkan konflik internal
yang terjadi di negaranya. "Saya khawatir target selanjutnya para
teroris di Lebanon adalah tokoh-tokoh Muslim Syiah," ungkapnya.
Situs berita Al Manar seperti dikutip Fars News (31/12) melaporkan,
Nabih Berri, Ketua Parlemen Lebanon mengaku khawatir rencana musuh di
Lebanon saat ini sedang dijalankan. Ia mengatakan, "Situasi Lebanon yang
diwarnai konflik internal dan saling melempar tuduhan antara satu
dengan yang lainnya adalah kesempatan yang baik bagi musuh untuk
melakukan peledakan-peledakan beruntun dan fitnah mazhab."
Berri menambahkan, "Saya khawatir target selanjutnya dalam list
terorisme adalah tokoh-tokoh Muslim Syiah, pasalnya Ahlu Sunnah sekarang
sedang berusaha membalas kematian Mohammad Chatah. Rangkaian teror ini
akan terus berlanjut sampai perpecahan di antara Muslimin semakin besar
dan saling bunuh semakin meluas."
Nabih Berri
dikabarkan meminta Ahmad Al Baalbaki, Pejabat keamanan Partai Amal untuk
meningkatkan kewaspadaan dan kehati-hatiannya di tubuh partai itu
sehingga setiap bahaya yang mengancam para pejabat dan tokoh penting
dapat dicegah.
Terkait krisis politik dan tidak
terbentuknya pemerintahan Lebanon, Berri menjelaskan, "Setiap
pemerintahan yang berkuasa tanpa kesepakatan nasional, baik pemerintahan
itu netral ataupun dipengaruhi kelompok 14 Maret, bagaimanapun juga ia
akan menghadapi ancaman-ancaman berbahaya."
Ketua Parlemen Lebanon menegaskan, "Kepentingan nasional mengharuskan
sebuah pemerintahan komprehensif terbentuk di Lebanon yang juga bertugas
mengawasi pelaksanaan pemilu presiden pada waktu yang ditentukan."
(IRIB Indonesia/HS)
Hizbullah Kecam Penghinaan 14 Maret terhadap Mufti Sunni Lebanon
Lebanon mengecam pengkhianatan yang dilakukan terhadap Syeikh Mohammad
Rashid Qabbani, Mufti Ahlu Sunnah Lebanon dan menuntut dilakukannya
pengawasan keamanan khusus untuk mencegah terulangnya kejadian serupa.
Situs berita El Nashra seperti dikutip Fars News (31/12) melaporkan, Hizbullah mengecam keras unjuk rasa yang dilakukan terhadap Syeikh Qabbani ketika ia hadir di Masjid Kashogji, Beirut lokasi dilakukannya shalat jenezah salah seorang korban aksi teror Jumat lalu.
Hizbullah mengatakan, "Penghinaan terhadap tokoh agama dan mazhab
adalah aksi yang tidak terpuji. Perbuatan semacam ini asing dalam budaya
masyarakat dan Islam, pasalnya budaya masyarakat serta Islam
menghormati ulama dan menempatkannya pada posisi khusus."
Ditambahkannya, "Mufti Ahlu Sunnah Lebanon memiliki kedudukan agama serta nasional, dan merupakan salah satu simbol rakyat Lebanon. Unjuk rasa ini adalah upaya sebagian pihak untuk menyalahgunakan darah syuhada ledakan teror Jumat lalu."
Sejumlah pendukung
gerakan Al Mustaqbal dan kelompok 14 Maret, Ahad (29/12) menggelar unjuk
rasa di Masjid Khashogji ketika dilakukan shalat jenazah Mohammad Al
Shaar, seorang pelajar sekolah Hariri, korban ledakan teror di Beirut.
Para pengunjuk rasa meneriakkan slogan-slogan anti-Hizbullah dan Syeikh
Demonstran meneriakkan dukungan terhadap Saad
Hariri, pemimpin kelompok 14 Maret dan mencaci Syeikh Qabbani, mereka
meminta Mufti Sunni Lebanon itu untuk keluar dari masjid, namun para
penjaga tidak membiarkan mereka memaksa Qabbani keluar dari masjid.
Akhirnya aparat keamanan dan pasukan khusus mengeluarkan Syeikh Qabbani
dari Masjid Kashogji dengan kendaraan militer. (IRIB Indonesia/HS)
Pangeran Saudi Akan Dieksekusi Mati
31 December 2013
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Putra Mahkota Salman yang juga Wakil Perdana Menteri dan Menteri
Pertahanan telah mengintruksikan pembersihan jalan untuk memuluskan
eksekusi seorang pangeran yang didakwa telah membunuh seorang warga
negara Saudi. Hal ini ditetapkan setelah ayah korban menolak memaaafkan
pembunuh yang dilakukan oleh seorang putra kerajaan tersebut."Syariah
harus diterapkan untuk semua tanpa terkecuali ," kata Pangeran Salman
dalam sebuah pesan kepada Menteri Dalam Negeri Pangeran Muhammad bin
Menurutnya, tidak ada perbedaan antara besar dan kecil, kaya dan miskin.
Yang kuat itu lemah di hadapan hukum Allahsampai korban mendapatkan
hak-hak mereka dari pelaku, sementara yang lemah itu ku...
Blogger Asal Saudi Arabia Diancam Hukuman Mati
AishaNews.com -
Blogger asal Saudi Arabia terkena ancaman hukuman mati. Ia dituding
telah melakukan apostasi atau murtad terhadap ajaran Agama Islam.
Aparat berwenang menangkap Raif Badawi pada bulan Juni 2012 lalu atas
tuduhan mengotori ajaran Islam. Ia juga dituduh menyebarkan pandangan
liberal melalui situs web Free Saudi Liberals.
Badawi tela berkampanye tentang pandangannya mengenai kebebasan
setiap orang memilih keyakinan, yang ia kampanyekan sejak tahun 2008.
Badawi dijatuhi hukuman 7 tahun penjara dan hukuman cambuk 600 kali
pada saat itu oleh pengadilan kriminal Jeddah. Lalu pengacaranya
mengajukan banding.
Sidang banding tersebut akan berlangsung dalam waktu dekat ini. Ensaf
Haidar, istri Badawi mengatakan, salah satu hakim merekomendasikan
sebuah pasal tentang pemurtadan. Dan saat ini istri Badawi dan tiga
anaknya tinggal di Lebanon.
Dalam berita yang telah dilansir CNN, istri Badawi mengemukakan bahwa
Badawi telah dijatuhi hukuman mati. Namun kemudian ia mengklarifikasi
bahwa hukuman mati adalah jika hakim memberlakukan pasal tentang
Peristiwa ini telah mendapat perhatian Amnesty Internasional. Sebuah
organisasi yang mendorong penegakan hak asasi manusia tersebut menuduh
Arab Saudi telah membungkam kebebasan berkreasi dan ekspresi yang telah
memenjarakan aktivis.
IslamiaNews - http://dunia.lintas.me/go/islamianews.com/tanpa-ampunan-pangeran-saudi-akan-dieksekusi-mati
Putra Mahkota Salman yang juga Wakil Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Pertahanan telah mengintruksikan pembersihan jalan untuk memuluskan eksekusi seorang pangeran yang didakwa telah membunuh seorang warga negara Saudi. Hal ini ditetapkan setelah ayah korban menolak memaaafkan pembunuh yang dilakukan oleh seorang putra kerajaan tersebut."Syariah
harus diterapkan untuk semua tanpa terkecuali ," kata Pangeran Salman
dalam sebuah pesan kepada Menteri Dalam Negeri Pangeran Muhammad bin
Menurutnya, tidak ada perbedaan antara besar dan kecil, kaya dan miskin. Yang kuat itu lemah di hadapan hukum Allahsampai korban mendapatkan hak-hak mereka dari pelaku, sementara yang lemah itu kuat
sampai hak-hak mereka dilindungi. "Tak seorang pun diperbolehkan untuk
mengganggu keputusan pengadilan itu. Ini adalah tradisi negara. Kami
berkomitmen untuk mengikuti Syariah," ucapnya tegas.
Menurut sebuah laporan yang dibawa oleh sabq.org menyebutkan, bahwa penjaga Dua Masjid Suci Al-Haramain, Raja Abdullah telah mengeluarkan Dekrit Kerajaan yang menetapkan hukuman mati bagi sang pangeran jika tawaran rekonsiliasi antar keluarga gagal. Otoritas daerah diperintahkan untuk memediasi antara kerabat korban dan pembunuh. “Tetapi jika mereka menolak, orang tersebut akan tetap dieksekusi,”tegas Raja.
Raja menekankan bahwa keluarga korban tidak boleh berada di bawah tekanan apapun, dalam upaya pelaku mendapatkan kemaafan yang berarti pengampunan dari keluarga korban. Pesan Pangeran Salman setelah mendengarkan pernyataan dari ayah korban, bahwa dia tidak siap untuk mengampuni pembunuh anaknya
dan bahwa komite rekonsiliasi itu tidak adil baginya. Sang ayah
menyatakan bahwa ia tidak senang dengan jumlah yang ditawarkan sebagai “uang darah”.
Warga saudi dan para ekspatriat menyambut baik atas tindakan dan pendapat putra mahkota,yang memberikan mereka rasa percaya diri yang lebih besar dalam sistem peradilan Kerajaan. "Kami senang bahwa Syariah diberlakukan di Kerajaan ini, " ujar seorang warga,
menambahkan bahwa hal itu akan menjamin keadilan bagi semua. Dia memuji
para pemimpin Arab untuk komitmen mereka yang kuat untuk penegakan
hukum Syariah. (Ei/Mzd)
Temuan baru ini mungkin akan menjawab pertanyaan tentang "yahudi
Khurasan" yang disebut dalam hadits Nabi Muhammad tentang para pengikut
"dajjal" yang terlibat dalam perang akhir jaman melawan Imam Mahdi dan
Isa Almasih.
Selama ini orang-orang wahabi-salafi dan para ekstremis Suni selalu menuduh "yahudi Khurasan" sebagai orang-orang Iran karena alasan sebagian wilayah yang disebut "Khurasan" adalah mencakup sebagian wilayah Iran. Padahal sebagian besar wilayah Khurasan sebenarnya justru terletak di Afghanistan, Pakistan, dan Tajikistan.
Sebuah penelitian dari National Institute of Immunohaematology Mumbai, India, baru-baru ini mengungkapkan bahwa kemungkinan besar etnis Pashtun (etnis terbesar di Pakistan dan Afghanistan) berasal dari keturunan dari salah satu "10 suku Israel yang hilang" (lost tribes of Israel).
Seorang ahli genetik India telah mengambil sampel darah dari orang-orang Pashtun Afridi di Lucknow, utara India, untuk dibawa ke Israel untuk mencocokkannya dengan DNA orang-orang yahudi Israel. Dibutuhkan waktu sekitar 12 bulan untuk memastikan hal itu. Israel diketahui aktif melakukan penelitian terhadap suku-suku terpencil di berbagai negara untuk menemukan "10 suku Israel yang hilang". Mereka adalah bagian dari 12 suku yang berasal dari keturunan Nabi Yakub (ayah dari Nabi Yusuf), yang bersama-sama membentuk satu bangsa Israel. Namun seiring dengan terjadinya banyak pertikaian antar suku-suku Israel serta penjajahan bangsa-bangsa asing yang berujung pada pengusiran orang-orang yahudi dari Palestina oleh bangsa Romawi, 10 suku bangsa Israel kini tidak diketahui keberadaannya.
Pengambilan sampel darah di area Malihabad, Lucknow, disebabkan wilayah ini diyakini sebagai wilayah yang cukup aman untuk dilakukannya penelitian yang dianggap sangat kontroversial bagi orang-orang Islam tersebut.
Shanaz Ali, seorang peneliti senior India, akan mengepalai penelitian yang dilakukan di Technion Israel Institute of Technology di Tel Aviv.
Saat ini diperkirakan terdapat sekitar 40 juta orang etnis Pashtun di seluruh dunia. Di antara jumlah itu sebanyak 14 juta tinggal di Afghanistan dan 28 juta berada di Pakistan. Wilayah utama mereka terutama berada di daerah perbatasan kedua negara yang bergunung-gunung, namun juga cukup signifikan jumlahnya di kota-kota besar Pakistan seperti Karachi.
Beberapa suku Pashtun dipercaya masih memelihara keyakinan bahwa mereka adalah keturunan dari "Anak-anak Israel". Menurut legenda, mereka adalah keturunan dari suku Ephraim tribe yang diusir dari Israel oleh bangsa Assyrian pada sekitar tahun 700 sebelum masehi.
Bukti-bukti keberadaan pemukiman yahudi telah ditemukan di Herat, dekat perbatasan dengan Iran, dimana ditemukan kuburan kuno yang terdapat batu-batu nisan bertuliskan hurup dan bahasa Hebrew. Di ibukota Afghanistan, Kabul, bahkan terdapat sinagog (tempat ibadah umat yahudi) kuno yang tidak lagi digunakan.
Navras Aafreedi, peneliti utama yang melakukan penelitian tentang "suku-suku Israel yang hilang" mengatakan bahwa penelitian tentang DNA orang-orang Pashtun ini bisa menjadi sumber konflik sosial yang serius di era modern.
"Taliban may be descended from Jews"; Dean Nelson; telegraph.co.uk; 11 Januari 2010
Selama ini orang-orang wahabi-salafi dan para ekstremis Suni selalu menuduh "yahudi Khurasan" sebagai orang-orang Iran karena alasan sebagian wilayah yang disebut "Khurasan" adalah mencakup sebagian wilayah Iran. Padahal sebagian besar wilayah Khurasan sebenarnya justru terletak di Afghanistan, Pakistan, dan Tajikistan.
Sebuah penelitian dari National Institute of Immunohaematology Mumbai, India, baru-baru ini mengungkapkan bahwa kemungkinan besar etnis Pashtun (etnis terbesar di Pakistan dan Afghanistan) berasal dari keturunan dari salah satu "10 suku Israel yang hilang" (lost tribes of Israel).
Seorang ahli genetik India telah mengambil sampel darah dari orang-orang Pashtun Afridi di Lucknow, utara India, untuk dibawa ke Israel untuk mencocokkannya dengan DNA orang-orang yahudi Israel. Dibutuhkan waktu sekitar 12 bulan untuk memastikan hal itu. Israel diketahui aktif melakukan penelitian terhadap suku-suku terpencil di berbagai negara untuk menemukan "10 suku Israel yang hilang". Mereka adalah bagian dari 12 suku yang berasal dari keturunan Nabi Yakub (ayah dari Nabi Yusuf), yang bersama-sama membentuk satu bangsa Israel. Namun seiring dengan terjadinya banyak pertikaian antar suku-suku Israel serta penjajahan bangsa-bangsa asing yang berujung pada pengusiran orang-orang yahudi dari Palestina oleh bangsa Romawi, 10 suku bangsa Israel kini tidak diketahui keberadaannya.
Pengambilan sampel darah di area Malihabad, Lucknow, disebabkan wilayah ini diyakini sebagai wilayah yang cukup aman untuk dilakukannya penelitian yang dianggap sangat kontroversial bagi orang-orang Islam tersebut.
Shanaz Ali, seorang peneliti senior India, akan mengepalai penelitian yang dilakukan di Technion Israel Institute of Technology di Tel Aviv.
Saat ini diperkirakan terdapat sekitar 40 juta orang etnis Pashtun di seluruh dunia. Di antara jumlah itu sebanyak 14 juta tinggal di Afghanistan dan 28 juta berada di Pakistan. Wilayah utama mereka terutama berada di daerah perbatasan kedua negara yang bergunung-gunung, namun juga cukup signifikan jumlahnya di kota-kota besar Pakistan seperti Karachi.
Beberapa suku Pashtun dipercaya masih memelihara keyakinan bahwa mereka adalah keturunan dari "Anak-anak Israel". Menurut legenda, mereka adalah keturunan dari suku Ephraim tribe yang diusir dari Israel oleh bangsa Assyrian pada sekitar tahun 700 sebelum masehi.
Bukti-bukti keberadaan pemukiman yahudi telah ditemukan di Herat, dekat perbatasan dengan Iran, dimana ditemukan kuburan kuno yang terdapat batu-batu nisan bertuliskan hurup dan bahasa Hebrew. Di ibukota Afghanistan, Kabul, bahkan terdapat sinagog (tempat ibadah umat yahudi) kuno yang tidak lagi digunakan.
Navras Aafreedi, peneliti utama yang melakukan penelitian tentang "suku-suku Israel yang hilang" mengatakan bahwa penelitian tentang DNA orang-orang Pashtun ini bisa menjadi sumber konflik sosial yang serius di era modern.
"Taliban may be descended from Jews"; Dean Nelson; telegraph.co.uk; 11 Januari 2010
Pada tahun 2009 lalu dunia menyaksikan serangkaian aksi-aksi kerusuhan
di Iran yang disebut-sebut oleh media massa internasional disebabkan
oleh pemilihan umum yang curang. Berlangsung selama berbulan-bulan dan
telah memakan korban belasan jiwa, peristiwa yang terbukti kemudian
sebagai hasil kerjaan konspirasi asing tersebut berhasil dihentikan oleh
satu peristiwa dramatis, yaitu apa yang bisa disebut sebagai "Hari
Patriot" atau "Hari Pengertian".
Pawai tgl 30 Desember 2009 yang diikuti oleh jutaan rakyat Iran di berbagai penjuru kota itu menyatakan dukungannya terhadap hasil pemilu 2009 dan dengan telak menghancurkan klaim para perusuh sebagai representasi rakyat Iran yang sebenarnya. Atas kemenangan rakyat Iran atas konspirasi asing tersebut, setiap tgl 30 Desember rakyat Iran selalu memperingatinya.
Pada hari kemenangan tahun ini, Senin (30/12), ribuan orang berkumpul di Masjid Agung Teheran, mendengarkan kotbah yang diberikan oleh Imam Masjid Kazem Sediqqi tentang "Hari Pengertian".
“Rakyat Iran telah mengirimkan pesan kepada dunia bahwa mereka selalu berdiri di belakang pemimpin mereka dan tidak akan membiarkan negeri mereka menjadi korban skenario asing," kata seorang wanita yang turut dalam peringatan hari kemenangan tersebut.
"Pada hari itu (30 Desember 2009) 2 prinsip dalam ke-Islam-an tampak jelas, pertama adalah keberadaan Tuhan dan satunya adalah dukungan rakyat. Untunglah kedua faktor itu berhasil menghentikan perpecahan. Pada hari itu banyak di antara mereka yang telah terlibat kerusuhan akhirnya mengakui bahwa mereka telah telah berbuat kekeliruan," kata Ayatollah M. Qaemmaqami.
Sementara itu terkait dengan "Hari Pengertian" tersebut, dalam pertemuan kabinet yang digelar hari Minggu (29/12), Presiden Iran mengatakan bahwa para hari itu rakyat bereaksi setelah menyadari bahwa negara dan agama mereka telah dilecehkan oleh kekuatan-kekuatan asing dan kaki tangannya di dalam negeri Iran.
Menurut Rouhani, "Hari Pengertian" telah menunjukkan kepada dunia bahwa rakyat Iran sangat menghormati kesucian Revolusi Islam Iran.
Pawai tgl 30 Desember 2009 yang diikuti oleh jutaan rakyat Iran di berbagai penjuru kota itu menyatakan dukungannya terhadap hasil pemilu 2009 dan dengan telak menghancurkan klaim para perusuh sebagai representasi rakyat Iran yang sebenarnya. Atas kemenangan rakyat Iran atas konspirasi asing tersebut, setiap tgl 30 Desember rakyat Iran selalu memperingatinya.
Pada hari kemenangan tahun ini, Senin (30/12), ribuan orang berkumpul di Masjid Agung Teheran, mendengarkan kotbah yang diberikan oleh Imam Masjid Kazem Sediqqi tentang "Hari Pengertian".
“Rakyat Iran telah mengirimkan pesan kepada dunia bahwa mereka selalu berdiri di belakang pemimpin mereka dan tidak akan membiarkan negeri mereka menjadi korban skenario asing," kata seorang wanita yang turut dalam peringatan hari kemenangan tersebut.
"Pada hari itu (30 Desember 2009) 2 prinsip dalam ke-Islam-an tampak jelas, pertama adalah keberadaan Tuhan dan satunya adalah dukungan rakyat. Untunglah kedua faktor itu berhasil menghentikan perpecahan. Pada hari itu banyak di antara mereka yang telah terlibat kerusuhan akhirnya mengakui bahwa mereka telah telah berbuat kekeliruan," kata Ayatollah M. Qaemmaqami.
Sementara itu terkait dengan "Hari Pengertian" tersebut, dalam pertemuan kabinet yang digelar hari Minggu (29/12), Presiden Iran mengatakan bahwa para hari itu rakyat bereaksi setelah menyadari bahwa negara dan agama mereka telah dilecehkan oleh kekuatan-kekuatan asing dan kaki tangannya di dalam negeri Iran.
Menurut Rouhani, "Hari Pengertian" telah menunjukkan kepada dunia bahwa rakyat Iran sangat menghormati kesucian Revolusi Islam Iran.
"Iranians mark epic December 30, 2009 anti-sedition rallies"; Press TV; 30 Desember 2013
"Rouhani hails Iran steadfastness in Islamic values"; Press TV; 30 Desember 2013
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