In September 1964, the Warren Commission concluded that Lee
Harvey Oswald acted alone when he assassinated President John F.
Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States and the only Roman
Catholic elected to the office.
The commission said
that on Nov. 22, 1963, at about 12:30 p.m. Central Time, Oswald fired
three shots from behind the presidential motorcade on the sixth floor in
the Texas School Book Depository building using a Mannlicher-Carcano
rifle, as the presidential motorcade passed through Dealey Plaza in
The report concluded the following: One shot struck Kennedy in the
back of the neck and exited through his throat and then hit Texas Gov.
John Connally, creating five wounds in Connally’s body. A shot after the
aforementioned shot struck Kennedy in the rear portion of his head,
killing him. Another shot missed the motorcade, but its ricochet injured
bystander James Tague in the cheek as he stood 270 feet west of the
motorcade on the Stemmons Freeway Overpass; the commission did not
specify whether the missed shot was the first or third shot.
Accused Assassin Arrested In 90 Minutes
Approximately 90 minutes after the assassination, Oswald was captured
in the Texas Theatre in Dallas. He was arrested first for the handgun
murder of Dallas police officer J.D. Tippit, whom the Warren Commission
concluded Oswald had also killed after the Dealey Plaza shooting, and he
was later charged with murdering President Kennedy. However, the
accused Oswald did not get to stand trial because Dallas strip
club/nightclub owner Jack Ruby
shot and killed Oswald two days later, on Nov. 24, 1963, at 11:21 a.m.
Central Time, as Oswald was being transferred by police from a Dallas
police station cell to a nearby county jail.
Further, the accepted and widely published profile of Oswald in the
initial months and years after the assassination was that of a
“low-achievement, socially isolated, ill-educated Communist determined
to kill someone of significance in the United States.” He was portrayed
in the media as “a revolutionary who sought a change in the economic
order from capitalism to communism by violent means,” or as a “mentally
unstable/crazy person,” or some combination of the above.
A Second Commission, A Different Conclusion
Later, in 1979, a second U.S. government commission rendered a different conclusion regarding who killed President Kennedy. The House Select Committee on Assassinations
(HSCA) concluded that Kennedy was very likely assassinated as a result
of a plot/conspiracy, and that scientific acoustical evidence
established a high probability that at least two gunman fired at the
president -- with three shots fired from the TSBD (the book depository)
and one shot from the grassy knoll. However, the HSCA was unable to
identify the other gunman or the extent of the conspiracy.
Also, the HSCA agreed with the Warren Commission regarding Oswald’s
role, but it specified which rifle shot from the TSBD missed the
motorcade. The HSCA concluded that Oswald had fired three rifle shots at
Kennedy, with the first missing the motorcade and the next two hitting
it, the last of which struck Kennedy in the head, killing him.
However, rather than close the JFK assassination case, the Warren
Commission’s and the HSCA’s work and conclusions did just the opposite.
In particular, questions remain about the Warren Commission’s failure
to: interview some Dealey Plaza witnesses; review discrepancies between
the conclusions of the Parkland Hospital physicians’ examination and
the evidence provided by the Bethesda [Maryland] Naval Hospital’s
autopsy photos; investigate the destruction of vital forensic
presidential limousine evidence; evaluate the Dallas Police Department’s
interrogation of Oswald.
These and other concerns have led many assassination researchers to reject the Warren Commission's conclusions,
either in whole or in part, and argue, like the HSCA, that more than
one person fired gunshots at President Kennedy that day in a plot or
conspiracy to kill the president.
Conversely, lone-gunman supporters stand by the Warren Commission’s
report and conclusion, on the grounds that not enough hard evidence
exists to undermine the commission’s conclusion that Oswald acted alone.
Hence, one can summarize the state of the research and investigation into the assassination of President Kennedy as this:
To date, there’s no “smoking gun,” or, in other words, while there’s
no incontrovertible evidence of a plot or conspiracy to assassinate
President Kennedy, there is a pattern of suspicious activity, along with
a series of anomalies and a commonality of interests among key parties,
that compel additional research and the release to the public of key
Researchers' Work, Released Documents Revealing More Information
Of course, lone-gunman supporters argue that as far as who
assassinated President Kennedy, there’s nothing more to research: for
them, it’s a settled issue. Even so, each year, new evidence becomes
available -- on a variety of aspects in the case -- that tell us more
than we knew previously about what really happened on that ignominious
and fateful day in Dallas.
Further, one current research trend concerns the life of Lee Harvey
Oswald -- in addition to research into witness evidence, forensic
evidence, Parkland medical exam/Bethesda autopsy evidence, ballistic
evidence, limousine evidence and interrogation evidence.
As mentioned, in the initial months and years after the
assassination, the accepted and widely circulated profile of Oswald was
that of a “low-achievement, socially isolated, communist” or a “radical
who sought a change in the economic order from capitalism to communism
by violent means” or a “mentally unstable/crazy person,” or some
combination thereof.
However, the release of documents and research by historians,
assassination researchers and other investigators indicates that Oswald
was a much different person than the one who was initially portrayed
after the assassination of President Kennedy.
Further, some of the recent, hard evidence on Oswald --
far from confirming a low-achievement individual -- reveals that he was
a multiskilled individual who had a number of accomplishments. And
while other pieces of hard evidence increase historians' clarity about
various periods in Oswald’s life, much of it nevertheless begs other
18 Questions That May Get the Nation Closer To The Truth
It’s those questions -- 18 of which are listed below -- that, when
answered, will give the American people and others around the world a
better understanding of who Lee Harvey Oswald was.
1) The United States Navy Base at Atsugi, Japan, to which U. S.
Marine Corps member Oswald was assigned from September 1957 to November
1958, was not just a run-of-the-mill U.S. Navy-operated defense base. It
was and is a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) base. Among other
intelligence operations, the Atsugi base was one of two bases from which
the CIA operated the top secret U-2 spy plane, which flew
reconnaissance and surveillance missions over the Soviet Union and
China. Why was the low-achieving, nondescript Oswald assigned to such a
top secret and important base?
2) When Oswald defected to the Soviet Union in October 1959, as a
former Marine, a 201 File on him containing personnel documents should
have been created by the CIA, because he had been stationed at a top
secret naval base. No such file was immediately opened; instead, it was
delayed. Why?
Rather, a 201 File on him was created a year later, in December 1960,
and that late opening compels questions regarding how the CIA
interpreted Oswald’s defection.
To underscore, the CIA’s treatment of Oswald’s defection was an
anomaly -- it says something about who Oswald was, or, minimally, how
his file was viewed by the CIA. If a former U.S. Marine defected from
the United States to the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War, and
if he truly posed a risk of giving U.S. radar secrets and other
sensitive information to the Russians, then why did the CIA did not
immediately open a 201 File on him?
3) Oswald traveled through four nations in Europe en route to his
defection to the Soviet Union, but he had virtually no money. As a
person of modest means, how did Oswald finance his complicated defection
4) During his trip through Europe to the Soviet Union, Oswald
traveled from England to Helsinki, Finland, and initially checked in to
the Hotel Torni -- which was roughly equivalent to staying at the Ritz
Carlton. Where did the cash-strapped, low-resource, working-class Oswald
get the money to stay at such a high-class hotel?
Perhaps Oswald underestimated the Torni’s hotel fees, because he soon
checked out and sought another hotel -- but his second choice wasn’t
much cheaper: the Klaus Kurki Hotel -- another four-star hotel -- which
was similar in quality to the Four Seasons.
5) Upon arriving in the Soviet Union, Oswald said he was a U.S.
Marine Corp. radar operator, and that he knew some “classified things”
that he planned to give to the Soviets. However, Oswald was never
punished by the U.S. government for making these disloyal statements.
6) Oswald, despite his Marxist beliefs and defection to the Soviet
Union, was later allowed to return to the United States after he decided
he was wrong to defect and had become disillusioned with the form of
communism practiced by the Russians. Despite his defection and all-but
abandoned Soviet sympathies, and despite it being the height of the Cold
War, Oswald was permitted by the U.S. government to return to the
United States. Why?
7) Just before he re-defected to the United States, Oswald wrote to
his mother, Marguerite Oswald, telling her that before he traveled to
his home in New Orleans, “I plan to stop over in Washington for a
while.” Why did Oswald stop in Washington, D.C.? What did he do there?
8) After he defected back to the United States from the Soviet Union,
Oswald was de-briefed by the CIA, which the CIA initially lied about by
claiming the interview did not occur. The CIA, when documents later
surfaced that it had de-briefed Oswald, revised its story and called
this meeting a “routine contact” for anyone who re-defected to the
United States. Was this a routine contact? Or something more
substantial? And why did the CIA initially lie about its contact with
9) Some “Hands Off Cuba” leaflets, which Oswald distributed in August
1963 on the day of his arrest in New Orleans following a scuffle with
anti-Castro protesters, were stamped with the address 544 Camp Street,
which had no connection to any pro-Castro organization but did identify
the building in which the offices of Guy Bannister, a private
investigator involved in anti-Castro activities, were located. Why did
they have a 544 Camp Street address?
10) The Warren Commission portrayed Oswald as a disgruntled,
low-achievement loner. But the record shows that Oswald was a Civil Air
Patrol cadet and a U.S. Marine Corps radar operator who was also trained
in electronics, interrogation techniques and the Russian language.
Oswald was also able to defect to the Soviet Union, live in Russia for
two years and re-defect with a Russian wife … and gain re-admission to
the United States in a matter of days after applying for re-defection.
That’s a remarkable training, skills and accomplishment record for a
low-achievement, low-resource citizen. How can one reconcile the Warren
Commission’s profile with what the Oswald record shows?
11) The U.S. State Department extended Oswald a loan to pay for his travel expenses to return to the United States. As JFK Assassination Researcher Bob Harris points out,
that’s pretty generous treatment during the height of the Cold War for
someone with a Marxist past, who could have been a potential subversive
and traitor to his country. Why did the State Department extend the
12) After returning to the United States, Oswald contacted these
three organizations within 90 days: the Fair Play For Cuba Committee,
the American Civil Liberties Union and the Congress of Racial Equality
-- three organizations at the top of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover’s
subversive list. Why did Oswald contact the organizations Hoover was
trying to infiltrate and undermine the most?
13) Despite being, arguably, the most important crime case in modern
U.S. history, crime investigators in Dallas did not have a legal,
stenographic record made of the interrogation of Oswald after his
arrest, aside from memoranda written by interrogators. And the two forms
of records are not remotely the same: The actual interrogation time of
Oswald was about 10-12 hours -- why was there no stenographic record
made that reflects that amount of time for the interrogation? And given
the importance of the case, why wasn’t a professional stenographer used?
And why wasn’t an audio recording of the interrogation sessions made?
14) As noted, Oswald was portrayed by the Warren Commission as being a
low-achievement loner and a very ordinary person. Yet, throughout his
life, Oswald was surrounded by high-achievement, extraordinary people:
David Ferrie, Priscilla Johnson McMillan, George de Mohrenschildt, Ruth
Hyde Paine and Michael Paine, to list a few. How can one reconcile the
Warren Commission’s profile of Oswald with the relationships Oswald had
with these accomplished individuals during his adult life?
15) The Warren Commission also portrays Oswald as a mentally
unstable/crazy person, but Oswald was nevertheless able to attract and
court -- in a foreign country, no less -- Marina Prusakova, a pharmacy
employee, of Minsk, Russia (then the Soviet Union), whom he married in
1959. How can one reconcile the Warren Commission’s conclusion that
Oswald was mentally unstable -- which generally is not viewed as a
quality likely to attract a mate -- with Marina Prusakova’s willingness
to marry Oswald?
Oswald was also able to re-defect to the United States with his
Russian wife, quickly, after he requested to return to his native
country. Why was he able to do so with such speed and ease?
16) CIA Operations Officer George Joannides of
Miami, now deceased, guided and monitored the New Orleans chapter of an
anti-Castro Cuban exile group, the Directorio Revolucionario
Estudiantil (DRE), that Oswald had a series of encounters with in the
summer of 1963, three months before Kennedy was murdered.
Later, in 1978, Joannides served as CIA liaison to the House Select
Committee on Assassinations, but he did not disclose this obvious
conflict-of-interest to the HSCA regarding his role in the events of
1963. Why?
HSCA Chief Counsel G. Robert Blakey said that had he known who Joannides was at that time, Joannides would have not continued as CIA liaison and instead would have become a witness who would have been interrogated under oath by the HSCA staff or by the committee.
17) Thirty-five years later, the CIA continues to oppose the release
of Joannides’ files that relate to the JFK assassination. Why? (The
public release of these files, among other classified JFK files, is
being sought by author/researcher Jefferson Morley in the ongoing Morley v. CIA suit.) The CIA says the Joannides files must remain classified due to “national security.” Why?
18) The classified files of CIA officers David Atlee Philips,
who was involved in pre-assassination surveillance of Oswald; Birch D
O’Neal, who as counter-intelligence head of the CIA opened a file on
defector Oswald; E. Howard Hunt; William King Harvey; Anne Goodpasture; and David Sanchez Morales
-- when made public, these files will also help the nation determine
what really happened in Dallas, who Oswald was, and how the CIA treated
and handled his file. But as with Joannides’ files, the CIA said these
files must remain classified until at least 2017, and perhaps longer,
due to U.S. national security. Why? It has been 50 years. What event or
act that occurred 50 years ago could possibly be in these files that
could hurt U.S. national security?
Determining Factor On Oswald - The Record
Answers to these questions, and others, will not incontrovertibly
prove that there was -- or was not -- a second gunman in Dealey Plaza
during the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
But they will give the American people a better idea about whether
the initial portrayal of Lee Harvey Oswald by the media and authorities
was the truth. Or a lie.
--See Also:
4 JFK Assassination Files The CIA Must Make Public
In Dealey Plaza, It Is Always November 22, 1963
The CIA And Lee Harvey Oswald - Questions Remain
Pelaku bom boston mengaku tidak bersalah
Terbaru 11 Juli 2013 - 08:00 WIB
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev dikenai 30 dakwaan dengan ancaman hukuman mati.
Tersangka pelaku bom Boston Dzhokhar Tsarnaev mengaku tidak bersalah atas semua dakwaan dalam sidang perdana.
Tsarnaev, 19, menghadapi 30 dakwaan penggunaan
senjata perusak massa dalam dua ledakan yang menewaskan tiga orang di
garis akhir maraton Boston, 15 April silam.
Dia tampil di persidangan dalam
kondisi terborgol dan menggunakan pakaian penjara berwarna oranye, dan
menjawab ''tidak bersalah'' saat dakwaan dibacakan di pengadilan.
Jaksa mengancam dirinya dengan hukuman mati.
Tersangka juga didakwa atas kematian orang ke
empat, seorang petugas polisi universitas, yang diduka ditembak mati
oleh Tsarnaev dan saudaranya Tamerlan saat pengejaran berlangsung pasca
serangan bom.
Dia juga didakwa dalam insiden pembajakan mobil
dan mengunduh materi internet dari situs Islam radikal beberapa kali
sebelum melakukan serangan.
Keluarga di persidangan
Persidangan yang berlangsung di pengadilan
federal Boston tersebut dipenuhi oleh warga yang ingin menyaksikan
secara langsung persidangan yang hanya berjalan selama tujuh menit.
Tsarnaev tiba di gedung pengadilan dengan wajah terlihat bengkak dan lengan berbalut gips.
Dua saudara perempuannya ikut dalam persidangan. Satu terlihat menangis dan yang lainnya terlihat menggendong bayi.
Sebelum dia meninggalkan persidangan, Tsarnaev
tersenyum dan memberikan lambaian kecupan untuk anggota keluarganya yang
berada di ruang pengadilan.
Di antara kerumunan massa yang menghadiri
persidangan, terdapat teman Tsarnaev, Hank Alvarez, 19. Dia mengatakan:
'' Baru kenal dia, sulit untuk mengetahui fakta bahwa dia pelakunya.''
Tsarnaev, seorang warga AS, tidak hadir dalam
persidangan sebelumnya saat sebuah juri federal sepakat untuk
memberikannya 30 dakwaan.
Tsarnaev dan saudaranya Tamerlan, 26, yang tewas
dalam pengejaran menjadi tersangka dalam insiden bom panci presto yang
menewaskan tiga orang dan melukai 260 orang.
Kedua bersaudara itu berasal dari keluarga Muslim etnis Chechnya dari Rusia dan telah tinggal di AS selama sekitar satu dekade.
In a court motion
filed last week, the CIA acknowledged for the first time that deceased
CIA officer George Joannides lived in New Orleans while handling
contacts with an anti-Castro student organization whose members had a
series of encounters with accused presidential assassin Lee Oswald in
August 1963.
The unexpected admission came in arguments before a federal court judge about whether the CIA is obliged to pay $295,000 in legal fees incurred during my Freedom of Information Act lawsuit concerning certain 50-year-old JFK assassination records.
In a previous court filing, my attorney Jim Lesar argued that two documents released over CIA objections in 2008 were significant because they showed that Joannides’s espionage assignment took him to New Orleans where Oswald lived.
In a 38-page response U.S. Attorney Ron Machen disputed the claim that Joannides had traveled to New Orleans in the spring of 1964 at the time Warren Commission was investigating Oswald’s contacts with anti-Castro Cubans.
Machen said the documents showed only that Joannides had maintained a residence in New Orleans.
“New Orleans is clearly listed as Joannides’ place of residence when on home leave, and the form does not put him in New Orleans on the dates cited by Plaintiff,” Machen stated.
Joannides and his family lived in Miami from 1962-64, according to CIA records and interviews with former colleagues. Joannides’s residence on 65th Avenue in Southwest Miami was listed in the 1963 Miami phone book.
Machen’s filing did not disclose why Joannides maintained a second residence in New Orleans.
Whatever the date of Joannides’s travel to New Orleans, Machen’s motion confirms that Joannides lived in the Crescent City at same time, or shortly after, the anti-Castro student group under his control had contact with Kennedy’s accused killer.
The admission is significant because Joannides’s financial support for Oswald’s antagonists among the anti-Castro exiles was not disclosed to the Warren Commission. Former commission staffer Burt Griffin, now a judge in Ohio, recently told AP reporter David Porter that the CIA’s failure to disclose Joannides’s actions in 1963 was an act of “bad faith.”
Joannides, who died in 1990, was never questioned by JFK investigators about contacts between the anti-Castro students he supported and Kennedy’s accused killer.
The New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Associated Press have all reported in recent years on the unusual secrecy around his role in the events of 1963.
As an undercover CIA officer living in New Orleans, Joannides was well positioned to report on Oswald’s actions in late 1963.
Using the alias “Howard,” Joannides served as case officer for the Cuban Student Directorate (DRE), the anti-Castro organizations funded by the agency that publicized Oswald’s pro-Castro ways both before and after JFK was killed. He also served as chief of the psychological warfare operations branch of the CIA’s Miami station, according to declassified CIA records.
The CIA had an office in New Orleans where Oswald, an itinerant ex-Marine married to a Russian woman, lived from April to September 1963.

In August 1963, Oswald had a series of encounters with members of the New Orleans chapter of the Cuban Student Directorate who challenged his public support of Cuban president Fidel Castro.
The Cuban students publicized and denounced Oswald’s pro-Castro activities on a local radio program.
They sent one member, described as an “intelligence officer,” to visit Oswald’s house posing as a Castro supporter, to learn more about him.
The group issued a press release on August 21, 1963, calling for a congressional investigation of Oswald, who had not shot anyone at that point.
At the time, the CIA, via Joannides, supplied the Cuban students in Miami with $51,000 a month, according to CIA memo found in the JFK Library in Boston. The group’s activities involved “propaganda, political action and intelligence collection,” according to Joannides’s fitness evaluation from the summer of 1963.
When it came to Oswald, the DRE delivered what the CIA paid for.
Within an hour of Oswald’s arrest for killing JFK on November 22, 1963, DRE leaders in Miami called reporters to say the president had been killed by a communist. The group’s information about Oswald helped generate headlines nationwide about “the pro-Castro gunman.”
The day after the assassination, the DRE published a broadsheet featuring the photos of Oswald and Castro under the headline “The Presumed Assassins.”
It was one of the first JFK conspiracy scenarios to reach public print. According to former members of the DRE, the group was wholly dependent on CIA funds provided by Joannides at the time.
‘Attenuated connection’
My Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, filed in 2003, sought records that would show what Joannides knew about the contacts between the DRE and Oswald, as well as what he reported to his superiors.
In ten years of litigation, CIA officials have stated repeatedly said they will “neither confirm nor deny” the existence of records related to Joannides’s participation in any specific covert project, operation or assignment in the summer of 1963.
The phrase, “neither confirm nor deny,” is a standard CIA response to inquiries about covert operations.
In the Nov. 7 court filing, Machen stated:
“While it is true that Joannides was a CIA officer and liaison to DRE, an anti-Castro group that had a couple (sic) of encounters with Oswald, this doesn’t implicate either Joannides or DRE in the assassination. Even then, the records cited for support by Plaintiff do not pertain to this attenuated connection, and those that do have already been publicly released in the JFK Act collection.”
Machen’s sworn statement erred in saying members of the group had “a couple of encounters” with Oswald.
In fact, the Warren Commission report found that DRE members came in personal contact with Oswald on five different occasions in August 1963.
A medal for his service
In the Nov. 7 filing, Machen also disputed the significance of CIA records, released under appellate court order in 2008, that revealed Joannides had received a CIA medal.
In a previous filing, I argued that the previously unknown honor reflected official approval of Joannides’s actions in 1963 and in 1978, when he served as the CIA’s liaison to congressional investigators looking into Kennedy’s murder.
The CIA rejected that claim, saying that the declassified citation of the medal “does not address any specific assignment, rather it speaks in terms of 28 years of [Joannides's] cumulative service ‘in diverse assignments of increasing responsibility at Headquarters, the domestic field and overseas.”
The specific reasons why Joannides was honored remain secret, even 50 years after the fact. The CIA has asserted in previous federal court filings that a five-page 1981 memo to Joannides’s superiors about the medal cannot be made public — for reasons of “national security.”
For more information, see:
”5 Decades Later Some JFK FIles Still Sealed” (Associated Press, Aug. 18. 2013)
“Justice Dept. denies CIA officer was honored for coverup” (JFK Facts,Dec. 17, 2012)
“Court uphold public benefit of disclosure about CIA officer in JFK story” (JFK Facts, June 19, 2013)
“CIA Still Cagey About Oswald Mystery” (New York Times, October 17, 2009)
“Morley v. CIA: Why I sued the CIA for JFK assassination records” (JFK Facts, Feb. 23, 2013)
Help JFK Facts bring the truth about the JFK story to the Internet and social media
Donate Now
Posted: 2:13 p.m. Monday, Nov. 18, 2013
Enam Kali Pelaku Bom Boston Bilang Tak Bersalah
Kamis, 11 Juli 2013 16:38 WIB
pelaku bom Boston. Tamerlan Tsarnaev (26), kiri, tewas dalam baku
tembak dengan polisi pada Jumat (19/4) di hari. Adiknya Dzhokhar
Tsarnaev (19) ditangkap pada Jumat malam waktu setempat atau Sabtu pagi
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, BOSTON - Terdakwa kasus peledakan bom dalam ajang Maraton Boston, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, mengaku tidak bersalah atas tuduhan penggunaan senjata pemusnah massal untuk membunuh, di pengadilan federal Boston, Rabu (10/7/2103), waktu setempat.
"Tidak bersalah," ujarnya sambil mencondongkan tubuhnya ke arah mikrofon seperti diberitakan oleh, Kamis.
Setidaknya ada setengah lusin, Dzhokhar menyatakan dirinya tidak bersalah di ruang persidangan.
Federal AS, tengah menimbang akan menuntut hukuman mati untuk Dzhokhar
yang tampil di persidangan dengan alat bantu berjalan.
Selain itu bentuk rahang Tamerlan terlihat miring, diperkirakan akibat luka yang ia alami saat dibekuk oleh pihak berwenang AS.
Sidang perdana Dzhokhar, berlangsung singkat tak lebih dari tujuh menit, namun ruang sidangnya penuh sesak oleh pengunjung.
Kebanyakan dari mereka merupakan anggota keluarga korban, dan polisi. (
Konspirasi Bom Boston Marathon 15 April 2013
Updated about 3 months ago
NEWS] 3 orang tewas dan 28 luka-luka akibat adanya 2 ledakan dekat
garis finish disaat penyelenggaraan Boston Marathon dikota Boston, AS.
Senin (15/04/2013). Ledakan dari dalam JFK Library.
This video is public. Two Explosions at Boston Marathon (UP CLOSE MIXED)
"Two explosions at the Boston Marathon. Let's not forget that the FBI has been behind virtually every domestic terror plot in the US." said Alex Jones ( )
[Catatan Editor: "Ketidak sengajaan" adanya penyisiran bom ini sama seperti dengan Pengeboman Madrid dan Pengeboman London 7/7 dan pengeboman lainnya, ada penyisiran bom yang seakan bertepatan dengan acara yang sebenarnya. Hal ini dilakukan agar jika operasi terkotak terkena koperasi melaksanakan serangan itu hanya dapat mengklaim bahwa mereka adalah bagian dari pelacakan dan penyisiran bom.] Alex Jones ( )
Proves this "drill" was happening before, during & after the race. They do NOT want this out that there was drill today. UM Coach: Bomb Sniffing Dogs Were at Start, Finish Lines for “Drill”
[Editor's Note: Just as with the Madrid bombing and 7/7 bombings in London and countless others, a drill coincides with the real event. This is done so that if the compartmentalized operation is exposed the operatives executing the attack can simply claim they were part of the drill.]
Video aftermath
At least two people have been killed and over two dozens injured after two explosions hit at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. 23,326 runners started Boston Marathon, 17,584 finished before it was cancelled at 2:57p.m.
20:00 GMT: 2 dead, 22 injured after explosions near Boston Marathon finish line - police
20:13 GMT: An intelligence official working on the scene told the Associated Press that two additional explosive devices were found near the site, and are being dismantled by a bomb squad.
20:20 GMT: FAA imposes partial no-fly zone following Boston marathon explosions.
20:35 GMT: Police are now getting reports of multiple other unexploded devices around Boston.
20:41 GMT: Police have confirmed a third explosion in Boston. This time at the JFK Library, there yet have been no reports of dead or injured.
20:49 GMT: An amateur video showing the moment of the second blast:
20:50 GMT: At least six of the 28 injured are in critical condition, hospital officials say.
20:51 GMT: Boston police commissioner urges people to stay indoors, not congregate in large groups.
20:55 GMT: "We are not certain that these incidents are related, but we are treating them as if they are," Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis told a news conference.
21:00 GMT: Some media have reported that a suspect is in custody at a Boston hospital, though the claim has not been officially confirmed. A source told the New York Post that a 20-year-old Saudi Arabian national was under guard at the hospital, though it was not made clear whether or not he was injured.
21:04 GMT: Time reporter Andrew Katz reports via Twitter that "another device" has been discovered in front of the luxurious Mandarin Hotel in Boston. The information comes from a police scanner.
21:19 GMT: The number of injured rises to at least 100 people, the Boston Globe reported on Twitter.
21:10: Cellphone service is reportedly down in Boston.
21:25 GMT: Police have asked people in immediate area of explosion to refrain from using mobile phones.
21:31 GMT: Boston police denied a claim by the New York Post that a 20-year-old Saudi Arabian national was in custody as a suspect in the blasts.
21:44 GMT: FBI Director Bob Mueller and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano have briefed US President Barack Obama about the ongoing investigation of twin explosions that hit the Boston Marathon on Monday.
21:51 GMT: US President Barack Obama is scheduled to address the nation at 6:10 p.m. EST
21: 56 GMT: Boston police report the supposed explosion at JFK Library was a fire. It has not been linked to the explosions at the Boston Marathon.
21: 59 GMT: Police Commissioner denies any arrests have been made but "multiple people" are being investigated. There is a "heavy police presence" at every hospital in the city.
22:05 GMT: FBI identifies the explosions at the Boston Marathon as terrorist attack.
22:35 GMT: White House officials say the investigation will have to determine whether the Boston bombings were carried out by a terrorist group, foreign or domestic, Reuters reports.
This video is public. Two Explosions at Boston Marathon (UP CLOSE MIXED)
"Two explosions at the Boston Marathon. Let's not forget that the FBI has been behind virtually every domestic terror plot in the US." said Alex Jones ( )
[Catatan Editor: "Ketidak sengajaan" adanya penyisiran bom ini sama seperti dengan Pengeboman Madrid dan Pengeboman London 7/7 dan pengeboman lainnya, ada penyisiran bom yang seakan bertepatan dengan acara yang sebenarnya. Hal ini dilakukan agar jika operasi terkotak terkena koperasi melaksanakan serangan itu hanya dapat mengklaim bahwa mereka adalah bagian dari pelacakan dan penyisiran bom.] Alex Jones ( )
Proves this "drill" was happening before, during & after the race. They do NOT want this out that there was drill today. UM Coach: Bomb Sniffing Dogs Were at Start, Finish Lines for “Drill”
[Editor's Note: Just as with the Madrid bombing and 7/7 bombings in London and countless others, a drill coincides with the real event. This is done so that if the compartmentalized operation is exposed the operatives executing the attack can simply claim they were part of the drill.]
Video aftermath
At least two people have been killed and over two dozens injured after two explosions hit at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. 23,326 runners started Boston Marathon, 17,584 finished before it was cancelled at 2:57p.m.
20:00 GMT: 2 dead, 22 injured after explosions near Boston Marathon finish line - police
20:13 GMT: An intelligence official working on the scene told the Associated Press that two additional explosive devices were found near the site, and are being dismantled by a bomb squad.
20:20 GMT: FAA imposes partial no-fly zone following Boston marathon explosions.
20:35 GMT: Police are now getting reports of multiple other unexploded devices around Boston.
20:41 GMT: Police have confirmed a third explosion in Boston. This time at the JFK Library, there yet have been no reports of dead or injured.
20:49 GMT: An amateur video showing the moment of the second blast:
20:50 GMT: At least six of the 28 injured are in critical condition, hospital officials say.
20:51 GMT: Boston police commissioner urges people to stay indoors, not congregate in large groups.
20:55 GMT: "We are not certain that these incidents are related, but we are treating them as if they are," Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis told a news conference.
21:00 GMT: Some media have reported that a suspect is in custody at a Boston hospital, though the claim has not been officially confirmed. A source told the New York Post that a 20-year-old Saudi Arabian national was under guard at the hospital, though it was not made clear whether or not he was injured.
21:04 GMT: Time reporter Andrew Katz reports via Twitter that "another device" has been discovered in front of the luxurious Mandarin Hotel in Boston. The information comes from a police scanner.
21:19 GMT: The number of injured rises to at least 100 people, the Boston Globe reported on Twitter.
21:10: Cellphone service is reportedly down in Boston.
21:25 GMT: Police have asked people in immediate area of explosion to refrain from using mobile phones.
21:31 GMT: Boston police denied a claim by the New York Post that a 20-year-old Saudi Arabian national was in custody as a suspect in the blasts.
21:44 GMT: FBI Director Bob Mueller and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano have briefed US President Barack Obama about the ongoing investigation of twin explosions that hit the Boston Marathon on Monday.
21:51 GMT: US President Barack Obama is scheduled to address the nation at 6:10 p.m. EST
21: 56 GMT: Boston police report the supposed explosion at JFK Library was a fire. It has not been linked to the explosions at the Boston Marathon.
21: 59 GMT: Police Commissioner denies any arrests have been made but "multiple people" are being investigated. There is a "heavy police presence" at every hospital in the city.
22:05 GMT: FBI identifies the explosions at the Boston Marathon as terrorist attack.
22:35 GMT: White House officials say the investigation will have to determine whether the Boston bombings were carried out by a terrorist group, foreign or domestic, Reuters reports.
CIA admits undercover officer lived in New Orleans
George Joannides, chief of CIA covert operations in Miami in 1963, also had a residence in New Orleans, according to the CIA.
The unexpected admission came in arguments before a federal court judge about whether the CIA is obliged to pay $295,000 in legal fees incurred during my Freedom of Information Act lawsuit concerning certain 50-year-old JFK assassination records.
In a previous court filing, my attorney Jim Lesar argued that two documents released over CIA objections in 2008 were significant because they showed that Joannides’s espionage assignment took him to New Orleans where Oswald lived.
In a 38-page response U.S. Attorney Ron Machen disputed the claim that Joannides had traveled to New Orleans in the spring of 1964 at the time Warren Commission was investigating Oswald’s contacts with anti-Castro Cubans.
Machen said the documents showed only that Joannides had maintained a residence in New Orleans.
“New Orleans is clearly listed as Joannides’ place of residence when on home leave, and the form does not put him in New Orleans on the dates cited by Plaintiff,” Machen stated.
Joannides and his family lived in Miami from 1962-64, according to CIA records and interviews with former colleagues. Joannides’s residence on 65th Avenue in Southwest Miami was listed in the 1963 Miami phone book.
Machen’s filing did not disclose why Joannides maintained a second residence in New Orleans.
Whatever the date of Joannides’s travel to New Orleans, Machen’s motion confirms that Joannides lived in the Crescent City at same time, or shortly after, the anti-Castro student group under his control had contact with Kennedy’s accused killer.
The admission is significant because Joannides’s financial support for Oswald’s antagonists among the anti-Castro exiles was not disclosed to the Warren Commission. Former commission staffer Burt Griffin, now a judge in Ohio, recently told AP reporter David Porter that the CIA’s failure to disclose Joannides’s actions in 1963 was an act of “bad faith.”
Joannides, who died in 1990, was never questioned by JFK investigators about contacts between the anti-Castro students he supported and Kennedy’s accused killer.
The CIA in New Orleans
Joannides is one of the most significant new characters to emerge in the always controversial story of JFK’s assassination.The New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Associated Press have all reported in recent years on the unusual secrecy around his role in the events of 1963.
As an undercover CIA officer living in New Orleans, Joannides was well positioned to report on Oswald’s actions in late 1963.
Using the alias “Howard,” Joannides served as case officer for the Cuban Student Directorate (DRE), the anti-Castro organizations funded by the agency that publicized Oswald’s pro-Castro ways both before and after JFK was killed. He also served as chief of the psychological warfare operations branch of the CIA’s Miami station, according to declassified CIA records.
The CIA had an office in New Orleans where Oswald, an itinerant ex-Marine married to a Russian woman, lived from April to September 1963.
Lee Oswald came to the attention of CIA-funded anti-Castro exiles in New Orleans in the summer of 1963.
In August 1963, Oswald had a series of encounters with members of the New Orleans chapter of the Cuban Student Directorate who challenged his public support of Cuban president Fidel Castro.
The Cuban students publicized and denounced Oswald’s pro-Castro activities on a local radio program.
They sent one member, described as an “intelligence officer,” to visit Oswald’s house posing as a Castro supporter, to learn more about him.
The group issued a press release on August 21, 1963, calling for a congressional investigation of Oswald, who had not shot anyone at that point.
At the time, the CIA, via Joannides, supplied the Cuban students in Miami with $51,000 a month, according to CIA memo found in the JFK Library in Boston. The group’s activities involved “propaganda, political action and intelligence collection,” according to Joannides’s fitness evaluation from the summer of 1963.
When it came to Oswald, the DRE delivered what the CIA paid for.
Within an hour of Oswald’s arrest for killing JFK on November 22, 1963, DRE leaders in Miami called reporters to say the president had been killed by a communist. The group’s information about Oswald helped generate headlines nationwide about “the pro-Castro gunman.”
The day after the assassination, the DRE published a broadsheet featuring the photos of Oswald and Castro under the headline “The Presumed Assassins.”
It was one of the first JFK conspiracy scenarios to reach public print. According to former members of the DRE, the group was wholly dependent on CIA funds provided by Joannides at the time.
‘Attenuated connection’
My Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, filed in 2003, sought records that would show what Joannides knew about the contacts between the DRE and Oswald, as well as what he reported to his superiors.
In ten years of litigation, CIA officials have stated repeatedly said they will “neither confirm nor deny” the existence of records related to Joannides’s participation in any specific covert project, operation or assignment in the summer of 1963.
The phrase, “neither confirm nor deny,” is a standard CIA response to inquiries about covert operations.
In the Nov. 7 court filing, Machen stated:
“While it is true that Joannides was a CIA officer and liaison to DRE, an anti-Castro group that had a couple (sic) of encounters with Oswald, this doesn’t implicate either Joannides or DRE in the assassination. Even then, the records cited for support by Plaintiff do not pertain to this attenuated connection, and those that do have already been publicly released in the JFK Act collection.”
Machen’s sworn statement erred in saying members of the group had “a couple of encounters” with Oswald.
In fact, the Warren Commission report found that DRE members came in personal contact with Oswald on five different occasions in August 1963.
CIA officer George Joannides (left) received the Career Intelligence
Medal from deputy CIA director Bobby Ray Inman on July 15, 1981. (Photo credit: CIA)
A medal for his service
In the Nov. 7 filing, Machen also disputed the significance of CIA records, released under appellate court order in 2008, that revealed Joannides had received a CIA medal.
In a previous filing, I argued that the previously unknown honor reflected official approval of Joannides’s actions in 1963 and in 1978, when he served as the CIA’s liaison to congressional investigators looking into Kennedy’s murder.
The CIA rejected that claim, saying that the declassified citation of the medal “does not address any specific assignment, rather it speaks in terms of 28 years of [Joannides's] cumulative service ‘in diverse assignments of increasing responsibility at Headquarters, the domestic field and overseas.”
The specific reasons why Joannides was honored remain secret, even 50 years after the fact. The CIA has asserted in previous federal court filings that a five-page 1981 memo to Joannides’s superiors about the medal cannot be made public — for reasons of “national security.”
For more information, see:
”5 Decades Later Some JFK FIles Still Sealed” (Associated Press, Aug. 18. 2013)
“Justice Dept. denies CIA officer was honored for coverup” (JFK Facts,Dec. 17, 2012)
“Court uphold public benefit of disclosure about CIA officer in JFK story” (JFK Facts, June 19, 2013)
“CIA Still Cagey About Oswald Mystery” (New York Times, October 17, 2009)
“Morley v. CIA: Why I sued the CIA for JFK assassination records” (JFK Facts, Feb. 23, 2013)
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JFK and 9/11: The Common Threads
Robert Bonomo
Criminals leave signatures. There is consistency in their motives, methods, alibis and techniques. A detective from the Spanish National Police said that investigators knew within minutes of reaching the mangled remains of commuter trains in Madrid where almost 200 commuters were killed that the Basque terrorist group ETA had not carried out the attack- a fact which was concealed by the Spanish government for several days in a vain attempt to save an election. The investigators immediately saw that the signature was wrong; it just didn't smell right.
President Kennedy was murdered on November 22, 1963 and less than two years later American Marines entered South Vietnam beginning the US intervention that would end ten years later with the fall of Saigon and millions dead. Less than two years after the September 11th attacks in New York and Washington, the United States began the Iraq War, which would end eight years later with the withdrawal of the coalition forces, leaving Iraq destabilized and clearly within the sphere of Iranian influence.
Apart from the similar aftermaths, both events have common elements both in their buildup and execution as well their social ramifications.
The Marine Corp rates shooting ability on the following scale:
Expert: a score of 220 to 250.
Sharpshooter: 210 to 219.
Marksman: 190 to 209.
Oswald was last rated in 1959 and scored 191, barely reaching the lowest level of marksmanship. Marine Colonel Allison Folsom interpreted the results by explaining that Oswald “was not a particularly outstanding shot”. If Oswald did in fact fire all the shots, it was a highly unlikely, even extraordinary feat.
Hani Hanjour was considered a terrible pilot and neither he nor the other two pilots who successfully guided their jets into buildings on that day had ever flown a jet before. According to 9/11 Commission Report, “To our knowledge none of them [the hijackers] had ever flown an actual airliner before.” Yet they were able to commandeer the aircraft, and on their first time ever in the cockpit of an actual jetliner, navigate towards their destinations, maneuver the planes under extreme conditions in terms of velocity and altitude before guiding the airliners perfectly into their targets.
One of the air traffic controllers from Dulles said the following when describing Hani Hanjour’s maneuver which brought American Airlines flight 77 into the Pentagon, “The speed, the maneuverability, the way that he turned, we all thought in the radar room, all of us experienced air traffic controllers, that that was a military plane. You don’t fly a 757 in that manner. It’s unsafe.”
CBS News described Hanjour’s maneuver this way:
“...flying at more than 400 mph, was too fast and too high when it neared the Pentagon at 9:35. The hijacker-pilots were then forced to execute a difficult high-speed descending turn. Radar shows Flight 77 did a downward spiral, turning almost a complete circle and dropping the last 7,000 feet in two-and-a-half minutes. The steep turn was so smooth, the sources say, it’s clear there was no fight for control going on. And the complex maneuver suggests the hijackers had better flying skills than many investigators first believed. The jetliner disappeared from radar at 9:37 and less than a minute later it clipped the tops of street lights and plowed into the Pentagon at 460 mph.”
And retired Navy pilot, Ted Muga, explained it this way:
"The maneuver at the Pentagon was just a tight spiral coming down out of 7,000 feet. And a commercial aircraft, while they can in fact structurally somewhat handle that maneuver, they are very, very, very difficult. And it would take considerable training. In other words, commercial aircraft are designed for a particular purpose and that is for comfort and for passengers and it's not for military maneuvers. And while they are structurally capable of doing them, it takes some very, very talented pilots to do that... to think that you're going to get an amateur up into the cockpit and fly, much less navigate, it to a designated target, the probability is so low, that it's bordering on impossible."
Yet Hani Hanjour, one month before the attacks, was not allowed to fly a Cessna alone after a test flight with instructors. As reported by NewsDay, his instructors stated that “they found he had trouble controlling and landing the single-engine Cessna 172.”
Oswald could have hit the President in the upper body on two out of three shots fired within 8.3 seconds, and Hani Hanjour could have made an exceptional maneuver moments before his death the first time he ever flew an airliner, but it takes a leap of faith to believe amateurs actually carried out these actions with such professional precision. More importantly, it casts enough doubt on the official version of events for a reasonable person to have reasonable doubts about the accepted view of what happened on those fateful days.
Two days after the 9/11 attacks Colin Powell identified Bin Laden as the key suspect in the attacks and the following day the FBI released the names of the hijackers. Apparently, there was no need for an investigation, evidence or witnesses to tie Bin Laden to the crime.
The two most horrendous, violent, and nebulous events in American history are officially solved within hours, yet years later they continue to confound.
Bin Laden released three tapes in the days and weeks after the 9/11 attacks, in the first of which he denied responsibility for the attacks of 9/11 and in the subsequent two he took no responsibility for them. Then, on November 9, 2001, American forces found a tape in a house in Afghanistan. In the video tape Osama Bin Laden supposedly takes responsibility for the attacks though many have argued about the translation. Finally, on October 29th, just days before the 2004 US Presidential elections al Jazeera broadcast a tape of Bin Laden explaining to the American people why he had made the attacks. The extremely fortunate timing and discovery of the self contradicting Bin Laden tapes has created much doubt and confusion.
What would Oswald have said if he had taken the stand? Which Bin Laden would have appeared in court, the one who claimed innocence or the one who explained how he came up with the ideas of taking down the World Trade Center? We will never know.
On May 2, 2011 American commandos captured Bin Laden and assassinated him. Leon Panetta, CIA Director at the time, explained that capturing him alive was not considered, “we always assumed from the beginning that the likelihood was that he was going to be killed.” From details of the raid it seems clear that Bin Laden was not armed when he was located. So why wasn't he captured, brought to the United States and tried publicly for the crime he was accused of committing?
The American people were deprived of the opportunity to test the case the government had formed within days of the attack, a case whose consequences were two wars and hundreds of thousands killed.
In October of 1963 someone claiming to be Lee Harvey Oswald called and went to the Soviet and Cuban embassies in Mexico City asking for a visa. The problem was, it wasn't the same Lee Harvey Oswald who was captured in Dallas. Less than 24 hours after having supposedly killed the President, Lyndon Johnson had this conversation with J Edgar Hoover:
LBJ: Have you established any more about the visit to the Soviet embassy in Mexico in September?
Hoover: No, that’s one angle that’s very confusing, for this reason—we have up here the tape and the photograph of the man who was at the Soviet embassy, using Oswald’s name. That picture and the tape do not correspond to this man’s voice, nor to his appearance. In other words, it appears that there is a second person who was at the Soviet embassy down there.
And then there is this FBI report:
“The Central Intelligence Agency advised that on October 1, 1963, an extremely sensitive source had reported that an individual identified himself as Lee Oswald, who contacted the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City inquiring as to any messages. Special Agents of this Bureau, who have conversed with Oswald in Dallas, Texas, have observed photographs of the individual referred to above and have listened to his voice. These Special Agents are of the opinion that the above-referred-to-individual was not Lee Harvey Oswald…..”
The “extremely sensitive” source was the CIA itself as they were filming the visitors and tapping the phones of the two embassies Oswald visited. Why would the CIA want to make it appear that Oswald was colluding with the enemy a month before he kills the President?
Oswald, who had top secret clearance working for the CIA on U2 flights, defects to the Soviet Union, announces to US Embassy that he is renouncing his citizenship and going to reveal U2 secrets to the Soviets but later decides to leave the Soviet Union and is welcomed with open arms and even given a loan to come back to the US. Why wasn't he tried as a traitor? He then moves to Texas where he is surrounded by people with connections to the FBI and the CIA.
The incredible way Building 7 collapsed on 9/11, at almost free fall speed and very similar to the way buildings collapse in controlled demolition caused many to question the official version of events. Building 7 wasn't hit by a plane and the BBC even reported it had collapsed twenty minutes before it actually did. The lack of film footage of the attack on the Pentagon, which one can assume has extensive video surveillance, was also very surprising.
These are only a few of the many quagmires embedded in these two crimes. None of this proves a conspiracy, but it does make it reasonable for a person to doubt the official version of events.
“This cultural phenomenon goes back to 1967. At that time, in response to questions about the Warren Commission Report (which President Ford helped create), the CIA issued a memorandum calling for mainstream media sources to begin countering “conspiracy theorists.” In the 45 years before the CIA memo came out, the phrase “conspiracy theory” appeared in the Washington Post and New York Times only 50 times, or about once per year. In the 45 years after the CIA memo, the phrase appeared 2,630 times, or about once per week.”
As a consequence, those that spoke out against the Warren Commission’s conclusions were tainted with the derogatory term of ‘conspiracy theorist’ which implied they lacked the psychological and intellectual capacity to understand a complex world. It became more mature, patriotic and coherent to assume that a momentous crime with cataclysmic consequences was only within the purview of a lone nut. If a journalist or academic suggested that the CIA had played a role in the assassination then they were considered outside the mainstream in spite of the fact that the CIA had a hand in the overthrows of: Trujillo in the Dominican Republic, Mossadegh in Iran, Lumumba in the Congo, Jacob Arbenz in Guatemala, Joao Goulart in Brazil, and Sukarno in Indonesia. It was deemed socially and intellectually unsound to believe that such an organization would ever use its skills at home in order to move forward its agenda.
Following the 9/11 attacks the meme repeated itself with an Orwellian flavor by calling those who doubted The 9/11 Commission Report ‘Truthers’. No major American newspaper has an editorial writer that questions the official version of events on 9/11. It’s a taboo topic that if breached, pushes one beyond the pale and into the margins of public rhetoric.
Why was it so absurd to think that the CIA, which had been running Operation Mockingbird to manipulate the press in the United States from the 1950’s through the 1970’s and which, through its Project MKUltra, had tried to create ‘Manchurian Candidates’ wouldn't also stoop to violence against the American people to achieve it’s goals?
It’s perfectly acceptable in the mainstream to deny the existence of evolution, yet it's grounds for expulsion from major media if one doubts the official version of how Building 7 collapsed or if one implies that the CIA may have had a hand in the Kennedy assassination.
Kennedy himself spoke to the need for a free press to push the limits, but that same press ignored his words when they were confronted with the complexities of his death.
"Without debate, without criticism, no Administration and no country can succeed and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy. And that is why our press was protected by the First Amendment-- the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution--not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply "give the public what it wants"--but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises and our choices, to lead, mold, educate and sometimes even anger public opinion.”
During the Cuban missile crisis the generals clamored for war, pushing their Commander and Chief to invade the island. Curtis Lemay, Chief of Staff of the Air Force, argued vehemently with the President:
"This is almost as bad as the appeasement at Munich…We don't have any choice but direct military action. I see no other solution. This blockade and political action I see leading to war."
As James Douglass eloquently argues in his book, JFK and the Unspeakable, Kennedy changed during his time in the White House from a hawk to man determined to establish peace and end the Cold War. He had begun communicating with Khrushchev through back-channels and had sent feelers out to do the same with Castro. He became increasingly pessimistic about Vietnam and on Oct. 11, 1963 he signed directive NSAM-263 which called for the immediate withdrawal of 1,000 advisers from Vietnam and the removal of the remaining 15,000 by the end of 1965. Four days after his death, his successor Lyndon Johnson, signed directive NSAM 273 which overturned Kennedy’s directive and increased military involvement in Vietnam.
As Kennedy lost faith in his generals and the CIA, he moved away from military solutions and this evolution culminated in his American University speech where he laid out his plans for peaceful coexistence with the communist world- heresy to the military and the CIA.
"What kind of peace do I mean and what kind of a peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, and the kind that enables men and nations to grow, and to hope, and build a better life for their children—not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women, not merely peace in our time but peace in all time."
Kennedy was killed and the generals got their war. They used the domino theory to justify it, arguing that if Vietnam fell to the communists, the rest of South East Asia would also fall, threatening American security. Vietnam fell in 1975 to the communists after millions were killed, their domino theory long discredited.
In the 1990’s the Neo-Cons pushed for the invasion of Iraq. In 2003, in the aftermath of 9/11, they also got their war. They had their own version of the domino theory as they argued that if Saddam Hussein was ousted, the Iraqi Shiites would rise up, creating a vibrant democracy that would empower the Iranian and Syrian youth to overthrow their respective regimes. Instead Iran wound up controlling Iraq and Assad remains in power in Syria. Another theory was laid to waste over the corpses of hundreds of thousands.
The only beneficiaries of these two violent turns were the military industrial complex. In light of much of the transcripts and documents released from the Kennedy era, it’s clear that JFK was on a path of peace, not only in Vietnam, but with the Soviet Union and Cuba. Similarly, it was hard to imagine in the year 2000 that the US would entangle itself in two new wars lasting almost a decade, forgetting all the terrible lessons of Vietnam and once again descending into the hell of violence. It was as if some dark hand swooped down in a malevolent fury, angry at the peace and prosperity the nation was enjoying.
No matter who committed these heinous crimes, what is clear is that their aftermaths were cataclysmic for the nation and the dissent of those seeing more than a lone gunman or a band of religious fanatics operating out of caves was met with fierce resistance and marginalization. Why was this dissent shunned with such opprobrium? Could it be that those who ventured beyond the strict confines of mainstream ideas might see the obvious and shout it out from the rooftops?
The most disturbing common thread in the aftermath of these two crimes was the reticence to thoroughly and openly investigate them. Both crimes were ‘solved’ within hours, the basic outline of events decided on in days and etched in stone, never to be disturbed. Even to mention a doubt as to the perpetrators was to question the very essence of the nation because it seemed clear that to disbelieve the guilt of Oswald or Bin Laden had one very dangerous consequence- the implosion of the modern myth upholding the entire state apparatus.
It’s hard not to make the comparison with a family ravaged by an abusive father, avoiding the obvious in a desperate attempt to maintain its existence as a unit.
The mystic Thomas Merton called it the ‘unspeakable’ and described it with sublime understanding in his 1965 essay:
Robert Bonomo is a blogger, novelist and esotericist. Download his latest novel, Your Love Incomplete, for free here.
Criminals leave signatures. There is consistency in their motives, methods, alibis and techniques. A detective from the Spanish National Police said that investigators knew within minutes of reaching the mangled remains of commuter trains in Madrid where almost 200 commuters were killed that the Basque terrorist group ETA had not carried out the attack- a fact which was concealed by the Spanish government for several days in a vain attempt to save an election. The investigators immediately saw that the signature was wrong; it just didn't smell right.
President Kennedy was murdered on November 22, 1963 and less than two years later American Marines entered South Vietnam beginning the US intervention that would end ten years later with the fall of Saigon and millions dead. Less than two years after the September 11th attacks in New York and Washington, the United States began the Iraq War, which would end eight years later with the withdrawal of the coalition forces, leaving Iraq destabilized and clearly within the sphere of Iranian influence.
Apart from the similar aftermaths, both events have common elements both in their buildup and execution as well their social ramifications.
Precision Beyond the Apparent Capacity of the Perpetrators
The Warren Commission argues that Oswald fired on the President’s motorcade from a distance of about 80 meters, getting off three shots in 8.3 seconds with an Italian bolt action rifle made in 1940 which he bought for $19.95. On behalf of the Warren Commission, Army rifleman were not able to reproduce Oswald’s feat and Italian tests on the rifle determined it would have been impossible to get the shots off in such a short time span.The Marine Corp rates shooting ability on the following scale:
Expert: a score of 220 to 250.
Sharpshooter: 210 to 219.
Marksman: 190 to 209.
Oswald was last rated in 1959 and scored 191, barely reaching the lowest level of marksmanship. Marine Colonel Allison Folsom interpreted the results by explaining that Oswald “was not a particularly outstanding shot”. If Oswald did in fact fire all the shots, it was a highly unlikely, even extraordinary feat.
Hani Hanjour was considered a terrible pilot and neither he nor the other two pilots who successfully guided their jets into buildings on that day had ever flown a jet before. According to 9/11 Commission Report, “To our knowledge none of them [the hijackers] had ever flown an actual airliner before.” Yet they were able to commandeer the aircraft, and on their first time ever in the cockpit of an actual jetliner, navigate towards their destinations, maneuver the planes under extreme conditions in terms of velocity and altitude before guiding the airliners perfectly into their targets.
One of the air traffic controllers from Dulles said the following when describing Hani Hanjour’s maneuver which brought American Airlines flight 77 into the Pentagon, “The speed, the maneuverability, the way that he turned, we all thought in the radar room, all of us experienced air traffic controllers, that that was a military plane. You don’t fly a 757 in that manner. It’s unsafe.”
CBS News described Hanjour’s maneuver this way:
“...flying at more than 400 mph, was too fast and too high when it neared the Pentagon at 9:35. The hijacker-pilots were then forced to execute a difficult high-speed descending turn. Radar shows Flight 77 did a downward spiral, turning almost a complete circle and dropping the last 7,000 feet in two-and-a-half minutes. The steep turn was so smooth, the sources say, it’s clear there was no fight for control going on. And the complex maneuver suggests the hijackers had better flying skills than many investigators first believed. The jetliner disappeared from radar at 9:37 and less than a minute later it clipped the tops of street lights and plowed into the Pentagon at 460 mph.”
And retired Navy pilot, Ted Muga, explained it this way:
"The maneuver at the Pentagon was just a tight spiral coming down out of 7,000 feet. And a commercial aircraft, while they can in fact structurally somewhat handle that maneuver, they are very, very, very difficult. And it would take considerable training. In other words, commercial aircraft are designed for a particular purpose and that is for comfort and for passengers and it's not for military maneuvers. And while they are structurally capable of doing them, it takes some very, very talented pilots to do that... to think that you're going to get an amateur up into the cockpit and fly, much less navigate, it to a designated target, the probability is so low, that it's bordering on impossible."
Yet Hani Hanjour, one month before the attacks, was not allowed to fly a Cessna alone after a test flight with instructors. As reported by NewsDay, his instructors stated that “they found he had trouble controlling and landing the single-engine Cessna 172.”
Oswald could have hit the President in the upper body on two out of three shots fired within 8.3 seconds, and Hani Hanjour could have made an exceptional maneuver moments before his death the first time he ever flew an airliner, but it takes a leap of faith to believe amateurs actually carried out these actions with such professional precision. More importantly, it casts enough doubt on the official version of events for a reasonable person to have reasonable doubts about the accepted view of what happened on those fateful days.
Immediate Identification of the Villains
Lee Harvey Oswald was apprehended seventy minutes after the assassination when his supervisor at The Texas School Book Depository alerted the police that he had gone missing. By that evening he had been charged with killing police officer J.D. Tippit and assassinating the President. Oswald’s troubled and short life would end two days later when he was killed by Jack Ruby, a man with significant ties to organized crime. This terrible murder with many potential culprits was solved in 90 minutes and justice was served in two days. Oswald is a true enigma, so complex a figure, so multi-layered that it's almost impossible to separate the real from the surreal, the man from the hologram.Two days after the 9/11 attacks Colin Powell identified Bin Laden as the key suspect in the attacks and the following day the FBI released the names of the hijackers. Apparently, there was no need for an investigation, evidence or witnesses to tie Bin Laden to the crime.
The two most horrendous, violent, and nebulous events in American history are officially solved within hours, yet years later they continue to confound.
Silenced Suspects who are Never Tried
The institutions of government so clearly saw the truth that neither perpetrator was ever tried. For a society based on rule of law, it’s ironic that Americas’s two greatest crimes were resolved by politically appointed commissions and not courts of law.Bin Laden released three tapes in the days and weeks after the 9/11 attacks, in the first of which he denied responsibility for the attacks of 9/11 and in the subsequent two he took no responsibility for them. Then, on November 9, 2001, American forces found a tape in a house in Afghanistan. In the video tape Osama Bin Laden supposedly takes responsibility for the attacks though many have argued about the translation. Finally, on October 29th, just days before the 2004 US Presidential elections al Jazeera broadcast a tape of Bin Laden explaining to the American people why he had made the attacks. The extremely fortunate timing and discovery of the self contradicting Bin Laden tapes has created much doubt and confusion.
What would Oswald have said if he had taken the stand? Which Bin Laden would have appeared in court, the one who claimed innocence or the one who explained how he came up with the ideas of taking down the World Trade Center? We will never know.
On May 2, 2011 American commandos captured Bin Laden and assassinated him. Leon Panetta, CIA Director at the time, explained that capturing him alive was not considered, “we always assumed from the beginning that the likelihood was that he was going to be killed.” From details of the raid it seems clear that Bin Laden was not armed when he was located. So why wasn't he captured, brought to the United States and tried publicly for the crime he was accused of committing?
The American people were deprived of the opportunity to test the case the government had formed within days of the attack, a case whose consequences were two wars and hundreds of thousands killed.
The Magic Bullet - "According to the single-bullet theory, a three-centimeter (1.2″)-long copper-jacketed lead-core 6.5-millimeter rifle bullet fired from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository passed through President Kennedy’s neck and Governor Connally’s chest and wrist and embedded itself in the Governor’s thigh. If so, this bullet traversed 15 layers of clothing, 7 layers of skin, and approximately 15 inches of tissue, struck a necktie knot, removed 4 inches of rib, and shattered a radius bone. The bullet was found on a gurney in the corridor at the Parkland Memorial Hospital, in Dallas, after the assassination." From WikipediaIn October of 1963 someone claiming to be Lee Harvey Oswald called and went to the Soviet and Cuban embassies in Mexico City asking for a visa. The problem was, it wasn't the same Lee Harvey Oswald who was captured in Dallas. Less than 24 hours after having supposedly killed the President, Lyndon Johnson had this conversation with J Edgar Hoover:
LBJ: Have you established any more about the visit to the Soviet embassy in Mexico in September?
Hoover: No, that’s one angle that’s very confusing, for this reason—we have up here the tape and the photograph of the man who was at the Soviet embassy, using Oswald’s name. That picture and the tape do not correspond to this man’s voice, nor to his appearance. In other words, it appears that there is a second person who was at the Soviet embassy down there.
And then there is this FBI report:
“The Central Intelligence Agency advised that on October 1, 1963, an extremely sensitive source had reported that an individual identified himself as Lee Oswald, who contacted the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City inquiring as to any messages. Special Agents of this Bureau, who have conversed with Oswald in Dallas, Texas, have observed photographs of the individual referred to above and have listened to his voice. These Special Agents are of the opinion that the above-referred-to-individual was not Lee Harvey Oswald…..”
The “extremely sensitive” source was the CIA itself as they were filming the visitors and tapping the phones of the two embassies Oswald visited. Why would the CIA want to make it appear that Oswald was colluding with the enemy a month before he kills the President?
Oswald, who had top secret clearance working for the CIA on U2 flights, defects to the Soviet Union, announces to US Embassy that he is renouncing his citizenship and going to reveal U2 secrets to the Soviets but later decides to leave the Soviet Union and is welcomed with open arms and even given a loan to come back to the US. Why wasn't he tried as a traitor? He then moves to Texas where he is surrounded by people with connections to the FBI and the CIA.
The incredible way Building 7 collapsed on 9/11, at almost free fall speed and very similar to the way buildings collapse in controlled demolition caused many to question the official version of events. Building 7 wasn't hit by a plane and the BBC even reported it had collapsed twenty minutes before it actually did. The lack of film footage of the attack on the Pentagon, which one can assume has extensive video surveillance, was also very surprising.
These are only a few of the many quagmires embedded in these two crimes. None of this proves a conspiracy, but it does make it reasonable for a person to doubt the official version of events.
The Taboo of not Believing
Due to the many inconsistencies and oddities in the Warren Commission, more and more Americans in the late 1960’s began doubting the ‘lone shooter’ thesis it described. This worried the CIA which created a “dispatch”, numbered 1035-960 in order to counteract the growing skepticism and marginalize those who questioned the official story. As Kevin R. Ryan explains:“This cultural phenomenon goes back to 1967. At that time, in response to questions about the Warren Commission Report (which President Ford helped create), the CIA issued a memorandum calling for mainstream media sources to begin countering “conspiracy theorists.” In the 45 years before the CIA memo came out, the phrase “conspiracy theory” appeared in the Washington Post and New York Times only 50 times, or about once per year. In the 45 years after the CIA memo, the phrase appeared 2,630 times, or about once per week.”
As a consequence, those that spoke out against the Warren Commission’s conclusions were tainted with the derogatory term of ‘conspiracy theorist’ which implied they lacked the psychological and intellectual capacity to understand a complex world. It became more mature, patriotic and coherent to assume that a momentous crime with cataclysmic consequences was only within the purview of a lone nut. If a journalist or academic suggested that the CIA had played a role in the assassination then they were considered outside the mainstream in spite of the fact that the CIA had a hand in the overthrows of: Trujillo in the Dominican Republic, Mossadegh in Iran, Lumumba in the Congo, Jacob Arbenz in Guatemala, Joao Goulart in Brazil, and Sukarno in Indonesia. It was deemed socially and intellectually unsound to believe that such an organization would ever use its skills at home in order to move forward its agenda.
Following the 9/11 attacks the meme repeated itself with an Orwellian flavor by calling those who doubted The 9/11 Commission Report ‘Truthers’. No major American newspaper has an editorial writer that questions the official version of events on 9/11. It’s a taboo topic that if breached, pushes one beyond the pale and into the margins of public rhetoric.
Why was it so absurd to think that the CIA, which had been running Operation Mockingbird to manipulate the press in the United States from the 1950’s through the 1970’s and which, through its Project MKUltra, had tried to create ‘Manchurian Candidates’ wouldn't also stoop to violence against the American people to achieve it’s goals?
It’s perfectly acceptable in the mainstream to deny the existence of evolution, yet it's grounds for expulsion from major media if one doubts the official version of how Building 7 collapsed or if one implies that the CIA may have had a hand in the Kennedy assassination.
Kennedy himself spoke to the need for a free press to push the limits, but that same press ignored his words when they were confronted with the complexities of his death.
"Without debate, without criticism, no Administration and no country can succeed and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy. And that is why our press was protected by the First Amendment-- the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution--not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply "give the public what it wants"--but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises and our choices, to lead, mold, educate and sometimes even anger public opinion.”
Lost and Senseless Wars: Cui Bono?
In the days previous to the Bay of Pigs fiasco the CIA knew that Castro had information regarding the invasion but they withheld it from Kennedy in the hopes that he would bow to their pressure to intervene-he didn't acquiesce. In the aftermath Kennedy fired CIA Director Allen Dulles saying, "I want to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds." Dulles would later become a member of the Warren Commission which would consecrate the official narrative of the ‘lone gunman’ Oswald.During the Cuban missile crisis the generals clamored for war, pushing their Commander and Chief to invade the island. Curtis Lemay, Chief of Staff of the Air Force, argued vehemently with the President:
"This is almost as bad as the appeasement at Munich…We don't have any choice but direct military action. I see no other solution. This blockade and political action I see leading to war."
As James Douglass eloquently argues in his book, JFK and the Unspeakable, Kennedy changed during his time in the White House from a hawk to man determined to establish peace and end the Cold War. He had begun communicating with Khrushchev through back-channels and had sent feelers out to do the same with Castro. He became increasingly pessimistic about Vietnam and on Oct. 11, 1963 he signed directive NSAM-263 which called for the immediate withdrawal of 1,000 advisers from Vietnam and the removal of the remaining 15,000 by the end of 1965. Four days after his death, his successor Lyndon Johnson, signed directive NSAM 273 which overturned Kennedy’s directive and increased military involvement in Vietnam.
As Kennedy lost faith in his generals and the CIA, he moved away from military solutions and this evolution culminated in his American University speech where he laid out his plans for peaceful coexistence with the communist world- heresy to the military and the CIA.
"What kind of peace do I mean and what kind of a peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, and the kind that enables men and nations to grow, and to hope, and build a better life for their children—not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women, not merely peace in our time but peace in all time."
Kennedy was killed and the generals got their war. They used the domino theory to justify it, arguing that if Vietnam fell to the communists, the rest of South East Asia would also fall, threatening American security. Vietnam fell in 1975 to the communists after millions were killed, their domino theory long discredited.
In the 1990’s the Neo-Cons pushed for the invasion of Iraq. In 2003, in the aftermath of 9/11, they also got their war. They had their own version of the domino theory as they argued that if Saddam Hussein was ousted, the Iraqi Shiites would rise up, creating a vibrant democracy that would empower the Iranian and Syrian youth to overthrow their respective regimes. Instead Iran wound up controlling Iraq and Assad remains in power in Syria. Another theory was laid to waste over the corpses of hundreds of thousands.
The late 1950’s and late 1990’s had much in common. America experienced prosperity, peace, wealth, the admiration of the world and clear military superiority over all nations. They were by far the ‘best of times’ of the postwar period, guided by two-term presidents who were blessed with such immense economic growth that their most important role was to keep their hands off the controls and let peace and prosperity bloom. Both periods ended abruptly, violently, and were followed by long, ill conceived wars, the expansion of the security state, internal strife, extreme partisanship, ballooning debt and an inflated and overextended military.The only beneficiaries of these two violent turns were the military industrial complex. In light of much of the transcripts and documents released from the Kennedy era, it’s clear that JFK was on a path of peace, not only in Vietnam, but with the Soviet Union and Cuba. Similarly, it was hard to imagine in the year 2000 that the US would entangle itself in two new wars lasting almost a decade, forgetting all the terrible lessons of Vietnam and once again descending into the hell of violence. It was as if some dark hand swooped down in a malevolent fury, angry at the peace and prosperity the nation was enjoying.
No matter who committed these heinous crimes, what is clear is that their aftermaths were cataclysmic for the nation and the dissent of those seeing more than a lone gunman or a band of religious fanatics operating out of caves was met with fierce resistance and marginalization. Why was this dissent shunned with such opprobrium? Could it be that those who ventured beyond the strict confines of mainstream ideas might see the obvious and shout it out from the rooftops?
The most disturbing common thread in the aftermath of these two crimes was the reticence to thoroughly and openly investigate them. Both crimes were ‘solved’ within hours, the basic outline of events decided on in days and etched in stone, never to be disturbed. Even to mention a doubt as to the perpetrators was to question the very essence of the nation because it seemed clear that to disbelieve the guilt of Oswald or Bin Laden had one very dangerous consequence- the implosion of the modern myth upholding the entire state apparatus.
It’s hard not to make the comparison with a family ravaged by an abusive father, avoiding the obvious in a desperate attempt to maintain its existence as a unit.
The mystic Thomas Merton called it the ‘unspeakable’ and described it with sublime understanding in his 1965 essay:
“Those who are at present so eager to be reconciled with the world at any price must take care not to be reconciled with it under this particular aspect: as the nest of The Unspeakable. This is what too few are willing to see….
“You are not big enough to accuse the whole age effectively, but let us say you are in dissent. You are in no position to issue commands, but you can speak words of hope. Shall this be the substance of your message? Be human in this most inhuman of ages; guard the image of man for it is the image of God. You agree? Good. Then go with my blessing. But I warn you, do not expect to make many friends. As for the Unspeakable—his implacable presence will not be disturbed by a little fellow like you!”
-###- Bonomo is a blogger, novelist and esotericist. Download his latest novel, Your Love Incomplete, for free here.
Posted: 2:13 p.m. Monday, Nov. 18, 2013
JFK assassination: Niece questions lone gunman theory
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thanks Debele.... I'm just a common person.. I love JFK ..due to he was so young-smart-and I think he had so energetic ..President.. Unfortunately he was shot by someones whom might be under the so organized group...and such like a conspiracy.. team.. I do not know.. but my common sense.. its impossible can be happened.. without.. a professional-team.. and might be so huge biz..or some powerful interests of the insider jobs... So sorry.. I was so feel sorrow... of the tragedy ... I believe that Mr JFK was a good President...