May 2 (3 days ago)
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Wealth Wire is becoming The Outsider Club.
Simply put, I created The
Outsider Club because people like us will never be insiders. Greedy bankers, venal politicians and their collective minions have a stranglehold on the market and our personal freedoms. But we're not going to play the victim. We're going to do something about it. Stay tuned... |
Healthcare & Bankruptcy: The Real
Root of the Debt Crisis
By Brittany Stepniak | Thursday,
May 2nd, 2013
“Money is to my social existence what health is to my body." —
Mason Cooley Today's turbulent financial times are likely to leave you in a world of panic if you have neither money nor health.
And it's hard to get by with just one and not the other.
Though I have been blessed with good health and still have youth on
my side, I know it may not always be this way.
I know how quickly the world can remit an unexpected and expensive
twist of fate...
"Millions of American Families are One Medical Emergency
Away from Bankruptcy"
Even before the 2008 economic fallout, an American family filed for
bankruptcy due to health-related debt every 90 seconds.
I come from one of these families.
When I was 13 years old my mother filed for
bankruptcy. My parents
had divorced a few years earlier, and we moved from a single-family home in Upstate New York into a three-bedroom apartment in a charming town in southwestern Virginia, where my siblings and I were able to attend one of the nation's top public secondary schools and still cut our overall cost of living.
My mother was working for the Department of Social Services and
raising three kids. She took on an extra job on the weeknights — and even attempted a third one on weekends at one point.
We weren't completely struggling to make
ends meet. After all, we
were exceptionally frugal, living without cable and Internet services until the Web became a neccessity for school projects... We would watch the news on an old TV set and plug in the VCR for family movie nights.
Plus, my father was still very present in our lives and paying child
We weren't wealthy by any stretch of the imagination, but had
what we needed and my mother would have been able to start setting a little aside for college.
But the aforementioned unexpected twists of fate showed up.
Hidden epidemic is picking off Baby Boomers in
their prime
It starts with cold hands, leg cramps and unsightly circles under your
But one world renowned physician has discovered a 'triple threat' to
disarm this health minefield before it blows.
Renowned medical experts spanning the globe have come to
a shocking consensus...
Alzheimer's...diabetes...heart disease...impotence
...and much more are all symptoms of...
EPIDEMIC of the Baby Boomer Generation
Researchers call it "the single most common thread
to premature death" And, astonishingly...no one's talking about it
But now you can turn the tide against this
Dear Unsuspecting Friend,stealth killer-- with a solution so STUNNINGLY SIMPLE it puts modern medicine to shame! High blood pressure...Elevated cholesterol...Problem blood sugar... Bone loss...Sexual dysfunction. I'll bet you know someone taking prescriptions for all these conditions. Maybe you face the avalanche of pill bottles every time you open your own medicine cabinet. But let me fill you in on a secret Big Pharma is desperate to keep tightly under wraps... Every single one of these sinister syndromes can be tied back to ONE HIDDEN CAUSE. In fact, as you're about to discover inside this exclusive expose...
There's almost NO disease or health worry
But now, you're about to get the inside scoop on the jaw-droppinglythat isn't directly related to this SECRET HEALTH MINEFIELD EASY cure to this hidden cause. That's right--CURE Not just another one of Big Pharma's Band Aids. You know-- the ones that cause even more problems. In fact, thanks to this STUNNINGLY SIMPLE CURE--developed by one world-renowned M.D--SIX SHORT WEEKS from now...
Your head-to-toe health
And it's as simple as tipping over that very first one.will fall into place Like a row of precisely laid-out dominoes More on how to get your hands on this one-of-a-kind CURE for FREE in just a moment. But first, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Karen Reddel. I've been working in the health publishing industry for nearly 20 years. And yet, never before have I encountered a physician making such breathtaking inroads in natural medicine. Exposing the REAL causes behind today's deadliest threats. And delivering cures so shockingly easy--they boggle the mind! And put "modern" medicine's high-tech "wonder drugs" to SHAME. His name is Fred Pescatore, M.D. And today, he's allowed me to share some of his most shocking discoveries with you. Starting with the deadliest threat to your health that NO ONE is talking about...
Cold hands? Leg cramps?
Ugly under-eye circles? They're the first signs of...
The stealth assassin
picking off Baby Boomers like flies
So deadly, it claims another
Leg cramps that wake you up out of a sound sleep.new victim EVERY 30 SECONDS! And yet--most M.D.s are completely overlooking it! Fingers so cold you're embarrassed to shake hands at church. Unsightly circles under your eyes--no matter how much sleep you get. Bruises that appear after the slightest bump...and take WEEKS to go away. These aren't just minor annoyances.
Your body is
These seemingly harmless symptoms are signaling a muchshouting out a DESPERATE MESSAGE BIGGER problem. You see, there's a critically important, but little-known system toiling away deep inside your body. And whether or not it's in good working order can have everything to do with whether you live long enough to see your great grandchildren march across the stage to "Pomp and Circumstance" ...or whether you keel over without warning into your bowl of cornflakes one morning. This hidden health system MUST be in TIP-TOP SHAPE! In fact, according to the Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, "The experts all agree that improving [it] is essential to enjoying a long and healthy life." Unfortunately, like most precious objects, this stealth health system is extraordinarily delicate. In fact, even that innocent piece of toast you had for breakfast can set off a deadly chain of events that can sneak up and destroy it. And before you know it, those chilly fingers and Charlie horses have SNOWBALLED into those all-too-familiar diseases. The ones that have stumped mainstream medicine for years.
World-renowned physician Fred Pescatore, M.D., has single-handedlyOne brilliant M.D. has solved this lethal riddle discovered how to stop this deadly avalanche at the source. With a Natural Triple Threat. A precise combination of just three very special--and POTENT--natural extracts. From grape skins, lemon peels, and pine trees of all things! They might seem like unlikely bedfellows. But Dr. Pescatore carefully hand-picked this odd trio. Because each one offers a unique, powerful way to nourish and protect the fragile, microscopic parts that make up your body's most critical--and most overlooked--system. And when he combined these under-the-radar natural powerhouses, Dr. Pescatore saw...
Results like nothing else before!
Together, this Natural Triple Threat doesn't just armor your body'smost precious system. It actually helps repair it. So it can go back to doing what it does best...
to pile years onto your life--and life to your years. And here's more great news...while these super-critical extracts aren't making mainstream headlines--they ARE readily available! You just need to know where to look. Wiping out the Baby Boomer Epidemic at the source is a SNAP. And Dr. Pescatore's patients have put it to the test. With remarkable results.
And now you can, too!
Dr. Pescatore would like to send you all the details on hisNatural Triple Threat cure for FREE right now. You'll find out everything you need to know. Including precisely which forms of each extract are best, where to get them, and how much to take. I'll tell you how to get in on this exclusive opportunity in just a moment. But first, the Baby Boomer Epidemic isn't the only deadly health mystery Dr. Pescatore has solved using Nature's piece-of-cake cures. He's also discovered how it's just as simple to...
Unlock your body's own STUNNING
Wake Forest University researchers nicknamed it Mighty Mouse.natural ability to OUTSMART CANCER! And "mighty" is putting it mildly... Despite being injected with 20 million of the most vicious cancer cells on earth, this tiny creature never showed a single sign of the disease. When they examined some of Mighty Mouse's cells under a microscope, researchers made a startling discovery. Something that almost never happens.
That's right. There wasn't a single trace of cancer in the mouse.20 million cancer cells--GONE And it wasn't just a one-time fluke... Mighty Mouse's children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren (and so on) all remained cancer-free, too. Even when researchers upped the number of cancer cells they injected to a whopping 2 billion. In other words, buried deep in the Mighty Mouse family genes was a mysterious...
Natural immunity to cancer
And now Dr. Fred has discovered a way you can get it, too. All thanks to an extraordinarily powerful, yet precise substance called Alpha G. It's virtually unheard of here in the land of "cut, poison, and burn" cancer care. But Alpha G is the active ingredient in the No. 1 natural cancer treatment used in over 700 clinics and hospitals in Japan. Unfortunately, "authorities" in this country refuse to acknowledge the powerful potential of ANY natural therapy for treating cancer. With billions of dollars invested in cancer drug research, there's just too much money at stake. But as Dr. Fred will tell you, not only is this treatment as thoroughly researched as ANY pharmaceutical cancer drug...it actually works better! Because, unlike chemotherapy drugs, this natural Alpha G-rich remedy can...
Revive your body
Instead of killing off cancer cells directly (and everythingat its core else with it), Alpha-G works by igniting the most tenacious immune cells in the human body--Natural Killer (NK) cells. In fact, the specialized Alpha-G remedy used in Japanese hospitals doubles--even triples--NK cell activity in just two weeks.
Studies show it works--
Like Maryann's.and works FAST-- to reverse even the most hopeless cases She went to a neurologist for headaches and vertigo. And was devastated to learn she had an inoperable brain tumor. Imagine her terror at hearing the news she "could die at any time." But Maryann had heard of the Alpha-G miracle- -and figured she had nothing to lose by trying it. Thank goodness she did! Three months later, her brain tumor had shrunk by HALF. And less than a year after her initial death sentence, Maryann's cancer had completely disappeared. Today she says, "My physical condition is good. The headaches are gone. I can move around energetically every day."
And there are NO energy-zapping
In fact, if you're undergoing traditional cancer treatments--or nauseating side effects! like chemotherapy--Alpha-G can help alleviate the infamous side effects.
the Alpha-G cure and you've got...
A one-two punch
And, as you'll learn in Dr. Fred's Library of Shockingly Simple against cancer that no other remedy on earth can match Healing Miracles, not only is the Alpha-G cure the most promising cancer breakthrough in the past 150 years... it's also the easiest. While it's used mostly in Japan...Alpha-G is now readily available in the U.S. It doesn't cost an arm or a leg (or your immune system!). And it's easy to use. You don't even have to leave the comfort of your own home. But it's absolutely critical to make sure you're getting the REAL DEAL, from a reputable source--and that you're taking it correctly. Dr. Fred will give you all the essential details--including sources and doses--in his Library of Shockingly Simple Healing Miracles. I'll tell you how to get it as a totally FREE GIFT in just a moment, along with some of Dr. Fred's other staggeringly simple cures for today's most devastating diseases. Things like...
these shockingly easy healing miracles possible for thousands around the world...
Lovingly known by his devoted
Fred Pescatore, M.D., is, hands-down, one of today'spatients simply as "Dr. Fred" most sought-after medical experts. He's been featured on The View, The Today Show, ABC News, The O'Reilly Factor, Day and Date and Rachael Ray. He's the author of numerous best-selling books. He's also President of The International and American Associations of Clinical Nutritionists. And Dr. Fred has gained such tremendous respect in the medical community for one very simple reason. He has single-handedly taken on all of the biggest health disasters of the century. And all of the tedious protocols for treating them. And revealed the outrageous truth.
Getting--and staying
It's true! And Dr. Fred's patients are living proof.-healthy doesn't have to be hard! He's shown them how to dine in decadence every single day...How to get better results from exercising less...And how to solve those nagging health concerns once and for all. Without a single drug. Patients like...
thousands who have escaped the mainstream drudgery. Who feel better than they have in decades and are living life to the fullest every day. All thanks to the jaw-droppingly simple solutions of Dr. Fred.
And it's high time
So today, he wants to share them with YOU, too.you knew about them! Inside his Library of Shockingly Simple Healing Miracles. And today he's offering this invaluable resource-- containing 7 full volumes of health-transforming solutions--to you as an absolutely free gift. No doubt Dr. Fred is a true innovator. He's on the front lines of natural medicine, forging new ground against the mystery diseases stumping modern medicine (ones like the hidden Baby Boomer Epidemic I told you about earlier). But he's also had overwhelming success curing some of medicine's most notorious health villains. And if his easy solution for outsmarting cancer seems too good to be true, well... Just wait until you see what he can do for diabetes...
A cure so powerful,
Forget about the needles, the "sawdust andyet so simple, ditching diabetes for good is almost EFFORTLESS! grass clipping" diet, and the potentially lethal blood sugar drugs. The supposed "global health authorities" are beating a dead horse with these useless tactics. All the while, Dr. Fred's patients are defeating diabetes every single day. And you won't believe how they're doing it! Are you ready for this one? All you need is ... A hearty appetite! Because Dr. Fred's breakthrough is all about using your body's most powerful cravings to help you defeat diabetes once and for all. That's right.
Golden fried chicken...gooey
And Dr. Fred will tell you how it works--in luscious detail-chocolate brownies... and other "off limits" decadent treats can actually HELP cleanse your body of diabetes -for FREE, in his Library of Shockingly Simple Healing Miracles. You'll also discover...
Because Dr. Fred has also discovered a single, secret ingredient that makes his diabetes defeating cure...
This was the kicker that changed everything. FOOL-PROOF! Multiplying the power of his already-potent cure. Negating the need for steely discipline, because...
Now you
He calls it his "Secret Super-Charger" (or SSC, for short). can CHEAT and get away with it SSC is a secret ingredient--a delicious natural, ultra-healthy, relatively inexpensive plant extract with near-magical health-promoting powers. The plant is native to Australia, and "freakish" is truly the word for it... It goes to work melting that stubborn belly bulge and balancing see-sawing blood sugar in a matter of DAYS. Just take a look at what it's done for Dr. Fred's patients...
you may have sampled in its enormous proportion of monounsaturates. These are the "good fats" that help make olive oil so sensational, and SSC is nature's richest source of them bar none... So why not let Dr. Fred give you the secret of SSC-- and so much more that can wipe out your diabetes for good. Just click on the button below right now, and say "YES!" to find out how to claim your Library of Shockingly Simple Healing Miracles as an absolutely FREE gift. (It's jam-packed with 7 full volumes of life-saving cures just like this one!) Take it from someone who knows ...
United Nations Official credits
Dr. Fred for Saving His Life
"I'm a peacekeeper for the U.N. and I'm constantly hopping
And it's not just your blood sugar that will improve withon jets to Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Europe. And I take my meals on airplanes or restaurants, often in times of high stress. By age 55, I was 90 pounds overweight, I had diabetes, and even my face has broken out into a rash. My wife had diabetes too. We felt weak, tired, often exhausted. Quite candidly, we were scared for our lives. So we both went to see Dr. Fred. I didn't need much convincing, because Dr. Fred is well-known at the U.N. I personally know three other coworkers whose lives he helped turn around. Still, I was shocked when he told me what I could eat, and how much! But we saw results immediately, and month by month, the news just got better. My fasting blood sugar dropped 35 points. Today I'm free of diabetes and 90 pounds lighter, WITH NO MORE RASH! And I'm completely off all medication. My wife is diabetes-free too and she looks years younger. I'm told we both do. Dr. Fred's secrets work "on the road" wherever I go, all over the globe. I can choose the most delicious meals on the menu, at restaurants worldwide. This stuff really works."
----Randolph Miller, New York, NY
Dr. Fred's shockingly simple remedies... From heart disease to high blood pressure and more. Just sit back and watch as... EVERY SINGLE SCORE on your blood panel--better!
Jack did it--and now you can
Imagine your relief when, shockingly all by itself, your LDLrepeat his healing miracle, too! In as little as 6 weeks dives down, your HDL zooms up...Triglycerides, C-reactive protein, and blood pressure? One morning soon you could wake up and WOW. These heart health markers you've spent decades trying to get a handle on won't just be NORMAL but closing in on...
Sound impossible? Well, let me read a brutally honest andvery moving letter to YOU recently written by one of the smartest, most successful investment bankers on Wall Street. Jack Birney has zero time for bull--but he dropped everything at the end of a busy day to record exactly what happened to him when he saw Dr. Fred. Because he wants people everywhere to know...
Dear Friend,
I still can't believe it, whenever I look in the mirror and see that new guy staring back. Who could believe that, not that long ago, my cholesterol was 304, my blood pressure was too high and climbing, and I weighed more than 300 pounds. I had "heart attack" written all over me and I knew it. I lived in denial until one evening I came home to my wife and two kids. And it hit me like a ton of bricks, "If I die, what will happen to THEM?" But what could I do? Not drugs! People take drugs and tell you "My numbers are better!" But they're still fat, they still look like hell and who are they kidding? It's a fool's game. So when I heard about Dr. Fred, I thought "This is my man!" He never gave me a single drug and I'm on no drugs now. His secret could not have been simpler. He didn't even ask me to exercise! And I still can't believe the results.
Every single medical
People at work keep telling me
And the great thing is, my health keeps getting even better,"Jack, you look 25 years younger!" every month! I'm back at my college football weight. I could lose more, but friends say, "Don't Jack, you look great." Must say that's nice to hear. So I asked Dr. Fred, please, use my story. Show other folks they can do it too! And if you might be hesitating right now, listen, if I can do it, you can! If you want to be free of cholesterol problems, free of high blood pressure... if you want to be there for your grandchildren --please, just give this great doctor a try. I still can't believe how simple it was. But one thing I know. It works! Sincerely, Jack Birney, New York, NY
Isn't it time YOU repeated
Isn't it time you knew how Dr. Fred's patients have putJack's miracle? all their heart worries to rest for good? Well, get ready for this one. Because true heart health isn't as puzzling as you've been led to believe. In fact, you could be well on your way to a heart that's...
When it comes to keeping your heart humming on all cylinders,In just 72 hours here's what you need to know... The cause of heart disease essentially boils down to ONE thing. That's right--just ONE simple secret. (Hint: It's NOT cholesterol!) Dr. Fred has been railing against this overlooked killer for years. And he's developed a groundbreaking way to kick it to the curb for good--in just 72 hours! Without dozens of rules. Or killer drugs. If you already have high blood pressure, high homocysteine high trigylcerides, or high cholesterol, this stunningly simple technique is the fastest thing you can do to start reversing it for good! And if you reply immediately, you'll get all the details as a FREE GIFT to you, in Dr. Fred's exclusiveLibrary of Shockingly Simple Healing Miracles. Plus, Dr. Fred will fill you in on...
THREE life-saving secrets you
won't hear from your cardiologist
It works when NOTHING
You'll get all these piece-of-cake cures--and much more--ELSE HAS because it's so shockingly simple! inside Dr. Fred's 7-volume Library of Shockingly Simple Healing Miracles. Just click YES right now, and let me tell you how you can get all the astonishing (and astonishingly easy!) details absolutely FREE. But first, I've got one more of Dr. Fred's shockingly simple cures to share. And this one may be the most miraculous of them all...
The tree bark
This is Dr. Fred's No.1 recommendation for every patientCUREALL for sunburn, stroke... And everything in between! he sees. No matter what ails them. In all his years dedicated to overturning the mainstream medical dogma and developing the simplest--most effective-- healing cures, Dr. Fred insists he's never come across one quite as PERFECT as this. Because there's simply no easier way to make such an enormous impact on every aspect of your health. From the top of your head to the tip of your toe! Even deadly serious conditions like Alzheimer's and hypertension are no match for this natural remedy. And you'd never guess the source... This virtual cure-all comes from one of nature's oldest, simplest materials...
Tree bark, of all things!
But before you start chipping away at the old maple inyour backyard, hang on just a second! We're not talking about any old tree bark here. No, this one is highly unique. And it grows ONLY in a specific region along the European coast of the Atlantic Ocean. But as exotic as it might sound, this tree bark cure (TBC, for short) may be the easiest solution of them all. Because...
There's almost NOTHING it can't do
From the outside in and back again, this remarkableextract works wonders for what ails you... Nature's own ALLERGY medicine Silence those hay fever symptoms without the brain fog or heavy head! Allergy meds work by keeping sneeze-triggering histamine from attaching to your cells. But this little wonder does Allegra one better. It can help prevent the release of histamine in the first place, keeping you allergy-free from the start. Erase the NO. 2 FEAR of getting older Cancer reigns supreme as the biggest fear of getting older. (And as you've already seen, Dr. Fred has you covered there). But close on cancer's heels, is something many of us take for granted until it's too late... VISION LOSS! But TBC has been shown to sharpen vision like Windex on a dirty window... Forget the "LITTLE BLUE PILL" And get back the stamina and performance you had in your 20s. Yep! TBC is a miracle worker for erectile dysfunction. In fact, it operates in a similar way to Viagra...but naturally. (In other words--without the risk!) Hush that incessant RINGING in your ears! Hissing, ringing, buzzing. Day in and day out. If you've got tinnitus, you know just how maddening it can be. Even worse- -most doctors will tell you there's "nothing you can do." But not Dr. Fred! He's been tracking the research on TBC for close to a decade now. And just a few years ago, a group of Italian researchers put it to the test in 82 tinnitus patients. And just 150 milligrams of TBC reduced tinnitus symptoms by more than 62%. It's a small study--and not a fool-proof cure. But if you suffer with tinnitus, you know ANY dent in your symptoms is a miracle! Armor your brain against ALZHEIMER'S disease Research on TBC for Alzheimer's is just taking off, and already it's showing SUCCESS... It helps stop the No. 1 marker of Alzheimer's--dangerous beta-amyloid plaque--from killing off brain cells. And one randomized trial showed TBC improved memory and everyday thinking in elderly patients. Shield yourself from SUNBURN--from the inside out I know it sounds crazy, but with TBC--you can shield yourself from dangerous UV rays--with a SIMPLE PILL. Giving you a built-in SPF, without the dangerous chemicals in lotions, oils, and sprays. The safest STROKE prevention on the planet Think of it like Nature's Coumadin...keeping your blood clot-free and flowing with ease. But much, much safer than prescription blood thinners--or even aspirin! (And if you love to travel- -don't forget the TBC in your carry-on: It works for deep vein thrombosis and swelling, too!)
And that's just the
Just look at what else this Tree-Bark Cure is capable of...beginning of what TBC can do for you!
roster of benefits. So where can you get it? And how much do you need? Remember, not any old extract will do. And, believe me, there are LOTS of imposters out there trying to make a buck. But Dr. Fred will help you find a source you can trust. And he'll give you all the other critical details on TBC right now--in your absolutely FREE gift. Oh, and remember that hidden epidemic of the Baby Boomer generation? Dr. Fred will show you how TBC ties in to that, too! You'll soon discover for yourself why TBC has become THE game -changer for Dr. Fred's patients. This ONE shockingly simple extract has the power to revitalize your entire life all by itself. Which is why it's the very cornerstone of Dr. Fred's shockingly simple cures. It's all inside his exclusive Library of Shockingly Simple Healing Miracles. I'll rush your free Library to you today--all I need is for you to say yes right now. And you'll be glad you did. Because it's not just an invaluable resource for you and your loved ones. It's a virtual survival guide. One that could help take you...
From bedridden to
At least, that's how easy it will seem when you follow Dr.bursting with energy-- without lifting a finger! Fred's shockingly simple approach to healing. You'll feel healthier than you have in decades--in just the bat of an eye. No-sweat, no-worry, no-problem solutions like...
the most important (albeit the easiest) journey you'll ever make? For starters, he's already led the way for hundreds of high-profile patients. From celebrities to foreign dignitaries and even royalty! Many of his patients are wealthy enough to enlist the help of any of the big-name gurus out there. And they specifically seek out Dr. Fred over all of them. BECAUSE he's made getting healthy so effortless. But it's not just Dr. Fred's high-profile clientele benefiting from his shockingly simple solutions...
Already, people
like YOU are marveling at just how quickly
Dr. Fred's simple
cures REALLY work
I regard your [advice] as the best and easiest to stick to.
My mother-in-law was starting to look as though she was not well. She has been on diabetes medication for 5 years and her various tests were still high. I passed on your advice and in six weeks she lost 5 kilo (10 lb) her blood pressure, and tests are normal. All this was achieved with your [secrets]!" Graeme C., Australia
SAVING LIVES! "Thanks so much for helping to save our
lives! GOD BLESS YOU!" Bonnie M.
LIFE CHANGED! "I don't remember how I came across
information. But THANK GOD for that!! I've gotten many others in the past, but I find yours THE BEST OF ALL. With real, useful info and advice. Many THANKS!!!" Georgia P.
Naproxen daily to manage
my ‘itis's.' When I undertook your approach, these chronic inflammatory maladies left my tired old body once and for all--and I realized the power of really sensible [advice]... I am a 66 year old CAD patient ...and my life is good! Thanks in large part to listening to you. If the world really knew how simple it is to gain control of one's health...it would be a healthier, happier place. Thank you ever so much!" Josh M.
BEST AROUND! "Your advice is the best I've read for curing
diabetes!" Isabelle B.
So if you OR any loved ones are suffering, isn't it time you
tried the easiest thing imaginable?
Just RSVP right now by clicking on the button below. You'll get the
inside scoop on ALL the piece-of-cake cures Nature has to offer--as a completely FREE bonus gift. Directly from the M.D. who's uncovering them and putting them to remarkably effective use every day in his own practice.
I can't promise we'll ever be able to make this offer again, so don't wait!
As Dr. Fred's patients can tell...
It CAN be EASY to completely
So, please, accept my offer to send you all the details on Dr. Fred'stransform your health tremendously easy approach to healing. He's outlined all the important details in his LIBRARY OF SHOCKINGLY SIMPLE HEALING MIRACLES. Seven full volumes of life-saving, health-transforming easy, solutions. Learn how you can get it for FREE when you click the button below now. And you'll soon discover how you can...
to this special offer today. Plus, when you say YES right now, I'll also include...
on your subscription to Dr. Fred's newsletter, Logical Health Alternatives
I'm certain that Dr. Fred's simple, easy cures will free you from
the drudgery mainstream medicine has put you through for years.
And he'll tell you in shockingly simple detail how you can say
goodbye to your health woes for good--without so much as lifting a finger.
But Dr. Fred's research never stops. There's always news to
share on the latest new cures. And he's committed to giving you the same support and encouragement he gives his patients. Everything you need to keep your success going. And that's exactly what he'll do in Logical Health Alternatives.
Every month, he'll share all the details on more of his miracle
Including the latest news on the hottest health topics. He'll tell you what's REALLY going on in the medical field, behind the scenes. (Most doctors don't want to give their patients this insider information, but when it affects your health--you deserve to know).
He'll spell out exactly what it all means for YOU, and give
you simple, practical solutions that won't bog you down or leave you defeated and discouraged.
Instead, he'll continue to give you the SIMPLE, EASY cures that will
help you transform your health day after day, year after year--no matter what your age.
Imagine feeling better at
This is what could begin to happen mere days from now, when60...70...80 (and beyond!) than you did in your 30s and 40s you've put Dr. Fred's shockingly simple approach to healing to work for you. That's right--it's never too late to reinvent your health. You can start right now! Simply click below and claim your FREE 7-volume Library of Shockingly Easy Healing Miracles with your subscription to Logical Health Alternatives. Chock full of the very same tips, tricks, and cures Dr. Fred uses on his own patients every day at his exclusive Manhattan clinic. But I have to caution you: Supplies of this invaluable resource are limited. And if we don't hear from you soon, your free life-saving gift will go to someone else. So please, click the button below now.
You're just 10 seconds away
These are the cures that have freed so many of Dr. Fred's patientsfrom the HEAD-TO-TOE HEALTH AND VITALITY you haven't felt in years from pain, disease, and mainstream drudgery FOR GOOD. And they can do the same thing for YOU, starting just 10 seconds from now, when you click that button below. And things will just keep getting better and better every month, with the common-sense approach to healthy living you'll find inside the pages of Logical Health Alternatives. So please, take a moment and click the button below. It will be the best--and EASIEST--thing you've done for your health in years. To your healthy future, Karen Reddel Publisher Logical Health Alternatives
Results you can see--and feel
Dear Logical Friend,or you don't pay a cent! Your RISK-FREE GUARANTEE Following bad advice that doesn't work simply doesn't make sense. But from now on, you're going to feel better, look better, and live better than you've ever dreamed possible--because you'll be following my simple approach to health. You'll be amazed and just how easy it can be to get (and stay) healthy. If not, then just let us know and we'll refund every penny of the unused portion of your subscription fee--anytime, no questions asked. And you can keep my Library of Shockingly Simple Healing Miracles! Just keep in mind that my publisher may never make an offer this generous again--so be sure to subscribe in the next 5 days! To your healthy future, Fred Pescatore, M.D.
Yours FREE!
Dr. Fred's Exclusive
Library of Shockingly Simple Healing Miracles
How you can CURE today's deadliest health threats
with the easiest solutions on the planet
Volume 1: Dr. Fred's Triple-Threat Cure: How You Can Wipe Out the Hidden Epidemic of the Baby Boomer Generation
The real culprit behind today's deadliest threats actually goes much, much deeper than you may realize. That's right...there's one sinister syndrome behind things like...
Volume 2: Dr. Fred's Alpha-G Miracle: Unlock Your Body's Own Natural Immunity to Cancer
Dr. Fred has discovered how you can unleash the cancer-repelling superpowers you didn't even know you had!
And the secret is a simple, widely available, but extraordinarily powerful substance called Alpha G.
Alpha G is the active ingredient in the No. 1 natural cancer
treatment used in over 700 clinics and hospitals in Japan. Not only is
this treatment as thoroughly researched as ANY pharmaceutical cancer
drug, but it actually works better!
The Alpha-G cure works on ANY type of cancer...breast, prostate, lung, stomach--even brain.
And, as you'll learn in this exclusive report, not only is the
Alpha-G cure the most promising cancer breakthrough in the past 150
years...it's also the easiest.
If you or anyone you know has ever faced the mainstream "cut,
poison, burn" cancer tactics, this is information you simply MUST have.
So please, RSVP to claim your Library of Shockingly Simple Cures right away!
Volume 3: Diabetes-Free in Just 6 WEEKS: Your Complete and Exclusive, Step-by-Step Guide to Dr. Fred's Stunningly Easy Diabetes Cure
Dr. Fred will tell you exactly HOW to indulge your way to being
healthier than you've been in decades,with simple instructions, guiding
you through every leisurely step.
Inside the pages of this special report, you'll discover how to
re-create the very same diabetes miracle that's changed the lives of so
many of Dr. Fred's patients in the privacy and convenience of your own
home--outrageously fast and incredibly easily.
Plus, you'll be thrilled to discover...
Dr. Fred's incredibly simple, FUN cure goes to work FAST. Within
just 6 weeks you'll be well on your way to reversing Type II diabetes.
AND all its deadly side-effects, too--plus many other health nightmares
as well, from coronary heart disease to high blood pressure, and more...
So don't wait! RSVP now and see for yourself just how easy it can be to live diabetes-free.
Volume 4: The 72-hour secret to aheart that's STRONG AS STEEL
True heart health isn't as complicated as you've been led to believe. In fact, it all boils down to an astonishingly simple secret...
Dr. Fred will reveal to you the secret to defeating the ONE thing
that's secretly contributing most to your heart problems. You'll get
the tips, hints, and details--as well as the encouragement--you need to
turn the tables on this overlooked heart killer starting in just 72
Plus, you'll also discover:
And inside this groundbreaking report, Dr. Fred will share them ALL
with you. RSVP right now to claim your FREE access to this life-saving
Volume 5: TBC: Dr. Fred's Amazing Tree Bark CUR-EALL. How Nature's Oldest and Simplest Material Can Save You From Sunburn, Stroke...and Everything in Between
This is the one thing Dr. Fred recommends to every patient who walks
in his door. No matter what brings them in. Because it's powerful and
far-reaching potential makes it the very cornerstone of his EASY
approach to healing.
Even deadly serious conditions like Alzheimer's and hypertension are
no match for this natural extract. And, believe it or not, this
virtual cure-all comes from tree bark, of all things!
Inside the pages of this mind-boggling report, you'll learn how this ONE simple extract can...
And much, MUCH more.
In fact, this remarkable tree bark cure even plays a major role in curbing the Hidden Epidemic of the Baby Boomer Generation.
Dr. Fred will explain how it works, where you can get it, and what else it can do for you inside this exclusive report.
Don't miss out--RSVP today!
Volume 6: Head-to-toe healing with the Nature's piece-of-cake cures
Dr. Fred's phenomenally simple approach to healing has helped thousands of people look, feel, and live better than they ever dreamed!
And his patients are often shocked to learn just how easy it can be
to defeat their most nagging health concerns--once and for all. Inside
the pages of this special report, Dr. Fred will give you all the tips
and tricks you need to conquer even the most stubborn symptoms.
You'll feel healthier than you have in decades--in just the blink of an eye.
No-sweat, no-worry, no-problem solutions like...
Volume 7: ** FAST REPLY BONUS!** SSC: Dr. Fred's Secret Super Charger
Everything you need to know about the single, secret ingredient that makes Dr. Fred's diabetes defeating cure downright FOOL-PROOF!
In fact, this delicious natural, ultra-healthy, relatively
inexpensive plant extract from Australia has near-magical
health-promoting powers. SSC blows away any other superfood you may have sampled. Dr. Fred will tell you how it works--and where you can get your hands on it.
Just be sure to reply within the next 5 days, so you can get all the
details for FREE, inside the pages of this special bonus report.
My younger sister was diagnosed with junior myoclonic epilepsy (JME) about a year before my mother was diagnosed with
ovarian cancer and suffered a severe staph infection after surgery. She remained in the hospital for the better part of a month, and was back a few months later with new complications.
Hospital bills piled up and my sister
required numerous specialists and incredibly expensive medication. Many
specialists were at hospitals hours away from us, adding travel and
lodging costs to the pile of medical bills. My parents' work schedules
greatly disrupted, further contributing to their financial woes.
My mom's family insurance plan was
sufficient in keeping the cost of many of my sister's prescriptions down
to the bare
minimum, but it just wasn't enough. At one point, my sister was on 15
different pharmaceutical drugs, including several experimental drugs
with bad
side effects requiring additional medication to counter the negative effects of the primary drugs.
Paying medical bills was complicated as well. Even when a specific hospital was in our network, some of the doctors or
phlebotomy-labs that played a role in the process weren't.
Whenever my mother would pay off one bill, another would inevitably arise.
Doctors decided my sister's epilepsy might
be something other than a traditional case of JME after she responded
to traditional treatment. Her seizures were difficult to manage, so the
experiments continued. She was in and out of research facilities,
offices, and hospitals instead of in school most of the time...
Facing Bankruptcy
At the height of our family's crisis, my mother felt there was only one option left: bankruptcy.
As ashamed as she was, she felt trapped and without an alternative. And her situation is not unique...
For the 92% of the medically bankrupt, high medical bills directly contributed to the motion to file for
bankruptcy. Since 2001 the proportion of all bankruptcies attributable to medical problems has increased by 50%. Nearly two-thirds of all bankruptcies are now linked to illness.
And as idealistic as the president's speech-writers make ObamaCare sound, this program is only adding insult to
While Obama promised to lower premiums by
$2,500 per family per year, national health expenditure projections from
CMMS estimate the premiums increased by 8% in 2012, and many companies
are now dropping employees' spouses and family members from their
Similarly, businesses are incentivized to hire fewer full-time workers and more part-timers to avoid the mandated
"affordable health coverages" — or face a $2,000 employer penalty for each uninsured employee.
Silver is Going to $100
Legendary asset manager Eric Sprott said this will be "the decade of silver," during which silver will hit $100.
While you could certainly do well owning the physical metal itself, there's an even better way you could take advantage
of it — for less than $1.
We are a nation of nearly 50 million uninsured citizens.
The United States spends $300 billion on
pharmaceuticals each year and $2.7 trillion on health care. Forgive me
stating the obvious, but that's hugely problematic... Soon, individuals
won't be the only ones going bankrupt. Our government could be next.
Health Care: Hurts More than it Helps
Astronomical medical costs are met with major shortfalls in care. It is rare to get the quality of care you pay for
nowadays, despite the fact that the U.S. outspends all other OECD nations on health care both per capita and as a portion of GDP:
We need to revamp the entire system.
Doctors should be rewarded for quality of service, not volume of service.
Big Pharma is a huge hindrance. Physicians and specialists are less inclined to spend time interacting with
patients to understand what's really wrong, and are instead rewarded for selling brand-name drugs to as many patients as possible.
People don't always need drugs: they need to improve their health. And that starts with quality primary and
preventative care.
Compared to Australia, Canada,
Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, the
United States
comes in dead last in five areas of health system performance: quality,
efficiency, access to care, equity, and the ability to lead long,
productive lives, according to the Commonwealth Fund.
It is shameful that costs are rising while care is declining.
If health care costs were under control and
growing no more quickly than the economy, we'd stand a chance at
getting a
handle on our national debt. Unfortunately, health care spending is
currently growing at about 1.5x the rate of the GDP — and is already
close to 20% of the entire economy.
Forbes reports: "Health care spending will eat up the federal government’s budget even sooner,
and that is the root cause of the U.S. sovereign debt problem."
At this rate, how can we expect to find the funding and the manpower for other social programs, i.e. Social Security,
or defense, or any other federal government roles?
Congressional leaders, the health care industry, and Big Pharma need a new concrete strategy — before this
looming health care/bankruptcy crisis snowballs into a national debt crisis we'll never get out from under.
Farewell for now,
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