Oct 22, 2018, 11:13 PM (13 hours ago)
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In the next few months, a critical announcement will reveal the biggest gold mine in America.
And send the 75-cent miner that owns it surging for no less than 10,000% gains.
For reasons you’ll see, its real gold windfall has been kept hidden from the public. But that’s about to change.
You need to position yourself immediately.
and OPEC have been going back and forth for months. On Twitter alone,
Trump has directly attacked OPEC more than a half-dozen times. The
Khashoggi incident is another blow to deteriorating relations between
OPEC and the U.S.
And if OPEC really wants to screw over the United States, it can... with another oil embargo.
of America's oil imports come from OPEC countries, equaling about 3.4
million barrels per day. That's significant to the United States. But
it's really just a drop in the bucket for OPEC.
produces 40 million barrels of oil per day. If the cartel imposed an
embargo against the United States, its sales would only be moderately
affected. Whereas losing imports of over 3 million barrels per day would
be disastrous for the U.S. supply.
OPEC oil embargo might seem unimaginable right now. But let's consider
that it has happened in the past as a result of deteriorating political
relations. Good trade is only achievable through peace.
would be wise to tread lightly with the Saudis. While it's unlikely
America will impose sanctions against the kingdom, the kingdom may be
planning to impose an embargo on America. And that really could drive
domestic oil prices to $400 or higher.
Fingers crossed that this unfortunate event won't lead to more suffering.
Until next time,
Luke Burgess
an editor at Energy and Capital, Luke’s analysis and market research
reach hundreds of thousands of investors every day. Luke is also a
contributing editor of Angel Publishing’s Bubble and Bust Report
newsletter. There, he helps investors in leveraging the future
supply-demand imbalance that he believes could be key to a cyclical
upswing in the hard asset markets. For more on Luke, go to his editor’s page.
Top secret military research lab announces massive world-changing discovery:
One tiny company holds the key to this $1.2 trillion energy revolution. And investing in it could show you 1,587% profits!

Dear Reader,
Thanks to a game-changing discovery in the heart of a secret army research lab...
We now hold the key to one of the biggest energy breakthroughs in history.
Discovered completely by accident, these tiny metal particles have unlocked an endless supply of "clean energy"...

Enough energy to power the ENTIRE PLANET for millions of years!
This energy source produces zero emissions.
It comes from the most abundant resource in the known universe.
And incredibly, it can be used for anything.
It can power factories...
Fuel your car...
Heat your home...
It can even power the ENTIRE U.S. electrical grid.
It’s more efficient than solar, wind, lithium, geothermal, or any other alternative energy source you could think of.
In fact, it’s positioned to become the No. 1 source of energy on the planet, surpassing coal, oil, and natural gas.
Scientific American says it’s the “the fuel of the future.”
CNN deemed it “a quiet revolution.”
And Fortune calls it “nearly magical.”
The Department of Energy (DOE) just announced $39 million in funding for research and development (R & D) in this sector.
And the U.S. Army has partnered with Chevrolet to build a new generation of stealth Humvees powered by this energy.
Japan has already committed more than $300 million to use this fuel to power the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
But it’s not only governments pursuing this endless source of clean energy.
Almost every Fortune 500 company that you can think of is jumping on board, too.
Google is already using this energy to power one of its data centers.
Apple is investing more than $1 billion so it can do the same.
Anheuser-Busch is building a fleet of almost 1,000 semitrucks that are powered by this clean energy source.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Yahoo, Verizon, Target, eBay, Sprint, Comcast, FedEx, and Nokia are
all throwing their hats in the ring. And that’s still only a handful of
the companies with skin in the game.
There are dozens of other Fortune 500 companies that are in an all-out race to take advantage of endless clean energy.
But if I told you about all of them right now, we'd be here all day.
The takeaway is that they all share a singular goal: to be the first to make billions from "endless clean energy."
And that’s why this breakthrough is about to disrupt the $1.2
trillion energy industry and make smart investors who get on board now
1,587% gains...
The Coming Energy Revolution
According to data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA),
we could see more than $1 trillion pouring into endless clean energy.
Alternative energy only makes up about 10% of the energy market so far. But we’re approaching a critical tipping point.
Major companies like Google, Apple, Amazon, Yahoo, Verizon,
Sprint, FedEx, General Motors, Walmart, and many more are investing
billions in alternative energy.
Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, and Samsung have all promised
shareholders that they will switch to 100% alternative energy, some as
early as 2020.
And that makes this endless clean energy source extremely appealing to them.
It can lower their operational costs by billions of dollars and
create a positive, environmentally friendly public image at the same
It’s a pure win-win situation.
Alternative energy already powers more than 40% of Amazon’s
operations. That's about the same amount of energy needed to power
122,000 homes!
And Amazon currently uses clean energy to power thousands of pieces of equipment across its factories and warehouses.
Walmart started using this fuel to power 22 of its stores and distribution centers.
And it was so cost-effective that the retail giant decided to bring 30 more locations on line immediately.
Of course, Microsoft didn’t miss the memo on this historic breakthrough, either...
“This technology is very, very disruptive, and we're investing a lot of time and money into it,” reports Microsoft.
When global tech titans spend billions on an emerging technology, it’s for one reason and one reason only...
They stand to make obscene amounts of cash.
And the best part?
All these corporate backers of endless clean energy have to source their equipment from a third-party contractor...
And there's one company positioned to get the lion’s share of their business.
The company is quickly breaking away from its competitors. It's snapping up multimillion-dollar contracts left and right.
Its clients include the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Army, Audi, Siemens, and Royal Caribbean Cruises — to name a few.
Between these impressive government and corporate partnerships and
the frenzy of Fortune 500 companies adopting this new energy source,
this stock could easily shoot up five times, 10 times, and even 15 times
from where it is today!
And in a minute, I’ll tell you all about it.
But first, you need to know why this is such an important breakthrough...
Discovering the Holy Grail of Energy

Calling it the holy grail of energy might sound like a stretch, but...
Endless clean energy has been sought after for decades.
Fossil fuels are dirty and expensive and have become increasingly scarcer.
Scientists have spent decades looking for an alternative. But none
have ever even come close to the stunning breakthrough made by Scott
Grendahl and his team at the end of 2017!
“There are other researchers who have been searching their whole lives [for this],” says Grendahl, the lead researcher behind the breakthrough.
But what was once purely a laboratory experiment now promises to
become the most efficient and cheapest source of alternative energy.
This is hands down one of the biggest energy advancements in human history, like the discovery of gasoline or nuclear power.
According to the EIA, the U.S. consumes about 142 billion gallons of
gasoline a year. That's almost half a trillion dollars worth. And clean
energy could replace every single drop of it!
And that’s because it can be used to power cars more easily than just about anything else.
But it’s so universal that it’s poised to disrupt every aspect of the
$1.2 trillion energy industry. And that’s just in the U.S. alone!
As the International Energy Agency (IEA) puts it: “It can be effectively transformed into any form of energy.”
Most people won’t know anything about this new fuel source until they
hear about it on the evening news. But by then, they'll have already
missed out on the huge profits earned by those who got on board early.
That’s why I’ve made this presentation for you today — so you can
learn all about this incredible energy breakthrough and how to profit
from it before the mainstream investors pile in...
Hi, I’m Keith Kohl
I'm the lead energy analyst here at Angel Publishing.
I bring high-caliber, profit-gushing energy investments to my
hundreds of thousands of daily readers before the mainstream media
catches on.
Take the U.S. shale boom, for example...
I was among the first to break news about Bakken oil plays to our
readers back in 2007. This was back when no one could imagine that North
Dakota held more oil than any OPEC member nation.
I visited the wells, spoke with the experts involved, and racked up a string of triple-digit gains from the Bakken.
This included 575% gains on Brigham Exploration Corporation, 104% on
Northern Oil and Gas, 170% on American Oil & Gas, and much more...
I was one of the first investors to move into the massive shale gas
deposit in the Marcellus Formation. This was years before it became a
Wall Street media darling in 2011.
I've even road-tripped to the oil sands in Alberta and met with high-powered energy executives.
And that led us to gains of 103% on Petrobank Energy and Resources and 85% on Canadian Superior Energy.
In short, I’ve spent the better part of the last decade doing
boots-on-the-ground research to bring you the inside scoop on the
biggest energy plays before Wall Street and big banks catch wind of them.
But as impressive as they are, the profits that my readers raked in
from those oil plays look like peanuts compared to the profits coming
from clean energy.
And that’s because while all eyes are on the rising price of oil,
there's one sector of the energy market that's consistently
The Alternative Energy Race Is Heating Up Like Never Before
Advancements in wind, solar, geothermal,
and lithium have all contributed to the rise of the $120 billion
alternative energy industry.
Advancements in solar panels led Canadian Solar’s stock to explode by 1,907%:

Advancements in wind turbines grew Vestas Wind Systems from a $5 million company into a $13 billion company:

And advancements in lithium-ion batteries made Tesla’s game-changing
electric engines a possibility and resulted in a 1,834% stock surge:

Simply put, when an energy sector has a major breakthrough, smart investors who got on board early get rich.
Companies like Canadian Solar, Vestas, and Tesla have proven that alternative energy is a veritable gold mine for investors.
And thanks to this discovery, there’s one tiny engineering firm that
stands to become bigger than Tesla, Canadian Solar, and Vestas —
It plays a key role in the coming mass adoption of this incredible fuel source.
In fact, it already makes the engines that run on clean energy. And those engines could render Tesla’s engines obsolete.
Whether you’re an environmentalist or not, there are still billions of dollars flying thick and fast in this market.
And that kind of profit opportunity warrants your attention.
So, let me tell you how an Army Research Laboratory accident led to
one of the most profound energy discoveries of the last century...
Army Scientists Make World-Changing Discovery... By Accident?!

Incredibly, this discovery didn't come from scientists engaged in energy research.
Far from it...
The scientists in question were developing an ultra-strong and lightweight metal alloy.

They had no idea that their experiments would lead to a game-changing discovery of this magnitude.
You see, when they were stress testing the new alloy, the research
team planned to see how it reacted to different environments and
chemicals that it might come into contact with.
Standard practice, through and through...
But when they poured a certain chemical on the alloy...
A reaction occurred that no one expected.
And that reaction changed the world:
The chemical that caused it?
H20, also known as regular ol' drinking water!
That’s right.
The most abundant resource in the known universe is the source of clean energy.
The properties of the metal caused the water molecules to split, which created hydrogen and oxygen gas.
And hydrogen gas is what powers hydrogen fuel cells — the quiet, clean engines of the future.
Fuel cells can power anything that a traditional engine or motor can:
cars, boats, trains, drones, and even houses and factories!
There have been many attempts to harness hydrogen power in the past.
But no one has ever split water molecules with such ease.
According to the man behind the discovery, Scott Grendahl, previous attempts to do so weren't even half as effective.
And what’s more, it could take several hours to generate the amount of energy that his team produced in less than three minutes.
For the first time, creating hydrogen power is efficient, fast, and cheap.
Point blank, all it takes to create clean energy is to pour water over metal.
It’s so easy, a child could do it.
Put that metal into a car engine, a generator, or a heat pump...
And you could power anything you own with a bucket of water...
Imagine Never Having to Go to the Gas Station Again
Instead of filling gas cans, you’ll be filling rain barrels.
You'll never again have to handle the foul-smelling, highly flammable fuel that we rely so heavily on today.
And the car that uses hydrogen gas to power it will be quieter, safer, and more efficient.
Governments and megacorporations alike are already wise to it.
The U.S. Army is already working with Chevrolet to build a new generation of hydrogen-powered stealth Humvees.
Anheuser-Busch is building a fleet of 800 new hydrogen-powered delivery trucks.
GM has already invested $2.5 billion in producing hydrogen-powered cars.
And the city of Tokyo is spending $300 million on hydrogen-powered
shuttles for the 2020 Olympics. This is in addition to building a 6,000
unit Olympic Village that's powered only by hydrogen.
Hydrogen could easily become the primary source of fuel in the world.
It’s efficient, abundant, and cheaper than ever before.
And there’s one tiny company positioned for bigger gains than
anything else from this impending global shift. And it's to the tune of
billions of dollars...
Harnessing Hydrogen for 1,587% Gains
The biggest opportunity in this market is simple.
The top company that mass-produces the engines that run on hydrogen stands to make an absolute fortune.
And this tiny manufacturing company has already partnered with the
U.S. military and several top Fortune 500 companies to achieve that end.
It's working with Royal Caribbean Cruises on futuristic new cruise ship engines.
The U.S. Navy has commissioned the company to develop 13 new propulsion systems for its drones.
The U.S. Army recently ordered $1 million worth of mobile power packs from it.
It's signed a $9 million contract with Siemens to develop a hydrogen-powered train.
And Audi signed a three-and-a-half-year development contract with the company to the tune of $100 million!
For a small-cap company, these big-name partnerships speak volumes about its potential.
It's the clear industry leader in terms of quality.
And that quality is a direct result of the incredible leadership behind this industry-leading manufacturer.
Its CEO founded and ran a power company for 15 years before he joined this enterprise.
Between him, the company's former IBM executive, and its 33-year
veteran of Texas Instruments, it has almost a century of combined
experience in dealing with new technologies.
Getting in on the ground floor with this company is the opportunity of a lifetime.
With a market cap of slightly under a billion dollars, it wouldn’t
take much for its stock to jump five times, 10 times, or even 15 times
its current price!
And that could happen before you know it.
Hydrogen stocks have been known to spike and spike hard.
Early investors in hydrogen saw 3,131% on FuelCell Energy:

That’s enough to turn every $1,000 invested into more than $32,000!
But it doesn’t stop there...
Investors also banked 3,826% on AFC Energy, which turned every $1,000 invested into more than $39,000:

And of course, Plug Power rewarded its backers with an eye-popping 4,891% run, which was just shy of 50 times their investments:

The best part? All these gargantuan gains happened within the course of two years!
What would you do if you made that kind of money?
Spend a summer sipping champagne on the beaches of St. Thomas in the
U.S. Islands? Remodel your home? Pay your kid’s college tuition?
It doesn’t matter which one you choose because you’d be able to do all that and more.
The only thing left to do is to join the investors who are already capitalizing on this amazing energy source.
But for all the money they’ve made on this energy revolution, it’s
not only everyday investors like you and me cashing in on hydrogen
You see, this breakthrough is such a big deal that even "Big Oil" is embracing hydrogen power.
And when some of the wealthiest and most powerful companies in
history turn their focus to a new fuel source, all signs point to mass
Uncharted Territory for Big Oil

When solar power became wildly popular, we didn’t see ExxonMobil or Royal Dutch Shell start selling solar batteries.
Until very recently, Big Oil companies have been content to rest on their laurels...
But between rising oil prices and dwindling supplies, energy companies will have to embrace new ideas to survive.
And they have no intention of missing out on this red-hot new energy source. So, they're going all in on this one.
Exxon calls this fuel source “a game changer.”
And Shell joined an international partnership that’s investing $10.7 billion into this new energy.
Again, between rising oil prices and dwindling supplies, energy companies will have to embrace new ideas to survive.
And even though they skipped every previous alternative energy boom, this is the one that they’ve chosen to go all in on.
Big Oil has never invested this kind of money in green technology before.
It’s no longer a question of “will hydrogen catch on?” but, rather, “how massive will it be?”
To get a sense of how big this will be, take a look at what happened when a major new energy source disrupted the market...
Let’s start with oil. When it started to replace coal as the primary
fuel source, it created fortunes the likes of which had never been seen
before or since.
Oil baron John D. Rockefeller is still considered to be the richest American of all time. He would have been worth approximately $253 billion by today’s standards.
And he created the first Big Oil company: Standard Oil Co.
It was so obscenely profitable that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled it a monopoly and broke it down into 34 separate entities.
These entities became companies like ExxonMobil, Chevron Corporation, and Amoco Corporation — to name a few.
And now, almost a century later, the titans of the oil industry are turning to hydrogen.
They're positioning themselves to create new levels of wealth from this energy revolution.
But they’re not the only ones who will make out like bandits from the hydrogen boom...
Because You’re About to Join Them
I’d like to send you my exclusive new report on the global leader in hydrogen-powered engines, called “Clean Energy: Harnessing Hydrogen for 1,587% Profits.”

It details the name of the stock and a deep analysis of the company's future growth potential.
I'd usually charge $99 for research like this. But today, I’d like to send it to you — completely FREE!
You can’t find it anywhere else on the internet; you can only claim it right here, right now.
And it’s available only to you for FREE for these reasons...
First off, I want to sleep well at night knowing that I made an honest move to put this timely information in your hands.
The other reason is that sending you this timely report as soon as
possible is just one of the ways that I'll help you in getting your feet
wet in the world of cutting-edge energy investments.
The simple truth is that the world needs energy more than anything else. Everything we use is powered by it in some form.
And with every major energy revolution, vast fortunes are made.
It happened during the industrial coal age, during the oil boom after the 1900s, nuclear age in the 1980s, solar in the early 2000s, and lithium-ion batteries in the last decade.
It happened during the industrial coal age, during the oil boom after the 1900s, nuclear age in the 1980s, solar in the early 2000s, and lithium-ion batteries in the last decade.
And we're about to see it again...
Hydrogen is the new oil that will be driving our power needs.
And we'll be there to capture the double- and triple-digit gains like
we did at the start of the Bakken oil boom in North Dakota.
And by joining our investment community today, you'll reap the spoils, too.
Besides your free report, “Clean Energy: Harnessing Hydrogen for 1,587% Profits,” I’ll also be by your side every step of the way to help you in capturing the biggest gains of your life.
Since 2005, I've been running one of the most profitable energy newsletters in the country: Energy Investor.
I've been introducing investors like you to some of the most
explosive trends in the energy business. And I do it well before most
people have ever even heard of them.
When people started talking about the shale oil boom in North Dakota,
we'd already taken the lion's share of the profits while the oil was
still thick.
In fact, I alerted my readers to two tiny oil stocks, Brigham
Exploration and Northern Oil and Gas, that ultimately put North Dakota’s
Bakken oil field on the map.
At the time, these stocks traded for less than $6 and $8 a share, respectively.
While Wall Street “gurus” were in the dark, my readers and I watched
Northern Oil and Gas spike by 104% within only two months and Brigham
Exploration pop 575% within just 16 months.
Readers like you netted tens of thousands of dollars from my recommendations.
We've had an amazing run of profits over the last 13 years, including...
- Northern Oil and Gas — 104% within two months.
- Brigham Exploration Company — 575% within 16 months.
- UTS Energy Corporation — 141% within 33 months.
- Dajin Resources Corp. — 200% within eight months.
- Magellan Petroleum Corporation — 95% within 12 months.
- Brigham Exploration Company — 315% within 16 months.
- Petrobank Energy — 103% within six months.
- Continental Resources — over 60% within three months.
- Crescent Point Energy Corp. — 70% within 24 months.
- American Oil & Gas — 170% within nine months.
- Petrohawk Energy Corporation — 68% within 23 months.
- PowerShares DB Crude Oil — 124% within just five months.
- Canadian Superior Energy — 85% within six months.
Gains like these could have made you rich in short order.
No doubt, my readers have been milking them for all they're worth.
And by becoming a member of our community today, you can, too.
Here are some of the notes they've sent me...
"Bought the wife a new car!"
— Jordan P.
"Keith I'd like you to know exactly how much I've appreciated your
Bakken coverage over the years. I sold my position on NOG in Feb 2010
for gains of 216%, 1/3 of my position in BEXP in 2011 for gains of 361%,
and sold the rest of BEXP in Oct of 2011 for gains of 743%. Now I'm
holding a large portion of your newest pick with unrealized gains of
365%. Thank you."
— Sly M.
"Up 252%, 165%, and 101%."
"Just wanted you to know how much I appreciate the hard work you do
in finding those great companies for your readers. I am up 252%,
161%, and 101%. You've made a believer of me."
— Kris M.
"230% in less than a year."
"Your insight has been great. NOG, Gran Terra is up about 230% in less than a year."
— R. Manning
Is it possible for you to earn this much from my recommendations?
Only time will tell...
But here’s one thing I can say with certainty: The hydrogen boom is
shaping up to be bigger than the revolutions in shale oil and gas
And I’ll be right by your side to guide you to the biggest gains in this new energy era.
To start, I'd like to send you my hot-off-the-press research report: “Clean Energy: Harnessing Hydrogen for 1,587% Profits.”
This $99 report is yours — absolutely free!
All I ask in return is that you take a no-risk trial to my Energy Investor research newsletter...
The Fast Track to an Energy Fortune

As a new subscriber to Energy Investor, you'll enjoy the following benefits on top of your free report:
- 12 Monthly Issues of Energy Investor — You'll receive a full issue in your inbox during the first week of each month. These monthly issues cover in-depth analysis of what's happening in the energy market and also details on my favorite small energy pick for the month.
- Portfolio Updates — You'll also receive regular updates with up-to-the-minute briefings on my recommendations. All energy trades are regularly revised. And updates are forthcoming, signaling when to buy, hold, or sell. This is to ensure that you'll never have to worry about your trades. I do all the work on your behalf!
- E-Alerts — These alerts are sent straight to your inbox when an opportunity arises that can't wait until the next monthly issue. In the fast-paced energy sector, opportunities pop up by the hour. With these alerts, you'll never miss a surefire moneymaking opportunity.
- Customer Support Staff — Should you have any questions or concerns, you can call our support staff at any time and get live help between 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (ET).
Of course, you'll also have instant access to your free report: "Clean Energy: Harnessing Hydrogen for 1,587%."
But that's not all...
I'm Also Throwing in 2 BONUS Profit Reports

- Bonus Report No. 1: "How to Steal a Fortune From Trump’s $1 Trillion Infrastructure Boom," a $79 value — yours FREE.
Even though we're gearing up to make a
mountain of cash from the hydrogen boom, oil and gas won't disappear
overnight. That’s why we won't be losing sight of President Donald
Trump’s plan to invest $1 trillion into America’s crumbling
infrastructure. And billions of those dollars will go to the development
of new oil and gas pipelines over the next four years.
The U.S. is in desperate need of
more pipelines. America needs over $200 billion worth of new pipelines
to accommodate our demand. And a lot of new money is about to flow into
the system.
And I’ve identified three companies that will be prime beneficiaries while Trump pushes these new deals through.
One of these companies represents a way
to play every single pipeline that’s currently under construction in
North America. This firm researches and develops technology that
improves the flow of pipelines overall. And in return, it collects a
small amount of money from each project that it can get its hands on.
Imagine getting paid every time a barrel of oil travels through a
pipeline. That’s the kind of opportunity at stake here. In this special
report, I show you exactly how to get in now...

- Bonus Report No. 2: "Top 3 'Hidden' Energy Plays Fueling the Marijuana Boom," a $79 value — yours FREE.
The legal cannabis sector is actually growing faster than the internet did.
It’s expected to hit $21 billion in legal
sales in the U.S. by 2020, which isn't bad if you consider that sales
only hit $6.7 billion in 2016.
But I don’t want you to buy pot stocks...
Most people don’t realize that the
booming marijuana industry is one of the nation’s most energy-intensive.
It often demands 24-hour indoor lighting rigs, heating, ventilation,
and air-conditioning systems at multiplying growing sites.
In California alone, indoor cannabis
production uses as much electricity as 1 million homes! And I’ve found
three energy companies that stand to benefit the most from the booming
marijuana industry’s surging electricity consumption.
One of them is a tiny lighting company
that growers are relying on more and more. In fact, it recently won the
marijuana industry’s Best Lighting Company award. I'd like for you to
have immediate access to this opportunity. So, I’m including this $79
report, absolutely free, with your no-risk trial.
These reports are your instant gateways to the mega-profits that have
yet to come from three of the hottest investing opportunities for 2018.
Besides these reports, you'll also have full access to Energy Investor's
portfolio and recommendations — many of which are still buys. You'll
also have access to past energy reports with the same caliber of insider
When you get your all-access members-only password, you’ll
immediately be able to comb through our website and read past issues and
tutorials. Everything is there waiting for you.
And rest assured that as we move forward, you'll be the first to hear about any new opportunities I research.
So, how much does Energy Investor cost? And how can you get started immediately?
Well, a full year of my exclusive research usually costs $199...
But I've asked my publisher to slash this price in half today because
I want to ensure that you don't hesitate in securing your free report
and your spot while we get in on the ground floor of this hydrogen
Through this special invitation to Energy Investor, you'll save $100 instantly and pay only $99 for an entire year’s subscription.
This breaks down to about $0.27 a day. That’s less than a cup of coffee. But it’s also far more lucrative...
And everything else I've mentioned, including your three reports, comes free of charge.
That’s $456 in services and free gifts for only $99.
Once you sign up, you'll begin receiving my regular email updates and monthly issues...
Guaranteed Profits

As I said before, you won't be on the hook for a thing.
By agreeing to this offer, you're only agreeing to try Energy Investor.
During your six-month trial period, you'll have full membership privileges to Energy Investor.
You'll also have immediate access to your free report, "Clean Energy: Harnessing Hydrogen for 1,587% Profits." This report alone carries a $99 value. But again, through this special invitation, it’s yours — absolutely free.
And you'll be able to access two more bonus reports and a slew of other benefits that I've lined up for you:
- "How to Steal a Fortune From Trump’s $1 Trillion Infrastructure Boom," a $79 value — yours FREE.
- "Top 3 'Hidden' Energy Plays Fueling the Marijuana Boom," a $79 value — yours FREE.
- 12 monthly issues of Energy Investor.
- Regular portfolio updates.
- Instant buy and sell alerts.
- 24-7 access to the Energy Investor members-only website.
Take a full six months and put Energy Investor to the test. If you're convinced that you can't make any money with my research, or should you decide that Energy Investor isn't for you, just let me know and you'll get your money back.
Keep in mind that your reports, any alerts you receive, and any other
intelligence you gather during those six months are yours to keep —
even if you decide to cancel.
I'm making this arrangement because I'm confident that this service will deliver profits.
With the hydrogen revolution being sparked by this groundbreaking discovery...
And also with major car companies like Audi, GM, and Chevy building hydrogen-powered cars...
With several nations like China, Japan, and the U.S. investing in hydrogen...
And with multiple Fortune 500 giants like Google, Amazon, Facebook, Walmart, and Apple also throwing their hats in the ring...
America is on the cusp of a new energy era. This is a HUGE trend. And
it’s here to stay. The profit opportunities are massive and could set
you up for the retirement of your dreams.
You'll have to act now if you want to get in as hydrogen takes its place as the new "oil of the 21st century" and if you want to bank the kind of life-changing gains that I showed you earlier, like...
- 4,891% on Plug Power.
- 3,131% on FuelCell Energy.
- 3,826% on AFC Energy.
So, if you're interested in trying Energy Investor, I recommend that you start your free trial immediately.
Once you sign up, I’ll rush you your free reports because they're
time-sensitive and I want to help you get positioned ahead of the crowd.
Then you can just sit back and watch your profits piling up as this new energy gathers steam.
As a member of Energy Investor, you'll be in a position to
know more about how hydrogen will transform our energy needs. And most
importantly, you'll take the early round of profits.
I'll keep you updated on any information that'll help you make more money in this new energy sector.
And yes, this is a young and healthy energy sector. It's only getting started.
Believe me, this battle is just heating up. There will be plenty more opportunities in the weeks and months ahead.
It would be foolish to sit on the sidelines and watch others getting all the profits while you're left high and dry.
I suggest that you sign up right now. Click below to get started.
Once again, you'll have six months to test-drive my research. And if
you feel that it's not for you, let me know. I'll gladly refund your
entire subscription fee.
Click here to sign up right now and get in on the ground-level profits that stand to come rolling in.
Good investing,

Keith Kohl
Investing Director, Energy Investor
Investing Director, Energy Investor

Why NOBODY Knows About America’s Biggest Gold Discovery
In this presentation, you’ll discover...
The American deposit with 20 million ounces of gold — and why few have ever heard of it
When news of this major discovery will be released to the public
The tiny 75-cent-per-share miner with complete ownership of the mine... and how to buy in now for life-altering returns

Dear Reader,
What I recently found is perhaps the most exciting discovery of my career…
What will become America’s #1 biggest gold mine, and almost nobody knows about it.
Not the financial media.
Not analysts or gurus.
Not even experts in the mining space.
And it could hand investors the biggest and fastest gains of 2018, or the entire decade.
Let me explain...
You see, I’ve spent the last five years studying this deposit and the tiny company that owns it.
I’ve read the geologist reports, the independent surveys, and even studied the century-long history of the mine.
And everything I saw was already remarkable.
The project is huge.
Officially, there are 6 million ounces of gold there now.
Which alone makes it one of the biggest in America. But that’s just one part of the equation.
This gold is...
- Cheaper to mine than almost any other in America
- One of the highest-grade forms of gold
- And incredibly easy to extract, with minimal environmental impact
Plus, as you’ll see in a moment, approval for permitting is now virtually guaranteed.
It ticked off all the boxes on gold mines that make investors rich.
But nothing I saw prepared me for what I would uncover next.
By the way, my name is Nick Hodge.
This June, I put my “boots on the ground” to get the scoop on this mine.
A place that’s so off the grid, few outside the company have seen it.
To reach it, I drove hours through the Idaho wilderness along the Salmon River to a remote lakeside town…
Then took a chartered prop plane up into the mountains and landed on a small airstrip inaccessible to the public.
Then I proceeded to explore all 1,500 acres of the property.
And incredibly enough, gold was everywhere. Let me rephrase:
In the span of miles, it was hard to find anywhere gold was NOT.
Not a single inch.
And here was my shocking conclusion:
There’s over THREE TIMES MORE GOLD here than the official reports say.
It could carry as much as 20 million ounces of gold!
That’s simply unreal.
That would make it the single biggest gold mine in America.
And even based on ultra-low gold prices... that’s a $240 BILLION gold jackpot.
The incredible part is...
Every other big gold mine in America is owned by giants like Barrick Gold.
But not this one.
Instead, one tiny, virtually unknown miner has complete ownership of this gold windfall...
And it trades for a mere 75 cents!
That won’t last for long though.
In the coming months, the mine’s REAL value will become public knowledge.
And thanks to my deep research and connections to insiders within the company... I know:
Exactly when this will happen
How much gold will be revealed
And how high its shares will soar
Again, you will NOT find this anywhere else.
Not in the financial media.
Not from newsletter gurus.
You’ll only hear it from me because of my extensive mining connections.
Connections which allow me privileged access to these sites and operations.
And because of my decades of experience in the mining sector, I know what I’m looking for and where to look.
I say none of this to brag, but to make you understand one thing:
When you hear everything I’m about to share with you today...
You’ll be among the few who know about America’s #1 biggest mine.
And you’ll know BEFORE everyone else does...
Allowing you to take home enormous gains like you've never seen before.
Because once this mine becomes publicly known as America’s biggest...
Investors and mining giants WILL jump over one another to buy it hand over fist.
A bidding war that will send shares surging from 75 cents to $5... to $15... and beyond.
Using previous buyouts as an indicator, I expect an acquisition for no less than $25 per share.
That makes this winner more than 3,000%. And it could all happen very quickly.
In just a moment, you’ll see why these gains may actually be a CONSERVATIVE estimate of what’s coming...
In fact, NOTHING returns bigger and faster gains like a major gold mine discovery.
You’ll see how past discoveries are responsible for some of the biggest riches in market history.
And why billionaire legends like John Paulson are betting the house on this tiny miner.
You’ll see why this mine is guaranteed permitting...
Why the government WANTS this mine to begin operating...
And why NOBODY knows about its real potential.
In fact, while many mines exaggerate their reserves...
I found why this company may actually be doing the exact opposite.
It’s a major green light to early investors who buy shares immediately.
You’ll get all the details in just a moment...
But first, allow me to explain why I’m qualified to speak on the matter.
The Biggest 10-Bagger Discovery I’ve Made YET

I’ve spent the last decade of my career finding unusual, little-known opportunities in the metals & energy space...
The kind that could soar for astronomic gains overnight, minting all-new millionaires.
I do this with one simple method:
Building a massive list of political, corporate, and mining insiders from all around the world.
This is how I uncovered a tiny gold miner in Papua New Guinea.
This company is staffed by some of the world’s top geologists and
mining legends. Including the man behind the Pebble Rock discovery, one
of the biggest resource finds in history.
During the gold bear market, they bought a massive mine from Barrick Gold. And bought it for pennies on the dollar.
It was fully equipped and ready for production. It cost almost
nothing to get the mine operational. And the production date was set in a
matter of months.
I recommended this to my readers at just 35 cents. In just three
months, it surged to $2.21. My readers took home a profit of 531%.
That’s good enough to turn $10,000 into $63,100 — in just 90 days’ time!
It’s also how I uncovered a Brazilian gold miner that also owns a uranium package in Canada’s famed Athabascan district.
Its founders and major backers include legends who have made fortunes in uranium before.
Friends of mine like billionaire Rick Rule.
In eight months, it surged from 41 cents to $3.14.
That’s a 641% gain!
And it’s how I uncovered a lithium opportunity in the heart of Nevada’s salt brine land.
You probably know lithium as the “new gasoline.” It’s the fuel vital for Elon Musk’s Tesla 3 rollout.
Lithium has been all the rage. And dozens of companies have emerged that claim “lithium” in their name.
But I sifted through the rubble and found one with an all-star team.
The backer was a billionaire insider with very close ties to the Clintons.
And its Director has a record of starting small lithium and gold miners, then flipping them for billion-dollar buyouts.
In addition, it had a wonderful land package bordering the only known lithium mine in North America.
Plus a prime piece of real estate right in the “Saudi Arabia of Lithium.”
I got my readers in at 15 cents and in just FOUR MONTHS it surged past $2.53.
That’s a whopping gain of 1,667%.
It’s good enough to turn $10,000 into $176,700... in less than 12 weeks!
My readers had the opportunity to see these life-changing returns, just by following my recommendation!
I’ve shown my readers gains like these over and over and over.
And I say none of this to brag, but to make clear the enormity of the claim I’m making today:
This gold mine is poised to eclipse every single one of these big home runs.
By a landslide.
It’s not even close.
We’re on the cusp of one of America’s historic gold mines being built.
A mine bigger than those owned by some of the world’s biggest gold giants.
And today, you can buy into the tiny miner behind it for just $0.75.
Hardly ever do we see ground-floor opportunity with so much wealth potential.
This is why billionaires are betting the house on this play!
Like John Paulson.
Billionaire Bets The House on This Unprecedented Gold Find

In 2008, Paulson gained fame for the “greatest trade ever.”
As housing prices soared to all-new highs, he made a daring bet against the real estate market.
And just months later, prices began a historic collapse, returning $15 billion to his fund...
He personally pocketed $4 billion.
All in just one single year!
But it didn’t stop there.
In 2009, he bet on gold after it dropped...
And by 2011, gold had surged to all-time highs.
He pulled in even more than he did on his housing bet.
A whopping $5 BILLION windfall.
But now, I’ve personally uncovered the billionaire legend’s NEXT big bet...
A bet unknown to the financial media.
Here I am standing next to Paulson at a recent investment conference in Puerto Rico.

When we met, we talked about all kinds of moneymaking strategies, ideas, and sectors...
But one thing stood out in the conversation...
The details of a new major bet he’s making on a gold mine in the Northwest...
One that is nearing approval... and is virtually guaranteed.
Just to be clear, if he’s even half right, it could be his biggest windfall yet!
With this kind of wealth potential at stake, I had to go there myself.
My Visit to This Historic Gold Site
Again, this project is great on paper, including 6 million ounces of gold that is
Higher grade than most other open pit mines!
Produced at half the cost as normal!
Extracted easily, with minimal environmental impact damage!
That alone makes it one of the top gold plays in America.
The only one NOT owned by a major gold giant.
But it’s EVEN BETTER in real life.
Here I am on site in Idaho.

This state is one the most favorable to mining companies.
Second only to Nevada and Alaska.
This is just one of many reasons why approval is pretty much in the bag.
In addition, the mining company is staffed by all the right insiders, including...
- An ex-democratic candidate for Governor of Idaho
- A three-decade insider at the U.S. Forest Service
- A regional administrator of the EPA
- A four-term mayor of a local Idaho town
- A county commissioner of Idaho county
- An executive director of Idaho Coalition of Land Trusts
This is a “Dream Team” for any mining company.
Players with respect in the community and with power in the halls of local, state, and federal capitals.
But there isn’t any backroom dealing here...
Because EVERYONE wants the jobs, money, and growth that will come
from seeing this mine succeed. It will bring 1,000 jobs and more than a
billion dollars of investment to the state.
Even the EPA is on board.
Why is that the case?
It has to do with the unique features of this mining site... and what the company is doing with it.
EPA Green-Lights This Mine
You see, this site has a long history of mining, with over 8 million ounces of gold produced.
But years ago, it left the site in really bad shape.
The EPA has spent $4 million on cleaning it up... with little to show for it.
Now, it’s preparing for a major turnaround... and this miner is leading the way.
This is why leading conservationists are staffing the company.
In fact, the key here is that this is NOT just a mine, but an
environmental project — one that will restore the site’s natural
The company is taking charge on fixing the local wildlife.
Long story short: this project is actually a WIN for the environment.
Which is why the EPA backs these efforts.
According to a statement from the agency, "EPA has an ongoing
role and interest in ensuring the integrity of the agency's past
Superfund cleanup and stabilization work in the area.”
And that’s just for starters...
The company will rehabilitate a fish passage along the river that has
been closed for three quarters of a century… remove and reprocess old
mine tailings that are leaching into the river… and use waste rock for
new construction.
Whereas so many gold mines give the business a bad reputation...
This one is going out of its way to respect the local wildlife, rivers, and forests.
This is an even bigger deal locally.
Idaho is home to many conservationists, ranchers, and hunters.
These guys live here for one reason:
The pristine wilderness. And they want to keep it that way.
Bottom line:
The mine’s environmental friendliness pleases everyone... and gives nothing but upside for the economy AND environment.
There’s another player here who wants this mine to kick into gear.
One you’d never expect.
The Pentagon.
The Pentagon is Desperate for this Mine’s OTHER Metal...

Why would the military care about a gold mine?
Because the site is home to what the defense brass calls “a critical strategic metal”... and the U.S. has none of it.
This is why the site was first mined 100 years ago — to produce the mineral for the military to help win WWII.
It’s called antimony.
And its applications for the military include...
- Missile guidance
- Jet engine covers
- Infrared detectors
- Thermal-imaging cameras
- The list goes on and on...
And here’s the thing...
The supply is almost entirely mined in China. And the Red Giant is starting to run short.
Plus, looming war with North Korea could cut off China’s antimony exports to America.
In short, the Pentagon needs this mineral... and will do whatever it takes to secure a supply.
It’s a big “kicker” to the mine, one that gives the federal
government an extra push to approve it. And I know for a fact the feds
have already been there to scope it out.
Here’s a question you may have been wondering...
“Why Has This Gold Miner Kept Its Real Wealth A Secret?”
It’s simple.
Mines with 5 or 6 million ounces of gold are much easier to get approved.
Fewer “official” reserves means fewer loopholes, less waiting time, less regulatory hassle.
It has all the motive to keep the true extent of its reserves quiet for now — at least quiet to the public.
So this is a big “wink wink” to investors.
In reality — and you could only know this by visiting the site — it
holds no less than 20 million gold ounces, by my calculations.
A fact that will be released to the public in the next few months.
What’s the real upside potential here?
To get an idea...
Consider the biggest gold and metals discoveries in recent years.
Like the Pierina property in Peru, one of the most important gold discoveries in South America.
The company that owned it, Arequipa Resources, traded for mere pennies...
But when drilling results turned up 5 million ounces of gold in the ground...
The miner was quickly bought out by Barrick Gold for over $30 a share in a stunning acquisition.

Early investors saw massive 100-bagger gains on the historic buyout.
Mind you, this was during a long-term gold bear market — when the
price stayed flat and even declined. And that’s just for starters...
Major Metal Discoveries Always Mint Millionaires — No Matter What the Underlying Price is Doing!
Consider the Timok copper-gold deposit of 2012.
It was the copper discovery of the decade and the biggest in European history.
The miner that owned it, Reservoir Minerals, quickly surged for unbelievable returns.
In just four years it skyrocketed for 12,000% gains. And that was just for starters...

Even during the bear market of the 2010s, its shares continued
soaring over and over. Finally, it was bought out for a handsome
All told, you could have seen 32,000% gains had you seen this coming... and bought in early.
That’s good enough to turn every $1,000 invested into $320,000.
And every $5,000 invested into $1.6 million.
Then there’s the historic Voisey's Bay discovery in Labrador, Canada.
In 1995, exploration turned up the largest and lowest-cost nickel deposit in the world.
The company that owned it, Diamond Fields, soared for the biggest and fastest gains on record.
At just 10 cents a share... 12 months later it surged past $200 — before being bought out by Inco.
That’s a 200,000% gain in a single year!
All of Diamond Field’s early investors became fantastically rich, no matter how much they invested.
And now, history is about to repeat itself.
This time with America’s biggest gold mine.
Remember, I’m only privy to this mine’s real wealth because of my insider contacts...
My boots-on-the-ground visit to the mining site in Idaho...
And my personal conversation with billionaire John Paulson — the company’s single biggest investor.
Few outside of a very well-connected group of mining gurus have even heard of this company.
Almost nobody knows of its real wealth. But that won’t last much longer.
Once details of this mine’s reserves go public... and they have to... this 75-cent miner will begin a breathtaking ride.
The kind not seen since Diamond Fields surged for 200,000% gains on its nickel discovery.
Overnight the major gold giants will begin the bidding war of a lifetime... driving shares up to $5... $15... past $30.
Why wait to buy it later, when shares are above $5 or even $30, when you can buy right now for just $0.75?
To get you started immediately, I’ve compiled a full dossier on this ground-floor opportunity called...
"10,000% Gains on America’s Biggest Gold Mine"

Here’s a quick preview of what it includes:
The name and ticker symbol of the 75-cent-per-share company with complete ownership of the mine
Thorough company profile based on my boots-on-the-ground investigation, including intel you won’t find on CNBC or even in industry journals.
Exclusive, off-the-cuff footage of my recent visit to the mining site, including interviews with the executives and geologists
The 20-million-ounce gold reserve... why it’s certain... and why nobody is privy to it
Imminent catalysts, including the public release of this mine’s real wealth potential
Best of all — I’ve decided to give this report to anyone who’s interested... totally free of charge.
So, how can you get your copy today?
Let me show you...

I’m the founder and president of an investment research firm based in Baltimore, Maryland.
I publish my findings in a monthly online newsletter called Wall Street's Underground Profits.
The goal of this research service is simple: Help ordinary investors
make fast, safe profits on the biggest financial trends that you’ll
NEVER read about through the mainstream press.
Over the past few years alone, I've helped my readers make gains in many sectors of the market, including:
- 1,480% on Lithium X
- 531% on K92 Mining
- 489% on Almadex Minerals
- 241% on Ivanhoe Mines
- 226% on Pioneering Technology
- 211% on Golden Leaf Holdings
- 316% on Akeena Solar
- 245% on Organovo
- 426% on Alternate Energy Holdings (in just 3 months)
- 391% on BYD Company (in 3 months)
- 240% on Brazil Resources
- And many more.
The list goes on. I've helped investors from all walks of life bank
dozens of multi-baggers and hundreds of double-digit wins over the
course of my career.
And it’s helped make many of my readers life-changing money.
One guy by the name of Dan L. wrote to me about one of my recent recommendations...
"I made over $100,000 with you on the first run a year or so ago..."
I’ve had to redact the stock
name there because it’s an active play that’s still making people money,
and it wouldn’t be fair to those currently holding positions.
Donald M. shared his story, too:
"I did very well on two picks. Pretty lucky with a profit of $27,649!"
And Anthony R. recently wrote me to say:
"This is the most profitable service in almost 10 years of trading.
Pure and simple. [Three picks] have been triple-digit winners for me. As
a friend of mine who speaks broken English would say, 'THANK YOU VERY
But my favorite is from Tom D., who made nearly half a million dollars on a single trade:
"Nick — My account is now over $450,000. Happy with the gains so far! Thanks!"
Stories like these are why I love to do what I do.
But that doesn’t mean my job is easy...
It takes a lot of hard work and boots-on-the-ground research to maintain the success I’ve experienced.
Whether it’s flying out to the Nevada desert to get a firsthand look
at the lithium that will supply our electric future while enriching

Or walking the conference floor with company executives at the most prestigious investment shows in the country...

Or, as I did in this case, trekking through Idaho to what could become the largest gold mine in the country...

There’s not a stone I won’t turn over if I think there’s money to be made on the other side.
As a result, I spend millions of dollars each year on research and growing my business.
I’ve been in a three-man helicopter over the Canadian wilderness...
stood on the edge of 500-foot-deep mines... and attended $5,000/seat
conferences across the country... all in the name of securing the full
stories behind the biggest wealth-creating opportunities in the world.
But of all the stories I’ve broken in my career...
Of all the gains I’ve helped my readers make...
NOTHING compares to the opportunity that’s unfolding in the gold market right now.
Flat out: It’s the best opportunity you’ll ever have to make life-changing 10,000% gains in the next few years.
The kind that could allow you to retire early with more money than you know what to do with.
But it’s CRUCIAL that you position yourself right now, before this mine’s real wealth is released to the public...
Wall Street's Underground Profits
Even if you manage to find the PERFECT stock to invest in... that one
stock that’s guaranteed to make you money in the long run... how much
should you pay for it?
Better yet, what happens if there’s a lot of volatility? Do you keep the stock, buy more shares, or cut your losses?
These are questions even the most seasoned investors on Wall Street have trouble answering.
That’s why I created Wall Street's Underground Profits — a newsletter designed to take the guesswork out of investing for the average person.
Here’s how it works:
On the second Friday of every month, I publish a new issue of Wall Street's Underground Profits.
In it, I give brand-new recommendations... explain what to do with
existing portfolio holdings... and go over my overall market theses in
great detail.
ALL of the legwork is done for you. Your only job is to execute the investments I outline — it really couldn’t be easier.
Even if you have little to no experience buying stocks, you can
become a highly successful investor in a very short period of time by
following my simple, straightforward advice.
As a member of the Wall Street's Underground Profits community, you'll get:
- Our Monthly Newsletter: Each month, we give you an in-depth report on the practical steps people are taking right now to plan for, and live, a successful and prosperous life.
You get 12 monthly issues of the Wall Street's Underground Profits newsletter, in which you'll discover unique investment opportunities that could consistently grow your wealth, no matter how much or how little you currently have, and strategies on how to (legally) live outside "the system."
Plus, you'll also be able to access these monthly issues from your computer or even your cell phone. We give you advice on how to make sure you don't run out of money... the best ways to generate long-term income... how to benefit from changes in tax laws... and much more. - Special Alerts: In addition to our monthly issues,
you’ll also get regular investment alerts, updating you on existing
positions and other investments I'm currently researching. I also
address our portfolio and any actions I recommend you take with our
positions. And while I cannot offer personalized advice, during these
updates, I will be publishing answers to questions or comments we get
from our members.
- Wealth-Building Strategies: Wall Street's Underground Profits is much more than merely an investment newsletter. It’s a comprehensive financial and wealth-building road map.
We help you access the tools and resources you need to invest successfully — and protect your life savings. - Special Bonus Reports: Every quarter, I'll be adding NEW special reports to the archives... reports that could make a substantial difference in the ways you save, invest, and maintain your personal freedoms. These special bonus reports are yours FREE as a subscriber to Wall Street's Underground Profits.
- 24/7 Access to Our Subscribers-Only Website and Archive: Complete, 24/7 online access to a special forum where you can interact with me and other members of this community... asking and answering each other's questions and exchanging ideas on investing, wealth preservation, self-reliance, privacy protection, and much, much more.
So how can you get your free copy of my brand-new research report, “10,000% Gains on America’s Biggest Gold Mine” today?
It couldn’t be easier.
All I ask is that you take a 100% risk-free trial subscription to my research newsletter, Wall Street's Underground Profits, and I’ll send you the report completely free of charge.
YOU GET HALF OFF! Join Us While Wall Street's Underground Profits Is Less Than 27 Cents Per Day!

So by now you’re probably asking yourself: How much does all this cost?
Well, the answer might shock you...
I’ve seen boutique financial research firms charge upwards of $10,000 a year for the SAME information I’ve included in Wall Street's Underground Profits.
But I’m not charging anywhere near that amount.
Normally, a one-year subscription to my Wall Street's Underground Profits newsletter costs just $199 a year.
For years, that was the least I’d ever consider selling my research for... It’s just too valuable to give away for any less.
But because of the magnitude of the opportunity I’ve detailed today, I’m slashing that price even further.
So, if you sign up right now, you can take advantage of a once-in-a-lifetime offer.
By agreeing to take a trial subscription to Wall Street's Underground Profits today, you’ll SAVE $100 instantly... and pay just $99 for an entire year’s subscription.
That’s 27 cents per day for financial research others have paid up to $10,000 for in the past!
But I’m not going to stop there...
BONUS GIFT #1: "Wealth Without Risk: Growing Rich Without the Stock Market" — a $49 Value, Yours FREE!
It's no surprise more and more people are pulling their money out of the markets, given the uncertainty in the world.
They're starting to see that the market is much like a casino — people lose and "the house always wins."
That’s why I created a brand-new special report on the three best investments that have NOTHING to do with stocks.
You'll discover:
- The single greatest asset class that billionaires are piling their money into right now. (Here's a hint: it's not gold!)
- A special commodity that has proven to consistently go up in value.
(You should invest in this today — no matter what happens in the
financial markets. In fact, I've invested thousands of dollars myself
into this commodity, as it acts as a hedge against all sorts of
financial mayhem)
- A much-needed investment that China is prepared to spend up to $330 million on over the next decade — one you can snap up while it's still incredibly cheap. And MORE.
This additional report puts the total value of today’s offer up to $248.
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That’s why we’ve recently added Dennis to the Wall Street's Underground Profits team.
Along with his nearly four decades of experience, Dennis brings a proven track record of success.
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Combined with my own experience and expertise, Wall Street's Underground Profits now boasts some of the most successful and seasoned staff in the financial newsletter industry.
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AGAIN, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity...
In my brand-new research report, “10,000% Gains on America’s Biggest Gold Mine,” I reveal everything you need to know in order to make a fortune on America’s biggest gold mine.
You’ll discover...-
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Remember: You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
I look forward to the wealth we'll make together.
Call it like you see it,

Nick Hodge
Founder, Wall Street's Underground Profits