The biggest energy play in 147 years...
Shocking Trump Move Unlocks New $30 Trillion Energy Boom
- On December 28, 2017, a provision in Trump’s tax reform bill ignited an energy gold rush like never seen before.
- Over $30 TRILLION in untapped wealth is now up for grabs.
- And one tiny $0.30 stock is poised to see the biggest share of the new boom.

Dear Reader,
Scientists have just uncovered what some are calling the “8th Continent.”
It’s a landmass that was previously inaccessible to man.
One that’s as large in size as it is in pure wealth.
Bloomberg reports that this landmark discovery “changes everything.”
One analyst calls it “not just the best opportunity of our generation, but of the last 12,000 years.”
And according to The Week, it’s “worth more than the entire U.S. economy."
But it goes even further.
In private documents leaked to the public, Russia estimates its wealth at a stunning $30 TRILLION.
That makes it the single richest continent in the world.
Richer than Asia, North America, or Europe.
Now the race for these riches is on.
In a provision of the recently passed tax reform bill, Trump green-lighted mining and drilling to begin on the continent.
Not to be outdone, Putin has already started mining operations, saying “this will make us richer.”
And that may prove to be a dramatic understatement.
Geologists are now reporting unprecedented deposits of energy and minerals. I’m talking about:
30% of the world’s untapped gas. More than Russia, Iran, and the U.S. combined.
50% of the world’s untapped oil.
More than the Middle East, South America, and Africa combined.
The oil and gas alone are worth a staggering $30 TRILLION.
And that’s just for starters...
$30 TRILLION in Untapped Energy Riches
The world’s biggest energy and gold conglomerates are rushing to explore the 8th Continent.
And they found it contains the world’s biggest deposits of:
Gold, zinc, uranium, diamonds, rare earths, iron, nickel, platinum, palladium, copper. The list goes on and on.

And the thing is...
We only know the tip of the iceberg of its actual riches!
Let me be clear:
In all my years in the resource and energy markets, I’ve never seen a discovery with so much wealth potential.
Not the lithium rush.
Not the shale oil boom.
Not the marijuana green rush.
And certainly not cryptocurrencies.
All of these are mere pin drops compared to the wealth now being found in the 8th Continent.
And this discovery couldn’t have happened at a better time.
The Next Resource Supercycle Is Unfolding Right Now

After a long lull, the prices of gold, oil, and other resources are finally taking off.
Due to the declining dollar, the resource and energy sectors are at the precipice of a major boom.
A supercycle that could mint all-new millionaires.
Gold just crossed the all-important price threshold of $1350.

Lithium — the “white oil” — just hit an all-time high of $16,500 per tonne.

Due to the declining dollar, the resource and energy sectors are at the precipice of a major boom.
A supercycle that could mint all-new millionaires.
Gold just crossed the all-important price threshold of $1350.

According to this trend line, gold has now started an unstoppable surge to its historic high of $1900.

And that could just be the beginning! Gold isn’t alone, though.
Right now, oil has surged past $70 a barrel for the first time since December 2014.

The break in the price barrier confirms we’re on the cusp of a meteoric rise to $100 oil and beyond.
And let me be clear:
Every time gold and oil surge, all other resources follow — sparking mind-boggling gains.
Gains like 100,000% or higher.
In 2018, we’ve seen several metals hitting new highs. Including...
Palladium, which just crossed its historic high of $1,100.

Lithium — the “white oil” — just hit an all-time high of $16,500 per tonne.

Even a copper supercycle is now underway, climbing to its highest levels in four years.

Cobalt, zinc, vanadium... they're all headed higher.
One thing is clear:
We’re at the ground floor of the next resource supercycle.
One that will create bigger gains — and fortunes — than cryptocurrencies, marijuana, and tech... COMBINED.
In order to get your share, all you need to do is:
- Take action immediately...
- And put a small stake of money on the most explosive supercycle plays. Even a few hundred dollars could suffice.
And mark my words:
The biggest profits will come from a small group of miners rushing to claim a stake in the 8th Continent.
Again, I’m talking about an unheard-of $30 TRILLION in all-new wealth.
Untapped wealth.
This is a brand-new continent after all.
And this new money will go in the pockets of anyone who gets in on the ground floor now.
The only question is...
How can everyday Americans get their share of the 8th Continent’s unbelievable wealth?
That’s why I’m sharing this presentation with you today.
You see, I’ve uncovered the “sweet spot” of the 8th Continent.
It’s a 350-square-mile, remote, and once-inaccessible location.
This 100% pure untapped area contains unprecedented riches, including:
- 800 million ounces of silver
- 130 million ounces of gold
- 40 billion pounds of copper
All told, we’re talking about a $2 TRILLION pot of money.
And this area is still roughly unexplored!
Which means this tiny sliver of land could be worth exponentially more.
Last year, a rush began to this section of the 8th Continent. And already some gold stocks have soared for outrageous gains.
Gains like...
1,633% on Metallis Resources

685% on GT Gold

And 3,646% on Garibaldi Resources

These returns happened not in a matter of years, but in just a few months!
And that’s just for starters...
Because I’ve found what is gearing up to be the most explosive winner of the 8th Continent boom.
I’m talking about a $0.30 gold stock that owns some of the richest gold properties in the entire region.
It saw the 8th Continent opportunity and scooped up these sites when nobody else knew.
Giving it a tremendous first-mover advantage in this region, one that could make you richer than you thought possible.
According to my calculations, which you’ll see in a moment, the opportunity is virtually unprecedented.
In the last gold supercycle of 2011, this tiny miner exploded for 2,500% gains.

And that was BEFORE the 8th Continent rush was underway.
Since then, its wealth potential has grown tenfold. And new targets are being identified seemingly every day.
Which means an upside potential of no less than 25,000%.
That may sound unbelievable.
But when you consider this continent is richer than any other on the planet.
That this opportunity is still ground floor...
And that this $0.30 gold stock is positioned on the most lucrative property in the entire region...
All while gold is now beginning a historic ascent to record highs.
Then the astronomic riches are plain as day.
But the only way you can grab them for yourself is if you take action immediately.
This is why I’m sharing with you full details on the untapped wealth and intrigue behind the 8th Continent.
You’ll hear about the little-known Trump move that just green-lighted this boom, unleashing the biggest fortunes of 2018.
You’ll discover the tiny $0.30 per share gold stock at the center of
it. The one that could give you the biggest profits with the smallest
amount invested.
And you’ll see more reasons why gold will be the hottest sector of the year.
Before I get into all of that, allow me to introduce myself and how...
I’ve Shown My Readers Riches on Historic Resource Plays Like This, Time and Time Again.

Hi, my name is Nick Hodge.

I’m the founder and chief editor of Outsider Club and Early Advantage.
I’ve spent the last decade of my career finding unusual, little-known opportunities in the metals & energy spaces...
The kind that could soar for astronomic gains overnight, minting all-new millionaires.
I do this with one simple method:
Building a massive list of political, corporate, and mining insiders from all around the world.
This is how I uncovered a tiny gold miner in Papua New Guinea.
This company is staffed by some of the world’s top geologists and
mining legends. Including the man behind the Pebble Rock discovery, one
of the biggest resource finds in history.
During the gold bear market, it bought a massive mine from Barrick Gold. And bought it for pennies on the dollar.
It was fully equipped and ready for production. It cost almost
nothing to get the mine operational. And the production date was set in a
matter of months.
I recommended this to my readers at just 35 cents. In just three
months, it surged to $2.21. My readers took home a profit of 531%.

That’s good enough to turn $10,000 into $63,100 — in just 90 days’ time!
It’s also how I uncovered a Brazilian gold miner that also owns a uranium package in Canada’s famed Athabascan district.
Its founders and major backers include legends who've made fortunes in uranium before.
Friends of mine like billionaire Rick Rule.
In eight months, it surged from $0.41 to $3.14.
That’s a 641% gain!

And it’s how I uncovered a lithium opportunity in the heart of Nevada’s salt brine land.
You probably know lithium as the “new gasoline.” It’s the fuel vital to Elon Musk’s Tesla 3 rollout.
Lithium has been all the rage. And dozens of companies have emerged that claim “lithium” in their name.
But I sifted through the rubble and found one with an all-star team.
The backer was a billionaire insider with very close ties to the Clintons.
And its director has a record of starting small lithium and gold miners, then flipping them for billion-dollar buyouts.
In addition, it had a wonderful land package bordering the only known lithium mine in North America.
Plus a prime piece of real estate right in the “Saudi Arabia of Lithium.”
I got my readers in at $0.15 and in just FOUR MONTHS it surged past $2.50.
That’s a whopping gain of 1,667%.

Good enough to turn $10,000 into $176,700... in less than 12 weeks!
My readers had the opportunity to see these life-changing returns just by following my recommendation!
As Todd S. says:
"Thanks to Early Advantage, I'm planning to retire a multi-millionaire!"
I’ve shown my readers gains like these over and over and over.
And I say none of this to brag, but to make clear the enormity of the claim I’m making today:
The 8th Continent opportunity could DWARF any of the profits I’ve shown my readers yet.
You may think I’m exaggerating, but you’d have to see the enormous riches at stake to believe it.
Let me give you a quick glimpse:
The 8th Continent’s TRILLIONS in Riches Dwarfs Any Discovery on Record
What is the 8th Continent?
Of course, I’m talking about the Arctic.
More specifically, the melting ice in the Arctic that’s paving the way for unheard-of mineral fortunes.
This is the 8th Continent.
This is what’s kicking off the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity we’re now seeing.
You see, it’s been known for years that the Arctic is a massive source of energy, precious metals, and strategic minerals.
Miners have been eyeing this huge wealth for years, hoping for their chance to strike it rich.
However, there was no infrastructure in place and the technology just couldn’t make it happen.
In short, it was impossible to actually access the Arctic’s stores of riches.
But that’s all now changing.
Due to the newly-opened-up land, these critical minerals are up for grabs...
Setting off a rush in major companies, big money, and countries to claim their stakes of these fortunes.
Newsweek calls it “a free-for-all for power and riches opening up at the top of the planet.”
In total, Lloyd’s of London predicts $100 BILLION worth of investment in the Arctic over the next decade.
The map below, provided by Guggenheim Partners, shows the projects now underway in the Arctic.

The second catalyst behind the boom is the latest action by the Trump administration.
In a little-known provision of the 2017 tax bill, Trump green-lighted drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
A move that signals one thing:
The rush for Arctic energy and resource fortunes is on.
And we don’t have to just estimate what kind of wealth is at stake, either.
Mines that already exist in the Arctic are the world’s biggest!
Here are just a few examples...

There are plenty more. That’s just scratching the surface!
As I said before, the Arctic contains $30 TRILLION worth of untapped oil and gas.
The fossil fuels alone make it the richest continent in the world. Even richer than Asia.
But as more ice melts, new discoveries are unveiling its real potential.
TRILLIONS Worth of Gold and Other Metals

For example, one region in north British Columbia, east of Alaska, is now known as the “Golden Triangle.”
That’s because it contains an estimated 130 million ounces of gold.
To put those numbers in perspective, that’s more gold than is now being held in Fort Knox.
In other words, this area is a proverbial Fort Knox just waiting to be unlocked.
Plus the “Golden Triangle” holds 20 million tons of copper and 800 million ounces of silver.
All told, that’s a $2 TRILLION windfall. And that’s just one tiny part of the Arctic.
In Alaska, there’s a site called the Pebble deposit with a staggering 107 million ounces of gold.
Also bigger than Fort Knox.
Combine these two areas, and you have more gold than has EVER been mined — in all of human history.
Adding to the mix is 80 billion pounds of copper.
That’s FIVE TIMES more copper than is produced by every mine in the world... COMBINED.
It’s the single biggest deposit of copper on the planet.
And thanks to a recent Trump move, this trillion-dollar 8th Continent jackpot is now moving full steam ahead.
In Greenland, there’s one of the largest deposits of rare earths. The largest outside of China.
It contains critical minerals needed for the new booms in battery storage and electric cars.
Lithium, cobalt, graphite, and a total of 17 critical metals.
This $293 BILLION mine is now on the cusp of being approved for production.
And here’s the thing...
These are at current low prices. We’ve already seen how gold, oil, and other resources are ready for a historic breakout.
A supercycle is just beginning to take shape. And as it unfolds, the Arctic will be worth trillions more.
Plus, with higher prices comes more demand, more investment, and more drilling.
The Arctic won’t just be easier to drill and explore, due to receding ice.
It will also be much more profitable.
Cheaper production plus more profits is an explosive combination in the mining sector.
My point is...
The fortunes up for grabs are in the TRILLIONS.
And thanks to multiple explosive catalysts now happening at once...
The rush for these Arctic riches is now underway like at no point in history.
This includes:
Catalyst #1: The receding ice opening up new mineral riches...
Catalyst #2: The Trump Administration’s measures to begin mining in Alaska...
Catalyst #3: The moves made by China and Russia to claim mining stakes in the Arctic...
Catalyst #4: The beginnings of a new gold and resource supercycle.
So what is the biggest opportunity for you to rake in Arctic boom fortunes?
That brings me to...
One Tiny Miner That Owns Not One, But 12 of the Richest Sites in the Arctic
Why is it the richest?
Because it is positioned at strategic locations in two of the Arctic’s hottest gold and copper zones:
Alaska and the “Golden Triangle” in British Columbia.
And not just any sites either.
Two of its properties border the famous KMS reserve in the "Golden Triangle."

With 56 million ounces of gold, it’s one of the world’s largest undeveloped gold deposits.
In Alaska, several of its properties border the legendary Pebble deposit.
As I said before, the Pebble deposit holds 109 million ounces of gold
and 80 million ounces of copper. It’s the world’s single biggest store
of gold riches.
Could these neighboring sites have similar potential?
That’s what the miner’s top geologist thinks.
Here’s why that’s a big deal.
This Company’s Staff Has Made Legendary Discoveries... And They’re Looking to Repeat Their Success.
Decades ago, this genius discovered that the Pebble deposit was a mineral treasure trove.
The biggest gold and copper deposit known to man.
Today, he’s a renowned legend in the mining world.
And he now works for this tiny miner, identifying metals riches before they buy a property.
During the gold downturn, they went hunting for prime properties on sale.
And thanks to this geologist guru, they scooped up a number of super-rich sites in prime locations...
Sites that are just feet away from the Pebble discovery.
These mineral deposits look incredibly similar to the early findings in Pebble.
Mind you, I’m talking about trillions of dollars in potential!
The CEO is also a geologist and Alaska resident who knows the area well.
In his youth, he explored the "Golden Triangle" area. He even advised on the Pebble deposit.
He also knows the regulators and even advised the native tribes on drilling and mining.
Long story short: This guy knows the area and the right people.
He knows which spots are highly prospective for gold and which are duds.
Until now, the ice and glaciers made these areas all but impossible to explore.
And that’s what makes this story so exciting.
As the glaciers melt in the Arctic, new gold and other minerals are literally coming to the surface.
It’s happening in this tiny miner’s multiple properties.
That’s why the miner bought them in the first place.
And it bought them during the gold bottom for just pennies on the dollar.
All of the massive potential for a historic discovery is why...
The Big Gold Giants Are Throwing Big Money on This Tiny Miner

You see, this miner doesn’t operate like others.
Usually, a miner hinges its entire success on striking gold at just one site. But this one does it differently.
Instead, it owns dozens of projects in different locations and countries.
This diversifies its risk considerably.
In fact, the chances for a big discovery increase 1,000-fold thanks to this advantage.
It also means that it’s constantly exploring, with tons of share-boosting catalysts all the time.
And it gets better...
The biggest names in gold are investing millions of dollars in this company's projects...
Including Newcrest and Kinross, two of the world’s biggest gold miners.
The value of its gold partners alone is worth a whopping $30 BILLION.
In exchange for a piece of these sites, the big miners fund its exploration and mining costs.
Something to the tune of $7 for every $1 invested by you.
This means it invests its partners' money — NOT yours.
Let me be clear:
The giant gold firms do NOT just give away their money to anyone.
Not without doing their due diligence.
They employ teams of geologists and mining finance experts to analyze every inch of these properties.
They construct reports and analyze the samples.
They dig deep into their history as mining sites.
Only when these gold miners are sure that there is a fortune to be made.
Then, and only then, do they invest millions.
They’re not the only ones, either.
Billionaires in the Mining Space Are Staking Their Fortunes, Too
I’m talking about the “who’s who” in the gold and mining sector, including...

The New York Times best-selling author and one of the world’s best resource investors.

Legendary resource investor and president of Sprott US Holdings. One of the most important mining financiers in the world.

Billionaire investor and founder of Sprott Asset Management.
All told, these guys own something like 70% of the company.
Rick Rule and Sprott alone have over $5 million staked in this tiny miner.
I’ve met with Rule and talked to him personally about it.
The guy loves the miner and its historic potential. It’s one of his favorites for the coming gold boom.
Bottom line:
The “smart money” is flocking to this tiny miner in droves.
You’ve got:
- World-class management with a proven track record of discoveries and know-how of the region.
- Properties that are very similar and adjacent to TRILLION-DOLLAR gold mines.
- Funding from the world’s largest gold companies, with major buyout potential on a discovery.
- Diversified risk with dozens of different properties spread through different countries.
It checks off all the boxes for what makes a tiny miner a major hit!
I’ve assembled all the details you need to buy in now, including the name, ticker symbol, and company profile.
It’s all in my brand-new dossier chock-full of information you won’t hear on the quarterly earnings reports.
I call it:
"The 8th Continent Gold Rush: Get Rich on the $30 Trillion Arctic Mining Boom"
But I urge you to take action on this immediately.

This wealth story is happening right now.
Remember, you have multiple catalysts that are setting this miner up for historic gains, including...
- The new gold supercycle that is now at the very early stages
- The melting Arctic glaciers that are unveiling the wealth potential at its sites
- Trump’s green light to Arctic mining hidden in the tax reform bill
The gold and resource sector is set to mint the most new millionaires in 2018.
In past supercycles like this one, the gains have been astronomic.
As high as 100,000% and beyond.
In order to see the life-altering gains that can turn a few hundred dollars into a fortune...
You must first know where to look... and take action on the ground floor.
As gold shoots up to record highs, the real winners won’t be the gold giants or even random junior miners.
It will be the few positioned in the new discoveries unfolding in the explosive Arctic gold rush.
There’s never been an opportunity like this one in my decade-plus career in the resource markets.
Again, no less than $30 TRILLION is at stake.
That’s more wealth than any other continent on Earth.
Even that estimate, based on oil and gas reserves, is incredibly conservative.
My point is, the Arctic is set to be the world’s richest piece of real estate.
And this one tiny $0.30 miner owns the richest parts.
Areas that could be valued in the TRILLIONS, not billions.
That’s why the gold giants aren’t waiting to find out how much wealth it holds.
They want a piece right now.
They’re throwing down big money to claim a stake.
And once even some of its wealth becomes known, these same mining conglomerates will rush for a buyout.
One that could send this miner’s shares surging from 30 cents to $10... $20... and beyond.
When is this going to happen?
The Summer of 2018 Could Ignite This $0.30 Stock
In the Arctic, most mining exploration happens in the summer.
Specifically between May and September.
This is when the next round of results is coming.
In addition, drilling is being planned on its Alaska projects.
According to my contacts within the company...
The buzz of activity in the summer could send shares absolutely parabolic.
And just as the price of gold is hitting its real stride.
I want you to get in now, when shares are trading at just 30 cents — not $3 or even $30.
That’s why I’ve compiled a full dossier on the 8th Continent company unfolding now. Again, I call it:
"The 8th Continent Gold Rush: Get Rich on the $30 Trillion Arctic Mining Boom"

In it, you’ll get:
- The full name, ticker symbol, and company profile from this miner.
- Details I’ve gotten firsthand from company insiders — information you won’t find anywhere else.
- Charts, geological reports, and land surveys on all its properties.
- Upcoming catalysts that will send shares parabolic.
- And much, much more.
Best of all, I’ve decided to give this report to anyone who’s interested... totally free of charge.
So, how can you get your copy today?
Let me show you...
Join the Club

Again, I'm Nick Hodge.
I'm an investment analyst here at Angel Publishing in Baltimore, Maryland.
I'm also editor of Nick Hodge's Early Advantage, the
resource for big profits from little-known breakthroughs and disruptive
technologies in energy, electronics, technology, agriculture, and more.
No sector is off limits.
In just the past few years, I've brought investors explosive gains from companies in multiple sectors, such as:
- 1,667% on Lithium X (in 4 months)
- 530% on K92 Mining (in just 4 months)
- 437% on Golden Arrow (3 months)
- 619% on Brazil Resources (6 months)
- 306% on Immuno Precise (5 months)
- 212% on Emblem Corp (4 months)
- 211% on Golden Leaf Holdings (in just 1 week!)
- 241% on Ivanhoe Mines
- 339% on Almadex
- 296% on Lite Access Technologies
- 185% on Pioneering Technology (3 months)
- 253% on Skyharbor Resources (7 months)
- 192% on MedX Health (5 months)
- 153% on Captiva Verde (4 months)
- 159% on Golden Arrow Resources
- 391% on BYD Company (in 3 months)
- And many more.
In fact, off of just one of my recommendations, you could make the
type of money that could change your portfolio... or even your life.
How do I know? It’s already happened.
One guy by the name of Dan L. wrote to me about one of my recent recommendations...
"I made over $100,000 with you on the first run a year or so ago..."
I’ve had to redact the stock name there because it’s an active play
that’s still making people money, and it wouldn’t be fair to those
currently holding positions.
And Anthony R. recently wrote me to say:
"This is the most profitable service in almost 10 years of trading.
Pure and simple. [Three picks] have been triple-digit winners for me. As
a friend of mine who speaks broken English would say, 'THANK YOU VERY
But my favorite is from Tom D., who made nearly half a million dollars on a single trade:
"Nick — My account is now over $450,000. Happy with the gains so far! Thanks!"
So as you can see, I continually provide the potential for huge gains.
And I can tell you this...
It takes a lot of hard work and boots-on-the-ground research to maintain the success I’ve experienced.
Whether it’s flying out to the Nevada desert to get a firsthand look
at the lithium that will supply our electric future while enriching
Or walking the conference floor with company executives at the most prestigious investment shows in the country...
Or trekking through Idaho to what could become the largest gold mine in the country...
There’s not a stone I won’t turn over if I think there’s money to be made on the other side.
I Spend Millions on My Research
You already know the best way to make a lot of money is to get in the
game early — before a company makes news with a major discovery in the
mining or energy sector... the creation of some disruptive technology...
or breakthroughs in agriculture or health.
I’ll go to any extent I feel necessary to make sure things are on the
up-and-up before I recommend something other folks might put their
money into.
I don’t simply sit behind a desk, stare at a computer screen, and
pick a stock based on some arcane information from an annual report.
That’s for the no-talent hacks that think they know what they’re doing.
Not me. I do the real research most analysts don’t feel like doing — or can’t afford to do.
I’ve been in a three-man helicopter over the Canadian wilderness...
stood on the edge of 500-foot-deep mines... and attended $5,000/seat
conferences across the country... all in the name of securing the full
stories behind the biggest wealth-creating opportunities in the world.
You can even say I’ve hobnobbed with the financial elite...

If you didn’t already know, the "other guy" in that snapshot is John Paulson, American hedge fund guru and billionaire.
We were both invited to a closed-door investment summit in Puerto Rico recently, and we had a nice little chat.
It’s pretty obvious these things don’t happen for analysts who refuse to leave the office — or get out of bed.
But I do it because it’s what I love to do. It’s what I’ve always loved to do.
Giving readers like YOU the early advantage on any moneymaking or
money-saving opportunity available long before the rest of the market
catches on.
That's what Early Advantage is all about.
I've been on the cutting edge for years, discovering major
life-changing, moneymaking opportunities that other financial
institutions don't cover.
Just to give you a better idea:
- Before the lithium boom took off, I set up my readers with a company called Lithium X. It had huge advantages over most lithium companies, including unparalleled management in the sector. It also owned a proven deposit in the “Saudi Arabia” of lithium: the salt brine triangle of Argentina. In just four months, the stock surged from $0.15 to $2.50 — an earth-shattering gain of 1,667%. And we booked the profits! That’s good enough to turn just $10,000 invested into over $150,000 in a few months.
- Before the November 2016 election, when marijuana became legal in a dozen states, I set up an exclusive deal for my readers with a small medical marijuana firm. This allowed us to buy in literally days before the company’s IPO. In just eight days, the company’s shares took off for 211% gains and we booked the profits. That’s more than triple our money in just a week’s time!
- And I've closed, in total, more than 280 double- and triple-digit winners on my stock recommendations alone — and my portfolio’s win rate over the course of a decade is 83%!
My research comes with NO RISK and absolutely NO OBLIGATIONS.
For 30 days, you'll have the chance to profit from every single one
of the winning investments I’ve shared exclusively with my followers...
without risking a single dime.
I want you to see for yourself how potentially profitable Early Advantage really could be for you.
Simply put, the minute you claim your copy of “The 8th Continent Gold Rush: Get Rich on the $30 Trillion Arctic Mining Boom," you'll immediately receive 30 full days of unrestricted access to the following:
- Quick Profits E-alerts: Get flash updates on the latest moneymaking scoops from my profit alerts. These obscure recommendations — that cannot wait a minute — will be delivered straight to your inbox seconds after they're written, as profitable opportunities could surface tomorrow.
- Regular Portfolio Updates: You'll know exactly what's happening with each profit-making play in your model portfolio, including regular updates and any news that will send the stock soaring further or signal when to sell for maximum profits.
- The Members-Only Early Advantage Website: Your gateway to my secure online platform for members only, with my no-nonsense research reports, commentary, picks, and current portfolio. You'll even get fast-track commentary on how to get the most out of my service.
- Research Videos: You'll have full access to my "boots-on-the-ground" research videos when I travel around the country investigating companies, visiting their facilities, and talking to CEOs. That way, you can follow my travels from your living room.
Within minutes of signing up, you'll receive an email with your password to the Early Advantage website... your ultimate gateway to unheard-of profits in cutting-edge sectors ahead of the crowd.
Unbelievable Value!

So how much does all this cost?
The short answer is: nothing.
I’ve convinced my publisher to give you a special deal... one that we’ve never offered before.
Now, I've seen research services like Early Advantage sell for $10,000 or more.
There are also "analysts" on Wall Street who pay thousands for these small-audience subscriptions.
Some of these analysts work in hidden niches of the market, making
millions per year to research new ways to play upcoming trends.
To them, services like mine are a leg up on the competition, and they
would happily pay $10,000 or more per year, since it’s really a
fraction of the cost some "professionals" shell out for research like
But even though I could see this service going for that much, I know
it would be difficult for everyday investors to participate at such high
a price...
So I asked myself, What’s the absolute minimum I could ask people
to pay for this service? What's reasonable? What's fair, considering
the fundamental value?
Many of the companies I recommend with this speculative investment strategy require deep investigation.
That means I have to travel out to worksites... talk to the
geologists and engineers... rub elbows with the people on drill decks
and in core shacks... and meet with the CEOs and other executives...
So after crunching the numbers, I finally settled on a price of
$1,599 per year for this service. At least, that will be the regular
price of this service moving forward.
It’s easy to understand why: One single recommendation could easily pay for your entire subscription.
For example, one of my followers, Chris G., recently sent me this note:
"Thanks Nick, I grabbed a quick 36% gain today. That'll take care of this year's subscription price!"
And Peter H., recently said,
"I did very well on two picks. Pretty lucky with a profit of $27,649."
Another of my followers, who wishes to remain anonymous, chimed in,
"I just renewed Early Advantage. Made $6,000 on one play, so my membership has more than paid for itself. Keep 'em coming!"
But you won’t have to pay the standard $1,999 fee.
Reply Immediately and Receive My "Charter Member" Pricing
As one of my invited subscribers, I’m prepared to offer you the entire Early Advantage subscription for just a fraction of the cost...
In fact, you’ll pay 35% less than others pay for 12 months of my profit alerts.
That’s a HUGE discount off the normal price!
Simply click the "Subscribe Now" button below to see your final pricing.
I truly believe the 8th Continent gold rush is the single
best opportunity I’ve discovered in my career. I want to make absolutely
sure you don't miss out on your chance to profit from it.
But there’s no telling how long this offer will be open, especially
considering that this company is very small now but will be hitting the
mainstream soon.
Even if we can at some point reopen this offer, it will likely only
be to a handful of people and will probably come with the full price
It’s a truly unique opportunity.
Because when I release my next alert, you could be up and running on
your own path to becoming... well, much better off financially!
Subscribe at the end of this presentation to recieve your report, other benefits, and weekly alerts!
You're Minutes Away from Starting...
You simply cannot afford to not join my research service immediately.
Click the "Subscribe Now" button below to receive my latest alert,
and you could be on your way to riding the biggest gains of your life.
And if you're still not convinced, you have 30 days to decide if my 8th Continent strategy is really right for you!
You have my personal guarantee...
My "Keep Everything & Risk Nothing" DOUBLE GUARANTEE
You see, I stand behind every piece of advice, insight, and
recommendation I make with 100% confidence. Your complete satisfaction
is guaranteed — or your money back!
So I want you to go ahead and take a FULL 30 DAYS to have a good look at every breakout company I've uncovered.
And then, if for any reason you're not totally thrilled...
Just tell us to send your money back, and we'll promptly refund every penny, NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
You’ll get all the details about this 8th Continent rush and the tiny $0.30 gold stock primed to soar. All the exclusive information on the members-only Early Advantage website. All the reports and investment guides. All the recommendations. All the articles and investing tips.
And if you join me today, I will give you access to three bonus reports — ABSOLUTELY FREE:
- "The Craft Liquor Boom: 25 Seconds to a 14-Bagger"
- "Trump’s 'Nuclear Codes': How to Grab 33,798% Profits on the Coming Uranium Boom"
- "The FDA-Mandated Device: Earn 12,500% on The Technology That Ends Outbreaks"

Some folks have shelled out $799 for EACH of these reports, but you won't pay a single cent for them.
All three bonus reports are yours FREE when you agree to test-drive Early Advantage for 30 full days starting right now.
The intel in just one of these special briefings could easily pay for your membership many times over...
And they're yours to keep — no matter what your final decision is. But you must act fast...
As you’ve seen, this rush for Arctic riches is heating up. The opportunity is hot.
The tiny $0.30 miner with the richest sites is on the verge of explosive, life-changing profits.
Already, it surged 200% in a matter of months — and we’re just getting started.
This summer, the news of discoveries will begin hitting one day after another.
Just as the gold and resource supercycle enters into a historic price upswing.
When that happens, the big gold conglomerates will enter a fierce bidding war...
One that will send its shares to $3... $30... $50 — and beyond. All in no time flat.
Time is of the essence.
You’ve seen the charts. You’ve seen the proof.
You’ve seen the wealth and money.
Here’s what I suggest you do right now...
Click the link below to get started right away.
You’ll be able to review everything on the next page before your order is final.
And remember, this offer is risk-free for 30 days.
If you don’t like what you see, call me and cancel.
But if you’re still reading, I don’t think you'll need to worry, because I seriously doubt you'll be canceling...
Especially when you see what I’ve prepared for you.
So go ahead and start your own path to wealth. Click the link below.
Remember... your opportunity for incredible wealth could start immediately with my next alert.
I urge you to not delay.
I likely won't be able to offer this amazing deal to anyone else after this initial offer expires.
I look forward to the wealth we'll make together.
Just click below to get started...
Call it like you see it,

Nick Hodge
Editor and Creator, Early Advantage
Editor and Creator, Early Advantage