Barron’s #1 Ranked Money Manager Reveals Weird Phenomenon...
Hidden Stock Cycle Pays 1,703%+ Starting Every Thirteen Weeks
"With This Unusual Pattern You Could Earn $5.4 Million After You Retire... Without Saving A Single Extra Dime!"

Every 13 weeks, a mysterious three-step pattern plays out in the
stock market. Stocks that appear permanently down and out suddenly
explode for massive profits.
I call it “13W.”
Take a look at this...

The average American family carries $135,924 in debt. But if you’d
invested just $10,000 when “13W” signaled for LendingTree (TREE)...
You’d have earned a staggering $442,700 in the blink of an eye!

If you’d jumped on TAL Education (TAL) with $10,000 when its final
“13W” trigger fired, today you’d be sitting on a $200,700 windfall.

Every $10,000 you invested in American Airlines after its “13W”
signal would have paid out $149,500. A mere $25,000 would have earned

Home Depot (HD) is one of the most boring stocks on Earth. Yet if
you’d invested just $10,000 when it completed the “13W” cycle...
You’d be up $61,500 today!

When “13W” hit Constellation Brands (STZ), every $10,000 became $90,200...

And “13W” also helped turn every $10,000 you invested in BioTelemetry, Inc. (BEAT) into a whopping $180,500!
None of these names were investor darlings before their big moves.
In fact, they were all buried deep in the doghouse. If Jim Cramer
ever mentioned them, he was probably screaming for you to “SELL, SELL,
Yet whenever this bizarre pattern appeared...
These “falling knives” immediately reversed direction — delivering
the kind of eye-popping returns that could easily pay for your full
That’s not an exaggeration, either.
Thanks to “13W,” You Could Retire $5.4 Million Richer... Without Saving a Single Extra Dime!

Hi, my name is Charles Mizrahi.

I’ve been investigating this mysterious phenomenon for 35 years.
I started on the trading floor of the New York Futures Exchange
before moving on to become a wildly successful money manager on Wall
When I founded Hampton Investors, the likes of Goldman Sachs,
Citicorp, and Credit Suisse ponied up a minimum of $1 million to have me
manage their money.
We did pretty well, too.
I was the #1-performing market timer, not just on Wall Street but in
the entire United States, based on the actual performance of client
Later, Barron’s ranked me the #1 money manager. Over a one-year period, I netted my clients a 113% return. Over three years, I brought in 313%.
I know firsthand what it’s like to manage a $200 million portfolio during market booms and busts. From 2007 to 2015, I was named one of MarketWatch's 10 Best Advisors.
You might have seen me in Barron’s, the Wall Street Journal, or on CNBC.
Later, Barron’s ranked me the #1 money manager. Over a one-year period, I netted my clients a 113% return. Over three years, I brought in 313%.
I know firsthand what it’s like to manage a $200 million portfolio during market booms and busts. From 2007 to 2015, I was named one of MarketWatch's 10 Best Advisors.
You might have seen me in Barron’s, the Wall Street Journal, or on CNBC.
I’m telling you all this because today I’m going to share the most
important discovery of my career. It’s the result of years of
painstaking research and analysis.
You see, I’ve identified a bizarre 13-week cycle in the market.
The “13W” pattern.
It has the remarkable power to separate financial “bombs” from
once-in-a-lifetime bargains. So you only ever buy stocks that are primed
to soar.
It starts when sentiment turns negative on a stock. The share price
plunges by half or more at a breakneck pace — but it doesn’t crash out
Instead, it enters a kind of... stealth mode.
Invisible from Wall Street, lurking just outside their view.
Then, when you least expect it, the stock charges up again. Like the
bulls of Pamplona, it tramples any short sellers that get in the way!
Soon it’s surging to new all-time highs — far above where you bought in.
Then, just 13 weeks later, the cycle kicks off again...
Producing an endless stream of 1,703%... 1,805%... and 1,945% profits!
This Might Be the Greatest Investment Opportunity in History... And Wall Street’s Titans Are Prohibited From Piling In!
It’s true. In nearly every case when the “13W” pattern struck over the last 35 years...
Institutional money was restricted from participating.
AND when “13W” returns again in the very near future...
The biggest institutions and funds on Wall Street will be prohibited from buying early. Which means you’ll have the opportunity to legally front run their investments...
For triple- or even quadruple-digit returns!
Legally Speaking... Only Ordinary Investors Like You Can Take Advantage When The Pattern Strikes!
Very few people are aware of this
phenomenon. The handful of “Davids” lucky enough to stumble upon it are
now experiencing “Goliath-like” returns.
- Earl Crawley is a parking lot attendant who never made more than $12 an hour. Today he’s worth $500,000 thanks to the pattern.
- Gladys Holm was a secretary in Chicago who never earned more than
$15,000 per year. She used the pattern to amass an $18 million fortune.
- Donald and Mildred Othmer invested just $50,000 with the pattern in the 1960s — at the time of their deaths in the 1990s, they were worth $800 million.
Imagine making a $50,000 investment to become one of the wealthiest
couples in America within just 30 years. That’s the power of what I’m
sharing with you today.
It gives you the ability to pluck winning lottery tickets out of the trash.
Now, here’s the thing: Stocks drop off Wall Street’s radar every
single day. Most of the time they’re caught in a death spiral with zero
chance of recovery.
Only a handful ever stabilize.
And the one in 100 that soars 5x... 10x... or more? Those are known as...
Stealth Blue Chips
They might fall, but they don’t crash. They fly under the radar, waiting on the “13W” pattern to pull three little triggers. Then they soar for triple- or even quadruple-digit gains!
Think of it like this...
When a plane drops off the radar, it’s an air traffic controller’s
worst nightmare. Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, the plane has
You’re looking at a twisted wreck. Once in a blue moon, it’s not a disaster at all.
It’s a stealth bomber that’s gone dark over enemy territory — waiting on the signal to pop back up and drop 40,000 lbs. of hellfire over the target.
Only instead of fiery destruction, these Stealth Blue Chips will drop a financial windfall right in the lap of any investor who gets in early.
Let me show you what I’m talking about with this chart...

Starting on July 13, 2007, CBS Corp. watched its engines die in
midflight. It went into free fall — bleeding out 92% of its share price
over the next 20 months.
$12.8 billion in market cap was brutally annihilated.
Bloomberg compared CBS’s balance sheet to The Twilight Zone.
Traders on the street wrote it off completely.
The company was a dead man walking.
At least... that’s what everyone thought until July 14, 2009.
That’s when the final trigger of the “13W” pattern fired on the charts.

Within five years, CBS had soared for a miraculous 1,017% gain.
Every $5,000 you’d invested would be worth $50,850.
Every $10,000 would be a life-changing $101,700.
All you had to do was wait for the third and final trigger to strike...
Then watch the stock rocket skyward for portfolio-making gains.
Now take a look at this — in 2010, another Stealth Blue Chip like CBS played out...
This time with Domino’s Pizza (DPZ).
Once again the pattern kicked off with a gut-wrenching collapse.

The stock plummeted $4.11 or 26% per share in weeks.
Investors fled like rats on the Hindenburg.
In taste tests, customers hated Domino’s food.
It fell so far, so fast that it vanished from Wall Street’s radar.
Nobody at the major investment banks would or could touch Domino’s Pizza
with a 10-foot pole.
Then — at the moment of maximum despair — the final “13W” trigger struck.

Instead of smashing into a mountainside, shares roared up 1,602%!
All you had to do was wait for the trigger to fire. You’d have bought before the major institutional money — which was restricted from getting in early.
A mere $10,000 investment would have returned $160,200 in profit.
A $20,000 investment would have delivered a $320,400 haul!
Now take a look at this chart of U.S. Concrete (USCR) — another Stealth Blue Chip.

It plunged from $9.72 to $2.73 starting in 2011.
Banks couldn’t buy it. Funds purged it from their books.
It became an investor pariah. Untouchable. Totally off the radar.
Then, just when the stock should have tumbled into the abyss... it happened.
The “13W” pattern fired its three little triggers.

U.S. Concrete leapt from $2.75 to $26 and then to $56... all the way to $77.85!
Investors who spotted the signal witnessed 2,731% returns.
Enough to pay you $136,550 on every $5,000...
$273,100 on every $10,000...
And a $546,200 moonshot on every $20,000.
If those numbers sound shockingly large to you, it’s because they are.
We live in a financial world where you’re lucky to average 7% annual returns. Hedge funds are failing left, right, and center.
Ordinary investors are being shoved into low-performance ETFs.
Yet every 13 weeks — without fail — another Stealth Blue Chip appears on the horizon.
When it does, you need to buckle in for a 300%... 500%... or even 1,000% ride!
When you read this report to the end, I’ll explain exactly how that works.
For now, you only need to remember the following words:
When the Three Little Triggers Fire... Long-Dead Stocks Rise Like A Phoenix From the Ashes!

Take a close look at this chart. On July 13, 2011, Netflix hit a peak
at $42.68. Investors loved its disruptive business model and rapid
customer acquisition.

It was up a whopping 487% from the start of 2010.
Then Netflix wobbled. The stock dropped into an earnings
announcement. Even though the company ultimately beat expectations,
investors still sold it off hard.

The stock plummeted as low as $7.78 per share.
To the naked eye, it looked terrible. An 81% wipeout.
But we don’t look at stocks with the “naked eye.”

I’ve just dropped an overlay onto the chart. What you’re looking at is “13W” — the three-trigger pattern that sniffs out Stealth Blue Chips before they pop.
Notice that Netflix traded down through the top of the channel on September 9th.
That was the first trigger.
Of course, virtually any stock that drops 81% is going to cross that
line. But notice how, despite the drop, Netflix never traded down
through the lower line.
It stayed in the channel.

That’s our second trigger.
At this point the stock is a solid buy. We know it’s a bargain, not a bomb.
Now we’re just waiting on the perfect moment to get in. We don’t want
to jump the gun and wind up holding a flat stock for months... or even
years... before it pops.
We’re looking for our final trigger.
It fired on Halloween — October 31, 2012. On that day, Netflix rallied, popping back above the top of channel. The “13W” cycle was complete.

Sure enough, from that day on, Netflix exploded for a gargantuan 1,888% gain.
Every dollar you invested was multiplied over 18-fold.
Now, obviously not every Stealth Blue Chip is an 18-bagger like the Netflix trade — I don’t want to mislead you about “13W’s” performance.
It’s powerful enough without any extra hype. With that said...
Once the “13W” Cycle Completes On Any Stock... We Routinely Witness Explosive Triple-Digit Returns!
Take a look at this chart of Global Payments Inc. (GPN).
On January 22, 2010, it dropped through the top line at $22.70 per share.
That’s Trigger One.
Then it floated down into the middle of the channel — above the bottom line.
That’s Trigger Two.
It treaded water in the channel for five months until June 1, 2010.

That’s when it rallied up through the top of the channel — firing Trigger Three.
It didn’t matter what was going on with the underlying business.
You didn’t need to look at any financial statements.
Once you spotted the pattern, you knew GPN was primed to run.
Sure enough, the stock price immediately began to rise. Today it’s up 422% to $95.41.
If you’d invested just $5,000, you’d have earned a $21,100 profit.
Now we’re looking at Adobe Systems (ADBE).
On July 15, 2011, it shattered the top line during a 35% collapse.

Trigger One fired.
It bottomed out but never broke the channel, firing Trigger Two.
That’s where it coasted for the next three months.
Finally, on November 1, 2011, it climbed to $24.17 — completing the “13W” cycle.

Once again, you didn’t need to watch out for breaking news.
You simply had to trust the pattern to keep you on side.
So when Adobe exploded 509%, we weren’t caught by surprise. If you’d
invested in time, you could have cashed in every $1,000 of your
investment for a $5,090 payday.
Let’s look at one last trade...
On June 7, 2008, Boeing (BA) crashed down through the top line.

It burned all the way down to $30.10 — a 71% wipeout.
The “13W” pattern had pulled its first trigger.
It never violated the bottom of the channel. That’s the second trigger.
Then on February 1, 2009, it finally ran up through the top — firing trigger number three.

I don’t have to tell you what happened next...
Boeing rocketed up 657%. A $20,000 position would have delivered you a $131,400 windfall by the time you closed it out.
Now, here’s the thing: I could spout off examples like this all day. But what’s the point? They’d all show you the same thing...
When “13W’s” three little triggers fire, stocks explode.
Of course, that begs the question... what is the “13W” pattern?
And why is it so effective at spotting Stealth Blue Chips before they pop?
Before I tell you that, you need to understand...
Why Stocks Really Move

Imagine if every single one of the roughly 7,000 stocks on the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ were airplanes.
They’re all trying to fly as high and far as possible.
Most of them are companies you’ve never heard of.
You’ve got names like Sparton Corp. — a tiny electronics manufacturer
with a market cap of just $227 million. They’re like little Cessnas
flying 120 mph at just 10,000 feet.
Then you’ve got your high flyers.
Stocks like Amazon, which is up 347% over the last five years...
Achieving a market cap of roughly half a trillion...
They’re flying right at the edge of space.
But no matter the stock...
They all need one thing to get where they’re going: fuel.
In the markets, that fuel is money.
Investors pump it into stocks they believe are going to soar.
They keep it away from stocks caught in a dive.
They’ll even siphon money off from the losers... and pump it right into the winners.
Eventually, if a stock keeps dropping, it falls off Wall Street’s radar altogether. At that point it becomes impossible for any big bank or hedge fund to touch it.
Now, I know that sounds crazy, but it’s true...
Wall Street’s Biggest Players Are Prohibited From Buying up to 90% of All Stocks
Because they’re so big, institutional investors are in a catch-22 situation.
Mutual funds, for example, are required to be diversified by law. To
avoid complex SEC filings, they also can’t own more than 5% of any one
That gives them just 800 companies to invest in out of 8,000 stocks traded on all U.S. exchanges. Right away, 90% of stocks are off their radar.
Likewise, a hedge fund with $1 billion in assets under management
could never invest in a company with a $200 million market cap.
Even if they bought 5% of the stock, it would only be worth $10
million. That’s simply not a big enough position to move the needle on
their performance.
Are you beginning to get the picture?
A bank sector fund can’t invest in retail stocks. An emerging markets
fund can’t invest in U.S. stocks. A large-cap fund can’t invest in
small-cap stocks.
Many funds can’t buy a stock under $5 per share. Others can’t buy
under a $5 billion market cap. Not only that, but funds live or die on
their quarterly performance numbers.
No fund manager wants to have a “loser” on his books. They’ll sell
stocks with large losses and purchases high-flying stocks near the end
of the quarter.
What this means is really simple: If a stock doesn’t meet Wall
Street’s criteria, it is virtually invisible. They can’t buy it no
matter how smart the investment might be.
When a stock melts down by 50–90%, it’s eliminated from most consideration.
And that’s exactly where we start our hunt for Stealth Blue Chips, because...
Ten-Baggers Hide in the One Place Wall Street Can Never Look
Remember the “13W” channels I showed you earlier?
Those weren’t just arbitrary lines on the chart. They represent some of
the most powerful forces in the market.
The top line is Wall Street’s Radar.
It represents the lowest point to which a stock can drop before being
placed on the “DO NOT TRADE” list by every major bank, fund, and
financial institution.
Every fund has different criteria. Most will cut off a stock well before it breaches the Radar Line. By the time it finally does, it’s already an investor pariah.

You’re looking at a chart of Tidewater (TDW) — an international
offshore petroleum services company — during its multi-year collapse
from a high of $77.29.
When the floor fell out from the oil market in 2014, the company's
debt load became unsustainable overnight. The market reacted with a
massive wave of selling.
On September 26th, it violated the top of the channel.
It was trading in the dead zone.
Let’s look at another stock.

In mid-2014, Iconix Brand Group (ICON) was at an all-time high of
$44.14 per share. It was up $29.40 from where it had traded just two
years earlier.
Then the debt troubles started. Investors sold. The stock plunged.
It finally crossed through the top of the channel on April 25, 2015.
It had joined the ranks of the “untouchables.”
Okay, let me give you one last example.
In June 2008, Seagate Technologies (STX) was a market leader with
strong demand in a consolidating industry. It was trading at $15.63 per

But it was late to market with its new product lines.
It had high operating expenses... and got market trends wrong.
Wall Street turned against it. The stock went into free fall. After
breaking under $21.55 per share, Seagate finally breached the Radar Line.
It was swirling around the financial toilet bowl...
99 Times Out of 100, All Three Of Those Stocks Were Doomed
Once a stock is off the radar, it has no institutional backing.
Capital flows dry up. Most funds won’t even look at it. At that point,
there is very little hope of recovery.
So, what happened? What did Tidewater (TDW), Iconix Brand Group
(ICON), and Seagate (STX) do once Wall Street had stopped paying
For two of the three, it went exactly as predicted...
Tidewater ultimately plummeted as low as $0.66 per share.

99% of investor value was destroyed.
Iconix Brand Group finally found a bottom at $5.35. It never recovered.

87% of shareholder value was flushed down the drain.
Only Seagate managed to halt the plunge. Unlike Tidewater or Iconix, Seagate was one of our Stealth Blue Chips. True, it did drop as low as $2.34.

But after the final “13W” trigger fired, it began a rapid climb out of the basement.
By March 2010, it was back above $16 per share. In January 2013, it hit $30.
By December 2014, it was at $60.43.

That’s a 954% gain.
It would have multiplied your investment more than nine-fold.
And Seagate wasn’t the only Stealth Blue Chip we found under the Radar Line.
While most of the stocks that fall into the “dark zone” never recover...
The “13W” pattern shines a light on the handful that will.
On June 24, 2011, Nvidia fell off Wall Street’s Radar at $16.03.

The three triggers fired, and today it’s up 1,272% to $164.39.

Every $10,000 you invested would have earned $127,200 in profit.
BOFI Holdings (BOFI) — another Stealth Blue Chip — crossed the Radar Line on July 27, 2010. Five months later, the final trigger fired. The “13W” pattern was complete.

It soared for gains of 866%, or $8,6600 on every $10,000.

Another example, Tucows (TCX), violated the Radar Line at $5.36.

After the final “13W” trigger fired on June 1, 2012, it roared up 1,116% to $53.50.

You could have turned every $10,000 into a brand-new BMW 6 Series.
Each of these stocks shared a single factor that rescued it from the
fate of a Tidewater or Iconix Brand Group... a unique trait that
propelled it for historic gains.
It’s the real secret sauce of my entire system. Without this ingredient, the “13W” pattern would be totally useless at identifying Stealth Blue Chip stocks.
And, in every single case, Wall Street missed it completely.
The question is: How does that happen?
How Do Blockbuster Stocks Get Stuck In The Financial Basement?
Remember what I told you earlier: For a
stock to soar, it needs fuel. The only fuel that matters is capital.
When it flows in, stocks rise. When it flows out, they drop.
Who has all the capital? It’s not the mom-and-pop investor.
When you or I buy a few shares of Apple, the market doesn’t move an inch.
Consider this: The total market capitalization of all U.S. stocks is roughly $21 trillion.
The top three asset managers control $13 trillion... or 60% of that!
If they decide to back a stock, it explodes.
And if they withdraw that support? It topples off the radar.
If moonshot stocks are trading at a discount, it’s because Wall Street lets them.
But why? Why would some of the smartest investors on Earth ignore an
opportunity to buy stocks for $0.10 on the dollar? Believe it or not...
Wall Street’s Perverse Incentives Blind Them to the Best Deals in the Market

Let me ask you this: If you had a choice between a lottery ticket
that pays $50,000 today and one with a high probability of paying out $5
million five years from now...
Which one would you choose?
If you’re like me, the answer is obvious. You take the $5 million every time!
But if you’re a hedge fund, the answer isn’t so simple. You report
your performance every quarter. You live and die by your results. Not
only that...
Investors are incredibly fickle. They will happily ditch a fund doing 10% per year if they think they can get 11% from the guy down the street.
So if a fund manager finds $50,000 under his nose, he takes it...
Even if it means sacrificing the potential for a much bigger win in the future.
He wouldn’t even consider the $5,000,000 ticket.
Now, here’s the highly profitable twist...
You Can Snatch Up the Winning Lottery Tickets That Wall Street Refuses to Cash In!
In the short run, the stock market is a popularity contest.
In the long run, the best business always wins out.
But every now and then, high-quality companies become deeply unpopular.
In the opening months of 2008, Google tumbled 37% to $216 per share.

Had people stopped “Googling” in droves? No. Had search ad spending
dropped off at a dramatic rate? Not at all. Both metrics were still
growing year over year.
The fast money had simply lost interest.
When it circled back to Google later that year, the stock thundered
to a 556% gain. If you got in, you’d have turned every $10,000 into
$55,600 in profit.

That’s precisely what we’re doing with our Stealth Blue Chips.
We’re Buying $1 Worth Of Google for 17 Cents
Look at the bottom of the “13W” channel on this chart. I call it the Blue Chip Line. If a stock is trading above that level, it’s a bargain. And if not?
I know it’s just another capital-killing money pit.

Even when Google was trading at its 52-week low, down around $131.50, it was still trading high above the Blue Chip Line. I knew it was a good investment.
The chart pattern itself is a special indicator I invented.
It’s calculated with dozens of variables from a company’s 10-Q
financial statements — the ones it’s required by law to file every 13
I’ll spare you the math, as it’s highly complicated. What you need to know is this:
If a stock is trading above the line... it’s trading at a discount.
If it’s trading below the line... it’s pricing in a premium.
Mosaic Company is a fertilizer manufacturer. In 2008 it hit a high of
$152.72 — up an impressive 651% from the start of 2007. Wall Street
loved it.
Then agricultural commodities crashed.

Mosaic plummeted to $27.78 in months. It snapped the Radar Line.
Not only that, but it was trading deep under the “13W” channel.
The Blue Chip Line wasn’t anywhere in sight!
Sure enough, it never recovered.

It’s trading at just $24 today.
Another stock, La-Z-Boy, suffered an even scarier plunge. In late
2008, the company was shuttering stores and funding its day-to-day
operations with debt.

Shares dropped from $10.67 all the way down to just $0.57.
The Radar Line was shattered, BUT as you can see...
The Blue Chip Line was screaming “BUY!”
La-Z-Boy wasn’t dying... it was cruising in the Stealth Zone — waiting on the third and final “13W” trigger to signal your entry on April 24, 2009.
You could have gotten in at $1.88 and out at $31.95.

That’s a 1,599% return.
It’s also $159,900 in profit on every $10,000 you invested...
Or a life-changing $319,800 on every $20,000!
On August 3, 2011, Walt Disney Co. (DIS) sliced down through the top of the channel.

Wall Street had closed the book on it.
But look! It never breached the Blue Chip Line.
When the “13W” cycle completed on September 1, 2011, it rocketed up 260%!

Here’s another: Starting in 2006, Home Depot (HD) kicked off a dramatic 47% plunge, taking it out of the picture for most funds.

Yet the Blue Chip Line kept telling us there was a real opportunity.
On April 3, 2009, you’d have received the entry signal, and it happened again...

Home Depot (HD) exploded — giving us a 502% rally!
And I’ll give you one more...
At $0.74 per share, ACADIA Pharmaceuticals Inc. (ACAD) was a shadow of its former self.

It was down 95% from the high... and nobody on Wall Street would touch it.
But look at the Blue Chip Line! The stock was “miles” above it.
The pattern was predicting a major leap skyward.
Today, it’s traded all the way back to $29.49!

If you’d invested $10,000 in each of these trades, you’d have earned:
$26,000 on Walt Disney Co. (DIS).
$50,200 on Home Depot (HD).
$290,900 on ACADIA Pharmaceuticals (ACAD).
Every single one of these Stealth Blue Chips signaled itself before the move.
While the institutional money was prohibited from buying in...
You could have backed up the truck and loaded up on shares.
And here’s the best thing about these opportunities...
You ONLY Buy Right Before The Stock Explodes!

Just because a stock is discounted 70%... 80%... even 90% to
intrinsic value doesn’t mean you should pile in immediately. You have to
keep in mind...
A stock can’t truly pop until Wall Street
backs it again. You could plow your entire net worth into a company and
not move the share price by a single penny.
I just told you about the “13W” situation in ACADIA Pharmaceuticals (ACAD).
It would have ultimately returned 2,909%, BUT it first dropped into
the middle of the “13W” channel all the way back in mid-2008.
It hid in the Stealth Zone for three long years before moving!
If you’ve ever held a stock that just wouldn’t budge, you know what I
mean. It’s dead money in your portfolio. Eventually you get frustrated
and sell the position.
That’s why I’m so diligent about following the “13W” pattern.
With it we only get in right before the surge begins.
That’s because we always wait for our Stealth Blue Chip to cross back up through the top of the “13W” channel. That’s the moment it pops back up on Wall Street’s Radar.
You buy right as the institutional money pivots to pile back in.
Buckle, Inc. (BKE) spiked back up over the Radar Line on January 2, 2008.

With the “13W” pattern complete, the stock exploded for a 251% gain!
Enough to pay you $12,550 on every $5,000 you invested!
Raytheon (RTN) broke up through the Radar Line on June 24, 2013.

All three triggers had fired, sparking an immediate rally!
We’re still riding it up today, with total returns of 187%.
That’s an $18,700 potential profit on every $10,000.
And I’ll give you one more...
Constellation Brands (STZ) hit the Radar Line tripwire in May 2012.

Days later the stock fired up its engines, launching into orbit.
Today it's sitting on a 902% return — and we’re still holding for more!
With a $20,000 investment, you’d be up $160,400 on the position. You see...
When a Stock Pops Up on the Radar, That’s When the Ride Begins!
When the third and final “13W” trigger fires, most of Wall Street is still "handcuffed" and forced to wait. The largest funds are still restricted from acting.
This gives “little guy” investors like us a first-mover advantage.
We get in first. Shortly after, the smaller, nimbler funds get in.
The share price climbs with the fresh wave of buying. As it does, it
pops up higher on the radar.
Now it fits the buying criteria for a wider set of institutions.
That’s when they start piling in on top.
We get another volume spike. The share price keeps climbing. Soon
enough, the bigger players are taking notice. They start to build a
position in the stock.
At this point you’re staring down the barrel of a triple-digit return.
Take Hanesbrands (HBI). It triggered a buy on April 8, 2009. At the
time it was trading for just $2.75 per share. It was far off the radar
for most institutional money.

As the stock price rose, more and more funds bought in.
You can see it in the day-to-day trading volume.
We had spikes on October 30, 2009... February 2011... and April 20, 2012.

Those volume spikes pushed HBI further up. By March 2015, it was trading at $32.05.
Early investors were looking at a 1,065% return.
Every $1,000 you invested rode a wave of institutional buying to a $10,650 profit!
Strayer Education triggered the “13W” pattern on October 11, 2005.

It saw volume spikes on February 17, May 5, and in November 2006...

You could see the institutional money rolling in after we bought.
Within 25 months you would have cashed the position in for a 102% return.
Another “13W” signal fired for Teledyne Technologies (TDY) on January 22, 2009.

There were spikes on October 30, 2009... June 25, 2010... then again on June 10 and August 12, 2010.

Wall Street picked up millions of shares on those days.
By April 2013, TDY had popped for a 150% return.
That’s $15,000 in profit on every $10,000.
Let’s look at one more. Fifth Third Bancorp (FITB) showed back up on Wall Street’s Radar in March 2009 at $6.07 per share. You had a clear “13W” signal.

As predicted, there were volume spikes all through March and April...
peaking with 502 million shares on May 8, 2009. That’s $4.2 billion
worth of stock.

These bursts of buying pushed the stock all the way to $27.37.
Early investors earned a 351% return — or $35,100 on every $10,000!
With profits like that, you might be wondering...
Why Isn’t Wall Street Taking Advantage?
The fact is they can’t. The “13W” pattern identifies stocks that large institutional money simply can’t touch. They’re prohibited from getting in when we do.
In some cases it would actually be illegal for them to buy.
Warren Buffett once said, “It’s a huge structural advantage not to
have a lot of money. I think I could make you 50% a year on $1 million. I
guarantee that.”
He’d love to hop on the opportunities we’re spotting...
It just happens to be impossible for him to participate.
That’s the beautiful thing about Stealth Blue Chips — they give the ordinary investor an “unfair edge” over the pros. I think you know how rare that is.
The market is practically rigged on behalf of the big banks. Now,
after thousands of hours of analysis, we’ve identified the one situation
where deep pockets hurt you.
Wall Street is jealous that they can’t participate. Especially because...
We Get a New Crop of Potential “13W” Trades Every 13 Weeks!

The first step in every one of these trades is a major event that
obliterates investor sentiment around a stock. It might be a failed
product launch or an industrial accident.
Most of the time, it’s a devastating earnings shock.
Analyst expectations were wrong. You get an immediate burst of
selling. As the correction picks up steam, the stock drops off the radar
into the Stealth Zone.
Trigger ONE and TWO have now fired.
Now we’re just waiting on the final signal. And, since earnings are
reported quarterly, we get a new batch of stocks on our watch list every
13 weeks like clockwork.
On July 29, 2009, the “13W” cycle completed on Wyndham Worldwide (WYN).

It would go on to explode for a stunning 1,084% return.
If you got in on time, every $1 would have paid you $10.84 in profit.
Daktronics (DAKT) fired its third “13W” trigger on February 22, 2005.

Seventeen months later it was up 188% to $30.04 per share.
You’d have earned $18,800 on a $10,000 position.
We had a signal on Coach, Inc. (COH) on October 14, 2008.

Within two years, you'd have been up 176% on the trade.
That’s an $8,800 profit on every $5,000.
“13W” fired on LeMaitre Vascular (LMAT) in early 2009.

While that position is STILL climbing, it’s already up 1,507%.
Imagine sitting on a $150,700 profit on every $10,000 you invested!
Believe it or not, we got a signal on Apple, Inc. (AAPL) in December 2012.

Apple stock is up 122% since the pattern gave us the entry.
Every $5,000 would have produced a $6,100 gain for your account.
On April 16, 2015, Fabrinet pulled the third “13W” trigger.

It popped back on the radar and soared for a 140% gain.
That’s well over a double in just over two years.
General Dynamics triggered a buy entry at $60.25 in 2011.

The stock has rocketed up by 225% since we first got the signal.
You’d have tripled your money on every dollar you invested.
We had a signal on February 25, 2009, for Tractor Supply Company (TSCO).

It popped from $7.80 all the way up to $87.58... for a potential 1,023% return.
If you got the signal and bought in, you were looking at a 10-bagger!
Microsoft gave us a “13W” entry on May 17, 2011, at $21.05.

Today it’s trading at $72.72 for a 245% return on a very low-risk stock.
A $10,000 position would have already paid you $24,500... and it continues to climb!
On August 11, 2010, we had a signal on Ross Stores (ROST) at $24.36.

Over the next 22 months the stock ripped up for a 173% gain.
Every $1,000 turned into $2,730 in no time at all.
The E.W. Scripps Company (SSP) popped onto the radar on June 3, 2009.

By 2015, the stock had shot up 1,206% to $24.56 per share.
If you’d invested $5,000 it would have paid out $60,300.
A mere $10,000 would have earned you $120,600.
And $20,000 would have delivered a $241,200 return!
Moonshot returns like these could make your portfolio. They might
slash years off your retirement plan... or simply make you a whole lot
more comfortable today.
Of course, I could cherry-pick top winners all day. Any investor worth his salt has to be judged by the performance of his entire portfolio — losers included.
The “13W” pattern is a blockbuster success on that count, too.
With it I capture an average of 12 to 15 trades per year.
The system has gone on runs identifying as many as 36 Stealth Blue Chip stocks in a ROW that have gone up by 50% or more, with zero losing positions.
Roughly 7 out of 10 stocks I’ve found using this simple three-trigger
system have made money — usually earning $5,000 on every $10,000 you
I’ve gone as long as TWO ENTIRE YEARS of active investing without a
single losing position. As of July 31, 2017, I’ve generated massive raw
returns of 3,536%.
That’s enough to turn every $1 in your portfolio into $35.36.
It would take $10,000 and deliver you $353,600.
A $100,000 stake could have paid you a life-changing $3.5 million!
Before now, the strategy driving those returns was locked away on a
secure server, out of reach for the ordinary investor. But...
If You Meet My Three Conditions, You Can Unlock “13W” For Your Portfolio Today...
Because I’ve invested so much time and capital into developing this system...
I will only accept investors who are 100% serious about following it.
If you don’t think you’ve got it in you, I’d recommend hitting the back
button right now.
First, you must have 11 minutes per week.
You won’t need to do any analysis or “chart watching” of your own.
But you will need to open my emails and follow the instructions inside.
In each “13W” alert, I’ll include the name,
background, and symbol of our stock pick. I’ll also give you the
buy-under price I want you to target.
All you’ll have to do is follow along and place the trades as I lay them out.
Second, you must follow my instructions to the letter.
I don’t like working with cowboys. Sooner or later they always wind
up shooting themselves in the foot. If you can’t follow the rules, I
can’t help you.
The major advantage of a system like “13W” is that it’s mechanical. We want to remove the human element and human error from the investment equation.
If you simply stick to the plan, we can make a lot of money together.
Third, you must have at least $10,000 to invest.
If you're in desperate financial straits and have to hock your car or
sell your firstborn to buy a few shares of stock, I strongly prefer you
don’t apply. The fact is...
I'm not looking to inherit anyone's financial desperation.
If this is your situation, I wish you well, but this is not the strategy for you.
Those are my conditions. I can’t and won’t be making any exceptions.
If you believe you meet my minimum admission standards, you’re invited
to join...
Charles Mizrahi's Insider Alert

Once you become a member of my service, you’ll immediately start receiving a steady flow of “13W” trades, served up on a silver platter.
Instead of the 7% you might make buying and holding a stable ETF, you’ll buy Stealth Blue Chips for pennies on the dollar (and right from under Wall Street’s nose!).
On April 16, 2015, we got a buy signal for Fabrinet (FN).

It soared for a 140% gain, or $14,000 on every $10,000.
In March 2009, the cycle completed for CARBO Ceramics (CRR).

Shares rocketed up 130% in 15 months, or $13,000 on every $10,000.
When the final trigger fired on Daktronics (DAKT)...

The stock exploded 188% in 16 months — or $18,800 on every $10,000.
My subscribers received advance notice on all three. Many of them
cashed in for windfall profits. Now you’ll have the opportunity to join
As a member, you’ll get...

- My Special Report: "The '13W' Pattern" — This report details everything you need to know about this mysterious pattern and why it could earn you a fortune.
- My Full Insider Alert Portfolio — The
stocks you need to have in hand to cash in. I’ll let you know exactly
what’s going on and what we’re doing every step of the way.
- Buy and Sell Instructions — You’ll always know when
we’re taking a position or selling. Remember, we’re getting in BEFORE
the big money strikes and drives the price up. Then we’ll get out before
they do to capture the biggest gains possible.
- Analysis and Explanation — You should never wonder why I’m recommending what I am. So I make sure you get a full rundown of my reasoning and why I’m telling you to take a certain position in the market.
- Access to VIP Service — A subscription to Charles Mizrahi's Insider Alert qualifies you for VIP service. You can contact the VIP team with any questions at (844) 310-4115.
You’ll practically be getting the full money management experience my
Wall Street clients ponied up a minimum of $1 million EACH to access.
With it we’ll deliver a stream of trades with the potential for long-term gains like...
- 1,017% on CBS (CBS)
- 1,084% on Wyndham Worldwide (WYN)
- 1,048% on Seagate Technologies (STX)
- 1,217% on Netflix (NFLX)
- 1,599% on La-Z-Boy (LZB)
- 1,038% on Veeco Instruments (VECO)
- 1,206% on The E.W. Scripps Company (SSP)
- 351% on Fifth Third Bancorp (FITB)
- 1,065% on Hanesbrands (HBI)
- 1,023% on Tractor Supply Co. (TSCO)
- 1,295% on Priceline (PCLN)
- 1,018% on L Brands (LB)
Those are life-altering returns — the kind that can liberate you from
worry, one 10-bagger at a time. Soon your bills and debts won’t be a
Planning for retirement will be a breeze. You’ll even have the
resources to fund an Ivy League education for your children and
Whatever your financial goals might be...
Insider Alert will help you achieve them faster.
You don’t have to take my word for it, either...
Heavy Hitters Are Already Lining up Behind the Service...
James Altucher, author of Trade Like a Hedge Fund, had this to say:
"Charles Mizrahi knows how to take the most boring stocks in the
world, dress them up with his strategy, and turn them into stock market
super stars."
Timothy Vick, Senior Portfolio Manager of the Sanibel Captiva Trust Co., wrote:
“You can't say enough about Charles Mizrahi's strategy. It pays off handsomely."
James D. Gabriel, a financial planner, shared this:
"I have been having great success with the stock sorting and picks
that you provide. I have seen many newsletters and daily stock tips
e-mails... But I have the most confidence and so far the highest gains
with your system."
In 2011, Albert Short told me:
“A quick review of my closed positions for 2009 through now shows I
have approximately $68.8K in gains (all accounts) from your
That was in roughly two years.
Today you’ve got the opportunity to join them.
When you do, I’ll be throwing in a powerful little surprise...
My Condensed NYU Investment Course
I’ve only ever shared the secrets behind “13W” once. It was over eight years ago, when NYU begged me to do a lecture series on investing.
Over 12 weeks, I disclosed my most powerful investment tools.
The ones I picked up as a floor trader nearly 35 years ago...
As one of the most successful money managers on the Street...
And as one of MarketWatch’s top 10 advisors from 2007 to 2015.
When you have it in your hands, you won’t have to wait for me to spoon-feed you “13W” trades. You’ll have the weapons to hunt them down yourself.
This information has never been shared publicly. I’ve never included it in any other course or service. This will be the only time it will ever be released.
You will only ever get access through your Insider Alert membership.
And here’s the best part...
You Won’t Need $1,000,000 To Secure Your Insider Alert Membership!
That was the minimum investment I would accept back when I was managing $200 million of client money on Wall Street.
Not only that, but each of my clients paid the standard "2 & 20" —
a 2% fee for assets under management AND 20% of the profits.
The least a client could pay me was $20,000 per year. And when I made
them money, I got to keep one-fifth of the upside for myself.
Your opportunity today is a steal by comparison.
You’ll get the results I delivered for Goldman Sachs, Citicorp, and
Credit Suisse. But it won’t cost you the $20,000 they were all happy to
pay me each year.
Better yet, you’ll get to keep 100% of the profit on your trades.
And let me remind you...
The system has gone on runs identifying as many as 36 Stealth Blue Chip stocks in a ROW that have gone up by 50% or more — with zero losing positions.
Roughly 7 out of 10 stocks I’ve found using this simple three-trigger
system have made money — usually earning $5,000 on every $10,000 you
I’ve gone as long as TWO ENTIRE YEARS of active investing without a
single losing position. As of July 31, 2017, I’ve generated massive raw
returns of 3,536%.
That’s enough to turn every $1 in your portfolio into $35.36.
It would take $10,000 and deliver you $353,600.
A $100,000 stake could have paid you a life-changing $3.5 million!
With those results, it’s no surprise that my hedge fund friends recommended I set the annual membership fee at $10,000 or more.
But this service isn’t designed for the hedge fund elite. Like I’ve said, they’re prohibited from investing in most of the “13W” situations I find.
So today you won’t pay $10,000. You won’t even have to pay $3,000 — which is the official subscription fee for Insider Alert.
If you act immediately, you’ll secure access for just $1,499.
That’s a 50% discount on a year’s worth of “13W” pattern trades.
If that sounds like a good deal to you, click the “Subscribe Now” button below.
If you’re still on the fence, I’ve got two BIG reasons for you to act now. First of all...
This Special Offer Will ONLY Be Available to the First 500 Qualified Investors Who Apply
Remember the Warren Buffett quote I shared earlier... It’s a huge
structural advantage to NOT have a lot of money. It allows us to be
nimble while Wall Street is sluggish.
We can take trades that a $10 billion hedge fund is prohibited from considering.
It’s our key advantage. But the minute I open the door to the general
public, that advantage will evaporate like a puddle on a sunny day.
Think about it...
With just 10,000 subscribers and an average of $100,000 in capital,
our “little” trading group would be the same size as a $1 billion hedge
That’s why I will only admit 500 qualified investors at this time.
Only the first 500 action-takers will get to participate in “13W” trades like the 480% you might have earned on Visa (V) starting in 2011.

That would have been a $48,000 profit on every $10,000.
If you aren’t in that exclusive group, you won’t get in on the next
Tesla (TSLA), which would have paid you $211,800 on every $20,000 from
2012 on.

You’ll be watching from the sidelines as a Stealth Blue Chip stock like Cantel Medical Corp. (CMD) explodes 1,086% — which it did beginning in late 2010.

Meanwhile, our Insider Alert subscribers will be cashing in.
Will I open it again in the future? Maybe someday. But it won’t be
soon — and it certainly won’t be at our highly discounted $1,499 price
If you’d like to secure one of the spots, click “Subscribe Now” below.
It’s not the only reason you’ll want to act immediately. As we speak...
Five Stocks Are Lurking in the “Stealth Zone” Waiting on the Final “13W” Trigger to Fire
You’ve seen what happens when the cycle completes: Stocks explode for
triple- or even quadruple-digit gains. Right now, five stocks are
poised to do just that.
I can’t reveal which companies I’m talking about.
What I can do is show you their charts...

As you can see, they’re all cruising in the Stealth Zone under Wall Street’s Radar but well above my proprietary Blue Chip Line.
Each one is a potential winning lottery ticket... just waiting for YOU to cash it in.
We don’t know when they’ll start to move. Anything could spark a
shift in sentiment — and a pop back up onto the institutional money
watch list.
It might happen next month... or next week.
What I DO know is that our subscribers will be ready. When the
trigger fires, they’ll be the first to know and — more importantly — the
first to act!
Just like they did for Western Digital Corp. (WDC)...

Which gave us a 139% return on every dollar we invested.
Or for Atrion Corp. (ATRI)...

Which delivered a 455% return.
Or on Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII)...

Giving us a 502% gain on our position.
BUT if you haven’t joined by the trigger date, you WILL miss out.
Instead of bragging to your golf buddies about your next 10-bagger Stealth Blue Chip trade...
You’ll be reading the story in the Wall Street Journal.
I don’t want that for you, and I don’t think you want it, either.
If I’m right about that... If you’re ready to get in on the next “13W” opportunity...
To your wealth,

Charles Mizrahi
Investment Director, Insider Alert