The Man with a Plan: Donald Trump’s 5-Part Strategy to Make America Great Again
Defense hawk Graham enters Republican race for White House
Getty Images
Billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump’s Tuesday presidential announcement has sparked intrigue from many and ire from some groups like the Club for Growth, which immediately—and foolishly—called for Trump to be banned from the Republican presidential debates.
But the Club for Growth’s slick press release uses
old charges to obscure an otherwise powerful fact: Trump, perhaps more
than any other presidential candidate, has already laid out his
conservative plan for “making America great again” with crystal clarity,
backed up with serious policy prescriptions.
Defense hawk Graham enters Republican race for White House
One Slip Of Paper Reveals Them...
Every $1,000 You Have Could Turn Into $337,983
Every $1,000 You Have Could Turn Into $337,983

I found something that could make you and me very rich.
I’ve already invested a majority of my portfolio — decades of saving up — into what I have written down on a small slip of paper. Many would call that a foolish “gamble.” Like Jack, from the fairy tale, trading his cow for a sack of magic beans.
Instead of magic beans, I’ve traded the majority of my wealth for what’s written on this piece of paper.
What could possibly be on the paper?...

The paper itself is the same cheap notebook paper schoolchildren use. It’s what’s ON THE PAPER that could make you and me rich.
Written are just three
characters. But they’re important. I’m calling them Trump’s “Nuclear
Codes” because they mark the precise location of the #1 nuclear resource needed by Trump to accomplish his agenda.
Billionaires know this nuclear resource by another name — and they’ve already staked millions of their fortunes in it:
- Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, has invested $35 million into the nuclear resource
- Jeff Bezos, of Amazon, invested $19.5 million.
- Billionaire founder of PayPal, Peter Thiel, staked $2 million.
- Even Trump “hater” George Soros threw his hat in the ring. Investing a whopping $126 million.
So, if you’ve already staked your claim in this nuclear resource, like the billionaires did, you’re in an elite group. And your investment is ready to skyrocket in 2017.
To a high not seen since 2003 — and you may not see for another 15 years.
The three characters on this slip of paper could turn $1,000 into $139,760. Or into a retirement fortune of $337,983.05.
This nuclear resource will be a key focus of the attention...
The next few minutes are incredibly important for you and your family.
It’s a wealth-building opportunity no one is talking about... but Trump.
It’s a wealth-building opportunity no one is talking about... but Trump.
Trump’s Next Move is Nuclear
I’ve found Trump’s next move to realize his vision to make America the #1 superpower in the world.
It’s hiding in plain sight.
You could get rich while other investors and Americans quiver in their boots... afraid of Trump’s next move.
Because, as he signs executive orders — causing riots in streets and airports, boycotts of companies, and further division...
His real focus is elsewhere — and he’s already tipped his hand what his plan is...
It centers around what is on this piece of paper.
Three characters.
I’ll secretly (and safely) send you the codes in a few minutes. But you must not share them with anyone...
The Resource That Returned 30,800% In 2003
Because what is written on
them is a factor in the next nuclear rush, and you’ll hear all about it
today. For you, what’s important is this:
You must not wait to stake
your claim in this coming boom. It’s already started. And the table is
set for an investor fortune to be made.
It starts with Trump.
Trump is unpredictable.
He desperately needs to tap into what the three-character “nuclear codes” point to. The result would send nuclear resource investors into windfalls of potentially 13,970% or 30,800% exactly as it happened in 2003, as you'll see today.

An element cleaner than coal
and natural gas. An element much more reliable than solar and wind
(especially when the sun's not shining and the wind's not blowing).
Just a few pounds of uranium
could run a nuclear plant that brings electricity to 20% of American
homes and factories. Right now, 15% of the world relies on nuclear
energy. And I’ll show you why it’s on the rise.
Even billion-dollar OIL COMPANY Exxon admits:

So, more uranium is needed for electricity demand. Great. Let’s keep going...
I’m sure you can also imagine what else uranium fuels...
UNCOVERED: Trump’s Energy & Military Plans
That’s right. Nuclear weapons.
I uncovered Trump’s plan and
located the “nuclear codes.” He’s already tipped his hand on both of the
fronts I just touched on — energy and military.
In December (2016), Trump’s team lobbied restarting nuclear plants previously worn down or shut down.

And it makes sense. Trump ran a campaign around ‘America needs no one’s help.’ Nuclear plants would make America completely self-dependent for electricity. He’s already met with large companies, like Ford, that are working to bring manufacturing back to the U.S.
Factories for manufacturing require massive amounts of energy to run.
To the second part, on the military front, Trump continues to push for an increase in nuclear weapons.

He even sent an early shot over the bow at other countries, challenging them:
“If Japan had that nuclear threat, I’m not sure that would be a bad thing for us. Nor would it be so bad, if South Korea and Saudi Arabia had nuclear weapons, too.”
Would Trump make those types
of remarks if he wasn’t planning on stockpiling nuclear weapons to the
ceiling of the Pentagon? Probably not. Right or wrong, so far he's doing
everything he said he would.
These two major “tells” by
Trump on energy and military lay out exactly what he plans to do. He’s
going to need uranium by the truckloads. And America currently only
produces 9% of what it needs annually.
That’s why this is such an incredible opportunity I am going to show you.
When the demand for uranium goes up, as I’ll show you in a bit, uranium stocks go nuclear...
“We expect the period from 2017-2020 to be a landmark period for... uranium stocks...”
—, Leading site on mining
—, Leading site on mining
What Are The “Nuclear Codes?”
Now, I’m sure you can guess
the three characters (written on my slip of paper) are not the actual
codes for a nuclear launch site.
It’s actually much better.
The “nuclear codes” reveal
ticker symbols to a uranium company sitting on one of the purest,
shallowest, most valuable uranium deposits America has ever seen. And
it’s only recently been uncovered.
The uranium deposit sits in
the Athabasca basin, and it's already proven to be the best undeveloped
uranium deposit in the world.
Uranium provides cleaner
emissions, gives nuclear weapons and plants more power while needing
less — and is worth far more to the market.
This uranium company has discovered some of the highest-grade uranium on the planet...

And it’s been found sitting on
the surface of the Earth just waiting to be scooped up. Like Jed
Clampett striking “black gold” and Beverly Hills riches!
This pure uranium company has been gaining steady attention.
In fact — it quietly sold a
20% stake in the company to the Chinese. China researched and visited
dozens of uranium companies around the world to invest in. It chose
THIS pure uranium company to stake its future in. China even paid a 44%
premium for the shares it bought to boot.
The Chinese paid the premium
because they expect this company and all uranium stocks to go absolutely
nuclear. Not only can they make a killing on their shares like I intend
to do. They now have a foothold in the world's best unmined uranium
deposit so they can fuel their growing fleet of nuclear reactors.
There is a major global
phenomenon in uranium where demand will spike... and China’s leading the
charge. China needs 198 new nuclear reactors to combat the smog and
pollution choking its citizens.

It doesn’t stop there...
India, with a population of over 1.25 billion, wants to go all in with
nuclear power. It's investing in 66 reactors. Even Saudi Arabia, a
country that could bathe in oil, wants to construct 16 reactors.
Uranium is becoming a major geopolitical event.
China’s invested heavily in this company. Billionaires are jumping into uranium.
However, before China showed
up and invested in this pure uranium company, and before the uranium
company’s deposit tripled in size...
I was there...
Why Invest A Majority Of My Portfolio On
What’s On This Piece Of Paper?
What’s On This Piece Of Paper?

I’ve seen it. I’ve flown to the uranium site. I've dined with management multiple times.
Hello, my name is Nick Hodge.
I’ve spent hard-earned money to fly and see for myself what the hype is about with this relatively unknown uranium company.
Here’s a video of me flying to the deposit in a float plane over the Canadian wilderness.

Four months after they made the discovery, I met them at the Four Seasons to talk more.
I walked away so convinced
this pure uranium company would make my readers and I wealthy, I’ve made
this company a top recommendation in my Early Advantage
newsletter and the largest stake in my portfolio. Yes, my family and I
have pushed our chips “all in” on a company trading for just $0.75 per
A sub-$1 stock can seem like a risky play. But let me tell you why I made this move:
- I left the deposit site with the knowledge that this pure uranium company has found something desperately needed on a global scale.
- It's got plenty of cash to advance the project and doesn't have to dilute shareholders.
- It has seen its deposit triple in size since I first visited.
- China researched dozens of uranium companies and only invested in this one.
- Third-party analysts have verified this uranium project as the best undeveloped uranium project in the world.
- The stock is highly leveraged to the price of uranium.
- A new bull market in uranium is now beginning.
No other uranium exploration stocks can boast credentials like these.
Getting back to it, why would I visit this company?
Well, for 10 years, I’ve flown
around the world to visit companies, talking with executives, and
locating the next big companies where profits will come from.
Already in 2017, I’ve closed out three positions. Check out the gains on these:

But I didn’t stake most of my
livelihood on all those companies, to be honest. I’ve staked the lion's
share of my funds on the three-character ticker symbols listed on my
piece of paper.
Because I believe the uranium sector and this company are set to go nuclear.
Turning $1,000 into $1,114,300
This isn’t a speculative play,
I don’t believe. Uranium has delivered incredible returns to investors
before, as I’ll show you in just a minute. All it takes is the price of
uranium to pop.
Back in 2003, uranium prices went absolutely nuts in a short period of time.

A flooding at Cigar Lake (a
nearby uranium deposit) ramped up the price of uranium per pound, such
that uranium companies became worth billions of dollars virtually
All it took was one mine to flood and the entire sector went ballistic. That's how tight the uranium market is.
But you wouldn’t have made a fortune from actually buying and selling uranium, which is nearly impossible to do.
No. Millionaires were made in
the stock market. Investors bought uranium stocks and woke up to see
their trading account flash dollar signs.
That's because uranium miners
are incredibly leveraged to the price of uranium. If uranium goes up
just a little bit... they go up a lot.
When uranium prices started rising last time... a small uranium company called Laramide went on a heck of a run of 30,800%.

A $1,000 stake turns into $309,000!
The average retirement
portfolio for an American over 50 is just above $300,000. Imagine your
entire retirement cashed-up for you.
No more worries about bills. You could pay off the house in one swoop. Just from a $1,000 investment.
Your friends would probably call you a liar if you told them.
This is what happens when the
price of uranium goes up. Uranium isn’t like normal stocks. The stocks
shoot up fast... but they fall just as fast. That’s why, as uranium
begins to rise right now, you must jump on or miss out.
If you owned UEX Energy 10 years ago...

You could've watched a $1,000 bet grow like a weed up to $140,760.
How often will you see a return like that?
Hardly ever.
And you see gains like this
one even less... during the last uranium bull market International
Enexco shot off for gains of 114,300%.

Would you believe the math if I told you your $1,000 investment would balloon to a Midas fortune of $1,144,000!?
Uranium creates millionaires.
I expect my pure uranium company could jump from $0.75 to $100, even $200 a share... turning $1,000 into $337,983.05.
The precedence is there for booming stock prices.
The key that makes this a “retirement-maker” is the price of uranium. You’re about to see why the price of uranium is going up — and it’s not solely due to Trump’s ambitions... but it’s a global phenomenon...

Here’s the price of uranium the past four years. Looks like an unstable element, right? Well, it was for many years.
Uranium always carries a gloomy stigma where you only hear about it when something terrible happens.
Well, in 2011, something terrible did happen.
In Fukushima, Japan, on March
11, 2011, a major explosion rocked the uranium world. An earthquake and
tsunami had just ripped through the city. So, the primary reactors shut
down automatically for safety reasons.

However, the tsunami had
disabled the emergency generators that would’ve cooled the reactors. The
lack of cooling caused major explosions. It was an isolated event.
In fact, over history, nuclear has proven to be safest form of electricity generation there is on a per kilowatt-hour basis.
Nonetheless, this
earth-shaking event fueled a sell-off of uranium. Many expected nuclear
plants to get the cold shoulder going forward.
The next five to six years saw the price of uranium crater. And stocks dropped as well.
But I saw the tide shift.
Analysts and investors wrote off uranium thinking it would never recover
— and I experienced this write-off firsthand.
I Warned of The Uranium Boom in 2015
In the middle of 2015, I started giving talks on the state of uranium.
Actually, I’ve built up quite a
reputation as a uranium expert. I’ve gone to multiple uranium
project sites, grilled the CEOs of these companies, and invested my
livelihood in the space.
Yet, I stood onstage talking about the coming “uranium boom”... and got little response.

At the end of a talk, it was fairly quiet. A few people even got up and left in the middle of it.
I said “Starting in 2017, there will be a shortage and uranium will become more valuable than it has in over a decade.”
I was giving away to fellow investors a peek at the fortunes they could
make. And this was before Trump was even a serious candidate for the
I pounded the table on the coming uranium bull market.
However, I doubt many ever bought a single share of stock in this company I’m telling you about.
Look at the chart of uranium prices again... but look all the way down at the bottom right-hand corner to 2017.

December 14,2016: The Uranium Boom Started
On December 14, 2016, the price of uranium popped 22% in one day. Something that hadn’t happened in over seven years...
I preached tirelessly for two years for this day. It’s happening. The resurgence of uranium.
This pop saw the company I staked the majority of my portfolio on jump 67% and continue trending up.
Even analysts are coming around.

One expert, who’s made a fortune in the uranium booms of the past, remarked in a closed interview: “Right now, people are scared to be in uranium and that’s where they should be...” He says stocks could take off in “...30 months...” or “COULD BE 30 DAYS...”
The last time uranium began to spike was 14 years ago.
Can you afford to wait another 14 years if you miss out on this opportunity?
You’d kick yourself for the rest of your life.
A $1 stock can feel risky for
sure. But like I mentioned, this company’s sitting on plenty of cash for
exploration and development of its world-class uranium property. Add in
the nuclear “race” and supply issues I’m about to show you...
You can get a glimpse at why I invested a majority of my portfolio in this uranium company.
The Demand Is Heating Up...
To start...
Trump has fulfilled the Democrat’s worst fears. He’s stormed the White House and taken over.
He’s already tweeted he wants
to bulk up on nuclear weapons as I mentioned. He’s met with large
companies, including Ford and Apple, discussing initiatives to bring
manufacturing jobs back to the Motherland. Trump’s vowed to bring 25
million jobs to the U.S. (more than any other President ever).
Uranium will be needed (more than ever) to power both manufacturing plants and nuclear weapons. Production will need to increase over 136%.
January 2017 saw mining and resource companies add the most jobs in 25 months.
The demand for uranium is heating up. But the supply and the reserves are rapidly drying up...
Several years ago, there were
hundreds of companies producing and exploring for uranium. Then,
Fukushima happened, prices fell. Now, there are fewer than three dozen.
The current low price (even on its upswing) has removed 96% of suppliers from the market.
Mining a pound of uranium can
cost between $15 and $50. As a result, when uranium only costs $18 per
pound (as it did in November 2016), mining companies have zero incentive
to continue digging.
That’s why the number of uranium companies shrunk from 500 to a few dozen: they simply can't make money mining uranium.

It’s from this chart I preached for two years about “2017 being the year for a change in uranium...”
The red line shows the demand, and the green shows the various supplies of uranium rapidly shrinking... The yellow is new mines that are needed to come online to avoid a shortfall.
Demand is at its highest in over 14 years. And the supplies are just about tapped out. The yellow wedge that's appearing is a shortfall that is expected in the next two years.
And that's why uranium prices must rise now: to avoid a shortfall and keep the world's lights on.
More uranium is needed... and you’re getting the first look.
Multiple countries bank on nuclear power to run their factories and their utilities.
- France needs 9,230 tonnes... doesn’t produce any uranium
- South Korea needs 5,022 tonnes... doesn’t produce any uranium
- China needs 8,100 tonnes... only produces 1,500 tonnes

Russia Beats The United States in Nuclear Weapons

"I will have a military that's so strong and powerful, and so respected, we're not gonna have to nuke anybody" — Donald Trump
On my slip of paper, I list
the “nuclear codes” revealing where Trump could tap into the purest
(i.e. most potent) uranium in the world to create his powerful military.
However, the United States,
again, imports most of its uranium — much from Kazakhstan and Russia
(38%). Only about 9% is mined from U.S. soil.
And there’s a problem with banking on Russia and Kazakhstan...
Russia and the United States'
relations haven’t seen this much tension since the Cold War. Allegations
of “election hacking” plus President Obama exiling Russian diplomats
from the U.S. stoked the tension that has put Putin and the Kremlin back
in the news. Trump's security advisor, Michael Flynn, has already had
to resign for talking to the Russians and lying about it.
And recently, the U.S. and Russia exited a 20-year agreement centered on uranium.
Called the Megatons to Megawatts agreement, Russia had agreed to supply excess uranium to the U.S. for use in its power plants.

Furthermore, Russian President
Vladimir Putin has built up a nuclear stockpile so large and new that
it makes American nuclear weapons look like GI Joe toys.
Russia’s been building a nuclear force stronger than even since the Cold War, according to the Washington Post...
Uncovered by the Washington Post:
United States active nuclear weapons: 1,750
Russia’s active nuclear weapons: 4,750 (and “probably a lot more”)
Russia’s active nuclear weapons: 4,750 (and “probably a lot more”)
Key Findings:
- Russia has 200 more strategic nuclear weapons than permitted under the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START)
- They continue to build more to increase that amount further
- Estimates for tactical nuclear weapons range from 3,000-20,000
- Most of Russia’s nuclear weapons are “new.” Compared to the U.S., which have weapons that are “decades old.”
Russia has
achieved a dangerous preponderance in overall numbers of nuclear weapons
— a margin of superiority it never had during the Cold War.
Trump’s military, in order to catch up to Russia and build the most powerful military in the world, has to:
- Scrap old nuclear weapons that collected dust and are outdated
- Build around 20,000 more
Might we see some new “Manhattan Projects” popping up as we did during World War II...
If Trump, overnight, ramps up
production on thousands of nuclear weapons... don’t you think Russia
would notice? China? North Korea? Iran?
But the reserves of uranium are almost dried up, as I showed you...
The Largest Uranium Exporter In The World Can’t Sustain
Kazakhstan, a main supplier of
uranium to the U.S. and the world, is run by President Nazarbayev, who
is pushing 80 years old. His death could spell a chaotic geopolitical
event. An event that surely would affect the exporting of their uranium.
This one event could trigger a uranium price pop.
Kazakhstan also mines uranium
in ways that make environmentalists shudder. It’s mined without modern
techniques and safeguards, thus causing environmental damage and harsh
working conditions.
Also, a major announcement just became public... Kazakhstan is cutting 10% of its production effective immediately.
Every country banking on uranium will need to find a way to make up the difference... including the U.S.
Trump’s best move is to
“activate” the “nuclear codes” I’ve talked about. A company that’s
mining uranium touting up to 15% purity right here in North America.
You might wonder why America doesn’t mine more uranium on its own.
Quite simply, politicians are afraid mentioning the word “nuclear” would blow up their own political aspirations.
Plus, activists don’t want
companies drilling in their backyards, despite ~20% of the U.S. running
on clean, nuclear electricity. Thus, the standstill.

I sat down with Spencer
Abraham, a U.S. Senator and the Secretary of Energy under Bush — one of
my many high-level contacts in the industry.
For environmentalists, Abraham claims, “They can’t fight global warming and nuclear energy at the same time.” Coal and natural gas will always get major pushback, but uranium is the cleanest out of all energy sources.
Abraham believes (as Trump
does) America needs to develop more nuclear “assets” here at home to
keep everyone safe. For too long, “political agendas have undermined” the uranium sector.
Trump’s team already brought up revamping the nuclear plants here in the U.S.
So he can’t wait that long to
get to the uranium he needs, hence the “nuclear codes” I’ve bet so
heavily on. I’ll reveal the “codes” to you in just a minute, but I want
you to understand this...
The need for uranium doesn’t
stop at just nuclear weapons and energy in the United States. This is a
global phenomenon taking place.76 Countries Expanding Their Nuclear Footprint

76 countries are currently implementing nuclear more into their energy needs.
- India wants to build 66 nuclear plants to supply 30% of its energy — Forbes estimates the cost to peak at $1 TRILLION
- Saudi Arabia wants to build 16 nuclear plants
- United Arab Emirates looks to build four nuclear plants for $40 billion
- Argentina — two nuclear plants
- Vietnam, Nigeria, Turkey, Belarus, Bangladesh — ALL signed on to build plants
Japan, despite the disaster of Fukushima, started firing up 21 previously shut down nuclear reactors.
China is working on building
198 nuclear plants — at a cost of $2.4 TRILLION — to combat the thick
smog caused by burning coal in its biggest cities.
The big plan is for China to
increase its nuclear output 20X! From just over 1% of uranium energy
dependence up to 20% — matching the United States’ same 20% reliance on
nuclear energy.
That’s the reason, I believe, China staked a 20% equity position in the company scribbled down on my piece of paper.
It is going to need the absolute best uranium to fuel its growing nuclear needs.
The Company I’ve Written On This Paper Will Be At
The Center Of the Uranium World
That’s why this pure uranium company is set to become a focal point in the uranium world. 

I recently sat down with the
CEO of the company. I interviewed him to get the full story of why his
company should see astronomical growth soon.
He leaned forward with a smile
and told me... It's found a “secret” site no other uranium company had
explored. Located in a basin home to the highest-grade uranium in the
How did it find it?
Well, it became a “tech”
company channeling its inner innovation. It developed a unique,
proprietary technology I’ll call the “U10” that uses a drone to search
for and locate prime uranium spots.

The CEO then couldn’t contain
his excitement. He told me a story of how they found pure uranium
sitting there, right on the surface of an underexplored location!
Remember, the best uranium can
be as far down as 2,000 feet into the earth. Here, it is picking up
uranium off the ground. Much like Charlie Bucket finding the money on
the ground that buys the last Wonka golden ticket!

This company holds the
shallowest uranium deposits around. The former frontrunners have already
been sucked dry, as you can see in this table. The grey boxes are where
the best uranium mines in the world are. But they've been mined out.
The black ones, though deeper in the ground, are in production. And the
green ones have been drilled but are still in early stages. And they're
deep as well. Whereas our uranium deposit, in the blue box, is shallow,
large, and already has economics tied to it showing it would be some of
the cheapest and still most pure uranium on Earth.
I haven’t even mentioned the
awards this “nuclear codes” company has garnered for finding such a
great deposit, including: “Exploration of the Year” from the Prospectors
and Developers Association of Canada and “Mining Person of the Year”
from The Northern Miner, to name a few.
This Is Your Own “Liquid Gold”
You Can Cash In On Right Now
For the past 10 years, I’ve
built an entire career on finding these types of companies. Small,
unknown companies Wall Street firms don’t even give their five-minute
coffee breaks to look at.
Investing in large companies,
like Walmart and Microsoft, just doesn’t interest me. It takes so long
for you to make a massive return.
Sure, if you invested in
Walmart in the 1970s, you’d be sitting on a six-figure payout after a
$1,000 investment. But do you want to wait 40 years to make gains like
Or, would you rather wait a few months... or even just days?
Check out the opportunities my readers have cashed in from past recommendations:
- 1,480% on Lithium X (in five months!)
- 531.43% on K92 Mining (in six months!)
- 426.32% on Alternate Energy Holdings (in three months)
- 403.45% on Almadex
- 397.01% on BYD Company (in nine months)
- 316.33% on Akeena Solar
- 244.44% on Brazil Resources
- 185.37% on Pioneering Technology (in five months)
- 159.00% on Xethanol, inc. (in three months)
- 123.08% on Lite Access Technologies (in 17 DAYS)
- 110.64% on Solarfun Power Holdings, Co (in five months)
- 102.46% on Organovo Holdings (in four months)
And this isn’t some
“back-tested” mumbo jumbo you read about. These are actual trades I’ve
recommended where you could’ve made a lifetime of gains in a short
period of time.
Plus you’re not seeing the
other 200+ triple baggers and double baggers I've delivered over the
years and that you can expect to see again, and again, and again.
Big gains you would tell your friends about... even brag about... for years to come as they penny-pinch for retirement.
Uranium Stocks Have Hit “The Bottom”
This is an exciting time.
The hardest part of investing is finding the right spot to get in on a stock.
Analysts are already saying uranium prices have hit the bottom.

They’ve gone up a touch, enough to confirm the trend, but not enough yet that you’ve missed out.
$1,000 Turned Into $1,304,000
Now is the time to get in as
uranium stocks move fast. In 2003, if you were invested in uranium
company Paladin Energy, your shares would've exploded (as uranium prices
popped)... You could’ve retired the next day.Look at how much investors made:

Can you imagine this?
$1,000 turning into a cool $1,305,000! Your family would probably think you committed insider trading with those returns.
But you don’t need to engage in any criminal activity to get in on the uranium boom.
How To Grab 33,798% Profits On The
Coming Uranium Boom
All you need to do right now is pick up my free report, "Trump’s 'Nuclear Codes': How to Grab 33,798% Profits on the Coming Uranium Boom."

You’ll finally be one of the
few who knows the “nuclear codes” of this budding uranium company,
ticker symbol and all. Billionaires are all in with uranium, you’ll be
standing right next to them.
But I won’t stop there.
Inside "Trump’s 'Nuclear Codes'", I’ve included TWO MORE uranium stocks for your portfolio.
Remember, you don’t need a
truckload of cash to get in on these plays. You could invest a modest
$1,000 in each of these plays so you don’t have to break the bank or
your retirement account.
Let me give you a quick rundown of these other two plays:
Bonus Uranium Play #1:
first bonus pick is a spin-off the pure uranium company I mentioned. It
could hand investors the same profits, if not more. You see, this play
mimics the performance of its parent company. For instance, when my
first pick jumped by 20%, this one soared by 50%... in just two weeks.
Only thing is, it trades for just 1/10th the price — which means you
only need a very tiny stake to see the windfall of your life. 20,000%
gains or more is not out of the question. That’s enough to turn a $500
investment into a six-figure retirement nest egg. Similar plays like it
have done just as well.
Bonus Uranium Play #2:
final bonus pick is now the #1 developer of one of the largest, most
speculative uranium projects in the world. A recent acquisition has
placed it in control of a whopping 100 million pounds of uranium — a
multibillion-dollar asset. It’s the kind of asset that would send this
stock through the roof on a massive uranium price upswing. During the
last uranium boom in 2003, this company soared for incredible 11,700%
gains. Right now, it’s trading dirt-cheap. And, with their uranium
priced into the billions, it could even beat that performance this time
I’ve seen these companies up
close and personal. My “boots on the ground” approach isn’t just
listening to earnings calls or doing research on Google. My boots are
literally “on the ground” mudding through these sites.
After which, I change my shoes and go into the boardroom...
You can’t smell a bad company from behind your computer screen. I find all the best picks for my newsletter service, Early Advantage,
when I’m physically present. Taking in everything to make sure it is a
legit operation. One that will hand you a fortune over and over.
Like I said, I’ve invested a
majority of my family’s wealth into the main company I told you about.
Because I’ve looked at many uranium companies. I’ve been preaching about
the “shortage of 2017” for over two years, and no one listened.
What you get with these three stock picks are:
All three companies and their ticker symbols
Thorough company profiles based on firsthand analysis, including information you won’t find on CNBC, Forbes, or even in industry journals
The analyst “consensus” you won’t hear in press releases... but I hear from hobnobbing with industry leaders
And — details of their assets, holdings, and upcoming dates for company catalysts
You get access to these
companies ABSOLUTELY FREE today (a $249 value). Just a modest investment
in each could fund your retirement for the next 20, 30, 40 years.
“I’ve Made Over $100,000” with Early Advantage
What You Can Expect With a Risk-Free Trial
All I ask is that you give my advisory research service and newsletter, Early Advantage, an honest and free test drive.
I can do all of this as I am an investment analyst by trade here at Outsider Club in Baltimore, Maryland.

I’m also the editor of Early Advantage, a service focused solely on large profits in up-and-coming companies.
Most of the picks you will see come in the sectors where you see the biggest returns:
- Resources
- Energy
- Technology

You get a chance to be “first in line” to many of these stocks.
Why doesn’t Wall Street catch wind?
Because it doesn’t do all the work I do to find breakthrough companies. Its job is to make money for its firms selling you products. My job is make money for you, or my family doesn’t eat.
And I’m betting my pure uranium company will see the most profits ever recorded inside of Early Advantage.
Why do you think I’ve staked my livelihood on it (and uranium)?...
There are readers making truckloads of cash following my picks.
Listen to this:
"I made over $100,000 with you on the first run a year or so ago..."
I’ve had to cloak the stock
name there because it’s an active play that’s still making people money,
and it wouldn’t be fair to those currently holding positions.
Donald McMillan shared his story, too:
"I did very well on two picks. Pretty lucky with a profit of $27,649!"
And Anthony Reymond recently wrote me to say:
"This is the most profitable
service in almost 10 years of trading. Pure and simple. [Three picks]
have been triple-digit winners for me. As a friend of mine who speaks
broken English would say, 'THANK YOU VERY BIG.'"
But my favorite is from Tom Donaldson, who made nearly half a million dollars on a single trade:
"Nick — My account is now over $450,000. Happy with the gains so far! Thanks!"
Again, what sets me apart from other newsletters and analysts is how much work I put into each pick.
I’ll go through a few dozen
companies — talk to the executives — interview customers — listen to
conference calls — and still not recommend any of the companies to my
readers. Because there’s just not a clear opportunity to make
triple-digit gains on them.
I’ve staked my livelihood in
uranium. And I’ve staked my work and efforts to my readers, like you,
who follow and profit from my stock picks inside Early Advantage.
Nothing is off limits to what I will do.
Whether it’s flying out to
California and speaking with an aquaculture expert to get the inside
details on a world-changing medical discovery...

Or taking a tour with Canadian CEOs to uncover the newest intelligence in the world of energy...

Or even interviewing Montel Williams in the hopes of discovering the next 1,000% gainer in the market...

There’s not a stone I won’t turn over if I believe there’s money to be made on the other side.
More Than 235 Double And Triple Baggers
for Early Advantage Readers
for Early Advantage Readers
There’s no doubt Trump threw a wrench into your investing plans. Warren Buffett has a famous quote:
“Be fearful when others are greedy. And be greedy when others are fearful.”
To be honest, I do get a kick out of uncovering a “hidden gem” company out there in the investing world.
But the biggest thrill ride for me is when a stock pops and my Early Advantage members nab an 824.44% gain or a 426.26% whopper. Those are the best moments for me, personally.
You can rest easy knowing you have someone working 24/7 to nab you winning, innovative picks.
Recently, I was in Puerto Rico at a $5,000/seat conference looking for new ideas to share with you, my Premier Members.
I got a chance to sit down with John Paulson, a hedge fund billionaire.

And I realized the little
moments and sharing of ideas like I had with John are the reasons my
subscribers see such massive windfalls in profits.
Other analysts live behind their computer screens. Up in the “Ivory Tower” like they’re the Wizard of Oz or something.
Not me.

I’m at the uranium projects and mines, talking to the roughnecks, watching the yellowcake be produced in real time. Getting to inspect it, see it firsthand, and listen to experts discuss “off the record” comments about their expectations.
That’s the unique difference you see, and why I can net massive returns for subscribers year in and year out... for a decade now.
I've been on the cutting edge for years. Discovering major life-changing, moneymaking opportunities that other financial institutions don't cover.
Just to give you a better idea:
- Before 3D printing made the news, I told my readers about a company called Organovo. It develops three-dimensional (3D) human tissue-printing technology to create tissue on demand for research and surgical applications. Since then, the stock has surged over 570%.
I saw that lithium was
undervalued and, through my connections, I was able to get my readers in
on a special deal not open to the public. I recommended the 15-cent
lithium stock to my readers, and in just four and a half months we
closed out a 1,480% winner.
- I've closed, in total, more than 235 double- and triple-digit winners on my stock recommendations alone by locating little-known wealth-building opportunities before the masses knew about them.
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
My research comes with NO RISK and absolutely NO OBLIGATIONS.
Subscribe today, and get 30 days to look at what the service offers.
Look at my past performance and judge how honest I was with you here.
Your first step is to claim your copy of "Trump’s 'Nuclear Codes': How to Grab 33,798% Profits on the Coming Uranium Boom."
That’s for free.
What You Get As A Premier Member
As a Premier Early Advantage Member, you also get:
Quick Profits E-alerts: Get flash updates on the latest moneymaking scoops from my profit alerts. These obscure recommendations — that cannot wait a minute — will be delivered straight to your inbox seconds after they're written, as profitable opportunities could surface tomorrow.
Regular Portfolio Updates: You'll know exactly what's happening with each profit-making play in your model portfolio, including regular updates and any news that will send the stock soaring further or when to sell for maximum profits.
The Members-Only Early Advantage Website: Your gateway to my secure online platform for members only, with my no-nonsense research reports, commentary, picks, and current portfolio. You'll even get fast-track commentary on how to get the most out of my service.
Research Videos: You'll have full access to my "boots-on-the-ground" research videos when I travel around the country investigating companies, visiting their facilities, and talking to CEOs. That way, you can follow my travels from your living room.
Within minutes of signing up, you'll receive an email with your password to the Early Advantage website... your ultimate gateway to unheard-of profits in cutting-edge sectors ahead of the crowd.
Now, I’ve seen services like this go as high as $10,000 for the type of value I’m giving you.
But I couldn’t ever bring
myself to charge that much for a service. Even though just investing
$1,000 in a few of my 238 double/triple baggers would easily pay off a $10,000 price tag.
I firmly believe that Trump
may punch in the “nuclear codes” of this $0.75 uranium company. And send
it booming to $100, even $200 a share.
That’s right.
A $1,000 stake could blow up to $337,983.05! And remember, it happens quickly once uranium prices spike.
The signs are already there.
- Trump is working on expanding nuclear’s role in the U.S.
- Trump wants to expand our nuclear weapon stockpile to be “powerful and respected.” — but he has a lot of work to do to catch Russia
- Countries, like China and India are investing trillions into new nuclear plants
- The uranium supply is about run dry at the worst opportune time
- The pure uranium company is sitting on the purest uranium on the planet and 98% hasn’t even been touched
- China grabbed 20% of this company to prepare for its massive expansion in nuclear dependence
A $10,000 price tag for Early Advantage to get on the “inside” of this nuclear trade is a steal. You’d be a hero for taking that deal.
But I’m not going to charge that. In fact, I won’t even charge half of that.
The regular going price for Early Advantage is $2,999 annually to become a Premier Member.
However, I’ve worked out a special deal with my publisher where you can get your hands on the “nuclear codes” at a discount.
More on that in just a second...
FREE — 3 More Plays And The Inside Story
Before you make up your mind, I’ll give you a few more of my hottest, current plays just so you get the most bang for buck:
- "100-Times Your Money On The Only Play For The Lithium BOOM"
[$799 value]: The coming increase in lithium demand for batteries is
massive. Tesla Motors is at the forefront. Its stock price has jumped
7.5X in just four years. ONE COMPANY is a pure play in the lithium field
and carries a board of successful founders and (more importantly)
entrepreneurs who’ve sold companies. I talked one on one with the CEO.
This company rests just a few hours from Tesla’s plant, making it a
solid play as the “battery of the future.”
- "Virtual Reality Meets Real-World Dollars: The Small Company Set to Transform the $1.3 Trillion Construction Industry" [$799 value]: 232 years ago, Thomas Jefferson made a bold prediction that has finally come true.Not only will it literally change the way you look at the world — but it can also make you wealthy. Jefferson's prediction for a better way to design buildings has now come true with the advent of virtual reality. And you won't believe how we're profiting from it.
- "The Golden Land Bank: Score 3,000%+ Gains on the Trade of the Decade" [$799 value]: ONE COMPANY has 10 million ounces of gold in the ground. It's built a golden land bank that's incredibly leveraged to the price of gold. If you think the price of gold is headed higher like I do, you have to check out this play.

You get these reports, in addition, for free. That’s a $2,397 value — ABSOLUTELY FREE.
As I mentioned, you also get a 30-day money-back guarantee.
If at any point during your
trial you aren’t 100% satisfied with what I’m offering... send us an
email and I’ll refund everything.
So, here’s everything you get:
Premier Early Advantage Membership ($2,999 value)
Access to my portfolio of current and future picks
"Trump’s 'Nuclear Codes': How to Grab 33,798% Profits on the Coming Uranium Boom" ($799 value)
"100X Your Money On The Only Play For The Lithium BOOM" ($799 value)
"Virtual Reality Meets Real-World Dollars: The Small Company Set to Transform the $1.3 Trillion Construction Industry" ($799 value)
"The Golden Land Bank: Score 3,000%+ Gains on the Trade of the Decade" ($799 value)
That’s $6,195 Of Value...
This uranium boom may not come
again for another decade or two. I don’t want you to get left out in
the cold over a few hundred bucks when you could be turning $1,000 into
$1,304,000 like you saw with Paladin in 2003...
Unlike other analysts, I have
many expenses when traveling to meet each of these companies I recommend
(recommendations you're about to see in my portfolio inside Early Advantage).
I need to be able to continue
to do that. It is most beneficial for you. And the only way I can
continue to bring you gains like: 140% profit on Stellar Biotechnologies, 241% on Ivanhoe Mines, and 532% profit on K92 Mining.
That’s why you will get all-access service to Early Advantage for just...
$999 - 1st year
Remember, it only takes one double/triple bagger to make back that $999, plus much more. It really is a steal of a deal.SUBSCRIBE TODAY AND GET 84% OFF
Where Should I Send You The Codes?
Trump's already hinted at it. He’s already shown he’s going to back up everything he says, whether it is controversial or not.
The rush to fuel nuclear
weapons — the rush to power the hundreds of nuclear reactors around the
world — the hundreds yet to be built — will cause a “gold rush” to
In 2003, the price of uranium jumped and made many smart investors richer than their neighbors.
You don’t need to invest a bunch into this one uranium company to mint a retirement fortune.
The price of uranium could spike in “30 days” or less... once it goes up, it’ll be too late.
This special offer for Early Advantage
won’t be up for much longer. Every year, my portfolio has netted more
and more winners, it won’t be worth it to discount it anymore.
My publisher has made it very clear: “When the uranium boom plays out and makes millionaires of our readers, we’re tripling the price of the service.”
Subscribe right now by CLICKING HERE and locking in your special pricing to save 84%. Alternatively, you can call our Customer Service team at 855-877-8623.
I look forward to the wealth we will create together, and remember...
Call it like you see it,
Nick Hodge
Editor, Early Advantage
P.S. Subscribers pay off
the membership fee sometimes within DAYS of joining. Just listen to
these other happy readers of Early Advantage:
"Thanks Nick, I grabbed a quick 36% gain today. That'll take care of this year's subscription price!"
Another of my followers, who wishes to remain anonymous, chimed in,
"I just renewed Early Advantage. Made $6,000 on one play, so my membership has more than paid for itself. Keep 'em coming!"
Todd S. is up a bit more, saying...
"Thanks to Early Advantage, I'm planning to retire a multimillionaire!"
Another one of my followers, Donald M., made a profit of $27,649 last year. That’s enough to pay for 17 years of my research!
Don’t wait any longer. Just one trade could turn you into a multimillionaire.
Club LLC, a general interest newsletter is not liable for the
suitability or future investment performance of any securities or
strategies discussed. Please note that we are not a registered
investment firm or broker/dealer. Only a registered broker or investment
advisor may advise you individually on the suitability and performance
of your portfolio or specific investments.
Readers are advised that the material contained herein should be used solely for informational purposes. As a publisher of a financial newsletter of general and regular circulation, we cannot tender individual investment advice. We urge you to always conduct your own research and due diligence and obtain professional advice before making any investment decision.
We will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by a reader's reliance on information obtained on our web sites. Our readers are solely responsible for their own investment decisions. Historical investment return examples given are hypothetical, and not to be taken as representative of any individual's actual trading experience.
Readers are advised that the material contained herein should be used solely for informational purposes. As a publisher of a financial newsletter of general and regular circulation, we cannot tender individual investment advice. We urge you to always conduct your own research and due diligence and obtain professional advice before making any investment decision.
We will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by a reader's reliance on information obtained on our web sites. Our readers are solely responsible for their own investment decisions. Historical investment return examples given are hypothetical, and not to be taken as representative of any individual's actual trading experience.
Indeed, in his 2011 bestseller, Time to Get Tough: Making America #1 Again,
he explained in great detail the bills and reforms he says will
revitalize the American economy, generate jobs, and strengthen and
restore America’s standing on the international stage.
Here, then, are just five of Donald Trump’s solutions for turning the nation around.
- Foreign Interventions Must Require Cost-Sharing Plans to Reduce U.S. Costs and Guarantee Veterans and Their Families Are Protected
“Money is itself a weapon,” writes Trump.
Before America spends trillions of dollars fighting other nations’
battles, Trump says the U.S. should implement cost-sharing agreements
similar to the one advocated in a September 2010 Government
Accountability Office (GAO) study to reduce the cost burden on U.S.
taxpayers and provide funds for the families of fallen or wounded
soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines.
“It’s hardly a radical idea,” writes Trump. “In September 2010, our
own GAO and others studied the issue in depth and concluded that a
cost-sharing plan is feasible and wise. The report, titled “U.S.
Cost-Sharing: Iraq Has a Cumulative Budget Surplus, Offering the
Potential for Further Cost-Sharing” noted that the Iraqi government is
running a $52.1 billion surplus. As Trump notes, director of the
Defense Department’s Office of Net assessment Andrew Marshall, pointed
out that oil revenues could also be used to offset the sticker price for
U.S. intervention.
“Why are we footing the bill and getting nothing in return?” writes
Trump. “I’ll give you the answer. It’s because our so-called ‘leaders’
in Washington know absolutely nothing about negotiations and
- Pass NOPEC Legislation to Break OPEC’s Grip on Energy Prices
In Time to Get Tough, Trump advocated passage of the “No Oil
Producing and Exporting Cartels Act (NOPEC—S.394) which would amend the
Sherman Antitrust Act to allow the U.S. government to sue OPEC for
violating antitrust laws.
Trump notes the bill passed the Senate Judiciary Committee four times
with bipartisan backing, “and in May 2008, the NOPEC bill passed the
House” before “President George W. Bush got spooked and threatened to
veto the bill” over fears of “retaliatory action” with wars raging in
Iraq and Afghanistan.
Passing NOPEC, wrote Trump, would have allowed the U.S. to bust up the OPEC cartel.
“Imagine how much money the average American would save if we busted
the OPEC cartel. Imagine how much stronger economic shape we would be in
if we made the Iraqi government agree to a cost-sharing plan that paid
us back the $1.5 trillion we’ve dropped on liberating Iraq.”
Trump added, “Just those two acts of leadership alone would represent a huge leap forward for our country.”
- Crack Down on China’s Currency Manipulation by Calculating Taxes on Imports Based on How Much a Manufacturing Country’s Currency is Undervalued
Trump says he believes passionately in free trade, but only when the
rules are fair and currency is properly valued. He cites a study by the
Peterson Institute for International Economics that finds that even a 20
percent revaulation of Chinese currency would create 300,000 to 700,000
American jobs.
“Getting China to stop playing its currency charades can begin
whenever we elect a president ready to take decisive action,” writes
Trump. “[Obama] could start by signing into law a bill the U.S. House of
Representatives approved on a 348 to 79 vote in September 2010. It
would allow our government to calculate taxes on imports based on how
much the manufacturing country’s currency is undervalued.”
Trump notes Obama’s then-Treasury Sec. Timothy Geithner warned such a move might spark a “trade war.”
“It’s the utter weakness and failure to fight for American interests
from Geithner and Obama that have left us underwriting China’s economic
rise and our own economic collapse,” writes Trump. “It’s a plain fact:
free trade requires having fair rules that apply to everyone.”
- Spur Job and Wealth Creation through a 5-Point Tax Plan
“People are smart,” writes Trump. “They know you can’t be ‘for’ jobs and against those who create them.”
That, says Trump, is why America’s president should advocate for and
win a five-point tax plan to spark economic growth and allow Americans
to keep more of what they earn.
First, Trump says the U.S. must repeal the death tax. He cites a CBO
study that found the death tax is a proven jobs killer that “will strip
$1.6 trillion of small business capital out of the hands of job
creators” and will result in a loss of 1.5 million new jobs.
Second, Trump says smart tax policy includes lowering the tax rate on
capital gains and dividends. “Capitalism requires capital,” writes
Trump. “When government robs capital from investors, it takes away the
money that creates jobs.”
Third, Trump would reduce the corporate tax rate to zero. “How can we
expect companies to hire American workers and locate their businesses
in America when our government taxes them at exorbitant rates for doing
so?” writes Trump. “I want to encourage American companies to stay here
and hire American workers, and I want foreign companies to relocate
their businesses to the United States and create jobs here.”
Fourth, Trump says he would impose a 20 percent tax on those who
outsource jobs overseas. Trump says “for those companies who made the
mistake of sending their businesses overseas but have seen the light and
are ready to come home and bring jobs with them, they pay zero tax.”
Finally, Trump says its time to implement a fairer and simpler income tax:
- Up to $30,000, you pay 1 percent
- From $30,000 to $100,000, you pay 5 percent
- From $100,000 to $1 million, you pay 10 percent
- On $1 million or above, your rate is 15 percent
- Finish the Border Fence, Boot Out Criminal Illegals, and Reform America’s Legal Immigration System
Trump cites a 2011 GAO study that found America’s prisons house
351,000 criminal aliens who committed crimes after illegally entering
America. “The GAO says that the annual price tag to incarcerate these
thugs is $1.1 billion. And get this: criminal aliens have an average of
seven arrests.” He says criminal illegal aliens must go.
In addition to specific reforms for America’s legal immigration
system, Trump says the Commander-in-Chief must enforce existing
immigration laws and finish the border fence.
Citing several studies, Trump says “properly built walls work. We just need the political will to finish the job.”
Trump’s Time to Get Tough lays
out several more detailed conservative policy reforms, including
cracking down on entitlement fraud, ending Obamacare, and reforming
America’s ever-growing welfare state. As he puts it, America needs “a
safety net, not a hammock.”
Put simply, GOP establishment figures eager to dismiss Trump’s
candidacy do so at their peril. Like it or not, Donald Trump has serious
policy plans to offer—and the star power and savvy to make them heard.