Dear Reader,
If you could go back in time and place a bet with Bill Gates as he launched Microsoft... would you do it?
Think about it...
Even a $10,000 bet on Microsoft in the beginning could now be worth $8.2 million.
Today, you have a rare opportunity to virtually rewind the clock and
place a bet with Bill Gates. And this time, the winnings could put
Microsoft to shame.
In fact, Bill Gates believes his NEW BET could be even BIGGER than the PC.
And Gates isn’t the only one...
At this very moment, the savviest minds on the planet are all loading
up on a revolutionary technology that’s already changing the world.
I’m talking about visionary billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg at Facebook...
Jeff Bezos at Amazon...
And the innovative geniuses at Google and Apple.
If you act now, you can get in right next to them... on the ground
floor... and ride this breaking trend for 10... 25... 50 times your
money — maybe more.
It would be a good sign if just one technology billionaire was high on this new technology…
But all of them?
These are technology’s biggest players... trailblazers who have created entire new industries and made billions in the process.
And right now, they’re all seeing the exact same thing:
A once-in-a-generation opportunity that is going to change the world and make early investors rich.
As I mentioned, if you had put down $10,000 alongside Gates when he
made his bet on Microsoft, you could now be sitting on $8.2 million.
If you’d put down $10,000 when Jeff Bezos made his bet on Amazon, you could now be sitting on $3 million.
If you had put down $25,000 when Steve Jobs and his team bet on Apple, you could now be sitting on $8 million.
The opportunity you have today could put the above wins to shame...
Mark my words: The scope of this is unprecedented. It’s pure ground floor — the birthplace of a brand new industry.
And while most people will be too meek to get in early, visionaries
like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerberg are going to make
I strongly suggest you join them. It could change your life.
Now, in case you’re wondering, the new industry I’m talking about is robots.
That’s right, robots!
Hard to believe. But thanks to remarkable technological breakthroughs, the stuff of science fiction has become science fact.
In fact, robots are going mainstream at an astounding clip...
They are in our homes. They are in our factories. They are in our
hospitals. They are on our battlefields. They are doing jobs once
considered the private domain of humans. And like computers before them,
they’re making early investors rich.
Consider Intuitive Surgical (NASDAQ: ISRG), for example...
Based in Sunnyvale, California, Intuitive Surgical was just another tiny start-up struggling to make ends meet.
But that all changed the moment it developed a medical robot able to perform surgery at a level impossible for humans.
These robots are so sophisticated — and so precise — they can literally peel the skin off a grape!
And since bringing this robot to market, Intuitive Surgical’s stock has surged from $10 to over $500 per share.
Think about that...
That’s a 5,000% return. Folks who got in early, on the ground floor, made a stunning 50 times their money.
That’s good enough to turn $15,000 into $750,000 on a single stock.
And here’s the good news for you: Intuitive Surgical is only the tip
of the iceberg... just a glimpse of the money you can make in the emerging robot revolution.
"We’ve reached a tipping point in robotics," says Daniela Rus,
director of MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
"Robotics is developing at hyper-speed," says Businessweek Magazine.
USA Today agrees, stating that "new technologies are spreading the arrival of robots into our lives."
And Bill Gates confirms the facts, saying that robots will be the next world-changing industry.
Gates, founder of Microsoft and one of the world’s richest people,
believes so strongly in robots that he’s launched a new division —
Microsoft Robotic Studio — devoted exclusively to creating software for
Gates says: "As I look at the trends that are now starting to
converge, I can envision a future in which robotic devices will become a
nearly ubiquitous part of our day-to-day lives."
In fact, check out the headline of an article Gates wrote for Scientific American:
"A Robot in Every Home"
Listen: Bill Gates made $80 billion on Microsoft, and he’s getting ready to do it again.
And Gates isn’t the only technology genius to jump on this
opportunity. The savviest companies on the planet are all over it as
well. For example...
Google has just acquired eight robot companies worth roughly $100
million. It now controls a full-scale ROBOT ARMY, complete with humanoid
robots capable of super-human feats, as well as an incredibly fast
robotic "cheetah."
Facebook is investing in robots to handle its $4.5 billion online advertising business...
Online retailer Amazon just invested $775 million in a squadron of robots that help fill warehouse orders...
Apple just invested a staggering $10.5 billion in robots that can
rapidly assemble iPhones... and crank up its supply chain operations to
maximum speed.
That’s $10.5 BILLION!
And other cutting-edge companies like Tesla, Uber, and Nokia are all scrambling to get in on the robot revolution.
Point is, the smartest minds in the business — savvy entrepreneurs
who have already made fortunes — are investing billions to seize this
once-in-a-generation opportunity.
Already, robots are infiltrating the home and workplace en masse...
In fact, at this moment, there are about 1.4 million industrial
robots deployed around the world, as well as several million robotic
devices designed for in-home consumer use.
That number is growing every day as people realize robots are stronger, faster, and cheaper than human labor.
For example, Foxconn Manufacturing, maker of Apple's iPhones and
iPads, is already in the process of replacing 1.2 million factory
workers with one million robots.
"The robot revolution is here," says Charles Thorpe, science and technology policy advisor to the White House.
"The robots are here," states the MIT Technology Review. "Soon they’ll be as pervasive as the Web."
"Robotics is a trillion-dollar industry," says tech billionaire Dmitry Grishin, founder of the Russian Internet giant
As you can imagine, the politicians and mainstream media are jumping on the bandwagon.
In fact, the Obama administration just formed the National Robotics
Initiative (NRI), allocating $70 million in federal resources to
accelerate progress in the field of robotics.
And nearly every news source on the planet — including Time Magazine, 60 Minutes, The Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and the Washington Post — is touting the emerging robotics revolution.
Make no mistake: We are witnessing the birth of a new industry — an
industry that will rival the PC revolution... an industry that will
usher in a wave of new millionaires... an industry that could make you
very wealthy, very soon.
Listen: I don’t have to tell you that people who got in on the computer industry early got rich.
Early investors in Microsoft made a stunning 82,000%, good enough to turn $10,000 into $8.2 million.
Investors in Apple made 32,000%, good enough to turn $10,000 into $3.2 million.
And investors in Dell made 53,000%, good enough to turn $10,000 into over $5.2 million.
Today, I’m going to show you exactly how to play the robotics
revolution for stellar gains. And while I can’t promise you an 82,000%
... I’m highly confident you could make 10, 25, even 50 times your money. Maybe a whole lot more.
Remember, robotics stock Intuitive Surgical has already delivered a 50-to-1 return... and it’s only the beginning.
In the following report, I’ll take you inside the fascinating world of robotics.
I’ll explain why we have reached a tipping point in robotics and why it could hand you a million-dollar payday.
Most importantly, I’ll tell you all about three companies that are on the leading edge of the robot revolution.
These three companies are doing things with robots that will blow your mind.
More importantly, they offer savvy investors a pure ground-floor opportunity.
In fact, owning these three stocks today would be like getting in on
Microsoft, Apple, and Dell at the beginning of the computer era.
Think of how much money you could have made if you’d placed a bet with Bill Gates back when he launched Microsoft.
Imagine putting a bet down for $10,000 today, only to watch it turn into $8.2 million...
That is the exact potential you have today.
I’ll give you the details in a moment. But first, allow me to introduce myself...
Invest Like an Insider!
My name is Jason Stutman. I've spent the last six years studying
under-the-radar technology stocks. If there's a way to make money in the
market, then I want to know everything there is to know about it.
In 2013, I joined Angel Publishing, one of the largest and most trusted investment advisory firms in the world.
I'm also the founder of the investment research advisory The Cutting Edge and popular news site Tech Investing Daily.
I'm proud to publish your blueprint to leading-edge technology
investments... investments that have the potential to double, triple,
quadruple, and more.
I cut my teeth in the world of technology, and over the last several
years, I've built an incredibly strong network of professional
connections in the industry.
I'm not at liberty to drop any names, but I will say my contacts
include high-ranking chief technology officers, investor relations
executives, and even high-profile technology CEOs.
To be clear, I'm not mentioning any of this to brag.
I simply want to point out the advantage this can give you.
Not only do technology companies let me know when they're developing a
new product, but I also often get to experience these new innovations
well before they hit the market.
In just the last few months, I've been given private demonstrations of:
3D printers:


And, of course, robots:

By getting in on the inside, I've been able to tip my dedicated readers off to a steady stream of winning technology stocks.
This includes gains like:
- OmniVision Technologies Inc. (NASDAQ: OVTI) — up 82% in just over a year
- Foundation Medicine (NASDAQ: FMI) — up 101% in less than six months
- MannKind Corp (NASDAQ: MNKD) — up 76% in less than six months
- Prana Biotechnology (NASDAQ: PRAN) — up 212% in less than six months
- Robotics company AVT Inc. (OTC: AVTC) — up 136% in just over a year
But you don't have to take my word for it. Here's what some of my latest subscribers have had to say:
Took this recommendation but bought only 144
shares. Doubling your money is always good but this one paid my
subscription many times over.
— Larnard Smith
I could not believe it! Yes! I had $5k on FMI. Now it's $10K! Best I've ever done in the market. Thanks a lot!
— Harry Mozen
In just a moment I'm going to show you exactly how to play the robotics revolution for stellar gains just like this.
I'm even going to tell you about the three ground-floor opportunities
I mentioned earlier... Companies on the leading edge of the robot
But first I want to show you exactly why the robotics revolution is, right now, at a critical tipping point.
The Robot Reality
When most people think of robots, they conjure up images of R2-D2 and C3PO from Star Wars... or the Terminator... or Rosie, the maid from The Jetsons...

In other words, they picture walking, talking humanoids that move about society just like real humans.
But the truth is real-world robots are something much more than characters from science fiction movies.
The American Heritage Scientific Dictionary defines "robot" this way:
A robot is a machine that does the job of a human... either on demand or by being programmed in advance.
And while robots are very complex and fascinating, the real reason
they exist — and the reason they are expanding exponentially — is quite
simple: Robots do jobs better, faster, and cheaper than humans!
Consider Panasonic...
Because of robots, Panasonic is able to produce a staggering two million plasma-screen televisions per month... all with just 15 people monitoring the factory floor.
The robots do all the work!
Marlin Steel is another example...
Marlin is an American company that manufactures wire baskets. Before
robots, Marlin Steel's top human workers could produce one basket every
12 seconds. Today, robots make five baskets per second.
60x Faster Than a Human Worker!
The best part?
The robots do their work with precision that is "light years beyond
what we were capable of before," according to Drew Greenblatt, the
company's president.
Robots are turning up everywhere...
And more and more, they are expanding into jobs that would have been unimaginable just a few years ago. For example:
- Silicon Valley start-up Momentum Machines created a robot hamburger
cook that can flip 360 patties per hour and top them off with lettuce,
tomatoes, pickles, and a bun before serving.
- The CIA has invested in "robot writers" that are able to create news
stories by extracting and organizing information — without the need for
human intervention.
- Already, news organization like Forbes are using these robots to write earnings reports and news stories...
- And get this: The number of yearly medical procedures in the United States performed by robots just hit 450,000. That's over 1,000 operations per day performed by robots!
Make no mistake; robots are on the move and already changing the workforce.

The United Nations predicts a boom in robot labor.
An estimated 225,000 robots are already on the job in the United
States, with 14,135 sold to North American companies in the first half
of 2014 alone. That's a record. And the numbers are only expected to go
In fact, the International Federation of Robotics (IFR) estimates
that the global value of robot systems will reach over $30 billion by
the end of 2015!
Because they are able to do jobs better, faster, and cheaper than humans, robots are positioned to transform the world.
Now, I realize it's hard to imagine robots becoming prevalent, but that's what people thought about computers...
Back in the 1970s, computers were big, bulky, and expensive. They were mostly used by tech experts and the military.
Today, computers are everywhere...
Why? Because they got smaller, more user-friendly, and inexpensive.
In other words, they became practical for the masses... and consequently spawned massive fortunes for early investors.
Remember, early investors in Microsoft had a chance to make a
stunning 82,000%. Investors in Apple had a chance to make 32,000%. And
investors in Dell had a chance to make 53,000%.
Early investors in robots will see the same opportunity.
NOW is the time to get on board. We've reached a tipping point, and there is no turning back.
The three companies I'm going to tell you about in a moment are absolute home runs waiting to happen.
And there are several reasons why...
"Good-bye, China!"
It used to be that companies looking for low-cost labor would outsource operations to China. In fact, according to U.S. News and World Report, America lost 2.7 million jobs to China between 2001 and 2011.
And it made sense for businesses to go to China...
After all, the average wage in 2000 was roughly $0.72 per hour, a fraction of the labor cost in the United States.
But here's the thing: China's economy has been growing at the
staggering rate of 10% annually. That's three times the global average.
The result?
China's wages have skyrocketed.
PBS reports that from 2000 to 2010, average wages in China's Yangtze
Delta, a manufacturing hotbed, jumped from $0.72 an hour to $8.62.
That's a tenfold increase.
Consequently, companies are leaving China.
Already, big-name manufacturers are saying "good-bye" to China —
including General Electric, Whirlpool, Caterpillar, plus scores of small
to mid-sized companies.
Where are these companies going?
Some are going to lower-cost spots like Mexico.
But in many cases, manufacturers are finding low-cost labor in the form of robots.
Robots Work for
$0.30 an Hour
The average cost to operate an industrial robot is $0.30 per hour,
according to Ron Potter, director of robotic technologies at Factory
Automation Systems.
According to Forbes Magazine, you could double that figure to $0.60 per hour, and it would still be one-fifth the cost of a Chinese worker — and it would be one-fifteenth the cost of an American worker.
Consequently, businesses of all shapes and sizes are scrambling to replace human workers with industrial robots.
As I mentioned, Foxconn, maker of Apple's iPhone and iPad, announced
it'll replace human workers with one million robots... Amazon just spent
$750 million on warehouse robots... Canon, the world's leading camera
manufacturer, plans to have a fully robotic plant by the end of 2015 —
and estimates that robots will save them $4.8 billion over four years.
The list of companies turning to robots goes on and on: Staples, Gap,
Crate & Barrel, Zappos, Office Depot, Saks Fifth Avenue, Toys "R"
Us, and Walgreens, to name a few.
And this transition to robots makes total sense...
Why pay a Chinese worker $8.50 when a robot can do the job for $0.30 per hour?
And keep in mind that robots don't need health insurance or expensive
benefits. And they don't require sick leave, lunch breaks, or vacation
Now, it used to be that robots weren't practical for most businesses...
Robots of the past were large, clunky, mechanical giants. They could
be programmed to do a single task and had to be kept in separate cages
to protect human workers from serious injury.
In addition, when a company wanted to use a robot, it had to design
its entire factory to accommodate the robot. This required both a
tremendous amount of planning and an enormous investment of time and
Consequently, robots were reserved for very large corporations and the military.
But times have changed...
We've reached a tipping point, and robots are now ready for the mainstream.
There are three reasons for this tipping point...
The Tipping Point has Been Reached!
Tipping Point #1: Amazing Artificial Intelligence
That's right, robots are getting smarter.
For example, IBM created a robot named "Watson."
Watson can process up to 60 million pages of information per second. Pretty incredible...
In order to demonstrate his prowess, IBM put "Watson" on television's Jeopardy!
against former champions Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings... Using a
robotic finger to press his buzzer, Watson beat the champs for a $1
million prize.
And now, taking it a step further, Watson is reviewing case histories
at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, learning to make diagnoses
and treatment recommendations.
IBM business chief Manoj Saxena says 90% of nurses in the field who work with Watson now follow his guidance.
And IBM isn't the only technology leader making real investments in AI.
Google, for instance, bought artificial intelligence start-up
DeepMind for $400 million in 2014. The goal is to build a computer that
can mimic the short-term memory of the human brain.
Even social media company Facebook now has its own artificial intelligence lab and is attempting to build an artificial brain.
In fact, Mark Zuckerberg is so bullish on AI that he just contributed
a personal investment to AI company Vicarious in a $40 million funding
round alongside Tesla CEO Elon Musk.
As robots get smarter, the types of jobs they can do are virtually unlimited.
Tipping Point #2: Stunning Technological Advances
Thanks to stunning technological advances, the things robots are now able to do are amazing.
For example, researchers at the Harvard School of Engineering and
Applied Sciences have developed a new sensor that is sensitive to the
level of one gram. This gives today's robots a very gentle "touch" and
makes them versatile and incredibly nimble.
In addition, scientists at Stanford University have developed
artificial skin that gives robots the ability to "feel" objects as light
as a butterfly.
Armed with these technologies, robots are able to do a variety of tasks requiring dexterity.
They can now fold towels, change tires, and even mix drinks.
In many cases, robots are so sophisticated that they can perform
tasks well beyond the capabilities of the most dexterous humans...
Take a Philips Electronics factory, for example, where a robot arm
endlessly forms three perfect bends in two connector wires and slips
them into holes too small for the eye to see.
With these machines, we can make any consumer
device in the world," says Binne Visser, an electrical engineer who
manages the Philips assembly line.
And get this: Technology has become so sophisticated that robots are now able to drive cars... legally!
Google has developed robot cars that are now officially legal in
California. Armed with video camera, radar sensors, a GPS, a laser
range-finder, and a computer system... the fleet of 12 cars (mostly
Toyota Priuses) has already logged over 700,000 miles of driverless travel on California's highways.
California Governor Jerry Brown calls the autonomous cars "science fiction becoming reality."
Here's the incredible thing: Robot drivers react faster than humans,
have 360-degree perception, and do not get distracted, sleepy, or
And it's not just cars...
In February 2012, Congress passed a law requiring the FAA to open national airspace to unmanned aircraft by the end of 2015.
More and more, technology is taking robots beyond the abilities of humans.
Of course, until recently, the cost of robots made them prohibitive for most people to use.
Not anymore...
Tipping Point #3: Dramatically Declining Costs
As technology improves, the cost of robots has declined.
According to Kiplinger, the cost of robots has experienced dramatic declines over the past few years.
Consider the new sensor developed by Harvard University... Not only is the sensor better than previous sensors, but it is also 10 times cheaper than anything on the market.
Bottom line: Robots are getting smarter, more sophisticated, and cheaper.
Put that all together, and what have you got?
That's right: a wave of new robots that are not only affordable for the masses, but are also able to accomplish advanced human tasks.
Let me introduce you to one now.Meet Baxter, the New Face of America's Workforce

At first glance, he seems like something out of The Jetsons. But he is absolutely real...
First, Baxter is small, agile, and nimble.
He has cutting-edge sensors and a 360-degree sonar camera. That means
he can detect when humans are around him. In fact, when a human
approaches, Baxter slows down his work pace and even "looks" at the
human using his cartoon-like face.
Consequently, Baxter is safe to work right next to humans. No need for special integration or protective cages.
Baxter is also extremely flexible. He is pre-programmed to do a
variety of tasks. That means he can go from job to job without costly
The incredible thing is Baxter is smart and can be trained to do different jobs.
That's right, he can be "trained."
It's almost as if he has a brain. All you need to do is take his hand
and show him what you want him to do: pick something up, put parts
together, etc. And because of his intelligence, he can be easily moved
from task to task, job to job, all with a simple training session!
Baxter is almost like bringing another human into the workforce. He
is agile, gentle, flexible, and smart. He is easy to use and can adapt
to changing job requirements.
In other words, he is ideal for the small manufacturer.
But the best part is his price tag...
Most industrial robots cost a minimum of $100,000 and run well over
$500,000. Throw in another $200,000 to train, and you are looking at a
potential $1 million to get a robot online.
Baxter costs a mere $22,000 — and because he comes pre-programmed, there are no additional costs.
In short, Baxter costs one-tenth as much as traditional robots, can
be set up in an hour instead of months, and has the flexibility to
perform any number of tasks.
This makes robots like Baxter ideal for small businesses looking to cut costs.
(Remember, the average cost to operate a robot is $0.30 per hour!)
According to Inc. Magazine, robots like Baxter could replace 30 million human workers in the next decade.
Already, robots are taking the workforce by storm.
And the impact they are having on companies that use them is profound.
For example, leading maker of plastic novelties Characteristix
Limited has used robots to boost its manufacturing performance by over
Franklin Bronze, a producer of ceramic shells, used a robot to
increase daily production from 140 to 200 parts... while cutting
man-hours in half.
Australian company D&M, which specializes in spray painting,
added robots to its production process and saw both productivity and
profitability rise by 80%. In addition, robots are so efficient that the
company reduced paint consumption by 35%.
Kverneland Group, a manufacturer of agricultural machines, has used
robots to reduce production time from 180 minutes to a mere 45 minutes.
As I mentioned, robots are so efficient, Panasonic has been able to
produce up to two million plasma screen televisions per month, all with
just 15 people monitoring the factory floor.
Can you see the potential here?
There is almost nothing
that robots can't do... and to stay competitive, companies will be
forced to either go with robots — or get crushed.
As more and more companies move to using robots, the companies that provide the robots will soar.
The upside is virtually unlimited...
The Field is Wide Open!
According to Jeff Burnstein, president of the Robotic Industry
Association, only about 10% of the companies that could benefit from
robots have installed any so far.
James Ross, senior portfolio manager at Alliance Bernstein, told CNBC
that we will soon see the robotics sector reaching critical mass...
"We forecast a steep change in the automation
market over the next few years," says Ross. "Currently worth $100
billion, we expect it to quadruple by 2020, putting it on a par with the
market for e-commerce."
That means the field is wide open.
We are literally at the birth of a whole new industry — and people who get in now can expect to make a small fortune.
Already, Intuitive Surgical has delivered early investors a stunning
50-fold return... good enough to turn $25,000 into over $1.2 million.
This is only the beginning.
Now, should you invest in Intuitive?
You could. The stock still has a lot of room to run...
But I've isolated three other stocks that have a pure ground floor.
These companies would be like getting in on Dell, Apple, and Microsoft back at the beginning of the computer revolution.
Let me tell you about them now...
Robot Stock #1
Ride the Robot Revolution for 50x Your Money
"If you just want to pick one thing, it's got to be robots."
That's a quote from Bill Gates.
And he's right. If you want to make a small fortune, the place to put your money is robots.
Now, I can tell you with absolute confidence: If you pick just one
robot stock for the next five years... it's GOT TO BE this stock.
This company is on the cutting edge of robotics. Its technology is
revolutionary, and it's transforming entire industries — from defense
and law enforcement to health care and domestic services.
Getting in on this company today would be like buying Microsoft back in 1986. People who did so had a chance to make 86,000%.
The company I'm talking about has similar potential.
Just consider what it's doing in health care...
As you may know, America is experiencing a severe doctor shortage.
And it's only going to get worse...
Forbes Magazine declares: "Thanks To ObamaCare, A 20,000 Doctor Shortage Is Set To Quintuple"
That's right...
The shortage could quintuple over the next decade thanks to the aging of America's population.
Bottom line: There are too many patients and not enough doctors.
Consequently, doctors are spread too thin and unable to keep up with
their caseloads. At the same time, patients — especially in remote areas
— are unable to get the quality care they need.
That's where robots come in...
The company I'm recommending today has developed a robot that will
help solve the doctor shortage, saving lives in the process. And using
this robot, doctors can visit patients from anywhere in the world.
The robot stands five feet tall and has a large computer screen for a
face. It is armed with patients' digital medical records, a
state-of-the art navigation system, and a full arsenal of medical
equipment, including a digital stethoscope, otoscopes (used to look in
ears), and an ultrasound imaging system.
When a doctor wants to visit a patient, he doesn't even need to set
foot in the hospital. Simply by pushing a button on his iPad, the doctor
can send the hospital-based robot to the patient's room.
Because the robot has dozens of sensors, it can navigate busy hospital corridors on its own, completely autonomously!
A two-way video allows the doctor and the patient to see and speak
with each other, and with a zoom feature, the doctor can read the
patient's chart and even check his eyes for dilated pupils.
In other words, the robot allows the doctor to examine the patient as if he were in the room and determine the right course of action.
Make no mistake; this is cutting edge.
The robot allows doctors to visit multiple hospitals and check on patients who could be thousands of miles apart...
This truly breaks down geographic boundaries and provides expert care to all parts of the country.
"This is changing the landscape of medicine and
leveling the playing field of treatment. This has definitely saved
lives," says Alan Shatzel, a neurologist and the medical director at
Mercy Telehealth Network in Sacramento, California.
Here's the best part: The company just received FDA approval for its hospital robots.
And get this: It is the ONLY company to have the approval of the FDA, giving it a virtual monopoly on this technology.
Think about that...
We're talking about must-have technology — the future of health care — and this company has the playing field all to itself.
Already it's dispatched robots to seven hospitals, including UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles.
But this is only the beginning. With over 5,700 hospitals in the United States alone, the potential is mind-boggling.
Now, given this technology alone, this company has pure home-run potential...
I wouldn't be surprised to see its share price soar mega-fold in the coming months.
But here's the thing: Hospital robots are only one small aspect of this company. In addition, it has developed security robots that are already saving lives on streets and battlefields around the world.
Robots Provide Frontline Defense
These robots perform bomb disposal and other dangerous missions for troops and first responders.
In fact, a fleet of these robots was deployed during the Boston Marathon bombings manhunt.
They were also on the scene during the Fukushima nuclear plant
accident in Japan, where intense levels of radiation had made it too
dangerous for human rescue workers to operate.
More than 5,000 have been delivered to military and civil defense
forces worldwide, and they have been used extensively by U.S. troops in
Afghanistan and Iraq.
When you combine its security robots with its hospital robots, this
company is rock solid — and could truly deliver 10, 25, even 50 times
your money or more.
And it gets better...
You see, perhaps the most lucrative aspect of this company is its consumer services robots.
That's right... I'm talking about robots that work in the home.
"A Robot in Every Home"
Bill Gates wrote that he expects to see a robot in every home in the coming years...
And this company is on track to make that happen. In fact, it's developed a squadron of "home robots" that could make housework a thing of the past.
For example, it has developed robots that vacuum, wash floors, clean pools, and more.
Think of your most tedious housecleaning task...
Now think about never having to do it again.
Indoors and out, this company's robots are engineered for cleaning
performance and convenience, bringing the latest robotic technology to
real-world homes.
Sounds unbelievable, right? Like something out of The Jetsons...
But this is for real. In fact, this company has already sold six million home robots — and it is just getting started.
When you consider the markets this company is tapping and its
exclusive FDA approval for hospital robots, the opportunity here is
truly remarkable.
Remember I told you about Intuitive Surgical... the stock that soared from $10 to over $500?
This company has similar upside... and folks who get in now can expect to multiply their money exponentially.
Already, the smart money is getting in...
In fact, Morgan Stanley, T. Rowe Price, and Oppenheimer have already taken multi-million-dollar positions in this company.

I suggest you get in as well. Right now. On the ground floor.
In order to help you get a piece of the action, I've put together a special report called, "Ride the Robot Revolution for 50 times Your Money" — and you can claim a free copy today.
I'll tell you how to get your free copy in just a moment...
But first, let me tell you about another robot stock that offers absolutely staggering upside potential...
Robot Stock #2
Underwater Robots Tap Ocean's Black Gold Riches
As you may know, an underwater robot named "Argo" was responsible for discovering the wreckage of the Titanic back in 1985 at a depth of nearly 12,000 feet.
What you may not realize, however, is that modern underwater robots offer an unprecedented profit opportunity... an opportunity that could make you rich in the months and years ahead.
Here's why...
Modern society consumes tremendous amounts of oil. According to the
U.S. Energy Information Administration, the United States consumes over
18 million barrels of oil per day.
And that's just the United States!
When you factor in China, India, and all the emerging countries that are thirsting for oil... the numbers are staggering.
In 2014, the world consumed over 92 million barrels of oil per day. That's a record.
And despite recent oil discoveries in the Bakken region of the United States, the demand for oil is insatiable.
That's because many of the on-land, traditional oil wells are running dry...
"There's no where left to drill," says oilman T. Boone Pickens.
That's why more Big Oil titans — companies like Exxon, Shell,
Chevron, BP, and Petrobras — are venturing into the ocean in search of
oil riches. And make no mistake; that's exactly where the oil is.
"Deepwater oil fields are a final frontier," says USA Today.
The U.S. government estimates that the Gulf of Mexico holds somewhere
around 70 billion barrels of oil. Combined with the entire Outer
Continental Shelf, there's thought to be more than 85 billion barrels of
undiscovered crude off the coast of the U.S.
That's more than enough oil to last the United States for a decade.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg...
By 2020, 40% of U.S. oil could come from offshore, according to analysts at IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates.
According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), more than half the oil discovered since 2000 is in deep water.
For example, Petrobras discovered a staggering eight-billion-barrel
oil field off the coast of Brazil. That's the size of the entire Bakken
oil field located in the United States!
What's incredible is Petrobras then found another oil field off Brazil that has an estimated 40 billion barrels of oil.
That's the biggest oil field discovery in over 30 years — onshore or off.
Bottom line: There are massive quantities
of oil under the ocean. It truly is oil's final frontier. The only
problem is that drilling on the bottom of the sea is difficult... and
The Pressure Could Crush a Dump Truck
According to Newsweek Magazine, temperatures exceed 450
degrees at that depth. And the 20,000 pounds of pressure per square inch
is enough to crush a dump truck.
Traditional drilling methods simply don't work.
Fortunately, I've uncovered a company that has a solution...
In fact, it has created a fleet of underwater robots called Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs).
ROVs are unoccupied, highly maneuverable, and operated by a person aboard a vessel.
They are loaded with the most sophisticated technology
on the planet: cutting-edge video transmission equipment... still
cameras... acoustic positioning systems... sonar... magnetometers...
In addition, ROVs have robotic arms that can lift over 11,025 pounds (that's over five tons!).
Plus, they have multiple "manipulators" and "grabbers" capable of performing numerous deep-sea tasks.
Most importantly, ROVs can go places humans can't.
One of this company's ROV robots just set a record by working off the
coast of India at a water depth of 10,385 feet. That's nearly two miles
deep! Amazing.
ROVs are literally the eyes, ears, and hands of their operators...
and they allow oil firms to drill through the ocean floor and tap some
of the richest oil reserves on the planet.
Already, this company has landed contracts with the biggest players
in the oil business, including Exxon, Chevron, Royal Dutch Shell, and
Petrobras (the company that found the 8 billion and 40 billion barrel
oil fields off the coast of Brazil).
Make no mistake; as the big oil firms pursue operations in deep water, this company stands to make a fortune.
In fact, the company set an annual earnings record in 2013... and a quarterly earnings record in the third quarter of 2014.
This company marks the new face of energy exploration. It is an absolute no-brainer for any investor's portfolio.
The company is solid. In fact, it announced a 22% dividend increase
in April 2013 followed by a 23% dividend increase one year later.
In the coming months and years, we are likely to see this company
grow exponentially. Its stock has delivered over 600% gains over the
last few years and is poised to do it again...
Folks who get in now can expect exceptional returns.
This company is also featured in my breaking report, "Ride the Robot Revolution for 50 times Your Money."
The report is yours, absolutely free.
I'll show you how to get your copy in just a moment. But first, let
me tell you about another robot company that could make you a pile of
Robot Stock #3
How the "Robot Factory" Could Triple Your Money
As I mentioned, world robot demand is surging.
And nowhere is this demand increase more prevalent than in the industrial robot sector.
(By the way, an "industrial robot" is a robot used by a business to help run its operations.)
In 2013, industrial robot sales increased 12% to 178,028 units — by far the highest level ever recorded for one year.
The pace continued in 2014, with an estimated 28,270 units sold in the U.S. alone.
And things are just getting started...
In fact, the International Federation of Robotics (IFR) estimates
that more than 200,000 industrial robots were installed in 2014
worldwide, 15% more than in 2013.
In China, industrial robot sales are expected to grow 122% from 2014 through 2017.
Manufacturers are turning to robots in record numbers... and the companies that make robots are ready to skyrocket.
Of course, there are a number of robot manufacturers. But there is one industrial robot company that stands head and shoulders above the rest...
This company is the world leader in industrial robots.
The great part is that pretty much no one has ever heard of it.
That's because it is highly secretive. The company holds its cards close to the vest.
In fact, it doesn't have an investor relations department, and it
doesn't do conference calls with Wall Street analysts. Consequently,
Wall Street ignores it.
This gives you an extraordinary opportunity to get in on the ground floor.
The company is like a futuristic city. It covers 1.5 million square
meters, including 12 research and development centers. And there are
robots everywhere. In fact, the company uses 2,000 robots in its own
production process.
That's right: Robots making more robots!
The incredible thing is because it uses robots, the company runs its
operations day and night. Its factories often run unsupervised for 30
days at a time.
Says a company vice president: "Not only is it lights out, but we turn off the air conditioning and heat, too."
The result? A streamlined operation... with robots making other robots... and banking cash like you've never seen.
$7.9 Billion Cash and Zero Debt!
In fact, the company is sitting on $7.9 billion in cash and has ZERO debt.
It has $5.5 billion in revenue with a whopping 28% profit margin. Pretty amazing.
The company is so cutting edge that in 2012, Forbes added it to its list of "World's Most Innovative Companies."
Already, its customer base reads like a Who's Who of manufacturers:
General Electric, Rolls Royce, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, NASA, Lockheed
Martin, and Raytheon.
Again, because of its secretive nature, Wall Street has all but ignored this company. But that's going to change...
As more and more companies turn to robots, this company is going to expand exponentially.
In fact, the company just completed a new factory, allowing it to
boost production to 5,000 robots per month. That means it can meet 40%
of global industrial robot demand on its own.
This company is the Apple of the robot industry.
It's the world leader — and it is just getting warmed up.
Already, it's delivered 100% gains to investors, and this is only the
beginning. This company has the potential to make early investors a
This company is also featured in my special report called, "Ride the Robot Revolution for 50 times Your Money."
And I'd like to send it to you at no cost — just for giving my newsletter, Technology and Opportunity, a risk-free trial.
So let me tell you how to do that now.Money Loves Speed!
Go ahead and give my newsletter, Technology and Opportunity, a risk-free try.
All you need to do is click the "Join Us Now" button at the bottom of the page...
The moment I hear
from you, you'll have immediate access to the special report, "Ride the
Robot Revolution for 50 times Your Money," featuring the three robot
stocks I've been telling you about.
This breaking report will tell you everything you need to know to invest in these three cutting-edge robot companies.
I can tell you right now that getting in on these three stocks is
like getting in early on Microsoft, Dell, and Apple at the dawn of the
computer revolution.
Folks who had the vision to take action ended up multi-millionaires. Now you can do the same.
And listen, robots are only the beginning of the opportunities you'll hear about...
That's because there is no better time to invest in technology.
There's not a single sector of the economy that is not impacted by
technology: from commodity exploration to defense to consumer goods...
technology is prevalent in every aspect of our daily lives.
It's just too hot to be ignored! Even Warren Buffett, who is known
for snubbing technology stocks, just took an $8 billion tech position.
Every day, new innovations and inventions are hitting the marketplace.
And the ones that catch on can change the world... making early investors rich in the process.
I've already told you how Apple Computer made early investors
32,000%... how Dell made early investors 53,000%... and how Microsoft
made early investors 82,000%. And don't forget about Intel: a 7,300%
gain... And Cisco: a 7,600% gain... And Oracle: a stunning 22,500% gain!
I could go on and on.
When it comes to investing, technology is the place to be.
As a subscriber to Technology and Opportunity, you'll have a front-row seat to unfolding innovation and invention.
Please understand: The world is on the brink of radical technological evolution. Every day, scores of little-known companies speed toward creating things that were unimaginable even a few years ago...
Each month, I'll bring you a new company that is in the process of changing the world.
Most of these companies are unknown... but the impact they make can
reshape the world as we know it — and create fortunes in the process.
Take a look at just a few of the tech companies I've been watching recently:
- LivePerson, Inc. (LPSN) provides live chat service for businesses. It showed early investors an 8,900% gain.
- VirnetX Holding Corp. (VHC) provides Internet security. It showed early investors a 13,000% gain.
- FLIR Systems (FLIR) provides thermal imaging technology. It showed early investors a 5,200% gain.
- Stratasys (SSYS) provides 3D printing technology. It showed early investors a chance to pocket a 9,200% gain.
- ANSYS (ANSS) provides simulation software technology. It showed early investors a 3,900% gain.
Bottom line: Breakthrough technology is a fortune just waiting to happen.
Of course, it's too late to get in on these home runs. They've already had their big run.
The good news is that there are plenty more opportunities unfolding at this moment.
So let me tell you about some breaking opportunities you'll learn about the moment you agree to give Technology and Opportunity a try...

Bonus Report #1: "The 3 Biometric Technology Stocks for 2015 and Beyond"
As you may know, biometrics identifies people through physical
traits. I'm talking about voice recognition, fingerprint technology,
face recognition, eye scanning, and more. The applications are
For example, Apple has integrated fingerprint sensing into the iPhone...
And get this: The company that's providing Apple with biometric technology recently soared 567%!
The scope of biometrics is exploding, and I've identified three biometric stocks that could double, triple, or even quadruple or more in the coming months. This report will explain to you why biometrics will transform the way companies do business.
It will also show you exactly how to get in on these three companies at a fraction of their true value.

Bonus Report #2: "2 Drone Stocks to Own and 2 to Dump"
Drones used to be exclusively for military use. But this year, the
Federal Aviation Administration will open the skies to commercial
drones. This is the birth of a whole new industry... and an opportunity for you to make a fortune.
In fact, I've isolated two
drone stocks that are absolute home runs waiting to happen. Both of
these companies are positioned for an explosive move upward.
Right now, you have a chance to get in on the ground floor and reap
enormous profits. This report will give you details on what each company
is doing... how it's changing the world... and how you can cash in
during the coming months.
In addition, I've included two drone stocks to stay away from, so that you can defend yourself from these riskier investments.
Both of these reports are yours — absolutely free — the moment you agree to give Technology and Opportunity a try.
Now let me summarize everything you'll get as new subscriber...
- 12 Monthly Issues of Technology and Opportunity: Jam-packed with new and exciting research on the hottest
technology companies on the planet. Every month, I'll introduce you to a
breakthrough company that has the potential to change the world. You'll
get the name of the company, the stock symbol, and specific
instructions that will help you invest for maximum profits.
- Portfolio Updates: When pertinent, I'll send you a
market pulse update, letting you know what's happening in the world of
technology... and giving you up-to-the-minute analysis of each of my
- Flash Alerts: Every day, I monitor the markets,
keeping a close eye on each of my recommendations... If something
changes with any of our positions, you'll be the first to know via my
Flash Alerts.
- Unlimited Access to Our Private, Members-Only Website: Read back issues and new reports and stay up to date on the cutting-edge technology opportunities I uncover.
Plus, you'll get the reports I've outlined above, including:
- Special Report: "Ride the Robot Revolution for 50 times Your Money"
- Bonus Report #1: "The 3 Biometric Technology Stocks for 2015 and Beyond"
- Bonus Report #2: "2 Drone Stocks to Own and 2 to Dump"

By now, you're probably wondering: How much does all this cost?
Well, that's the best part...Just 14 Cents Per Day!
As you may know, investment research services can cost $1,000 or more per year...
I actually know people who pay well over $5,000 per year for seemingly the exact information you're going to get from Technology and Opportunity.
Normally, Technology and Opportunity has an annual subscription fee of a very reasonable $129.
But if I hear from you within the next 24 hours, you'll lock in a special subscription fee of just $49 for a full year of Technology and Opportunity.
That means for about $0.14 per day, you'll get cutting-edge investment information that costs some people over $5,000.
I think you'll agree: That's a flat-out steal.
And because I want to make this a "no-brainer" for you, I'm going to
go a step further to make sure you're absolutely comfortable trying Technology and Opportunity...
Here's my personal pledge:My Ironclad Guarantee
If at any time during the first 30 days you are unhappy with your Technology and Opportunity subscription — for any reason — just say the word...
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And after the first 30 days, if you're not happy, I'll REFUND
EVERY PENNY of the unused portion of your subscription. Again, no
questions asked!
And even if you decide to take a 100% refund, you keep
everything I send you, including the special report "Ride the Robot
Revolution for 50 times Your Money" — PLUS the bonus reports — FREE!
You have absolutely nothing to lose. And your upside on this opportunity is enormous.
But you must move quickly...
Most people haven't heard about the stocks detailed above. But this won't last.
Word is getting out, and big institutional money is already moving into these companies.
Things are going to move fast, and you need to get in position now to ensure full profit potential...
Remember: The people who had a chance to make 82,000% on Microsoft
were the people with the vision to seize the opportunity early and get
in on the ground floor.
So please take just a moment to reserve your space by clicking the "Join Us Now" button below...
Hurry! This opportunity won't wait, and I'd hate to see you miss out.

Jason Stutman
Managing Editor, Technology and Opportunity
Managing Editor, Technology and Opportunity
P.S. Remember, you have a full 30 days to try out Technology and Opportunity
without risk or obligation... and even if you change your mind, you
keep all the Special Reports as my gift to you. You have absolutely
nothing to lose... and your upside is virtually unlimited. Go ahead and Join Us Now.
Buffett's $44 Billion
Bakken Bomb
Bakken Bomb
How the biggest buy in Berkshire Hathaway's storied
history completely (and violently) backfired...
history completely (and violently) backfired...
Leaving you with the chance to play the trend Buffett
didn't see coming for $738 per week
didn't see coming for $738 per week

In 2009, the economy hit rock bottom.
The S&P 500 dipped close to a 1,000, prompting countless investors to sell off anything they owned.
However, even though the market crisis was in full swing, Warren
Buffett decided to make the single-largest investment of his career.
On November 3, 2009, Mr. Contrarian himself announced that Berkshire Hathaway had acquired the BNSF railroad for the extraordinary sum of $44 billion.
He was so bullish on this play that he even told Charlie Rose he thought it would bolster portfolios for the next 200 years.
His exact words were:
"I felt it was an opportunity to
buy a business that is going to be around for a hundred or two hundred
years. It is the most efficient way to move goods in the country. It is
the most environmentally friendly way to move goods."
Thing is, what the world’s greatest investor couldn’t have known was
that he was essentially writing his own financial death sentence.
And it wouldn’t be long before Buffett would be found scrambling
(even involving Obama in the matter) to correct what would turn out to
be the biggest blunder of his storied career.
Best part is... it’s a blunder that could end up making you $738 per week if you play the situation correctly.
It’s not often you get the chance to beat Buffett, but today (thanks
to a little-known opportunity), you have the chance to make a steady
stream of income off Buffett’s paralyzing mistake.
Let me explain...
Buffett Nearly Killed by Crash
Four years after Buffett’s record investment in BNSF, one of his trains jumped the rails in Casselton, North Dakota.
And it prompted an immediate response from Casselton Mayor Ed McConnell...
"There have been numerous
derailments in this area. It’s almost gotten to the point that it’s not
IF we’re going to have an accident, it’s WHEN."
The worst part of all is that Buffett’s train was carrying a full load of crude oil.
And while the crash occurred in a rural area, it could have easily happened inside of a major city.
Things could have been much, much worse.

In fact, the only human who was actually injured by this train crash was Buffett himself, as I’ll explain in a moment.
But first, you have to know this wasn’t an isolated incident (as the mayor of Casselton himself echoed).
There have been explosive crude oil train derailments in Alabama,
Virginia, South Carolina, and Canada, just to name a few places.
One such crash, in July of 2013, occurred in a small town outside of Quebec and killed 47 people.
This problem is no joke, and it’s only getting worse as trains get
older, rail lines age, and the amount of crude oil that needs to be
transported grows every day.
In short, Buffett’s bold prediction that his BNSF line would be
around for another two centuries has proven to be nothing more than
The number of crashes will increase, and the numbers of fatalities will, too.
However, there’s a disruptive trend on the scene that’s set up to
solve all of these problems in one go (AND give you the chance to bank a
fortune off of Buffett’s fall from grace).
Let me show you...
Buffett's Bribe Backfires
In order to truly help you understand the magnitude of the situation at hand, I must provide you with a bit of backstory...
In 2010, shortly after Buffett’s out-of-left-field $44 billion purchase of BNSF, he quickly realized he’d made an oversight.
Buffett’s BNSF buy, apparently a play on transportation, actually turned out to be an oil play.
In short, Buffett was banking on owning the ONLY means of moving
crude oil from the Bakken throughout the United States and Canada.
He imagined that he had cornered oil transport from one of the biggest oil fields in the U.S. for the next 20 to 30 years.
Companies like Exxon, Hess, and Continental Resources would all rely on his trains in order to get their oil from the field to their refineries.
But there turned out to be a BIG problem: a small piece of
legislation in Congress with the power to stop Buffett from securing the
lucrative, long-term stranglehold on America’s fastest-growing oil
field that he thought he was getting.
He had to fix the problem, and he had to fix it fast.
But to do so, he needed a favor... a call-the-President type of favor.
So he phoned the White House and scheduled a meeting with Obama.
It may seem crazy, but even the President doesn’t say "no" to the second-richest man in America — especially when there’s a deal to be cut.
The exact proceedings of this meeting aren’t 100% clear... it’s not
like the media is allowed inside a closed-door meeting with the
But one thing is very clear... and that’s the outcome.
Call it a bribe... call it a payoff... call it whatever you want.
But know this:
Just a few months later, we started hearing about the "Buffett Rule,"
a new regulation that would raise taxes on America’s wealthiest people.
In exchange for Buffett’s public endorsement of the new tax, the
President virtually guaranteed that BNSF would turn out to be the
blockbuster moneymaker Buffett had imagined.
You see, the legislation Buffett desperately needed to eliminate was the proposed bill for the Keystone XL pipeline.
With this pipeline in place, Buffett’s $44 billion investment would be tenuous at best...
But after Buffett publicly endorsed the new tax laws, the President upheld his end of the bargain.
The Keystone XL pipeline still hasn’t seen the light of day, as the administration has found countless excuses to block it, kill it, and punt it away.
At the time, Buffett thought he’d won the day...
And he had — until the crash in North Dakota took place, washing away
Buffett’s bribe, his BNSF buy, and a good portion of his fortune.
And now, the trend he noticed too late is set to hand you a small, virtually tax-free fortune for as long as you want it.
Buffett Changes Course
Buffett was willing to sacrifice 30% of his annual income for the good of the BNSF play.
You see, the tax law he endorsed would’ve brought the effective
minimum tax rate on the wealthiest Americans up to 30% of ALL income.
That includes capital gains, salary, benefits, and any other money earned — which, for Uncle Warren, is a hefty chunk of change.
However, due to the crash in North Dakota, Buffett knew no amount of presidential pandering could save him.
So, on the exact same day
that Casselton went up in flames (and thousands of gallons of crude
flowed into a nearby lake), Buffett switched gears entirely.
While his railroad investment was literally burning, he quickly and
quietly spent $1.9 billion to alleviate his financial losses with a pipeline company... the very type of investment he’d bribed the President to kill.
It’s almost comical.
Even before Mayor McConnell made his grave statement to the press,
Buffett had announced the Berkshire Hathaway purchase of Phillips
Specialty Products.
Buffett’s hand had been forced. He had to give up and start the long,
painful, and perhaps fortune-killing transition into the pipeline
Now, I’m no fool. I know Buffett is one of the greatest investment gurus in the world.
But that’s why his blunder is so astounding...
For all of the man’s foresight, he had missed out entirely on the trend that was about to play out.
And as he scrambles to right his wrongs, I’m here to tell you how
this new investment wave could earn you five figures in the next year —
maybe more, depending on how you play it.
All the information you need to know is included in...
The Most Valuable Chart
I've Ever Seen

This chart might not look like much, but I assure you it’s the most valuable graphic I’ve ever seen.
It is the key that could earn you thousands of dollars every single month — a veritable second salary — if you play it right.
Here is the important intel, put in bold for easier viewing:

All of the major gains in energy transportation in the next two years are going to come from the pipeline sector.
There will be little to no expansion of rail, and hauling oil by truck is far too expensive (and slow).
On the flipside, pipelines are cheaper, more reliable, and more efficient.
So it’s no wonder Buffett is now frantically piling whatever money he can from BNSF into the pipeline movement.
And while I highly suggest you do the same if you want to make money
in the energy sector over the next decade, there’s one caveat...
I’m not recommending an actual pipeline company today.
That may sound counterintuitive, but I can assure you the biggest
gains are NOT going to come from companies that actually build or
install the lines.
Instead, the company I’ve found researches and develops technologies that improve the flow of pipelines overall.
So rather than having their hands on just a single project, these
guys are involved in every single mile of pipeline that exists and that’s currently being built.

That’s over 2.5 million miles of pipeline, all of which will
contribute to Buffett’s "payback" and the gains you could potentially
In other words, it could easily be argued that no single company will
be as important to the pipeline boom as the company I’m revealing to
you today.
The Play That Will Beat Buffett
Here’s where things get very interesting for you...
This play only costs about $13 per share, but as you’ll see, this is
an even more miniscule investment when you factor in your potential
Before I get into the details, though, allow me to briefly introduce myself...
My name is Keith Kohl, and I'm the investment director for Angel Publishing's hugely successful Energy Investor advisory service.
My readers have stuck it out with me for one simple reason: They get high-caliber, profit-gushing energy investments that simply cannot be found anywhere else.
We were the first to break the news about the Bakken oil play to our
readers back in 2007, when no one could imagine that North Dakota would
hold more oil than any OPEC member.
No one had heard about the Bakken; everyone was focused on oil sands
in Canada... yet the Bakken play became our backyard, our playground for
fast gains — even in the worst economic times.
Readers just like you netted tens of thousands of dollars from my recommendations.
Here's a snapshot of some of the quick gains that have been fleeced from the Bakken...
- Northern Oil & Gas spiked 103% in just two months.
- Brigham Exploration popped 316% in just 16 months.
- Kodiak Oil & Gas — with its 228,000 acres in the Bakken — soared 6,741% in four years.
- And Triangle Petroleum has rallied 1,077% since 2010!
We've had an amazing run of profits over the last nine years, which include...
- Crescent Point Energy — 69.6%
- Brigham Exploration — 315%
- Petrobank Energy — 103%
- Continental Resources — 48%
- Brigham Exploration Second Entry — 256%
- PowerShares DB Crude Oil — 124%
- American Oil and Gas — 215%
Gains like these that could have made you rich in short order.
That's why it's no surprise my readers are constantly flooding me with notes on their performance.

When Energy Investor published its first issue back in 2005,
my primary goal was to offer my readers a way to profit from the
upcoming surge in oil and gas production.
My focus has always been on North American energy companies
(primarily in Canada and the United States). As the years passed, I
began targeting short-term investments, including $1 drillers and
small-cap oil plays.
My subscribers were thrilled with the results. So we'll keep it that way.
But I wanted to create a service that would target long-term
investments as well, including infrastructure stocks and dividend-paying
I wanted to find companies with a huge amount of growth ahead of
them, capable of delivering solid gains while also paying income
directly to investors.
I needed a high-yield service.
My readers were craving plays that offered consistent, market-beating
returns that could help them save for retirement, afford a new
automobile, or play golf every single day.
So, after many negotiations and months of development, I convinced my publishers to let me start a dividend service.
And in the fall of 2014, I, along with my colleague Chris DeHaemer, unveiled the High Yield Energy Report,
a lucrative energy income service that has given my readers the chance
to capitalize on potential targets wherever and whenever they surface.
The single goal of my new advisory is to find energy companies that
not only pay high dividends but also show great potential for stock
That's how my service stays miles ahead of the competition: We find
dividend-paying investments like MLPs, trusts, high-yield stocks, ETFs,
and pretty much any high-yield investment opportunity you could think
And this new company I'm about to reveal to you — the one that's
about to outperform the market and Warren Buffett — is one of the
landmark plays in my service.
A service that, as you'll see, is on pace to see better potential returns than...
- McDonald's
- Lockheed Martin
- The Harvard Endowment Fund
- Even Apple
Except this company only costs about $13.
Here's how it does business...
How to Turn $13 into $738 Every Week
The group I've found looks much more profitable than your run-of-the-mill midstream conglomerate.
Don't get me wrong; I've made plenty of money on pipeline companies from Enbridge to Kinder Morgan and everything in between...
But this time, the game has changed.
The company I've uncovered is a unique way to play every single pipeline that's currently under construction in North America.
Remember, that's more than 2.5 million miles of pipe all in need of this group's expertise.
What does it do?
Rather than collecting money from oil companies and spending billions
of dollars to dig and lay pipes, this company merely skims a little
cash off of the top.
It collects a small amount of money from each project it can get its hands on...
And last year, this amount totaled about $200 million.
Now, that might not look like much, but you have to remember that our pipeline capacity is set to double in the next two years.
That means the new construction could double, maybe even triple the amount of money this company is raking in now.
Our initial investment stake would also double or triple... not to mention the higher dividend we'd see.
So, you're probably asking yourself, how exactly do these guys skim money from every pipeline?
How You Can Earn an Oil Fortune
From Environmentalists
It's actually really simple.
Let me illustrate it for you...
In June 2014, major midstream conglomerate Enbridge saw its roughly
$8 billion Northern Gateway pipeline project approved by the Canadian
The project is Canada's back-up plan for the Keystone XL pipeline.
And since that project is mired in political gridlock and media hype,
the Canadian government has allowed the Northern Gateway to be built
from Alberta's oil sands to the B.C. port city of Kitimat.
Even though Canada's government has become much more fossil
fuel-friendly over the years, there are still plenty of special
interests involved in the legislation.
So when the pipeline was approved in June, after months and months of
debate, the government added over 200 mandates and conditions for
This way, companies could still export the nation's bituminous oil to
Asia, and groups like Aboriginals, anti-fossil fuel organizations, and
other environmentalists had absolutely no way to complain.
Without question, these conditions have bumped up the cost of the
pipeline significantly — and it's going to take longer to build now,
This means if you want to make money from the Northern Gateway pipeline, you don't want to invest in Enbridge.
While it spends time and money constructing the massive project, you should be raking in all the income you can off of the conditions put on it by the government.
The company I'm about to reveal makes its money by evaluating new
pipeline and infrastructure projects to ensure they keep up with
So when Enbridge needs its Northern Gateway pipeline inspected, guess who could be there to do it?
And you can certainly bet that as the U.S. expands its 2.5 million
miles of pipeline, our government is going to slap midstream companies
with plenty conditions and regulations of its own.
These conditions are set up to give this $13 stock with its 12.5%
dividend a new vein of cash that it will, in turn, give directly back to
you... if you invest now.
What this company does, among many other things, is test pipelines,
oil and gas gathering systems, pump and compressor stations, storage
facilities and terminals, and underground disposal wells for safety.
Since governments in Canada and the United States are now slapping
harsh mandates on new pipelines, this company has made its business essential to oil producers, refiners, and midstream companies.
It currently has 63 customers just for its pipeline inspections alone.
Some other customers include Royal Dutch Shell, Occidental Petroleum,
and ExxonMobil. These guys — with their combined $694 billion market
cap — have plenty of cash to throw at our company.
Not only that, but as oil production grows, so too does this
company’s backlog. It added 10% more customers in recent quarters, all
for long-term deals... and, according to the CEO of the company, it
expects to add even more this year.
Now, I realize you may be skeptical about this company’s stock or business, but know this...
You Could've Made $26,595 Last Year
You see, this company is a master limited partnership (MLP).
If you're unfamiliar with MLPs, stay tuned, and I'll explain everything you need to know about them...
Their tax structure allows them to avoid a corporate income tax so long as they pass 90% of all profit to shareholders.
That means with just $13, you could start building your very own
income stream directly from North America's soon-to-be extensive
pipeline network.
Just like...
- Jared McCardle, who collects $2,187 every single month.
- Peter Garger, who will be counting $35,465 after last year.
- Dulaney Stevens, who sees an absolutely astounding $28,933 per month.
Now, I know that sounds outrageous, but it is possible. If you're
patient and build your stake properly, the amount of money you can make
is nearly endless.
Keep in mind, this is all extra cash you can leave in your portfolio,
spend on the kids or grandkids, or use for absolutely anything you
want... for as long as you want.
You see, since all of the coming gains in the midstream sector will
be from pipelines, the company I've found stands to have its hand in
every single piece of pipe that gets built, every nut and bolt, and
every single dig for new construction.
Which means as our oil and gas production continues to grow, so too
will the need for pipelines... and if you pay this company, so too will
your income.
This truly is the ultimate way to play pipelines without actually buying a pipeline company.
And since this company hands out a HUGE dividend, you could be
positioned to pull in $738 every week if you build your stake properly.
Plus, the company actually just raised its dividend by 2.41% as it saw a huge jump in business from the previous year.
And that doesn't even include capital gains...
As this company continues growing its profit, the share price is
going to go up, too. And once it does, you will have an ironclad way to
pad your portfolio as you play America's ever-evolving energy
Now that most of the epic land grabs in the Bakken, Eagle Ford, and
Permian have dried up, the next wave of profits is in infrastructure,
and this company will lead the way as it rakes in cash off of every new
pipeline project.

I want you to reap your share of these profits, too. That's
why I've outlined exactly who this company is and how to play its coming
rise for the most money possible in my latest report, "How to Collect $738 Per Week from Warren Buffett."
In this report, you'll find...
- The ticker symbol of this MLP
- How to safely build your position
- Why its dividend is so high
- And the pros and cons of buying MLPs
Although I will say there are very few risks to playing master
limited partnerships, there are plenty of things investors NEED to know.
And unlike other "analysts" who just want to snake a quick buck from
eager investors, I plan to show you all the tricks of the trade on your
way to new wealth.
But perhaps the best piece of information you'll receive today is that this report is absolutely free of charge.
That said, you might be wondering why I would give this information away for free.
Well, I'll tell you...Why This Report is 100% FREE
In my 15 years as an investment specialist, I’ve discovered one ultimate truth:
Roughly 95% of people who want to make money on energy-related stocks are going about investing the wrong way.
I can tell by what people are buying, when they’re buying it, and how they go about "saving their money."
And it’s quite disconcerting, to say the least... especially when money can be so easily had.
I mean, think about it... Starting today, you could be on your way to
earning an extra $35,465 over the next 12 months just by investing in
this company.
And that’s on the lower end of the spectrum, as I’ve already shown you.
In time, you could be earning upwards of $100k per year just like Dulaney Stevens, who I told you about earlier.
It’s astounding how quickly it all adds up once you get into the swing of things.
The bottom line is this: Income generation strategies aren’t just for the pros; they’re for anyone who knows how to use them.
With the midstream trend that Buffett saw too late, you have the chance to sit back and profit while others do the legwork.
It only takes a short time to get started, and it only requires a baseline amount of around $13.
That figure might change in the near future, but for now, that’s the minimum to get in on this opportunity.
So how do you start collecting your money?
The only thing I ask is that you agree to a trial run of my brand-new energy income generation service, High Yield Energy Report.
As you might expect, a good portion of the service revolves around
the best income generation strategies the energy sector has to offer...
and my latest play fits right into the mold.
With this company in your pocket, alongside my other income-generating tactics, you'll have the chance to sock away an entire second salary each year.
And I’m not talking about option plays or low-paying bonds here, either...
I’m talking about actual income in your pocket... lump sums of actual cash you can use for whatever you like.
So whether you’ve already retired, are a few years away, or have decades to invest...
The best way to start generating solid, low-risk income is by taking
advantage of high-yield companies in the North American energy sector,
especially MLPs like the one you'll see in your report.
Once all is said and done, you could easily earn more in the next
couple of years than most people do in an entire decade of investing.
But before you agree to a trial run of my High Yield Energy Report, there’s something else I would like to give you today...
If there's an opportunity to profit from an energy source, the goal of High Yield Energy Report is to find it and show it to you.
So while some may think the coal miner I'm about to show you is a dirty relic from the past, we see it differently.
The reason is obvious...
This miner yields a giant payout of 11%.
According to the EIA, the majority of America's electricity generation (about 39%) still comes from coal.
So to overlook it as an investment is shortsighted.
No matter how hard green energy fans pound the table, the bottom line is Americans don't just need electricity... they demand it.
And coal is the primary fuel used to generate it.
Chuck H. knows what it's like to cash big checks thanks to coal.
He cashed a $14,516 check the other week from the company I'm about to show you.
It operates eight mines in places like Kentucky and West Virginia and is sitting on over 450 million tons of coal...
Most of which it sells to utilities for electricity generation.
Right now, you can pick up shares for less than $12, but Chris and I
think that as demand grows, the share price could easily double to $24.
And that's on top of the 11% yield.

When you join High Yield Energy Report, Chris and I will send you this free bonus report called: "Coal Profits: 11% Yields from the World's Most-Hated Resource."
This report details everything you need to know about this coal
miner, including when the next round of checks are set to come out.
So that's two reports I'd like to send to your inbox at no charge in return for your agreeing to take a trial run of High Yield Energy Report.
What You'll Get as a Trial Member
Once you decide to become a trial member of my new High Yield Energy Report, you'll have the opportunity to pocket lump sums of cash on a continual basis...
And you'll also have full access to all of the following:
Profit Report #1: "How to Collect $738 Per Week from Warren Buffett" —
This is your guide to pocketing huge sums of cash from over 2.5 million
miles of pipeline in North America. Not only will this report show you
how to get started, but it also includes information on how you should
play this opportunity moving forward.
Profit Report #2: "Coal Profits: 11% Yields from the World's Most Hated Resource"
— If you want to learn an easy way to make money — the lazy person's
way to becoming a millionaire — this is the report for you. As far as
I'm concerned, this is one of the essential keys to getting rich in the
market today.
One Full Year of the High Yield Energy Report (12 issues total)
— You’ll receive a new issue on the third Friday of each month by
email. In each new issue, I’ll show you how to generate easy income from
North America's energy boom.
Confidential High Yield Energy Report Updates — You’ll be on my list to receive urgent alerts with full details and instructions on every recommendation I make.
Private Access to High Yield Energy Report Members-Only Website — You’ll have password-protected access to all of my special reports, alerts, and my entire portfolio.
Full-Care Customer Service — Our customer service
reps are always ready to help you out with any issues that may arise...
no matter how simple the question may seem. So feel free to give them a
call during our regular business hours of 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. (EST), and
they'll do their absolute best to make sure you're taken care of.
That's a pretty full slate of benefits... but best of all, you'll have the power to profit consistently.
And that's my main goal: to help you earn your fair share of steady
income from America's oil and gas renaissance and make sure that income
continues year after year after year.
Of course, I'm sure you're wondering by now how much it costs to start your trial membership to High Yield Energy Report.
Well, because this is such a powerful moneymaking resource, I know I
could charge upwards of $1,000 (which is what some folks pay for similar
But I realize that’s outlandish... so I decided on a price that’s a mere fraction of that figure.
However, before I get into the price details, I'd like to tell you about one more benefit you'll receive along with High Yield Energy Report...
A $99 Gift — Yours FREE!
I’d like to give you one more special report for FREE.
I call it, "MLPs for Beginners: Your Easy-to-Use Guide for Everything You Need to Know to Start Making Money Today."
This report alone is valued at $99... and I’d like to send it to you, again, for FREE.
I won’t get into all of the details right here, but I can tell you
this is an explosive stream of income you don’t want to miss out on.
Coupled with the $13 pipeline integrity company I told you about and
the coal miner with the 11% yield, it’s possible these three reports
could help you generate more income than any investments you’ve ever
made in your life.
And again, the only thing you have to do to get all three reports
(and the slew of benefits I showed you earlier) is agree to take a trial
run of High Yield Energy Report.
Once you do that, everything I've detailed already is yours.
So let me get back to the matter of how much High Yield Energy Report costs...
I'm actually a bit embarrassed to tell you. The price is THAT low.
But I don't have a choice, so I'll just come out and say it...
Today, the price is just $295 for a full year's membership.
That's a 50% discount from the regular price, and you still get everything I’ve mentioned!
That's an absolute steal considering you could make that amount back with a fraction of the first check you receive.
I will say, though, that this is a limited-time offer. There’s no
telling when I might have to raise the price back to the original
So if you're interested in generating continual income from America's energy boom, I suggest you lock in your spot today.
You won't find an opportunity like this very often... and with the
amount of information I'm giving you FREE of charge, taking a trial run
of the High Yield Energy Report is a no-brainer.
And of course, you're 100% covered by my no-risk guarantee.
Become a trial member today, and you're locked in with no risk and no obligation.
Take 90 days to decide if my High Yield Energy Report is right for you. That's three full months.
During that time, you'll have full membership access. You can log
into the private member's site, check out all the special reports, and
view every update I've posted.
If you find High Yield Energy Report isn't what you thought, just let me know, and I'll refund every penny you spent on the subscription — no questions asked.
Any information, reports, or profits you received courtesy of my service are yours to keep.
But I'm confident it'll never come to that. Not once you see how easy
it is to start pocketing money from the coming pipeline and
infrastructure boom.
I'm a complete believer that a year from now, you'll be looking back on a very different life.
And I say that because I have a great feeling you'll have far more money than you ever dreamed possible.
Remember, it’s possible you could collect an extra $35,465 in the
next year alone just by getting ahead on a trend that even Warren
Buffett himself missed out on.
The only thing left to do now is take your trial run of High Yield Energy Report and find out how to get started...
Until next time,

Keith Kohl
Investment Director, High Yield Energy Report
Investment Director, High Yield Energy Report
P.S. Last year, pipeline CAPEX in the United States hit $23 billion — six times
the amount it was the year before. Since our capacity is set to double
in the next two years, you're looking at a potential windfall from our
$13 pipeline play. Remember, this excludes Canadian figures, so our
investment has that much more room to run. That's why it's imperative
that you act quickly; every single day you wait is that much less cash
in your pocket.
Discover Why Your Banker Hopes You Never Find Out About...
LC-25 Contracts
This Little-Known Strategy Could Enable You To Lock In 17.33%
Annual Gains — Just Like Banks Do… Allowing You To Generate
An Extra $500-$1,500 (Or More) In Passive Income Each Month
Annual Gains — Just Like Banks Do… Allowing You To Generate
An Extra $500-$1,500 (Or More) In Passive Income Each Month
Hey, Jimmy Mengel here...
As a financial analyst and editor, it’s my job to research dozens of investments in various financial markets each year and then report to the public on those very few investments that promise to be the safest — and most profitable — for investors.
Today, I’d like to share with you an investment strategy I discovered
that you can start using within the next 24 hours and that could allow
you to consistently generate double-digit returns using what I call "LC-25 Contracts."
It’s a breakthrough investing strategy that could turn the entire banking industry as we know it on its head.
And depending on how conservative of an investor you are... you can
currently lock in 11.05%... 14.05%... up to 17.33% annual returns with
these contracts.
Plus, what’s great about these contracts is that the company that issues them is legally obligated to pay you each and every month for the duration of the contracts.
It’s like receiving an extra paycheck every month. And these payments could easily put an extra $500-$1,500 (or more) into your pocket like clockwork.
That’s enough extra money to cover your mortgage payment, pay off credit card debt, or generously supplement your retirement savings.
What I also discovered is that the company that issues these
income-generating contracts has been around since 2007... yet I’d say
99% of Americans still have NO IDEA that this company or these
income-generating contracts even exist.
So why haven’t you heard of these special contracts before?
Well, the simple fact of the matter is that these contracts...
1) Allow individual borrowers to completely avoid using traditional banks for loans.
2) Allow everyday investors like you and
me to "be the bank" and pocket the interest on those loans, which would
normally go to traditional banks.
So as you can imagine, bankers hope Americans never find out about
LC-25 Contracts because they eat into the banks’ annual profits.
In fact, since June 2007, traditional banks have lost out on over
$5.04 billion in borrowers’ interest payments that instead went into the
pockets of LC-25 Contract owners.
And the best part is you can invest in as many of these
income-generating contracts as you like... for as little as $25 — which
makes them exceptionally affordable for even the most cash-strapped investor.
What’s great about this is that you don’t need to have $500+ to
purchase just one share of Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) stock... or tens of
thousands of dollars to invest in an income-producing real estate
With LC-25 Contracts, all you need is just $25 to start investing.
Of course, you can invest a whole lot more than $25 in these
contracts — and the more contracts you own, the more monthly income you
could make.
You may want to use these contracts to generate an extra $500-$1,500
each and every month in passive income that you can use for additional
monthly cash flow...
... Or you can re-invest your monthly earnings and build a large,
diversified portfolio of LC-25 Contracts that can pay you for years to
It’s completely up to you.
LC-25 Contract Accounts for EVERY Situation...
All you have to do is set up your personal LC-25 Contract Account
online and determine how much you’d like to start with to test this
strategy out and see if you like it.
It doesn’t matter if you’re an 18-year-old graduate fresh out of high
school or an 80-year-old retiree... you could get started with as
little as $25 or as much as $250,000 — again, it’s entirely up to you.
Some people with limited financial resources start with as little as
$25... $50... or $100 to "test the water" and see if they like this
income-generating strategy — while others who have more capital start
with more.
In fact, there are LC-25 Accounts for EVERY situation...
You can set up a personal account just for yourself or, if you like, you can start a joint account for you and your spouse.
These personal and joint accounts provide you with another way to diversify your investment portfolio... completely outside of investing in the stock market or real estate.
You can also set up a custodial account for your children, allow the
income generated by the contract payments to accumulate and grow over
time... and then pass the account on to your kids as a high school or
college graduation gift.
Plus, there is one profitable way you can set these accounts up... and that is by using...
A self-directed Individual Retirement Account (IRA).
This option allows you to purchase up to $5,500 worth of LC-25
Contracts each year within a self-directed IRA if you’re less than 50
years old and up to $6,500 worth of LC-25 Contracts each year if you’re
older than 50 years old.
You can even roll over funds from an existing 401(k) or IRA — allowing you to purchase dozens or even hundreds of LC-25 Contracts right from the start!
Most importantly, the money you accumulate from the contracts in your
self-directed IRA allows for tax-advantaged growth for years to come.
In other words, you can grow your retirement savings without having to pay taxes on your earnings until you decide to start withdrawing funds from your account.
This delay of taxes on your income each year from LC-25 Contracts
could allow you to add tens of thousands of dollars (or more) to your
retirement savings... thanks to the regulations already set up in your
favor by the IRS.
When it’s all said and done, you can invest in your first LC-25
Contract today, and you could start receiving income payments on that
contract next month... and for years to come.
Plus, it’s incredibly simple to get started, and it only takes a few
minutes to set up your personal LC-25 Contract Account online.
I created a free detailed report for you called: "Profiting From LC-25 Contracts: The Easiest Passive Income You’ll Ever Make."
It covers exactly who qualifies to invest in these
contracts... along with how to set up your LC-25 Contract Account today.
I can even send the report right to your email inbox if you’re
But before I do, let me show you how profitable this investing
strategy that banks don’t want you to know about can be for you and your
How to "Break the Bank" for 7.5 Times
The Returns You’d Get From Traditional CDs
Now, it’s no surprise that traditional banks have made a bad name for themselves lately.
They nickel-and-dime you and me with extra fees, write off tens of
billions of dollars in bad loans... and then they get bailed out by us
Is it all just a big racket?
And when you consider that the highest five-year Certificate of
Deposit (CD) rates that banks offer are currently paying a paltry
2.30% — you come to realize that doesn’t even keep up with the rate of
In other words... it’s actually costing you money and future purchasing power to keep your money in the bank.
But it DOESN’T have to be this way...
In fact, putting your money into LC-25 Contracts turns the entire
banking system on its head... essentially allowing you to "break the
banks" and earn average annual returns of 17.33%.
That’s 7.5 times the rate of return on traditional bank CDs.
This strategy provides you high yields — all without worrying about the ups and downs of the stock market.
To give you an idea of how profitable this can be, consider that at
17.33% a year, $20,000 could grow to $44,470 in just five years — more
than DOUBLING your initial investment. Let it compound for 10 years, and
it can grow to $98,882 — almost five times your initial investment!
Now, if you have $50,000 that you’d like to see grow — with little
risk to your capital — then in five years at 17.33%, you’d have
$110,177. And if you let it grow for 10 years, it would turn into a very
respectable $247,206.
And that’s the power of compounding interest when combined with LC-25 Contracts.
Again, this all happens outside the volatility of the stock market.
The Dow could drop 1,000 points — heck, it could drop 3,000 points —
and it would have little (if any) effect on this income-generating
You’d still be able to bank your LC-25 Contract payments month after month...
So if you consider yourself a "conservative investor" who likes to
grow savings with little risk — then this strategy is one you should use
to diversify your passive income streams.
And when it comes to the financial risks involved with LC-25
Contracts, you’ll find they’re surprisingly low when compared to other
conventional investments like stocks, bonds, and real estate.
In fact, YOU get to control exactly how much financial risk you’re willing to take on!
I’ll show you how you can do this in a moment — but first, there are a
few things you should know about me... and how I find unique
opportunities like LC-25 Contracts...
Just Who is Jimmy Mengel...
And Why Listen to Him?
As I mentioned earlier, my name is Jimmy Mengel.

You may have seen me on CNBC’s Closing Bell or read one of the hundreds of articles I’ve written for Outsider Club, Wealth Wire, or Green Chip Stocks.
Currently, I’m the editor-in-chief of a unique financial advisory called The Crow’s Nest.
When I’m not scouring the country for little-known yet exceptionally
profitable financial opportunities, I’m looking for unique ways to save
money and grow my investments for my family.
Occasionally, I like to blow off some steam and go out to play my
prized Fender Jaguar guitar at clubs up and down the East Coast.
But if you saw me walking down the street, I’d look just like any other average, ordinary guy.
So what does all this have to do with you and your investments?
Well, you see — I’m no big company CEO or hotshot Wall Street stockbroker or hedge fund millionaire...
I fit right in with all the other hardworking middle-class Americans
who are trying to make ends meet... provide for their families... and
invest enough for a comfortable retirement.
And as a trained journalist, I know how to research investments and
wealth-building opportunities... find those few with the most profit
potential... and weed out all the rest.
For example, I discovered a little-known way to invest in silver that
DOUBLES your return compared to buying it the regular way from a
precious metals dealer. For every 10% that the price of silver goes up,
the method I discovered earns you 20%.
I also found a unique method to get in on the collectibles market...
providing my readers with a 100% gain in just a few months — along with a
nice annual 7.4% dividend.
Then, earlier this year, I revealed to my readers how they can get
started with their personal IRM(72) investment plans — which could make
their Social Security payments, IRAs, and 401(k)s completely obsolete.
And the reason I encourage you to look into investing in LC-25
Contracts today is because I have invested in them myself, and they’re
everything I hoped they would be.
In fact, if I didn’t use them myself — or if I wouldn’t feel
comfortable recommending them to my own mother to use — then I sure
wouldn’t recommend them for anybody else.
Again, there are few investments available where it is
legally required for you to be paid each and every month... and LC-25
Contracts are one of those few.
I only make investment recommendations based on my research of what actually works and what I’ve tested myself.
And as I mentioned earlier — YOU get to control the financial risks
of your LC-25 Contracts based on how conservative or aggressive of an
investor you are at this stage in your life.
I provide all the details in my free report, which I can send you in a
few moments — but for now, I’ll give you a quick summary of how you can
control your investment risk...
Controlling Your Financial Risk
To Achieve Maximum Gains
So as you know, with every investment, there are associated risks of losing your money.
Over the years, you’ve probably heard of the "risk-reward" ratio...
which basically states that the greater potential risk there is with a
particular investment, the greater the potential reward.
And on the flip side, the lower the potential risk, the lower the potential reward.
Now, for example, if you invest in a particular stock — you have no
control over whether that stock will go up or down. It can be affected
by dozens of different factors out of your control.
So that can be a risky proposition for many investors.
One day, a stock’s price is at $50 a share... a few days later, it
drops to $45... the following week, it goes back up to $48... only to
drop down to $40 a month later.
It can be quite the emotional roller coaster, and many investors
simply don’t want to be stressed out and lose sleep over their
investment portfolios.
However, with LC-25 Contracts, you determine how much or how little
risk you want to expose your capital to... and as a result, how much
money you can make.
So how can you control your investment risk level?
It’s as simple as 1-2-3...
The company that offers these LC-25 Contracts sets up three levels of risk for investors that provide average return rates that go slightly up or down every couple of months.
And because the average rates are as high as they are right now, I
highly encourage you to lock in these contract rates while you can. To
illustrate this, here are the levels:
- LEVEL 1 — This level has the lowest risk and currently offers average annual returns of 11.05%. So if you’re very cautious about how you invest your money, this level would probably work best for you... and could allow you to DOUBLE your money in just 6.5 years.
- LEVEL 2 — This level has a slightly higher amount of risk but currently offers average annual returns of 14.05% — allowing you to DOUBLE your money in just over five years.
- LEVEL 3 — This level has the highest risk of the three (yet it is far less risky than most blue-chip stocks) and currently offers annual returns of 17.33%. And if you’re willing to accept this slightly higher risk, this rate of return allows you to DOUBLE your money in just over four years.
As you can see, even Level 1 offers average annual returns of
11.05% — and that is higher than the 9.1% historical annual returns of
stocks in the S&P 500.
But here’s what makes LC-25 Contracts even more beneficial to investors...
You have the freedom to build and diversify your LC-25 Contract portfolio any way you like!
So for example, you can invest $2,000 into contracts in the Level 1
basket this month... $1,000 into the Level 2 basket a few weeks later...
and $500 into the Level 3 basket a few months from now.
This allows you to diversify your portfolio — very similar to how
your money is invested in a typical mutual fund or index fund — but YOU
get to do the diversifying... not some fund manager who collects a
commission on your money.
I’ve been researching investment strategies for years, and I’ve never
seen an opportunity where you can control your investment risk level
AND lock in how much money you make from your investments each and every
Again, you can get started with as little as $25 — or you can start
with a few hundred or a few thousand dollars. It’s completely up to you.

I’ll share more about getting started with LC-25 Contracts in my free report: "Profiting From LC-25 Contracts: The Easiest Passive Income You’ll Ever Make."
I can send it right to your email inbox — just let me know where you want me to send it.
And if you’re interested, I’d like to show you another unique
income-generating strategy you've probably never heard of or considered
This strategy could allow you to easily collect monthly
payments of $1,000... $2,000... up to $4,000 by taking advantage of a
little-known segment of the market that generates over $26 billion in
revenues each year...
How to Profit Month After Month
From "The Shared Economy"
And by participating in it, you could easily generate several thousand dollars each month — completely separate from your job or other traditional investments.
Take, for example, Curtis C., a personal trainer from Nashville who came across the shared economy... and brought in an extra $5,300 in his first nine months.
That comes out to an average of $588 a month... which isn’t bad
considering that he didn’t have to do any work to generate that extra
There’s also Krista P. from Denver — who I hear has used her extra income from the shared economy to pay off her entire mortgage in less than six years!
And then there’s Bradley M. in San Francisco, who is making over $4,000 a month
right now from the shared economy — but says he is leveraging his
efforts and anticipates making $8,000 a month by using this strategy.
That’s $96,000 in extra income each year. I know many people who can very comfortably retire on less than that per year!
What’s great about tapping into the shared economy is that anybody can start making money with this strategy — starting today.
Of course, you may not bank an extra $96,000 a year like Bradley. Results will vary depending on your situation.
But even if you only made an extra $1,000-$2,000 a month from the
shared economy, that comes to $12,000-$24,000 a year. And what makes
this strategy work so well is that — just like with LC-25 Contracts — it
isn’t tied to the stock market or real estate markets.
In fact, the worse things get with the regular economy, the better things get when you tap into the shared economy.

Right now, I’ve identified five separate methods you can use to start generating extra
monthly income from the shared economy that could put a few hundred or a
few thousand dollars in your pocket each and every month... all without getting a second job or setting up a side business.
If you’d like to discover those five methods to see which ones would
be easiest for you to use, you can get all the details in another report
I created called: "The Shared Economy: Five Easy Income Strategies for 2014 and Beyond."
Oh, and by the way, this report is free, too.
And today, you can get this special report along with my report on
LC-25 Contracts when you try out a risk-free subscription to my
financial advisory called The Crow’s Nest.
Moneymaking Methods and Investment Plays
You’ll Never Hear About Anywhere Else
So what is The Crow’s Nest?
And why such an odd name for a financial newsletter?
Well, in the days of naval conquest, explorers were only as good as the lookouts on their ships.
And the best lookouts were built atop the highest point of a ship’s mast — called "the crow’s nest."
From this vantage point, one could see for miles and identify any
hazards, traps, or storms... well before they threatened the ship and
its crew.
Additionally, those in this lookout could spot opportunities on where
best to navigate, along with finding new lands that could hold
promising treasures.
So I decided to name this newsletter The Crow’s Nest because
it acts just like the crow’s nest on the ships that explored the world
hundreds of years ago... identifying financial opportunities many others
can’t see and spotting trouble in the markets far in advance.
Now, I’ll be the first to tell you — the ideas, strategies, and
investment plays I cover each month are certainly NOT for everyone.
In fact, they might not be right for most ordinary people.
However, I discovered years ago that investing can be far more
profitable when you take the road less traveled. But for some folks —
for whatever reason — that just doesn’t make sense.
After all, some people just have a hard time getting out of their comfort zones.
But ironically, that’s EXACTLY
why the strategies I’ll share with you each month work so well... and
why they could allow you to retire very comfortably... or maybe even
make you a considerable fortune.
As you might guess, if everyone were using these techniques and
secrets and everyone felt comfortable using them... then they’d become
mainstream, and their effectiveness — along with their profitability —
would disappear.
So you may be wondering, "How much is a subscription to The Crow’s Nest?"
Well, I’ll get to the price in a moment, but I think you’ll find it exceptionally affordable.
But before I get to everything you’ll receive when you try out a
risk-free subscription, I’d like to share two other income-generating
secrets you may have never heard of before...
Cash in More Today With These Two
Wealth-Building Secrets
As I mentioned earlier, I shared two wealth-building secrets with my
readers over the past year that you could use to dramatically grow your
savings for retirement.
The first secret is a setting up an IRM(72) Retirement Plan.
Most people do not know such a plan exists. In fact, financial
analyst Vita Nelson says they’re "the best-kept secret on Wall Street."
According to famed financial guru Peter Schiff, these accounts make
it so "you don’t have to work anymore. You just quit your job and
And you’re not limited to just one account. Famous investor Warren Buffett owns several of these plans for himself.
People who set these plans up could enjoy the retirement of their dreams.
People like:
- Grace Gray, an older lady who you’d never guess was a millionaire. She started with just $180 and turned it into $7 million.
- Kathleen Magowan, a first grade teacher who built a $10 million fortune over the years through her IRM(72) Retirement Plan.
- Anne Scheiber, an IRS auditor who wanted nothing to do with stockbrokers and grew her IRM(72) Account into $22 million.
Of course, these are just some examples of people who did very well
for themselves with their IRM(72) Retirement Plans. Not everyone will
have these results.
But what if you set up your own IRM(72) Retirement Plan and did only 1/100th as well as those individuals... Would you be happy with an extra $70,000... $100,000... or $220,000 in your retirement nest egg?
Of course you would... who wouldn’t want that kind of extra wealth?
Well, now you can have it — just like others do.
Plus, they’re open to anyone — with no income or age restrictions.

I’ll show you exactly how to set up your very own IRM(72)
Retirement Plan — right from the comfort of your home. You don’t even
need a broker or financial advisor... You can easily do it on your own.
I’ll provide you with all the details in another special report I created for my readers called: "The Forbidden Secret to Retire a Millionaire."
I’ll even send it to your email inbox today, if you’re interested.
The other secret I’d like to share, which I mentioned before, has to do with the collectibles market.
Now, here’s the neat part about this moneymaking strategy: You don’t have to actually own any collectibles to make money!
You see, there’s a little-known company that deals in all sorts of
collectibles including coins, sports memorabilia, stamps, the first
Elvis single released in America, and even a letter from Einstein to an
8-year-old girl.
Normally, the collectibles market is reserved for the
ultra-wealthy... but I’ll show you a way to get in on a rather unique
collectibles play that could earn you an easy 7.8% return (or higher)
year after year.

At this conservative rate of return, you’ll be able to DOUBLE your
initial investment in less than 10 years... making it a great way to
further diversify your income streams and overall investment portfolio
with an ultra-low level of risk.
Now, to be fair to my existing readers, I can’t share this investment on this particular website...
But you can get the same report they did called: "The 7.8% Dividend Machine."
And like the other two reports I mentioned earlier, you’ll also get this one free when you try out a risk-free subscription to The Crow’s Nest.
So here’s how to get started...
Join Us in The Crow's Nest and Discover
Wealth-Building Strategies You Never Knew Existed
But when you try it out today, you can get it for 30% less as part of
a limited-time special promotion we’re doing... and pay just $69.
That comes out to just $0.19 a day — which is affordable on any budget.
And here’s everything you’ll receive as a new subscriber:
- SPECIAL REPORT #1: "Profiting From LC-25 Contracts: The Easiest Passive Income You’ll Ever Make"
- SPECIAL REPORT #2: "The Shared Economy: Five Easy Income Strategies for 2014 and Beyond"
- SPECIAL REPORT #3: "The Forbidden Secret to Retire a Millionaire"
- SPECIAL REPORT #4: "The 7.8% Dividend Machine"
- 12 Monthly Issues of The Crow’s Nest — Delivered right to your email inbox each month... you’ll receive this exclusive financial research newsletter filled with little-known moneymaking methods and investment opportunities. You won’t find recommendations and financial strategies like these on the pages of The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, or any other mainstream publication.
- 24/7 Access to The Crow’s Nest Archives — Once you get started and register as a new subscriber, you’ll get immediate access to our password-protected website, where you can view all of our past monthly issues, research reports, research videos, and our model investment portfolio. Plus, I’ll let you know what to buy and sell at the most opportune time with our fast-action email alerts.
Now, if you’re unsure of what to do, here’s what I recommend...
Get started today and take a look at everything I've described here
over the next six months... and then make up your mind for yourself.
Check out all four special reports... browse through the archives of
past issues... and discover new unconventional and obscure investment
opportunities and wealth-building strategies in our upcoming issues.
There’s no rush... you have a full six months to look it all over at your own pace.
In other words, let me know you'd like to try out a 100% risk-free subscription to The Crow’s Nest today, and you’ll receive everything I mentioned here.
And if you decide the ideas are not right for you or that you are
better off sticking with mainstream investments, simply let us know —
and I'll make sure you promptly get your money back.
This puts all the risk on our shoulders. Either we live up to the claims I mentioned today, or you get ALL your money back.
Not some of it... not a pro-rated amount... we will refund every single penny you paid.
It's as simple as that.
And at just $69 — that’s just $0.19 a day — there's no better bargain for access to this kind of specialized financial research and proven wealth-building strategies.
And at just $69 — that’s just $0.19 a day — there's no better bargain for access to this kind of specialized financial research and proven wealth-building strategies.
I promise you that the investment ideas we’ll introduce you to will be different and could easily
be worth an absolute fortune in your life over the next few years, and I
sincerely hope you take advantage of this unique opportunity.
Simply click the link below to get your four free special reports, and test-drive your six-month risk-free subscription to The Crow’s Nest today.
I look forward to welcoming you and to helping you grow and protect your wealth as a new subscriber.

Jimmy Mengel
Investment Director, The Crow’s Nest