Which Politicians Want to Legalize Marijuana In The 2016 Election?
- News
- 11.02.15
- By: Lane Radbill
Marijuana legalization is a hot topic for 2016 Presidential
candidates. For decades, politicians have been debating the war on drugs
in America, but 2016 may be the year that we elect a President who will
stop the war on marijuana. The public has spoken—we want marijuana to
be federally legal. Here are the 2016 Presidential candidates who look
favorably on marijuana legalization.
Bernie Sanders (D)
Bernie Sanders is considered Hillary Clinton’s main competition for
the Democratic Party’s nomination. Sander’s is a Senator from Vermont, a
state that allows medicinal marijuana use and has also decriminalized
minor possession. Until very recently, Sanders has remained relatively neutral about marijuana legalization. Now Sanders is in favor of national legalization saying,
“In my view, the time is long overdue for us to remove the federal prohibition on marijuana”.
At this point in the race, Senator Sanders is the only viable
Democrat who has voiced undeniable support for full legalization of
Hillary Clinton (D)
Clinton is a supporter of medical marijuana. However, she believes
that legalization should be in the hands of the individual state. She
cites Colorado and Washington as successful experiments with
legalization, but believes we need to do more research on the effects of
marijuana use. Clinton wants patients in need of medical marijuana to
have access “under appropriate circumstances”.
This seems like a “half supportive” stance. On one hand she is
supportive, but on the other she clearly has an opinion about what
“appropriate” circumstances for needing marijuana are.
Rand Paul (R)
The Kentucky Senator likely has an uphill battle to earn the
Republican nomination for President, but compared to his opponents, he
has the most supportive stance on marijuana legalization. In June of
this year, Rand Paul attended the Cannabis Business Summit and Expo in
Denver, Colorado. He was there to deliver a speech and to solicit funds
from the marijuana industry for his campaign. Rand was the first
politician to openly accept campaign funds from the marijuana industry.
Paul is a supporter of State’s rights to decide on marijuana
legalization. He is also a supporter of medicinal research of marijuana
and its derivatives. Recently Paul criticized his opponent and anti-marijuana candidate Chris Christie. Paul said,
“If a young mother is trying to give her child cannabis oil, or medical marijuana, as a seizure treatment, (Gov. Christie) would put her in jail because it violates federal law.”
Paul was famously given a jacket made of 100% hemp, by a supporter in
Las Vegas. He quickly took his jacket off and replaced it with the hemp
blazer. A true supporter!
Donald Trump (R)
The Donald has made waves as a businessman for years, now he is
tackling politics with the same bravado. His support for marijuana
legalization could barely hold a marijuana plant up during flowering,
but at least he is willing to walk into the grow room. Trump believes
recreational marijuana use should not be legal but he is in favor of
legalizing medical marijuana.
Trump said,“We’re losing badly the war on drugs. You have to legalize drugs to win that war. You have to take the profit away from these drug czars”.
Trump supports allowing states to vote and decide if they want to
allow medicinal marijuana use, but remains skeptical. If Trump’s past
behavior is any indication of the future, he will begin to support full
legalization as soon as he starts benefiting financially.
The time is nigh
The candidates above are some of the most relevant in the 2016
Presidential race. Other, possibly more supportive, candidates have
dropped out of the race. We are just days away from the last year of
President Obama’s time in office. Some are calling next year’s
presidential election the “marijuana election”, so be sure to follow the news and get out to vote!
Who do you believe will legalize marijuana in 2016? Let us know on social media.
Congress Could Approve Marijuana Initiatives Within This Week!
- News
- 12.16.15
- By: Sera Jane Ghaly
Earlier this month, a bill was proposed in the Senate amending the federal government’s power to interfere with statewide marijuana programs, and congress could approve those initiatives within this week. How quickly these proposals would pass into bills has been a question on the tips of everyone’s tongues, given how slow to act the American government has been on this particular issue.
The amendments would mean greater state power over their marijuana programs, meaning a smoother sailing of the marijuana economy in states where it has been legalized. This means no more federal raids on dispensaries and growing operations; it means banks will be allowed to participate without fear of federal intervention, and it means more medical marijuana available to more people who need it.
State freedom for marijuana policy
“prevent the Department of Justice and the Drug Enforcement Administration from spending money to interfere with the implementation of state medical marijuana laws.”This finally means that it will be outside of the federal jurisdiction to disallow a marijuana program in a state where it is legal. The discrepancy and inconsistency between state and federal law has been an ongoing issue for the marijuana industry since it was first legalized medically in California twenty years ago. It was commonplace for small businesses to be raided by the DEA and effectively shut down.
This change also means that the federal government will no longer be interfering with state industrial hemp research programs. This is particularly exciting, because this puts one of the most agriculturally rich products back on the market, legally.
A better marijuana economy
This change will not just be a benefit for the small business owners, but for the economy, too. Allowing more accessible banking system to the industry allows for a better flow of money, and for such a rapidly growing industry, this is a win for the American economy, too.
More medicine for more people
It’s impossible to understand the rationale behind excluding veterans from a legal marijuana program, but nonetheless the federal government will no longer be interfering with the state medical marijuana program. This means that more people are receiving the medicine that they need without judgement or exclusion.
Harmony between state and federal law
As soon as this week, the Congress could approve these changes, and the marijuana industry of the USA will be well on its way. Another win for the marijuana revolution.
Warren Buffett's Secret
Marijuana Stash
Marijuana Stash
Why is the "world's greatest investor" stockpiling barrels of weed?
And could this daring move result in an explosive wave of $200 billion
in marijuana profits for savvy investors?
in marijuana profits for savvy investors?
Dear Reader,
In the heart of Denver’s "marijuana zone" sits a string of secret warehouses...
Together, they supply 120 metric tons of premium-grade marijuana — an estimated $700 million value.
Not much is known about what goes on here. They don’t advertise their names or locations. As Bloomberg reports, "the operations are still somewhat secretive."
But it’s not because they’re growing weed... now legal in Colorado.
Instead, my research shows it’s due to an incontrovertible link between these grow operations and "the world’s greatest investor."
The details of which could change everything you think you know about the explosive marijuana market.
All while minting you a fortune, as $200 billion in untapped wealth is unleashed onto the markets.
I even caught an image of this secret grow operation...

Now, before I go forward, let me make one thing clear: The details of this story are highly sensitive.
I doubt one in 1,000 Americans are privy to Buffett’s marijuana holdings.
And when Bloomberg reporters attempted to contact the normally chatty billionaire about it, he refused to comment.
But after I caught wind of this controversial story, I led a team to conduct a full-scale investigation...
And thanks to my extensive contacts inside the legal cannabis industry, I’ve gotten to the bottom of Buffett’s weed stash...
Why the "world’s greatest investor" has ties to warehouses stockpiling metric tons of marijuana...
And why this could hand life-altering profits to investors who are privy to the details.
Using history as a guide, we could see nothing less than short-term gains of 2,850%.
Which is why Buffett is far from alone.
As it turns out, the "smart money" is buying marijuana by the forklift.
Earlier this year, billionaire PayPal founder Peter Thiel staked over $75 million on marijuana holdings.
The LA Times reports Thiel is positioning himself for the inevitable end of prohibition.
And now dozens of big-name investors are following closely behind.
Like George Soros, who recently staked a fortune on the ground floor.
MarketWatch reports the billionaire is working with Big Food conglomerates to develop mass-scale growing operations...
And then there’s Tesla’s Elon Musk.
All told, Musk pocketed $133 million from this industry before it even launched.
In fact, this ground-floor opportunity is so lucrative that former
Microsoft executive Jamen Shively — who worked directly with Bill
Gates — left the software giant to begin a marijuana start-up.

According to Shively (a.k.a. the "Bill Gates of Cannabis"), the industry is on track "to create more millionaires than Microsoft."
"This Will Create More Millionaires Than Microsoft"
— Former Microsoft Exec Jamen Shively
— Former Microsoft Exec Jamen Shively
Troy Dayton, CEO of the hedge fund ArcView Group, agrees, saying, "These are exciting times, new millionaires and potential billionaires are about to be made."
And it’s already happening...
Consider Colorado.
Since legalizing pot three years ago, the state has produced 4,873 new millionaires.
That’s a rate of almost five new millionaires a day!
CNN calls them "the New Marijuana Millionaires."
People who are waking up overnight to find they are sitting on a mountain of riches.
- Take Jeffery Moss, a 40-year-old Northern Washington farmer. Last year, he couldn’t afford a car and had to rely on his parents for money and his friends for meals. Now, legalization has made him a millionaire on his marijuana holdings... virtually overnight. In fact, since the state law passed last year, he’s grossed $5 million.
- Then there’s Carry Vincetti, 33, who left her job as a paralegal to join the "Green Rush" — not to sell marijuana, but as a consultant to start-up cannabis entrepreneurs. With so many people looking to make a killing on the Green Rush, her own business is booming. So far, she’s raked in a $2 million fortune.
- And there’s Allen Gustov, who lost all of his savings investing in a music venture. He and wife were sleeping on cardboard furniture and had a baby on the way when they moved out to Anaheim, California and opened a marijuana business. They went from being almost homeless to raking in over $1 million last year.
The examples go on and on.
Now you can join these brand-new millionaires — without starting a
business... owning a farm... or ever touching an ounce of marijuana.
In fact, in order to make a fortune from the cannabis boom...
- You don’t have to live in a state where marijuana is legal.
- You don’t have to sign any petitions or do any political advocacy.
- And you don’t have to have anything more than $25 to invest.
You just need to buy in now before the end of marijuana prohibition.
And not in some shady penny stocks. Instead, I’ve identified three
super-safe companies that are banking on the "Green Rush."
They don’t all grow or own weed, but they provide services that benefit those who do.
These are ancillary companies raking in the lion’s share of marijuana
profits by providing software, real estate, and technology to growers.
Just like people who struck it rich in the Gold Rush by selling picks
and shovels... not mining... these companies will spin off a new wave
of millionaire investors.
To be sure, I’ve been to their operations and seen their sites. I’ve met their managers and workers.

I’ve pulled up the curtain on the quarterly earnings report and seen their real profit potential.
In short, I’ve gotten the inside scoop that you won’t hear from analysts sitting behind a desk.
Using history as a guide, they could deliver nothing less than 2,850% profits moving forward.
And that’s just over the next 12 months.
It’s happened before — when the government ended Prohibition...
When Atlantic City legalized gambling in the 1970s...
And other similar historic moments — what I call "crossover events."
This is when formerly illegal industries become legal... and already
established companies with loyal customers generate fortunes — as do
their investors.
Now, the exact same circumstances are setting us up for astronomic gains once again.
I’ll show you why these profits are inevitable... when to expect them... and what to buy.
But before I do, allow me to introduce myself...
I've Been on the Front Lines of the
Billion-Dollar "Green Rush"
For a Decade Now
Hi, my name is Jimmy Mengel.
I’ve been on the front lines of America’s billion-dollar "Green Rush" for the better part of a decade.
And even though the market is still only legal in some places...
I’ve shown my readers big gains on some of the hottest emerging marijuana plays.
Like a biotech developing marijuana treatments that we bought and sold for 93% gains in seven months.
Or a Canadian marijuana delivery company that handed us 73% gains in seven months.
Another company I recommended four months ago has doubled since then.
And I’ve given six-figure presentations in front of Silicon Valley bigwigs seeking my outlook on this explosive market.

I’ve even hobnobbed with the likes of famous TV host Montel Williams,
who benefited from medical marijuana to treat his multiple sclerosis...
and is now benefiting financially from his medical marijuana
dispensary, too.

Recently I toured the facilities of Canada’s dominant medical
marijuana firm... now poised to make a small fortune for investors.

All because I’m confident of one simple thing...
Legal marijuana is the kind of once-in-a-lifetime mega-trend that delivers "big wins"...
The kind you can retire early on, with more money than you know what to do with.
You see, we hardly ever see the birth of a new billion-dollar
industry or the opportunity to get in before these profits are
Much less one where money is already there under the surface.
That’s what makes the emergence of America’s newest and most
lucrative industry — legal marijuana — the most extraordinary profit
opportunity I’ve ever seen...
And because marijuana legalization is unfolding state by state, we
have the rare opportunity to buy in before prohibition completely ends.
If you know the stories of alcohol millionaires like Joe Kennedy, then you know just how lucrative this can be...
And why Silicon Valley is now scrambling to join the "Green Rush."
In fact, at my recent Money Show presentation, I spoke to early VC investors in companies like Uber, Reddit, and Tesla Motors.
All are pouring capital into emerging marijuana start-ups... and see
even bigger opportunity than anything Silicon Valley has delivered since
the iPhone.
The Financial Times now calls marijuana "Silicon Valley’s hot new sector."
And as the LA Times puts it, "They’re leveraging the legalization of marijuana into a windfall."
So are Fortune 500 corporations.
This includes companies previously opposed to marijuana legalization, like...
- Big Tobacco
- Big Ag
- Big Pharma
All are now getting a piece of the action.
All are putting down billions outside the purview of the government or the media.
Cannabis is even moving to Wall Street, where it could soon be traded just like any commodity.
The CEO of VC firm Privateer Holdings predicts, "Six to 12
months from now there will be investment banks who will have analysts
following cannabis like they follow healthcare or agricultural
These "smart money" moves all point to one unavoidable conclusion...
The time to (legally) pocket massive profits from marijuana is now.
And for good reason...
Over the last 24 months, the legal market has surged from zero to a $2.7 billion industry.
A newly released market report even called legal marijuana:
"America's Fastest-Growing Industry"
— Troy Dayton, CEO of the ArcView Group
— Troy Dayton, CEO of the ArcView Group
Smartphones came in a distant second.
Last year, sales skyrocketed 74%.
The year before, 64%.
No market has taken off at this rate since the tech boom began in the early '90s.
But moving forward, this will look like a drop in the bucket.
Think about it...
Medical marijuana is legal in 23 states...
Recreational use in a mere four states.
Four others have decriminalized it.
And these are just the first dominoes to fall.
New laws are rapidly advancing in half of all 50 states, red and blue alike.
The customers already exist. The market is already there. The profits are just now being tapped.
Which is why this millionaire growth story is only just beginning.
And why the 2016 elections will unlock the marijuana industry’s untapped profit potential...
I’m talking about the imminent end of marijuana prohibition, thanks
to a series of little-known bills on the state and federal levels.
Now, that may sound like a bold prediction, but the writing is on the wall. Anyone who’s paying attention can see it.
Explosive Profit Catalyst:
The Imminent End
of Prohibition in 2016
Presidential candidates are behind legalization on both sides of the aisle.
At least 17 states are lined up to fully legalize marijuana.
And more are joining the wave, no matter who wins the White House.
The political consensus is growing.
Pew Research polls show 53% of the American public supports legalization.
63% of Republicans under 30 support legal marijuana.
And Republican support for legalization has more than doubled in the last five years.
That’s why Republican presidential candidates are now jumping on board, including Trump, Bush, Cruz, and Walker...
In fact, Newsweek recently called 2016 "The Marijuana Election."

Like it or not, we could see "green states" from sea to shining sea by early November.
And as Forbes predicts, "[This move] will make investors extremely wealthy."
I agree.
But what’s the REAL upside potential?
Now, while legal sales of marijuana have climbed to $2.7 billion...
We’re just seeing the results of four states legalizing recreational use.
So as it spreads across the Union, it’s not hard to imagine this story will look a whole lot different.
After all, we’re looking at tens of millions of new and already existing customers.
This is a giant "mountain of money" waiting to be unlocked.
When all is said and done, estimates put the legal market at an astronomic $200 billion.
That’s an incredible sales surge of 7,300%...
The kind of astronomic growth that turns everyday folks into millionaires.
And I’m not talking about 10, five, or even three years from now... but over the next 24 months.
Phenomenal 7,300% Sales Surge...
in 24 Months
That’s why financial journalist Todd Harrison calls marijuana "the best investment idea of the next decade."
The Daily Bell takes it a bit further, calling it the "profit opportunity of the 21st century."
And one hedge fund owner told Wall Street investors, "There is a massive potential. It is untapped. It is just sitting there below the surface and it is ready to come above ground."
Now, some may still be opposed to legalizing marijuana. They may think it’s unethical or immoral.
And I respect anyone’s views.
But when you consider the tide of public opinion...
The growing number of states lining up for legalization...
And the massive profits about to be unleashed as a result...
I think you can agree legal marijuana is inevitable, as are the profits at stake.
So the way I see it, you have two choices...
You can sit on the sidelines and miss out on the profit opportunity of the 21st century...
Or you can ride the tidal wave of inevitable profits for retirement wealth, however you feel about marijuana.
In a moment, I’ll share with you the three best ways to cash in on this $200 billion wealth trend.
The future Anheuser-Busches, Bacardis, and Miller-Coors of marijuana.
But first, let me show you just how much money is up for grabs...
When can you expect to see it...
And why I’m so confident these profits are inevitable.
To give you an idea: First, we’ll have to go back to the end of Prohibition in the 1930s...
When alcohol stocks skyrocketed for unbelievable 10-fold gains in under a year...
Even as the rest of the stock market tanked!
This is what I consider a "crossover event" — illegal markets becoming legal.
Time and time again, these market anomalies have handed investors a fortune.
Let me explain...
The Biggest Profit Opportunity in 83 Years
It’s November 1932.
The writing is on the wall.
FDR wins the election by a landslide.
One of his central promises?
The repeal of Prohibition.
FDR’s victory was easy to anticipate at least months before.
So were the legalization bills that passed in several states.
And much like the situation we’re seeing now, alcohol’s legalization was all but inevitable.
That’s why, even though it would be another year before Prohibition was actually repealed...
It didn’t matter.
Alcohol stocks — known as "repeal stocks" — soared to the heavens.
But since selling liquor was still illegal, only three kinds of American companies were available:
- Medicinal
- Industrial (i.e. cars)
- Ancillary purposes... like antifreeze
Take the major bottle manufacturer Crown Cork & Seal.
Today a blue-chip giant, this company was relatively new at the time.
In June 1932, it traded for just $5.
But then it soared to $10... $30... and $50.
By July 1933, five months before Prohibition was even repealed, it soared to $64...
A massive gain of 1,180% in just 12 months.
Then there’s American Commercial Alcohol, a leading producer of alcohol for cars.
It soared from $8 in 1932 to $20... and then to $50.
By July, it had reached $90.
That's a 1,025% gain in just 15 months.
And there’s National Distillers, the largest provider of medicinal alcohol, which surged from $12 to $125.
Let’s not forget Canada, where alcohol was still legal...
And where major suppliers surged as the American market opened up once again.
Take Hiram-Walker, the maker of Canadian Club, which soared from $2 in 1932 to $59 just 12 months later.
A gain of 2,850%.
But the biggest "repeal stock" home run was the bottle manufacturer Libbey Owens-Ford...
In fact, the Chicago Institute of Securities would list it as one of the top stocks of the next two decades...
All told, the stock surged for incredible 11,326% gains.
Enough to turn just $10,000 into over a million-dollar nest egg.
Now, these gains are great and all...
But how did investors really do?
How Joe Kennedy REALLY Got Rich
(HINT: Not Bootlegging)
Consider the famous example of Joe Kennedy.
Now, you might have heard the legendary story of how the Kennedy patriarch accumulated his riches...
Laying the foundations of the famous family fortune.
To this day, many claim Kennedy built his empire by illegally bootlegging alcohol.
But in reality, that was only a small part of it.
Instead, Kennedy made his REAL fortune in just three simple steps...
- He anticipated Prohibition’s end early
- He bought shares of bottle manufacturers and other ancillary companies
- And then rode the tidal wave of life-changing profits as alcohol shares surged in 1933
In 1933 alone, he took home $4.27 million in inflation-adjusted profits...
All by investing in alcohol-related stocks like National Distillers and Libbey-Owens Ford.
Now you can do the same.
And while you might not make millions like Kennedy...
If you know the companies to buy and take action early, just like Kennedy did...
THIS could be the biggest profit windfall of your life — hands down.
And this is just one past example.
Whenever an industry becomes legal, investors get rich.
History has proven this time and time again.
Consider the next big "crossover event" — the (partial) legalization of gambling in the 1970s...
Guess What Happened When
Gambling Became (Somewhat) Legal...
It’s the mid-1970s.
Atlantic City passes a historic bill legalizing gambling.
The law leads to Native Americans winning a series of historic court battles...
Paving the way for legalized gambling in Indian reservations everywhere.
The result?
Gaming stocks take off... even as the market is tanking.
Take Bally Manufacturing, the country’s largest casino slot-maker.
It trades at $5.
But then it shoots up to $10... $30... as high as $68 by September.
A gain of 1,260% in just nine months.
Then there’s the Las Vegas casino operator Golden Nugget.
It surges from $5 at the beginning of the year to $45 by August...
A gain of 800% in eight months.
And these are just a handful of examples. Dozens of hotel, airline,
and real estate stocks soared for 1,000% gains or more in just months.
Many were ancillary companies poised to profit from the legalization of
gambling in Atlantic City.
But the biggest home run by far was Resorts International — the lead casino for Atlantic City.
That’s a whopping 31,432% gain... in just two short years.
Good enough to turn every...
- $100 into $31,432
- $1,000 into $313,432
- $10,000 into $3,313,432
In a matter of 24 months!
This is simply the biggest, quickest gain I’ve EVER seen in the markets. Nothing else compares... not by a long shot.
If you had seen the writing on the wall when Atlantic City first proposed legal casinos...
If you knew THIS company’s potential to hand investors earth-shattering gains...
And if you had taken quick and decisive action...
It’s no exaggeration to say you could have retired on this single play... with just a very tiny stake.
This is the historic wealth-building power of "crossover" events — when formerly banned industries become legal.
History's NEXT
"Repeal Stocks" Boom
Just like the end of Prohibition and the partial legalization of gambling...
The end of marijuana prohibition will make investors very rich, very quickly.
And if you know where to look and take action while it’s early...
You could see the biggest profit windfall of your life, no matter how much you invest.
After all, the big winners won’t be the growers...
Or anyone who even touches the marijuana itself.
The winners will be the ancillary companies essential to production.
I’m talking about real estate, grow equipment, and security systems (just to name a few).
These are companies with the potential to deliver nothing less than 10-fold returns in under a year.
Once again, investors will see the writing on the wall.
They’ll see a major election in 2016 that guarantees a shift in policy...
They’ll see dozens of states pass legalization bills...
And they’ll snap up shares of marijuana companies in a frenzy... driving share prices through the roof.
But you’ll need to move right now, because these stocks will start surging long before prohibition is officially over.
Can you guess the effect of the end of Prohibition on alcohol stocks?
Nothing. Not even a tiny bump.
That’s because investors had already bought up company shares in anticipation of what they knew was inevitable.
That’s why the "smart money" is moving into this sector now.
Billionaires like Thiel, Buffett, Soros, and Musk.
And if you know where to look — and move quickly — you can get their same first-mover advantage.
And this is key...
In fact, getting in early enough could mean the difference between a few nice percentage points on your portfolio...
And a massive retirement windfall.
It’s your choice.
But if you want the second option, you’ll want to act right now.
And you’ll want to act on the three specific plays I’m sharing with you today...
The future Anheuser-Busches, Bacardis, and Miller-Coors of marijuana.
That’s why I’ve laid the groundwork for you so you can get started immediately.
You’ll get all the details on how to profit from America’s
fastest-growing industry — including three red-hot plays — in my
brand-new dossier, "Green Rush Profits: 3 Ways to Play the End of Marijuana Prohibition in 2016."

Inside you’ll get...
- Their names, ticker symbols, company profiles, and full analysis — everything you need to make this emerging opportunity the most lucrative of your life starting today.
- Everything I recently shared with an overcrowded room of hungry VC investors at The Money Show in San Francisco.
- All of my boots-on-the-ground analysis, including hobnobbing with elite marijuana entrepreneurs like TV show host Montel Williams.
- And much, much more.
Let me tell you a little about each of these companies right now...
Green Rush Play #1:
"Canada's $1.3 Billion
Marijuana Monopoly"
Marijuana Monopoly"
Gains Potential: 2,900%

My first pick is a Vancouver-based company I call the "New King of
Pot Stocks" because it’s positioned as the future monopoly of Canada’s
marijuana industry.
The Canadian market for medical marijuana is growing fast.
Industry experts project the market will grow from 40,000 individuals to 1 million in just a few years.
And this firm is THE number one way to cash in on Canada’s explosive market — hands down.
First off, the company is Canada’s first licensed marijuana
distributer and manufacturer, so it has considerable first-mover
That alone should grab our attention.
But when you add a recent acquisition of its biggest competitor...
A combination that analysts hail as “a cannabis superpower”...
We can now indisputably say it’s the dominant player of the country’s
market — one that will lead this industry from infancy to maturity...
And deliver investors the biggest returns.
But it has just started growing its market share, and here’s why...
The company doubled its revenue each month in 2014.
In 2015, its revenues have grown six-fold.
In just two short years, its revenues are projected to explode 2,900%... even as expenses decline!
No surprise, then, that it recently booked positive profits... AND free cash flow.
I’m telling you... in an infant industry like this, where many of the
companies are emerging players, it’s incredibly rare to find a company
sitting on extra cash.
In fact, right now it’s the ONLY player in the Canadian market to generate free cash flow.
This all means one thing: It can snap up its much weaker competitors... expanding market share.
In other words, we’re early on the cusp of an explosive profit growth story.
Just to give you an idea of its potential, this stock has more than doubled investors’ money in just ONE month. Take a look...

That’s enough to turn a small investment of $10,000 into $25,000... in only 30 days.
And a coming catalyst could send it a whole lot higher.
Recently, the Canadian government legalized cannabis oil and edibles
— a law that takes effect near the end of the year... opening up a whole
new billion-dollar space for this marijuana giant.
To be sure, it has dozens of products in the pipeline that should hit the market before 2015 is over...
Not to mention it’s quickly expanding into the North American market.
And as the ONLY profitable Canadian marijuana firm — one generating
free cash flow — it has the treasure chest to do so... without adding
any debt.
Right now, its shares trade around $3...
But considering we’re looking at the dominant leader of a projected $1.3 billion market...
It’s unbelievable how the markets are undervaluing it.
Moving forward, 2,900% gains are not out of the question.
That brings me to my next recommendation.
It's a Denver-based social media platform that some now dub...
Green Rush Play #2:
"The Facebook of Marijuana"
Gains Potential: 1,500 percent
It’s connecting thousands of legal weed users around America.
The company’s subscriber base has soared from 25,000 last year to 500,000 now.
That’s an astronomic surge of 2,000%...

And as marijuana prohibition ends, this number will only grow.
So will the number of companies paying for advertising.
Right now, 1,000 marijuana companies are hosted on the social platform.
Locked out by Google, Facebook, and Twitter, these business owners are just happy to have a space for Internet marketing.
And with competition heating up in the market, they’ll pay whatever it takes to reach customers.
Let me be clear: Online marketing for cannabis is a HUGE untapped space. And when prohibition ends, this company is lined up to be the leader — not other social media firms that snubbed the industry.
The astronomical growth in subscribers has hedge funds taking notice.
So far, it’s attracted $25 million in venture capital this year.
The markets are starting to see its potential, too...
Between August and September, the stock surged 129%.

Not bad for one month.
But wait until you hear what’s coming next...
If everything goes right (and there’s no reason it shouldn’t), this
will be the first cannabis tech company to be listed on a major
A significant milestone event that could attract dozens of big-name institutions and send investors piling into the stock.
This is just weeks away, so I urge you to move quickly.
While it only trades at $2...
It has all the potential of Facebook or Twitter, if you had invested pre-IPO.
Now, here are the details of my last play...
Green Rush Play #3:
The Company Banking on
Marijuana’s $3.6 Billion Energy Shift
Marijuana’s $3.6 Billion Energy Shift
Gains Potential: 1,000%
It's a Swedish-based LED light technology firm.
The energy costs for marijuana growers are astronomical, to say the least.
One study estimates that weed growers consume 1% of total U.S. energy output.
- That’s the equivalent of 2 million American homes...
- The entire country of Israel...
- And as many as 150 countries!
The total tab has been estimated at $5 billion a year.
Industrial growers, like Denver-based Medicine Men, pay as much as $40,000 per month for electricity.
So LED lights are a no-brainer.
They can cut energy costs by as much as 66% in some cases.
They’re also eco-friendly and produce more diverse, potent, and higher yields of cannabis.
And this Swedish firm is on the cutting edge of new LED technology customized for the marijuana industry.
Over the last year, in fact, sales of its patented LED technology have doubled.
And that’s just for starters...
The overall LED grow-light module market is expected to move from
$395 million in 2013 to $3.6 billion by 2020, according to Wintergreen
These estimates will certainly move higher after the 2016 election, when dozens of new states pass bills of their own.
And considering its disruptive technology... growing client base... and surging sales growth...
This company is shaping up to be a major player in this emerging billion-dollar space.
Right now it trades around $1.30, but $10 is not out of the question moving forward.
So you’ve seen all the profits up for grabs...
The upcoming catalysts that can put this money in your pocket soon...
And similar circumstances where investors got rich.
So that you, too, can turn this into the profit opportunity of a
lifetime, I’ve assembled the full details on this pick — and the two
other red-hot plays — in my brand-new dossier:
"Green Rush Profits: 3 Ways to Play the End of Marijuana Prohibition in 2016."
Inside, you’ll find a profile on each of these companies and their ticker symbols.
That way, you can buy into them right now, before they start returning HUGE gains.
With your permission, I’d like to send you my research on this new breakthrough absolutely FREE.
All I ask is that you take a quick test-drive of my research advisory service, The Crow’s Nest.
Welcome to the The Crow's Nest
As I mentioned before, my name is Jimmy Mengel.
You may have seen me hobnobbing with the financial elite on CNBC's Closing Bell...
Or you may have heard of me as the architect behind the wildly popular finance and investing website Wealth Wire, where I brought readers the story behind the mainstream financial news every single day.
I've spent my entire professional career researching and writing about little-known opportunities in the financial arena.
I head the Outsider Club and our financial planning advisory, The Crow's Nest.
As a trained journalist, I've gained a reputation among my peers for
digging like a sleuth to uncover under-the-radar moneymaking loopholes
in financial back doors that most people never hear of...
In other words, I don't follow the crowd. The real money is always in
the investments you've never heard of. That's how the rich play the
Whether it’s the $200 billion untapped potential of the marijuana market...
The emergence of cutting-edge medical developments that could change our lives and mint new fortunes...
Or retirement loopholes that can turn these profit windfalls into substantial "work-free" salaries...
I take pride in not just spotting life-changing trends long before the media catches wind...
But also helping everyday investors maximize their profits from these explosive opportunities.
That’s what The Crow’s Nest is all about.
All the research, the meetings with executives, the boots-on-the-ground investigation...
Touring the shops... factories... and fields...
It’s all a lot of work that keeps me going nonstop.
But it’s all worth it, knowing that you — the everyday investor — can see the money you need to fund your retirement.
And nothing — I repeat, NOTHING — compares to the once-in-lifetime opportunity the marijuana market now presents us.
All-new millionaires are being minted every day... with many more to come.
Not just entrepreneurs, either...
But everyday Americans who buy the right companies at the right time.
Whether it’s the end of Prohibition or legalized gambling...
Again and again, major legal changes like this drive stocks up for 10-, 20-, and 100-fold gains... in a matter of months.
And investors get rich.
As soon as you start your FREE trial subscription to The Crow’s Nest, you’ll get access to my new dossier...
"Green Rush Profits: 3 Ways to Play the End of Marijuana Prohibition in 2016."
So you’ll get a shot to join them as history repeats itself.
To sweeten the deal, I’ll also send you a brand-new research report on a very unique company I call the "Gold Barons."
Even as gold has plummeted in recent years...
And even as some miners have plunged by 80%, slaughtering investors...
This gold company has not batted an eye. In fact, it could have doubled your money during the same time.
Bonus Report #1:
"The Gold Barons: Make Money in ANY Gold Market"

Here’s the kicker...
Whenever gold soars, sending miner shares through the roof...
This company has historically surged three times higher!
That’s incredible.
It has all the upside of gold, with none of the downside. And it
continues doubling investors’ money no matter what happens to the price
of gold.
It’s the perfect company to own whether you’ll bullish or bearish on gold.
You’ll get the name, ticker symbol, and company profile — all the
details on what makes this company so different and why it could double
your money moving forward, no matter what the gold market is doing...
All inside my dossier: "The Gold Barons: Make Money In ANY Gold Market."

Like I said, I will send you all of this research free of charge when you start a subscription to The Crow’s Nest, which is delivered to your email inbox every month.
I realize you might have subscribed to a financial or investment
newsletter before, but I guarantee you’ve never read anything like The Crow’s Nest.
Introducing you to the best investment ideas in the stock market is just a small part of what I do.
In my years running Wealth Wire, I’ve seen it all... and now
I’ve boiled all of that knowledge down to an easy-to-follow program
that will help you secure your finances, grow what you have, and allow
you to retire comfortably instead of working until you drop — even if
you've never bought a stock in your life.
The Crow's Nest will teach you how to completely take
control of your finances — from buying stocks and plotting your
retirement to taking advantage of tax breaks and simply plugging the
money leaks that threaten to sink your savings.
Here are a few things you will discover when you read The Crow’s Nest:
- How you can save up to $277,969 by avoiding certain kinds of investments.
- How to open a savings account that actually beats inflation.
- A secret that will help you save hundreds of dollars on car insurance.
- A sneaky fee that could be draining thousands of dollars out of your retirement account.
- Why your credit card could be costing you hundreds of dollars, even if you don’t use it.
- The best way to protect your portfolio during volatile times... and much more
So how much does The Crow’s Nest cost, and how can you get started?
Well, before I tell you how to start a subscription, there’s something else I want you to know.
There’s another research report I want to make sure you have in your hands immediately.
Bonus Report #2:
"The Forbidden Secret To Retire a Millionaire"

Did you know there’s a secret retirement account that lets you pocket, on average, an extra 4% gain every single year?
I know an extra 4% gain may not sound like much... but all these gains add up to a fortune over time. Take a look at this chart:

It shows the growth of $1,000 invested in both the S&P 500 index
and this secret retirement account going all the way back to 1929.
While a $1,000 investment would have turned into $80,760 with the
S&P 500 index, the same $1,000 investment would have turned into
$2,297,085 with this retirement plan. That’s more than 28 times higher.
This account had an average annual return of 9.8%, while the S&P
500 had an average annual return of 5.4%... a difference of 4.4% every
single year...
All thanks to what I call $50 Retirement Plans.
This is a very unique way to retire rich... a rarely advertised
investment opportunity so good that it puts 401(k)s and IRAs to shame.
Most people don’t know this retirement program exists.
But a few regular folks, like Bernard Schlossman, a 73-year-old
retiree from Northridge, have already started to take advantage of this
secret. As he says, this is something "you cannot not do."
That's because this little-known program can mean a lifetime of safe,
effortless wealth generation for ordinary Americans... beginning with
as little as a few hundred dollars.
And this is the perfect program for investors who are looking for
income because it allows you to collect five to 10 TIMES bigger
dividends than holding a stock the normal way...
With this kind of income, you could amass an unbelievable stake in just years starting with very little money.
I’m sure by now you’re asking yourself, "If this secret plan is so good, then how come I haven't heard about it before?"
The short answer is that the government has placed restrictions on advertising this program to the general public.
When this plan was created, it completely bypassed traditional
brokers and money managers. So Wall Street lobbied Congress to forbid it
from ever being advertised to the public...
As The Wall Street Journal wrote:
"It’s the best-kept secret on
Wall Street. Securities and Exchange Commission rules won't let them say
much about this fabulous way of saving and building wealth..."
Or as MarketWatch put it:
"Brokers and fund managers can't
sock you with big fees and commissions if you [use this program]. So
they won't tell you the 'best-kept secret' and they've made sure
Congress and the SEC keep it a secret too."
Do you see now why few people know this program even exists?
The good news is that today, many online brokers will gladly help you get started. Your current broker may even offer this program, even though he probably doesn't advertise it.
The good news is that today, many online brokers will gladly help you get started. Your current broker may even offer this program, even though he probably doesn't advertise it.
You just have to know what to say.
I’ve created a special report to tell you everything you need to know
about this rarely advertised retirement program. In the report, I'll
show you how to get started... why this plan is so much better than
regular retirement plans... how much you can collect... and three
companies that are perfect for setting up $50 Retirement Plans.
As soon as you become a subscriber of The Crow’s Nest, you
will get access to this report that shows you exactly how this secret
plan works. You can get started with it in a matter of minutes.
A subscription to my letter, by the way, costs $99 a year.
Remember, elite investors charge their clients thousands of dollars for their advice. With The Crow’s Nest, you will get access to their best picks without having to pay the hefty fees they charge.
That’s why many folks believe The Crow’s Nest offers the best deal you’re ever likely to come across for this kind of research.
But here’s the thing...
But here’s the thing...
You can actually get started with a full-year subscription today for
much less than our normal rate. Today, you can receive a full year of The Crow’s Nest, plus everything else I mentioned here, for only $69.
Why so cheap?
Well, I know that most of my readers, like me, are extremely
skeptical. Lots of people can make big promises and talk a good game,
but in my experience, very few can actually deliver on what they
And I know that if you’re like me, I need to earn your trust
and your business. That’s why I want to make it as easy, cheap, and
hassle-free as possible for you to try my work today.
That’s why, instead of paying our regular rate of $99 per year, today
you can pay just $69. That’s $0.19 a day to receive EVERYTHING I
mentioned here.
This includes:
- 12 Issues of The Crow's Nest:
Delivered every month, each research letter I send you will be packed
with the best elite investor ideas I uncover. I’ll also show you how to
boost your income, incredible ways to dramatically cut your cost of
living, the safest way to grow your retirement account, and much more.
- Special Report: "Green Rush Profits: 3 Ways To Play the End of Marijuana Prohibition in 2016"
- Bonus Report #1: "The Gold Barons: Make Money In ANY Gold Market"
- Bonus Report #2: "The Forbidden Secret To Retire a Millionaire"

Oh, and one more thing...
When you try my research, I’m not asking you to commit to anything whatsoever.
All I expect when you sign up is that you’ll give my work a try.
Here’s the deal I’d like to propose: Sign up today to start receiving my
research, and take the next 90 days to make up your mind.
If for any reason my work does not seem right for you, simply let me
know within the next 90 days, and I’ll make sure you get a FULL REFUND
for your entire $69 payment.
No restocking fee. Nothing to send back. Even if you cancel your
subscription and receive a full refund, I’d like you to keep all the
research you’ve received, my compliments.
Remember, even if you’ve subscribed to a financial letter before, I guarantee you’ve never seen anything like The Crow’s Nest.
I will introduce you to the best investment ideas from the most
powerful investors on Wall Street and help you achieve financial freedom
by taking complete control of your finances.
If this sounds like a fair deal to you, simply click on the
"Subscribe Now" button below, which will take you to a secure order
form, where you can review everything you’ll receive before placing your
I look forward to hearing from you.

Jimmy Mengel
Investment Director, The Crow's Nest