Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda :
أهل العراق ألا يجبى إليهم قفيز ولا درهم . قلنا : من أين ذاك ؟ قال : من
قبل العجم . يمنعون ذاك . ثم قال : يوشك أهل الشام أن لا يجبى إليهم
دينار ولا مدي . قلنا : من أين ذاك ؟ قال : من قبل الروم . ثم أسكت هنية .
ثم قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم " يكون في آخر أمتي خليفة
يحثي المال حثيا لا يعده عددا
hampir masanya penduduk Iraq tidak akan memperoleh bagian dari takaran
makanan dan dirham". Kami berkata, "Kenapa begitu ?", Beliau menjawab:
"Kaum 'Ajam yang akan mencegahnya". Kemudian beliau bersabda, “Telah
hampir masanya penduduk Syam tidak memperoleh bagian dari uang dinar
dan takaran makanan". Kami berkata, "Kenapa begitu ?", Beliau menjawab,
"Kaum Romawi yang mencegahnya". Kemudian Nabi diam sebentar, lalu
berkata, "Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam berkata, “Akan ada
diakhir umatku seorang khalifah yang akan membagi-bagikan harta kepada
rakyatnya tanpa perhitungan, berapa ia memberinya". (HR. Muslim : 7499)
Penjelasan :
hadits tersebut, Nabi menginformasikan kepada kita akan terjadinya
pemboikotan Iraq yang dilakukan bangsa Asing. Dan peristiwa ini sudah
terjadi sejak tahun 2003 di mana Amerika Serikat melalui PBB mengembargo
Iraq selama 12 tahun yang diprovokasi oleh Israil.
kedua, Nabi menginformasikan kepada kita akan terjadinya pemboikotan
Syam (Palestina, Syuriah dan lain-lain). Sejak tahun 2009, Israil telah
memblokade Palestina terutama kota Gaza. Sehingga penduduk Palestina
mengalami kehidupan yang teramat sempit.
Namun dibalik
peristiwa itu, Nabi memberikan kabar gembira, beliau menginformasikan
kepada kita setelah beliau diam sejenak bahwa ada seorang khalifah yang
adil yang akan mensejahterakan kehidupan kaum muslimin khususnya
negeri Palestina yaitu Imam Mahdi.
Imam at-Tirmidzi dan Imam Abu Dawud menamai khalifah tersebut dengan al-Mahdi sebagaimana dijelaskan oleh Imam al-Qurthubi :
قد روى الترمذي وابو داود احاديث صحيحة في هذا الخليفة وسمياه بالمهدي
dan Abu Dawud telah meriwayatkan beberapa hadits sahih mengenai
khalifah ini, dan beliau berdua menamainya dengan nama al-Mahdi.."
(Al-Mufhim : 7/252)
Oleh : Ust. Ibnu Abdillah Al Katibi
Rabu, 4 Syawwal 1435 H / 30
Juli 2014 13:00 wib
Seruan Dokter dan Ilmuwan Barat : Di mana Hati Nurani Masyarakat Dunia?
Sekelompok dokter dan ilmuwan
Barat menyampaikan pesan kepada masyarakat dunia atas serangan Zionis-Israel
terhadap Jalur Gaza, dan menggambarkannya sebagai, “Serangan yang biadab, tak
terbatas, berskala luas, dan memiliki intensitas yang tinggi”.
Kami, dokter dan
ilmuwan, dan kami menghabiskan hidup (umur) mengembangkan cara-cara merawat dan
melindungi kesehatan dan kehidupan. Kami juga orang yang memilliki informasi,
kami mengajarkan etika profesi, bersama-sama antara pengetahuan dan praktek
itu. Kita semua telah bekerja Gaza
selama bertahun-tahun dengan kondisi dan situasi yang ada.
Atas dasar etika
dan praktek, kami mengecam apa yang kita saksikan dalam agresi Gaza oleh Zionis-Israel. Kami meminta
rekan-rekan kami, profesional tua dan muda, untuk mengecam agresi Israel ini.
Kami menentang
propaganda penuh kebohongan yang membenarkan penciptaan keadaan darurat untuk
membenarkan pembantaian, yang disebut "agresi defensif". Pada
kenyataannya itu adalah serangan kejam yang tak terbatas, lingkup, dan
intensitas. Kami ingin melaporkan fakta-fakta seperti yang kita lihat dan
implikasinya terhadap kehidupan masyarakat.
Kami terkejut
oleh serangan militer terhadap warga sipil Gaza dengan kedok menghukum teroris. Ini
adalah serangan militer skala besar ketiga terhadap Gaza sejak 2008. Setiap kali korban tewas,
hanyalah menimpa terutama orang-orang tak berdosa di Gaza. Khususnya, perempuan atau anak, dan
dengan dalih tidak dapat diterima, di mana Zionis-Israel bertujuan memberantas
kelompok partai politik dan perlawanan Hamas di Gaza. Sedangkan Gaza
sudah diblokade, dikepung, dan dikucilkan oleh pendudukan Zionis-Israel.
Tindakan ini
menakutkan rakyat secara tidak langsung, dan melukai jiwa, pikiran, dan
ketahanan generasi muda. Kutukan dan sikap jijik kami diperparah oleh penolakan
dan larangan Zionis yang melarang menerima setiap bantuan dari luar dan bantuan
apapun untuk meringankan kondisi buruk rakyat di Gaza.
Zionis telah
memperketat blokade terhadap Gaza,sejak tahun
lalu dan ini memperburuk secara total konndisi penduduk Gaza. Di Gaza, orang menderita kelaparan,
kehausan, polusi, kekurangan obat-obatan, listrik, dan sarana untuk mendapatkan
penghasilan, dan bukan hanya dengan serangan bom dan rudal Zionis semata.
Krisis listrik, kekurangan bensin, air dan kelangkaan makanan, aliran
limbah dan sumber daya manusia yang terus menurun adalah bencana yang
ditimbulkan langsung maupun tidak langsung oleh blokade.
Rakyat Gaza
yang menolak agresi militer Zionis, karena mereka ingin kehidupan yang lebih
baik dan normal, dan bahkan menangis saat dalam kesedihan, rasa sakit, dan
teror. Mereka menolak gencatan senjata sementara yang tidak memberikan
kesempatan nyata untuk masa depan yang lebih baik.
Sebuah suara
rakyat oleh serangan Zionis terhadap Gaza
bahwa Um Al Ramlawi yang berbicara mewakili semua rakyat Gaza,”Mereka membunuh
kami semua, termasuk kematian yang perlahan-lahan oleh pengepungan
(blokade), atau kematian dengan serangan militer. Kami tak memiliki apa-apa
lagi, kita harus berjuang untuk hak-hak kami, atau mati”
Gaza diblokade dari laut dan darat sejak 2006 oleh
Zionis-Israel. Setiap orang dari Gaza, termasuk nelayan yang melewati 3
mil laut dari pantai Gaza, mereka ditembak oleh Angkatan Laut Israel. Tak
seorang pun dari Gaza dapat meninggalkan melalui
dua pos pemeriksaan, Erez atau Rafah, tanpa izin khusus dari Israel dan
Mesir, yang sulit didapat, bahkan mustahil.
Rakyat Gaza
tidak dapat pergi ke luar negeri untuk belajar, bekerja, mengunjungi keluarga,
atau melakukan bisnis. Orang-orang yang terluka dan orang sakit tidak bisa
mudah meninggalkan mendapatkan perawatan khusus di luar Gaza.
Makanan dan
obat-obatan masuk ke Gaza
telah dibatasi dan banyak item (jenis) penting untuk kelangsungan hidup
dilarang. Sebelum serangan ini, persediaan beberapa item (jenis) medis di
Gaza sudah
kedaluwarsa, karena blokade. Mereka kehabisan bahah-bahan medis sekarang.
Demikian juga, Gaza
tidak dapat mengekspor produknya. Pertanian sangat terganggu oleh pengenaan
zona penyangga, dan produk pertanian tidak dapat diekspor karena blokade.
Hampir 80% dari penduduk Gaza
tergantung pada jatah makanan dari PBB.
Sebagian besar
bangunan dan infrastruktur Gaza telah hancur selama Operasi Cast Lead, 2008-09,
dan bahan bangunan telah diblokade, sehingga sekolah, rumah, dan lembaga tidak
dapat dibangun kembali dengan benar. Pabrik dihancurkan oleh pemboman, dan
jarang dibangun kembali, akibatnya menambah pengangguran kemiskinan.
kondisinya sangat sulit, rakyat Gaza
dan para pemimpin politik mereka, baru saja berhasil menyelesaikan konflik
internal mereka "kekuatan dan membahayakan". Hamas dan Fatah berhasil
melakukan proses rekonsiliasi antara faksi-faksi, kepemimpinan mereka menolah
berebut jabagtan dan kedudukan atau posisi. Sehingga pemerintah persatuan
dapat dibentuk menghapuskan politik faksional yang membelah mereka sejak
Rekonsiliasi ini,
walaupun diterima oleh masyarakat internasional, tapi ditolak oleh Israel.
Serangan Israel ini menghentikan kesempatan kesatuan politik antara Gaza dan
Tepi Barat, dan menjadi negara ‘tunggal’ Palestina, dan memecah masyarakat
Palestina dengan menghancurkan kehidupan rakyat Gaza.
dalih menghilangkan terorisme, Zionis-Israel sedang mencoba menghancurkan
persatuan Palestina yang sedang tumbuh. Di antara kebohongan lain, disebutkan
bahwa warga sipil di Gaza sandera Hamas,
sedangkan kebenaran yang sesungguhnya adalah Jalur Gaza
disegel (diblokade) oleh Israel
dan Mesir.
Gaza dibom terus
menerus selama 19 hari terakhir, dan sekarang diikuti dengan invasi
(serangan) darat oleh tank-tank dan ribuan pasukan Israel. Lebih dari ribuan warga
sipil Gaza
diperintahkan Zionis meninggalkan rumah mereka. Para
pengungsi tidak mempunya tempat untuk pergi, karena wilayah Gaza Tengah dan
Selatan, juga mengalami pemboman artileri berat.
Seluruh Gaza
diserang. Satu-satunya tempat penampungan di h Gaza adalah sekolah dari Badan
PBB untuk Bantuan Pengungsi Palestina di Timur Dekat (UNRWA), tapi tempat
penampungan ini juga sudah menjadi target selama Cast Lead, dan Zionis
membunuh banyak orang-orang tak berdosa.
Departemen Kesehatan Gaza dan Kantor PBB untuk Koordinasi Urusan Kemanusiaan
(OCHA), pada 21 Juli, hampir 2000 orang yang tewas, lebih 6500 yang terluka di Gaza,
dan 2.100 yang terluka adalah anak-anak. Mereka yang terkubur
di bawah reruntuhan tidak belum dihitung jumlahnya. Ketika kami menulis, BBC
melaporkan pemboman rumah sakit yang lain, dan menghancurkan unit
perawatan intensif dan ruang operasi, termasuk kematian pasien dan staf.
Sekarang ada
kekhawatiran rumah sakit utama Al Shifa. Selain itu, kebanyakan orang secara
psikologis trauma di Gaza.
Siapapun yang berumur diatas 6 tahun telah memiliki pengalaman hidup dengan
serangan ketiga militer Zionis-Israel. Akibat pembantaian di Gaza, tidak
ada lagi peralatan medis yang dibutuhkan oleh para pasien, termasuk
anak-anak cacat dan sakit di rumah sakit, tidak tempat bermain di pantai,
atau ruang-ruang yang tertutup, semuanya sudah dihancurkan oleh Zionis
dengan rudal. Bahkan, 11 anak dibawah umur 6 tahun yang sedang bermain di
pantai semua tewas dibunuh oleh Zionis.
sakit, klinik, ambulans, masjid, sekolah, dan bangunan semua telah
diserang, dengan ribuan rumah pribadi dibom. Zionis-Israel jelas mengarahkan
rudal mereka dengan menargetkan seluruh keluarga di Gaza. Zionis berusaha membunuh mereka di
dalam rumah mereka, merampas keluarga, rumah mereka dengan mengejar mereka yang
keluar beberapa menit sebelum kehancuran.
Seluruh daerah
dihancurkan pada 20 Juli, meninggalkan ribuan orang yang mengungsi dan menjadi
tunawisma.Selain melukai ribuan dan menewaskan ribuan lainnya,
adalah cara dimaksudkan untuk menemukan terowongan. Tak satu pun tindakan
pasukan Zionis yang menjadi adalah sasaran militer. Serangan-serangan ini
bertujuan untuk meneror, luka jiwa, dan tubuh orang-orang, dan membuat hidup
mereka tidak mungkin normal di masa depan, serta juga menghancurkan rumah-rumah
mereka dan melarang mereka membangun kembali.
yang ditembakan oleh Zionis-Israel diketahui menyebabkan kerusakan jangka
panjang pada kesehatan seluruh penduduk Gaza, khususnya persenjataan yang
mengandung zat-zat mematikan jangka panjang, dan bahkan Zionis menggunakan bom
curah yang dilarang oleh konvensi internasional. Kita menyaksikan senjata
Zionis digunakan dengan target tanpa pandang bulu, dan pada anak-anak, kita
terus-menerus melihat bahwa apa yang disebut senjata cerdas telah gagal,
kecuali mereka sengaja digunakan untuk menghancurkan nyawa tak berdosa.
Kami mengutuk
mitos yang disebarkan oleh Zionis-Israel bahwa agresi yang dilakukan
adalah karena peduli tentang menyelamatkan nyawa sipil dan masa depan
anak-anak Palestina. Sungguh sangat biadab.
Perilaku Israel
menghina kemanusiaan kita, kecerdasan, dan martabat serta etika profesi
dan segala upaya kita. Bahkan orang-orang yang ingin pergi dan membantu tidak
dapat mencapai Gaza,
karena blokade. Ini "agresi defensif" waktunya tak terbatas,
lingkup, dan skala intensitasnya harus dihentikan.
Selain itu, harus
dikonfirmasi penggunaan gas oleh Zionis-Israel dalam perang di Gaza, ini jelas kejahatan perang yang
sangat terkutuk, sebelum hal lain, sanksi yang keras harus diambil segera
terhadap Zionis-Israel, dan penghentian perjanjian perdagangan dan
kerjasama negara-negara Eropa dengan Zionis.
Ketika kami
menulis ini, dilaporkan pembantaian yang lain dan ancaman terhadap tenaga
medis, di layanan darurat dan penolakan masuk konvoi untuk kemanusiaan
internasional. Kita sebagai ilmuwan dan dokter tidak bisa diam, ketika
kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan terus berlanjut. Kami mendorong masyarakat
internasional tidak diam.
Gaza terperangkap di bawah pengepungan, dibunuh oleh
salah satu mesin militer modern terbesar dan paling canggih di dunia. Tanah
Gaza diracuni oleh puing-puing senjata, dengan konsekuensi untuk generasi
mendatang. Jika orang-orang dari kita mampu berbicara, dan sampai gagal untuk
melakukannya dan mengambil sikap terhadap kejahatan perang ini, kami juga
terlibat dalam penghancuran kehidupan terhadap 1,8 juta penduduk Gaza.
Kami merasa cemas
bahwa hanya 5% dari rekan-rekan kami dari kalangan akademik Israel, yang
menandatangani banding kepada pemerintah mereka untuk menghentikan operasi
militer terhadap Gaza. Kami menyimpulkan bahwa dengan pengecualian 5% dari
kalangan akademisi ini, sisanya akademisi Israel
terlibat dalam pembantaian dan penghancuran Gaza. Kami juga melihat keterlibatan negara
di Eropa dan Amerika Utara dalam pembantaian ini, dan membiarkan
pembantaian, seakan mereka menikmati kehancuran dan pembantaian sehari-hari di Gaza.
Mereka menikmati
dengan pemandangan anak-anak, perempuan yang bersimbah darah, meregang nyawa,
dan para pengambil keputusan di Gedung Putih, London,
Berlin, Perancis, tak tergetar dengan
malapetaka yang terjadi di Gaza,
akibat kejahatan Zionis.
Kejahatan Zionis
ini jauh lebih buruk, dibandingkan dengan Nazi, sekalipun. Theater besar Gaza,
dan Zionis mempertunjukkan tontonan yang sangat bar-bar, keji, tak beradab,
justru para pemimpin dunia yang mengaku beradab itu, mereka semua menikmatinya.
Kematian demi kematian rakyat Palestina di Gaza, seperti mereka menikmati
pertunjukkan di sebuah ‘theater' sambil tertawa-tawa. Wallahu’alam.
See more at:
Yahudi Ortodok Kutuk Perang Israel di Gaza
Times- Neturei Karta juga meminta dunia, organisasi hak asasi manusia
dan negara-negara Arab menggunakan cara apapun yang mereka miliki untuk
menghentikan genosida rakyat Palestina oleh Zionis.
Neturei Karta dari Yahudi Ortodoks mengutuk genosida yang dilakukan
oleh pasukan Zionis atas rakyat Palestina dan pemboman di Gaza.
Dikatakannya Israel adalah penindas rakyat Palestina dan para pemimpin mereka. Demikian menurut laporan Wafa, Palestine News & Info Agency, Senin, 19/11/12.
"Zionis melakukan pelanggaran-pelanggaran hak asasi manusia yang mengerikan dan hukum internasional untuk menghukum Palestina atas penolakannya mengakui entitas Zionis sebagai sebuah negara," katanya.
Dikatakan bahwa Zionisme tidak ada hubungannya dengan warga Yahudi dan menegaskan, Zionisme dan Yudaisme sangat bertentangan. "Siapapun yang memiliki kemanusiaan harus memprotes perang ini atas penduduk damai Palestina."
Neturei Karta juga meminta dunia, organisasi hak asasi manusia dan negara-negara Arab menggunakan cara apapun yang mereka miliki untuk menghentikan genosida rakyat Palestina oleh Zionis.
"Kami merasa saatnya telah datang untuk menyeret para pemimpin Zionis ke pengadilan dan bertanggung jawab atas kejahatan perang genosida yang disengaja."
Kelompok Yahudi ini menyatakan belasungkawa kepada seluruh keluarga Palestina yang dibunuh dan berharap kesembuhan total untuk semua yang terluka atas perlakuan Zionis yang haus darah. [Islam Times/on]
Dikatakannya Israel adalah penindas rakyat Palestina dan para pemimpin mereka. Demikian menurut laporan Wafa, Palestine News & Info Agency, Senin, 19/11/12.
"Zionis melakukan pelanggaran-pelanggaran hak asasi manusia yang mengerikan dan hukum internasional untuk menghukum Palestina atas penolakannya mengakui entitas Zionis sebagai sebuah negara," katanya.
Dikatakan bahwa Zionisme tidak ada hubungannya dengan warga Yahudi dan menegaskan, Zionisme dan Yudaisme sangat bertentangan. "Siapapun yang memiliki kemanusiaan harus memprotes perang ini atas penduduk damai Palestina."
Neturei Karta juga meminta dunia, organisasi hak asasi manusia dan negara-negara Arab menggunakan cara apapun yang mereka miliki untuk menghentikan genosida rakyat Palestina oleh Zionis.
"Kami merasa saatnya telah datang untuk menyeret para pemimpin Zionis ke pengadilan dan bertanggung jawab atas kejahatan perang genosida yang disengaja."
Kelompok Yahudi ini menyatakan belasungkawa kepada seluruh keluarga Palestina yang dibunuh dan berharap kesembuhan total untuk semua yang terluka atas perlakuan Zionis yang haus darah. [Islam Times/on]
Thursday, July 31, 2014 6:29 PM
Washed brains; US ready to accept Israel drop nuclear bomb on Gaza
Israel can always place the Palestinians
in the camp of the enemies of the US,
and not only justifies killing them but gets paid by the US for killing
since the advent of the Zionist movement, Zionists paid little respect for the
truth. This was not accidental.
The very
Zionist idea was based on a collection of lies: that Palestine was not inhabited, that the
Palestinians would not mind giving their homeland away, that the Palestinians
don’t exist, or that the Palestinians could easily seek repatriation in any
other place under the sun. And Israel
often relied on the perpetuation of public ignorance in Western countries about
the Middle East in order to facilitate the
promotion and circulation of its propaganda.
This may
explain why the public in all European countries are (by varying degrees) more
sympathetic to Palestinians than to Israelis, while in the US the public supports Israel by a
ratio of 5 to 1 at least.
Zionist lobby in the US consistently opposes and sabotages the establishment of
Middle East centers on US college campuses, and when such centers are
established they are compelled to succumb to ridiculous Zionist standards by
which the population of Israel (some 6 million or so) is equated in terms of
coverage and academic scope with the 1.6 billion Muslims, and where the
teaching of Hebrew (spoken by some 6 million or so Israelis) is regarded as
important as the Arabic language (spoken by some 350 million).
the issue is Hamas, why did Israel
have to kill thousands of Gazans from the 1950s all the way into the 1980s when
Hamas first emerged?"
on the Arab world have to be “balanced” with courses teaching Israel existance,
and the teaching of the Arab-Israeli conflict should be avoided altogether (it
has never been taught in most major departments of political science in key
American universities, like Stanford or Yale or the University of California,
San Diego until recent years and only on a visiting basis).
propaganda has no connection to reality but to the demands of political
operation in Washington, DC.
propaganda has been quite flexible in adjusting its terminology and code words
to suit the political climate in the American capital. In the 1940s, and 1950s,
the Zionists simply presented their enemies to the world as Nazis.
The Palestinian
national movement was portrayed as a mere branch of the Nazi movement (never
mind the low status that Arabs occupied in the heinous Nazi hierarchy of races
and people). The one photograph between Hajj Amin and Hitler was THE evidence.
There are books written in multiple languages about that one (or two according
to some) meeting between the two. Hajj Amin (this buffoonish traditional
Palestinian leader) is still written about as if he was a key leader of the
Nazi state (of course, there were Zionist groups that had more extensive
dealings with Nazis than Hajj Amin but that was not to written about – Hannah
Arendt was shunned and condemned as a self-hating Jew for mentioning that in
her Eichmann in Jerusalem).
similarly, was also presented in Zionist propaganda as a Nazi, but Zionists had
a hard time labeling Nasser with the Nazi
brush. Here was a sophisticated leader who chose his words rather carefully,
and he never had any dealings with Nazis (unlike Anwar Sadat who was from his
early years a Nazi enthusiast and an anti-Semite). Zionists could not find one
evidence against Nasser but struggled to find
anti-Jewish elements in his rhetoric (there wasn’t any). Similarly, they wanted
to label him a Nazi because Egypt
hosted a number of Nazi scientists or functionaries – but their number was much
smaller than the number of Nazi scientists and functionaries who were hosted by
the US
The era
of the Cold War required a different label to the enemy. The US was obsessed
with the specter of communism and the Zionists portrayed all Palestinians as
communists and their organizations were all classified as communist
organizations. This was the era when most books on the PLO dealt with “the
Soviet connection.” The one common theme in all Zionist propaganda was about
the notion that there really is no Palestinian national movement and that
whoever uses the label “Palestinian” is hired by some enemy of the US – always by an enemy of the US – to do its
own bidding. But the Cold War was over and the Zionist had to invent a new
"Israel does not even feel it has to justify
hitting children, schools, and mosques in dealing with US media."
Once the
Cold War was over, the same people who were labeled communists and socialists
only a few years earlier were now labeled Islamists. In fact, the Zionist lobby
participated in elevating Muslims – all world Muslims – into the level of
terrorist enemies of the US and the West (Israel always places itself in the
camp of the “West” in total disregard of half of the Jewish population who
hails from Asian and African countries).
organizations in the West became major promoters of hate and fear against all
Muslims and the ties between the Zionist lobby (and its affiliate
organizations) and the production of hate against Islam and Muslims were not
even hidden.
basically, Israel can always
place the Palestinians in the camp of the enemies of the US, and not only justifies killing them but gets
paid by the US
for killing them. This is where liberals and conservatives agree in the US. American
liberals can’t stand to be in the company of American conservatives but when it
comes to Israeli conservatives they all rush to declare their support. Mario
Cuomo was one of the last self-described liberals in American politics but he
struck a long-standing political alliance with Netanyahu.
rhetoric, even on Gaza,
has been the same. People who studied the history of Israeli crimes in Gaza can see a pattern.
In the 1950s, the Israeli regime said that once the terrorists of Nasser are
killed, there will be peace in Gaza
and the Israelis and Palestinians would have no problems. In the 1960s, the
identity of the enemy changed. Then, the Israeli regime said that once the
Palestinian Fatah and communist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
(PFLP) terrorists are killed, Gaza will have
peace with Israel
and the occupation can go on indefinitely for the benefit of the occupiers and
occupied. Hamas only came later, in the late 1980s.
If the
issue is Hamas, why did Israel
have to kill thousands of Gazans from the 1950s all the way into the 1980s when
Hamas first emerged?
And Israel uses the
rhetoric it used against the PLO in its propaganda against Hamas. Israeli
propagandists identify the problem: it is due to the “Hamas covenant” (there is
no such thing as a “covenant” of Hamas but Israel uses the word on purposes to
make it sound like something religious, out of the Qur’an itself), just as it
used to complain about the “PLO charter.” But the PLO charter of 1968 – before
it was amended by Arafat under pressure by the American administration of Bill
Clinton – was a beautiful political document promising a secular democratic
state in all of Palestine.
There isn’t one single offensive reference to Jews in the charter but Israel managed
to equate it with Mein Kampf.
And in
watching today’s propaganda rhetoric, one notices that it does not even get
updated. The rhetoric I heard as a boy by Israel
against Palestinian secular nationalists and communists is being used yet again
against Hamas and its comrades in Gaza.
Zionists are not even shy about citing the horrific words of Golda Meir in
which she expressed anger at Arabs for making her kill Arab children. Imagine
if one were to argue in a court of law that the parents of children forced the
killer to kill the children. Yet, such Orwellian arguments were cited by a CBS
News presenter as persuasive. Israel
butchers Palestinians but manages to blame its political enemy (whoever it is
at a particular juncture) for the victims of its own bombing, and for the
bombing of its enemy. In other words, Israel is blameless for its own
violence and for the violence of its enemies, when it is actually responsible
for both.
But the
racism and genocidal intentions of the Israeli regime (and public) is clear
when an Israeli ambassador refers to civilians in Gaza as “Hamas civilians.” If Palestinians
were to refer to Israeli civilians as “Likud civilians,” the International
Criminal Court for Brown and Black people would have been compelled to take
Israel does not even feel it has to justify
hitting children, schools, and mosques in dealing with US media.
The US media and
government are willing to justify any Israeli war crime no matter the scale.
I have
no doubt that the US
government and media (and most of the public who identify with Israel at all times) would be willing to accept
if Israel were to drop a
nuclear weapon on Gaza or on Iran. I can
imagine an Israeli leader borrowing from Golda Meir and saying: we hate Arabs
and Iranians for making us drop the nuclear bomb on them. US officials would
then applaud Israel
for its humane rhetoric.
Gaza will not go away. Yitzhak Rabin – the “man
of peace” in US terminology
– famously expressed his desire that Gaza
sink into the sea. Such a wish did not generate bad press as fabricated sayings
by Israel
attributed to Arabs in 1967 (about “throwing the Jews into the sea”).
are here to stay, and the struggle for the liberation of Palestine and the return of refugees won’t
end. With every war, with every massacre, and with every “assault,” Israel (the
regime and its people) genuinely thinks that this war crime would do the job
and finish off the flame of Palestinian nationalism once and for all.
every time, Israeli attempts fail. This war won’t achieve its objectives except
in producing another generation of Arabs who are intent on taking revenge on Israel – and
not through social media.
By As'ad
Source: Al-Akhbar
- See more at:
Friday, August 01, 2014 11:28 AM
5 more Israeli soldiers killed in mortar attack
Israeli soldiers
carry the coffin of a slain trooper who was killed in the northern Gaza Strip
on July 25, 2014.
The Israeli regime has suffered the loss of five
soldiers after a mortar fired from Gaza
hit their position in the Eshkol Regional Council near the border with the Gaza
were notified and the incident was cleared for media publication early Friday
morning bringing Israel's
total military death toll in its offensive in Gaza to 61. Hamas says the toll is over 130.
Israeli army says that 20 of the deaths occurred within the Gaza Strip due to
mortar fire and Palestinian fighters who used tunnels to infiltrate behind
enemy lines.
Israel has been pounding the Gaza
Strip since July 8. Israeli forces also began a ground offensive against the
impoverished Palestinian territory on July 17.
than 1,437 Palestinians have so far been killed and over 8,000 others injured
since the Israeli military first launched its offensive on Gaza on July 8.
Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, has been launching retaliatory
attacks against Israel.
- See more at:
Gaza: ‘War merchants’ attempt to profit at the sake of the displaced
Palestinian man walks amidst debris in the Bureij refugee camp in the
central Gaza Strip during the first hours of a failed truce, on August
1, 2014. (Photo: AFP-Marco Longari)
Despite the beautiful images of social and religious
solidarity in Gaza, some in the Strip insist on deviating from the norm
and on looking out for their own interests by exploiting the basic needs
of the people, in the absence of government [institutions], due to the
severity of the war.
Gaza – In the Gaza Strip some people have put their Palestinian patriotism aside to profit from the misery of their compatriots. They could not care less that more and more people are dying as long as they are filling their pockets, even if it is at the expense of distressed refugees who are left with no choice but to sleep inside schools and churches, after mosques and hospitals turned out to be unsafe sanctuaries.
Whether the number of these opportunists is small or large, the images of solidarity among the people of Gaza, its factions, and even its religious sects are the ones prevailing in the Strip. This, however, does not prevent us from shedding light on some “war merchants,” who are showing no value for the sacrifices of the people around them, until they are hit by a tragedy themselves. It is only then that they would feel some of the pain.
Gaza – In the Gaza Strip some people have put their Palestinian patriotism aside to profit from the misery of their compatriots. They could not care less that more and more people are dying as long as they are filling their pockets, even if it is at the expense of distressed refugees who are left with no choice but to sleep inside schools and churches, after mosques and hospitals turned out to be unsafe sanctuaries.
Whether the number of these opportunists is small or large, the images of solidarity among the people of Gaza, its factions, and even its religious sects are the ones prevailing in the Strip. This, however, does not prevent us from shedding light on some “war merchants,” who are showing no value for the sacrifices of the people around them, until they are hit by a tragedy themselves. It is only then that they would feel some of the pain.
There is nothing worse than being exploited by the merchants and
businessmen who can meet people’s basic needs, but instead raise the
prices of real estate and basic goods in light of the large demand.
Such opportunism was striking in Khan Younes, in southern Gaza. After the town of Khaza’a, located east of the district, faced days of heavy artillery fire, survivors had to flee the town and headed west. Merchants there salivated over the opportunity to make financial profits from the waves of the displaced, unconcerned with the fact that most of these people were not carrying any money on them when they miraculously fled their homes, while those who had some money had trouble accessing it because all banks were closed.
This state of exploitation broke the spirits of many displaced citizens, and erected psychological barriers between them and the merchants of war. Many had planned to rent new apartments, but they were shocked to find out that the “lords” refused to give out their places for the usual rental prices inside the cities, which is 500 shekels ($140).
One of those displaced people is Ahmed Qodeh. This young man had to go on an agonizing journey to find an apartment to shelter his large family, but his efforts were fruitless and only led to more dispersion and displacement, as members of his family had to take refuge in the houses of relatives and in schools.
“I don’t know the goal behind all this ugly exploitation, where should we go with our families after the rent reached 1,500 shekels ($420)?” Qodeh asked resentfully.
Speaking to Al-Akhbar, he added “we can hardly get any news from the folks who are still in the town, that is why we are always preoccupied and we do not have the luxury to complain about those who seek to fill their pockets off our pain.”
This exploitation is by no means restricted to the real estate market, but has spilled over into other basic commodities. Merchants are even attempting to profit off water, and have increased its price after the municipality water was cut off in the district. For example, the price of a 1,000 liter water tank jumped from 17 shekels to about 50 (from $5 to $14), with the price of a small bottle of water tripling.
Fadi Abu Rjeileh, a displaced citizen, said they were forced to purchase from merchants due to the miserable situation in UNRWA schools.
“The bread crumbs offered by the UNRWA do not meet the needs of families and we are forced to buy from stores, even though the prices have tripled compared to the past,” Abu Rjeileh told Al-Akhbar, explaining that “even transportation fares have skyrocketed to unprecedented levels.”
Although we cannot overlook the fact that some of the price hikes that have affected certain commodities and services are a result of the crippling siege imposed on Gaza – that only intensified during the now three-week-old war – some merchants are hiding their goods on purpose and raising prices in a direct and obvious exploitation of the situation.
Abu Rjeileh tried to stand up against these practices and complained to the concerned authorities, but the police did not respond to his calls. “Can’t you see the situation we’re in? Take care of it yourself,” the police told him, which made him pray to God that he does not have any children “as long as we are in this demoralized state.”
In Gaza City, the situation is not very different from other districts. With residents from the east heading to the town’s center, the war merchants denied displaced people the chance to live in apartments as they increased rent to $500, making such places only affordable to well-off citizens and some foreign journalists.
The Ayad family from the Mansura neighborhood in Shujayeh had a bitter experience as they tried to rent an apartment after the occupation forces destroyed two of the family’s houses with an F16 missile and artillery shelling. All 98 family members had to move to the house of their daughter Sabrine in the city.
Such opportunism was striking in Khan Younes, in southern Gaza. After the town of Khaza’a, located east of the district, faced days of heavy artillery fire, survivors had to flee the town and headed west. Merchants there salivated over the opportunity to make financial profits from the waves of the displaced, unconcerned with the fact that most of these people were not carrying any money on them when they miraculously fled their homes, while those who had some money had trouble accessing it because all banks were closed.
This state of exploitation broke the spirits of many displaced citizens, and erected psychological barriers between them and the merchants of war. Many had planned to rent new apartments, but they were shocked to find out that the “lords” refused to give out their places for the usual rental prices inside the cities, which is 500 shekels ($140).
One of those displaced people is Ahmed Qodeh. This young man had to go on an agonizing journey to find an apartment to shelter his large family, but his efforts were fruitless and only led to more dispersion and displacement, as members of his family had to take refuge in the houses of relatives and in schools.
“I don’t know the goal behind all this ugly exploitation, where should we go with our families after the rent reached 1,500 shekels ($420)?” Qodeh asked resentfully.
Speaking to Al-Akhbar, he added “we can hardly get any news from the folks who are still in the town, that is why we are always preoccupied and we do not have the luxury to complain about those who seek to fill their pockets off our pain.”
This exploitation is by no means restricted to the real estate market, but has spilled over into other basic commodities. Merchants are even attempting to profit off water, and have increased its price after the municipality water was cut off in the district. For example, the price of a 1,000 liter water tank jumped from 17 shekels to about 50 (from $5 to $14), with the price of a small bottle of water tripling.
Fadi Abu Rjeileh, a displaced citizen, said they were forced to purchase from merchants due to the miserable situation in UNRWA schools.
“The bread crumbs offered by the UNRWA do not meet the needs of families and we are forced to buy from stores, even though the prices have tripled compared to the past,” Abu Rjeileh told Al-Akhbar, explaining that “even transportation fares have skyrocketed to unprecedented levels.”
Although we cannot overlook the fact that some of the price hikes that have affected certain commodities and services are a result of the crippling siege imposed on Gaza – that only intensified during the now three-week-old war – some merchants are hiding their goods on purpose and raising prices in a direct and obvious exploitation of the situation.
Abu Rjeileh tried to stand up against these practices and complained to the concerned authorities, but the police did not respond to his calls. “Can’t you see the situation we’re in? Take care of it yourself,” the police told him, which made him pray to God that he does not have any children “as long as we are in this demoralized state.”
In Gaza City, the situation is not very different from other districts. With residents from the east heading to the town’s center, the war merchants denied displaced people the chance to live in apartments as they increased rent to $500, making such places only affordable to well-off citizens and some foreign journalists.
The Ayad family from the Mansura neighborhood in Shujayeh had a bitter experience as they tried to rent an apartment after the occupation forces destroyed two of the family’s houses with an F16 missile and artillery shelling. All 98 family members had to move to the house of their daughter Sabrine in the city.
“We are stacked on top of each other and sleep on the apartment’s
floor. There are not enough blankets for everyone… there are so many of
us now in my 150 meters flat,” Sabrine Ayad told Al-Akhbar.
“My family tried to reduce the number of people and rent outside but one building owner requested $600 for a very small apartment for just 15 days,” she said with a tired voice.
Meanwhile, some landlords are claiming to be afraid of renting out their houses to people whose homes were shelled for fear there may be ‘wanted’ individuals among them, which could lead to getting their own apartments targeted.
Furthermore, money transfers are also being exploited with the dollar rising to 3 shekels, instead of 3.5, due to a lack of money exchange offices.
Meanwhile, Gaza’s Economy Ministry assured that its consumer protection teams have been working across the Strip’s districts since the first day of the aggression.
“We are implementing an emergency plan that was set before the war, [whereby] inspection teams are assigned in five subsidiary offices to monitor the prices and safety of foodstuffs and to prevent monopolization in these tough times,” Abdel Fattah Moussa, the ministry’s spokesman told Al-Akhbar.
Concerning citizens’ complaints, Abu Moussa explained “our numbers are open 24/7 and we quickly verify all complaints and refer them to the legal department for the prosecution to take necessary procedures.”
Abu Mussa, however, said that monitoring real estate falls within the mandate of “the finance and housing ministries in the first place,” but the war is blocking the movement of many employees, something that many displaced people have also pointed out.
This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.
That, in itself, is demeaning.
But no sooner has your wrath been righteously expressed, than a colleague contradicts you. Worse still, he's the boss's brother. What is a prince to do?
In his reply to my column, Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf Al Saud wrote: "To think that Saudi Arabia, which has committed itself to supporting and protecting the rights of all Palestinians to self-determination and sovereignty would knowingly support the Israeli action is quite frankly a grotesque insult." He then admits "dealings" between the Kingdom and Israel but claims those "limited to bring about a plan for peace." Then he says:
"The Palestinian people are our brothers and sisters -whether they are Muslim Arabs or Christian Arabs. Be assured we, the people and Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, will never ever give up on them, we will never do anything to harm them, we will do all we can to help them in their rightful claim to their own homeland and return of lands taken illegally from them."
Hardly was the ink dry on this official news release, when Prince Turki al-Faisal, Bin Nawaf's predecessor as UK ambassador, former intelligence chief and the brother of the current foreign minister wrote in al-Sharq al-Awast that Hamas was to blame for firing rockets and for refusing to accept Egypt's ceasefire plan (which would have disarmed them).
This is Israel's and Egypt's view too.
So which is it? Does the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia support Palestinians in their resistance to the occupation? Or does it support the siege manned by Israel and Egypt, until Gaza is demilitarized?
These are two clear policies -- support for the Palestinian resistance to the occupation and ending the siege of Gaza, or keeping the siege in place until all factions in Gaza are disarmed. Either Israel is engaging in genocide (strong words, Mr. Ambassador) or the resisters are terrorists who must be disarmed. Decide what it is you want the Kingdom to say. You can't say both. You can't swear allegiance to the Palestinians and give a nod and a wink to their killers.
And are the kingdom's dealings with Israel really "limited to bring about a plan for peace"? You are privy to the cables, Mr. Ambassador.
Tell us what passed between Prince Bandar and the Mossad director Tamir Pardo at that hotel in Aqaba in November last year.
The Jordanians leaked it to an Israeli newspaper in Eilat. Were Bandar and Pardo: 1. soaking up the winter sun, 2. talking about the Arab Peace Initiative, or 3. plotting how to bomb Iran?
And why are your new friends the Israelis being so loquacious? Why, to take the latest example, did Dan Gillerman, Israeli ambassador to the UN 2003-08, say at the weekend that "representatives from the Gulf states told us to finish the job in Gaza time and again." Finish the job? Killing over 1,000 Palestinians, most of them civilian. Is that what you meant when you said "we will never do anything to harm them"?
The carnage in Gaza at least gives the world clear sight of the protagonists. The wonder of it is that all are American allies, three have US bases on their soil and a fourth is a member of Nato. America's problems in the Middle East are more to do with their sworn allies than their sworn enemies.
On one side, stands Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates and Jordan. They consider themselves the voice of reason and moderation, but their methods are violent -- the military coup in Egypt and the attack on Gaza have all happened in the space of 12 months. On the other, stands Turkey, Qatar, the Muslim Brotherhood and its affliate Hamas.
We should, however, talk of governments rather people, because one reason why the government of Saudi Arabia has such an extreme position on Hamas and the Brotherhood in general, is that it knows full well that its own people don't share their view.
Saudi Arabia's leading pollster Rakeen found that 95 percent out of a representative sample of 2,000 Saudis supported the continuation of the Palestinian resistance factions. Only three per cent did not. Eighty-two percent supported the firing of rockets into Israel (occupied lands) and 14 percent opposed it. The kingdom's hatred of Islamism stems not from the fact that it presents a rival interpretation of Islam. It is that it presents to a believer, a democratic alternative. That is what really scares the monarchy.
The proof of all those secret Saudi-Israeli meetings is to be seen in the behavior of Egypt. It is impossible to believe that its new president Abdel Fattah al Sisi could act towards Hamas in Gaza independently of his paymasters in Riyadh. He who pays the piper -- $5 billion after the coup, $20 billion now -- calls the tune.
Sisi sees Hamas entirely through the prism of the Muslim Brotherhood he deposed last year. Hamas is vilified in the lickspittle Egyptian press as the enemy of Egypt. A trickle of aid has been allowed through the border crossing at Rafah, and it is sporadically opened to a few thousand wounded Palestinians. The Israeli Army is not alone in blowing up Hamas' tunnels. The Egyptian army announced recently they had blown up 13 more, a deed which earned them the title of being "a sincere neighbor" of Israel. Sisi is content to let Hamas and Gaza take a hammering, and make no efforts to get a ceasefire. The last initiative was not even negotiated with Hamas.
Mubarak made a similar miscalculation during the 2006 incursion into Lebanon, supporting an operation which he believed would cripple Hezbollah. In the end he was forced to send his son Gamal to Beirut to express Egypt's support for the Lebanese people. Both the kingdom and Sisi know that dropping the Palestinian card is a risky business.
Saudi Arabia is treading a fine line. According to my sources, Netanyahu's rejection of Kerry's peace initiative over the weekend was due in part to the full support of its Arab allies. Saudi Arabia's active support is keeping this brutal war going.
By David Hearst
Source: The Huffingtonpost
2. Ahmad Sha’aban, 30, died in the same bombing.
3. Khadir al-Bashiliki, 45, died in the same bombing.
4. Rashad Yaseen, 27, was killed in a bombing of the Nusseirat refugee camp in central Gaza.
5. Riad Mohammed Kawareh, 50, was killed in a bombing of his family’s home in Khan Younis.
6. Seraj Ayad Abed al-A’al, 8, was wounded in the same bombing and succumbed to his injuries on Tuesday evening.
7. Mohammed Ayman Ashour, 15, died in the same bombing.
8. Bakr Mohammed Joudah, 22, died in the same bombing.
9. Ammar Mohammed Joudah, 26, died in the same bombing.
10. Hussein Yousef Kawareh, 13, died in the same bombing.
11. Mohammed Ibrahim Kawareh, 50, died in the same bombing.
12. Bassim Salim Kawareh, 10, died in the same bombing.
13. Mousa Habib, 16, from Gaza City’s al-Shujayeh neighborhood, was killed along with his 22-year old cousin while the pair were riding a motorcycle.
14. Mohammed Habib, 22, was killed with Mousa Habib.
15. Sakr Aysh al-Ajouri, 22, was killed in an attack on Jabalia, in northern Gaza.
16. Ahmad Na’el Mehdi, 16, from Gaza City’s Sheikh Radwan neighborhood, was killed in a bombing that wounded two of his friends.
17. Hafiz Mohammed Hamad, 30, an Islamic Jihad commander, was killed in the bombing of his home in Beit Hanoun, along with five of his family members.
18. Ibrahim Mohammed Hamad, 26, died in the same bombing.
19. Mehdi Mohammed Hamad, 46, died in the same bombing.
20. Fawzia Khalil Hamad, 62, died in the same bombing.
21. Dunia Mehdi Hamad, 16, died in the same bombing.
22. Suha Hamad, 25, died in the same bombing.
23. Suleiman Salman Abu Soaween, 22, was killed.
24. Abdel Hadi Jamaat al-Sufi, 24, was killed in a bombing near the Rafah crossing.
25. Naifeh Farjallah, 80, was killed in an airstrike on the town of Moghraqa, southwest of Gaza City.
26. Abdel Nasser Abu Kweek, 60, was killed in the bombing of Gaza’s central governorate along with his son.
27. Khaled Abu Kweek, 31, Abdel Nasser Abu Kweek’s son, was killed in the same bombing.
28. Mohammed Areef, 13, died in a bombing in Sha’af.
28. Amir Areef, 10, died in the same bombing.
30. Mohammed Malakiyeh, 18 months old, died in a bombing along with his mother and a young man.
31. Hana Malakiyeh, 27, Mohammed Malakiyeh’s mother, died in the same bombing.
32. Hatem Abu Salem, 28, died in the same bombing.
33. Mohammed Khaled al-Nimri, 22
34. Sahar Hamdan, 40, died in the bombing of her home in Beit Hanoun.
35. Ibrahim Masri, 14, Sahar Hamdan’s son, was killed in the same bombing.
36. Mahmoud Nahid al-Nawasra was killed in a bombing in al-Meghazi.
37. Mohammed Khalaf al-Nawasra, 4, was killed in the same bombing and arrived at the hospital “in shreds.”
38. Nidal Khalaf al-Nawasra al-Meghazi, 5, was killed in the same bombing.
39. Salah Awwad al-Nawasra al-Meghazi, 6, was killed in the same bombing. His body was found under the rubble of the house.
40. Aisha Nijm al-Meghazi, 20, was killed in the same bombing.
41. Amal Youssef Abdel Ghafour, 27, was killed in a bombing in Khan Younis.
42. Ranim Jawde Abdel Ghafour, an 18-month-old girl, was killed in the same bombing.
43. Rashid al-Kafarneh, 30, was killed when the motorcycle he was riding was bombed.
44. Ibrahim Daoud al-Balawi, 24
45. Abdel Rahman Jamal al-Zamli, 22
46. Ibrahim Ahmad Abideen, 42
47. Mustafa Abu Mar, 20
48. Khalid Abu Mar, 23
49. Mazen Farj al-Jarbah, 30, was killed in a bombing in Deir al-Balah.
50. Marwan Slim, 27, was killed in a bombing in Deir al-Balah.
51. Hani Saleh Hamad, 57, was killed in a bombing in Beit Hanoun along with his son Ibrahim.
52. Ibrahim Hamad, 20, was killed in the same bombing.
53. Salima Hassan Musallim al-Arja, 60, was killed in a bombing in Rafah that wounded five others.
54. Maryam Atieh Mohammed al-Arja, 11, was killed in the same bombing.
55. Hamad Shahab, 37
56. Ibrahim Khalil Qanun, 24, was killed in a bombing of Khan Younis.
57. Mohammed Khalil Qanun, 26, was killed in the same attack.
58. Hamdi Badieh Sawali, 33, was killed in the same attack.
59. Ahmad Sawali, 28, was killed in the same attack.
60. Suleiman Salim al-Astal, 55, was killed in a bombing of Khan Younis.
61. Mohammed al-Aqqad, 24
62. Ra'ed Shalat, 37, was killed in a bombing that wounded 6 others.
64. Basmah Abdel Fattah al-Hajj, 57, was wounded in the bombing and succumbed to her injuries shortly afterwards.
65. Mahmoud Lutfi al-Hajj, 58, died in the same bombing.
66. Tarek Mahmoud al-Hajj, 18, died in the same bombing.
67. Sa'ad Mahmoud al-Hajj, 17, died in the same bombing.
68. Najla Mahmoud al-Hajj, 29, died in the same bombing.
69. Fatima Mahmoud al-Hajj, 12, died in the same bombing.
70. Omar Mahmoud al-Hajj, 20, died in the same bombing.
71. Ahmad Salim al-Astal, 24, was killed in the bombing of a beach house in Khan Younis that critically wounded more than 15 people.
72. Mousa Mohammed al-Astal, 50, was killed in the same bombing. The two bodies were recovered four hours after the bombing.
73. Ra'ed al-Zawareh, 33, succumbed to his wounds and died. The location of his death was unreported.
74. Baha' Abu al-Leil, 35, was killed in a bombing.
75. Salim Qandil, 27, was killed in the same bombing.
76. Omar al-Fyumi, 30, was killed in the same bombing.
77. Abdullah Ramadan Abu Ghazzal, 5, was killed in a bombing in Beit Lahiya.
78. Ismail Hassan Abu Jamah, 19, was killed in a bombing in Khan Younis that injured two children, one critically.
79. Hassan Awda Abu Jamah, 75, was killed in a bombing in Khan Younis.
80. Mohammed Ahsan Ferwanah, 27, was killed in a bombing in Khan Younis.
81. Yasmin Mohammed Mutawwaq, 4 was killed in a bombing in Beit Hanoun.
82. Mahmoud Wulud, 26, was killed in a bombing of a civilian vehicle in northern Gaza. His remains were taken to Kamal Adwan Hospital in Jabalia.
83. Hazem Balousha, 30, was killed in the same bombing. His remains are at Kamal Adwan Hospital.
84. Nour Rafik Adi al-Sultan, 27, was killed in the same bombing. His remains are at Kamal Adwan Hospital.
85. Ahmad Zaher Hamdan, 24, was killed in a bombing in Beit Hanoun.
86. Mohammed Kamal al-Kahlout, 25, was killed in a bombing in Jabalia.
87. Sami Adnan Shaldan, 25, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City.
88. Jamah Atieh Shalouf, 25, was killed in a bombing in Rafah.
89. Bassem Abdel Rahman Khattab, 6, was killed in a bombing in Deir al-Balah.
90. Abdullah Mustafa Abu Mahrouk, 22, was killed in a bombing in Deir al-Balah.
Friday, July 11:
91. Anas Rizk Abu al-Kas, 33, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City.
92. Nour Marwan al-Najdi, 10, was killed in a bombing in Rafah.
93. Mohammed Mounir Ashour, 25, was killed in a bombing on the al-Ghanam family home in Rafah.
94. Ghalia Deeb Jabr al-Ghanam, 7, was killed in the same bombing.
95. Wasim Abd al-Rizk Hassan al-Ghanam, 23, was killed in the same bombing.
96. Mahmoud Abd al-Rizk Hassan al-Ghanam, 26, was killed in the same bombing.
97. Kifah Shahada Deeb al-Ghanam, 20, was killed in the same bombing.
98. Ra’ed Hani Abu Hani, 31, was killed in a bombing in Rafah.
99. Shahraman Ismail Abu al-Kas, 42, was killed in a bombing in a refugee camp in central Gaza.
100. Mazen Mustafa Aslan, 63, was killed in the same bombing.
101. Mohammed Rabih Abu Humeidan, 65, was killed in shelling that struck northern Gaza.
102. Abdel Halim Ashra, 54, was killed in an airstrike on Wednesday in the area of Birka Deir al-Balah, but his body wasn’t discovered until Friday.
103. Saher Abu Namous, 3, was killed in an airstrike on his home in northern Gaza.
104. Hussein al-Mamlouk, 47, was killed in an airstrike on Gaza City.
105. Saber Sukkar, 80, was killed in an airstrike on Gaza City.
106. Nasser Rabih Mohammed Samamah, 49, was killed in an airstrike on Gaza City.
108. Mohammed al-Samiri, 24, was killed in the same attack.
109. Houssam Deeb al-Razayneh, 39, was killed in an attack on Jabalia.
110. Anas Youssef Kandil, 17, was killed in the same attack.
111. Abdel Rahim Saleh al-Khatib, 38, was killed in the same attack.
112. Youssef Mohammed Kandil, 33, was killed in the same attack.
113. Mohammed Idriss Abu Saninah, 20, was killed in the same attack.
114. Hala Wishahi, 31, was killed in an attack on the Mabarra association for the disabled in Jabalia.
115. Suha Abu Saade, 38, was killed in the same attack.
116. Ali Nabil Basal, 32, was killed in a strike on western Gaza City.
117. Mohammed Bassem al-Halabi, 28, was killed in the same strike.
118. Mohammed al-Sowayti, 20, was killed in the same strike.
119. Ibrahim Nabil Humaide, 30, was killed in a bombing in the Tufah neighborhood in eastern Gaza City.
120. Hassan Ahmed Abu Ghoush, 24, was killed in the same attack.
121. Ahmed Mahmoud al-Ballaoui, 26, was killed in the same attack.
122. Ratib Sabahi al-Sifi, 22, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City along with five others.
123. Azmi Mahmoud Abid, 51, was killed in the same attack.
124. Nidal Mahmoud Abu al-Malish, 22, was killed in the same attack.
125. Suleiman Said Abid, 56, was killed in the same attack.
126. Ghassan Ahmad al-Masri, 25, was killed in the same attack.
127. Mustafa Mohammed Anaieh, 58, was killed in the same attack.
128. Rafa’at Youssef Amer, 36, succumbed to wounds sustained in a bombing in Gaza City.
129. Ghazi Mustafa Areef, 62, died when his home in Gaza City was bombed. His son sustained serious injuries.
130. Mohammed Adriss Abu Sulim, 20, was killed in a bombing in Jabaliya.
131. Fadi Yaqub Sakr, 25, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City.
132. Qassem Jaber Adwan Awdeh, 16, was killed in a bombing in Khan Younis.
133. Mohammed Ahmad Bassal, 19, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City.
134. Muhannad Youssef Dhahir, 23, was killed in a bombing in Rafah.
135. Mahmoud Abdallah Shratiha, 53, was killed in a bombing in north Gaza.
136. Shadi Mohammed Zarb, 21, was killed in a bombing in Rafah that wounded three others.
137. Imad Bassam Zarb, 21, was killed in the same bombing.
138. Nahid Ta’im al-Batash, 41, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City along with 16 family members. Dozens more were wounded in the same attack.
139. Baha Majid al-Batash, 28, was killed in the same bombing.
140. Qassi Isam al-Batash, 12, was killed in the same bombing.
141. Aziza Youssef al-Batash, 59 was killed in the same bombing.
142. Mohammed Isam al-Batash, 17 was killed in the same bombing.
143. Ahmad Naman al-Batash, 27 was killed in the same bombing.
144. Yahya Alaa al-Batash, 18 was killed in the same bombing.
145. Jalal Majid al-Batash, 26 was killed in the same bombing.
146. Mahmoud Majid al-Batash, 22 was killed in the same bombing.
147. Marwa Majid al-Batash, 25 was killed in the same bombing.
148. Majid Subhi al-Batash was killed in the same bombing.
149. Khalid Majid al-Batash, 20 was killed in the same bombing.
150. Ibrahim Majid al-Batash, 18 was killed in the same bombing.
151. Manar Majid al-Batash, 14 was killed in the same bombing.
152. Amal Hassan al-Batash, 49 was killed in the same bombing.
153. Anas Alaa al-Batash, 10 was killed in the same bombing.
154. Qassi Alaa al-Batash was killed in the same bombing.
156. Khawla al-Hawajri, 25, was killed in a bombing in Nusseirat.
157. Mohammed Ghazi Areef, 35, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City.
158. Ahmad Youssef Daloul, 47, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City.
159. Hijaziyah Hamid al-Helou, 80, succumbed to wounds sustained in the bombing of her home in Gaza City on Saturday night.
160. Fawzia Abdel A’el, 73, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City.
161. Haitham Ashraf Zarb, 21, succumbed to wounds sustained during an attack on Rafah on Saturday that killed two other members of the Zarb family.
162. Leila Hassan al-Awdat, 41, was killed in an attack on Meghazi that wounded four others.
163. Hussam Ibrahim al-Najjar, 14, was killed in a bombing in north Gaza. His remains were taken to Beit Hanoun Hospital.
164. Rawidah Abu Harb al-Zwaida, 31, was killed.
165. Samer Tallal Hamdan was killed in a bombing in Beit Hanoun.
166. Hussein Abd al-Qadir Muheisen, 19, succumbed to wounds sustained in Gaza City.
167. Maher Thabit Abu Mar, 24, was killed in a bombing in Rafah.
168. Mohammed Salim Abu Bureis, 65, was killed in a bombing in Deir al-Balah.
169. Saddam Moussa Moamar, 23, was killed in Khan Younis.
170. Mousa Shehade Moamar, 60, was killed in Khan Younis.
171. Hanadi Hamadi Moamar, 27, was killed in Khan Younis.
172. Adham Mohammed Abed al-Fatah Abed al-Al was killed in Gaza.
Monday, July 14:
173. Qassem Tallal Hamdan, 23, was killed in Beit Hanoun.
174. Hamid Suleiman Abu al-Araj Deir al-Balah, 60.
175. Abdullah Mahmoud Barakah, 24, was killed in Khan Younis.
176. Tamer Salem Kodeih, 37, was killed in Khan Younis.
177. Ziad Maher al-Najjar, 17, was killed in Khan Younis.
178. Ziad Salem al-Shawi, 25, was killed in Rafah.
179. Mohammed Yasser Hamdan, 24, was killed in Gaza.
180. Mohammed Shakib al-Agha, 22, was killed in Khan Younis.
181. Mohammed Younis Abu Youssif, 25, was killed in Khan Younis.
182. Sara Omar Sheikh al-Eid, 4, was killed in Rafah.
183. Omar Ahmad Sheikh al-Eid, 24, was killed in Rafah.
184. Jihad Ahmad Sheikh al-Eid, 48, was killed in Rafah.
185. Kamal Ated Youssif Abu Taha, 16, was killed in Khan Younis.
186. Ismail Nabil Ahmad Abu Hatab, 21, was killed in Khan Younis.
188. Bushra Khalil Zoarob, 53, was killed in Rafah.
189. Atwa Amira al-Maamour, 63, was killed in Khan Younis.
190. Ismail Salim al-Najjar, 46, was killed in Khan Younis.
191. Mohammed Ahmad Ibrahim al-Najjar, 49, was killed in Khan Younis.
192. Suleiman Abu Louli, 33, was killed in Khan Younis.
193. Sobhi Abdel Hamid Moussa, 77, was killed in Khan Younis.
194. Ismail Ftouh, 24, was killed in Gaza.
195. Saleh Said Dahliz Rafah, 20, was killed in Rafah.
196. Yasser Abdel Mahmoun, 18, was killed in Rafah.
197. Ibrahim Khalil al-Asaafi, 66, was killed in Jiher el-Deek.
198. Mohammed Abdullah al-Zahouk, 23, was killed in Rafah.
199. Mohammed Ismail Abu Awda, 27, was killed in Rafah.
201. Abdullah Mohammed Abdullah al-Irjani, 19, was killed in Khan Younis.
202. Ahmad Adel Ahmad al-Niwajha, 23, was killed in Rafah.
203. Mohammed Tayseer Sharab, 23, was killed in Khan Younis.
204. Farid Mohammed Abu Daqa, 33, was killed in Khan Younis.
205. Ashraf Khalil Abu Shanab, 33, was killed in Rafah.
206. Khadra al-Abd Salama Abu Daqa, 65, was killed in an attack on Khan Younis.
207. Omar Ramadan Hassan Abu Daqa, 24, was killed in the same attack.
208. Ibrahim Ramadan Hassan Abu Daqa, 10, was killed in the same attack.
209. Abdel Rahman Ibrahim Khalil al-Sarkhi, 37, was killed in an attack on Gaza City.
210. Ahed Atef Bakr, 10, was killed on a beach in Gaza.
211. Zakaria Ahed Bakr, 10, was killed on a beach in Gaza.
212. Mohammed Ramez Bakr, 11, was killed on a beach in Gaza.
213. Ismail Mohammed Bakr, 9, was killed on a beach in Gaza.
214. Hamza Ra'ed Thari, 6, succumbed to wounds sustained "a few days ago" and passed away.
215. Mohammed Akram Abu Amer, 34, was killed in an attack on Khan Younis.
216. Kamal Mohammed Abu Amer, 38, Mohammed's brother, was reported seriously injured and then dead in the same attack.
217. Raqia al-Astal, 70, was killed in the bombing of a mosque in Khan Younis which killed at least three others and critically wounded several children.
218. Yasmin al-Astal, 4, was killed in the same attack.
219. Hussein Abdel Nasser al-Astal, 23, was killed in the same attack.
220. Usama Mahmoud al-Astal, 6, was critically wounded in the same attack and succumbed to his wounds shortly afterwards.
221. Hossam Shamlakh, 23, succumbed to wounds sustained in an attack on Sheikh Ajlin.
222. Mohammed Kamal Abdel Rahman, 30, was killed in an attack on Sheikh Ajlin.
224. Zeinab Mohammed Saeed al-Abadleh, 70, died of her wounds in the Gaza European hospital.
225. Mohammed Abdel Rahman Hassouneh, 67, was killed in an attack on Rafah.
226. Mohammed Ahmad al-Hout, 41, was killed in the same attack while on his way to morning prayers.
227. Ahmad Rihan, 23, was killed in an attack on North Gaza.
228. Salam Salah Fayyad, 25, succumbed to his wounds in a hospital in Gaza's central province.
229. Abdallah al-Akhras, 27, was killed in an attack on Rafah.
230. Bashir Abd al-A'el, 20, was killed in the same attack.
231. Mohammed Ziyad Ghanem, 25, was killed in the same attack.
232. Fulla Tarek Shaheber, 8, was killed along with two child relatives in an airstrike on their home in Gaza City.
233. Jihad Issam Shaheber, 10, was killed in the same strike.
234. Wassim Issam Shaheber, 9, was killed in the same strike.
235. Yassin al-Humaideh, 4, died of wounds suffered in an earlier attack on Gaza City.
236. Rahaf Khalil al-Jabbour, 4, was killed in an attack in Khan Younis.
237. Hamza Houssam al-Abadaleh, 29, was killed in an attack on Khan Younis.
238. Abed Ali Natiz, 26, was killed in Gaza.
239. Mohammed Salem Natiz, 4, was killed in Gaza City.
240. Mohammed Shadi Natiz, 15, was killed in Gaza City.
241. Salah Salah al-Shafiai was killed in Khan Younis.
242. Majdi Suleiman Salamah Jabarah, 22, was killed in Rafah.
243. Fares Jomaa al-Mahmoum, 5 months old, was killed in Rafah.
245. Karam Mahmoud Nassir was killed in the same attack.
246. Omar Ayyad al-Mahmoum, 18, from Rafah, was killed in an attack on al-Shawka.
247. Salmiah Suleiman Ghayyad, 70, was killed in an attack east of Rafah.
248. Rami Saqqer Abu Tawila was killed in an attack east of al-Shujayeh that wounded 7 of his family members.
249. Hamad Abu Lahyia, 23, was killed in an attack east of Qarara that critically wounded several others.
250. Bassem Mohammed Mahmoud Madi, 22, was killed in an attack east of Rafah that wounded 11 others.
251. Mohammed Abdel Fattah Rashad Fayyad, 26, was killed in Khan Younis.
252. Mahmoud Mohammed Fayyad, 25, was killed in Khan Younis.
253. Bilal Mahmoud Radwan, 23, was killed in an attack in Khan Younis.
254. Mundhir Radwan, 22, was killed in the same attack.
255. Ahmad Fawzia Radwan, 23, was killed in the same attack.
256. Mahmoud Fawzia Radwan, 24, was killed in the same attack.
257. Ismail Youssef Taha Qassim, 59, was killed in an attack in Beit Hanoun that wounded 25 others.
258. Amal Khadir Ibrahim Badour, 40, was killed in the same attack.
259. Hani As'ad Abd al-Karim al-Shami, 35, was killed in an attack in Khan Younis that killed his nephew and wounded 4 others.
260. Mohammed Hamdan Abd al-Karim al-Shami, 35, was killed in the same attack.
261. Hussam Muslim Abu Eissa, 26, was killed in Jahr al-Dik.
262. Walaa Abu Ismail Muslim,12, was killed in Abraj al-Nada.
263. Mohammed Abu Muslim, 13, was killed in Abraj al-Nada.
264. Ahmad Abu Muslim, 14, was killed in Abraj al-Nada.
265. Ahmed Abdullah al-Bahnasawi, 25, was killed in the village of Om al-Nasr in Gaza.
266. Saleh Zaghidi, 20, was killed in Rafah.
267. Alaa Abu Shbat, 23, was killed in Rafah.
268. Ahmed Hasan Saleh al-Ghalban, 23, was killed in al-Fakhari.
269. Hamada Abdallah al-Bashiti, 21, was killed in al-Fakhari.
270. Abdullah Jamal al-Samiri, 17, was killed in Khan Younis.
271. Mahmoud Ali Darwish, 40, was killed in Nusseirat.
272. Wila al-Qara, 20, was killed in Khan Younis.
273. Raafat Mohammed al-Bahloul, 35, was killed in Khan Younis.
274. Mohammed Awad Matar, 37, was killed in Beit Lahia.
275. Hamza Mohammed Abu al-Hussein, 27, was killed in Rafah.
276. Imad Hamed Alouwein, 7, was killed in a strike in Gaza City.
277. Qassem Hamed Alouwein, 4, was killed in the same strike.
278. Sara Mohammed Boustan, 13, was killed in a strike in Gaza City.
279. Rizk Ahmed al-Hayek, 2, was killed in Gaza City.
280. Mohammed Saad Mahmoud Abu Saade, 26, was killed in Khan Younis.
281. Naim Moussa Abu Jarad, 24, was killed in tank shelling on his home in Beit Hanoun along with seven members of his family.
282. Abed Moussa Abu Jarad, 30, was killed in the same attack.
283. Siham Moussa Abu Jarad, 15, was killed in the same attack.
284. Rijaa Alyan Abu Jarad, 31, was killed in the same attack.
285. Ahlam Naim Abu Jarad, 13, was killed in the same attack.
286. Hania Abdel Rahman Abu Jarad, 3, was killed in the same attack.
287. Samih Naim Abu Jarad, 1, was killed in the same attack.
288. Moussa Abdel Rahman Abu Jarad, 6, was killed in the same attack.
289. Moustafa Faysal Abu Sanina, 18, was killed in an air strike on Rafah along with two relatives.
290. Imad Faysal Abu Sanina, 18, was killed in the same attack.
291. Nizar Fayez Abu Sanina, 38, was killed in the same attack.
292. Ghassan Salem Moussa, 28, was killed in Khan Younis.
293. Mohammed Salem Shaat, 20, was killed in Khan Younis.
294. Ahmed Salem Shaat, 22, was killed in the same attack.
295. Amjad Salem Shaat, 15, was killed in the same attack.
296. Mohamed Talal al-Sanaa, 20, was killed in Rafah.
July 19:
297. Ayad Ismail al-Rakib, 26, was killed in an attack on Khan Younis.
298. Yehya Bassam al-Sirri, 20, was killed in Khan Younis.
299. Mohammed Bassam al-Sirri, 17, was killed in the same attack.
300. Mahmoud Redda Salhia, 56, was killed in Khan Younis.
301. Moustafa Redda Salhia, 21, was killed in the same attack.
302. Mohammed Moustafa Salhia, 22, was killed in the same attack.
303. Wissam Redda Salhia, 15, was killed in the same attack.
304. Ibrahim Jamal Kamal Nasser, 13, was killed in Khan Younis.
305. Ahmed Mahmoud Hassan Aziz, 34, Khan Younis.
306. Said Ola Issa, 30, was killed in the central disrict.
307. Mohammed Awad Fares Nassar, 25, was killed in Khan Younis.
308. Mohammed Jihad al-Kara, 29, was killed in Khan Younis.
309. Rashdi Khaled Nassar, 24, was killed in the same Khan Younis.
310. Raed Walid Likan, 27, was killed in Khan Younis.
311. Raafat Ali Bahloul, 36, was killed in Khan Younis.
312. Bilal Ismail Abu Daqqah, 33, was killed in Khan Younis.
313. Mohammed Ismail Samour, 21, was killed in Khan Younis.
314. Ismail Ramadan al-Lawalhi, 21, was killed in Khan Younis.
315. Mohammed Ziad al-Rahhel, 6, was killed in Beit Lahia.
316. Mohammed Ahmed Abu Zaanounah, 36, was killed in Gaza.
317. Mohammed Rafic al-Rahhel, 22, was killed in Beit Lahia.
318. Fadel Mohammed al-Banna, 29. was killed in Jbalia.
319. Mohammed Atallah Awdeh Saadat, 25, was killed in Beit Hanoun.
320. Mohammed Abedel Rahman Abu Hamad, 25, was killed in Beit Lahia.
321. Maali Abedel Rahman Suleiman Abu Zayed, 24, al-Wista.
322. Mahmoud Abdel Hamid al-Zuweidi, 23, was killed in Beit Lahia.
323. Dalia Abdel Hamid al-Zuweidi, 37, was killed in Beit Lahia.
324. Ruaia Mahmoud al-Zuweidi, 6, was killed in Beit Lahia.
325. Nagham Mahmoud al-Zuweidi, 2, was killed in Beit Lahia.
326. Amer Hamoudah, 7, was killed in Beit Lahia.
327. Mahmoud Rizk Mohammed Hamoudah, 18, was killed in Beit Lahia.
328. Mohammed Khaled Jamil al-Zuweidi, 20, was killed in Beit Lahia.
329. Mohammed Ahmad al-Saidi, 18, was killed in Khan Younis.
330. Abdel Rahman Mohammed Awdah Barak, 23, al-Wista.
331. Tarek Samir Khalil al-Hitto, 26, was killed in al-Wista.
332. Mahmoud al-Sharif, 24, was killed in al-Wista.
333. Mohammed Fathi al-Ghalban, 23, was killed in Khan Younis.
334. Mahmoud Anwar Abu Shabab, 16, was killed in Rafah.
335. Mo'men Taysir al-Abed Abu Dan, 24, was killed in al-Wista.
336. Abdel Aziz Samir Abu Zeiter, 31, was killed in al-Wista.
337. Mohammed Ziad Zaabout, 24, was killed in Gaza.
338. Hatem Ziadah Zaabout, 22, was killed in Gaza.
339. Ahmad Maher Mohammed Abu Thuria, 25, was killed in al-Wista.
340. Abdullah Ghazi Abdullah al-Masri, 30, was killed in al-Wista.
341. Ayman Hisham al-Naaouq, 25, was killed in al-Wista.
342. Akram Mahmoud al-Matwouk, 37, was killed in Jabalia.
343. Salem Ali Abu Saadah was killed in Khan Younis.
Sunday, July 20:
344. Hosni Mahmoud al-Absi, 56, was killed in Rafah.
345. Mohammed Mahmoud Moamar, 30, was killed in Rafah,
346. Hamza Mahmoud Moamar, 21, was killed in Rafah.
347. Anas Mahmoud Moamar, 17, was killed in rafah.
348. Mohammed Ali Jundieh, 38, was killed in Gaza.
349. Mohammed Khalil al-Hayyah
350. Osama Khalil al-Hayyah
351. Khalil Osama al-Hayyah
352. Hala Saqer Abu Hin
353. Fahmi Abdel Aziz Abu Said, 29, was killed in al-Wista.
354. Ahmad Tawfiq Zannoun, 26, was killed in Rafah.
355. Sohaib Ali Jomaa Abu Qoura, 21, was killed in Rafah.
356. Homeid Sobh Mohammed Abu Foujo, 22, was killed in Rafah.
357. Toufic Marshoud, 52, was killed in Gaza.
358. Ibrahim Khalil Abd Ammar, 13, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
359. Ibrahim Salim Joumea al-Sahbani, 20, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
360. Ibrahim Arrif Ibrahim al-Ghalayini, 26, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
361. Osama Khalil Ismail al-Hayya, 30, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
362. Osama Roubhi Shahta Ayyad, 31, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
363. Isra Yassir Atieh Hamidieh, 28, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
364. Akram Mohammed Ali al-Skafi, 63, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
365. Iman Khalil Abed Ammar, 9, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
366. Iman Mohammed Ibrahim Hamadeh, 40, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
367. Ahmad Ishaq Youssef al-Ramlawi, 33, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
368. Ahmad Sammi Diab Ayyad, 27, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
369. Ahmad Mohammed Ahmad Abu Zanouna, 28, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
370. Imama Isama Khalil al-Hayya, 9, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
371. Talla Akram Ahmad al-Atwi, 7, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
372. Tawfiq Ibrawi Salem Marshoud, 52, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
373. Hatim Ziad Ali al-Zabout, 24, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
374. Khalid Riyad Mohammed Hamad, 25, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
375. Khadija Ali Moussa Shahadi, 62, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
376. Khalil Osama Khalil al-Hayya, 7, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
377. Khalil Salim Ibrahim Mousbah, 53, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
378. Dima Adil Abdullah Aslim, 2, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
379. Dina Rushdi Omar Hamadi, 15, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
380. Rahaf Akram Ismail Abu Joumea, 4, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
381. Saji Hassan Akram al-Hallaq, 4, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
382. Samia Hamid Mohammed al-Shaykh Khalil, 3, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
383. Soad Mohammed Abdel Razik al-Hallaq, 62, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
384. Samar Osama Khalil al-Hallaq, 29, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
385. Shadi Ziad Hassan Aslim, 15, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
386. Shireen Fathi Othman Ayyad, 18, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
387. Adil Abdullah Salim Aslim, 39, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
388. Assem Khalil Abed Ammar, 4, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
389. Ahed Saed Moussa al-Sirsik, 30, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
390. Ayisha Ali Mahmoud Zayid, 54, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
391. Abdel Rahman Akram Mohammed al-Skafi, 22, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
392. Abdel Rahman Abdel Razak Abdel Rahman al-Shaykh Khalil, 24, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
393. Abdullah Mansour Radwan Ammara, 23, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
394. Abed Rabboh Ahmad Mohammed Zayid, 58, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
395. Isam Atieh Said al-Skafi, 26, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
396. Ola Ziad Hassan Aslim, 11, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
397. Alaa Jamal al-Din Mohammed Bourda, 35, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
398. Ali Mohammed Hassan al-Skafi, 27, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
399. Omar Jamil Soubhi Hammouda, 10, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
400. Ghada Soubhi Sa'adi Ayyad, 9, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
401. Ghada Ibrahim Suleiman Udwan, 39, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
402. Fadi Ziad Hassan Aslim, 10, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
403. Fatima Abdel Rahim Abdel Qadir Abu Ammouna, 55, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
404. Fida'a Rafiq Diab Ayyad, 24, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
405. Fahmi Abdel Aziz Sa'ed Abu Said, 29, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
406. Qinan Hassan Akram al-Hallaq, 6, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
407. Maysa Abdel Rahman Said al-Sirsawi, 37, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
408. Mohammed Ashraf Rafiq Ayyad, 6, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
409. Mohammed Hassan Mohammad al-Skafi, 53, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
410. Mohammed Rami Fathi Ayyad, 2, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
411. Mohammed Ra'ed Ihsan Aqqila, 19, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
412. Mohammed Ziad Ali al-Zabbout, 23, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
413. Mohammed Mohammed Ali Muharrib Jundiyah, 38, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
414. Mohammed Hani Mohammad al-Halaq, 2, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
415. Marrah Shakil Ahmad al-Jammal, 11, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
416. Marwan Mounir Saleh Qunfud, 23, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
417. Marwa Salman Ahmad al-Sirsawi, 13, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
418. Moussaeb al-Khayr Salah al-Din Said al-Skafi, 27, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
419. Mona Suleiman Ahmad al-Sheikh Khalil, 49, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
420. Mona Abdel Rahman Mahmoud Ayyad, 42, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
421. Nirmin Rafiq Diab Ayyad, 20, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
422. Hala Akram Hassan al-Hallaq, 27, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
423. Hala Soubhi Saidi Ayyad, 25, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
424. Hala Saqr Hassan al-Hayya, 29, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
425. Hani Mohammed Ahmad al-Hallaq, 29, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
426. Hiba Hamid Mohammed al-Shaykh Khalil, 13, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
427. Youssef Ahmad Younis Mustafa, 62, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
428. Youssef Salim Hamto Habib, 62, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
429. Unknown
430. Mohammed Ayman al-Shaer, 5, was killed in Khan Younis.
431. Leila Hasan al-Shaer, 33, was killed in Khan Younis.
432. Salah Saleh al-Shaer, in his forties, was killed in Khan Younis.
433. Hibatullah Akram al-Shaer, 7, was killed in Khan Younis.
434. Youssef Sha'aban Ziyadeh, 44, was killed in al-Barij.
435. Jamil Sha'aban Ziyadeh, 53, was killed in the same attack.
436. Sha'aban Jamil Ziyadeh, 12, was killed in the same attack.
437. Omar Sha'aban Ziyadeh was killed in the same attack.
438. Muftiya Mohammed Ziyadeh was killed in the same attack.
439. Bayyan Abdel Latif Ziyadeh was killed in the same attack.
440. Ismail al-Qurdi
441. Mohammed Mahmoud al-Muqadama, 30, was killed in the same attack.
442. Najah Sa'ad al-Din Daraji, 65, was killed in Rafah.
443. Abdullah Youssef Daraji, 3, was killed in the same attack.
444. Mohammed Baghdar al-Dughma, 20, was killed in Beni Soheileh.
445. Mohammed Raja' Mohammed Handam, 15, was killed in Rafah.
446. Aya Bahjat Abu Sultan, 15, was killed in Beit Lahya.
447. Hani Mohammed al-Halaq, 29, was killed in al-Ramal.
448. Suad Mohammed al-Halaq, 62, was killed in the same attack.
449. Qinan Akram al-Halaq, 5, was killed in the same attack.
450. Samar Osama al-Halaq, 29, was killed in the same attack.
451. Saji al-Halaq was killed in the same attack.
452. Ibrahim Khalil Ammar was killed in the same attack.
453. Ahmad Yassin was killed in the same attack.
454. Rayan Taysir Abu Jamea, 8, was killed in Khan Younis.
455. Fatima Mahmoud Abu Jamea was killed in the same attack.
456. Sabah Tawfiq Mahmoud Abu Jamea, 38, was killed in the same attack.
457. Rozan Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jamea, 14, was killed in the same attack. Her body was recovered from the rubble on Monday.
458. Jawdat al-Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jamea, 24, was killed in Khan Younis.
459. Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jamea, 5, was killed in the same attack.
460. Haifa Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jamea, 9, was killed in the same attack.
461. Yasmin Ahmad Salama Abu Jamea, 25, was killed in the same attack.
462. Suheila Bassam Ahmad Abu Jamea was killed in the same attack.
463. Shahinaz Walid Ahmad Abu Jamea, 1, was killed in the same attack.
464. Hossam Hossam Abu Qaynas, 5, was killed in the same attack.
465. An unidentified woman was killed in the same attack.
466. An unidentified woman in her 30s was killed in the same attack.
467. An unidentified child was killed in the same attack.
468. Ahmad Suleiman Mahmoud Sahmoud, 34, was killed in the same attack.
469. Minwa Abdel Bassit Ahmad al-Sabea, 37, was killed in Beit Hanoun.
470. Mahmoud Moussa Abu Anzar, 25, was killed in Khan Younis.
471. Turkiyah al-Abed al-Biss
472. Unidentified body in Kamal Adwan Hospital.
473. Unidentified body in Kamal Adwan Hospital.
474. Abdullah Omar al-Maghribi was killed in Rafah.
475. Najah al-Maghribi was killed in the same attack.
476. Bassem al-Brayim was killed in Khan Younis.
477. Ra'ed Mansour Nayfeh was killed in Gaza City.
478. Fuad Jaber was killed in Gaza City.
479. Mohammed Mahmoud Hussein Moammar was killed in Rafah.
480. Hamza Mahmoud Hussein Moammer was killed in the same attack.
481. Anas Mahmoud Hussein Moammer was killed in the same attack.
482. Bilal Jaber Mohammed al-Ashhab, 22, was killed in al-Mughraqa.
483. An unidentified body was recovered along with Bilal.
484. Ra'ed Ismail al-Bardawil, 26, was killed in Rafah.
485. Unknown
486. Unknown
487. Unknown
488. Unknown
489. Unknown
490. Unknown
491. Unknown
492. Unknown
494. Mohammed Mahrous Salam Siyam, 25, was killed in the same attack.
495. Badr Nabil Mahrous Siyam, 25, was killed in the same attack.
496. Ahmad Ayman Mahrous Siyam, 17, was killed in the same attack.
497. Mustafa Nabil Mahrous Siyam, 12, was killed in the same attack.
498. Ghaydaa Nabil Mahrous Siyam, 8, was killed in the same attack.
499. Shireen Mohammed Salam Siyam, 32, was killed in the same attack.
500. Dalal Nabil Mahrous Siyam, 8, was killed in the same attack.
501. Kamal Mahrous Salama Siyam, 27, was killed in the same attack.
502. Abdullah Trad Abu Hjeir, 16, was killed in Nusseirat.
503. Ahmad Moussa Shaykh al-Eid, 23, was killed in Rafah.
504. Zakariah Massoud al-Ashqar, 24, was killed in Gaza City.
505. Kamal Talal Hassan al-Masri, 22, was killed in Beit Hanoun.
506. Ra'ed Isam Daoud, 30, was killed in al-Zeitoun.
507. Fatima Abu Ammouna, 55, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
508. Ahmad Mohammed Azzam, 19, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
509. Mahmoud Hassan al-Nakhala was killed in Gaza.
510. Kamal Massoud, 21, was killed in al-Zeitoun.
511. Saleh Badawi, 31, was killed in al-Zeitoun.
512. Unidentified body in the Gaza European hospital.
513. Majdi Mahmoud al-Yazaji, 56, was killed in Gaza City.
514. Mohammed Samih al-Ghalban was killed in Gaza City.
515. Karam Ibrahim Atieh Barham, 25, was killed in Khan Younis.
516. Nidal Ali Abu Daqqa, 26, was killed in Khan Younis.
517. Nidal Joumea Abu Assi, 43, was killed in Khan Younis.
518. Mohammed Mahmoud al-Maghribi, 24, was killed in Khan Younis.
519. Mayar al-Yazaji, 2, was killed in al-Karama.
520. Yasmin al-Yazaji was killed in the same attack.
521. Wajdi al-Yazaji was killed in the same attack.
522. Safinaz al-Yazaji was killed in the same attack.
523. Unidentified child, 5, was killed in the same attack.
524. Mahran Kamel Jondeyah, 32, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
525. Tamer Nayef Jondeyah, 30, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
526. Rahma Ahmad Jondeyah, 50, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
527. Ibrahim Shaaban Bakroun, 37, was killed in al-Shaaf
528. An unidentified person was killed in the Israeli shelling of Al Aqsa Martyrs Hospital. The attack killed three others and wounded 50.
529. An unidentified person was killed in the same attack.
530. An unidentified person was killed in the same attack.
531. An unidentified person was killed in the same attack.
532. Youssef Ghazi Hamidieh, 25, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
533. Moataz Jamal Hamidieh, 18, was killed in the same attack.
534. Aed Jamal Hamidieh, 21, was killed in the same attack.
535. Aya Yasser al-Qassas was killed in Gaza City.
536. Aesha Yasser al-Qassas was killed in the same attack.
537. Nasma Iyad al-Qassas was killed in the same attack.
538. Lamyaa Iyad al-Qassas was killed in the same attack.
539. Israa al-Qassas was killed in the same attack.
540. Yasmin al-Qassas was killed in the same attack.
541. Arwa al-Qassas was killed in the same attack.
542. Aliaa al-Syam was killed in Gaza City.
543. Fayza al-Syam was killed in Gaza City.
544. Soumaya al-Syam was killed in Gaza City.
545. Fatima Ahmad al-Arja was killed in Rafah.
546. Atieh Youssef Dardouna, 26, was killed in Jabalia.
547. Unidentified was killed in Rafah.
548. Unidentified was killed in Rafah.
549. Unidentified was killed in Rafah.
550. Fadi Azmi Brayaem was killed in Deir al-Balah.
551. Othman Salem Brayaem was killed in the same attack.
552. Salem Abdel Majeed Brayaem was killed in the same attack.
553. Unidentified was killed in al-Shamaa mosque in Gaza City.
554. Unidentified was killed in al-Shamaa mosque in Gaza City.
555. Ibrahim Dib Ahmad al-Kilani, 53, was killed in a strike on Israa tower in Gaza City along with his wife and their five children. Four members of his wife’s family were also killed in the attack.
556. Taghrid Shaaban Mohammed al-Kilani, 45, was killed in the same attack.
557. Yaser Ibrahim Dib al-Kilani, 8, was killed in the same attack.
558. Elias Ibrahim Dib al-Kilani, 4, was killed in the same attack.
559. Sawsan Ibrahim Dib al-Kilani, 11, was killed in the same attack.
560. Rim Ibrahim Dib al-Kilani, 12, was killed in the same attack.
561. Yaseen Ibrahim Dib al-Kilani, 9, was killed in the same attack.
562. Mahmoud Shaaban Mohammed Derbas, 37, was killed in the same attack.
563. Aida Shaaban Mohammed Derbas, 47, was killed in the same attack.
564. Soura Shaaban mohammed Derbas, 41, was killed in the same attack.
565. Inas Shaaban Mohammed Derbas, 30, was killed in the same attack.
566. Jihad Mahmoud al-Maghribi, 22, was killed in Khan Younis.
567. Fadi Bashir al-Abadleh, 22, was killed in Khan Younis.
568. Unknown
569. Unknown
570. Unknown
572. Hasan Khodor Bakr, 60, was killed in Gaza.
573. Mahmoud Suleiman Abu Sobha, 55, was killed in Khan Younis.
574. Abdullah Ismail al-Bahisi, 27, was killed in Deir al-Balah.
575. Misaab Saleh Salameh, 19, was killed in Khan Younis.
576. Mohammed Nasr Haroun, 38, was killed in al-Nsayrat.
577. Naji Jamal al-Fajm, 26, was killed in Khan Younis.
578. Ibtihal Ibrahim al-Rimahi was killed in Deir al-Balah.
579. Youssef Ibrahim al-Rimahi was killed in Deir al-Balah.
580. Iman Ibrahim al-Rimahi was killed in Deir al-Balah.
581. Salwa Abu Monifi was killed in Deir al-Balah.
582. Samira Abu Monifi was killed in Deir al-Balah.
583. Haytham Samir al-Agha, 26, was killed in Khan Younis.
584. Walid Suleiman Abu Daher, 21, was killed in Khan Younis.
585. Yasmin Ahmad Abu Mor, 25, was killed in Rafah.
586. Sameh Zahir al-Sowafiri, 29, was killed in Rafah.
587. Mohammed Moussa Abu Fayad, 36, was killed in Rafah.
588. Fatima Hasan Azzam, 70, was killed in al-Zaytoun.
589. Maryam Hasan Azzam, 50, was killed in al-Zaytoun.
590. Unknown
591. Unknown
592. Unknown
593. Unknown
594. Unknown
595. Unknown
596. Soha Naim al-Kharwat, 25, was killed in north Gaza along with her daughter Mona. She was pregnant.
597. Mona Rami al-Kharwat, 4, was killed in the same attack.
598. Ahmad Salah abu Sido, 17, was killed in al-Mahatta.
599. Mahmoud Slim Mostafa Daraj, 22, was killed in Jabalia.
600. Ibrahim Sobhi al-Firi, 25, was killed in Beit Lahia.
601. Ahmad Assaad al-Boudi, 24, was killed in Beit Lahia.
602. Unknown was killed in Beit Lahia.
603. Raed Salah, 22, was killed in al-Breij.
604. Ahmad Nasim Saleh, 23, was killed in al-Breij.
605. Mahmoud Ghanem, 22, was killed in al-Breij.
606. Hasan Shaaban Khamisi, 28, was killed in al-Maghazi camp.
607. Tareq Fayeq Hajjaj, 22, was killed in Gaza.
608. Ahmad Ziad Hajjaj, 21, was killed in the same attack.
609. Mohammed Shahadeh Hajjaj, 31, was killed in the same attack.
610. Fayza Saleh Abdul Rahman Hajjaj, 66, was killed in the same attack.
611. Rawan Ziad Hajjaj, 15, was killed in the same attack.
612. Youssef Mohammed Hajjaj, 28, was killed in the same attack.
613. Hakema Nafea Abu Edwan, 75, was killed in Rafah.
614. Najah Nafea Abu Edwan, 85, was killed in the same attack.
615. Misaab Nafeth al-Ajala, 30, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
616. Khalaf Atieh Abu Sanima, 18, was killed in Rafah.
617. Khalil Atieh Abu Sanima, 20, was killed in the same attack.
618. Mohammed Jamal al-Jarif, 24, was killed in Khan Younis.
619. Ahmad Issam Wishah, 29, was killed in al-Wista.
620. Ahmad Kamal Abu Maghsib, 35, was killed in al-Wista.
621. Raed Abdulrahman Abu Mighsib, 35, was killed in al-Wista.
622. Ahmad Mohammed Ramadan, 30, was killed in al-Wista.
623. Mostafa Mohammed Mahmoud Fayad, 24, was killed in Gaza.
624. Unknown was found in al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital.
625. Hani Awad Awda Samour, 75, was killed in Khan Younis.
626. Ahmad Ibrahim Shbeir was killed in Khan Younis.
627. Youssef Abu Mostafa, 27, was killed in Nosayrat.
628. Obeida Abu Howayshil was killed in Nosayrat.
629. Nour al-Islam Abu Howayshil, 12, was killed in Nosayrat.
630. Radi Abu Howayshil, 20, was killed in Nosayrat.
631. Samih Abu Jalalah, 64, was killed in Rafah.
Wednesday, July 23:
632. Hamza Ziadeh Abu Anza, 18, was killed in Khan Younis.
633. Osama Bahjat Rajab, 21, was killed in Beit Lahia.
634. Mohammed Dauood Hamoudah, 23, was killed in Beit Lahia.
635. Sadam Ibrahim Abu Assi, 23, was killed in Khan Younis.
636. Wisam Alaa Najjar, 17, was killed in Khan Younis.
637. Unknown was killed in Khan Younis.
638. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
639. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
640. Unknown was killed in Beit Lahia.
641. Unknown was killed in Beit Lahia.
642. Mohammed Mansour al-Bashiti, was killed in Khan Younis.
643. Bassam Abdullah Abu Taimah, 23, was killed in the same attack.
644. Mohammed Naim Abu Taimah, 25, was killed in the same attack.
645. Zainab Abu Tir, a child, was killed in the same attack.
646. Ismail Abu Zarifa, 60, was killed in the same attack.
647. Mojahed Marwan Said al-Skafi, 20, was killed in al-Shujayeh,
648. Adnan Ghazi Habib, 23, was killed in al-Mighraqa.
649. Mohammed Radi Abu Raida, 22, was killed in Bani Souhayla.
650. Nidal Hamad al-Ajla, 25, was killed in al-Shamaa mosque.
651. Mohammed Ziad Habib, 30, was killed in Gaza city.
652. Unknown
653. Hasan Abu Hin, 70, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
654. M. Osama Abu Hin, 34, was killed in the same attack.
655. Al-Mostafa Abdulrahman Abu Hin, 24, was killed in the same attack.
656. Hasan Khalil Salah Abu Jamous, 29, was killed in Khan Younis.
657. Mahmoud Youssef Khaled al-Abadilah, 22, was killed in the same attack.
658. Nour Abdulrahman al-Abadilah, 24, was killed in the same attack.
659. Mohammed Farid al-Astal was killed in the same attack.
660. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
661. Mohammed Abed al-Raouf al-Deddeh, 39, was killed in Gaza.
662. Ahmad Mohammed Bilbol was killed in Gaza.
663. Hosam Ayman Ayyad, 24, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
664. Mohammed Sami Omran, 26, was killed in Khan Younis.
665. Mahmoud Awwad Ziadeh was killed in Gaza.
666. Wissam Bahjat Rajab was killed in the same attack.
667. Rabea Qassem Abu Ras was killed in the same attack.
668. Azzat Omaya al-Sayyed was killed in the same attack.
669. Ahmad Adel Homaydah was killed in the same attack.
670. Manal Mohammed al-Astal, 45, was killed in Khan Younis.
671. Yasmin Hasan Mohammed al-Moqataa, 27, was killed in Deir al-Balah.
672. Jounay Rami Yasser al-Moqataa, 2, was killed in the same attack.
673. Said Ahmad Taqfiq Tawil, 22, was killed in the same attack.
674. Raed Salem al-Radea, 20, was killed in Gaza.
675. Salma Salem al-Radea, 2, was killed in the same attack.
676. Iyad Ghaleb al-Radea, 19, was killed in the same attack.
677. Atef Ahmad Abu Daqqah, was killed in Khan Younis.
678. Dr. Ibrahim Omar al-Halaq, 40, was killed in the same attack.
679. Wael Maher Awad, 23, was killed in the same attack.
680. Ahmad Mahmoud Sahwil, 23, was killed in the same attack.
681. Issam Ismail Abu Shaqra, 42, was killed in the same attack.
682. Abdel Rahman Ibrahim Abu Shaqra, 17, was killed in the same attack.
683. Mohammed Ahmad Akram Abu Shaqra, 17, was killed in the same attack.
684. Unknown
685. Ayman Adhab Youssef al-Hajj Ahmad, 16, was killed in al-Breij.
686. Bilal Ali Ahmad Abu Adhra, 25, was killed in the same attack.
687. Abdel Karim Nasser Saleh Abu Jarmi, 24, was killed in the same attack.
688. Alaa Jihad Ali Khatab, 25, was killed in Deir al-Balah.
689. Abdel Qadir Jamil al-Khaldi, 23, was killed in al-Breij.
690. Fayez Nayef al-Thatha, 24, was killed in al-Zeitoun.
691. Fayez Naim al-Thatha, 17, was killed in the same attack.
693. Unknown
694. Unknown
695. Unknown
697. Sleiman Sleiman al-Barim, 27, was killed in the same attack.
698. Ahmad Rifaat al-Raqab, 23, was killed in the same attack.
699. Mohammed Ismail al-Istal, 17, was killed in Beni Soheileh.
700. Ismail Mohammed al-Istal, 48, was killed in the same attack.
701. Ahmad Ismail Mohammed al-Istal, 20, was killed in the same attack.
702. Mohammed Hassan Abdel Qadir al-Istal, 43, was killed in the same attack.
703. Ibrahim Abdallah Abu Aytah, 67, was killed in Beit Lahia.
704. Ahmad Ibrahim Abdallah Abu Aytah, 30, was killed in the same attack.
705. Jamila Salim Abu Aytah, 65, was killed in the same attack.
706. Adham Ahmad Abu Aytah, 11, was killed in the same attack.
707. Khalil Nasser Atieh Wasah, 21, succumbed to his wounds after being injured in an attack in central Gaza.
708. Milad Omran al-Istal, 29, was killed in Khan Younis.
709. Mohammed Omran Khamis al-Istal, 33, was killed in the same attack.
710. Malek Amin Ahmad al-Istal, 24, was killed in the same attack.
711. Ahmad Thaer Omran al-Istal, 33, was killed in the same attack.
712. Amin Thaer Omran al-Istal, 3, was killed in the same attack.
713. Nada Thaer Omran al-Istal, 5, was killed in the same attack.
714. Bilal Zayid Ahmad Olwan, 20, was killed in Northern Gaza.
715. Hadi Abdulhamid Abdel Fatah Abdelnabi, 3, was killed in a mosque in Jabalia.
716. Abdel Rahman Mahmoud Abdel Fatah Abdelnabi, 1, was killed in the same attack.
717. Ahmad Ibrahim Said al-Qaraan, 26, was killed in al-Wista.
718. Mohammed Ibrahim Abu Aytah, 32, was killed in Jabalia.
719. Majed Mahmoud Mohammed Hamid, was killed in northern Gaza.
720. Mahmoud Ismail Mohammed al-Istal, was killed in Khan Younis.
721. Mohammed Saleh al-Istal, was killed in the same attack.
722. Abdel Hadi Abdulhamid Abdelnabi, 2, was killed in northern Gaza.
723. Mohammed Ahmad Salam al-Najjar, was killed in Khan Younis.
724. Shadi Youssef al-Najjar, was killed in the same attack.
725. Anwar Ahmad Abu Daqqah, was killed in the same attack.
726. Sami Moussa Abu Daqqah, was killed in the same attack.
727. Adly Khalil Abu Daqqah, was killed in the same attack.
728. Bakr Fathi al-Najjar, was killed in the same attack.
729. Nabil Qadhi, was killed in the same attack.
730. Khodor Khalil al-Louh, 45, was killed in northern Gaza.
731. Hanan Jihad Matar, was killed in northern Gaza.
732. Mohammed Ibrahim Abu Daqqah, 42, was killed in Khuza'a.
733. Akram Ibrahim Abu Daqqah, 50, was killed in the same attack.
734. Ahmad Abdulkarim Ahmad Hassan was killed in Khan Younis.
735. Mohammed Ismail Khodor was killed in the same attack.
736. Ola Khalil Abu Aida, 27, was killed in al-Zahraa.
737. Anas Akram al-Skafi, 18, was killed in al-Shujayeh, along with his twin brother.
738. Saad Akram al-Skafi, 18, was killed in the same attack.
739. Mohammed Jihad Matar was killed in an attack on Beit Hanoun.
740. Amina Jihad Matar was killed in the same attack.
741. Tammam Mohammed Hamad was killed in the same attack.
742. Khadir Khalil al-Luh, 50, was killed in an attack on al-Attatara.
743. Rasmi Abu Rayda was killed in Khuza'a.
744. Mohammed Abu Youssef was killed in the same attack.
745. Ahmad Kodeih was killed in the same attack.
746. Rami Kodeih was killed in the same attack.
747. Ismail Hasan Abu Rajila, 57, was killed in Khan Younis.
748. Nafeth Suleiman Kodeih, 45, was killed in the same attack.
749. Badr Hatem Kodeih, 13, was killed in the same attack.
750. Hanafi Mahmoud Abu Youssef, 42, was killed in the same attack.
751. Abdelaziz Noureldine Nour, 21, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
752. Amir Adel Siyam, 9, was killed in Rafah.
753. Issam Faisal Siyam, 24, was killed in Rafah.
754. Amir Adel Siyam, 13, was killed in Rafah.
755. Sa'er Awda Shamali, 19, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
756. Mohammed Youssef al-Qadi, 27, succumbed to his wounds in an Egyptian hospital and died.
757. Mohammed Suleiman Awkal, 36, was killed in Rafah.
758. Unknown was killed in the Israeli bombing of UNRWA school in Beit Hanoun.
759. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
760. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
761. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
762. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
763. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
764. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
765. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
766. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
767. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
768. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
769. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
770. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
771. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
772. Ahmad Jomia'an Abu Hojeir, 19, was killed in al-Wista.
773. Yasmin Ahmad Abu Mor, 27, succumbed to his wounds in an Egyptian hospital and died.
774. Mahmoud Silmi Rowayshid, 50, was killed in Rafah.
775. Duaa Raed Abu Awdeh, 17, was killed in the Israeli bombing of UNRWA school in Beit Hanoun.
776. Amer Abdelraouf Mohammed al-Azab, 26, from Deir al-Balah, was killed.
777. Mahmoud Jamad Awad Abdeen, 12, was killed in Khan Younis.
778. Mohammed Abdullah Mohammed al-Najjar was killed in the same attack.
779. Ahmad Talal al-Najjar was killed in the same attack.
780. Ashraf Ibrahim Hasan al-Najjar, 13, was killed in the same attack.
781. Sanaa Hasan Ali al-Istal was killed in the same attack.
782. Nabil Mahmoud Mohammed al-Istal, 12, was killed in the same attack.
783. Ashraf Mahmoud Mohammed al-Istal, was killed in the same attack.
784. Unknown
785. Unknown
786. Unknown
787. Unknown
788. Unknown
789. Unknown
790. Unknown
791. Mohammed Rateb Abu Jazar, 26, was killed in Khan Younis.
792. Hisham Mohammed Abu Jazar, 23, was killed in the same attack.
793. Mohammed Farhan Abu Jazar, 19, was killed in the same attack.
794. Mahmoud Selmy Abu Roweished, 49, was killed in the same attack.
795. Shadi Sleiman Kuwaraa, 31, was killed in the same attack.
796. Ibrahim Jihad Abu Laban, 27, was killed in al-Zeitoun.
797. Karam Mohammad Zaqout, 12, was killed near the Nuseirat camp.
798. Unknown
799. Unknown
801. Mahmoud Sleiman al-Istal, 17, succumbed to his wounds at the European Hospital of Gaza.
802. Leila Ibrahim Zaarab, 40, succumbed to her wounds at the European Hospital of Gaza.
803. Maram Rajeh Fayyad succumbed to her wounds at the Al Aqsa Martyrs Hospital.
804. Shaymaa Hussein Abdulqader Qanan, 23,
805. Suleiman al-Shawwaf, 21, was killed in Khan Younis.
806. Salah Ahmad Hassanein, 45, was killed in Rafah.
807. Abdulaziz Salah Hassanein, 15, was killed in the same attack.
808. Mohammed Samir Abdulal al-Najjar, 25, was killed in Khan Younis.
809. Rasmeya Salameh, 24, was killed in Khan Younis.
810. Eid Mohammed Abu Qtayfan, 23, was killed in Deir al-Balah.
811. Ali Mohammed Asfour, 58, was killed in Khan Younis.
812. Hadi Salaheldine Abu Hassanein, 12, was killed in Rafah.
813. Mohammed Ibrahim al-Khatib, 27, succumbed to her wounds in Khan Younis.
814. Rasha Abedrabeh Afaneh, 28, succumbed to her wounds in Khan Younis.
815. Abdulhadi Salah Hassanein, 9, was killed in Rafah.
816. Najat al-Najjar, 35, was killed in Bani Souhayla.
817. Iyad Nasser Shrab succumbed to her wounds in Khan Younis.
818. Sharif Mohammed Hassan, 27, was killed in Khan Younis.
819. Mohammed Khalil Hamad, 18, was killed in the same attack.
820. Mamdouh Ibrahim al-Shawwaf, 25, was killed in the same attack.
821. Walid Said al-Harazin, 5, was shot in the head by an Israeli sniper in al-Shujayeh.
822. Tarek Zohdi was killed in al-Wista.
823. Salamah Abu Kamil was killed in the same attack.
824. Ahmad Mahdi Abu Zour, 25
825. Naji Basem Abu Amounah, 25
826. Mohammed Yaseen Syam was killed in Hay al-Zaytoun.
827. Rami Mohammed Yaseen was killed in the same attack.
828. Imad Adnan Abu Kamil, 20, was killed in al-Maghraqa.
829. Kamal Idwan succumbed to her wounds in a hospital in Jordan.
830. Jihad Hasan Hamad, 20, was killed in Rafah.
831. Osama Salem Shahin, 27, was killed in Khan Younis.
832. Suleiman Abu Younes, 25, was killed in the same attack.
833. Mohammed Kamel al-Naqah, 34, was found in the European Hospital of Gaza.
834. Kamal Kamal al-Naqah, 35, was found in the European Hospital of Gaza.
835. Hasan Hussein al-Hourawy, 38, succumbed to his wounds in al-Shifaa hospital.
836. Mohammed Issa Khaled Haji, 24, succumbed to his wounds in al-Shifaa hospital.
837. Hamed al-Borai, a paramedic, was killed in an Israeli strike on an ambulance in Beit Hanoun.
838. Yaseen Mostafa al-Astal, 38, was killed in Khan Younis.
839. Unknown
840. Unknown
841. Unknown
842. Unknown
843. Unknown
844. Unknown
845. Unknown
846. Unknown
847. Unknown
848. Unknown
849. Unknown
850. Kamal Mohammed al-Wasifi, 26, succumbed to his wounds in al-Shifaa hospital.
851. Mazen Adnan Abidin, 23, was killed in Rafah.
852. Saleh Abidin, 35, was killed in the same attack.
853. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
854. Mohammed Abdulnaser Abu Zinah, 24, was killed in al-Zaytoun.
855. Abdulmajid Al-Aidi, 35, was killed in al-Zaytoun.
856. Mohammed Ahmad Abu Wadeyah, 19, was killed in al-Wista.
857. Hani Adel Abu Hassanein, 24, was killed in the same attack,
858. Unknown
859. Unknown
860. Unknown
861. Unknown
862. Unknown
863. Unknown
864. Unknown
865. Yousra Salem Hasan al-Brayem, 65, was killed in al-Sohayla.
867. Islam Ibrahim Naji,19, was killed in al-Sheikh Radwan.
868. Mohammed Hosni al-Saqa, 20, was killed in the same attack.
869. Unknown was killed in al-Shohadaa Street.
870. Ismail Abdulqader Kojok, 53, was killed in Gaza city.
871. Ayesh Salam Armilat, 39, was killed in Gaza.
872. Hosam Abdulghani Yaseen, 15, was killed in the same attack.
873. Iman Hussein al-Raqab
874. Hossam Hussein al-Najjar, 7
875. Amena al-Najjar
876. Majed Samir al-Najjar, 19
877. Ghaleyah Mohammed al-Najjar, 56
879. Iman Salah al-Najjar, 20
880. Moataz Hussein al-Najjar, 6
881. Alfat Hussein al-Najjar, 4
882. Ikhlas Samir Abu Shahla, 30
883. Riham Fayez al-Brayem, 19
884. Amir Hamoudah Abu Shahla, 3
885. Islam Hamoudah Abu Shahla, 4
886. Baraa Mahmoud al-Raqab, 11
887. Soumaya Harb al-Najjar, 50
888. Kifah Samir al-Najjar, 23
889. Amira Hamoudah Abu Shahla, 1
890. Khalil al-Najjar, 59
891. Rawan Khaled al-Najjar, 17
892. Unknown
893. Unknown
894. Nidal Ahmad Issa Abulasal, 27, was killed in Rafah.
895. Slim Salam Abul Toom, 87, was killed in the same attack.
896. Abdulrahman Awda al-Tilbani was killed in al-Wista.
897. Arafat Abu Owayli was killed in the same attack.
898. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
899. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
900. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
901. Naim Abdul Aziz Abu Thaher, 36, was killed in Deir al-Balah.
902. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
903. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
904. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
905. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
906. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
907. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
908. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
909. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
910. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
911. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
912. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
913. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
914. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
915. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
916. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
917. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
918. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
919. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
920. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
921. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
922. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
923. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
924. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
925. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
926. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
927. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
928. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
929. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
930. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
931. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
932. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
933. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
934. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
935. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
936. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
937. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
938. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
939. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
940. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
941. Unknwon was pulled from under rubble in Rafah.
942. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in al-Wista.
943. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in al-Wista.
944. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in al-Wista.
945. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in al-Wista.
946. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in al-Wista.
947. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in al-Wista.
948. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in al-Wista.
949. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in al-Wista.
950. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in al-Wista.
951. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in al-Wista.
952. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in al-Wista.
953. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in al-Wista.
954. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in al-Wista.
955. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in al-Wista.
956. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in al-Wista.
957. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
958. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
959. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
960. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
961. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
962. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
963. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
964. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
965. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
966. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
967. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
968. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
969. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
970. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
971. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
972. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
973. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
974. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
975. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
976. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
977. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
978. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
979. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
980. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
981. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
982. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
983. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
984. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
985. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
986. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
987. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
988. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
989. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
990. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
991. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
992. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
993. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
994. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
995. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
996. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
997. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
998. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
999. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
1000. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
1001. Unknown was found in north Gaza.
1002. Unknown was found in north Gaza.
1003. Unknown was found in north Gaza.
1004. Unknown was found in north Gaza.
1005. Unknown was found in north Gaza.
1006. Unknown was found in north Gaza.
1007. Unknown was found in north Gaza.
1008. Unknown was found in north Gaza.
1009. Unknown was found in north Gaza.
1010. Unknown was found in north Gaza.
1011. Akram Ahmad al-Shanbari, 23, succumbed to his wounds.
1012. Youssef jamil Sobhi Hamoudah, 16, succumbed to his wounds in al-Shifaa Hospital.
1013. Unknown
1014. Unknown
1015. Unknown
1016. Unknown
1018. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
1019. Unknown was killed in Absan.
1020. Hazem Fayyez Abu Shamala, 33. The location of death was unreported.
1021. Ibrahim Khalil al-Deirawi, 27, was killed in central Gaza.
1022. Alaa Nahed Matar, 24, was killed in the same attack.
1023. Issam Abdel Karim Abu Saada, 24. The location of death was unreported
1024. Ahmad Sayid Mataer, died of wounds incurred in al-Maghazi camp.
1025. Ahmad Abu Sweireh, 23, was killed in Nusseirat.
1026. Mohammed Haroun, 29, was killed in the same attack.
1027. Khaled Abdel Sattar Sahmoud, was killed in Khan Younes.
1028. Youssef Abed Shhade al-Masri, 24, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
1029. Jalila Faraj Ayyad was killed in Gaza.
1030. Unknown
1031. Unknown
1032. Unknown
1034. Azza Abdel Karim Abdel Haman al-Falit, 44, succumbed to her wounds in an Egyptian hospital.
1035. Hassan Hassan al-Hawari, 31, succumbed to wounds sustained on July 21 in a Jerusalem hospital.
1036. Samih Ijneid, 4, was killed by tank fire in northern Gaza.
1037. Unknown, killed in an attack on a public garden in the Beach refugee camp.
1038. Unknown, was killed in the same attack.
1039. An unidentified child was killed in the same attack.
1040. An unidentified child was killed in the same attack.
1041. An unidentified child was killed in the same attack.
1042. An unidentified child was killed in the same attack.
1043. An unidentified child was killed in the same attack.
1044. An unidentified child was killed in the same attack.
1045. An unidentified child was killed in the same attack.
1046. An unidentified child was killed in the same attack.
1047. Unknown
1048. Unknown
1049. Unknown
1050. Yahya Mohammed Abdallah al-Aaqad, 49, was killed in al-Fakhari.
1051. Maryam Khalil Abed-Rabboh, 70, was killed in an attack in Jabalia.
1052. Hani Abu Khalifa, was killed in the same attack.
1053. Youssef Imad Qaddoura, a child, was killed in the same attack.
1054. Hind Imad Qaddoura, a child, was killed in the same attack.
1055. Mohammed Moussa Aalwan, a child, was killed in the same attack.
1056. Ayman Adnan Moussa Shaker, 25, was killed in Central Gaza.
1057. Mahmoud Oussama al-Qassas, was killed in Khan Younis.
1058. Shadi Abdel Karim Farwaneh, was killed in the same attack.
1059. Mustafa Abdel Samiaa al-Aabadala, was killed in the same attack.
1060. Rami Khaled al-Raqab, 35, was killed in the same attack.
1061. Naji Ahmad al-Raqab, 19, was killed in the same attack.
1062. Mohammed Jumaa Shaat, 30, was killed in the same attack.
1063. Mohammed Fadl al-Agha, 30, was killed in the same attack.
1064. Ahmad Nader al-Agha, was killed in the same attack.
1065. Marwa Nader al-Agha, was killed in the same attack.
1066. Dalia Nader al-Agha, was killed in the same attack.
1067. Unknown, was found under the rubble in Khuza'a.
1068. Unknown, was found under the rubble in Khuza'a.
1069. Unknown, was found under the rubble in Khuza'a.
1070. Unknown, was found under the rubble in Khuza'a.
1071. Unknown, was found under the rubble in Khuza'a.
1072. Unknown, was found under the rubble in Khuza'a.
1073. Unknown, was found under the rubble in Khuza'a.
1074. Unknown, was found under the rubble in Khuza'a.
1075. Unknown, was found under the rubble in Khuza'a.
1076. Unknown, was found under the rubble in Khuza'a.
1077. Unknown, was found under the rubble in Khuza'a.
1078. Unknown, was found under the rubble in Khuza'a.
1079. Ramzy Hussein al-Far, 68, was killed in al-Wista.
1080. Salem Mohammed Badawi al-Far, 59, was killed in the same attack.
1081. Issa Kamal Abdel Haman Moussa, 61, was killed in the same attack.
1082. Abdel Samad Mahmoud Ahmad Ramadan, 16, was killed in the same attack.
1083. Ayman Adnan Moussa Chokr, 25, was killed in the same attack.
1083. Fayza Ahmad Abdel Fattah al-Nadi,59, succumbed to wounds sustained during Monday's attack on Jabalia.
1084. Mahmoud Abdel Jalil Abu Kwik, 31, was killed in an unspecified location.
1085. Azza Abdulkarim Abdulhaman al-Fleit, 44, succumbed to wounds in an Egyptian hospital.
1087. Ahmad Abdullah Hasan Abu Zeid was killed in Rafah.
1088. Widad Ahmad Salameh Abu Zeid was killed in the same attack.
1089. Shamma Wael Abu Zeid was killed in the same attack.
1090. Mariam Marzouq Abu Zeid was killed in the same attack.
1091. Falastin Mohammed Abu Zeid was killed in the same attack.
1092. Abdullah Nidal Abu Zeid, a child, was killed in the same attack.
1093. Bisan Iyad Abu Zeid was killed in the same attack.
1094. Unknown
1095. Unknown
1096. Unknown was killed in al-Breij.
1097. Unknown was killed in al-Breij.
1098. Unknown was killed in al-Breij.
1099. Unknown was killed in al-Breij.
1100. Unknown was killed in al-Breij.
1101. Unknown was killed in al-Breij.
1102. Unknown
1103. Unknown
1104. Unknown
1105. Unknown
1106. Unknown
1107. Unknown
1108. Unknown
1109. Unknown
1110. Unknown
1111. Unknown
1112. Unknown
1113. Unknown
1114. Unknown
1115. Unknown
1116. Unknown
1117. Unknown
1118. Unknown
1119. Unknown
1120. Unknown
1121. Unknown
1122. Unknown
1123. Unknown
1124. Unknown
1125. Unknown
1126. Unknown
1127. Unknown
1128. Unknown
1129. Unknown
1130. Unknown
1131. Unknown
1132. Unknown
1133. Unknown
1134. Unknown
1135. Unknown
1136. Unknown
1137. Unknown
1138. Unknown
1139. Unknown
1140. Unknown
1141. Unknown
1142. Unknown
1143. Unknown
1144. Unknown
1145. Unknown
1146. Unknown
1147. Unknown
1148. Unknown
1149. Unknown
1150. Unknown
1151. Unknown
1152. Unknown
1153. Unknown
1154. Ayman Samir Qishta, 30, was killed in Rafah.
1155. Ismail Shahin, 27, was killed in the same attack.
1156. Tahrir Nasr Jaber, 15, was killed in Gaza.
1157. Mohammed Ata al-Najjar, 2, was found in Naser Medical Center.
1158. Rafiq Ata al-Najjar, 3, was found in Naser Medical Center.
1159. Marwan Khalil Jibril, 40, was killed in al-Nusseirat camp.
1160. Mohammed Imad Abu Hamed, 21, was killed in the same attack.
1161. Mahmoud Mohammed Hamad was killed in Khan Younis.
1162. Misaab Ahmad Sawih, 17, was found in the European Hospital.
1163. Nariman Khalil al-Agha, 39, was found in the European Hospital.
1164. Ali Mohammed Abu Maarouf, 23, was found in the European Hospital.
1165. Unknown was found in Kamal Idwan Hospital.
1166. Unknown was found in Kamal Idwan Hospital.
1167. Unknown was found in Kamal Idwan Hospital.
1168. Unknown was found in Kamal Idwan Hospital.
1169. Unknown was found in Kamal Idwan Hospital.
1170. Unknown was found in Kamal Idwan Hospital.
1171. Unknown was found in Kamal Idwan Hospital.
1172. Unknown was found in Kamal Idwan Hospital.
1173. Unknown was found in Kamal Idwan Hospital.
1174. Bashir al-Hajjar, his car was targeted by an Israeli strike in Gaza.
1175. Mounir al-Hajjar was killed in the same attack.
1176. Hanaa Naim Balata was killed in Jabalia camp.
1177. Doaa Naim Balata was killed in the same attack.
1178. Israa Naim Balata was killed in the same attack.
1179. Mariam Naim Balata was killed in the same attack.
1180. Yehya Naim Balata was killed in the same attack.
1181. Naim Nathmi was killed in the same attack.
1182. Sahar Motawea Balata was killed in the same attack.
1183. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
1184. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
1185. Unknown
1186. Unknown
1187. Unknown
1188. Unknown
1189. Unknown
1190. Unknown
1191. Unknown
1192. Unknown
1193. Unknown
1194. Unknown
1195. Unknown
1196. Unknown
1197. Unknown
1198. Unknown
1199. Unknown
1200. Unknown
1201. Unknown
1203. Unknown
1204. Unknown
1205. Unknown
1206. Unknown
1207. Unknown
1208. Unknown
1209. Unknown
1210. Suleiman Misaed Borham al-Hashash, 30, was killed in Rafah.
1211. Jamal Ramadan Lafi, 50, was killed in the same attack.
1212. Mahmoud Salamah Dahir, 18, was killed in Rafah.
1213. Rim Abdulaziz Mohammed Dahir, 29, was killed in the same attack.
1214. Moamen Mahmoud Salamah Dahir, 9, was killed in the same attack.
1215. Ghaidaa Omar Salamah Dahir, 7, was killed in the same attack.
1216. Unknown was killed in Jabalia.
1217. Unknown was killed in Jabalia.
1218. Unknown was killed in Jabalia.
1219. Unknown was killed in Jabalia.
1220. Unknown was killed in Jabalia.
1221. Unknown was killed in Jabalia.
1222. Unknown was killed in Jabalia.
1223. Unknown was killed in Jabalia.
1224. Unknown was killed in Jabalia.
1225. Unknown was killed in Jabalia.
1226. Unknown was killed in Jabalia.
1227. Soujoud Abdulhakim Alyan, 11 and disabled, was killed in Yafa street.
1228. Walid Shahda Marzouq Moamar, 51, was killed in Rafah.
1229. Asmaa Abdulhalim Abu Alkas, 16, was killed in al-Breij camp.
1231. Khaled Salim al-Astal, 26, was killed in the same attack.
1232. Mohammed Salim al-Astal, 26, was killed in the same attack.
1233. Ramzi Ibrahim al-Astal, 21, was killed in the same attack.
1234. Awda Ahmad Ali al-Astal, 25, was killed in the same attack.
1235. Ahmad Mahmoud Suleiman al-Astal, 26, was killed in the same attack.
1236. Ahmad Ibrahim Ali al-Astal was killed in the same attack.
1237. Khalil Ibrahim Ali al-Astal was killed in the same attack.
1238. Ezzeddine Jobr Mohammed al-Astal was killed in the same attack.
1239. Mohammed Mahmoud Mohammed al-Astal was killed in the same attack.
1240. Ahmad Mohammed Yassin al-Majayda succumbed to his wounds.
1241. Issam Jaber al-Khatib was killed in an Israeli strike on Abu Hussein School in Jabalia.
1242. Said Abu Jalala was killed in the same attack.
1243. Taysir Hamad was killed in the same attack.
1244. Loai al-Firi was killed in the same attack.
1245. Bassem Khaled al-Najjar was killed in the same attack.
1246. Thaer Khaled al-Najjar was killed in the same attack.
1247. Osama Mohammed Sahweel was killed in the same attack.
1248. Bilal Medhat al-Amoudi was killed in the same attack.
1249. Mohammed Moussa Ghaban was killed in the same attack.
1250. Adel Mohammed Abu Qamar was killed in the same attack.
1251. Abdullah Medhat al-Amoudi was killed in the same attack.
1252. Ramadan Khodr Salman was killed in the same attack.
1253. Alaa Khodr Salman was killed in the same attack.
1254. Ali Ahmad Shahin was killed in the same attack.
1255. Rami Barakat was killed in the same attack.
1256. Mohammed Izzat Abu Swayreh, 34, was killed in al-Wista.
1257. Hussein Mohammed Abu Rizk, 36, was killed in Rafah.
1258. Ahed Zqouut was killed in the Italian Compound.
1259. Omar Awad al-Brayem, 20, was killed in Khan Younis.
1260. Jihad Salah Mohammed al-Brayem, 28, was killed in the same attack.
1261. AbdulAziz Hosni Abu Hjris, 25, was killed in the same attack.
1262. Mohammed Suleiman Abdullatif al-Qara, 31, was killed in the same attack.
1263. Kamal Ahmad Mohammed al-Brayem, 57, was killed in the same attack.
1264. Unknown was killed in al-Toffah.
1265. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
1266. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
1267. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
1268. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
1269. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
1270. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
1271. Odai Yehya Zaki Abu Joneid, 19, was killed in Jabalia.
1272. Abduljalil Mohammed Kamal Abu Shadaq, 35, was killed in the same attack.
1273. Jamal Shahda Abu Shadaq, 40, was killed in the same attack.
1274. Unknown, 2, was killed in the same attack.
1275. Ahmad Suleiman Ahmad Abu Amer was found in Naser Medical Center.
1276. Mohammed Ahmad Abu Amer was killed in the same attack.
1277. Marwa Ahmad Abu Amer was killed in the same attack.
1278. Marah Ahmad Abu Amer was killed in the same attack.
1279. Yasser Ahmad Abu Amer was killed in the same attack.
1280. Suleiman Ahmad Abu Amer was killed in the same attack.
1281. Moha Hajjaj Abu Amer was killed in the same attack.
1282. Iftikhar Mohammed Shahin, 50, succumbed to her wounds in al-Shifaa Hospital.
1283. Maysara Mohammed al-Taaban, 35, was killed in Dier al-Balah.
1284. Zainab Abu Jizer was killed in Khan Younis.
1285. Mariam Ahmad Hijazi was killed in Khan Younis.
1286. Ibrahim Mostafa al-Ghalban was killed in the same attack.
1287. Ismail Mahmoud al-Ghalban was killed in the same attack.
1288. Salah Hijazi was killed in the same attack.
1289. Sobheya Ibrahim Hijazi was killed in the same attack.
1290. Jamalat Mahmoud Thahir was killed in Khan Younis.
1291. Salamah Mahmoud Thahir was killed in the same attack.
1292. Mohammed Mahmoud Thahir was killed in the same attack.
1293. Mahmoud Salamah Mahmoud Thahir was killed in the same attack.
1294. Yamen Omar Salamah Thahir was killed in the same attack.
1295. Sharouq Mahmoud Thahir was killed in the same attack.
1296. Arwa Mahmoud Salamah Thahir was killed in the same attack.
1297. Ramadan Abu Jizr was killed in Khan Younis.
1298. Taysir Sababah, 22, was killed in Beit Lahia.
1299. Ahmad Mohammed Bakr succumbed to his wounds in a hospital in Jordan.
1300. Ammar Suleiman Ali al-Masdar, 31, was killed in Gaza.
1301. Hamza Yaser Mohammed Mohaysen, 23, was killed in Gaza.
1302. Wisam Dardounah was killed in Beit Lahia.
1303. Hosam Mohammed al-Najjar was found in Kamal Idwan Hospital.
1304. Shaaban Abdulaziz al-Jamal was found in Kamal Idwan Hospital.
1305. Mohammed Wisam Dardounah was killed in Beit Lahia and was found in Kamal Idwan Hospital.
1306. Alaa Joudi Khodor was found in Kamal Idwan Hospital.
1307. Anwar Adel Abu Nasr, 20
1308. Ismail Walid Abu Nasr, 18
1309. Ahmad Khalil Abu Anza, 32
1310. Shadi Abdullah Abu Anza, 38
1311. Ali Mohammed Abu Anza, 27
1312. Ahmad Abudllah Abu Anza
1313. Unknown, might be Mohammed Suleiman Barakah.
1314. Mostafa Ahmad Abu Jalalah was killed in north Gaza.
1315. Mohammed Mazen Moussa fawdah was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1316. Ahmad Abdulkarim Hanoun was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1317. Saadi Saadi Faraj was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1318. Hussein Said Karirah was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1319. Hamdi Saadi Abu Zour was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1320. Abdulkarim Hussein al-Silk was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1321. Ahed Ziad al-Gharabili was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1322.Abdulaziz Ibrahim al-Baltaji was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1323. Lina Alaa al-Silk was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1324. Abdulaziz Mohammed al-Silk was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1325. Abdulhalim Mohammed al-SIlk was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1326. Moataz Bassam Dib was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1327. Mahmoud Mohammed Rajab was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1328. Moath Khaled Tayeh was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1329. Malak Jalal al-Silk was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1330. Amneyah Mohammed al-SIlk was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1331. Layan Nael al-Silk was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1332. Abdullah Fayez Fayyad, 23, was killed in Gaza.
1333. Sohaib Saleh Salamah, 23, was killed in Gaza.
1334. Ibrahim Youssef al-Astal, 35, was killed in Gaza.
1335. Naji Mohammed Abu Moawad was killed in Jabalia.
1336. Imad Ali Asfour succumbed to his wounds.
1337. Assem Ahmad Baraka, 25, succumbed to his wounds.
1338. Alaa Abdulkarim al-Qara, 23, succumbed to his wounds.
1339. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1340. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1341. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1342. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1343. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1344. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1345. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1346. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1347. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1348. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1349. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1350. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1351. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1352. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1353. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1354. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1355. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1356. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1357. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1358. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1359. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1360. Ismail Bassam al-Qassas, 23, was killed in north Gaza.
1361. Omar Fayez Ahmad Abu Alyan, 21, succumbed to his wounds in the European Hospital.
1363. Ahmad al-Lawh, 22, succumbed to his wounds in al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital.
1364. Maha Abdulnabi Slim Abu Hilal was found in Abu Youssef al-Najjar Hospital.
1365. Suleiman Barakah, 31, was killed in Deir al-Balah.
1366. Aref Barakah, 58, was killed in the same attack.
1367. Majdi Mohammed Ahmad Fesayfes, 34, was killed in Khan Younis.
1368. Naji Abdullah Abu Mostafa, 31,was killed in the same attack.
1369. Hani Abdullah Abu Mostafa, 44, was killed in the same attack.
1370. Hanan Youssef Abu Taamieh was killed in the same attack.
1371. Maher al-Najjar was killed in the same attack.
1372. Mahmoud Foad al-Najjar was killed in the same attack.
1373. Mohammed Daher succumbed to his wounds in al-Shifa Hospital.
1374. Fadel Nader al-Maghari, 27, was killed in Rafah.
1375. Mahdeyah Suleiman Omar Abulouli, 58, was killed in Khan Younis.
1376. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1377. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1378. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1379. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1380. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1381. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1382. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1383. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1384. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1385. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1386. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1387. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1388. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1389. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1390. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1391. Abdullah Abu Shabab, 20, succumbed to his wounds in al-Shifa Hospital.
1392. Alaa Alwa, 22, succumbed to his wounds in al-Shifa Hospital.
1393. Hamza Faeq Ahmad al-Haddad, 20, was killed in east Gaza.
1394. Ibrahim Asaad Ahmad al-Haddad, 21, was killed in the same attack.
1395. Kamal Abdulkarim al-Lawh, 32, was killed in al-Barakah.
“My family tried to reduce the number of people and rent outside but one building owner requested $600 for a very small apartment for just 15 days,” she said with a tired voice.
Meanwhile, some landlords are claiming to be afraid of renting out their houses to people whose homes were shelled for fear there may be ‘wanted’ individuals among them, which could lead to getting their own apartments targeted.
Furthermore, money transfers are also being exploited with the dollar rising to 3 shekels, instead of 3.5, due to a lack of money exchange offices.
Meanwhile, Gaza’s Economy Ministry assured that its consumer protection teams have been working across the Strip’s districts since the first day of the aggression.
“We are implementing an emergency plan that was set before the war, [whereby] inspection teams are assigned in five subsidiary offices to monitor the prices and safety of foodstuffs and to prevent monopolization in these tough times,” Abdel Fattah Moussa, the ministry’s spokesman told Al-Akhbar.
Concerning citizens’ complaints, Abu Moussa explained “our numbers are open 24/7 and we quickly verify all complaints and refer them to the legal department for the prosecution to take necessary procedures.”
Abu Mussa, however, said that monitoring real estate falls within the mandate of “the finance and housing ministries in the first place,” but the war is blocking the movement of many employees, something that many displaced people have also pointed out.
This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.
Did Prince Bandar and Mossad chief deal on today’s Gaza war?
Does the Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia support
Palestinians in their resistance to the occupation? Or does it support the
siege manned by Israel and Egypt, until Gaza is demilitarized?
It is tough work being the Saudi ambassador to the UK. First, you
have to stir yourself into action to deny the undeniable: The Israeli attack on
Gaza comes with
Saudi backing.
But no sooner has your wrath been righteously expressed, than a colleague contradicts you. Worse still, he's the boss's brother. What is a prince to do?
In his reply to my column, Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf Al Saud wrote: "To think that Saudi Arabia, which has committed itself to supporting and protecting the rights of all Palestinians to self-determination and sovereignty would knowingly support the Israeli action is quite frankly a grotesque insult." He then admits "dealings" between the Kingdom and Israel but claims those "limited to bring about a plan for peace." Then he says:
"The Palestinian people are our brothers and sisters -whether they are Muslim Arabs or Christian Arabs. Be assured we, the people and Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, will never ever give up on them, we will never do anything to harm them, we will do all we can to help them in their rightful claim to their own homeland and return of lands taken illegally from them."
Hardly was the ink dry on this official news release, when Prince Turki al-Faisal, Bin Nawaf's predecessor as UK ambassador, former intelligence chief and the brother of the current foreign minister wrote in al-Sharq al-Awast that Hamas was to blame for firing rockets and for refusing to accept Egypt's ceasefire plan (which would have disarmed them).
This is Israel's and Egypt's view too.
So which is it? Does the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia support Palestinians in their resistance to the occupation? Or does it support the siege manned by Israel and Egypt, until Gaza is demilitarized?
These are two clear policies -- support for the Palestinian resistance to the occupation and ending the siege of Gaza, or keeping the siege in place until all factions in Gaza are disarmed. Either Israel is engaging in genocide (strong words, Mr. Ambassador) or the resisters are terrorists who must be disarmed. Decide what it is you want the Kingdom to say. You can't say both. You can't swear allegiance to the Palestinians and give a nod and a wink to their killers.
And are the kingdom's dealings with Israel really "limited to bring about a plan for peace"? You are privy to the cables, Mr. Ambassador.
Tell us what passed between Prince Bandar and the Mossad director Tamir Pardo at that hotel in Aqaba in November last year.
The Jordanians leaked it to an Israeli newspaper in Eilat. Were Bandar and Pardo: 1. soaking up the winter sun, 2. talking about the Arab Peace Initiative, or 3. plotting how to bomb Iran?
And why are your new friends the Israelis being so loquacious? Why, to take the latest example, did Dan Gillerman, Israeli ambassador to the UN 2003-08, say at the weekend that "representatives from the Gulf states told us to finish the job in Gaza time and again." Finish the job? Killing over 1,000 Palestinians, most of them civilian. Is that what you meant when you said "we will never do anything to harm them"?
The carnage in Gaza at least gives the world clear sight of the protagonists. The wonder of it is that all are American allies, three have US bases on their soil and a fourth is a member of Nato. America's problems in the Middle East are more to do with their sworn allies than their sworn enemies.
On one side, stands Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates and Jordan. They consider themselves the voice of reason and moderation, but their methods are violent -- the military coup in Egypt and the attack on Gaza have all happened in the space of 12 months. On the other, stands Turkey, Qatar, the Muslim Brotherhood and its affliate Hamas.
We should, however, talk of governments rather people, because one reason why the government of Saudi Arabia has such an extreme position on Hamas and the Brotherhood in general, is that it knows full well that its own people don't share their view.
Saudi Arabia's leading pollster Rakeen found that 95 percent out of a representative sample of 2,000 Saudis supported the continuation of the Palestinian resistance factions. Only three per cent did not. Eighty-two percent supported the firing of rockets into Israel (occupied lands) and 14 percent opposed it. The kingdom's hatred of Islamism stems not from the fact that it presents a rival interpretation of Islam. It is that it presents to a believer, a democratic alternative. That is what really scares the monarchy.
The proof of all those secret Saudi-Israeli meetings is to be seen in the behavior of Egypt. It is impossible to believe that its new president Abdel Fattah al Sisi could act towards Hamas in Gaza independently of his paymasters in Riyadh. He who pays the piper -- $5 billion after the coup, $20 billion now -- calls the tune.
Sisi sees Hamas entirely through the prism of the Muslim Brotherhood he deposed last year. Hamas is vilified in the lickspittle Egyptian press as the enemy of Egypt. A trickle of aid has been allowed through the border crossing at Rafah, and it is sporadically opened to a few thousand wounded Palestinians. The Israeli Army is not alone in blowing up Hamas' tunnels. The Egyptian army announced recently they had blown up 13 more, a deed which earned them the title of being "a sincere neighbor" of Israel. Sisi is content to let Hamas and Gaza take a hammering, and make no efforts to get a ceasefire. The last initiative was not even negotiated with Hamas.
Mubarak made a similar miscalculation during the 2006 incursion into Lebanon, supporting an operation which he believed would cripple Hezbollah. In the end he was forced to send his son Gamal to Beirut to express Egypt's support for the Lebanese people. Both the kingdom and Sisi know that dropping the Palestinian card is a risky business.
Saudi Arabia is treading a fine line. According to my sources, Netanyahu's rejection of Kerry's peace initiative over the weekend was due in part to the full support of its Arab allies. Saudi Arabia's active support is keeping this brutal war going.
By David Hearst
Source: The Huffingtonpost
Do you have time to just read names of those killed by Israel in Gaza?
Palestinian relatives mourn over the body of Hanen
Tafish, a 10-month-old girl killed by Israeli air strikes on Gaza on November 15, 2012.
Death of at least 1,395 Palestinians, killed in the Israeli
relentless assault on the Gaza Strip has been confirmed by the Gaza health ministry; among those killed, at
least 315 were aged 18 or younger.
least 12 children were killed by Israeli forces on Monday, on the Muslim
holiday of Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan. Eight
of these children were among the ten killed by a missile in a public park.
a 12-hour truce observed by both sides on Saturday, medics pulled out at least
147 bodies from the rubble across the Gaza Strip.
than 53 families have been "massacred" in Gaza in the past 20 days, according to health
ministry spokesperson Ashraf al-Qudra.
Sunday July 20, more than 74 people were killed in Shujayeh, a neighborhood
east of Gaza City.
to sources in Gaza's health ministry, 80 percent
of the people killed by Israeli forces in Gaza
were civilians.
youngest victim so far has been five-month-old Fares Jomaa al-Mahmoum, killed
by Israeli tank shelling in Rafah. The next two youngest victims were both 18
months old: Mohammed Malakiyeh was killed along with his 27-year-old mother,
and Ranim Jawde Abdel Ghafour was killed along with a member of her family in
Khan Younis.
three oldest victims were all 80 years old. Naifeh Farjallah was killed in an
air strike on the town of Moghraqa, southwest of
Gaza City,
and Saber Sukkar was killed in an airstrike on Gaza City.
Hijaziyah Hamid al-Helou succumbed on Sunday to wounds sustained in the bombing
of her home in Gaza
City on Saturday night.
names and ages were compiled based on information released by the Gaza health ministry,
while the circumstances of the deaths were taken from the ministry and local
news sources.
following is provided by the Lebanese daily al-Akhbar, listing name of those
who lost their lives in the Israeli attacks until July 31, 2014.
girls mourn at their home before the funeral of their uncle, Adham Abed el-Al,
who died the day before in an Israeli airstrike on July 14, 2014 in Gaza City.
Tuesday, July 8:
1. Mohammed Sha’aban, 24, was
killed in a bombing of his car in Gaza
City.2. Ahmad Sha’aban, 30, died in the same bombing.
3. Khadir al-Bashiliki, 45, died in the same bombing.
4. Rashad Yaseen, 27, was killed in a bombing of the Nusseirat refugee camp in central Gaza.
5. Riad Mohammed Kawareh, 50, was killed in a bombing of his family’s home in Khan Younis.
6. Seraj Ayad Abed al-A’al, 8, was wounded in the same bombing and succumbed to his injuries on Tuesday evening.
7. Mohammed Ayman Ashour, 15, died in the same bombing.
8. Bakr Mohammed Joudah, 22, died in the same bombing.
9. Ammar Mohammed Joudah, 26, died in the same bombing.
10. Hussein Yousef Kawareh, 13, died in the same bombing.
11. Mohammed Ibrahim Kawareh, 50, died in the same bombing.
12. Bassim Salim Kawareh, 10, died in the same bombing.
13. Mousa Habib, 16, from Gaza City’s al-Shujayeh neighborhood, was killed along with his 22-year old cousin while the pair were riding a motorcycle.
14. Mohammed Habib, 22, was killed with Mousa Habib.
15. Sakr Aysh al-Ajouri, 22, was killed in an attack on Jabalia, in northern Gaza.
16. Ahmad Na’el Mehdi, 16, from Gaza City’s Sheikh Radwan neighborhood, was killed in a bombing that wounded two of his friends.
17. Hafiz Mohammed Hamad, 30, an Islamic Jihad commander, was killed in the bombing of his home in Beit Hanoun, along with five of his family members.
18. Ibrahim Mohammed Hamad, 26, died in the same bombing.
19. Mehdi Mohammed Hamad, 46, died in the same bombing.
20. Fawzia Khalil Hamad, 62, died in the same bombing.
21. Dunia Mehdi Hamad, 16, died in the same bombing.
22. Suha Hamad, 25, died in the same bombing.
23. Suleiman Salman Abu Soaween, 22, was killed.
Wednesday, July 9:
A Palestinian man carries the body of one-year-old baby, who died of
wounds sustained after ISraeli attack on a UN school in Beit Hanun, July 24,
24. Abdel Hadi Jamaat al-Sufi, 24, was killed in a bombing near the Rafah crossing.
25. Naifeh Farjallah, 80, was killed in an airstrike on the town of Moghraqa, southwest of Gaza City.
26. Abdel Nasser Abu Kweek, 60, was killed in the bombing of Gaza’s central governorate along with his son.
27. Khaled Abu Kweek, 31, Abdel Nasser Abu Kweek’s son, was killed in the same bombing.
28. Mohammed Areef, 13, died in a bombing in Sha’af.
28. Amir Areef, 10, died in the same bombing.
30. Mohammed Malakiyeh, 18 months old, died in a bombing along with his mother and a young man.
31. Hana Malakiyeh, 27, Mohammed Malakiyeh’s mother, died in the same bombing.
32. Hatem Abu Salem, 28, died in the same bombing.
33. Mohammed Khaled al-Nimri, 22
34. Sahar Hamdan, 40, died in the bombing of her home in Beit Hanoun.
35. Ibrahim Masri, 14, Sahar Hamdan’s son, was killed in the same bombing.
36. Mahmoud Nahid al-Nawasra was killed in a bombing in al-Meghazi.
37. Mohammed Khalaf al-Nawasra, 4, was killed in the same bombing and arrived at the hospital “in shreds.”
38. Nidal Khalaf al-Nawasra al-Meghazi, 5, was killed in the same bombing.
39. Salah Awwad al-Nawasra al-Meghazi, 6, was killed in the same bombing. His body was found under the rubble of the house.
40. Aisha Nijm al-Meghazi, 20, was killed in the same bombing.
41. Amal Youssef Abdel Ghafour, 27, was killed in a bombing in Khan Younis.
42. Ranim Jawde Abdel Ghafour, an 18-month-old girl, was killed in the same bombing.
43. Rashid al-Kafarneh, 30, was killed when the motorcycle he was riding was bombed.
44. Ibrahim Daoud al-Balawi, 24
45. Abdel Rahman Jamal al-Zamli, 22
46. Ibrahim Ahmad Abideen, 42
47. Mustafa Abu Mar, 20
48. Khalid Abu Mar, 23
49. Mazen Farj al-Jarbah, 30, was killed in a bombing in Deir al-Balah.
50. Marwan Slim, 27, was killed in a bombing in Deir al-Balah.
51. Hani Saleh Hamad, 57, was killed in a bombing in Beit Hanoun along with his son Ibrahim.
52. Ibrahim Hamad, 20, was killed in the same bombing.
53. Salima Hassan Musallim al-Arja, 60, was killed in a bombing in Rafah that wounded five others.
54. Maryam Atieh Mohammed al-Arja, 11, was killed in the same bombing.
55. Hamad Shahab, 37
56. Ibrahim Khalil Qanun, 24, was killed in a bombing of Khan Younis.
57. Mohammed Khalil Qanun, 26, was killed in the same attack.
58. Hamdi Badieh Sawali, 33, was killed in the same attack.
59. Ahmad Sawali, 28, was killed in the same attack.
60. Suleiman Salim al-Astal, 55, was killed in a bombing of Khan Younis.
61. Mohammed al-Aqqad, 24
62. Ra'ed Shalat, 37, was killed in a bombing that wounded 6 others.
Thursday, July 10:
63. Asma Mahmoud
al-Hajj, 22, was killed in a bombing in Khan Younis that killed eight members
of the same family and wounded 16 other people.64. Basmah Abdel Fattah al-Hajj, 57, was wounded in the bombing and succumbed to her injuries shortly afterwards.
65. Mahmoud Lutfi al-Hajj, 58, died in the same bombing.
66. Tarek Mahmoud al-Hajj, 18, died in the same bombing.
67. Sa'ad Mahmoud al-Hajj, 17, died in the same bombing.
68. Najla Mahmoud al-Hajj, 29, died in the same bombing.
69. Fatima Mahmoud al-Hajj, 12, died in the same bombing.
70. Omar Mahmoud al-Hajj, 20, died in the same bombing.
71. Ahmad Salim al-Astal, 24, was killed in the bombing of a beach house in Khan Younis that critically wounded more than 15 people.
72. Mousa Mohammed al-Astal, 50, was killed in the same bombing. The two bodies were recovered four hours after the bombing.
73. Ra'ed al-Zawareh, 33, succumbed to his wounds and died. The location of his death was unreported.
74. Baha' Abu al-Leil, 35, was killed in a bombing.
75. Salim Qandil, 27, was killed in the same bombing.
76. Omar al-Fyumi, 30, was killed in the same bombing.
77. Abdullah Ramadan Abu Ghazzal, 5, was killed in a bombing in Beit Lahiya.
78. Ismail Hassan Abu Jamah, 19, was killed in a bombing in Khan Younis that injured two children, one critically.
79. Hassan Awda Abu Jamah, 75, was killed in a bombing in Khan Younis.
80. Mohammed Ahsan Ferwanah, 27, was killed in a bombing in Khan Younis.
81. Yasmin Mohammed Mutawwaq, 4 was killed in a bombing in Beit Hanoun.
82. Mahmoud Wulud, 26, was killed in a bombing of a civilian vehicle in northern Gaza. His remains were taken to Kamal Adwan Hospital in Jabalia.
83. Hazem Balousha, 30, was killed in the same bombing. His remains are at Kamal Adwan Hospital.
84. Nour Rafik Adi al-Sultan, 27, was killed in the same bombing. His remains are at Kamal Adwan Hospital.
85. Ahmad Zaher Hamdan, 24, was killed in a bombing in Beit Hanoun.
86. Mohammed Kamal al-Kahlout, 25, was killed in a bombing in Jabalia.
87. Sami Adnan Shaldan, 25, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City.
88. Jamah Atieh Shalouf, 25, was killed in a bombing in Rafah.
89. Bassem Abdel Rahman Khattab, 6, was killed in a bombing in Deir al-Balah.
90. Abdullah Mustafa Abu Mahrouk, 22, was killed in a bombing in Deir al-Balah.
Friday, July 11:
91. Anas Rizk Abu al-Kas, 33, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City.
92. Nour Marwan al-Najdi, 10, was killed in a bombing in Rafah.
93. Mohammed Mounir Ashour, 25, was killed in a bombing on the al-Ghanam family home in Rafah.
94. Ghalia Deeb Jabr al-Ghanam, 7, was killed in the same bombing.
95. Wasim Abd al-Rizk Hassan al-Ghanam, 23, was killed in the same bombing.
96. Mahmoud Abd al-Rizk Hassan al-Ghanam, 26, was killed in the same bombing.
97. Kifah Shahada Deeb al-Ghanam, 20, was killed in the same bombing.
98. Ra’ed Hani Abu Hani, 31, was killed in a bombing in Rafah.
99. Shahraman Ismail Abu al-Kas, 42, was killed in a bombing in a refugee camp in central Gaza.
100. Mazen Mustafa Aslan, 63, was killed in the same bombing.
101. Mohammed Rabih Abu Humeidan, 65, was killed in shelling that struck northern Gaza.
102. Abdel Halim Ashra, 54, was killed in an airstrike on Wednesday in the area of Birka Deir al-Balah, but his body wasn’t discovered until Friday.
103. Saher Abu Namous, 3, was killed in an airstrike on his home in northern Gaza.
104. Hussein al-Mamlouk, 47, was killed in an airstrike on Gaza City.
105. Saber Sukkar, 80, was killed in an airstrike on Gaza City.
106. Nasser Rabih Mohammed Samamah, 49, was killed in an airstrike on Gaza City.
Saturday, July 12:
107. Rami Abu
Massaad, 23, was killed in a strike on Deir al-Balah.108. Mohammed al-Samiri, 24, was killed in the same attack.
109. Houssam Deeb al-Razayneh, 39, was killed in an attack on Jabalia.
110. Anas Youssef Kandil, 17, was killed in the same attack.
111. Abdel Rahim Saleh al-Khatib, 38, was killed in the same attack.
112. Youssef Mohammed Kandil, 33, was killed in the same attack.
113. Mohammed Idriss Abu Saninah, 20, was killed in the same attack.
114. Hala Wishahi, 31, was killed in an attack on the Mabarra association for the disabled in Jabalia.
115. Suha Abu Saade, 38, was killed in the same attack.
116. Ali Nabil Basal, 32, was killed in a strike on western Gaza City.
117. Mohammed Bassem al-Halabi, 28, was killed in the same strike.
118. Mohammed al-Sowayti, 20, was killed in the same strike.
119. Ibrahim Nabil Humaide, 30, was killed in a bombing in the Tufah neighborhood in eastern Gaza City.
120. Hassan Ahmed Abu Ghoush, 24, was killed in the same attack.
121. Ahmed Mahmoud al-Ballaoui, 26, was killed in the same attack.
122. Ratib Sabahi al-Sifi, 22, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City along with five others.
123. Azmi Mahmoud Abid, 51, was killed in the same attack.
124. Nidal Mahmoud Abu al-Malish, 22, was killed in the same attack.
125. Suleiman Said Abid, 56, was killed in the same attack.
126. Ghassan Ahmad al-Masri, 25, was killed in the same attack.
127. Mustafa Mohammed Anaieh, 58, was killed in the same attack.
128. Rafa’at Youssef Amer, 36, succumbed to wounds sustained in a bombing in Gaza City.
129. Ghazi Mustafa Areef, 62, died when his home in Gaza City was bombed. His son sustained serious injuries.
130. Mohammed Adriss Abu Sulim, 20, was killed in a bombing in Jabaliya.
131. Fadi Yaqub Sakr, 25, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City.
132. Qassem Jaber Adwan Awdeh, 16, was killed in a bombing in Khan Younis.
133. Mohammed Ahmad Bassal, 19, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City.
134. Muhannad Youssef Dhahir, 23, was killed in a bombing in Rafah.
135. Mahmoud Abdallah Shratiha, 53, was killed in a bombing in north Gaza.
136. Shadi Mohammed Zarb, 21, was killed in a bombing in Rafah that wounded three others.
137. Imad Bassam Zarb, 21, was killed in the same bombing.
138. Nahid Ta’im al-Batash, 41, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City along with 16 family members. Dozens more were wounded in the same attack.
139. Baha Majid al-Batash, 28, was killed in the same bombing.
140. Qassi Isam al-Batash, 12, was killed in the same bombing.
141. Aziza Youssef al-Batash, 59 was killed in the same bombing.
142. Mohammed Isam al-Batash, 17 was killed in the same bombing.
143. Ahmad Naman al-Batash, 27 was killed in the same bombing.
144. Yahya Alaa al-Batash, 18 was killed in the same bombing.
145. Jalal Majid al-Batash, 26 was killed in the same bombing.
146. Mahmoud Majid al-Batash, 22 was killed in the same bombing.
147. Marwa Majid al-Batash, 25 was killed in the same bombing.
148. Majid Subhi al-Batash was killed in the same bombing.
149. Khalid Majid al-Batash, 20 was killed in the same bombing.
150. Ibrahim Majid al-Batash, 18 was killed in the same bombing.
151. Manar Majid al-Batash, 14 was killed in the same bombing.
152. Amal Hassan al-Batash, 49 was killed in the same bombing.
153. Anas Alaa al-Batash, 10 was killed in the same bombing.
154. Qassi Alaa al-Batash was killed in the same bombing.
The body of six-year-old Palestinian, Ali
al-Shwaf is seen at the Nasser hospital morgue in Khan Yunis, in the southern
Gaza Strip on June 23, 2012 after he was killed during Israeli air strikes in Gaza.
Sunday, July 13:
155. Rami Abu
Shanab, 25, succumbed to wounds sustained several days ago in Deir al-Balah.156. Khawla al-Hawajri, 25, was killed in a bombing in Nusseirat.
157. Mohammed Ghazi Areef, 35, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City.
158. Ahmad Youssef Daloul, 47, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City.
159. Hijaziyah Hamid al-Helou, 80, succumbed to wounds sustained in the bombing of her home in Gaza City on Saturday night.
160. Fawzia Abdel A’el, 73, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City.
161. Haitham Ashraf Zarb, 21, succumbed to wounds sustained during an attack on Rafah on Saturday that killed two other members of the Zarb family.
162. Leila Hassan al-Awdat, 41, was killed in an attack on Meghazi that wounded four others.
163. Hussam Ibrahim al-Najjar, 14, was killed in a bombing in north Gaza. His remains were taken to Beit Hanoun Hospital.
164. Rawidah Abu Harb al-Zwaida, 31, was killed.
165. Samer Tallal Hamdan was killed in a bombing in Beit Hanoun.
166. Hussein Abd al-Qadir Muheisen, 19, succumbed to wounds sustained in Gaza City.
167. Maher Thabit Abu Mar, 24, was killed in a bombing in Rafah.
168. Mohammed Salim Abu Bureis, 65, was killed in a bombing in Deir al-Balah.
169. Saddam Moussa Moamar, 23, was killed in Khan Younis.
170. Mousa Shehade Moamar, 60, was killed in Khan Younis.
171. Hanadi Hamadi Moamar, 27, was killed in Khan Younis.
172. Adham Mohammed Abed al-Fatah Abed al-Al was killed in Gaza.
Monday, July 14:
173. Qassem Tallal Hamdan, 23, was killed in Beit Hanoun.
174. Hamid Suleiman Abu al-Araj Deir al-Balah, 60.
175. Abdullah Mahmoud Barakah, 24, was killed in Khan Younis.
176. Tamer Salem Kodeih, 37, was killed in Khan Younis.
177. Ziad Maher al-Najjar, 17, was killed in Khan Younis.
178. Ziad Salem al-Shawi, 25, was killed in Rafah.
179. Mohammed Yasser Hamdan, 24, was killed in Gaza.
180. Mohammed Shakib al-Agha, 22, was killed in Khan Younis.
181. Mohammed Younis Abu Youssif, 25, was killed in Khan Younis.
182. Sara Omar Sheikh al-Eid, 4, was killed in Rafah.
183. Omar Ahmad Sheikh al-Eid, 24, was killed in Rafah.
184. Jihad Ahmad Sheikh al-Eid, 48, was killed in Rafah.
185. Kamal Ated Youssif Abu Taha, 16, was killed in Khan Younis.
186. Ismail Nabil Ahmad Abu Hatab, 21, was killed in Khan Younis.
Tuesday, July 15:
187. Ahmad Younis
Abu Youssif, 28, was killed in Khan Younis.188. Bushra Khalil Zoarob, 53, was killed in Rafah.
189. Atwa Amira al-Maamour, 63, was killed in Khan Younis.
190. Ismail Salim al-Najjar, 46, was killed in Khan Younis.
191. Mohammed Ahmad Ibrahim al-Najjar, 49, was killed in Khan Younis.
192. Suleiman Abu Louli, 33, was killed in Khan Younis.
193. Sobhi Abdel Hamid Moussa, 77, was killed in Khan Younis.
194. Ismail Ftouh, 24, was killed in Gaza.
195. Saleh Said Dahliz Rafah, 20, was killed in Rafah.
196. Yasser Abdel Mahmoun, 18, was killed in Rafah.
197. Ibrahim Khalil al-Asaafi, 66, was killed in Jiher el-Deek.
198. Mohammed Abdullah al-Zahouk, 23, was killed in Rafah.
199. Mohammed Ismail Abu Awda, 27, was killed in Rafah.
Wednesday, July 16:
200. Mohammed
Sabri al-Dibari, 20, was killed in Rafah.201. Abdullah Mohammed Abdullah al-Irjani, 19, was killed in Khan Younis.
202. Ahmad Adel Ahmad al-Niwajha, 23, was killed in Rafah.
203. Mohammed Tayseer Sharab, 23, was killed in Khan Younis.
204. Farid Mohammed Abu Daqa, 33, was killed in Khan Younis.
205. Ashraf Khalil Abu Shanab, 33, was killed in Rafah.
206. Khadra al-Abd Salama Abu Daqa, 65, was killed in an attack on Khan Younis.
207. Omar Ramadan Hassan Abu Daqa, 24, was killed in the same attack.
208. Ibrahim Ramadan Hassan Abu Daqa, 10, was killed in the same attack.
209. Abdel Rahman Ibrahim Khalil al-Sarkhi, 37, was killed in an attack on Gaza City.
210. Ahed Atef Bakr, 10, was killed on a beach in Gaza.
211. Zakaria Ahed Bakr, 10, was killed on a beach in Gaza.
212. Mohammed Ramez Bakr, 11, was killed on a beach in Gaza.
213. Ismail Mohammed Bakr, 9, was killed on a beach in Gaza.
214. Hamza Ra'ed Thari, 6, succumbed to wounds sustained "a few days ago" and passed away.
215. Mohammed Akram Abu Amer, 34, was killed in an attack on Khan Younis.
216. Kamal Mohammed Abu Amer, 38, Mohammed's brother, was reported seriously injured and then dead in the same attack.
217. Raqia al-Astal, 70, was killed in the bombing of a mosque in Khan Younis which killed at least three others and critically wounded several children.
218. Yasmin al-Astal, 4, was killed in the same attack.
219. Hussein Abdel Nasser al-Astal, 23, was killed in the same attack.
220. Usama Mahmoud al-Astal, 6, was critically wounded in the same attack and succumbed to his wounds shortly afterwards.
221. Hossam Shamlakh, 23, succumbed to wounds sustained in an attack on Sheikh Ajlin.
222. Mohammed Kamal Abdel Rahman, 30, was killed in an attack on Sheikh Ajlin.
Thursday, July 17:
223. Mohammed
Mahmoud al-Qadim, 22, succumbed to wounds sustained in Deir al-Balah.224. Zeinab Mohammed Saeed al-Abadleh, 70, died of her wounds in the Gaza European hospital.
225. Mohammed Abdel Rahman Hassouneh, 67, was killed in an attack on Rafah.
226. Mohammed Ahmad al-Hout, 41, was killed in the same attack while on his way to morning prayers.
227. Ahmad Rihan, 23, was killed in an attack on North Gaza.
228. Salam Salah Fayyad, 25, succumbed to his wounds in a hospital in Gaza's central province.
229. Abdallah al-Akhras, 27, was killed in an attack on Rafah.
230. Bashir Abd al-A'el, 20, was killed in the same attack.
231. Mohammed Ziyad Ghanem, 25, was killed in the same attack.
232. Fulla Tarek Shaheber, 8, was killed along with two child relatives in an airstrike on their home in Gaza City.
233. Jihad Issam Shaheber, 10, was killed in the same strike.
234. Wassim Issam Shaheber, 9, was killed in the same strike.
235. Yassin al-Humaideh, 4, died of wounds suffered in an earlier attack on Gaza City.
236. Rahaf Khalil al-Jabbour, 4, was killed in an attack in Khan Younis.
237. Hamza Houssam al-Abadaleh, 29, was killed in an attack on Khan Younis.
238. Abed Ali Natiz, 26, was killed in Gaza.
239. Mohammed Salem Natiz, 4, was killed in Gaza City.
240. Mohammed Shadi Natiz, 15, was killed in Gaza City.
241. Salah Salah al-Shafiai was killed in Khan Younis.
242. Majdi Suleiman Salamah Jabarah, 22, was killed in Rafah.
243. Fares Jomaa al-Mahmoum, 5 months old, was killed in Rafah.
Friday, July 18:
244. Nassim
Mahmoud Nassir was killed in an attack on Beit Hanoun.245. Karam Mahmoud Nassir was killed in the same attack.
246. Omar Ayyad al-Mahmoum, 18, from Rafah, was killed in an attack on al-Shawka.
247. Salmiah Suleiman Ghayyad, 70, was killed in an attack east of Rafah.
248. Rami Saqqer Abu Tawila was killed in an attack east of al-Shujayeh that wounded 7 of his family members.
249. Hamad Abu Lahyia, 23, was killed in an attack east of Qarara that critically wounded several others.
250. Bassem Mohammed Mahmoud Madi, 22, was killed in an attack east of Rafah that wounded 11 others.
251. Mohammed Abdel Fattah Rashad Fayyad, 26, was killed in Khan Younis.
252. Mahmoud Mohammed Fayyad, 25, was killed in Khan Younis.
253. Bilal Mahmoud Radwan, 23, was killed in an attack in Khan Younis.
254. Mundhir Radwan, 22, was killed in the same attack.
255. Ahmad Fawzia Radwan, 23, was killed in the same attack.
256. Mahmoud Fawzia Radwan, 24, was killed in the same attack.
257. Ismail Youssef Taha Qassim, 59, was killed in an attack in Beit Hanoun that wounded 25 others.
258. Amal Khadir Ibrahim Badour, 40, was killed in the same attack.
259. Hani As'ad Abd al-Karim al-Shami, 35, was killed in an attack in Khan Younis that killed his nephew and wounded 4 others.
260. Mohammed Hamdan Abd al-Karim al-Shami, 35, was killed in the same attack.
261. Hussam Muslim Abu Eissa, 26, was killed in Jahr al-Dik.
262. Walaa Abu Ismail Muslim,12, was killed in Abraj al-Nada.
263. Mohammed Abu Muslim, 13, was killed in Abraj al-Nada.
264. Ahmad Abu Muslim, 14, was killed in Abraj al-Nada.
265. Ahmed Abdullah al-Bahnasawi, 25, was killed in the village of Om al-Nasr in Gaza.
266. Saleh Zaghidi, 20, was killed in Rafah.
267. Alaa Abu Shbat, 23, was killed in Rafah.
268. Ahmed Hasan Saleh al-Ghalban, 23, was killed in al-Fakhari.
269. Hamada Abdallah al-Bashiti, 21, was killed in al-Fakhari.
270. Abdullah Jamal al-Samiri, 17, was killed in Khan Younis.
271. Mahmoud Ali Darwish, 40, was killed in Nusseirat.
272. Wila al-Qara, 20, was killed in Khan Younis.
273. Raafat Mohammed al-Bahloul, 35, was killed in Khan Younis.
274. Mohammed Awad Matar, 37, was killed in Beit Lahia.
275. Hamza Mohammed Abu al-Hussein, 27, was killed in Rafah.
276. Imad Hamed Alouwein, 7, was killed in a strike in Gaza City.
277. Qassem Hamed Alouwein, 4, was killed in the same strike.
278. Sara Mohammed Boustan, 13, was killed in a strike in Gaza City.
279. Rizk Ahmed al-Hayek, 2, was killed in Gaza City.
280. Mohammed Saad Mahmoud Abu Saade, 26, was killed in Khan Younis.
281. Naim Moussa Abu Jarad, 24, was killed in tank shelling on his home in Beit Hanoun along with seven members of his family.
282. Abed Moussa Abu Jarad, 30, was killed in the same attack.
283. Siham Moussa Abu Jarad, 15, was killed in the same attack.
284. Rijaa Alyan Abu Jarad, 31, was killed in the same attack.
285. Ahlam Naim Abu Jarad, 13, was killed in the same attack.
286. Hania Abdel Rahman Abu Jarad, 3, was killed in the same attack.
287. Samih Naim Abu Jarad, 1, was killed in the same attack.
288. Moussa Abdel Rahman Abu Jarad, 6, was killed in the same attack.
289. Moustafa Faysal Abu Sanina, 18, was killed in an air strike on Rafah along with two relatives.
290. Imad Faysal Abu Sanina, 18, was killed in the same attack.
291. Nizar Fayez Abu Sanina, 38, was killed in the same attack.
292. Ghassan Salem Moussa, 28, was killed in Khan Younis.
293. Mohammed Salem Shaat, 20, was killed in Khan Younis.
294. Ahmed Salem Shaat, 22, was killed in the same attack.
295. Amjad Salem Shaat, 15, was killed in the same attack.
296. Mohamed Talal al-Sanaa, 20, was killed in Rafah.
Palestinian emergency personnel evacuate a
wounded man following an Israeli air strike on a market place in the Shejaiya
neighbourhood near Gaza
City, on July 30, 2014.
297. Ayad Ismail al-Rakib, 26, was killed in an attack on Khan Younis.
298. Yehya Bassam al-Sirri, 20, was killed in Khan Younis.
299. Mohammed Bassam al-Sirri, 17, was killed in the same attack.
300. Mahmoud Redda Salhia, 56, was killed in Khan Younis.
301. Moustafa Redda Salhia, 21, was killed in the same attack.
302. Mohammed Moustafa Salhia, 22, was killed in the same attack.
303. Wissam Redda Salhia, 15, was killed in the same attack.
304. Ibrahim Jamal Kamal Nasser, 13, was killed in Khan Younis.
305. Ahmed Mahmoud Hassan Aziz, 34, Khan Younis.
306. Said Ola Issa, 30, was killed in the central disrict.
307. Mohammed Awad Fares Nassar, 25, was killed in Khan Younis.
308. Mohammed Jihad al-Kara, 29, was killed in Khan Younis.
309. Rashdi Khaled Nassar, 24, was killed in the same Khan Younis.
310. Raed Walid Likan, 27, was killed in Khan Younis.
311. Raafat Ali Bahloul, 36, was killed in Khan Younis.
312. Bilal Ismail Abu Daqqah, 33, was killed in Khan Younis.
313. Mohammed Ismail Samour, 21, was killed in Khan Younis.
314. Ismail Ramadan al-Lawalhi, 21, was killed in Khan Younis.
315. Mohammed Ziad al-Rahhel, 6, was killed in Beit Lahia.
316. Mohammed Ahmed Abu Zaanounah, 36, was killed in Gaza.
317. Mohammed Rafic al-Rahhel, 22, was killed in Beit Lahia.
318. Fadel Mohammed al-Banna, 29. was killed in Jbalia.
319. Mohammed Atallah Awdeh Saadat, 25, was killed in Beit Hanoun.
320. Mohammed Abedel Rahman Abu Hamad, 25, was killed in Beit Lahia.
321. Maali Abedel Rahman Suleiman Abu Zayed, 24, al-Wista.
322. Mahmoud Abdel Hamid al-Zuweidi, 23, was killed in Beit Lahia.
323. Dalia Abdel Hamid al-Zuweidi, 37, was killed in Beit Lahia.
324. Ruaia Mahmoud al-Zuweidi, 6, was killed in Beit Lahia.
325. Nagham Mahmoud al-Zuweidi, 2, was killed in Beit Lahia.
326. Amer Hamoudah, 7, was killed in Beit Lahia.
327. Mahmoud Rizk Mohammed Hamoudah, 18, was killed in Beit Lahia.
328. Mohammed Khaled Jamil al-Zuweidi, 20, was killed in Beit Lahia.
329. Mohammed Ahmad al-Saidi, 18, was killed in Khan Younis.
330. Abdel Rahman Mohammed Awdah Barak, 23, al-Wista.
331. Tarek Samir Khalil al-Hitto, 26, was killed in al-Wista.
332. Mahmoud al-Sharif, 24, was killed in al-Wista.
333. Mohammed Fathi al-Ghalban, 23, was killed in Khan Younis.
334. Mahmoud Anwar Abu Shabab, 16, was killed in Rafah.
335. Mo'men Taysir al-Abed Abu Dan, 24, was killed in al-Wista.
336. Abdel Aziz Samir Abu Zeiter, 31, was killed in al-Wista.
337. Mohammed Ziad Zaabout, 24, was killed in Gaza.
338. Hatem Ziadah Zaabout, 22, was killed in Gaza.
339. Ahmad Maher Mohammed Abu Thuria, 25, was killed in al-Wista.
340. Abdullah Ghazi Abdullah al-Masri, 30, was killed in al-Wista.
341. Ayman Hisham al-Naaouq, 25, was killed in al-Wista.
342. Akram Mahmoud al-Matwouk, 37, was killed in Jabalia.
343. Salem Ali Abu Saadah was killed in Khan Younis.
Sunday, July 20:
344. Hosni Mahmoud al-Absi, 56, was killed in Rafah.
345. Mohammed Mahmoud Moamar, 30, was killed in Rafah,
346. Hamza Mahmoud Moamar, 21, was killed in Rafah.
347. Anas Mahmoud Moamar, 17, was killed in rafah.
348. Mohammed Ali Jundieh, 38, was killed in Gaza.
349. Mohammed Khalil al-Hayyah
350. Osama Khalil al-Hayyah
351. Khalil Osama al-Hayyah
352. Hala Saqer Abu Hin
353. Fahmi Abdel Aziz Abu Said, 29, was killed in al-Wista.
354. Ahmad Tawfiq Zannoun, 26, was killed in Rafah.
355. Sohaib Ali Jomaa Abu Qoura, 21, was killed in Rafah.
356. Homeid Sobh Mohammed Abu Foujo, 22, was killed in Rafah.
357. Toufic Marshoud, 52, was killed in Gaza.
358. Ibrahim Khalil Abd Ammar, 13, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
359. Ibrahim Salim Joumea al-Sahbani, 20, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
360. Ibrahim Arrif Ibrahim al-Ghalayini, 26, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
361. Osama Khalil Ismail al-Hayya, 30, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
362. Osama Roubhi Shahta Ayyad, 31, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
363. Isra Yassir Atieh Hamidieh, 28, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
364. Akram Mohammed Ali al-Skafi, 63, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
365. Iman Khalil Abed Ammar, 9, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
366. Iman Mohammed Ibrahim Hamadeh, 40, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
367. Ahmad Ishaq Youssef al-Ramlawi, 33, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
368. Ahmad Sammi Diab Ayyad, 27, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
369. Ahmad Mohammed Ahmad Abu Zanouna, 28, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
370. Imama Isama Khalil al-Hayya, 9, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
371. Talla Akram Ahmad al-Atwi, 7, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
372. Tawfiq Ibrawi Salem Marshoud, 52, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
373. Hatim Ziad Ali al-Zabout, 24, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
374. Khalid Riyad Mohammed Hamad, 25, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
375. Khadija Ali Moussa Shahadi, 62, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
376. Khalil Osama Khalil al-Hayya, 7, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
377. Khalil Salim Ibrahim Mousbah, 53, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
378. Dima Adil Abdullah Aslim, 2, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
379. Dina Rushdi Omar Hamadi, 15, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
380. Rahaf Akram Ismail Abu Joumea, 4, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
381. Saji Hassan Akram al-Hallaq, 4, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
382. Samia Hamid Mohammed al-Shaykh Khalil, 3, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
383. Soad Mohammed Abdel Razik al-Hallaq, 62, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
384. Samar Osama Khalil al-Hallaq, 29, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
385. Shadi Ziad Hassan Aslim, 15, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
386. Shireen Fathi Othman Ayyad, 18, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
387. Adil Abdullah Salim Aslim, 39, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
388. Assem Khalil Abed Ammar, 4, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
389. Ahed Saed Moussa al-Sirsik, 30, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
390. Ayisha Ali Mahmoud Zayid, 54, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
391. Abdel Rahman Akram Mohammed al-Skafi, 22, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
392. Abdel Rahman Abdel Razak Abdel Rahman al-Shaykh Khalil, 24, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
393. Abdullah Mansour Radwan Ammara, 23, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
394. Abed Rabboh Ahmad Mohammed Zayid, 58, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
395. Isam Atieh Said al-Skafi, 26, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
396. Ola Ziad Hassan Aslim, 11, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
397. Alaa Jamal al-Din Mohammed Bourda, 35, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
398. Ali Mohammed Hassan al-Skafi, 27, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
399. Omar Jamil Soubhi Hammouda, 10, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
400. Ghada Soubhi Sa'adi Ayyad, 9, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
401. Ghada Ibrahim Suleiman Udwan, 39, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
402. Fadi Ziad Hassan Aslim, 10, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
403. Fatima Abdel Rahim Abdel Qadir Abu Ammouna, 55, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
404. Fida'a Rafiq Diab Ayyad, 24, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
405. Fahmi Abdel Aziz Sa'ed Abu Said, 29, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
406. Qinan Hassan Akram al-Hallaq, 6, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
407. Maysa Abdel Rahman Said al-Sirsawi, 37, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
408. Mohammed Ashraf Rafiq Ayyad, 6, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
409. Mohammed Hassan Mohammad al-Skafi, 53, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
410. Mohammed Rami Fathi Ayyad, 2, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
411. Mohammed Ra'ed Ihsan Aqqila, 19, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
412. Mohammed Ziad Ali al-Zabbout, 23, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
413. Mohammed Mohammed Ali Muharrib Jundiyah, 38, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
414. Mohammed Hani Mohammad al-Halaq, 2, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
415. Marrah Shakil Ahmad al-Jammal, 11, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
416. Marwan Mounir Saleh Qunfud, 23, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
417. Marwa Salman Ahmad al-Sirsawi, 13, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
418. Moussaeb al-Khayr Salah al-Din Said al-Skafi, 27, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
419. Mona Suleiman Ahmad al-Sheikh Khalil, 49, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
420. Mona Abdel Rahman Mahmoud Ayyad, 42, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
421. Nirmin Rafiq Diab Ayyad, 20, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
422. Hala Akram Hassan al-Hallaq, 27, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
423. Hala Soubhi Saidi Ayyad, 25, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
424. Hala Saqr Hassan al-Hayya, 29, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
425. Hani Mohammed Ahmad al-Hallaq, 29, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
426. Hiba Hamid Mohammed al-Shaykh Khalil, 13, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
427. Youssef Ahmad Younis Mustafa, 62, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
428. Youssef Salim Hamto Habib, 62, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
429. Unknown
430. Mohammed Ayman al-Shaer, 5, was killed in Khan Younis.
431. Leila Hasan al-Shaer, 33, was killed in Khan Younis.
432. Salah Saleh al-Shaer, in his forties, was killed in Khan Younis.
433. Hibatullah Akram al-Shaer, 7, was killed in Khan Younis.
434. Youssef Sha'aban Ziyadeh, 44, was killed in al-Barij.
435. Jamil Sha'aban Ziyadeh, 53, was killed in the same attack.
436. Sha'aban Jamil Ziyadeh, 12, was killed in the same attack.
437. Omar Sha'aban Ziyadeh was killed in the same attack.
438. Muftiya Mohammed Ziyadeh was killed in the same attack.
439. Bayyan Abdel Latif Ziyadeh was killed in the same attack.
440. Ismail al-Qurdi
441. Mohammed Mahmoud al-Muqadama, 30, was killed in the same attack.
442. Najah Sa'ad al-Din Daraji, 65, was killed in Rafah.
443. Abdullah Youssef Daraji, 3, was killed in the same attack.
444. Mohammed Baghdar al-Dughma, 20, was killed in Beni Soheileh.
445. Mohammed Raja' Mohammed Handam, 15, was killed in Rafah.
446. Aya Bahjat Abu Sultan, 15, was killed in Beit Lahya.
447. Hani Mohammed al-Halaq, 29, was killed in al-Ramal.
448. Suad Mohammed al-Halaq, 62, was killed in the same attack.
449. Qinan Akram al-Halaq, 5, was killed in the same attack.
450. Samar Osama al-Halaq, 29, was killed in the same attack.
451. Saji al-Halaq was killed in the same attack.
452. Ibrahim Khalil Ammar was killed in the same attack.
453. Ahmad Yassin was killed in the same attack.
454. Rayan Taysir Abu Jamea, 8, was killed in Khan Younis.
455. Fatima Mahmoud Abu Jamea was killed in the same attack.
456. Sabah Tawfiq Mahmoud Abu Jamea, 38, was killed in the same attack.
457. Rozan Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jamea, 14, was killed in the same attack. Her body was recovered from the rubble on Monday.
458. Jawdat al-Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jamea, 24, was killed in Khan Younis.
459. Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jamea, 5, was killed in the same attack.
460. Haifa Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jamea, 9, was killed in the same attack.
461. Yasmin Ahmad Salama Abu Jamea, 25, was killed in the same attack.
462. Suheila Bassam Ahmad Abu Jamea was killed in the same attack.
463. Shahinaz Walid Ahmad Abu Jamea, 1, was killed in the same attack.
464. Hossam Hossam Abu Qaynas, 5, was killed in the same attack.
465. An unidentified woman was killed in the same attack.
466. An unidentified woman in her 30s was killed in the same attack.
467. An unidentified child was killed in the same attack.
468. Ahmad Suleiman Mahmoud Sahmoud, 34, was killed in the same attack.
469. Minwa Abdel Bassit Ahmad al-Sabea, 37, was killed in Beit Hanoun.
470. Mahmoud Moussa Abu Anzar, 25, was killed in Khan Younis.
471. Turkiyah al-Abed al-Biss
472. Unidentified body in Kamal Adwan Hospital.
473. Unidentified body in Kamal Adwan Hospital.
474. Abdullah Omar al-Maghribi was killed in Rafah.
475. Najah al-Maghribi was killed in the same attack.
476. Bassem al-Brayim was killed in Khan Younis.
477. Ra'ed Mansour Nayfeh was killed in Gaza City.
478. Fuad Jaber was killed in Gaza City.
479. Mohammed Mahmoud Hussein Moammar was killed in Rafah.
480. Hamza Mahmoud Hussein Moammer was killed in the same attack.
481. Anas Mahmoud Hussein Moammer was killed in the same attack.
482. Bilal Jaber Mohammed al-Ashhab, 22, was killed in al-Mughraqa.
483. An unidentified body was recovered along with Bilal.
484. Ra'ed Ismail al-Bardawil, 26, was killed in Rafah.
485. Unknown
486. Unknown
487. Unknown
488. Unknown
489. Unknown
490. Unknown
491. Unknown
492. Unknown
Monday, July 21:
493. Sumoud Nasr
Siyam, 26, was killed in Rafah.494. Mohammed Mahrous Salam Siyam, 25, was killed in the same attack.
495. Badr Nabil Mahrous Siyam, 25, was killed in the same attack.
496. Ahmad Ayman Mahrous Siyam, 17, was killed in the same attack.
497. Mustafa Nabil Mahrous Siyam, 12, was killed in the same attack.
498. Ghaydaa Nabil Mahrous Siyam, 8, was killed in the same attack.
499. Shireen Mohammed Salam Siyam, 32, was killed in the same attack.
500. Dalal Nabil Mahrous Siyam, 8, was killed in the same attack.
501. Kamal Mahrous Salama Siyam, 27, was killed in the same attack.
502. Abdullah Trad Abu Hjeir, 16, was killed in Nusseirat.
503. Ahmad Moussa Shaykh al-Eid, 23, was killed in Rafah.
504. Zakariah Massoud al-Ashqar, 24, was killed in Gaza City.
505. Kamal Talal Hassan al-Masri, 22, was killed in Beit Hanoun.
506. Ra'ed Isam Daoud, 30, was killed in al-Zeitoun.
507. Fatima Abu Ammouna, 55, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
508. Ahmad Mohammed Azzam, 19, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
509. Mahmoud Hassan al-Nakhala was killed in Gaza.
510. Kamal Massoud, 21, was killed in al-Zeitoun.
511. Saleh Badawi, 31, was killed in al-Zeitoun.
512. Unidentified body in the Gaza European hospital.
513. Majdi Mahmoud al-Yazaji, 56, was killed in Gaza City.
514. Mohammed Samih al-Ghalban was killed in Gaza City.
515. Karam Ibrahim Atieh Barham, 25, was killed in Khan Younis.
516. Nidal Ali Abu Daqqa, 26, was killed in Khan Younis.
517. Nidal Joumea Abu Assi, 43, was killed in Khan Younis.
518. Mohammed Mahmoud al-Maghribi, 24, was killed in Khan Younis.
519. Mayar al-Yazaji, 2, was killed in al-Karama.
520. Yasmin al-Yazaji was killed in the same attack.
521. Wajdi al-Yazaji was killed in the same attack.
522. Safinaz al-Yazaji was killed in the same attack.
523. Unidentified child, 5, was killed in the same attack.
524. Mahran Kamel Jondeyah, 32, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
525. Tamer Nayef Jondeyah, 30, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
526. Rahma Ahmad Jondeyah, 50, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
527. Ibrahim Shaaban Bakroun, 37, was killed in al-Shaaf
528. An unidentified person was killed in the Israeli shelling of Al Aqsa Martyrs Hospital. The attack killed three others and wounded 50.
529. An unidentified person was killed in the same attack.
530. An unidentified person was killed in the same attack.
531. An unidentified person was killed in the same attack.
532. Youssef Ghazi Hamidieh, 25, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
533. Moataz Jamal Hamidieh, 18, was killed in the same attack.
534. Aed Jamal Hamidieh, 21, was killed in the same attack.
535. Aya Yasser al-Qassas was killed in Gaza City.
536. Aesha Yasser al-Qassas was killed in the same attack.
537. Nasma Iyad al-Qassas was killed in the same attack.
538. Lamyaa Iyad al-Qassas was killed in the same attack.
539. Israa al-Qassas was killed in the same attack.
540. Yasmin al-Qassas was killed in the same attack.
541. Arwa al-Qassas was killed in the same attack.
542. Aliaa al-Syam was killed in Gaza City.
543. Fayza al-Syam was killed in Gaza City.
544. Soumaya al-Syam was killed in Gaza City.
545. Fatima Ahmad al-Arja was killed in Rafah.
546. Atieh Youssef Dardouna, 26, was killed in Jabalia.
547. Unidentified was killed in Rafah.
548. Unidentified was killed in Rafah.
549. Unidentified was killed in Rafah.
550. Fadi Azmi Brayaem was killed in Deir al-Balah.
551. Othman Salem Brayaem was killed in the same attack.
552. Salem Abdel Majeed Brayaem was killed in the same attack.
553. Unidentified was killed in al-Shamaa mosque in Gaza City.
554. Unidentified was killed in al-Shamaa mosque in Gaza City.
555. Ibrahim Dib Ahmad al-Kilani, 53, was killed in a strike on Israa tower in Gaza City along with his wife and their five children. Four members of his wife’s family were also killed in the attack.
556. Taghrid Shaaban Mohammed al-Kilani, 45, was killed in the same attack.
557. Yaser Ibrahim Dib al-Kilani, 8, was killed in the same attack.
558. Elias Ibrahim Dib al-Kilani, 4, was killed in the same attack.
559. Sawsan Ibrahim Dib al-Kilani, 11, was killed in the same attack.
560. Rim Ibrahim Dib al-Kilani, 12, was killed in the same attack.
561. Yaseen Ibrahim Dib al-Kilani, 9, was killed in the same attack.
562. Mahmoud Shaaban Mohammed Derbas, 37, was killed in the same attack.
563. Aida Shaaban Mohammed Derbas, 47, was killed in the same attack.
564. Soura Shaaban mohammed Derbas, 41, was killed in the same attack.
565. Inas Shaaban Mohammed Derbas, 30, was killed in the same attack.
566. Jihad Mahmoud al-Maghribi, 22, was killed in Khan Younis.
567. Fadi Bashir al-Abadleh, 22, was killed in Khan Younis.
568. Unknown
569. Unknown
570. Unknown
Palestinian relatives of Hasan Baker, killed
by Israeli forces, grieve during his funeral in Gaza City,
on July 22, 2014.
Tuesday, July 22:
571. Wael Jamal
Harb, 32, was killed in Gaza.572. Hasan Khodor Bakr, 60, was killed in Gaza.
573. Mahmoud Suleiman Abu Sobha, 55, was killed in Khan Younis.
574. Abdullah Ismail al-Bahisi, 27, was killed in Deir al-Balah.
575. Misaab Saleh Salameh, 19, was killed in Khan Younis.
576. Mohammed Nasr Haroun, 38, was killed in al-Nsayrat.
577. Naji Jamal al-Fajm, 26, was killed in Khan Younis.
578. Ibtihal Ibrahim al-Rimahi was killed in Deir al-Balah.
579. Youssef Ibrahim al-Rimahi was killed in Deir al-Balah.
580. Iman Ibrahim al-Rimahi was killed in Deir al-Balah.
581. Salwa Abu Monifi was killed in Deir al-Balah.
582. Samira Abu Monifi was killed in Deir al-Balah.
583. Haytham Samir al-Agha, 26, was killed in Khan Younis.
584. Walid Suleiman Abu Daher, 21, was killed in Khan Younis.
585. Yasmin Ahmad Abu Mor, 25, was killed in Rafah.
586. Sameh Zahir al-Sowafiri, 29, was killed in Rafah.
587. Mohammed Moussa Abu Fayad, 36, was killed in Rafah.
588. Fatima Hasan Azzam, 70, was killed in al-Zaytoun.
589. Maryam Hasan Azzam, 50, was killed in al-Zaytoun.
590. Unknown
591. Unknown
592. Unknown
593. Unknown
594. Unknown
595. Unknown
596. Soha Naim al-Kharwat, 25, was killed in north Gaza along with her daughter Mona. She was pregnant.
597. Mona Rami al-Kharwat, 4, was killed in the same attack.
598. Ahmad Salah abu Sido, 17, was killed in al-Mahatta.
599. Mahmoud Slim Mostafa Daraj, 22, was killed in Jabalia.
600. Ibrahim Sobhi al-Firi, 25, was killed in Beit Lahia.
601. Ahmad Assaad al-Boudi, 24, was killed in Beit Lahia.
602. Unknown was killed in Beit Lahia.
603. Raed Salah, 22, was killed in al-Breij.
604. Ahmad Nasim Saleh, 23, was killed in al-Breij.
605. Mahmoud Ghanem, 22, was killed in al-Breij.
606. Hasan Shaaban Khamisi, 28, was killed in al-Maghazi camp.
607. Tareq Fayeq Hajjaj, 22, was killed in Gaza.
608. Ahmad Ziad Hajjaj, 21, was killed in the same attack.
609. Mohammed Shahadeh Hajjaj, 31, was killed in the same attack.
610. Fayza Saleh Abdul Rahman Hajjaj, 66, was killed in the same attack.
611. Rawan Ziad Hajjaj, 15, was killed in the same attack.
612. Youssef Mohammed Hajjaj, 28, was killed in the same attack.
613. Hakema Nafea Abu Edwan, 75, was killed in Rafah.
614. Najah Nafea Abu Edwan, 85, was killed in the same attack.
615. Misaab Nafeth al-Ajala, 30, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
616. Khalaf Atieh Abu Sanima, 18, was killed in Rafah.
617. Khalil Atieh Abu Sanima, 20, was killed in the same attack.
618. Mohammed Jamal al-Jarif, 24, was killed in Khan Younis.
619. Ahmad Issam Wishah, 29, was killed in al-Wista.
620. Ahmad Kamal Abu Maghsib, 35, was killed in al-Wista.
621. Raed Abdulrahman Abu Mighsib, 35, was killed in al-Wista.
622. Ahmad Mohammed Ramadan, 30, was killed in al-Wista.
623. Mostafa Mohammed Mahmoud Fayad, 24, was killed in Gaza.
624. Unknown was found in al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital.
625. Hani Awad Awda Samour, 75, was killed in Khan Younis.
626. Ahmad Ibrahim Shbeir was killed in Khan Younis.
627. Youssef Abu Mostafa, 27, was killed in Nosayrat.
628. Obeida Abu Howayshil was killed in Nosayrat.
629. Nour al-Islam Abu Howayshil, 12, was killed in Nosayrat.
630. Radi Abu Howayshil, 20, was killed in Nosayrat.
631. Samih Abu Jalalah, 64, was killed in Rafah.
Wednesday, July 23:
632. Hamza Ziadeh Abu Anza, 18, was killed in Khan Younis.
633. Osama Bahjat Rajab, 21, was killed in Beit Lahia.
634. Mohammed Dauood Hamoudah, 23, was killed in Beit Lahia.
635. Sadam Ibrahim Abu Assi, 23, was killed in Khan Younis.
636. Wisam Alaa Najjar, 17, was killed in Khan Younis.
637. Unknown was killed in Khan Younis.
638. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
639. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
640. Unknown was killed in Beit Lahia.
641. Unknown was killed in Beit Lahia.
642. Mohammed Mansour al-Bashiti, was killed in Khan Younis.
643. Bassam Abdullah Abu Taimah, 23, was killed in the same attack.
644. Mohammed Naim Abu Taimah, 25, was killed in the same attack.
645. Zainab Abu Tir, a child, was killed in the same attack.
646. Ismail Abu Zarifa, 60, was killed in the same attack.
647. Mojahed Marwan Said al-Skafi, 20, was killed in al-Shujayeh,
648. Adnan Ghazi Habib, 23, was killed in al-Mighraqa.
649. Mohammed Radi Abu Raida, 22, was killed in Bani Souhayla.
650. Nidal Hamad al-Ajla, 25, was killed in al-Shamaa mosque.
651. Mohammed Ziad Habib, 30, was killed in Gaza city.
652. Unknown
653. Hasan Abu Hin, 70, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
654. M. Osama Abu Hin, 34, was killed in the same attack.
655. Al-Mostafa Abdulrahman Abu Hin, 24, was killed in the same attack.
656. Hasan Khalil Salah Abu Jamous, 29, was killed in Khan Younis.
657. Mahmoud Youssef Khaled al-Abadilah, 22, was killed in the same attack.
658. Nour Abdulrahman al-Abadilah, 24, was killed in the same attack.
659. Mohammed Farid al-Astal was killed in the same attack.
660. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
661. Mohammed Abed al-Raouf al-Deddeh, 39, was killed in Gaza.
662. Ahmad Mohammed Bilbol was killed in Gaza.
663. Hosam Ayman Ayyad, 24, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
664. Mohammed Sami Omran, 26, was killed in Khan Younis.
665. Mahmoud Awwad Ziadeh was killed in Gaza.
666. Wissam Bahjat Rajab was killed in the same attack.
667. Rabea Qassem Abu Ras was killed in the same attack.
668. Azzat Omaya al-Sayyed was killed in the same attack.
669. Ahmad Adel Homaydah was killed in the same attack.
670. Manal Mohammed al-Astal, 45, was killed in Khan Younis.
671. Yasmin Hasan Mohammed al-Moqataa, 27, was killed in Deir al-Balah.
672. Jounay Rami Yasser al-Moqataa, 2, was killed in the same attack.
673. Said Ahmad Taqfiq Tawil, 22, was killed in the same attack.
674. Raed Salem al-Radea, 20, was killed in Gaza.
675. Salma Salem al-Radea, 2, was killed in the same attack.
676. Iyad Ghaleb al-Radea, 19, was killed in the same attack.
677. Atef Ahmad Abu Daqqah, was killed in Khan Younis.
678. Dr. Ibrahim Omar al-Halaq, 40, was killed in the same attack.
679. Wael Maher Awad, 23, was killed in the same attack.
680. Ahmad Mahmoud Sahwil, 23, was killed in the same attack.
681. Issam Ismail Abu Shaqra, 42, was killed in the same attack.
682. Abdel Rahman Ibrahim Abu Shaqra, 17, was killed in the same attack.
683. Mohammed Ahmad Akram Abu Shaqra, 17, was killed in the same attack.
684. Unknown
685. Ayman Adhab Youssef al-Hajj Ahmad, 16, was killed in al-Breij.
686. Bilal Ali Ahmad Abu Adhra, 25, was killed in the same attack.
687. Abdel Karim Nasser Saleh Abu Jarmi, 24, was killed in the same attack.
688. Alaa Jihad Ali Khatab, 25, was killed in Deir al-Balah.
689. Abdel Qadir Jamil al-Khaldi, 23, was killed in al-Breij.
690. Fayez Nayef al-Thatha, 24, was killed in al-Zeitoun.
691. Fayez Naim al-Thatha, 17, was killed in the same attack.
693. Unknown
694. Unknown
695. Unknown
Thursday, July 24:
696. Bassam Khaled
Abu Shahla, 44, was killed in Absan.697. Sleiman Sleiman al-Barim, 27, was killed in the same attack.
698. Ahmad Rifaat al-Raqab, 23, was killed in the same attack.
699. Mohammed Ismail al-Istal, 17, was killed in Beni Soheileh.
700. Ismail Mohammed al-Istal, 48, was killed in the same attack.
701. Ahmad Ismail Mohammed al-Istal, 20, was killed in the same attack.
702. Mohammed Hassan Abdel Qadir al-Istal, 43, was killed in the same attack.
703. Ibrahim Abdallah Abu Aytah, 67, was killed in Beit Lahia.
704. Ahmad Ibrahim Abdallah Abu Aytah, 30, was killed in the same attack.
705. Jamila Salim Abu Aytah, 65, was killed in the same attack.
706. Adham Ahmad Abu Aytah, 11, was killed in the same attack.
707. Khalil Nasser Atieh Wasah, 21, succumbed to his wounds after being injured in an attack in central Gaza.
708. Milad Omran al-Istal, 29, was killed in Khan Younis.
709. Mohammed Omran Khamis al-Istal, 33, was killed in the same attack.
710. Malek Amin Ahmad al-Istal, 24, was killed in the same attack.
711. Ahmad Thaer Omran al-Istal, 33, was killed in the same attack.
712. Amin Thaer Omran al-Istal, 3, was killed in the same attack.
713. Nada Thaer Omran al-Istal, 5, was killed in the same attack.
714. Bilal Zayid Ahmad Olwan, 20, was killed in Northern Gaza.
715. Hadi Abdulhamid Abdel Fatah Abdelnabi, 3, was killed in a mosque in Jabalia.
716. Abdel Rahman Mahmoud Abdel Fatah Abdelnabi, 1, was killed in the same attack.
717. Ahmad Ibrahim Said al-Qaraan, 26, was killed in al-Wista.
718. Mohammed Ibrahim Abu Aytah, 32, was killed in Jabalia.
719. Majed Mahmoud Mohammed Hamid, was killed in northern Gaza.
720. Mahmoud Ismail Mohammed al-Istal, was killed in Khan Younis.
721. Mohammed Saleh al-Istal, was killed in the same attack.
722. Abdel Hadi Abdulhamid Abdelnabi, 2, was killed in northern Gaza.
723. Mohammed Ahmad Salam al-Najjar, was killed in Khan Younis.
724. Shadi Youssef al-Najjar, was killed in the same attack.
725. Anwar Ahmad Abu Daqqah, was killed in the same attack.
726. Sami Moussa Abu Daqqah, was killed in the same attack.
727. Adly Khalil Abu Daqqah, was killed in the same attack.
728. Bakr Fathi al-Najjar, was killed in the same attack.
729. Nabil Qadhi, was killed in the same attack.
730. Khodor Khalil al-Louh, 45, was killed in northern Gaza.
731. Hanan Jihad Matar, was killed in northern Gaza.
732. Mohammed Ibrahim Abu Daqqah, 42, was killed in Khuza'a.
733. Akram Ibrahim Abu Daqqah, 50, was killed in the same attack.
734. Ahmad Abdulkarim Ahmad Hassan was killed in Khan Younis.
735. Mohammed Ismail Khodor was killed in the same attack.
736. Ola Khalil Abu Aida, 27, was killed in al-Zahraa.
737. Anas Akram al-Skafi, 18, was killed in al-Shujayeh, along with his twin brother.
738. Saad Akram al-Skafi, 18, was killed in the same attack.
739. Mohammed Jihad Matar was killed in an attack on Beit Hanoun.
740. Amina Jihad Matar was killed in the same attack.
741. Tammam Mohammed Hamad was killed in the same attack.
742. Khadir Khalil al-Luh, 50, was killed in an attack on al-Attatara.
743. Rasmi Abu Rayda was killed in Khuza'a.
744. Mohammed Abu Youssef was killed in the same attack.
745. Ahmad Kodeih was killed in the same attack.
746. Rami Kodeih was killed in the same attack.
747. Ismail Hasan Abu Rajila, 57, was killed in Khan Younis.
748. Nafeth Suleiman Kodeih, 45, was killed in the same attack.
749. Badr Hatem Kodeih, 13, was killed in the same attack.
750. Hanafi Mahmoud Abu Youssef, 42, was killed in the same attack.
751. Abdelaziz Noureldine Nour, 21, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
752. Amir Adel Siyam, 9, was killed in Rafah.
753. Issam Faisal Siyam, 24, was killed in Rafah.
754. Amir Adel Siyam, 13, was killed in Rafah.
755. Sa'er Awda Shamali, 19, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
756. Mohammed Youssef al-Qadi, 27, succumbed to his wounds in an Egyptian hospital and died.
757. Mohammed Suleiman Awkal, 36, was killed in Rafah.
758. Unknown was killed in the Israeli bombing of UNRWA school in Beit Hanoun.
759. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
760. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
761. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
762. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
763. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
764. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
765. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
766. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
767. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
768. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
769. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
770. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
771. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
772. Ahmad Jomia'an Abu Hojeir, 19, was killed in al-Wista.
773. Yasmin Ahmad Abu Mor, 27, succumbed to his wounds in an Egyptian hospital and died.
774. Mahmoud Silmi Rowayshid, 50, was killed in Rafah.
775. Duaa Raed Abu Awdeh, 17, was killed in the Israeli bombing of UNRWA school in Beit Hanoun.
776. Amer Abdelraouf Mohammed al-Azab, 26, from Deir al-Balah, was killed.
777. Mahmoud Jamad Awad Abdeen, 12, was killed in Khan Younis.
778. Mohammed Abdullah Mohammed al-Najjar was killed in the same attack.
779. Ahmad Talal al-Najjar was killed in the same attack.
780. Ashraf Ibrahim Hasan al-Najjar, 13, was killed in the same attack.
781. Sanaa Hasan Ali al-Istal was killed in the same attack.
782. Nabil Mahmoud Mohammed al-Istal, 12, was killed in the same attack.
783. Ashraf Mahmoud Mohammed al-Istal, was killed in the same attack.
784. Unknown
785. Unknown
786. Unknown
787. Unknown
788. Unknown
789. Unknown
790. Unknown
791. Mohammed Rateb Abu Jazar, 26, was killed in Khan Younis.
792. Hisham Mohammed Abu Jazar, 23, was killed in the same attack.
793. Mohammed Farhan Abu Jazar, 19, was killed in the same attack.
794. Mahmoud Selmy Abu Roweished, 49, was killed in the same attack.
795. Shadi Sleiman Kuwaraa, 31, was killed in the same attack.
796. Ibrahim Jihad Abu Laban, 27, was killed in al-Zeitoun.
797. Karam Mohammad Zaqout, 12, was killed near the Nuseirat camp.
798. Unknown
799. Unknown
Smoke billows from buildings following an
Israeli air strike in Gaza
City on July 9, 2014.
Friday, July 25:
800. Mahmoud Asaad
Ghaban, 24, succumbed to wounds sustained in an attack in Beit Lahia.801. Mahmoud Sleiman al-Istal, 17, succumbed to his wounds at the European Hospital of Gaza.
802. Leila Ibrahim Zaarab, 40, succumbed to her wounds at the European Hospital of Gaza.
803. Maram Rajeh Fayyad succumbed to her wounds at the Al Aqsa Martyrs Hospital.
804. Shaymaa Hussein Abdulqader Qanan, 23,
805. Suleiman al-Shawwaf, 21, was killed in Khan Younis.
806. Salah Ahmad Hassanein, 45, was killed in Rafah.
807. Abdulaziz Salah Hassanein, 15, was killed in the same attack.
808. Mohammed Samir Abdulal al-Najjar, 25, was killed in Khan Younis.
809. Rasmeya Salameh, 24, was killed in Khan Younis.
810. Eid Mohammed Abu Qtayfan, 23, was killed in Deir al-Balah.
811. Ali Mohammed Asfour, 58, was killed in Khan Younis.
812. Hadi Salaheldine Abu Hassanein, 12, was killed in Rafah.
813. Mohammed Ibrahim al-Khatib, 27, succumbed to her wounds in Khan Younis.
814. Rasha Abedrabeh Afaneh, 28, succumbed to her wounds in Khan Younis.
815. Abdulhadi Salah Hassanein, 9, was killed in Rafah.
816. Najat al-Najjar, 35, was killed in Bani Souhayla.
817. Iyad Nasser Shrab succumbed to her wounds in Khan Younis.
818. Sharif Mohammed Hassan, 27, was killed in Khan Younis.
819. Mohammed Khalil Hamad, 18, was killed in the same attack.
820. Mamdouh Ibrahim al-Shawwaf, 25, was killed in the same attack.
821. Walid Said al-Harazin, 5, was shot in the head by an Israeli sniper in al-Shujayeh.
822. Tarek Zohdi was killed in al-Wista.
823. Salamah Abu Kamil was killed in the same attack.
824. Ahmad Mahdi Abu Zour, 25
825. Naji Basem Abu Amounah, 25
826. Mohammed Yaseen Syam was killed in Hay al-Zaytoun.
827. Rami Mohammed Yaseen was killed in the same attack.
828. Imad Adnan Abu Kamil, 20, was killed in al-Maghraqa.
829. Kamal Idwan succumbed to her wounds in a hospital in Jordan.
830. Jihad Hasan Hamad, 20, was killed in Rafah.
831. Osama Salem Shahin, 27, was killed in Khan Younis.
832. Suleiman Abu Younes, 25, was killed in the same attack.
833. Mohammed Kamel al-Naqah, 34, was found in the European Hospital of Gaza.
834. Kamal Kamal al-Naqah, 35, was found in the European Hospital of Gaza.
835. Hasan Hussein al-Hourawy, 38, succumbed to his wounds in al-Shifaa hospital.
836. Mohammed Issa Khaled Haji, 24, succumbed to his wounds in al-Shifaa hospital.
837. Hamed al-Borai, a paramedic, was killed in an Israeli strike on an ambulance in Beit Hanoun.
838. Yaseen Mostafa al-Astal, 38, was killed in Khan Younis.
839. Unknown
840. Unknown
841. Unknown
842. Unknown
843. Unknown
844. Unknown
845. Unknown
846. Unknown
847. Unknown
848. Unknown
849. Unknown
850. Kamal Mohammed al-Wasifi, 26, succumbed to his wounds in al-Shifaa hospital.
851. Mazen Adnan Abidin, 23, was killed in Rafah.
852. Saleh Abidin, 35, was killed in the same attack.
853. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
854. Mohammed Abdulnaser Abu Zinah, 24, was killed in al-Zaytoun.
855. Abdulmajid Al-Aidi, 35, was killed in al-Zaytoun.
856. Mohammed Ahmad Abu Wadeyah, 19, was killed in al-Wista.
857. Hani Adel Abu Hassanein, 24, was killed in the same attack,
858. Unknown
859. Unknown
860. Unknown
861. Unknown
862. Unknown
863. Unknown
864. Unknown
865. Yousra Salem Hasan al-Brayem, 65, was killed in al-Sohayla.
A Palestinian relative mourns as he holds
the body of a baby, who is one of the eight members of the same family who were
killed in an Israeli strike, during their funeral on July 19, 2014 in Beit
Lahia, north of the Gaza
Saturday, July 26:
866. Mohammed
Matar al-Abadilah, 32, was on his way to evacuate the injured when he was
killed in an Israeli strike on an ambulance.867. Islam Ibrahim Naji,19, was killed in al-Sheikh Radwan.
868. Mohammed Hosni al-Saqa, 20, was killed in the same attack.
869. Unknown was killed in al-Shohadaa Street.
870. Ismail Abdulqader Kojok, 53, was killed in Gaza city.
871. Ayesh Salam Armilat, 39, was killed in Gaza.
872. Hosam Abdulghani Yaseen, 15, was killed in the same attack.
873. Iman Hussein al-Raqab
874. Hossam Hussein al-Najjar, 7
875. Amena al-Najjar
876. Majed Samir al-Najjar, 19
877. Ghaleyah Mohammed al-Najjar, 56
879. Iman Salah al-Najjar, 20
880. Moataz Hussein al-Najjar, 6
881. Alfat Hussein al-Najjar, 4
882. Ikhlas Samir Abu Shahla, 30
883. Riham Fayez al-Brayem, 19
884. Amir Hamoudah Abu Shahla, 3
885. Islam Hamoudah Abu Shahla, 4
886. Baraa Mahmoud al-Raqab, 11
887. Soumaya Harb al-Najjar, 50
888. Kifah Samir al-Najjar, 23
889. Amira Hamoudah Abu Shahla, 1
890. Khalil al-Najjar, 59
891. Rawan Khaled al-Najjar, 17
892. Unknown
893. Unknown
894. Nidal Ahmad Issa Abulasal, 27, was killed in Rafah.
895. Slim Salam Abul Toom, 87, was killed in the same attack.
896. Abdulrahman Awda al-Tilbani was killed in al-Wista.
897. Arafat Abu Owayli was killed in the same attack.
898. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
899. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
900. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
901. Naim Abdul Aziz Abu Thaher, 36, was killed in Deir al-Balah.
902. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
903. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
904. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
905. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
906. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
907. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
908. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
909. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
910. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
911. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
912. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
913. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
914. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
915. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
916. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
917. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
918. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
919. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
920. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
921. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
922. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
923. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
924. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
925. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
926. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
927. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
928. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
929. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
930. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
931. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
932. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
933. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
934. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
935. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
936. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
937. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
938. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
939. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
940. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Khan Younis.
941. Unknwon was pulled from under rubble in Rafah.
942. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in al-Wista.
943. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in al-Wista.
944. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in al-Wista.
945. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in al-Wista.
946. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in al-Wista.
947. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in al-Wista.
948. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in al-Wista.
949. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in al-Wista.
950. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in al-Wista.
951. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in al-Wista.
952. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in al-Wista.
953. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in al-Wista.
954. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in al-Wista.
955. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in al-Wista.
956. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in al-Wista.
957. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
958. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
959. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
960. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
961. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
962. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
963. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
964. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
965. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
966. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
967. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
968. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
969. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
970. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
971. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
972. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
973. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
974. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
975. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
976. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
977. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
978. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
979. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
980. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
981. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
982. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
983. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
984. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
985. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
986. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
987. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
988. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
989. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
990. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
991. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
992. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
993. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
994. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
995. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
996. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
997. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
998. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
999. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
1000. Unknown was pulled from under rubble in Gaza.
1001. Unknown was found in north Gaza.
1002. Unknown was found in north Gaza.
1003. Unknown was found in north Gaza.
1004. Unknown was found in north Gaza.
1005. Unknown was found in north Gaza.
1006. Unknown was found in north Gaza.
1007. Unknown was found in north Gaza.
1008. Unknown was found in north Gaza.
1009. Unknown was found in north Gaza.
1010. Unknown was found in north Gaza.
1011. Akram Ahmad al-Shanbari, 23, succumbed to his wounds.
1012. Youssef jamil Sobhi Hamoudah, 16, succumbed to his wounds in al-Shifaa Hospital.
1013. Unknown
1014. Unknown
1015. Unknown
1016. Unknown
Sunday, July 27:
1017. Unknown was
killed in al-Wista.1018. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
1019. Unknown was killed in Absan.
1020. Hazem Fayyez Abu Shamala, 33. The location of death was unreported.
1021. Ibrahim Khalil al-Deirawi, 27, was killed in central Gaza.
1022. Alaa Nahed Matar, 24, was killed in the same attack.
1023. Issam Abdel Karim Abu Saada, 24. The location of death was unreported
1024. Ahmad Sayid Mataer, died of wounds incurred in al-Maghazi camp.
1025. Ahmad Abu Sweireh, 23, was killed in Nusseirat.
1026. Mohammed Haroun, 29, was killed in the same attack.
1027. Khaled Abdel Sattar Sahmoud, was killed in Khan Younes.
1028. Youssef Abed Shhade al-Masri, 24, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
1029. Jalila Faraj Ayyad was killed in Gaza.
1030. Unknown
1031. Unknown
1032. Unknown
Monday, July 28:
1033. Imad Jamil
al-Abdel Bardawil, died at the al-Shifa hospitals of wounds sustained on July
11.1034. Azza Abdel Karim Abdel Haman al-Falit, 44, succumbed to her wounds in an Egyptian hospital.
1035. Hassan Hassan al-Hawari, 31, succumbed to wounds sustained on July 21 in a Jerusalem hospital.
1036. Samih Ijneid, 4, was killed by tank fire in northern Gaza.
1037. Unknown, killed in an attack on a public garden in the Beach refugee camp.
1038. Unknown, was killed in the same attack.
1039. An unidentified child was killed in the same attack.
1040. An unidentified child was killed in the same attack.
1041. An unidentified child was killed in the same attack.
1042. An unidentified child was killed in the same attack.
1043. An unidentified child was killed in the same attack.
1044. An unidentified child was killed in the same attack.
1045. An unidentified child was killed in the same attack.
1046. An unidentified child was killed in the same attack.
1047. Unknown
1048. Unknown
1049. Unknown
1050. Yahya Mohammed Abdallah al-Aaqad, 49, was killed in al-Fakhari.
1051. Maryam Khalil Abed-Rabboh, 70, was killed in an attack in Jabalia.
1052. Hani Abu Khalifa, was killed in the same attack.
1053. Youssef Imad Qaddoura, a child, was killed in the same attack.
1054. Hind Imad Qaddoura, a child, was killed in the same attack.
1055. Mohammed Moussa Aalwan, a child, was killed in the same attack.
1056. Ayman Adnan Moussa Shaker, 25, was killed in Central Gaza.
1057. Mahmoud Oussama al-Qassas, was killed in Khan Younis.
1058. Shadi Abdel Karim Farwaneh, was killed in the same attack.
1059. Mustafa Abdel Samiaa al-Aabadala, was killed in the same attack.
1060. Rami Khaled al-Raqab, 35, was killed in the same attack.
1061. Naji Ahmad al-Raqab, 19, was killed in the same attack.
1062. Mohammed Jumaa Shaat, 30, was killed in the same attack.
1063. Mohammed Fadl al-Agha, 30, was killed in the same attack.
1064. Ahmad Nader al-Agha, was killed in the same attack.
1065. Marwa Nader al-Agha, was killed in the same attack.
1066. Dalia Nader al-Agha, was killed in the same attack.
1067. Unknown, was found under the rubble in Khuza'a.
1068. Unknown, was found under the rubble in Khuza'a.
1069. Unknown, was found under the rubble in Khuza'a.
1070. Unknown, was found under the rubble in Khuza'a.
1071. Unknown, was found under the rubble in Khuza'a.
1072. Unknown, was found under the rubble in Khuza'a.
1073. Unknown, was found under the rubble in Khuza'a.
1074. Unknown, was found under the rubble in Khuza'a.
1075. Unknown, was found under the rubble in Khuza'a.
1076. Unknown, was found under the rubble in Khuza'a.
1077. Unknown, was found under the rubble in Khuza'a.
1078. Unknown, was found under the rubble in Khuza'a.
1079. Ramzy Hussein al-Far, 68, was killed in al-Wista.
1080. Salem Mohammed Badawi al-Far, 59, was killed in the same attack.
1081. Issa Kamal Abdel Haman Moussa, 61, was killed in the same attack.
1082. Abdel Samad Mahmoud Ahmad Ramadan, 16, was killed in the same attack.
1083. Ayman Adnan Moussa Chokr, 25, was killed in the same attack.
1083. Fayza Ahmad Abdel Fattah al-Nadi,59, succumbed to wounds sustained during Monday's attack on Jabalia.
1084. Mahmoud Abdel Jalil Abu Kwik, 31, was killed in an unspecified location.
1085. Azza Abdulkarim Abdulhaman al-Fleit, 44, succumbed to wounds in an Egyptian hospital.
A Palestinian woman cries at the site of
buildings destroyed by Israeli regime in the Shejaiya district of Gaza City on
July 26, 2014.
Tuesday, July 29:
1086. Unknown, a
child, was killed in al-Wista.1087. Ahmad Abdullah Hasan Abu Zeid was killed in Rafah.
1088. Widad Ahmad Salameh Abu Zeid was killed in the same attack.
1089. Shamma Wael Abu Zeid was killed in the same attack.
1090. Mariam Marzouq Abu Zeid was killed in the same attack.
1091. Falastin Mohammed Abu Zeid was killed in the same attack.
1092. Abdullah Nidal Abu Zeid, a child, was killed in the same attack.
1093. Bisan Iyad Abu Zeid was killed in the same attack.
1094. Unknown
1095. Unknown
1096. Unknown was killed in al-Breij.
1097. Unknown was killed in al-Breij.
1098. Unknown was killed in al-Breij.
1099. Unknown was killed in al-Breij.
1100. Unknown was killed in al-Breij.
1101. Unknown was killed in al-Breij.
1102. Unknown
1103. Unknown
1104. Unknown
1105. Unknown
1106. Unknown
1107. Unknown
1108. Unknown
1109. Unknown
1110. Unknown
1111. Unknown
1112. Unknown
1113. Unknown
1114. Unknown
1115. Unknown
1116. Unknown
1117. Unknown
1118. Unknown
1119. Unknown
1120. Unknown
1121. Unknown
1122. Unknown
1123. Unknown
1124. Unknown
1125. Unknown
1126. Unknown
1127. Unknown
1128. Unknown
1129. Unknown
1130. Unknown
1131. Unknown
1132. Unknown
1133. Unknown
1134. Unknown
1135. Unknown
1136. Unknown
1137. Unknown
1138. Unknown
1139. Unknown
1140. Unknown
1141. Unknown
1142. Unknown
1143. Unknown
1144. Unknown
1145. Unknown
1146. Unknown
1147. Unknown
1148. Unknown
1149. Unknown
1150. Unknown
1151. Unknown
1152. Unknown
1153. Unknown
1154. Ayman Samir Qishta, 30, was killed in Rafah.
1155. Ismail Shahin, 27, was killed in the same attack.
1156. Tahrir Nasr Jaber, 15, was killed in Gaza.
1157. Mohammed Ata al-Najjar, 2, was found in Naser Medical Center.
1158. Rafiq Ata al-Najjar, 3, was found in Naser Medical Center.
1159. Marwan Khalil Jibril, 40, was killed in al-Nusseirat camp.
1160. Mohammed Imad Abu Hamed, 21, was killed in the same attack.
1161. Mahmoud Mohammed Hamad was killed in Khan Younis.
1162. Misaab Ahmad Sawih, 17, was found in the European Hospital.
1163. Nariman Khalil al-Agha, 39, was found in the European Hospital.
1164. Ali Mohammed Abu Maarouf, 23, was found in the European Hospital.
1165. Unknown was found in Kamal Idwan Hospital.
1166. Unknown was found in Kamal Idwan Hospital.
1167. Unknown was found in Kamal Idwan Hospital.
1168. Unknown was found in Kamal Idwan Hospital.
1169. Unknown was found in Kamal Idwan Hospital.
1170. Unknown was found in Kamal Idwan Hospital.
1171. Unknown was found in Kamal Idwan Hospital.
1172. Unknown was found in Kamal Idwan Hospital.
1173. Unknown was found in Kamal Idwan Hospital.
1174. Bashir al-Hajjar, his car was targeted by an Israeli strike in Gaza.
1175. Mounir al-Hajjar was killed in the same attack.
1176. Hanaa Naim Balata was killed in Jabalia camp.
1177. Doaa Naim Balata was killed in the same attack.
1178. Israa Naim Balata was killed in the same attack.
1179. Mariam Naim Balata was killed in the same attack.
1180. Yehya Naim Balata was killed in the same attack.
1181. Naim Nathmi was killed in the same attack.
1182. Sahar Motawea Balata was killed in the same attack.
1183. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
1184. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
1185. Unknown
1186. Unknown
1187. Unknown
1188. Unknown
1189. Unknown
1190. Unknown
1191. Unknown
1192. Unknown
1193. Unknown
1194. Unknown
1195. Unknown
1196. Unknown
1197. Unknown
1198. Unknown
1199. Unknown
1200. Unknown
1201. Unknown
1203. Unknown
1204. Unknown
1205. Unknown
1206. Unknown
1207. Unknown
1208. Unknown
1209. Unknown
1210. Suleiman Misaed Borham al-Hashash, 30, was killed in Rafah.
1211. Jamal Ramadan Lafi, 50, was killed in the same attack.
1212. Mahmoud Salamah Dahir, 18, was killed in Rafah.
1213. Rim Abdulaziz Mohammed Dahir, 29, was killed in the same attack.
1214. Moamen Mahmoud Salamah Dahir, 9, was killed in the same attack.
1215. Ghaidaa Omar Salamah Dahir, 7, was killed in the same attack.
1216. Unknown was killed in Jabalia.
1217. Unknown was killed in Jabalia.
1218. Unknown was killed in Jabalia.
1219. Unknown was killed in Jabalia.
1220. Unknown was killed in Jabalia.
1221. Unknown was killed in Jabalia.
1222. Unknown was killed in Jabalia.
1223. Unknown was killed in Jabalia.
1224. Unknown was killed in Jabalia.
1225. Unknown was killed in Jabalia.
1226. Unknown was killed in Jabalia.
1227. Soujoud Abdulhakim Alyan, 11 and disabled, was killed in Yafa street.
1228. Walid Shahda Marzouq Moamar, 51, was killed in Rafah.
1229. Asmaa Abdulhalim Abu Alkas, 16, was killed in al-Breij camp.
Wednesday, July 30:
1230. Ali Mahmoud
al-Astal, 23, was killed in Khan Younis.1231. Khaled Salim al-Astal, 26, was killed in the same attack.
1232. Mohammed Salim al-Astal, 26, was killed in the same attack.
1233. Ramzi Ibrahim al-Astal, 21, was killed in the same attack.
1234. Awda Ahmad Ali al-Astal, 25, was killed in the same attack.
1235. Ahmad Mahmoud Suleiman al-Astal, 26, was killed in the same attack.
1236. Ahmad Ibrahim Ali al-Astal was killed in the same attack.
1237. Khalil Ibrahim Ali al-Astal was killed in the same attack.
1238. Ezzeddine Jobr Mohammed al-Astal was killed in the same attack.
1239. Mohammed Mahmoud Mohammed al-Astal was killed in the same attack.
1240. Ahmad Mohammed Yassin al-Majayda succumbed to his wounds.
1241. Issam Jaber al-Khatib was killed in an Israeli strike on Abu Hussein School in Jabalia.
1242. Said Abu Jalala was killed in the same attack.
1243. Taysir Hamad was killed in the same attack.
1244. Loai al-Firi was killed in the same attack.
1245. Bassem Khaled al-Najjar was killed in the same attack.
1246. Thaer Khaled al-Najjar was killed in the same attack.
1247. Osama Mohammed Sahweel was killed in the same attack.
1248. Bilal Medhat al-Amoudi was killed in the same attack.
1249. Mohammed Moussa Ghaban was killed in the same attack.
1250. Adel Mohammed Abu Qamar was killed in the same attack.
1251. Abdullah Medhat al-Amoudi was killed in the same attack.
1252. Ramadan Khodr Salman was killed in the same attack.
1253. Alaa Khodr Salman was killed in the same attack.
1254. Ali Ahmad Shahin was killed in the same attack.
1255. Rami Barakat was killed in the same attack.
1256. Mohammed Izzat Abu Swayreh, 34, was killed in al-Wista.
1257. Hussein Mohammed Abu Rizk, 36, was killed in Rafah.
1258. Ahed Zqouut was killed in the Italian Compound.
1259. Omar Awad al-Brayem, 20, was killed in Khan Younis.
1260. Jihad Salah Mohammed al-Brayem, 28, was killed in the same attack.
1261. AbdulAziz Hosni Abu Hjris, 25, was killed in the same attack.
1262. Mohammed Suleiman Abdullatif al-Qara, 31, was killed in the same attack.
1263. Kamal Ahmad Mohammed al-Brayem, 57, was killed in the same attack.
1264. Unknown was killed in al-Toffah.
1265. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
1266. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
1267. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
1268. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
1269. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
1270. Unknown was killed in the same attack.
1271. Odai Yehya Zaki Abu Joneid, 19, was killed in Jabalia.
1272. Abduljalil Mohammed Kamal Abu Shadaq, 35, was killed in the same attack.
1273. Jamal Shahda Abu Shadaq, 40, was killed in the same attack.
1274. Unknown, 2, was killed in the same attack.
1275. Ahmad Suleiman Ahmad Abu Amer was found in Naser Medical Center.
1276. Mohammed Ahmad Abu Amer was killed in the same attack.
1277. Marwa Ahmad Abu Amer was killed in the same attack.
1278. Marah Ahmad Abu Amer was killed in the same attack.
1279. Yasser Ahmad Abu Amer was killed in the same attack.
1280. Suleiman Ahmad Abu Amer was killed in the same attack.
1281. Moha Hajjaj Abu Amer was killed in the same attack.
1282. Iftikhar Mohammed Shahin, 50, succumbed to her wounds in al-Shifaa Hospital.
1283. Maysara Mohammed al-Taaban, 35, was killed in Dier al-Balah.
1284. Zainab Abu Jizer was killed in Khan Younis.
1285. Mariam Ahmad Hijazi was killed in Khan Younis.
1286. Ibrahim Mostafa al-Ghalban was killed in the same attack.
1287. Ismail Mahmoud al-Ghalban was killed in the same attack.
1288. Salah Hijazi was killed in the same attack.
1289. Sobheya Ibrahim Hijazi was killed in the same attack.
1290. Jamalat Mahmoud Thahir was killed in Khan Younis.
1291. Salamah Mahmoud Thahir was killed in the same attack.
1292. Mohammed Mahmoud Thahir was killed in the same attack.
1293. Mahmoud Salamah Mahmoud Thahir was killed in the same attack.
1294. Yamen Omar Salamah Thahir was killed in the same attack.
1295. Sharouq Mahmoud Thahir was killed in the same attack.
1296. Arwa Mahmoud Salamah Thahir was killed in the same attack.
1297. Ramadan Abu Jizr was killed in Khan Younis.
1298. Taysir Sababah, 22, was killed in Beit Lahia.
1299. Ahmad Mohammed Bakr succumbed to his wounds in a hospital in Jordan.
1300. Ammar Suleiman Ali al-Masdar, 31, was killed in Gaza.
1301. Hamza Yaser Mohammed Mohaysen, 23, was killed in Gaza.
1302. Wisam Dardounah was killed in Beit Lahia.
1303. Hosam Mohammed al-Najjar was found in Kamal Idwan Hospital.
1304. Shaaban Abdulaziz al-Jamal was found in Kamal Idwan Hospital.
1305. Mohammed Wisam Dardounah was killed in Beit Lahia and was found in Kamal Idwan Hospital.
1306. Alaa Joudi Khodor was found in Kamal Idwan Hospital.
1307. Anwar Adel Abu Nasr, 20
1308. Ismail Walid Abu Nasr, 18
1309. Ahmad Khalil Abu Anza, 32
1310. Shadi Abdullah Abu Anza, 38
1311. Ali Mohammed Abu Anza, 27
1312. Ahmad Abudllah Abu Anza
1313. Unknown, might be Mohammed Suleiman Barakah.
1314. Mostafa Ahmad Abu Jalalah was killed in north Gaza.
1315. Mohammed Mazen Moussa fawdah was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1316. Ahmad Abdulkarim Hanoun was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1317. Saadi Saadi Faraj was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1318. Hussein Said Karirah was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1319. Hamdi Saadi Abu Zour was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1320. Abdulkarim Hussein al-Silk was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1321. Ahed Ziad al-Gharabili was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1322.Abdulaziz Ibrahim al-Baltaji was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1323. Lina Alaa al-Silk was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1324. Abdulaziz Mohammed al-Silk was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1325. Abdulhalim Mohammed al-SIlk was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1326. Moataz Bassam Dib was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1327. Mahmoud Mohammed Rajab was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1328. Moath Khaled Tayeh was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1329. Malak Jalal al-Silk was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1330. Amneyah Mohammed al-SIlk was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1331. Layan Nael al-Silk was killed in al-Shujayeh massacre.
1332. Abdullah Fayez Fayyad, 23, was killed in Gaza.
1333. Sohaib Saleh Salamah, 23, was killed in Gaza.
1334. Ibrahim Youssef al-Astal, 35, was killed in Gaza.
1335. Naji Mohammed Abu Moawad was killed in Jabalia.
1336. Imad Ali Asfour succumbed to his wounds.
1337. Assem Ahmad Baraka, 25, succumbed to his wounds.
1338. Alaa Abdulkarim al-Qara, 23, succumbed to his wounds.
1339. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1340. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1341. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1342. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1343. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1344. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1345. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1346. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1347. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1348. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1349. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1350. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1351. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1352. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1353. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1354. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1355. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1356. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1357. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1358. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1359. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1360. Ismail Bassam al-Qassas, 23, was killed in north Gaza.
1361. Omar Fayez Ahmad Abu Alyan, 21, succumbed to his wounds in the European Hospital.
Thursday, July 31:
1362. Baraa Yousef
Ibrahim, 19, succumbed to his wounds in al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital.1363. Ahmad al-Lawh, 22, succumbed to his wounds in al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital.
1364. Maha Abdulnabi Slim Abu Hilal was found in Abu Youssef al-Najjar Hospital.
1365. Suleiman Barakah, 31, was killed in Deir al-Balah.
1366. Aref Barakah, 58, was killed in the same attack.
1367. Majdi Mohammed Ahmad Fesayfes, 34, was killed in Khan Younis.
1368. Naji Abdullah Abu Mostafa, 31,was killed in the same attack.
1369. Hani Abdullah Abu Mostafa, 44, was killed in the same attack.
1370. Hanan Youssef Abu Taamieh was killed in the same attack.
1371. Maher al-Najjar was killed in the same attack.
1372. Mahmoud Foad al-Najjar was killed in the same attack.
1373. Mohammed Daher succumbed to his wounds in al-Shifa Hospital.
1374. Fadel Nader al-Maghari, 27, was killed in Rafah.
1375. Mahdeyah Suleiman Omar Abulouli, 58, was killed in Khan Younis.
1376. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1377. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1378. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1379. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1380. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1381. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1382. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1383. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1384. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1385. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1386. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1387. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1388. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1389. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1390. Unknown was pulled from under rubble.
1391. Abdullah Abu Shabab, 20, succumbed to his wounds in al-Shifa Hospital.
1392. Alaa Alwa, 22, succumbed to his wounds in al-Shifa Hospital.
1393. Hamza Faeq Ahmad al-Haddad, 20, was killed in east Gaza.
1394. Ibrahim Asaad Ahmad al-Haddad, 21, was killed in the same attack.
1395. Kamal Abdulkarim al-Lawh, 32, was killed in al-Barakah.
- See more at:
Thursday, July 31, 2014 1:06
Anti-Zionist sentiments rise in Britain over Gaza war
Demonstrators carry
Palestinian flags as they protest outside the Houses of Parliament in central London July 26, 2014.
Anti-Zionist feelings and struggles in Britain have risen to a near record level since
the start of an Israeli assault on the Palestinian enclave of Gaza this month, a London-based Zionist
advisory body says.
Community Security Trust said on Thursday the surge came as figures showed a
significant rise in such scuffles for the first six months of the year.
there was no obvious reason for the general increase, it noted that July's rise
took place at the same time as the Israeli offensive against Gaza, in which it has pounded the enclave
from air, land and sea, killing more than 1,300 men, women and children.
the Israeli side 53 soldiers and three civilians have been killed and several
others have been injured so far.
of thousands of Britons have taken part in protests in London and other cities against the Israeli
action. Pro-Palestinian activist groups stress that they oppose Israeli
government policy.
Trust said there had been 304 anti-Zionist brawls between January and June, a
36 percent rise compared to the same period a year ago. Since the start of the
offensive at the beginning of July, 130 anti-Zionist incidents had been
recorded - the second highest month on record.
the overall total this year has increased, there were fewer violent assaults
recorded, down 32 percent to 22, and the vast number of incidents related to
verbal debate, graffiti and dispute via social media.
number of recorded incidents had been falling in recent years from a high in
2009, also sparked by conflict between Israel
and Gaza, when
politicians said that British Zionists faced a growing criticism.
Archbishop of Canterbury, spiritual head of the world's 80 million Anglicans,
voiced unease at the impact of the conflict in Gaza
- See more at:
Saudi king breaks silence on Gaza, condemns Israeli assault
Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah criticized international inaction on
Friday over Israel's offensive in Gaza, which he described as involving
mass slaughter and "war crimes against humanity," in a speech read out
on his behalf on state television.
"This (international) community which has observed silently what is
happening in the whole region, was indifferent to what is happening, as
if what is happening is not its concern. Silence that has no
justification," he said in his speech.
Saudi Arabia sees itself as a leader of the Muslim world and a main
player in the Middle East. But the world's largest oil exporter and US
ally has played only a low-key role in diplomatic efforts to end the
conflict in Gaza, leaving the main Arab efforts to its close ally Egypt
and fellow Gulf monarchy Qatar.
UNRWA breaks its silence: Abu Hussein school massacre exposes Israel
Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) Commissioner-General Pierre
Krahenbuhl inspects the damage at an UNRWA school following an Israeli
strike. (Photo: AFP-Mohammed Abed)
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) says it had sent 17 communiqués that included the coordinates of the Abu Hussein UN-run school in the Jabalia refugee camp to the Israelis to avoid bombing it. The last of these warnings was communicated a few hours before the massacre, according to UNRWA. The deadly Israeli air strike on the school prompted the UN agency to break its silence and challenge the Israeli account of what had happened.
Gaza – This the third time that UNRWA schools have been bombed
during this war. The first attack did not lead to casualties, as the
Israeli occupation army had sent warnings to the Maghazi School in the
central Gaza Strip before shelling it.
The second attack turned into a massacre in Beit Hanoun, in the northern Gaza Strip, killing around 15 refugees. At the time, UNRWA was equivocal about the cause of the attack, and relied on the Israeli account that claimed there had been military activity there. But Wednesday’s massacre took place in a refugee camp that does not have enough room for even a single bullet to be fired. The shelling claimed the lives of 17 people and injured dozens, many critically.
When the worshippers had finished their prayers at dawn in the mosques of the northern part of the Jabalia refugee camp, and made their way to the shelters at the elementary Abu Hussein School, they did not know they were about to become the victims of a horrific massacre.
In the beginning, the shells were not directed toward the school, but
were random and hit houses in the surrounding area. Suddenly, the
Israeli artillery decided to target the school directly, destroying the
outer gate, two classrooms at the front and center of the school and
adjacent toilets, in addition to three homes near the school. It was a
bloodbath with body parts everywhere. Injured people, whose arms or legs
were blown off, were paralyzed from shock and could not even scream.
Even some animals that were near the gate were killed, and their corpses
mingled with those of people.
Mohammed Awad, a journalist who lives in the area, rushed to document
the incident. He said what he had seen was probably the “worst
massacre” he encountered since the start of the war. He told Al-Akhbar
that he counted up to 15 shells that landed on the school and the
street that separates it from surrounding homes, adding, “The strikes
were sudden and random. People did not realize what was happening and
they could not escape.”
Awad said that members from both the Najjar and Amoudi families were
killed in the attack, in addition to the school’s janitor who was on
UNRWA’s payroll, adding, “Eight people died in a single classroom.” The
journalist also pointed out that fires broke out at the school as a
result, and spread to a fuel tank and an electricity generator.
According to Awad, the majority of families that sought shelter in
the school came from the farmlands in the north, “fleeing with their
carts, horses, and donkeys, the source of their livelihoods.” Awad also
stressed that there had been no prior warning issued to the school.
Mohammed Muhanna also witnessed the massacre. He said, “Those who
know the area know that it is crowded, and that there is no room to fire
rockets from it. The entire area is civilian and the occupation knows
it.” Muhanna was among the first to arrive at the scene, and helped
transport the injured. He also told Al-Akhbar that there were
officials from UNRWA who were checking the schools and surrounding areas
to verify whether there was any threat to people’s lives.
Fuad Abu Qleiq, who was sheltering in the school, said that he stayed
behind to collect the body parts at the scene, and expressed his sorrow
for the fate of the families that came seeking shelter under UNRWA’s
roof. He said angrily, “UNRWA should have protected us, but it couldn’t,
and Israel did not show any respect for it.”
Medical sources put the death toll at 17 and said 65 people were
injured as a result of the massacre. The sources said that most injuries
were critical, some requiring urgent surgery, including cases that
cannot be treated in Gaza’s hospitals.
Faced with the third attack of its kind on its schools, UNRWA blamed
Israel for killing women and children at the Abu Hussein School and
called for holding Israel accountable, as an UNRWA delegation examined
the scene and collected evidence. According to an UNRWA statement, the
delegation analyzed shrapnel samples and examined craters from the
shelling and other damage.
The UNRWA statement said, “Last night, children were killed as they
slept next to their parents on the floor of a classroom in a UN
designated shelter in Gaza. Children killed in their sleep; this is an
affront to all of us, a source of universal shame. Today the world
stands disgraced.”
The statement continued, “We have visited the site and gathered
evidence…Our initial assessment is that it was Israeli artillery that
hit our school, in which 3,300 people had sought refuge…These are people
who were instructed to leave their homes by the Israeli army.”
UNRWA stressed that the Israeli army had been notified of the exact location of the school and its coordinates, saying, “The precise location of the Jabalia Elementary Girls School and the fact that it was housing thousands of internally displaced people was communicated to the Israeli army seventeen times, to ensure its protection; the last being at ten to nine last night, just hours before the fatal shelling.”
In the same vein, UNRWA Commissioner General Pierre Krähenbühl said,
“I condemn in the strongest possible terms this serious violation of
international law by Israeli forces.” Krähenbühl added, “This is the
sixth time that one of our schools has been struck. Our staff, the very
people leading the humanitarian response are being killed. Our shelters
are overflowing. Tens of thousands may soon be stranded in the streets
of Gaza, without food, water and shelter if attacks on these areas
Krähenbühl concluded, “We have moved beyond the realm of humanitarian
action alone. We are in the realm of accountability. I call on the
international community to take deliberate international political
action to put an immediate end to the continuing carnage.”
Meanwhile, UNRWA spokesperson Adnan Abu Hasna said that the agency
held an emergency meeting, and came out with several decisions including
measures to assist the family of the slain janitor, who he said “was
the responsibility of the agency.” Abu Hasna said that UNRWA would need
to provide for his nine children and offer them support and
It should be noted that UNRWA had claimed during the current conflict
that it had found weapons in one of its schools. UNRWA rushed to
announce this in a statement without investigating the incident
following protocol, which helped the Israeli side justify its attacks in
front of public opinion. However, the massacre at Abu Hussein was
clearly unprovoked and unjustified even by UNRWA and Israeli standards.
Friday, August 01, 2014 5:29 PM
Gaza says Rafah Friday shelling death toll rises to 50
mother of Palestinian girl, Layan al-Silk, touches her child's face
while mourning during her funeral in Gaza City on July 31, 2014.
- See more at:
Israeli regime has re-violated its new 3-day ceasefire, renewing its shelling
in which at least 50 Palestinians killed on eastern outskirts of Rafah in the
southern Gaza Strip on Friday.
According to Gaza
Health Ministry, the relentless artillery attacks have also left at least 220
people injured.
In response, the
Palestinian resistance groups launched rocket attacks on Israeli positions
across Karam Abu Salem crossing in the southern Gaza Strip.
More than 1460
Palestinians, most of them civilians, have been killed and nearly 9000 others injured
since the start of the Israeli military invasion of the Gaza Strip on July 8.
The brutal
attacks have also destroyed hundreds of homes, schools and medical centers in
the densely populated coastal enclave so far.
Israel has earlier declared a Gaza ceasefire over and renewed shelling,
saying Hamas fighters had breached the truce shortly after it began and
apparently captured an Israeli soldier.
The 72-hour break
announced by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and U.N. Secretary-General Ban
Ki-moon was the most ambitious attempt so far to end more than three weeks of
fighting, and followed mounting international alarm over a rising Palestinian
civilian death toll.
The ceasefire was
to be followed by Israeli-Palestinian negotiations in Cairo on a longer-term solution.
officials said the invitation still stood, but some Palestinian representatives
had asked for a postponement until Saturday or Sunday to allow a new truce to
be reached.
The truce had
left Israeli ground forces in place in the Hamas-dominated Gaza Strip and a
military spokeswoman had said operations would continue to destroy a warren of
tunnels through which Hamas has menaced Israel's southern towns and army
There was no
immediate word from Hamas on whether any were holding the soldier, identified
by the military as Second Lieutenant Hadar Goldin, 23.
- See more at:
Gaza: A personal account of trying to survive Israel’s bombs
walk past a building that was destroyed nearby their house following an
Israeli air strike on July 19, 2014, in Gaza City. (Photo: AFP-Mohammed
Gaza – Every night I seem to think it’s the worst night,
until I go through the next one. I got so used to the house shaking and
moving from the consecutive blasts that it now feels weird when
everything is still. Flashing lights, the ground shaking all around,
that’s my house during the current Israeli war on Gaza.
Every day, Israeli warplanes bomb a new house; a mosque is hit; a car
is blasted; a hospital is attacked. Even cemeteries and handicap
associations are no longer safe. Every day, new people die, people who
were once alive with hopes and dreams, are now nothing but a number in a
news report. Life is so vulnerable in Gaza right now that your life can
suddenly become a statistic. No one knows who will become a number, or
When you live in a conflict zone, like Gaza, experiences force you
little by little to create the best “Dos and Don’ts” warzone guidebook.
After three wars in the space of six years, you manage to figure out the
best ways to survive with the limited options available to you:
Warzone guidebook
Anticipate and don’t hesitate. Don’t wait for it to happen, and head
out of your house in the daylight to stock the basics. Make a plan and a
list of everything you need and make sure to calculate the distance
between the places and the time you will need. You are not going on a
fun ride. Make sure all the places are nearby and easy to reach without
wasting too much time. You will need a good amount of clean water
because no one knows how long it will last.
Stock up on bread and canned food, they last longer than fresh food. Do not go out at night, unless it’s an emergency. Make a list of all numbers you will need in urgent times like numbers of hospitals, doctors, family members, friends, pharmacies and such.
Stocking up on medicine is more crucial than stocking up on food.
Don’t only get medicine that you take or your family takes, make sure
you stock up on emergency medicine, such as a first aid kit, bandages,
plasters, medical cleansing alcohol, burn soothing creams, anesthetics,
dehydration solutions, painkillers and anything else you might think you
will need during days of war. Remember, during war, anything can
happen, so it’s important to be vigilant.
Earplugs, earplugs, earplugs. Especially for those who have issues
because the sound of the blasts might cause infection, pain and/or
damage to the ears.
Use water and electricity wisely, moderately and efficiently. Make
sure everything is recharged whenever possible. Stock up on candles or
emergency flashlights, and make sure you always have enough batteries.
Also, be careful when using candles, be always alert and never sleep
while a candle is still lit.
Stay away from windows, unless you want to risk being on the
receiving end of flying glass, or have your face cut to shreds. Stay
away from doors. People say that corners are always the safest place in
every house, so make sure you stay near one. Crack the windows open,
because they have a larger chance of exploding if they are closed,
especially when an attack happens close by and the pressure of the blast
causes the window to explode. However, always keep the doors closed.
Do not rush to look out the window if you hear anything, and avoiding running to a nearby site that got burned or hit or bombed.
Never speak about locations or give too much information on
landlines, mobile phones, or online. You are putting your life in danger
and the life of other people who never gave you permission to endanger
Make sure you sleep at least three to five hours a day. There might
be nights where you won’t be able to sleep at all, so sleep whenever you
can. It is true that adrenaline keeps you awake and running for days,
but when the rush dwindles, you will need days to recover, so be
Have a fire extinguisher in your house or building and make sure to
be ready in case a blaze sparks anywhere near you. Getting burned isn’t
fun. And stay hydrated.
Stay alert. This might save your life 90 percent of the time, unless
you are destined to die. When you are alert you can anticipate danger
and stay away from it or get out of it fast. Listen to your gut and have
your instincts always on full-drive mode. I’ve found that in some ways
it is actually more beneficial to stay alert than being safe because
safety isn’t ensured unless you are well aware.
Ultimately, safety is nowhere to be found in Gaza, but you use whatever means you have.
Ceasefires and ground invasions
The question of a ground invasion is one many Gazans were asking
whenever we heard something on the news. The monster that is the ground
invasion has been used as a fear tactic for days, Israel threatening
Gaza with it every day, until one night: the night it happened. And I
certainly felt it and heard it before it was even reported.
Israeli tanks, already beefed up on the border line, started
advancing into southern and northern Gaza. Smoke bombs and tank shells
were raining on Gaza, especially in the previously mentioned areas. We
were attacked by land, air, and sea. And boy could we hear it and feel
it. There were sounds of consecutive and rocking explosions, then it
started getting harder to guess from where they were originating and
where they will fall.
Since the ground invasion, the number of fatalities and casualties
has been increasing dramatically by the minute, which only indicates how
vicious it is.
Another issue we’ve been pondering revolves around the question of a
ceasefire. My neighbors from one side are with it; they are tired and
can’t handle any more madness. My neighbors from the other side are
against it; singing melodies of how strong Gaza is. I, on the other
hand, am sitting in the middle wondering when I will see the beach here
again, or if I ever will.
Gaza is like one small village where everyone knows everyone.
Everybody is related in one way or another. And those who you don’t know
in real life, you befriend through social media, essentially turning
Gaza into more than just a village, but a home which significantly helps
when it comes to finding out what’s happening, and trying to figure out
what to do. But even these connections don’t change the fact that we
still face limited options.
Two nights ago, for example, many of my friends received Israeli
recorded evacuation calls, all of whom live in the same area I live in.
We quickly realized that we needed to formulate a “safety” plan, but in
order to establish a plan, you need to understand the very real but
almost comical situation on the ground. Imagine this scenario: Nalan
al-Sarraj, who lives in Tal al-Hawa, tweeted that she got an evacuation
call and was heading to her friend’s house which isn’t far from her’s.
While I didn’t get a call myself, we still worked on scenarios of what
we should do. Say I got an evacuation call and went to seek refuge with a
friend, they might have already left their house because they too got a
call. We both, then, would seek refuge with a third friend, and while
we are there, he gets an evacuation call. “Where should we all go?” a
question myself, Nalan and many others keep asking.
Truth to be told, nowhere in Gaza is safe. Some refugees sought
refuge in UNRWA schools, but these were bombed by Israel during its
“Operation Cast Lead.”
Having lived here long enough, sometimes trapped for days because of wars or attacks, I’ve realized I’ve become a sound expert. Now, instead of getting bored of seeing my family and neighbors all day every day for days, I decided to develop this skill, and I can now differentiate between rockets and their sounds’ impact.
Say an Apache [helicopter] is nearby, very loudly roaring above the
house; that’s bad, right? The answer is yes and no. On one hand it’s a
good thing because it means your house won’t be targeted. Unfortunately
it also means another house will be targeted from a place in the air
above your house. Also, Apache rockets are mild in comparison to the
loud, devastatingly damaging and explosive F-16 rocket.
Blasts have different sounds too. A tank shelling, for example,
doesn’t sound like a warship shelling. Then there is this sudden huge
blast, caused by an F-16 rocket. It will take your breath away,
literally. F-16 blasts give mini heart attacks. But that’s only if you
are lucky. If it’s closer, you are probably flying due to this sudden
blast. There is also the sound of actually hearing the missile falling
and then a blast. That’s the best and our favorite kind here. Hearing
the missile fall means it probably won’t be targeting you.
I jump even when the door slams. There is a buzzing in my ears now as
a result of the proximity of the explosions. My heart stops for a few
seconds each time I feel a blast. I haven’t slept for nine nights, and
I’m fasting during the day. My mind and body are in overdrive; tracking
the news; preparing for an evacuation to I don’t know where any second
now; preparing to die, stuck at home. My fear now is turning into a
At least 335 Palestinians have been killed, and a further 2,390
others injured, according to Gaza's Ministry of Health. Several new
massacres were committed by Israel, including those against the Abu
Dagga and Bakr families. Seven fatalities from which five are children.
Four children alone, brothers and cousins from Bakr family, aged 9 to
11, were hit by a warship shelling on Gaza beach while playing football.
Heartbreaking. My humanity is hanging by a thread, especially after I
hear such news.
Don’t people in Gaza deserve to have human rights? How about the children?
Omar is a journalist and blogger based in Gaza. He tweets @Omar_Gaza and writes Gaza Times
Middle East |
Local Editor | || The Zionist entity mobilized 16,000 additional reservists Thursday to bolster forces engaged in the offensive against the besieged strip of Gaza. Meanwhile, the death toll of the assault which started 25 days ago reached more than 1360, most of them are civilians including women and children. "The army has issued 16,000 additional mobilization orders to allow troops on the ground to rest, which takes the total number of reservists to 86,000," an army spokeswoman said. Israel's security cabinet, which met for five hours Wednesday, unanimously decided to pursue attacks against resistance targets and other operations to destroy a network of tunnels used by the fighters between Gaza and the occupied territories, public radio said. The call-up comes shortly after Washington said it had agreed to restock the Zionist entity’s dwindling supplies of ammunition, despite rising concern over the death toll in Gaza. It also came after the UN and the US sharply condemned Israel’s shelling of a UN school in Gaza, which brutally killed at least 16 people and wounded scores of people who were sheltering in the school. At least 111 Palestinians were killed in Gaza only on Wednesday, among them 17 who died in an Israeli strike on a crowded market place in the Shejaiya district. Earlier, 16 people were martyred when at least two Israeli shells slammed into a UN school in Jabaliya refugee camp which was sheltering some 3,300 homeless Gazans, drawing a furious response from the United Nations. UN chief Ban Ki-moon described the shelling as "reprehensible" saying those responsible should be held accountable. The attack was also denounced by the White House in a carefully worded statement that avoided mentioning the occupation entity. Shortly afterwards, the Pentagon said it had granted an Israeli request for ammunition, including some from a stockpile stored by the US military on the ground in Israel for “emergency” use by the occupation entity. Gaza doctor Belal al-Dabour tweeted around 8:00 am: Ceasefire talks in limboHours earlier, Israeli tank and air fire killed 14 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, and the Israeli army said five of its soldiers died in mortar fire near the border with the Palestinian enclave.While the ceasefire was accepted by Hamas, the main power in Gaza, in the name of all militant groups, a spokesman for the Islamist movement stressed it was dependent on Israel reciprocating. "Hamas and all the resistance movements have accepted a 72-hour humanitarian ceasefire from 8:00 am Friday which will be respected by all these movements if the other party also observes the ceasefire," said Fawzi Barhum. A source in the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said: "Israel has accepted the US/UN proposal for a 72-hour humanitarian ceasefire beginning 8:00 am Friday." The ceasefire was a joint US-UN initiative and would give civilians "a much needed reprieve," Kerry said in New Delhi. "This is a respite, a moment of opportunity -- not an end. It's not a solution," he warned, saying Israel would still be allowed to carry out "defensive" operations to destroy tunnels. "All the people involved in this have strong demands and strong visions on what the future should look like. Israel has to be able to live in peace and security, without terror attacks and rockets and tunnels and sirens going off in the day," Kerry said. "And Palestinians need to be able to live with the opportunity to educate their children and move freely and share in the rest of the world and lead a life that is different from the one they have long suffered," he added. UN political affairs chief Jeffrey Feltman said it took a massive diplomatic push to achieve the ceasefire. "The Egyptians played an important role, the Qataris played an essential role in helping bring the parties on board, the Turks were in touch with all sides. This was a collective effort," Feltman told CNN. British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond HAD welcomed the halt to firing, the latest and longest of several. "We should now redouble our efforts and leave no stone unturned, to ensure this is a lasting and durable ceasefire to make way for substantial discussions to resolve the underlying issues on both sides," he said. The 14 Palestinians who died included before the ceasefire at least two children killed by Israeli tank fire in the southern Gaza Strip early Friday, the emergency services said. Six of them were killed in an Israeli air strike in the same area. The toll on the Palestinian side has surpassed 1,500 since the Israeli offensive in the Gaza Strip began on July 8. UN figures show about two-thirds of the victims were civilians, drawing sharp criticism from around the world. Meanwhile the Israeli army said that "five soldiers were killed during operational activity along the border with the Gaza Strip when a mortar was fired at the forces." Their deaths bring the Israeli military toll to 61, since the beginning of the assault of Gaza. The broken ceasefire came after the UN Security Council expressed "grave disappointment" that repeated calls for a truce had not been heeded, and demanded there be a series of humanitarian breaks to ease conditions for civilians trapped in the war-torn territory. Egypt had invited Israel and the Palestinian Authority to send delegates to Cairo for longer-term truce talks. But the discussions were postponed after the ceasefire was broken. Senior Hamas official Ezzat al-Rishq told AFP more talks were needed on finding a solution to the blockade of the coastal enclave. "More efforts are needed," he said in a telephone interview from Doha, where Hamas's political leadership is based. "But now the whole world knows Gaza will not accept a siege." Despite rising international concern over the civilian death toll in Gaza, Washington said it had agreed to restock Israel's dwindling munitions supplies. (AFP, Reuters, Al-Akhbar)
Friday, August 01, 2014 5:29 PM
Gaza says Rafah Friday shelling death toll rises to 50
The mother of Palestinian girl, Layan al-Silk, touches her
child's face while mourning during her funeral in Gaza City on July 31,
The Israeli regime has re-violated its new 3-day ceasefire,
renewing its shelling in which at least 50 Palestinians killed on
eastern outskirts of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip on Friday.
According to Gaza Health Ministry, the relentless artillery attacks have also left at least 220 people injured.
In response, the Palestinian resistance groups launched rocket attacks
on Israeli positions across Karam Abu Salem crossing in the southern
Gaza Strip.
More than 1460 Palestinians, most of them civilians, have been killed
and nearly 9000 others injured since the start of the Israeli military
invasion of the Gaza Strip on July 8.
The brutal attacks have also destroyed hundreds of homes, schools and
medical centers in the densely populated coastal enclave so far.
Israel has earlier declared a Gaza ceasefire over and renewed shelling,
saying Hamas fighters had breached the truce shortly after it began and
apparently captured an Israeli soldier.
The 72-hour break announced by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon was the most ambitious attempt so far
to end more than three weeks of fighting, and followed mounting
international alarm over a rising Palestinian civilian death toll.
The ceasefire was to be followed by Israeli-Palestinian negotiations in Cairo on a longer-term solution.
Egyptian officials said the invitation still stood, but some
Palestinian representatives had asked for a postponement until Saturday
or Sunday to allow a new truce to be reached.
The truce had left Israeli ground forces in place in the
Hamas-dominated Gaza Strip and a military spokeswoman had said
operations would continue to destroy a warren of tunnels through which
Hamas has menaced Israel's southern towns and army bases.
There was no immediate word from Hamas on whether any were holding the
soldier, identified by the military as Second Lieutenant Hadar Goldin,
Israel and Hamas agree to 72-hour ceasefire, US and UN say
of the Red Crescent push a stretcher carrying a wounded Palestinian man
following an Israeli air strike on a market place in the Shujayeh
neighborhood near Gaza City, on July 30, 2014. (Photo: AFP - Marco
Updated at 00:58 pm (GMT+3): Israel and Hamas have agreed
to a 72-hour ceasefire in their conflict in the Gaza Strip starting on
Friday, US Secretary of State John Kerry and UN Secretary-General Ban
Ki-moon said on Thursday.
The ceasefire will begin at 8:00 am local time on Friday, August 1, they said in a joint statement. The statement said "forces on the ground will remain in place" during the truce, implying that Israeli ground forces will not withdraw. "We urge all parties to act with restraint until this humanitarian ceasefire begins, and to fully abide by their commitments during the ceasefire," Kerry and Ban said. "This ceasefire is critical to giving innocent civilians a much-needed reprieve from violence." Israel killed at least 80 people as a soaring Palestinian civilian toll triggered international alarm on the 24th day of the military assault. A pre-dawn Israeli air strike killed a man in the central town of Deir al-Balah, emergency services spokesman Ashraf al-Qudra said. He said two mid-morning strikes killed three more, one in the southern city of Rafah and another two in Deir al-Balah. A strike in the southern city of Khan Younis killed another three people, Qudra said. Another three people, including a local journalist, died of injuries sustained in earlier attacks, emergency services spokesman Ashraf al-Qudra said. At least 15 Palestinians sheltering in the UNRWA school were injured in an air strike on a neighboring mosque on Thursday, a day after a strike on the school killed 19. Two wounded on Thursday were in a serious condition. Gaza officials say at least 1,437 Palestinians, the vast majority of them civilians, have been killed in the battered enclave and nearly 8,265 wounded, 350 of which on Thursday alone. At least 111 Palestinians were killed Wednesday, one of the bloodiest days of the Israeli assault on Gaza. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's security cabinet on Wednesday approved continuing the assault launched on July 8. The Israeli army will continue its work to destroy tunnels used by Palestinian fighters for cross-border attacks with or without a ceasefire, Netanyahu said on Thursday. "Until now, we have destroyed dozens of terror tunnels and we are determined to finish this mission -- with or without a ceasefire," he said in a live address at the start of a cabinet meeting. "I wont agree to any proposal that will not enable the Israeli military to finish this important task, for the sake of Israel's security," he added. Despite the bellicose statements, Israel has nevertheless, sent a delegation to Egypt, which has been trying, with Washington's blessing, to broker a ceasefire. Meanwhile, a military source said some 16,000 reservists were being called up at short notice in the coming hours to replace a similar number who would be stood down. "The army has issued 16,000 additional mobilization orders to allow troops on the ground to rest, which takes the total number of reservists to 86,000," an army spokeswoman said. Israel does not say how many troops are currently engaged in the fighting inside the Gaza Strip. The UN Security Council on Thursday called for humanitarian pauses in Gaza and renewed its appeal for an immediate ceasefire. The Council expressed "grave disappointment" that repeated appeals for an end to the fighting had not been heeded. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon was incensed on Wednesday at the deaths of at least 19 Palestinians among thousands sheltering at a school whose UN administrator said appeared to have been hit by Israeli artillery. "It is outrageous. It is unjustifiable. And it demands accountability and justice," Ban said. UN human rights chief Navi Pillay slammed Israel for its attacks on homes, schools and hospitals, accusing it of "deliberate defiance" of international law. "None of this appears to me to be accidental," she told reporters. "There appears to be deliberate defiance of obligations that international law imposes on Israel." The attack was also denounced by the White House in a carefully worded statement that avoided mentioning Israel. "The United States condemns the shelling of a UNRWA school in Gaza, which reportedly killed and injured innocent Palestinians, including children, and UN humanitarian workers," a statement said. A White House spokesman had stronger words for Israel later on Thursday, saying Israel talks frequently about the importance it places on sparing civilian lives but that the United States believes its government and military are not doing enough to that end. "The shelling of a UN facility that is housing innocent civilians who are fleeing violence is totally unacceptable and totally indefensible," spokesman Josh Earnest said. "We believe the Israeli government and the Israeli military need to do more to live up to the own standards that they have set for protecting innocent civilians." Israel claims its forces were attacked by guerrillas near the school, in northern Jabalia, and had fired back. However, UNRWA Commissioner Pierre Krahenbuhl said on Wednesday that the location of the school had been communicated to Israel 17 times. "No words to adequately express my anger and indignation," he wrote on his official Twitter account, describing the attack as "intolerable." Early Thursday, Israeli warplanes attacked a mosque near the same UN school in Jabalia, wounding 15 Palestinians, emergency services said. Israel did not comment immediately on another Wednesday attack in nearby Shujayeh, in which Palestinian officials said 17 people were killed by Israeli shelling near a produce market. "Such a massacre requires an earthquake-like response," said Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum, whose group has kept up dozens of daily rocket launches deep into Israel. Rolling Israeli ground assaults on residential areas have displaced more than 240,000 of Gaza's 1.8 million Palestinians. The tiny territory's infrastructure is in ruins, its only power plant completely demolished, and suffering from electricity and water outages. Israel committed to a brief four-hour lull in fighting on Wednesday, which did not apply in places where troops were "currently operating," hours after the army made what it called a "significant advance" into the narrow coastal strip. Hamas denounced the lull as a publicity stunt, saying it had "no value." Both sides have voiced openness to a truce but their terms diverge dramatically. Israel wants Gaza stripped of infiltration tunnels and rocket stocks. Hamas rules that out, and seeks an end to a crippling Gaza blockade enforced by Israel and Egypt, which has shut its border crossing and destroyed hundreds of tunnels crucial to smuggling in construction material and medicine into Gaza since the military ouster of President Mohammed Mursi. The negotiations are further complicated by the fact Israel and the United States shun Hamas as a terrorist group, while the go-betweens - Egypt, Qatar and Turkey - disagree on Gaza policy. In the absence of a deal, Israel has ordered its ground forces to continue destroying a warren of tunnels through which Hamas fighters have infiltrated its southern towns and army bases. Major General Sami Turgeman, chief of Israeli forces in Gaza, said on Wednesday they were "but a few days away from destroying all the attack tunnels." The army said 32 of the secret passages had been found so far and half of them blown up. Three Israeli soldiers were killed on Wednesday by a booby trap detonated as they uncovered a tunnel shaft, the army said. In total, 56 Israeli soldiers have been killed in the assault on Gaza, and more than 400 wounded. Two Israelis and one Thai citizen have been killed in Palestinian shelling in Israel. The United States and the UN Security Council have urged an immediate, unconditional ceasefire by both sides in Gaza to allow in humanitarian relief and for further talks on a more durable cessation of hostilities. But Israeli opinion polls show strong public support for fighting. On Wednesday, the White House voiced worry at the deaths in Jabalia and other UN-run shelters shelled during the clashes. "We are extremely concerned that thousands of internally displaced Palestinians who have been called on by the Israeli military to evacuate their homes are not safe in UN-designated shelters in Gaza," said National Security Council spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan. Separately, the Pentagon said it had allowed Israel to stock up on grenades and mortar rounds from a US munitions store located in Israel as part of bilateral emergency preparedness arrangement. Rights group Amnesty International had urged Washington to halt arms supplies to Israel. "It is time for the US government to urgently suspend arms transfers to Israel and to push for a UN arms embargo on all parties to the conflict," it said in a petition to US Secretary of State John Kerry. Egyptian officials say they put together a revised truce plan this week that had been provisionally accepted by Israel, though Hamas was still undecided. However, an Israeli security cabinet minister, Gilad Erdan, denied on Wednesday that his side was suing for a truce. "We are not looking for a ceasefire, though of course military maneuvers are supposed to be followed by diplomatic maneuvers," Erdan said. "But a ceasefire must fulfill Israel's terms, a long-term calm and the demilitarization of Gaza." Meanwhile on Wednesday, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper blamed Hamas for the heavy loss of civilian life caused by Israel’s assault on Gaza. "We hold the terrorist organization Hamas responsible for this. They have initiated and continue this conflict, and continue to seek the destruction of the state of Israel," Harper a longtime supporter of Israel, said in televised remarks. Last week, hundreds of academics, lawyers, community activists and others criticized the Canadian government for its support of Israel in the conflict, a position they said in an open letter "discredits Canada." (Reuters, AFP, Al-Akhbar)
Rabu, 4 Syawwal 1435 H / 30 Juli 2014 13:00 wib
Seruan Dokter dan Ilmuwan Barat : Di mana Hati Nurani Masyarakat Dunia?GAZA CITY ( - Sekelompok dokter dan ilmuwan Barat menyampaikan pesan kepada masyarakat dunia atas serangan Zionis-Israel terhadap Jalur Gaza, dan menggambarkannya sebagai, “Serangan yang biadab, tak terbatas, berskala luas, dan memiliki intensitas yang tinggi”.Kami, dokter dan ilmuwan, dan kami menghabiskan hidup (umur) mengembangkan cara-cara merawat dan melindungi kesehatan dan kehidupan. Kami juga orang yang memilliki informasi, kami mengajarkan etika profesi, bersama-sama antara pengetahuan dan praktek itu. Kita semua telah bekerja Gaza selama bertahun-tahun dengan kondisi dan situasi yang ada. Atas dasar etika dan praktek, kami mengecam apa yang kita saksikan dalam agresi Gaza oleh Zionis-Israel. Kami meminta rekan-rekan kami, profesional tua dan muda, untuk mengecam agresi Israel ini. Kami menentang propaganda penuh kebohongan yang membenarkan penciptaan keadaan darurat untuk membenarkan pembantaian, yang disebut "agresi defensif". Pada kenyataannya itu adalah serangan kejam yang tak terbatas, lingkup, dan intensitas. Kami ingin melaporkan fakta-fakta seperti yang kita lihat dan implikasinya terhadap kehidupan masyarakat. Kami terkejut oleh serangan militer terhadap warga sipil Gaza dengan kedok menghukum teroris. Ini adalah serangan militer skala besar ketiga terhadap Gaza sejak 2008. Setiap kali korban tewas, hanyalah menimpa terutama orang-orang tak berdosa di Gaza. Khususnya, perempuan atau anak, dan dengan dalih tidak dapat diterima, di mana Zionis-Israel bertujuan memberantas kelompok partai politik dan perlawanan Hamas di Gaza. Sedangkan Gaza sudah diblokade, dikepung, dan dikucilkan oleh pendudukan Zionis-Israel. Tindakan ini menakutkan rakyat secara tidak langsung, dan melukai jiwa, pikiran, dan ketahanan generasi muda. Kutukan dan sikap jijik kami diperparah oleh penolakan dan larangan Zionis yang melarang menerima setiap bantuan dari luar dan bantuan apapun untuk meringankan kondisi buruk rakyat di Gaza. Zionis telah memperketat blokade terhadap Gaza,sejak tahun lalu dan ini memperburuk secara total konndisi penduduk Gaza. Di Gaza, orang menderita kelaparan, kehausan, polusi, kekurangan obat-obatan, listrik, dan sarana untuk mendapatkan penghasilan, dan bukan hanya dengan serangan bom dan rudal Zionis semata. Krisis listrik, kekurangan bensin, air dan kelangkaan makanan, aliran limbah dan sumber daya manusia yang terus menurun adalah bencana yang ditimbulkan langsung maupun tidak langsung oleh blokade. Rakyat Gaza yang menolak agresi militer Zionis, karena mereka ingin kehidupan yang lebih baik dan normal, dan bahkan menangis saat dalam kesedihan, rasa sakit, dan teror. Mereka menolak gencatan senjata sementara yang tidak memberikan kesempatan nyata untuk masa depan yang lebih baik. Sebuah suara rakyat oleh serangan Zionis terhadap Gaza bahwa Um Al Ramlawi yang berbicara mewakili semua rakyat Gaza,”Mereka membunuh kami semua, termasuk kematian yang perlahan-lahan oleh pengepungan (blokade), atau kematian dengan serangan militer. Kami tak memiliki apa-apa lagi, kita harus berjuang untuk hak-hak kami, atau mati” Gaza diblokade dari laut dan darat sejak 2006 oleh Zionis-Israel. Setiap orang dari Gaza, termasuk nelayan yang melewati 3 mil laut dari pantai Gaza, mereka ditembak oleh Angkatan Laut Israel. Tak seorang pun dari Gaza dapat meninggalkan melalui dua pos pemeriksaan, Erez atau Rafah, tanpa izin khusus dari Israel dan Mesir, yang sulit didapat, bahkan mustahil. Rakyat Gaza tidak dapat pergi ke luar negeri untuk belajar, bekerja, mengunjungi keluarga, atau melakukan bisnis. Orang-orang yang terluka dan orang sakit tidak bisa mudah meninggalkan mendapatkan perawatan khusus di luar Gaza. Makanan dan obat-obatan masuk ke Gaza telah dibatasi dan banyak item (jenis) penting untuk kelangsungan hidup dilarang. Sebelum serangan ini, persediaan beberapa item (jenis) medis di Gaza sudah kedaluwarsa, karena blokade. Mereka kehabisan bahah-bahan medis sekarang. Demikian juga, Gaza tidak dapat mengekspor produknya. Pertanian sangat terganggu oleh pengenaan zona penyangga, dan produk pertanian tidak dapat diekspor karena blokade. Hampir 80% dari penduduk Gaza tergantung pada jatah makanan dari PBB. Sebagian besar bangunan dan infrastruktur Gaza telah hancur selama Operasi Cast Lead, 2008-09, dan bahan bangunan telah diblokade, sehingga sekolah, rumah, dan lembaga tidak dapat dibangun kembali dengan benar. Pabrik dihancurkan oleh pemboman, dan jarang dibangun kembali, akibatnya menambah pengangguran kemiskinan. Meskipun kondisinya sangat sulit, rakyat Gaza dan para pemimpin politik mereka, baru saja berhasil menyelesaikan konflik internal mereka "kekuatan dan membahayakan". Hamas dan Fatah berhasil melakukan proses rekonsiliasi antara faksi-faksi, kepemimpinan mereka menolah berebut jabagtan dan kedudukan atau posisi. Sehingga pemerintah persatuan dapat dibentuk menghapuskan politik faksional yang membelah mereka sejak 2007. Rekonsiliasi ini, walaupun diterima oleh masyarakat internasional, tapi ditolak oleh Israel. Serangan Israel ini menghentikan kesempatan kesatuan politik antara Gaza dan Tepi Barat, dan menjadi negara ‘tunggal’ Palestina, dan memecah masyarakat Palestina dengan menghancurkan kehidupan rakyat Gaza. Dengan dalih menghilangkan terorisme, Zionis-Israel sedang mencoba menghancurkan persatuan Palestina yang sedang tumbuh. Di antara kebohongan lain, disebutkan bahwa warga sipil di Gaza sandera Hamas, sedangkan kebenaran yang sesungguhnya adalah Jalur Gaza disegel (diblokade) oleh Israel dan Mesir. Gaza dibom terus menerus selama 19 hari terakhir, dan sekarang diikuti dengan invasi (serangan) darat oleh tank-tank dan ribuan pasukan Israel. Lebih dari ribuan warga sipil Gaza diperintahkan Zionis meninggalkan rumah mereka. Para pengungsi tidak mempunya tempat untuk pergi, karena wilayah Gaza Tengah dan Selatan, juga mengalami pemboman artileri berat. Seluruh Gaza diserang. Satu-satunya tempat penampungan di h Gaza adalah sekolah dari Badan PBB untuk Bantuan Pengungsi Palestina di Timur Dekat (UNRWA), tapi tempat penampungan ini juga sudah menjadi target selama Cast Lead, dan Zionis membunuh banyak orang-orang tak berdosa. Menurut Departemen Kesehatan Gaza dan Kantor PBB untuk Koordinasi Urusan Kemanusiaan (OCHA), pada 21 Juli, hampir 2000 orang yang tewas, lebih 6500 yang terluka di Gaza, dan 2.100 yang terluka adalah anak-anak. Mereka yang terkubur di bawah reruntuhan tidak belum dihitung jumlahnya. Ketika kami menulis, BBC melaporkan pemboman rumah sakit yang lain, dan menghancurkan unit perawatan intensif dan ruang operasi, termasuk kematian pasien dan staf. Sekarang ada kekhawatiran rumah sakit utama Al Shifa. Selain itu, kebanyakan orang secara psikologis trauma di Gaza. Siapapun yang berumur diatas 6 tahun telah memiliki pengalaman hidup dengan serangan ketiga militer Zionis-Israel. Akibat pembantaian di Gaza, tidak ada lagi peralatan medis yang dibutuhkan oleh para pasien, termasuk anak-anak cacat dan sakit di rumah sakit, tidak tempat bermain di pantai, atau ruang-ruang yang tertutup, semuanya sudah dihancurkan oleh Zionis dengan rudal. Bahkan, 11 anak dibawah umur 6 tahun yang sedang bermain di pantai semua tewas dibunuh oleh Zionis. Rumah sakit, klinik, ambulans, masjid, sekolah, dan bangunan semua telah diserang, dengan ribuan rumah pribadi dibom. Zionis-Israel jelas mengarahkan rudal mereka dengan menargetkan seluruh keluarga di Gaza. Zionis berusaha membunuh mereka di dalam rumah mereka, merampas keluarga, rumah mereka dengan mengejar mereka yang keluar beberapa menit sebelum kehancuran. Seluruh daerah dihancurkan pada 20 Juli, meninggalkan ribuan orang yang mengungsi dan menjadi tunawisma.Selain melukai ribuan dan menewaskan ribuan lainnya, adalah cara dimaksudkan untuk menemukan terowongan. Tak satu pun tindakan pasukan Zionis yang menjadi adalah sasaran militer. Serangan-serangan ini bertujuan untuk meneror, luka jiwa, dan tubuh orang-orang, dan membuat hidup mereka tidak mungkin normal di masa depan, serta juga menghancurkan rumah-rumah mereka dan melarang mereka membangun kembali. Senjata yang ditembakan oleh Zionis-Israel diketahui menyebabkan kerusakan jangka panjang pada kesehatan seluruh penduduk Gaza, khususnya persenjataan yang mengandung zat-zat mematikan jangka panjang, dan bahkan Zionis menggunakan bom curah yang dilarang oleh konvensi internasional. Kita menyaksikan senjata Zionis digunakan dengan target tanpa pandang bulu, dan pada anak-anak, kita terus-menerus melihat bahwa apa yang disebut senjata cerdas telah gagal, kecuali mereka sengaja digunakan untuk menghancurkan nyawa tak berdosa. Kami mengutuk mitos yang disebarkan oleh Zionis-Israel bahwa agresi yang dilakukan adalah karena peduli tentang menyelamatkan nyawa sipil dan masa depan anak-anak Palestina. Sungguh sangat biadab. Perilaku Israel menghina kemanusiaan kita, kecerdasan, dan martabat serta etika profesi dan segala upaya kita. Bahkan orang-orang yang ingin pergi dan membantu tidak dapat mencapai Gaza, karena blokade. Ini "agresi defensif" waktunya tak terbatas, lingkup, dan skala intensitasnya harus dihentikan. Selain itu, harus dikonfirmasi penggunaan gas oleh Zionis-Israel dalam perang di Gaza, ini jelas kejahatan perang yang sangat terkutuk, sebelum hal lain, sanksi yang keras harus diambil segera terhadap Zionis-Israel, dan penghentian perjanjian perdagangan dan kerjasama negara-negara Eropa dengan Zionis. Ketika kami menulis ini, dilaporkan pembantaian yang lain dan ancaman terhadap tenaga medis, di layanan darurat dan penolakan masuk konvoi untuk kemanusiaan internasional. Kita sebagai ilmuwan dan dokter tidak bisa diam, ketika kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan terus berlanjut. Kami mendorong masyarakat internasional tidak diam. Gaza terperangkap di bawah pengepungan, dibunuh oleh salah satu mesin militer modern terbesar dan paling canggih di dunia. Tanah Gaza diracuni oleh puing-puing senjata, dengan konsekuensi untuk generasi mendatang. Jika orang-orang dari kita mampu berbicara, dan sampai gagal untuk melakukannya dan mengambil sikap terhadap kejahatan perang ini, kami juga terlibat dalam penghancuran kehidupan terhadap 1,8 juta penduduk Gaza. Kami merasa cemas bahwa hanya 5% dari rekan-rekan kami dari kalangan akademik Israel, yang menandatangani banding kepada pemerintah mereka untuk menghentikan operasi militer terhadap Gaza. Kami menyimpulkan bahwa dengan pengecualian 5% dari kalangan akademisi ini, sisanya akademisi Israel terlibat dalam pembantaian dan penghancuran Gaza. Kami juga melihat keterlibatan negara di Eropa dan Amerika Utara dalam pembantaian ini, dan membiarkan pembantaian, seakan mereka menikmati kehancuran dan pembantaian sehari-hari di Gaza. Mereka menikmati dengan pemandangan anak-anak, perempuan yang bersimbah darah, meregang nyawa, dan para pengambil keputusan di Gedung Putih, London, Berlin, Perancis, tak tergetar dengan malapetaka yang terjadi di Gaza, akibat kejahatan Zionis. Kejahatan Zionis ini jauh lebih buruk, dibandingkan dengan Nazi, sekalipun. Theater besar Gaza, dan Zionis mempertunjukkan tontonan yang sangat bar-bar, keji, tak beradab, justru para pemimpin dunia yang mengaku beradab itu, mereka semua menikmatinya. Kematian demi kematian rakyat Palestina di Gaza, seperti mereka menikmati pertunjukkan di sebuah ‘theater' sambil tertawa-tawa. Wallahu’alam. *mashadi/fic. Israeli soldier captured, Gaza-Israel ceasefire shattered
displaced Palestinian boy looks out from a makeshift tent at the
al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City where many Palestinians have have taken
refuge after fleeing attacks in the Shujayeh neighbourhood of the city,
on July 31, 2014. (Photo: AFP - Mahmud Hams)
In response to a question from journalists about whether the truce had ended, army spokesman Peter Lerner said: "Yes. We are continuing our activities on the ground." "Our initial indications suggest a soldier has been abducted by terrorists in an incident where terrorists breached the ceasefire." Egypt told Palestinian officials Friday it is delaying ceasefire talks in Cairo after Israel said fighters captured one of its soldiers in Gaza, a senior Islamic Jihad official said. "The Egyptians contacted the Islamic Jihad and said Israel told them that a soldier has been captured," the group's deputy leader Ziad al-Nakhale told AFP. "The talks have postponed." The soldier has been identified by Israeli media as Hadar Goldin, a second lieutenant in the Givati Brigade. It remained unclear who captured the Israeli soldier and when. Senior Hamas member Moussa Abu Marzouq told Turkish media that Goldin had been captured before the start of the ceasefire. The Israeli military, on the other hand, claimed that the abduction took place 90 minutes into the truce, when clashes erupted while Israeli forces were investigating tunnels. Two soldiers were killed in the incident. Deadly Rafah strikes as ceasefire shatteredOnly two hours into a supposed 72-hour ceasefire between Israel and Gaza fighters went into effect Friday, the truce collapsed, Israeli and Palestinian sources reported.A Reuters photographer and the Gaza Interior Ministry said Israeli tanks opened fire in the southern Rafah area some two hours after the truce began. At around the same time, Israeli media said that sirens could be heard in some Israeli towns, with Haaretz reporting that two mortar shells were fired from Gaza. There were no reports of casualties. The office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Hamas and other Gaza fighters of "flagrantly violating" the ceasefire. Hamas hit back. "It is the (Israeli) occupation which violated the ceasefire. The Palestinian resistance acted based on... the right to self defense," Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhum said. AFP correspondents said the artillery barrage of the southern city of Rafah was ongoing, preventing medics from recovering the dead and wounded. The intensive shelling killed more than 50 people and injured 220, the Gaza health ministry said, implying that the number of casualties in Rafah might grow significantly. In a statement, the Qassam Brigades - the military wing of Hamas - said Israeli troops had advanced further into areas of Beit Hanoun, al-Shujayeh, and Rafah. Gaza's interior ministry reported that Egypt had closed its border crossing in Rafah, leaving an estimated 120 people stranded under Israeli shelling. When the humanitarian truce began at 8:00 am, the skies over the Gaza Strip fell silent, although in the preceding two hours there was heavy Israeli fire and the sound of outgoing rockets. At least 1,470 Palestinians have been killed in the 25 days of the conflict. Earlier, US Secretary of State John Kerry said that once the ceasefire was under way, Israeli and Palestinian representatives, including from Hamas, would begin more durable truce talks in Cairo, in a move confirmed by Egypt. But Israeli forces would remain inside Gaza, he added, after the Zionist state vowed it would not accept any ceasefire that did not allow troops to continue destroying tunnels used by Palestinian fighters. It remained unclear whether Palestinian civilians would be allowed to return to villages where Israeli forces were still present during the truce. Gaza doctor Belal al-Dabour tweeted around 8:00 am:
Gaza Bertahan Karena Dukungan Rakyatnya
– Gaza. Sebuah gerakan perlawanan tidak mungkin berhasil
tanpa rakyat yang memberikan dukungan, semangat dan membantu perjuangannya.
Inilah yang terjadi di Gaza
saat ini. Hamas dan gerakan perlawanan yang lain berhasil mendapatkan dukungan
dari rakyat sipil Gaza.
Ahmad Mansur dari
Aljazeera, menulis sebuah artikel tentang fakta ini di Palestine Times, Rabu
(30/7/2014). Menurutnya, selama lebih dari 3 pekan, Gaza
ternyata sangat solid menghadapi perang yang sangat tidak seimbang melawan Israel yang
persenjataannya salah satu terkuat di dunia. Senjata dengan teknologi canggih
itu tidak kuasa menghadapi kesolidan rakyat Gaza.
satu-satunya yang dilakukan Israel
adalah menambah besar serangan pemusnahannya dengan harapan rakyat akan putus
asa, sehingga menyalahkan Hamas dan menekannya untuk menghentikan serangan. Tapi
rakyat Gaza
tidaklah demikian. Karena sebelumnya, selama 8 tahun embargo mereka telah
membuktikan kesabaran dan kesetiaannya kepada Hamas dan gerakan perlawanan
lainnya. Saat ini mereka juga akan membuktikan hal yang sama. Bahkan lebih dari
sebelumnya, karena harus banyak berkorban nyawa dan harta benda.
Hingga sekarang
tidak ada warga Gaza
yang mengungkapkan kekesalannya kepada Hamas, minimal melalui televisi atau
media lainnya. Walaupun banyak ibu yang kehilangan buah hatinya, ayah yang
kehilangan seluruh anggota keluarganya, istri yang kehilangan suaminya,
bayi-bayi lucu yang lucu yang meninggal dengan tubuh penuh luka, dan
sebagainya. Pemandangan-pemandangan seperti itu bisa dilihat di televisi setiap
Bahkan salah
seorang ibu yang baru saja kehilangan anak satu-satunya berkata kepada sebuah
stasiun televisi, “Hai orang-orang Arab, orang-orang yang telah membiarkan kami
menderita. Ketahuilah, kami tidak menginginkan bantuan kalian. Kami hanya butuh
dukungan dari orang Palestina yang berada di Tepi Barat dan wilayah lain yang
dijajah Israel
(Palestina 48).”
Banyak juga
korban luka-luka yang tidak mau dievakuasi ke Mesir dan memilih untuk tetap
berada di Gaza.
Karena ternyata badan intelijen Mesir yang bekerja sama dengan Israel
menangkap dan menyiksa para pasien tersebut untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang
terowongan dan tempat peluncuran roket Hamas yang sangat sulit ditemukan.